Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2002: Družina III

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • International Social Survey Programme
  • Gibson, Rachel
  • Haller, Max
  • Celi-Scalon, Maria
  • Dimova, Lilia
  • Pammett, Jon
  • Lehmann, Carla
  • Papageorgiou, Bambos
  • Mateju, Petr
  • Goul Andersen, Jørgen
  • Blom, Raimo
  • Carton, Ann
  • Lemel, Yannick
  • Harkness, Janet
  • Park, Alison
  • Robert, Peter
  • Ward, Connor
  • Lewin-Epstein, Noah
  • Diotallevi, Luca
  • Aramaki, Hiroshi
  • Tabuns, Aivars
  • Curiel-Gutierrez, Federico
  • Becker, Jos
  • Gendal, Philip J.
  • Kalgraff Skjak, Knut
  • Mangahas, Mahar
  • Cichomski, Bogdan
  • Villaverde-Cabral, Manuel
  • Khakhalina, Ludmila
  • Piscova, Magdalena
  • Hafner-Fink, Mitja
  • Struwig, Jare
  • Diez Nicolas, Juan
  • Sang-Wook, Kim
  • Edlund, Jonas
  • Joye, Dominique
  • Fu, Yang-Chin
  • Piani, Giorgina
  • Smith, Tom W.
  • Briceno-Leon, Roberto
  • Uher, Rolf
  • Kalgraff Skjak, Knut
Data file producer:
ZA - Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, Nemčija (Köln, Nemčija; 2002)

Funding agency:

Vsaka raziskovalna organizacija krije stroške svoje raziskave. Skupnega financiranja ni.

Project number:

no information

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Raziskava je iz serije ISSP - Mednarodnega projekta sodelovanja splošnih družboslovnih anket, katerega namen je pridobivanje podatkov primernih za primerjalno analizo. Vsako leto se sodelujoče države odločijo za izvedbo kratkega vprašalnika na izbrano temo. (glej in ). Podatki iz mednarodne raziskave so na voljo pod oznako ADP - IDNo: ISSP in letnica.

Study Content


stališča, skrb za otroke, vzgoja otrok, razveza, družinska odgovornost, družine dveh karier, družina, družinsko življenje, struktura družine, spol, vloge med spoloma, gospodinjsko delo, poroka, javno mnenje, zaposlenost matere, zaposlenost žensk

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBENA SLOJEVITOST IN SKUPINE - družinsko življenje in zakonska zveza
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Topic Classification CERIF
Topic Classification ADP
speminjanje spolnih vlog
delitev gospodinjskega dela
upravljanje s prihodkom gospodinjstva
spolna diskriminacija
odnosi s partnerjem


Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja. Skupina, osnovana leta 1983, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dopolniti nacionalne ankete. Vprašanja zastavljena v tokratni anketi (tretji modul o družini in spolnih vlogah) so se dotikala različnih tem s področja družine in spreminjanja spolnih vlog kot denimo: zaposlenost staršev, delitev gospodinjskega dela, upravljanje s prihodkom gospodinjstva, spolna diskriminacija na delovnem mestu in odnosih z zakoncem in drugimi partnerji. Demografska vprašanja pa vključujejo spol, starost, izobrazbo, zakonski stan, osebni dohodek in dohodek gospodinjstva, zaposlenost, velikost in sestava gospodinjstva ter poklic respondenta.


Collection date: december 2003 - februar 2004 (Avstrija), december 2001 - november 2002 (Avstralija), november 2003 (Brazilija), september 2001 - oktober 2001 (Bolgarija), december 2002 (Čile), junij 2002 - september 2002 (Ciper), september 2002 - oktober 2002 (Češka), november 2002 - februar 2003 (Danska), oktober 2002 - januar 2003 (Finska), marec 2002 - julij 2002 (Flandrija, Belgija), september 2002 - december 2002 (Francija), februar 2002 - avgust 2002 (Nemčija), junij 2002 - november 2002 (Velika Britanija), december 2003 (Madžarska), december 2001 - februar 2002 (Irska), april 2002 - junij 2002 (Izrael), november 2002 (Japonska), december 2003 (Latvija), marec 2003 (Mehika), oktober 2002 - januar 2003 (Nizozemska), avgust 2002 - oktober 2002 (Nova Zelandija), oktober 2002 - januar; 2003 (Severna Irska), september 2002 - november 2002 (Norveška), november 2002 - december 2002 (Filipini), april 2002 (Poljska), februar 2003 - junij 2003 (Portugalska), februar 2002 - marec 2002 (Rusija), februar 2003 - marec 2003 (Slovenija), september 2002 - oktober 2002 (Slovaška), junij 2003 (Španija), februar 2002 - marec 2002 (Švedska), november 2003 - marec 2004 (Švica), junij 2002 - julij 2002 (Tajska), februar 2002 - junij 2002 (Združene države Amerike
Date of production: 2002
Country: Avstrija (AUS), Avstralija (A), Brazilija (BR), Bolgarija (BG), Čile (RCH), Ciper (CY), Češka (CZ), Danska (DK), Finska (SF), Flandrija (FLA), Francija (F), Nemčija (D), Velika Britanija (GB), Madžarska (H), Irska (IRL), Izrael (IL), Japonska (J), Latvija (LV), Mehika (MEX), Nizozemska (NL), Nova Zelandija (NZ), Severna Irska (NIRL), Norveška (N), Filipini (RP), Poljska (PL), Portugalska (P), Rusija (RUS), Slovenija (SLO), Slovaška (SK), Španija (E), Švedska (S), Švica (CH), Tajska (TWN), Združene države Amerike (USA)
Geographic coverage:

Teritorij naštetih držav

Unit of analysis:



Osebe, stare 18 let in več (AUS, A, BR, BG, RCH, CY, CZ, DK, SF (15+), FLA, F, D, GB, H,IRL, IL, J (16+), LV, MEX, NL, NZ, NIRL, N, RP, PL, P, RUS, SLO, SK, E, S, CH (15+), TWN, USA)

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

AUS - Institute for Empirical Social Research (IFES), Vienna; A - Datacol, Canberra; BR - SENSUS Data World Pesquisa & Consultoria S/C Ltda.; BG - Ni podatka.; RCH - Ni podatka.; CY - Center of Applied Research, Cyprus College; CZ - SC&C; DK - SFI SURVEY; SF - Statistics Finland, Helsinki; FLA - Significant / GFK – Heverlee; F - France-ISSP; D - INFAS, Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH; GB - National Centre for Social Research; H - TARKI Social Research Centre, Budapest; IRL - Ni podatka.; IL - B.I.and Lucille Cohen; J - Ni podatka.; LV - Ni podatka.; MEX - Institute of Marketing and Opinion; NL - Nipo, Amsterdam; NZ - Ni podatka.; NIRL - Research and Evaluation Services (RES); N - Norwegian Gallup Institute AS; RP - Ni podatka.; PL - Public Opinion Research Certre (CBOS), Warsaw; P - Motivacao-Estudos Psico-sociologicos; RUS - VCIOM; SLO - Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre (CJMMK), Ljubljana; SK - The Institute for Public Opinion Research at the Statistical Office of the, Slovak Republic; E - Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS); S - SIFO; CH - MIS Trend, Institut pour l’étude des marchés et les sondages d’opinion; TWN - Center for Survey Research; USA - National Opinion Research Center (NORC)

