Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2007: Prosti čas in šport I

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • ISSP raziskovalna skupina
  • Timothy Phillips, Deborah Mitchell
  • Bruce Tranter
  • Juliet Clark, Ken Reed
  • Carolina Segovia
  • Ann Carton
  • Dinka Marinovic Jerolimov, Boris Jokic
  • Milan Tucek
  • Carlos Dore
  • Harri Melin
  • Raimo Blom
  • Yannick Lemel, Michel Forsé
  • Noah Lewin-Epstein
  • Hiroshi Aramaki, Miwako Hara, Kumiko Nishi
  • Aivars Tabuns, Ilze Koroleva
  • César Augusto Morones, Yasodhara Silva, Jorge Alberto Godinez, Felipe de Jesús Palacios
  • Philip Gendall
  • Knut Kalgraff Skjåk
  • Håkon Leiulfsrud
  • Nils Asle Bergsgard
  • Bogdan Cichomski
  • Linda Luz Guerrero, Mahar Mangahas, Gerardo Sanoval
  • Ludmilla Khakhulina
  • Niko Toš
  • Jare Struwig, Benjamin Roberts
  • Sang-Wook Kim
  • Jonas Edlund, Stefan Svallfors
  • Dominique Joye, Nicole Schoebi
  • Ly-yun Chang
  • Giorgina Piani, Máximo Rossi, Zuleika Ferre
  • Juan Jose Goyeneche, Guillermo Zoppolo
Data file producer:
ZA - Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, Nemčija (Köln, Nemčija; 2007)

Funding agency:

Vsaka raziskovalna organizacija krije svoje stroške raziskave. Skupnega financiranja ni.

Project number:

no information

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja v letnih anketah, ki pokrivajo pomembne teme za družboslovno znanstveno raziskovanje. Združuje že obstoječe družbeno-znanstvene projekte in usklajuje raziskovalne cilje ter tako dodaja posameznim nacionalnim raziskavam mednarodni in medkulturni vidik. Vsaka raziskava vsebuje vprašanja o odnosu posameznika do različnih družbenih tem kot so pravni sistem, spol in gospodarstvo. Poglobljeno obravnavane teme zajemajo okolje, vlogo vlade, družbeno neenakost, socialno podporo, vlogo družine in spola, delovno usmeritev, vpliv religije, vedenja in verovanj na družbene in politične preference, ter nacionalno identiteto. Sodelujoče države so različne od enega do drugega tematskega modula. Prva raziskava je bila izvedena v letih 1985/86 v šestih državah, danes pa ima ISSP 40 držav članic po vsem svetu.

Study Content


pogostost aktivnosti v prostem času, omogočanje prostočasnih aktivnosti, uživanje v prosto časnih aktivnostih, različnost aktivnosti v prostem času, počutje v prostem času, druženje v prostem času, želja porabljenega časa za določene stvari, število noči preživetih stran od doma, število dni preživetih stran od doma, najpogostejši šport/fizična aktivnost, najpogosteje igrana igra, razlogi za šport/igre, gledanje športa na televiziji, ponosnost na državne športnike, mnenja o športu, pogostost udeležbe v raznih združenjih, zaupanje ljudem, zanimanje za politiko, preprečevanje delovanja aktivnosti v prostem času, ocenjevanje lastnega veselja, zdravje, družbeni razred, politična pripadnost, politični podpornik, volilna udeležba

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - poraba časa
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - prosti čas, turizem in šport
Topic Classification CERIF


Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja. Skupina, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dodati medkulturno perspektivo. Prosti čas: aktivnosti in zadovoljstvo. Pomen časa in prostega časa v njuni medsebojni povezanosti z delom in drugimi področji življenja - šport/zabavne dejavnosti, sociološki vidiki športa, socialna in politična sodelovanja. Študija zajema teme: Pogostost prostočasne dejavnosti v anketirančevem prostem času; glavni namen aktivnosti v prostem času; motiviranje za prostočasne dejavnosti; občuteka dolgčasa, občutek hitenja; želje; preference za delitev časa z drugimi ljudmi ali pa biti sam; aktivnosti izven doma; dopust; telesne aktivnosti; udeležba na športnih ali zabavnih dogodkih; socialne in politične udeležbe; politični interes; ocena osebnega zdravja; gledanje športa na televiziji; odnos do športa (merila); zaupanje v ljudi; razlog za odmikanje od prostočasnih dejavnosti; zaznavanje sreče.


Collection date: Zbiranje podatkov v sodelujočih državah je potekalo od 1. oktobra 2006 - do 8. julija 2008., Zbiranje podatkov na terenu je potekalo: Australija: 11. julij 2007 - 21. november 2007;, Čile: 09. junij 2007 - 27. junij 2007;, Češka: 13. junij 2007 - 27. junij 2007;, Dominikanska Republika: 11. november 2007 - 30. november 2007;, Finska: 18. september 2007 - 11. december 2007;, Flamska (Belgija): 07. marec 2007 - 09. julij 2007;, Francija: september 2007 - december 2007 ;, Hrvaška: 01. oktober 2006 - 30. november 2006;, Izrael: 15. marec 2007 - 15. avgust 2007;, Japonska: 17. november 2007 - 25. november 2007;, Latvija: 29. maj 2007 - 19. junij 2007;, Mehika: 26. junij 2008 - 08. julij 2008;, Nova Zelandija: 15. oktober 2007 - 21. december 2007;, Norveška: 21. februar 2007 - 25. april 2007;, Filipini: 30. marec 2008 - 02. april 2008;;, Polska: 06. februar 2008 - 25. februar 2008;, Rusija: 01. september 2007 - 20. september 2007;, Slovenija: oktober 2006 - november 2006;, Južna Afrika: 15. oktober 2007 - 30. november 2007;, Južna Koreja: 24. junij 2007 - 31. avgust 2007;, Švedska: februar 2007 - 24. april 2007;, Švica: 08. februar 2007 - 14. avgust 2007;, Tajvan: 15. julij 2007 - 25. september 2007;, Urugvaj: 01. november 2007 - 28. februar 2008;.
Date of production: 2007
Country: Australija, Čile, Hrvaška, Češka, Dominikanska Republika, Finska, Flandrija (Belgija), Francija, Izrael, Japonska, Latvija, Mehika, Nova Zelandija, Norveška, Filipini, Polska, Rusija, Slovenija, Južna Afrika, Južna Koreja, Švedska, Švica, Tajvan, Urugvaj
Geographic coverage:

Teritorij naštetih držav

Unit of analysis:



V splošnem gre za prebivalce države stare 18 let in več (Finska 15 let in več, Južna Afrika 16 let in več, Japonska 16 let in več ter Rusija 16 let in več), kjer je bila izvedena anketa. Za več informacij glej povezavo:

