Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Mednarodna raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi I

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • International Social Survey Programme
  • Kelly, Jonathan
  • Calvi, Gabriele
  • Haller, Max
  • Smith, Tom W.
  • Becker, Jos
  • Jowell, Roger
  • Ward, Connor
  • Kolosi, Tamas
  • Mohler, Peter Ph.
  • Cichomski, Bogdan
  • Henrichsen, Bjørn
  • Lewin-Epstein, Noah
  • Gendal, Philip J.
  • Mangahas, Mahar
  • Petrenko, E.
  • Dimova, Lilia
  • Frizzell, Alan
  • Mateju, Petr
  • Yokoyama, Shigeru
  • Toš, Niko
  • Scheuch, Erwin K.
Data file producer:
ZA - Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, (Köln, Nemčija; 1991)

Funding agency:

Podatki o financiranju niso na voljo.

Project number:

no information

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Raziskava je iz serije ISSP - Mednarodnega projekta sodelovanja splošnih družboslovnih anket, katerega namen je pridobivanje podatkov primernih za primerjalno analizo. Vsako leto se sodelujoče države odločijo za izvedbo kratkega vprašalnika na izbrano temo. (glej in ). Podatki iz mednarodne raziskave so na voljo pod oznako ADP - IDNo: ISSP in letnica.

Study Content


stališča, pravo, spolnost, gospodarstvo, pravičnost prava, splošna ekonomska klima, religija, verovanje v boga, verovanje v nebesa, verovanje v pekel, verovanje v življenje po smrti, smisel življenja, vdanost v usodo, vraževernost, posledična dimenzija religioznosti, religijski status respondentov, obiskovanje verskih obredov, predanost religiji, demografska vprašanja

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - vera in vrednote
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Topic Classification CERIF
Topic Classification ADP
stališča glede družbenih pojavov
ekonomska klima
religijski status
vpliv religije na vsakdanje življenje


Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodleovanja. Skupina, osnovana leta 1983, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dopolniti nacionalne ankete. Tokratni modul (1991) ''Religija'' vključuje podatke iz Avstrije, Nemčije (Zahodne in Vzhodne), Velike Britanije, Madžarske, Irske, Izraela, Italije, Nizozemske, Nove Zelandije, Norveške, Severne Irske, Filipinov, Poljske, Rusije, Slovenije, Združenih držav Amerike in Avstralije. Modul vključuje tri sklope vprašanj: (1.) splošna stališča glede vrste družbenih pojavov kot denimo: pravni sistem, spolnost in gospodarstvo (mnenja glede pravičnosti prava in splošne ekonomske klime), (2.) religija (stališča o bogu, nebesih, peklu, življenju po smrti, lastnem religijskem statusu in religijskem statusu ostalih družinskih članov, obiskovanju verskih obredov, in predanosti religiji) in (3.) blok demografskih vprašanj (zakonski stan, starost, spol, izobrazba, poklic, sestava gospodinjstva oziroma družine, in politične preference).


Collection date: 1991
Date of production: 1991
Country: Avstralija, Avstrija, Filipini, Irska, Italija, Izrael, Madžarska, Nizozemska, Norveška, Nova Zelandija, Poljska, Rusija, Severna Irska, Slovenija, Velika Britanija, Združene države Amerike, Zvezna republika Nemčija
Geographic coverage:

Teritorij naštetih držav, z izjemo Velike Britanije, kjer so izvzeti škotsko višavje in otoki.

Unit of analysis:



Osebe, stare 18 let in več iz naslednjih držav: Avstralije, Avstrije, Irske, Italije, Madžarske, Velike Britanije, ZRN, ZDA , Severne Irske, Rusije, Nizozemske, Norveške, Poljske, Slovenije, Filipinov, Nove Zelandije in Izraela (prisotne so majhne variaciji v starosti med državami).

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

AUS: Research School of Social Science, Institute of Advanced Studies, the Australian National University (Canberra); I: EURISCO - Ricerca Sociale e di Marketing (Milano); H: TARKI - Tarsadalokumtatasi Informatikai Egyesules (Budapest); GB, NIRL: SCPR - Social and Community Planning Research (London); D: Infratest (München); USA: NORC - National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago (IL); IRL: SSRC - Social Science Research Center, University College (Dublin); N: NSD - Norwegian Social Science Data Sevice (Bergen); IL: Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv); NL: SCP - Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (Rijkswijk); NZ: Department of Marketing, Massey University; RP: Social Weather Staions Inc., PL: Research Department of Polish Academy of Science (Warszawa); RUS: VCIOM - Russian Center for Public Opinion and Market Research (Moskva); SLO: CJMMK - Center za razikovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij, Fakulteta za družbene vede (Ljubljana); A: Institut Fessl + GfK (Wien)

Sampling procedure:

večstopenjski stratificirani verjetnostni vzorec (prisotne so razlike v načinu vzorčenja med posameznimi državami)

Mode of data collection:

Način zbiranja podatkov se med državami razlikuje razlikuje.


