ADP Catalogue

Date of the last change of the catalog: 04.02.2025

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Study Topics

In the Catalogue of ADP you may find research data from the field of social sciences that cover various topic fields and usually include data from Slovenia.



The list below represents the Common European Research Classification Scheme (CERIF)  for social sciences (S 000) that is used also by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).


S 100 History and philosophy of the social sciences
S 110 Juridical sciences
S 111 Administrative law
S 112 Human rights
S 114 Comparative law
S 115 Philosophy and theory of law
  History of Law: see H 300
S 120 Environmental law
S 121 Juvenile law
S 122 Media law
S 123 Informatics law
S 124 Patents, copyrights, trademarks
S 130 Civil law: persons, family, marriage contract, successions, gifts, property, obligations, guarantees
S 136 Transportation law
S 137 Insurance law
S 140 Public law
S 141 Fiscal law
S 142 Judicial law
S 143 Social law
S 144 Industrial and commercial law
S 145 Notarial law
S 146 Labour law
S 148 Constitutional law
S 149 Criminal law, criminal proceedings
S 150 International private and public law
S 151 Aerial, maritime and space law
S 155 European law
  Church law: see H 165
S 160 Criminology
S 170 Political and administrative sciences
  Political history: see H 271
S 175 Polemology
  Press and communication sciences: see S 265
S 180 Economics, econometrics, economic theory, economic systems, economic policy
S 181 Financial science
  Accounting: see S 192
S 182 Actuarial science
  Actuarial mathematics: see P 160
S 183 Cyclical economics
S 184 Economic planning
S 185 Commercial and industrial economics
S 186 International commerce
S 187 Agricultural economics
S 188 Economics of development
S 189 Organizational science
S 190 Management of enterprises
S 191 Market study
S 192 Accounting
S 195 Development cooperation
S 196 Social economics
  Economic history: see H 270
S 210 Sociology
S 211 Sociology of Science
S 212 Sociology of labour, sociology of enterprise
S 213 Social structures
S 214 Social changes, theory of social work
S 215 Social problems and welfare, national insurance
  Social medicine: see S 290
  Social pedagogy: see S 285
  Social law: see S 143
S 216 Care and help to handicapped
  Orthopedagogy: see S 286
S 220 Cultural anthropology, ethnology
  Sociolinguistics: see H 360
S 230 Social geography
  Social psychology: see S 263
  Press and communication sciences: see S 265
  Criminology: see S 160
  Social economics: see S 196
  Social history: see H 270
S 240 Town and country planning
  Physical planning: see T 260
  Landscape design: see T 250
S 250 Demography
S 260 Psychology
  Human ethology: see B 381
  Psychonomics: see B 760
  Artifical intelligence: see P 176
  Neurolinguistics: see H 361
S 261 Differential and individual psychology
S 262 Development psychology
S 263 Social psychology
S 264 Applied and experimental psychology
S 265 Press and communication sciences
S 266 Industrial psychology
  Psychosomatics: see B 650
S 270 Pedagogy and didactics
S 271 Special didactics
S 272 Teacher education
S 273 Physical training, motorial learning, sport
  Skeleton, muscle system, rheumatology locomotion: see B 580
  Biomechanics, biometrics: see B 110 in B 115
S 274 Research methodology in science
S 280 Adult education, permanent education
S 281 Computer-assisted education
  Foreign languages teaching: see H 360
S 282 Comparative and historical pedagogy
S 283 Psychopedagogy
S 284 Experimental pedagogy
S 285 Social pedagogy
S 286 Orthopedagogy
  Care and help to handicapped
  Physical medicine, revalidation, rehabilitation: see B 710
S 290 Social medicine
  Sociolinguistics: see H 360
  Social history: see H 270
  Social psychology: see S 263


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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |