Publication Year: 28. 09. 2017 Date of last inspection: 20. 02. 2020
To access most of the research data from the ADP Catalog, it is necessary to fill in the registration form. In the registration process:
Some data files from ADP Catalogue are additionally protected. To gain access to protected data, user has to fill in Application to access sensitive materials.
The documentation is available only in Slovenian. For further information please contact ADP.
Please fill-in the form with the needed information. The fields that are marked with * are mandatory. Based on your request, we will provide you with a username and password that will be send to you on your e-mail address. Further information is available in the »Help with completing the registration form«
Fields marked with * are mandatory. Please fill them out.
How do I access studes on demand?
To access data under special conditions an additional applications needs to be filled-in. More on this under »Access under special conditions«.
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