Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2003: Nacionalna identiteta II

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • International Social Survey Programme
  • Gibson, Rachel
  • Haller, Max
  • Dimova, Lilia
  • Payman, Heather
  • Segovia, Carolina
  • Mateju, Petr
  • Goul Andersen, Jørgen
  • Blom, Raimo
  • Lemel, Yannick
  • Harkness, Janet
  • Park, Alison
  • Robert, Peter
  • Nic Ghiolla Phádraig, Máire;
  • Lewin-Epstein, Noah
  • Aramaki, Hiroshi
  • Tabuns, Aivars
  • Gendal, Philip J.
  • Kalgraff Skjak, Knut
  • Mangahas, Mahar
  • Cichomski, Bogdan
  • Villaverde-Cabral, Manuel
  • Khakhalina, Ludmila
  • Piscova, Magdalena
  • Hafner-Fink, Mitja
  • Struwig, Jare
  • Diez Nicolas, Juan
  • Sang-Wook, Kim
  • Edlund, Jonas
  • Joye, Dominique
  • Fu, Yang-Chin
  • Piani, Giorgina
  • Smith, Tom W.
  • Briceno-Leon, Roberto
Data file producer:
ZA - Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, Nemčija (Köln, Nemčija; 2003)

Funding agency:

Vsaka raziskovalna organizacija krije stroške svoje raziskave. Skupnega financiranja ni.

Project number:

no information

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Raziskava je iz serije ISSP - Mednarodnega projekta sodelovanja splošnih družboslovnih anket, katerega namen je pridobivanje podatkov primernih za primerjalno analizo. Vsako leto se sodelujoče države odločijo za izvedbo kratkega vprašalnika na izbrano temo. (glej in ). Podatki iz mednarodne raziskave so na voljo pod oznako ADP - IDNo: ISSP in letnica.

Study Content


pripadnost družbeni skupini, teritorialna pripadnost, nacionalna identiteta, nacionalni ponos, mednarodni odnosi, stališče o zunanji trgovini, odnos do manjšin, odnos do priseljencev, država prednikov, odnos do rasnih in etničničnih skupin, reševanje mednarodnih problemov, stališča o pridobivanju državljanstva, državljanske pravice, poznavanje Evropske Unije, prednosti članstva v EU, govorni jezik v domačem okolju, referendum o vstopu v EU

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - kulturna in nacionalna identiteta
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Topic Classification CERIF
Topic Classification ADP


Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja. Skupina, osnovana leta 1983, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dodati medkulturno perspektivo. Vprašanja zastavljena v tokratni anketi (drugi modul o nacionalni identiteti) so se dotikala različnih tem s področja državljanstva in nacionalne identitete, kot so vprašanja kako "blizu" si svoji državi, o nacionalnem ponosu in odnosu z drugimi državami. Sklop vprašanj je raziskoval onos respondetov do gospodarskega, političnega in kulturnega odpiranje Slovenije, vključujoč odnos do zunanje trgovine, nacionalnost televizijskih programov in filmov, in koristi članstva v Evropski uniji. Respondenti so ocenjevali tudi odnos svoje države do manjšinskih skupin in imigrantov. Demografska vprašanja pa vključujejo spol, starost, izobrazbo, zakonski stan, osebni dohodek anektiranca in dohodek gospodinjstva, zaposlenost, velikost in sestava gospodinjstva, poklic respondenta in veroizpoved, etično in rasno pripradnosti ter državljanstvo anketiranca.


Collection date: 27. avgust 2003 - 24. december 2003 (Avstralija), november 2004 - december 2004 (Avstrija), marec 2003 - maj 2003 (Bolgarija), 29. januar 2004 - 31. marec 2004 (Kanada), 6. december 2003 - , 24. december 2003 (Čile), 26. september 2003 - 19. oktober 2003 (Češka), 10. oktober, 2003 - 31. januar, 2004 (Danska), 12. september 2003 - 28. november, 2003 (Finska), 1. september 2003 - 1. december, 2003 (Francija), 2. marec 2003 - 12. julij, 2003 (Nemčija), junij 2003 - september, 2003 (Velika Britanija), 28. februar 2003 - 12. marec, 2003 (Madžarska), 1. oktober 2003 - 15. november, 2003 (Irska), 14. december, 2003 - 29. februar, 2004 (Izrael), 29. november 2003 - 7. december, 2003 (Japonska), 10 december, 2003 - 29. december 2003 (Latvija), 11. september 2003 - 28. november, 2003 (Nova Zelandija), 8. oktober 2003 - 5. december, 2003 (Norveška), 10 marec 2003 - 25. marec, 2003 (Filipini), januar 2005 (Poljska), marec 2004 - september, 2004 (Portugalska), 1. julij, 2003 - 15. julij, 2003 (Rusija), februar 2003 - marec 2003 (Slovenija), avgust 2003 - september 2003 (Južnoafriška Republika), 1. julij 2003 - 30. avgust, 2003 (Južna Koreja), 20. april 2004 - 17. maj, 2004 (Slovaška), 23. junij, 2003 - 30. junij, 2003 (Španija), februar 2003 - april, 2003 (Švedska), 6. maj, 2002 - 25. avgust, 2003 (Švica), oktober 2003 - november, 2003 (Tajvan), 12. julij 2004 - 16. avgust, 2004 (Urugvaj), 22. marec 2004 - 8. april 2004 (Venezuela), avgust 2004 - december, 2004 (Združene države Amerike)
Date of production: 2003
Country: Avstrija (AU), Avstralija (AT), Bolgarija (BG), Čile (CL), Češka (CZ), Danska (DK), Finska (FI), Francija (FR), Nemčija (DE), Velika Britanija (GB), Madžarska (HU), Irska (IE), Izrael (IL), Japonska (JP), Južnoafriška Republika (ZA), Južna Koreja (KR), Kanada (CA), Latvija (LV), Nova Zelandija (NZ), Norveška (NO), Filipini (PH), Poljska (PL), Portugalska (PT), Rusija (RU), Slovenija (SI), Slovaška (SK), Španija (ES), Švedska (SE), Švica (CH), Tajvan (TW), Urugvaj (UY), Venezuela (YV), Združene države Amerike (US),
Geographic coverage:

Teritorij naštetih držav

Unit of analysis:



Osebe, stare 19 let in več (TW), osebe stare 18 let in več (AU, AT, BG, CA, CH, CZ, FR, DE, GB, HU, IE, IL, LV, NZ, NO, PH, PL, PT, SI, KR, ES, CH, UY, US), osebe, stare 17 in več (SK, SE, VE) in osebe, stare 16 in več (JP, RU, ZA) ter osebe, stare 15 in več (FI).

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

AT - Institute of Sociology, University of Graz; A U - ACSPRI Centre for Social Research (ACSR); BG - Agency for Social Analyses; CL - Centro de Estudios Publicos; CZ - Institute of Sociology, Acedemy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; DK - Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration; FI - Department of Sociology and Social Psychology; Statistics Finland; FSD Finnish Social Science Data Archive, University of Tampere FR - FRANCE-ISSP Association (Centre de Rechere en Économie et Statistique) Laboratorie de Sociologie Quanitative; CIDSP (Centre d'Infomatisation des Données Socio-Politiques) Institut d'Études Politiques de Grenoble, Domaine Universitaire; OFCE (Observatorie Français des Conjonctures Économiques); LASMAS (Laboratoire d'Analyse Secondaire et de Méthodes Appliquées en Sociologie); DE - ZUMA (Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden, und Analysen); GB - National Centre for Social Research; HU - TÁRKI RT Social Research Institute; IE - SSRC (Social Science Research Centre) University College Dublin; IL - Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology Tel Aviv University; JP - NHK, Broadcasting Culture Research Institute Public Opinion Research Division; ZA - Human Science Research Council; KR - Survey Research Center, Sungyunkwan University; CA - Carleton University Survey Centre; LV - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology; NZ - Department of Marketing, Massey University; NO - NSD (Norwegian Social Science Data Services); PH - Mahar Mangahas; PL - ISS (Institute for Social Studies) University of Warsaw; PT - Instituo de Ciências Sociais, University of Lisbon; RU - Levada Analytic Center; SI - Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre (CJMMK), Ljubljana; SK - Institute for Sociology Slovak Academy of Science; ES - ASEP (Análisis Sociológicos Económicos y Políticos); SE - Dept. of Sociology, University of Umeå; CH - SIDOS (Swiss Information and Data Archive for the Social Sciences); TW - Institute of Sociology, Academica Sinica; UY - Departamento de Economia, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la Republica; VE - Laboratorio de Ciencias Sociales, LACSO US - National Opinion Research Center (NORC);

