Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2006: Vloga države IV

Osnovne informacije o raziskavi

Glavni avtor(ji):
  • ISSP raziskovalna skupina
Ostali (strokovni) sodelavci:
  • Timothy Philips, Deborah Mitchell
  • Jon Pammett
  • Carolina Segovia
  • Dinka Marinović Jerolimov, Boris Jokić
  • Petr Mateju, Lukas Linek
  • Jørgen Goul Andersen, Johannes Andersen
  • Carlos Dore
  • Raimo Blom
  • Yannick Lemel, Michel Forsé
  • Harri Melin
  • Peter Mohler
  • Alison Park, Mark Johnson, Roger Jowell
  • Peter Robert
  • Máire Ni Ghiolla Phadraig
  • Noah Lewin-Epstein
  • Hiroshi Aramaki, Miwako Hara, Kumiko Nishi
  • Aivars Tabuns, Ilze Koroleva
  • Harry Ganzeboom
  • Philip Gendall
  • Knut Kalgraff Skjåk
  • Linda Luz Guerrero, Mahar Mangahas, Gerardo Sanoval
  • Bogdan Cichomski
  • Manuel Villaverde Cabral, Jorge Vala
  • Ludmilla Khakhulina
  • Niko Toš
  • Jare Struwig
  • Sang-Wook Kim
  • Juan Diez-Nicolás
  • Natalia Garcia-Pardo, Mónica Méndez Lago
  • Jonas Edlund, Stefan Svallfors
  • Dominique Joye, Nicole Schoebi
  • Yang-chih Fu
  • Tom W. Smith, James A. Davis
  • Peter V. Marsden
  • Giorgina Piani, Máximo Rossi, Zuleika Ferre
  • Juan José Goyeneche, Guillermo Zoppolo
  • Roberto Briceno-León, Alaberto Camardiel, Olga Ávilla
Izdelal datoteko podatkov:
ZA - Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, Nemčija (Köln, Nemčija; 2006)

Finančna podpora:

Vsaka raziskovalna organizacija krije svoje stroške raziskave. Skupnega financiranja ni.

Številka projekta:

ni podatka

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja v letnih anketah, ki pokrivajo pomembne teme za družboslovno znanstveno raziskovanje. Združuje že obstoječe družbeno-znanstvene projekte in usklajuje raziskovalne cilje ter tako dodaja posameznim nacionalnim raziskavam mednarodni in medkulturni vidik. Vsaka raziskava vsebuje vprašanja o odnosu posameznika do različnih družbenih tem kot so pravni sistem, spol in gospodarstvo. Poglobljeno obravnavane teme zajemajo okolje, vlogo vlade, družbeno neenakost, socialno podporo, vlogo družine in spola, delovno usmeritev, vpliv religije, vedenja in verovanj na družbene in politične preference, ter nacionalno identiteto. Sodelujoče države so različne od enega do drugega tematskega modula. Prva raziskava je bila izvedena v letih 1985/86 v šestih državah, danes pa ima ISSP 40 držav članic po vsem svetu.

Vsebina raziskave

Ključne besede:

brezpogojno upoštevanje zakonov, vladni ukrepi, protesti in demonstracije, protivladne stranke, revolucionarji, napačne pravice, vladni izdatki, financiranje projektov, podpora industriji, vladni denar, okolje, zdravje, policija in organi pregona, izobraževalni tečaji, vojska in obramba, brezposelnost, kultura in umetnost, uspešnost vlade, zagotavljanje delovnih mest, cene, zdravstveno varstvo, življenjski standard, razlike v dohodkih, finančna pomoč študentom, zagotavljanje dostojnih življenjskih razmer, grožnje za varnost v državi, nadzorovanje kriminala, pravice organov, zanimanje za politiko, politični vpliv, obveščenost ljudi, držanje obljub, zaupanje javnim uslužbencem, davki v državi, zaupanje ljudem, izkoriščanje ljudi, vplivanje na pomembne odločitve, kontaktne osebe, pravičnost javnih uslužbencev, izkušnje s korupcijo, odgovornost vlade, upokojitev in pokojnine

Ključne besede ELSST:

Vsebinska področja CESSDA
POLITIKA - vlada, politični sistemi in organizacije
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Vsebinska področja ADP


Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja. Skupina, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dodati medkulturno perspektivo. Študija zajema teme: o zakonodaji; o odnosu do različnih oblik dela vlade; o odnosu do različnih javnih institucij in socialne države; o odnosu do državne intervencije v gospodarstvo in gospodarski rasti; o zmanjševanju dohodkovne razlike; varstvu okolja; političnih interesih; zagotavljanju zdravstvenega varstva in življenjskega standarda; o državni varnosti; nadzorovanju kriminala; varovanju okolja; o zaupanju v politične, javne in civilne uslužbence; o ocenjevanju davčne pravičnosti.


Čas zbiranja podatkov: Zbiranje podatkov v sodelujočih državah je potekalo od 15. marca 2005 - do 5. maja 2008., Zbiranje podatkov na terenu je potekalo: Avstralija: 11. julij 2007 - 16. oktober 2007;, Kanada: 03. marec 2006 - 31. oktober 2006;, Čile: 24. junij 2006 - 13. julij 2006;, Hrvaška: 01. oktober 2006 - 30. november 2006;, Češka: 19. oktober 2006 - 27. november 2006;, Danska: 30. januar 2008 - 05. maj 2008;, Dominikanska Republilka: 16. november 2006 - 04. december 2006;, Finska: 20. september 2006 - 24. november 2006;, Francija: september 2006 - december 2006;, Nemčija: 18. marec 2006 - 21. avgust 2006;, Velika Britanija: 01. junij 2006 - 01. november 2006;, Madžarska: 05. januar 2006 - 23. januar 2006;, Irska: oktober 2005 - februar 2006;, Izrael: 15. marec 2005 - 15. avgust 2005;, Japonska: 18. november 2006 - 26. november 2006;, Latvija: 29. maj 2007 - 19. junij 2007;, Nizozemska: 15. marec 2006 - 15. december 2006;, Nova Zelandija: 10. avgust 2006 - 10. oktober 2006;, Norveška: 20. september 2006 - 17. november 2006;, Filipini: 08. marec 2006 - 14. marec 2006;, Poljska: 06. februar 2008 - 25. februar 2008;, Portugalska: 09. oktober 2006 - 19. februar 2007;, Rusija: 03. januar 2007 - 22. januar 2007;, Slovenija: 15. oktober 2006 - 15. november 2006;, Južna Afrika: 22. avgust 2006 - 10. oktober 2006;, Južna Koreja: 25. junij 2006 - 31. avgust 2006;, Španija: 15. januar 2007 - 15. marec 2007;, Švedska: 07. februar 2006 - 28. april 2006;, Švica: 08. februar 2007 - 14. avgust 2007;, Tajvan: 16. julij 2006 - 18. september 2006;, ZDA: 07. marec 2006 - 07. avgust 2006;, Urugvaj: 06. november 2006 - 23. december 2006;, Venezuela: Ni podatka.
Čas izdelave: 2006
Država: Avstralija, Kanada, Čile, Hrvaška, Češka, Danska, Dominikanska Republika, Finska, Flandrija (Belgija), Francija, Nemčija, Velika Britanija, Madžarska, Irska, Izrael, Japonska, Latvija, Nizozemska, Nova Zelandija, Norveška, Filipini, Poljska, Portugalska, Rusija, Slovenija, Južna Afrika, Južna Koreja, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Tajvan, ZDA, Urugvaj, Venezuela
Geografsko pokritje:

Teritorij naštetih držav

Enota za analizo:



V splošnem gre za prebivalce države stare 18 let in več (Finska 15 let in več, Južna Afrika 16 let in več, Švedska 17 let in več, Japonska 16 let in več ter Rusija 16 let in več), kjer je bila izvedena anketa. Za več informacij glej povezavo:

Izključeni: ni podatka
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil:

AU - Deakin Computer Assisted Research Facility; BG - Agency for Social Analyses (ASA), Sofia and PDP; CA - Carleton University Survey Centre, Ottawa; CZ - SC and C, Institute of Market Investigation, Prague; DK - SFI Survey, Copenhagen; DO - Asisa Research Group (ARG); FI - Statistics Finland, Helsinki; FR - FRANCE-ISSP Association Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Malakoff; DE - TNS Infratest, München; GB - National Centre for Social Research; HU - TARKI Social Research Centre; IE - Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin; IL - B.I. and Lucille Cohen Institute for Public Opinion Research; JP - Central Research Services, Tokyo; LV - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, Riga; NL - Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; NZ - Massey University, Department of Marketing; NO - TNS Gallup, Oslo; PH - Social Weather Stations, Quezon City; PL - Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS); PT - TNS-Euroteste, Lisbon; RU - Levada-Center, Moscow; SI - Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre, Ljubljana; ES - Análisis Sociológicos Económicos y Políticos (ASEP), Madrid ZA - Human Sciences Research Council; KR - Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul; SE - SIFO Research and Consulting, Stockholm; CH - MIS Trend, Institut pour l`étude des marchés et les sondages d`opinion, Lausanne; TW - Center of Survey Research, Academia Sinica; US - National Opinion Research Center NORC, University of Chicago; UY - Department of Economic - Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Uruguay, Montevideo; VE - Laboratorio de Ciencias Sociales, LACSO; drugo - ni v poročilu.

Tip vzorca:

Vzorčenje se razlikuje glede na posamezne države: deloma enostaven, deloma večstopenjski stratificiran naključni vzorec. Podrobnosti na:

Način zbiranja podatkov:

Osebni intervju, poštna anketa in samo-anketiranje (odvisno od države).


Da (CA, CH, CL, CZ, FI, FR, GB, HU, IE, NL, PH, PL, PT, RU, TW, US, UY, VE, ZA). Za podrobnosti o uteževanju glej:

Omejitve dostopa

Več o omejitvah dostopa in pogojih uporabe na naslovu:

Več o pravilnem navajanju podatkov na naslovu:

Več o uporabnikovi odgovornosti obveščanja arhiva o uporabi podatkov in objavi del na naslovu:

Osnovne informacije o datoteki podatkov

Naslov podatkovne datoteke: ISSP06 - ISSP: Role of Government IV [ZA4700] [datoteka podatkov], 2009

Format: OSTALO

  • število spremenljivk: 291
  • število enot: 48641


v1 ZA Study Number

Vrednost 13 Frekvenca
4700 ZA Study Number ISSP 2006 48641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 4700 do 4700

version Edition of the data set

Vrednost 22 Frekvenca
1 First GESIS-ZA edition, August, 18, 2008 48641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 1

v2 Respondent ID Number

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 981759

v1 ZA Study Number

Vrednost 1291 Frekvenca
4700 ZA Study Number ISSP 2006 48641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 4700 do 4700

version Edition of the data set

Vrednost 2290 Frekvenca
1 First GESIS-ZA edition, August, 18, 2008 48641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 1

v2 Respondent ID Number

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 981759

v3 Country/Sample (see V3A for codes for whole nation states)

Vrednost 4288 Frekvenca
36 AU-Australia 2781
124 CA-Canada 933
152 CL-Chile 1505
158 TW-Taiwan 1972
191 HR-Croatia 1200
203 CZ-Czech Republic 1201
208 DK-Denmark 1368
214 DO-Dominican Republic 2106
246 FI-Finland 1189
250 FR-France 1824
276.1 DE-W-Germany-West 1112
276.2 DE-E-Germany-East 531
348 HU-Hungary 1010
372 IE-Ireland 1001
376.1 IL-Israel-Jews 1038
376.2 IL-Israel-Arabs 307
392 JP-Japan 1231
410 KR-South Korea 1605
428 LV-Latvia 1069
528 NL-Netherlands 993
554 NZ-New Zealand 1263
561 FLA-Flanders 0
578 NO-Norway 1330
608 PH-Philippines 1200
616 PL-Poland 1293
620 PT-Portugal 1837
643 RU-Russia 2407
703 SK-Slovak Republic 0
705 SI-Slovenia 1003
710 ZA-South Africa 2939
724 ES-Spain 2517
752 SE-Sweden 1194
756 CH-Switzerland 1003
826.1 GB-Great Britain 930
840 US-United States 1518
858 UY-Uruguay 1031
862 VE-Venezuela 1200
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 36 do 862

v3a ISO code of country

Vrednost 5287 Frekvenca
36 AU-Australia 2781
40 AT-Austria 0
56 BE-Belgium 0
76 BR-Brazil 0
100 BG-Bulgaria 0
124 CA-Canada 933
152 CL-Chile 1505
158 TW-Taiwan 1972
191 HR-Croatia 1200
196 CY-Cyprus 0
203 CZ-Czech Republic 1201
208 DK-Denmark 1368
214 DO-Dominican Republic 2106
246 FI-Finland 1189
250 FR-France 1824
276 DE-Germany 1643
348 HU-Hungary 1010
372 IE-Ireland 1001
376 IL-Israel 1345
392 JP-Japan 1231
410 KR-South Korea 1605
428 LV-Latvia 1069
484 MX-Mexico 0
528 NL-Netherlands 993
554 NZ-New Zealand 1263
578 NO-Norway 1330
608 PH-Philippines 1200
616 PL-Poland 1293
620 PT-Portugal 1837
643 RU-Russia 2407
703 SK-Slovak Republic 0
705 SI-Slovenia 1003
710 ZA-South Africa 2939
724 ES-Spain 2517
752 SE-Sweden 1194
756 CH-Switzerland 1003
792 TR-Turkey 0
826 GB-Great Britain 930
840 US-United States 1518
858 UY-Uruguay 1031
862 VE-Venezuela 1200
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 36 do 862

v4 Q1: Obey laws without exception

Vrednost 6286 Frekvenca
1 Obey the law without exception 23317
2 Follow conscience on occasions 22049
8 Cant choose 2549
9 NA 726
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45366 3275

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

v5 Q2a: Public protest meetings

Vrednost 7285 Frekvenca
1 Definitely allowed 22496
2 Probably allowed 15619
3 Probably not allowed 4432
4 Definitely not allowed 3136
8 Cant choose 2296
9 NA 662
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45683 2958

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v6 Q2b: Protest demonstrations

Vrednost 8284 Frekvenca
1 Definitely allowed 18289
2 Probably allowed 16552
3 Probably not allowed 6506
4 Definitely not allowed 4167
8 Cant choose 2240
9 NA 887
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45514 3127

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v7 Q2c: National anti-government strike

Vrednost 9283 Frekvenca
1 Definitely allowed 11724
2 Probably allowed 13508
3 Probably not allowed 10228
4 Definitely not allowed 9292
8 Cant choose 2977
9 NA 912
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44752 3889

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v8 Q3a: Revolutionaries: hold public meetings

Vrednost 10282 Frekvenca
1 Definitely allowed 11443
2 Probably allowed 13552
3 Probably not allowed 9241
4 Definitely not allowed 11067
8 Cant choose 2761
9 NA 577
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45303 3338

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v9 Q3b: Revolutionaries: publish books

Vrednost 11281 Frekvenca
1 Definitely allowed 12616
2 Probably allowed 16428
3 Probably not allowed 7826
4 Definitely not allowed 7742
8 Cant choose 3060
9 NA 969
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44612 4029

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v10 Q4: Worse type of justice error

Vrednost 12280 Frekvenca
1 Convict innocent person 30192
2 Let guilty person go free 12081
8 Cant choose 5627
9 NA 741
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
42273 6368

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

v11 Q5a: Gov. and economy: Cuts in gov. spending

Vrednost 13279 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour of 13406
2 In favour of 16452
3 Neither in favour of nor against 7814
4 Against 5706
5 Strongly against 2270
8 Cant choose 2259
9 NA 734
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45648 2993

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v12 Q5b: Gov. and economy: Financing projects for new jobs

Vrednost 14278 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour of 18386
2 In favour of 21526
3 Neither in favour of nor against 4354
4 Against 1924
5 Strongly against 604
8 Cant choose 1236
9 NA 611
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46794 1847

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v13 Q5c: Gov. and economy: Less gov. reg. of business

Vrednost 15277 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour of 6981
2 In favour of 15114
3 Neither in favour of nor against 11854
4 Against 7631
5 Strongly against 2148
8 Cant choose 4033
9 NA 880
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43728 4913

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v14 Q5d: Gov. and economy: Support industry to develop new products

Vrednost 16276 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour of 16975
2 In favour of 22382
3 Neither in favour of nor against 5128
4 Against 1493
5 Strongly against 383
8 Cant choose 1623
9 NA 657
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46361 2280

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v15 Q5e: Gov. and economy: Support declining industries to protect jobs

Vrednost 17275 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour of 11506
2 In favour of 18957
3 Neither in favour of nor against 8138
4 Against 5849
5 Strongly against 1675
8 Cant choose 1910
9 NA 606
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46125 2516

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v16 Q5f: Gov. and economy: Red. working week for more jobs

Vrednost 18274 Frekvenca
1 Strongly in favour of 6575
2 In favour of 13209
3 Neither in favour of nor against 10203
4 Against 10626
5 Strongly against 4782
8 Cant choose 2588
9 NA 658
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45395 3246

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v17 Q6a: Government should spend money: Environment

Vrednost 19273 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 7692
2 Spend more 18809
3 Spend the same as now 16129
4 Spend less 2918
5 Spend much less 671
8 Cant choose 1658
9 NA 764
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46219 2422

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v18 Q6b: Government should spend money: Health

Vrednost 20272 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 18268
2 Spend more 21035
3 Spend the same as now 6876
4 Spend less 1051
5 Spend much less 246
8 Cant choose 697
9 NA 468
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47476 1165

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v19 Q6c: Government should spend money: Law enforcement

Vrednost 21271 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 8499
2 Spend more 18444
3 Spend the same as now 15965
4 Spend less 2969
5 Spend much less 810
8 Cant choose 1334
9 NA 620
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46687 1954

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v20 Q6d: Government should spend money: Education

Vrednost 22270 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 16662
2 Spend more 19926
3 Spend the same as now 9414
4 Spend less 937
5 Spend much less 218
8 Cant choose 927
9 NA 557
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47157 1484

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v21 Q6e: Government should spend money: Defence

Vrednost 23269 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 4095
2 Spend more 9356
3 Spend the same as now 18189
4 Spend less 9889
5 Spend much less 4553
8 Cant choose 1839
9 NA 720
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46082 2559

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v22 Q6f: Government should spend money: Retirement

Vrednost 24268 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 14024
2 Spend more 19694
3 Spend the same as now 11876
4 Spend less 1212
5 Spend much less 312
8 Cant choose 959
9 NA 564
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47118 1523

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v23 Q6g: Government should spend money: Unempl. benefits

Vrednost 25267 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 6071
2 Spend more 12084
3 Spend the same as now 16734
4 Spend less 5957
5 Spend much less 2171
0 3306
8 Cant choose 1705
9 NA 613
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43017 5624

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v24 Q6h: Government should spend money: Culture and arts

Vrednost 26266 Frekvenca
1 Spend much more 4162
2 Spend more 11734
3 Spend the same as now 19496
4 Spend less 7172
5 Spend much less 3336
8 Cant choose 2042
9 NA 699
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45900 2741

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v25 Q7a: Gov. responsibility: Provide job for everyone

Vrednost 27265 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 18115
2 Probably should be 15843
3 Probably should not be 8540
4 Definitely should not be 4350
8 Cant choose 1211
9 NA 582
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46848 1793

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v26 Q7b: Gov. responsibility: Control prices

Vrednost 28264 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 23992
2 Probably should be 17271
3 Probably should not be 4249
4 Definitely should not be 1594
8 Cant choose 1003
9 NA 532
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47106 1535

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v27 Q7c: Gov. responsibility: Provide health care for sick

Vrednost 29263 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 32411
2 Probably should be 13489
3 Probably should not be 1402
4 Definitely should not be 322
8 Cant choose 476
9 NA 541
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47624 1017

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v28 Q7d: Gov. responsibility: Provide living standard for the old

Vrednost 30262 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 30258
2 Probably should be 15329
3 Probably should not be 1714
4 Definitely should not be 298
8 Cant choose 581
9 NA 461
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47599 1042

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v29 Q7e: Gov. responsibility: Help industry grow

Vrednost 31261 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 16846
2 Probably should be 21661
3 Probably should not be 6208
4 Definitely should not be 1469
8 Cant choose 1814
9 NA 643
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46184 2457

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v30 Q7f: Gov. responsibility: Provide living standard for unemployed

Vrednost 32260 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 13861
2 Probably should be 20360
3 Probably should not be 8712
4 Definitely should not be 3103
8 Cant choose 1980
9 NA 625
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46036 2605

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v31 Q7g: Gov. responsibility: Reduce income differences betw. rich/ poor

Vrednost 33259 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 19845
2 Probably should be 15419
3 Probably should not be 7316
4 Definitely should not be 3562
8 Cant choose 1873
9 NA 626
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46142 2499

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v32 Q7h: Gov. responsibility: Financial help to students

Vrednost 34258 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 24789
2 Probably should be 18166
3 Probably should not be 3279
4 Definitely should not be 897
8 Cant choose 1020
9 NA 490
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47131 1510

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v33 Q7i: Gov. responsibility: Provide decent housing

Vrednost 35257 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 18394
2 Probably should be 20977
3 Probably should not be 5599
4 Definitely should not be 1536
8 Cant choose 1627
9 NA 508
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46506 2135

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v34 Q7j: Gov. responsibility: Laws to protect environment

Vrednost 36256 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should be 26209
2 Probably should be 17299
3 Probably should not be 2479
4 Definitely should not be 548
8 Cant choose 1507
9 NA 599
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46535 2106

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v35 Q8a: Gov. successful: Provide health care for sick

Vrednost 37255 Frekvenca
1 Very successful 2842
2 Quite successful 14258
3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful 13714
4 Quite unsuccessful 11606
5 Very unsuccessful 4767
8 Cant choose 977
9 NA 477
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47187 1454

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v36 Q8b: Gov. successful: Provide living standard for old

Vrednost 38254 Frekvenca
1 Very successful 2003
2 Quite successful 11588
3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful 14386
4 Quite unsuccessful 13325
5 Very unsuccessful 5517
8 Cant choose 1283
9 NA 539
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46819 1822

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v37 Q8c: Gov. successful: Dealing with threats to security

Vrednost 39253 Frekvenca
1 Very successful 3253
2 Quite successful 15327
3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful 14652
4 Quite unsuccessful 7764
5 Very unsuccessful 3121
8 Cant choose 3812
9 NA 712
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44117 4524

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v38 Q8d: Gov. successful: Controlling crime

Vrednost 40252 Frekvenca
1 Very successful 1456
2 Quite successful 9853
3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful 13558
4 Quite unsuccessful 14370
5 Very unsuccessful 7468
8 Cant choose 1421
9 NA 515
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46705 1936

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v39 Q8e: Gov. successful: Fighting unemployment

Vrednost 41251 Frekvenca
1 Very successful 1733
2 Quite successful 9120
3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful 13521
4 Quite unsuccessful 14237
5 Very unsuccessful 8067
8 Cant choose 1456
9 NA 507
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46678 1963

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v40 Q8f: Gov. successful: Protecting environment

Vrednost 42250 Frekvenca
1 Very successful 1667
2 Quite successful 11788
3 Neither successful nor unsuccessful 17368
4 Quite unsuccessful 10554
5 Very unsuccessful 4273
8 Cant choose 2386
9 NA 605
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45650 2991

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v41 Q9a: Gov. detain people

Vrednost 43249 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should have right 9149
2 Probably should have right 12019
3 Probably should not have right 11670
4 Definitely should not have right 12443
8 Cant choose 2823
9 NA 537
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45281 3360

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v42 Q9b: Gov. tap telephone

Vrednost 44248 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should have right 11192
2 Probably should have right 14293
3 Probably should not have right 9518
4 Definitely should not have right 10767
8 Cant choose 2336
9 NA 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45770 2871

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v43 Q9c: Gov. stop/search people randomly

Vrednost 45247 Frekvenca
1 Definitely should have right 9256
2 Probably should have right 13607
3 Probably should not have right 10471
4 Definitely should not have right 12445
8 Cant choose 2328
9 NA 534
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45779 2862

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v44 Q10: How much interested in politics

Vrednost 46246 Frekvenca
1 Very interested 4050
2 Fairly interested 9444
3 Somewhat interested 14507
4 Not very interested 11534
5 Not at all interested 8290
8 Cant choose 376
9 NA 440
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47825 816

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v45 Q11a: People like me have no say about what gov. does

Vrednost 47245 Frekvenca
1 Strongly agree 10912
2 Agree 15479
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7492
4 Disagree 9427
5 Strongly disagree 3841
8 Cant choose 995
9 NA 495
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47151 1490

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v46 Q11b: Average citizen: influence in politics

Vrednost 48244 Frekvenca
1 Strongly agree 2827
2 Agree 10798
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9658
4 Disagree 15816
5 Strongly disagree 7398
8 Cant choose 1536
9 NA 608
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46497 2144

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v47 Q11c: Good understanding political issues

Vrednost 49243 Frekvenca
1 Strongly agree 4081
2 Agree 16994
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12461
4 Disagree 9137
5 Strongly disagree 3603
8 Cant choose 1795
9 NA 570
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46276 2365

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v48 Q11d: Most people better informed than I am

Vrednost 50242 Frekvenca
1 Strongly agree 5120
2 Agree 13997
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12955
4 Disagree 11482
5 Strongly disagree 2678
8 Cant choose 1858
9 NA 551
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46232 2409

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v49 Q11e: MPs try to keep promises

Vrednost 51241 Frekvenca
1 Strongly agree 1317
2 Agree 8162
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10990
4 Disagree 15400
5 Strongly disagree 10478
8 Cant choose 1762
9 NA 532
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46347 2294

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v50 Q11f: Trust in civil servants

Vrednost 52240 Frekvenca
1 Strongly agree 1485
2 Agree 10987
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12983
4 Disagree 13020
5 Strongly disagree 7512
8 Cant choose 2121
9 NA 533
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45987 2654

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v51 Q12a: Taxes for high incomes

Vrednost 53239 Frekvenca
1 Much too high 3681
2 Too high 6908
3 About right 13177
4 Too low 13611
5 Much too low 5822
8 Cant choose 4709
9 NA 733
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43199 5442

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v52 Q12b: Taxes for middle incomes

Vrednost 54238 Frekvenca
1 Much too high 6148
2 Too high 19196
3 About right 17027
4 Too low 1766
5 Much too low 303
8 Cant choose 3625
9 NA 576
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44440 4201

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v53 Q12c: Taxes for low incomes

Vrednost 55237 Frekvenca
1 Much too high 16339
2 Too high 17300
3 About right 9434
4 Too low 1121
5 Much too low 482
8 Cant choose 3380
9 NA 585
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44676 3965

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v54 Q13a: Only few people to trust

Vrednost 56236 Frekvenca
1 Strongly agree 14851
2 Agree 19967
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5306
4 Disagree 5872
5 Strongly disagree 1577
8 Cant choose 721
9 NA 347
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47573 1068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v55 Q13b: People will take advantage

Vrednost 57235 Frekvenca
1 Strongly agree 14003
2 Agree 20196
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7064
4 Disagree 5063
5 Strongly disagree 1120
8 Cant choose 811
9 NA 384
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47446 1195

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v56 Q14a: How often asked to influence

Vrednost 58234 Frekvenca
1 Never 21213
2 Seldom 12641
3 Occasionally 10015
4 Often 2760
8 Cant choose 1657
9 NA 355
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46629 2012

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v57 Q14b: People you could ask to influence

Vrednost 59233 Frekvenca
1 No, nobody 19317
2 Yes, few people 16877
3 Yes, some people 8498
4 Yes, a lot of people 1310
8 Cant choose 2241
9 NA 398
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46002 2639

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v58 Q15: Public officials deal fairly with people like me

Vrednost 60232 Frekvenca
1 Almost always 7121
2 Often 11472
3 Occasionally 12490
4 Seldom 8001
5 Almost never 5441
8 Cant choose 3623
9 NA 493
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44525 4116

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v59 Q16: Treatment by officials depends on contacts

Vrednost 61231 Frekvenca
1 Definitely does 16479
2 Probably does 20003
3 Probably does not 6619
4 Definitely does not 1934
8 Cant choose 3115
9 NA 491
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45035 3606

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

v60 Q17: Politicians involved in corruption

Vrednost 62230 Frekvenca
1 Almost none 2310
2 A few 8008
3 Some 12617
4 Quite a lot 13751
5 Almost all 7051
8 Cant choose 4407
9 NA 497
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43737 4904

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v61 Q18: Public officials involved in corruption

Vrednost 63229 Frekvenca
1 Almost none 2069
2 A few 9623
3 Some 14844
4 Quite a lot 12221
5 Almost all 4429
8 Cant choose 4953
9 NA 502
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43186 5455

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v62 Q19: Public officials wanted bribe

Vrednost 64228 Frekvenca
1 Never 35826
2 Seldom 4882
3 Occasionally 3166
4 Quite often 1695
5 Very often 336
8 Cant choose 2268
9 NA 468
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45905 2736

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

v63 Q20: How many people contact

Vrednost 65227 Frekvenca
1 0-4 persons 7841
2 5-9 12830
3 10-19 12994
4 20-49 8870
5 50 or more 4923
8 Cant choose 895
9 NA 288
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47458 1183

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

sex R: Sex

Vrednost 66226 Frekvenca
1 Male 22525
2 Female 26044
9 NA, refused 72
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48569 72

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

age R: Age

Vrednost 67225 Frekvenca
15 17
16 104
17 120
18 789
19 789
20 746
21 824
22 708
23 789
24 789
25 845
26 829
27 832
28 826
29 817
30 932
31 808
32 903
33 840
34 896
35 881
36 885
37 856
38 978
39 913
40 1008
41 917
42 970
43 884
44 892
45 937
46 917
47 898
48 912
49 862
50 976
51 793
52 912
53 837
54 842
55 798
56 820
57 824
58 746
59 839
60 800
61 669
62 683
63 623
64 594
65 646
66 612
67 599
68 588
69 588
70 597
71 488
72 486
73 465
74 455
75 394
76 403
77 368
78 321
79 295
80 298
81 175
82 171
83 159
84 144
85 131
86 101
87 60
88 39
89 38
90 32
91 19
92 20
93 13
94 6
95 5
96 10
97 5
98 1
99 NA, refused 240
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48401 240

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 15 do 98

marital R: Marital status

Vrednost 68224 Frekvenca
1 Married 27208
2 Widowed 4053
3 Divorced 3125
4 Separated (married but sep./not living w legal spouse) 1209
5 Never married,single 12686
9 NA, refused 360
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48281 360

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

cohab R: Steady life-partner

Vrednost 69223 Frekvenca
1 Yes 3998
2 No 16787
0 NAP (married);Not available:VE 27189
9 NA 667
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20785 27856

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

educyrs R: Education I: years of schooling

Vrednost 70222 Frekvenca
1 165
2 281
3 523
4 1068
5 573
6 1855
7 1013
8 3515
9 2518
10 3603
11 4313
12 7528
13 3018
14 2954
15 2344
16 3292
17 1654
18 1632
19 586
20 542
21 178
22 139
23 80
24 48
25 36
26 21
27 12
28 11
29 6
30 7
31 4
32 3
33 1
34 2
35 1
36 3
37 2
38 2
39 2
40 5
41 1
45 1
48 1
52 1
55 1
65 1
95 Still at school 833
96 Still at college,university 1783
97 No formal schooling,other,KR:+old style non-formal educ 1060
98 Dont know 477
99 NA, refused 942
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46162 2479

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

degree R: Education II-highest education level

Vrednost 71221 Frekvenca
0 No formal qualification, incomplete primary 5055
1 Lowest formal qualification 8003
2 Above lowest qualification 8369
3 Higher secondary completed 10835
4 Above higher secondary level,other qualification 8085
5 University degree completed, graduate studies 7544
8 Dont know 7
9 NA 743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47891 750

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5

au_degr Country specific education: Australia

Vrednost 72220 Frekvenca
1 Did not complete High School to Year 10 251
2 Completed High School to Year 10 320
3 Completed High School to Year 12 293
4 Trade qualification or apprenticeship 448
5 Certificate or Diploma (TAFE or business college) 765
6 Bachelor Degree (including Honors) 380
7 Postgraduate Degree or Postgraduate Diploma 271
0 NAP, other countries 45860
99 NA 53
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2728 45913

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

ca_degr Country specific education: Canada

Vrednost 73219 Frekvenca
1 No formal education 5
2 Some grade school 18
3 Finished grade school 26
4 Some high school 90
5 Finished high school 182
6 College/CEGEP/some university 309
7 Completed university 184
8 Graduate studies 100
0 NAP, other countries 47708
99 NA, refused 19
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
914 47727

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

ch_degr Country specific education: Switzerland

Vrednost 74218 Frekvenca
1 Unfinished obligatory school 1
2 Primary School 60
3 Secondary School 80
4 Basic Vocational Education,1-2 yrs,Basic Fed Cert 68
5 Apprenticeship, vocational traing, dual system,voc colleges 400
6 Specialised Middle Schools, Gen traing School 2-3 yrs 46
7 Matura Schools, School preparing f univ+voc baccal 71
8 Vocational Training, second training 36
9 Professional Baccalaureate Schools,Adult Matura Schools 9
10 Colleges of Higher Vocational Education and Training 64
11 Universities of Applied Sciences,Teacher Education,Master,Ba 55
12 Universities,Federal Institutes of Technology,Master,Bachelo 89
13 PhD Doctorate 17
95 Other education 0
0 NAP, other countries 47638
98 DK 7
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
996 47645

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

cl_degr Country specific education: Rep.o Chile

Vrednost 75217 Frekvenca
1 No formal education 53
2 Incomplete primary 313
3 Primary completed 194
4 Incomplete secondary 199
5 Secondary completed 366
6 Incomplete university 71
7 University completed 124
8 Incompl non-university higher educ 55
9 Compl non-university higher educ 121
0 NAP, other countries 47136
99 NA 9
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1496 47145

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

cz_degr Country specific education: Czech Republic

Vrednost 76216 Frekvenca
1 Incomplete primary 0
2 Primary completed 140
3 Lower vocational 365
4 General sec.,no diploma 111
5 Vocational, diploma 42
6 Technical secondary 269
7 Academic secondary 99
8 Post secondary 32
9 Tertiary,bachelor degree 16
10 Tertiary,master degree 113
11 Post-graduate education 4
0 NAP, other countries 47440
99 NA 10
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1191 47450

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

de_degr Country specific education: Germany

Vrednost 77215 Frekvenca
1 Still at school 18
2 School left without certificate 22
3 Lower secondary, Hauptschule 619
4 Middle school, mittlere Reife 524
5 Secondary, technical 60
6 Higher secondary, Abitur 138
7 Special university, Fachhochschule 85
8 University 173
9 Other qualification 2
0 NAP, other countries 46998
99 NA 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1641 47000

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

dk_degr Country specific education: Denmark

Vrednost 78214 Frekvenca
1 7 yrs primary school or shorter 84
2 8 yrs primary school 13
3 9 yrs primary school 26
4 Secondary, 10 yrs or similar 27
5 Gymnasium, general 28
6 Gymnasium, technical 12
7 Other school education 6
8 Basic vocational+apprenticeship 205
9 Other compl.vocational educ 84
10 Short advanced education < 3 yrs 130
11 Middlerange advanced, 3-4 yrs 314
12 Further advanced >4 yrs 224
13 Other vocational education 113
0 NAP, other countries 47273
99 NA 102
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1266 47375

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

do_degr Country specific education: Dominican Republic

Vrednost 79213 Frekvenca
1 None, didn't go to school 118
2 Elementary incomplete 613
3 Elementary completed/Middle school (completed the 8th grade) 559
4 High School incomplete 41
5 Completed High School (Completed the 12th grade) 521
6 Incomplete Technical Education 3
7 Completed Technical Education 37
8 Incomplete University/Bachelor 13
9 Completed University/Bachelor 162
10 Post graduate degree incomplete (certificate degree, masters 2
11 Post graduate degree completed (certificate degree, masters 26
0 NAP, other countries 46535
99 NA 11
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2095 46546

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

es_degr Country specific education: Spain

Vrednost 80212 Frekvenca
1 Did not go to school 178
2 Incomplete Primary School,less than 5 years of formal school 101
3 Primary School completed 505
4 Low Secondary School, Junior High 579
5 Vocational Training,medium level Professional Training 169
6 High Secondary School (High School) completed 341
7 Vocational Training, high level Professional Training, High 191
8 Technical Architecture, Engineering, 3 years Technical Schoo 28
9 3 years completed non-technical University 151
10 Architecture and Engineering,Technical Schools 34
11 College Degree, 4 years 187
12 Official Graduate Studies,PhD, Master,Medical Specialization 40
0 NAP, other countries 46124
99 NA 13
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2504 46137

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

fi_degr Country specific education: Finland

Vrednost 81211 Frekvenca
1 Still at school (primary or secondary,vocational school/cour 67
2 Primary school 143
3 Primary and lower secondary education 74
4 Vocational school or course 281
5 General upper secondary education or certificate 88
6 Vocational post-secondary non-tertiary education 220
7 Polytechnics 99
8 University,lower academic degree (BA) 44
9 University,higher academic degree (MA) 117
0 NAP, other countries 47452
99 NA 56
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1133 47508

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

fr_degr Country specific education: France

Vrednost 82210 Frekvenca
1 None 26
2 Primary incomplete 57
3 Primary completed 231
4 General secondary level 1 120
5 Vocational secondary level 1 341
6 Vocational secondary level 2 66
7 Incomplete general secondary level 2 112
8 General secondary level 2 175
9 College 251
10 University 435
0 NAP, other countries 46817
99 NA 10
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1814 46827

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

gb_degr Country specific education: Britain

Vrednost 83209 Frekvenca
1 No sec. qualifications 219
2 CSE, GCSE or equivalent 81
3 O-level or equivalent 185
4 A-level or equivalent 141
5 Higher below degree level 130
6 Degree, university o CNAA o diploma 160
7 Foreign or other 13
0 NAP, other countries 47711
99 NA 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
929 47712

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

hr_degr Country specific education: Croatia

Vrednost 84208 Frekvenca
1 Did not complete elementary school 62
2 Elementary school completed 370
3 Three year vocational school completed 160
4 Four year vocational school completed 365
5 Gymnasium completed (General secondary school) 79
6 Post secondary degree completed; professional studies 62
7 University degree completed; university studies 101
0 NAP, other countries 47441
99 NA 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1199 47442

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

hu_degr Country specific education: Hungary

Vrednost 85207 Frekvenca
1 No formal schooling 3
2 Less than primary 70
3 8 years elementary 225
4 Vocational 252
5 Vocational+matura 166
6 Sec. technical+matura 63
7 Gymnasium, matura 81
8 College 109
9 University 41
0 NAP, other countries 47631
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1010 47631

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

ie_degr Country specific education: Ireland

Vrednost 86206 Frekvenca
1 None 4
2 Incomplete primary education 22
3 Primary completed, compulsory 145
4 Incomplete first cycle secondary 49
5 Completed first cycle secondary,group Cert,junior,intermed C 203
6 Secondary completed,leaving Cert 235
7 Incomplete third level 50
8 Certificate or Diploma 149
9 University first, primary degree 62
10 University higher degree, masters or equivalent 80
0 NAP, other countries 47640
99 NA 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
999 47642

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

il_degr Country specific education: Israel

Vrednost 87205 Frekvenca
1 No formal schooling 34
2 Lowest formal qualification 114
3 Incompl vocational 74
4 Vocational completed without matriculation 76
5 Vocational completed with matriculation 63
6 Incomplete academic secondary 81
7 Full general without matriculation 120
8 Academic secondary completed 208
9 Yeshiva without matriculation 17
10 Yeshiva with matriculation 8
11 Semi higher, post secondary 145
12 Incpl university 89
13 University compl, BA or more 296
0 NAP, other countries 47296
97 Refused 6
98 DK 1
99 NA 13
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1325 47316

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

jp_degr Country specific education: Japan

Vrednost 88204 Frekvenca
1 Junior High school completed 270
2 High school completed 483
3 Junior college completed 185
4 Finished university or graduate 210
5 Still at High school 34
6 Still at Junior college or university 35
7 Still at Graduate school 3
8 Others 8
0 NAP, other countries 47410
99 NA 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1228 47413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

kr_degr Country specific education: South Korea

Vrednost 89203 Frekvenca
1 No formal schooling, old-style non-formal schoolg 75
2 Elementary incomplete 31
3 Elementary completed 99
4 Middle school, junior high school incomplete 20
5 Middle school, junior high school completed 106
6 High school incomplete 27
7 High school completed 461
8 Junior college incomplete,2-3 yrs 33
9 Junior college completed,2-3 yrs 147
10 University incomplete,4 yrs course 179
11 University completed,4 yrs course 357
12 Graduate school, masters incomplete 12
13 Masters degree completed 41
14 Graduate school, doctoral degree incomplete 3
15 Doctoral degree, PhD completed 14
0 NAP, other countries 47036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1605 47036

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 15

lv_degr Country specific education: Latvia

Vrednost 90202 Frekvenca
1 Incomplete basic educ, less than 8 forms 16
2 Basic education, 9 years 119
3 Incompl sec, professional educ,voc traing,2-3 yrs 58
4 Secondary completed, 3 years 288
5 Secondary professional education,4 years 372
6 Incompl higher education (at least 2 compl years) 53
7 Higher education,bachelor,master or doctor degree 163
0 NAP, other countries 47572
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1069 47572

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

nl_degr Country specific education: Netherlands

Vrednost 91201 Frekvenca
1 Primary education 45
2 Various lower vocational schools,LBO-VBO-VMBOB 184
3 Various middle schools?lower level,MAVO-MULO-VMBOT 140
4 Various middle schools?middle level,HAVO-MMS 48
5 Various middle schools?higher level,VWO-HBS-Athen-Gymn 39
6 Middle vocational schools/Apprenticeships,MBO 170
7 Higher vocational education, HBO 245
8 University 106
0 NAP, other countries 47648
99 NA 16
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
977 47664

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

no_degr Country specific education: Norway

Vrednost 92200 Frekvenca
1 Primary completed 126
2 Secondary,vocational,incomplete 72
3 Secondary,academic, incomplete 121
4 Secondary,vocational, complete 203
5 Secondary,academic, complete 213
6 Univ, college,less than 1 yr 47
7 Univ, college, 1-2 yrs 136
8 Univ, college, 3-4 yrs 250
9 Univ, college, 5 years or more 151
0 NAP, other countries 47311
99 NA 11
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1319 47322

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

nz_degr Country specific education: New Zealand

Vrednost 93199 Frekvenca
1 No formal qualification 222
2 School C,profiency,Nat Cert Level 1+2, NCEA1+2+3,Higher Scho 373
3 Trade or professional certificate 234
4 Diploma below degree level 153
5 University degree,post-graduate or higher qual 259
0 NAP, other countries 47378
99 NA 22
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1241 47400

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ph_degr Country specific education: Philippines

Vrednost 94198 Frekvenca
1 No formal education 13
2 Some elementary,incomplete primary 149
3 Completed elementary,primary completed 171
4 Some high school,incomplete secondary 163
5 Completed high school,secondary completed 304
6 Some vocational 31
7 Completed vocational 56
8 Some College 168
9 Completed College 139
10 Post college 6
0 NAP, other countries 47441
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1200 47441

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

pl_degr Country specific education: Poland

Vrednost 95197 Frekvenca
1 No formal schooling 4
2 Incompl elementary 26
3 Elementary 236
4 Basic vocational 309
5 Incomplete secondary 65
6 Secondary general 78
7 Secondary vocational 248
8 Post secondary 52
9 Incomplete higher 119
10 Completed higher 156
0 NAP, other countries 47348
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1293 47348

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

pt_degr Country specific education: Portugal

Vrednost 96196 Frekvenca
1 No formal schooling 160
2 Basic level 1 (4 years school or less) 761
3 Basic level 2 and 3 (until compulsory school,5-9 years) 376
4 Incomplete secondary (5-11 years) 219
5 Secondary completed (12 years) 84
6 Incomplete university 51
7 University completed 186
0 NAP, other countries 46804
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1837 46804

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

ru_degr Country specific education: Russia

Vrednost 97195 Frekvenca
1 Primary education complete or incomplete 237
2 Incomplete secondary education/middle school 171
3 Secondary school/middle school completed 482
4 Trade school/professional school, incomplete higher sec. edu 87
5 Trade school/professional school, higher secondary completed 201
6 College 619
7 Higher education incomplete 107
8 Higher education, university completed 503
0 NAP, other countries 46234
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2407 46234

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

se_degr Country specific education: Sweden

Vrednost 98194 Frekvenca
1 Primary or comprehensive school 224
2 Vocational school (1972-92) 129
3 Vocational school (post 1992) 60
4 Vocational school (pre 1972) 83
5 Alternative secondary school 28
6 Lower secondary school 44
7 3 or 4 year gymnasium (academic track) 116
8 Gymnasium (academic track post 1992) 18
9 Higher secondary school 46
10 University studies without degree 122
11 University degree 295
0 NAP, other countries 47447
99 NA 29
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1165 47476

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

si_degr Country specific education: Slovenia

Vrednost 99193 Frekvenca
1 Incomplete primary 50
2 Primary completed 191
3 Incomplete vocational 16
4 2-3 yrs vocational 220
5 4 yrs secondary school 295
6 Incomplete college or university 37
7 Higher degree completed, 2 yrs college 56
8 University completed 123
0 NAP, other countries 47638
99 NA 15
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
988 47653

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

tw_degr Country specific education: Taiwan

Vrednost 100192 Frekvenca
1 None 131
2 Self-study 15
3 Elementary school 316
4 Junior high school 222
5 Vocational junior high school 10
6 Senior high school general 97
7 Senior high school vocational subject 100
8 Vocational high school 288
9 Cadet school,senior high level 4
10 5 yrs junior college, after junior high 77
11 2 yrs junior college after voc high 162
12 3 yrs junior college, after high general 27
13 Military,police junior college, 1 year 1
14 Military, police college, 2 years 9
15 Open junior college 3
16 Open college 1
17 Military, police college 9
18 2 or 4 yrs institute of technology 92
19 College graduate, university 315
20 Graduate school, master degree 78
21 Graduate school, doctorate degree, PhD degree 14
0 NAP, other countries 46669
99 NA 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1971 46670

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 21

us_degr Country specific education: USA

Vrednost 101191 Frekvenca
1 Less than High school 249
2 High school 787
3 Junior college 108
4 Bachelor 239
5 Graduate 132
0 NAP, other countries 47123
99 NA 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1515 47126

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

uy_degr Country specific education: Uruguay

Vrednost 102190 Frekvenca
1 None, never studied 14
2 Primary School-incomplete 119
3 Primary School-completed 278
4 Secondary School-incomplete 252
5 Secondary School-completed 76
6 Technical education-incomplete 54
7 Technical education-completed 56
8 University-incomplete 66
9 University-completed 62
10 High education-incompl non university 17
11 High Education-compl non university 37
0 NAP, other countries 47610
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1031 47610

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

ve_degr Country specific education: Venezuela

Vrednost 103189 Frekvenca
1 None, before primary school 25
2 Basic school (1-9) / Primary (1-6) 538
3 Special education 16
4 High school (1-2) 323
5 Technical school (1-3) 0
6 Secondary school (1-5) 0
7 University technician 81
8 University completed 217
0 NAP, other countries 47441
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1200 47441

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

za_degr Country specific education:South Africa

Vrednost 104188 Frekvenca
1 No schooling 180
2 Grade 0/Grade R 2
3 Sub A/Grade 1 29
4 Sub B/Grade 2 22
5 Grade 3/Standard 1 47
6 Grade 4/Standard 2 76
7 Grade 5/Standard 3 78
8 Grade 6/Standard 4 107
9 Grade 7/Standard 5 210
10 Grade 8/Standard 6/Form 1 275
11 Grade 9/Standard 7/Form 2 210
12 Grade 10/Standard 8/Form 3 340
13 Grade 11/Standard 9/Form 4 302
14 Grade 12/Standard 10/Form 5/Matric 725
15 NTC I 0
16 NTC II 0
17 NTC III 0
18 Diploma/certificate with less than Grade 12/Std 10 19
19 Diploma/certificate with Grade 12/Std 10 121
20 Degree 72
21 Postgraduate degree or diploma 83
22 Other, specify 13
0 NAP, other countries 45702
98 DK 9
99 NA 19
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2911 45730

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22

wrkst R: Current employment status

Vrednost 105187 Frekvenca
1 Employed, full-time,main job 21548
2 Employed, part-time,main job 4057
3 Employed, less than part-time 946
4 Helping family member 356
5 Unemployed 3342
6 Student,school,vocational training 2733
7 Retired 9121
8 Housewife,-man,home duties 4320
9 Permanently disabled 914
10 Other,not in labour force 747
97 Refused 11
98 Dont know 5
99 NA 541
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48084 557

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

wrkhrs R: Hours worked weekly

Vrednost 106186 Frekvenca
1 5
2 22
2.5 1
3 32
4 54
5 51
6 63
6.5 1
7 42
7.5 1
8 194
9 84
9.5 1
10 258
10.5 1
11 22
11.5 1
12 215
12.5 3
13 21
14 70
15 256
16 134
17 43
18 127
19 40
19.5 5
20 796
21 85
22 61
22.5 6
23 36
24 267
24.5 1
25 420
25.5 1
26 66
26.5 1
27 58
27.5 3
28 173
29 35
30 1090
31 21
32 314
32.5 2
33 77
33.5 1
34 71
35 1416
36 492
36.25 3
36.5 1
37 915
37.2 1
37.5 84
38 773
38.5 1
39 253
40 7798
40.5 1
41 95
42 789
42.5 6
43 185
44 381
44.7 1
45 2013
46 146
46.5 1
47 66
47.5 5
48 1425
49 72
50 2339
51 30
52 111
52.5 1
53 29
54 178
55 396
56 342
57 16
58 35
59 7
60 1475
61 6
62 17
63 48
64 32
65 160
66 59
67 10
68 24
69 1
70 467
71 1
72 203
73 2
74 7
75 39
76 6
77 19
78 24
79 1
80 178
81 5
82 8
84 153
85 9
86 8
87 2
88 3
89 7
90 49
91 19
93 1
94 2
95 8
96 96 hours and more 221
0 Not applicable, not in labour force, never had a job 17603
97 Refused 146
98 DK,cant say,varies too much 751
99 NA 1128
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29013 19628

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

isco88 R: Occupation ILO,ISCO 1988 4-digit

Vrednost 107185 Frekvenca
100 Armed forces 0
110 Armed forces;DK: all personnel 176
111 DE,LV,PH,UY:Soldiers 12
112 DE,LV,NL,UY:Officers 15
1000 Legislators,senior off.+managers 109
1100 Legislators and senior officials 2
1110 Legislators 17
1114 TW:Town,county,city legislators 1
1120 Senior government official 91
1124 TW:Principals of public high schools 1
1130 Traditional chiefs+heads of villages 7
1131 TW:County,city (assistant) mayors 1
1134 TW:Principals of public elementary schools 4
1140 Sen.officials of interest organisation 2
1141 Sen.officials of 2
1142 Sen.officials of empl+workers org 5
1143 human+other interest org 10
1200 Corporate managers 47
1210 Directors and chief executives 423
1220 Production+operations dep.manager 171
1221 Prod.+oper.managers in agriculture 18
1222 Prod.+oper.managers:manufacturing 129
1223 Prod.+oper.managers:construction 74
1224 Prod.+oper.managers:retail trade 67
1225 Prod.+oper.managers:hotels rest. 28
1226 Prod.+oper.managers:transport,comm 36
1227 Prod.+oper.managers:business serv. 45
1228 Prod.+oper.managers:cleaning 15
1229 Prod.+oper.dep. managers nec 316
1230 Other department managers 128
1231 Finance+administration dep.managers 117
1232 Personnel+industrial rel.dep.managers 99
1233 Sales+marketing dep.managers 90
1234 Advertising+pub.relations dep.managers 62
1235 Supply+distribution dep.managers 18
1236 Computing services dep.managers 24
1237 Research+development dep.managers 21
1239 Other department managers 66
1240 NZ,PH,TW, supervisors,NL:office manager 44
1251 HU,TW:High-grade military officer 18
1252 HU,TW:Low-grade commissioned officer 5
1300 General managers 64
1310 General managers 180
1311 General managers in agriculture 37
1312 General managers in manufacture 83
1313 General managers in construction 71
1314 Gen.managers in wholesale+retail trade 408
1315 Gen.managers of rest.+hotels 178
1316 Gen.managers in transport+comm. 39
1317 General managers of business services 47
1318 Gen.managers in personal care,cleaning 36
1319 General managers nec 182
1320 DO,PH:Managers in non-specific trade areas 4
2000 Professionals 245
2100 Physical,math.+engineering science 75
2110 Physicists,chemists+rel.professionals 9
2111 Physicists, and astronomers 6
2112 Meteorologists 1
2113 Chemists 35
2114 Geologists and geophysicists 11
2120 Mathematicians, 4
2121 Mathematicians and related prof 7
2122 Statisticians 3
2130 Computing professionals 78
2131 Computing systems designers+analysts 110
2132 Computer programmers 92
2139 Computing professionals n.e.c. 27
2140 Architects,engineers+rel.profess 159
2141 Architects, town+traffic planners 71
2142 Civil engineers 91
2143 Electrical engineers 36
2144 Electronics+telecomm.engineers 48
2145 Mechanical engineers 70
2146 Chemical engineers 19
2147 Mining engineers,metallurgists+rel 12
2148 Cartographers and surveyors 15
2149 Architects, 99
2199 NZ: Other natural scientist 1
2200 Life science+health professionals 54
2210 Life science professionals 10
2211 Biologist,botanist,zoologist+rel 24
2212 Pharmacologists, pathologists 25
2213 Agronomists+related professionals 24
2220 Health professionals 42
2221 Medical doctors 160
2222 Dentists 73
2223 Veterinarians 25
2224 Pharmacists 34
2229 Health professionals n.e.c. 34
2230 Nursing+midwifery professionals 288
2300 Teaching professionals 179
2310 College,uni+higher educ.teacher 246
2320 Secondary education teacher 496
2321 HU,KR,NL,SI,TW,US,UY:Secondary (high)-school teacher 82
2322 HU,NL,UY:Teacher in vocational traing,NL:sec voc teacher 28
2330 Primary+pre-primary educ.teacher 64
2331 Primary educ.teaching prof 420
2332 Pre-primary educ.teaching prof 118
2340 Special educ.teaching profess 52
2350 Other teaching profess,nec 36
2351 Education methods specialists 14
2352 School inspectors 12
2359 Other teaching professionals nec 68
2400 Other professionals 66
2410 Business professionals 37
2411 Accountants 262
2412 Personnel+careers professionals 67
2419 Business professionals n.e.c 183
2420 Legal professionals 27
2421 Lawyers 97
2422 Judges 7
2429 Legal professionals nec 48
2430 Archivists, 13
2431 Archivists and curators 13
2432 Librarians+rel.information prof. 41
2440 Social science+rel. prof. 30
2441 Economists 79
2442 Sociologists,anthropologists+rel 9
2443 Philosophers,historians+pol.scientist 5
2444 Philologists,translators+interpreter 25
2445 Psychologists 48
2446 Social work professionals 80
2450 Writers and creative artists 41
2451 Authors,journalists+other writers 102
2452 Sculptors, painters+rel.artists 32
2453 Composers, musicians+singers 27
2454 Choreographers and dancers 5
2455 Film, stage+rel.actors+directors 33
2460 Religious professionals 57
2470 ISCO_COM: Public service administrative prof 51
2500 NO: Education prof. n.e.c. 2
3000 Technicians and related prof. 107
3100 Physical+engineering science techn. 35
3110 Physical+engineering science techn. 145
3111 Chemical+physical science techn. 54
3112 Civil engineering technicians 118
3113 Electrical engineering technicians 56
3114 Electronics+telecommunication techn 109
3115 Mechanical engineering technicians 84
3116 Chemical engineering technicians 37
3117 Mining and metallurgical techn. 20
3118 Draughtspersons 46
3119 90
3120 Computer associate professionals 64
3121 Computer assistants 84
3122 Computer equipment operators 28
3123 Industrial robot controllers 0
3130 Optical+electronic equipement oper 8
3131 Photographers+image+sound oper 33
3132 Broadcasting+telecommunications oper 31
3133 Medical equipment operators 22
3139 Optical+electronic operators nec 3
3140 Ship,aircraft controllers+techn. 9
3141 Ships engineers 9
3142 Ships deck officers and pilots 20
3143 Aircraft pilots+rel. professionals 11
3144 Air traffic controllers 6
3145 Air traffic safety technicians 4
3150 Safety and quality inspectors 22
3151 Building and fire inspectors 4
3152 Safety, health+quality inspectors 90
3153 RU: Road policemen 3
3200 Life science+health ass.profess 21
3210 Life science 16
3211 Life science technicians 43
3212 Agronomy and forestry technicians 25
3213 Farming and forestry advisers 2
3220 Modern health ass.professionals 38
3221 Medical assistants 92
3222 Sanitarians 11
3223 Dieticians and nutritionists 14
3224 Optometrists and opticians 10
3225 Dental assistants 28
3226 Physiotherapists+rel.ass.profess 79
3227 Veterinary assistants 9
3228 Pharmaceutical assistants 32
3229 Modern health 42
3230 Nursing+midwifery ass.professionals 79
3231 Nursing associate professionals 312
3232 Midwifery associate professionals 14
3240 Trad.medicine practitioner+faith healer 1
3241 Traditional medicine practitioners 6
3242 Faith healers 2
3300 Teaching associate professionals 22
3310 Primary educ.teachg 184
3320 Pre-primary educ. teachg ass. prof. 154
3330 Spec.educ. teaching ass. prof. 22
3340 Other teaching associate profess 168
3341 SI,TW:Teachers in technical college 10
3342 TW:Other educational occ 1
3400 Other associate professionals 120
3410 Finance+sales associate professionals 122
3411 Securities+finance dealers and brokers 55
3412 Insurance representatives 83
3413 Estate agents 103
3414 Travel consultants and organisers 15
3415 Technical+commercial sales represent 416
3416 Buyers 81
3417 Appraisers,valuers+auctioneers 34
3418 DO:Customer consultant in a bank 1
3419 Finance+sales ass.professionals nec 90
3420 Business services agents+trade broker 17
3421 Trade brokers 23
3422 Clearing and forwarding agents 26
3423 Employment agents+labour contractors 12
3429 Other business services agents nec 38
3430 Administrative ass.professionals 140
3431 Administrative 196
3432 ass. profess 176
3433 Bookkeepers 261
3434 Statistical, 7
3439 Administrative ass.profess. nec 139
3440 Customs,tax+rel.government prof 64
3441 Customs and border inspectors 17
3442 Government tax and excise officials 20
3443 Government social benefits officials 18
3444 Government licensing officials 8
3445 DO,PH,UY:Public employment service worker 17
3449 Customs,tax+rel. government prof nec 32
3450 Police inspectors and detectives 72
3452 HU,NL,TW:Armed forces non-commiss. officer and army nfs 17
3460 Social work associate professionals 145
3470 Artistic,entertainment+sports prof 34
3471 Decorators and commercial designers 117
3472 Radio,television+other announcers 8
3473 Musicians,singers,dancers 25
3474 Clowns,magicians, 2
3475 Athletes, 56
3480 Religious associate professionals 15
4000 Office worker,clerks 494
4100 Office clerks 267
4110 Secretaries+keyboard-operating clerks 126
4111 Stenographers and typists 41
4112 Word-processor and rel.operators 80
4113 Data entry operators 61
4114 Calculating machine operators 20
4115 Secretaries 433
4120 Numerical clerks 76
4121 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks 393
4122 Statistical and finance clerks 161
4130 Material-recording+transport clerks 33
4131 Stock clerks 298
4132 Production clerks 87
4133 Transport clerks 98
4140 Library, mail and related clerks 32
4141 Library and filing clerks 59
4142 Mail carriers and sorting clerks 110
4143 Coding, proof-reading+rel.clerks 9
4144 Scribes and related workers 32
4190 Other office clerks;DK: also assisting spouse 596
4200 Customer services clerks 79
4210 Cashiers, tellers and rel.clerks 200
4211 Cashiers and ticket clerks 166
4212 Tellers and other counter clerks 114
4213 Bookmakers and croupiers 22
4214 Pawnbrokers and money-lenders 2
4215 Debt-collectors and related workers 17
4220 Client information clerks 36
4221 Travel agency and related clerks 14
4222 Receptionists+information clerks 197
4223 Telephone switchboard operators 73
4300 HR,KR,PH:Office helping workers 22
4400 CA:Post office,higher civil service 1
5000 Personal service, sale 396
5100 Personal+protective services workers 74
5110 Travel attendents+related workers 6
5111 Travel attendents+travel stewards 26
5112 Transport conductors 29
5113 Travel guides 34
5120 Housekeeping+rest. services workers 81
5121 Housekeepers and related workers 93
5122 Cooks 560
5123 Waiters, waitresses and bartenders 548
5130 Personal care and related workers 285
5131 Child care workers 329
5132 Institution-based personal care workers 383
5133 Home-based personal care workers 132
5134 JP:Dental secretaries 1
5139 Personal care+related workers nec 49
5140 Other personal services workers 32
5141 Hairdressers,beauticians+rel.workers 298
5142 Companions and valets 26
5143 Undertakers and embalmers 9
5149 Other personal services workers nec 46
5150 Astrologers,fortune-tellers 0
5151 Astrologers and related workers 2
5152 Fortune-tellers+related workers 3
5160 Protective services workers 34
5161 Fire-fighters 38
5162 Police officers 129
5163 Prison guards 24
5164 CA,DO,PH,TW:Caretakers 37
5169 Protective services workers nec 159
5200 Models,salespersons+demonstrators 73
5210 Fashion and other models 9
5220 Shop salespersons and demonstrators 1774
5221 KR,PH,SI,UY:Shop staff, sales staff+other 117
5223 KR,PH,SI,UY:Wholesale merchants 14
5230 Stall and market salespersons 123
6000 Skilled agricultural+fishery worker 55
6100 Market-orient.agric.skilled worker 64
6110 Market gardeners and crop growers 40
6111 Field crop and vegetable growers 351
6112 Tree and shrub crop growers 84
6113 Gardeners,hortic.+nursery growers 94
6114 Mixed-crop growers 32
6120 Market-oriented animal producers 25
6121 Dairy and livestock producers 179
6122 Poultry producers 20
6123 Apiarists and sericulturists 1
6124 Mixed animal producers 5
6129 Market-oriented animal producers nec 20
6130 Market-oriented crop animal producer 313
6132 NZ,PH,US: Farmers 124
6133 NZ,US:Farm supervisors,NL:farmer nec 9
6140 Forestry and related worker 181
6141 Forestry workers and logger 26
6142 Charcoal burners and related worker 2
6150 Fishery workers,hunters+trappers 25
6151 Aquatic-life cultivation worker 4
6152 Inland+coastal waters fishery worker 20
6153 Deep-sea fishery worker 2
6154 Hunters and trappers 2
6200 Subsistence agricultural+fishery worker 34
6210 Subsistence agricultural+fishery worker 11
7000 Craft and trade workers 387
7100 Extraction and building trades worker 57
7110 Miners,shotfirers,stone cutters+carvers 6
7111 Miners and quarry workers 50
7112 Shotfirers and blasters 3
7113 Stone splitters, cutters and carvers 18
7120 Building frame+related trades workers 73
7121 Builders, traditional materials 123
7122 Bricklayers and stonemasons 270
7123 Concrete placers,finishers+rel 45
7124 Carpenters and joiners 211
7126 PH:Carpenters 8
7129 Building frame+rel.trades workers nec 79
7130 Building finishers+rel.trades workers 33
7131 Roofers 33
7132 Floor layers and tile setters 55
7133 Plasterers 48
7134 Insulation workers 14
7135 Glaziers 16
7136 Plumbers and pipe fitters 174
7137 Building+rel.electricians 176
7140 Painters,building cleaners+rel worker 11
7141 Painters and related workers 153
7142 Varnishers and related painters 31
7143 Building structure cleaners 9
7200 Metal,machinery+rel.trades workers 27
7210 Metal moulders,sheetmetal workers+rel 27
7211 Metal moulders vand coremakers 14
7212 Welders and flamecutters 128
7213 Sheet-metal workers 55
7214 Structural-metal preparers+erectors 67
7215 Riggers and cable splicers 6
7216 Underwater workers 0
7220 Blacksmiths, 17
7221 Blacksmiths+forging-press worker 25
7222 Tool-makers and related workers 138
7223 Machine-tool setters+setter-operators 91
7224 Metal wheel-grinders+tool sharpeners 24
7230 Machinery mechanics and fitters 100
7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters 314
7232 Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters 16
7233 Agricultural-industrial mechanics 146
7234 NZ:Shipmechanics etc 1
7240 Electrical+electronic equipm.mechanic 57
7241 Electrical mechanics and fitters 161
7242 Electronics fitters 32
7243 Electronics mechanics+servicers 31
7244 Telegraph+telephone installers+service 29
7245 Electrical line installers,repairers 53
7300 Precision,handicraft,printing+other 7
7310 Precision metal workers+rel.materials 4
7311 Precision-instrument makers+repairers 30
7312 Musical-instrument makers+tuners 2
7313 Jewellery and precious-metal workers 23
7320 Potters,glass-makers+rel.trades worker 1
7321 Abrasive wheel formers,potters+rel. 19
7322 Glass-makers,cutters+finishers 19
7323 Glass engravers and etchers 2
7324 Glass,ceramics+rel.decorative painter 9
7330 Handicraft in wood,textile a.s. 3
7331 Handicraft in wood+rel.materials 39
7332 Handicraft in textile,leather+rel 20
7340 Printing+related trades workers 21
7341 Compositors,typesetters+rel.worker 46
7342 Stereotypers,electrotypers 4
7343 Printing engravers and etchers 10
7344 Photographic+related workers 6
7345 Bookbinders+related workers 21
7346 Silk-screen,block+textile printers 5
7400 Other craft+rel.trades workers 21
7410 Food processing+rel.trades workers 33
7411 preparers 84
7412 Bakers+confectionary makers 145
7413 Dairy-products makers 3
7414 Fruit,vegetable+related preservers 13
7415 Food+beverage tasters+graders 7
7416 Tobacco preparers+tobacco prod.maker 7
7420 Wood treaters+rel.trades 13
7421 Wood treaters 11
7422 Cabinet-makers+related workers 108
7423 Woodworking-machine setters+operators 24
7424 Basketry weavers+rel.worker 3
7430 Textile,garment+rel.trades workers 50
7431 Fibre preparers 12
7432 Weavers,knitters+related workers 58
7433 Tailors,dressmakers+hatters 225
7434 Furriers and related workers 4
7435 Textile,leather+rel.pattern-makers 17
7436 Sewers, embroiderers+rel.workers 168
7437 Upholsterers and related workers 19
7440 Pelt,leather+shoemaking trades worker 1
7441 Pelt dressers,tanners+fellmongers 11
7442 Shoemakers+rel.workers 42
7450 LV,NO:Laboratory assistants 6
7500 CZ,DO: Metal worker general 17
7510 CA,DE,HU,NZ,RU,US:Metal worker nec,NL:non farm foremen nec 84
7520 CA,RU:Electronics engineers nec,NL:skilled manual nec 59
7530 RU: Apprentice 5
7900 DE,PH: Master craftsmen,supervisor 13
8000 Plant+machine operators 316
8100 Stationary-plant+related operators 11
8110 Mining+mineral-proc.-plant operator 7
8111 Mining-plant operators 13
8112 Mineral-ore+stone-proc.-plant oper 7
8113 Well drillers+borers+related workers 11
8120 Metal-processing-plant operators 3
8121 Ore ad metal furnace operators 9
8122 Metal melters,casters 16
8123 Metal-heat-treating-plant operator 9
8124 Metal drawers and extruders 8
8130 Glass,ceramics+rel.plant operators 5
8131 Glass,ceramics+rel.machine operator 13
8132 NZ:Operators in prod 1
8139 Glass,ceramics+rel.plant operators nec 9
8140 Wood-processing+papermaking-plant oper 20
8141 Wood-processing-plant operators 48
8142 Paper-pulp plant operators 2
8143 Papermaking-plant operators 15
8150 Chemical-processing-plant operators 16
8151 Crushing-,grinding mach.operator 5
8152 Chemical-heat-treating-plant oper 1
8153 Chemical-filtering-equipment oper 3
8154 Chemical-still+reactor operators 2
8155 Petroleum+natural-gas-refing-plant oper 9
8159 Chemical-processing-plant oper,nec 11
8160 Power-production+rel.plant operators 12
8161 Power-production plant operators 5
8162 Steam-engine and boiler operators 29
8163 Icinerator,water-treatment+rel.oper 11
8170 Auto.-assembly-line+ind.-robot oper 2
8171 Automated-assembly-line operators 15
8172 Industrial-robot operators 2
8200 Machine operators and assemblers 11
8210 Metal+mineral-products machine oper 10
8211 Machine-tool operators 79
8212 Cement+o.mineral products machine oper 10
8220 Chemical-products machine operators 2
8221 Pharma.products machine operator 11
8222 Ammunition products machine operator 6
8223 Metal finishing+coating-machine oper 46
8224 Photographic-products machine operator 2
8229 Chemical-products machine 12
8230 Rubber+plastic-products machine oper 3
8231 Rubber-products machine oper 19
8232 Plastic-products machine operators 51
8240 Wood-products machine operators 22
8250 Printing+paper-products machine oper 11
8251 Printing-machine operators 25
8252 Bookbinding-machine operators 4
8253 Paper-products machine operators 13
8260 Textile+leather-products machine oper 21
8261 Spinning+winding-machine operators 22
8262 Weaving+knitting-machine operators 44
8263 Sewing-machine operators 76
8264 Bleaching+cleaning-machine operators 41
8265 Fur+leather-preparing-machine operator 8
8266 Shoemaking+related machine operator 11
8269 Textile products machine operators nec 16
8270 Food+rel.products machine operators 31
8271 Meat+fish-processing-machine operator 57
8272 Dairy-products machine operators 7
8273 Grain+spice-milling-machine operator 4
8274 Baked-goods+chocolate-products m-oper 12
8275 Fruit+nut-processing-machine oper 5
8276 Sugar production machine operators 3
8277 Tea,coffee+cocoa-processing-m.oper 1
8278 Beverage machine operators 16
8279 Tobacco production machine operators 3
8280 Assemblers 33
8281 Mechanical-machinery assemblers 57
8282 Electrical-equipment assemblers 18
8283 Electronic-equipment assemblers 57
8284 Metal+plastic-products assemblers 33
8285 Wood+rel.products assemblers 9
8286 Paperboard, 8
8290 Other machine operators+assemblers 115
8300 Drivers and mobile-plant operators 12
8310 Locomotive-engine drivers+rel.workers 8
8311 Locomotive-engine drivers 36
8312 Railway brakers,signallers+shunters 26
8320 Motor-vehicle drivers 156
8321 Motor-cycle drivers 58
8322 Car, taxi and van drivers 340
8323 Bus and tram drivers 130
8324 Heavy truck and lorry drivers 363
8330 Agricultural+other mobile-plant oper 41
8331 Motorised farm+forestry plant oper. 74
8332 Earth-moving+rel.plant operators 80
8333 Crane, hoist and related plant oper 69
8334 Lifting-truck operators 49
8340 Ships deck crews and rel.workers 21
8341 DO:Deck crew, ship 1
8400 NL,RU:Semi-skilled worker nec 41
9000 Elementary occupations 673
9100 Sales+services elementary occupation 30
9110 Street vendors and related workers 6
9111 Street food vendors 138
9112 Street vendors, non-food products 40
9113 Door-to-door,telephone salesperson 108
9120 Shoe cleaning+other street services 1
9130 Domestic+rel.helpers 215
9131 Domestic helpers and cleaners 570
9132 Helpers+cleaners in offices, hotels 766
9133 Hand-launderers and pressers 67
9134 DO,PH:Kitchen+serv.assistants 6
9140 Building caretakers,window+rel.cleaner 40
9141 Building caretakers 166
9142 Vehicle, window+related cleaners 29
9150 Messengers,porters,doorkeepers+rel. 29
9151 Messengers,package,luggage porters 150
9152 Doorkeepers,watchpersons 185
9153 Vending-machine money collectors 12
9160 Garbage collectors+rel.labourers 11
9161 Garbage collectors 24
9162 Sweepers and related labourers 61
9200 Agricultural,fishery+rel.labourers 11
9210 Agricultural,fishery+rel.labourers 17
9211 Farm-hands and labourers 412
9212 Forestry labourers 27
9213 Fishery, hunting+trapping labourers 16
9300 Labour. mining,constr.,manufacturing 35
9310 Mining and construction labourers 14
9311 Mining and quarrying labourers 8
9312 Construction+maintenance labourers 112
9313 Building construction labourers 272
9320 Manufacturing labourers 165
9321 Assembling labourers 110
9322 Hand packers+other manufacturing lab 198
9330 Transport labourers+freight handlers 67
9331 Hand or pedal vehicle drivers 16
9332 Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles+machines 10
9333 Freight handlers 119
9340 RU: Low skilled worker in a hospital 15
0 Not applicable, never had a job, not in paid work 6310
9996 Not classifiable;inadeq described,undocumented 536
9997 Refused 130
9998 Dont know 55
9999 NA 1247
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
40363 8278