Sampling procedure:

slučajno vzorčenje v skupinicah (GB), večstopenjsko prostorsko verjetnostno vzorčenje (PL, USA, BR), večstopenjsko vzorčenje v skupinicah (BG, IRL, IL, NL), večstopenjsko verjetnostno vzorčenje (RP), večstopenjsko slučajno vzorčenje (FLA, D), večstopenjsko stratificirano slučajno vzorčenje v skupinicah (AUS), večstopenjsko stratificirano verjetnostno vzorčenje (CZ), večstopenjsko stratificirano slučajno vzorčenje (J, LV. MEX, SLO, E, CH), večstopenjsko stratificirano vzorčenje(TWN), večstopenjsko verjetnostno vzorčenje v skupinicah (RCH), kvotno vzročenje, v povezavi s slučajnim sprehodom v zadnjem koraku (SK), slučajno verjetnostno vzročenje (H), slučajno stratificirano vzorčenje (CY), reprezentativni vzorec (S), enostavno slučajno vzorčenje (A, DK, NIRL, N), stratificirano slučajno verjetnostno vzročenje (P), stratificirano vzorčenje (RUS), sistematično slučjajno vzorčenje (SF, NZ), dvostopenjsko - verjetnostno + slučajno vzorčenje (F)

Mode of data collection:

vprašalnik za samo-anketiranje prinesel anketar (FLA, GB, NL), osebni intervju (AUS, BR, BG, RCH, CY, CZ, H, IRL, IL, J, LV, MEX, RP, P, RUS, SLO, SK, E, CH, TWN), poštna anketa (A, DK, SF, NZ, N, S) samo-anketiranje ob prisotnost anketarja (D, NIRL, PL, USA), and telefonska anketa (F)


da (AUS, BG, RCH, CZ, SF, FLA, F, GB, H, IRL, NIRL, RP, PL, P, RUS, CH), ne (A, BR, CY, D, IL, J, LV, MEX, NL, NZ, N, SLO, SK, E, S, TWN, USA), Ni podatka (DK).

Access restrictions

Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: ISSP02 - Family and Changing Gender Roles III [datoteka podatkov], 2002

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • number of variables: 234
  • number of units: 46638

Version: september 2004

Variable list

V1 ZA Study Number

Value 13 Frequency
3880 46638
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46638 0

Valid range from 3880 to 3880

V2 Respondent Number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46638 0 10101 4146200 2197170.05 1205484.214

Valid range from 10101 to 4146200

V3 Country

Value 31 Frequency
1 AUS 1352
2 D-W 936
3 D-E 431
4 GB 1960
5 NIRL 987
6 USA 1171
7 A 2047
8 H 1023
9 I 0
10 IRL 1240
11 NL 1249
12 N 1475
13 S 1080
14 CZ 1289
15 SLO 1093
16 PL 1252
17 BG 1003
18 RUS 1798
19 NZ 1025
20 CDN 0
21 RP 1200
22 IL 1209
23 IL-A 0
24 J 1132
25 E 2471
26 LV 1000
27 SK 1133
28 F 1903
29 CY 1004
30 P 1092
31 RCH 1505
32 DK 1379
33 CH 1008
34 FLA 1360
35 BR 2000
36 YV 0
37 SF 1353
38 MEX 1495
39 TWN 1983
40 ZA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46638 0

Valid range from 1 to 40

V1 ZA Study Number

Value 1234 Frequency
3880 46638
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46638 0

Valid range from 3880 to 3880

V2 Respondent Number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46638 0 10101 4146200 2197170.05 1205484.214

Valid range from 10101 to 4146200

V3 Country

Value 3232 Frequency
1 AUS 1352
2 D-W 936
3 D-E 431
4 GB 1960
5 NIRL 987
6 USA 1171
7 A 2047
8 H 1023
9 I 0
10 IRL 1240
11 NL 1249
12 N 1475
13 S 1080
14 CZ 1289
15 SLO 1093
16 PL 1252
17 BG 1003
18 RUS 1798
19 NZ 1025
20 CDN 0
21 RP 1200
22 IL 1209
23 IL-A 0
24 J 1132
25 E 2471
26 LV 1000
27 SK 1133
28 F 1903
29 CY 1004
30 P 1092
31 RCH 1505
32 DK 1379
33 CH 1008
34 FLA 1360
35 BR 2000
36 YV 0
37 SF 1353
38 MEX 1495
39 TWN 1983
40 ZA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46638 0

Valid range from 1 to 40

V4 Workg mom: warm relation child ok

Value 4231 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 12641
2 Agree 17849
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4141
4 Disagree 8295
5 Strongly disagree 2558
8 Cant choose 876
9 Na, refused 278
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45484 1154

Valid range from 1 to 5

V5 Workg mom: pre school child suffers

Value 5230 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 7111
2 Agree 15818
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6993
4 Disagree 10670
5 Strongly disagree 4436
8 Cant choose 1279
9 Na, refused 331
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45028 1610

Valid range from 1 to 5

V6 Workg woman: family life suffers

Value 6229 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 6782
2 Agree 14505
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7253
4 Disagree 11339
5 Strongly disagree 5241
8 Cant choose 1120
9 Na, refused 398
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45120 1518

Valid range from 1 to 5

V7 What women really want is home&kids

Value 7228 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 6190
2 Agree 14185
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8931
4 Disagree 9839
5 Strongly disagree 4944
8 Cant choose 2145
9 Na, refused 404
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44089 2549

Valid range from 1 to 5

V8 Household satisfies as much as paid job

Value 8227 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 6341
2 Agree 13968
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8601
4 Disagree 10514
5 Strongly disagree 4296
8 Cant choose 2508
9 Na, refused 410
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43720 2918

Valid range from 1 to 5

V9 Work is best for womens independence

Value 9226 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 11614
2 Agree 18815
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6847
4 Disagree 5667
5 Strongly disagree 1809
8 Cant choose 1529
9 Na, refused 357
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44752 1886

Valid range from 1 to 5

V10 Both should contribute to hh income

Value 10225 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 15296
2 Agree 19245
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6555
4 Disagree 3580
5 Strongly disagree 874
8 Cant choose 803
9 Na, refused 285
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45550 1088