Sampling procedure:

slučajno vzorčenje v skupinicah (GB), večstopenjsko prostorsko verjetnostno vzorčenje (PL, KR, US) večstopenjsko vzorčenje v skupinicah (BG, CH), večstopenjsko verjetnostno vzorčenje (PH), večstopenjsko slučajno vzorčenje (DE), večstopenjsko stratificirano slučajno vzorčenje v skupinicah (AU), večstopenjsko stratificirano verjetnostno vzorčenje (CZ, HU, SK, TW, UY), večstopenjsko stratificirano slučajno kvotno vzorčenje (VE) večstopenjsko stratificirano slučajno vzorčenje (JP, LV, RU, SI), večstopenjsko slučajno vzorčenje v skupinicah (IE ), večstopenjsko stratificirano vzorčenje z uporabo metode Kisheve tabele (IL), večstopenjsko stratificirano slučajno vzorčenej z uporabo metode Kisheve tabele (ZA, CH), slučajen stratificiran vzorec (AT, CA), enostavno slučajno vzorčenje (DK, NO), stratificirano slučajno verjetnostno vzorčenje (PT), sistematično slučajno vzorčenje (FI, NZ), verjetnostno vzorčenje (FR), ni definirano (ES, SE).

Mode of data collection:

vprašalnik za samo-anketiranje izpolnjen po osebnem intervjuju z anketarjem (GB, PL), samo-anketiranje ob prisotnosti anketarja (DE, RU, US) samo-anketiranje, anketa poslana po pošti (AU, CA, DK, FI, FR, NZ, NO, SE), osebni intervju (AT, BG, CL, CZ, HU, IE, IL, JP, LV, PH, PT, SK, SI, ZA, KR, ES, TW, UY, VE), računalniško podprto osebno anketiranje (CH), računalniško podprto samo-anketiranje (US), in telefonska anketa (DK).


Da (AT, CA, CZ, FI, FR, GB, HU, IE, PH, PL, PT, RU, SK, ZA, ES, CH, UY, US, VE); Ne (AU, BG, CH, DE, IL, JP, LV, NZ, NO, SI, KR, SE, TW), Ni podatka. (DK). Natančni postopki tvorjenja uteži so opisani v kodirni knjigi.

Access restrictions

Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: ISSP03 - International Social Survey Programme: National Identity II [datoteka podatkov], 2003

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • number of variables: 240
  • number of units: 44170

Version: december 2005

Variable list

v1 ZA Study Number

Value 13 Frequency
2003 2003: National Identity II 44170
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44170 0 2003 2003

Valid range from 2003 to 2003

v2 Respondent Number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44170 0 20030000001 20034158246 20030243656.58 770438.745

Valid range from 20030000001 to 20034158246

v3 Country

Value 31 Frequency
1 Australia (AU) 2183
2 Germany-West (DE-W) 850
3 Germany-East (DE-E) 437
4 Great Britain (GB) 873
6 United States (US) 1216
7 Austria (AT) 1006
8 Hungary (HU) 1021
10 Ireland (IE) 1065
12 Norway (NO) 1469
13 Sweden (SE) 1186
14 Czech Republic (CZ) 1276
15 Slovenia (SI) 1093
16 Poland (PL) 1277
17 Bulgaria (BG) 1069
18 Russia (RU) 2383
19 New Zealand (NZ) 1036
20 Canada (CA) 1211
21 Philippines (PH) 1200
22 Israel Jews (IL-J) 1066
23 Israel Arabs (IL-A) 152
24 Japan (JP) 1102
25 Spain (ES) 1212
26 Latvia (LV) 1000
27 Slovak Republic (SK) 1152
28 France (FR) 1669
30 Portugal (PT) 1602
31 Chile (CL) 1505
32 Denmark (DK) 1322
33 Switzerland (CH) 1037
36 Venezuela (VE) 1199
37 Finland (FI) 1379
40 South Africa (ZA) 2483
41 Taiwan (TW) 2016
42 South Korea (KR) 1315
43 Uruguay (UY) 1108
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44170 0 1 43

Valid range from 1 to 43

v1 ZA Study Number

Value 1240 Frequency
2003 2003: National Identity II 44170
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44170 0 2003 2003

Valid range from 2003 to 2003

v2 Respondent Number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44170 0 20030000001 20034158246 20030243656.58 770438.745

Valid range from 20030000001 to 20034158246

v3 Country

Value 3238 Frequency
1 Australia (AU) 2183
2 Germany-West (DE-W) 850
3 Germany-East (DE-E) 437
4 Great Britain (GB) 873
6 United States (US) 1216
7 Austria (AT) 1006
8 Hungary (HU) 1021
10 Ireland (IE) 1065
12 Norway (NO) 1469
13 Sweden (SE) 1186
14 Czech Republic (CZ) 1276
15 Slovenia (SI) 1093
16 Poland (PL) 1277
17 Bulgaria (BG) 1069
18 Russia (RU) 2383
19 New Zealand (NZ) 1036
20 Canada (CA) 1211
21 Philippines (PH) 1200
22 Israel Jews (IL-J) 1066
23 Israel Arabs (IL-A) 152
24 Japan (JP) 1102
25 Spain (ES) 1212
26 Latvia (LV) 1000
27 Slovak Republic (SK) 1152
28 France (FR) 1669
30 Portugal (PT) 1602
31 Chile (CL) 1505
32 Denmark (DK) 1322
33 Switzerland (CH) 1037
36 Venezuela (VE) 1199
37 Finland (FI) 1379
40 South Africa (ZA) 2483
41 Taiwan (TW) 2016
42 South Korea (KR) 1315
43 Uruguay (UY) 1108
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44170 0 1 43

Valid range from 1 to 43

v4 Most important group R identifies with

Q. 1. We are all part of different groups. Some are more important to us than others when we think of ourselves. In general, which in the following list is most important to you in describing who you are?

Value 4237 Frequency
1 Your occupation 7324
2 Your ethnic background 2331
3 Your gender 4253
4 Your age group 2764
5 Your religion 2123
6 Pref political party 438
7 Your nationality 3573
8 Your family or marital status 12924
9 Your social class 1277
10 The part of country you live in 2030
11 [ES] None 74
0 Not available 0
98 Cant choose 939
99 Na, refused 4120
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39111 5059 1 11

Valid range from 1 to 11

v5 Second most important group R identifies with Q. 1. We are all part of different groups. Some are more important to us than others when we think of ourselves. In general, which in the following list is most important to you in describing who you are?

Second most important?

Value 5236 Frequency
1 Your occupation 6850
2 Your ethnic background 2477
3 Your gender 4005
4 Your age group 4278
5 Your religion 2930
6 Pref political party 925
7 Your nationality 4338
8 Your family or marital status 6308
9 Your social class 2717
10 The part of country you live in 3753
11 [ES] None 90
0 Not available 0
98 Cant choose 1043
99 Na, refused, no second response 4456
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
38671 5499 1 11

Valid range from 1 to 11

v6 Third most important group R identifies with Q. 1. We are all part of different groups. Some are more important to us than others when we think of ourselves. In general, which in the following list is most important to you in describing who you are?

Third most important?