A, GB, H, NIRL, I, RP: uteževanje; AUS, D, N, NL, NZ, IRL, IL, PL, RUS, SLO, USA: brez uteževanja

Access restrictions

Omejeno za potrebe naročnika in raziskovalne skupine. Uporaba je mogoča samo ob predhodnem dogovoru z glavnim avtorjem raziskave in predložitvi pisnega dovoljenja. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: ISSP91 - podatki [datoteka podatkov], 1991

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • number of variables: 154
  • number of units: 24970

Variable list

V1 ZA Study Number

Value 13 Frequency
2150 24970
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24970 2150 2150 2150 0

Valid range from 2150 to 2150

V2 Respondent ID Number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24970 102402 1830330.0 1035720.0 548054

Valid range from 102402 to 1830334

V3 Country

Value 31 Frequency
1 D-W 1346
2 D-E 1486
3 GB 1257
4 NIRL 838
5 USA 1359
6 H 1000
7 NL 1635
8 I 983
9 IRL 1005
10 N 1506
11 A 984
12 SLO 2080
13 PL 1063
14 IL 991
15 RP 1200
16 NZ 1070
17 RUS 2964
18 2203
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24970 1 18 10.2639 5.4925

Valid range from 1 to 18

V1 ZA Study Number

Value 1154 Frequency
2150 24970
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24970 2150 2150 2150 0

Valid range from 2150 to 2150

V2 Respondent ID Number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24970 102402 1830330.0 1035720.0 548054

Valid range from 102402 to 1830334

V3 Country

Value 3152 Frequency
1 D-W 1346
2 D-E 1486
3 GB 1257
4 NIRL 838
5 USA 1359
6 H 1000
7 NL 1635
8 I 983
9 IRL 1005
10 N 1506
11 A 984
12 SLO 2080
13 PL 1063
14 IL 991
15 RP 1200
16 NZ 1070
17 RUS 2964
18 2203
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24970 1 18 10.2639 5.4925

Valid range from 1 to 18

V4 How happy would you say you are?

Value 4151 Frequency
1 Very happy 5099
2 Fairly happy 14285
3 Not very happy 3656
4 Not at all happy 651
8 Cant choose 993
9 NA 286
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23691 1 4 1.99405 0.692423

Valid range from 1 to 9

V5 Gov resp: if want job, provide job

Value 5150 Frequency
1 Definit should be 11608
2 Probably should be 7674
3 Probably not 2967
4 Definitely not be 1772
8 Cant choose 751
9 NA 198
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24021 1 4 1.78781 0.92566

Valid range from 1 to 9

V6 Gov resp:reduce incm dif rich+poor

Value 6149 Frequency
1 Definit should be 9636
2 Probably should be 7530
3 Probably not 3806
4 Definitely not 2388
8 Cant choose 1247
9 NA 363
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23360 1 4 1.95488 0.99113

Valid range from 1 to 9

V7 Criminals shd be given stiffer sent

Value 7148 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 9894
2 Agree 9385
3 Neith agre nor disa 3350
4 Disagree 1211
5 Strongly disagree 252
8 Cant choose 742
9 NA 136
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24092 1 5 1.86029 0.908538

Valid range from 0 to 9

V8 Convicted of murder=death penalty

Value 8147 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 6603
2 Agree 5217
3 Neith agre nor disa 3616
4 Disagree 5153
5 Strongly disagree 2648
8 Cant choose 1549
9 NA 184
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23237 1 5 2.65684 1.38602

Valid range from 0 to 9

V9 Sexual relations before marriage?

Value 9146 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Always wrong 3484
2 Almost always wrong 2077
3 Wrong only some tim 4597
4 Not wrong at all 13250
5 30
8 Cant choose 1363
9 NA 169
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23438 1 5 3.18197 1.1048

Valid range from 0 to 9

V10 Sexual relations w other than spouse

Value 10145 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Always wrong 12747
2 Almost always wrong 6246
3 Wrong only some tim 3271
4 Not wrong at all 1238
5 38
8 Cant choose 1240
9 NA 190
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23540 1 5 1.70748 0.905438

Valid range from 0 to 9

V11 Sexual relations 2 adults same sex?

Value 11144 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Always wrong 12567
2 Almost always wrong 2227
3 Wrong only some tim 2269
4 Not wrong at all 4405
5 70
8 Cant choose 3158
9 NA 274
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21538 1 5 1.94066 1.23803

Valid range from 0 to 9

V12 Law shd let if serious defect baby?

Value 12143 Frequency
1 Definit sh allow it 12495
2 Probab sh allow it 3489
3 Probably not 1069
4 Definitely not 2099
0 Not available 4912
8 Cant choose 762
9 NA 144
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
19152 1 4 1.6226 1.00212

Valid range from 0 to 9

V13 Law shd let very low income family?

Value 13142 Frequency
1 Definit sh allow it 7098
2 Probab sh allow it 4089
3 Probably not 2725
4 Definitely not 4765
0 Not available 4912
8 Cant choose 1120
9 NA 261
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
18677 1 4 2.27612 1.21255

Valid range from 0 to 9

V14 R thinks if serious defect in baby?

Value 14141 Frequency
1 Always wrong 3562
2 Almost always wrong 1757
3 Wrong only some tim 3196
4 Not wrong at all 13838
0 NAV 984
8 Cant choose 1396
9 NA 237
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22353 1 4 3.22176 1.134

Valid range from 0 to 9

V15 R thinks if very low income family?

Value 15140 Frequency
1 Always wrong 5686
2 Almost always wrong 3134
3 Wrong only some tim 4527
4 Not wrong at all 8544
0 NAV 984
8 Cant choose 1701
9 NA 394
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21891 1 4 2.72765 1.22406

Valid range from 0 to 9

V16 Husband earn money,wifes job family

Value 16139 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 3231
2 Agree 4611
3 Neith agre nor disa 3914
4 Disagree 5589
5 Strongly disagree 4240
0 NAV 2964
8 Cant choose 242
9 NA 179
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21585 1 5 3.1388 1.35567

Valid range from 0 to 9

V17 Family life suffer if ft?