Valid range from 1 to 5

V11 Mens job is work,womens job household

Value 11224 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 4997
2 Agree 9376
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7779
4 Disagree 13383
5 Strongly disagree 9940
8 Cant choose 855
9 Na, refused 308
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45475 1163

Valid range from 1 to 5

V12 Men should do larger share of hh work

Value 12223 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 8863
2 Agree 20075
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9384
4 Disagree 5237
5 Strongly disagree 1432
8 Cant choose 1335
9 Na, refused 312
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44991 1647

Valid range from 1 to 5

V13 Men should do larger share of childcare

Value 13222 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 9352
2 Agree 20914
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8500
4 Disagree 3885
5 Strongly disagree 954
0 1240
8 Cant choose 1506
9 Na, refused 287
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43605 3033

Valid range from 1 to 5

V14 Shld women work:after marr.before kids

Value 14221 Frequency
1 Work full-time 34108
2 Work part-time 6438
3 Stay at home 2428
6 TWN:women shld decide 373
8 Cant choose 2771
9 Na, refused 520
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43347 3291

Valid range from 1 to 6

V15 Shld women work:child under school age

Value 15220 Frequency
1 Work full-time 5892
2 Work part-time 19391
3 Stay at home 17327
6 TWN:women shld decide 455
8 Cant choose 3029
9 Na, refused 544
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43065 3573

Valid range from 1 to 6

V16 Shld women work:youngest kid at school

Value 16219 Frequency
1 Work full-time 12451
2 Work part-time 23770
3 Stay at home 6377
6 TWN:women shld decide 444
8 Cant choose 3008
9 Na, refused 588
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43042 3596

Valid range from 1 to 6

V17 Shld women work: when kids left home

Value 17218 Frequency
1 Work full-time 31047
2 Work part-time 7569
3 Stay at home 3048
6 TWN:women shld decide 518
8 Cant choose 3809
9 Na, refused 647
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42182 4456

Valid range from 1 to 6

V18 Marriage: married people gen. happier

Value 18217 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 5179
2 Agree 10330
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12118
4 Disagree 9726
5 Strongly disagree 5301
8 Cant choose 3638
9 Na, refused 346
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42654 3984

Valid range from 1 to 5

V19 Bad marriage better than no marriage

Value 19216 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 1309
2 Agree 3041
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3236
4 Disagree 16947
5 Strongly disagree 20266
8 Cant choose 1448
9 Na, refused 391
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44799 1839

Valid range from 1 to 5

V20 Marriage better,if people want kids

Value 20215 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 9152
2 Agree 14517
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6547
4 Disagree 9550
5 Strongly disagree 5339
8 Cant choose 1108
9 Na, refused 425
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45105 1533

Valid range from 1 to 5

V21 Single parent can raise child as well

Value 21214 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 5581
2 Agree 13667
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7255
4 Disagree 13853
5 Strongly disagree 4489
8 Cant choose 1402
9 Na, refused 391
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44845 1793

Valid range from 1 to 5

V22 Couple livg together without marriage

Value 22213 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 11321
2 Agree 17856
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5614
4 Disagree 7154
5 Strongly disagree 3325
8 Cant choose 971
9 Na, refused 397
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45270 1368

Valid range from 1 to 5

V23 Couple live together bef. get married

Value 23212 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 10877
2 Agree 18006
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7059
4 Disagree 6169
5 Strongly disagree 2885
8 Cant choose 1263
9 Na, refused 379
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44996 1642

Valid range from 1 to 5

V24 Divorce best solution w marr. problems

Value 24211 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 10314
2 Agree 18066
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7044
4 Disagree 6564
5 Strongly disagree 2296
8 Cant choose 1985
9 Na, refused 369
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44284 2354

Valid range from 1 to 5

V25 Children: watching up is greatest joy

Value 25210 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 23000
2 Agree 17251
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3142
4 Disagree 810
5 Strongly disagree 300
8 Cant choose 1799
9 Na, refused 336
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44503 2135

Valid range from 1 to 5

V26 People without kids: lead empty lives

Value 26209 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 7399
2 Agree 9882
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8311
4 Disagree 11847
5 Strongly disagree 5846
8 Cant choose 2985
9 Na, refused 368
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43285 3353

Valid range from 1 to 5

V27 Workg women shld:paid maternity leave

Value 27208 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 24100
2 Agree 16697
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2278
4 Disagree 1679
5 Strongly disagree 632
8 Cant choose 882
9 Na, refused 370
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45386 1252

Valid range from 1 to 5

V28 Workg parents shld:financial benefits

Value 28207 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 15419
2 Agree 15188
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6063
4 Disagree 5892
5 Strongly disagree 1977
8 Cant choose 1669
9 Na, refused 430
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44539 2099

Valid range from 1 to 5

V29 Organizing income in partnership

Value 29206 Frequency
1 I manage all the money 3704
2 Spouse,partner manages money 3467
3 We pool all the money 15861
4 We pool some money 3767
5 Each keep own money separate 2655
6 TWN:my mother-in-law manage the money 2
0 NAP,no partner,not married 15976
8 Dont know 398
9 Na, refused 808
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29456 17182

Valid range from 1 to 6

V30 Division of hh work: doing the laundry

Value 30205 Frequency
1 Always me,PL:the woman 11121
2 Usually me,PL:the woman 4264
3 About equal o both together 3475
4 Usually my spouse,partner,PL:the man 4589
5 Always my spouse,partner,PL:the man 5840
6 Done by a third person 860
0 NAP,no partner,not married 15684
8 Cant choose 263
9 Na, refused 542
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30149 16489

Valid range from 1 to 6

V31 Division of hh work: small repairs

Value 31204 Frequency
1 Always me,PL:the woman 6651
2 Usually me,PL:the woman 5747
3 About equal o both together 3840
4 Usually my spouse,partner,PL:the man 7174
5 Always my spouse,partner,PL:the man 5040
6 Done by a third person 1621
0 NAP,no partner,not married 15684
8 Cant choose 321
9 Na, refused 560
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30073 16565

Valid range from 1 to 6

V32 Div. hh work:care f sick fam.members

Value 32203 Frequency
1 Always me,PL:the woman 5440
2 Usually me,PL:the woman 4339
3 About equal o both together 11949
4 Usually my spouse,partner,PL:the man 3334
5 Always my spouse,partner,PL:the man 2095
6 Done by a third person 635
0 NAP,no partner,not married 15684
8 Cant choose 2164
9 Na, refused 998
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27792 18846

Valid range from 1 to 6

V33 Division of hh work:shops f groceries

Value 33202 Frequency
1 Always me,PL:the woman 6024
2 Usually me,PL:the woman 4978
3 About equal o both together 11734
4 Usually my spouse,partner,PL:the man 4316
5 Always my spouse,partner,PL:the man 2595
6 Done by a third person 455
0 NAP,no partner,not married 15684
8 Cant choose 271
9 Na, refused 581
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30102 16536