Value 6235 Frequency
1 Your occupation 4967
2 Your ethnic background 2411
3 Your gender 3551
4 Your age group 4081
5 Your religion 2513
6 Pref political party 1512
7 Your nationality 4206
8 Your family or marital status 4385
9 Your social class 3611
10 The part of country you live in 6480
11 [ES] None 108
0 Not available 0
98 Cant choose 1388
99 Na, refused, no third response 4957
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
37825 6345 1 11

Valid range from 1 to 11

v7 How close do you feel to: Your town - city Q2.- How close do you feel to1...

Your town or city

Value 7234 Frequency
1 Very close 16840
2 Close 18282
3 Not very close 6594
4 Not close at all 1482
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 530
9 NA 442
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43198 972 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v8 How close do you feel to: Your [county] Q2.- How close do you feel to1...

Your [county]2

Value 8233 Frequency
1 Very close 13644
2 Close 19063
3 Not very close 8190
4 Not close at all 1976
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 734
9 NA 563
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42873 1297 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v9 How close do you feel to:[Country] Q2.- How close do you feel to1...


Value 9232 Frequency
1 Very close 20782
2 Close 17441
3 Not very close 4089
4 Not close at all 973
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 471
9 NA 414
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43285 885 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v10 How close do you feel to: continent Q2.- How close do you feel to1...

[Continent; e.g. Europe]2

Value 10231 Frequency
1 Very close 7789
2 Close 14068
3 Not very close 12150
4 Not close at all 7361
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2046
9 NA 756
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41368 2802 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v11 Important: to have been born in[Country] Q3.- Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]1. Others say they are not important. How important do you think each of the following is... (Please, tick one box on each line)

to have been born in [COUNTRY]

Value 11230 Frequency
1 Very important 19084
2 Fairly important 13447
3 Not very important 7254
4 Not important at all 3289
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 539
9 NA 557
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43074 1096 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v12 Important: To have[Country Nationality] citizenship Q3.- Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]1. Others say they are not important. How important do you think each of the following is... (Please, tick one box on each line)

to have [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] citizenship

Value 12229 Frequency
1 Very important 23365
2 Fairly important 14272
3 Not very important 4124
4 Not important at all 1341
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 420
9 NA 648
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43102 1068 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v13 Important: To have lived in[Country] for most of one’s life Q3.- Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]1. Others say they are not important. How important do you think each of the following is... (Please, tick one box on each line)

to have lived in [COUNTRY] for most of one’s life

Value 13228 Frequency
1 Very important 18073
2 Fairly important 15459
3 Not very important 7406
4 Not important at all 1998
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 518
9 NA 716
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42936 1234 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v14 Important: To be able to speak [Country language] Q3.- Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]1. Others say they are not important. How important do you think each of the following is... (Please, tick one box on each line)

to be able to speak [COUNTRY LANGUAGE] 2

Value 14227 Frequency
1 Very important 25337
2 Fairly important 12853
3 Not very important 3641
4 Not important at all 1383
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 286
9 NA 670
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43214 956 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v15 Important: To be a [religion] Q3.- Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]1. Others say they are not important. How important do you think each of the following is... (Please, tick one box on each line)

to be a [religion] 2

Value 15226 Frequency
1 Very important 10721
2 Fairly important 8887
3 Not very important 10047
4 Not important at all 12614
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1131
9 NA 770
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42269 1901 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v16 Important: To respect[Country Nationality] political institutions and laws Q3.- Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]1. Others say they are not important. How important do you think each of the following is... (Please, tick one box on each line)

to respect [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] political institutions and laws

Value 16225 Frequency
1 Very important 21201
2 Fairly important 16287
3 Not very important 3807
4 Not important at all 1477
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 764
9 NA 634
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42772 1398 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v17 Important: To feel[Country Nationality] Q3.- Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]1. Others say they are not important. How important do you think each of the following is... (Please, tick one box on each line)


Value 17224 Frequency
1 Very important 24713
2 Fairly important 13790
3 Not very important 3225
4 Not important at all 1177
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 608
9 NA 657
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42905 1265 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v18 Important: To have[Country Nationality] ancestry Q3.- Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]1. Others say they are not important. How important do you think each of the following is... (Please, tick one box on each line)

to have [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] ancestry 2

Value 18223 Frequency
1 Very important 14046
2 Fairly important 12115
3 Not very important 9217
4 Not important at all 5342
0 Not available 2069
8 Cant choose 694
9 NA 687
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40720 3450 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v19 I would rather be a citizen of[Country] than of any other country in the world Q. 4. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

I would rather be a citizen of [COUNTRY] than of any other country in the world

Value 19222 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 18151
2 Agree 14639
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6405
4 Disagree 2676
5 Disagree strongly 1018
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 796
9 NA 485
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42889 1281 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v20 There are some things about[Country] today that make me feel ashamed of[Country] How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

There are some things about [COUNTRY] today that make me feel ashamed of [COUNTRY]

Value 20221 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 7638
2 Agree 17523
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7484
4 Disagree 7077
5 Disagree strongly 2769
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1104
9 NA 575
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42491 1679 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v21 The world would be a better place if people from other countries were more like the[Country Nationality] How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

The world would be a better place if people from other countries were more like the [COUNTRY NATIONALITY]

Value 21220 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4064
2 Agree 10464
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12786
4 Disagree 10257
5 Disagree strongly 3706
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2327
9 NA 566
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41277 2893 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v22 Generally speaking,[Country] is a better country than most other countries How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Generally speaking, [COUNTRY] is a better country than most other countries

Value 22219 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 7405
2 Agree 15423
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10127
4 Disagree 7056
5 Disagree strongly 2007
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1593
9 NA 559
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42018 2152 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v23 People should support their country even if the country is in the wrong. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

People should support their country even if the country is in the wrong

Value 23218 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4653
2 Agree 11110
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7740
4 Disagree 12667
5 Disagree strongly 4998
0 Not available 1069
8 Cant choose 1329
9 NA 604
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41168 3002 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v24 When my country does well in international sports, it makes me proud to be[Country Nationality] How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

When my country does well in international sports, it makes me proud to be [COUNTRY NATIONALITY]

Value 24217 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 17415
2 Agree 17191
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5046
4 Disagree 1435
5 Disagree strongly 793
0 Not available 1069
8 Cant choose 701
9 NA 520
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41880 2290 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v25 I am often less proud of[Country] than I would like to be How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

I am often less proud of [COUNTRY] than I would like to be.

Value 25216 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 5977
2 Agree 14870
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9809
4 Disagree 8886
5 Disagree strongly 2478
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1529
9 NA 621
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42020 2150 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v26 How proud: The way democracy works How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

the way democracy works

Value 26215 Frequency
1 Very proud 5328
2 Somewhat proud 16510
3 Not very proud 13251
4 Not proud at all 5766
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2721
9 NA 594
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40855 3315 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v27 How proud: Its political influence in the world How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

its political influence in the world

Value 27214 Frequency
1 Very proud 3517
2 Somewhat proud 15048
3 Not very proud 14756
4 Not proud at all 6120
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 3998
9 NA 731
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39441 4729 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v28 How proud: [Country’s] economic achievements How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

[COUNTRY’s] economic achievements

Value 28213 Frequency
1 Very proud 5184
2 Somewhat proud 16149
3 Not very proud 12698
4 Not proud at all 6674
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2782
9 NA 683
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40705 3465 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v29 How proud: Its social security system How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

Its social security system

Value 29212 Frequency
1 Very proud 4782
2 Somewhat proud 13833
3 Not very proud 13359
4 Not proud at all 9379
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2164
9 NA 653
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41353 2817 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v30 How proud: Its scientific and technological achievements How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

its scientific and technological achievements

Value 30211 Frequency
1 Very proud 10172
2 Somewhat proud 20227
3 Not very proud 7017
4 Not proud at all 2069
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 3934
9 NA 751
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39485 4685 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v31 How proud: Its achievements in sports How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

its achievements in sports

Value 31210 Frequency
1 Very proud 13974
2 Somewhat proud 19457
3 Not very proud 6012
4 Not proud at all 1839
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2229
9 NA 659
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41282 2888 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v32 How proud: Its achievements in the arts and literature How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

its achievements in the arts and literature

Value 32209 Frequency
1 Very proud 11009
2 Somewhat proud 20117
3 Not very proud 6357
4 Not proud at all 1551
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 4385
9 NA 751
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39034 5136 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v33 How proud: [Country’S] armed forces How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

[COUNTRY’S] armed forces

Value 33208 Frequency
1 Very proud 7936
2 Somewhat proud 13895
3 Not very proud 10864
4 Not proud at all 6234
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 4522
9 NA 719
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
38929 5241 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v34 How proud: Its history How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

its history

Value 34207 Frequency
1 Very proud 15044
2 Somewhat proud 17843
3 Not very proud 6030
4 Not proud at all 1836
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2713
9 NA 704
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40753 3417 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v35 How proud: Its fair and equal treatment of all groups in society How proud are you of [COUNTRY] in each of the following? (Please, tick one box on each line).

