Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2013: Nacionalna identiteta III

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • ISSP raziskovalna skupina
  • Plecitá, Klára
  • Lund Clement, Sanne
  • Andersen, Johannes
  • Shamshiri-Petersen, Ditte
  • Andersen, Jørgen G.
  • Andersen, Morten H.
  • Lolle, Henrik
  • Larsen, Christian A.
  • Roosalu, Triin
  • Raudsepp, Maaris
  • Kazjulja, Margarita
  • Täht, Kadri
  • Melin, Harri
  • Blom, Raimo
  • Gonthier, Frédéric
  • Forsé, Michel
  • Park, Alison
  • Clery, Liz
  • Marinović Jerolimov, Dinka
  • Kolosi, Tamás
  • Watson, Iarfhlaith
  • Lewin-Epstein, Noah
  • Björnsdóttir, Ágústa E.
  • Guðmundsdóttir, Hrefna
  • Kobayashi, Toshiyuki
  • Murata, Hiroko
  • Aramaki, Hiroshi
  • Krupavičius, Algis
  • Tabuns, Aivars
  • Kolsrud, Kirstine
  • Skjåk, Knut K.
  • Social Weather Stations, Quezon City, Philippines
  • Khakhulina, Ludmilla
  • Hafner-Fink, Mitja
  • Malnar, Brina
  • Yang-chih, Fu
  • FORS swiss foundation for research in social sciences, c/o University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Carton, Ann
  • Vanderkelen, Françoise
  • Wolf, Christof
  • Tsuladze, Lia
  • Khechuashvili, Lili
  • Deshmukh, Yashwant Rao
  • Kim, Sang-Wook
  • Morones, César
  • Moran, Mauricio
  • Palacios, Felipe
  • Amarillas, Hecman
  • Vala, Jorge
  • Ramos, Alice
  • Bahna, Miloslav
  • Struwig, Jare
  • Díez-Nicolás, Juan
  • Edlund, Jonas
  • Çarkoğlu, Ali
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin
  • Smith, Tom W.
  • Marsden, Peter V.
  • Hout, Michael
Data file producer:
GESIS - GESIS Datenarchiv, GESIS Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (Cologne; 2015)

Funding agency:

Vsaka raziskovalna organizacija krije svoje stroške raziskave. Skupnega financiranja ni.

Project number:

no information

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja v letnih anketah, ki pokrivajo pomembne teme za družboslovno znanstveno raziskovanje. Združuje že obstoječe družbeno-znanstvene projekte in usklajuje raziskovalne cilje ter tako dodaja posameznim nacionalnim raziskavam mednarodni in medkulturni vidik. Vsaka posamezna raziskava (tematski modul) se ukvarja z določeno družboslovno tematiko. Tako raziskave ISSP do sedaj vsebujejo vprašanja o odnosu posameznika do številnih družbenih tem, kot so: okolje, vloga vlade, družbene neenakosti, socialno podporo, družina in spolne vloge, delo in delovne usmeritve, religija, državljanstvo, nacionalna identiteta, zdravje in zdravstveni sistem. Prva raziskava je bila izvedena v letih 1985/86 v šestih državah, danes pa ima ISSP preko 40 držav članic po vsem svetu. (

Study Content

Keywords ADP: nacionalna zavest, nacionalna identiteta, nacionalni ponos, nacionalni dosežki, demokracija, enakopravnost, mednarodni odnosi, nacionalni interesi, odnos do manjšin, odnos do priseljencev, reševanje mednarodnih problemov, državljanstvo, država prednikov

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - Kulturna in nacionalna identiteta
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - Družbeno vedenje in stališča
Topic Classification CERIF
Topic Classification ADP


Ta izvedba raziskav ISSP se osredotoča na stališča do narodne zavesti in identitete. Respondente sprašuje o značilnostih narodne identitete, identifikaciji z državo in narodom ter o nacionalnem ponosu. Sprašuje tudi o osebnem ponosu na delovanje demokracije v državi, o njenem političnem vplivu, o gospodarskih, socialnih, znanstvenih, športnih, umetnostnih in vojaških dosežkih države, o njeni zgodovini in enakopravnosti družbenih skupin v njej. Respondenti odgovarjajo o stališčih glede odnosov z drugimi državami in mednarodnimi organizacijami (konflikti, nacionalni interes, spoštovanje mednarodnega prava) ter o svojem odnosu do manjšin in priseljencev. Vprašani so tudi po njihovem državljanstvu in državljanstvu njihovih staršev v času rojstva respondenta. Demografski sklop vključuje vprašanja o starosti respondenta, spolu, izobrazbi, o zaposlitvi, poklicu, zakonskemu statusu, članstvu v sindikatu, verskem prepričanju, o udeležbi na zadnjih volitvah, voljeni stranki (levo-desno), pripadnosti etnični skupini, velikosti gospodinjstva, o dohodku, državi rojstva staršev in regiji bivanja.


Collection date: Zbiranje podatkov na terenu je potekalo: Belgija: 13. november 2013 - 24. februar 2014, Češka: 01. november 2013 - 10. januar 2014, Danska: 31. oktober 2013 - 06. januar 2014, Estonija: maj 2013 - julij 2013, Filipini: 19. februar 2014 - 23. februar 2014, Finska: 05. september 2013 - 11. december 2013, Francija: 21. marec 2013 - september 2013, Gruzija: 01. september 2013 - 24. oktober 2013, Hrvaška: 18. junij 2014 - 01. julij 2014, Indija: 22. januar 2015 - 13. februar 2015, Irska: 21. december 2012 - 20. maj 2013, Islandija: 30. junij 2013 - 21. marec 2014, Izrael: 03. februar 2014 - 03. junij 2014, Japonska: 16. november 2013 - 24. november 2013, Južna Afrika: 01. november 2013 - 15. januar 2014, Južna Koreja: 22. junij 2013 - 30. november 2013, Latvija: 16. april 2013 - 12. maj 2013, Litva: 05. oktober 2013 - 14. november 2013, Madžarska: 15. november 2013 - 20. november 2013, Mehika: 31. januar 2015 - 20. marec 2015, Nemčija: 24. marec 2014 - 13. september 2014, Norveška: 14. januar 2014 - 10. maj 2014, Portugalska: 29. junij 2014 - 31. januar 2015, Ruska federacija: 03. oktober 2012 - 22. oktober 2012, Slovaška: 17. september 2014 - 28. oktober 2014, Slovenija: 02. oktober 2013 - 17. december 2013, Španija: 20. januar 2014 - 03. februar 2014, Švedska: 11. marec 2013 - 17. maj 2013, Švica: 12. februar 2013 - 30. julij 2013, Tajvan: 22. september 2013 - 09. december 2013, Turčija: 27. januar 2014 - 20. marec 2014, Velika Britanija: 29. junij 2013 - 13. november 2013, Združene države Amerike: 31. marec 2014 - 13. oktober 2014
Date of production: 2015
Country: Belgija, Češka, Danska, Estonija, Filipini, Finska, Francija, Gruzija, Hrvaška, Indija, Irska, Islandija, Izrael, Japonska, Južna Afrika, Južna Koreja, Latvija, Litva, Madžarska, Mehika, Nemčija, Norveška, Portugalska, Ruska federacija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Tajvan, Turčija, Velika Britanija, Združene države Amerike
Geographic coverage:

Teritorij naštetih držav.