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

AU - Deakin Computer Assisted Research Facility; FLA - Significant GfK, Heverlee; CL - ICCOM, Santiago; HR - Institute for Social Research Zagreb; CZ - GfK, Prague; DO - Asisa Research Group (ARG); FI - Statistics Finland, Helsinki; FR - FRANCE-ISSP Association Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Malakoff; IL - B.I. and Lucille Cohen Institute for Public Opinion Research; JP - Central Research Services, Tokyo; LV - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, Riga; MX - Instituto de Mercadotecnia y Opinión (IMO); NZ - Massey University, Department of Marketing; NO - TNS Gallup, Oslo; PH - Social Weather Stations, Quezon City; PL - Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS); RU - Levada-Center, Moscow; SI - Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre, Ljubljana; ZA - Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC); KR - Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul; SE - SIFO Research and Consulting, Stockholm; CH - MIS Trend, Institut pour l'étude des marchés et les sondages d'opinion, Lausanne; TW - Center of Survey Research, Academia Sinica; US - National Opinion Research Center (NORC); UY - Department of Economics - Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Uruguay, Montevideo; drugo - ni v poročilu.

Sampling procedure:

Vzorčenje se razlikuje glede na posamezne države: deloma enostaven, deloma večstopenjski stratificiran naključni vzorec. Podrobnosti na:

Mode of data collection:

Osebni intervju, poštna anketa in samo-anketiranje s standardiziranim vprašalnikom (odvisno od posamezne države).


Da (CH, CL, CZ, FI, BE (FLA), FR, PH, PL, RU, TW, UY, ZA). Za podrobnosti o uteževanju glej:

Access restrictions

Več o omejitvah dostopa in pogojih uporabe na naslovu:

Več o pravilnem navajanju podatkov na naslovu:

Več o uporabnikovi odgovornosti obveščanja arhiva o uporabi podatkov in objavi del na naslovu:

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: ISSP07 - ISSP: Leisure Time and Sports I [ZA4850] [datoteka podatkov], 2009

Format: OSTALO

  • number of variables: 246
  • number of units: 36680

Variable list

v1 Study Number

Value 13 Frequency
4850 ZA4850 36680
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36680 0

Valid range from 4850 to 4850

v2 Edition of the data file

Value 22 Frequency
1 1 36680
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36680 0

Valid range from 1 to 1

v3 Respondent ID Number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36680 0

Valid range from 1 to 981757

v1 Study Number

Value 1246 Frequency
4850 ZA4850 36680
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36680 0

Valid range from 4850 to 4850

v2 Edition of the data file

Value 2245 Frequency
1 1 36680
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36680 0

Valid range from 1 to 1

v3 Respondent ID Number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36680 0

Valid range from 1 to 981757

v4 Country/Sample (see V5 for codes for whole nation states)

Value 4243 Frequency
36 AU-Australia 2769
56 FLA-Flanders 1257
152 CL-Chile 1505
158 TW-Taiwan 2147
191 HR-Croatia 1200
203 CZ-Czech Republic 1222
214 DO-Dominican Republic 2164
246 FI-Finland 1354
250 FR-France 2061
376 IL-Israel 1345
392 JP-Japan 1253
410 KR-South Korea 1431
428 LV-Latvia 1069
484 MX-Mexico 1607
554 NZ-New Zealand 996
578 NO-Norway 1143
608 PH-Philippines 1200
616 PL-Poland 1293
643 RU-Russia 2005
705 SI-Slovenia 1003
710 ZA-South Africa 2907
752 SE-Sweden 1309
756 CH-Switzerland 1003
858 UY-Uruguay 1437
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36680 0

Valid range from 36 to 858

v5 Country (see V4 for codes for the sample)

Value 5242 Frequency
36 AU-Australia 2769
56 FLA-Flanders 1257
152 CL-Chile 1505
158 TW-Taiwan 2147
191 HR-Croatia 1200
203 CZ-Czech Republic 1222
214 DO-Dominican Republic 2164
246 FI-Finland 1354
250 FR-France 2061
376 IL-Israel 1345
392 JP-Japan 1253
410 KR-South Korea 1431
428 LV-Latvia 1069
484 MX-Mexico 1607
554 NZ-New Zealand 996
578 NO-Norway 1143
608 PH-Philippines 1200
616 PL-Poland 1293
643 RU-Russia 2005
705 SI-Slovenia 1003
710 ZA-South Africa 2907
752 SE-Sweden 1309
756 CH-Switzerland 1003
858 UY-Uruguay 1437
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36680 0

Valid range from 36 to 858

v6 Q1a Frequency of activities in free time: Watch TV

Value 6241 Frequency
1 Daily 25230
2 Several times a week 6835
3 Several times a month 2068
4 Several times a year or less often 1003
5 Never 1272
8 Can´t choose 10
9 NA 262
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36408 272

Valid range from 1 to 5

v7 Q1b Frequency of free time activities: Go to movies

Value 7240 Frequency
1 Daily 147
2 Several times a week 590
3 Several times a month 3359
4 Several times a year or less often 15243
5 Never 16650
8 Can´t choose 253
9 NA 438
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35989 691

Valid range from 1 to 5

v8 Q1c Frequency of free time activities: Go out shopping

Value 8239 Frequency
1 Daily 1293
2 Several times a week 5256
3 Several times a month 11636
4 Several times a year or less often 10329
5 Never 7607
8 Can´t choose 32
9 NA 527
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36121 559

Valid range from 1 to 5

v9 Q1d Frequency of free time activities: Read books

Value 9238 Frequency
1 Daily 5842
2 Several times a week 6022
3 Several times a month 6831
4 Several times a year or less often 8870
5 Never 8521
8 Can´t choose 125
9 NA 469
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36086 594

Valid range from 1 to 5

v10 Q1e Frequency of free time activities: Attend cultural events

Value 10237 Frequency
1 Daily 185
2 Several times a week 787
3 Several times a month 3768
4 Several times a year or less often 16738
5 Never 14420
8 Can´t choose 266
9 NA 516
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35898 782

Valid range from 1 to 5

v11 Q1f Frequency of free time activities: Get together with relatives

Value 11236 Frequency
1 Daily 2237
2 Several times a week 6532
3 Several times a month 13599
4 Several times a year or less often 12081
5 Never 1813
8 Can´t choose 38
9 NA 380
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36262 418

Valid range from 1 to 5

v12 Q1g Frequency of free time activities: Get together with friends

Value 12235 Frequency
1 Daily 4580
2 Several times a week 9505
3 Several times a month 12982
4 Several times a year or less often 6618
5 Never 2565
8 Can´t choose 24
9 NA 406
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36250 430