Value 17138 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 3236
2 Agree 6555
3 Neith agre nor disa 3571
4 Disagree 5449
5 Strongly disagree 2577
0 NAV 2964
8 Cant choose 409
9 NA 209
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21388 1 5 2.88667 1.27892

Valid range from 0 to 9

V18 Taxpayer not report income less tax

Value 18137 Frequency
1 Not wrong 1862
2 A bit wrong 5186
3 Wrong 10436
4 Seriously wrong 6147
8 Cant choose 1141
9 NA 198
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23631 1 4 2.88308 0.883812

Valid range from 1 to 9

V19 Incorrect info to get govt benefits

Value 19136 Frequency
1 Not wrong 491
2 A bit wrong 1445
3 Wrong 9680
4 Seriously wrong 12570
8 Cant choose 579
9 NA 205
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24186 1 4 3.41937 0.696287

Valid range from 1 to 9

V20 How much confidence in parliament?

Value 20135 Frequency
0 Not available 0
1 Complete confidence 1050
2 Great deal of confi 4245
3 Some confidence 9536
4 Very little confide 5369
5 No confidenc at all 3138
8 Cant choose 1354
9 NA 278
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23338 1 5 3.2271 1.03837

Valid range from 0 to 9

V21 Confidence in business and industry

Value 21134 Frequency
1 Complete confidence 536
2 Great deal of confi 4337
3 Some confidence 10384
4 Very little confide 3463
5 No confidenc at all 1473
0 Not available 2964
8 Cant choose 1448
9 NA 365
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20193 1 5 3.04952 0.884205

Valid range from 0 to 9

V22 Confidence in the Civil Service?

Value 22133 Frequency
1 Complete confidence 632
2 Great deal of confi 3179
3 Some confidence 9202
4 Very little confide 5519
5 No confidenc at all 2826
0 Not available 2080
8 Cant choose 1158
9 NA 374
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21358 1 5 3.31501 0.977592

Valid range from 0 to 9

V23 Confidence in churches+religus org?

Value 23132 Frequency
0 Not available 0
1 Complete confidence 2561
2 Great deal of confi 5932
3 Some confidence 7828
4 Very little confide 3473
5 No confidenc at all 3245
8 Cant choose 1622
9 NA 309
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23039 1 5 2.95265 1.18915

Valid range from 0 to 9

V24 Confidence in courts+legal system?

Value 24131 Frequency
0 Not available 0
1 Complete confidence 1617
2 Great deal of confi 6337
3 Some confidence 9082
4 Very little confide 4030
5 No confidenc at all 2240
8 Cant choose 1363
9 NA 301
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23306 1 5 2.95448 1.05108

Valid range from 0 to 9

V25 Confidence in schools+educ system?

Value 25130 Frequency
0 Not available 0
1 Complete confidence 1880
2 Great deal of confi 8220
3 Some confidence 9184
4 Very little confide 2828
5 No confidenc at all 1239
8 Cant choose 1389
9 NA 230
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23351 1 5 2.71419 0.962164

Valid range from 0 to 9

V26 Not believe in God=unfit publc offc

Value 26129 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 1421
2 Agree 2244
3 Neith agre nor disa 3982
4 Disagree 7753
5 Strongly disagree 8079
8 Cant choose 1280
9 NA 211
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23479 1 5 3.80178 1.18383

Valid range from 0 to 9

V27 Relig leaders shd not influenc vote

Value 27128 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 8221
2 Agree 8441
3 Neith agre nor disa 2686
4 Disagree 2888
5 Strongly disagree 1444
8 Cant choose 1081
9 NA 209
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23680 1 5 2.19312 1.20831

Valid range from 0 to 9

V28 Better if believers held publc offc

Value 28127 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 1561
2 Agree 3648
3 Neith agre nor disa 5257
4 Disagree 6930
5 Strongly disagree 5742
8 Cant choose 1606
9 NA 226
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23138 1 5 3.50324 1.21099

Valid range from 0 to 9

V29 Relig leaders shd not influenc govt

Value 29126 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 6398
2 Agree 7836
3 Neith agre nor disa 4101
4 Disagree 3676
5 Strongly disagree 1360
8 Cant choose 1359
9 NA 240
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23371 1 5 2.39087 1.20391

Valid range from 0 to 9

V30 Do too mch power

Value 30125 Frequency
1 1954
2 4669
3 11177
4 2347
5 1197
8 3399
9 227
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21344 1 5 2.82028 0.94179

Valid range from 1 to 9

V31 Closest to Rs belief about God?

Value 31124 Frequency
1 I dont believe God 3015
2 I dk there is a God 2617
3 No personal God 3743
4 Sometimes 2193
5 I have doubts 4510
6 God really exists 8418
8 Cant choose 161
9 NA 313
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24496 1 6 4.1357 1.79674

Valid range from 1 to 9

V32 How close do you feel to God,mostly?

Value 32123 Frequency
1 Dont believ in God 3534
2 Not close at all 2607
3 Not very close 4577
4 Somewhat close 7649
5 Extremely close 4084
8 Cant choose 2159
9 NA 360
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22451 1 5 3.27357 1.31883

Valid range from 1 to 9

V33 Best describes your beliefs abt God?

Value 33122 Frequency
1 Never believed 4079
2 Dont but used to 2587
3 Believe but didnt 1588
4 Always believed 13059
8 Cant choose 2865
9 NA 792
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21313 1 4 3.10857 1.21981

Valid range from 1 to 9

V34 R believe in life after death?