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 9340

wrksup R: Supervises others at work

Vrednost 108184 Frekvenca
1 Yes 12197
2 No 25444
0 Not applicable, never had a job, not in labour force 9252
7 Refused 33
8 Dont know 76
9 NA 1639
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
37641 11000

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

wrktype R: Workg f priv.,pub sector, selfempl.

Vrednost 109183 Frekvenca
1 Work f government 7809
2 Public owned firm,nat.ind 3775
3 Private firm, others 21952
4 Self employed 6449
6 GB: Other, charity, voluntary sector,ZA:other 173
0 Not applicable, never had a job, not in labour force 7128
9 NA, dont know 1355
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
40158 8483

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

nemploy R: Self-employed - number of employees

Vrednost 110182 Frekvenca
1 667
2 600
3 284
4 184
5 187
6 257
7 71
8 162
9 172
10 75
11 13
12 57
13 13
14 13
15 35
16 10
17 2
18 8
19 1
20 43
21 1
22 5
23 4
24 5
25 9
27 2
28 1
29 1
30 22
31 1
32 6
33 1
35 5
37 2
38 2
40 12
42 1
44 1
45 1
48 4
49 15
50 15
54 2
60 7
69 1
70 6
76 1
78 1
79 1
80 3
90 1
97 1
100 2
101 1
114 1
130 1
140 1
150 2
163 1
175 1
179 1
200 5
220 1
250 1
256 1
300 1
303 1
350 1
400 1
1000 2
9995 No employee 3121
0 Not applicable (code 1-3,0 in WRKTYPE) 40426
9997 Refused 18
9998 Dont know 21
9999 NA 2036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
6140 42501

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9995

union R: Trade union membership

Vrednost 111181 Frekvenca
1 Currently member 8019
2 Once member, not now 8515
3 Never member 26915
0 Not applicable, never had a job, not in paid work 3967
8 Dont know 96
9 NA, refused 1129
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43449 5192

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

spwrkst S-P: Current employment status

Vrednost 112180 Frekvenca
1 Full-time employed,main job 15224
2 Part-time employed,main job 2415
3 Less than part-time employed 526
4 Helping family member 278
5 Unemployed 1356
6 Student,school,education 413
7 Retired 5053
8 Housewife,-man,home duties 3808
9 Permanently disabled 555
10 Other,not in labour force 330
0 Not applicable, no spouse, partner 17438
97 Refused 19
98 Dont know 7
99 NA 1219
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29958 18683

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

spisco88 S-P: Occupation ILO,ISCO 1988 4-digit

Vrednost 113179 Frekvenca
100 Armed forces 0
110 Armed forces;DK:all personnel 155
111 DE,LV,PH,UY:Soldiers 11
112 LV,NL,RU,UY:Officers 4
1000 Legislators,senior off.+managers 83
1100 Legislators and senior officials 0
1110 Legislators 11
1114 TW:Town,county,city legislators 2
1120 Senior government official 38
1122 1
1124 TW:Principals of public high schools 0
1130 Traditional chiefs+heads of villages 4
1131 TW:County,city (assistant) mayors 0
1134 TW:Principals of public elementary schools 0
1140 Sen.officials of interest organisation 1
1141 Sen.officials of 1
1142 Sen.officials of empl+workers org 5
1143 human+other interest org 7
1200 Corporate managers 23
1210 Directors and chief executives 258
1220 Production+operations dep.manager 71
1221 Prod.+oper.managers in agriculture 15
1222 Prod.+oper.managers:manufacturing 84
1223 Prod.+oper.managers:construction 47
1224 Prod.+oper.managers:retail trade 44
1225 Prod.+oper.managers:hotels rest. 11
1226 Prod.+oper.managers:transport,comm 23
1227 Prod.+oper.managers:business serv. 40
1228 Prod.+oper.managers:cleaning 23
1229 Prod.+oper.dep. managers nec 163
1230 Other department managers 66
1231 Finance+administration dep.managers 75
1232 Personnel+industrial rel.dep.managers 40
1233 Sales+marketing dep.managers 53
1234 Advertising+pub.relations dep.managers 35
1235 Supply+distribution dep.managers 10
1236 Computing services dep.managers 15
1237 Research+development dep.managers 16
1239 Other department managers 43
1240 NZ,PH,TW, supervisors,NL:office manager 31
1251 HU,TW:High-grade military officer 16
1252 HU:Low-grade commissioned officer 2
1300 General managers 42
1310 General managers 159
1311 General managers in agriculture 19
1312 General managers in manufacture 55
1313 General managers in construction 50
1314 Gen.managers in wholesale+retail trade 241
1315 Gen.managers of rest.+hotels 103
1316 Gen.managers in transport+comm. 40
1317 General managers of business services 29
1318 Gen.managers in personal care,cleaning 24
1319 General managers nec 126
1320 CA,PH:Managers in non-specific trade areas 5
2000 Professionals 120
2100 Physical,math.+engineering science 59
2110 Physicists,chemists+rel.professionals 3
2111 Physicists, and astronomers 3
2112 Meteorologists 1
2113 Chemists 24
2114 Geologists and geophysicists 8
2120 Mathematicians, 0
2121 Mathematicians and related prof 3
2122 Statisticians 1
2130 Computing professionals 52
2131 Computing systems designers+analysts 61
2132 Computer programmers 58
2139 Computing professionals n.e.c. 22
2140 Architects,engineers+rel.profess 79
2141 Architects, town+traffic planners 56
2142 Civil engineers 74
2143 Electrical engineers 28
2144 Electronics+telecomm.engineers 41
2145 Mechanical engineers 70
2146 Chemical engineers 13
2147 Mining engineers,metallurgists+rel 10
2148 Cartographers and surveyors 18
2149 Architects, 63
2199 NZ: Other natural scientist 0
2200 Life science+health professionals 35
2210 Life science professionals 7
2211 Biologist,botanist,zoologist+rel 17
2212 Pharmacologists, pathologists 13
2213 Agronomists+related professionals 15
2220 Health professionals 32
2221 Medical doctors 136
2222 Dentists 26
2223 Veterinarians 13
2224 Pharmacists 21
2229 Health professionals n.e.c. 22
2230 Nursing+midwifery professionals 182
2300 Teaching professionals 120
2310 College,uni+higher educ.teacher 158
2320 Secondary education teacher 296
2321 HU,KR,NL,SI,TW,US,UY:Secondary (high)-school teacher 53
2322 HU,TW,US,UY:Teacher in vocational traing,NL:sec voc teacher 21
2330 Primary+pre-primary educ.teacher 31
2331 Primary educ.teaching prof 292
2332 Pre-primary educ.teaching prof 52
2340 Special educ.teaching profess 41
2350 Other teaching profess,nec 20
2351 Education methods specialists 12
2352 School inspectors 8
2359 Other teaching professionals nec 30
2400 Other professionals 43
2410 Business professionals 24
2411 Accountants 157
2412 Personnel+careers professionals 37
2419 Business professionals n.e.c 103
2420 Legal professionals 15
2421 Lawyers 73
2422 Judges 2
2429 Legal professionals nec 35
2430 Archivists, 6
2431 Archivists and curators 5
2432 Librarians+rel.information prof. 27
2440 Social science+rel. prof. 22
2441 Economists 53
2442 Sociologists,anthropologists+rel 8
2443 Philosophers,historians+pol.scientist 3
2444 Philologists,translators+interpreter 12
2445 Psychologists 43
2446 Social work professionals 48
2450 Writers and creative artists 21
2451 Authors,journalists+other writers 78
2452 Sculptors, painters+rel.artists 31
2453 Composers, musicians+singers 18
2454 Choreographers and dancers 2
2455 Film, stage+rel.actors+directors 10
2460 Religious professionals 36
2470 ISCO_COM: Public service administrative prof 36
2500 NO: Education prof. n.e.c. 4
3000 Technicians and related prof. 75
3100 Physical+engineering science techn. 17
3110 Physical+engineering science techn. 83
3111 Chemical+physical science techn. 23
3112 Civil engineering technicians 75
3113 Electrical engineering technicians 41
3114 Electronics+telecommunication techn 44
3115 Mechanical engineering technicians 45
3116 Chemical engineering technicians 20
3117 Mining and metallurgical techn. 5
3118 Draughtspersons 22
3119 62
3120 Computer associate professionals 38
3121 Computer assistants 47
3122 Computer equipment operators 15
3123 Industrial robot controllers 3
3130 Optical+electronic equipement oper 6
3131 Photographers+image+sound oper 14
3132 Broadcasting+telecommunications oper 12
3133 Medical equipment operators 17
3139 Optical+electronic operators nec 0
3140 Ship,aircraft controllers+techn. 8
3141 Ships engineers 9
3142 Ships deck officers and pilots 16
3143 Aircraft pilots+rel. professionals 13
3144 Air traffic controllers 3
3145 Air traffic safety technicians 1
3150 Safety and quality inspectors 10
3151 Building and fire inspectors 7
3152 Safety, health+quality inspectors 49
3153 RU: Road policemen 1
3200 Life science+health ass.profess 23
3210 Life science 5
3211 Life science technicians 33
3212 Agronomy and forestry technicians 16
3213 Farming and forestry advisers 4
3220 Modern health ass.professionals 14
3221 Medical assistants 32
3222 Sanitarians 7
3223 Dieticians and nutritionists 8
3224 Optometrists and opticians 11
3225 Dental assistants 11
3226 Physiotherapists+rel.ass.profess 41
3227 Veterinary assistants 4
3228 Pharmaceutical assistants 22
3229 Modern health 16
3230 Nursing+midwifery ass.professionals 43
3231 Nursing associate professionals 198
3232 Midwifery associate professionals 7
3240 Trad.medicine practitioner+faith healer 0
3241 Traditional medicine practitioners 2
3242 Faith healers 0
3300 Teaching associate professionals 20
3310 Primary educ.teachg 131
3320 Pre-primary educ. teachg ass. prof. 84
3330 Spec.educ. teaching ass. prof. 10
3340 Other teaching associate profess 71
3341 TW:Teachers in technical college 2
3400 Other associate professionals 67
3410 Finance+sales associate professionals 90
3411 Securities+finance dealers and brokers 34
3412 Insurance representatives 58
3413 Estate agents 62
3414 Travel consultants and organisers 12
3415 Technical+commercial sales represent 244
3416 Buyers 26
3417 Appraisers,valuers+auctioneers 27
3419 Finance+sales ass.professionals nec 61
3420 Business services agents+trade broker 6
3421 Trade brokers 20
3422 Clearing and forwarding agents 15
3423 Employment agents+labour contractors 9
3429 Other business services agents nec 14
3430 Administrative ass.professionals 60
3431 Administrative 130
3432 ass. profess 100
3433 Bookkeepers 135
3434 Statistical, 9
3439 Administrative ass.profess. nec 103
3440 Customs,tax+rel.government prof 38
3441 Customs and border inspectors 17
3442 Government tax and excise officials 14
3443 Government social benefits officials 14
3444 Government licensing officials 3
3445 DO,PH,UY:Public employment service worker 10
3449 Customs,tax+rel. government prof nec 18
3450 Police inspectors and detectives 44
3451 1
3452 HU,NL,TW:Armed forces non-commiss. officer+army nec 13
3460 Social work associate professionals 83
3470 Artistic,entertainment+sports prof 24
3471 Decorators and commercial designers 54
3472 Radio,television+other announcers 5
3473 Musicians,singers,dancers 6
3474 Clowns,magicians, 2
3475 Athletes, 24
3480 Religious associate professionals 10
4000 Office worker,clerks 238
4100 Office clerks 188
4110 Secretaries+keyboard-operating clerks 139
4111 Stenographers and typists 15
4112 Word-processor and rel.operators 48
4113 Data entry operators 18
4114 Calculating machine operators 13
4115 Secretaries 240
4120 Numerical clerks 55
4121 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks 213
4122 Statistical and finance clerks 100
4130 Material-recording+transport clerks 21
4131 Stock clerks 138
4132 Production clerks 33
4133 Transport clerks 43
4140 Library, mail and related clerks 18
4141 Library and filing clerks 24
4142 Mail carriers and sorting clerks 60
4143 Coding, proof-reading+rel.clerks 5
4144 Scribes and related workers 21
4190 Other office clerks;DK:also assisting spouse 370
4200 Customer services clerks 41
4210 Cashiers, tellers and rel.clerks 74
4211 Cashiers and ticket clerks 83
4212 Tellers and other counter clerks 66
4213 Bookmakers and croupiers 9
4214 Pawnbrokers and money-lenders 0
4215 Debt-collectors and related workers 19
4220 Client information clerks 17
4221 Travel agency and related clerks 18
4222 Receptionists+information clerks 108
4223 Telephone switchboard operators 40
4300 HR,KR,PH: Office helping workers 4
4400 CA: Post office,higher civil service 0
5000 Personal service, sale 224
5100 Personal+protective services workers 56
5110 Travel attendents+related workers 4
5111 Travel attendents+travel stewards 9
5112 Transport conductors 13
5113 Travel guides 9
5120 Housekeeping+rest. services workers 58
5121 Housekeepers and related workers 92
5122 Cooks 296
5123 Waiters, waitresses and bartenders 184
5130 Personal care and related workers 194
5131 Child care workers 152
5132 Institution-based personal care workers 189
5133 Home-based personal care workers 71
5134 JP:Dental secretaries 3
5139 Personal care+related workers nec 32
5140 Other personal services workers 17
5141 Hairdressers,beauticians+rel.workers 195
5142 Companions and valets 9
5143 Undertakers and embalmers 4
5149 Other personal services workers nec 20
5150 Astrologers,fortune-tellers 0
5151 Astrologers and related workers 0
5152 Fortune-tellers+related workers 1
5160 Protective services workers 19
5161 Fire-fighters 20
5162 Police officers 106
5163 Prison guards 18
5164 PH:Caretakers, houseporters 2
5169 Protective services workers nec 94
5200 Models,salespersons+demonstrators 52
5210 Fashion and other models 3
5220 Shop salespersons and demonstrators 936
5221 DO,KR,LV,SI,PH,UY:Shop staff, sales staff+other 79
5223 KR,PH:Wholesale merchants 9
5230 Stall and market salespersons 66
6000 Skilled agricultural+fishery worker 34
6100 Market-orient.agric.skilled worker 58
6110 Market gardeners and crop growers 25
6111 Field crop and vegetable growers 273
6112 Tree and shrub crop growers 60
6113 Gardeners,hortic.+nursery growers 52
6114 Mixed-crop growers 30
6120 Market-oriented animal producers 7
6121 Dairy and livestock producers 111
6122 Poultry producers 13
6123 Apiarists and sericulturists 2
6124 Mixed animal producers 3
6129 Market-oriented animal producers nec 8
6130 Market-oriented crop animal producer 228
6132 PH,US: Farmers 80
6133 TW,US: Farm supervisors,NL:farmer nec 9
6140 Forestry and related worker 6
6141 Forestry workers and logger 22
6142 Charcoal burners and related worker 3
6150 Fishery workers,hunters+trappers 18
6151 Aquatic-life cultivation worker 2
6152 Inland+coastal waters fishery worker 12
6153 Deep-sea fishery worker 9
6154 Hunters and trappers 0
6200 Subsistence agricultural+fishery worker 11
6210 Subsistence agricultural+fishery worker 8
7000 Craft and trade workers 291
7100 Extraction and building trades worker 46
7110 Miners,shotfirers,stone cutters+carvers 9
7111 Miners and quarry workers 38
7112 Shotfirers and blasters 0
7113 Stone splitters, cutters and carvers 11
7120 Building frame+related trades workers 53
7121 Builders, traditional materials 91
7122 Bricklayers and stonemasons 215
7123 Concrete placers,finishers+rel 32
7124 Carpenters and joiners 186
7126 PH:Carpenters 10
7129 Building frame+rel.trades workers nec 58
7130 Building finishers+rel.trades workers 48
7131 Roofers 12
7132 Floor layers and tile setters 27
7133 Plasterers 31
7134 Insulation workers 7
7135 Glaziers 17
7136 Plumbers and pipe fitters 131
7137 Building+rel.electricians 109
7139 1
7140 Painters,building cleaners+rel worker 10
7141 Painters and related workers 98
7142 Varnishers and related painters 13
7143 Building structure cleaners 4
7200 Metal,machinery+rel.trades workers 22
7210 Metal moulders,sheetmetal workers+rel 17
7211 Metal moulders vand coremakers 12
7212 Welders and flamecutters 106
7213 Sheet-metal workers 37
7214 Structural-metal preparers+erectors 64
7215 Riggers and cable splicers 1
7216 Underwater workers 0
7220 Blacksmiths, 17
7221 Blacksmiths+forging-press worker 30
7222 Tool-makers and related workers 107
7223 Machine-tool setters+setter-operators 65
7224 Metal wheel-grinders+tool sharpeners 34
7230 Machinery mechanics and fitters 51
7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters 230
7232 Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters 11
7233 Agricultural-industrial mechanics 91
7240 Electrical+electronic equipm.mechanic 50
7241 Electrical mechanics and fitters 131
7242 Electronics fitters 28
7243 Electronics mechanics+servicers 28
7244 Telegraph+telephone installers+service 27
7245 Electrical line installers,repairers 31
7300 Precision,handicraft,printing+other 6
7310 Precision metal workers+rel.materials 3
7311 Precision-instrument makers+repairers 25
7312 Musical-instrument makers+tuners 3
7313 Jewellery and precious-metal workers 15
7320 Potters,glass-makers+rel.trades worker 2
7321 Abrasive wheel formers,potters+rel. 14
7322 Glass-makers,cutters+finishers 14
7323 Glass engravers and etchers 2
7324 Glass,ceramics+rel.decorative painter 15
7330 Handicraft in wood,textile a.s. 1
7331 Handicraft in wood+rel.materials 21
7332 Handicraft in textile,leather+rel 8
7340 Printing+related trades workers 11
7341 Compositors,typesetters+rel.worker 27
7342 Stereotypers,electrotypers 4
7343 Printing engravers and etchers 10
7344 Photographic+related workers 5
7345 Bookbinders+related workers 8
7346 Silk-screen,block+textile printers 5
7400 Other craft+rel.trades workers 12
7410 Food processing+rel.trades workers 21
7411 preparers 52
7412 Bakers+confectionary makers 78
7413 Dairy-products makers 7
7414 Fruit,vegetable+related preservers 5
7415 Food+beverage tasters+graders 7
7416 Tobacco preparers+tobacco prod.maker 2
7420 Wood treaters+rel.trades 7
7421 Wood treaters 5
7422 Cabinet-makers+related workers 83
7423 Woodworking-machine setters+operators 9
7424 Basketry weavers+rel.worker 2
7430 Textile,garment+rel.trades workers 34
7431 Fibre preparers 4
7432 Weavers,knitters+related workers 34
7433 Tailors,dressmakers+hatters 102
7434 Furriers and related workers 1
7435 Textile,leather+rel.pattern-makers 8
7436 Sewers, embroiderers+rel.workers 105
7437 Upholsterers and related workers 11
7440 Pelt,leather+shoemaking trades worker 3
7441 Pelt dressers,tanners+fellmongers 6
7442 Shoemakers+rel.workers 29
7500 CZ,DO: Metal worker general 7
7510 CA,DE;HU,NZ,RU,US:Metal worker nec,NL:non farm foremen nec 45
7520 CA,RU:Electronics engineers nec,NL:skilled manual nec 37
7530 RU: Apprentice 0
7900 DE,PH: Master craftsmen,supervisor 12
8000 Plant+machine operators 151
8100 Stationary-plant+related operators 9
8110 Mining+mineral-proc.-plant operator 1
8111 Mining-plant operators 5
8112 Mineral-ore+stone-proc.-plant oper 6
8113 Well drillers+borers+related workers 3
8120 Metal-processing-plant operators 5
8121 Ore ad metal furnace operators 5
8122 Metal melters,casters 5
8123 Metal-heat-treating-plant operator 2
8124 Metal drawers and extruders 2
8130 Glass,ceramics+rel.plant operators 2
8131 Glass,ceramics+rel.machine operator 13
8139 Glass,ceramics+rel.plant operators nec 2
8140 Wood-processing+papermaking-plant oper 8
8141 Wood-processing-plant operators 25
8142 Paper-pulp plant operators 3
8143 Papermaking-plant operators 11
8150 Chemical-processing-plant operators 12
8151 Crushing-,grinding mach.operator 6
8152 Chemical-heat-treating-plant oper 1
8153 Chemical-filtering-equipment oper 1
8154 Chemical-still+reactor operators 4
8155 Petroleum+natural-gas-refing-plant oper 4
8159 Chemical-processing-plant oper,nec 7
8160 Power-production+rel.plant operators 6
8161 Power-production plant operators 6
8162 Steam-engine and boiler operators 25
8163 Icinerator,water-treatment+rel.oper 13
8170 Auto.-assembly-line+ind.-robot oper 1
8171 Automated-assembly-line operators 7
8172 Industrial-robot operators 0
8200 Machine operators and assemblers 61
8210 Metal+mineral-products machine oper 4
8211 Machine-tool operators 37
8212 Cement+o.mineral products machine oper 12
8220 Chemical-products machine operators 2
8221 Pharma.products machine operator 5
8222 Ammunition products machine operator 7
8223 Metal finishing+coating-machine oper 30
8224 Photographic-products machine operator 1
8229 Chemical-products machine 4
8230 Rubber+plastic-products machine oper 3
8231 Rubber-products machine oper 10
8232 Plastic-products machine operators 33
8240 Wood-products machine operators 13
8250 Printing+paper-products machine oper 3
8251 Printing-machine operators 23
8252 Bookbinding-machine operators 1
8253 Paper-products machine operators 10
8260 Textile+leather-products machine oper 10
8261 Spinning+winding-machine operators 19
8262 Weaving+knitting-machine operators 21
8263 Sewing-machine operators 32
8264 Bleaching+cleaning-machine operators 20
8265 Fur+leather-preparing-machine operator 3
8266 Shoemaking+related machine operator 4
8269 Textile products machine operators nec 10
8270 Food+rel.products machine operators 24
8271 Meat+fish-processing-machine operator 36
8272 Dairy-products machine operators 5
8273 Grain+spice-milling-machine operator 10
8274 Baked-goods+chocolate-products m-oper 9
8275 Fruit+nut-processing-machine oper 2
8276 Sugar production machine operators 0
8277 Tea,coffee+cocoa-processing-m.oper 1
8278 Beverage machine operators 9
8279 Tobacco production machine operators 2
8280 Assemblers 20
8281 Mechanical-machinery assemblers 34
8282 Electrical-equipment assemblers 6
8283 Electronic-equipment assemblers 45
8284 Metal+plastic-products assemblers 18
8285 Wood+rel.products assemblers 3
8286 Paperboard, 1
8290 Other machine operators+assemblers 107
8300 Drivers and mobile-plant operators 15
8310 Locomotive-engine drivers+rel.workers 3
8311 Locomotive-engine drivers 30
8312 Railway brakers,signallers+shunters 17
8320 Motor-vehicle drivers 118
8321 Motor-cycle drivers 57
8322 Car, taxi and van drivers 269
8323 Bus and tram drivers 106
8324 Heavy truck and lorry drivers 350
8330 Agricultural+other mobile-plant oper 33
8331 Motorised farm+forestry plant oper. 56
8332 Earth-moving+rel.plant operators 63
8333 Crane, hoist and related plant oper 39
8334 Lifting-truck operators 32
8340 Ships deck crews and rel.workers 15
8400 NL,RU: Semi-skilled worker nec 18
9000 Elementary occupations 342
9100 Sales+services elementary occupation 19
9110 Street vendors and related workers 18
9111 Street food vendors 81
9112 Street vendors, non-food products 14
9113 Door-to-door,telephone salesperson 53
9120 Shoe cleaning+other street services 2
9130 Domestic+rel.helpers 114
9131 Domestic helpers and cleaners 202
9132 Helpers+cleaners in offices, hotels 353
9133 Hand-launderers and pressers 31
9134 DO,PH:Kitchen+serv.assistants 2
9140 Building caretakers,window+rel.cleaner 25
9141 Building caretakers 86
9142 Vehicle, window+related cleaners 18
9150 Messengers,porters,doorkeepers+rel. 17
9151 Messengers,package,luggage porters 64
9152 Doorkeepers,watchpersons 101
9153 Vending-machine money collectors 6
9160 Garbage collectors+rel.labourers 19
9161 Garbage collectors 8
9162 Sweepers and related labourers 30
9200 Agricultural,fishery+rel.labourers 5
9210 Agricultural,fishery+rel.labourers 11
9211 Farm-hands and labourers 227
9212 Forestry labourers 26
9213 Fishery, hunting+trapping labourers 4
9300 Labour. mining,constr.,manufacturing 20
9310 Mining and construction labourers 4
9311 Mining and quarrying labourers 8
9312 Construction+maintenance labourers 73
9313 Building construction labourers 186
9320 Manufacturing labourers 108
9321 Assembling labourers 44
9322 Hand packers+other manufacturing lab 85
9330 Transport labourers+freight handlers 45
9331 Hand or pedal vehicle drivers 9
9332 Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles+machines 6
9333 Freight handlers 60
9340 RU: Low skilled worker in a hospital 3
0 Not applicable,no spouse,partner,never had a job 21852
9996 Not classifiable;inadeq described,undocumented 464
9997 Refused 145
9998 Dont know 198
9999 NA 1557
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
24425 24216

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 9340

spwrktyp S-P:Workg f priv,pub sector,self-empl.