Valid range from 1 to 5

v13 Q1h Frequency of free time activities: Play cards

Value 13234 Frequency
1 Daily 816
2 Several times a week 2636
3 Several times a month 5027
4 Several times a year or less often 9214
5 Never 18091
8 Can´t choose 358
9 NA 538
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35784 896

Valid range from 1 to 5

v14 Q1i Frequency of free time activities: Listen to music

Value 14233 Frequency
1 Daily 18682
2 Several times a week 8402
3 Several times a month 4094
4 Several times a year or less often 2207
5 Never 2786
8 Can´t choose 49
9 NA 460
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36171 509

Valid range from 1 to 5

v15 Q1j Frequency of free time activities: Sports, Gym

Value 15232 Frequency
1 Daily 5480
2 Several times a week 9243
3 Several times a month 6672
4 Several times a year or less often 4382
5 Never 10453
8 Can´t choose 86
9 NA 364
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36230 450

Valid range from 1 to 5

v16 Q1k Frequency of free time activities: Attend sporting events

Value 16231 Frequency
1 Daily 519
2 Several times a week 1716
3 Several times a month 4424
4 Several times a year or less often 10228
5 Never 18994
8 Can´t choose 368
9 NA 431
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35881 799

Valid range from 1 to 5

v17 Q1l Frequency of free time activities: Do handicrafts

Value 17230 Frequency
1 Daily 1863
2 Several times a week 2956
3 Several times a month 4712
4 Several times a year or less often 7314
5 Never 18923
8 Can´t choose 482
9 NA 430
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35768 912

Valid range from 1 to 5

v18 Q1m Frequency of free time activities: Spend time on the Internet

Value 18229 Frequency
1 Daily 8151
2 Several times a week 5463
3 Several times a month 3480
4 Several times a year or less often 2078
5 Never 16848
8 Can´t choose 273
9 NA 387
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36020 660

Valid range from 1 to 5

v19 Q2a Free time activities enable you to be yourself

Value 19228 Frequency
1 Very much 8506
2 A lot 12456
3 Somewhat 9106
4 A little 2885
5 Not at all 1072
8 Can´t choose 2067
9 NA 588
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34025 2655

Valid range from 1 to 5

v20 Q2b Free time activities strengthen your relationships

Value 20227 Frequency
1 Very much 6048
2 A lot 12293
3 Somewhat 10585
4 A little 3974
5 Not at all 1469
8 Can´t choose 1744
9 NA 567
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34369 2311

Valid range from 1 to 5

v21 Q3a Enjoyment from free time activities: Reading books

Value 21226 Frequency
1 No enjoyment 2209
2 Not much enjoyment 3215
3 Some enjoyment 7694
4 A fair amount of enjoyment 8196
5 A great amount of enjoyment 8707
6 I never do that 6075
8 Can´t choose 161
9 NA 423
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36096 584

Valid range from 1 to 6

v22 Q3b Enjoyment from: Getting together with friends

Value 22225 Frequency
1 No enjoyment 598
2 Not much enjoyment 1488
3 Some enjoyment 6100
4 A fair amount of enjoyment 12220
5 A great amount of enjoyment 14082
6 I never do that 1747
8 Can´t choose 42
9 NA 403
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36235 445

Valid range from 1 to 6

v23 Q3c Enjoyment from: Taking part in physical activities

Value 23224 Frequency
1 No enjoyment 1849
2 Not much enjoyment 2590
3 Some enjoyment 6643
4 A fair amount of enjoyment 8933
5 A great amount of enjoyment 8478
6 I never do that 7579
8 Can´t choose 160
9 NA 448
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36072 608

Valid range from 1 to 6

v24 Q3d Enjoyment from: Watching TV, videos

Value 24223 Frequency
1 No enjoyment 849
2 Not much enjoyment 3196
3 Some enjoyment 11109
4 A fair amount of enjoyment 12113
5 A great amount of enjoyment 7990
6 I never do that 1070
8 Can´t choose 47
9 NA 306
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36327 353

Valid range from 1 to 6

v25 Q4a How often in free time: Establish useful contacts

Value 25222 Frequency
1 Very often 2795
2 Often 7170
3 Sometimes 12625
4 Seldom 8278
5 Never 4241
8 Can´t choose 1036
9 NA 535
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35109 1571

Valid range from 1 to 5

v26 Q4b How often in free time: Relax and recover

Value 26221 Frequency
1 Very often 5888
2 Often 14288
3 Sometimes 10951
4 Seldom 3673
5 Never 988
8 Can´t choose 498
9 NA 394
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35788 892

Valid range from 1 to 5

v27 Q4c How often in free time: Learn or develop skills

Value 27220 Frequency
1 Very often 3292
2 Often 8142
3 Sometimes 12075
4 Seldom 6871
5 Never 4705
8 Can´t choose 1066
9 NA 529
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35085 1595

Valid range from 1 to 5

v28 Q5aa How often in free time: Feel bored

Value 28219 Frequency
1 Very often 1481
2 Often 3039
3 Sometimes 9879
4 Seldom 10774
5 Never 10750
8 Dont know, Can´t choose, Can´t say, Doesn´t apply 280
9 NA 477
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35923 757

Valid range from 1 to 5

v29 Q5ab How often in free time: Feel rushed

Value 29218 Frequency
1 Very often 2889
2 Often 6782
3 Sometimes 11118
4 Seldom 8037
5 Never 6998
8 Dont know, Can´t choose, Can´t say, Doesn´t apply 299
9 NA 557
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35824 856

Valid range from 1 to 5

v30 Q5ac How often in free time: Thinking about work

Value 30217 Frequency
1 Very often 4030
2 Often 8367
3 Sometimes 9307
4 Seldom 5249
5 Never 5684
8 Dont know, Can´t choose, Can´t say, Doesn´t apply 3305
9 NA 738
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
32637 4043

Valid range from 1 to 5

v31 Q5b Preference in free time: With other people or by oneself

Value 31216 Frequency
1 Most of time with other people 9618
2 More with other people than alone 13852
3 More alone than with other people 8044
4 Most of time alone 3519
8 Can´t choose 1182
9 NA 465
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35033 1647

Valid range from 1 to 4

v32 Q6a Change in spending time: Time in a paid job

Value 32215 Frequency
1 Much more time 3793
2 A bit more time 4265
3 Same time as now 9985
4 A bit less time 5973
5 Much less time 2946
0 Doesn´t apply 6822
8 Can´t choose 1190
9 NA 1706
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26962 9718

Valid range from 1 to 5

v33 Q6b Change in spending time: Doing household work

Value 33214 Frequency
1 Much more time 2036
2 A bit more time 5972
3 Same time as now 15669
4 A bit less time 6415
5 Much less time 3912
0 Doesn´t apply 1150
8 Can´t choose 726
9 NA 800
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34004 2676