Valid range from 1 to 6

V34 Division of hh work: hh cleaning

Value 34201 Frequency
1 Always me,PL:the woman 7496
2 Usually me,PL:the woman 5364
3 About equal o both together 7360
4 Usually my spouse,partner,PL:the man 4699
5 Always my spouse,partner,PL:the man 3580
6 Done by a third person 1598
0 NAP,no partner,not married 15684
8 Cant choose 280
9 Na, refused 577
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30097 16541

Valid range from 1 to 6

V35 Division of hh work: preparg the meal

Value 35200 Frequency
1 Always me,PL:the woman 8380
2 Usually me,PL:the woman 5529
3 About equal o both together 5981
4 Usually my spouse,partner,PL:the man 5125
5 Always my spouse,partner,PL:the man 4327
6 Done by a third person 768
0 NAP,no partner,not married 15684
8 Cant choose 283
9 Na, refused 561
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30110 16528

Valid range from 1 to 6

V36 How many hours do you spend on hh work

Value 36199 Frequency
1 1 hour or less than 1 hr 881
2 2 hrs 1556
3 1304
4 1396
5 1804
6 1068
7 1447
8 1226
9 260
10 3011
11 86
12 832
13 76
14 1566
15 1386
16 340
17 66
18 362
19 14
20 2227
21 910
22 81
23 34
24 307
25 665
26 59
27 35
28 770
29 10
30 1197
31 8
32 57
33 5
34 14
35 765
36 88
37 3
38 18
39 4
40 772
41 2
42 287
43 2
44 19
45 105
46 11
47 5
48 98
49 59
50 343
51 8
52 6
54 15
55 21
56 182
57 1
58 5
59 1
60 212
62 4
63 5
64 7
65 13
66 2
67 1
68 2
70 232
71 1
72 10
74 2
75 5
76 1
77 28
78 3
80 41
82 2
84 48
85 3
86 1
87 1
88 1
90 57
91 1
94 2
95 95 hrs a more,USA:96+,BR:98+ 30
96 None, no hour 1428
0 NAP,no partner 14515
98 Dont know,cant say 476
99 Na 1624
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30023 16615

Valid range from 1 to 96

V37 How many hrs spouse,partner works on hh

Value 37198 Frequency
1 1 hour or less than 1 hr 1414
2 2 hrs 1859
3 1207
4 1268
5 1878
6 965
7 1276
8 988
9 295
10 2787
11 50
12 681
13 48
14 1047
15 1208
16 247
17 52
18 277
19 16
20 1886
21 569
22 58
23 18
24 228
25 489
26 39
27 18
28 451
29 9
30 1153
31 3
32 37
33 6
34 11
35 479
36 60
37 4
38 14
39 1
40 803
41 3
42 195
43 2
44 12
45 81
46 7
47 3
48 89
49 41
50 336
51 1
52 3
54 8
55 17
56 124
58 3
59 1
60 210
62 2
63 8
64 9
65 4
66 3
68 1
69 1
70 132
71 1
72 14
73 2
74 3
75 5
76 2
77 24
80 47
84 30
85 2
88 1
90 57
91 1
93 1
95 95 hrs a more,USA:96+,BR:98+ 31
96 None, no hour 2796
0 NAP,no partner 16032
98 Dont know,cant say 551
99 Na 1843
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28212 18426

Valid range from 1 to 96

V38 Sharing of hh work between the partners

Value 38197 Frequency
1 I do much more than my fair share 4983
2 I do a bit more than my fair share 4730
3 I do roughly my fair share 13163
4 I do a bit less than my fair share 4048
5 I do much less than my fair share 2453
6 RP: None of above 4
0 NAP,no partner 15956
8 Dont know 256
9 Na, refused 1045
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29381 17257

Valid range from 1 to 6

V39 How often disagree abt sharg of hh work

Value 39196 Frequency
1 Several times a week 1673
2 Several times a month 2844
3 Several times a year 3535
4 Less often, rarely 9269
5 Never 11336
0 NAP,no partner 15956
8 Cant choose 1117
9 Na 908
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28657 17981

Valid range from 1 to 5

V40 Who makes decisions how to raise kids

Value 40195 Frequency
1 Mostly me 4024
2 Mostly my spouse,partner 2282
3 Sometimes me,sometimes spouse 3772
4 We decide together 14596
5 Someone else 96
0 NAP,no partner 16424
8 Does not apply,no kids 4420
9 Na 1024
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24770 21868

Valid range from 1 to 5

V41 Final say: choosing weekend activities

Value 41194 Frequency
1 Mostly me 3558
2 Mostly my spouse,partner 2779
3 Sometimes me,sometimes spouse 7935
4 We decide together 15085
5 Someone else 186
0 NAP,no partner 15685
8 Doesnt apply 618
9 Na 792
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29543 17095

Valid range from 1 to 5

V42 Final say: buying major things for home

Value 42193 Frequency
1 Mostly me 3818
2 Mostly my spouse,partner 3176
3 Sometimes me,sometimes spouse 4626
4 We decide together 17913
5 Someone else 142
0 NAP,no partner 15685
8 Doesnt apply 536
9 Na 742
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29675 16963

Valid range from 1 to 5

V43 Who has the higher income?

Value 43192 Frequency
1 Spouse has no income 3023
2 I have much higher income 4284
3 I have a higher income 4995
4 We have about the same income 4540
5 Spouse has higher income 6418
6 Spouse has much higher income 3204
7 I have no income 2692
0 NAP,no partner 15979
8 Dk 632
9 Na;RP,TWN:both no income 871
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29156 17482

Valid range from 1 to 7

V44 So many things to do at home

Value 44191 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 6899
2 Agree 13570
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6604
4 Disagree 11215
5 Strongly disagree 4344
0 Doesnt apply 1848
8 Cant choose,Dk 1126
9 Na,TWN:refused 1032
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42632 4006

Valid range from 1 to 5

V45 My life at home is rarely stressful

Value 45190 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 6413
2 Agree 17232
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7377
4 Disagree 9501
5 Strongly disagree 3114
0 Doesnt apply 1167
8 Cant choose,Dk 953
9 Na,TWN:refused 881
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43637 3001

Valid range from 1 to 5

V46 So many things to do at work

Value 46189 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 4473
2 Agree 9434
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5252
4 Disagree 7649
5 Strongly disagree 2650
0 Doesnt apply, no job 14679
8 Cant choose 1158
9 Na 1343
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29458 17180

Valid range from 1 to 5

V47 My job is rarely stressful

Value 47188 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 2353
2 Agree 7036
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5136
4 Disagree 10120
5 Strongly disagree 4757
0 Doesnt apply, no job 14747
8 Cant choose 1095
9 Na 1394
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29402 17236

Valid range from 1 to 5

V48 Too tired from work to do duties at home

Value 48187 Frequency
1 Several times a week 5553
2 Several times a month 8041
3 Once or twice a year 8661
4 Never 5774
0 Doesnt apply, no job 16850
8 Cant choose 61
9 Na 1698
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28029 18609

Valid range from 1 to 4

V49 Difficult to fulfil fam.responsibility

Value 49186 Frequency
1 Several times a week 2812
2 Several times a month 5694
3 Once or twice a year 8010
4 Never 10780
0 Doesnt apply, no job 16945
8 Cant choose 165
9 Na 2232
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27296 19342

Valid range from 1 to 4

V50 Too tired from hhwork to function i job

Value 50185 Frequency
1 Several times a week 907
2 Several times a month 2100
3 Once or twice a year 5804
4 Never 18733
0 Doesnt apply, no job 16861
8 Cant choose 109
9 Na 2124
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27544 19094

Valid range from 1 to 4

V51 Difficult to concentrate at work

Value 51184 Frequency
1 Several times a week 851
2 Several times a month 2138
3 Once or twice a year 7233
4 Never 17122
0 Doesnt apply, no job 16923
8 Cant choose 142
9 Na 2229
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27344 19294

Valid range from 1 to 4

V52 Life in general: how happy on the whole

Value 52183 Frequency
1 Completely happy 4448
2 Very happy 14301
3 Fairly happy 18972
4 Neither happy nor unhappy 5930
5 Fairly unhappy 1594
6 Very unhappy 437
7 Completely unhappy 118
8 Cant choose 457
9 Na, refused 381
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45800 838

Valid range from 1 to 7

V53 How satisfied with your main job?

Value 53182 Frequency
1 Completely satisfied 2952
2 Very satisfied 8565
3 Fairly satisfied 11451
4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3370
5 Fairly dissatisfied 1691
6 Very dissatisfied 563
7 Completely dissatisfied 275
0 Doesnt apply, no job 15893
8 Cant choose 768
9 Na, refused 1110
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28867 17771

Valid range from 1 to 7

V54 How satisfied with your family life?

Value 54181 Frequency
1 Completely satisfied 7489
2 Very satisfied 16629
3 Fairly satisfied 14722
4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3866
5 Fairly dissatisfied 1519
6 Very dissatisfied 466
7 Completely dissatisfied 245
0 Doesnt apply, no job 0
8 Cant choose 1025
9 Na, refused 677
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44936 1702

Valid range from 1 to 7

V55 Mother ever workg for pay before R 14

Value 55180 Frequency
1 Yes, she worked for pay 23147
2 No 20731
0 IRL,S,P:didnt live w mother 61
8 Dont know 2241
9 Na, refused 458
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43878 2760

Valid range from 1 to 2

V56 R worked outside: before R has children

Value 56179 Frequency
1 Worked full-time 25391
2 Worked part-time 2121
3 Stayed home 3796
4 TWN:Worked at home 166
0 NAP,no kids,no partner 12310
8 Does not apply 1605
9 Na, Dk, refused 1249
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31474 15164

Valid range from 1 to 4

V57 R worked outside: kid under school age

Value 57178 Frequency
1 Worked full-time 19473
2 Worked part-time 4546
3 Stayed home 7359
4 TWN:Worked at home 195
0 NAP,no kids,no partner 12310
8 Does not apply 1320
9 Na, Dk, refused 1435
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31573 15065

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58 R worked outside:youngest kid at school

Value 58177 Frequency
1 Worked full-time 18819
2 Worked part-time 4708
3 Stayed home 4801
4 TWN:Worked at home 176
0 NAP,no kids,no partner 12310
8 Does not apply 4216
9 Na, Dk, refused 1608
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28504 18134

Valid range from 1 to 4

V59 R worked outside: after kids left home

Value 59176 Frequency
1 Worked full-time 14290
2 Worked part-time 2164
3 Stayed home 3242
4 TWN:Worked at home 124
0 NAP,no kids,no partner 12310
8 Does not apply 12079
9 Na, Dk, refused 2429
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
19820 26818

Valid range from 1 to 4

V60 Spouse worked outside:before children

Value 60175 Frequency
1 Worked full-time 25133
2 Worked part-time 1832
3 Stayed home 3350
4 TWN:Worked at home 153
0 NAP,no kids,no partner 12625
8 Does not apply 2106
9 Na, refused 1439
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30468 16170

Valid range from 1 to 4

V61 Sp. work outside: kid under school age

Value 61174 Frequency
1 Worked full-time 20926
2 Worked part-time 3135
3 Stayed home 6062
4 TWN:Worked at home 184
0 NAP,no kids,no partner 12625
8 Does not apply 2098
9 Na, refused 1608
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30307 16331

Valid range from 1 to 4

V62 Sp. work outside: young. kid at school

Value 62173 Frequency
1 Worked full-time 19468
2 Worked part-time 3320
3 Stayed home 4189
4 TWN:Worked at home 151
0 NAP,no kids,no partner 12625
8 Does not apply 5063
9 Na, refused 1822
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27128 19510

Valid range from 1 to 4

V63 Sp. work outside: after kids left home

Value 63172 Frequency
1 Worked full-time 13898
2 Worked part-time 1687
3 Stayed home 2993
4 TWN:Worked at home 111
0 NAP,no kids,no partner 12625
8 Does not apply 12809
9 Na, refused 2515
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
18689 27949

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64 Shld women work outside,when not yt kid

Value 64171 Frequency
1 Work full-time 31660
2 Work part-time 6173
3 Stay at home 2007
6 TWN:women shld decide 594
0 NAV 1240
8 Cant choose 4221
9 Na, refused 743
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40434 6204

Valid range from 1 to 6

V65 How many people in hh: adults 18 yrs +

Value 65170 Frequency
1 1 person 7235
2 2 persons 21456
3 3 persons 7301
4 4 persons 4271
5 5 persons 1480
6 6 persons 526
7 7 persons 184
8 8 persons 73
9 9 persons 26
10 10 persons 12
11 11 persons 6
12 12 persons 5
13 13,DK:13 or more persons 6
14 14 persons 0
15 15 persons 1
17 1
0 NAV;no pers,CH:R less than 18yrs 3142
97 DK:no valid answer 8
98 Dont know 1
99 Na, refused 904
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42583 4055

Valid range from 1 to 17

V66 How many people in hh:kids 6,7 - 17 yrs

Value 66169 Frequency
1 1 child 7191
2 2 children 4772
3 3 children 1408
4 4 children 381
5 5 children 104
6 6 children 38
7 7 children 9
8 8 children 7
9 9 children 4
10 10 children 3
0 No kids,na; nav 31765
98 Dk, DK:dk,na 3
99 Na, Dk, refused, 953
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
13917 32721

