Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države III

Osnovne informacije o raziskavi

Glavni avtor(ji):
  • International Social Survey Programme
Ostali (strokovni) sodelavci:
  • Kelly, Jonathan
  • Guidorossi, Giovanna
  • Haller, Max
  • Smith, Tom W.
  • Becker, Jos
  • Park, Alison
  • Ward, Connor
  • Kolosi, Tamas
  • Harkness, Janet
  • Cichomski, Bogdan
  • Kalgraff Skjak, Knut
  • Lewin-Epstein, Noah
  • Gendal, Philip J.
  • Mangahas, Mahar
  • Khakhalina, Ludmila
  • Dimova, Lilia
  • Frizzell, Alan
  • Mateju, Petr
  • Onodera, Noriko
  • Toš, Niko
  • Mateju, Petr
  • Svallfors, Stefan
  • Diez Nicolas, Juan
  • Villaverde-Cabral, Manuel
  • Piscova, Magdalena
  • Papageorgiou, Bambos
  • Lemel, Yannick
  • Tabuns, Aivars
  • Lehmann, Carla
  • Ahmad, Q. K.
  • Goul Andersen, Jørgen
  • Armingeon, Klaus
  • Uher, Rolf
Izdelal datoteko podatkov:
ZA - Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, (Köln, Nemčija; 1996)

Finančna podpora:

Podatki o financiranju niso na voljo.

Številka projekta:

ni podatka

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Raziskava je iz serije ISSP - Mednarodnega projekta sodelovanja splošnih družboslovnih anket, katerega namen je pridobivanje podatkov primernih za primerjalno analizo. Vsako leto se sodelujoče države odločijo za izvedbo kratkega vprašalnika na izbrano temo. (glej in ). Podatki iz mednarodne raziskave so na voljo pod oznako ADP - IDNo: ISSP in letnica.

Vsebina raziskave

Ključne besede:

vlada, nadzor mezd in cen, zaposlovanje, javna dela, državna poraba, gospodarska zakonodaja, varovanje okolja, zdravstveno varstvo, policija in varovanje zakonitosti, izobraževanje, obramba, kultura in umetnost, pokojnine, nadomestila za brezposelnost, socialno skrbstvo, demokracija, politična moč, protivladni protesti, podpora javnim protestom, pravna država, človekove pravice, sodniške zmote, volitve, razumevanje političnih vprašanj, vpliv na izzide volitev, ocena moči sindikatov, vlade in gospodarstvenikov, ukrepi vlade za izboljšanje gospodarskega položaja, redistribucija bogastva, demografska vprašanja

Ključne besede ELSST:

Vsebinska področja CESSDA
POLITIKA - množične politične navade, stališča in mnenje
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Politične in upravne vede
Vsebinska področja ADP
vloga države
funkcije vlade
vladna poraba
politični sistem
redistribucija bogastva


Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodleovanja. Skupina, osnovana leta 1983, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dopolniti nacionalne ankete. Tokratna raziskava, tretja v seriji, ''vloga države'' prinaša podatke iz naslenjih držav: Avstralije, Bolgarije, Kanade, Cipra, Češke, Francije, Nemčije, Velike Britanije, Madžarske, Irske, Izraela, Italije, Japonske, Latvije, Nove Zelandije, Norveške, Filipinov, Poljske, Rusije, Slovenije, Španije, Švedske, Švice in Združenih držav Amerike. Prvi sklop vprašanj obsega mnenja respondentov glede funkcij vlade; kaj vlada sme in česa ne sme početi. Respondenti so izražzali svoje (ne)strinjanje z različnimi segmenti ekonomske politike in sicer: nadzor mezd in cen, programi zaposlovanja, vključno z programi javnih del, pomoč privatnemu sektorju, skrajšanje delovnega tedna, kakor tudi z konzervativnimi ukrepi zmanjšanje državne porabe in gospodarske zakonodaje. V nadaljevanju so respondenti odgovarjali na vprašanja ali naj vlada nameni več sredstev za varovanje okolja, zdravstveno varstvo, policijo in varovanje zakonitosti, izobraževanje, obrambo, kulturo in umetnost, pokojnine, nadomestila za brezposelnost, in socialno skrbstvo. Nekaj vprašanj je bilo namenjeno tudi stališčem respodnentov glede demokracije, politične moči in socilnih protestov, odnosa do pravne države, posebej kadar je ta v opreki z osebnim prepričanjem, protivladnih protestov, pravice do demonstracij skupin, ki zagovarjajo revolucionarne metode in konflikta med osebno varnostjo in zasebnostjo. Naslednji sklop vprašanj pa zajema vlogo volitev v demokratičnih sistemih. Mednje spadajo dileme ali volilci razumejo politična vprašanja, ali imajo posamezne institucije (sindikati, vlada, gospodarstvo) preveč vpliva na izzide volitev, ali politiki resnično poskušajo izpolniti svoje obljube, ali državni uslužbenci delajo za javni interes, ali posamezne panoge (elektogospodarstvo, bolnice, banke) bolje poslujejo če so vodene s strani zasebnega sektorja oziroma vlade in ali ima vlada legitimno pravico do redistribucije bogastva preko davkov ali kako drugače. Demografska vprašanja pa vključujejo starost, spol, izobrazbo, zakonski stan, osebni dohodek in dohodek gospodinjstva, zaposlenost, velikost in sestava gospodinjstva, poklic, religijo in obiskovanje verskih obredov, razred, članstvo v sindikatu, politične preference, volilno obnašanje respondentov in etična pripadnost.


Čas zbiranja podatkov: 1996
Čas izdelave: 1996
Država: Avstralija, Bolgarija, Ciper, Češka, Filipini, Francija, Irska, Italija, Japonska, Kanada, Latvija, Madžarska, Norveška, Nova Zelandija, Poljska, Rusija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Velika Britanija, Združene države Amerike, Zvezna republika Nemčija
Geografsko pokritje:

Teritorij naštetih držav, z izjemo Velike Britanije, kjer so izvzeti škotsko višavje in otoki.

Enota za analizo:



Osebe, stare 18 let in več iz naslednjih držav: Avstralije, Bolgarije, Cipra, Irske, Italije, Madžarske, Velike Britanije, ZRN, ZDA , Francije, Slovaške, Rusije, Norveške, Poljske, Slovenije, Filipinov, Nove Zelandije, Španije, Švedske, Češke, Japonske, Kanade, Švice in Latvije.

Izključeni: ni podatka
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil:

AUS: Research School of Social Science, Institute of Advanced Studies, the Australian National University (Canberra); I: EURISCO - Ricerca Sociale e di Marketing (Milano); H: TARKI - Tarsadalokumtatasi Informatikai Egyesules (Budapest); GB: SCPR - Social and Community Planning Research (London); D: Infratest (München); USA: NORC - National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago (IL); BG: Institute for Trade Union and Social Research; N: NSD - Norwegian Social Science Data Sevice (Bergen); CND: Carleton University (Ottawa); CZ: STEM - Center for Empirical Studies (Praha); NZ: Department of Marketing, Massey University; RP: Social Weather Staions Inc., PL: Research Department of Polish Academy of Science (Warszawa); RUS: VCIOM - Russian Center for Public Opinion and Market Research (Moskva); SLO: CJMMK - Center za razikovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij, Fakulteta za družbene vede (Ljubljana); E: ASEP - Analisis Sociologicos, Economicos y Politicos (Madrid); CY: Center for Applied Research, Cyprus College (Nicosia); J: Broadcasting Culture Research Institute (Tokio); LV: Institut of Philosophy and Sociology (Riga); IRL: Social Science Research Center, University College (Dublin) + ESRI - Economic Social Research Institute (Dublin); S: Statistcs Sweden; F: Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (Malakoff Cedex); IL: Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv); CH: LINK Institute (Luzern)

Tip vzorca:

različno po posameznih državah

Način zbiranja podatkov:

Način zbiranja podatkov se med državami razlikuje razlikuje.


BG, CND, GB, H, I, IL, IRL, LV, RP, PL, RUS, S, USA: uteževanje; AUS, CY, CZ, D, J, N, NZ, SLO, E, CH: brez uteževanja;

Omejitve dostopa

Omejeno za potrebe naročnika in raziskovalne skupine. Uporaba je mogoča samo ob predhodnem dogovoru z glavnim avtorjem raziskave in predložitvi pisnega dovoljenja. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Osnovne informacije o datoteki podatkov

Naslov podatkovne datoteke: ISSP96 - podatki [datoteka podatkov], 1996

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • število spremenljivk: 191
  • število enot: 32795


V1 ZA study number ....

Vrednost 13 Frekvenca
2900 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32795 0 2900 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2900 do 2900

V2 Respondent id number

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32795 0 100001 2801000 1482591.837 861863.841

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100001 do 2801000

V3 Country

Vrednost 31 Frekvenca
1 AUS 2151
2 D-W 2361
3 D-E 1109
4 GB 989
5 NIRL 0
6 USA 1332
7 A 0
8 H 1500
9 I 1104
10 IRL 994
11 NL 0
12 N 1344
13 S 1238
14 CZ 1100
15 SLO 1004
16 PL 1183
17 BG 1012
18 RUS 1691
19 NZ 1198
20 CDN 1182
21 RP 1200
22 IL-J 1043
23 IL-A 500
24 J 1249
25 E 2494
26 LV 1505
27 F 1312
28 CY 1000
29 P 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32795 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 28

V1 ZA study number ....

Vrednost 1191 Frekvenca
2900 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32795 0 2900 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2900 do 2900

V2 Respondent id number

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32795 0 100001 2801000 1482591.837 861863.841

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100001 do 2801000

V3 Country

Vrednost 3189 Frekvenca
1 AUS 2151
2 D-W 2361
3 D-E 1109
4 GB 989
5 NIRL 0
6 USA 1332
7 A 0
8 H 1500
9 I 1104
10 IRL 994
11 NL 0
12 N 1344
13 S 1238
14 CZ 1100
15 SLO 1004
16 PL 1183
17 BG 1012
18 RUS 1691
19 NZ 1198
20 CDN 1182
21 RP 1200
22 IL-J 1043
23 IL-A 500
24 J 1249
25 E 2494
26 LV 1505
27 F 1312
28 CY 1000
29 P 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32795 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 28

V4 Obey laws without exception

Vrednost 4188 Frekvenca
1 Obey the law 12381
2 Follow conscience 17813
8 Cant choose 2140
9 No answer 461
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30194 2601

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V5 Public protest meetings

Vrednost 5187 Frekvenca
1 Definitely 16127
2 Probably 10209
3 Probably not 2759
4 Definitely not 1697
8 Cant choose 1754
9 No answer 249
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30792 2003

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V6 Protest demonstrations

Vrednost 6186 Frekvenca
1 Definitely 13021
2 Probably 11606
3 Probably not 3785
4 Definitely not 2234
8 Cant choose 1654
9 No answer 495
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30646 2149

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V7 National anti-govt strike

Vrednost 7185 Frekvenca
1 Definitely 8288
2 Probably 8962
3 Probably not 6839
4 Definitely not 5582
8 Cant choose 2583
9 No answer 541
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29671 3124

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V8 Attend public protest meetings

Vrednost 8184 Frekvenca
1 Definitely 8575
2 Probably 10114
3 Probably not 6755
4 Definitely not 5527
8 Cant choose 1602
9 No answer 222
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30971 1824

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V9 Go on protest demonstrations

Vrednost 9183 Frekvenca
1 Definitely 6698
2 Probably 8734
3 Probably not 8303
4 Definitely not 7013
8 Cant choose 1584
9 No answer 463
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30748 2047

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V10 Last 5 years:publ protest meetings

Vrednost 10182 Frekvenca
1 Never 26898
2 Once 3425
3 More than once 2045
8 Cant choose 117
9 No answer 310
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32368 427

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V11 Last 5 years:protest demonstrations

Vrednost 11181 Frekvenca
1 Never 27001
2 Once 3220
3 More than once 1985
8 Cant choose 112
9 No answer 477
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32206 589

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V12 Revolut:public meetings

Vrednost 12180 Frekvenca
1 Definitely 6233
2 Probably 9026
3 Probably not 6210
4 Definitely not 8499
8 Cant choose 2499
9 No answer 328
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29968 2827

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V13 Revolut:publish books

Vrednost 13179 Frekvenca
1 Definitely 7231
2 Probably 11303
3 Probably not 5122
4 Definitely not 5992
8 Cant choose 2621
9 No answer 526
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29648 3147

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V14 Worse type judic mistake

Vrednost 14178 Frekvenca
1 Convict innocent 20133
2 Guilty go free 7430
8 Cant choose 4879
9 No answer 353
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
27563 5232

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V15 Computer threat privacy

Vrednost 15177 Frekvenca
1 Very serious 7452
2 Fairly serious 10306
3 Not serious 7865
4 Not a threat at all 3503
8 Cant choose 3429
9 No answer 240
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29126 3669

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V16 Govmnt redistribute wealth

Vrednost 16176 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 8491
2 Agree 9902
3 Neither nor 5525
4 Disagree 4883
5 Disagree strongly 2386
8 Cant choose 1361
9 No answer 247
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31187 1608

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V17 Govmnt control wages

Vrednost 17175 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour 5823
2 In favour 10025
3 Neither nor 5617
4 Against 6876
5 Strongly against 3095
8 Cant choose 691
9 No answer 668
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31436 1359

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V18 Govmnt control prices

Vrednost 18174 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour 9148
2 In favour 12608
3 Neither nor 4019
4 Against 4384
5 Strongly against 1647
8 Cant choose 445
9 No answer 544
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31806 989

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V19 Cuts in govt spending

Vrednost 19173 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour 11997
2 In favour 11483
3 Neither nor 4591
4 Against 2607
5 Strongly against 684
8 Cant choose 801
9 No answer 632
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31362 1433

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V20 Govmnt create new jobs

Vrednost 20172 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour 12442
2 In favour 14027
3 Neither nor 3512
4 Against 1414
5 Strongly against 411
8 Cant choose 371
9 No answer 618
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31806 989

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V21 Less govmnt regulation for business

Vrednost 21171 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour 5107
2 In favour 10357
3 Neither nor 8769
4 Against 5185
5 Strongly against 1321
8 Cant choose 1318
9 No answer 738
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30739 2056

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V22 Govmnt support new technology

Vrednost 22170 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour 12049
2 In favour 14820
3 Neither nor 3604
4 Against 989
5 Strongly against 282
8 Cant choose 544
9 No answer 507
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31744 1051

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V23 Govmnt support declining industry

Vrednost 23169 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour 7962
2 In favour 11345
3 Neither nor 5905
4 Against 4997
5 Strongly against 1444
8 Cant choose 632
9 No answer 510
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31653 1142

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V24 Reduce length workhours per week

Vrednost 24168 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour 5272
2 In favour 8990
3 Neither nor 7248
4 Against 7216
5 Strongly against 2655
8 Cant choose 923
9 No answer 491
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31381 1414

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V25 Govmnt spend:environment

Vrednost 25167 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 5750
2 Spend more 12523
3 Spend the same 10757
4 Spend less 1624
5 Spend much less 325
8 Cant choose 1388
9 No answer 428
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30979 1816

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V26 Govmnt spend:health

Vrednost 26166 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 10468
2 Spend more 14745
3 Spend the same 5795
4 Spend less 779
5 Spend much less 172
8 Cant choose 566
9 No answer 270
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31959 836

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V27 Govmnt spend:law enforcement

Vrednost 27165 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 5225
2 Spend more 12233
3 Spend the same 11109
4 Spend less 2069
5 Spend much less 624
8 Cant choose 1168
9 No answer 367
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31260 1535

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V28 Govmnt spend:education

Vrednost 28164 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 8878
2 Spend more 14203
3 Spend the same 7634
4 Spend less 738
5 Spend much less 189
8 Cant choose 801
9 No answer 352
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31642 1153

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V29 Govmnt spend:defense

Vrednost 29163 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 2893
2 Spend more 5903
3 Spend the same 10452
4 Spend less 7260
5 Spend much less 4572
8 Cant choose 1324
9 No answer 391
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31080 1715

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V30 Govmnt spend:retirement

Vrednost 30162 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 7369
2 Spend more 12917
3 Spend the same 10157
4 Spend less 959
5 Spend much less 229
8 Cant choose 833
9 No answer 331
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31631 1164

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V31 Govmnt spend:unempl benefit

Vrednost 31161 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 3506
2 Spend more 7922
3 Spend the same 12254
4 Spend less 4447
5 Spend much less 1755
0 1200
8 Cant choose 1350
9 No answer 361
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29884 2911

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V32 Govnmt spend:culture arts

Vrednost 32160 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 2710
2 Spend more 7694
3 Spend the same 12693
4 Spend less 5138
5 Spend much less 2617
8 Cant choose 1598
9 No answer 345
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30852 1943

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V33 Power trade unions

Vrednost 33159 Frekvenca
1 Far too much 2647
2 Too much 5049
3 About right 10808
4 Too little 6351
5 Far too little 3392
8 Cant choose 4337
9 No answer 211
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
28247 4548

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V34 Power business+industry

Vrednost 34158 Frekvenca
1 Far too much 3579
2 Too much 8720
3 About right 10615
4 Too little 3461
5 Far too little 774
8 Cant choose 5386
9 No answer 260
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
27149 5646

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V35 Power of government

Vrednost 35157 Frekvenca
1 Far too much 4837
2 Too much 8122
3 About right 11196
4 Too little 3916
5 Far too little 1311
8 Cant choose 3126
9 No answer 287
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29382 3413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V36 Resp:provid jobs for all

Vrednost 36156 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 12945
2 Probably should 10522
3 Probably not 5245
4 Definitely not 2743
8 Cant choose 991
9 No answer 349
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31455 1340

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V37 Resp:prices under control

Vrednost 37155 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 13889
2 Probably should 12857
3 Probably not 3419
4 Definitely not 1458
8 Cant choose 812
9 No answer 360
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31623 1172

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V38 Resp:health care for sick

Vrednost 38154 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 21205
2 Probably should 9601
3 Probably not 952
4 Definitely not 286
8 Cant choose 421
9 No answer 330
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32044 751

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V39 Resp:provide for elderly

Vrednost 39153 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 19980
2 Probably should 10769
3 Probably not 1067
4 Definitely not 279
8 Cant choose 406
9 No answer 294
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32095 700

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V40 Resp:assist industry growth

Vrednost 40152 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 11400
2 Probably should 14769
3 Probably not 3785
4 Definitely not 980
8 Cant choose 1457
9 No answer 404
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30934 1861

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V41 Resp:provide for unemployed

Vrednost 41151 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 9343
2 Probably should 14451
3 Probably not 5069
4 Definitely not 2027
8 Cant choose 1509
9 No answer 396
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30890 1905

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V42 Resp:reduce income differences

Vrednost 42150 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 11576
2 Probably should 10311
3 Probably not 5644
4 Definitely not 3208
8 Cant choose 1689
9 No answer 367
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30739 2056

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V43 Resp:financial help for students

Vrednost 43149 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 14633
2 Probably should 13669
3 Probably not 2257
4 Definitely not 818
8 Cant choose 1092
9 No answer 326
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31377 1418

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V44 Resp:provide decent housing

Vrednost 44148 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 10894
2 Probably should 14844
3 Probably not 3983
4 Definitely not 1240
8 Cant choose 1500
9 No answer 334
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30961 1834

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V45 Resp:industry less damage environment

Vrednost 45147 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should 19076
2 Probably should 10845
3 Probably not 1244
4 Definitely not 332
8 Cant choose 1004
9 No answer 294
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31497 1298

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V46 Interested in politics?