Vrednost 114178 Frekvenca
1 Work f government 5036
2 Public owned firm,nat.ind 2663
3 Private firm, others 12562
4 Self employed 4177
6 GB:Other,charity,voluntary sector,ZA:other 89
0 Not applicable,no spouse,partner,never had a job;Not availab 22772
9 NA, dont know 1342
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
24527 24114

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

au_rinc R: Earnings: Australia

Vrednost 115177 Frekvenca
0 No own income 102
3120 1-6.239 AUD per year 80
7280 6.240-8.319 AUD 66
9360 8.320-10.399 AUD 91
13000 10.400-15.599 AUD 330
18200 15.600-20.799 AUD 182
23400 20.800-25.999 AUD 194
28600 26.000-31.199 AUD 178
33800 31.200-36.399 AUD 142
39000 36.400-41.599 AUD 143
46800 41.600-51.999 AUD 272
65000 52.000-77.999 AUD 415
91000 78.000-103.999 AUD 178
104000 104.000 AUD or more per year 172
999990 NAP, other countries 45860
999999 NA 236
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2545 46096

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 104000

ca_rinc R: Earnings: Canada

Vrednost 116176 Frekvenca
10000 Under 15.000 CAD per year 127
20000 15.000-24.999 CAD 122
30000 25.000-34.999 CAD 145
40000 35.000-44.999 CAD 118
50000 45.000-54.999 CAD 81
60000 55.000-64.999 CAD 76
70000 65.000-74.999 CAD 46
80000 75.000-84.999 CAD 45
90000 85.000-94.999 CAD 31
100000 95.000 CAD and more per year 56
999990 NAP, other countries 47708
999997 Refused 4
999999 NA 82
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
847 47794

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 10000 do 100000

ch_rinc R: Earnings: Switzerland

Vrednost 117175 Frekvenca
0 No own income 33
150 150 CHF per month 1
200 1
300 3
350 1
380 1
400 3
500 3
600 4
750 2
760 1
790 1
800 5
830 1
900 4
904 1
940 1
1000 24
1067 1
1100 4
1200 4
1250 1
1260 1
1300 6
1400 3
1410 1
1423 1
1490 1
1500 11
1540 1
1575 1
1580 1
1600 6
1616 1
1622 1
1635 1
1650 1
1658 3
1667 1
1685 1
1700 6
1800 5
1900 4
2000 20
2100 7
2150 2
2200 12
2300 3
2400 4
2455 1
2500 26
2600 9
2700 4
2722 1
2750 1
2759 1
2800 10
2850 1
2860 1
2900 1
3000 31
3050 1
3100 5
3180 1
3200 7
3250 1
3300 4
3400 5
3500 28
3600 6
3700 7
3750 2
3800 8
3900 4
3913 1
4000 33
4004 1
4100 6
4190 1
4200 10
4300 9
4400 3
4457 1
4500 39
4600 6
4633 1
4680 1
4700 2
4800 12
4850 1
4900 4
4950 1
5000 39
5100 2
5200 8
5300 5
5400 5
5444 1
5500 27
5503 1
5545 1
5600 6
5613 1
5691 1
5700 3
5779 1
5800 10
5860 1
5900 2
6000 27
6200 4
6300 1
6400 3
6500 23
6600 2
6700 3
6800 4
7000 19
7200 2
7277 1
7300 3
7400 1
7500 12
7600 1
7700 1
7900 1
8000 15
8200 1
8300 1
8400 1
8500 8
9000 6
9100 1
9300 1
9500 2
10000 12
10500 1
10700 1
10800 1
11500 1
12000 2
13000 1
14500 1
15000 3
16000 2
17000 1
19000 19.000 CHF per month 5
999990 NAP, other countries 47638
999997 Refused 177
999998 DK 29
999999 NA 5
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
792 47849

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 19000

cl_rinc R: Earnings: Chile

Vrednost 118174 Frekvenca
20000 Less than 35.000 CLP per month 241
45000 35.001-56.000 CLP 117
66000 56.001-78.000 CLP 102
90000 78.001-101.000 CLP 130
122000 101.001-134.000 CLP 157
155000 134.001-179.000 CLP 130
200000 179.001-224.000 CLP 91
250000 224.001-291.000 CLP 73
310000 291.001-358.000 CLP 48
400000 358.001-448.000 CLP 41
750000 448.001-1.000.000 CLP 55
1500000 1.000.001-2.000.000 CLP 20
2500000 2.000.001-3.000.000 CLP 8
3100000 More than 3.000.000 CLP per month 4
9999990 NAP, other countries 47136
9999998 DK 41
9999999 NA 247
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1217 47424

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 20000 do 3100000

cz_rinc R: Earnings: Czech Republic

Vrednost 119173 Frekvenca
0 No own income 48
3000 1-5.999 CZK per month 85
6750 6.000-7.499 CZK 93
8250 7.500-8.999 CZK 178
9500 9.000-9.999 CZK 113
10500 10.000-10.999 CZK 77
11500 11.000-11.999 CZK 61
12750 12.000-13.499 CZK 59
14250 13.500-14.999 CZK 58
16000 15.000-16.999 CZK 55
18500 17.500-19.999 CZK 39
22500 20.000-24.999 CZK 42
27500 25.000-29.999 CZK 15
32500 30.000-34.500 CZK 8
37500 35.000-39.999 CZK 4
45000 40.000-49.999 CZK 4
55000 50.000-59.999 CZK 0
65000 60.000 CZK and more per month 2
999990 NAP, other countries 47440
999997 Refused 157
999998 DK 7
999999 NA 96
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
941 47700

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 65000

de_rinc R: Earnings: Germany

Vrednost 120172 Frekvenca
0 No own income 154
20 20 EUR per month 1
80 1
88 1
100 5
104 1
120 2
144 1
150 3
170 2
178 1
180 1
190 1
199 1
200 16
215 1
221 1
227 1
240 3
248 1
249 1
250 5
253 1
256 1
260 1
280 4
290 1
298 4
299 1
300 19
302 1
305 1
310 1
311 1
315 2
320 1
321 1
325 2
330 2
331 3
333 1
340 1
342 1
345 9
350 7
355 1
358 1
360 1
370 1
375 1
380 3
385 1
390 1
395 1
400 38
401 1
410 1
412 1
416 1
420 1
426 1
430 3
440 2
442 1
445 1
450 14
455 1
460 4
468 1
470 1
480 2
490 1
497 1
500 21
510 2
516 1
520 4
525 1
530 1
545 1
550 6
555 1
560 3
562 8
568 1
570 2
574 1
580 2
590 3
600 36
601 1
608 1
613 1
620 5
630 2
635 2
636 1
640 3
645 1
648 1
650 14
655 1
660 1
663 1
664 1
670 2
672 1
680 2
683 1
687 6
690 2
699 1
700 28
702 1
704 1
710 1
715 1
720 4
730 1
731 1
740 3
742 1
750 17
752 1
760 2
770 1
780 4
785 1
789 2
790 1
799 1
800 28
810 1
812 11
816 1
820 5
825 2
828 1
830 2
840 1
850 13
852 1
860 1
864 1
870 3
875 1
890 1
891 1
900 35
911 1
912 1
920 2
923 1
930 1
937 17
940 1
950 3
960 6
970 1
975 3
978 1
980 2
1000 47
1020 1
1040 1
1050 5
1060 1
1062 14
1084 1
1100 38
1102 1
1125 2
1150 3
1180 1
1187 10
1200 50
1215 1
1230 3
1235 1
1240 1
1250 13
1260 1
1280 1
1290 1
1300 26
1312 16
1320 2
1350 5
1375 1
1380 1
1390 1
1400 29
1437 18
1450 3
1460 1
1490 1
1500 55
1540 1
1550 3
1600 38
1625 16
1650 8
1680 2
1700 20
1750 3
1780 1
1800 22
1850 6
1875 13
1890 1
1900 12
1940 1
1950 2
2000 39
2050 1
2100 5
2125 10
2200 9
2250 1
2300 8
2333 1
2350 1
2375 9
2400 9
2450 1
2451 1
2500 20
2507 1
2600 7
2625 3
2650 1
2700 2
2800 4
2875 9
2900 3
3000 12
3100 1
3150 1
3200 3
3300 2
3500 17
3600 1
4000 5
4200 1
4500 4
5000 2
5500 1
5800 1
6250 5
6500 1
7500 1
8000 8.000 EUR per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 46998
999997 Refused 208
999999 NA 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1432 47209

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8000

dk_rinc R: Earnings: Denmark

Vrednost 121171 Frekvenca
70000 Below 100.000 DKK per year 130
125000 100.000-149.999 DKK 177
175000 150.000-199.999 DKK 152
225000 200.000-249.999 DKK 171
275000 250.000-299.999 DKK 166
350000 300.000-399.999 DKK 261
450000 400.000-499.999 DKK 143
550000 500.000-599.999 DKK 52
650000 600.000 DKK or more per year 89
999990 NAP, other countries 47273
999999 NA 27
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1341 47300

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 70000 do 650000

do_rinc R: Earnings: Dominican Republic

Vrednost 122170 Frekvenca
2500 Less than 5.000 DOP per month 1080
10500 5.000-15.999 DOP 739
21500 16.000-26.999 DOP 132
32500 27.000-37.999 DOP 37
43500 38.000-48.999 DOP 12
54500 49.000-59.999 DOP 2
65000 60.000-69.999 DOP 2
75000 70.000-79.999 DOP 1
85000 80.000-89.999 DOP 0
95000 90.000 DOP and more per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 46535
999999 NA 100
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2006 46635

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2500 do 95000

es_rinc R: Earnings: Spain

Vrednost 123169 Frekvenca
250 300 EUR per month or less 74
450 301-600 EUR 341
750 601-900 EUR 345
1050 901-1.200 EUR 416
1500 1.201-1.800 EUR 359
2100 1.801-2.400 EUR 114
2700 2.400-3.000 EUR 60
3750 3.001-4.500 EUR 16
5250 4.501-6.000 EUR 3
7000 More than 6.000 EUR per month 9
0 No income, never had a job 363
999990 NAP, other countries 46124
999999 NA 417
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1737 46904

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 250 do 7000

fi_rinc R: Earnings: Finland

Vrednost 124168 Frekvenca
0 No own income 14
20 20 EUR per month 1
22 1
36 1
50 2
60 2
100 5
130 1
150 1
160 1
186 1
190 1
200 1
203 1
220 1
224 1
235 1
250 4
254 1
259 4
300 5
334 1
350 1
360 2
374 1
376 2
380 1
400 8
408 1
410 1
417 1
418 1
420 1
430 1
434 2
450 9
460 4
461 1
470 7
480 1
500 21
504 1
505 1
517 1
520 1
550 2
560 2
570 1
585 1
600 14
602 1
625 1
638 2
642 1
650 2
670 1
690 2
691 1
700 23
727 1
730 1
746 1
750 6
756 1
770 1
799 1
800 21
820 1
835 1
840 1
850 6
851 1
860 1
892 1
900 18
901 1
914 1
915 1
918 1
920 1
932 1
940 1
950 5
952 1
970 1
986 1
1000 41
1050 2
1070 1
1077 1
1090 1
1100 15
1110 1
1116 1
1120 1
1157 1
1200 31
1250 2
1272 1
1278 1
1280 1
1288 1
1300 13
1320 1
1330 1
1348 1
1350 1
1385 1
1395 2
1400 15
1442 1
1450 1
1459 1
1468 1
1473 1
1486 1
1500 34
1522 1
1550 1
1560 2
1580 1
1600 27
1626 1
1630 1
1634 1
1645 2
1650 5
1670 1
1680 2
1700 35
1712 1
1724 1
1730 2
1732 1
1750 4
1785 1
1790 2
1800 31
1833 1
1840 1
1847 1
1850 1
1870 1
1877 1
1897 1
1900 13
1918 1
1950 5
1960 1
1968 1
1980 1
2000 66
2010 1
2039 1
2050 2
2057 1
2070 1
2084 1
2100 13
2120 2
2150 1
2156 1
2166 1
2200 32
2205 1
2206 1
2250 2
2259 1
2270 1
2280 1
2300 19
2350 2
2354 1
2370 1
2400 12
2445 1
2500 48
2520 1
2550 2
2600 17
2700 10
2720 1
2750 1
2800 18
2840 1
2850 1
2852 1
2872 1
2900 14
2930 1
2950 1
3000 35
3100 6
3166 1
3200 8
3300 4
3345 1
3350 1
3400 1
3500 10
3550 1
3600 2
3650 1
3700 2
3719 1
3750 1
3800 1
3900 2
4000 17
4100 2
4166 1
4200 5
4400 2
4500 8
4600 2
4700 3
4800 1
5000 10
5100 1
5200 1
5300 1
5500 4
5600 1
5625 1
5700 1
6000 5
6100 1
6500 1
6700 1
6750 1
6900 1
7000 1
7200 1
7500 1
8000 2
8600 1
9000 1
10000 4
10196 1
12000 1
17000 1
50000 50.000 EUR per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47452
999999 NA 159
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1030 47611

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 50000

fr_rinc R: Earnings: France

Vrednost 125167 Frekvenca
0 No own income, not in paid work 96
250 Less than 500 EUR per month 69
650 500-800 EUR 111
1000 800-1.200 EUR 247
1450 1.200-1.700 EUR 369
2050 1.700-2.400 EUR 291
2750 2.400-3.100 EUR 129
3450 3.100-3.800 EUR 66
4150 3.800-4.500 EUR 42
5250 4.500-6.000 EUR 27
6750 6.000-7.500 EUR 10
8250 More than 7.500 EUR per month 16
999990 NAP, other countries 46817
999999 NA 351
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1473 47168

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8250

gb_rinc R: Earnings: Great Britain

Vrednost 126166 Frekvenca
2000 Up to 3.999 GBP 14
5000 4.000-5.999 GBP 28
7000 6.000-7.999 GBP 27
9000 8.000-9.999 GBP 23
11000 10.000-11.999 GBP 26
13500 12.000-14.999 GBP 44
16500 15.000-17.999 GBP 48
19000 18.000-19.999 GBP 38
21500 20.000-22.999 GBP 45
24500 23.000-25.999 GBP 36
27500 26.000-28.999 GBP 27
30500 29.000-31.999 GBP 14
35000 32.000-37.999 GBP 32
41000 38.000-43.999 GBP 10
47000 44.000-49.999 GBP 15
53000 50.000-55.999 GBP 5
59000 56.000 GBP or more 33
0 Not in labour force 405
999990 NAP, other countries 47711
999997 Refused 36
999998 DK 13
999999 NA 11
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
465 48176

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2000 do 59000

hr_rinc R: Earnings: Croatia

Vrednost 127165 Frekvenca
0 No regular income 248
150 150 HRK per month 1
200 1
270 1
280 1
300 2
340 1
400 5
450 1
494 1
500 8
560 1
600 5
630 1
641 1
700 3
800 8
870 1
880 1
890 1
900 6
930 1
950 1
1000 22
1070 1
1100 10
1120 1
1140 1
1156 1
1160 1
1200 11
1240 1
1260 1
1300 10
1350 3
1400 9
1430 1
1450 2
1490 1
1500 32
1530 1
1550 1
1574 1
1600 18
1620 1
1650 4
1690 1
1700 7
1750 1
1800 13
1840 1
1897 1
1900 5
1920 1
1950 1
1980 1
2000 43
2025 1
2030 1
2050 1
2070 1
2100 10
2195 1
2200 20
2250 1
2300 14
2309 1
2400 10
2450 1
2460 1
2500 38
2600 14
2642 1
2700 10
2750 1
2800 11
2850 1
2900 5
2930 1
3000 47
3030 1
3090 1
3100 3
3200 9
3300 4
3400 6
3500 31
3600 4
3700 3
3800 9
3900 3
4000 50
4100 1
4200 5
4300 5
4400 1
4500 25
4600 1
4700 6
4800 4
4820 1
5000 34
5040 1
5200 2
5300 2
5450 1
5500 11
5600 1
5700 1
6000 26
6200 2
6500 5
7000 8
7200 1
7300 1
7700 1
8000 6
8500 2
9500 1
10000 3
11000 2
20000 1
30000 1
50000 50.000 HRK per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47441
999997 Refused 101
999998 DK 18
999999 NA 93
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
988 47653

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 50000

hu_rinc R: Earnings: Hungary

Vrednost 128164 Frekvenca
2000 2.000 HUF 1
10000 2
11000 1
11900 1
12500 1
15000 1
16000 1
17000 2
17200 5
17290 2
18000 2
18200 1
19000 3
19020 1
19100 1
19500 1
19700 1
19760 1
20000 5
21000 4
21500 1
21600 1
22000 12
22600 2
22800 1
23000 6
23400 1
23500 1
23600 2
24000 2
25000 3
25468 1
25500 1
26000 2
27000 5
27500 1
27700 1
28000 2
28500 1
29600 1
29800 1
30000 10
31000 1
31500 2
32000 4
32600 1
33000 2
33700 1
34000 3
34300 1
34600 1
35000 9
35955 1
36000 4
37400 1
37500 2
37700 1
37800 1
38000 3
39000 3
39800 1
40000 11
41000 6
42000 11
43000 7
44000 5
44200 1
44500 1
45000 8
45500 1
46000 5
47000 2
48000 5
48500 1
49000 7
50000 17
50300 1
50500 2
51000 5
52000 8
52600 1
52800 1
53000 13
53969 1
54000 8
54300 1
55000 28
56000 6
56123 1
56200 1
57000 13
57400 1
58000 8
58567 1
58600 1
59000 1
60000 23
60300 1
61000 7
61800 1
62000 19
62300 1
63000 6
63700 1
64000 9
65000 16
66000 1
66262 1
67000 4
68000 7
68700 1
69600 1
69900 1
70000 28
70650 1
71000 4
71500 1
71800 1
72000 5
73000 6
73400 1
73500 1
74000 5
75000 16
76000 2
77000 1
78000 8
79000 2
80000 28
80024 1
81000 1
81500 1
82000 3
83000 2
84000 1
84500 1
85000 27
86000 4
87000 5
88000 2
89000 1
90000 14
91000 1
93000 1
94000 1
95000 10
96000 1
97000 1
98000 2
99000 1
100000 14
101600 1
103000 1
105000 5
107000 2
110000 13
112000 1
115000 2
116000 1
117000 1
120000 7
125000 12
130000 6
135000 1
140000 4
150000 2
160000 1
180000 2
200000 2
250000 2
500000 500.000 HUF 134
0 No income, never had a job 64
999990 NAP, other countries 47631
999997 Refused 110
999998 DK 1
999999 NA 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
832 47809

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2000 do 500000

ie_rinc R: Earnings: Ireland

Vrednost 129163 Frekvenca
5000 Under 6.000 EUR per year 84
7750 6.000-9.500 EUR 106
10750 9.500-12.000 EUR 137
15000 12.000-18.000 EUR 113
21000 18.000-24.000 EUR 89
27000 24.000-30.000 EUR 82
33000 30.000-36.000 EUR 71
48000 36.000-60.000 EUR 84
75000 60.000-90.000 EUR 22
105000 90.000-120.000 EUR 10
140000 120.000-160.000 EUR 1
165000 160.000 EUR and more per year 2
999990 NAP, other countries 47640
999997 Refused 126
999998 DK 35
999999 NA 39
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
801 47840

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 5000 do 165000

il_rinc R: Earnings: Israel

Vrednost 130162 Frekvenca
1000 2.000 ILS and less 99
3000 2.001-4.000 ILS 178
5000 4.001-6.000 ILS 171
7000 6.001-8.000 ILS 93
9000 8.001-10.000 ILS 60
13000 10.001-15.000 ILS 28
15500 More than 15.000 ILS 21
0 No own income, not in paid work 572
999990 NAP, other countries 47296
999997 Refused 72
999998 DK 4
999999 NA 47
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
650 47991

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1000 do 15500

jp_rinc R: Earnings: Japan

Vrednost 131161 Frekvenca
500000 Less than 1.000.000 JPY per year 245
1500000 1.000.000-1.999.999 JPY 209
2500000 2.000.000-2.999.999 JPY 170
3500000 3.000.000-3.999.999 JPY 105
4500000 4.000.000-4.999.999 JPY 77
5500000 5.000.000-5.999.999 JPY 63
6500000 6.000.000-6.999.999 JPY 23
7500000 7.000.000-7.999.999 JPY 30
8500000 8.000.000-8.999.999 JPY 16
9500000 9.000.000-9.999.999 JPY 18
11000000 10.000.000-11.999.999 JPY 12
13500000 12.000.000-14.999.999 JPY 8
20000000 15.000.000 JPY and more per year 11
0 No own income, not in paid work 174
99999990 NAP, other countries 47410
99999999 NA 70
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
987 47654

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 500000 do 20000000

kr_rinc R: Earnings: South Korea

Vrednost 132160 Frekvenca
30000 30.000 KRW per month 1
70000 1
100000 7
150000 2
200000 8
240000 1
250000 7
300000 10
320000 1
330000 1
350000 4
360000 1
400000 10
430000 1
450000 2
500000 17
530000 1
550000 1
580000 1
600000 15
620000 1
630000 2
650000 5
700000 16
750000 9
770000 1
800000 23
830000 2
850000 3
900000 8
950000 3
990000 1
1000000 82
1100000 10
1150000 1
1200000 20
1250000 4
1300000 18
1350000 1
1400000 7
1450000 1
1500000 74
1550000 2
1600000 14
1650000 2
1670000 2
1700000 16
1750000 6
1800000 17
1900000 8
1970000 1
2000000 98
2100000 2
2150000 1
2200000 9
2250000 5
2300000 6
2400000 3
2500000 54
2600000 4
2700000 8
2750000 5
2800000 6
2900000 1
2920000 1
3000000 70
3100000 2
3250000 2
3300000 6
3330000 1
3500000 17
3750000 3
3800000 5
3900000 1
4000000 42
4200000 4
4250000 1
4500000 10
4700000 2
4830000 1
5000000 14
5250000 2
5500000 1
5800000 1
6000000 10
6250000 2
6500000 1
7000000 8
7500000 1
8000000 4
8500000 1
9000000 1
10000000 3
14000000 1
17500000 1
20000000 3
25000000 1
35000000 1
37000000 1
75000000 75.000.000 KRW per month 1
0 No own income, not in paid work 711
99999990 NAP, other countries 47036
99999999 NA 14
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
880 47761

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 30000 do 75000000

lv_rinc R: Earnings: Latvia

Vrednost 133159 Frekvenca
6 6 LVL 2
7 7
8 2
10 4
15 3
16 1
17 2
18 1
20 5
30 3
35 1
36 3
38 1
39 1
40 3
42 1
45 3
47 1
50 6
56 1
58 2
60 5
62 3
65 3
69 1
70 5
72 1
73 1
74 1
75 3
76 1
78 1
79 1
80 13
84 5
85 6
86 3
87 5
88 2
89 2
90 9
91 1
92 4
93 3
94 12
95 4
96 10
97 4
98 14
100 40
101 5
102 9
103 4
104 3
105 7
106 5
108 1
109 2
110 7
111 2
112 1
113 2
115 2
116 4
117 1
118 1
119 1
120 26
122 1
125 1
126 2
127 1
128 2
130 8
132 2
135 2
136 1
140 9
142 1
143 1
144 1
145 3
146 3
147 3
150 23
153 1
157 1
160 13
164 1
165 1
167 1
170 7
175 1
177 1
180 19
182 1
183 1
185 1
186 2
190 4
192 2
200 39
202 2
210 5
211 1
215 1
219 1
220 13
224 1
230 10
235 1
240 4
250 31
256 1
259 1
260 9
265 1
270 4
278 1
280 19
287 1
289 1
290 1
300 43
320 2
330 2
340 1
350 16
370 4
380 3
385 1
397 1
400 29
410 1
420 3
442 1
450 9
460 2
480 1
500 17
550 1
586 1
596 1
600 14
648 1
670 1
680 1
700 7
750 1
800 7
880 1
900 3
1000 6
2000 2.000 LVL 1
0 No own income, not in paid work 63
999990 NAP, other countries 47572
999997 Refused 226
999998 DK 30
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
750 47891

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 6 do 2000

nl_rinc R: Earnings: Netherlands

Vrednost 134158 Frekvenca
350 Less than 500 EUR per month 46
750 500-1.000 EUR 161
1200 1.000-1.400 EUR 170
1600 1.400-1.800 EUR 182
2000 1.800-2.200 EUR 118
2400 2.200-2.600 EUR 68
2800 2.600-3.000 EUR 39
3500 3.000-4.000 EUR 49
4500 4.000-5.000 EUR 13
5500 5.000 EUR or more per month 27
0 No own income, not in paid work 42
999990 NAP, other countries 47648
999999 NA 78
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
873 47768

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 350 do 5500

no_rinc R: Earnings: Norway

Vrednost 135157 Frekvenca
1000 1.000 NOK per year 2
2000 1
4000 1
8000 1
10000 3
11000 1
15000 1
16000 1
18000 1
20000 3
24000 3
25000 2
26000 2
30000 7
35000 2
40000 8
45000 3
50000 9
52000 1
57000 1
62000 1
65000 1
69000 1
70000 9
75000 1
80000 11
85000 2
89000 1
90000 7
95000 4
96000 3
98000 1
99000 2
100000 36
102000 1
107000 1
108000 2
110000 8
111000 1
112000 2
113000 1
115000 5
118000 1
120000 23
121000 1
122000 2
124000 1
125000 1
128000 1
130000 6
132000 1
133000 1
135000 1
136000 1
137000 1
139000 1
140000 11
141000 1
145000 2
148000 1
150000 35
152000 1
153000 1
154000 1
156000 1
158000 2
160000 10
161000 1
162000 1
163000 3
165000 1
167000 1
170000 18
171000 1
172000 1
173000 1
175000 3
180000 13
182000 1
183000 2
184000 2
185000 2
187000 1
188000 1
190000 5
192000 3
200000 55
201000 1
202000 2
204000 1
205000 1
209000 1
210000 8
216000 2
218000 1
220000 11
222000 1
223000 1
225000 2
228000 1
229000 1
230000 19
232000 1
233000 1
235000 1
240000 22
244000 1
245000 3
246000 1
247000 1
248000 1
250000 49
251000 1
252000 3
255000 3
256000 1
258000 1
259000 1
260000 22
264000 1
265000 1
266000 3
267000 1
268000 2
269000 2
270000 20
271000 1
272000 1
273000 1
274000 2
275000 6
276000 1
280000 25
281000 1
282000 1
290000 6
295000 2
296000 1
298000 1
299000 1
300000 97
301000 1
302000 1
305000 2
306000 3
309000 1
310000 4
314000 1
315000 5
317000 1
320000 26
325000 1
327000 1
330000 14
332000 1
333000 1
334000 1
337000 1
338000 1
340000 13
344000 1
345000 1
350000 64
353000 1
354000 1
356000 1
357000 1
359000 1
360000 16
362000 2
369000 1
370000 17
371000 1
375000 2
379000 1
380000 16
385000 2
388000 1
390000 8
393000 1
394000 1
395000 2
397000 1
400000 61
405000 2
410000 4
416000 1
417000 1
419000 1
420000 12
425000 1
430000 11
435000 2
440000 6
444000 1
446000 1
447000 1
450000 23
460000 6
470000 3
480000 5
500000 26
517000 1
525000 1
527000 1
530000 3
550000 12
560000 1
575000 1
595000 2
600000 21
604000 1
610000 1
614000 1
630000 1
636000 1
640000 1
650000 9
680000 3
700000 14
715000 1
730000 1
750000 2
790000 1
800000 7
850000 2
900000 1
950000 1
1000000 5
1100000 1
1110000 1
1120000 1
1200000 2
1250000 1
1300000 1
1400000 1
1800000 2
2000000 2
2200000 1
2400000 1
2750000 1
3000000 1
3430000 1
3500000 1
3600000 1
4200000 1
4800000 1
5000000 5.000.000 NOK per year 1
9999990 NAP, other countries 47311
9999999 NA 101
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1229 47412