Valid range from 1 to 5

v34 Q6c Change in spending time: Time with your family

Value 34213 Frequency
1 Much more time 9066
2 A bit more time 12393
3 Same time as now 12381
4 A bit less time 903
5 Much less time 308
0 Doesn´t apply 582
8 Can´t choose 466
9 NA 581
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35051 1629

Valid range from 1 to 5

v35 Q6d Change in spending time: Time in leisure activities

Value 35212 Frequency
1 Much more time 6431
2 A bit more time 12949
3 Same time as now 12055
4 A bit less time 1817
5 Much less time 1025
0 Doesn´t apply 980
8 Can´t choose 811
9 NA 612
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34277 2403

Valid range from 1 to 5

v36 Q7a How many nights away from home for holidays

Value 36211 Frequency
0 I was not away 12480
1 1-5 nights 6933
2 6-10 nights 4487
3 11-20 nights 4536
4 21-30 nights 2970
5 More than 30 nights 4342
8 Can´t choose 728
9 NA 204
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35748 932

Valid range from 0 to 5

v37 Q7b How many days of leave from work

Value 37210 Frequency
0 None 9198
1 1-5 days 3489
2 6-10 days 2465
3 11-20 days 3122
4 21-30 days 2995
5 More than 30 days 2763
6 I do not work 11071
8 Can´t choose 1068
9 NA 509
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24032 12648

Valid range from 0 to 5

v38 Q8a Most frequent sport or physical activity

Value 38209 Frequency
100 Team sports 13
101 American football 8
102 Baseball, softball 125
103 Basketball 745
104 Cricket 73
105 Ice hockey 36
106 Field hockey 28
107 Football, soccer 1635
108 Handball 50
109 Netball 119
110 Polo, water polo 8
111 Rugby 81
112 Volleyball 440
199 Other team sports 133
200 Racket sports 1
201 Badminton 193
202 Squash 55
203 Table tennis 117
204 Tennis 318
299 Other racket or bat sports 16
300 Athletics and fitness sports 14
301 Athletics (e.g. running, long-/high-jumping), marathon 206
302 Body training (eg body-building, artist.gymnastics) 329
303 Fitness (aerobics, exercise machine-training, work-out) 2409
304 Jogging 1526
305 Walking, Nordic-w, trekking, climbing) 7649
399 Other fitness sports 245
400 Other sports 3
401 Adrenaline sports (e.g. bungee-jumping, paragliding) 14
402 Billiards, pool, snooker 86
403 Biathlon, triathlon 7
404 Bowling, curling, bocce 202
405 Boat sports (e.g. sailing, rowing, yachting) 66
406 Bullfight 0
407 Cockfighting 2
408 Cycling, mountain-biking 1502
409 Dancing (e.g. ballroom dancing, ballet) 299
410 Darts 19
411 Fencing 1
412 Fishing, hunting 250
413 Golf, minigolf 348
414 Horse riding, horse racing 108
415 Ice skating 12
416 Inline skating, skateboarding, roller skating 38
417 Martial arts (e.g. Boxing, wrestling, Judo) 213
418 Motor sports (motor racing, go carting) 68
419 Rodeo 2
420 Shooting (pistols, rifle, archery) 29
421 Swimming, diving, snorkeling 831
422 Surfing, water-skiing 32
423 Snow-sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross-country) 243
499 Other sports 383
996 I do not take part in any spor, none, no frequent sportt 14991
998 Don´t know, can´t choose 0
999 NA, no further answer 359
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21330 15350

Valid range from 100 to 499

v39 Q8b Type of games played most frequently

Value 39208 Frequency
1 Backgammon 333
2 Checkers (brit. draughts) 476
3 Chess 1099
4 Go 136
5 Other board games 2095
6 Card games 4675
7 Dominoes 1151
8 Mah-jongg 388
9 Jigsaw puzzles 670
10 Word or number games 3785
11 Video games, computer games 3187
12 Gambling games 2084
13 Country specific games 674
14 Other games 854
96 I do not play any game 14112
98 CL,IL,SI: Can´t choose 33
99 NA 928
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21607 15073

Valid range from 1 to 14

v40 Q9a Reasons for sport or games: Physical or mental health

Value 40207 Frequency
1 Very important 18461
2 Somewhat important 9669
3 Not very important 2030
4 Not important 1142
0 Doesn´t apply 3562
8 Can´t choose 839
9 NA 977
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31302 5378

Valid range from 1 to 4

v41 Q9b Reasons for sport or games: To meet other people

Value 41206 Frequency
1 Very important 8036
2 Somewhat important 12623
3 Not very important 6713
4 Not important 3421
0 Doesn´t apply 3645
8 Can´t choose 830
9 NA 1412
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30793 5887

Valid range from 1 to 4

v42 Q9c Reasons for sport or games: To compete against others

Value 42205 Frequency
1 Very important 3835
2 Somewhat important 5780
3 Not very important 8343
4 Not important 11457
0 Doesn´t apply 4402
8 Can´t choose 1135
9 NA 1728
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29415 7265

Valid range from 1 to 4

v43 Q9d Reasons for sport or games: To look good

Value 43204 Frequency
1 Very important 8177
2 Somewhat important 9395
3 Not very important 5772
4 Not important 6420
0 Doesn´t apply 4351
8 Can´t choose 1027
9 NA 1538
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29764 6916

Valid range from 1 to 4

v44 Q10a Most frequent sport watched on TV

Value 44203 Frequency
100 Team sports 9
101 American football 65
102 Baseball, softball 3033
103 Basketball 1486
104 Cricket 508
105 Ice hockey 968
106 Field hockey 10
107 Football, soccer 8874
108 Handball 228
109 Netball 97
110 Polo, water polo 4
111 Rugby 1704
112 Volleyball 467
199 Other team sports 854
200 Racket sports 0
201 Badminton 9
202 Squash 1
203 Table tennis 17
204 Tennis 1185
299 Other racket or bat sports 4
300 Athletics and fitness sports 236
301 Athletics (eg running, long-/high-jumping), marathon 422
302 Body training (eg body-building, artist.gymnastics) 160
303 Fitness (aerobics, exercise machine-training, work-out) 72
304 Jogging 11
305 Walking, Nordic-w, trekking, climbing) 14
399 Other fitness sports 15
400 Other sports 5
401 Adrenaline sports (e.g. bungee-jumping, paragliding) 23
402 Billiards, pool, snooker 115
403 Biathlon, triathlon 50
404 Bowling, curling, bocce 36
405 Boat sports (e.g. sailing, rowing, yachting) 15
406 Bullfight 1
407 Cockfighting 2
408 Cycling, mountain-biking 311
409 Dancing (e.g. ballroom dancing, ballet) 199
410 Darts 1
411 Fencing 3
412 Fishing, hunting 17
413 Golf, minigolf 233
414 Horse riding, horse racing 142
415 Ice skating 804
416 Inline skating, skateboarding, roller skating 33
417 Martial arts (e.g. Boxing, wrestling, Judo) 912
418 Motor sports (motor racing, go carting) 923
419 Rodeo 8
420 Shooting (pistols, rifle, archery) 2
421 Swimming, diving, snorkeling 139
422 Surfing, water-skiing 10
423 Snow-sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross-country) 1249
499 Other sports 279
996 I do not watch any sport 10266
998 Don´t know, Can´t choose 16
999 NA 433
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
25965 10715

Valid range from 100 to 499

v45 Q10b Second most frequent sport watched on TV

Value 45202 Frequency
100 Team sports 2
101 American football 73
102 Baseball, softball 1308
103 Basketball 2184
104 Cricket 867
105 Ice hockey 1037
106 Field hockey 17
107 Football, soccer 3074
108 Handball 449
109 Netball 225
110 Polo, water polo 14
111 Rugby 1183
112 Volleyball 733
199 Other team sports 470
200 Racket sports 0
201 Badminton 22
202 Squash 4
203 Table tennis 38
204 Tennis 1776
299 Other racket or bat sports 7
300 Athletics and fitness sports 189
301 Athletics (eg running, long-/high-jumping), marathon 729
302 Body training (eg body-building, artist.gymnastics) 207
303 Fitness (aerobics, exercise machine-training, work-out) 59
304 Jogging 20
305 Walking, Nordic-w, trekking, climbing) 12
399 Other fitness sports 20
400 Other sports 3
401 Adrenaline sports (e.g. bungee-jumping, paragliding) 24
402 Billiards, pool, snooker 262
403 Biathlon, triathlon 37
404 Bowling, curling, bocce 65
405 Boat sports (e.g. sailing, rowing, yachting) 30
406 Bullfight 5
407 Cockfighting 4
408 Cycling, mountain-biking 408
409 Dancing (e.g. ballroom dancing, ballet) 224
410 Darts 8
411 Fencing 5
412 Fishing, hunting 35
413 Golf, minigolf 345
414 Horse riding, horse racing 158
415 Ice skating 511
416 Inline skating, skateboarding, roller skating 43
417 Martial arts (e.g. Boxing, wrestling, Judo) 1241
418 Motor sports (motor racing, go carting) 941
419 Rodeo 4
420 Shooting (pistols, rifle, archery) 6
421 Swimming, diving, snorkeling 364
422 Surfing, water-skiing 11
423 Snow-sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross-country) 1336
499 Other sports 394
0 NAP, NAV 6488
998 CL,SI:Can´t choose 947
999 NA 8062
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21183 15497

Valid range from 100 to 499

v46 Q11 How proud about an international sport competition?

Value 46201 Frequency
1 I am very proud 19777
2 I am somewhat proud 11042
3 I am not very proud 2264
4 I am not proud at all 1416
8 Can´t choose 1756
9 NA 425
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34499 2181

Valid range from 1 to 4

v47 Q12a Opinion: Sport develops children´s character

Value 47200 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 16033
2 Agree 15296
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2853
4 Disagree 953
5 Disagree strongly 294
8 Can´t choose 826
9 NA 425
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35429 1251

Valid range from 1 to 5

v48 Q12b Opinion: Too much sport on TV

Value 48199 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 3456
2 Agree 7197
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10623
4 Disagree 9170
5 Disagree strongly 3460
8 Can´t choose 2110
9 NA 664
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
33906 2774

Valid range from 1 to 5

v49 Q12c Opinion: Sport brings different groups together

Value 49198 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8468
2 Agree 17465
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5697
4 Disagree 2176
5 Disagree strongly 560
8 Can´t choose 1773
9 NA 541
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34366 2314

Valid range from 1 to 5

v50 Q12d Opinion: Intern. sport competition create tension betw. countries

Value 50197 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 2418
2 Agree 6945
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7939
4 Disagree 11528
5 Disagree strongly 4801
8 Can´t choose 2455
9 NA 594
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
33631 3049

Valid range from 1 to 5

v51 Q12e Opinion: Government should spend more money on sports

Value 51196 Frequency
1 Agree strongly 8054
2 Agree 11114
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7919
4 Disagree 4720
5 Disagree strongly 2060
8 Can´t choose 2334
9 NA 479
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
33867 2813

Valid range from 1 to 5

v52 Q13a Participation: A sports association/group

Value 52195 Frequency
1 At least once a week 3317
2 At least once a month 2075
3 Several times 2605
4 Once or twice 2606
5 Never 24940
8 Don´t know 521
9 NA 616
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35543 1137

Valid range from 1 to 5

v53 Q13b Participation: A cultural association/group

Value 53194 Frequency
1 At least once a week 1078
2 At least once a month 1716
3 Several times 2932
4 Once or twice 3655
5 Never 25825
8 Can´t choose 716
9 NA 758
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35206 1474

Valid range from 1 to 5

v54 Q13c Participation: A church or religious organisation

Value 54193 Frequency
1 At least once a week 3338
2 At least once a month 2279
3 Several times 3527
4 Once or twice 3761
5 Never 22475
8 Can´t choose 663
9 NA 637
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35380 1300

Valid range from 1 to 5

v55 Q13d Participation: A community-service or civic association/group

Value 55192 Frequency
1 At least once a week 1223
2 At least once a month 1993
3 Several times 2897
4 Once or twice 3830
5 Never 25510
8 Can´t choose 597
9 NA 630
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35453 1227

Valid range from 1 to 5

v56 Q13e Participation: A political party or organisation

Value 56191 Frequency
1 At least once a week 321
2 At least once a month 704
3 Several times 1242
4 Once or twice 1670
5 Never 31117
8 Can´t choose 913
9 NA 713
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35054 1626

Valid range from 1 to 5

v57 Q14a Trust in people or careful in dealing with people

Value 57190 Frequency
1 People can almost always be trusted 2056
2 People can usually be trusted 13026
3 You usually can´t be too careful in dealing with people 14201
4 You almost always can´t be too careful in dealing with peopl 6328
8 Can´t choose 852
9 NA 217
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35611 1069

Valid range from 1 to 4

v58 Q14b Personal interest in politics

Value 58189 Frequency
1 Very interested 2944
2 Fairly interested 10095
3 Not very interested 12541
4 Not at all interested 9458
0 Not available: Slovenia 1003
8 Can´t choose 405
9 NA 234
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35038 1642

Valid range from 1 to 4

v59 Q15a Obstacle: Lack of facilities nearby

Value 59188 Frequency
1 Very much 4808
2 To a large extent 5526
3 To some extent 8553
4 Not at all 14919
8 Can´t choose 1842
9 NA 1032
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
33806 2874