Vrednost 46146 Frekvenca
1 Very interested 2858
2 Fairly interested 7967
3 Somewhat interested 10360
4 Not very interested 7167
5 Not at all interested 3862
8 Cant choose 281
9 No answer 300
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32214 581

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V47 People like me no govt influence

Vrednost 47145 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 7857
2 Agree 10153
3 Neither nor 4311
4 Disagree 6733
5 Disagree strongly 2480
8 Cant choose 986
9 No answer 275
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31534 1261

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V48 Average citizen has influence

Vrednost 48144 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 1331
2 Agree 5928
3 Neither nor 5603
4 Disagree 12539
5 Disagree strongly 5667
8 Cant choose 1396
9 No answer 331
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31068 1727

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V49 Politician has not much impact

Vrednost 49143 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 4048
2 Agree 11546
3 Neither nor 5932
4 Disagree 6933
5 Disagree strongly 1494
8 Cant choose 2485
9 No answer 357
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29953 2842

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V50 Understand important polit issues

Vrednost 50142 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 2475
2 Agree 11819
3 Neither nor 7453
4 Disagree 6275
5 Disagree strongly 2396
8 Cant choose 2041
9 No answer 336
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30418 2377

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V51 Elections make govt pay attentiom

Vrednost 51141 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 6131
2 Agree 14548
3 Neither nor 4780
4 Disagree 4036
5 Disagree strongly 1485
8 Cant choose 1504
9 No answer 311
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30980 1815

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V52 Others better informed than me

Vrednost 52140 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 3047
2 Agree 8794
3 Neither nor 8197
4 Disagree 8622
5 Disagree strongly 1893
8 Cant choose 1933
9 No answer 309
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30553 2242

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V53 Politicians keep promises

Vrednost 53139 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 862
2 Agree 5763
3 Neither nor 7018
4 Disagree 10800
5 Disagree strongly 6300
8 Cant choose 1751
9 No answer 301
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30743 2052

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V54 Civil servants can be trusted

Vrednost 54138 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 833
2 Agree 6494
3 Neither nor 8089
4 Disagree 9589
5 Disagree strongly 5173
8 Cant choose 2297
9 No answer 320
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30178 2617

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V55 Satisfied how democracy works

Vrednost 55137 Frekvenca
1 Well no changes 1863
2 Well some changes 16801
3 Not well lot changes 8830
4 Not well complete change 2727
8 Cant choose 2340
9 No answer 234
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30221 2574

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V56 Reduce taxes or more social service

Vrednost 56136 Frekvenca
1 Reduce taxes 12755
2 More social services 12064
8 Cant choose 7609
9 No answer 367
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
24819 7976

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V57 Taxes for high incomes

Vrednost 57135 Frekvenca
1 Much too high 2508
2 Too high 4994
3 About right 7906
4 Too low 9554
5 Much too low 4005
8 Cant choose 3461
9 No answer 367
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
28967 3828

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V58 Taxes for middle incomes

Vrednost 58134 Frekvenca
1 Much too high 4274
2 Too high 12770
3 About right 11624
4 Too low 1090
5 Much too low 165
8 Cant choose 2477
9 No answer 395
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29923 2872

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V59 Taxes for low incomes

Vrednost 59133 Frekvenca
1 Much too high 11178
2 Too high 12005
3 About right 6081
4 Too low 663
5 Much too low 292
8 Cant choose 2259
9 No answer 317
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30219 2576

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V60 Govmnt or private:electricity

Vrednost 60132 Frekvenca
1 Mainly private 11253
2 Mainly government 18059
8 Cant choose 3288
9 No answer 195
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29312 3483

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V61 Govmnt or private:hospitals

Vrednost 61131 Frekvenca
1 Mainly private 6969
2 Mainly government 23076
8 Cant choose 2529
9 No answer 221
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30045 2750

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V62 Govmnt or private:banks

Vrednost 62130 Frekvenca
1 Mainly private 15561
2 Mainly government 12879
8 Cant choose 4091
9 No answer 264
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
28440 4355

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V63 Keep down inflation unemployment

Vrednost 63129 Frekvenca
1 Keep down inflation 9107
2 Keep down unemployment 12670
0 6783
8 Cant choose 3988
9 No answer 247
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
21777 11018

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V64 Same taxation:same less social service

Vrednost 64128 Frekvenca
1 Same social service 9816
2 Less social service 6541
0 11502
8 Cant choose 4534
9 No answer 402
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16357 16438

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V65 Tax per year:average wages

Vrednost 65127 Frekvenca
1 48
2 43
3 37
4 6
5 213
6 6
7 16
8 19
9 2
10 78
12 3
13 1
15 26
17 1
18 2
19 1
20 16
25 3
30 2
31 1
40 2
50 29
60 2
70 7
75 2
80 4
90 1
100 111
120 3
125 2
140 1
150 36
153 1
170 2
175 1
180 1
200 114
230 1
250 51
300 61
350 5
375 2
400 20
450 1
500 164
550 1
600 29
625 2
650 1
700 9
720 1
750 3
800 21
900 6
960 2
1000 I:1 000 000 Lire 392
1111 1
1200 48
1250 9
1300 5
1400 2
1500 112
1600 8
1650 1
1700 4
1750 1
1800 10
1900 2
1920 1
2000 599
2100 1
2200 2
2250 1
2300 1
2400 57
2500 291
2560 1
2600 28
2650 17
2700 2
2750 1
2800 1
2850 1
2900 1
3000 414
3125 2
3180 1
3200 5
3250 1
3333 1
3360 1
3500 66
3600 92
3640 1
3700 1
3750 16
3800 2
3975 1
4000 303
4200 12
4250 1
4300 2
4368 1
4400 3
4425 2
4500 31
4560 1
4750 1
4800 56
5000 596
5075 1
5125 1
5200 3
5300 5
5400 2
5500 7
5600 1
5750 1
5760 1
5800 1
6000 396
6250 19
6500 17
6600 5
6700 1
7000 39
7200 36
7500 15
7800 2
8000 49
8400 29
9000 34
9300 1
9500 1
9600 40
10000 15
10656 1
10800 4
12000 75
12500 2
13200 1
14400 4
15000 23
16800 1
18000 10
19200 1
20000 12
24000 2
25000 11
30000 33
40000 3
45000 23
50000 44
60000 14
65000 1
70000 4
75000 165
79000 1
80000 2
85000 1
90000 12
93000 1
95000 1
100000 74
105000 14
110000 2
115000 1
120000 31
130000 1
135000 3
150000 166
160000 1
180000 11
200000 21
210000 2
220000 1
225000 41
240000 4
250000 5
280000 1
300000 20
375000 5
400000 1
450000 1
480000 1
500000 2
600000 1
9999996 E:10 000 000 pts + 0
9999997 None,no tax;nothing at all 6023
0 Not available 17326
9999998 Dont know,cant choose 2896
9999999 NA 530
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12043 20752

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9999999

V66 Tax per year:twice average wages=b

Vrednost 66126 Frekvenca
1 20
2 48
3 30
4 11
5 190
6 6
7 16
8 15
9 2
10 526
11 2
12 16
13 4
14 1
15 164
17 2
18 9
20 170
21 2
22 3
23 1
24 1
25 29
26 2
27 3
28 1
30 74
33 1
35 1
36 8
39 3
40 11
50 11
60 3
70 1
75 1
80 2
95 1
100 47
120 2
125 1
150 26
160 2
175 1
180 2
200 86
250 36
280 1
300 98
350 10
400 86
415 1
425 1
450 4
500 300
550 4
560 1
600 50
650 1
700 40
750 19
800 26
850 1
880 1
900 9
1000 I:1 000 000 Lire 257
1080 1
1111 1
1200 34
1250 11
1300 2
1400 2
1440 1
1500 66
1600 9
1700 5
1800 6
1900 1
1920 1
2000 357
2100 2
2200 2
2250 1
2400 15
2500 50
2600 1
2650 1
2700 2
2800 3
3000 205
3100 1
3200 2
3300 1
3333 1
3400 2
3500 20
3600 12
3710 1
3900 1
4000 453
4200 2
4300 1
4400 1
4500 18
4600 1
4800 18
4850 1
5000 538
5300 18
5500 13
5600 1
5850 1
6000 323
6200 2
6250 5
6360 1
6500 13
6600 1
7000 101
7100 1
7200 27
7400 1
7500 59
7600 1
8000 379
8400 25
8500 7
8600 1
8736 1
8900 1
9000 67
9100 1
9500 3
9600 43
9800 1
10000 849
10200 1
10400 1
10500 6
10600 5
10800 10
11000 17
11196 1
11200 2
11250 3
11500 1
11600 1
12000 458
12190 1
12250 1
12500 46
12600 1
13000 55
13200 9
13300 1
13400 1
13500 4
13600 1
14000 29
14400 47
14500 1
15000 261
15500 1
15600 7
15900 2
16000 31
16200 1
16500 3
16600 1
16666 2
16800 6
17000 18
17500 2
18000 168
18500 2
19000 2
19200 12
19500 1
20000 80
20400 6
21000 2
21600 10
22000 4
22800 1
24000 135
25000 12
25200 1
26000 1
27000 1
28800 4
30000 41
32000 1
33600 1
34656 1
36000 19
37000 1
38400 1
39600 1
40000 5
42000 2
48000 5
50000 21
60000 19
70000 2
75000 9
80000 2
90000 17
95000 1
100000 58
120000 14
125000 1
130000 1
140000 1
150000 135
160000 1
180000 14
190000 1
200000 82
210000 25
225000 4
240000 27
250000 23
260000 1
270000 4
300000 390
301000 1
330000 6
350000 2
360000 36
390000 6
400000 18
420000 4
440000 1
450000 181
460000 1
475000 1
480000 8
500000 60
510000 6
540000 20
570000 1
600000 116
650000 2
660000 2
700000 3
750000 25
800000 3
840000 2
900000 25
1000000 15
1050000 2
1090000 1
1200000 6
1500000 11
2000000 2
9999996 E:10 000 000 pts + 0
9999997 None,no tax;nothing at all 2295
0 Not available 17326
9999998 Dont know,cant choose 3438
9999999 NA 455
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
11576 21219

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9999999

V67 Tax per year:twice wages b=c

Vrednost 67125 Frekvenca
2 13
3 1
4 16
5 29
6 1
7 2
8 11
10 195
11 1
12 2
13 1
14 1
15 110
16 5
17 1
18 1
20 407
24 4
25 103
28 1
30 185
32 1
33 1
35 17
36 2
40 126
42 1
43 1
45 8
48 1
50 281
52 1
55 2
60 36
66 1
70 27
75 6
80 30
85 1
90 10
100 420
113 1
120 95
125 1
130 21
135 1
140 1
150 72
180 1
200 74
240 1
250 7
300 24
320 1
350 4
400 29
450 5
500 87
600 26
650 2
700 22
750 3
800 41
900 9
1000 I:1 000 000 Lire 353
1050 1
1060 1
1100 4
1111 2
1150 1
1200 29
1250 3
1300 4
1400 2
1500 105
1550 1
1600 7
1700 7
1800 10
1900 5
2000 252
2200 3
2222 1
2300 2
2400 1
2500 81
2600 2
2700 1
2800 1
2850 1
2880 1
3000 164
3200 2
3300 3
3333 1
3400 1
3500 18
3600 4
3700 1
3800 1
4000 149
4020 1
4200 1
4500 13
4800 5
5000 181
5300 2
5500 2
6000 111
6400 2
6500 1
6800 1
7000 33
7200 2
7500 8
8000 262
8400 5
8500 1
8800 1
9000 17
9325 1
9500 1
9600 7
9999 1
10000 571
10500 3
10600 9
10800 1
11000 5
12000 190
12300 1
12500 8
12800 1
13000 12
13300 1
14000 22
14400 12
14500 1
15000 283
15300 1
15600 1
16000 247
16800 4
17000 3
17472 1
18000 100
18400 2
19000 7
19200 7
19500 1
20000 833
20400 2
20600 1
20800 1
21000 9
21200 3
21250 1
21500 1
21600 5
22000 20
22400 4
22500 4
23000 7
23200 1
23500 1
24000 266
24400 1
25000 327
26000 16
26392 1
26400 9
26500 3
26667 1
27000 13
27500 2
27600 3
28000 27
28200 1
28800 5
29000 4
30000 531
30400 3
30500 1
30600 1
31000 1
31800 2
32000 37
32400 1
32500 1
33000 28
33300 1
33600 2
34000 1
35000 91
35200 1
36000 169
37000 3
37100 1
37500 4
38000 10
38400 4
39000 1
40000 229
40800 1
41000 1
42000 40
42400 3
43000 1
43200 2
44000 1
45000 49
45600 1
46000 1
47000 2
48000 160
49000 2
49200 1
50000 108
50400 3
52000 1
53000 3
54000 11
55000 4
56000 1
57600 3
58000 1
58656 1
58800 1
60000 154
61000 1
62400 1
65000 1
66000 2
66500 1
70000 1
72000 26
73000 1
75000 1
80000 2
82800 1
84000 7
86400 1
96000 9
100000 18
108000 3
120000 8
125000 1
130000 1
150000 8
160000 1
175000 1
180000 4
200000 27
216000 1
220000 1
240000 3
250000 7
270000 1
300000 59
320000 1
350000 4
360000 14
400000 31
420000 10
450000 5
480000 14
500000 71
520000 1
540000 5
600000 189
650000 1
690000 1
700000 7
720000 22
750000 4
780000 1
800000 7
840000 5
900000 140
960000 4
1000000 105
1020000 6
1042000 2
1080000 19
1100000 2
1140000 3
1200000 271
1260000 2
1320000 7
1380000 1
1440000 3
1500000 136
1600000 4
1680000 5
1800000 115
1920000 2
2000000 28
2100000 24
2160000 2
2400000 37
2500000 4
2700000 4
3000000 35
3300000 1
3330000 1
3600000 5
3900000 1
4000000 3
4200000 2
4500000 2
9999996 E:10 000 000 pts + 0
9999997 None,no tax;nothing at all 509
0 Not available 17326
9999998 Dont know,cant choose 3706
9999999 NA 466
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
11297 21498

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9999999

V68 Tax per year:twice wages c

Vrednost 68124 Frekvenca
3 1
4 8
6 4
7 1
8 7
10 18
14 1
15 15
16 4
17 1
18 2
20 110
25 35
27 1
28 1
30 101
32 2
35 11
36 3
38 1
40 234
45 14
50 265
55 3
60 98
70 41
72 3
75 15
80 92
84 1
90 23
93 1
100 238
110 2
120 25
125 3
130 6
133 1
140 2
150 122
155 1
160 5
170 3
180 5
200 110
210 4
220 1
240 7
250 31
270 1
280 2
300 381
330 1
350 22
360 64
375 1
380 2
390 6
400 71
420 2
450 37
470 1
480 4
500 164
550 1
600 94
650 1
700 26
750 7
800 28
850 1
900 15
1000 I:1 000 000 Lire 109
1100 1
1125 1
1200 19
1300 4
1400 5
1500 56
1600 9
1700 2
1800 4
1900 1
2000 212
2100 1
2200 5
2222 1
2400 6
2500 60
2600 1
2700 5
2750 1
2800 5
2900 2
3000 138
3200 4
3300 1
3500 16
3550 1
3600 1
3700 1
3750 1
4000 122
4500 9
5000 182
5400 1
5500 5
5600 1
5760 1
6000 100
6400 1
6500 5
6800 1
7000 56
7200 2
7500 3
7600 1
8000 122
8200 1
8400 1
8800 1
9000 14
9500 2
9600 4
10000 194
10500 1
11000 6
11111 1
11600 1
12000 53
12800 1
13000 4
14000 6
14400 2
15000 78
16000 117
17000 3
17500 2
17800 1
18000 17
19000 1
19200 3
20000 371
20500 1
21000 5
21200 4
22000 9
22222 2
23000 3
24000 80
25000 111
25850 1
26000 6
26400 1
27000 3
28000 13
28800 2
29000 2
30000 264
32000 137
32400 1
33600 1
34000 2
34944 1
35000 53
36000 36
37000 1
38000 7
38400 3
39000 2
40000 599
41250 1
42000 12
44000 3
44800 1
45000 69
47000 1
48000 145
48400 1
49000 1
50000 601
51000 1
51200 2
52000 10
52800 7
53000 14
53328 1
53333 2
53500 1
54000 14
55000 34
56000 19
57000 1
57600 2
58000 3
59200 1
60000 600
60800 4
62000 3
63000 2
64000 85
64012 1
65000 31
66000 16
67000 2
67200 1
67500 1
68000 2
68250 1
68800 1
69000 2
70000 160
70400 2
70500 1
72000 79
73000 1
74000 2
75000 66
76000 2
76200 1
76800 3
78000 5
79000 1
80000 341
80560 1
81000 1
81600 1
82000 1
82500 1
84000 36
84200 1
85000 21
87000 1
88000 1
89000 1
90000 85
91200 1
92000 1
93600 1
94000 1
95000 9
95400 1
96000 132
97200 1
97500 1
97600 1
98000 1
100000 243
102000 4
102500 1
105000 2
106000 8
108000 17
110000 17
110400 1
112000 10
117000 1
118800 1
119988 1
120000 240
125000 5
127000 2
127200 1
128000 1
130000 7
132000 1
133000 1
134400 1
140000 5
144000 27
150000 9
156000 5
159000 1
160000 2
168000 7
170000 4
174000 1
175000 1
180000 53
192000 6
200000 12
204000 1
216000 5
240000 24
250000 1
264000 1
300000 9
350000 2
360000 3
400000 12
440000 1
450000 1
480000 5
500000 21
550000 1
600000 25
600300 1
660000 1
700000 5
720000 3
750000 3
800000 17
840000 4
900000 3
960000 8
1000000 73
1080000 2
1100000 1
1200000 63
1300000 2
1320000 1
1340000 1
1400000 3
1440000 14
1500000 26
1600000 3
1680000 3
1750000 1
1800000 62
1840000 1
2000000 88
2040000 5
2160000 4
2400000 147
2440000 1
2500000 14
2520000 1
2640000 3
2800000 1
2840000 1
2880000 3
3000000 200
3100000 1
3120000 1
3360000 1
3500000 6
3600000 143
3800000 1
3840000 3
3960000 8
4000000 35
4200000 65
4250000 1
4320000 2
4500000 2
4800000 148
5000000 16
5400000 22
5760000 2
6000000 131
6175000 1
6240000 2
6500000 1
6600000 6
6720000 2
7000000 4
7200000 18
7680000 1
8000000 4
8400000 6
9000000 2
9600000 11
9999996 E:10 000 000 pts + 5
9999997 None,no tax;nothing at all 147
0 Not available 17326
9999998 Dont know,cant choose 3816
9999999 NA 477
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
11176 21619

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9999999

V200 R: sex

Vrednost 69123 Frekvenca
1 Male 15876
2 Female 16834
9 NA, refused 85
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32710 85

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

V201 R: Age

Vrednost 70122 Frekvenca
15 34
16 16 years 75
17 90
18 437
19 505
20 550
21 541
22 609
23 551
24 593
25 628
26 588
27 643
28 625
29 663
30 688
31 600
32 679
33 692
34 672
35 694
36 710
37 700
38 643
39 653
40 688
41 595
42 724
43 633
44 608
45 641
46 577
47 595
48 629
49 596
50 583
51 520
52 513
53 478
54 509
55 538
56 469
57 482
58 487
59 471
60 511
61 411
62 425
63 406
64 414
65 469
66 432
67 420
68 387
69 399
70 404
71 361
72 328
73 314
74 280
75 259
76 235
77 154
78 115
79 119
80 86
81 73
82 83
83 60
84 62
85 45
86 37
87 23
88 28
89 25
90 8
91 3
92 6
93 4
94 2
96 96 years 3
97 1
99 NA, refused 204
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32591 204

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 15 do 99

V202 R: Marital status

Vrednost 71121 Frekvenca
1 marr,liv as mar 18793
2 widowed 2486
3 divorced 1707
4 seperated 564
5 not married 6513
0 2494
9 NA, refused 238
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30063 2732

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V203 R: Steady life-partner

Vrednost 72120 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6677
2 No 6896
0 NAP,married,no partner, NAV 19001
9 NA,refused 221
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13573 19222

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V204 R: Education I: years in school

Vrednost 73119 Frekvenca
1 1 year 24
2 69
3 119
4 321
5 376
6 683
7 711
8 3740
9 N:7-9 yrs 2448
10 2495
11 3059
12 5016
13 2153
14 1678
15 1361
16 1768
17 1229
18 701
19 281
20 299
21 78
22 68
23 32
24 22
25 17
26 9
27 2
28 2
30 4
32 1
38 1
40 2
47 1
50 2
56 1
94 Other answer 2
95 Still at school,N:+uni 406
96 Still at college,uni 290
97 No form school 147
0 NAV 2494
98 Dont know 64
99 NA, refused 619
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29618 3177

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V205 R: Education II: categories

Vrednost 74118 Frekvenca
1 None;still at school,uni 435
2 Incpl primary 1596
3 Primary compl 6212
4 Incpl secondary 7861
5 Secondary compl 8956
6 Semi-higher,Incpl uni. 3598
7 University compl 3789
0 NAV 0
99 NA 348
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32447 348

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 99

V206 R: Current employment status

Vrednost 75117 Frekvenca
1 F-time empl,main job 14948
2 P-t empl,main job 2339
3 Less part-time 510
4 Help family member 135
5 Unemployed 1962
6 Studt,school,educ 1787
7 Retired 6364
8 Housewife <man> 3379
9 Permanent disabled 428
10 Oth,n i lab force 479
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
0 NAV 0
99 NA 464
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32331 464

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 99

V207 S-P: Current employment status

Vrednost 76116 Frekvenca
1 F-t empl,main job 10144
2 P-t empl,main job 1434
3 Less part-time 381
4 Help family member 147
5 Unemployed 841
6 Studt,school,educ 236
7 Retired 3513
8 Housewife <man> 2509
9 Permanent disabled 231
10 Oth,n i lab force 308
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
0 NAV;N mar;n spou/partn 12380
99 NA 671
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19744 13051

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V208 R: Occupation ISCO

Vrednost 77115 Frekvenca
1 D: Soldiers 3
2 D: Officers 3
10 2
20 2
100 Armed forces 1
110 Armed forces 64
120 2
130 1
140 12
150 1
200 8
210 6
220 28
230 26
240 4
250 1
260 2
270 6
280 2
290 42
300 10
310 1
320 6
330 9
340 6
360 4
370 1
380 2
390 12
400 1
410 10
420 9
430 3
447 1
500 3
510 9
530 16
540 1
549 3
550 4
600 9
610 22
620 5
630 2
640 3
650 6
670 5
680 2
690 2
700 1
710 97
720 42
730 3
750 16
760 10
761 1
769 4
770 5
790 13
800 2
810 3
820 1
830 34
840 8
849 3
859 1
860 2
900 9
920 1
932 2
1000 4
1010 1
1100 Legislators and senior officials 42
1110 Legislators 4
1120 Senior government official 37
1130 Traditional chiefs+heads of villages 11
1140 Sen.officials of interest organisation 1
1141 Sen.officials of 0
1142 Sen.officials of empl+workers org 4
1143 human+other interest org 2
1200 Corporate managers 10
1210 Directors and chief executives 80
1211 1
1212 3
1219 6
1220 Production+operations dep.manager 52
1221 Prod.+oper.managers in agriculture 6
1222 Prod.+oper.managers:manufacturing 48
1223 Prod.+oper.managers:construction 4
1224 Prod.+oper.managers:retail trade 18
1225 Prod.+oper.managers:hotels rest. 2
1226 Prod.+oper.managers:transport,comm 16
1227 Prod.+oper.managers:business serv. 8
1228 Prod.+oper.managers:cleaning 2
1229 Prod.+oper.dep. managers nec 22
1230 Other department managers 56
1231 Finance+administration dep.managers 45
1232 Personnel+industrial rel.dep.managers 11
1233 Sales+marketing dep.managers 51
1234 Advertising+pub.relations dep.managers 3
1235 Supply+distribution dep.managers 15
1236 Computing services dep.managers 11
1237 Research+development dep.managers 5
1238 Other department managers nec 2
1239 Other department managers 33
1240 6
1244 1
1250 PL:Military officer 1
1251 H,PL:High-grade military officer 12
1252 H,PL:Low-grade commissioned officer 13
1270 2
1280 1
1290 2
1300 General managers 9
1310 General managers 204
1311 General managers in agriculture 52
1312 General managers in manufacture 22
1313 General managers in construction 15
1314 Gen.managers in wholesale+retail trade 129
1315 Gen.managers of rest.+hotels 56
1316 Gen.managers in transport+comm. 18
1317 General managers of business services 28
1318 Gen.managers in personal care,cleaning 9
1319 General managers nec 90
1320 N:Managers in n0n-specific trade areas 70
1330 112
1340 12
1350 2
1390 20
1393 5
1410 10
1430 1
1440 3
1452 1
1490 1
1500 2
1510 11
1520 6
1540 2
1590 17
1593 4
1600 6
1610 28
1620 17
1621 8
1630 16
1639 2
1640 8
1650 2
1660 9
1700 3
1710 12
1720 7
1730 6
1750 1
1770 3
1790 8
1800 2
1809 2
1810 1
1820 3
1910 3
1920 7
1921 1
1924 1
1930 18
1939 10
1940 19
1950 2
1960 2
1990 8
1999 4
2000 Scientists 25
2010 10
2020 2
2030 1
2100 Physical,math.+engineering science 18
2110 Physicists,chemists+rel.professionals 85
2111 Physicists, and astronomers 5
2112 Meteorologists 2
2113 Chemists 10
2114 Geologists and geophysicists 4
2120 Mathematicians, 18
2121 Mathematiciians and related prof 1
2122 Statisticians 1
2130 Computing professionals 32
2131 Computing systems designers+analysts 23
2132 Computer programmers 35
2139 Computing professionals n.e.c. 30
2140 Architects,engineers+rel.profess 70
2141 Architects, town+traffic planners 23
2142 Civil engineers 33
2143 Electrical engineers 16
2144 Electronics+telecomm.engineers 22
2145 Mechanical engineers 33
2146 Chemical engineers 11
2147 Mining engineers,metallurgists+rel 8
2148 Cartographers and surveyors 10
2149 Architects, 74
2190 127
2192 4
2199 Other natural scientist 3
2200 Life science+health professionals 3
2210 Life science professionals 11
2211 Biologist,botanist,zoologist+rel 8
2212 Pharmacologists, pathologists 1
2213 Agronomists+related professionals 8
2214 1
2220 Health professionals 36
2221 Medical doctors 91
2222 Dentists 18
2223 Veterinarians 7
2224 Pharmacists 18
2229 Health professionals n.e.c. 16
2230 Nursing+midwifery professionals 202
2240 1
2250 1
2270 2
2290 6
2300 Teaching professionals 14
2310 College,uni+higher educ.teacher 93
2311 1
2312 2
2320 Secondary education teacher 234
2321 H:Secondary (high)-school teacher 41
2322 H:Teacher in vocational training 4
2330 Primary+pre-primary educ.teacher 27
2331 Primary educ.teaching prof 143
2332 Pre-primary educ.teaching prof 49
2340 Special educ.teaching profess 21
2341 6
2350 Other teaching profess,nec 37
2351 Education methods specialists 2
2352 School inspectors 1
2359 Extra-systemic. teacher 16
2390 18
2400 Other professionals 6
2410 Business professionals 22
2411 Accountants 125
2412 Personnel+careers professionals 14
2419 Business professionals n.e.c 109
2420 Legal professionals 17
2421 Lawyers 28
2422 Judges 4
2429 Legal professionals nec 7
2430 Archivists, 11
2431 Archivists and curators 10
2432 Librarians+rel.information prof. 24
2433 1
2440 Social science+rel. prof. 14
2441 Economists 51
2442 Sociologists,anthropologists+rel 10
2443 Philosophers,historians+pol.scientist 0
2444 Philologists,translators+interpreter 9
2445 Psychologists 11
2446 Social work professionals 32
2447 3
2450 Writers and creative artists 28
2451 Authors,journalists+other writers 31
2452 Sculptors, painters+rel.artists 16
2453 Composers, musicians+singers 10
2454 Choreographers and dancers 1
2455 Film, stage+rel.actors+directors 16
2457 1
2458 1
2460 Religious professionals 18
2461 1
2470 Public service administrative prof 0
2474 2
2476 3
2500 Education prof. n.e.c. 11
2510 N:Soc.scientific,juridical+techn.planng 0
2511 N:Economical+soc.scientific planng 0
2512 N:Juridical planning 0
2513 N:Technical+scientific planng 0
2519 N:Others within this group 0
3000 Technicians and related prof. 52
3020 1
3100 Physical+engineering science techn. 58
3102 3
3110 Physical+engineering science techn. 149
3111 Chemical+physical science techn. 21
3112 Civil engineering technicians 28
3113 Electrical engineering technicians 45
3114 Electronics+telecommunication techn 48
3115 Mechanical engineering technicians 28
3116 Chemical engineering technicians 8
3117 Mining and metallurgical techn. 1
3118 Draughtspersons 24
3119 46
3120 Computer associate professionals 22
3121 Computer assistants 10
3122 Computer equipment operators 19
3123 Industrial robot controllers 1
3130 Optical+electronic equipement oper 12
3131 Photographers+image+sound oper 8
3132 Broadcasting+telecommunications oper 4
3133 Medical equipment operators 4
3134 1
3139 Optical+electronic operators nec 1
3140 Ship,aircraft controllers+techn. 5
3141 Ships engineers 2
3142 Ships deck officers and pilots 3
3143 Aircraft pilots+rel. professionals 4
3144 Air traffic pilots 3
3145 Air traffic safety technicians 0
3146 1
3147 1
3150 Safety and quality inspectors 9
3151 Building and fire inspectors 3
3152 Safety, health+quality inspectors 32
3155 2
3156 1
3160 1
3200 Life science+health ass.profess 2
3210 Life science 73
3211 Life science technicians 59
3212 Agronomy and forestry technicians 7
3213 Farming and forestry advisers 4
3216 1
3219 4
3220 Modern health ass.professionals 34
3221 Medical assistants 28
3222 Sanitarians 1
3223 Dieticians and nutritionists 2
3224 Optometrists and opticians 5
3225 Dental assistants 14
3226 Physiotherapists+rel.ass.profess 27
3227 Veterinary assistants 2
3228 Pharmaceutical assistants 6
3229 Modern health 14
3230 Nursing+midwifery ass.professionals 35
3231 Nursing associate professionals 71
3232 Midwifery associate professionals 20
3233 1
3240 Trad.medicine practitioner+faith healer 0
3241 Traditional medicine practitioners 3
3242 Faith healers 0
3259 1
3281 1
3300 Teaching associate professionals 2
3310 Primary educ.teachg 122
3311 50
3312 2
3313 5
3319 24
3320 Pre-primary educ. teachg ass. prof. 27
3321 2
3330 Spec.educ. teaching ass. prof. 10
3340 Other teaching associate profess 30
3341 N:Techers in technical college 1
3342 N:Other educational occ 0
3390 3
3391 2
3399 1
3400 Other associate professionals 29
3410 Finance+sales associate professionals 90
3411 Securities+finance dealers and brokers 24
3412 Insurance representatives 39
3413 Estate agents 26
3414 Travel consultants and organisers 8
3415 Technical+commercial sales represent 111
3416 Buyers 16
3417 Appraisers,valuers+auctioneers 5
3418 N:Customer consultant in a bank 0
3419 Finance+sales ass.professionals nec 58
3420 Business services agents+trade broker 34
3421 Trade brokers 21
3422 Clearing and forwarding agents 5
3423 Employment agents+labour contractors 4
3429 Other business services agents nec 22
3430 Administrative ass.professionals 102
3431 Administrative 43
3432 ass. profess 59
3433 Bookkeepers 88
3434 Statistical, 4
3435 5
3439 Administrative ass.profess. nec 55
3440 Customs,tax+rel.government prof 38
3441 Customs and border inspectors 10
3442 Government tax and excise officials 11
3443 Government social benefits officials 15
3444 Government licensing officials 3
3445 N:Public employment service worker 1
3448 4
3449 Customs,tax+rel. government prof nec 26
3450 Police inspectors and detectives 18
3451 1
3452 H,PL:Armed forces non-commiss. officer 9
3459 1
3460 Social work associate professionals 68
3461 2
3464 1
3470 Artistic,entertainment+sports prof 11
3471 Decorators and commercial designers 13
3472 Radio,television+other announcers 3
3473 Musicians,singers,dancers 5
3474 Clowns,magicians, 3
3475 Athletes, 8
3479 2
3480 Religious associate professionals 3
3491 N:Informationworker+journalist 0
3492 N:Librarians 0
3500 2
3510 3
3520 2
3590 15
3600 1
3610 3
3620 3
3630 7
3700 29
3701 2
3709 3
3710 1
3720 15
3790 1
3800 7
3900 26
3910 9
3911 5
3919 8
3920 4
3930 128
3939 13
3940 9
3949 12
3950 6
3951 4
3959 2
3970 1
3990 13
4000 Office worker,clerks 148
4010 1
4020 7
4030 2
4040 1
4091 1
4100 Office clerks 141
4105 0
4110 Secretaries+keyboard-operating clerks 86
4111 Stenographers and typists 33
4112 Word-processor and rel.operators 44
4113 Data entry operators 15
4114 Calculating machine operators 8
4115 Secretaries 115
4116 N:Clerical officer 0
4119 1
4120 Numerical clerks 46
4121 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks 145
4122 Statistical and finance clerks 58
4130 Material-recording+transport clerks 39
4131 Stock clerks 69
4132 Production clerks 26
4133 Transport clerks 47
4134 7
4135 1
4140 Library, mail and related clerks 37
4141 Library and filing clerks 26
4142 Mail carriers and sorting clerks 31
4143 Coding, proof-reading+rel.clerks 6
4144 Scribes and related workers 2
4190 Other office clerks 111
4191 9
4193 1
4200 Customer services clerks 72
4210 Cashiers, tellers and rel.clerks 78
4211 Cashiers and ticket clerks 72
4212 Tellers and other counter clerks 60
4213 Bookmakers and croupiers 5
4214 Pawnbrokers and money-lenders 2
4215 Debt-collectors and related workers 3
4220 Client information clerks 37
4221 Travel agency and related clerks 3
4222 Receptionists+information clerks 83
4223 Telephone switchboard operators 25
4290 6
4300 Office helping workers 4
4310 8
4320 49
4400 Post office,higher civil service 7
4410 9
4411 9
4419 3
4420 12
4430 10
4431 6
4432 1
4440 12
4500 Railway official,higher civil service 21
4510 171
4519 41
4520 18
4521 3
4600 3
4630 4
4700 6
4710 4
4900 2
5000 Personal service, sale 4
5020 3
5100 Personal+protective services workers 28
5110 Travel attendents+related workers 9
5111 Travel attendents+travel stewards 15
5112 Transport conductors 20
5113 Travel guides 4
5114 1
5120 Housekeeping+rest. services workers 69
5121 Housekeepers and related workers 16
5122 Cooks 102
5123 Waiters, waitresses and bartenders 119
5124 17
5130 Personal care and related workers 51
5131 Child care workers 36
5132 Institution-based personal care workers 39
5133 Home-based personal care workers 20
5134 N:Dental secretaries 0
5135 N:Medical secretaries 0
5136 N:Childminders etc 0
5139 Personal care+related workers nec 12
5140 Other personal services workers 18
5141 Hairdressers,beauticians+rel.workers 71
5142 Companions and valets 2
5143 Undertakers and embalmers 2
5149 Other personal services workers nec 28
5150 Astrologers,fortune-tellers 0
5151 Astrologers and related workers 0
5152 Fortune-tellers+related workers 0
5160 Protective services workers 29
5161 Fire-fighters 18
5162 Police officers 62
5163 Prison guards 11
5164 N:Caretakers, houseporters 1
5169 Protective services workers nec 36
5200 Models,salespersons+demonstrators 69
5210 Fashion and other models 23
5220 Shop salespersons and demonstrators 531
5221 N:Shop staff, sales staff+other 28
5222 N:Door-to-door+telephone salesmen 0
5223 N:Wholesale merchants 0
5230 Stall and market salespersons 26
5300 7
5310 45
5312 2
5319 8
5320 44
5321 2
5329 17
5400 88
5401 16
5500 32
5510 33
5520 84
5600 9
5699 0
5700 25
5702 11
5800 17
5810 9
5820 2
5821 1
5829 3
5830 4
5840 26
5890 25
5891 2
5900 4
5910 3
5920 1
5940 1
5990 1
5991 3
5998 1
5999 19
6000 Skilled agricultural+fishery worker 9
6010 1
6100 Market-orient.agric.skilled worker 66
6110 Market gardeners and crop growers 286
6111 Field crop and vegetable growers 17
6112 Tree and shrub crop growers 4
6113 Gardeners,hortic.+nursery growers 65
6114 Mixed-crop growers 27
6120 Market-oriented animal producers 37
6121 Dairy and livestock producers 75
6122 Poultry producers 7
6123 Apiarists and sericulturists 2
6124 Mixed animal producers 4
6129 Market-oriented animal producers nec 5
6130 Market-oriented crop animal producer 183
6140 Forestry and related worker 12
6141 Forestry workers and logger 18
6142 Charcoal burners and related worker 7
6150 Fishery workers,hunters+trappers 23
6151 Aquatic-life cultivation worker 2
6152 Inland+coastal waters fishery worker 1
6153 Deep-sea fishery worker 0
6154 Aquatic-life cultivation worker 0
6160 13
6170 1
6200 Subsistence agricultural+fishery worker 6
6210 Subsistence agricultural+fishery worker 151
6211 6
6220 3
6240 13
6270 20
6280 6
6290 1
6310 2
6319 1
6320 7
6400 2
6410 33
6420 2
6430 1
6440 1
6460 3
6470 2
6490 4
6540 2
6600 2
6700 2
6710 4
6720 1
6900 4
6910 17
6920 3
6940 3
6970 2
7000 Craft and trade workers 132
7003 1
7004 1
7005 1
7006 2
7009 5
7010 2
7019 4
7100 Extraction and building trades worker 3
7110 Miners,shotfirers,stone cutters+carvers 40
7111 Miners and quarry workers 33
7112 Shotfirers and blasters 0
7113 Stone splitters, cutters and carvers 7
7120 Building frame+related trades workers 59
7121 Builders, traditional materials 55
7122 Bricklayers and stonemasons 92
7123 Concrete placers,finishers+rel 10
7124 Carpenters and joiners 69
7125 N:Joiner, formwork 8
7126 N:Carpenters 0
7127 N:Foundation workers 0
7128 N:Tunnel+mountain workers 0
7129 Building frame+rel.trades workers nec 40
7130 Building finishers+rel.trades workers 32
7131 Roofers 17
7132 Floor layers and tile setters 11
7133 Plasterers 15
7134 Insulation workers 9
7135 Glaziers 4
7136 Plumbers and pipe fitters 80
7137 Building+rel.electricians 65
7139 Building workers 0
7140 Painters,building cleaners+rel worker 12
7141 Painters and related workers 41
7142 Varnishers and related painters 16
7143 Building structure cleaners 3
7144 N:Chimney sweepers 0
7200 Metal,machinery+rel.trades workers 14
7210 Metal moulders,sheetmetal workers+rel 33
7211 Metal moulders vand coremakers 12
7212 Welders and flamecutters 58
7213 Sheet-metal workers 28
7214 Structural-metal preparers+erectors 15
7215 Riggers and cable splicers 1
7216 Underwater workers 0
7217 N:Car+airstructure mechanics 0
7220 Blacksmiths, 39
7221 Blacksmiths+forging-press worker 6
7222 Tool-makers and related workers 94
7223 Machine-tool setters+setter-operators 62
7224 Metal wheel-grinders+tool sharpeners 20
7226 10
7229 2
7230 Machinery mechanics and fitters 105
7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters 114
7232 Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters 9
7233 Agricultural-industrial mechanics 68
7234 N:Shipmechanics etc 0
7239 3
7240 Electrical+electronic equipm.mechanic 58
7241 Electrical mechanics and fitters 92
7242 Electronics fitters 15
7243 Electronics mechanics+servicers 21
7244 Telegraph+telephone installers+service 15
7245 Electrical line installers,repairers 16
7290 26
7300 Precision,handicraft,printing+other 3
7310 Precision metal workers+rel.materials 10
7311 Precision-instrument makers+repairers 13
7312 Musical-instrument makers+tuners 0
7313 Jewellery and precious-metal workers 3
7320 Potters,glass-makers+rel.trades worker 14
7321 Abrasive wheel formers,potters+rel. 10
7322 Glass-makers,cutters+finishers 8
7323 Glass engravers and etchers 1
7324 Glass,ceramics+rel.decorative painter 1
7330 Handicraft in wood,textile a.s. 12
7331 Handicraft in wood+rel.materials 2
7332 Handicraft in textile,leather+rel 13
7340 Printing+related trades workers 20
7341 Compositors,typesetters+rel.worker 17
7342 Stereotypers,electrotypers 1
7343 Printing engravers and etchers 1
7344 Photographic+related workers 6
7345 Bookbinders+related workers 4
7346 Silk-screen,block+textile printers 1
7349 2
7350 N:Technical drawers 0
7400 Other craft+rel.trades workers 4
7410 Food processing+rel.trades workers 24
7411 preparers 45
7412 Bakers+confectionary makers 35
7413 Dairy-products makers 3
7414 Fruit,vegetable+related preservers 4
7415 Food+beverage tasters+graders 3
7416 Tobacco preparers+tobacco prod.maker 2
7417 1
7420 Wood treaters+rel.trades 29
7421 Wood treaters 4
7422 Cabinet-makers+related workers 40
7423 Woodworking-machine setters+operators 13
7424 Basketry weavers+rel.worker 1
7430 Textile,garment+rel.trades workers 49
7431 Fibre preparers 6
7432 Weavers,knitters+related workers 19
7433 Tailors,dressmakers+hatters 76
7434 Furriers and related workers 9
7435 Textile,leather+rel.pattern-makers 5
7436 Sewers, embroiderers+rel.workers 43
7437 Upholsterers and related workers 12
7439 1
7440 Pelt,leather+shoemaking trades worker 6
7441 Pelt dressers,tanners+fellmongers 1
7442 Shoemakers+rel.workers 37
7443 1
7447 1
7450 N:Laboratory assistants 7
7451 1
7454 5
7490 10
7500 Metal worker general 10
7510 Metal worker nec 95
7520 Electronics engineers nec 47
7530 3
7540 5
7580 1
7590 9
7610 3
7630 1
7700 1
7710 1
7720 1
7730 23
7740 4
7750 1
7760 23
7780 3
7790 20
7800 1
7810 1
7900 Master craftsmen,supervisor 2
7910 14
7920 2
7940 5
7950 20
7960 5
7990 2
8000 Stationary-plant+operator 42
8010 8
8020 5
8030 5
8100 Stationary-plant+related operators 6
8110 Mining+mineral-proc.-plant operator 20
8111 Mining-plant operators 4
8112 Mineral-ore+stone-proc.-plant oper 0
8113 Well drillers+borers+related workers 1
8120 Metal-processing-plant operators 20
8121 Ore ad metal furnace operators 2
8122 Metal melters,casters 11
8123 Metal-heat-treating-plant operator 4
8124 Metal drawers and extruders 2
8130 Glass,ceramics+rel.plant operators 2
8131 Glass,ceramics+rel.machine operator 3
8132 N:Operators in prod 1
8139 Glass,ceramics+rel.plant operators nec 4
8140 Wood-processing+papermaking-plant oper 11
8141 Wood-processing-plant operators 8
8142 Paper-pulp plant operators 0
8143 Papermaking-plant operators 4
8150 Chemical-processing-plant operators 12
8151 Crushing-,grinding mach.operator 2
8152 Chemical-heat-treating-plant oper 0
8153 Chemical-filtering-equipment oper 0
8154 Chemical-still+reactor operators 0
8155 Petroleum+natural-gas-refing-plant oper 3
8159 Chemical-processing-plant oper,nec 6
8160 Power-production+rel.plant operators 12
8161 Power-production plant operators 5
8162 Steam-engine and boiler operators 16
8163 Icinerator,water-treatment+rel.oper 10
8170 Auto.-assembly-line+ind.-robot oper 0
8171 Automated-assembly-line operators 1
8172 Industrial-robot operators 0
8190 3
8200 Machine operators and assemblers 1
8210 Metal+mineral-products machine oper 12
8211 Machine-tool operators 27
8212 Cement+o.mineral products machine oper 11
8220 Chemical-products machine operators 4
8221 Pharma.products machine operator 4
8222 Ammunition products machine operator 0
8223 Metal finishing+coating-machine oper 1
8224 Photographic-products machine operator 0
8229 Chemical-products machine 3
8230 Rubber+plastic-products machine oper 3
8231 Rubber-products machine oper 14
8232 Plastic-products machine operators 7
8240 Wood-products machine operators 12
8250 Printing+paper-products machine oper 4
8251 Printing-machine operators 9
8252 Bookbinding-machine operators 2
8253 Paper-products machine operators 3
8260 Textile+leather-products machine oper 45
8261 Spinning+winding-machine operators 7
8262 Weaving+knitting-machine operators 8
8263 Sewing-machine operators 24
8264 Bleaching+cleaning-machine operators 11
8265 Fur+leather-preparing-machine operator 3
8266 Shoemaking+related machine operator 9
8269 Textile products machine operators nec 8
8270 Food+rel.products machine operators 14
8271 Meat+fish-processing-machine operator 15
8272 Dairy-products machine operators 4
8273 Grain+spice-milling-machine operator 2
8274 Baked-goods+chocolate-products m-oper 8
8275 Fruit+nut-processing-machine oper 7
8276 Sugar production machine operators 1
8277 Tea,coffee+cocoa-processing-m.oper 1
8278 Beverage machine operators 3
8279 Tobacco production machine operators 0
8280 Assemblers 40
8281 Mechanical-machinery assemblers 8
8282 Electrical-equipment assemblers 7
8283 Electronic-equipment assemblers 11
8284 Metal+plastic-products assemblers 2
8285 Wood+rel.products assemblers 2
8286 Paperboard, 0
8287 Composite products assemblers 0
8290 Other machine operators+assemblers 71
8300 Drivers and mobile-plant operators 9
8310 Locomotive-engine drivers+rel.workers 13
8311 Locomotive-engine drivers 16
8312 Railway brakers,signallers+shunters 7
8320 Motor-vehicle drivers 157
8321 Motor-cycle drivers 25
8322 Car, taxi and van drivers 111
8323 Bus and tram drivers 43
8324 Heavy truck and lorry drivers 122
8325 1
8329 2
8330 Agricultural+other mobile-plant oper 21
8331 Motorised farm+forestry plant oper. 60
8332 Earth-moving+rel.plant operators 40
8333 Crane, hoist and related plant oper 15
8334 Lifting-truck operators 13
8336 3
8337 4
8340 Ships deck crews and rel.workers 78
8341 N:Deck crew, ship 0
8342 N:Engine crew, ship 0
8350 2
8351 2
8360 2
8400 11
8410 6
8420 12
8422 1
8430 49
8440 13
8450 2
8490 31
8493 23
8494 1
8499 11
8500 2
8520 15
8530 10
8550 38
8559 7
8560 5
8570 1
8590 2
8610 1
8620 1
8710 19
8719 10
8720 23
8730 15
8739 1
8740 1
8800 2
8900 1
8910 1
8920 2
8950 3
8990 3
9000 Unskilled workers 33
9010 5
9020 1
9100 Sales+services elementary occupation 17
9110 Street vendors and related workers 46
9111 Street food vendors 7
9112 Street vendors, non-food products 0
9113 Door-to-door and telephone salesperson 5
9120 Shoe cleaning+other street services 6
9130 Domestic+rel.helpers 98
9131 Domestic helpers and cleaners 25
9132 Helpers+cleaners in offices, hotels 128
9133 Hand-launderers and pressers 13
9134 N:Kitchen+serv.assistants 6
9135 16
9137 1
9140 Building caretakers,window+rel.cleaner 7
9141 Building caretakers 64
9142 Vehicle, window+related cleaners 3
9150 Messengers,porters,doorkeepers+rel. 29
9151 Messengers,package,luggage porters 22
9152 Doorkeepers,watchpersons 61
9153 Vending-machine money collectors 6
9154 5
9155 1
9160 Garbage collectors+rel.labourers 15
9161 Garbage collectors 2
9162 Sweepers and related labourers 26
9200 Agricultural,fishery+rel.labourers 1
9210 Agricultural,fishery+rel.labourers 34
9211 Farm-hands and labourers 131
9212 Forestry labourers 27
9213 Fishery, hunting+trapping labourers 16
9220 11
9260 3
9270 3
9290 4
9300 Labour. mining,constr.,manufacturing 66
9310 Mining and construction labourers 43
9311 Mining and quarrying labourers 3
9312 Construction+maintenance labourers 24
9313 Building construction labourers 39
9314 14
9315 1
9316 1
9319 1
9320 Manufacturing labourers 63
9321 Assembling labourers 98
9322 Hand packers+other manufacturing lab 45
9323 1
9324 3
9330 Transport labourers+freight handlers 58
9331 Hand or pedal vehicle drivers 7
9332 Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles+mach 3
9333 Freight handlers 61
9340 16
9390 2
9420 1
9430 1
9490 4
9499 9
9510 170
9520 19
9530 3
9540 48
9550 3
9560 1
9570 2
9590 1
9594 24
9599 1
9610 6
9620 2
9690 12
9700 1
9710 37
9712 3
9714 8
9730 4
9740 13
9790 13
9800 8
9810 15
9820 2
9830 7
9840 2
9850 129
9851 5
9852 20
9859 2
9860 1
9890 5
9900 66
9910 15
9920 3
9930 18
9971 1
9990 31
0 NAP,no work,not married,no partner 12117
99996 Not classif;inadeq described 113
99997 Refused 119
99998 Dont know 30
99999 NA 707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19709 13086