Its fair and equal treatment of all groups in society

Value 35206 Frequency
1 Very proud 5006
2 Somewhat proud 13668
3 Not very proud 13359
4 Not proud at all 8330
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 3143
9 NA 664
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40363 3807 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v36 [Country] should limit the import of foreign products in order to protect its national economy. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

[COUNTRY] should limit the import of foreign products in order to protect its national economy.

Value 36205 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8886
2 Agree 14846
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7994
4 Disagree 7619
5 Disagree strongly 2325
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1969
9 NA 531
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41670 2500 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v37 For certain problems, like environment pollution, international bodies should have the right to enforce solutions How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

For certain problems, like environment pollution, international bodies should have the right to enforce solutions

Value 37204 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 9553
2 Agree 18264
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6236
4 Disagree 3623
5 Disagree strongly 1016
0 Not available 2483
8 Cant choose 2406
9 NA 589
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
38692 5478 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v38 [Country] should follow its own interests, even if this leads to conflicts with other nations How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

[COUNTRY] should follow its own interests, even if this leads to conflicts with other nations.

Value 38203 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 7037
2 Agree 14502
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8973
4 Disagree 8801
5 Disagree strongly 2039
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2233
9 NA 585
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41352 2818 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v39 Foreigners should not be allowed to buy land in[Country] How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Foreigners should not be allowed to buy land in [COUNTRY]

Value 39202 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8814
2 Agree 9705
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8544
4 Disagree 10670
5 Disagree strongly 3935
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1932
9 NA 570
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41668 2502 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v40 [Country’s] television should give preference to[Country] films and programmes How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

[COUNTRY’S] television should give preference to [COUNTRY] films and programmes

Value 40201 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8307
2 Agree 13048
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9158
4 Disagree 8626
5 Disagree strongly 3180
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1314
9 NA 537
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42319 1851 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v41 Large international companies are doing more and more damage to local businesses in[Country]. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Large international companies are doing more and more damage to local businesses in [COUNTRY].

Value 41200 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8646
2 Agree 15673
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8351
4 Disagree 6140
5 Disagree strongly 1256
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 3532
9 NA 572
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40066 4104 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v42 Free trade leads to better products becoming available in[Country]. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Free trade leads to better products becoming available in [COUNTRY].

Value 42199 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 5848
2 Agree 19118
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8432
4 Disagree 4340
5 Disagree strongly 906
0 Not available 2483
8 Cant choose 2478
9 NA 565
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
38644 5526 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v43 In general,[Country] should follow the decisions of international organizations to which it belongs, even if the government does not agree with them. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

In general, [COUNTRY] should follow the decisions of international organizations to which it belongs, even if the government does not agree with them.

Value 43198 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 3016
2 Agree 12627
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11437
4 Disagree 9729
5 Disagree strongly 2088
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 4588
9 NA 685
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
38897 5273 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v44 International organizations are taking away too much power from the[Country Nationality] government. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

International organizations are taking away too much power from the [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] government.

Value 44197 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 4551
2 Agree 13585
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10598
4 Disagree 7971
5 Disagree strongly 1257
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 5523
9 NA 685
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
37962 6208 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v45 Increased exposure to foreign films, music, and books is damaging our national and local cultures. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Increased exposure to foreign films, music, and books is damaging our national and local cultures.

Value 45196 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 5593
2 Agree 10756
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7811
4 Disagree 12113
5 Disagree strongly 4169
0 Not available 1036
8 Cant choose 2136
9 NA 556
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40442 3728 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v46 A benefit of the Internet is that it makes information available to more and more people worldwide.

Value 46195 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 16284
2 Agree 18201
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3730
4 Disagree 1161
5 Disagree strongly 400
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 3759
9 NA 635
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39776 4394 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v47 It is impossible for people who do not share [Country’s] customs and traditions to become fully [Country’s nationality] How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

A benefit of the Internet is that it makes information available to more and more people worldwide.

Value 47194 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8328
2 Agree 13717
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6793
4 Disagree 9506
5 Disagree strongly 2558
0 Not available 1505
8 Cant choose 1305
9 NA 458
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40902 3268 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v48 Ethnic minorities should be given government assistance to preserve their customs and traditions How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

It is impossible for people who do not share [COUNTRY’s] customs and traditions to become fully [COUNTRY’S NATIONALITY]

Value 48193 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 5636
2 Agree 13959
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8292
4 Disagree 7987
5 Disagree strongly 4295
0 Not available 1505
8 Cant choose 1989
9 NA 507
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
40169 4001 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v49 Help minorities to preserve traditions How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Ethnic minorities should be given government assistance to preserve their customs and traditions

Value 49192 Frequency
1 Maintain traditions 17849
2 Adapt into larger society 19688
0 Not available 0
8 Dont know 5446
9 NA 1187
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
37537 6633 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v50 Immigrants increase crime rates Some people say that it is better for a country if different racial and ethnic groups maintain their distinct customs and traditions. Others say that it is better if these groups adapt and blend into the larger society. Which of these views comes closer to your own?

Immigrants increase crime rates

Value 50191 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 7142
2 Agree 12698
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8194
4 Disagree 8927
5 Disagree strongly 2345
0 Not available 2483
8 Cant choose 1878
9 NA 503
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39306 4864 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v51 Immigrants are generally good for [Country’s] economy There are different opinions about immigrants from other countries living in [COUNTRY]. (By “immigrants” we mean people who come to settle in [COUNTRY])1. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Immigrants are generally good for [COUNTRY’S] economy

Value 51190 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 2135
2 Agree 12351
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11208
4 Disagree 9520
5 Disagree strongly 3060
0 Not available 2483
8 Cant choose 2874
9 NA 539
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
38274 5896 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v52 Immigrants take jobs away from people who were born in[Country] There are different opinions about immigrants from other countries living in [COUNTRY]. (By “immigrants” we mean people who come to settle in [COUNTRY])2. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Immigrants take jobs away from people who were born in [COUNTRY]

Value 52189 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 5562
2 Agree 11211
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8166
4 Disagree 11223
5 Disagree strongly 3579
0 Not available 2483
8 Cant choose 1428
9 NA 518
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39741 4429 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v53 Immigrants improve[Country Nationality] society by bringing in new ideas and cultures There are different opinions about immigrants from other countries living in [COUNTRY]. (By “immigrants” we mean people who come to settle in [COUNTRY])3. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Immigrants improve [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] society by bringing in new ideas and cultures

Value 53188 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 3246
2 Agree 15014
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10119
4 Disagree 7572
5 Disagree strongly 2691
0 Not available 2483
8 Cant choose 2523
9 NA 522
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
38642 5528 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v54 Government spends too much money assisting immigrants There are different opinions about immigrants from other countries living in [COUNTRY]. (By “immigrants” we mean people who come to settle in [COUNTRY])4. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

e. Government spends too much money assisting immigrants.