Valid range from 1 to 10

V67 Number of people in hh: kids up to 5,6

Value 67168 Frequency
1 1 child 5088
2 2 children 1746
3 3 children 277
4 4 children 66
5 5 children 19
6 6 children 6
7 7 children 1
8 8 children 1
9 9 children 3
10 10 children 0
0 No kids,na; nav 38446
98 Dk, DK:dk,na 6
99 Na, Dk, refused, 979
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
7207 39431

Valid range from 1 to 10

V68 Total number of people in household

Value 68167 Frequency
1 1 person 6720
2 2 persons 12846
3 3 persons 8291
4 4 persons 9013
5 5 persons 4549
6 6 persons 1887
7 7 persons 895
8 8 persons 402
9 9 persons 210
10 10 persons 111
11 11 persons 72
12 12 persons 41
13 13,DK:13 or more persons 22
14 14 persons 19
15 15 persons 3
16 7
17 4
18 1
19 1
20 2
21 1
23 1
24 1
97 DK:no valid answer 0
0 NAV;no pers,CH:R less than 18yrs 1126
98 Dont know 1
99 Na, refused 412
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45099 1539

Valid range from 1 to 97

V69 Total number of children (RP:<18) R had

Value 69166 Frequency
1 1 child F,RP:<18 yrs 5202
2 2 children F,RP:<18 yrs 8087
3 3 children 3968
4 4 children 1570
5 5 children 664
6 6 children 294
7 7 children 152
8 USA,PL:8 children or more 110
9 9 children 54
10 10 children 34
11 15
12 11
13 4
14 5
15 3
20 1
0 No kids (F,RP<18),na;nav 25446
97 RP:never had a child 238
98 Dont know 11
99 Na, refused 769
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20174 26464

Valid range from 1 to 20

V70 Spouse degree: highest qualification

Value 70165 Frequency
0 No formal qualification 2105
1 Lowest formal qualification 4372
2 Above lowest qualification 5139
3 Higher secondary completed 6402
4 Above higher secondary level 2791
5 University degree completed 3360
8 Na, Dk, refused 1106
9 NAV;NAP,no partner 21363
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24169 22469

Valid range from 0 to 5

V71 Spouse: hours worked weekly

Value 71164 Frequency
1 1 hour 5
2 9
3 11
4 25
5 23
6 23
7 23
8 89
9 14
10 135
11 12
12 86
13 7
14 24
15 124
16 68
17 20
18 72
19 36
20 559
21 39
22 52
23 11
24 150
25 219
26 26
27 36
28 123
29 16
30 588
31 12
32 162
33 30
34 36
35 765
36 271
37 766
38 645
39 382
40 5034
41 66
42 460
43 77
44 233
45 915
46 97
47 28
48 1087
49 38
50 1285
51 7
52 35
53 8
54 71
55 195
56 257
57 16
58 20
60 864
61 3
62 4
63 26
64 14
65 57
66 29
67 1
68 14
69 2
70 375
71 3
72 112
74 1
75 35
76 3
77 10
78 8
80 117
82 6
84 75
85 14
86 2
88 2
89 1
90 46
91 10
92 1
94 1
95 4
96 96 and more 71
0 NAV;NAP,no partner,no job 27146
97 Refused 31
98 DK 480
99 NA 1447
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17534 29104

Valid range from 1 to 96

V200 R: Sex

Value 72163 Frequency
1 Male 20640
2 Female 25955
9 Na, refused 43
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46595 43

Valid range from 1 to 2

V201 R: Age

Value 73162 Frequency
15 29
16 16 years 126
17 113
18 715
19 769
20 757
21 778
22 783
23 794
24 812
25 803
26 825
27 800
28 866
29 837
30 982
31 803
32 870
33 868
34 862
35 954
36 1012
37 953
38 993
39 937
40 981
41 887
42 991
43 957
44 857
45 900
46 861
47 873
48 910
49 802
50 843
51 795
52 891
53 839
54 823
55 762
56 715
57 625
58 699
59 650
60 699
61 583
62 671
63 638
64 634
65 653
66 557
67 548
68 528
69 470
70 550
71 436
72 466
73 437
74 411
75 404
76 344
77 296
78 231
79 216
80 208
81 158
82 143
83 104
84 81
85 88
86 43
87 46
88 32
89 28
90 26
91 16
92 14
93 5
94 7
96 GB:96 yrs or older 3
99 Na, refused 162
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46476 162

Valid range from 15 to 96

V202 R: Marital status

Value 74161 Frequency
1 Marr,liv as mar 26847
2 Widowed 3781
3 Divorced 2944
4 Separated, but married 1033
5 Single, never married 11652
9 Na, refused 381
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46257 381

Valid range from 1 to 5

V203 R: Steady life-partner

Value 75160 Frequency
1 Yes 3806
2 No 15408
0 NAP,married,no partner,NAV 26655
9 Na,refused 769
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
19214 27424

Valid range from 1 to 2

V204 R: Education I: years of schooling

Value 76159 Frequency
1 1 year or less than 1 yr 212
2 2 years 277
3 3 years 533
4 4 years 856
5 5 years 464
6 6 years 1786
7 7 years 961
8 8,NZ:1-8 yrs 3233
9 9,N:7-9 yrs 2621
10 3331
11 11,NZ:9-11 yrs 4385
12 6876
13 13,NZ:12-13 yrs 2944
14 14 years 2594
15 15,NZ:14-16 yrs 2259
16 2416
17 17,F,NZ:17+ yrs 1941
18 1153
19 364
20 371
21 117
22 80
23 50
24 40
25 30
26 16
27 4
28 7
29 7
30 8
40 1
63 1
65 1
82 2
93 DK:Still a school,college,uni 145
94 GB: Other answer 4
95 Still at school,N:+uni 436
96 Still at college,uni 1011
97 No form school 727
0 NAV 3034
98 Dont know 362
99 Na, refused 978
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42264 4374

Valid range from 1 to 97

V205 R: Education II-highest education level

Value 77158 Frequency
0 No formal qualification 3795
1 Lowest formal qualification 7752
2 Above lowest qualification 10041
3 Higher secondary completed 11288
4 Above higher sec level,below full uni 6474
5 University degree completed 6768
9 Na, Dk 520
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46118 520

Valid range from 0 to 5

V206 Country categ: Austria

Value 78157 Frequency
1 Compulsory school without appr 500
2 Compulsory with apprenticeship 752
3 Middle school, vocational trg 252
4 High school, AHS, Matura 169
5 High school, vocational, BHS 200
6 University incl Fachhochschule 174
0 NAV 44591
99 Na 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2047 44591