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99999

V209 R: Occupation national

Vrednost 78114 Frekvenca
1 Student 97
2 Housewife 216
3 Retired 226
4 Looking for first job 46
5 Looking for a job 37
6 Other 2
7 5
8 3
9 15
10 Manager, executive 15
11 Cadre, officer 34
12 Employee,teacher or army officer 201
13 Worker,salesman,farmer 180
14 6
16 19
17 41
19 17
20 Businessman 12
21 Professional with employees 30
22 Professional without employees 18
23 Trader,farmer,craftsman 115
24 Trader,farmer,craftsman 71
25 Assistant,labourer 13
26 4
27 1
29 7
30 10
31 7
32 21
33 15
34 38
35 4
36 19
37 10
38 15
39 9
40 19
41 34
42 15
43 37
44 9
45 40
46 15
49 6
50 21
51 17
52 10
53 14
54 7
55 19
56 6
57 11
58 5
59 13
60 1
61 15
62 26
63 2
64 20
65 18
66 5
67 6
69 3
70 1
71 17
72 51
73 5
74 1
75 2
76 2
77 1
79 4
80 11
81 2
82 9
83 2
84 8
85 7
86 24
87 21
88 4
89 8
90 6
91 8
92 11
93 6
94 6
95 71
99 6
101 5
103 18
104 1
105 2
106 5
107 22
109 1
111 7
112 2
123 2
131 3
141 1
151 10
152 3
153 21
154 29
155 10
161 2
200 1
201 5
203 3
209 2
211 16
212 2
221 8
222 5
231 4
232 18
239 2
241 13
242 1
249 37
251 20
252 1
259 1
261 6
262 1
292 9
293 4
294 5
295 7
296 3
297 5
299 1
300 1
311 8
312 3
313 3
319 3
321 2
331 15
332 23
333 53
339 6
400 25
404 2
411 3
412 2
413 9
431 1
441 6
449 2
509 1
521 1
601 1
603 1
611 1
631 4
640 8
641 19
652 1
663 1
664 1
671 3
673 3
674 5
681 5
682 6
689 1
705 1
709 1
714 2
715 1
716 4
719 1
722 1
723 1
731 2
733 1
736 1
739 1
741 2
742 2
743 1
751 16
752 8
753 18
754 2
755 6
756 6
757 1
759 10
761 11
762 1
764 4
765 2
766 1
771 1
772 3
773 1
776 1
777 2
779 1
781 7
782 2
783 3
791 1
793 8
794 12
799 13
801 2
803 3
809 4
822 5
823 2
825 1
826 5
827 1
829 1
831 1
833 1
835 1
839 2
841 1
842 1
843 2
851 2
853 1
854 1
859 1
861 5
872 1
873 2
879 1
881 5
882 10
891 1
902 1
903 2
905 4
906 4
911 5
912 8
913 17
914 8
915 3
919 1
921 2
931 11
932 28
939 2
941 5
942 1
951 3
961 3
981 11
1099 20
1101 4
1104 1
1202 1
1203 1
1204 1
1306 1
2101 2
2102 1
2107 1
2142 1
2151 2
2163 1
2171 1
2172 2
2190 2
2199 1
2214 1
2221 1
2222 2
2234 2
2235 1
2236 1
2241 1
2242 3
2247 1
2299 10
2310 1
2320 7
2331 1
2333 1
2334 1
2399 8
3111 2
3112 6
3113 4
3116 2
3121 1
3123 1
3124 1
3125 1
3311 2
3312 6
3314 4
3315 2
3316 3
3317 5
3318 1
3321 4
3399 8
3411 38
3414 4
3415 7
3421 13
3431 6
3432 2
3435 2
3511 3
3512 2
3513 4
3521 1
3523 4
3533 4
3534 2
3710 7
3721 4
3722 8
3723 5
3725 1
3726 3
3727 11
3728 2
3731 4
3732 5
3733 4
3735 1
3741 4
3744 1
3799 6
3810 2
3821 5
3823 1
3824 2
3825 2
3827 1
3828 18
3829 1
3831 2
3833 1
3835 1
3852 1
3853 2
3855 2
3861 1
3862 1
3863 1
3899 10
4211 21
4214 3
4215 3
4221 20
4224 4
4227 1
4231 4
4232 4
4233 7
4299 2
4311 5
4312 1
4313 1
4314 3
4315 7
4316 2
4321 2
4322 1
4324 2
4326 1
4327 5
4331 4
4332 12
4333 7
4399 1
4511 2
4512 4
4513 4
4514 7
4521 1
4522 3
4599 4
4611 17
4612 7
4615 4
4621 3
4622 3
4623 3
4624 1
4625 6
4626 1
4627 4
4628 3
4629 15
4631 4
4632 1
4633 5
4634 3
4636 1
4637 2
4641 3
4642 2
4651 3
4654 4
4661 6
4699 9
4701 2
4702 2
4711 1
4713 5
4717 11
4718 7
4723 4
4731 1
4732 2
4733 1
4734 3
4735 3
4751 5
4772 1
4782 4
4792 2
4793 3
4794 5
4795 1
4799 10
4801 1
4811 3
4822 3
4831 5
4851 1
4852 1
4861 1
4862 1
4883 1
4884 1
4891 4
4893 2
4899 10
5211 9
5212 6
5213 2
5214 17
5215 10
5217 8
5221 19
5222 4
5223 1
5299 14
5311 2
5312 3
5314 4
5315 2
5317 1
5399 5
5411 35
5412 1
5415 1
5416 1
5417 3
5421 13
5424 14
5431 10
5441 1
5444 3
5445 4
5499 10
5512 4
5513 1
5514 4
5515 1
5516 3
5517 2
5518 8
5519 8
5599 16
5611 11
5614 2
5631 9
5632 7
5633 1
6201 3
6202 6
6203 2
6204 1
6211 2
6214 1
6218 3
6220 2
6223 1
6227 4
6231 2
6235 1
6237 1
6238 3
6241 1
6244 1
6245 1
6251 2
6271 1
6283 1
6292 3
6293 1
6299 8
6301 2
6312 1
6323 1
6324 1
6332 1
6341 4
6342 2
6343 1
6344 2
6345 4
6347 4
6351 1
6352 1
6353 1
6354 2
6371 2
6373 1
6392 2
6393 1
6394 1
6411 14
6412 5
6414 2
6415 5
6499 1
6514 4
6515 10
6521 3
6522 4
6531 1
6711 1
6721 2
6723 5
6751 2
6761 1
6771 1
6772 3
6791 1
6792 5
6793 3
6799 15
6821 4
6842 1
6891 3
6899 2
6911 1
6912 1
6913 1
6914 2
6915 1
6916 1
6921 1
6999 1
0 NAP,no work,no partner 28308
99996 Not classif;inadeq descr etc 115
99997 Refused 0
99998 Dont know 0
99999 NA 19
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4353 28442

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99999

V210 S-P: Occupation ISCO

Vrednost 79113 Frekvenca
1 D: Soldiers 0
2 D: Officers 4
100 Armed forces 0
110 Armed forces 33
120 1
130 2
140 3
210 3
220 12
230 7
240 2
280 2
290 26
310 1
320 1
340 3
360 2
410 1
420 1
430 1
500 2
510 1
530 4
540 5
549 2
610 10
620 2
640 2
650 1
670 1
680 1
690 1
710 39
711 1
720 27
723 1
729 1
760 10
769 1
770 3
790 3
810 4
830 4
849 5
900 1
933 1
1100 Legislators and senior officials 23
1110 Legislators 3
1120 Senior government official 11
1130 Traditional chiefs+heads of villages 3
1140 Sen.officials of interest organisation 0
1141 Sen.officials of 0
1142 Sen.officials of empl+workers org 1
1143 human+other interest org 0
1153 1
1200 Corporate managers 4
1210 Directors and chief executives 51
1212 1
1219 4
1220 Production+operations dep.manager 27
1221 Prod.+oper.managers in agriculture 3
1222 Prod.+oper.managers:manufacturing 28
1223 Prod.+oper.managers:construction 2
1224 Prod.+oper.managers:retail trade 8
1225 Prod.+oper.managers:hotels rest. 0
1226 Prod.+oper.managers:transport,comm 5
1227 Prod.+oper.managers:business serv. 4
1228 Prod.+oper.managers:cleaning 3
1229 Prod.+oper.dep. managers nec 13
1230 Other department managers 16
1231 Finance+administration dep.managers 26
1232 Personnel+industrial rel.dep.managers 6
1233 Sales+marketing dep.managers 13
1234 Advertising+pub.relations dep.managers 2
1235 Supply+distribution dep.managers 9
1236 Computing services dep.managers 2
1237 Research+development dep.managers 3
1238 Other department managers nec 3
1239 Other department managers 12
1244 1
1250 PL:Military officer 1
1251 H,PL:High-grade military officer 7
1252 H,PL:Low-grade commissioned officer 9
1300 General managers 2
1310 General managers 89
1311 General managers in agriculture 4
1312 General managers in manufacture 18
1313 General managers in construction 13
1314 Gen.managers in wholesale+retail trade 87
1315 Gen.managers of rest.+hotels 34
1316 Gen.managers in transport+comm. 16
1317 General managers of business services 20
1318 Gen.managers in personal care,cleaning 5
1319 General managers nec 49
1320 N:Managers in n0n-specific trade areas 14
1330 46
1340 10
1390 9
1410 4
1590 5
1593 1
1620 2
1621 3
1630 1
1710 1
1730 2
1800 1
1910 2
1921 1
1930 8
1939 2
1940 14
1990 4
1999 5
2000 Scientists 9
2010 6
2020 2
2100 Physical,math.+engineering science 14
2110 Physicists,chemists+rel.professionals 26
2111 Physicists, and astronomers 5
2112 Meteorologists 0
2113 Chemists 8
2114 Geologists and geophysicists 4
2120 Mathematicians, 0
2121 Mathematiciians and related prof 1
2122 Statisticians 1
2130 Computing professionals 11
2131 Computing systems designers+analysts 16
2132 Computer programmers 15
2139 Computing professionals n.e.c. 16
2140 Architects,engineers+rel.profess 49
2141 Architects, town+traffic planners 15
2142 Civil engineers 23
2143 Electrical engineers 12
2144 Electronics+telecomm.engineers 17
2145 Mechanical engineers 26
2146 Chemical engineers 9
2147 Mining engineers,metallurgists+rel 5
2148 Cartographers and surveyors 2
2149 Architects, 56
2190 73
2192 1
2199 Other natural scientist 0
2200 Life science+health professionals 0
2210 Life science professionals 3
2211 Biologist,botanist,zoologist+rel 4
2212 Pharmacologists, pathologists 4
2213 Agronomists+related professionals 6
2214 1
2220 Health professionals 21
2221 Medical doctors 62
2222 Dentists 11
2223 Veterinarians 7
2224 Pharmacists 10
2229 Health professionals n.e.c. 4
2230 Nursing+midwifery professionals 114
2300 Teaching professionals 13
2310 College,uni+higher educ.teacher 49
2312 1
2320 Secondary education teacher 149
2321 H:Secondary (high)-school teacher 13
2322 H:Teacher in vocational training 1
2330 Primary+pre-primary educ.teacher 19
2331 Primary educ.teaching prof 84
2332 Pre-primary educ.teaching prof 35
2340 Special educ.teaching profess 9
2341 4
2350 Other teaching profess,nec 35
2351 Education methods specialists 1
2352 School inspectors 1
2359 Extra-systemic. teacher 8
2400 Other professionals 2
2410 Business professionals 17
2411 Accountants 83
2412 Personnel+careers professionals 4
2414 1
2419 Business professionals n.e.c 42
2420 Legal professionals 18
2421 Lawyers 23
2422 Judges 5
2424 1
2429 Legal professionals nec 4
2430 Archivists, 5
2431 Archivists and curators 3
2432 Librarians+rel.information prof. 12
2433 1
2440 Social science+rel. prof. 10
2441 Economists 31
2442 Sociologists,anthropologists+rel 3
2443 Philosophers,historians+pol.scientist 0
2444 Philologists,translators+interpreter 2
2445 Psychologists 7
2446 Social work professionals 17
2450 Writers and creative artists 14
2451 Authors,journalists+other writers 17
2452 Sculptors, painters+rel.artists 10
2453 Composers, musicians+singers 6
2454 Choreographers and dancers 2
2455 Film, stage+rel.actors+directors 8
2458 2
2460 Religious professionals 9
2470 Public service administrative prof 0
2500 Education prof. n.e.c. 12
2510 N:Soc.scientific,juridical+techn.planng 0
2511 N:Economical+soc.scientific planng 0
2512 N:Juridical planning 0
2513 N:Technical+scientific planng 0
2519 N:Others within this group 0
3000 Technicians and related prof. 18
3100 Physical+engineering science techn. 26
3102 1
3110 Physical+engineering science techn. 78
3111 Chemical+physical science techn. 15
3112 Civil engineering technicians 18
3113 Electrical engineering technicians 14
3114 Electronics+telecommunication techn 30
3115 Mechanical engineering technicians 19
3116 Chemical engineering technicians 2
3117 Mining and metallurgical techn. 1
3118 Draughtspersons 11
3119 29
3120 Computer associate professionals 10
3121 Computer assistants 6
3122 Computer equipment operators 10
3123 Industrial robot controllers 0
3130 Optical+electronic equipement oper 5
3131 Photographers+image+sound oper 4
3132 Broadcasting+telecommunications oper 1
3133 Medical equipment operators 2
3139 Optical+electronic operators nec 2
3140 Ship,aircraft controllers+techn. 4
3141 Ships engineers 1
3142 Ships deck officers and pilots 4
3143 Aircraft pilots+rel. professionals 2
3144 Air traffic pilots 2
3145 Air traffic safety technicians 1
3147 1
3150 Safety and quality inspectors 7
3151 Building and fire inspectors 3
3152 Safety, health+quality inspectors 17
3153 2
3155 1
3160 1
3200 Life science+health ass.profess 0
3210 Life science 20
3211 Life science technicians 34
3212 Agronomy and forestry technicians 7
3213 Farming and forestry advisers 4
3219 3
3220 Modern health ass.professionals 20
3221 Medical assistants 26
3222 Sanitarians 1
3223 Dieticians and nutritionists 1
3224 Optometrists and opticians 5
3225 Dental assistants 4
3226 Physiotherapists+rel.ass.profess 10
3227 Veterinary assistants 1
3228 Pharmaceutical assistants 5
3229 Modern health 6
3230 Nursing+midwifery ass.professionals 28
3231 Nursing associate professionals 61
3232 Midwifery associate professionals 10
3240 Trad.medicine practitioner+faith healer 0
3241 Traditional medicine practitioners 0
3242 Faith healers 0
3253 1
3300 Teaching associate professionals 2
3310 Primary educ.teachg 45
3311 15
3313 1
3315 1
3319 14
3320 Pre-primary educ. teachg ass. prof. 17
3330 Spec.educ. teaching ass. prof. 6
3340 Other teaching associate profess 22
3341 N:Techers in technical college 0
3342 N:Other educational occ 0
3391 2
3399 1
3400 Other associate professionals 16
3410 Finance+sales associate professionals 51
3411 Securities+finance dealers and brokers 14
3412 Insurance representatives 15
3413 Estate agents 16
3414 Travel consultants and organisers 3
3415 Technical+commercial sales represent 48
3416 Buyers 9
3417 Appraisers,valuers+auctioneers 0
3418 N:Customer consultant in a bank 0
3419 Finance+sales ass.professionals nec 34
3420 Business services agents+trade broker 10
3421 Trade brokers 20
3422 Clearing and forwarding agents 1
3423 Employment agents+labour contractors 8
3429 Other business services agents nec 14
3430 Administrative ass.professionals 80
3431 Administrative 37
3432 ass. profess 33
3433 Bookkeepers 70
3434 Statistical, 1
3439 Administrative ass.profess. nec 29
3440 Customs,tax+rel.government prof 31
3441 Customs and border inspectors 3
3442 Government tax and excise officials 4
3443 Government social benefits officials 7
3444 Government licensing officials 1
3445 N:Public employment service worker 0
3449 Customs,tax+rel. government prof nec 22
3450 Police inspectors and detectives 14
3451 2
3452 H,PL:Armed forces non-commiss. officer 12
3453 2
3459 1
3460 Social work associate professionals 33
3470 Artistic,entertainment+sports prof 7
3471 Decorators and commercial designers 7
3472 Radio,television+other announcers 4
3473 Musicians,singers,dancers 2
3474 Clowns,magicians, 1
3475 Athletes, 2
3480 Religious associate professionals 1
3491 N:Informationworker+journalist 0
3492 N:Librarians 0
3500 5
3520 1
3590 9
3609 1
3700 2
3701 1
3800 2
3809 1
3900 19
3911 4
3919 4
3920 3
3930 2
3939 4
3940 1
3949 2
3950 2
3951 1
3959 1
3990 7
4000 Office worker,clerks 131
4100 Office clerks 31
4105 0
4110 Secretaries+keyboard-operating clerks 67
4111 Stenographers and typists 14
4112 Word-processor and rel.operators 27
4113 Data entry operators 5
4114 Calculating machine operators 2
4115 Secretaries 95
4116 N:Clerical officer 0
4120 Numerical clerks 32
4121 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks 59
4122 Statistical and finance clerks 37
4130 Material-recording+transport clerks 15
4131 Stock clerks 44
4132 Production clerks 10
4133 Transport clerks 29
4134 3
4135 1
4140 Library, mail and related clerks 17
4141 Library and filing clerks 8
4142 Mail carriers and sorting clerks 27
4143 Coding, proof-reading+rel.clerks 2
4144 Scribes and related workers 2
4190 Other office clerks 112
4191 15
4200 Customer services clerks 0
4210 Cashiers, tellers and rel.clerks 50
4211 Cashiers and ticket clerks 34
4212 Tellers and other counter clerks 42
4213 Bookmakers and croupiers 5
4214 Pawnbrokers and money-lenders 5
4215 Debt-collectors and related workers 1
4219 2
4220 Client information clerks 22
4221 Travel agency and related clerks 4
4222 Receptionists+information clerks 41
4223 Telephone switchboard operators 17
4290 6
4300 Office helping workers 0
4320 3
4400 Post office,higher civil service 4
4410 3
4411 2
4412 2
4419 5
4431 2
4432 1
4500 Railway official,higher civil service 2
4510 41
4519 27
4521 3
4523 1
5000 Personal service, sale 0
5100 Personal+protective services workers 2
5110 Travel attendents+related workers 6
5111 Travel attendents+travel stewards 9
5112 Transport conductors 9
5113 Travel guides 1
5120 Housekeeping+rest. services workers 46
5121 Housekeepers and related workers 9
5122 Cooks 83
5123 Waiters, waitresses and bartenders 64
5124 10
5130 Personal care and related workers 56
5131 Child care workers 10
5132 Institution-based personal care workers 17
5133 Home-based personal care workers 9
5134 N:Dental secretaries 0
5135 N:Medical secretaries 0
5136 N:Childminders etc 0
5139 Personal care+related workers nec 5
5140 Other personal services workers 16
5141 Hairdressers,beauticians+rel.workers 55
5142 Companions and valets 0
5143 Undertakers and embalmers 0
5149 Other personal services workers nec 12
5150 Astrologers,fortune-tellers 0
5151 Astrologers and related workers 0
5152 Fortune-tellers+related workers 0
5160 Protective services workers 19
5161 Fire-fighters 20
5162 Police officers 41
5163 Prison guards 7
5164 N:Caretakers, houseporters 4
5169 Protective services workers nec 26
5200 Models,salespersons+demonstrators 40
5210 Fashion and other models 17
5220 Shop salespersons and demonstrators 329
5221 N:Shop staff, sales staff+other 21
5222 N:Door-to-door+telephone salesmen 0
5223 N:Wholesale merchants 0
5230 Stall and market salespersons 17
5241 1
5300 5
5310 8
5312 1
5319 5
5320 7
5321 1
5322 1
5329 4
5400 25
5401 7
5500 4
5510 6
5520 25
5600 2
5699 0
5700 3
5702 4
5709 1
5820 2
5821 1
5829 2
5890 9
5891 2
5900 2
5998 1
5999 6
6000 Skilled agricultural+fishery worker 2
6100 Market-orient.agric.skilled worker 32
6110 Market gardeners and crop growers 91
6111 Field crop and vegetable growers 14
6112 Tree and shrub crop growers 4
6113 Gardeners,hortic.+nursery growers 29
6114 Mixed-crop growers 21
6120 Market-oriented animal producers 10
6121 Dairy and livestock producers 59
6122 Poultry producers 3
6123 Apiarists and sericulturists 1
6124 Mixed animal producers 5
6129 Market-oriented animal producers nec 7
6130 Market-oriented crop animal producer 117
6140 Forestry and related worker 2
6141 Forestry workers and logger 12
6142 Charcoal burners and related worker 3
6143 1
6150 Fishery workers,hunters+trappers 8
6151 Aquatic-life cultivation worker 1
6152 Inland+coastal waters fishery worker 6
6153 Deep-sea fishery worker 2
6154 Aquatic-life cultivation worker 1
6200 Subsistence agricultural+fishery worker 1
6210 Subsistence agricultural+fishery worker 12
6211 3
6220 2
6240 2
6270 3
6400 1
6490 1
7000 Craft and trade workers 79
7002 1
7003 1
7005 1
7007 1
7008 1
7009 3
7012 1
7019 1
7100 Extraction and building trades worker 0
7110 Miners,shotfirers,stone cutters+carvers 16
7111 Miners and quarry workers 25
7112 Shotfirers and blasters 0
7113 Stone splitters, cutters and carvers 4
7120 Building frame+related trades workers 61
7121 Builders, traditional materials 41
7122 Bricklayers and stonemasons 72
7123 Concrete placers,finishers+rel 12
7124 Carpenters and joiners 45
7125 N:Joiner, formwork 3
7126 N:Carpenters 0
7127 N:Foundation workers 0
7128 N:Tunnel+mountain workers 0
7129 Building frame+rel.trades workers nec 22
7130 Building finishers+rel.trades workers 15
7131 Roofers 9
7132 Floor layers and tile setters 9
7133 Plasterers 8
7134 Insulation workers 3
7135 Glaziers 4
7136 Plumbers and pipe fitters 56
7137 Building+rel.electricians 60
7139 Building workers 0
7140 Painters,building cleaners+rel worker 17
7141 Painters and related workers 37
7142 Varnishers and related painters 6
7143 Building structure cleaners 4
7144 N:Chimney sweepers 0
7200 Metal,machinery+rel.trades workers 7
7210 Metal moulders,sheetmetal workers+rel 18
7211 Metal moulders vand coremakers 1
7212 Welders and flamecutters 40
7213 Sheet-metal workers 20
7214 Structural-metal preparers+erectors 10
7215 Riggers and cable splicers 0
7216 Underwater workers 0
7217 N:Car+airstructure mechanics 0
7220 Blacksmiths, 27
7221 Blacksmiths+forging-press worker 4
7222 Tool-makers and related workers 59
7223 Machine-tool setters+setter-operators 45
7224 Metal wheel-grinders+tool sharpeners 13
7225 1
7226 8
7230 Machinery mechanics and fitters 48
7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters 69
7232 Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters 2
7233 Agricultural-industrial mechanics 46
7234 N:Shipmechanics etc 0
7240 Electrical+electronic equipm.mechanic 28
7241 Electrical mechanics and fitters 45
7242 Electronics fitters 14
7243 Electronics mechanics+servicers 8
7244 Telegraph+telephone installers+service 9
7245 Electrical line installers,repairers 14
7280 1
7300 Precision,handicraft,printing+other 0
7310 Precision metal workers+rel.materials 4
7311 Precision-instrument makers+repairers 15
7312 Musical-instrument makers+tuners 1
7313 Jewellery and precious-metal workers 4
7320 Potters,glass-makers+rel.trades worker 3
7321 Abrasive wheel formers,potters+rel. 3
7322 Glass-makers,cutters+finishers 7
7323 Glass engravers and etchers 2
7324 Glass,ceramics+rel.decorative painter 2
7330 Handicraft in wood,textile a.s. 13
7331 Handicraft in wood+rel.materials 4
7332 Handicraft in textile,leather+rel 7
7340 Printing+related trades workers 7
7341 Compositors,typesetters+rel.worker 7
7342 Stereotypers,electrotypers 1
7343 Printing engravers and etchers 1
7344 Photographic+related workers 6
7345 Bookbinders+related workers 3
7346 Silk-screen,block+textile printers 2
7350 N:Technical drawers 0
7400 Other craft+rel.trades workers 4
7410 Food processing+rel.trades workers 17
7411 preparers 19
7412 Bakers+confectionary makers 28
7413 Dairy-products makers 2
7414 Fruit,vegetable+related preservers 0
7415 Food+beverage tasters+graders 1
7416 Tobacco preparers+tobacco prod.maker 1
7420 Wood treaters+rel.trades 16
7421 Wood treaters 6
7422 Cabinet-makers+related workers 34
7423 Woodworking-machine setters+operators 6
7424 Basketry weavers+rel.worker 1
7426 1
7430 Textile,garment+rel.trades workers 34
7431 Fibre preparers 1
7432 Weavers,knitters+related workers 9
7433 Tailors,dressmakers+hatters 63
7434 Furriers and related workers 6
7435 Textile,leather+rel.pattern-makers 5
7436 Sewers, embroiderers+rel.workers 29
7437 Upholsterers and related workers 10
7440 Pelt,leather+shoemaking trades worker 4
7441 Pelt dressers,tanners+fellmongers 2
7442 Shoemakers+rel.workers 26
7450 N:Laboratory assistants 1
7454 2
7500 Metal worker general 2
7510 Metal worker nec 60
7520 Electronics engineers nec 19
7730 1
7740 1
7760 1
7900 Master craftsmen,supervisor 0
7910 1
7950 10
7960 2
8000 Stationary-plant+operator 26
8020 1
8100 Stationary-plant+related operators 0
8110 Mining+mineral-proc.-plant operator 0
8111 Mining-plant operators 3
8112 Mineral-ore+stone-proc.-plant oper 0
8113 Well drillers+borers+related workers 3
8120 Metal-processing-plant operators 10
8121 Ore ad metal furnace operators 1
8122 Metal melters,casters 9
8123 Metal-heat-treating-plant operator 2
8124 Metal drawers and extruders 0
8130 Glass,ceramics+rel.plant operators 2
8131 Glass,ceramics+rel.machine operator 3
8132 N:Operators in prod 1
8139 Glass,ceramics+rel.plant operators nec 3
8140 Wood-processing+papermaking-plant oper 2
8141 Wood-processing-plant operators 4
8142 Paper-pulp plant operators 1
8143 Papermaking-plant operators 2
8150 Chemical-processing-plant operators 9
8151 Crushing-,grinding mach.operator 3
8152 Chemical-heat-treating-plant oper 0
8153 Chemical-filtering-equipment oper 1
8154 Chemical-still+reactor operators 1
8155 Petroleum+natural-gas-refing-plant oper 3
8159 Chemical-processing-plant oper,nec 2
8160 Power-production+rel.plant operators 8
8161 Power-production plant operators 4
8162 Steam-engine and boiler operators 7
8163 Icinerator,water-treatment+rel.oper 7
8165 1
8170 Auto.-assembly-line+ind.-robot oper 1
8171 Automated-assembly-line operators 1
8172 Industrial-robot operators 0
8200 Machine operators and assemblers 0
8210 Metal+mineral-products machine oper 5
8211 Machine-tool operators 23
8212 Cement+o.mineral products machine oper 3
8220 Chemical-products machine operators 3
8221 Pharma.products machine operator 1
8222 Ammunition products machine operator 0
8223 Metal finishing+coating-machine oper 2
8224 Photographic-products machine operator 2
8225 1
8229 Chemical-products machine 2
8230 Rubber+plastic-products machine oper 0
8231 Rubber-products machine oper 6
8232 Plastic-products machine operators 9
8240 Wood-products machine operators 6
8250 Printing+paper-products machine oper 4
8251 Printing-machine operators 3
8252 Bookbinding-machine operators 0
8253 Paper-products machine operators 4
8260 Textile+leather-products machine oper 44
8261 Spinning+winding-machine operators 2
8262 Weaving+knitting-machine operators 8
8263 Sewing-machine operators 25
8264 Bleaching+cleaning-machine operators 2
8265 Fur+leather-preparing-machine operator 3
8266 Shoemaking+related machine operator 11
8269 Textile products machine operators nec 5
8270 Food+rel.products machine operators 9
8271 Meat+fish-processing-machine operator 8
8272 Dairy-products machine operators 1
8273 Grain+spice-milling-machine operator 2
8274 Baked-goods+chocolate-products m-oper 7
8275 Fruit+nut-processing-machine oper 4
8276 Sugar production machine operators 0
8277 Tea,coffee+cocoa-processing-m.oper 0
8278 Beverage machine operators 1
8279 Tobacco production machine operators 1
8280 Assemblers 19
8281 Mechanical-machinery assemblers 11
8282 Electrical-equipment assemblers 2
8283 Electronic-equipment assemblers 4
8284 Metal+plastic-products assemblers 0
8285 Wood+rel.products assemblers 2
8286 Paperboard, 1
8287 Composite products assemblers 0
8290 Other machine operators+assemblers 49
8292 1
8300 Drivers and mobile-plant operators 5
8310 Locomotive-engine drivers+rel.workers 10
8311 Locomotive-engine drivers 12
8312 Railway brakers,signallers+shunters 14
8320 Motor-vehicle drivers 121
8321 Motor-cycle drivers 27
8322 Car, taxi and van drivers 73
8323 Bus and tram drivers 37
8324 Heavy truck and lorry drivers 82
8330 Agricultural+other mobile-plant oper 21
8331 Motorised farm+forestry plant oper. 36
8332 Earth-moving+rel.plant operators 22
8333 Crane, hoist and related plant oper 13
8334 Lifting-truck operators 5
8336 5
8337 2
8339 1
8340 Ships deck crews and rel.workers 32
8341 N:Deck crew, ship 0
8342 N:Engine crew, ship 0
8351 1
8400 7
8420 2
8430 6
8440 1
8490 3
8493 8
8499 6
8500 3
8520 3
8530 2
8550 7
8559 4
8560 1
8590 3
8710 4
8719 3
8720 5
8730 1
8800 2
8910 1
8950 1
9000 Unskilled workers 14
9100 Sales+services elementary occupation 2
9110 Street vendors and related workers 18
9111 Street food vendors 7
9112 Street vendors, non-food products 2
9113 Door-to-door and telephone salesperson 4
9119 1
9120 Shoe cleaning+other street services 4
9130 Domestic+rel.helpers 49
9131 Domestic helpers and cleaners 14
9132 Helpers+cleaners in offices, hotels 79
9133 Hand-launderers and pressers 11
9134 N:Kitchen+serv.assistants 0
9135 13
9137 1
9140 Building caretakers,window+rel.cleaner 7
9141 Building caretakers 48
9142 Vehicle, window+related cleaners 1
9150 Messengers,porters,doorkeepers+rel. 20
9151 Messengers,package,luggage porters 7
9152 Doorkeepers,watchpersons 30
9153 Vending-machine money collectors 1
9154 4
9160 Garbage collectors+rel.labourers 10
9161 Garbage collectors 1
9162 Sweepers and related labourers 16
9200 Agricultural,fishery+rel.labourers 0
9210 Agricultural,fishery+rel.labourers 22
9211 Farm-hands and labourers 72
9212 Forestry labourers 17
9213 Fishery, hunting+trapping labourers 6
9220 3
9223 1
9250 1
9270 2
9290 1
9300 Labour. mining,constr.,manufacturing 39
9310 Mining and construction labourers 19
9311 Mining and quarrying labourers 0
9312 Construction+maintenance labourers 12
9313 Building construction labourers 20
9314 3
9315 1
9316 9
9320 Manufacturing labourers 41
9321 Assembling labourers 65
9322 Hand packers+other manufacturing lab 25
9323 1
9324 1
9330 Transport labourers+freight handlers 31
9331 Hand or pedal vehicle drivers 5
9332 Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles+mach 3
9333 Freight handlers 32
9340 15
9430 1
9490 2
9499 9
9510 4
9530 2
9540 10
9594 8
9595 1
9610 1
9690 6
9710 2
9712 2
9714 3
9740 4
9790 5
9800 2
9810 1
9850 13
9851 4
9852 10
9859 1
9990 16
0 NAP,no work,not married,no partner 22061
99996 Not classif;inadeq described 33
99997 Refused 114
99998 Dont know 49
99999 NA 343
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10195 22600