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1000 do 5000000

nz_rinc R: Earnings: New Zealand

Vrednost 136156 Frekvenca
5000 10.000 NZD or less per year 163
12500 10.001 -15.000 NZD 135
17500 15.001-20.000 NZD 113
22500 20.001-25.000 NZD 101
27500 25.001-30.000 NZD 90
35000 30.001-40.000 NZD 168
45000 40.001-50.000 NZD 120
60000 50.001-70.000 NZD 180
85000 70.001-100.000 NZD 80
120000 100.001 NZD or more per year 66
999990 NAP, other countries 47378
999999 NA 47
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1216 47425

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 5000 do 120000

ph_rinc R: Earnings: Philippines

Vrednost 137155 Frekvenca
50 50 PHP per month 1
100 1
200 5
400 1
500 15
600 3
700 2
750 1
800 8
900 3
1000 41
1200 7
1300 2
1400 2
1500 28
1600 2
1700 1
1800 3
2000 72
2100 1
2260 1
2400 7
2500 14
2600 1
2800 2
2900 3
2904 1
3000 81
3500 15
3600 3
3700 2
3750 1
3800 1
3900 1
4000 36
4500 14
4700 2
4760 1
4800 2
5000 58
5500 1
5600 1
5800 1
6000 48
6200 1
6400 1
6500 1
6600 1
6700 1
6720 1
7000 22
7200 1
7500 7
7800 1
8000 29
8400 4
8500 1
9000 6
9500 2
10000 43
10500 1
10700 1
11000 2
11700 1
12000 12
12246 1
12500 1
12800 1
13000 3
13200 1
14000 2
14800 1
15000 17
16000 2
17000 1
18000 1
20000 9
22000 1
25000 1
30000 2
40000 2
50000 50.000 PHP per month 1
0 No own income, not in paid work 461
999990 NAP, other countries 47441
999997 Refused 29
999998 DK 28
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
682 47959

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 50 do 50000

pl_rinc R: Earnings: Poland

Vrednost 138154 Frekvenca
200 200 PLN per month 1
252 1
300 10
320 1
400 8
430 2
470 1
500 15
550 2
560 1
580 1
600 4
649 1
660 1
675 1
700 17
720 1
730 1
750 1
760 1
780 1
795 1
800 19
816 1
830 1
840 1
845 2
850 6
890 1
900 16
920 2
925 1
950 1
1000 57
1050 1
1080 1
1100 14
1200 43
1260 1
1300 19
1350 1
1400 17
1450 1
1500 24
1600 14
1650 1
1700 11
1750 1
1800 21
1900 1
2000 62
2200 8
2300 4
2400 3
2500 21
2600 1
2700 1
2800 3
2900 1
3000 16
3500 10
3600 1
4000 10
4250 1
4500 3
5000 7
5500 2
6000 2
7000 1
8000 1
10000 10.000 PLN per month 3
0 Not working 710
999990 NAP, other countries 47348
999998 DK 25
999999 NA,refused 45
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
513 48128

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 200 do 10000

pt_rinc R: Earnings: Portugal

Vrednost 139153 Frekvenca
175 Less than 350 EUR per month 313
425 351-500 EUR 322
650 501-800 EUR 301
1150 801-1.500 EUR 144
2000 1.501-2.500 EUR 48
3000 More than 2.500 EUR per month 11
0 No income, never had a job 130
999990 NAP, other countries 46804
999997 Refused 460
999998 DK 108
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1139 47502

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 175 do 3000

ru_rinc R: Earnings: Russia

Vrednost 140152 Frekvenca
530 530 RUB 1
1000 7
1100 3
1200 4
1300 1
1392 1
1400 2
1500 14
1600 1
1800 3
1900 3
2000 29
2100 3
2400 2
2408 1
2500 22
2600 4
2700 4
2800 2
3000 71
3100 2
3200 3
3250 1
3285 1
3300 3
3400 1
3450 1
3500 33
3600 2
3700 2
3730 1
3800 2
3826 1
3900 1
3965 1
4000 54
4100 3
4200 5
4300 1
4400 1
4500 21
4600 2
4630 1
4700 3
4800 2
5000 76
5100 3
5200 2
5300 2
5400 1
5500 15
5600 2
6000 80
6200 2
6500 13
6800 1
6900 1
7000 53
7300 1
7356 1
7500 14
7600 2
7800 4
8000 86
8100 1
8129 1
8200 1
8500 4
8700 1
8800 1
8900 1
9000 31
9100 1
9380 1
9500 3
9800 1
10000 100
10200 1
10300 1
10500 1
10700 2
11000 19
11600 2
12000 70
12500 3
12700 1
13000 19
13200 1
13450 1
13500 2
14000 10
14500 1
15000 56
15500 1
16000 14
17000 3
17850 1
18000 20
19000 2
19480 1
19500 1
20000 25
20380 1
21000 7
22000 3
23000 3
23100 1
24000 1
25000 16
26000 6
27000 2
28000 1
29820 1
30000 16
32000 1
35000 2
36000 1
40000 6
45000 1
47000 2
50000 3
55000 1
60000 1
80000 4
300000 300.000 RUB 1
0 Not in labour force 1084
999990 NAP, other countries 46234
999998 DK 96
999999 NA 56
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1171 47470

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 530 do 300000

se_rinc R: Earnings: Sweden

Vrednost 141151 Frekvenca
0 No own income 22
1000 1.000 SEK per month 7
2000 2
3000 5
4000 3
5000 10
6000 8
7000 27
8000 23
9000 23
10000 47
11000 12
12000 27
13000 22
14000 31
15000 45
16000 36
17000 41
18000 76
19000 46
20000 73
21000 39
22000 50
23000 38
24000 33
25000 58
26000 27
27000 21
28000 22
29000 6
30000 34
31000 5
32000 4
33000 10
34000 10
35000 18
36000 4
37000 5
38000 7
39000 3
40000 19
41000 3
42000 2
43000 2
44000 1
45000 9
46000 1
47000 2
48000 2
50000 7
51000 1
52000 1
55000 4
56000 1
60000 4
65000 1
75000 3
80000 1
83000 1
85000 1
90000 2
95000 2
100000 100.000 SEK per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47447
999999 NA 143
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1051 47590

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 100000

si_rinc R: Earnings: Slovenia

Vrednost 142150 Frekvenca
10000 10.000 SIT per month 1
27000 1
30000 2
31000 1
32000 2
34000 1
35000 4
36000 2
37000 2
38000 1
39000 2
40000 15
41000 1
43000 3
45000 6
46000 1
48000 6
49000 2
50000 15
53000 1
56000 1
58000 1
60000 7
62000 1
64000 1
67000 2
70000 8
74000 1
75000 2
77000 1
78000 2
80000 21
82000 3
83000 4
84000 4
85000 6
86000 1
87000 3
88000 1
90000 14
92000 1
93000 2
94000 4
95000 5
96000 1
98000 3
100000 34
101000 1
102000 2
104000 1
105000 2
106000 2
107000 1
108000 3
110000 14
111000 1
114000 2
115000 2
117000 1
118000 3
119000 2
120000 26
122000 1
123000 1
125000 3
128000 1
130000 27
132000 1
135000 4
136000 2
137000 1
139000 1
140000 19
142000 1
146000 1
147000 1
150000 55
152000 2
153000 1
155000 2
160000 17
162000 1
170000 11
175000 1
178000 2
180000 22
187000 1
188000 1
190000 3
192000 2
195000 1
200000 28
205000 1
210000 5
215000 2
217000 1
220000 7
230000 10
240000 6
250000 21
260000 2
262000 1
270000 1
280000 4
290000 1
300000 21
310000 2
320000 3
330000 5
340000 1
350000 8
380000 1
400000 4
412000 1
420000 1
450000 3
480000 1
500000 3
631000 631.000 SIT per month 1
0 No own income, not in paid work 92
999990 NAP, other countries 47638
999998 DK 38
999999 NA 276
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
597 48044

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 10000 do 631000

tw_rinc R: Earnings: Taiwan

Vrednost 143149 Frekvenca
5000 Less than 10.000 TWD per month 376
15000 10.001-20.000 TWD 283
25000 20.001-30.000 TWD 305
35000 30.001-40.000 TWD 237
45000 40.001-50.000 TWD 183
55000 50.001-60.000 TWD 108
65000 60.001-70.000 TWD 62
75000 70.001-80.000 TWD 39
85000 80.001-90.000 TWD 21
95000 90.001-100.000 TWD 21
105000 100.001-110.000 TWD 10
115000 110.001-120.000 TWD 4
125000 120.001-130.000 TWD 3
135000 130.001-140.000 TWD 2
145000 140.001-150.000 TWD 3
155000 150.001-160.000 TWD 8
165000 160.001-170.000 TWD 2
175000 170.001-180.000 TWD 0
185000 180.001-190.000 TWD 0
195000 190.001-200.000 TWD 4
250000 200.001-300.000 TWD 6
350000 More than 300.000 TWD per month 2
0 No own income, not in paid work 274
999990 NAP, other countries 46669
999997 Refused 17
999998 DK 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1679 46962

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 5000 do 350000

us_rinc R: Earnings: USA

Vrednost 144148 Frekvenca
500 Under 1.000 USD per year 18
2000 1.000-2.999 USD 22
3500 3.000-3.999 USD 16
4500 4.000-4.999 USD 20
5500 5.000-5.999 USD 12
6500 6.000-6.999 USD 18
7500 7.000-7.999 USD 8
9000 8.000-9.999 USD 17
11250 10.000-12499 USD 35
13750 12500-14.999 USD 31
16750 15.000-17.499 USD 46
18750 17.500-19.999 USD 41
21750 20.000-22.499 USD 56
23750 22.500-24.999 USD 39
27500 25.000-29.999 USD 77
32500 30.000-34.999 USD 74
37500 35.000-39.999 USD 66
45000 40.000-49.999 USD 100
55000 50.000-59.999 USD 70
67500 60.000-74.999 USD 60
82500 75.000-89.999 USD 37
100000 90.000-109.999 USD 18
120000 110.000-129.999 USD 16
140000 130.000-149.999 USD 9
160000 150.000 USD or over per year 26
0 No income, not in paid work 439
999990 NAP, other countries 47123
999997 Refused 120
999998 DK 27
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
932 47709

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 500 do 160000

uy_rinc R: Earnings: Uruguay

Vrednost 145147 Frekvenca
2000 Less than 3.000 UYP per month 322
4500 3.000-5.999 UYP 209
6700 6.000-7.499 UYP 85
8000 7.500-9.499 UYP 66
10500 9.500-11.499 UYP 39
12500 11.500-13.499 UYP 32
15000 13.500-16.499 UYP 32
18500 16.500-20.499 UYP 33
23500 20.500-26.499 UYP 20
32750 26.500-39.999 UYP 16
50000 40.000-59.999 UYP 3
70000 60.000-79.999 UYP 2
90000 80.000 UYP and more per month 3
0 No own income, not in paid work 121
999990 NAP, other countries 47610
999997 Refused 48
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
862 47779

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2000 do 90000

ve_rinc R: Earnings: Venezuela

Vrednost 146146 Frekvenca
10000 10.000 VEB 1
24000 1
40000 1
50000 1
51100 1
60000 1
65000 1
80000 2
100000 10
120000 5
135000 1
140000 2
150000 3
160000 1
180000 3
185000 1
200000 22
210000 1
220000 1
230000 1
237000 1
240000 3
250000 7
280000 1
290000 2
300000 22
341000 1
350000 5
365000 1
380000 1
384000 1
400000 22
401000 1
405000 1
410000 1
415000 1
440000 2
450000 6
460000 1
466000 1
468000 1
480000 6
485000 1
500000 37
510000 1
512000 69
513000 1
514000 1
517000 1
520000 10
530000 3
535000 1
536000 1
540000 2
550000 2
560000 2
565000 1
590000 1
600000 40
605000 1
630000 1
650000 5
670000 2
676000 1
680000 2
700000 25
709000 1
720000 2
730000 1
750000 1
751000 1
760000 2
765000 1
800000 58
802000 1
840000 1
850000 3
860000 1
880000 1
900000 15
930000 1
950000 1
960000 1
1000000 32
1024000 2
1050000 1
1080000 1
1100000 3
1120000 1
1130000 1
1170000 1
1200000 23
1300000 5
1350000 1
1400000 5
1500000 24
1576000 1
1600000 3
1800000 2
2000000 14
2008000 1
2120000 1
2150000 1
2300000 3
2500000 2
3000000 5
3500000 1
4000000 3
4800000 1
5000000 3
5160000 1
6000000 1
8000000 2
10000000 1
20000000 20.000.000 VEB 1
0 Not in labour force 573
99999990 NAP, other countries 47441
99999997 Refused 2
99999998 DK 10
99999999 NA 17
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
598 48043

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 10000 do 20000000

za_rinc R: Earnings: South Africa

Vrednost 147145 Frekvenca
250 500 ZAR per month and less 303
625 501 ? 750 ZAR 197
875 751 ? 1 000 ZAR 470
1250 1.001 - 1.500 ZAR 150
1750 1.501 ? 2.000 ZAR 112
2500 2.001 ? 3.000 ZAR 133
4000 3.001 ? 5.000 ZAR 106
6250 5.001 ? 7.500 ZAR 90
8750 7.501 ? 10.000 ZAR 52
12500 10.001 ? 15.000 ZAR 33
17500 15.001 ? 20.000 ZAR 10
25000 20.001 ? 30.000 ZAR 7
35000 More than 30.000 ZAR per month 8
0 No own income, not in paid work 934
999990 NAP, other countries 45702
999997 Refused 253
999998 DK 48
999999 NA 33
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1671 46970

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 250 do 35000

au_inc Family income: Australia

Vrednost 148144 Frekvenca
0 No income 31
5200 1-10.399 AUD per year 80
13000 10.400-15.599 AUD 163
18200 15.600-20.799 AUD 88
23400 20.800-25.999 AUD 155
28600 26.000-31.199 AUD 125
33800 31.200-36.399 AUD 106
39000 36.400-41.599 AUD 122
46800 41.600-51.999 AUD 197
65000 52.000-77.999 AUD 440
91000 78.000-103.999 AUD 356
104000 104.000 AUD or more per year 572
999990 NAP, other countries 45860
999999 NA 346
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2435 46206

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 104000

ca_inc Family income: Canada

Vrednost 149143 Frekvenca
10000 Under 15.000 CAD per year 49
20000 15.000-24.999 CAD 82
30000 25.000-34.999 CAD 103
40000 35.000-44.999 CAD 81
50000 45.000-54.999 CAD 88
60000 55.000-64.999 CAD 70
70000 65.000-74.999 CAD 73
80000 75.000-84.999 CAD 70
90000 85.000-94.999 CAD 64
100000 95.000 CAD and more per year 158
999990 NAP, other countries 47708
999997 Refused 1
999999 NA 94
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
838 47803

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 10000 do 100000

ch_inc Family income: Switzerland

Vrednost 150142 Frekvenca
0 No income 2
200 200 CHF per month 1
600 2
904 1
1000 9
1200 1
1300 1
1400 3
1423 1
1600 1
1667 1
1700 1
1800 3
1900 3
2000 8
2100 3
2150 2
2200 5
2300 2
2400 2
2455 1
2500 14
2600 2
2700 3
2750 1
2800 4
2820 1
2860 1
2900 1
3000 24
3050 1
3100 4
3150 1
3151 1
3180 1
3200 3
3244 1
3300 2
3316 1
3400 6
3500 21
3600 2
3700 5
3750 1
3787 1
3800 7
3850 1
3900 2
3913 1
4000 22
4100 4
4200 7
4300 6
4400 3
4457 1
4500 30
4600 4
4680 1
4700 3
4800 8
4900 2
5000 44
5200 9
5300 1
5400 7
5500 31
5503 1
5522 1
5600 8
5613 1
5700 4
5779 1
5800 7
5900 2
5960 1
6000 36
6200 6
6300 4
6400 2
6500 25
6700 3
6800 7
6900 1
7000 31
7200 1
7300 1
7400 1
7500 34
7600 3
7700 2
7800 4
8000 31
8200 1
8300 4
8500 11
8600 1
8800 2
8900 1
9000 17
9100 1
9200 4
9500 14
9600 3
9700 1
9800 2
10000 23
10500 5
10600 1
10700 1
10800 1
11000 16
11500 6
11700 1
11790 1
12000 12
12200 1
12500 3
13000 5
13300 1
13500 1
13860 1
14000 6
14500 3
15000 10
15277 1
15500 1
16000 6
17000 1
18000 1
19000 13
20000 3
21000 1
25000 1
30000 30.000 CHF per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47638
999997 Refused 185
999998 DK 61
999999 NA 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
756 47885

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 30000

cl_inc Family income: Chile

Vrednost 151141 Frekvenca
20000 Less than 35.000 CLP per month 39
45000 35.001-56.000 CLP 48
66000 56.001-78.000 CLP 83
90000 78.001- 101.000 CLP 91
122000 101.001- 134.000 CLP 150
155000 134.001- 179.000 CLP 153
200000 179.001- 224.000 CLP 129
250000 224.001- 291.000 CLP 123
310000 291.001- 358.000 CLP 108
400000 358.001- 448.000 CLP 98
750000 448.001- 1.000.000 CLP 123
1500000 1.000.001- 2.000.000 CLP 37
2500000 2.000.001- 3.000.000 CLP 21
3100000 More than 3.000.000 CLP per month 7
9999990 NAP, other countries 47136
9999998 DK 80
9999999 NA 215
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1210 47431

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 20000 do 3100000

cz_inc Family income: Czech Republic

Vrednost 152140 Frekvenca
7000 Less than 8.000 CZK per month 48
9000 8.000-9.999 CZK 100
11000 10.000-11.999 CZK 46
13000 12.000-13.999 CZK 47
15000 14.000-15.999 CZK 94
17000 16.000-17.999 CZK 84
19000 18.000-19.999 CZK 70
21500 20.000-22.999 CZK 90
24500 23.000-25.999 CZK 80
28000 26.000-29.999 CZK 83
32500 30.000-34.999 CZK 57
37500 35.000-39.999 CZK 38
45000 40.000-49.999 CZK 33
55000 50.000-59.999 CZK 10
67500 60.000-74.999 CZK 7
82500 75.000-89.999 CZK 2
97500 90.000 CZK and more per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47440
999997 Refused 175
999998 DK 60
999999 NA 76
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
890 47751

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 7000 do 97500

de_inc Family income: Germany

Vrednost 153139 Frekvenca
0 No income 8
20 20 EUR per month 1
88 1
100 1
199 1
200 1
249 1
300 1
311 1
331 1
342 1
345 5
350 4
355 1
360 1
380 1
390 1
400 4
450 1
455 1
500 6
520 3
525 1
530 1
545 1
550 1
560 1
562 1
574 1
580 1
600 12
601 1
630 1
636 1
648 1
650 3
660 1
663 1
664 1
670 1
683 1
687 5
690 2
700 12
715 1
740 2
742 1
750 6
752 1
760 1
770 1
780 3
789 1
799 1
800 10
812 9
820 1
830 1
840 1
850 5
852 1
864 1
870 1
890 1
891 1
900 20
902 1
910 1
923 1
935 1
937 10
940 2
950 5
960 4
975 1
980 1
1000 25
1020 1
1021 1
1027 1
1050 4
1062 10
1084 1
1085 1
1100 24
1125 1
1140 1
1150 4
1187 13
1194 1
1200 40
1230 2
1240 1
1250 9
1290 1
1300 21
1312 11
1340 2
1345 1
1350 4
1375 1
1400 38
1420 1
1437 19
1450 11
1460 1
1500 48
1505 1
1520 1
1521 1
1550 6
1589 1
1600 29
1625 19
1636 1
1650 4
1680 2
1690 1
1700 35
1720 1
1750 9
1775 1
1780 2
1800 29
1814 1
1820 1
1840 1
1850 3
1875 18
1890 1
1900 20
1950 3
1960 1
1983 1
1990 1
2000 75
2030 1
2100 18
2120 1
2125 22
2150 1
2170 1
2175 1
2200 31
2230 1
2240 1
2250 4
2280 1
2300 20
2333 1
2350 3
2375 18
2400 13
2430 1
2450 2
2480 1
2500 44
2590 1
2600 18
2625 16
2650 1
2700 14
2750 5
2780 1
2800 21
2860 1
2870 1
2875 19
2900 8
2950 1
3000 47
3050 1
3100 7
3150 3
3200 14
3300 8
3400 4
3500 56
3600 7
3670 1
3700 8
3800 3
3890 2
3900 4
4000 24
4050 1
4250 1
4280 1
4300 1
4354 1
4400 1
4500 25
4600 2
4650 1
5000 14
5500 5
5900 1
6000 8
6200 1
6250 10
6500 2
7500 3
8000 4
10000 1
12000 12.000 EUR per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 46998
999997 Refused 296
999999 NA 19
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1328 47313

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12000

dk_inc Family income: Denmark

Vrednost 154138 Frekvenca
70000 Below 100.000 DKK per year 38
125000 100.000-149.999 DKK 85
175000 150.000-199.999 DKK 97
225000 200.000-249.999 DKK 93
275000 250.000-299.999 DKK 85
350000 300.000-399.999 DKK 152
450000 400.000-499.999 DKK 150
550000 500.000-599.999 DKK 153
650000 600.000-699.999 DKK 152
750000 700.000-799.999 DKK 113
850000 800.000-899.999 DKK 58
950000 900.000-999.999 DKK 51
1050000 1 million DKK or more per year 99
9999990 NAP, other countries 47273
9999999 NA 42
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1326 47315

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 70000 do 1050000

do_inc Family income: Dominican Republic

Vrednost 155137 Frekvenca
2500 Less than 5.000 DOP per month 770
10500 5.000-15.999 DOP 905
21500 16.000-26.999 DOP 226
32500 27.000-37.999 DOP 68
43500 38.000-48.999 DOP 28
54500 49.000-59.999 DOP 19
65000 60.000-69.999 DOP 9
75000 70.000-79.999 DOP 5
85000 80.000-89.999 DOP 0
95000 90.000 DOP and more per month 3
999990 NAP, other countries 46535
999999 NA 73
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2033 46608

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2500 do 95000

es_inc Family income: Spain

Vrednost 156136 Frekvenca
250 300 EUR per month or less 14
450 301-600 EUR 152
750 601-900 EUR 201
1050 901-1.200 EUR 313
1500 1.201-1.800 EUR 445
2100 1.801-2.400 EUR 327
2700 2.400-3.000 EUR 207
3750 3.001-4.500 EUR 135
5250 4.501-6.000 EUR 41
7000 More than 6.000 EUR per month 16
999990 NAP, other countries 46124
999998 DK 262
999999 NA 404
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1851 46790

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 250 do 7000

fi_inc Family income: Finland

Vrednost 157135 Frekvenca
20 20 EUR per month 1
22 1
150 1
200 1
210 1
220 1
254 1
259 1
300 1
334 1
360 1
374 1
400 2
408 1
430 1
434 2
450 4
460 4
470 2
500 4
517 1
560 1
570 1
600 7
690 1
691 1
700 13
740 1
750 2
770 1
786 1
800 4
835 1
850 2
851 1
865 1
900 12
920 1
932 1
940 1
950 1
986 1
999 1
1000 22
1020 1
1070 1
1090 2
1100 4
1110 1
1157 1
1200 14
1250 1
1262 1
1272 1
1300 7
1350 1
1360 1
1376 1
1400 7
1450 1
1462 1
1468 1
1472 1
1473 1
1500 27
1501 1
1522 1
1560 2
1600 9
1625 1
1645 1
1650 1
1670 1
1700 13
1703 1
1712 1
1732 1
1750 2
1785 1
1790 1
1800 10
1840 1
1900 9
1923 1
1930 1
1936 1
1950 3
1965 1
1967 1
1968 1
1980 1
2000 43
2050 2
2070 1
2100 7
2120 1
2130 1
2140 1
2150 3
2166 1
2200 17
2205 1
2206 1
2280 1
2300 10
2348 1
2390 1
2400 10
2430 1
2445 1
2500 34
2530 1
2600 13
2632 1
2650 1
2680 1
2700 6
2750 1
2800 13
2840 1
2850 2
2897 1
2900 7
2930 1
3000 62
3100 2
3130 1
3150 1
3187 1
3190 1
3200 14
3259 1
3295 1
3300 11
3360 1
3400 5
3450 2
3499 1
3500 36
3520 1
3600 11
3650 1
3700 10
3750 1
3770 1
3800 9
4000 62
4007 1
4100 2
4156 1
4166 1
4170 1
4200 9
4250 1
4300 5
4330 1
4377 1
4400 4
4500 41
4550 1
4600 7
4670 1
4700 5
4800 5
4900 4
5000 57
5100 2
5150 1
5200 4
5300 3
5400 3
5476 1
5500 15
5550 1
5600 1
5645 1
5656 1
5700 1
5800 6
5900 1
6000 31
6025 1
6100 2
6200 3
6300 1
6400 3
6500 6
6550 1
6700 1
7000 19
7500 8
7600 1
7800 2
8000 8
8500 4
8600 1
8800 1
9000 8
9100 1
9122 1
9500 3
10000 10
10500 1
11000 3
11500 1
12000 5
12500 1
15000 2
19500 1
20000 2
32048 1
46000 1
60000 1
130000 130.000 EUR per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47452
999999 NA 187
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1002 47639

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 20 do 130000

fr_inc Family income: France

Vrednost 158134 Frekvenca
250 Less than 500 EUR per month 6
650 500-800 EUR 33
1000 800-1.200 EUR 56
1450 1.200-1.700 EUR 129
2050 1.700-2.400 EUR 203
2750 2.400-3.100 EUR 269
3450 3.100-3.800 EUR 141
4150 3.800-4.500 EUR 132
5250 4.500-6.000 EUR 116
6750 6.000-7.500 EUR 41
8250 More than 7.500 EUR per month 39
999990 NAP, other countries 46817
999999 NA 659
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1165 47476

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 250 do 8250

gb_inc Family income: Great Britain

Vrednost 159133 Frekvenca
2000 Up to 3.999 GBP 14
5000 4.000-5.999 GBP 65
7000 6.000-7.999 GBP 48
9000 8.000-9.999 GBP 51
11000 10.000-11.999 GBP 41
13500 12.000-14.999 GBP 59
16500 15.000-17.999 GBP 52
19000 18.000-19.999 GBP 39
21500 20.000-22.999 GBP 48
24500 23.000-25.999 GBP 42
27500 26.000-28.999 GBP 40
30500 29.000-31.999 GBP 47
35000 32.000-37.999 GBP 65
41000 38.000-43.999 GBP 37
47000 44.000-49.999 GBP 32
53000 50.000-55.999 GBP 35
59000 56.000 GBP or more 97
999990 NAP, other countries 47711
999997 Refused 75
999998 DK 43
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
812 47829

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2000 do 59000

hr_inc Family income: Croatia

Vrednost 160132 Frekvenca
150 150 HRK per month 1
200 1
270 1
300 2
340 1
400 3
494 1
500 3
600 3
640 1
641 1
700 1
746 1
800 3
900 5
1000 10
1100 5
1140 1
1150 1
1156 1
1200 8
1240 1
1260 1
1300 6
1350 2
1400 5
1450 1
1490 1
1500 22
1550 2
1600 9
1650 3
1700 5
1800 7
1900 4
1950 1
1980 1
2000 24
2025 1
2030 1
2100 3
2166 1
2195 1
2200 8
2300 5
2400 8
2450 1
2460 1
2500 22
2600 3
2700 4
2750 1
2800 5
2930 1
3000 30
3030 1
3100 3
3200 6
3300 6
3400 4
3500 18
3600 8
3700 3
3800 7
3850 1
3900 3
4000 42
4100 2
4200 4
4300 4
4400 2
4470 1
4500 16
4600 2
4700 2
4800 7
5000 53
5040 1
5100 1
5200 3
5500 9
5600 4
5700 2
5800 4
5809 1
5900 2
6000 41
6100 1
6200 1
6300 3
6400 1
6500 13
6600 2
6700 1
6800 4
7000 26
7200 3
7500 9
7600 1
7700 2
7800 2
8000 49
8300 1
8400 1
8500 5
8800 1
9000 25
9300 1
9500 5
9800 1
10000 51
10500 2
11000 11
11200 2
11500 1
12000 13
12500 2
13000 9
13500 1
14000 2
14200 1
14500 1
15000 9
15500 1
16000 3
17000 4
17300 1
17500 1
18000 2
20000 4
23000 1
30000 1
34000 1
37000 1
40000 2
60000 1
75000 75.000 HRK per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47441
999997 Refused 128
999998 DK 146
999999 NA 131
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
795 47846

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 150 do 75000

hu_inc Family income: Hungary

Vrednost 161131 Frekvenca
0 No income 1
19500 19.500 HUF 1
21000 1
23000 1
23600 2
25468 1
27000 1
28000 1
30000 1
32000 2
32600 1
34400 1
35000 3
36000 1
38000 2
39000 1
40000 3
40040 1
41000 3
42000 2
43000 1
44000 1
45000 2
45500 1
47000 2
48000 2
49000 1
50000 6
51000 2
52000 3
53000 5
54000 4
54700 1
55000 4
56000 2
56200 1
57000 6
58000 5
59000 1
60000 17
61000 3
61800 1
62000 4
63000 5
63500 1
63700 1
63800 1
64000 6
65000 6
67000 4
68000 3
69000 2
69600 1
70000 18
71000 1
71500 1
71800 1
72000 2
73000 3
73700 1
74000 1
74200 1
75000 20
75200 1
77000 1
77700 1
78000 3
79000 1
80000 14
80024 1
81000 1
82000 1
84000 5
84500 1
85000 6
86000 3
87000 3
88000 1
89000 1
90000 12
90800 1
91000 2
91200 1
92000 4
93000 3
94000 2
95000 1
96000 1
97000 1
99000 1
100000 23
101000 3
101600 1
102000 2
103000 1
104000 2
105000 24
106000 4
107000 1
108000 1
110000 20
114000 2
115000 1
116000 5
117900 1
118000 2
120000 18
121000 1
122000 1
124000 1
125000 2
126000 2
127300 1
128000 1
130000 15
131000 1
133000 3
135000 33
135200 1
136000 1
137000 2
138000 1
140000 14
142482 1
144000 1
145000 5
148000 2
150000 28
152000 2
154000 2
156000 1
157000 1
159400 1
160000 19
163000 1
165000 3
170000 16
173000 1
174000 1
175000 46
178000 1
180000 13
182000 1
185000 2
186000 1
190000 4
195000 1
196000 1
200000 28
205100 1
210000 6
215000 1
220000 4
225000 1
230000 3
240000 4
250000 27
260000 2
270000 2
280000 3
300000 6
320000 1
330000 1
340000 1
350000 1
360000 1
400000 6
500000 17
750000 750.000 HUF 118
999990 NAP, other countries 47631
999997 Refused 126
999998 DK 41
999999 NA 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
837 47804

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 750000

ie_inc Family income: Ireland

Vrednost 162130 Frekvenca
5000 Under 6.000 EUR per year 3
7750 6.000-9.500 EUR 50
10750 9.500-12.000 EUR 79
15000 12.000-18.000 EUR 88
21000 18.000-24.000 EUR 81
27000 24.000-30.000 EUR 102
33000 30.000-36.000 EUR 94
48000 36.000-60.000 EUR 140
75000 60.000-90.000 EUR 84
105000 90.000-120.000 EUR 42
140000 120.000-160.000 EUR 8
165000 160.000 EUR and more per year 8
999990 NAP, other countries 47640
999997 Refused 104
999998 DK 102
999999 NA 16
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
779 47862

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 5000 do 165000

il_inc Family income: Israel

Vrednost 163129 Frekvenca
0 No income 40
2250 4.500 ILS and less, net 247
5000 4.500-5.500 ILS 110
6000 5.500-6.500 ILS 93
7000 6.500-7.500 ILS 114
8000 7.500-8.500 ILS 70
9500 8.500-10.500 ILS 133
12000 10.500-13.500 ILS 96
14500 13.500-15.500 ILS 47
17750 15.500-20.000 ILS 53
22000 More than 20.000 ILS 42
999990 NAP, other countries 47296
999997 Refused 123
999998 DK 73
999999 NA 104
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1045 47596

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 22000

jp_inc Family income: Japan

Vrednost 164128 Frekvenca
1000000 Less than 2.000.000 JPY per year 137
2500000 2.000.000-2.999.999 JPY 139
3500000 3.000.000-3.999.999 JPY 131
4500000 4.000.000-4.999.999 JPY 126
5500000 5.000.000-5.999.999 JPY 127
6500000 6.000.000-6.999.999 JPY 81
7500000 7.000.000-7.999.999 JPY 85
8500000 8.000.000-8.999.999 JPY 55
9500000 9.000.000-9.999.999 JPY 53
11000000 10.000.000-11.999.999 JPY 61
13500000 12.000.000-14.999.999 JPY 27
20000000 15.000.000 JPY and more per year 43
99999990 NAP, other countries 47410
99999999 NA 166
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1065 47576

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1000000 do 20000000

kr_inc Family income: South Korea

Vrednost 165127 Frekvenca
0 No income 9
40000 40.000 KRW per month 1
60000 1
70000 1
100000 9
150000 8
160000 1
200000 16
230000 1
250000 11
300000 19
310000 1
320000 2
330000 1
350000 1
360000 1
400000 14
420000 1
440000 1
450000 1
470000 1
500000 31
530000 1
550000 4
600000 12
630000 1
650000 7
700000 10
750000 3
800000 11
830000 3
850000 1
890000 1
900000 6
930000 1
940000 1
950000 1
990000 1
1000000 67
1060000 1
1100000 1
1200000 22
1250000 8
1300000 7
1350000 1
1400000 9
1430000 1
1450000 1
1490000 1
1500000 82
1550000 2
1600000 13
1630000 1
1650000 1
1670000 1
1700000 10
1740000 1
1750000 3
1800000 21
1900000 13
1970000 1
1990000 1
2000000 130
2100000 4
2150000 1
2200000 14
2250000 13
2300000 10
2350000 1
2400000 8
2450000 1
2500000 100
2550000 1
2600000 11
2700000 10
2750000 7
2800000 14
2900000 5
3000000 158
3100000 5
3200000 4
3250000 6
3260000 1
3300000 12
3330000 1
3400000 3
3500000 50
3600000 4
3650000 1
3700000 4
3750000 8
3800000 11
3900000 3
4000000 105
4100000 6
4200000 3
4250000 3
4280000 1
4300000 4
4400000 3
4500000 41
4570000 1
4600000 4
4700000 4
4750000 3
4800000 2
4830000 2
5000000 82
5100000 1
5200000 6
5250000 5
5300000 5
5350000 1
5400000 2
5500000 19
5600000 1
5700000 2
5750000 4
5800000 2
5850000 1
6000000 47
6100000 1
6250000 6
6300000 1
6350000 1
6500000 7
6600000 2
6750000 1
6800000 2
7000000 32
7250000 1
7500000 4
7900000 1
8000000 15
8200000 1
8300000 1
8330000 1
8500000 5
9000000 3
10000000 18
10500000 1
11000000 1
11250000 1
12000000 3
13000000 2
15000000 6
18000000 1
20000000 3
23000000 1
30000000 2
37000000 1
39000000 1
43000000 1
76500000 76.500.000 KRW per month 1
99999990 NAP, other countries 47036
99999999 NA 51
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1554 47087

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 76500000

lv_inc Family income: Latvia

Vrednost 166126 Frekvenca
0 No income 2
10 10 LVL 1
35 1
39 1
40 2
42 1
45 1
50 3
60 1
70 4
72 1
73 1
74 1
75 2
80 7
84 4
85 4
86 1
87 2
88 1
89 1
90 5
92 3
93 1
94 6
95 1
96 5
97 1
98 6
100 18
101 1
102 4
104 2
105 4
106 3
109 1
110 3
111 1
113 2
115 3
116 2
117 1
118 1
119 1
120 8
122 1
125 1
126 1
128 1
130 4
132 1
140 4
144 1
145 1
146 1
147 1
148 1
150 13
153 1
156 1
157 1
160 11
164 2
166 1
168 1
170 9
173 1
177 1
180 8
183 1
184 1
185 1
186 1
187 1
190 6
192 1
193 1
195 2
196 2
197 3
198 4
200 30
202 1
205 3
207 1
210 9
211 1
213 1
215 2
220 5
225 1
230 6
234 1
238 1
240 2
242 1
248 1
250 18
253 1
255 1
256 2
260 4
270 5
280 11
283 1
290 5
300 45
310 1
320 2
330 2
340 2
342 1
350 16
355 1
360 2
368 1
370 4
380 7
400 50
402 1
410 1
415 1
420 5
430 1
450 14
460 2
470 2
480 3
490 2
500 49
520 2
540 1
550 6
560 3
586 1
600 30
620 1
630 2
648 1
650 6
665 1
680 1
700 21
717 1
736 1
750 1
800 31
850 1
860 1
880 1
890 1
900 4
950 1
980 1
1000 17
1050 1
1100 2
1200 3
1322 1
1400 1
1500 2
1550 1
1600 1
1700 1
1800 2
2000 2
2400 1
3000 1
21000 21.000 LVL 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47572
999997 Refused 240
999998 DK 126
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
703 47938

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 21000

nl_inc Family income: Netherlands

Vrednost 167125 Frekvenca
350 350 EUR per month 10
700 2
750 51
1050 1
1100 11
1200 73
1450 2
1500 30
1550 15
1600 81
1950 54
2000 60
2300 4
2350 57
2400 57
2700 6
2750 39
2800 61
3100 3
3150 20
3200 47
3500 16
3550 14
3600 30
3850 6
3950 6
4000 28
4250 10
4300 1
4350 4
4400 17
4500 8
4700 9
4750 2
4800 9
4850 4
5050 1
5100 6
5200 6
5250 2
5450 1
5500 15
5600 2
5700 4
5900 7
5950 1
6250 2
6300 3
6650 1
6700 3
6900 1
7000 2
7100 4
7500 2
7900 2
8000 2
8300 1
9000 1
10000 1
11000 3
11350 11.350 EUR per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47648
999999 NA 71
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
922 47719

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 350 do 11350

no_inc Family income: Norway

Vrednost 168124 Frekvenca
1000 1.000 NOK per year 2
4000 1
8000 1
10000 3
11000 1
15000 1
16000 1
18000 1
20000 3
25000 1
26000 1
30000 4
35000 1
40000 6
45000 2
50000 8
52000 1
57000 1
62000 1
69000 1
70000 2
80000 6
85000 1
90000 2
100000 16
102000 1
107000 1
108000 2
110000 1
111000 1
112000 1
113000 1
115000 1
118000 1
120000 8
121000 1
122000 2
128000 1
130000 4
135000 1
136000 1
137000 1
139000 1
140000 6
141000 1
150000 10
156000 1
160000 5
170000 6
171000 1
175000 3
180000 5
183000 1
184000 2
188000 1
190000 4
192000 1
197000 1
200000 25
204000 1
210000 3
214000 1
216000 1
218000 2
220000 9
225000 1
228000 2
230000 9
238000 1
240000 7
245000 3
250000 23
252000 2
258000 1
259000 1
260000 8
267000 1
268000 1
269000 2
270000 6
271000 1
272000 1
273000 1
274000 1
275000 1
276000 2
280000 12
288000 1
290000 4
295000 1
296000 1
300000 47
301000 1
302000 1
305000 2
306000 1
307000 1
315000 2
318000 1
320000 10
322000 1
325000 1
327000 2
330000 3
332000 1
340000 4
348000 1
350000 36
352000 2
359000 1
360000 9
362000 1
365000 2
367000 1
370000 8
375000 2
380000 7
383000 1
385000 3
388000 1
389000 1
390000 2
391000 1
395000 2
397000 1
398000 1
400000 58
405000 2
408000 1
410000 4
413000 1
415000 1
420000 6
422000 1
423000 2
425000 1
427000 1
430000 5
435000 2
440000 6
441000 1
446000 1
447000 2
450000 32
455000 1
460000 4
466000 1
470000 3
478000 1
480000 7
489000 1
490000 5
498000 1
500000 58
505000 2
510000 6
511000 2
515000 1
518000 1
520000 5
525000 1
530000 10
537000 1
540000 1
544000 1
545000 1
550000 38
555000 1
560000 8
564000 1
570000 9
575000 3
579000 1
580000 6
581000 1
585000 1
588000 1
590000 7
595000 1
600000 53
604000 1
609000 1
610000 1
615000 1
620000 6
625000 2
630000 6
632000 1
634000 1
640000 4
650000 43
653000 1
659000 1
660000 3
670000 2
675000 1
680000 6
681000 1
684000 1
685000 2
690000 4
699000 1
700000 57
710000 1
720000 3
730000 2
740000 2
745000 1
750000 24
755000 1
760000 2
770000 3
775000 1
780000 3
785000 2
790000 2
800000 43
820000 2
830000 2
840000 2
850000 14
860000 3
870000 3
880000 1
890000 1
895000 1
900000 17
910000 1
920000 3
935000 1
940000 2
947000 1
950000 12
960000 1
975000 1
980000 1
990000 1
1000000 25
1020000 2
1025000 1
1050000 1
1100000 10
1120000 3
1150000 3
1200000 14
1230000 1
1250000 1
1280000 1
1300000 4
1350000 1
1400000 3
1500000 3
1555000 1
1580000 1
1600000 4
1650000 1
1800000 1
1900000 1
2200000 1
2300000 1
2400000 1
2550000 1
2800000 1
3000000 1
3170000 1
3200000 1
3430000 1
3500000 1
3600000 1
4200000 1
4800000 1
5000000 1
9000000 9.000.000 NOK per year 1
9999990 NAP, other countries 47311
9999999 NA 111
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1219 47422

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1000 do 9000000

nz_inc Family income: New Zealand

Vrednost 169123 Frekvenca
7500 7.500 NZD per year 48
12500 12.500 NZD 39
17500 17.500 NZD 68
22500 22.500 NZD 3
25000 25.000 NZD 118
27500 27.500 NZD 25
35000 35.000 NZD 97
45000 45.000 NZD 105
55000 55.000 NZD 71
60000 60.000 NZD 28
65000 65.000 NZD 96
75000 75.000 NZD 93
85000 85.000 NZD 17
90000 90.000 NZD 158
120000 120.000 NZD per year 250
999990 NAP, other countries 47378
999999 NA 47
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1216 47425

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 7500 do 120000

ph_inc Family income: Philippines

Vrednost 170122 Frekvenca
0 No income 3
200 200 PHP per month 1
500 4
600 2
700 1
800 2
1000 15
1500 22
1600 1
1700 3
1800 3
2000 50
2100 1
2200 2
2260 1
2300 1
2400 5
2500 16
2600 2
2700 1
2800 2
2850 1
2900 2
3000 80
3100 1
3500 29
3600 4
3800 2
3900 1
4000 69
4080 1
4240 1
4300 1
4500 22
4700 2
4800 3
5000 106
5500 3
5800 1
6000 100
6400 2
6500 8
6800 2
7000 59
7200 1
7400 2
7500 6
7600 1
7800 2
8000 62
8200 1
8250 1
8400 4
8500 3
9000 30
9400 1
9500 4
10000 99
10400 1
10500 1
10600 1
10700 1
11000 2
11200 1
11300 1
11500 1
12000 28
12246 1
12400 1
13000 8
13500 1
14000 15
14500 2
14800 1
15000 47
15800 1
16000 7
16500 1
17000 9
17500 1
18000 12
18200 1
19000 1
20000 39
21000 1
22000 5
22200 1
23000 2
25000 16
27000 4
28000 1
30000 20
32000 1
35000 4
36000 1
40000 4
48000 1
50000 2
55000 1
60000 1
70000 1
80000 1
108000 108.000 PHP per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47441
999997 Refused 40
999998 DK 52
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1108 47533

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 108000

pl_inc Family income: Poland

Vrednost 171121 Frekvenca
150 150 PLN per month 1
160 2
200 4
260 1
300 5
350 1
400 1
415 1
430 1
444 2
450 1
480 1
495 1
500 7
520 3
522 1
525 2
526 2
540 2
550 2
559 1
560 1
569 1
580 2
590 1
600 7
630 1
650 3
670 5
680 1
688 1
693 1
700 14
710 1
715 1
720 3
730 3
735 1
740 3
750 3
760 1
780 1
794 1
800 8
816 1
820 1
826 1
830 1
840 1
850 2
860 2
865 1
880 1
890 2
900 10
901 1
903 1
920 2
940 1
950 2
966 1
984 1
997 1
1000 37
1010 1
1023 1
1040 1
1050 4
1068 1
1080 1
1090 1
1100 18
1110 1
1140 2
1155 1
1170 1
1187 1
1200 37
1222 1
1231 1
1238 1
1240 1
1250 3
1260 2
1270 1
1300 21
1320 3
1330 1
1335 1
1340 2
1350 4
1370 2
1384 1
1385 1
1390 1
1400 19
1409 1
1410 1
1440 1
1450 1
1470 1
1500 45
1510 1
1520 1
1528 1
1530 1
1540 1
1542 1
1545 1
1596 1
1600 20
1640 1
1645 1
1650 6
1655 1
1670 1
1700 25
1726 1
1730 1
1734 1
1750 2
1760 2
1780 1
1790 1
1800 34
1819 1
1822 1
1830 2
1845 1
1850 1
1880 1
1890 1
1900 5
1920 2
1950 2
1960 1
1970 1
2000 104
2052 1
2070 1
2080 1
2090 1
2100 10
2130 1
2150 1
2160 1
2200 24
2300 16
2316 1
2358 1
2400 12
2418 1
2440 1
2450 1
2500 65
2520 1
2532 1
2544 1
2600 9
2620 1
2673 1
2700 15
2730 1
2800 15
2850 1
2854 1
2870 1
2900 8
3000 92
3080 1
3100 3
3200 11
3300 4
3370 1
3400 4
3450 1
3470 1
3500 39
3600 6
3630 1
3650 1
3700 4
3800 6
3820 1
3900 1
4000 50
4300 4
4400 1
4500 17
4600 2
4700 5
4800 1
4900 1
5000 38
5170 1
5200 3
5300 1
5500 7
5700 1
6000 19
6500 3
7000 13
7500 2
8000 9
8500 1
9000 6
10000 5
10500 1
13500 1
15000 2
16400 1
20000 20.000 PLN per month 2
999990 NAP, other countries 47348
999998 DK 57
999999 NA,refused 75
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1161 47480

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 150 do 20000

pt_inc Family income: Portugal

Vrednost 172120 Frekvenca
175 Less than 350 EUR per month 97
425 351-500 EUR 201
650 501-800 EUR 278
1150 801-1.500 EUR 353
2000 1.501-2.500 EUR 135
3000 More than 2.500 EUR per month 68
999990 NAP, other countries 46804
999997 Refused 486
999998 DK 219
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1132 47509

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 175 do 3000

ru_inc Family income: Russia

Vrednost 173119 Frekvenca
1000 1.000 RUB 2
1100 1
1300 1
1400 2
1442 1
1450 1
1460 1
1486 1
1500 5
1600 5
1700 2
1800 5
1900 4
1990 1
2000 14
2100 5
2130 2
2180 1
2200 6
2300 5
2340 1
2400 3
2450 1
2500 18
2600 5
2620 1
2644 1
2681 1
2700 9
2744 1
2770 1
2800 11
2816 1
2830 1
2900 4
2910 1
2950 1
2980 1
3000 58
3049 1
3050 1
3100 8
3126 1
3150 1
3158 1
3200 14
3250 1
3270 1
3280 1
3300 7
3345 1
3360 1
3400 5
3440 1
3450 1
3500 25
3600 6
3628 1
3652 1
3700 7
3750 1
3800 6
3840 1
3900 7
4000 41
4100 3
4150 1
4165 1
4200 8
4222 1
4238 1
4300 3
4380 2
4400 5
4430 1
4500 23
4534 1
4560 1
4600 5
4650 3
4700 5
4750 2
4800 5
4830 1
4850 1
4900 2
5000 73
5100 5
5120 1
5140 1
5150 1
5180 1
5200 6
5300 3
5400 2
5440 1
5500 18
5600 6
5650 1
5660 1
5670 1
5700 2
5800 3
5900 7
5950 1
5980 1
6000 89
6060 1
6100 5
6200 6
6242 1
6300 3
6400 2
6500 13
6600 3
6700 2
6800 5
6900 1
7000 69
7100 3
7170 1
7200 4
7270 1
7300 4
7500 16
7600 3
7700 2
7800 2
8000 73
8100 2
8140 1
8160 1
8200 2
8300 3
8400 3
8500 23
8600 3
8669 1
8700 3
8800 5
8900 4
9000 64
9150 2
9200 2
9300 3
9400 1
9500 10
9620 1
9800 3
9900 1
10000 121
10070 2
10080 1
10100 1
10140 1
10200 1
10360 1
10500 6
10600 4
10650 1
10700 1
11000 35
11100 1
11120 1
11250 1
11273 1
11300 2
11500 4
12000 83
12084 1
12100 2
12168 1
12200 3
12400 1
12500 10
12600 1
12700 1
12800 3
13000 48
13200 1
13300 1
13400 2
13500 3
13600 1
13800 1
14000 50
14084 1
14200 1
14260 1
14500 3
14530 1
14800 2
15000 102
15160 1
15200 1
15500 3
15700 1
15900 1
16000 48
16200 2
16214 1
16300 2
16500 4
16600 1
16700 1
16800 2
17000 30
17130 1
17500 3
17700 1
17894 1
18000 41
18600 1
18700 1
18780 1
19000 20
19200 1
19300 1
19480 1
19500 1
19809 1
20000 97
20070 1
20380 1
20500 1
20740 1
21000 8
21126 1
21500 2
21900 1
22000 20
22500 1
22600 1
23000 18
23500 1
23600 1
23800 1
24000 9
24500 1
25000 49
25200 1
25250 1
26000 17
27000 16
27300 1
27500 1
27800 1
28000 11
28600 1
29000 6
30000 72
30150 1
30500 1
31000 4
32000 7
33000 3
34000 4
35000 21
36000 6
37000 2
38000 3
38500 1
39000 1
40000 21
41000 1
41200 1
42000 6
42500 2
43000 4
45000 12
48000 1
50000 18
52000 1
53000 2
54000 1
55000 1
56000 1
60000 6
62000 2
66000 1
67000 1
68000 1
70000 1
75000 2
80000 4
81500 1
90000 1
95000 1
100000 4
110000 1
150000 2
190000 2
300000 300.000 RUB 1
999990 NAP, other countries 46234
999998 DK 241
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2166 46475

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1000 do 300000

se_inc Family income: Sweden

Vrednost 174118 Frekvenca
0 No income 8
3000 3.000 SEK per month 1
5000 5
6000 2
7000 12
8000 6
9000 11
10000 17
11000 11
12000 8
13000 8
14000 14
15000 15
16000 21
17000 22
18000 27
19000 18
20000 38
21000 14
22000 23
23000 16
24000 26
25000 41
26000 11
27000 15
28000 26
29000 10
30000 44
31000 7
32000 19
33000 18
34000 11
35000 38
36000 13
37000 15
38000 25
39000 9
40000 56
41000 7
42000 20
43000 12
44000 13
45000 32
46000 8
47000 7
48000 15
49000 5
50000 52
51000 6
52000 6
53000 3
54000 7
55000 24
56000 5
57000 5
58000 7
59000 1
60000 26
61000 2
62000 4
63000 5
64000 2
65000 15
66000 1
68000 3
69000 2
70000 14
71000 1
73000 2
74000 1
75000 4
76000 1
77000 1
78000 1
80000 9
85000 6
86000 1
89000 1
90000 5
95000 1
96000 1
100000 3
105000 1
110000 2
113000 1
120000 1
125000 2
145000 1
150000 150.000 SEK per month 1
999990 NAP, other countries 47447
999999 NA 157
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1037 47604

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 150000

si_inc Family income: Slovenia

Vrednost 175117 Frekvenca
0 No income 4
40000 40.000 SIT per month 2
43000 1
48000 2
49000 1
50000 2
60000 2
62000 1
70000 3
75000 3
78000 1
80000 7
82000 1
83000 2
86000 1
87000 1
88000 1
90000 4
94000 1
100000 12
104000 1
109000 1
110000 2
118000 1
119000 1
120000 12
125000 1
128000 1
130000 1
135000 1
140000 5
150000 21
152000 1
160000 4
162000 1
164000 1
167000 1
170000 6
174000 1
180000 10
187000 1
190000 4
192000 1
194000 1
200000 26
210000 7
212000 1
215000 1
220000 11
230000 10
240000 11
250000 27
260000 7
270000 5
280000 10
290000 1
300000 57
310000 1
320000 2
322000 1
330000 5
350000 22
360000 4
370000 2
380000 6
390000 1
400000 38
420000 2
430000 2
450000 13
470000 2
480000 1
500000 45
520000 1
530000 1
535000 1
550000 9
560000 1
600000 14
630000 2
650000 3
700000 9
750000 3
800000 8
900000 1
988000 1
1000000 1.000.000 SIT and more per month 14
9999990 NAP, other countries 47638
9999998 DK 211
9999999 NA 271
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
521 48120

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1000000

tw_inc Family income: Taiwan

Vrednost 176116 Frekvenca
0 No income 22
5000 Less than 10.000 TWD per month 101
15000 10.001-20.000 TWD 130
25000 20.001-30.000 TWD 168
35000 30.001-40.000 TWD 177
45000 40.001-50.000 TWD 209
55000 50.001-60.000 TWD 188
65000 60.001-70.000 TWD 155
75000 70.001-80.000 TWD 122
85000 80.001-90.000 TWD 93
95000 90.001-100.000 TWD 129
105000 100.001-110.000 TWD 73
115000 110.001-120.000 TWD 45
125000 120.001-130.000 TWD 27
135000 130.001-140.000 TWD 30
145000 140.001-150.000 TWD 24
155000 150.001-160.000 TWD 38
165000 160.001-170.000 TWD 12
175000 170.001-180.000 TWD 11
185000 180.001-190.000 TWD 5
195000 190.001-200.000 TWD 28
250000 200.001-300.000 TWD 30
350000 300.001-400.000 TWD 8
450000 400.001-500.000 TWD 9
750000 500.001-1.000.000 TWD 7
1250000 More than 1.000.000 TWD per month 4
9999990 NAP, other countries 46669
9999997 Refused 32
9999998 DK 91
9999999 NA 4
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1845 46796

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1250000

us_inc Family income: USA

Vrednost 177115 Frekvenca
500 Under 1.000 USD per year 16
2000 1.000-2.999 USD 11
3500 3.000-3.999 USD 7
4500 4.000-4.999 USD 7
5500 5.000-5.999 USD 11
6500 6.000-6.999 USD 17
7500 7.000-7.999 USD 12
9000 8.000-9.999 USD 27
11250 10.000-12499 USD 47
13750 12.500-14.999 USD 45
16750 15.000-17.499 USD 38
18750 17.500-19.999 USD 37
21750 20.000-22.499 USD 57
23750 22.500-24.999 USD 45
27500 25.000-29.999 USD 83
32500 30.000-34.999 USD 74
37500 35.000-39.999 USD 80
45000 40.000-49.999 USD 132
55000 50.000-59.999 USD 106
67500 60.000-74.999 USD 111
82500 75.000-89.999 USD 96
100000 90.000-109.999 USD 80
120000 110.000-129.999 USD 56
140000 130.000-149.999 USD 26
160000 150.000 USD or over per year 74
999990 NAP, other countries 47123
999997 Refused 157
999998 DK 66
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1295 47346

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 500 do 160000

uy_inc Family income: Uruguay

Vrednost 178114 Frekvenca
2000 Less than 3.000 UYP per month 183
4500 3.000-5.999 UYP 197
6700 6.000-7.499 UYP 115
8000 7.500-9.499 UYP 89
10500 9.500-11.499 UYP 83
12500 11.500-13.499 UYP 69
15000 13.500-16.499 UYP 56
18500 16.500-20.499 UYP 54
23500 20.500-26.499 UYP 45
32750 26.500-39.999 UYP 42
50000 40.000-59.999 UYP 27
70000 60.000-79.999 UYP 8
90000 80.000 UYP and more per month 5
999990 NAP, other countries 47610
999997 Refused 58
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
973 47668

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2000 do 90000

ve_inc Family income: Venezuela

Vrednost 179113 Frekvenca
0 No income 7
20000 20.000 VEB 2
50000 2
60000 1
80000 3
100000 17
120000 3
150000 4
160000 2
180000 4
190000 1
200000 35
210000 1
220000 1
230000 1
250000 14
260000 1
280000 2
290000 1
300000 41
320000 3
350000 7
360000 1
380000 1
400000 41
405000 1
410000 2
440000 2
450000 13
460000 3
466000 1
468000 1
470000 1
480000 9
500000 57
502000 1
510000 2
511000 1
512000 87
513000 1
514000 1
520000 9
530000 1
536000 1
545000 2
550000 4
560000 6
580000 2
590000 1
600000 76
612000 1
630000 1
650000 5
676000 1
680000 2
696000 1
700000 35
712000 1
720000 3
750000 2
760000 2
765000 1
800000 93
802000 1
820000 2
840000 1
850000 3
877000 1
900000 18
930000 1
940000 1
950000 1
980000 1
1000000 96
1010000 1
1024000 15
1040000 1
1050000 1
1080000 2
1100000 7
1112000 1
1116000 1
1120000 1
1135000 1
1200000 48
1300000 7
1312000 1
1320000 1
1400000 15
1500000 58
1520000 1
1536000 5
1540000 1
1600000 16
1700000 4
1800000 16
1820000 1
1850000 1
2000000 55
2008000 1
2100000 1
2200000 4
2300000 6
2400000 2
2500000 16
2600000 2
2700000 2
2800000 1
3000000 21
3100000 2
3150000 1
3200000 1
3300000 1
3500000 2
3600000 2
3630000 1
3800000 1
4000000 11
4450000 1
4500000 2
4800000 2
5000000 10
5160000 1
5500000 1
6000000 2
7000000 1
7500000 1
8000000 5
10000000 2
11000000 2
11200000 1
12000000 1
16000000 1
20000000 20.000.000 VEB 1
99999990 NAP, other countries 47441
99999997 Refused 1
99999998 DK 37
99999999 NA 34
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1128 47513

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 20000000

za_inc Family income: South Africa

Vrednost 180112 Frekvenca
0 No income 43
250 500 ZAR and less per month 189
625 501 ? 750 ZAR 195
875 751 ? 1.000 ZAR 399
1250 1.001- 1.500 ZAR 307
1750 1.501 ? 2.000 ZAR 270
2500 2.001 ? 3.000 ZAR 200
4000 3.001 ? 5.000 ZAR 175
6250 5.001 ? 7.500 ZAR 139
8750 7.501 ? 10.000 ZAR 128
12500 10.001 ? 15.000 ZAR 80
17500 15.001 ? 20.000 ZAR 59
25000 20.001 ? 30.000 ZAR 26
35000 More than 30.000 ZAR per month 25
999990 NAP, other countries 45702
999997 Refused 278
999998 DK 390
999999 NA 36
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2235 46406

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 35000

hompop How many persons in household

Vrednost 181111 Frekvenca
1 1 person 7080
2 2 persons 13512
3 3 persons 9039
4 4 persons 9380
5 5 persons 4666
6 6 persons 2159
7 7 persons 993
8 8 persons, SE:8 or more 575
9 9 persons 277
10 10 persons 166
11 11 persons 95
12 12 persons 57
13 13 persons, DK:13 or more 40
14 14 persons 27
15 15 persons 15
16 16 persons 15
17 17 persons 7
18 18 persons 3
19 19 persons 1
20 20 persons 1
23 23 persons 2
27 27 persons 1
34 34 persons 1
36 36 persons 1
99 NA, refused 528
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48113 528

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 36

hhcycle Household composition:children+adults

Vrednost 182110 Frekvenca
1 Single household 7055
2 1 adult,1 child 749
3 1 adult,2 child 528
4 1 adult,3 or > ch 317
5 2 adults 12079
6 2 adults,1 child 4086
7 2 adults,2 child 4447
8 2 adults,3 or > ch 2409
9 3 adults 4261
10 3 adults+children 3657
11 4 adults 2461
12 4 adults+ children 2197
13 5 adults 813
14 5 adults+children 857
15 6 adults 237
16 6 adults+children 374
17 7 adults 58
18 7 adults+children 146
19 8 adults 27
20 8 adults+children 69
21 9 adults 7
22 9 adults+children 23
23 10 adults 2
24 10 adults+children 13
25 11 adults 1
26 11 adults+children 3
27 12 adults 0
28 12 adults+children 5
95 Other 47
99 NA,refused 1713
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46928 1713

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

party_lr R: Party affiliation: left-right (derived)

Vrednost 183109 Frekvenca
1 Far left etc 1693
2 Left,center left 8729
3 Center,liberal 8978
4 Right,conservative 7429
5 Far right etc 1342
6 Other,no specific 618
7 No party preference 9319
0 NAP,didnt vote,not eligible;not available:IL,TW 3935
8 Dont know,UY:cant choose 2995
9 No answer,refused 3603
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
38108 10533

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

au_prty R: Party affiliation: Australia

Vrednost 184108 Frekvenca
1 Liberal Party 883
2 Labour Party-ALP 890
3 National Party 102
4 Australian Democrats 46
5 Greens 127
6 One Nation 31
7 Family First 36
95 Other Party 9
96 No party preference 567
0 NAP, other countries 45860
99 NA 90
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2691 45950

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

ca_prty R: Party affiliation: Canada

Vrednost 185107 Frekvenca
1 Conservatives 277
2 Liberal 239
3 New Democrats 88
4 Bloc Quebecois 60
95 Other party 27
96 No party 201
0 NAP, other countries 47708
97 Refused 1
99 NA 40
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
892 47749

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

ch_prty R: Party affiliation: Switzerland

Vrednost 186106 Frekvenca
1 Christian Democratic Party 80
2 Evangelical Peoples Party 12
3 Radical Party 92
4 Social Democratic Party 143
5 Swiss Peoples Party 128
6 Independent Party 0
7 Liberal Party 23
8 Labour Party 5
9 Swiss Democrats 3
10 Green Party 72
11 Freedom Party 1
95 Other Party 16
96 No party preference 384
0 NAP, other countries 47638
98 Not interested so much in politics 44
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
959 47682

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

cl_prty R: Party affiliation: Republic Chile

Vrednost 187105 Frekvenca
1 Christian Democratic 176
2 Independent Democratic 92
3 Communist Party of Chile 38
4 Nation. Renewal Party 121
5 Chilean Socialist Party 135
6 Radical Social Democratic 9
7 Democracy Party PPD 116
8 Humanist Party 20
95 Other Party 3
96 None, no party preference 733
0 NAP, other countries 47136
98 DK 12
99 NA 50
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1443 47198