Value 54187 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 6450
2 Agree 10688
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9132
4 Disagree 7687
5 Disagree strongly 2249
0 Not available 2483
8 Cant choose 4932
9 NA 549
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36206 7964 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v55 Number of immigrants coming to country

Do you think the number of immigrants to [COUNTRY] nowadays should be ...

Value 55186 Frequency
1 Increase a lot 1116
2 Increase a little 3004
3 Remain the same 12179
4 Reduced a little 10393
5 Reduced a lot 10297
0 Not available 2483
8 Cant choose 4303
9 Na, refused 395
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36989 7181 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v56 Are you a citizen of[Country]

Are you a citizen of [COUNTRY]?

Value 56185 Frequency
1 Yes 41624
2 No 2288
0 Not available 0
9 Na, refused 258
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43912 258 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v57 Parents citizen of (country) at birth

At the time of your birth, were both, one or neither of your parents citizens of [COUNTRY]?

Value 57184 Frequency
1 Both citizens 38518
2 Only father citizen 671
3 Only mother citizen 580
4 Neither parent 2855
0 Not available 1093
9 Dk,Na, refused 453
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42624 1546 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v58 Racial-ethnic group of R

(Racial/ethnic (linguistic, religious) group of respondent. No extra question needed if you have the information in your demographics part. 1

Value 58183 Frequency
1 Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Sudan,Yoruba 211
2 Afrikaan 0
3 Aklanon,Romblon 1
4 Albanian 3
5 Alsacien, France 0
6 American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect 26
7 American,American only,America,(D:USA) 4
8 Antiqueńo 5
9 Arab,Arabic,Muslim 8
10 Armenian,Transcaucasian 70
11 Asian,Asia,other Asian 16
12 Australian,Oceanian,Australia 15
13 Austrian,Austria 787
14 Bangladeshi,Bengali,Bangladesh 1
15 Basque/Vasco 0
16 Belgian,Belgium 4
17 Belorussian,Bialorussian 34
18 Bicolano/Bikol 60
19 Bilaan 4
20 Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish 27
21 Bosnian, SLO:ethn.Muslim 38
22 Breton, France 0
23 Bul-anon 5
24 Bulgarian 922
25 Cajun French 0
26 Catalan,Valencian,Balear/Mallorquin 0
27 Coloured 0
28 Cook Island Maori 8
29 Corse, France 0
30 Creole,Surinam/Sranan,Metis,Chavacano 1
31 Jewish/Yiddish 36
32 Croatian 39
33 Czech-Czechia,Czech Republic 1124
34 Chinese-Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin 2054
35 Danish,Denmark 1096
36 Danish+English 0
37 English + Persian 0
38 English + Tai 0
39 English,England&Wales,UK,England 497
40 Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic 0
41 Estonia 2
42 Ethiopia 1
43 European,White/European,Europe 682
44 Europeans Mediterranean 106
45 Finnish,Finland 1400
46 French,France 1890
47 Gallego 0
48 Georgian 0
49 German,Germany (CZ:Nemec) 1238
50 German+Danish 2
51 Greek,Greece 9
52 Hebrew/Ivrit 9
53 Hungarian,Hungary (CZ:Magyar) 1133
54 Ibanag 10
55 Ifugao 1
56 Igorot 3
57 Ilocano 156
58 Ilonggo 195
59 French+English 0
60 Indian,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil 30
61 Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian 5
62 Inuit, Eskimo 17
63 Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari 8
64 Iraq 1
65 Irish/Irish Gaelic,Ireland 1032
66 Isindebele 0
67 Isixhosa 0
68 Isizulu 0
69 Italian,Italy 254
70 Itawis 1
71 Itneg 1
72 Japanese,Japan 1094
73 Jordan 1
74 Kapampangan 18
75 Karay-a 4
76 Korean 1318
77 Kurdish,Assyrian,Lebanese 6
78 Latin-American, South America, Spanish Origin from western c 171
79 Latvian,Estonian,Lith.,Baltic 604
80 Lithuanian 0
81 Luxemborger, Luxemburg 0
82 Philippine other (Maguindanao, Kuyonin, Tangadanon, Zambaleń 50
83 Maori,NZ Maori 174
84 Maranaw/Maranao 2
85 Masbateńo 13
86 Metis 6
87 Montenegro 1
88 Moravian 111
89 Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish 20
90 Nordic,Scandinavian other 10
91 North Africans 25
92 Norwegian,Norway 1386
93 Occitan, France 0
94 One non-Swedish,both non-Swedish 0
95 Oriental 1
96 Ozamisnon 1
97 Pacific,Polynesian,Chamorro Guam 2
98 Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto 7
99 Panggalatok Pangasinan,Pangasinense 10
100 Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino 298
101 Pidgin, PNG Pidgin 0
102 Polish,Pole,Poland 72
103 Portuguese, Portugal 1418
104 Provençal, France 0
105 Romani,Gipsy ,Tzyganes 73
106 Romanian/Rumanian 10
107 Romblonon 4
108 Russian,Russia,USSR&Rep. 2475
109 Samic,Lapp 3
110 Samoan,Tokelauan 16
111 Scotland,Scots Gaelic,Scottish 72
112 Sepedi 0
113 Serbia,Serbian,Serb, Yugoslavian 97
114 Sesotho 0
115 Setswana 0
116 Silesian 9
117 Siswati 0
118 Slovakia,Slovak 1045
119 Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene 1001
120 Somalia 1
121 Spanish,Castilian,Castellano 383
122 Subanen 3
123 Surigaonon 2
124 Swedish (both citizen) 1114
125 Switzerland,Rheto-roman 822
126 Tatar 97
127 Thai,Khmer,Vietnamese,Cont.Southeast 8
128 Tongan,Niuean 7
130 Tshivenda/Lemba 0
131 Turkey,Turkish 138
132 Ukraine,Ukrainian 59
133 Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno 313
134 Waray 47
135 Welsh 0
136 Whites (all) 2158
137 Xitsonga 0
138 Zamboangeńo 1
980 Other African language 0
981 Other,East European 69
982 Other,Middle East 1
983 Other,Mixed origin 446
984 Other,Western European 22
990 No languages at all 0
998 No answer 0
999 Don´t know 650
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
32601 11569 1 984

Valid range from 1 to 990

v59 Children born in[Country] of parents who are not citizens should have the right to become[Country Nationality] citizens. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Children born in [COUNTRY] of parents who are not citizens should have the right to become [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] citizens.

Value 59182 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 12443
2 Agree 18639
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4750
4 Disagree 4524
5 Disagree strongly 1659
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1718
9 NA 437
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42015 2155 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v60 Children born abroad should have the right to become[Country Nationality] citizens if at least one of their parents is [Country Nationality] citizen. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Children born abroad should have the right to become [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] citizens if at least one of their parents is a [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] citizen.

Value 60181 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 11935
2 Agree 21955
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4902
4 Disagree 2661
5 Disagree strongly 623
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1660
9 NA 434
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
42076 2094 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v61 Legal immigrants to[Country] who are not citizens should have the same rights as[Country Nationality] citizens. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Legal immigrants to [COUNTRY] who are not citizens should have the same rights as [COUNTRY NATIONALITY] citizens.

Value 61180 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 6171
2 Agree 13957
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7282
4 Disagree 10409
5 Disagree strongly 3822
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 2068
9 NA 461
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41641 2529 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v62 [Country] should take stronger measures to exclude illegal immigrants? How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please, tick one box on each line)

[COUNTRY] should take stronger measures to exclude illegal immigrants?