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99999

V211 S-P: Occupation national

Vrednost 80112 Frekvenca
1 Student 12
2 Housewife 175
3 Retired 158
4 Looking for first job 18
5 Looking for a job 9
6 Other 8
7 5
8 1
9 10
10 Manager, executive 16
11 Cadre, officer 15
12 Employee,teacher or army officer 142
13 Worker,salesman,farmer 115
14 3
15 2
16 9
17 34
19 10
20 Businessman 10
21 Professional with employees 27
22 Professional without employees 31
23 Trader,farmer,craftsman 79
24 Trader,farmer,craftsman 31
25 Assistant,labourer 7
26 4
29 1
30 5
31 3
32 17
33 9
34 13
35 4
36 13
37 5
38 5
39 9
40 11
41 17
42 6
43 11
44 8
45 19
46 6
49 6
50 21
51 19
52 4
53 8
54 10
55 8
56 6
57 9
58 1
59 7
60 5
61 15
62 10
64 15
65 7
67 5
69 3
70 2
71 6
72 34
73 4
74 1
75 1
76 3
77 1
79 2
80 1
81 3
82 2
83 2
84 3
85 7
86 11
87 15
88 6
89 9
90 5
91 2
92 8
93 2
94 5
95 23
99 10
101 2
103 21
104 1
105 1
106 1
107 23
109 3
111 1
112 2
121 1
122 1
123 4
131 3
151 4
152 3
153 13
154 23
155 2
191 4
201 4
202 1
203 2
209 1
211 9
212 2
221 4
222 2
231 5
232 13
241 11
242 1
249 36
251 10
259 1
261 9
291 1
292 13
293 2
294 3
295 5
296 1
297 1
299 4
300 1
311 3
312 3
313 5
321 6
331 9
332 14
333 34
339 2
400 18
402 1
404 2
411 2
412 1
413 6
431 2
441 6
501 1
603 2
621 2
631 4
640 6
641 6
649 1
652 3
664 1
671 2
673 2
674 5
675 1
681 3
682 1
689 1
703 1
709 2
716 2
719 1
721 1
735 1
737 1
739 6
741 1
742 1
744 2
751 5
752 3
753 10
754 3
755 3
756 5
759 6
761 6
762 2
763 1
764 6
765 2
772 1
773 2
776 3
777 2
779 2
781 4
782 1
791 1
793 3
794 9
799 10
802 2
803 1
809 3
822 2
826 3
829 1
831 1
834 2
835 2
843 1
851 1
872 1
873 4
879 2
881 1
882 4
891 1
901 1
902 1
903 7
904 1
905 1
906 5
911 3
912 3
913 11
914 5
921 1
931 10
932 16
939 1
941 3
942 1
961 1
979 1
981 7
1099 12
1106 1
1201 1
1204 1
2103 1
2107 1
2121 2
2141 1
2143 1
2151 2
2153 1
2155 2
2161 1
2172 2
2174 2
2190 2
2217 1
2235 1
2241 2
2242 1
2299 8
2320 3
2333 1
2334 1
2399 3
3111 1
3113 4
3116 3
3121 1
3130 1
3311 2
3314 1
3315 2
3321 2
3411 24
3414 2
3415 6
3421 5
3431 1
3432 2
3435 2
3511 2
3512 1
3513 2
3522 1
3523 2
3531 1
3532 2
3534 1
3535 1
3721 2
3722 1
3723 3
3727 4
3731 1
3732 1
3733 6
3735 2
3741 1
3744 1
3751 1
3799 2
3810 1
3820 2
3821 3
3822 1
3823 1
3824 1
3828 5
3829 3
3832 1
3855 1
3861 2
3899 10
4211 19
4214 2
4215 1
4221 12
4224 4
4227 1
4231 1
4232 3
4233 3
4311 3
4312 3
4314 1
4315 14
4316 1
4321 1
4323 1
4324 7
4325 1
4327 4
4331 1
4332 6
4333 2
4334 1
4511 1
4512 3
4513 3
4514 1
4599 1
4611 15
4612 3
4615 16
4621 3
4622 5
4624 1
4625 5
4626 1
4627 1
4629 6
4633 1
4634 3
4636 1
4637 2
4641 2
4651 2
4699 10
4702 1
4713 1
4717 2
4718 2
4723 2
4734 1
4735 1
4782 1
4791 1
4792 6
4793 2
4799 7
4831 1
4851 1
4861 1
4873 1
4882 2
4891 3
4899 6
5211 7
5212 2
5213 5
5214 7
5215 9
5216 3
5217 5
5221 14
5222 7
5299 13
5311 3
5312 1
5314 2
5315 4
5316 1
5399 1
5411 44
5412 1
5415 2
5421 7
5424 18
5431 10
5434 3
5499 6
5512 4
5513 2
5514 2
5515 1
5518 1
5519 7
5521 1
5599 27
5611 9
5614 4
5621 1
5622 2
5631 12
5632 1
5633 1
5699 1
6201 1
6202 3
6214 1
6220 2
6227 1
6243 1
6251 2
6254 1
6272 1
6273 2
6283 1
6293 1
6299 9
6301 2
6324 1
6331 1
6332 1
6341 1
6342 1
6343 1
6344 1
6347 2
6351 1
6354 3
6371 2
6373 1
6392 1
6411 8
6412 4
6499 1
6511 2
6512 1
6514 4
6515 4
6521 2
6522 1
6723 2
6741 1
6751 1
6754 2
6771 1
6772 7
6791 1
6793 1
6799 13
6821 1
6841 2
6891 7
6899 5
6911 1
6913 3
6914 1
6915 1
6921 2
0 NAP,no work,no partner 29864
99996 Not classif;inadeq descr etc 63
99997 Refused 0
99998 Dont know 0
99999 NA 41
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2827 29968

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99999

V212 R: Working for privat - public sector

Vrednost 81111 Frekvenca
1 Government 5243
2 Public owned firm 2242
3 Private firm 9111
6 Other,non-profit organisations 128
0 NAP NAV 11652
8 Self employed 3527
9 NA, dont know 892
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16724 16071

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V213 R: Self-employed I

Vrednost 82110 Frekvenca
1 Self-employed RP:informell 3721
2 Work f someone else 17975
0 NAV;Unempl,n lab force 10155
8 Dont know 0
9 NA, refused 944
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
21696 11099

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V214 R: Self-employed II - how many employ

Vrednost 83109 Frekvenca
1 1 employee 303
2 2 employees 178
3 3 employees 103
4 4 employees 56
5 5 employees 250
6 6 employees 26
7 7 employees 14
8 8 employees 22
9 D:up to 9 empl 24
10 10 employees 35
11 11 employees 5
12 12 employees 12
13 1
14 7
15 15 employees 43
16 1
18 3
19 1
20 20 employees 10
22 3
23 2
24 1
25 9
26 2
30 30 employees 6
31 F:>30 empl 2
35 3
36 36 employees 2
40 5
45 1
46 1
49 D:up to 49 empl 70
50 D:50 + 23
52 1
65 65 employees 5
72 1
80 1
90 1
99 99 employees 0
100 100 employees 5
105 1
200 4
300 300 employees 1
500 500 employees 2
1000 1000 employees 0
2000 1
5000 1
9995 No employee 1403
0 NAV;NAP 29569
9997 1
9998 Dont know 4
9999 NA 570
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2651 30144

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9999

V215 R: Hours worked weekly

Vrednost 84108 Frekvenca
1 1 hour 9
2 11
3 28
4 33
5 33
6 37
7 18
8 61
9 21
10 125
11 14
12 90
13 10
14 39
15 137
16 63
17 20
18 89
19 18
20 449
21 59
22 57
23 26
24 142
25 203
26 39
27 39
28 73
29 9
30 517
31 18
32 133
33 25
34 28
35 570
36 303
37 391
38 387
39 366
40 4093
41 90
42 568
43 115
44 131
45 795
46 92
47 43
48 603
49 38
50 1044
51 8
52 50
53 14
54 69
55 233
56 201
57 12
58 40
59 6
60 659
61 5
62 22
63 17
64 12
65 86
66 36
67 4
68 12
69 3
70 275
71 3
72 51
73 2
74 8
75 29
76 15
77 11
78 7
79 2
80 90
81 2
82 1
84 85
85 11
86 2
88 3
89 9
90 28
91 7
92 2
95 1
96 96 and more 116
0 NAV;NAP 17055
97 Refused 79
98 DK,cant say,varies too much 236
99 NA 874
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14551 18244

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V216 R: Supervise

Vrednost 85107 Frekvenca
1 Yes,supervises 6093
2 No,do n supervise 12281
0 NAP, Unempl,n i lab force 13720
7 Refused 40
8 Dont know 47
9 NA 614
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
18374 14421

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V217 R: Earnings

Vrednost 86106 Frekvenca
1 RUS:in thous.Rubles
800 J:in thous. Yen
999996 SLO:>990 000 Tolar
0 No own income,no paid work
999997 Refused
999998 Dont know
999999 NA
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
22055 10740

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 999999

V218 Family income

Vrednost 87105 Frekvenca
1 RUS:in thous.Rubles
990000 SLO: 990.000 Tolar
999996 N:> 1.000.000 Kroner
0 No income
999997 Refused
999998 Dont know
999999 NA
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
26192 6603

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 999999

V219 R: Religious denomination

Vrednost 88104 Frekvenca
10 Roman Catholic 9153
11 Greek Catholic 37
12 RP:Aglipayan 0
20 Jewish 1105
30 Moslem, Islam 490
31 Druse 49
40 Baptist 353
41 Methodist 162
42 Lutheran 1695
43 Presbyt,Ch of Scot 237
44 Ch Engl,Ire,Anglica 683
45 URC/ Congregational 6
46 Episcopal 45
47 Unitarians 6
48 Prot(ev)free church 106
49 Prot (n else class) 2627
50 Shinto 16
51 Hindu 14
52 Buddhists 426
53 Sikh 5
54 Orthodox; Eastern Orthodox 2935
55 United Church CDN 82
60 GB:Free Presbytarian 2
61 Brethren 12
62 Pentecostal 13
63 Mormon 8
64 Salvation Army, Assemblies of God 6
65 Seventh Day Adventists 14
66 NZ:Ratana 12
90 None 5806
91 No denom given 263
92 Oth christ religion 581
93 Other non-christian 130
94 Other n classified 137
0 NAP 4645
97 Refused 104
98 Dont know 316
99 NA 514
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
27216 5579

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V220 R: Religious services - how often

Vrednost 89103 Frekvenca
1 Once a week or more 4719
2 2-3 times a month 1856
3 Once a month 1438
4 Sev times a year 5259
5 Less frequently a year 6927
6 Never 7773
0 NAP (n<christ>religion) 4101
7 Refused 96
8 Dont know,varies 256
9 NA 370
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
27972 4823

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V221 R: Subjective social class

Vrednost 90102 Frekvenca
1 Lower class 2088
2 Working class 8783
3 Lower middle class 3519
4 Middle 11773
5 Upper middle 1862
6 Upper 300
0 None of these 2977
7 Classif refused 158
8 DK,cant choose 983
9 NA 352
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
28325 4470

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V222 R: Trade union membership

Vrednost 91101 Frekvenca
1 Member 5932
2 No member 16420
3 USA:R n mb;spouse mb 42
0 NAP;Unempl etc;s-empl 9890
8 Dont know 0
9 NA, refused 511
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
22394 10401

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V223 R: party affiliation: left - right

Vrednost 92100 Frekvenca
1 Far left etc 830
2 Left,center left 6035
3 Center,liberal 4067
4 Right,conservative 5798
5 Far right etc 389
6 Other,no specific 353
7 No party,no preference 5936
0 NAV; NAP 6646
8 Dont know 1576
9 No answer,refused 1165
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23408 9387

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V224 R: Party affiliation: Australia

Vrednost 9399 Frekvenca
1 Liberal Party 851
2 Labour Party 811
3 National Party 93
4 Democrats 145
5 Greens 27
6 Nuclear Disarmanent 0
95 Other Party 6
96 Would not vote;no party preference 96
0 NAV 30644
97 Refused 0
99 NA 122
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2029 30766

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V225 R: Party affiliation: Bulgaria

Vrednost 9498 Frekvenca
1 BSP Socialist Party 147
2 UDF Union Democr Forces 358
3 MRF Movmt Civ R+F 21
4 Peoples Union 21
5 Business Block 29
95 Other Party 32
96 None 314
0 NAV 31783
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 No answer 90
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
922 31873

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V226 R: Party affiliation: Canada

Vrednost 9597 Frekvenca
1 PC 139
2 Liberal 350
3 NDP 104
4 Bloc Quebecois 80
5 Reform 34
6 Libertarian 2
7 Confederation of Regions 1
8 Communist 3
9 Green Party 5
95 Other Party 6
96 Would not vote;no party preference 273
0 NAV 31613
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
997 31798

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V227 R: Party affiliation: Cyprus

Vrednost 9696 Frekvenca
0 NAV 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V228 R: Party affiliation: Czech Republic

Vrednost 9795 Frekvenca
1 SD LSNS Free Democrats 10
2 CSSD Social Democrats 234
3 ODS Civic Democratic 251
4 Non Party Individuals 5
5 MNS HSMS Morav Nat P 1
6 DEU Democratic Union 11
7 ODA Civic Democratic 59
8 KDU CSL Christian P 87
9 DZJ Pensioners f Life Sec 23
10 SDL Democratic Left P 0
11 CMUS Boh.Morav Left P 0
12 CP Czech Right 0
13 KSCM Communist P 70
14 SPR RSC Republican P 39
15 LB Left Block 2
16 HSMS MNS Movem f Self-admin 3
95 Other Party 5
96 Would not vote 51
0 NAP, NAV 31695
97 Refused 100
98 Dont know 129
99 NA 20
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
851 31944

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V229 R: Party affiliation: Germany

Vrednost 9894 Frekvenca
1 CDU/ CSU 782
2 SPD 723
3 FDP 205
4 Buendnis 90/Gruene 355
5 NPD 0
6 DKP 0
7 Republikaner 49
8 PDS/Linke Liste 126
9 APD 0
10 Bayernpartei 0
11 Bibeltreue Christen 0
12 OEDP 0
13 DVU 0
14 FWP 0
15 Fuer Soziale Gerechtigkeit 0
16 Graue Panther 0
17 Buergerpartei 0
95 Other Party 29
96 Would not vote;not eligible 498
0 NAV 29325
97 Refused 228
98 Dont know 469
99 NA 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2767 30028

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V230 R: Party affiliation: Spain

Vrednost 9993 Frekvenca
1 CDS 0
2 IU 0
3 PP 0
4 PSOE 0
5 Left Nation.Parties 0
6 Right Nation.Parties 0
7 Green 0
8 CIU-Nationalist from Catalonia 0
9 ERC-Nationalist from Catalonia 0
13 CC-Nationalist from Canaries 0
15 CHA-Nationalist from Aragon 0
95 Other Party 0
96 No preference,no vote 0
0 NAV 32795
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V231 R: Party affiliation: France

Vrednost 10092 Frekvenca
1 Communist party 70
2 Far left 15
3 Socialist party 401
4 Green 76
5 UDF-Liberal 115
6 RPR-Conservative 212
7 National Front 76
95 Other Party 27
96 No preference,no vote 224
0 NAP, NAV 31483
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 96
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1216 31579

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V232 R: Party affiliation: Great Britain

Vrednost 10191 Frekvenca
1 Conservative 285
2 Labour 418
3 Liberal Democrats,SLD 112
6 SNP (Scot National) 16
7 Plaid Cymru 2
8 Green party 0
93 Other answer 2
95 Other Party 18
96 Would not vote;No party preference 85
0 NAV 31806
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 39
99 NA 12
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
938 31857

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V233 R: Party affiliation: Hungary

Vrednost 10290 Frekvenca
1 HSP-Hungarian Socialist Party 169
2 AFD-Alliance of Free Democrats 83
3 HDF-Hungarian Democratic Forum 31
4 FYD-Federation of Young Democrats 120
5 CDPP-Christ.Democr.People s P 60
6 ISHP-Independent Small Holders 141
7 USH-Unified Small Holders 0
8 HWP-Workers Party 22
9 SDHP-Social Democratic Party 3
95 Other Party 12
96 Would not vote;no party preference 424
0 NAV 31295
97 Refused 67
98 Cant choose 360
99 NA 8
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1065 31730

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V234 R: Party affiliation: Italy

Vrednost 10389 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V235 R: Party affiliation: Israel

Vrednost 10488 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V236 R: Party affiliation: Ireland

Vrednost 10587 Frekvenca
1 Fianna Fail 210
2 Fine Gael 106
3 Labour 28
4 Worker s Party 8
5 Progressive Democrats 9
6 Green Party 8
7 Sinn Fein 10
8 Democratic Left 6
95 Other Party 0
96 Would not vote;No party preference 601
0 NAV; NAP 31801
97 Refused 0
98 Cant choose 2
99 NA 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
986 31809

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V237 R: Party affiliation: Japan

Vrednost 10686 Frekvenca
1 Liberal Democratic Party 357
2 New Frontier Party 90
3 Japan Social Democratic Party 98
4 New Party Sakigake 19
5 Japanese Communist Party 42
95 Other Party 6
96 Would not vote;No party preference 533
0 NAV 31546
97 Refused 36
98 Cant choose 32
99 NA 36
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1145 31650

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V238 R: Party affiliation: Latvia

Vrednost 10785 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V239 R: Party affiliation: Norway

Vrednost 10884 Frekvenca
1 Red Electoral All 13
2 Labour Party 314
3 Progress Party 99
4 Conserv Party 173
5 Christ Democr Party 76
6 Centre party 81
7 Socialist Left 57
8 Liberal 32
95 Other Party 4
96 No party preference;wouldnt vote 408
0 NAV 31451
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 34
99 NA 53
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1257 31538

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V240 R: Party affiliation: New Zealand

Vrednost 10983 Frekvenca
1 Alliance 52
2 Labour party 339
3 National party 429
4 New Zealand First 43
95 Other Party 35
96 No party preference 270
0 NAV 31597
97 Refused 0
98 Cant choose 3
99 NA 27
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1168 31627

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V241 R: Party affiliation: Poland

Vrednost 11082 Frekvenca
1 Labor Union 62
2 Bloc for Poland 9
3 Pensioners Alliance 12
4 Freedom Union 126
5 Solidarity Election Action 293
6 Democratic Left Alliance 196
7 Polish Peasants Party 69
8 Rightest Union of the Republic 12
9 Movement f Reconstruction of Poland 23
10 Pensioners Party 20
95 Other Party 11
96 Would not vote,no party preference 268
0 NAV 31612
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 36
99 NA 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1101 31694

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V242 R: Party affiliation: Philippines