Valid range from 1 to 4

v60 Q15b Obstacle: Lack of money

Value 60187 Frequency
1 Very much 6560
2 To a large extent 6795
3 To some extent 9689
4 Not at all 11595
8 Can´t choose 1168
9 NA 873
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34639 2041

Valid range from 1 to 4

v61 Q15c Obstacle: Personal health, age or disability

Value 61186 Frequency
1 Very much 3926
2 To a large extent 4463
3 To some extent 7434
4 Not at all 19210
8 Can´t choose 987
9 NA 660
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35033 1647

Valid range from 1 to 4

v62 Q15d Obstacle: Taking care of someone

Value 62185 Frequency
1 Very much 2978
2 To a large extent 4086
3 To some extent 6694
4 Not at all 20654
8 Can´t choose 1294
9 NA 974
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34412 2268

Valid range from 1 to 4

v63 Q15e Obstacle: Lack of time

Value 63184 Frequency
1 Very much 6119
2 To a large extent 7361
3 To some extent 10010
4 Not at all 11264
8 Can´t choose 1082
9 NA 844
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
34754 1926

Valid range from 1 to 4

v64 Q16 How happy or unhappy in general, these days

Value 64183 Frequency
1 Very happy 9398
2 Fairly happy 19946
3 Not very happy 5422
4 Not at all happy 937
8 Can´t choose 756
9 NA 221
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35703 977

Valid range from 1 to 4

v65 Q17 Status of health in general

Value 65182 Frequency
1 Excellent 4999
2 Very good 9346
3 Good 11465
4 Fair 8084
5 Poor 2478
8 Can´t choose 145
9 NA 163
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36372 308

Valid range from 1 to 5

v66 Q18a Yesterday was: Working-day or holiday

Value 66181 Frequency
1 A weekday or working-day 5482
2 A day off or a holiday 3812
0 Not availabe: AU, FLA, CL, TW, HR, CZ, DO, FR, IL, JP, LV, N 27084
9 NA 302
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9294 27386

Valid range from 1 to 2

v67 Q18b Time of getting up yesterday

Value 67180 Frequency
0 0:00 o´clock 27
5 1
13 1
30 4
100 13
104 1
130 2
200 7
210 1
215 1
230 4
300 58
305 1
315 2
330 22
340 1
350 1
400 224
403 1
405 1
410 1
415 8
420 2
425 1
430 118
435 1
440 6
445 16
447 1
450 13
455 1
459 1
500 658
501 2
505 5
510 11
515 22
520 20
523 1
525 3
530 352
534 1
535 1
540 27
545 64
550 22
555 2
600 1515
601 2
603 2
604 1
605 16
606 1
610 44
613 1
615 77
617 1
620 46
623 1
625 5
626 1
628 1
630 657
631 1
633 1
635 9
636 1
640 64
645 93
646 1
650 44
655 4
659 2
700 1591
701 4
703 1
705 13
708 1
709 1
710 54
714 1
715 71
720 59
725 5
730 483
732 1
735 5
739 1
740 25
745 37
746 1
750 23
755 3
800 1030
801 2
803 1
805 4
810 35
815 55
820 22
825 3
829 1
830 220
834 1
835 2
840 4
845 20
850 4
850 1
900 545
905 3
910 10
913 1
915 28
920 12
924 1
925 1
930 104
931 1
940 6
945 7
950 7
1000 255
1005 1
1010 3
1015 14
1020 10
1030 49
1034 1
1045 3
1055 1
1100 108
1105 1
1110 1
1115 2
1120 1
1130 22
1135 1
1140 2
1200 56
1203 1
1215 1
1230 11
1231 1
1237 1
1240 1
1245 1
1300 24
1310 1
1330 5
1345 1
1400 16
1410 1
1415 1
1420 1
1430 4
1440 1
1500 10
1505 1
1520 1
1530 1
1600 10
1630 1
1700 7
1730 3
1800 8
1830 6
1900 5
1910 1
1930 2
2030 1
2100 1
2130 1
2200 3
2230 1
2300 1
9990 NAV; Not asked 27084
9999 DK;NA 94
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9502 27178

Valid range from 0 to 2300

v68 Q18c Time go to sleep yesterday

Value 68179 Frequency
0 0:00 o´clock 1271
1 2
3 1
5 2
10 13
15 32
17 1
20 10
24 1
25 1
30 186
35 3
40 18
45 13
50 5
59 1
100 419
103 1
105 2
110 4
115 12
120 8
124 1
125 1
130 114
140 5
145 1
150 3
200 267
210 4
211 1
215 5
220 5
225 1
230 55
232 1
235 2
236 1
240 6
245 4
250 3
300 119
310 3
315 1
320 1
330 5
335 1
340 1
345 1
400 60
410 1
430 9
500 31
530 4
535 1
600 27
630 6
700 12
730 3
750 1
800 15
830 3
900 26
915 1
930 5
940 1
950 1
1000 61
1001 1
1015 2
1020 1
1030 22
1040 1
1045 3
1050 3
1100 109
1105 2
1110 1
1115 4
1120 4
1125 1
1130 21
1147 1
1200 63
1205 1
1215 1
1217 1
1220 1
1230 22
1235 1
1300 10
1310 1
1330 4
1400 7
1430 1
1500 5
1600 1
1620 1
1700 6
1740 1
1745 1
1800 25
1830 6
1845 1
1900 98
1905 1
1910 1
1915 1
1920 1
1930 16
1945 3
1950 1
2000 263
2010 2
2015 5
2020 4
2030 55
2035 1
2040 3
2045 9
2050 1
2100 579
2105 2
2110 9
2115 15
2120 5
2125 2
2130 248
2132 1
2135 3
2140 11
2145 18
2148 1
2150 11
2152 1
2155 1
2159 1
2200 1347
2202 2
2205 8
2210 25
2211 1
2215 53
2220 24
2225 1
2230 553
2235 9
2240 31
2245 54
2250 29
2255 5
2300 1873
2301 1
2305 6
2309 1
2310 45
2315 82
2320 33
2325 1
2328 1
2330 563
2331 1
2333 1
2335 7
2339 1
2340 33
2341 1
2345 50
2350 51
2355 5
2359 23:59 2
9990 NAV; Not asked 27084
9999 DK;NA 101
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9495 27185