Valid range from 1 to 6

V207 Country categ: Australia

Value 79156 Frequency
2 Incomplete primary 8
3 Primary completed 19
4 Incomplete secondary 637
5 Secondary completed 200
6 Semi-higher,incompl university 146
7 University completed 324
0 NAV 45286
99 Na 18
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1334 45304

Valid range from 2 to 7

V208 Country categ: Bulgaria

Value 80155 Frequency
1 None 34
2 Basic educ, 3-4 yrs 144
3 Primary, 8 yrs 161
4 Secondary compl, 11-12 yrs 442
5 College, 2-4 yrs 77
6 University, 4-6 yrs 145
0 NAV 45635
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1003 45635

Valid range from 1 to 6

V209 Country categ: Brasil

Value 81154 Frequency
1 None 96
2 Incomplete primary 1097
3 Primary completed 156
4 Incomplete secondary 152
5 Secondary completed 302
6 University incomplete 87
7 University completed 96
8 Master 7
9 Phd 3
0 NAV 44638
99 Na 4
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1996 44642

Valid range from 1 to 9

V210 Country specific education: Switzerland

Value 82153 Frequency
1 Incomplete compulsory education 18
2 Compulsory education 118
3 Elementary vocational traing 24
4 Secondary education,maturity 89
5 Graduation diploma school 13
6 Trade school:1 year 21
7 Apprenticeship 350
8 2-3 yrs general traing school 16
9 2-3 yrs full time voc traing 48
10 Higher vocational education 60
11 Technical or vocational college 19
12 Advanced techn college 63
13 University, 3 yrs 19
14 University, bachelor, techn 80
15 University, master post-grade 48
95 Other education 21
0 NAV 45630
98 Dk 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1007 45631

Valid range from 1 to 95

V211 Country specific education: Cyprus

Value 83152 Frequency
1 None 21
2 Incomplete primary 31
3 Primary completed 156
4 Incomplete secondary 46
5 Secondary completed 467
6 Higher vocational studies 89
7 University completed 194
99 Na 0
0 NAV 45634
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1004 45634

Valid range from 1 to 99

V212 Country specific educ: Czech Republic

Value 84151 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 13
2 Primary completed 164
3 Lower vocational 395
4 General sec.,no diploma 135
5 Technical secondary 344
6 Academic secondary 95
7 Incpl tertiary 28
8 Tertiary,bachelor 15
9 Tertiary,master degree 89
0 NAV 45349
99 Na 11
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1278 45360

Valid range from 1 to 9

V213 Country specific education: Germany

Value 85150 Frequency
1 Still at school 15
2 School left without certificate 34
3 Lower secondary, Hauptsch 482
4 Middle school, Mittler Reife 397
5 Secondary technical 58
6 Higher secondary, Abitur 121
7 Special university, Fachhoch 89
8 University 167
9 Other qualification 4
0 NAV 45271
99 Na 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1367 45271

Valid range from 1 to 9

V214 Country specific education: Denmark

Value 86149 Frequency
1 7 yrs primary school or shorter 123
2 8 yrs primary school 18
3 9 yrs primary school 47
4 10 yrs primary or similar 56
5 Gymnasium, general 57
6 Gymnasium, technical 14
7 Other 13
8 Basic voc first+apprentice 235
9 Other compl voc education 112
10 Short advanced educ,<3 yrs 133
11 Middlerange advanced, 3-4yrs 283
12 Further advanced >4 yrs 168
13 Other vocational educ 113
0 NAV 45259
99 Dk, Na 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1372 45266

Valid range from 1 to 13

V215 Country specific education: Spain

Value 87148 Frequency
1 None 167
2 Incomplete primary school 137
3 Primary school completed 617
4 Incomplete secondary 547
5 First degree professional 117
6 Secondary school 329
7 Secondary professional 167
8 Technical architecture 36
9 3 years university 150
10 Architecture and engineering 24
11 College degree 134
12 PhD, other official degree 38
0 NAV 44167
99 Na 8
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2463 44175

Valid range from 1 to 12

V216 Country specific education: France

Value 88147 Frequency
1 None 29
2 Primary incomplete 24
3 Primary completed 138
4 Gen. sec. lev 1 156
5 Vocat.sec. lev 1 325
6 Voc. sec. lev 2 87
7 Incpl gen.sec. lev 2 111
8 Gen.sec.lev 2 147
9 College 352
10 University 521
0 NAV 44735
99 Na 13
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1890 44748

Valid range from 1 to 10

V217 Country specific education: Flanders

Value 89146 Frequency
1 None 21
2 Primary education 193
3 Lower general secondary 93
4 Lower technical secondary 96
5 Lower secondary vocational 86
6 Lower special education 12
7 Higher general secondary 118
8 Higher technical secondary 161
9 Higher vocational secondary 82
10 Higher special secondary 32
11 Non-univers.higher,short 219
12 Non-univers.higher,long 67
13 University 86
14 Other or in doubt 19
0 NAV 45278
99 Na 75
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1285 45353

Valid range from 1 to 14

V218 Country specific education: Britain

Value 90145 Frequency
1 No sec. qualifications 931
2 CSE, GCSE or equivalent 460
3 O-level or equivalent 362
4 A-level or equivalent 387
5 Higher below degree level 293
6 Degree, university o CNAA o diploma 441
7 Foreign or other 67
0 NAV 43691
99 Dk, Na 6
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2941 43697

Valid range from 1 to 7

V219 Country specific education: Hungary

Value 91144 Frequency
1 No formal schooling 3
2 Less than primary 72
3 8 years elementary 234
4 Vocational 248
5 Vocational+maturity 140
6 Sec. technical+matura 165
7 Gymnasium, matura 109
8 College 51
9 University 0
0 NAV 45615
99 Na 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1022 45616

Valid range from 1 to 9

V220 Country specific education: Israel

Value 92143 Frequency
1 No formal schooling 23
2 Lowest formal qualification 69
3 Incomplete vocational 58
4 Vocat compl without matricul 88
5 Vocat compl with matriculation 68
6 Incomplete academic secondary 41
7 Full general hs without matric 83
8 Academic secondary compl with m 185
11 Semi higher. post secondary 196
12 Incomplete university 91
13 University compl, BA or more 294
0 NAV 45429
97 Refused 4
99 Na 9
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1196 45442

Valid range from 1 to 13

V221 Country specific education: Ireland

Value 93142 Frequency
1 None, still at school 16
2 Incomplete primary education 37
3 Primary completed, compulsary 171
4 Incomplete secondary 338
5 Secondary completed 299
6 Incomplete uni, semi-higher qual 200
7 University completed 171
0 NAV 45398
99 Na 8
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1232 45406