Unit of analysis:



Osebe stare 18 let in več, izjeme so: Finska: od 15 do 74 let, Japonska: 16 let ali več, ter Južna Afrika: 16 let ali več. Za dodatna pojasnila glej doi:10.4232/1.12312.

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

Belize: Research Center of the Flemish Government, Brussels, and IWEPS, Namur, - mailing by the National Register

Češka: ppm Factum, Praha

Danska: Rambøll Denmark A/S, Copenhagen

Estonija: Turu-uuringute AS

Filipini: Social Weather Stations, Quezon City

Finska: Statistics Finland, Social Survey Unit, Helsinki

Francija: Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST), Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Malakoff

Gruzija: Center for Social Sciences, Tbilisi

Hrvaška: GFK market research

Indija: CVoter News Services Pvt. Ltd., Noida

Irska: Social Science Research Centre, University College Dublin

Islandija: Social Science Research Institute, University of Iceland

Izrael: B.I. and Lucille Cohen, Institute for public opionion research, Tel Aviv

Japonska: Central Research Services, Inc., Tokyo

Južna Afrika: Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria

Južna Koreja: Survey Research Center at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul

Latvija: Institute of Sociological Research

Litva: BALTIC SURVEYS Ltd., Vilnius

Madžarska: TÁRKI Social Research Institute, Budapest

Mehika: Instituto de Mercadotecnia y Opinión (IMO), Zapopan, Jalisco

Nemčija: TNS Infratest, Munich

Norveška: TNS Gallup (kontakt in administracija papirnatih vprašalnikov) and NSD (administracija spletnih vprašalnikov), Bergen

Portugalska: TNS Portugal, Lisbon

Ruska federacija: Levada Center, Moscow

Slovaška: FOCUS agency, Bratislava

Slovenija: Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij (CJMMK), Univerza v Ljubljani

Španija: GfK

Švedska: TNS SIFO, Stockholm

Švica: M.I.S. Trend SA, Economic and social research institute, Lausanne

Tajvan: Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica

Turčija: Infakto Research Workshop Inc., Istanbul

Velika Britanija: National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), London

Združene države Amerike: National Opinion Research Center (NORC), Chicago

Sampling procedure:

Verjetnostno: enostavno slučajno

Verjetnostno: večstopenjsko

Vzorčenje se razlikuje glede na posamezne države. Za dodatna pojasnila glej doi:10.4232/1.12312.

Mode of data collection:

Osebni intervju: CAPI/CAMI

Osebni intervju: PAPI

Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanje: papirnati

Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanje: računalniško podprti (CASI)

Telefonski intervju: CATI

Odvisno od posamezne države. Za dodatna pojasnila glej doi:10.4232/1.12312.


Da. Za dodatna pojasnila glej doi:10.4232/1.12312.

Access restrictions

Za dostop do podatkov se obrnite na avtorja raziskave ali pristojno organizacijo, saj Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov ne distribuira podatkov te raziskave. Več o omejitvah dostopa na doi:10.4232/1.12312.

Contact: GESIS Datenarchiv

Več o pravilnem navajanju podatkov na doi:10.4232/1.12312.

Več o uporabnikovi odgovornosti obveščanja arhiva o uporabi podatkov in objavi del na doi:10.4232/1.12312.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: ZA5950: International Social Survey Programme: National Identity III - ISSP 2013 [Podatkovna datoteka]

File ID: F1

Format: OSTALO

  • number of variables: 386
  • number of units: 45297

Version: 2.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.12312

Variable list

V1 GESIS Data Archive Study Number

Value 13 Frequency
5950 GESIS Data Archive Study Number ZA5950 45297
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0 5950 5950

Valid range from 5950 to 5950

V2 GESIS Archive Version

Value 22 Frequency
2.0.0 (2015-08-14) 45297
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0

DOI Digital Object Identifier

Value 31 Frequency
doi.10.4232/1.12312 45297
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0

V1 GESIS Data Archive Study Number

Value 1386 Frequency
5950 GESIS Data Archive Study Number ZA5950 45297
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0 5950 5950

Valid range from 5950 to 5950

V2 GESIS Archive Version

Value 2385 Frequency
2.0.0 (2015-08-14) 45297
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0

DOI Digital Object Identifier

Value 3384 Frequency
doi.10.4232/1.12312 45297
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0

V3 Country/Sample (see V4 for codes for whole nation states)

Value 4383 Frequency
158 TW-Taiwan 1952
191 HR-Croatia 1000
203 CZ-Czech Republic 1909
208 DK-Denmark 1325
233 EE-Estonia 1009
246 FI-Finland 1243
250 FR-France 2017
268 GE-Georgia 1498
348 HU-Hungary 1007
352 IS-Iceland 1082
356 IN-India 1530
372 IE-Ireland 1215
392 JP-Japan 1234
410 KR-Korea (South) 1294
428 LV-Latvia 1000
440 LT-Lithuania 1194
484 MX-Mexico 1062
578 NO-Norway 1585
608 PH-Philippines 1200
643 RU-Russia 1516
703 SK-Slovak Republic 1156
705 SI-Slovenia 1010
710 ZA-South Africa 2739
724 ES-Spain 1225
752 SE-Sweden 1090
756 CH-Switzerland 1237
792 TR-Turkey 1666
840 US-United States 1274
5601 5601 BE-FLA-Belgium-Flanders 1090
5602 5602 BE-WAL-Belgium-Wallonia 549
5603 5603 BE-BRU-Belgium-Brussels 563
27601 27601 DE-W-Germany-West 1184
27602 27602 DE-E-Germany-East 533
37601 37601 IL-J-Israel-Jews 1029
37602 37602 IL-A-Israel-Arabs 175
62001 62001 PT-Portugal:2013:first fieldwork round (main sample) 898
62002 62002 PT-Portugal:2013:second fieldwork round (complementary 103
82601 82601 GB-GBN-Great Britain 904
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0 158 82601

Valid range from 158 to 82601

V4 Country (see V3 for codes for the sample)

Value 5382 Frequency
56 BE-Belgium 2202
158 TW-Taiwan 1952
191 HR-Croatia 1000
203 CZ-Czech Republic 1909
208 DK-Denmark 1325
233 EE-Estonia 1009
246 FI-Finland 1243
250 FR-France 2017
268 GE-Georgia 1498
276 DE-Germany 1717
348 HU-Hungary 1007
352 IS-Iceland 1082
356 IN-India 1530
372 IE-Ireland 1215
376 IL-Israel 1204
392 JP-Japan 1234
410 KR-Korea (South) 1294
428 LV-Latvia 1000
440 LT-Lithuania 1194
484 MX-Mexico 1062
578 NO-Norway 1585
608 PH-Philippines 1200
620 PT-Portugal 1001
643 RU-Russia 1516
703 SK-Slovak Republic 1156
705 SI-Slovenia 1010
710 ZA-South Africa 2739
724 ES-Spain 1225
752 SE-Sweden 1090
756 CH-Switzerland 1237
792 TR-Turkey 1666
826 GB-Great Britain and/or United Kingdom 904
840 US-United States 1274
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0 56 840

Valid range from 56 to 840

C_ALPHAN Country/ Sample Prefix ISO 3166 code - alphanumeric

Value 6381 Frequency
BE-BRU 563
BE-FLA 1090
BE-WAL 549
CH 1237
CZ 1909
DE-E 533
DE-W 1184
DK 1325
EE 1009
ES 1225
FI 1243
FR 2017
GB-GBN 904
GE 1498
HR 1000
HU 1007
IE 1215
IL-A 175
IL-J 1029
IN 1530
IS 1082
JP 1234
KR 1294
LT 1194
LV 1000
MX 1062
NO 1585
PH 1200
PT 1001
RU 1516
SE 1090
SI 1010
SK 1156
TR 1666
TW 1952
US 1274
ZA 2739
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45297 0

V5 Q1a How close do you feel to: town - city?

