Vsaka raziskovalna organizacija krije svoje stroške raziskave. Skupnega financiranja ni.
no information
Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja v letnih anketah, ki pokrivajo pomembne teme za družboslovno znanstveno raziskovanje. Združuje že obstoječe družbeno-znanstvene projekte in usklajuje raziskovalne cilje ter tako dodaja posameznim nacionalnim raziskavam mednarodni in medkulturni vidik. Vsaka raziskava vsebuje vprašanja o odnosu posameznika do različnih družbenih tem kot so pravni sistem, spol in gospodarstvo. Poglobljeno obravnavane teme zajemajo okolje, vlogo vlade, družbeno neenakost, socialno podporo, vlogo družine in spola, delovno usmeritev, vpliv religije, vedenja in verovanj na družbene in politične preference, ter nacionalno identiteto. Sodelujoče države so različne od enega do drugega tematskega modula. Prva raziskava je bila izvedena v letih 1985/86 v šestih državah, danes pa ima ISSP 40 držav članic po vsem svetu.
pogostost aktivnosti v prostem času, omogočanje prostočasnih aktivnosti, uživanje v prosto časnih aktivnostih, različnost aktivnosti v prostem času, počutje v prostem času, druženje v prostem času, želja porabljenega časa za določene stvari, število noči preživetih stran od doma, število dni preživetih stran od doma, najpogostejši šport/fizična aktivnost, najpogosteje igrana igra, razlogi za šport/igre, gledanje športa na televiziji, ponosnost na državne športnike, mnenja o športu, pogostost udeležbe v raznih združenjih, zaupanje ljudem, zanimanje za politiko, preprečevanje delovanja aktivnosti v prostem času, ocenjevanje lastnega veselja, zdravje, družbeni razred, politična pripadnost, politični podpornik, volilna udeležba
Keywords ELSST:
Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - poraba časa
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - prosti čas, turizem in šport
Topic Classification CERIF
Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja. Skupina, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dodati medkulturno perspektivo. Prosti čas: aktivnosti in zadovoljstvo. Pomen časa in prostega časa v njuni medsebojni povezanosti z delom in drugimi področji življenja - šport/zabavne dejavnosti, sociološki vidiki športa, socialna in politična sodelovanja. Študija zajema teme: Pogostost prostočasne dejavnosti v anketirančevem prostem času; glavni namen aktivnosti v prostem času; motiviranje za prostočasne dejavnosti; občuteka dolgčasa, občutek hitenja; želje; preference za delitev časa z drugimi ljudmi ali pa biti sam; aktivnosti izven doma; dopust; telesne aktivnosti; udeležba na športnih ali zabavnih dogodkih; socialne in politične udeležbe; politični interes; ocena osebnega zdravja; gledanje športa na televiziji; odnos do športa (merila); zaupanje v ljudi; razlog za odmikanje od prostočasnih dejavnosti; zaznavanje sreče.
Collection date: | Zbiranje podatkov v sodelujočih državah je potekalo od 1. oktobra 2006 - do 8. julija 2008., Zbiranje podatkov na terenu je potekalo: Australija: 11. julij 2007 - 21. november 2007;, Čile: 09. junij 2007 - 27. junij 2007;, Češka: 13. junij 2007 - 27. junij 2007;, Dominikanska Republika: 11. november 2007 - 30. november 2007;, Finska: 18. september 2007 - 11. december 2007;, Flamska (Belgija): 07. marec 2007 - 09. julij 2007;, Francija: september 2007 - december 2007 ;, Hrvaška: 01. oktober 2006 - 30. november 2006;, Izrael: 15. marec 2007 - 15. avgust 2007;, Japonska: 17. november 2007 - 25. november 2007;, Latvija: 29. maj 2007 - 19. junij 2007;, Mehika: 26. junij 2008 - 08. julij 2008;, Nova Zelandija: 15. oktober 2007 - 21. december 2007;, Norveška: 21. februar 2007 - 25. april 2007;, Filipini: 30. marec 2008 - 02. april 2008;;, Polska: 06. februar 2008 - 25. februar 2008;, Rusija: 01. september 2007 - 20. september 2007;, Slovenija: oktober 2006 - november 2006;, Južna Afrika: 15. oktober 2007 - 30. november 2007;, Južna Koreja: 24. junij 2007 - 31. avgust 2007;, Švedska: februar 2007 - 24. april 2007;, Švica: 08. februar 2007 - 14. avgust 2007;, Tajvan: 15. julij 2007 - 25. september 2007;, Urugvaj: 01. november 2007 - 28. februar 2008;. |
Date of production: | 2007 |
Country: | Australija, Čile, Hrvaška, Češka, Dominikanska Republika, Finska, Flandrija (Belgija), Francija, Izrael, Japonska, Latvija, Mehika, Nova Zelandija, Norveška, Filipini, Polska, Rusija, Slovenija, Južna Afrika, Južna Koreja, Švedska, Švica, Tajvan, Urugvaj |
Geographic coverage: |
Teritorij naštetih držav |
Unit of analysis: |
posameznik |
Universe: |
V splošnem gre za prebivalce države stare 18 let in več (Finska 15 let in več, Južna Afrika 16 let in več, Japonska 16 let in več ter Rusija 16 let in več), kjer je bila izvedena anketa. Za več informacij glej povezavo: http://info1.za.gesis.org/dbksearch13/download.asp?id=14950 |
Excluded: | no information |
Data collected by: |
AU - Deakin Computer Assisted Research Facility; FLA - Significant GfK, Heverlee; CL - ICCOM, Santiago; HR - Institute for Social Research Zagreb; CZ - GfK, Prague; DO - Asisa Research Group (ARG); FI - Statistics Finland, Helsinki; FR - FRANCE-ISSP Association Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Malakoff; IL - B.I. and Lucille Cohen Institute for Public Opinion Research; JP - Central Research Services, Tokyo; LV - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, Riga; MX - Instituto de Mercadotecnia y Opinión (IMO); NZ - Massey University, Department of Marketing; NO - TNS Gallup, Oslo; PH - Social Weather Stations, Quezon City; PL - Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS); RU - Levada-Center, Moscow; SI - Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre, Ljubljana; ZA - Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC); KR - Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul; SE - SIFO Research and Consulting, Stockholm; CH - MIS Trend, Institut pour l'étude des marchés et les sondages d'opinion, Lausanne; TW - Center of Survey Research, Academia Sinica; US - National Opinion Research Center (NORC); UY - Department of Economics - Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Uruguay, Montevideo; drugo - ni v poročilu. |
Sampling procedure: |
Vzorčenje se razlikuje glede na posamezne države: deloma enostaven, deloma večstopenjski stratificiran naključni vzorec. Podrobnosti na: http://info1.za.gesis.org/dbksearch13/download.asp?id=14950 |
Mode of data collection: |
Osebni intervju, poštna anketa in samo-anketiranje s standardiziranim vprašalnikom (odvisno od posamezne države). |
Weighting: |
Da (CH, CL, CZ, FI, BE (FLA), FR, PH, PL, RU, TW, UY, ZA). Za podrobnosti o uteževanju glej: http://info1.za.gesis.org/dbksearch13/download.asp?id=14950 |
Več o omejitvah dostopa in pogojih uporabe na naslovu: http://www.gesis.org/en/services/data/retrieval-data-access/data-archive-service/usage-regulations/.
Več o pravilnem navajanju podatkov na naslovu: http://www.gesis.org/en/services/data/retrieval-data-access/data-archive-service/usage-regulations/.
Več o uporabnikovi odgovornosti obveščanja arhiva o uporabi podatkov in objavi del na naslovu: http://www.gesis.org/en/services/data/retrieval-data-access/data-archive-service/usage-regulations/.
Title of Data file: ISSP07 - ISSP: Leisure Time and Sports I [ZA4850] [datoteka podatkov], 2009
Format: OSTALO
v1 Study Number
Value 13 | Frequency | |
4850 | ZA4850 | 36680 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36680 | 0 |
Valid range from 4850 to 4850
v2 Edition of the data file
Value 22 | Frequency | |
1 | 1 | 36680 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36680 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 1
v3 Respondent ID Number
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36680 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 981757
v1 Study Number
Value 1246 | Frequency | |
4850 | ZA4850 | 36680 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36680 | 0 |
Valid range from 4850 to 4850
v2 Edition of the data file
Value 2245 | Frequency | |
1 | 1 | 36680 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36680 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 1
v3 Respondent ID Number
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36680 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 981757
v4 Country/Sample (see V5 for codes for whole nation states)
Value 4243 | Frequency | |
36 | AU-Australia | 2769 |
56 | FLA-Flanders | 1257 |
152 | CL-Chile | 1505 |
158 | TW-Taiwan | 2147 |
191 | HR-Croatia | 1200 |
203 | CZ-Czech Republic | 1222 |
214 | DO-Dominican Republic | 2164 |
246 | FI-Finland | 1354 |
250 | FR-France | 2061 |
376 | IL-Israel | 1345 |
392 | JP-Japan | 1253 |
410 | KR-South Korea | 1431 |
428 | LV-Latvia | 1069 |
484 | MX-Mexico | 1607 |
554 | NZ-New Zealand | 996 |
578 | NO-Norway | 1143 |
608 | PH-Philippines | 1200 |
616 | PL-Poland | 1293 |
643 | RU-Russia | 2005 |
705 | SI-Slovenia | 1003 |
710 | ZA-South Africa | 2907 |
752 | SE-Sweden | 1309 |
756 | CH-Switzerland | 1003 |
858 | UY-Uruguay | 1437 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36680 | 0 |
Valid range from 36 to 858
v5 Country (see V4 for codes for the sample)
Value 5242 | Frequency | |
36 | AU-Australia | 2769 |
56 | FLA-Flanders | 1257 |
152 | CL-Chile | 1505 |
158 | TW-Taiwan | 2147 |
191 | HR-Croatia | 1200 |
203 | CZ-Czech Republic | 1222 |
214 | DO-Dominican Republic | 2164 |
246 | FI-Finland | 1354 |
250 | FR-France | 2061 |
376 | IL-Israel | 1345 |
392 | JP-Japan | 1253 |
410 | KR-South Korea | 1431 |
428 | LV-Latvia | 1069 |
484 | MX-Mexico | 1607 |
554 | NZ-New Zealand | 996 |
578 | NO-Norway | 1143 |
608 | PH-Philippines | 1200 |
616 | PL-Poland | 1293 |
643 | RU-Russia | 2005 |
705 | SI-Slovenia | 1003 |
710 | ZA-South Africa | 2907 |
752 | SE-Sweden | 1309 |
756 | CH-Switzerland | 1003 |
858 | UY-Uruguay | 1437 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36680 | 0 |
Valid range from 36 to 858
v6 Q1a Frequency of activities in free time: Watch TV
Value 6241 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 25230 |
2 | Several times a week | 6835 |
3 | Several times a month | 2068 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 1003 |
5 | Never | 1272 |
8 | Can´t choose | 10 |
9 | NA | 262 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36408 | 272 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v7 Q1b Frequency of free time activities: Go to movies
Value 7240 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 147 |
2 | Several times a week | 590 |
3 | Several times a month | 3359 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 15243 |
5 | Never | 16650 |
8 | Can´t choose | 253 |
9 | NA | 438 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35989 | 691 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v8 Q1c Frequency of free time activities: Go out shopping
Value 8239 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 1293 |
2 | Several times a week | 5256 |
3 | Several times a month | 11636 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 10329 |
5 | Never | 7607 |
8 | Can´t choose | 32 |
9 | NA | 527 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36121 | 559 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v9 Q1d Frequency of free time activities: Read books
Value 9238 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 5842 |
2 | Several times a week | 6022 |
3 | Several times a month | 6831 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 8870 |
5 | Never | 8521 |
8 | Can´t choose | 125 |
9 | NA | 469 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36086 | 594 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v10 Q1e Frequency of free time activities: Attend cultural events
Value 10237 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 185 |
2 | Several times a week | 787 |
3 | Several times a month | 3768 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 16738 |
5 | Never | 14420 |
8 | Can´t choose | 266 |
9 | NA | 516 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35898 | 782 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v11 Q1f Frequency of free time activities: Get together with relatives
Value 11236 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 2237 |
2 | Several times a week | 6532 |
3 | Several times a month | 13599 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 12081 |
5 | Never | 1813 |
8 | Can´t choose | 38 |
9 | NA | 380 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36262 | 418 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v12 Q1g Frequency of free time activities: Get together with friends
Value 12235 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 4580 |
2 | Several times a week | 9505 |
3 | Several times a month | 12982 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 6618 |
5 | Never | 2565 |
8 | Can´t choose | 24 |
9 | NA | 406 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36250 | 430 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v13 Q1h Frequency of free time activities: Play cards
Value 13234 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 816 |