Vrednost 11181 Frekvenca
1 Lakas NUCD-UMDP 92
2 Lakas ng Demokratiko 41
3 Nationalists People 11
4 PRP Peoples Reform P 10
5 Liberal Party 11
6 Nacionalista Party 10
7 Phil Democratic Party 5
8 Partido Democratico 1
9 Lapiang Manggagawa 1
10 Partido ng Masang Pi 3
12 Kilusang Bagong Lipu 7
14 Partido Panghiusa 19
19 NUCD 1
95 Other Party 0
96 Would not vote,No party preference 988
0 NAV 31595
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1200 31595

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 96

V243 R: Party affiliation: Russia

Vrednost 11280 Frekvenca
1 Agrarian Party 12
2 National-Patriotic Union 42
3 Yabloko 84
4 Women of Russia 9
5 Our Home is Russia-NDR 31
6 Democratic Choice of Russia-DVR 19
7 KPRF 101
8 LDPR 36
9 Peoples Republican Party 45
95 Other Party 26
96 Would not vote;no party preference 980
0 NAV 31104
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 306
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1385 31410

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V244 R: Party affiliation: Sweden

Vrednost 11379 Frekvenca
1 C (Centre Party) 37
2 FP (Liberals) 36
3 KDS (Christ Democr) 26
4 MP (Ecologists) 45
5 M (Liberal Conserv) 230
6 S (Social Democrats) 358
7 VP (Socialists) 94
95 Other Party 17
96 Would not vote;no party preference 349
0 NAV 31557
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1192 31603

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V245 R: Party affiliation: Slovenia

Vrednost 11478 Frekvenca
1 Liberal democrat-LDS 150
2 Peoples party-SLS 80
3 Slovenian National party-SNS 28
4 Social democratic party-SDS 88
5 Slovenian Christian party-SKD 62
6 Combined list social democrats-ZLSD 59
7 Green of Slovenia ecosocial-ZS 46
8 Democrat party-DS 21
95 Other Party 43
96 Would not vote;no party preference 169
0 NAV 31791
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 251
99 No answer 7
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
746 32049

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V246 R: Party affiliation: USA

Vrednost 11577 Frekvenca
1 Strong democrat 187
2 N very strg democrat 255
3 Indep,close democr 152
4 Independent 217
5 Indep,close republ 131
6 N very strg republ 241
7 Strong republican 132
95 Other Party 14
96 Would not vote;No party preference 0
0 NAV 31463
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 No answer 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1329 31466

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V247 R: Vote last election: left - right

Vrednost 11676 Frekvenca
1 Far left 690
2 Left,center left 5739
3 Center,liberal 3257
4 Right,conservative 5511
5 Far right 267
6 Oth party,inclassif 290
7 No party 200
0 NAP;Did not vote 14642
8 Dont know,cant choose 618
9 NA,refused 1581
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15954 16841

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V248 R: Vote last election: party Australia

Vrednost 11775 Frekvenca
1 Liberal Party 886
2 Labour Party 732
3 National Party 100
4 Democrats 125
5 Greens 39
6 Nuclear Disarmanent 1
95 Other party 13
0 NAV 30644
96 Didnt vote 9
97 Refused 0
99 NA 246
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1896 30899

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V249 R: Vote last election: party Bulgaria

Vrednost 11874 Frekvenca
1 Democratic left 142
2 UDF 405
3 Union of National Salvation 36
4 BBB 27
5 Euro left 21
95 Other party 11
0 NAV 31783
96 Didnt vote 213
97 Refused 42
99 NA 115
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
642 32153

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V250 R: Vote last election: party Canada

Vrednost 11973 Frekvenca
1 PC 134
2 Liberal 445
3 NDP 103
4 Bloc Quebecois 101
5 Reform 81
6 Libertarian 4
7 Confed of regions 2
8 Communist 1
11 Parti Quebecois 0
95 Other party 15
0 NAV 31613
96 Didnt vote 207
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 89
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
886 31909

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V251 R: Vote last election: party Cyprus

Vrednost 12072 Frekvenca
1 Progressive Labor Party 210
2 Democratic Socialist 8
3 Socialist Party 61
4 Ecologists 3
5 Free Democrats (KED) 32
6 Democratic Party 180
7 New Horizons 9
8 Democratic Alert 236
94 None, vote blank 103
95 Other Party 19
0 NAP,NAV 31795
96 Didnt vote 139
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
861 31934

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 96

V252 R: Vote lst election: Czech Republic

Vrednost 12171 Frekvenca
1 SD LSNS Free Democrats 14
2 CSSD Social Democrats 246
3 ODS Civic Democratic 250
4 Non Party Individuals 1
5 MNS HSMS Morav Nat P 0
6 DEU Democratic Union 18
7 ODA Civic Democratic 56
8 KDU CSL Christian P 85
9 DZJ Pensioners f Life Sec 29
10 SDL Democratic Left P 0
11 CMUS Boh.Morav Left P 0
12 CP Czech Right 0
13 KSCM Communist P 66
14 SPR RSC Republican P 44
15 LB Left Block 2
16 HSMS MNS Movem f Self-admin 0
95 Other party 1
0 NAV 31695
96 Didnt vote 176
97 Refused 88
98 Dont know 11
99 No answer 13
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
812 31983

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V253 R: Vote last election: party Germany

Vrednost 12270 Frekvenca
1 CDU/CSU 902
2 SPD 779
3 FDP 186
4 Gruene/Buendnis 90 285
5 NPD 0
6 DKP 0
7 Republikaner 28
8 PDS-Linke Liste 114
94 No 24
95 Other 23
0 NAV 29325
96 Didnt vote 677
97 Refused 277
98 Dont know 171
99 NA 4
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2341 30454

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V254 R: Vote last election: party Spain

Vrednost 12369 Frekvenca
1 CDS 22
2 IU 168
3 PP 466
4 PSOE 637
5 EA-EUE-Nationalists from Basque 6
6 HB-Nationalists from Basque 4
7 PNV-Nationalists from Basque 13
8 CIU-Nationalists from Catalonia 80
9 ERC-Nationalists from Catalonia 15
10 BNG-Nationalists from Calicia 13
11 PA-Nationalists from Andalucia 13
12 PAR-Nationalist from Aragon 8
13 CC-Nationalist from Canaries 9
14 UV-Regionalists from Valencia 7
15 CHA-Nationalist from Aragon 0
94 Vote blank 57
95 Other party 24
0 NAV 30301
96 Didnt vote 502
97 Refused 125
99 NA 325
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1542 31253

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V255 R: Vote last election: party France

Vrednost 12468 Frekvenca
1 Arlette Laguiller 44
2 Robert Hue-Communist 71
3 Lionel Jospin-Socialist 306
4 Dominique Yoynet 55
5 Jacques Chirac 233
6 Edouard Balladur 144
7 Philippe de Villiers 32
8 Jean-Marie Le Pen 101
9 Jacques Cheminade 1
94 Vote blank 71
95 Other party 0
0 NAV 31483
96 Didnt vote 254
97 Refused 0
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1058 31737

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 96

V256 R: Vote last election: Great Britain

Vrednost 12567 Frekvenca
1 Conservative 306
2 Labour 348
3 Liberal Democrats 95
6 SNP (Scot National) 11
7 Plaid Cymru 1
8 Green party 5
93 Other answer 0
95 Other Party 0
0 NAP; NAV 31806
96 Didnt vote 188
97 Refused 13
98 Cant remember, dont know 22
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
766 32029

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 98

V257 R: Vote last election: party Hungary

Vrednost 12666 Frekvenca
1 HSP-Hungarian Socialist Party 437
2 AFD-Alliance of Free Democrats 169
3 HDF-Hungarian Democratic Forum 72
4 FYD-Federation of Young Democrats 47
5 CDPP-Christ.Democr.People s P 57
6 ISHP-Independent Small Holders 80
7 USH-Unified Small Holders 0
8 HWP-Workers Party 14
9 SDHP-Social Democratic Party 3
95 Other Party 19
0 NAP; NAV 31295
96 Didnt vote 413
97 Refused 175
99 NA 14
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
898 31897

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V258 R: Vote last election: party Italy

Vrednost 12765 Frekvenca
1 Movimento Sociale Tricolore (Rauti) 2
2 Alleanza Nazionale (Fini) 164
3 Forza Italia (Berlusconi) 106
4 CCD-CDU (Casini-Buttiglione) 28
5 Lista Pannella-Sgarbi 3
6 Lega nord (Bossi) 65
7 Lista Dini 5
8 Popolari-SVP-PRI-UD (Prodi) 76
9 Feder. Verdi (Ripa di Meana) 14
10 Socialisti (Intini) 2
11 PDS (d Alema) 136
12 Rif. communista (Bertinotti) 55
94 Vote blank 26
95 Other party 18
0 NAP; NAV 31693
96 Didnt vote 56
98 Dont know 24
99 NA 322
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
700 32095

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V259 R: Vote last election: party Israel

Vrednost 12864 Frekvenca
1 Likud,gesher,tzomet 310
2 Haadova 412
3 Meretz 96
4 Mafdal 49
5 Yahaduth hatora 11
6 Moledeth 16
7 Haderech hashlishit 37
8 Shass 44
9 Reshimat olim 14
10 Hadash, dahamsha,tibi 145
92 Other party, left 65
93 Other party, right 8
94 Other party, religious 1
95 Other party 4
0 NAV 31252
96 Didnt vote 125
97 Refused 175
99 NA 31
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1212 31583

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V260 R: Vote last election: party Ireland

Vrednost 12963 Frekvenca
1 Fianna Fail 352
2 Fine Gael 202
3 Labour 132
4 Worker s Party 14
5 Progressive Democrats 24
6 Green Party 23
7 Sinn Fein 5
8 Democratic Left 12
95 Other Party 14
0 NAV 31801
96 Didn t vote 158
97 Refused 0
98 Cant choose 12
99 NA 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
778 32017

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V261 R: Vote last election: party Japan

Vrednost 13062 Frekvenca
1 Liberal Democratic Party 327
2 New Frontier Party 156
3 Japan Social Democratic Party 116
4 New Party Sakigake 41
5 Japanese Communist Party 45
94 Vote blank 22
95 Other Party 14
0 NAV 31546
96 Didnt vote 367
99 NA 161
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
721 32074

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V262 R: Vote last election: party Latvia

Vrednost 13161 Frekvenca
1 Latvia Farmers Union+Chr.Dem U 78
2 Latvian Unity Party 33
3 National Harmony Party 24
4 Democratic Party 158
5 Latvian Socialist Party 14
6 Peoples Movement f Latvia 63
7 Union f Fatherland+Freedom 124
8 Alliance Latvia s Way 117
9 National Conservative Party 45
95 Other Party 34
0 NAP; NAV 31748
96 Didnt vote 225
99 NA 132
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
690 32105

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V263 R: Vote last election: party Norway

Vrednost 13260 Frekvenca
1 Red Electoral All 16
2 Labour party 387
3 Progress party 115
4 Conservative party 201
5 Christ Democratic party 77
6 Centre party 133
7 Socialist left 78
8 Liberal 47
95 Other party 4
0 NAV 31451
96 Didnt vote 211
97 Refused 0
99 NA 75
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1058 31737

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V264 R: Vote last election: party New Zealand

Vrednost 13359 Frekvenca
1 ACT 53
2 Alliance 89
3 Christian coalition 33
4 Labour 331
5 National 416
6 New Zealand First 137
7 United 6
95 Other party 16
0 NAV 31597
96 Didnt vote 77
97 Refused 0
99 NA 40
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1081 31714

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V265 R: Vote last election: party Poland

Vrednost 13458 Frekvenca
1 Labor Union 38
2 Bloc for Poland 5
3 Pensioners Alliance 8
4 Freedom Union 102
5 Solidarity Election Action 229
6 Democratic Left Alliance 141
7 Polish Peasants Party 47
8 Rightest Union of the Republic 6
9 Movement f Reconstruction of Poland 14
10 Pensioners Party 12
95 Other Party 0
0 NAV 31612
96 Didnt vote 522
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 41
99 NA 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
602 32193

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V266 R: Vote last election: party Philippines

Vrednost 13557 Frekvenca
95 Other party 0
0 NAV 32795
96 Didnt vote 0
97 Refused 0
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V267 R: Vote last election: party Russia

Vrednost 13656 Frekvenca
1 Vladimir Bryntsalov 3
2 Yuri Vlasov 0
3 Michail Gorbachev 6
4 Boris Yeltsin 525
5 Vladimir Zhirinovsky 57
6 Gennadiy Zyuganov 247
7 Aleksander Lebed 240
8 Svyatoslav Fedorov 22
9 Martin Shakkum 2
10 Grigoriy Yavlinskiy 91
95 Other Party 23
0 NAP,NAV 31104
96 Didnt vote 340
97 Refused 135
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1216 31579

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 97

V268 R: Vote last election: party Sweden

Vrednost 13755 Frekvenca
1 C (Centre party) 51
2 FP (Liberals) 61
3 KDS (Christ democrats) 38
4 MP (Ecologists) 62
5 M (Liberal conservatives) 237
6 S (Social Democrats) 458
7 VP (Socialists) 71
94 Blank ballot vote 26
95 Other party 22
0 NAV 31557
96 Didnt vote 161
97 Refused 0
99 NA 51
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1026 31769

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V269 R: Vote last election: party Slovenia

Vrednost 13854 Frekvenca
1 Democratic party 40
2 Liberal democrats 169
3 Liberal party 11
4 Peoples party 43
5 National democrats 3
6 SLO_national party 35
7 Social democratic party 63
8 Socialist party 1
9 Christ democrats 65
10 Social democrat reconstr 60
11 Green of Slovenia 29
95 Other parties 9
0 NAV 31791
96 Didnt vote 127
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 305
99 NA 44
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
528 32267

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V270 R: Vote last election: party USA

Vrednost 13953 Frekvenca
1 Clinton 425
2 Bush 315
3 Perot 117
95 Oth candid,party 3
0 NAV 31463
96 Didnt vote 450
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 11
99 NA 11
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
860 31935

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V271 Why R did not vote

Vrednost 14052 Frekvenca
1 Not eligible 1609
2 Was not able 532
3 Not underst politics 275
4 Not interested 669
5 Forgot 81
6 Never vote 208
7 Could not decide 423
8 No-one to vote for 841
97 Other reason,PL:was sick 539
0 NAP, voted 27097
98 Cant choose, dont know 141
99 NA 380
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5177 27618

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V272 How many persons in household

Vrednost 14151 Frekvenca
1 1 person 3844
2 2 persons 7513
3 5450
4 5787
5 2478
6 1024
7 N:7 persons or more 393
8 BG,I:8 persons or more 198
9 9 persons,SLO:9 or more persons 41
10 14
11 6
12 12 persons 4
13 2
14 1
18 1
40 40 persons 0
0 NAV 5845
99 NA, refused 194
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
26756 6039

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V273 Household cycle

Vrednost 14250 Frekvenca
1 Single household 3173
2 1 adult,1 child 364
3 1 adult,2 child 204
4 1 adult,3 or > ch 84
5 2 adults 5926
6 2 adults,1 child 2410
7 2 adults,2 child 2493
8 2 adults,3 or > ch 1158
9 3 adults 2226
10 3 adults+children 1823
11 4 adults 1185
12 4 adults+ children 944
13 5 adults 317
14 5 adults+children 321
15 6 adults 89
16 6 adults+children 99
17 7 adults 19
18 7 adults+children 35
19 8 adults 6
20 8 adults+children 8
21 9 adults 4
22 9 adults+children 1
23 10 adults 1
24 10 adults+children 1
25 11 adults 0
26 11 adults+children 1
27 12 adults 1
28 12 adults+children 0
95 Otherwise 44
0 NAV 9593
99 NA,refused 265
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
22937 9858

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V274 Urban - Rural

Vrednost 14349 Frekvenca
1 Urban 11319
2 Suburb,city,town,county seat 4493
3 Rural 6564
0 NAV 10353
9 No answer 66
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
22376 10419

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V275 Size of community Australia

Vrednost 14448 Frekvenca
1 > 500 000 0
2 60 000 0
3 30 000 0
4 11 500 0
5 500 0
6 < 500 0
0 NAV 32795
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V276 Size of community Bulgaria

Vrednost 14547 Frekvenca
1 Sofia (1,2 Mill) 126
2 100 001-500 000 175
3 20 001-100 000 274
4 2 001- 20 000 227
5 up to 2 000 210
0 NAV 31783
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1012 31783

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5

V277 Size of community Canada

Vrednost 14646 Frekvenca
1 100 001 and more 0
2 20 001-100 000 0
3 5 001- 20 000 0
4 2 001- 5 000 0
5 1 001- 2 000 0
6 up to 1 000 0
0 NAV 32795
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V278 Size of community Cyprus

Vrednost 14745 Frekvenca
1 100 001 and more 446
2 50 001-100 000 42
3 20 001- 50 000 182
4 5 001- 20 000 26
5 1 001- 5 000 221
6 Less than 1 000 83
0 NAV 31795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1000 31795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

V279 Size of community Czech Republic

Vrednost 14844 Frekvenca
1 1,2 Mill. (Prague) 127
2 100 000-500 000 133
3 50 000- 99 999 130
4 10 000- 49 999 241
5 5 000- 9 999 90
6 2 000- 4 999 105
7 1 000- 1 999 129
8 Less than 1 000 145
0 NAV 31695
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1100 31695

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8

V280 Size of community Germany

Vrednost 14943 Frekvenca
1 > 500 000 430
2 100 000-499 999 702
3 50 000- 99 999 264
4 20 000- 49 999 604
5 5 000- 19 999 780
6 2 000- 4 999 362
7 up to 1 999 328
0 NAV 29325
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3470 29325

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

V281 Size of community Spain

Vrednost 15042 Frekvenca
1 > 1 000 000 inhabitants 318
2 400 001-1000 000 160
3 100 001- 400 000 564
4 50 001- 100 000 231
5 10 001- 50 000 565
6 2 001- 10 000 430
7 > 2 000 226
0 NAV 30301
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2494 30301

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

V282 Size of community France

Vrednost 15141 Frekvenca
1 Paris 133
2 < - 500 000 65
3 100 001- 500 000 116
4 50 001- 100 000 121
5 20 001- 50 000 133
6 10 001- 20 000 124
7 2 001- 10 000 288
8 > 2 000 280
0 NAV 31483
99 NA 52
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1260 31535

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V283 Size of community Great Britain

Vrednost 15240 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V284 Size of community Hungary

Vrednost 15339 Frekvenca
1 2 mill.inh.,Budapest 275
2 100 000-250 000 300
3 10 001-100 000 347
4 2 001- 10 000 578
0 NAV 31295
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1500 31295

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4

V285 Size of community Italy

Vrednost 15438 Frekvenca
1 > than 500 000 141
2 100 001-500 000 134
3 30 001-100 000 218
4 10 001- 30 000 239
5 5 001- 10 000 158
6 < than 5 000 214
0 NAV 31691
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1104 31691

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

V286 Size of community Israel

Vrednost 15537 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V287 Size of community Ireland

Vrednost 15636 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V288 Size of community Japan

Vrednost 15735 Frekvenca
1 1.000.000 or more 206
2 300.000-999.999 247
3 100.000-299.999 203
4 less than 100.000 289
5 Town or village 304
0 NAV 31546
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1249 31546

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5

V312 Size of community Latvia

Vrednost 15834 Frekvenca
1 > 500.000 514
2 100.000-500.000 128
3 50.000-100.000 90
4 20.000- 50.000 130
5 5.000- 20.000 148
6 Rural 495
0 NAV 31290
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1505 31290

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

V313 Size of community Norway

Vrednost 15933 Frekvenca
1 Urb > 100 000 275
2 Urb 30 000-99 999 211
3 Rur 30 000-99 999 74
4 Urb 3 000-29 999 141
5 Rur 3 000-29 999 558
6 Rural < 3 000 85
0 NAV 31451
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1344 31451

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

V314 Size of community New Zealand

Vrednost 16032 Frekvenca
1 L city 100 000 + > 436
2 Med c 50 000-99 999 133
3 Small c 30 000-49 999 129
4 L town 10 000-29 999 111
5 S town 1 000-9 999 177
6 Village <1 000 64
7 Farm,rural property 123
0 NAV 31597
99 NA 25
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1173 31622

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V292 Size of community Poland

Vrednost 16131 Frekvenca
1 > 500 000 131
2 250 000-500 000 84
3 100 000-249 999 130
4 50 000- 99 999 111
5 25 000- 49 999 82
6 10 000- 24 999 130
7 < 10 000 70
8 Village 445
0 NAV 31612
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1183 31612