Value 7380 Frequency
1 Very close 16897
2 Close 19630
3 Not very close 6469
4 Not close at all 1483
8 Can't choose 494
9 No answer 324
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44479 818

Valid range from 1 to 4

V6 Q1b How close do you feel to: [County]?

Value 8379 Frequency
1 Very close 13597
2 Close 19967
3 Not very close 8316
4 Not close at all 2137
8 Can't choose 693
9 No answer 587
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44017 1280

Valid range from 1 to 4

V7 Q1c How close do you feel to: [Country]?

Value 9378 Frequency
1 Very close 19403
2 Close 19037
3 Not very close 4619
4 Not close at all 1261
8 Can't choose 528
9 No answer 449
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44320 977

Valid range from 1 to 4

V8 Q1d How close do you feel to: [Continent]?

Value 10377 Frequency
1 Very close 6652
2 Close 15334
3 Not very close 13231
4 Not close at all 7313
8 Can't choose 1966
9 No answer 801
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42530 2767

Valid range from 1 to 4

V9 Q2a How important: born in [Country]?

Value 11376 Frequency
1 Very important 16378
2 Fairly important 12927
3 Not very important 8626
4 Not important at all 3745
0 NAV;ZA: answer categories differ from ISSP standard 2739
8 Can't choose 576
9 No answer 306
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41676 3621

Valid range from 1 to 4

ZA_V9 Q2a How important: born in [Country]?

Value 12375 Frequency
1 Very important 1911
2 Fairly important 572
3 Neither nor 83
4 Not very important 99
5 Not important at all 32
0 NAP, other countries 42558
8 Can't choose 13
9 No answer 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2697 42600

Valid range from 1 to 5

V10 Q2b How important: have [Country Nationality] citizenship?

Value 13374 Frequency
1 Very important 21748
2 Fairly important 13920
3 Not very important 4574
4 Not important at all 1516
0 NAV;ZA: answer categories differ from ISSP standard 2739
8 Can't choose 487
9 No answer 313
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41758 3539

Valid range from 1 to 4

ZA_V10 Q2b How important: have [Country Nationality] citizenship?

Value 14373 Frequency
1 Very important 1867
2 Fairly important 697
3 Neither nor 54
4 Not very important 57
5 Not important at all 23
0 NAP, other countries 42558
8 Can't choose 7
9 No answer 34
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2698 42599

Valid range from 1 to 5

V11 Q2c How important: living most of life in [Country]?

Value 15372 Frequency
1 Very important 16031
2 Fairly important 15033
3 Not very important 8260
4 Not important at all 2237
0 NAV;ZA: answer categories differ from ISSP standard 2739
8 Can't choose 612
9 No answer 385
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41561 3736

Valid range from 1 to 4

ZA_V11 Q2c How important: living most of life in [Country]?

Value 16371 Frequency
1 Very important 1451
2 Fairly important 938
3 Neither nor 155
4 Not very important 126
5 Not important at all 25
0 NAP, other countries 42558
8 Can't choose 12
9 No answer 32
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2695 42602

Valid range from 1 to 5

V12 Q2d How important: able to speak [Country Language]?

Value 17370 Frequency
1 Very important 24658
2 Fairly important 12000
3 Not very important 3597
4 Not important at all 1559
0 NAV;ZA: answer categories differ from ISSP standard 2739
8 Cant choose 406
9 No answer 338
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41814 3483

Valid range from 1 to 4

ZA_V12 Q2d How important: able to speak [Country Language]?

Value 18369 Frequency
1 Very important 1413
2 Fairly important 951
3 Neither nor 151
4 Not very important 142
5 Not important at all 43
0 NAP, other countries 42558
8 Can't choose 9
9 No answer 30
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2700 42597

Valid range from 1 to 5

V13 Q2e How important: to be a [Religion]?

Value 19368 Frequency
1 Very important 9017
2 Fairly important 7217
3 Not very important 10172
4 Not important at all 14512
0 NAV;ZA: answer categories differ from ISSP standard 2739
8 Can't choose 1192
9 No answer 448
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40918 4379

Valid range from 1 to 4

ZA_V13 Q2e How important: to be a [Religion]?

Value 20367 Frequency
1 Very important 1572
2 Fairly important 496
3 Neither nor 248
4 Not very important 178
5 Not important at all 165
0 NAP, other countries 42558
8 Can't choose 44
9 No answer 36
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2659 42638

Valid range from 1 to 5

V14 Q2f How important: to respect [Country Nationality] political institutions a laws

Value 21366 Frequency
1 Very important 21341
2 Fairly important 14673
3 Not very important 3887
4 Not important at all 1510
0 NAV;ZA: answer categories differ from ISSP standard 2739
8 Can't choose 788
9 No answer 359
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41411 3886

Valid range from 1 to 4

ZA_V14 Q2f How important: to respect [Country Nationality] political institutions a laws

Value 22365 Frequency
1 Very important 1100
2 Fairly important 1089
3 Neither nor 281
4 Not very important 156
5 Not important at all 65
0 NAP, other countries 42558
8 Can't choose 15
9 No answer 33
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2691 42606

Valid range from 1 to 5

V15 Q2g How important: to feel [Country Nationality]

Value 23364 Frequency
1 Very important 22570
2 Fairly important 13765
3 Not very important 3840
4 Not important at all 1361
0 NAV;ZA: answer categories differ from ISSP standard 2739
8 Can't choose 708
9 No answer 314
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41536 3761

Valid range from 1 to 4

ZA_V15 Q2g How important: to feel [Country Nationality]

Value 24363 Frequency
1 Very important 1565
2 Fairly important 910
3 Neither nor 141
4 Not very important 55
5 Not important at all 24
0 NAP, other countries 42558
8 Can't choose 9
9 No answer 35
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2695 42602

Valid range from 1 to 5

V16 Q2h How important: to have [Country Nationality] ancestry

Value 25362 Frequency
1 Very important 13185
2 Fairly important 11564
3 Not very important 10452
4 Not important at all 6135
0 NAV;ZA: answer categories differ from ISSP standard 2739
8 Can't choose 842
9 No answer 380
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41336 3961

Valid range from 1 to 4

ZA_V16 Q2h How important: to have [Country Nationality] ancestry

Value 26361 Frequency
1 Very important 1255
2 Fairly important 938
3 Neither nor 264
4 Not very important 156
5 Not important at all 61
0 NAP, other countries 42558
8 Can't choose 29
9 No answer 36
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2674 42623

Valid range from 1 to 5

V17 Q3a Rather be a citizen of [Country]

Value 27360 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 16681
2 Agree 14958
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8161
4 Disagree 2956
5 Disagree strongly 1348
8 Can't choose 935
9 No answer 258
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44104 1193

Valid range from 1 to 5

V18 Q3b Things about [Country] feel ashamed

Value 28359 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8507
2 Agree 17730
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8452
4 Disagree 6324
5 Disagree strongly 2810
8 Can't choose 1116
9 No answer 358
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43823 1474