Value 62179 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 17707
2 Agree 14483
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5159
4 Disagree 3267
5 Disagree strongly 1326
0 Not available 0
8 Cant choose 1767
9 NA 461
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41942 2228 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v63 How proud are you being country national

How proud are you of being [COUNTRY NATIONALITY]? (Please, tick one box on each line)

Value 63178 Frequency
1 Very proud 21418
2 Somewhat proud 15463
3 Not very proud 4189
4 Not proud at all 902
8 Cant choose 1174
9 Na, refused 435
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41972 2198 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v64 What language speak at home 1st mention What languages do you speak most often at home? At home, I speak: [write down up to two choices]What languages do you speak most often at home? At home, I speak: [write down up to two choices]

1st mention

Value 64177 Frequency
1 Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Sudan,Yoruba 6
2 Afrikaan 654
3 Aklanon,Romblon 0
4 Albanian 9
5 Alsacien, France 4
6 American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect 0
7 American,American only,America,(D:USA) 29
8 Antiqueńo 0
9 Arab,Arabic,Muslim 171
10 Armenian,Transcaucasian 36
11 Asian,Asia,other Asian 2
12 Australian,Oceanian,Australia 5
13 Austrian,Austria 0
14 Bangladeshi,Bengali,Bangladesh 1
15 Basque/Vasco 9
16 Belgian,Belgium 1
17 Belorussian,Bialorussian 0
18 Bicolano/Bikol 0
19 Bilaan 0
20 Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish 0
21 Bosnian, SLO:ethn.Muslim 1
22 Breton, France 2
23 Bul-anon 0
24 Bulgarian 1
25 Cajun French 0
26 Catalan,Valencian,Balear/Mallorquin 85
27 Coloured 0
28 Cook Island Maori 2
29 Corse, France 1
30 Creole,Surinam/Sranan,Metis,Chavacano 0
31 Jewish/Yiddish 12
32 Croatian 16
33 Czech-Czechia,Czech Republic 1267
34 Chinese-Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin 2064
35 Danish,Denmark 1272
36 Danish+English 0
37 English + Persian 0
38 English + Tai 0
39 English,England&Wales,UK,England 6214
40 Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic 0
41 Estonia 0
42 Ethiopia 0
43 European,White/European,Europe 1
44 Europeans Mediterranean 0
45 Finnish,Finland 1270
46 French,France 2096
47 Gallego 66
48 Georgian 0
49 German,Germany (CZ:Nemec) 774
50 German+Danish 0
51 Greek,Greece 23
52 Hebrew/Ivrit 826
53 Hungarian,Hungary (CZ:Magyar) 90
54 Ibanag 0
55 Ifugao 0
56 Igorot 0
57 Ilocano 0
58 Ilonggo 0
59 French+English 37
60 Indian,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil 42
61 Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian 2
62 Inuit, Eskimo 0
63 Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari 5
64 Iraq 0
65 Irish/Irish Gaelic,Ireland 8
66 Isindebele 35
67 Isixhosa 316
68 Isizulu 332
69 Italian,Italy 110
70 Itawis 0
71 Itneg 0
72 Japanese,Japan 1080
73 Jordan 0
74 Kapampangan 0
75 Karay-a 0
76 Korean 1316
77 Kurdish,Assyrian,Lebanese 1
78 Latin-American, South America, Spanish Origin from western c 0
79 Latvian,Estonian,Lith.,Baltic 674
80 Lithuanian 0
81 Luxemborger, Luxemburg 0
82 Philippine other (Maguindanao, Kuyonin, Tangadanon, Zambaleń 0
83 Maori,NZ Maori 0
84 Maranaw/Maranao 0
85 Masbateńo 0
86 Metis 0
87 Montenegro 0
88 Moravian 0
89 Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish 11
90 Nordic,Scandinavian other 1
91 North Africans 0
92 Norwegian,Norway 0
93 Occitan, France 0
94 One non-Swedish,both non-Swedish 0
95 Oriental 0
96 Ozamisnon 0
97 Pacific,Polynesian,Chamorro Guam 0
98 Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto 6
99 Panggalatok Pangasinan,Pangasinense 0
100 Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino 19
101 Pidgin, PNG Pidgin 2
102 Polish,Pole,Poland 1295
103 Portuguese, Portugal 8
104 Provençal, France 0
105 Romani,Gipsy ,Tzyganes 11
106 Romanian/Rumanian 6
107 Romblonon 0
108 Russian,Russia,USSR&Rep. 2775
109 Samic,Lapp 0
110 Samoan,Tokelauan 3
111 Scotland,Scots Gaelic,Scottish 0
112 Sepedi 192
113 Serbia,Serbian,Serb, Yugoslavian 19
114 Sesotho 207
115 Setswana 211
116 Silesian 0
117 Siswati 55
118 Slovakia,Slovak 1051
119 Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene 1
120 Somalia 0
121 Spanish,Castilian,Castellano 1067
122 Subanen 0
123 Surigaonon 0
124 Swedish (both citizen) 86
125 Switzerland,Rheto-roman 2
126 Tatar 41
127 Thai,Khmer,Vietnamese,Cont.Southeast 9
128 Tongan,Niuean 2
129 Transcaucasian 1
130 Tshivenda/Lemba 33
131 Turkey,Turkish 8
132 Ukraine,Ukrainian 17
133 Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno 0
134 Waray 0
135 Welsh 1
136 Whites (all) 0
137 Xitsonga 67
138 Zamboangeńo 0
980 Other African language 5
981 Other,East European 0
982 Other,Middle East 0
983 Other,Mixed origin 145
984 Other,Western European 0
990 No languages at all 0
998 No answer 0
999 Don´t know 190
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28325 15845 1 983

Valid range from 1 to 990

v65 What language speak at home 2nd mention What languages do you speak most often at home? At home, I speak: [write down up to two choices]What languages do you speak most often at home? At home, I speak: [write down up to two choices]