Valid range from 0 to 2359

v69 Q19a Height of Respondent: cm

Value 69178 Frequency
105 1
110 1
120 5
122 5
124 6
125 3
126 1
127 10
130 19
132 6
133 1
134 1
135 30
136 1
137 13
138 2
140 29
142 33
143 9
144 3
145 81
146 7
147 25
148 40
149 23
150 371
151 31
152 352
153 133
154 164
155 516
156 295
157 546
158 539
159 171
160 1407
161 197
162 469
163 857
164 542
165 1374
166 198
167 410
168 1229
169 247
170 1365
171 173
172 512
173 571
174 339
175 811
176 423
177 152
178 481
179 118
180 669
181 99
182 219
183 237
184 98
185 185
186 85
187 72
188 79
189 20
190 57
191 33
192 26
193 23
194 11
195 12
196 17
197 6
198 7
200 4
203 2
204 2
0 Not available: AU, FLA, CL, TW, HR, CZ, JP, LV, NO, SI, ZA, 18784
998 Don´t know 29
999 NA 556
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17311 19369

Valid range from 105 to 204

v70 Q19b Weight of Respondent: kg

Value 70177 Frequency
32 5
33 1
35 4
36 6
37 3
38 6
39 8
40 35
41 28
42 29
43 48
44 33
45 173
46 55
47 103
48 178
49 111
50 495
51 141
52 335
53 246
54 319
55 534
56 289
57 357
58 403
59 396
60 933
61 272
62 372
63 384
64 446
65 688
66 293
67 300
68 571
69 219
70 949
71 183
72 405
73 366
74 291
75 683
76 235
77 217
78 382
79 145
80 808
81 112
82 311
83 194
84 191
85 397
86 172
87 109
88 127
89 124
90 403
91 78
92 93
93 79
94 84
95 188
96 65
97 46
98 68
99 14
100 166
101 10
102 44
103 25
104 20
105 62
106 13
107 11
108 25
109 9
110 60
111 4
112 13
113 6
114 13
115 27
116 8
117 4
118 4
119 2
120 26
121 2
122 3
123 2
124 4
125 10
126 2
127 5
128 1
130 14
132 5
136 1
138 2
140 6
143 2
148 1
153 1
165 3
170 2
171 1
180 2
185 1
188 1
190 2
198 1
200 1
0 Not available: AU, FLA, CL, TW, HR, CZ, JP, LV, NO, SI, ZA, 18784
998 Don´t know 177
999 NA 754
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
16965 19715

Valid range from 32 to 200

v71 Q20 Would you like to gain or lose weight?

Value 71176 Frequency
1 Gain weight 1296
2 Maintain your current weight 6476
3 Lose weight 7278
8 I don´t care about my weight 1398
0 NAV 20077
9 NA 155
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
16448 20232

Valid range from 1 to 8

v72 Q21a Pictures of the ideal shape of a man

Value 72175 Frequency
1 picture 1 (very corpulent) 390
2 picture 2 (corpulent) 5803
3 picture 3 (slender) 6840
4 picture 4 (very slender) 839
0 NAV 22434
9 NA 374
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
13872 22808

Valid range from 1 to 4

v73 Q21b Pictures of the ideal shape of a woman

Value 73174 Frequency
1 picture 1 (very corpulent) 520
2 picture 2 (corpulent) 5698
3 picture 3 (slender) 6863
4 picture 4 (very slender) 802
0 NAV 22434
9 NA 363
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
13883 22797

Valid range from 1 to 4

sex R: Sex

Value 74173 Frequency
1 Male 16521
2 Female 20123
9 NA, refused 36
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36644 36

Valid range from 1 to 2

age R: Age

Value 75172 Frequency
15 15 25
16 118
17 120
18 686
19 709
20 640
21 682
22 577
23 632
24 695
25 703
26 641
27 673
28 632
29 644
30 654
31 605
32 668
33 600
34 652
35 752
36 662
37 657
38 692
39 708
40 800
41 635
42 717
43 676
44 661
45 741
46 678
47 610
48 682
49 607
50 703
51 612
52 623
53 613
54 615
55 601
56 596
57 575
58 596
59 550
60 675
61 527
62 476
63 486
64 452
65 424
66 413
67 460
68 437
69 437
70 451
71 376
72 337
73 329
74 319
75 308
76 287
77 247
78 244
79 228
80 189
81 133
82 116
83 90
84 108
85 78
86 61
87 50
88 26
89 22
90 18
91 15
92 10
93 9
94 11
95 1
96 2
97 2
98 98 2
99 NA, refused 106
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36574 106

Valid range from 15 to 98

marital R: Marital status

Value 76171 Frequency
1 Married 19510
2 Widowed 3041
3 Divorced 2300
4 Separated (married but sep./not living w legal spouse) 819
5 Never married 9993
6 CH: Registered partnership 4
9 NA, refused 1013
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35667 1013

Valid range from 1 to 6

cohab R: Steady life-partner

Value 77170 Frequency
1 Yes 3742
2 No 12969
0 NAP (married and living w legal spouse, Code 1 in MARITAL) 18209
9 NA,refused 1760
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
16711 19969

Valid range from 1 to 2

educyrs R: Education I: years of schooling

Value 78169 Frequency
1 81
2 208
3 371
4 509
5 378
6 1591
7 768
8 2394
9 2202
10 2760
11 2740
12 6621
13 2175
14 2205
15 1799
16 2517
17 1277
18 1060
19 403
20 326
21 107
22 76
23 46
24 35
25 24
26 3
27 5
28 6
29 1
30 7
31 5
32 3
34 1
35 2
36 1
37 1
39 1
40 1
41 1
42 1
44 1
95 Still at school 576
96 Still at college,university 1578
97 No formal schooling 825
0 NAV 30
98 Dont know 202
99 NA, refused 756
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
35692 988

Valid range from 1 to 97

degree R: Education II-highest education level

Value 79168 Frequency
0 No formal qualification 1578
1 Lowest formal qualification 6750
2 Above lowest qualification 7417
3 Higher secondary completed 8443
4 Above higher secondary level 6385
5 University degree completed 5687
8 CH: Don´t know 7
9 NA, LV:NAV 413
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
36260 420

Valid range from 0 to 5

au_degr Country specific education: Australia

Value 80167 Frequency
1 Did not complete High School to Year 10 283
2 Completed High School to Year 10 398
3 Completed High School to Year 12 272
4 Trade qualification or apprenticeship 374
5 Certificate or Diploma (TAFE or business college) 702
6 Bachelor Degree (including Honors) 419
7 Postgraduate Degree or Postgraduate Diploma 253
0 NAP, other countries 33911
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 68
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2701 33979

Valid range from 1 to 7

ch_degr Country specific education: Switzerland

Value 81166 Frequency
1 Unfinished obligatory School 1
2 Primary School 60
3 Secondary School 80
4 Basic Vocational Education (1-2 years) 68
5 Apprenticeship. Voc. Colleges and Businesses 400
6 Specialised Middle Schools 46
7 Matura Schools 71
8 Vocational Training (second Training) 36
9 Professional Baccalaureate Schools/Adult Matura Schools 9
10 Higher Vocational Education and Training 64
11 Universities of Applied Sciences/Teacher Education 55
12 Universities. Federal Institutes of Technology 89
13 PhD Doctorate 17
95 other education 0
0 NAP, other countries 35677
97 Refused 0
98 DK 7
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
996 35684

Valid range from 1 to 95

cl_degr Country specific education: Chile

Value 82165 Frequency
1 None 16
2 Incomplete primary 277
3 Primary completed 196
4 Incomplete secondary 228
5 Secondary completed 411
6 University incomplete 72
7 University completed 101
8 Incompl non-university higher 62
9 Compl non-university higher 123
0 NAP, other countries 35175
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 19
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1486 35194

Valid range from 1 to 9

cz_degr Country specific education: Czech Republic

Value 83164 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 3
2 Primary completed 145
3 Lower vocational 398
4 General sec.,no diploma 105
5 Vocational, diploma 70
6 Technical secondary 270
7 Academic secondary 107
8 Post secondary 26
9 Tertiary,bachelor degree 21
10 Tertiary,master degree 58
11 Post-graduate education 8
0 NAP, other countries 35458
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 11
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1211 35469

Valid range from 1 to 11

do_degr Country specific education: Dominican Republic

Value 84163 Frequency
1 No Formal Schooling 109
2 Incomplete Primary School 523
3 Primary school completed 239
4 Incomplete High School 441
5 High School Completed 477
6 Technical training incomplete 26
7 Technical training completed 37
8 University Incomplete 144
9 University Completed 137
10 Master, Doctorate degree incomplete 17
11 Master, Doctorate degree completed 14
0 NAP, other countries 34516
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2164 34516

Valid range from 1 to 11

fi_degr Country specific education: Finland

Value 85162 Frequency
1 None, still at school 74
2 Primary school 143
3 Comprehensive, prim.+lower secondary 105
4 Post-comprehensive, vocational educ 294
5 Post-comprehensive, upper secondary 97
6 Post-comprehensive, voc college 317
7 Polytechnics 107
8 University,BA,lower academic 52
9 University,MA,higher academic 130
0 NAP, other countries 35326
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 35
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1319 35361

Valid range from 1 to 9

fla_degr Country specific education: Flanders

Value 86161 Frequency
1 None 26
2 Primary education 144
3 Lower general secondary 78
4 Lower technical secondary 106
5 Lower secondary vocational 85
6 Lower special secondary 4
7 Higher general secondary 147
8 Higher technical secondary 173
9 Higher vocational secondary 93
10 Higher special secondary 7
11 Non-university,higher,short 222
12 Non-university,higher,long 69
13 University 103
0 NAP, other countries 35423
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1257 35423

Valid range from 1 to 13

fr_degr Country specific education: France

Value 87160 Frequency
1 None 27
2 Primary incomplete 72
3 Primary completed 203
4 General secondary level 1 146
5 Vocat.sec. level 1 377
6 Voc. sec. level 2 102
7 Incompl gen.sec. level 2 131
8 General sec.level 2 187
9 College 291
10 University 510
0 NAP, other countries 34619
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 15
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2046 34634

Valid range from 1 to 10

hr_degr Country specific education: Croatia

Value 88159 Frequency
1 Did not complete elementary school 62
2 Elementary school, completed. 370
3 Three year vocational school completed 160
4 Four year vocational school completed 365
5 Gymnasium, completed (General secondary school). 79
6 Post secondary degree, completed; professional studies 62
7 University degree, completed; university studies 101
0 NAP, other countries 35480
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1199 35481

Valid range from 1 to 7

il_degr Country specific education: Israel

Value 89158 Frequency
1 No formal schooling 34
2 Lowest formal qualification 114
3 Incompl vocational 74
4 Vocational completed without matriculation 76
5 Vocational completed with matriculation 63
6 Incomplete academic secondary 81
7 Full general without matriculation 120
8 Academic secondary completed 208
9 Yeshiva without matriculation 17
10 Yeshiva with matriculation 8
11 Semi higher, post secondary 145
12 Incpl university 89
13 University compl, BA or more 296
0 NAP, other countries 35335
97 Refused 6
98 DK 1
99 NA 13
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1325 35355

Valid range from 1 to 13

jp_degr Country specific education: Japan

Value 90157 Frequency
1 Junior High school completed 234
2 High school completed 496
3 Junior college completed 208
4 Finished university 207
5 Still at High school 52
6 Still at Junior college 23
7 Others 13
0 NAP, other countries 35427
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 20
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1233 35447

Valid range from 1 to 7

kr_degr Country specific education: South Korea

Value 91156 Frequency
1 No formal schooling 76
2 Elementary incompleted 36
3 Elementary completed 124
4 Middle school incompleted 14
5 Middle school completed 89
6 High school incompleted 18
7 High school completed 390
8 Junior college incompleted 32
9 Junior college completed 143
10 University incompleted 131
11 University completed 309
12 Masters degree incompleted 8
13 Masters degree completed 52
14 Doctoral degree incompleted 1
15 Doctoral degree completed 6
0 NAP, other countries 35249
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 2
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1429 35251

Valid range from 1 to 15

lv_degr Country specific education: Latvia

Value 92155 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 16
2 Primary completed 119
3 Incompl sec, voc traing 58
4 Secondary completed 288
5 Voc with sec qualif 372
6 Incompl university 53
7 University completed 163
0 NAP, other countries 35611
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1069 35611

Valid range from 1 to 7

mx_degr Country specific education: Mexico

Value 93154 Frequency
1 None, still at school 148
2 Primary school completed 297
3 Technical traing without sec. qualif 19
4 Secondary school completed 321
5 Technical traing after sec. qualif 47
6 High school completed 342
7 Technical traing after high school qualif 81
8 University completed 229
9 Master, doctorate degree 16
0 NAP, other countries 35073
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 107
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1500 35180

Valid range from 1 to 9

no_degr Country specific education: Norway

Value 94153 Frequency
1 Primary completed 91
2 Secondary,vocational,incomplete 68
3 Secondary,academic, incomplete 106
4 Secondary,vocational, complete 144
5 Secondary,academic, complete 208
6 Univ, college < 1 yr 42
7 Univ, college 1-2 yrs 106
8 Univ, college 3-4 yrs 210
9 Univ, college >=5 yrs 159
0 NAP, other countries 35537
97 Refused 0
98 DK 0
99 NA 9
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1134 35546

Valid range from 1 to 9

nz_degr Country specific education: New Zealand

Value 95152 Frequency
1 No formal qualification 200
2 School qualification only 271
3 Trade or professional certificate 216
4 Diploma below Bachelor 109