Valid range from 1 to 5

V19 Q3c World better place if people were more like the [Country Nationality]

Value 29358 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4486
2 Agree 10291
3 Neither agree nor disagree 14157
4 Disagree 9953
5 Disagree strongly 3887
8 Can't choose 2137
9 No answer 386
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42774 2523

Valid range from 1 to 5

V20 Q3d [Country] is a better country than most other countries

Value 30357 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 7705
2 Agree 15542
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11622
4 Disagree 6510
5 Disagree strongly 2239
8 Can't choose 1357
9 No answer 322
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43618 1679

Valid range from 1 to 5

V21 Q3e People should support country even if wrong

Value 31356 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 5181
2 Agree 11888
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9121
4 Disagree 11976
5 Disagree strongly 5470
8 Can't choose 1265
9 No answer 396
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43636 1661

Valid range from 1 to 5

V22 Q3f Well in international sports makes proud to be [Country Nationality]

Value 32355 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 18461
2 Agree 16900
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5957
4 Disagree 1735
5 Disagree strongly 1013
8 Can't choose 881
9 No answer 350
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44066 1231

Valid range from 1 to 5

V23 Q3g Often less proud of [Country] than like to be

Value 33354 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 5650
2 Agree 15648
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11536
4 Disagree 8030
5 Disagree strongly 2420
8 Can't choose 1582
9 No answer 431
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43284 2013

Valid range from 1 to 5

V24 Q3h World better place if [Country Nationality] acknowledged [Country's] shortcomings

Value 34353 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8385
2 Agree 16719
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11335
4 Disagree 4210
5 Disagree strongly 1524
8 Can't choose 2648
9 No answer 476
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42173 3124

Valid range from 1 to 5

V25 Q4a Proud of: way democracy works

Value 35352 Frequency
1 Very proud 6438
2 Somewhat proud 16331
3 Not very proud 13639
4 Not proud at all 6246
8 Can't choose 2293
9 No answer 350
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42654 2643

Valid range from 1 to 4

V26 Q4b Proud of: its political influence in the world

Value 36351 Frequency
1 Very proud 3804
2 Somewhat proud 15075
3 Not very proud 15533
4 Not proud at all 6704
8 Can't choose 3681
9 No answer 500
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41116 4181

Valid range from 1 to 4

V27 Q4c Proud of: [Country's] economic achievements

Value 37350 Frequency
1 Very proud 5905
2 Somewhat proud 15115
3 Not very proud 13759
4 Not proud at all 7750
8 Can't choose 2327
9 No answer 441
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42529 2768

Valid range from 1 to 4

V28 Q4d Proud of: its social security system

Value 38349 Frequency
1 Very proud 7272
2 Somewhat proud 15761
3 Not very proud 12444
4 Not proud at all 7512
8 Can't choose 1912
9 No answer 396
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42989 2308

Valid range from 1 to 4

V29 Q4e Proud of: its scientific and technological achievements

Value 39348 Frequency
1 Very proud 11989
2 Somewhat proud 21499
3 Not very proud 6250
4 Not proud at all 1959
8 Can't choose 3149
9 No answer 451
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41697 3600

Valid range from 1 to 4

V30 Q4f Proud of: its achievements in sports

Value 40347 Frequency
1 Very proud 14953
2 Somewhat proud 20267
3 Not very proud 5634
4 Not proud at all 1801
8 Can't choose 2217
9 No answer 425
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42655 2642

Valid range from 1 to 4

V31 Q4g Proud of: its achievements in the arts and literature

Value 41346 Frequency
1 Very proud 12198
2 Somewhat proud 20924
3 Not very proud 6022
4 Not proud at all 1504
8 Can't choose 4140
9 No answer 509
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40648 4649

Valid range from 1 to 4

V32 Q4h Proud of: [Country's] armed forces

Value 42345 Frequency
1 Very proud 9545
2 Somewhat proud 15139
3 Not very proud 9974
4 Not proud at all 4496
0 Not available, not asked (IS) 1084
8 Can't choose 4623
9 No answer 436
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39154 6143

Valid range from 1 to 4

V33 Q4i Proud of: its history

Value 43344 Frequency
1 Very proud 15856
2 Somewhat proud 18186
3 Not very proud 6112
4 Not proud at all 1886
8 Can't choose 2787
9 No answer 470
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42040 3257

Valid range from 1 to 4

V34 Q4j Proud of: fair treatment of all groups in society

Value 44343 Frequency
1 Very proud 5690
2 Somewhat proud 15007
3 Not very proud 13565
4 Not proud at all 7270
8 Can't choose 3331
9 No answer 434
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41532 3765

Valid range from 1 to 4

V35 Q5a [Country] should limit import of foreign products

Value 45342 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8944
2 Agree 14398
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9282
4 Disagree 7963
5 Disagree strongly 2564
8 Can't choose 1773
9 No answer 373
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43151 2146

Valid range from 1 to 5

V36 Q5b International bodies should enforce solutions

Value 46341 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8583
2 Agree 18898
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8488
4 Disagree 4619
5 Disagree strongly 1463
8 Can't choose 2779
9 No answer 467
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42051 3246

Valid range from 1 to 5

V37 Q5c [Country] should follow its own interests even if conflict

Value 47340 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 6902
2 Agree 14759
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10418
4 Disagree 8418
5 Disagree strongly 2410
8 Can't choose 1965
9 No answer 425
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42907 2390

Valid range from 1 to 5

V38 Q5d Foreigners should not be allowed to buy land in [Country]

Value 48339 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 9877
2 Agree 9902
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9105
4 Disagree 9474
5 Disagree strongly 4715
8 Can't choose 1829
9 No answer 395
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43073 2224

Valid range from 1 to 5

V39 Q5e TV should prefer [Country] films and programs

Value 49338 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 7819
2 Agree 11934
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10871
4 Disagree 8674
5 Disagree strongly 4212
8 Can't choose 1423
9 No answer 364
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43510 1787

Valid range from 1 to 5

V40 Q6a Large international companies damage local business

Value 50337 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8354
2 Agree 15478
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9993
4 Disagree 6135
5 Disagree strongly 1329
8 Can't choose 3515
9 No answer 493
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41289 4008

Valid range from 1 to 5

V41 Q6b Free trade leads to better products in [Country]

Value 51336 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 6268
2 Agree 19437
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10342
4 Disagree 4655
5 Disagree strongly 1130
8 Can't choose 2954
9 No answer 511
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41832 3465

Valid range from 1 to 5

V42 Q6c [Country] should follow decisions of international organizations

Value 52335 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 3211
2 Agree 12363
3 Neither agree nor disagree 13310
4 Disagree 9487
5 Disagree strongly 2243
8 Can't choose 4105
9 No answer 578
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40614 4683

Valid range from 1 to 5

V43 Q6d International organizations taking too much power from the government

Value 53334 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 5718
2 Agree 14263
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11839
4 Disagree 6994
5 Disagree strongly 1147
8 Can't choose 4753
9 No answer 583
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39961 5336

Valid range from 1 to 5

V44 Q6e I feel more like a citizen of the world than of any country

Value 54333 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4102
2 Agree 8830
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9517
4 Disagree 13272
5 Disagree strongly 6605
8 Can't choose 2481
9 No answer 490
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42326 2971

Valid range from 1 to 5

V45 Q7a Without shared customs no full membership

Value 55332 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 9158
2 Agree 14622
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7849
4 Disagree 9322
5 Disagree strongly 2882
8 Can't choose 1150
9 No answer 314
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43833 1464

Valid range from 1 to 5

V46 Q7b Help minorities to preserve traditions

Value 56331 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 6069
2 Agree 13438
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10272
4 Disagree 8534
5 Disagree strongly 4646
8 Can't choose 1933
9 No answer 405
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42959 2338

Valid range from 1 to 5

V47 Q8 Maintain traditions - adapt in society

Value 57330 Frequency
1 Maintain traditions 15426
2 Adapt into larger society 22921
8 Don't know 6078
9 No answer 872
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
38347 6950

Valid range from 1 to 2

V48 Q9a Immigrants increase crime rates

Value 58329 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8034
2 Agree 13897
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9549
4 Disagree 8826
5 Disagree strongly 2733
8 Can't choose 1870
9 No answer 388
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43039 2258

Valid range from 1 to 5

V49 Q9b Immigrants generally good for economy

Value 59328 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 2813
2 Agree 13016
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12893
4 Disagree 10303
5 Disagree strongly 3513
8 Can't choose 2336
9 No answer 423
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42538 2759

Valid range from 1 to 5

V50 Q9c Immigrants take jobs away f people born in [Country]

Value 60327 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 6961
2 Agree 12060
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10090
4 Disagree 10992
5 Disagree strongly 3501
8 Can't choose 1314
9 No answer 379
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43604 1693

Valid range from 1 to 5

V51 Q9d Immigrants bring new ideas and cultures

Value 61326 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 3303
2 Agree 14771
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12172
4 Disagree 9239
5 Disagree strongly 3507
8 Can't choose 1899
9 No answer 406
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42992 2305

Valid range from 1 to 5

V52 Q9e Immigrants undermine culture

Value 62325 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4195
2 Agree 9153
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10558
4 Disagree 14211
5 Disagree strongly 4554
8 Can't choose 2180
9 No answer 446
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42671 2626

Valid range from 1 to 5

V53 Q9f Legal immigrants should have same rights

Value 63324 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4686
2 Agree 13196
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8987
4 Disagree 11251
5 Disagree strongly 4911
8 Can't choose 1858
9 No answer 408
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43031 2266

Valid range from 1 to 5

V54 Q9g Illegal immigrants should be excluded

Value 64323 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 15050
2 Agree 15814
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6858
4 Disagree 3877
5 Disagree strongly 1417
8 Can't choose 1896
9 No answer 385
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43016 2281

Valid range from 1 to 5

V55 Q9h Legal immigrants should have equal access to education

Value 65322 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 11914
2 Agree 20577
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6321
4 Disagree 3208
5 Disagree strongly 1497
8 Can't choose 1422
9 No answer 358
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43517 1780

Valid range from 1 to 5

V56 Q10 Number of immigrants increase to country

Value 66321 Frequency
1 Increased a lot 1938
2 Increased a little 3189
3 Remain the same as it is 13852
4 Reduced a little 10150
5 Reduced a lot 11395
8 Can't choose 4386
9 No answer 387
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40524 4773

Valid range from 1 to 5

V57 Q11 Statements about immigrants and [Country's] culture

Value 67320 Frequency
1 Immigrants should retain their culture of origin and not ado 3732
2 Immigrants should retain their culture of origin and also ad 33498
3 Immigrants should give up their culture of origin and adopt 4912
8 Can't choose 2605
9 No answer 550
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42142 3155

Valid range from 1 to 3

V58 Q12 How proud are you of being [Country Nationality]

Value 68319 Frequency
1 Very proud 19589
2 Somewhat proud 17770
3 Not very proud 4154
4 Not proud at all 1094
0 I am not [Country Nationality] 1090
8 Can't choose 1296
9 No answer 304
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42607 2690

Valid range from 1 to 4

V59 Q13a Patriotism: strengthen countrys place in the world

Value 69318 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 10192
2 Agree 16784
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8998
4 Disagree 4511
5 Disagree strongly 1375
8 Can't choose 2837
9 No answer 600
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41860 3437

Valid range from 1 to 5

V60 Q13b Patriotism: lead to intolerance

Value 70317 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4002
2 Agree 12533
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11929
4 Disagree 9681
5 Disagree strongly 2550
8 Can't choose 3832
9 No answer 770
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40695 4602

Valid range from 1 to 5

V61 Q13c Patriotism: needed for [Country] to remain united

Value 71316 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 10478
2 Agree 18302
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8103
4 Disagree 3984
5 Disagree strongly 1131
8 Can't choose 2651
9 No answer 648
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41998 3299

Valid range from 1 to 5

V62 Q13d Patriotism: lead to negative attitudes towards immigrants

Value 72315 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4137
2 Agree 12478
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11857
4 Disagree 9773
5 Disagree strongly 2672
8 Can't choose 3595
9 No answer 785
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40917 4380

Valid range from 1 to 5

V63 Q14 Are you a citizen of [Country]

Value 73314 Frequency
1 Yes 43342
2 No 1655
8 Don't know 9
9 No answer 291
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44997 300

Valid range from 1 to 2

V64 Q15 Parents citizens of [Country] at birth

Value 74313 Frequency
1 Both were citizens 40361
2 Only father was a citizen 663
3 Only mother was a citizen 724
4 Neither parent was a citizen 3271
8 Can't choose 25
9 No answer, refused 253
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45019 278

Valid range from 1 to 4

V65 Q16 Heard or read about [the European Union]

Value 75312 Frequency
1 A lot 5535
2 Quite a bit 10307
3 Not much 9052
4 Nothing at all 5608
5 GB:Nothing at all, but answer in V66 to V70 18
0 DE,IL,JP,NO,PT,RU,TW:Not asked/no appropriate regional assoc 13749
8 Can't choose 675
9 No answer 353
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30520 14777

Valid range from 1 to 5

V66 Q17 Benefits from being member of [the European Union]

Value 76311 Frequency
1 Greatly benefits 2870
2 Largely benefits 6581
3 Somewhat benefits 8464
4 Benefits only a little 4322
5 Does not benefit at all 2115
0 NAV(DE,IL,JP,KR,NO,SE,SK,RU,TW);NAP,never heard of [the EU]( 16898
8 Don't know 2547
9 No answer 1500
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24352 20945

Valid range from 1 to 5

V67 Q18 [Country] should follow decisions of [the European Union]

Value 77310 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 1385
2 Agree 5976
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5937
4 Disagree 6599
5 Disagree strongly 2633
0 NAV(CH,DE,IL,KR,JP,NO,RU,SK,TW,US,ZA);NAP,never heard of [th 20666
8 Can't choose 1422
9 No answer 679
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22530 22767

Valid range from 1 to 5

V68 Q19 EU should have more power than national government

Value 78309 Frequency
1 Much more 766
2 More 2921
3 As much 7871
4 Less 6915
5 Much less 2342
0 NAV(DE,EE,IL,KR,JP,MX,NO,RU,SK,TW,US,ZA);NAP,never heard of 21242
8 Can't choose 2497
9 No answer 743
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20815 24482

Valid range from 1 to 5

V69 Q20 EU Referendum to become new member

Value 79308 Frequency
1 Vote in favour 1480
2 Vote against 1556
8 Can't choose 406
9 No answer 270
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
3036 42261

Valid range from 1 to 2

V70 Q21 EU members: Referendum to remain member

Value 80307 Frequency
1 Vote in favour 12647
2 Vote against 5722
0 NAV(CH,DE,GE,IL,IS,KR,JP,MX,NO,PH,RU,SK,TW,US);NAP,never hea 22023
8 Can't choose 4142
9 No answer 763
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
18369 26928

Valid range from 1 to 2

SEX Sex of Respondent

Value 81306 Frequency
1 Male 21036
2 Female 24242
9 No answer(IE,BE,ZA) 19
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45278 19

Valid range from 1 to 2

BIRTH Year of birth

Value 82305 Frequency
9999 No answer 159
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45138 159 1901 1998 1966.043 17.509

Valid range from 1901 to 1998

AGE Age of respondent

Value 83304 Frequency
999 No answer 163
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
45134 163 15 112 47.249 17.454

Valid range from 15 to 112

EDUCYRS Education I: years of schooling

Value 84303 Frequency
0 No formal schooling, no years at school 1011
95 Still at school (GB,TR) 30
96 Still at college, university, in vocational training (GB) 23
98 Don't know 150
99 No answer 700
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44447 850 0 96

Valid range from 0 to 96

BE_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Belgium

Value 85302 Frequency
1 None 76
2 Primary Education 188
3 Lower general secondary 194
4 Lower technical art secondary 109
5 Lower vocational secondary 129
6 Higher general secondary 241
7 Higher technical art secondary 191
8 Higher vocational secondary 114
9 7th year vocational secondary education 55
10 7th year general technical art secondary education 49
11 Higher vocational education 49
12 Professional bachelor non-university, bachelor university 418
13 University (master, licentiate, engineer, doctor) 349
0 NAP, other countries 43095
99 No answer 40
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2162 43135

Valid range from 1 to 13

CH_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Switzerland

Value 86301 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary education 1
2 Primary school (4 to 6 years of schooling) 26
3 Secondary education (first stage - including primary school 145
4 Additional year of secondary education, preparation for voca 20
5 Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y 59
6 Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system, 3-4 years) 405
7 General training school (2-3 years) 43
8 Vocational baccalaureate 28
9 Diploma for teaching in primary school or preprimary school 20
10 Baccalaureate preparing for university 50
11 Second vocational training (or apprenticeship as second educ 41
12 Vocational baccalaureate for adults 3
13 Baccalaureate for adults or apprenticeship after Baccalaurea 5
14 Advanced vocational qualification - specialization exam, fed 50
15 Higher vocational training - diploma of a high school - tech 59
16 Higher vocational training - diploma of specific high schoo 48
17 Applied science and pedagogical university - Bachelor 40
18 Applied science and pedagogical university - Master 34
19 University diploma - intermediary level 9
20 University (including technical) - Bachelor and short degree 31
21 University (including technical) - requiring more than 4 ye 21
22 University (including technical) - Master 62
23 Doctoral degree 35
0 NAP, other countries 44060
98 Don't know 2
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1235 44062

Valid range from 1 to 23

CZ_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Czech Republic

Value 87300 Frequency
1 Incomplete Primary 4
2 Primary completed 167
3 Lower vocational, no diploma 568
4 General secondary, no diploma 160
5 Vocational with diploma 184
6 Technical secondary 451
7 Academic secondary 94
8 Post secondary 29
9 Tertiary, bachelor degree 56
10 Tertiary, master degree 179
11 Post-graduate education 13
0 NAP, other countries 43388
99 No answer 4
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1905 43392

Valid range from 1 to 11

DE_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Germany

Value 88299 Frequency
1 No formal education 1
2 Still at school: >= 7 years of schooling 13
3 Left school without certificate 21
4 Lower secondary (Hauptschule) 95
5 Middle school (mittlere Reife) 49
6 Secondary, technical (Fachhochschulreife) 14
7 Higher secondary (Abitur) 67
8 Vocational training, degree from German dual system 936
9 Vocational training, master craftsmen (Meister) 110
10 University of applied sciences (Fachhochschule): bachelor 16
11 University: bachelor 21
12 University of applied sciences (Fachhochschule): master or o 115
13 University: master or other degree 224
14 Doctorate 26
98 Other qualification 5
0 NAP, other countries 43580
99 No answer 4
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1713 43584

Valid range from 1 to 98

DK_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Denmark

Value 89298 Frequency
1 7 years primary school or shorter 25
2 8 years primary school 7
3 9 years primary school 19
4 Secondary, 10 years or similar 34
5 Gymnasium, general 52
6 Gymnasium, technical 22
7 Other school education 9
8 Basic vocational and apprenticeship 198
9 Other completed vocational education 67
10 Short advanced education, less than 3 years 129
11 Middle range advanced, 3-4 years 399
12 Further advanced, more than 4 years 237
13 Other vocational education 127
0 NAP, other countries 43972
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1325 43972

Valid range from 1 to 13

EE_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Estonia

Value 90297 Frequency
1 Less than basic education 18
2 Basic education 111
3 Vocational (secondary) education after basic education 87
4 Vocational education after secondary school 84
5 General secondary education 183
6 Specialised secondary education (polytechnical education) 138
7 Specialised secondary education after secondary school 130
8 University level education (during soviet time – all highe 256
0 NAP, other countries 44288
99 No answer 2
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1007 44290

Valid range from 1 to 8

ES_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Spain

Value 91296 Frequency
1 No formal schooling, did not go to school 10
2 Less than 5 years of formal schooling 64
3 Primary School completed 122
4 Low Secondary School, Junior High 365
5 Vocational Training, medium level Professional 0
6 High Secondary School completed 451
7 Vocational Training, high level Professional Training 0
8 Technical Architecture, technical Engineering, 3 years Tech 84
9 3 years completed non-technical University 0
10 Architecture and Engineering, Technical Schools 2
11 College Degree, 4 years 0
12 Official Graduate Studies, PhD, Master 124
0 NAP, other countries 44072
99 No answer 3
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1222 44075

Valid range from 1 to 12

FI_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Finland

Value 92295 Frequency
1 Still in primary or lower secondary education 19
2 Primary education 87
3 Lower secondary education 88
4 Vocational school or course 319
5 General upper secondary education or matriculation examinati 125
6 College-level vocational education 256
7 Polytechnic, university of applied sciences 151
8 University, lower academic degree 52
9 University, higher academic degree 142
0 NAP, other countries 44054
99 No answer 4
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1239 44058

Valid range from 1 to 9

FR_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: France

Value 93294 Frequency
1 None 26
2 Primary incomplete 62
3 Primary completed 181
4 General secondary level 1 102
5 Vocational secondary level 1 without vocational diploma 78
6 Vocational secondary level 1 with vocational diploma 363
7 Vocational secondary level 2 96
8 Incomplete general secondary level 2 118
9 General secondary level 2 192
10 College 366
11 University 415
0 NAP, other countries 43280
99 No answer 18
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1999 43298

Valid range from 1 to 11

GB_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Great Britain (GB-GBN)

Value 94293 Frequency
1 No secondary qualifications 175
2 CSE, GCSE or equivalent 45
3 O-level or equivalent 164
4 A-level or equivalent 141
5 Higher below degree level 102
6 Degree, University or CNAA or Diploma 202
7 Foreign or other 8
0 NAP, other countries 44393
99 No answer 67
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
837 44460

Valid range from 1 to 7

GE_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Georgia

Value 95292 Frequency
1 Without 8 or 9 years school completion certificate 45
2 8 or 9 years school graduation certificate 125
3 Secondary school certificate (11 or 12 years) 369
4 Diploma of vocational education 459
5 Bachelor's degree or 5-years diploma 417
6 Master's degree 59
7 Higher than master's degree 20
0 NAP, other countries 43799
97 Refused to answer 4
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1494 43803

Valid range from 1 to 7

HR_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Croatia

Value 96291 Frequency
1 Primary school not completed 36
2 Primary school completed 99
3 Three years vocational school completed 203
4 Four years vocational school completed 390
5 General secondary school (gymnasium) completed 53
6 Completed higher school, post secondary degree, college 90
7 University degree completed, university studies 126
0 NAP, other countries 44297
99 No answer 3
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
997 44300

Valid range from 1 to 7

HU_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Hungary

Value 97290 Frequency
1 Less than primary 28
2 8 years elementary 202
3 Vocational 306
4 Vocational with maturity 176
5 Gymnasium with maturity 105
6 Secondary technical after maturity 49
7 Higher technical after maturity 13
8 College 91
9 University 37
0 NAP, other countries 44290
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1007 44290

Valid range from 1 to 9

IE_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Ireland

Value 98289 Frequency
1 None 7
2 Incomplete primary education 10
3 Primary completed, compulsory 58
4 Incomplete first cycle secondary 65
5 Completed first cycle secondary 94
6 Secondary completed 206
7 Incomplete third level 51
8 Certificate or Diploma 253
9 University first degree 187
10 University higher degree, masters or equivalent 276
0 NAP, other countries 44082
99 No answer 8
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1207 44090

Valid range from 1 to 10

IL_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Israel

Value 99288 Frequency
1 No formal schooling 24
2 Lowest formal qualification 71
3 Incomplete vocational qualification 38
4 Vocational completed without matriculation 50
5 Vocational completed with matriculation 52
6 Incomplete academic secondary 61
7 Full general without matriculation 106
8 Academic secondary completed 184
9 Yeshiva without matriculation 24
10 Yeshiva with matriculation 12
11 Semi higher, post secondary 154
12 Incomplete university 59
13 University completed, BA or more 363
0 NAP, other countries 44093
99 No answer 6
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1198 44099

Valid range from 1 to 13

IN_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: India

Value 100287 Frequency
1 Illiterate 132
2 Non formal education (can read and write) 279
3 Up to Primary Level 270
4 Up to High School 474
5 Higher secondary 198
6 Up to Graduate 153
7 Post Graduate 23
8 Professional 1
0 NAP, other countries 43767
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1530 43767

Valid range from 1 to 8

IS_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Iceland

Value 101286 Frequency
1 No formal qualification 10
2 Compulsory education, e.g. primary education 251
3 Internship, e.g. nurse assistant, secretary 75
4 Intermediary secondary completed, vocational training 213
5 Higher secondary completed 105
6 Higher secondary and part of university education 53
7 Undergraduate studies, e.g. BA or BS degree 194
8 Graduate studies from university, e.g. MA or MS degree 135
9 Doctoral degree from university 15
0 NAP, other countries 44215
99 No answer 31
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1051 44246

Valid range from 1 to 9

JP_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Japan

Value 102285 Frequency
1 Junior high school completed 198
2 Still at high school 38
3 High school completed 524
4 Still at junior college or university 36
5 Junior college completed 192
6 Still at graduate school 2
7 Finished university or graduate 224
8 Others 3
0 NAP, other countries 44063
99 No answer 17
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1217 44080

Valid range from 1 to 8

KR_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Korea (South)

Value 103284 Frequency
1 No formal schooling, Seodang, Hanhak (old style non-formal e 28
2 Elementary incomplete 15
3 Elementary completed 75
4 Middle school, junior high school incomplete 15
5 Middle school, junior high school completed 65
6 High school incomplete 20
7 High school completed 344
8 Junior college incomplete, 2-3 years 32
9 Junior college completed, 2-3 years 157
10 University incomplete, 4 years course 145
11 University completed, 4 years course 323
12 Masters degree incomplete 6
13 Masters degree completed 49
14 Doctoral degree incomplete 8
15 Doctoral degree, PhD completed 12
0 NAP, other countries 44003
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1294 44003

Valid range from 1 to 15

LT_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Lithuania

Value 104283 Frequency
1 Not completed primary 9
2 Primary 40
3 Vocational (without completing basic) 14
4 Basic (including youth schools, night schools) 122
5 Vocational (completing basic) 32
6 Vocational (after completing basic, the training program las 27
7 Vocational (after completing basic, the training program las 100
8 Secondary (including gymnasium schools, lyceums, night schoo 198
9 Vocational together with secondary (after completing basic) 99
10 Vocational (after completing secondary) 88
11 Higher vocational or special secondary after completing basi 86
12 Higher vocational or special secondary after completing seco 108
13 Higher vocational (non-university degree) 54
14 Higher (university degree attained in bachelor studies) 81
15 Higher university degree attained in integrated studies or i 89
16 Higher (university degree attained in master or resident stu 40
17 Doctoral or candidate of sciences degree 1
0 NAP, other countries 44103
99 No answer 6
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1188 44109

Valid range from 1 to 17

LV_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Latvia

Value 105282 Frequency
1 Incomplete basic education, less than 8 forms 10
2 Primary completed, basic education, 9 years 88
3 Incomplete secondary, vocational training 2-3 years 69
4 Secondary completed, 3 years 205
5 Secondary professional education, 4 years 323
6 Incomplete higher education, at least 2 completed years 65
7 Higher education, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Degree 240
0 NAP, other countries 44297
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1000 44297

Valid range from 1 to 7

MX_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Mexico

Value 106281 Frequency
1 None 75
2 Primary school completed 153
3 Technical training without secondary qualification 8
4 Secondary school completed 196
5 Technical training after secondary qualification 29
6 High school completed 325
7 Technical training after high school qualification 46
8 University completed 177
9 Master, doctorate degree 25
0 NAP, other countries 44235
99 No answer 28
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1034 44263

Valid range from 1 to 9

NO_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Norway

Value 107280 Frequency
1 No formal education completed 22
2 Primary compulsory, lower secondary compulsory 126
3 Lower secondary voluntary, higher secondary incomplete 241
4 Upper secondary, vocational completed 142
5 Upper secondary, general completed 156
6 Technical and training college 60
7 University, College, incomplete, less than 3 years 222
8 University, College, completed, 3-4 years 381
9 University, College, completed, 5 years or more 211
0 NAP, other countries 43712
99 No answer 24
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1561 43736

Valid range from 1 to 9

PH_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Philippines

Value 108279 Frequency
1 No formal education 18
2 Some elementary, incomplete primary 154
3 Completed elementary, primary completed 156
4 Some high school, incomplete secondary 175
5 Completed high school, secondary completed 321
6 Some vocational 33
7 Completed vocational 57
8 Some College 154
9 Completed College 122
10 Post College 10
0 NAP, other countries 44097
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1200 44097

Valid range from 1 to 10

PT_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Portugal

Value 109278 Frequency
1 None 45
2 Basic level 1 (in brackets are the different designations of 273
3 Basic level 2 (idem) 95
4 Educational and vocational courses type1. Certificate of pro 4
5 Basic level 3 (idem) 188
6 Educational and vocational courses type2. Certificate of pro 2
7 Educational and vocational courses type 3 and 4. Certificate 1
8 Secondary level – scientific-humanistic courses (idem) 207
9 Secondary level – technology, specialised arts (visual, au 27
10 Courses of technological specialisation. Certificate of Tech 10
11 Polytechnic superior level: 3 years bachelor (idem) 15
12 Polytechnic superior level: 3-4 years graduation 17
13 University superior level: 3-4 years graduation; bi-stage de 42
14 Post-graduation: specialisation post-degree without attribut 4
15 University superior level: more than 4 years degree; bi-stag 39
16 Master degree (including integrated master) 27
17 PhD 3
0 NAP, other countries 44296
99 Don't know, No answer 2
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
999 44298

Valid range from 1 to 17

RU_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Russia

Value 110277 Frequency
1 Primary school 81
2 Intermediate secondary school completed 111
3 Trade school, intermediate school 101
4 High secondary school completed 236
5 Trade school, high secondary completed 88
6 Technical secondary school 434
7 Higher education incomplete 74
8 Higher education, university degree completed 391
0 NAP, other countries 43781
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1516 43781

Valid range from 1 to 8

SE_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Sweden

Value 111276 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary/comprehensive school 6
2 Primary/comprehensive school pre 1962 (6-8 years) 102
3 Primary/comprehensive school post 1962 (9 years) 88
4 Lower secondary school 33
5 Vocational school 1963-1970 24
6 Vocational school (2 years) 154
7 3 or 4 years gymnasium, academic track 125
8 Vocational school post 1992 56
9 Gymnasium, academic track post 1992 29
10 University studies without degree 88
11 University degree, less than 3 years 85
12 University degree, 3 years or more 261
13 Doctor's degree 22
0 NAP, other countries 44207
99 No answer 17
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1073 44224

Valid range from 1 to 13

SI_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Slovenia

Value 112275 Frequency
1 Without formal education (0 to at most 3 grades of 8-year pr 11
2 Incomplete primary school (more than 3 grades of 8-year or m 41
3 Primary school completed (has a primary school certificate) 127
4 Lower secondary school or vocational school (2 to 3-year pro 223
5 Secondary technical school (4-year program with leaving exam 229
6 General secondary school (gymnasium with leaving examination 74
7 Higher degree completed, 2-years college 82
8 Completed 3 years college, 1st Bologna degree 76
9 University or academy completed (4-6 years program + thesis) 116
10 Specialization (1 year) 8
11 Master degree (also Bologna Master) 16
12 Doctorate degree, PhD 5
95 Other education, not clear 2
0 NAP, other countries 44287
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1010 44287

Valid range from 1 to 95

SK_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Slovakia

Value 113274 Frequency
1 Incomplete elementary school 11
2 Completed elementary school 98
3 Completed elementary and vocational training 38
4 Vocational training with certificate, apprenticeship 300
5 Vocational school or trade school 66
6 Completed apprenticeship training with maturity level certif 125
7 Completed vocational upper secondary education 256
8 Completed general upper secondary education, grammar school 64
9 Follow-up, post-maturity education 26
10 University, college education, bachelor degree 32
11 University, college completed master or engineering programm 135
12 Postgraduate level or higher education study 5
0 NAP, other countries 44141
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1156 44141

Valid range from 1 to 12

TR_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Turkey

Value 114273 Frequency
1 No formal education 143
2 Primary completed 663
3 Junior High School completed 234
4 High School completed 399
5 Incomplete University degree 29
6 University degree completed 190
0 NAP, other countries 43631
99 No answer 8
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1658 43639

Valid range from 1 to 6

TW_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Taiwan

Value 115272 Frequency
1 None 82
2 Self-study 22
3 Elementary school 260
4 Junior high school 230
5 Vocational junior high school 1
6 Senior high school general 80
7 Senior high school vocational subject 71
8 Vocational senior high school 367
9 Cadet school, senior high level 3
10 5 years junior college, after junior high 68
11 2 years junior college after vocational high 114
12 3 years junior college, after high general 12
13 Military, police junior college, 1 year 2
14 Military, police college, 2 years 9
15 Open junior College 12
16 Open College 7
17 Military, Police College 4
18 Institute of technology 178
19 College (bachelor's degree) 305
20 Graduate school, master degree 117
21 Graduate school, doctorate degree, PhD 8
0 NAP, other countries 43345
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1952 43345

Valid range from 1 to 21

US_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: United States

Value 116271 Frequency
1 Less than High school 161
2 High school 618
3 Junior college 113
4 Bachelor degree 241
5 Graduate school 141
0 NAP, other countries 44023
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1274 44023

Valid range from 1 to 5

ZA_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: South Africa

Value 117270 Frequency
1 No formal qualification, less than grade 9 802
2 Lowest formal qualification, grade 9 177
3 Above lowest qualification, grade 10-11 693
4 Grade 12 699
5 Diploma with grade 12 133
6 Degree, Post-graduate 160
0 NAP, other countries 42558
99 No answer 75
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2664 42633

Valid range from 1 to 6

DEGREE Highest completed education level: Categories for international comparison

Value 118269 Frequency
0 No formal education 1879
1 Primary school 3242
2 Lower secondary (secondary completed does not allow entry to 10350
3 Upper secondary (programs that allows entry to university 11386
4 Post secondary, non-tertiary (other upper secondary programs 5779
5 Lower level tertiary, first stage (also technical schools at 7864
6 Upper level tertiary (Master, Doctor) 4414
9 No answer 383
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44914 383

Valid range from 0 to 6

WORK Currently, formerly, or never in paid work

Value 119268 Frequency
1 Currently in paid work, 24221
2 Currently not in paid work, paid work in the past 15346
3 Never had paid work 5378
9 No answer 352
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44945 352

Valid range from 1 to 3

WRKHRS Hours worked weekly

Value 120267 Frequency
96 96 hours and more 141
0 NAP (Code 2 or 3 in WORK;DK:Code 3 in WORK) 20266
98 Don't know; TW: Time varies 511
99 No answer 887
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23633 21664 1 96

Valid range from 1 to 96

EMPREL Employment relationship

Value 121266 Frequency
1 Employee 31906
2 Self-employed without employees 3523
3 Self-employed with employees 1550
4 Working for own family's business 898
0 NAP (Code 3 in WORK; HU,EE: Code 2,3 in WORK) 6203
8 Don't know 18
9 No answer 1199
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
37877 7420

Valid range from 1 to 4

NEMPLOY Self-employed: how many employees

Value 122265 Frequency
9995 9995 employees or more 0
0 NAP (Code 1, 2, 4, 0 in EMPREL) 42506
9998 Don't know 18
9999 No answer 1301
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1472 43825 1 6000

Valid range from 1 to 9995

WRKSUP Supervise other employees

Value 123264 Frequency
1 Yes 9099
2 No 27680
0 NAP (Code 3 in WORK;IE: 3 in WORK and 2 in EMPREL;KR,US:2,3 6306
8 Don't know 67
9 No answer 2145
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36779 8518

Valid range from 1 to 2

NSUP Number of other employees supervised

Value 124263 Frequency
9995 9995 employees or more 5
0 NAP (code 2, 0 in WRKSUP); NAV (US) 34243
9998 Don't know 68
9999 No answer 2504
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
8482 36815 1 9995

Valid range from 1 to 9995

TYPORG1 Type of organization, for-profit/ non profit

Value 125262 Frequency
1 For-profit organization 25066
2 Non-profit organization 10104
0 NAP (Code 3 in WORK); NAV (US) 6607
8 Don't know 1030
9 No answer 2490
Valid cases