2 | Several times a week | 2636 |
3 | Several times a month | 5027 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 9214 |
5 | Never | 18091 |
8 | Can´t choose | 358 |
9 | NA | 538 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35784 | 896 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v14 Q1i Frequency of free time activities: Listen to music
Value 14233 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 18682 |
2 | Several times a week | 8402 |
3 | Several times a month | 4094 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 2207 |
5 | Never | 2786 |
8 | Can´t choose | 49 |
9 | NA | 460 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36171 | 509 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v15 Q1j Frequency of free time activities: Sports, Gym
Value 15232 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 5480 |
2 | Several times a week | 9243 |
3 | Several times a month | 6672 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 4382 |
5 | Never | 10453 |
8 | Can´t choose | 86 |
9 | NA | 364 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36230 | 450 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v16 Q1k Frequency of free time activities: Attend sporting events
Value 16231 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 519 |
2 | Several times a week | 1716 |
3 | Several times a month | 4424 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 10228 |
5 | Never | 18994 |
8 | Can´t choose | 368 |
9 | NA | 431 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35881 | 799 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v17 Q1l Frequency of free time activities: Do handicrafts
Value 17230 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 1863 |
2 | Several times a week | 2956 |
3 | Several times a month | 4712 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 7314 |
5 | Never | 18923 |
8 | Can´t choose | 482 |
9 | NA | 430 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35768 | 912 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v18 Q1m Frequency of free time activities: Spend time on the Internet
Value 18229 | Frequency | |
1 | Daily | 8151 |
2 | Several times a week | 5463 |
3 | Several times a month | 3480 |
4 | Several times a year or less often | 2078 |
5 | Never | 16848 |
8 | Can´t choose | 273 |
9 | NA | 387 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36020 | 660 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v19 Q2a Free time activities enable you to be yourself
Value 19228 | Frequency | |
1 | Very much | 8506 |
2 | A lot | 12456 |
3 | Somewhat | 9106 |
4 | A little | 2885 |
5 | Not at all | 1072 |
8 | Can´t choose | 2067 |
9 | NA | 588 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34025 | 2655 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v20 Q2b Free time activities strengthen your relationships
Value 20227 | Frequency | |
1 | Very much | 6048 |
2 | A lot | 12293 |
3 | Somewhat | 10585 |
4 | A little | 3974 |
5 | Not at all | 1469 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1744 |
9 | NA | 567 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34369 | 2311 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v21 Q3a Enjoyment from free time activities: Reading books
Value 21226 | Frequency | |
1 | No enjoyment | 2209 |
2 | Not much enjoyment | 3215 |
3 | Some enjoyment | 7694 |
4 | A fair amount of enjoyment | 8196 |
5 | A great amount of enjoyment | 8707 |
6 | I never do that | 6075 |
8 | Can´t choose | 161 |
9 | NA | 423 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36096 | 584 |
Valid range from 1 to 6
v22 Q3b Enjoyment from: Getting together with friends
Value 22225 | Frequency | |
1 | No enjoyment | 598 |
2 | Not much enjoyment | 1488 |
3 | Some enjoyment | 6100 |
4 | A fair amount of enjoyment | 12220 |
5 | A great amount of enjoyment | 14082 |
6 | I never do that | 1747 |
8 | Can´t choose | 42 |
9 | NA | 403 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36235 | 445 |
Valid range from 1 to 6
v23 Q3c Enjoyment from: Taking part in physical activities
Value 23224 | Frequency | |
1 | No enjoyment | 1849 |
2 | Not much enjoyment | 2590 |
3 | Some enjoyment | 6643 |
4 | A fair amount of enjoyment | 8933 |
5 | A great amount of enjoyment | 8478 |
6 | I never do that | 7579 |
8 | Can´t choose | 160 |
9 | NA | 448 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36072 | 608 |
Valid range from 1 to 6
v24 Q3d Enjoyment from: Watching TV, videos
Value 24223 | Frequency | |
1 | No enjoyment | 849 |
2 | Not much enjoyment | 3196 |
3 | Some enjoyment | 11109 |
4 | A fair amount of enjoyment | 12113 |
5 | A great amount of enjoyment | 7990 |
6 | I never do that | 1070 |
8 | Can´t choose | 47 |
9 | NA | 306 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36327 | 353 |
Valid range from 1 to 6
v25 Q4a How often in free time: Establish useful contacts
Value 25222 | Frequency | |
1 | Very often | 2795 |
2 | Often | 7170 |
3 | Sometimes | 12625 |
4 | Seldom | 8278 |
5 | Never | 4241 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1036 |
9 | NA | 535 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35109 | 1571 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v26 Q4b How often in free time: Relax and recover
Value 26221 | Frequency | |
1 | Very often | 5888 |
2 | Often | 14288 |
3 | Sometimes | 10951 |
4 | Seldom | 3673 |
5 | Never | 988 |
8 | Can´t choose | 498 |
9 | NA | 394 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35788 | 892 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v27 Q4c How often in free time: Learn or develop skills
Value 27220 | Frequency | |
1 | Very often | 3292 |
2 | Often | 8142 |
3 | Sometimes | 12075 |
4 | Seldom | 6871 |
5 | Never | 4705 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1066 |
9 | NA | 529 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35085 | 1595 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v28 Q5aa How often in free time: Feel bored
Value 28219 | Frequency | |
1 | Very often | 1481 |
2 | Often | 3039 |
3 | Sometimes | 9879 |
4 | Seldom | 10774 |
5 | Never | 10750 |
8 | Dont know, Can´t choose, Can´t say, Doesn´t apply | 280 |
9 | NA | 477 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35923 | 757 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v29 Q5ab How often in free time: Feel rushed
Value 29218 | Frequency | |
1 | Very often | 2889 |
2 | Often | 6782 |
3 | Sometimes | 11118 |
4 | Seldom | 8037 |
5 | Never | 6998 |
8 | Dont know, Can´t choose, Can´t say, Doesn´t apply | 299 |
9 | NA | 557 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35824 | 856 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v30 Q5ac How often in free time: Thinking about work
Value 30217 | Frequency | |
1 | Very often | 4030 |
2 | Often | 8367 |
3 | Sometimes | 9307 |
4 | Seldom | 5249 |
5 | Never | 5684 |
8 | Dont know, Can´t choose, Can´t say, Doesn´t apply | 3305 |
9 | NA | 738 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
32637 | 4043 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v31 Q5b Preference in free time: With other people or by oneself
Value 31216 | Frequency | |
1 | Most of time with other people | 9618 |
2 | More with other people than alone | 13852 |
3 | More alone than with other people | 8044 |
4 | Most of time alone | 3519 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1182 |
9 | NA | 465 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35033 | 1647 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v32 Q6a Change in spending time: Time in a paid job
Value 32215 | Frequency | |
1 | Much more time | 3793 |
2 | A bit more time | 4265 |
3 | Same time as now | 9985 |
4 | A bit less time | 5973 |
5 | Much less time | 2946 |
0 | Doesn´t apply | 6822 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1190 |
9 | NA | 1706 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26962 | 9718 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v33 Q6b Change in spending time: Doing household work
Value 33214 | Frequency | |
1 | Much more time | 2036 |
2 | A bit more time | 5972 |
3 | Same time as now | 15669 |
4 | A bit less time | 6415 |
5 | Much less time | 3912 |
0 | Doesn´t apply | 1150 |
8 | Can´t choose | 726 |
9 | NA | 800 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34004 | 2676 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v34 Q6c Change in spending time: Time with your family
Value 34213 | Frequency | |
1 | Much more time | 9066 |
2 | A bit more time | 12393 |
3 | Same time as now | 12381 |
4 | A bit less time | 903 |
5 | Much less time | 308 |
0 | Doesn´t apply | 582 |
8 | Can´t choose | 466 |
9 | NA | 581 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35051 | 1629 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v35 Q6d Change in spending time: Time in leisure activities
Value 35212 | Frequency | |
1 | Much more time | 6431 |
2 | A bit more time | 12949 |
3 | Same time as now | 12055 |
4 | A bit less time | 1817 |
5 | Much less time | 1025 |
0 | Doesn´t apply | 980 |
8 | Can´t choose | 811 |
9 | NA | 612 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34277 | 2403 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v36 Q7a How many nights away from home for holidays
Value 36211 | Frequency | |
0 | I was not away | 12480 |
1 | 1-5 nights | 6933 |
2 | 6-10 nights | 4487 |
3 | 11-20 nights | 4536 |
4 | 21-30 nights | 2970 |
5 | More than 30 nights | 4342 |
8 | Can´t choose | 728 |
9 | NA | 204 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35748 | 932 |
Valid range from 0 to 5
v37 Q7b How many days of leave from work
Value 37210 | Frequency | |
0 | None | 9198 |
1 | 1-5 days | 3489 |
2 | 6-10 days | 2465 |
3 | 11-20 days | 3122 |
4 | 21-30 days | 2995 |
5 | More than 30 days | 2763 |
6 | I do not work | 11071 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1068 |
9 | NA | 509 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24032 | 12648 |
Valid range from 0 to 5
v38 Q8a Most frequent sport or physical activity
Value 38209 | Frequency | |
100 | Team sports | 13 |
101 | American football | 8 |
102 | Baseball, softball | 125 |
103 | Basketball | 745 |
104 | Cricket | 73 |
105 | Ice hockey | 36 |
106 | Field hockey | 28 |
107 | Football, soccer | 1635 |
108 | Handball | 50 |
109 | Netball | 119 |
110 | Polo, water polo | 8 |
111 | Rugby | 81 |
112 | Volleyball | 440 |
199 | Other team sports | 133 |
200 | Racket sports | 1 |
201 | Badminton | 193 |
202 | Squash | 55 |
203 | Table tennis | 117 |
204 | Tennis | 318 |
299 | Other racket or bat sports | 16 |
300 | Athletics and fitness sports | 14 |
301 | Athletics (e.g. running, long-/high-jumping), marathon | 206 |
302 | Body training (eg body-building, artist.gymnastics) | 329 |
303 | Fitness (aerobics, exercise machine-training, work-out) | 2409 |
304 | Jogging | 1526 |
305 | Walking, Nordic-w, trekking, climbing) | 7649 |
399 | Other fitness sports | 245 |
400 | Other sports | 3 |
401 | Adrenaline sports (e.g. bungee-jumping, paragliding) | 14 |
402 | Billiards, pool, snooker | 86 |
403 | Biathlon, triathlon | 7 |
404 | Bowling, curling, bocce | 202 |
405 | Boat sports (e.g. sailing, rowing, yachting) | 66 |
406 | Bullfight | 0 |
407 | Cockfighting | 2 |
408 | Cycling, mountain-biking | 1502 |
409 | Dancing (e.g. ballroom dancing, ballet) | 299 |
410 | Darts | 19 |
411 | Fencing | 1 |
412 | Fishing, hunting | 250 |
413 | Golf, minigolf | 348 |
414 | Horse riding, horse racing | 108 |
415 | Ice skating | 12 |
416 | Inline skating, skateboarding, roller skating | 38 |
417 | Martial arts (e.g. Boxing, wrestling, Judo) | 213 |
418 | Motor sports (motor racing, go carting) | 68 |
419 | Rodeo | 2 |
420 | Shooting (pistols, rifle, archery) | 29 |
421 | Swimming, diving, snorkeling | 831 |
422 | Surfing, water-skiing | 32 |
423 | Snow-sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross-country) | 243 |
499 | Other sports | 383 |
996 | I do not take part in any spor, none, no frequent sportt | 14991 |
998 | Don´t know, can´t choose | 0 |
999 | NA, no further answer | 359 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
21330 | 15350 |
Valid range from 100 to 499
v39 Q8b Type of games played most frequently
Value 39208 | Frequency | |
1 | Backgammon | 333 |
2 | Checkers (brit. draughts) | 476 |
3 | Chess | 1099 |
4 | Go | 136 |
5 | Other board games | 2095 |
6 | Card games | 4675 |
7 | Dominoes | 1151 |
8 | Mah-jongg | 388 |
9 | Jigsaw puzzles | 670 |
10 | Word or number games | 3785 |
11 | Video games, computer games | 3187 |
12 | Gambling games | 2084 |
13 | Country specific games | 674 |
14 | Other games | 854 |
96 | I do not play any game | 14112 |
98 | CL,IL,SI: Can´t choose | 33 |
99 | NA | 928 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
21607 | 15073 |
Valid range from 1 to 14
v40 Q9a Reasons for sport or games: Physical or mental health
Value 40207 | Frequency | |
1 | Very important | 18461 |
2 | Somewhat important | 9669 |
3 | Not very important | 2030 |
4 | Not important | 1142 |
0 | Doesn´t apply | 3562 |
8 | Can´t choose | 839 |
9 | NA | 977 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
31302 | 5378 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v41 Q9b Reasons for sport or games: To meet other people
Value 41206 | Frequency | |
1 | Very important | 8036 |
2 | Somewhat important | 12623 |
3 | Not very important | 6713 |
4 | Not important | 3421 |
0 | Doesn´t apply | 3645 |
8 | Can´t choose | 830 |
9 | NA | 1412 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30793 | 5887 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v42 Q9c Reasons for sport or games: To compete against others
Value 42205 | Frequency | |
1 | Very important | 3835 |
2 | Somewhat important | 5780 |
3 | Not very important | 8343 |
4 | Not important | 11457 |
0 | Doesn´t apply | 4402 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1135 |
9 | NA | 1728 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29415 | 7265 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v43 Q9d Reasons for sport or games: To look good
Value 43204 | Frequency | |
1 | Very important | 8177 |
2 | Somewhat important | 9395 |
3 | Not very important | 5772 |
4 | Not important | 6420 |
0 | Doesn´t apply | 4351 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1027 |
9 | NA | 1538 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29764 | 6916 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v44 Q10a Most frequent sport watched on TV
Value 44203 | Frequency | |
100 | Team sports | 9 |
101 | American football | 65 |
102 | Baseball, softball | 3033 |
103 | Basketball | 1486 |
104 | Cricket | 508 |
105 | Ice hockey | 968 |
106 | Field hockey | 10 |
107 | Football, soccer | 8874 |
108 | Handball | 228 |
109 | Netball | 97 |
110 | Polo, water polo | 4 |
111 | Rugby | 1704 |
112 | Volleyball | 467 |
199 | Other team sports | 854 |
200 | Racket sports | 0 |
201 | Badminton | 9 |
202 | Squash | 1 |
203 | Table tennis | 17 |
204 | Tennis | 1185 |
299 | Other racket or bat sports | 4 |
300 | Athletics and fitness sports | 236 |
301 | Athletics (eg running, long-/high-jumping), marathon | 422 |
302 | Body training (eg body-building, artist.gymnastics) | 160 |
303 | Fitness (aerobics, exercise machine-training, work-out) | 72 |
304 | Jogging | 11 |
305 | Walking, Nordic-w, trekking, climbing) | 14 |
399 | Other fitness sports | 15 |
400 | Other sports | 5 |
401 | Adrenaline sports (e.g. bungee-jumping, paragliding) | 23 |
402 | Billiards, pool, snooker | 115 |
403 | Biathlon, triathlon | 50 |
404 | Bowling, curling, bocce | 36 |
405 | Boat sports (e.g. sailing, rowing, yachting) | 15 |
406 | Bullfight | 1 |
407 | Cockfighting | 2 |
408 | Cycling, mountain-biking | 311 |
409 | Dancing (e.g. ballroom dancing, ballet) | 199 |
410 | Darts | 1 |
411 | Fencing | 3 |
412 | Fishing, hunting | 17 |
413 | Golf, minigolf | 233 |
414 | Horse riding, horse racing | 142 |
415 | Ice skating | 804 |
416 | Inline skating, skateboarding, roller skating | 33 |
417 | Martial arts (e.g. Boxing, wrestling, Judo) | 912 |
418 | Motor sports (motor racing, go carting) | 923 |
419 | Rodeo | 8 |
420 | Shooting (pistols, rifle, archery) | 2 |
421 | Swimming, diving, snorkeling | 139 |
422 | Surfing, water-skiing | 10 |
423 | Snow-sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross-country) | 1249 |
499 | Other sports | 279 |
996 | I do not watch any sport | 10266 |
998 | Don´t know, Can´t choose | 16 |
999 | NA | 433 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25965 | 10715 |
Valid range from 100 to 499
v45 Q10b Second most frequent sport watched on TV
Value 45202 | Frequency | |
100 | Team sports | 2 |
101 | American football | 73 |
102 | Baseball, softball | 1308 |
103 | Basketball | 2184 |
104 | Cricket | 867 |
105 | Ice hockey | 1037 |
106 | Field hockey | 17 |
107 | Football, soccer | 3074 |
108 | Handball | 449 |
109 | Netball | 225 |
110 | Polo, water polo | 14 |
111 | Rugby | 1183 |
112 | Volleyball | 733 |
199 | Other team sports | 470 |
200 | Racket sports | 0 |
201 | Badminton | 22 |
202 | Squash | 4 |
203 | Table tennis | 38 |
204 | Tennis | 1776 |
299 | Other racket or bat sports | 7 |
300 | Athletics and fitness sports | 189 |
301 | Athletics (eg running, long-/high-jumping), marathon | 729 |
302 | Body training (eg body-building, artist.gymnastics) | 207 |
303 | Fitness (aerobics, exercise machine-training, work-out) | 59 |
304 | Jogging | 20 |
305 | Walking, Nordic-w, trekking, climbing) | 12 |
399 | Other fitness sports | 20 |
400 | Other sports | 3 |
401 | Adrenaline sports (e.g. bungee-jumping, paragliding) | 24 |
402 | Billiards, pool, snooker | 262 |
403 | Biathlon, triathlon | 37 |
404 | Bowling, curling, bocce | 65 |
405 | Boat sports (e.g. sailing, rowing, yachting) | 30 |
406 | Bullfight | 5 |
407 | Cockfighting | 4 |
408 | Cycling, mountain-biking | 408 |
409 | Dancing (e.g. ballroom dancing, ballet) | 224 |
410 | Darts | 8 |
411 | Fencing | 5 |
412 | Fishing, hunting | 35 |
413 | Golf, minigolf | 345 |
414 | Horse riding, horse racing | 158 |
415 | Ice skating | 511 |
416 | Inline skating, skateboarding, roller skating | 43 |
417 | Martial arts (e.g. Boxing, wrestling, Judo) | 1241 |
418 | Motor sports (motor racing, go carting) | 941 |
419 | Rodeo | 4 |
420 | Shooting (pistols, rifle, archery) | 6 |
421 | Swimming, diving, snorkeling | 364 |
422 | Surfing, water-skiing | 11 |
423 | Snow-sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross-country) | 1336 |
499 | Other sports | 394 |
0 | NAP, NAV | 6488 |
998 | CL,SI:Can´t choose | 947 |
999 | NA | 8062 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
21183 | 15497 |
Valid range from 100 to 499
v46 Q11 How proud about an international sport competition?
Value 46201 | Frequency | |
1 | I am very proud | 19777 |
2 | I am somewhat proud | 11042 |
3 | I am not very proud | 2264 |
4 | I am not proud at all | 1416 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1756 |
9 | NA | 425 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34499 | 2181 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v47 Q12a Opinion: Sport develops children´s character
Value 47200 | Frequency | |
1 | Agree strongly | 16033 |
2 | Agree | 15296 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 2853 |
4 | Disagree | 953 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 294 |
8 | Can´t choose | 826 |
9 | NA | 425 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35429 | 1251 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v48 Q12b Opinion: Too much sport on TV
Value 48199 | Frequency | |
1 | Agree strongly | 3456 |
2 | Agree | 7197 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 10623 |
4 | Disagree | 9170 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 3460 |
8 | Can´t choose | 2110 |
9 | NA | 664 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
33906 | 2774 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v49 Q12c Opinion: Sport brings different groups together
Value 49198 | Frequency | |
1 | Agree strongly | 8468 |
2 | Agree | 17465 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 5697 |
4 | Disagree | 2176 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 560 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1773 |
9 | NA | 541 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34366 | 2314 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v50 Q12d Opinion: Intern. sport competition create tension betw. countries
Value 50197 | Frequency | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2418 |
2 | Agree | 6945 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 7939 |
4 | Disagree | 11528 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 4801 |
8 | Can´t choose | 2455 |
9 | NA | 594 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
33631 | 3049 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v51 Q12e Opinion: Government should spend more money on sports
Value 51196 | Frequency | |
1 | Agree strongly | 8054 |
2 | Agree | 11114 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 7919 |
4 | Disagree | 4720 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2060 |
8 | Can´t choose | 2334 |
9 | NA | 479 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
33867 | 2813 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v52 Q13a Participation: A sports association/group
Value 52195 | Frequency | |
1 | At least once a week | 3317 |
2 | At least once a month | 2075 |
3 | Several times | 2605 |
4 | Once or twice | 2606 |
5 | Never | 24940 |
8 | Don´t know | 521 |
9 | NA | 616 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35543 | 1137 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v53 Q13b Participation: A cultural association/group
Value 53194 | Frequency | |
1 | At least once a week | 1078 |
2 | At least once a month | 1716 |
3 | Several times | 2932 |
4 | Once or twice | 3655 |
5 | Never | 25825 |
8 | Can´t choose | 716 |
9 | NA | 758 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35206 | 1474 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v54 Q13c Participation: A church or religious organisation
Value 54193 | Frequency | |
1 | At least once a week | 3338 |
2 | At least once a month | 2279 |
3 | Several times | 3527 |
4 | Once or twice | 3761 |
5 | Never | 22475 |
8 | Can´t choose | 663 |
9 | NA | 637 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35380 | 1300 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v55 Q13d Participation: A community-service or civic association/group
Value 55192 | Frequency | |
1 | At least once a week | 1223 |
2 | At least once a month | 1993 |
3 | Several times | 2897 |
4 | Once or twice | 3830 |
5 | Never | 25510 |
8 | Can´t choose | 597 |
9 | NA | 630 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35453 | 1227 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v56 Q13e Participation: A political party or organisation
Value 56191 | Frequency | |
1 | At least once a week | 321 |
2 | At least once a month | 704 |
3 | Several times | 1242 |
4 | Once or twice | 1670 |
5 | Never | 31117 |
8 | Can´t choose | 913 |
9 | NA | 713 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35054 | 1626 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v57 Q14a Trust in people or careful in dealing with people
Value 57190 | Frequency | |
1 | People can almost always be trusted | 2056 |
2 | People can usually be trusted | 13026 |
3 | You usually can´t be too careful in dealing with people | 14201 |
4 | You almost always can´t be too careful in dealing with peopl | 6328 |
8 | Can´t choose | 852 |
9 | NA | 217 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35611 | 1069 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v58 Q14b Personal interest in politics
Value 58189 | Frequency | |
1 | Very interested | 2944 |
2 | Fairly interested | 10095 |
3 | Not very interested | 12541 |
4 | Not at all interested | 9458 |
0 | Not available: Slovenia | 1003 |
8 | Can´t choose | 405 |
9 | NA | 234 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35038 | 1642 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v59 Q15a Obstacle: Lack of facilities nearby
Value 59188 | Frequency | |
1 | Very much | 4808 |
2 | To a large extent | 5526 |
3 | To some extent | 8553 |
4 | Not at all | 14919 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1842 |
9 | NA | 1032 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
33806 | 2874 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v60 Q15b Obstacle: Lack of money
Value 60187 | Frequency | |
1 | Very much | 6560 |
2 | To a large extent | 6795 |
3 | To some extent | 9689 |
4 | Not at all | 11595 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1168 |
9 | NA | 873 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34639 | 2041 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v61 Q15c Obstacle: Personal health, age or disability
Value 61186 | Frequency | |
1 | Very much | 3926 |
2 | To a large extent | 4463 |
3 | To some extent | 7434 |
4 | Not at all | 19210 |
8 | Can´t choose | 987 |
9 | NA | 660 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35033 | 1647 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v62 Q15d Obstacle: Taking care of someone
Value 62185 | Frequency | |
1 | Very much | 2978 |
2 | To a large extent | 4086 |
3 | To some extent | 6694 |
4 | Not at all | 20654 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1294 |
9 | NA | 974 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34412 | 2268 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v63 Q15e Obstacle: Lack of time
Value 63184 | Frequency | |
1 | Very much | 6119 |
2 | To a large extent | 7361 |
3 | To some extent | 10010 |
4 | Not at all | 11264 |
8 | Can´t choose | 1082 |
9 | NA | 844 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
34754 | 1926 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v64 Q16 How happy or unhappy in general, these days
Value 64183 | Frequency | |
1 | Very happy | 9398 |
2 | Fairly happy | 19946 |
3 | Not very happy | 5422 |
4 | Not at all happy | 937 |
8 | Can´t choose | 756 |
9 | NA | 221 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35703 | 977 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v65 Q17 Status of health in general
Value 65182 | Frequency | |
1 | Excellent | 4999 |
2 | Very good | 9346 |
3 | Good | 11465 |
4 | Fair | 8084 |
5 | Poor | 2478 |
8 | Can´t choose | 145 |
9 | NA | 163 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36372 | 308 |
Valid range from 1 to 5
v66 Q18a Yesterday was: Working-day or holiday
Value 66181 | Frequency | |
1 | A weekday or working-day | 5482 |
2 | A day off or a holiday | 3812 |
0 | Not availabe: AU, FLA, CL, TW, HR, CZ, DO, FR, IL, JP, LV, N | 27084 |
9 | NA | 302 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
9294 | 27386 |
Valid range from 1 to 2
v67 Q18b Time of getting up yesterday
Value 67180 | Frequency | |
0 | 0:00 o´clock | 27 |
5 | 1 | |
13 | 1 | |
30 | 4 | |
100 | 13 | |
104 | 1 | |
130 | 2 | |
200 | 7 | |
210 | 1 | |
215 | 1 | |
230 | 4 | |
300 | 58 | |
305 | 1 | |
315 | 2 | |
330 | 22 | |
340 | 1 | |
350 | 1 | |
400 | 224 | |
403 | 1 | |
405 | 1 | |
410 | 1 | |
415 | 8 | |
420 | 2 | |
425 | 1 | |
430 | 118 | |
435 | 1 | |
440 | 6 | |
445 | 16 | |
447 | 1 | |
450 | 13 | |
455 | 1 | |
459 | 1 | |
500 | 658 | |
501 | 2 | |
505 | 5 | |
510 | 11 | |
515 | 22 | |
520 | 20 | |
523 | 1 | |
525 | 3 | |
530 | 352 | |
534 | 1 | |
535 | 1 | |
540 | 27 | |
545 | 64 | |
550 | 22 | |
555 | 2 | |
600 | 1515 | |
601 | 2 | |
603 | 2 | |
604 | 1 | |
605 | 16 | |
606 | 1 | |
610 | 44 | |
613 | 1 | |
615 | 77 | |
617 | 1 | |
620 | 46 | |
623 | 1 | |
625 | 5 | |
626 | 1 | |
628 | 1 | |
630 | 657 | |
631 | 1 | |
633 | 1 | |
635 | 9 | |
636 | 1 | |
640 | 64 | |
645 | 93 | |
646 | 1 | |
650 | 44 | |
655 | 4 | |
659 | 2 | |
700 | 1591 | |
701 | 4 | |
703 | 1 | |
705 | 13 | |
708 | 1 | |
709 | 1 | |
710 | 54 | |
714 | 1 | |
715 | 71 | |
720 | 59 | |
725 | 5 | |
730 | 483 | |
732 | 1 | |
735 | 5 | |
739 | 1 | |
740 | 25 | |
745 | 37 | |
746 | 1 | |
750 | 23 | |
755 | 3 | |
800 | 1030 | |
801 | 2 | |
803 | 1 | |
805 | 4 | |
810 | 35 | |
815 | 55 | |
820 | 22 | |
825 | 3 | |
829 | 1 | |
830 | 220 | |
834 | 1 | |
835 | 2 | |
840 | 4 | |
845 | 20 | |
850 | 4 | |
850 | 1 | |
900 | 545 | |
905 | 3 | |
910 | 10 | |
913 | 1 | |
915 | 28 | |
920 | 12 | |
924 | 1 | |
925 | 1 | |
930 | 104 | |
931 | 1 | |
940 | 6 | |
945 | 7 | |
950 | 7 | |
1000 | 255 | |
1005 | 1 | |
1010 | 3 | |