2nd mention

Value 65176 Frequency
1 Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Sudan,Yoruba 4
2 Afrikaan 5
3 Aklanon,Romblon 0
4 Albanian 16
5 Alsacien, France 9
6 American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect 0
7 American,American only,America,(D:USA) 80
8 Antiqueńo 0
9 Arab,Arabic,Muslim 85
10 Armenian,Transcaucasian 5
11 Asian,Asia,other Asian 2
12 Australian,Oceanian,Australia 1
13 Austrian,Austria 0
14 Bangladeshi,Bengali,Bangladesh 0
15 Basque/Vasco 32
16 Belgian,Belgium 3
17 Belorussian,Bialorussian 0
18 Bicolano/Bikol 0
19 Bilaan 0
20 Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish 0
21 Bosnian, SLO:ethn.Muslim 0
22 Breton, France 9
23 Bul-anon 0
24 Bulgarian 3
25 Cajun French 1
26 Catalan,Valencian,Balear/Mallorquin 79
27 Coloured 0
28 Cook Island Maori 64
29 Corse, France 2
30 Creole,Surinam/Sranan,Metis,Chavacano 1
31 Jewish/Yiddish 26
32 Croatian 5
33 Czech-Czechia,Czech Republic 53
34 Chinese-Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin 25
35 Danish,Denmark 22
36 Danish+English 1
37 English + Persian 1
38 English + Tai 1
39 English,England&Wales,UK,England 223
40 Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic 0
41 Estonia 0
42 Ethiopia 0
43 European,White/European,Europe 1
44 Europeans Mediterranean 0
45 Finnish,Finland 0
46 French,France 148
47 Gallego 25
48 Georgian 0
49 German,Germany (CZ:Nemec) 141
50 German+Danish 1
51 Greek,Greece 4
52 Hebrew/Ivrit 196
53 Hungarian,Hungary (CZ:Magyar) 86
54 Ibanag 0
55 Ifugao 0
56 Igorot 0
57 Ilocano 0
58 Ilonggo 0
59 French+English 0
60 Indian,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil 9
61 Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian 0
62 Inuit, Eskimo 0
63 Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari 10
64 Iraq 0
65 Irish/Irish Gaelic,Ireland 136
66 Isindebele 0
67 Isixhosa 0
68 Isizulu 0
69 Italian,Italy 54
70 Itawis 0
71 Itneg 0
72 Japanese,Japan 3
73 Jordan 0
74 Kapampangan 0
75 Karay-a 0
76 Korean 1318
77 Kurdish,Assyrian,Lebanese 0
78 Latin-American, South America, Spanish Origin from western c 0
79 Latvian,Estonian,Lith.,Baltic 1
80 Lithuanian 0
81 Luxemborger, Luxemburg 1
82 Philippine other (Maguindanao, Kuyonin, Tangadanon, Zambaleń 0
83 Maori,NZ Maori 0
84 Maranaw/Maranao 0
85 Masbateńo 0
86 Metis 0
87 Montenegro 0
88 Moravian 0
89 Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish 8
90 Nordic,Scandinavian other 1
91 North Africans 0
92 Norwegian,Norway 1
93 Occitan, France 10
94 One non-Swedish,both non-Swedish 0
95 Oriental 0
96 Ozamisnon 0
97 Pacific,Polynesian,Chamorro Guam 0
98 Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto 14
99 Panggalatok Pangasinan,Pangasinense 1
100 Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino 2
101 Pidgin, PNG Pidgin 0
102 Polish,Pole,Poland 18
103 Portuguese, Portugal 10
104 Provençal, France 4
105 Romani,Gipsy ,Tzyganes 30
106 Romanian/Rumanian 13
107 Romblonon 0
108 Russian,Russia,USSR&Rep. 190
109 Samic,Lapp 0
110 Samoan,Tokelauan 7
111 Scotland,Scots Gaelic,Scottish 0
112 Sepedi 0
113 Serbia,Serbian,Serb, Yugoslavian 1
114 Sesotho 0
115 Setswana 0
116 Silesian 0
117 Siswati 0
118 Slovakia,Slovak 68
119 Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene 0
120 Somalia 0
121 Spanish,Castilian,Castellano 290
122 Subanen 0
123 Surigaonon 0
124 Swedish (both citizen) 2
125 Switzerland,Rheto-roman 11
126 Tatar 10
127 Thai,Khmer,Vietnamese,Cont.Southeast 2
128 Tongan,Niuean 0
130 Tshivenda/Lemba 0
131 Turkey,Turkish 6
132 Ukraine,Ukrainian 48
133 Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno 1
134 Waray 0
135 Welsh 0
136 Whites (all) 0
137 Xitsonga 0
138 Zamboangeńo 0
980 Other African language 0
981 Other,East European 0
982 Other,Middle East 0
983 Other,Mixed origin 145
984 Other,Western European 0
990 No languages at all 0
998 No answer 0
999 Don´t know 7014
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
3785 40385 1 983

Valid range from 1 to 990

v66 One nation - Separate nation

Which of these two statements comes closer to your own view?

Value 66175 Frequency
1 Remains one state 15868
2 Become separate 1912
0 Not available 24294
8 Cant choose 1739
9 NA 357
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17780 26390 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v67 How close do you feel to your ethnic group

How close do you feel to your ethnic group?

Value 67174 Frequency
1 Very close 7088
2 Close 8440
3 Not very close 2208
4 Not close at all 875
0 Not available 23808
8 Cant choose 1383
9 NA 368
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
18611 25559 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v68 R: More regional or national identity

Some people think of themselves first as [COUNTRY NATIONALITY]. Others may think of themselves first as [region] 1. Which if any, of the following best describes how you see yourself?

Value 68173 Frequency
1 Only regional 743
2 More regional 824
3 As regional as national 3163
4 More national 1677
5 Only national 3846
6 Other 168
7 None 175
0 Not available 33128
8 Cant choose 341
9 NA 105
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10596 33574 1 7

Valid range from 1 to 7

v69 Heard-read about [European Union]

How much have you heard or read about [the European Union]?

Value 69172 Frequency
1 A lot 3160
2 Quite a bit 7428
3 Not much 6040
4 Nothing at all 1637
0 Not available 25775
8 Cant choose 15
9 NA 115
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
18265 25905 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v70 Benefits from being member of [European Union]: EU MEMBERS

Generally speaking, would you say that [COUNTRY] benefits or does not benefit from being a member of [the European Union]? (Non-members “would benefit” or “would not benefit”)

Value 70171 Frequency
1 Greatly benefits 1352
2 Largely benefits 3364
3 Somewhat benefits 5678
4 Only a little 2675
5 Not at all benefit 1723
0 NAP, NAV, Have never heard of EU 26638
8 Dont know 2455
9 NA 285
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
14792 29378 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v70b Benefits from being member [European Union]: non EU MEMBERS

Generally speaking, would you say that [COUNTRY] would benefit or would not benefit from being a member of [the European Union]?

Value 71170 Frequency
1 Would benefit 1013
2 Would not benefit 707
0 NAP, NAV, Have not heard of EU 41703
8 Dont know 351
9 NA 396
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1720 42450 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v71 [Country] should follow [European Union] decisions, even if it does not agree with them.

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? (Please, tick one box)

Value 72169 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 709
2 Agree 3319
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3630
4 Disagree 4222
5 Disagree strongly 1405
0 Not available 29223
8 Cant choose 1497
9 NA 165
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
13285 30885 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v72 EU should have more power than national government

Generally, do you think that the European Union should have... Much more, more, as much, less, or much less power than the national governments of its member states?

Value 73168 Frequency
1 Much more 386
2 More 2243
3 As much 6427
4 Less 4400
5 Much less 1439
0 Not available; Not applicable 26562
8 Cant choose 2314
9 NA 399
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
14895 29275 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v73 Vote if referendum to become new member

[For prospective EU members only]. If there were a referendum1 today to decide whether [COUNTRY] does or does not become a member of the European Union, would you vote in favor or would you vote against?

Value 74167 Frequency
1 Vote in favour 4980
2 Vote against 1825
0 Not available; Not applicable 35822
8 Cant choose 1109
9 NA 434
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6805 37365 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v74 If there were a referendum today to decide whether[Country] does or does not become a member of the [European Union], would you vote in favor or would you vote against?

[For current EU members only]. If there were a referendum1 today to decide whether [COUNTRY] does or does not remain a member of the European Union, would you vote in favor or would you vote against?

Value 75166 Frequency
1 Vote in favour 4503
2 Vote against 1823
0 Not available 36545
8 Cant choose 1282
9 NA 17
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6326 37844 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

sex R: Sex

Sex of respondent

Value 76165 Frequency
1 Male 20098
2 Female 24037
0 NAP, NAV 0
9 Na, refused 35
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44135 35 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

age R: Age

Age of respondent

Value 77164 Frequency
16 16 years 86
96 GB,AUS:96 years or older 5
0 NAP, NAV 0
99 Na, refused 273
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43897 273 15 98

Valid range from 15 to 98

marital R: Marital status

Marital status of respondent (legal status)

Value 78163 Frequency
1 Marr,liv as mar 25160
2 Widowed 3663
3 Divorced 2775
4 Separated, but married 856
5 Single, never married 11393
6 N: Registered partnership between two people of the same sex 0
0 NAP, NAV 0
9 Na, refused 323
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43847 323 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 6

cohab R: Steady life-partner

(If 'not married and living together with spouse'). Do you have/live together with a partner?

Value 79162 Frequency
1 Yes 3167
2 No 14100
0 NAP,married,no partner,NAV 26327
9 Na,refused 576
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17267 26903 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

educyrs R: Education I: years of schooling

Education I - years (of full time) schooling including university but not vocational training.

Value 80161 Frequency
1 AUS: 0 or 1 yr 82
3 NZ:1-3 yrs 333
8 NZ:4-8 yrs 2944
9 N:7-9 yrs 2524
11 NZ:9-11 yrs 3736
13 NZ:12-13 yrs 2716
16 NZ:14-16 yrs 2616
18 NZ:17+ yrs 1313
94 GB: Other answer 1
95 Still at school,N:+uni 740
96 Still at college,uni 1149
97 No form school 512
0 NAV 3682
98 Dont know 137
99 Na, refused 1082
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39269 4901 1 97

Valid range from 1 to 97

degree R: Education II-highest education level

Education II - highest education level / degree.