Valid range from 1 to 7

V222 Country specific education: Japan

Value 94141 Frequency
1 Secondary completed 238
2 High school completed 503
3 Junior college compl 134
4 Finished university 181
5 Still at High school 47
6 Still at Junior college 26
7 Others 0
0 NAV 45506
99 Na 3
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1129 45509

Valid range from 1 to 7

V223 Country specific education: Latvia

Value 95140 Frequency
0 Not available 46638
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
0 46638

V224 Country specific education: Mexico

Value 96139 Frequency
1 None, still at school 251
2 Primary school completed 337
3 Technical traing without sec 72
4 Secondary school 245
5 Techn traing after secondary 55
6 High school completed 192
7 Techn traing after high school 62
8 University completed 171
9 Master, doctorate degree 40
0 NAV 45143
99 Na 70
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1425 45213

Valid range from 1 to 9

V225 Country specific education: Norway

Value 97138 Frequency
1 Primary completed 149
2 Sec.vocational,incompl 100
3 Sec.academic,incompl 151
4 Sec.vocational,compl 253
5 Sec.academic,compl 261
6 Univers,coll<1 year 41
7 Univers,coll,1-2yrs 128
8 Univers,coll,3-4yrs 249
9 Univers,coll,>=5yrs 136
0 NAV 45163
99 Na 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1468 45170

Valid range from 1 to 9

V226 Country specific education: Netherlands

Value 98137 Frequency
3 Primary comp,basic+voc.traing 229
4 Incomplete secondary 57
5 Secondary compl,grammar 505
6 Incomplete university 47
7 University completed 411
0 NAV 45389
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1249 45389

Valid range from 3 to 7

V227 Country specific education: New Zealand

Value 99136 Frequency
1 No formal qualification 237
2 School qualification only 242
3 Trade of professional certificate 247
4 Diploma below bachelor 102
5 Bachelors degree 102
6 Post-graduate or higher 77
0 NAV 45613
99 Na 18
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1007 45631

Valid range from 1 to 6

V228 Country specific education: Portugal

Value 100135 Frequency
0 Not available 46638
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
0 46638

V229 Country specific education: Poland

Value 101134 Frequency
1 No formal schooling 8
2 Incomplete elementary 55
3 Elementary 264
4 Basic vocational 316
5 Incomplete secondary 20
6 Secondary general 92
7 Secondary vocational 243
8 Post secondary 47
9 Incomplete higher 83
10 Completed higher 124
0 NAV 45386
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1252 45386

Valid range from 1 to 10

V230 Country specific education: Rep.o Chile

Value 102133 Frequency
1 None 47
2 Incomplete primary 351
3 Primary completed 177
4 Incomplete secondary 226
5 Secondary completed 342
6 University incomplete 88
7 University completed 110
8 Incompl non-university higher 37
9 Compl non-university higher 123
0 NAV 45133
99 Na 4
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1501 45137

Valid range from 1 to 9

V231 Country specific education: Philippines

Value 103132 Frequency
1 None 12
2 Incomplete primary 110
3 Primary completed 164
4 Incomplete secondary 175
5 Secondary completed 278
6 Some vocational 24
7 Completed vocational 66
8 Some college 170
9 College completed 188
10 Post college 13
0 NAV 45438
99 Na 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1200 45438

Valid range from 1 to 10

V232 Country specific education: Russia

Value 104131 Frequency
1 None,still at school,college 90
2 Incomplete primary 8
3 Primary completed 102
4 Incomplete secondary 236
5 Secondary completed 955
6 Semi-higher,incompl uni 55
7 University completed 349
0 NAV 44840
99 Na 3
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1795 44843

Valid range from 1 to 7

V233 Country specific education: Sweden

Value 105130 Frequency
1 Primary or comprehensive 207
2 Vocational school (72-92) 127
3 Vocational school (post 92) 42
4 Vocational school (pre 72) 84
5 Folk high school 28
6 Lower secondary school 51
7 3 o 4 yr gymnasium 120
8 Gymnasium (academic) 25
9 Higher sec. school 40
10 University studies 89
11 University degree 245
0 NAV 45558
99 Na 22
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1058 45580

Valid range from 1 to 11

V234 Country specific education: Finland

Value 106129 Frequency
1 None, still at school 54
2 Primary school 147
3 Comprehensive, prim+low sec school 89
4 Post-comprehensive vocational 290
5 Post-comprehensive upper sec 86
6 Post-comprehensive voc college 282
7 Polytechnic 64
8 University,BA,lower academic 59
9 University,MA,higher academic 118
0 NAV 45285
99 Na 164
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1189 45449

Valid range from 1 to 9

V235 Country specific education: Slovak Rep.

Value 107128 Frequency
1 Elementary 301
2 Vocational 351
3 Secondary 378
4 University 103
0 NAV 45505
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1133 45505

Valid range from 1 to 4

V236 Country specific education: Slovenia

Value 108127 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 58
2 Primary completed 221
3 Incomplete vocational 27
4 2-3 yrs vocational 276
5 4 yrs middle school 322
6 Incomplete university 27
7 Higher degree compl 51
8 University compl 106
0 NAV 45545
99 Na 5
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1088 45550

Valid range from 1 to 8

V237 Country specific education: Taiwan

Value 109126 Frequency
1 None 155
2 Self-study 9
3 Elementary school 413
4 Junior high school 254
5 Vocational junior high school 5
6 Senior high school general 118
7 Senior high school voc subject 130
8 Vocational Senior high school 289
9 Cadet school, senior high level 6
10 Five year voc academy 83
11 Two-year voc academy 162
12 Three-year voc academy 21
13 Military,police traing course 3
14 Military spec course 9
15 Open college 5
16 Military,police officers acad 14
17 College 254
18 Graduate school, M A degree 44
19 Graduate school,Ph D degree 7
20 Other 2
0 NAV 44655
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1983 44655

Valid range from 1 to 20

V238 Country specific education: USA

Value 110125 Frequency
1 Less than high school 154
2 High school 644
3 Junior college 91
4 Bachelor 190
5 Graduate 90
0 NAV 45467
98 DK 2
99 Na 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1169 45469

Valid range from 1 to 5

V239 R: Current employment status

Value 111124 Frequency
1 Employed-full time 21208
2 Employed-part time 4005
3 Empl-< part-time 730
4 Helpg family member 265
5 Unemployed 2540
6 Studt,school,vocat.trng 2324
7 Retired 8694
8 Housewife,home duties 4311
9 Permanently disabled 851
10 Oth,not i labour force 1084
0 NAV 0
98 Dont know 18
99 Na 608
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46012 626

Valid range from 1 to 10

V240 R: Hours worked weekly

Value 112123 Frequency
1 1 hour 13
2 15
3 41
4 62
5 70
6 86
7 39
8 159
9 42
10 265
11 33
12 168
13 29
14 75
15 246
16 138
17 39
18 136
19 77
20 840
21 112
22 109
23 69