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8

V293 Size of community Philippines

Vrednost 16230 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V294 Size of community Russia

Vrednost 16329 Frekvenca
1 > 1 million 448
2 500 001-1 000 000 162
3 250 001- 500 000 138
4 100 001- 250 000 177
5 50 001- 100 000 226
6 20 001- 50 000 110
7 Urban > 20 000 48
8 Rural 382
0 NAV 31104
99 No answer 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1691 31104

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8

V295 Size of community Sweden

Vrednost 16428 Frekvenca
1 More than 300 000 401
2 90 000 - 300 000 463
3 27 000 - 90 000 305
4 Less than 27 000 69
0 NAV 31557
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1238 31557

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4

V296 Size of community Slovenia

Vrednost 16527 Frekvenca
1 > 50 000 (Lblj,Mar) 181
2 10 000-50 000 143
3 4 000-10 000 99
4 2 000-4 000 101
5 500-2 000 162
6 > 500 317
0 NAV 31791
99 NA 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1003 31792

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V297 Size of community USA

Vrednost 16626 Frekvenca
1 1-9 Millions 97
2 500 000-999 999 43
3 100 000-499 999 218
4 50 000- 99 999 165
5 10 000- 49 999 381
6 1 000- 9 999 340
7 0- 999 88
0 NAV 31463
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1332 31463

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

V298 Region Australia

Vrednost 16725 Frekvenca
1 New South Wales 0
2 Queensland 0
3 South Australia 0
4 Tasmania 0
5 Victoria 0
6 West Australia 0
12 North Territory 0
13 Capital Territory 0
0 NAV 32795
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V299 Region Bulgaria

Vrednost 16824 Frekvenca
1 Sofia city 127
2 Burgas region 105
3 Varna region 116
4 Lovetch region 121
5 Montana region 80
6 Plovdiv region 151
7 Rousse region 92
8 Sofia region 115
9 Haskovo region 105
0 NAV 31783
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1012 31783

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V300 Region Canada

Vrednost 16923 Frekvenca
1 Newfoundland 80
2 Nova Scotia 76
3 P E I 0
4 New Brunswick 76
5 Quebec 308
6 Ontario 207
7 Manitoba 110
8 Saskatchewan 71
9 Alberta 100
10 British Colombia 154
0 NAV 31613
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1182 31613

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

V301 Region Cyprus

Vrednost 17022 Frekvenca
1 Nicosia 419
2 Larnaka, Famagusta 291
3 Limassol 208
4 Paphos 82
0 NAV 31795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1000 31795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4

V302 Region Czech Republic

Vrednost 17121 Frekvenca
1 Prague 128
2 Central Bohemia 116
3 South Bohemia 96
4 West Bohemia 78
5 North Bohemia 100
6 East Bohemia 150
7 South Moravia 222
8 North Moravia 210
9 Bratislava 0
10 West Slovakia 0
11 Central Slovakia 0
12 East Slovakia 0
0 NAV 31695
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1100 31695

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8

V303 Region Germany

Vrednost 17220 Frekvenca
1 Schleswig-Holstein 100
2 Hamburg 57
3 Niedersachsen 282
4 Bremen 44
5 Nordrhein-Westfalen 633
6 Hessen 213
7 Rheinland-Pfalz 132
8 Baden-Wuerttemberg 368
9 Bayern 430
10 Saarland 17
11 Berlin-Ost 67
12 Mecklbg-Vorpommern 120
13 Brandenburg 184
14 Sachsen-Anhalt 207
15 Thueringen 222
16 Sachsen 309
17 Berlin-West 85
0 NAV 29325
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3470 29325

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 17

V304 Region Spain

Vrednost 17319 Frekvenca
1 Andalucia 421
2 Aragon 78
3 Asturias 75
4 Baleares 47
5 Canarias 95
6 Cantabria 34
7 Castilla-La Mancha 107
8 Castilla-Leon 169
9 Cataluna 397
10 Pais Valenciano 243
11 Extremadura 68
12 Galicia 184
13 Madrid 318
14 Region de Murcia 65
15 Navarra 35
16 Pais Vasco 141
17 La Rioja 17
0 NAV 30301
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2494 30301

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 17

V305 Region France

Vrednost 17418 Frekvenca
1 Ain 10
2 Aisne 13
3 Allier 5
4 Alpes-Hte-Provence 6
5 Hautes-Alpes 1
6 Alpes-Maritimes 21
7 Ardeche 8
8 Ardennes 4
9 Ariege 2
10 Aube 3
11 Aude 8
12 Aveyron 7
13 Bouche-du-Rhone 41
14 Calvados 11
15 Cantal 1
16 Charente 7
17 Charente-Maritime 16
18 Cher 3
19 Correze 7
20 Haute-Corse 2
21 Cote-d Or 12
22 Cotes-d Armor 14
23 Creuse 3
24 Dordogne 15
25 Doubs 12
26 Drome 10
27 Eure 10
28 Eure-et-Loir 6
29 Finistere 24
30 Gard 22
31 Haute-Garonne 23
32 Gers 2
33 Gironde 31
34 Herault 19
35 Ille-et-Vilaine 14
36 Indre 7
37 Indre-et-Loire 8
38 Isere 23
39 Jura 4
40 Landes 5
41 Loir-et-Cher 5
42 Loire 16
43 Haute-Loire 5
44 Loire-Atlantique 28
45 Loiret 13
46 Lot 1
47 Lot-et-Garonne 6
48 Lozere 1
49 Maine-et-Loire 21
50 Manche 7
51 Marne 11
52 Haute-Marne 6
53 Mayenne 7
54 Meurthe-et-Moselle 13
55 Meuse 7
56 Morbihan 24
57 Moselle 21
58 Nievre 4
59 Nord 42
60 Oise 11
61 Orne 5
62 Pas-de-Calais 23
63 Puy-de-Dome 16
64 Pyrenees-Atlantiques 10
65 Hautes-Pyrenees 6
66 Pyrenees-Orientales 10
67 Bas-Rhin 26
68 Haut-Rhin 23
69 Rhone 44
70 Haute-Saone 4
71 Saone-et-Loire 12
72 Sarthe 10
73 Savoie 9
74 Haute-Savoie 8
75 Ville de Paris 103
76 Seine-Maritime 22
77 Seine-et-Marne 24
78 Yvelines 32
79 Deux-Sevres 7
80 Somme 6
81 Tarn 7
82 Tarn-et-Garonne 5
83 Var 15
84 Vaucluse 12
85 Vendee 18
86 Vienne 9
87 Haute-Vienne 6
88 Vosges 9
89 Yonne 6
90 Belfort (Territoire) 2
91 Essone 19
92 Hauts-de-Seine 35
93 Seine-Saint-Denis 23
94 Val-de-Marne 24
95 Val-d Oise 13
97 D O M 4
98 T O M 1
0 NAV 31483
99 NA 15
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1297 31498

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V306 Region Graet Britain

Vrednost 17517 Frekvenca
1 Scotland 96
2 North,North West,Yorkshire Hbs 260
3 West, East Midlands 157
4 Wales 56
5 East Anglia,South West,S-E 316
6 Greater London 104
0 NAV 31806
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
989 31806

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

V307 Region Hungary

Vrednost 17616 Frekvenca
1 Budapest 275
2 Baranya 93
3 Bacs-Kiskun 24
4 Bekes 43
5 Borsod-Abauj 136
6 Csongrad 60
7 Fejer 165
8 Gyor-Sopron 37
9 Hajdu-Bihar 12
10 Heves 22
11 Komarom 66
12 Nograd 108
13 Pest 0
14 Somogy 38
15 Szabolcs-Szatmar 58
16 Szolnok 104
17 Tolna 35
18 Vas 48
19 Veszprem 74
20 Zala 32
0 NAV 31295
99 NA 70
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1430 31365

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V308 Region Italy

Vrednost 17715 Frekvenca
1 North West 298
2 North East 207
3 Centre 211
4 South+Islands 388
0 NAV 31691
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1104 31691

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4

V309 Region Israel

Vrednost 17814 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V310 Region Ireland

Vrednost 17913 Frekvenca
0 Not available 32795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 32795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

V311 Region Japan

Vrednost 18012 Frekvenca
1 Hokkaido, Tohoku 148
2 Kanto, Koshin-etsu 417
3 Chubu 189
4 Kinki 216
5 Chugoku, Shikoku 133
6 Kyushu 146
0 NAV 31546
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1249 31546

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

LV_REG Region Latvia

Vrednost 18111 Frekvenca
1 Riga 514
2 Vidzeme 300
3 Kurzeme 228
4 Zemgale 214
5 Latgale 249
0 NAV 31290
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1505 31290

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5

N_REG Region Norway

Vrednost 18210 Frekvenca
1 Central east 288
2 East 365
3 South 76
4 West 352
5 Middle 121
6 North 142
0 NAV 31451
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1344 31451

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

NZ_REG Region New Zealand

Vrednost 1839 Frekvenca
1 Northland 44
2 Auckland 304
3 Thames Valley 19
4 Bay of Plenty 90
5 Waikato 80
6 Tongariro 8
7 East Cape 13
8 Hawkes Bay 49
9 Taranaki 49
10 Wanganui 15
11 Manawatu 37
12 Horowhenua 21
13 Wellington 114
14 Wairarapa 18
15 Nelson Bays 29
16 Marlborough 17
17 West Coast 12
18 Canterbury 151
19 Aorangi 18
20 Clutha-Centr Otago 24
21 Coastal-North Otago 43
22 Southland 32
0 NAV 31597
99 NA 11
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1187 31608

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V315 Region Poland

Vrednost 1848 Frekvenca
1 Central 190
2 Wielkopolska(Ctr-W) 144
3 Silesia (S-W) 193
4 West 168
5 Pomorze (North) 126
6 North-East 84
7 East 77
8 Malopolska (S-E) 201
0 NAV 31612
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1183 31612

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8

V316 Region Philippines

Vrednost 1857 Frekvenca
1 Great Manila Area 300
2 Balance Luzon 300
3 Visayas 300
4 Mindanao 300
0 NAV 31595
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1200 31595

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4

V317 Region Russia

Vrednost 1866 Frekvenca
1 North 65
2 North-West 87
3 Central 479
4 Volga-Vyatka 88
5 Black Earth 79
6 Volga Region 174
7 North Caucasian 175
8 Urals 212
9 West Siberian 157
10 East Siberian 98
11 Far Eastern 77
0 NAV 31104
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1691 31104

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 11

V318 Region Sweden

Vrednost 1875 Frekvenca
1 Stockholm 215
2 East mid 236
3 Smaland Gotland 105
4 South 189
5 West 240
6 North mid 121
7 Mid North 64
8 North 68
0 NAV 31557
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1238 31557

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8

V319 Region Slovenia

Vrednost 1884 Frekvenca
1 Pomurska 66
2 Podravska 126
3 Koroska 46
4 Savinjska 141
5 Gorenjska 99
6 Zasavska 23
7 Osrednja 277
8 Spodnjeposavska 37
9 Dolenjska 45
10 Goriska 64
11 Obalnokraska 57
12 Kraska 22
0 NAV 31791
99 NA 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1003 31792

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V320 Region USA

Vrednost 1893 Frekvenca
1 New England 73
2 Middle Atlantic 185
3 East North Central 219
4 West North Central 98
5 South Atlantic 248
6 East South Central 93
7 West South Central 121
8 Mountain 92
9 Pacific 203
0 NAV 31463
99 NA 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1332 31463

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 9

V321 Origin Country,ethnic group,language

Vrednost 1902 Frekvenca
1 Africa,Somalia,Sudan,Mandinka,Yoruba 118
2 Aklanon,Romblon 0
3 Albanian 0
4 American,American only,America 26
5 American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect 57
6 Arab,Muslim (Morocco,Algeria,Lybia) 114
7 Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic 1
8 Asia,other Asian 8
9 Australia,Oceania 1602
10 Austria,Austrian (I:Alto Adige) 14
11 Baltic,Latvian,Estonian,Lith. 815
12 Bangladesh,Bangladeshi,Bengali 2
13 Basque, Vasco 0
14 Belgium, Belgian 0
15 Belorussia, Bialorussia 0
16 Bicolano/Bikol 27
17 Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish 7
18 Bosnian (SLO:ethn.Muslim) 15
19 Bulgaria 8
20 Cajun/French Cajun 0
21 Canada,other Canada 10
22 Catalan-Valencian-Balear/Mallorquin 0
23 China,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin 30
24 Thai,Khmer,Vietnam,South-east Asia 5
25 Cook Island Maori 0
26 Creole,Surinam,Metis,Chavacano 36
27 Croatia 38
28 Czech Republic,Czechia,Czech 0
29 Czechoslovakia,CSSR,Czech-Slovak 27
30 Denmark,Danish 6
31 England,England&Wales,UK,English 685
32 Europe,European,White/European 957
33 Fijian 0
34 Finland,Finnish 6
35 France,French (I:Val D Aosta) 385
36 French Canada,French Canadian 8
37 Frisian 0
38 Germany,German (H:German/Swab) 3552
39 Greece,Greek 1027
40 Hebrew/Ivrit,Israel(arab pop.incl) 1113
41 Hungary,Hungarian 19
42 Ibanag 16
43 Ilocano 47
44 Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon 137
45 India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil 42
46 Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian 4
47 Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari 16
48 Ireland,Irish/Irish Gaelic 180
49 Italy,Italian 109
50 Japan,Japanese 9
51 Kapampangan/Pampangan 10
52 Kinaray-a 0
53 Korean 2
54 Maori, NZ Maori 11
55 Maranaw/Maranao 0
56 Masbateno 15
57 Kurd,Assyria,Middle East,Lebanon 45
58 Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish 33
59 Nordic,Scandinavian other 0
60 North America 0
61 Norway, Norwegian 20
62 PACIFIC,Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam 0
63 Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto 7
64 Panggalatok/Pangasinan 0
65 Philippine other 32
66 Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino 497
67 Pidgin, PNG Pidgin 0
68 Poland,Polish,Pole 1243
69 Portugal,Portuguese,E:Galician 9
70 Romani, Gipsy 0
71 Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian 42
72 Russia,(former) USSR & Rep. 2088
73 Samal 0
74 Samic,Lapp 0
75 Samoan, Tokelauan 0
76 Scotland,Scots Gaelic, Scottish 148
77 Serbia,Serbian,Serb 27
78 Slovakia, Slovak 0
79 Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene 904
80 South+Latin America,NL:Neth.Antilles 53
81 Spanish, Castilian,Castellano 32
82 Swedish,Swede 1099
83 Switzerland 7
84 Tatar 0
85 Tausug 3
86 Tongan,Niuean 0
87 Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) 1
88 Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) 78
89 Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) 27
90 USA 15
91 Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno 367
92 Waray 15
93 Welsh 0
94 Yiddish/Jewish 0
95 Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian 58
96 One non-Swedish 28
98 Other,mixed origin 633
0 NAP,NAV 13631
99 NA, dont know 337
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
18827 13968

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 99

V322 Weighting factor

Vrednost 1911 Frekvenca
1 No weighting
2.04 Telephone follow-up
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32795 0

Gradiva o izvedbi raziskave

Ni povezanih gradiv!

Rezultati raziskave

Ni gradiv povezanih z rezultati raziskave!

Povezane objave

  1. Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme (2006). Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme - home page.
  2. Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung (2006). ISSP - The International Social Survey Programme.

Dostop do podatkov in dokumentacije - Nesstar


Za dostop do podatkov se obrnite na avtorja raziskave ali pristojno organizacijo, saj Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov ne distribuira podatkov te raziskave.


3 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga z imeni spremenljivk iz podatkovne datoteke.


9 - najvišji rang, primerjalne ali kontinuirane raziskave, pomembne populacije, metodološko ustrezne

  Kako citiram to RAZISKAVO?

International Social Survey Programme. (2002). Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države III [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: ISSP96. Dostopno prek

Cobiss tip: 2.20
Datum prve podatkovne objave: 2002


ISSP - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa: Opis serije

ISSP00 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Ekologija II

ISSP01 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družbeni stiki II

ISSP02 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2002: Družina III

ISSP03 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2003: Nacionalna identiteta II

ISSP04 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2004: Razumevanje vloge državljana

ISSP05 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2005: Stališča o delu III

ISSP06 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2006: Vloga države IV

ISSP07 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2007: Prosti čas in šport I

ISSP08 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2008: Religija III

ISSP09 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2009: Družbena neenakost IV

ISSP10 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2010: Okolje III

ISSP11 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2011: Zdravje

ISSP12 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2012: Družina in spreminjanje spolnih vlog IV

ISSP13 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2013: Nacionalna identiteta III

ISSP14 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2014: Razumevanje vloge državljana II

ISSP15 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2015: Stališča o delu IV

ISSP16 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2016: Vloga države V

ISSP85 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države I

ISSP86 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družbeni stiki

ISSP87 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost I

ISSP88 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družina I

ISSP89 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Stališča o delu I

ISSP90 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države II

ISSP91 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Mednarodna raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi I

ISSP92 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost II

ISSP93 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Ekologija

ISSP94 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družina II

ISSP95 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Mednarodna raziskava narodne identitete

ISSP97 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Stališča o delu II

ISSP98 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi II

ISSP99 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost III

ISSP_90 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) 1985/90: Vloga države (Skupna datoteka 1985 in 1990)

ISSPSJ89 - ISSP85/91: Vloga države, Slovenija, 1989: Izbor iz ankete Slovensko javno mnenje, 1989; Stališča o ustavnih spremembah

SJM002 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2000/2: Raziskava o okolju in raziskava o medčloveških stikih (ISSP)

SJM032 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2003/2: Mednarodna raziskava o družini in narodni identiteti in Stališča o lokalni demokraciji

SJM034 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2003/4: Razumevanje vloge državljana / Mednarodna raziskava ISSP

SJM051 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2005/1: Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o delu

SJM062 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2006/2: Mednarodni raziskavi: Vloga države (ISSP 2006); Prosti čas in šport (ISSP 2007)

SJM091 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2009/1: Mednarodna raziskava: religija (ISSP 2008) in družbene neenakosti (ISSP 2009)

SJM111 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2011/1: Mednarodna raziskava o okolju (ISSP 2010), zdravju in zdravstvenem varstvu (ISSP 2011), o odnosu delo-družina in psihičnem nasilju na delovnem mestu

SJM121 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2012/1: Raziskava o nacionalni in mednarodni varnosti, Mednarodna raziskava o družini in spreminjanju spolnih vlog IV., Primerjalna raziskava volilnih sistemov CSES V. in Longitudinalni program SJM 2012

SJM13 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2013: Mednarodna raziskava Nacionalna identiteta, mednarodna raziskava Razumevanje vloge državljana in Ogledalo javnega mnenja

SJM15 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2015: Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o delu (ISSP 2015), Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o vlogi države (ISSP 2016), Ogledalo javnega mnenja in raziskava Stališča o varnosti

SJM191 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2019/1: Ogledalo javnega mnenja, Mednarodna raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi, Raba obnovljivih virov energije, Vegetarijanstvo in veganstvo, Odnos do nudenja prve pomoči, Uporaba interneta in internetnih družbenih omrežij, Sovražni govor

SJM192 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2019/2: Stališča o neenakosti (ISSP), Ogledalo javnega mnenja, Odnos do dela in družine

SJM203 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2020/3: Ogledalo javnega mnenja, Odnos do okolja (ISSP 2020), Mediji in problematika migracij, Odnos do uporabe pripravkov iz industrijske konoplje

SJM912 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1991/2: Slovenska družba na prehodu v demokracijo in mednarodna raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi

SJM922 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1992/2: Mednarodna raziskava o neenakosti in socialno-ekonomskih orientacijah

SJM932 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1993/2: Mednarodna raziskava o okolju in družini

SJM944 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1994/4: Mednarodna raziskava narodne identitete

SJM954 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1995/4: Mednarodna raziskava razumevanje vloge države in socialno politične orientacije

SJM973 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1997/3: Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o delu in ekološka sondaža

SJM981 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1998/1: Mednarodna raziskava o neenakosti in religiji

SJMUST89 - Slovensko javno mnenje, 1989: Stališča o ustavnih dopolnilih

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