Value 81160 Frequency
0 No formal qualification 2197
1 Lowest formal qualification 8707
2 Above lowest qualification 9242
3 Higher secondary completed 9808
4 Above higher secondary level 7034
5 University degree completed 6698
7 Other education (CH) 6
8 Dont know 29
9 Na, NAV, NAP 449
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
43692 478 0 7

Valid range from 0 to 7

at_degr Country specific education: Austria

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 82159 Frequency
1 Compulsory school without apprenticeship 202
2 Compulsory school with apprenticeship 358
3 Middle school vocational 148
4 Secondary general completed, Matura 88
5 Higher vocational, technical school 102
6 University 106
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 43164
99 NA 2
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1004 43166 1 6

Valid range from 1 to 6

au_degr Country specific education: Australia

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 83158 Frequency
1 Did not complete High School to Year 10 337
2 Completed High School to Year 10 342
3 Completed High School to Year 12 255
4 Trade qualification or apprenticeship 263
5 Certificate or Diploma (TAFE or business college) 465
6 Bachelor Degree (including Honors) 279
7 Postgraduate Degree or Postgraduate Diploma 194
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 41987
99 NA 48
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2135 42035 1 7

Valid range from 1 to 7

bg_degr COuntry specific education: Bulgaria

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 84157 Frequency
2 Primary 99
3 Lower secondary 265
4 Upper secondary 187
5 Secondary technical 300
6 College 50
7 Higher 130
8 University and higher 13
97 No formal schooling 20
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 43101
99 NA 5
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1064 43106 2 97

Valid range from 2 to 97

ca_degr Country specific education: Canada

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 85156 Frequency
2 Some grade school 25
3 Finshed grade school 52
4 Some high school 136
5 Finished high school 299
6 College/CEGEP/some university 357
7 Completed university 205
8 Graduate studies 110
97 None, still at school, university 7
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 42959
99 NA,refused 20
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1191 42979 2 97

Valid range from 2 to 97

ch_degr Country specific education: Switzerland

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 86155 Frequency
1 Incomplete compulsory education 7
2 Compulsory education 110
3 Elementary vocational training (enterprise + school) 36
4 Secondary education (maturity, teacher training college) 72
5 Graduation diploma school (vocational maturity) 19
6 1 year: trade school,adm educ,domestic science/ling course 33
7 Apprenticeship 361
8 2 to 3 years: general training school, administrative edu 23
9 2 to 3 years: full time vocational education 53
10 Higher vocational education, federal diploma 90
11 Tech or vocational college (2 yrs full time/3 yrs part time) 24
12 Advanced tech college (3 yrs full time/4 yrs part time) 72
13 University (3 years, short bachelor´s degree) 12
14 University, tech uni (4 yrs and more, bachelor´s degree) 71
15 University, tech higher spec uni (masters, post-grade) 46
97 Other education 6
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 43133
98 Don´t know 1
99 NA 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1035 43135 1 97

Valid range from 1 to 97

cz_degr Country specific education: Czech Republic

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 87154 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 6
2 Primary completed 158
3 Lower vocational 364
4 General sec.,no diploma 120
5 Vocational, upper diploma 65
6 Technical secondary 262
7 Academic secondary 116
8 Higher education 31
9 Tertiary,bachelor 28
10 Tertiary,master degree 95
11 Post-graduate education 11
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 42894
99 NA 20
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1256 42914 1 11

Valid range from 1 to 11

de_degr Country specific education: Germany

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 88153 Frequency
2 School left without qualification 31
3 Lower secondary (Hauptschule) 504
4 Middle school (Mittlere Reife) 415
5 Secondary technical (Fachhochschulreife) 49
6 Higher secondary (Abitur) 95
7 Special university qualification (Fachhochschulabschluss) 64
8 University 111
9 Other qualification 3
97 Still at school 13
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 42883
99 Na, refused 2
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1285 42885 2 97

Valid range from 2 to 97

dk_degr Country specific education: Denmark

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 89152 Frequency
1 7 years primary school or shorter 197
2 8 years primary school 64
3 9 years primary school or similar 138
4 10 years primary school or similar 308
5 Gymnasium, general 350
6 Gymnasium, technical & commercial 151
7 Other 85
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 42848
98 Dont know 0
99 No Answer 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1293 42877 1 7

Valid range from 1 to 7

es_degr Country specific education: Spain

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 90151 Frequency
1 Incpl primary 162
2 Primary compl 224
3 Incpl secondary 319
4 Vocational school 116
5 Secondary compl 88
6 COU - PREU 91
7 Incpl university 93
8 University compl 99
97 None 18
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 42958
99 NA 2
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1210 42960 1 97

Valid range from 1 to 97

fr_degr Country specific education: France

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 91150 Frequency
2 Primary incomplete 44
3 Primary completed 161
4 Gen. sec. lev 1 111
5 Vocat.sec. lev 1 300
6 Voc. sec. lev 2 68
7 Incpl gen.sec. lev 2 125
8 Gen.sec.lev 2 115
9 College 241
10 University 451
97 None 32
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 42501
99 NA 21
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1648 42522 2 97

Valid range from 2 to 97

gb_degr Country specific education: Britain

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 92149 Frequency
2 CSE or equilvalent 104
3 O-level or equivalent 163
4 A-level or equivalent 122
5 Higher below degree level 115
6 Degree, university o CNAA o diploma 129
7 Foreign or other 11
97 No sec. qualifications 228
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 43297
99 DK, NA 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
872 43298 2 97

Valid range from 2 to 97

hu_degr Country specific education: Hungary

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 93148 Frequency
2 Less than primary 99
3 8 years elementary 248
4 Vocational 252
5 Vocational+maturity 0
6 Sec. technical+matura 137
7 Gymnasium, matura 100
8 College 132
9 University 50
97 No formal schooling 0
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 43149
99 NA 3
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1018 43152 2 9

Valid range from 2 to 97

il_degr Country specific education: Israel

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 94147 Frequency
1 primary 62
2 Incpl vocational 44
3 Vocational compl 83
4 Vocational with matriculation 87
5 Incpl academic 57
6 academic compl 64
7 academic with matriculation 172
8 Yeshiva 11
9 Yeshiva with matriculation 3
10 post secondary 199
11 Incpl university 90
12 university compl (BA or more) 317
97 No formal education 20
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 42952
99 NA 9
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1209 42961 1 97

Valid range from 1 to 97

ie_degr Country specific education: Ireland

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 95146 Frequency
2 Incomplete primary 31
3 Primary complete 167
4 Incomplete first cycle secondary 63
5 Complete first cycle secondary 177
6 Secondary complete 301
7 Incomplete third level 53
8 Cert or Diploma 103
9 University first degree 98
10 University degree Masters or higher 65
97 None 7
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 43105
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1065 43105 2 97

Valid range from 2 to 97

jp_degr Country specific education: Japan

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 96145 Frequency
1 Secondary completed 248
2 High school completed 483
3 Junior college compl 135
4 Finished university 148
5 Still at High school 38
6 Still at Junior college 28
7 Others 1
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 43068
99 NA 21
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1081 43089 1 7

Valid range from 1 to 7

kr_degr Country specific education: South Korea

Education Country Specific - highest education level / degree.

Value 97144 Frequency
1 Elementary incompleted 22
2 Elementary completed 85
3 Middle school incompleted 16
4 Middle school completed 107
5 High school incompleted 33
6 High school completed 405
7 Junior college incompleted 42
8 Junior college completed 125
9 University incompleted 117
10 University completed 242
11 Graduate school incompleted 10
12 Graduate school completed 40
97 No formal schooling 56
0 NAP, NAV, Not asked 42855
98 Don´t Know 0
99 NA 15
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation