Date of the last change of the catalog: 04.02.2025
In the Catalogue of ADP you may find research data from the field of social sciences that cover various topic fields and usually include data from Slovenia.
The list below represents the Common European Research Classification Scheme (CERIF) for social sciences (S 000) that is used also by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).
S 100 | History and philosophy of the social sciences |
S 110 | Juridical sciences |
S 111 | Administrative law |
S 112 | Human rights |
S 114 | Comparative law |
S 115 | Philosophy and theory of law |
History of Law: see H 300 | |
S 120 | Environmental law |
S 121 | Juvenile law |
S 122 | Media law |
S 123 | Informatics law |
S 124 | Patents, copyrights, trademarks |
S 130 | Civil law: persons, family, marriage contract, successions, gifts, property, obligations, guarantees |
S 136 | Transportation law |
S 137 | Insurance law |
S 140 | Public law |
S 141 | Fiscal law |
S 142 | Judicial law |
S 143 | Social law |
S 144 | Industrial and commercial law |
S 145 | Notarial law |
S 146 | Labour law |
S 148 | Constitutional law |
S 149 | Criminal law, criminal proceedings |
S 150 | International private and public law |
S 151 | Aerial, maritime and space law |
S 155 | European law |
Church law: see H 165 | |
S 160 | Criminology |
S 170 | Political and administrative sciences |
Political history: see H 271 | |
S 175 | Polemology |
Press and communication sciences: see S 265 | |
S 180 | Economics, econometrics, economic theory, economic systems, economic policy |
S 181 | Financial science |
Accounting: see S 192 | |
S 182 | Actuarial science |
Actuarial mathematics: see P 160 | |
S 183 | Cyclical economics |
S 184 | Economic planning |
S 185 | Commercial and industrial economics |
S 186 | International commerce |
S 187 | Agricultural economics |
S 188 | Economics of development |
S 189 | Organizational science |
S 190 | Management of enterprises |
S 191 | Market study |
S 192 | Accounting |
S 195 | Development cooperation |
S 196 | Social economics |
Economic history: see H 270 | |
S 210 | Sociology |
S 211 | Sociology of Science |
S 212 | Sociology of labour, sociology of enterprise |
S 213 | Social structures |
S 214 | Social changes, theory of social work |
S 215 | Social problems and welfare, national insurance |
Social medicine: see S 290 | |
Social pedagogy: see S 285 | |
Social law: see S 143 | |
S 216 | Care and help to handicapped |
Orthopedagogy: see S 286 | |
S 220 | Cultural anthropology, ethnology |
Sociolinguistics: see H 360 | |
S 230 | Social geography |
Social psychology: see S 263 | |
Press and communication sciences: see S 265 | |
Criminology: see S 160 | |
Social economics: see S 196 | |
Social history: see H 270 | |
S 240 | Town and country planning |
Physical planning: see T 260 | |
Landscape design: see T 250 | |
S 250 | Demography |
S 260 | Psychology |
Human ethology: see B 381 | |
Psychonomics: see B 760 | |
Artifical intelligence: see P 176 | |
Neurolinguistics: see H 361 | |
S 261 | Differential and individual psychology |
S 262 | Development psychology |
S 263 | Social psychology |
S 264 | Applied and experimental psychology |
S 265 | Press and communication sciences |
S 266 | Industrial psychology |
Psychosomatics: see B 650 | |
S 270 | Pedagogy and didactics |
S 271 | Special didactics |
S 272 | Teacher education |
S 273 | Physical training, motorial learning, sport |
Skeleton, muscle system, rheumatology locomotion: see B 580 | |
Biomechanics, biometrics: see B 110 in B 115 | |
S 274 | Research methodology in science |
S 280 | Adult education, permanent education |
S 281 | Computer-assisted education |
Foreign languages teaching: see H 360 | |
S 282 | Comparative and historical pedagogy |
S 283 | Psychopedagogy |
S 284 | Experimental pedagogy |
S 285 | Social pedagogy |
S 286 | Orthopedagogy |
Care and help to handicapped | |
Physical medicine, revalidation, rehabilitation: see B 710 | |
S 290 | Social medicine |
Sociolinguistics: see H 360 | |
Social history: see H 270 | |
Social psychology: see S 263 |
Delavnica Vozlišča RDA Slovenija o odprti znanosti na Arnesovi konferenci Mreža znanja 2024
Predstavitev ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki in objavljanja v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti
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