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

cz_prty R: Party affiliation: Czech Republic

Vrednost 188104 Frekvenca
1 SZR Party of Common Sense 5
2 CHNJ Czech National Social Party 0
3 BPS Balbin Poetical Party 1
4 LIRA Liberal Reform Party 0
5 PaS Law and Justice 1
6 Independents 16
7 CP Czech Right Wing 0
8 KC Czech Crown (monarchists) 3
9 ODS Civic Democratic Party 287
10 CSSD Czech Social Democratic Party 167
11 SNK European Democrats 12
12 US-DEU Freedom Union-Democratic U 2
13 Helax-Ostrava is having fun 0
14 PB Right-wing Block 1
15 4VIZE 4 Visions 0
16 CSNS Czech National Social Party 1
17 Moravians 0
18 SZ Green Party 90
19 HS Humanism Party 0
20 KSCM Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 99
21 KpCR Coalition for the Czech Republic 1
22 NS National Party 3
23 FiS Folklor and Society 1
24 KDU-CSL Christian Dem-Czech Peoples Party 61
25 ND Independent Democrats 19
26 SRS Equal Opportunities Party 2
95 Other Party 0
96 Would not vote 141
0 NAP, other countries 47440
98 DK 158
99 NA 130
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
913 47728

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

de_prty R: Party affiliation: Germany

Vrednost 189103 Frekvenca
1 CDU/ CSU 392
2 SPD 351
3 FDP 126
4 Buendnis 90/Gruene 91
5 NPD 10
6 DKP 0
7 Republikaner 9
8 PDS/Linke Liste 110
94 Not eligible 101
95 Other Party 19
96 Would not vote 199
0 NAP, other countries 46998
97 Refused 64
98 DK 171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1408 47233

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

dk_prty R: Party affiliation: Denmark

Vrednost 190102 Frekvenca
1 Social Democratic Party 301
2 Radical Liberal Party 83
3 Conservative Peoples Party 131
4 Socialist Peoples Party 193
5 Christian Peoples Party 11
6 Danish Peoples Party 125
7 Liberal Party 301
8 New Alliance 40
9 Leftwing Alliance 25
94 Voted blank 7
95 Other Party 3
0 NAP, other countries 47273
96 Did not vote 95
98 DK 36
99 NA 17
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1220 47421

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

do_prty R: Party affiliation: Dominican Republic

Vrednost 191101 Frekvenca
1 PRD Revolutionary Dominican Party 329
2 PLD Dominican Liberation Party 782
3 PRSC Christian Socialist Party 99
95 Other Party 10
96 No party affiliation or support 801
0 NAP, other countries 46535
99 NA 85
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2021 46620

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

es_prty R: Party affiliation: Spain

Vrednost 192100 Frekvenca
1 PSOE Spanish Socialist Party 778
2 PP Popular Party 457
3 IU United Left, ICV in Catalonia 75
4 CIU Convergence and Union 46
5 ERC Catalonian Republican Left 32
6 PNV Basque Nationalist Party 17
7 BNG Galician Nationalist Bloque 12
8 CC Canary Islands Coalition 7
9 EA Basque Union 2
10 CHA Aragon Chunta (council) 3
11 Na-Bai Navarra-Yes 2
94 Vote blank 60
95 Other Party 25
0 NAP, other countries 46124
96 Did not vote,not eligible 585
98 DK 113
99 NA 303
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1516 47125

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

fi_prty R: Party affiliation: Finland

Vrednost 19399 Frekvenca
1 Social Democratic Party 214
2 Centre Party of FIN 171
3 Nat Coalition Party 169
4 Left Alliance 41
5 Swedish Peoples Party 37
6 Green League 79
7 Christian Democrats 29
8 True Finns 30
95 Other Party 6
96 Would not vote,no preference 74
0 NAP, other countries 47452
97 Refused 90
98 DK 223
99 NA 26
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
850 47791

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

fr_prty R: Party affiliation: France

Vrednost 19498 Frekvenca
1 Communist party 67
2 Far left 27
3 Socialist party 481
4 Green, Ecologists 124
5 UDF-Liberal 143
6 RPR-Conservative 374
7 National Front-Far right 53
95 Other Party 18
0 NAP, other countries 46817
99 NA 537
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1287 47354

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

gb_prty R: Party affiliation: Great Britain

Vrednost 19597 Frekvenca
1 Conservative 245
2 Labour 300
3 Liberal Democrats,SLD 110
4 Social Democratic+Labour Party 0
5 Democratic Unionist P 0
6 SNP (Scot National) 15
7 Plaid Cymru 4
8 Green party 26
93 Other answer 18
95 Other Party:UKIP,BNP/NF, Scottish Socialist, Respect, Social 22
96 Would not vote; no party preference 134
0 NAP, other countries 47711
98 DK 43
99 NA 13
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
874 47767

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

hr_prty R: Party affiliation: Croatia

Vrednost 19696 Frekvenca
1 HDZ-Croatian Democratic Union (Conservative) 157
2 SDP-Social Democratic Party (Soc-Democr) 115
3 HSP-Croatian Party of Rights (Right, Conservative) 46
4 HSS-Croatian Peasant Party (Center) 32
5 HNS-Croatian People's Party (Center) 26
6 HSLS-Croatian Social Liberal Party (Liberal) 15
7 IDS-Istrian Democratic Assembly (Regional) 9
8 HSU-Croatian Party of Pensioners 7
95 Other Party 22
96 Would not vote 583
0 NAP, other countries 47441
97 Refused 133
98 Don't know 55
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1012 47629

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

hu_prty R: Party affiliation: Hungary

Vrednost 19795 Frekvenca
1 HDF-Hungarian Democratic Forum 10
2 FFD-Free Democrats 19
3 ISHP-Independent Small Holders 6
4 HSP-Hungarian Socialist Party 298
5 FYD-Federation of Young Democrats 271
6 CDPP-Christ.Democr.People s P 0
7 HSPW-Socialist Workers 6
8 HTJP-Hungarian Truth 11
95 Other Party 14
0 NAP, other countries 47631
99 NA 375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
635 48006

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

ie_prty R: Party affiliation: Ireland

Vrednost 19894 Frekvenca
1 Fianna Fail 215
2 Fine Gael 89
3 Labour 42
4 Workers Party 1
5 Progressive Democrats 6
6 Green Party 12
7 Sinn Fein 18
8 Democratic Left 0
95 Other Party 2
96 No party preference 604
0 NAP, other countries 47640
99 NA 12
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
989 47652

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

il_prty R: Party affiliation: Israel

Vrednost 19993 Frekvenca
1 Haavoda 158
2 Likud 202
3 Kadima 78
4 Shase 48
5 Meretz 58
6 Mafdal 50
7 Yahadut-hatora 54
8 Gimlaim 22
9 Israel Beteno 47
10 Haadash 52
11 Balad 45
12 Raam, Taal 30
13 Hetz 0
14 Shinuy 1
15 ale yarok 9
16 Hayerukim 12
95 Other party 19
0 NAP, other countries 47296
97 Refused 80
98 DK 139
99 NA 241
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
885 47756

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

jp_prty R: Party affiliation: Japan

Vrednost 20092 Frekvenca
1 Liberal Democratic Party 369
2 The Democratic Party of Japan 169
3 Liberal Party 0
4 New Komeito 58
5 The Japanese Communist Party 21
6 Social Democratic Party 13
95 Other Party 6
96 No party preference 587
0 NAP, other countries 47410
99 NA 8
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1223 47418

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

kr_prty R: Party affiliation: South Korea

Vrednost 20191 Frekvenca
1 People First Party 23
2 Grand National Party 758
3 Millennium Democratic Party 137
4 The Uri Party 268
5 Democratic Labor Party 193
95 Other Parties 4
96 No party affiliation 184
0 NAP, other countries 47036
98 DK 38
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1567 47074

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

lv_prty R: Party affiliation: Latvia

Vrednost 20290 Frekvenca
1 Maras zeme'-'Maras Land' 0
2 'Saskanas centre'-'Harmony Centre' 27
3 Political Union 'Dzimtene'-'Motherland' 1
4 Party 'Visu Latvijai'-'All for Latvia' 2
5 Organisation For 'Human Rights in United Latvia' 22
6 Political Organisation 'Euro-sceptics' 0
7 Political org. 'Green and Farmer Union' 43
8 Party 'Our Land' 0
9 Union 'Latvias First Party' and 'Latvias Way' 10
10 Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party (LSDSP) 8
11 Party 'Tevzemes savieniba'-'Fatherlands Union' 1
12 National Force Unions 0
13 New Democrats 0
14 The Peoples party 63
15 Jaunais Laiks-New Era 55
16 Pol organisation 'Latviesu Latvija'-'Latvian Latvia' 0
17 Pol organisation 'Party of Pensioners and Seniors' 0
18 Party of Social Justice 0
19 'Tevzemei un Brivibai,LNNK'-Alliance 'For Fatherland and Fre 19
95 Other party 1
96 No party preference 511
0 NAP, other countries 47572
97 Refused 48
98 DK 258
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
763 47878

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

nl_prty R: Party affiliation: Netherlands

Vrednost 20389 Frekvenca
1 Christian Democrats-CDA 159
2 Labour-PvdA 235
3 'Liberal' Conservative-VVD 169
4 Socialists-SP 114
5 Green-Groen Links 42
6 Fortuyn?s Party-LPF 10
7 'Liberal' Democrats-D66 24
8 Wilders' Party-PVV 34
9 Christian [Protestant] Party 44
10 Orthodox Protestant Party-SGP 11
94 Vote blank 0
95 Other party,specify 42
96 Would not vote 67
0 NAP, other countries 47648
99 NA 42
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
951 47690

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

no_prty R: Party affiliation: Norway

Vrednost 20488 Frekvenca
1 Red Electoral Alliance 18
2 Labour Party 268
3 Progress Party 317
4 Conservative Party 167
5 Christian Democratic Party 61
6 Centre party 71
7 Socialist Left 72
8 Liberal 52
95 Other Party 13
96 Wouldnt vote 48
0 NAP, other countries 47311
98 DK 226
99 NA 17
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1087 47554

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

nz_prty R: Party affiliation: New Zealand

Vrednost 20587 Frekvenca
1 Act 19
2 Alliance 3
3 Green 87
4 Labour 326
5 National 366
6 NZ First 57
7 Progressive Coalition 2
8 United Future 32
9 Maori Party 21
95 Other 8
0 NAP, other countries 47378
96 Did not vote/not eligible 54
98 DK 288
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
921 47720

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

ph_prty R: Party affiliation: Philippines

Vrednost 20686 Frekvenca
1 Nationalist Peoples Coalition (NPC) 5
2 Liberal Party (LP) 30
3 Buklod Capampangan 0
4 Bileg Ti La Union Party 0
6 Christian Muslim Independent (CMIP) 0
7 Move Makati 0
8 Lapiang Bagong Lakas Ng Nueva Ecija (BALANE) 1
9 Partido Magdalo 0
10 Peoples Reform Party (PRP) 0
11 Lapiang Manggagawa (LM) 1
12 Independent Nacionalista and Allies (INA) 0
13 Ompia Party 0
14 Malay Democrats of the Philippines 0
15 Laban Ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) 3
16 Gabaybayan 0
17 Partido Nacionalista Ng Pilipinas (PNP) 0
18 Partido Demokratiko Pilipino Lakas Ng Bayan (PDP LABAN) 7
19 Partido Ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) 0
20 Bicol Saro 0
21 Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL) 1
22 Kabalikat Ng Bayan Sa Kaunlaran (KABAKA) 0
23 Panaghiusa 0
24 Paglaum Sang Banwa 0
25 Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista Ng Pilipinas (PDSP) 0
26 Sarangani Reconciliation and Reformation Organization (SARRO 0
27 Kusog Han Eastern Samar 0
28 Philippine Christian Nationalist Party (PCNP) 0
29 Retailers Party 0
30 Islamic Party of the Philippines 0
31 Forward With Vitality for Reforms (FVR) - Sigaw Ng Kabite 0
32 Liping Kalookan 0
33 Nacionalista Party 7
34 (Partido Pag-Asa) Peoples Progressive Alliance for Peace... 0
35 Lingap Lugud Capampangan Party 0
36 Kabalikat Ng Malayang Pilipino (KAMPI) 0
37 Bileg Ti Agkaykaysa Nga Ilokano Party (BIAG) 0
38 Pinag-Isang Lakas Tungo Sa Pagbabago (Pinatubo Party) 0
39 Aksyon Demokratiko (Aksyon) 5
40 Laban ng Makabayang Masang Pilipino (LAMMP) 0
41 (DAMGO) Democratric Alliance of Mindanaoans For Good Govt 0
42 Pusyon Pilipino (Bisaya) 0
43 Abante Anak Bisaya (Bisdak) 0
44 Progessive Movement for Devolution Of Initiatives (PROMDI) 0
45 Kilusan Para Sa Pambansang Pagpapanibago (Bago) 0
46 Muslim Reform Party (MRP) 0
47 Katipunan Ng Bagong Caloocan (KABAKA) 0
48 Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) 1
49 Partido Para Sa Demokratikong Reporma (PDR) 0
50 (PDR-LM) Partido Para Sa Demokratikong Reporma-Lapiang? 0
51 Ummah Party 0
52 Rizalist Party 0
53 Laban Para Sa Kapayapaan, Katarungan At Kaunlaran (KKK) 0
54 Bileg Ti Ilocano (Bileg) 0
55 LAKAS-NUCD-UMDP - Nacionalista Party 0
56 United Negros Alliance (UNA) 0
57 Quezon Nationalist Democratic Party 0
58 Sama Sama Tarlac 0
59 Kasangga Ng Bayan, Tao, Kalikasan, At Kaunlaran (KABATAK) 0
60 Social Justice Society (SJS) 0
61 (OSMEŃA) Organized Support For The Movement To Enhance... 1
62 Democratic Alliance (DA) 0
63 Barog Alang Sa Kauswagan Ug Demokrasya (BAKUD) 0
64 ALAYON Alang Sa Kalambu-An Ug Kalinaw 0
65 Compostela Valley Rainbow Alliance (Coral) 0
66 Kilusang Diwa Ng Taguig (KDT) 0
67 Katig-Uban Nortehanon 0
68 Cotabato United Peoples Movement (Lihok Cotabato) 0
69 Partido Pundok Biliranon 0
70 Pangkat Laguna 0
71 Partido Tapat (Taguig-Pateros Action Team) 0
72 Catanduanes Alliance for Reform and Democracy (CARD) 0
73 Peoples Alliance Development of Rombon (PADER) 0
74 Bayan Muna 7
75 Aton Tamdon Utod Negrosanon (ATUN) 0
76 Kugi Uswag Sugbu (KUSUG) 0
77 Peoples Consultative (Mushawara) Party 0
78 Asenso Pilipino Party (APP) 0
79 National Alliance for Democracy (NAD) 0
80 Caloocan Team For Action Progress and Truth (CATAPAT) 0
81 Buhay Hayaan Yumabong (Buhay) 1
82 Partido Isang Bansa Isang Diwa Party 0
83 Kilusan ng Nagkakaisang Pilipino (KNP) 49
84 Bangon Pilipinas 3
85 Gabriela 1
86 Citizens Battle Against Corruption (CIBAC) 1
87 Bando Osmeńa Pundok Kauswagan (BOPK) 3
88 Independent 17
95 Other Party 29
96 Would not vote, no party preference 851
0 NAP, other countries 47441
98 Dont know, cant recall 59
99 No answer, Refused 32
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1109 47532

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

pl_prty R: Party affiliation: Poland

Vrednost 20785 Frekvenca
1 LPR League of Polish Families 14
2 LiD Left and Democrats 81
3 MN German Minority 3
4 Womens Party 7
5 PO Civic Platform of Republic of Poland 403
6 PPP Polish Labor Party 6
7 PSL Polish Peasants Party 41
8 PiS Law and Justice Party 245
9 Patriotic Self-Defense 4
10 Self-Defense of the Republic of Poland 11
95 Other Party 2
0 NAP, other countries 47348
96 Did not vote 422
97 Refused 25
98 DK 29
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
817 47824

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

pt_prty R: Party affiliation: Portugal

Vrednost 20884 Frekvenca
1 Bloco de Esquerda,B.E. 32
2 CDS, PP 19
4 Movim 1
5 PDA 1
6 PH 2
7 PND 0
8 PNR 1
9 POUS 0
10 PPD-PSD 288
11 PS 438
95 Other party 9
96 None, no preference 691
0 NAP, other countries 46804
98 DK 73
99 NA 195
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1569 47072

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

ru_prty R: Party affiliation: Russia

Vrednost 20983 Frekvenca
1 Pensioners Party/Party of Social Justice 15
2 Union of right forces 20
3 Yabloko 40
4 Russian Ecological Party 'Green' (Panfilov A.) 3
5 Country Party of Russia (Lapshin M.) 21
6 Popular Party of Russian Federation (Raykov) 1
7 Party of Revival/Russian Party of Life (Seleznev G./ Miro 6
8 Motherland (Glazyev S.) 47
9 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Ghirinovsky V.) 75
10 United Russia (Gryzlov B.) 622
11 Communist Party of Russian Federation (Zyuganov G.) 167
12 Party Development of Entrepreneurship (Grachev I.) 0
95 Other Party 28
96 Against all/ threw out/ damaged voting paper 92
0 NAP, other countries 46234
97 Refused 455
99 Did not vote 815
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1137 47504

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

se_prty R: Party affiliation: Sweden

Vrednost 21082 Frekvenca
1 C (Centre Party) 52
2 FP (Liberal Party) 111
3 KD (Christian Democrats) 42
4 MP (Green Party) 41
5 M (Conservative Party) 242
6 S (Social Democratic Party) 423
7 V (Left Party) 61
95 Other Party, Healthcare,Feministic Init,June List 138
0 NAP, other countries 47447
99 NA 84
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1110 47531

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

si_prty R: Party affiliation: Slovenia

Vrednost 21181 Frekvenca
1 DESUS-Democratic ret 43
2 LDS-Liberal Democrats 110
3 SLS-Peoples Party 51
4 SNS-Slovenian Nation 29
5 SDS-Social Democratic 170
6 NSI-New Slovenia 30
7 SD-Social Democrats (former ZLSD Combined list) 81
8 SMS-Slovenian Youth Party 31
9 Green Parties 10
10 AS-Active Slovenia 6
95 Other Party 15
0 NAP, other countries 47638
98 DK 334
99 NA 93
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
576 48065

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

tw_prty R: Party affiliation: Taiwan

Vrednost 21280 Frekvenca
1 KMT Kuo Min Tang 392
2 DPP Democratic Progressive Party 229
3 PFP People First Party 16
4 TSU Taiwan Solidarity Union 9
6 New Party 3
95 Other Party 32
96 Dont support any party 1274
0 NAP, other countries 46669
97 Refused 6
98 DK 4
99 NA 7
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1955 46686

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

us_prty R: Party affiliation: USA

Vrednost 21379 Frekvenca
1 Strong democrat 243
2 Not very strong democrat 233
3 Indep,close democrat 181
4 Independent 374
5 Indep,close republican 112
6 Not very strong republican 180
7 Strong republican 168
95 Other Party 15
0 NAP, other countries 47123
99 NA 12
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1506 47135

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95

uy_prty R: Party affiliation: Uruguay

Vrednost 21478 Frekvenca
1 Red Party 78
2 National Party 158
3 Wide front Party 402
4 Independent Party 5
5 Liberal Party 2
95 Other Party 1
96 No party, no preference 372
0 NAP, other countries 47610
99 NA 13
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1018 47623

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

ve_prty R: Party affiliation: Venezuela

Vrednost 21577 Frekvenca
1 AD (Soc-Democr) 37
2 Copei (Cons) 14
3 MAS (Center left) 3
4 MVR (Left) 440
5 Proyecto Venezuela (Liberal) 3
6 Primero Justicia (Liberal) 21
7 PPT (Center left) 21
8 Causa R (Left) 2
9 Convergencia (Cons) 1
10 PUSV (Left) 25
11 Podemos (Left) 23
12 Un Nuevo Tiempo (Liberal) 32
13 PCV 4
95 Other Party 5
96 None 562
0 NAP, other countries 47441
98 DK 1
99 NA 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1193 47448

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

za_prty R: Party affiliation: South Africa

Vrednost 21676 Frekvenca
1 African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) 44
2 African National Congress (ANC) 1626
3 Azanian People?s Organisation (AZAPO) 10
4 Democratic Party / Alliance (DA/DP) 342
5 Freedom Front / Vryheidsfront (FF/VF) 15
6 Independent Democrats (ID) 38
7 Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) 56
8 Minority Front (MF) 20
9 New National Party (NNP) 33
10 Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) 12
11 South African Communist Party (SACP) 0
12 United Democratic Movement (UDM) 10
94 Uncertain 123
95 Other (specify) 9
96 Will not vote 335
0 NAP, other countries 45702
97 Refused 201
98 DK 47
99 NA 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2673 45968

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

vote_le R: Vote last election: yes, no

Vrednost 21775 Frekvenca
1 Yes 35121
2 No 9528
0 NAP:no voting right,not eligible;Not available:GB 1970
8 DK,TW:cant remember 432
9 No answer,refused 1590
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44649 3992

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

relig R: Religious denomination

Vrednost 21874 Frekvenca
0 No religion,not believe in God,Agnostic 10229
100 Roman Catholic 17624
110 Greek Catholic 23
200 Protestant 2413
210 Anglican,Ch Engl,Episcopal 1190
220 Baptists 431
230 Congregationalists 47
240 European Free Church (Anabaptists) 0
241 Mennonite 0
250 Lutheran, evangelical church 4479
260 Methodist 302
270 Pentecostal 477
271 Full Gospel Church of God 63
272 Apostolic Faith Mission 43
273 Intern Pentecostal Holiness 22
274 St Johnes Apostolic Faith Mission 44
275 Nazareth Baptist Church 38
276 Zion Christian Church 239
280 Presbyterian,Ch of Scot 315
281 GB:Free Presbytarian 1
282 Jehovas Witnesses 128
283 Church of Christ 9
284 New Apostolic 0
285 LDS Church, Apostle Twelve 154
286 Church of God a Saints of Christ 17
287 Church of God 14
290 Other Protestants (no spec. denom.),NL:reformed orthodox chu 374
291 Brethren 10
292 Mormon 86
293 Salvation Army 21
294 Assemblies of God 46
295 Seventh Day Adventists 95
296 CZ:Hussites 20
297 Unitarians,AU:Uniting church 200
298 United Church CA 10
299 United Church of Christ 7
300 Orthodox; Eastern Orthodox 173
310 Greek Orthodox 0
320 Russian Orthodox 1945
325 LV: Old Believers 6
390 Orthodox (no spec. mentioned) 65
400 Other Christian Groups 345
401 Aglipayan 18
402 Born Again 0
403 Alliance 0
404 Dating Daan 0
405 Jesus Miracle Crusad 0
406 Jesus is Lord 0
407 Christians 47
408 Espiritista 0
409 Iglesia ni Christo 33
410 Phil Independent Church 0
490 Unspecified Christian Groups 718
500 Jewish 1088
510 Orthodox Jewish 0
520 Conservative Jewish 0
530 Reformist Jewish 0
590 Jewish Religion general 6
600 Islam 557
610 Kharijism 0
620 Mutazilism 0
630 Sunni 0
640 Shiism 0
650 Ismailis 0
660 Other Muslim Religions 1
670 Druse 41
690 Muslim,Mohammedan,Islam 184
700 Buddhists 487
701 Specific Buddhist Groups 2
790 Buddhism general 986
800 Hinduism 26
810 Specific Groups 0
820 Sikhism 3
890 Hinduism general 148
900 Other Asian Religion 3
901 Shintoism 23
902 Taoism 327
903 Confucianism 0
950 Other East Asian Religion 525
960 Other Religions 589
961 NZ: Ratana, Ringatu 13
962 US: Native American 1
963 UY: Afro brazilian religion 11
970 Other non-Christian Religions 23
997 Refused 8
998 Dont know 126
999 No answer 942
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47565 1076

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 970

religgrp R: Religious main groups (derived)

Vrednost 21973 Frekvenca
1 No religion 10229
2 Roman Catholic 17593
3 Protestant 10970
4 Christian Orthodox 2240
5 Jewish 1094
6 Islam 783
7 Buddhism 1475
8 Hinduism 176
9 Other Christian Religions 1501
10 Other Eastern Religions 882
11 Other Religions 622
98 Dont know 125
99 NA; ZA: NA, refused 951
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47565 1076

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

attend R: Attendance of religious services

Vrednost 22072 Frekvenca
1 Several times a week, IL: + every day 2649
2 Once a week,GB: once a week or more 6535
3 2 or 3 times a month 3170
4 Once a month 2542
5 Sev times a year 8243
6 Once a year 4555
7 Less frequently 6499
8 Never 12143
0 Not applicable, no religion 1046
97 Refused 89
98 DK, varies too much 536
99 No answer 634
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46336 2305

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

topbot R:Top Bottom self-placement 10 pt scale

Vrednost 22171 Frekvenca
1 Lowest, 01 1891
2 02 2426
3 03 5020
4 04 6607
5 05 11276
6 06 9335
7 07 5098
8 08 2751
9 09 682
10 Highest, 10 564
0 Not available:GB 930
97 Refused 15
98 DK 757
99 NA,UY:cant choose 1289
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45650 2991

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

au_reg Region: Australia

Vrednost 22270 Frekvenca
1 New South Wales 898
2 Victoria 687
3 Queensland 538
4 South Australia 235
5 Western Australia 267
6 Tasmania 81
7 Australian Capital Territory 51
8 Northern Territory 18
0 NAP, other countries 45860
99 NA 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2775 45866

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

ca_reg Region: Canada

Vrednost 22369 Frekvenca
1 Newfoundland 60
2 Nova Scotia 65
3 Prince Edward Island 50
4 New Brunswick 53
5 Quebec 225
6 Ontario 209
7 Manitoba 75
8 Saskatchewan 57
9 Alberta 61
10 British Colombia 71
0 NAP, other countries 47708
99 NA 7
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
926 47715

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

ch_reg Region: Switzerland

Vrednost 22468 Frekvenca
1 Région Lémanique 200
2 Espace Mittelland 222
3 Nordschweiz 126
4 Zuerich 172
5 Ostschweiz 184
6 Zentralschweiz 62
7 Ticino 37
0 NAP, other countries 47638
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1003 47638

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

cl_reg Region: Republic of Chile

Vrednost 22567 Frekvenca
1 Tarapaca 40
2 Antofagasta 50
3 Atacama 25
4 Coquimbo 60
5 Valparaiso 155
6 Libertador General 75
7 Maule 90
8 Biobio 185
9 La Araucania 85
10 Los Lagos 105
11 Aisen 10
12 Magallanes and Antartica Chilena 15
13 Metropolitana de Santiago 610
0 NAP, other countries 47136
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1505 47136

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

cz_reg Region: Czech Republic

Vrednost 22666 Frekvenca
1 Prague 134
2 Central Bohemia 138
3 South Bohemia 78
4 Pilsen 65
5 Carlsbad 32
6 Usti 89
7 Liberec 61
8 Hradec Kralove 46
9 Pardubice 69
10 Vysocina 50
11 South Moravia 139
12 Olomouc 75
13 Moravia-Silesia 168
14 Zlin 57
0 NAP, other countries 47440
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1201 47440

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

de_reg Region: Germany

Vrednost 22765 Frekvenca
1 Schleswig-Holstein 49
2 Hamburg 16
3 Niedersachsen 147
4 Bremen 5
5 Nordrhein-Westfalen 301
6 Hessen 112
7 Rheinland-Pfalz 82
8 Baden-Wuerttemberg 152
9 Bayern 198
10 Saarland 19
11 Berlin-Ost 32
12 Mecklbg-Vorpommern 53
13 Brandenburg 108
14 Sachsen-Anhalt 91
15 Thueringen 98
16 Sachsen 149
17 Berlin-West 31
0 NAP, other countries 46998
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1643 46998

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17

dk_reg Region: Denmark

Vrednost 22864 Frekvenca
1 Capital Region of Denmark 267
2 Region Sealand 207
3 Region of Southern Denmark 303
4 Central Denmark Region 305
5 Region North Jutland 133
6 Copenhagen municipality 134
7 Frederiksberg municipality 19
0 NAP, other countries 47273
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1368 47273

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

do_reg Region: Dominican Republic

Vrednost 22963 Frekvenca
1 Distrito Nacional 195
2 Santo Domingo 379
3 Santiago 253
4 San Pedro de Macoris 63
5 La Romana 51
6 Higuey 46
7 Hato Mayor 17
8 El Seibo 42
9 Monte Plata 69
10 Yamasa 0
11 San Cristóbal 116
12 Bani 60
13 San Juan 64
14 Barahona 30
15 San José de Ocoa 41
16 Villa Altagracia 0
17 Azua 50
18 Duarte 45
19 La Vega 68
20 Espaillat 67
21 Puerto Plata 101
22 Monsenor Nouel 43
23 Samaná 40
24 Salcedo 38
25 Valverde 30
26 Santiago Rodgríguez 16
27 Monte Cristi 40
28 Dajabón 30
29 Elías Pina 0
30 Bahoruco 30
31 MTS (Nagua) 39
32 Independencia 0
33 Pedernales 0
34 Sanchez Ramirez 43
0 NAP, other countries 46535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2106 46535

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 34

es_reg Region: Spain

Vrednost 23062 Frekvenca
1 Andalucia 427
2 Aragon 85
3 Asturias 76
4 Baleares 38
5 Canarias 72
6 Cantabria 42
7 Castilla-La Mancha 120
8 Castilla-Leon 161
9 Cataluna 415
10 Comunidad Valenciana 279
11 Extremadura 63
12 Galicia 197
13 Madrid 277
14 Region de Murcia 82
15 Navarra 45
16 Pais Vasco 122
17 La Rioja 16
0 NAP, other countries 46124
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2517 46124

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17

fi_reg Region: Finland

Vrednost 23161 Frekvenca
1 Uusimaa 297
2 Varsinais-Suomi 93
4 Satakunta 53
5 Kanta-Haeme 50
6 Pirkanmaa 111
7 Paeijaet-Haeme 37
8 Kymenlaakso 40
9 South Karelia 38
10 Etelae-Savo 32
11 Pohjois-Savo 56
12 North Karelia 43
13 Central Finland 60
14 South Ostrobothnia 48
15 Ostrobothnia 36
16 Central Ostrobothnia 17
17 North Ostrobothnia 80
18 Kainuu 19
19 Lapland 45
20 Itae-Uusimaa 18
21 Aland 7
0 NAP, other countries 47452
98 DK 9
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1180 47461

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 21

fr_reg Region: France

Vrednost 23260 Frekvenca
1 Ain 19
2 Aisne 13
3 Allier 11
4 Alpes-Hte-Provence 4
5 Hautes-Alpes 8
6 Alpes-Maritimes 33
7 Ardeche 15
8 Ardennes 4
9 Ariege 8
10 Aube 8
11 Aude 10
12 Aveyron 6
13 Bouche-du-Rhone 66
14 Calvados 21
15 Cantal 6
16 Charente 10
17 Charente-Maritime 18
18 Cher 10
19 Correze 6
20 Corse 6
21 Cote-d Or 17
22 Cotes-d Armor 27
23 Creuse 6
24 Dordogne 9
25 Doubs 15
26 Drome 23
27 Eure 16
28 Eure-et-Loire 10
29 Finistere 37
30 Gard 23
31 Haute-Garonne 35
32 Gers 9
33 Gironde 52
34 Herault 26
35 Ille-et-Vilaine 26
36 Indre 7
37 Indre-et-Loire 13
38 Isere 46
39 Jura 4
40 Landes 11
41 Loir-et-Cher 8
42 Loire 16
43 Haute-Loire 13
44 Loire-Atlantique 35
45 Loiret 13
46 Lot 6
47 Lot-et-Garonne 12
48 Lozere 4
49 Maine-et-Loire 24
50 Manche 17
51 Marne 13
52 Haute-Marne 4
53 Mayenne 13
54 Meurthe-et-Moselle 16
55 Meuse 3
56 Morbihan 26
57 Moselle 29
58 Nievre 11
59 Nord 68
60 Oise 13
61 Orne 4
62 Pas-de-Calais 30
63 Puy-de-Dome 19
64 Pyrenees-Atlantiques 21
65 Hautes-Pyrenees 8
66 Pyrenees-Orientales 11
67 Bas-Rhin 31
68 Haut-Rhin 25
69 Rhone 37
70 Haute-Saone 4
71 Saone-et-Loire 20
72 Sarthe 17
73 Savoie 13
74 Haute-Savoie 31
75 Ville de Paris 80
76 Seine-Maritime 43
77 Seine-et-Marne 26
78 Yvelines 37
79 Deux-Sevres 17
80 Somme 7
81 Tarn 14
82 Tarn-et-Garonne 6
83 Var 24
84 Vaucluse 18
85 Vendee 28
86 Vienne 17
87 Haute-Vienne 15
88 Vosges 17
89 Yonne 8
90 Belfort (Territoire) 5
91 Essone 26
92 Hauts-de-Seine 46
93 Seine-Saint-Denis 18
94 Val-de-Marne 20
95 Val-d Oise 27
96 Corse-Sud 0
0 NAP, other countries 46817
99 NA 16
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1808 46833

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

gb_reg Region: Great Britain

Vrednost 23359 Frekvenca
1 Scotland 84
2 North,North West,Yorkshire Hbs 267
3 West, East Midlands 150
4 Wales 49
5 East Anglia,South West,S-E 316
6 Greater London 64
0 NAP, other countries 47711
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
930 47711

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

hr_reg Region: Croatia

Vrednost 23458 Frekvenca
1 Zagreb 298
2 North Croatia 212
3 Slavonija 231
4 Lika and Banovina 87
5 Istra and Hrvatsko 145
6 Dalmacija 227
0 NAP, other countries 47441
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1200 47441

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

hu_reg Region: Hungary

Vrednost 23557 Frekvenca
1 Budapest 166
2 Baranya 35
3 Bacs-Kiskun 43
4 Bekes 52
5 Borsod-Abauj 68
6 Csongrad 54
7 Fejer 42
8 Gyor-Sopron 43
9 Hajdu-Bihar 69
10 Heves 0
11 Komarom 28
12 Nograd 59
13 Pest 95
14 Somogy 71
15 Szabolcs-Szatmar 64
16 Szolnok 31
17 Tolna 0
18 Vas 19
19 Veszprem 29
20 Zala 42
0 NAP, other countries 47631
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1010 47631

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

ie_reg Region: Ireland

Vrednost 23656 Frekvenca
1 Border 146
2 Dublin 222
3 Mid-East 93
4 Midland 63
5 Mid-West 88
6 South-East 101
7 South-West 212
8 West 76
0 NAP, other countries 47640
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1001 47640

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

il_reg Region: Israel

Vrednost 23755 Frekvenca
1 North 253
2 South 165
3 Tel-Aviv 469
4 Jerusalem 152
5 Arab sector 306
0 NAP, other countries 47296
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1345 47296

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

jp_reg Region: Japan

Vrednost 23854 Frekvenca
1 Hokkaido 62
2 Tohoku 93
3 Kanto 374
4 Koshin-etsu 69
5 Tokai, Hokuriku 188
6 Kinki 192
7 Chugoku 78
8 Shikoku 38
9 Kyushu 137
0 NAP, other countries 47410
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1231 47410

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

kr_reg Region: South Korea

Vrednost 23953 Frekvenca
1 Seoul metropolitan city 331
2 Incheon metropolitan city 336
3 Daejeon metroplitan city 82
4 Busan metropolitan city 46
5 Ulsan metropolitan city 54
6 Daegu metropolitan city 121
7 Gwangju metropolitan city 52
8 Gyeonggi province 137
9 Gangwon province 105
10 Chungchong province 31
11 Gyeongsang province 90
12 Jeolla province 201
13 Jeju province 19
0 NAP, other countries 47036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1605 47036

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

lv_reg Region: Latvia

Vrednost 24052 Frekvenca
1 Riga 339
2 Pieriga 174
3 Vidzeme 112
4 Kurzeme 143
5 Zemgale 133
6 Latgale 168
0 NAP, other countries 47572
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1069 47572

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

nl_reg Region: Netherlands

Vrednost 24151 Frekvenca
1 Groningen 37
2 Friesland 41
3 Drente 34
4 Overijssel 71
5 Gelderland 110
6 Utrecht 67
7 Noord-Holland 171
8 Zuid-Holland 210
9 Zeeland 25
10 Noord-Brabant 147
11 Limburg 58
12 Flevoland 17
13 Abroad, foreign country (Buitenland) 5
0 NAP, other countries 47648
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
993 47648

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

no_reg Region: Norway

Vrednost 24250 Frekvenca
1 Central East 295
2 East 371
3 South 64
4 West 332
5 Middle 134
6 North 134
0 NAP, other countries 47311
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1330 47311

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

nz_reg Region: New Zealand

Vrednost 24349 Frekvenca
1 Northland 41
2 Auckland 326
3 Thames Valley 12
4 Bay of Plenty 80
5 Waikato 104
6 Tongariro 4
7 East Cape 8
8 Hawkes Bay 48
9 Taranaki 49
10 Wanganui 14
11 Manawatu-Rangitikei 40
12 Horowhenua 12
13 Wellington 133
14 Wairarapa 15
15 Nelson Bays 25
16 Marlborough 18
17 West Coast 8
18 Canterbury 176
19 Aorangi 16
20 Clutha-Centr Otago 23
21 Coastal-North Otago 36
22 Southland 34
0 NAP, other countries 47378
99 NA 41
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1222 47419

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22

ph_reg Region: Philippines

Vrednost 24448 Frekvenca
1 National Capital Region (NCR) 300
2 Balance Luzon 300
3 Visayas 300
4 Mindanao 300
0 NAP, other countries 47441
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1200 47441

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

pl_reg Region: Poland

Vrednost 24547 Frekvenca
1 Dolnosklaskie 94
2 Kujawsko-Pomorskie 72
3 Lubelskie 64
4 Lubuskie 34
5 Lodzkie 97
6 Malopolska (S-E) 108
7 Mazowieckie 223
8 Opolskie 39
9 Podkarpackie 69
10 Podlaskie 42
11 Pomorskie 66
12 Slaskie 147
13 Swietokrzyskie 43
14 Warminsko-Mazurskie 44
15 Wielkopolskie 103
16 Zachodniopomorskie 48
0 NAP, other countries 47348
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1293 47348

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 16

pt_reg Region: Portugal

Vrednost 24646 Frekvenca
1 North 613
2 Centre 476
3 Lisbon and Tagus Valley 473
4 Alentejo 182
5 Algarve 93
0 NAP, other countries 46804
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1837 46804

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ru_reg Region: Russia

Vrednost 24745 Frekvenca
1 North 138
2 North-West 82
3 Central 735
4 Volga-Vyatka 120
5 Black Earth 110
6 Volga Region 237
7 North Caucasus 237
8 Urals 291
9 West Siberia 212
10 East Siberia 131
11 Far East 114
0 NAP, other countries 46234
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2407 46234

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

se_reg Region: Sweden

Vrednost 24844 Frekvenca
1 North 122
2 Mid North 132
3 Mid East 187
4 Stockholm 223
5 West 120
6 Goeteborg 111
7 Smaaland Gotland 127
8 South 99
9 Malmoe 73
0 NAP, other countries 47447
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1194 47447

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

si_reg Region: Slovenia

Vrednost 24943 Frekvenca
1 Pomurska 81
2 Podravska 157
3 Koroska 41
4 Savinjska 136
5 Gorenjska 90
6 Zasavska 21
7 Osrednja 237
8 Spodnjeposavska 29
9 Dolenjska 67
10 Goriska 64
11 Obalnokraska 46
12 Kraska 32
0 NAP, other countries 47638
99 NA 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1001 47640

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

tw_reg Region: Taiwan

Vrednost 25042 Frekvenca
1 Keelung city 61
2 Taipei city 162
3 Taipei county 356
4 Taoyuan county 210
5 Hsinchu city 5
6 Hsinchu county 32
7 Miaoli county 52
8 Taichung city 81
9 Taichung county 146
10 Nantou county 0
11 Changhua county 68
12 Yunlin county 0
13 Chiayi city 39
14 Chiayi county 49
15 Tainan city 7
16 Tainan county 213
17 Kaohsiung city 152
18 Kaohsiung county 98
19 Pingtung county 115
20 Ilan county 73
21 Hualien county 50
0 NAP, other countries 46669
99 NA,not applicable 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1969 46672

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 21

us_reg Region: USA

Vrednost 25141 Frekvenca
1 New England 54
2 Middle Atlantic 184
3 East North Central 252
4 West North Central 93
5 South Atlantic 348
6 East South Central 104
7 West South Central 148
8 Mountain 120
9 Pacific 215
0 NAP, other countries 47123
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1518 47123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

uy_reg Region: Uruguay

Vrednost 25240 Frekvenca
1 Metropolitan statistical area of Montevideo 460
2 Rest of urban population 571
0 NAP, other countries 47610
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1031 47610

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

ve_reg Region: Venezuela

Vrednost 25339 Frekvenca
0 Not available; NAP, other countries 48641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 48641

za_reg Region: South Africa

Vrednost 25438 Frekvenca
1 Western Cape 338
2 Eastern Cape 329
3 Northern Cape 282
4 Free State 327
5 Kwa-Zulu Natal 486
6 North West 189
7 Gauteng 327
8 Mpumalanga 299
9 Limpopo 362
0 NAP, other countries 45702
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2939 45702

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

au_size Size of community: Australia

Vrednost 25537 Frekvenca
1 Inner metropolitan, over 100.000 people 756
2 Outer metropolitan, over 100.000 people 844
3 A large town, over 25.000 people 366
4 A larger country town, over 10.000 people 173
5 A small country town, under 10.000 people 269
6 A rural area or a village 308
0 NAP, other countries 45860
99 NA 65
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2716 45925

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ca_size Size of community: Canada

Vrednost 25636 Frekvenca
1 1.000.000 and more 82
2 750.000-999.999 66
3 500.000-749.999 78
4 250.000-499.999 76
5 100.000-249.999 146
6 50.000-99.999 86
7 10.000-49.999 219
8 1.000-9.999 100
9 Less than 1.000 80
0 NAP, other countries 47708
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
933 47708

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

ch_size Size of community: Switzerland

Vrednost 25735 Frekvenca
1 100.000 inhabitants and more 70
2 20.000-99.999 inhabitants 106
3 10.000-19.999 inhabitants 200
4 5.000-9.999 inhabitants 157
5 1.000-4.999 inhabitants 361
6 999 inhabitants or less 109
0 NAP, other countries 47638
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1003 47638

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

cl_size Size of community: Republic of Chile

Vrednost 25834 Frekvenca
0 Not available; NAP, other countries 48641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 0

cz_size Size of community: Czech Republic

Vrednost 25933 Frekvenca
1 1,2 Mill. (Prague) 134
2 City with 100.000 and more inhabitants 94
3 50.000-99.999,large city 108
4 10.000-49.999,larger town 271
5 5.000-9.999,small town 179
6 2.000-4.999,larger village 152
7 1.000-1.999,village 132
8 Village with less than 1.000 inhabitants 128
0 NAP, other countries 47440
99 NA 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1198 47443

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

de_size Size of community: Germany

Vrednost 26032 Frekvenca
1 500.000 inhabitants and more 187
2 100.000-499.999 inhabitants 247
3 50.000-99.999 inhabitants 119
4 20.000-49.999 inhabitants 271
5 5.000-19.999 inhabitants 435
6 2.000-4.999 inhabitants 190
7 Up to 1.999 inhabitants 194
0 NAP, other countries 46998
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1643 46998

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

dk_size Size of community: Denmark

Vrednost 26131 Frekvenca
1 Greater Copenhagen area 266
2 City,50.001-500.000 inhabitants 222
3 Town,city 10.001-50.000 inhabitants 294
4 Town,city 5.000-10.000 inhabitants 164
5 Town,less than 5.000 inhabitants 308
0 NAP, other countries 47273
98 DK 96
99 NA 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1254 47387

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

do_size Size of community: Dominican Republic

Vrednost 26230 Frekvenca
1 Capital (Greater than 990 thousand) 574
2 Province 1 (550 to 990 thousand) 369
3 Province 2 (300 to 549 thousand) 232
4 Province 3 (200 to 299 thousand) 277
5 Province 4 (100 to 199 thousand) 400
6 Province 5 (Less than 100 thousand) 254
0 NAP, other countries 46535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2106 46535

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

es_size Size of community: Spain

Vrednost 26329 Frekvenca
1 More than 1.000.000 inhabitants 245
2 400.001-1.000.000 inhabitants 164
3 100.001-400.000 inhabitants 555
4 50.001-100.000 inhabitants 274
5 10.001-50.000 inhabitants 655
6 2.001-10.000 innhabitants 424
7 2.000 inhabitants or less 200
0 NAP, other countries 46124
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2517 46124

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

fi_size Size of community: Finland

Vrednost 26428 Frekvenca
1 180.000 and more 273
2 50.000-179.999 203
3 20.000-49.999 241
4 8.000-19.999 228
5 Less than 8.000 235
0 NAP, other countries 47452
98 DK 9
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1180 47461

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

fr_size Size of community: France

Vrednost 26527 Frekvenca
1 Greater Paris 117
2 More than 500.000 65
3 100.001-500.000 135
4 50.001-100.000 102
5 20.001-50.000 189
6 10.001-20.000 169
7 2.001-10.000 489
8 2.000 or less 495
0 NAP, other countries 46817
99 NA 63
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1761 46880

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

gb_size Size of community: Great Britain

Vrednost 26626 Frekvenca
1 Less than 4.2 persons per square hectare 243
2 4.2 to 19 persons per square hectare 251
3 19 to 36.95 persons per square hectare 254
4 More than 36.95 persons per square hectare 182
0 NAP, other countries 47711
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
930 47711

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

hr_size Size of community: Croatia

Vrednost 26725 Frekvenca
1 More than 100.000 inhabitants 305
2 10.000?100.000 inhabitants 234
3 2.000?10.000 inhabitants 192
4 Less than 2.000 inhabitants 469
0 NAP, other countries 47441
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1200 47441

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

hu_size Size of community: Hungary

Vrednost 26824 Frekvenca
1 2 mill.inhabitants,Budapest 166
2 More than 100.000 inhabitants 97
3 50.001-100.000 inhabitants 130
4 20.001-50.000 inhabitants 124
5 10.001-20.000 inhabitants 91
6 5.001-10.000 inhabitants 109
7 2.001-5.000 inhabitants 126
8 Less than 2.000 inhabitants 167
0 NAP, other countries 47631
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1010 47631

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

ie_size Size of community: Ireland

Vrednost 26923 Frekvenca
1 Dublin city and county 218
2 Large city (Waterford City, Galway City, Limerick City, Cork 123
3 Large town, 100.000 inhabitants or more 87
4 Small town, 3.000 to 9.999 76
5 Village, up to 3.000 inhabitants 135
6 Open country 352
0 NAP, other countries 47640
99 NA 10
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
991 47650

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

il_size Size of community: Israel

Vrednost 27022 Frekvenca
1 More than 100.000 565
2 50.001-100.000 176
3 20.001-50.000 242
4 10.001-20.000 108
5 5.001-10.000 180
6 2.501-5.000 41
7 Less than 2.500 33
0 NAP, other countries 47296
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1345 47296

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

jp_size Size of community: Japan

Vrednost 27121 Frekvenca
1 1.000.000 or more 260
2 300.000-999.999 273
3 100.000-299.999 305
4 50.000-99.999 157
5 Less than 50.000, town, village 236
0 NAP, other countries 47410
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1231 47410

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

kr_size Size of community: South Korea

Vrednost 27220 Frekvenca
1 1.000.001 and more, metropolitan city 802
2 100.001-1.000.000, large city 704
3 50.001-100.000, middle city 91
4 Less than 50.000, rural city 8
0 NAP, other countries 47036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1605 47036

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

lv_size Size of community: Latvia

Vrednost 27319 Frekvenca
1 More than 500.000 population 339
2 100.001-500.000 population 50
3 50.001-100.000 population 96
4 20.001-50.000 population 76
5 10.001-20.000 population 50
6 5.001-10.000 population 86
7 2.000-5.000 population 104
8 Less than 2.000 population 268
0 NAP, other countries 47572
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1069 47572

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

nl_size Size of community: Netherlands

Vrednost 27418 Frekvenca
1 250.000 inhabitants or more 92
2 150.000-249.999 inhabitants 45
3 100.000-149.999 inhabitants 102
4 50.000-99.999 inhabitants 174
5 20.000-49.999 inhabitants 257
6 10.000-19.999 inhabitants 201
7 5.000-9.999 inhabitants 101
8 Less than 5.000 inhabitants 15
0 NAP, other countries 47648
99 NA 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
987 47654

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

no_size Size of community: Norway

Vrednost 27517 Frekvenca
1 100.000 and more, urban, total population 323
2 30.000-99.999 260
3 3.000-29.999 655
4 Less than 3.000, rural 92
0 NAP, other countries 47311
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1330 47311

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

nz_size Size of community: New Zealand

Vrednost 27616 Frekvenca
1 Large city 100.000 or more 471
2 Med city,50.000-99.999 123
3 Small city, 30.000-49.999 137
4 Large town, 10.000-29.999 116
5 Small town, 1.000-9.999 158
6 Village, less than 1.000 42
7 Farm or rural property 118
0 NAP, other countries 47378
99 NA 98
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1165 47476

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

ph_size Size of community: Philippines

Vrednost 27715 Frekvenca
0 Not available; NAP, other countries 48641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 48641

pl_size Size of community: Poland

Vrednost 27814 Frekvenca
1 More than 500.000 inhabitants 177
2 250.000-500.000 inhabitants 73
3 100.000-249.999 inhabitants 143
4 50.000-99.999 inhabitants 118
5 25.000-49.999 inhabitants 85
6 10.000-24.999 inhabitants 85
7 Less than 10.000 inhabitants 160
8 Village 452
0 NAP, other countries 47348
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1293 47348

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

pt_size Size of community: Portugal

Vrednost 27913 Frekvenca
1 More than 100.000 inhabitants 155
2 20.000-100.000 inhabitants 294
3 10.000-19.999 inhabitants 164
4 2.000-9.999 inhabitants 330
5 Less than 2.000 inhabitants 894
0 NAP, other countries 46804
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1837 46804

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ru_size Size of community: Russia

Vrednost 28012 Frekvenca
1 More than 1.000.000 inhabitants 694
2 500.001-1.000.000 inhabitants 196
3 250.001-500.000 inhabitants 241
4 100.001-250.000 inhabitants 199
5 50.001-100.000 inhabitants 187
6 20.001-50.000 inhabitants 189
7 Urban, 20.000 inhabitants or less 152
8 Rural 549
0 NAP, other countries 46234
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2407 46234

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

se_size Size of community: Sweden

Vrednost 28111 Frekvenca
1 More than 300.000 inhabitants 407
2 90.000-300.000 inhabitants 429
3 27.000-90.000 inhabitans 275
4 Less than 27.000 inhabitants 83
0 NAP, other countries 47447
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1194 47447

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

si_size Size of community: Slovenia

Vrednost 28210 Frekvenca
1 More than 50.000 inhabitants (Ljubljana,Maribor) 134
2 10.000-50.000 inhabitants 88
3 4.000-10.000 inhabitants 98
4 2.000-4.000 inhabitants 83
5 500-2.000 inhabitants 279
6 Less than 500 inh,single house 310
0 NAP, other countries 47638
99 NA 11
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
992 47649

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

tw_size Size of community: Taiwan

Vrednost 2839 Frekvenca
1 More than 1.000.000 inhabitants 395
2 250.001-1.000.000 inhabitants 459
3 100.001-250.000 inhabitants 384
4 50.001-100.000 inhabitants 322
5 20.001-50.000 inhabitants 296
6 10.001-20.000 inhabitants 70
7 5.001-10.000 inhabitants 43
8 Up to 5.000 inhabitants 0
0 NAP, other countries 46669
99 DK, refused,not applicable 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1969 46672

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

us_size Size of community: USA

Vrednost 2848 Frekvenca
1 1-9 millions 93
2 500.000-999.999 inhabitants 82
3 100.000-499.999 inhabitants 176
4 50.000-99.999 inhabitants 203
5 10.000-49.999 inhabitants 501
6 1.000-9.999 inhabitants 439
7 Less than 1.000 inhabitants 24
0 NAP, other countries 47123
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1518 47123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

uy_size Size of community: Uruguay

Vrednost 2857 Frekvenca
1 1.592.302 urban population 460
2 1.354.450 urban population 571
0 NAP, other countries 47610
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1031 47610

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

ve_size Size of community: Venezuela

Vrednost 2866 Frekvenca
0 Not available; NAP, other countries 48641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 48641

za_size Size of community: South Africa

Vrednost 2875 Frekvenca
1 Urban, formal 1615
2 Urban, informal 357
3 Tribal 580
4 Rural, formal 387
0 NAP, other countries 45702
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2939 45702

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

urbrural Type of community: Rs self-assessment

Vrednost 2884 Frekvenca
1 Urban,a big city 15069
2 Suburb,outskirt of a big city 6717
3 Town or small city 10342
4 Country village,other type of community 11136
5 Farm or home in the country 2345
0 Not available:CL,VE 2705
9 NA,dont know,refused 327
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45609 3032

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ethnic Family origin, ethnic group, identity

Vrednost 2893 Frekvenca
1 Africa,Somalia,Sudan,Mandinka,Yoruba,ZA:South Africa 217
2 Aklanon,Romblon 0
3 Albanian 1
4 American,American only,America 0
5 American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect 24
6 Arab,Muslim (Morocco,Algeria,Lybia) 4
7 Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic 0
8 Asia,other Asian 11
9 Australia,Oceania 0
10 Austria,Austrian 4
11 Baltic,Latvian,Estonian,Lith. 706
12 Bangladesh,Bangladeshi,Bengali 0
13 Basque, Vasco 0
14 Belgium, Belgian 5
15 Belorussia, Bialorussia 34
16 Bicolano/Bikol 69
17 Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish 25
18 Bosnian (SI:ethn.Muslim) 11
19 Bulgaria 0
20 Cajun/French Cajun 1
21 Canada,other Canada 43
22 Catalan-Valencian-Balear/Mallorquin 0
23 China,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin 49
24 Thai,Khmer,Vietnam,South-East Asia 5
25 Cook Island Maori 5
26 Creole,Surinam,Metis,Chavacano 0
27 Croatia 22
28 Czech Republic,Czechia,Czech 0
29 Czechoslovakia,Moravia,Czech-Slovak 0
30 Denmark,Danish 5
31 England,England&Wales,UK,English 131
32 Europe,White/European 1029
33 Fijian 0
34 Finland,FI:finnish speaking finns 1153
35 France,French 36
36 French Canada,French Canadian 106
37 Frisian 0
38 Germany,German (HU:German/Swab) 1560
39 Greece,Greek 4
40 Hebrew/Ivrit,Israel 1
41 Hungary,Hungarian 965
42 Ibanag 0
43 Ilocano 97
44 Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon 142
45 India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil 40
46 Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian 2
47 Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari 1
48 Ireland,Irish/Irish Gaelic 63
49 Italy,Italian 26
50 Japan,Japanese 1235
51 Kapampangan/Pampangan 0
52 Kinaray-a 0
53 Korean 4
54 Maori+New Zealand 136
55 Maranaw/Maranao 0
56 Masbateno 0
57 Kurd,Assyria,Middle East,Lebanon 1
58 Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish 9
59 Nordic,Scandinavian other 7
60 North America 0
61 Norway, Norwegian 2
62 PACIFIC,Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam 5
63 Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto 1
64 Panggalatok/Pangasinan 0
65 Philippine other 251
66 Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino 279
67 Pidgin, PNG Pidgin 0
68 Poland,Polish,Pole 32
69 Portugal,Portuguese,ES:Galician 4
70 Romani, Gipsy 53
71 Romanian/Rumanian,RU:Moldavian 2
72 Russia,(former) USSR & Rep. 2723
73 Samal 0
74 Samic,Lapp 0
75 Samoan, Tokelauan 17
76 Scotland,Scots Gaelic, Scottish 69
77 Serbia,Serbian,Serb 26
78 Slovakia, Slovak 2
79 Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene 925
80 South+Latin America,NL:Neth.Antilles 3421
81 Spanish, Castilian,Castellano 6
82 Swed,SE:both swedish citizen,FI:swedish speaking finns 1018
82.1 SE:One non-Swedish,One Swedish 31
82.2 SE:Both non-Swedish 139
83 Switzerland 3
84 Tatar 2
85 Tausug 3
86 Tongan,Niuean 5
87 Transcaucasian,Armenian 1
88 Turkey,Turkish 25
89 Ukraine,Ukrainian 30
90 USA 1098
91 Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno 358
92 Waray 0
93 Welsh 0
94 Yiddish/Jewish 2
95 Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian 13
96 Taiwan, Hakka, Holo, Fukienese, Aboriginal 1961
97 CA: Metis, Inuit, Eskimo 0
98 Other,mixed origin 182
0 Not available; Nap 27705
99 NA, dont know 258
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20678 27963

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 98

mode Administrative mode of data-collection

Vrednost 2902 Frekvenca
10 F2f,pap a pencil,no visuals 3216
11 F2f,pap a pencil,visuals 17521
12 F2f,pap a pencil,R readg questionnaire 2407
13 F2f,pap a pencil,interpreter,no visuals 27
14 F2f,pap a pencil,interpreter,visuals 4139
20 F2f,comp-assisted,no visuals 2106
21 F2f,comp-assisted,visuals 2521
22 F2f,comp-assisted,R readg questionnaire 0
23 F2f,comp-assisted,interpreter,no visuals 0
24 F2f,comp-assisted,interpreter,visuals 0
30 Self-compl,pap a pencil,interviewer attendg 1668
31 Self-compl,pap a pencil,drops-off,picks up later 2161
32 Self-compl,pap a pencil,drops-off,mailed back by R 0
33 Self-compl,pap a pencil,mailed to,hold for pick up 0
34 Self-compl,pap a pencil,mailed back by R 12835
40 Self-completion, computer assisted 0
52 DK: Telephone interview 40
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 10 do 52

weight Weighting factor

Vrednost 2911 Frekvenca
1 No weighting
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48641 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.0184658549661811 do 21.1418437848259

Dostop do podatkov in dokumentacije - Nesstar


Za dostop do podatkov se obrnite na avtorja raziskave ali pristojno organizacijo, saj Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov ne distribuira podatkov te raziskave.


3 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga z imeni spremenljivk iz podatkovne datoteke.


9 - najvišji rang, primerjalne ali kontinuirane raziskave, pomembne populacije, metodološko ustrezne

  Kako citiram to RAZISKAVO?

ISSP raziskovalna skupina. (2009). Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2006: Vloga države IV [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: ISSP06. Dostopno prek

Cobiss tip: 2.20
Datum prve podatkovne objave: 2009


ISSP - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa: Opis serije

ISSP00 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Ekologija II

ISSP01 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družbeni stiki II

ISSP02 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2002: Družina III

ISSP03 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2003: Nacionalna identiteta II

ISSP04 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2004: Razumevanje vloge državljana

ISSP05 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2005: Stališča o delu III

ISSP07 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2007: Prosti čas in šport I

ISSP08 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2008: Religija III

ISSP09 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2009: Družbena neenakost IV

ISSP10 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2010: Okolje III

ISSP11 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2011: Zdravje

ISSP12 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2012: Družina in spreminjanje spolnih vlog IV

ISSP13 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2013: Nacionalna identiteta III

ISSP14 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2014: Razumevanje vloge državljana II

ISSP15 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2015: Stališča o delu IV

ISSP16 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2016: Vloga države V

ISSP85 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države I

ISSP86 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družbeni stiki

ISSP87 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost I

ISSP88 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družina I

ISSP89 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Stališča o delu I

ISSP90 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države II

ISSP91 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Mednarodna raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi I

ISSP92 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost II

ISSP93 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Ekologija

ISSP94 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družina II

ISSP95 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Mednarodna raziskava narodne identitete

ISSP96 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države III

ISSP97 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Stališča o delu II

ISSP98 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi II

ISSP99 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost III

ISSP_90 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) 1985/90: Vloga države (Skupna datoteka 1985 in 1990)

ISSPSJ89 - ISSP85/91: Vloga države, Slovenija, 1989: Izbor iz ankete Slovensko javno mnenje, 1989; Stališča o ustavnih spremembah

SJM002 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2000/2: Raziskava o okolju in raziskava o medčloveških stikih (ISSP)

SJM032 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2003/2: Mednarodna raziskava o družini in narodni identiteti in Stališča o lokalni demokraciji

SJM034 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2003/4: Razumevanje vloge državljana / Mednarodna raziskava ISSP

SJM051 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2005/1: Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o delu

SJM062 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2006/2: Mednarodni raziskavi: Vloga države (ISSP 2006); Prosti čas in šport (ISSP 2007)

SJM091 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2009/1: Mednarodna raziskava: religija (ISSP 2008) in družbene neenakosti (ISSP 2009)

SJM111 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2011/1: Mednarodna raziskava o okolju (ISSP 2010), zdravju in zdravstvenem varstvu (ISSP 2011), o odnosu delo-družina in psihičnem nasilju na delovnem mestu

SJM121 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2012/1: Raziskava o nacionalni in mednarodni varnosti, Mednarodna raziskava o družini in spreminjanju spolnih vlog IV., Primerjalna raziskava volilnih sistemov CSES V. in Longitudinalni program SJM 2012

SJM13 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2013: Mednarodna raziskava Nacionalna identiteta, mednarodna raziskava Razumevanje vloge državljana in Ogledalo javnega mnenja

SJM15 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2015: Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o delu (ISSP 2015), Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o vlogi države (ISSP 2016), Ogledalo javnega mnenja in raziskava Stališča o varnosti

SJM191 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2019/1: Ogledalo javnega mnenja, Mednarodna raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi, Raba obnovljivih virov energije, Vegetarijanstvo in veganstvo, Odnos do nudenja prve pomoči, Uporaba interneta in internetnih družbenih omrežij, Sovražni govor

SJM192 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2019/2: Stališča o neenakosti (ISSP), Ogledalo javnega mnenja, Odnos do dela in družine

SJM203 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2020/3: Ogledalo javnega mnenja, Odnos do okolja (ISSP 2020), Mediji in problematika migracij, Odnos do uporabe pripravkov iz industrijske konoplje

SJM912 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1991/2: Slovenska družba na prehodu v demokracijo in mednarodna raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi

SJM922 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1992/2: Mednarodna raziskava o neenakosti in socialno-ekonomskih orientacijah

SJM932 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1993/2: Mednarodna raziskava o okolju in družini

SJM944 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1994/4: Mednarodna raziskava narodne identitete

SJM954 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1995/4: Mednarodna raziskava razumevanje vloge države in socialno politične orientacije

SJM973 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1997/3: Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o delu in ekološka sondaža

SJM981 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1998/1: Mednarodna raziskava o neenakosti in religiji

SJMUST89 - Slovensko javno mnenje, 1989: Stališča o ustavnih dopolnilih

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