Value 34121 Frequency
1 Yes, definitely 5953
2 Yes, probably 5806
3 No, probably not 4273
4 No, definitely not 5941
8 Cant choose 2645
9 NA 352
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21973 1 4 2.4643 1.15386

Valid range from 1 to 9

V35 R believe in the Devil?

Value 35120 Frequency
1 Yes, definitely 3599
2 Yes, probably 3704
3 No, probably not 4449
4 No, definitely not 10241
8 Cant choose 2296
9 NA 681
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21993 1 4 2.96994 1.13481

Valid range from 1 to 9

V36 R believe in Heaven?

Value 36119 Frequency
1 Yes, definitely 5807
2 Yes, probably 5623
3 No, probably not 3622
4 No, definitely not 6840
8 Cant choose 2515
9 NA 563
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21892 1 4 2.52508 1.18526

Valid range from 1 to 9

V37 R believe in Hell?

Value 37118 Frequency
1 Yes, definitely 3766
2 Yes, probably 4097
3 No, probably not 4526
4 No, definitely not 9323
8 Cant choose 2552
9 NA 706
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21712 1 4 2.89379 1.14047

Valid range from 1 to 9

V38 R believe in religious miracles?

Value 38117 Frequency
1 Yes, definitely 4736
2 Yes, probably 6464
3 No, probably not 4424
4 No, definitely not 6205
8 Cant choose 2534
9 NA 607
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21829 1 4 2.55422 1.11783

Valid range from 1 to 9

V39 Closest to Rs feelings about Bible?

Value 39116 Frequency
1 Actual word 4226
2 Inspired word 8292
3 Ancient book 8478
4 Not apply to me 1915
8 Cant choose 1734
9 NA 325
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22911 1 4 2.35276 0.874315

Valid range from 1 to 9

V40 God concerns Himself with humans?

Value 40115 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 4215
2 Agree 5626
3 Neith agre nor disa 3977
4 Disagree 4114
5 Strongly disagree 4290
8 Cant choose 2175
9 NA 573
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22222 1 5 2.93871 1.40198

Valid range from 0 to 9

V41 People can do little to change life

Value 41114 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 1471
2 Agree 4517
3 Neith agre nor disa 3395
4 Disagree 9291
5 Strongly disagree 4789
8 Cant choose 961
9 NA 546
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23463 1 5 3.4863 1.19134

Valid range from 0 to 9

V42 Life meaningful because God exists?

Value 42113 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 2389
2 Agree 4161
3 Neith agre nor disa 4216
4 Disagree 6035
5 Strongly disagree 6018
8 Cant choose 1526
9 NA 625
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22819 1 5 3.40019 1.32681

Valid range from 0 to 9

V43 Life does not serve any purpose?

Value 43112 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 1536
2 Agree 1898
3 Neith agre nor disa 2059
4 Disagree 8540
5 Strongly disagree 8873
8 Cant choose 1432
9 NA 632
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22906 1 5 3.93059 1.18636

Valid range from 0 to 9

V44 Course of our lives decided by God?

Value 44111 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 2468
2 Agree 4897
3 Neith agre nor disa 4237
4 Disagree 5569
5 Strongly disagree 5512
8 Cant choose 1676
9 NA 611
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22683 1 5 3.29802 1.33412

Valid range from 0 to 9

V45 Life meaningful,provide meaning slf

Value 45110 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 6619
2 Agree 11203
3 Neith agre nor disa 3006
4 Disagree 1915
5 Strongly disagree 698
8 Cant choose 995
9 NA 534
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23441 1 5 2.09859 0.997847

Valid range from 0 to 9

V46 We each make our own fate?

Value 46109 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly agree 5313
2 Agree 9890
3 Neith agre nor disa 4720
4 Disagree 2894
5 Strongly disagree 777
8 Cant choose 888
9 NA 488
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23594 1 5 2.31898 1.05383

Valid range from 0 to 9

V47 How often R felt in touch with dead

Value 47108 Frequency
1 Never in my life 17097
2 Once or twice 3033
3 Several times 1805
4 Often 796
8 Cant say 1922
9 NA 317
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22731 1 4 1.3973 0.780002

Valid range from 1 to 9

V48 R often felt close to spirit force?

Value 48107 Frequency
1 Never in my life 15453
2 Once or twice 2151
3 Several times 1199
4 Often 535
0 NAV 2964
8 Cant say 2203
9 NA 465
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
19338 1 4 1.31823 0.71203

Valid range from 0 to 9

V49 Turning point R made new relig.comm?

Value 49106 Frequency
1 Yes 4793
2 No 19120
8 Dont know 382
9 NA 675
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23913 1 2 1.79957 0.400334

Valid range from 1 to 9

V50 What was your mothers religion?

Value 50105 Frequency
1 No religion 852
2 Christian-no denomi 127
3 Roman Catholic 10419
4 Ch of Engl-Anglican 2047
5 Baptist 327
6 Methodist 549
7 Presbyterian 829
8 Other Christian 295
9 Hindu 13
10 Jewish 1032
11 Islam - Muslim 79
12 Sikh 3
13 Buddhist 18
14 Other non-Christian 62
21 Free Presbyterian 3
22 Brethren 28
23 United Reform Churc 223
24 Lutheran 3559
27 Other Protestant 876
28 35
29 50
96 Nev kn _er-dn apply 103
0 NAV 2964
97 refused 0
98 Cant say etc 225
99 NA 252
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21529 1 96 8.9777 10.6673

Valid range from 0 to 99

V51 What was your fathers religion?

Value 51104 Frequency
1 No religion 1466
2 Christian-no denomi 122
3 Roman Catholic 10171
4 Ch of Engl-Anglican 1826
5 Baptist 287
6 Methodist 482
7 Presbyterian 762
8 Other Christian 266
9 Hindu 12
10 Jewish 1035
11 Islam - Muslim 82
12 Sikh 4
13 Buddhist 18
14 Other non-Christian 56
21 Free Presbyterian 3
22 Brethren 31
23 United Reform Churc 229
24 Lutheran 3336
27 Other Protestant 827
28 38
29 40
96 Nev kn _er-dn apply 193
0 NAV 2964
97 refused 0
98 Cant say etc 409
99 NA 311
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21286 1 96 9.06225 12.0419

Valid range from 0 to 99

V52 What is your husband-wifes religion

Value 52103 Frequency
1 No religion 3694
2 Christian-no denomi 124
3 Roman Catholic 6725
4 Ch of Engl-Anglican 1164
5 Baptist 187
6 Methodist 205
7 Presbyterian 499
8 Other Christian 601
9 Hindu 7
10 Jewish 845
11 Islam - Muslim 66
12 Sikh 2
13 Buddhist 8
14 Other non-Christian 49
19 1
21 Free Presbyterian 6
22 Brethren 14
23 United Reform Churc 188
24 Lutheran 1956
27 Other Protestant 554
28 27
29 126
0 Not married 6803
97 Refused 0
98 Cant say,- remember 352
99 NA 767
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17048 1 29 7.0613 8.31794

Valid range from 0 to 99

V53 Religion respondent raised in

Value 53102 Frequency
1 No religion 4275
2 Christian-n denomin 90
3 Roman Catholic 8266
4 Ch of Engl-Anglican 1974
5 Baptist 135
6 Methodist 412
7 Presbyterian 778
8 Other Christian 561
9 Hindu 12
10 Jewish 65
11 Islam - Muslim 68
12 Sikh 3
13 Buddhist 13
14 Other non-Christian 64
21 Free Presbyterian 2
22 Brethren 23
23 United Reform Churc 185
24 Lutheran 3176
27 Other Protestant 1324
28 40
29 63
0 NAV 3059
97 Refused 12
98 Cant say/remember 101
99 NA 269
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21529 1 29 8.01519 9.24355

Valid range from 0 to 99

V54 R child,mother often attend church?

Value 54101 Frequency
1 Never 2233
2 Less than 1x a year 1193
3 About 1x 2x a year 2176
4 Severl times a year 2767
5 About once a month 1059
6 2-3 times a month 1153
7 Nearly every week 2338
8 Every week 5647
9 Severl times a weak 1390
96 N knew _er-n apply 111
0 NAV 2964
98 Cant say/remember 1604
99 NA 335
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20067 1 96 5.93691 7.20989

Valid range from 0 to 99

V55 R child,father often attend church?

Value 55100 Frequency
1 Never 3671
2 Less than 1x a year 1531
3 About 1x 2x a year 2367
4 Severl times a year 2247
5 About once a month 972
6 2-3 times a month 988
7 Nearly every week 1768
8 Every week 4858
9 Severl times a weak 921
96 N knew _er-n apply 346
0 NAV 2964
98 Cant say/remember 2022
99 NA 315
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
19669 1 96 6.42407 12.3011

Valid range from 0 to 99

V56 R age 11-12yrs,often attend church?

Value 5699 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Never 4243
2 Less than 1x a year 1018
3 About 1x 2x a year 1803
4 Severl times a year 2263
5 About once a month 1108
6 2-3 times a month 1459
7 Nearly every week 3660
8 Every week 7014
9 Severl times a weak 1714
96 N knew _er-n apply 0
98 Cant say/remember 452
99 NA 236
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24282 1 9 5.44403 2.78543

Valid range from 0 to 99

V57 About how often do you pray?

Value 5798 Frequency
1 Never 8303
2 Less than 1x a year 999
3 About 1x,2 a year 1364
4 Severl times a year 2212
5 About once a month 732
6 2-3 times a month 850
7 Nearly every week 936
8 Every week 1118
9 Severl times a weak 1764
10 Once a day 3618
11 Several times a day 2359
98 Cant say 322
99 NA 393
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24255 1 11 5.17427 3.89006

Valid range from 1 to 99

V58 Often take part in church activities

Value 5897 Frequency
1 Never 14853
2 Less than 1x a year 2303
3 About 1x,2 a year 2234
4 Severl times a year 1975
5 About once a month 771
6 2-3 times a month 536
7 Nearly every week 513
8 Every week 779
9 Severl times a weak 443
10 Once a day 20
11 Several times a day 11
98 Cant say 215
99 NA 317
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24438 1 11 2.26136 2.0588

Valid range from 1 to 99

V59 R describe self as religious?

Value 5996 Frequency
1 Extremely religious 558
2 Very religious 2235
3 Somewhat religious 8021
4 N rel nor n- religi 4862
5 Somewhat n-religio 2016
6 Very non-religious 2193
7 Extremely n-religi 3083
0 Not available 1000
8 Cant choose, dk 732
9 NA 270
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22968 1 7 4.0647 1.62198

Valid range from 0 to 9

V60 Should be daily prayers in schools?

Value 6095 Frequency
1 Yes, definitely 4867
2 Yes, probably 6023
3 No, probably not 5184
4 No, definitely not 6074
8 Cant choose,dk 2595
9 NA 227
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22148 1 4 2.5628 1.1109

Valid range from 1 to 9

V61 Right+wrong shd be based on God law

Value 6194 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 2805
2 Agree 5505
3 Neith agre nor disa 3389
4 Disagree 4636
5 Strongly disagree 3781
0 NAV 2964
8 Cant choose 1446
9 NA 444
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20116 1 5 3.05384 1.3457

Valid range from 0 to 9

V62 Right+wrong shd be decided society?

Value 6293 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 2620
2 Agree 9241
3 Neith agre nor disa 3773
4 Disagree 3412
5 Strongly disagree 1251
0 NAV 2964
8 Cant choose 1133
9 NA 576
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20297 1 5 2.57792 1.09917

Valid range from 0 to 9

V63 Right+wrong matter of personal consc

Value 6392 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 5010
2 Agree 9174
3 Neith agre nor disa 2447
4 Disagree 2840
5 Strongly disagree 1228
0 NAV 2964
8 Cant choose 829
9 NA 478
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20699 1 5 2.32857 1.15548

Valid range from 0 to 9

V64 Ban books+films attacking religions?

Value 6491 Frequency
1 Def prohibited 3918
2 Probably prohibited 5283
3 Probably allowed 6926
4 Definitely allowed 5333
8 Cant choose, dk 3207
9 NA 303
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21460 1 4 2.63719 1.04565

Valid range from 1 to 9

V65 R often attend religious services?

Value 6590 Frequency
1 Never 7080
2 Less than 1x a year 2342
3 About 1x 2x a year 2425
4 Severl times a year 2571
5 About once a month 1261
6 2-3 times a month 828
7 Nearly every week 1464
8 Every week 2923
9 Severl times a weak 646
10 Once a day 79
11 Several times a day 15
0 Not available 3071
98 74
99 NA 191
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21634 1 11 3.74397 2.70544

Valid range from 0 to 99

V66 Good luck charms do bring good luck

Value 6689 Frequency
1 Definitely true 443
2 Probably true 2292
3 Probably not true 2827
4 Definitely not true 3692
0 Not available 14774
8 Cant choose 875
9 NA 67
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9254 1 4 3.05554 0.913854

Valid range from 0 to 9

V67 Fortune tellers can foresee future?

Value 6788 Frequency
1 Definitely true 573
2 Probably true 2660
3 Probably not true 2616
4 Definitely not true 3450
0 Not available 14774
8 Cant choose 816
9 NA 81
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9299 1 4 2.96172 0.949826

Valid range from 0 to 9

V68 Faith healers have God-given powers

Value 6887 Frequency
1 Definitely true 1158
2 Probably true 3846
3 Probably not true 2101
4 Definitely not true 2104
0 Not available 14774
8 Cant choose 922
9 NA 65
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9209 1 4 2.55934 0.977251

Valid range from 0 to 9

V69 Horoscope affect course of future?

Value 6986 Frequency
1 Definitely true 478
2 Probably true 2311
3 Probably not true 2769
4 Definitely not true 3574
0 Not available 14774
8 Cant choose 1002
9 NA 62
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9132 1 4 3.03362 0.923458

Valid range from 0 to 9

V70 R had a "born again" experience?

Value 7085 Frequency
1 Yes 1397
2 No 5132
3 90
0 Not available 18133
8 Dont know 90
9 NA 128
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6619 1 3 1.80254 0.430921

Valid range from 0 to 9

V71 Picture of God: mother - father

Value 7184 Frequency
1 Mother 341
2 135
3 181
4 1999
5 601
6 797
7 Father 2530
0 Not available 17150
9 NA 1236
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6584 1 7 5.2623 1.73682

Valid range from 0 to 9

V72 Picture of God: master - spouse

Value 7283 Frequency
1 Master 2137
2 914
3 745
4 1698
5 285
6 215
7 Spouse 385
0 Not available 17150
9 NA 1441
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6379 1 7 2.88478 1.7845

Valid range from 0 to 9

V73 Picture of God: judge - lover

Value 7382 Frequency
1 Judge 1675
2 848
3 679
4 1822
5 328
6 279
7 Lover 740
0 Not available 17150
9 NA 1449
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6371 1 7 3.32601 1.95538

Valid range from 0 to 9

V74 Picture of God: friend - king

Value 7481 Frequency
1 Friend 1956
2 820
3 542
4 1659
5 299
6 296
7 King 975
0 Not available 17150
9 NA 1273
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6547 1 7 3.35329 2.10283

Valid range from 0 to 9

V75 World image: much evil vs. much good

Value 7580 Frequency
1 World is evil 99
2 102
3 144
4 574
5 549
6 495
7 World is good 306
0 Not available 22606
8 3
9 NA 92
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2269 1 7 4.79859 1.52564

Valid range from 0 to 9

V76 World image: Man is good vs. corrupt

Value 7679 Frequency
1 People are good 368
2 581
3 491
4 494
5 163
6 89
7 People are evil 88
0 Not available 22606
8 2
9 NA 88
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2274 1 7 3.05365 1.54154

Valid range from 0 to 9

V77 Respondents sex

Value 7778 Frequency
1 Male 11668
2 Female 13275
9 NA 27
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24943 1 2 1.53221 0.498971

Valid range from 1 to 9

V78 Respondents age

Value 7877 Frequency
2 18 - 24 years 0
3 25 - 34 years 0
4 35 - 44 years 0
5 45 - 54 years 0
6 55 - 64 years 0
7 65 - 74 years 0
8 75 years + more 0
15 13
16 126
17 151
18 330
19 356
20 397
21 488
22 426
23 496
24 501
25 468
26 497
27 548
28 514
29 569
30 542
31 570
32 576
33 532
34 529
35 590
36 558
37 515
38 514
39 518
40 547
41 508
42 557
43 477
44 512
45 449
46 387
47 417
48 369
49 389
50 435
51 394
52 382
53 386
54 399
55 371
56 344
57 329
58 358
59 339
60 380
61 364
62 345
63 323
64 356
65 353
66 301
67 285
68 294
69 274
70 272
71 207
72 180
73 154
74 146
75 125
76 131
77 110
78 111
79 83
80 75
81 67
82 45
83 44
84 34
85 22
86 21
87 16
88 14
89 16
90 5
91 4
92 2
93 3
94 1
99 NA, refused 134
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24836 15 94 43.7045 16.5588

Valid range from 2 to 99

V79 Rs marital status

Value 7976 Frequency
1 Married 16564
2 Widowed 1849
3 Divorced 1191
4 Separated 328
5 Never married 4960
9 NA, refused 78
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24892 1 5 2.00655 1.59981

Valid range from 1 to 9

V80 Steady life partner

Value 8075 Frequency
1 Yes 718
2 No 4904
0 NAP NAV 19326
9 NA, refused 22
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
5622 1 2 1.87229 0.333799

Valid range from 0 to 9

V81 Rs employment status

Value 8174 Frequency
1 F-time epl,main job 12070
2 P-t empl,main job 1412
3 Less part-time 555
4 Help family member 50
5 Unemployed 1025
6 Studt,school,educ 1259
7 Retired 3869
8 Housewife man 2960
9 Permant disabled 295
10 Oth,n i lab force 1052
99 NA 423
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24547 1 10 3.80397 3.17461

Valid range from 1 to 99

V82 No.hours a week R works

Value 8273 Frequency
1 1
2 Two hours 11
3 17
4 37
5 48
6 35
7 23
8 69
9 28
10 123
11 21
12 85
13 23
14 30
15 141
16 76
17 15
18 104
19 35
20 398
21 56
22 51
23 29
24 161
25 172
26 23
27 36
28 60
29 8
30 389
31 12
32 124
33 27
34 21
35 403
36 347
37 394
38 828
39 196
40 3351
41 303
42 527
43 118
44 98
45 604
46 72
47 49
48 517
49 38
50 719
51 13
52 52
53 8
54 68
55 167
56 163
57 8
58 18
59 2
60 511
61 3
62 7
63 11
64 18
65 67
66 13
67 4
68 10
69 2
70 190
71 2
72 67
73 1
74 1
75 23
76 5
77 8
78 6
80 71
81 4
83 1
84 61
85 8
86 1
88 1
89 5
90 19
91 2
94 1
95 3
96 3
97 97 hours and more 41
0 NAP (see Codebook) 11579
98 Dont know 12
99 NA, no hours 657
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12722 1 97 40.2687 13.8382

Valid range from 0 to 99

V83 Resp. occupation spec.

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9856 1 1300 251.936 294.722

Valid range from 0 to 9999

V84 Occupation: ISCO

Value 8471 Frequency
0 Not applicable
9999 NA
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
8107 1 9997 1346.83 1993.77

Valid range from 0 to 9999

V85 Occupation derived

Value 8570 Frequency
1 1817
2 1062
3 1294
4 762
5 920
6 685
7 2156
8 127
9 10
0 14598
98 14
99 1525
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
8833 1 9 4.05061 2.3122

Valid range from 0 to 99

V86 Industrial sector I

Value 8669 Frequency
0 Not applicable
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9350 1 932 104.532 216.232

Valid range from 0 to 9999

V87 Industrial sector II

Value 8768 Frequency
1 Agri,forest,fish 667
2 I:Mining etc 1383
3 I:Chemic,metal extr 172
4 I:Engineer,metal 439
5 Manuf ind (diverse) 595
6 Construct,buildings 545
7 Transp+communicat 614
8 Trade,retail busine 981
9 Distribut,service 713
10 Bank,insura,finance 350
11 Public adm,defense 827
12 Health 523
13 Culture etc 653
14 Other 415
0 Not classifiable 15882
98 Inad descr,n stated 113
99 NA 98
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
8877 1 14 7.17416 4.0429

Valid range from 0 to 99

V88 R: professional group

Value 8867 Frequency
1 527
2 1059
3 1615
4 1033
5 2236
6 2129
7 537
8 396
9 465
10 397
11 166
12 144
13 233
14 857
15 404
16 75
17 59
18 56
19 9
0 NAV 12417
98 2
99 154
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12397 1 19 6.34678 3.96353

Valid range from 0 to 99

V89 Private vs public sector

Value 8966 Frequency
1 Government 5870
2 Nationalized indust 1637
3 Private sector 6601
0 NAP NAV 8191
8 Self employed 1961
9 NA, dont know 710
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
14108 1 3 2.05181 0.938799

Valid range from 0 to 9

V90 Resp: self employed

Value 9065 Frequency
1 Self employed 2315
2 Work f someone else 15905
0 Not applicable 6319
9 NA, insuff inform 431
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
18220 1 2 1.87294 0.333047

Valid range from 0 to 9

V91 Number of employees

Value 9164 Frequency
1 1 empl 516
2 2 - 9 empl 499
3 10 - 49 empl 80
4 50 - 100 empl 84
5 12
6 4
7 2
8 2
9 3
96 No employees 773
0 NAP NAV 14172
97 Not self-employed 8353
98 Dont know 2
99 NA,insuff informat 468
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1975 1 96 38.7033 45.9671

Valid range from 0 to 99

V92 R. supervises others

Value 9263 Frequency
1 Yes, supervises 5499
2 No, do n supervise 10903
0 Not applicable 7427
8 Cant choose,Dk 2
9 NA 1139
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
16402 1 2 1.66474 0.472097

Valid range from 0 to 9

V93 Number of supervised

Value 9362 Frequency
1 1 person 530
2 426
3 318
4 275
5 225
6 167
7 74
8 121
9 39
10 157
11 22
12 80
13 16
14 23
15 75
16 17
17 15
18 22
19 6
20 117
21 8
22 10
23 7
24 15
25 32
26 8
27 4
28 9
29 1
30 61
31 3
32 7
33 4
34 3
35 19
36 3
37 5
38 2
40 44
41 2
42 3
43 2
44 1
45 12
46 1
47 2
48 5
50 51
52 1
54 1
55 6
57 1
60 20
62 1
63 1
64 1
65 3
67 1
68 1
70 9
73 1
75 7
77 1
78 1
80 16
84 1
85 5
90 2
94 1
96 1
97 46
0 Not applicable 19768
99 27
100 12
110 3
117 1
120 5
150 3
169 1
180 1
190 1
200 4
220 1
230 1
240 1
250 5
280 1
300 4
350 2
405 1
440 1
450 2
500 2
600 600 persons 1
700 1
870 1
996 than 996 persons 5
998 Dont know 2
999 NA 1936
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
3177 1 97 11.5546 17.7228

Valid range from 0 to 999

V94 Size of workplace

Value 9461 Frequency
1 1108
2 1066
3 1072
4 1558
5 1232
6 338
7 534
0 NAV 16818
8 454
9 790
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6908 1 7 3.56312 1.75936

Valid range from 0 to 9

V95 Trade union membership

Value 9560 Frequency
1 Member 8240
2 No member 12688
0 Not applicable 3497
8 Dont know 121
9 NA, refused 424
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20928 1 2 1.60627 0.488588

Valid range from 0 to 9

V96 Unemployment I

Value 9659 Frequency
1 Yes 1643
2 No 6316
0 NAV 16860
8 Dont know 0
9 NA 151
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
7959 1 2 1.79357 0.40477

Valid range from 0 to 9

V97 Unemployment II

Value 9758 Frequency
1 369
2 225
3 139
4 114
5 19
6 58
7 9
8 42
9 12
10 18
11 7
12 79
14 4
15 2
16 4
17 15
18 15
19 1
20 10
21 28
22 1
23 1
24 41
25 52
27 2
28 2
29 1
30 10
32 3
33 2
34 11
35 1
36 18
38 10
40 5
41 2
42 11
44 1
47 5
48 14
50 2
51 32
52 1
54 1
55 2
58 1
60 21
63 1
64 3
72 3
73 2
75 2
77 11
80 3
81 1
84 4
85 2
87 1
90 2
94 1
96 3
99 14
103 13
128 4
154 10
171 1
176 1
206 2
227 1
232 2
318 1
395 1
412 1
464 1
515 1
0 NAV 23307
998 2
999 146
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1515 1 515 17.2132 36.5564

Valid range from 0 to 999

V98 Education I

Value 9857 Frequency
0 No formal schooling 80
1 1 year 21
2 135
3 77
4 201
5 442
6 1084
7 606
8 2501
9 1380
10 4555
11 2265
12 3565
13 1218
14 1413
15 1355
16 1482
17 1139
18 551
19 127
20 122
21 32
22 30
23 19
24 11
25 5
26 2
27 2
28 2
30 1
31 2
34 1
35 35 years 1
95 Still school 134
96 Still college,uni 151
98 Dont know 6
99 NA 252
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24712 0 96 12.2794 9.64952

Valid range from 0 to 99

V99 Education II

Value 9956 Frequency
1 461
2 1117
3 6271
4 5999
5 4937
6 2068
7 2566
8 804
9 633
0 NAV 114
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24856 1 9 4.53363 1.71145

Valid range from 0 to 9

V100 Party affiliation I

Value 10055 Frequency
1 Far left 366
2 Left 4521
3 Center 5093
4 Right 3865
5 Far right 129
6 Oth,no specificati 179
7 No party; n prefere 2274
0 NAV 5976
8 Dont know, refused 2058
9 NA 509
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
16427 1 7 3.51762 1.63592

Valid range from 0 to 9

V101 Party aff. country spec.

Value 10154 Frequency
1 3709
2 3757
3 1134
4 885
5 644
6 683
7 476
8 163
9 140
10 129
11 226
12 155
13 1
14 2
15 1
16 1
94 15
95 344
96 2001
0 NAV 5879
97 252
98 899
99 3474
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
14466 1 96 18.1994 34.3619

Valid range from 0 to 99

V102 Strength party affiliat.

Value 10253 Frequency
1 2574
2 2443
3 1540
4 3381
5 677
0 NAV 13939
8 210
9 206
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10615 1 5 2.73095 1.30441

Valid range from 0 to 9

V103 Vote last election I

Value 10352 Frequency
1 Far left 202
2 Left 2829
3 Center 1060
4 Right 2737
5 Far right 38
6 Other, no specifica 141
7 No party;n preferen 629