1015 | 14 | |
1020 | 10 | |
1030 | 49 | |
1034 | 1 | |
1045 | 3 | |
1055 | 1 | |
1100 | 108 | |
1105 | 1 | |
1110 | 1 | |
1115 | 2 | |
1120 | 1 | |
1130 | 22 | |
1135 | 1 | |
1140 | 2 | |
1200 | 56 | |
1203 | 1 | |
1215 | 1 | |
1230 | 11 | |
1231 | 1 | |
1237 | 1 | |
1240 | 1 | |
1245 | 1 | |
1300 | 24 | |
1310 | 1 | |
1330 | 5 | |
1345 | 1 | |
1400 | 16 | |
1410 | 1 | |
1415 | 1 | |
1420 | 1 | |
1430 | 4 | |
1440 | 1 | |
1500 | 10 | |
1505 | 1 | |
1520 | 1 | |
1530 | 1 | |
1600 | 10 | |
1630 | 1 | |
1700 | 7 | |
1730 | 3 | |
1800 | 8 | |
1830 | 6 | |
1900 | 5 | |
1910 | 1 | |
1930 | 2 | |
2030 | 1 | |
2100 | 1 | |
2130 | 1 | |
2200 | 3 | |
2230 | 1 | |
2300 | 1 | |
9990 | NAV; Not asked | 27084 |
9999 | DK;NA | 94 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
9502 | 27178 |
Valid range from 0 to 2300
v68 Q18c Time go to sleep yesterday
Value 68179 | Frequency | |
0 | 0:00 o´clock | 1271 |
1 | 2 | |
3 | 1 | |
5 | 2 | |
10 | 13 | |
15 | 32 | |
17 | 1 | |
20 | 10 | |
24 | 1 | |
25 | 1 | |
30 | 186 | |
35 | 3 | |
40 | 18 | |
45 | 13 | |
50 | 5 | |
59 | 1 | |
100 | 419 | |
103 | 1 | |
105 | 2 | |
110 | 4 | |
115 | 12 | |
120 | 8 | |
124 | 1 | |
125 | 1 | |
130 | 114 | |
140 | 5 | |
145 | 1 | |
150 | 3 | |
200 | 267 | |
210 | 4 | |
211 | 1 | |
215 | 5 | |
220 | 5 | |
225 | 1 | |
230 | 55 | |
232 | 1 | |
235 | 2 | |
236 | 1 | |
240 | 6 | |
245 | 4 | |
250 | 3 | |
300 | 119 | |
310 | 3 | |
315 | 1 | |
320 | 1 | |
330 | 5 | |
335 | 1 | |
340 | 1 | |
345 | 1 | |
400 | 60 | |
410 | 1 | |
430 | 9 | |
500 | 31 | |
530 | 4 | |
535 | 1 | |
600 | 27 | |
630 | 6 | |
700 | 12 | |
730 | 3 | |
750 | 1 | |
800 | 15 | |
830 | 3 | |
900 | 26 | |
915 | 1 | |
930 | 5 | |
940 | 1 | |
950 | 1 | |
1000 | 61 | |
1001 | 1 | |
1015 | 2 | |
1020 | 1 | |
1030 | 22 | |
1040 | 1 | |
1045 | 3 | |
1050 | 3 | |
1100 | 109 | |
1105 | 2 | |
1110 | 1 | |
1115 | 4 | |
1120 | 4 | |
1125 | 1 | |
1130 | 21 | |
1147 | 1 | |
1200 | 63 | |
1205 | 1 | |
1215 | 1 | |
1217 | 1 | |
1220 | 1 | |
1230 | 22 | |
1235 | 1 | |
1300 | 10 | |
1310 | 1 | |
1330 | 4 | |
1400 | 7 | |
1430 | 1 | |
1500 | 5 | |
1600 | 1 | |
1620 | 1 | |
1700 | 6 | |
1740 | 1 | |
1745 | 1 | |
1800 | 25 | |
1830 | 6 | |
1845 | 1 | |
1900 | 98 | |
1905 | 1 | |
1910 | 1 | |
1915 | 1 | |
1920 | 1 | |
1930 | 16 | |
1945 | 3 | |
1950 | 1 | |
2000 | 263 | |
2010 | 2 | |
2015 | 5 | |
2020 | 4 | |
2030 | 55 | |
2035 | 1 | |
2040 | 3 | |
2045 | 9 | |
2050 | 1 | |
2100 | 579 | |
2105 | 2 | |
2110 | 9 | |
2115 | 15 | |
2120 | 5 | |
2125 | 2 | |
2130 | 248 | |
2132 | 1 | |
2135 | 3 | |
2140 | 11 | |
2145 | 18 | |
2148 | 1 | |
2150 | 11 | |
2152 | 1 | |
2155 | 1 | |
2159 | 1 | |
2200 | 1347 | |
2202 | 2 | |
2205 | 8 | |
2210 | 25 | |
2211 | 1 | |
2215 | 53 | |
2220 | 24 | |
2225 | 1 | |
2230 | 553 | |
2235 | 9 | |
2240 | 31 | |
2245 | 54 | |
2250 | 29 | |
2255 | 5 | |
2300 | 1873 | |
2301 | 1 | |
2305 | 6 | |
2309 | 1 | |
2310 | 45 | |
2315 | 82 | |
2320 | 33 | |
2325 | 1 | |
2328 | 1 | |
2330 | 563 | |
2331 | 1 | |
2333 | 1 | |
2335 | 7 | |
2339 | 1 | |
2340 | 33 | |
2341 | 1 | |
2345 | 50 | |
2350 | 51 | |
2355 | 5 | |
2359 | 23:59 | 2 |
9990 | NAV; Not asked | 27084 |
9999 | DK;NA | 101 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
9495 | 27185 |
Valid range from 0 to 2359
v69 Q19a Height of Respondent: cm
Value 69178 | Frequency | |
105 | 1 | |
110 | 1 | |
120 | 5 | |
122 | 5 | |
124 | 6 | |
125 | 3 | |
126 | 1 | |
127 | 10 | |
130 | 19 | |
132 | 6 | |
133 | 1 | |
134 | 1 | |
135 | 30 | |
136 | 1 | |
137 | 13 | |
138 | 2 | |
140 | 29 | |
142 | 33 | |
143 | 9 | |
144 | 3 | |
145 | 81 | |
146 | 7 | |
147 | 25 | |
148 | 40 | |
149 | 23 | |
150 | 371 | |
151 | 31 | |
152 | 352 | |
153 | 133 | |
154 | 164 | |
155 | 516 | |
156 | 295 | |
157 | 546 | |
158 | 539 | |
159 | 171 | |
160 | 1407 | |
161 | 197 | |
162 | 469 | |
163 | 857 | |
164 | 542 | |
165 | 1374 | |
166 | 198 | |
167 | 410 | |
168 | 1229 | |
169 | 247 | |
170 | 1365 | |
171 | 173 | |
172 | 512 | |
173 | 571 | |
174 | 339 | |
175 | 811 | |
176 | 423 | |
177 | 152 | |
178 | 481 | |
179 | 118 | |
180 | 669 | |
181 | 99 | |
182 | 219 | |
183 | 237 | |
184 | 98 | |
185 | 185 | |
186 | 85 | |
187 | 72 | |
188 | 79 | |
189 | 20 | |
190 | 57 | |
191 | 33 | |
192 | 26 | |
193 | 23 | |
194 | 11 | |
195 | 12 | |
196 | 17 | |
197 | 6 | |
198 | 7 | |
200 | 4 | |
203 | 2 | |
204 | 2 | |
0 | Not available: AU, FLA, CL, TW, HR, CZ, JP, LV, NO, SI, ZA, | 18784 |
998 | Don´t know | 29 |
999 | NA | 556 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17311 | 19369 |
Valid range from 105 to 204
v70 Q19b Weight of Respondent: kg
Value 70177 | Frequency | |
32 | 5 | |
33 | 1 | |
35 | 4 | |
36 | 6 | |
37 | 3 | |
38 | 6 | |
39 | 8 | |
40 | 35 | |
41 | 28 | |
42 | 29 | |
43 | 48 | |
44 | 33 | |
45 | 173 | |
46 | 55 | |
47 | 103 | |
48 | 178 | |
49 | 111 | |
50 | 495 | |
51 | 141 | |
52 | 335 | |
53 | 246 | |
54 | 319 | |
55 | 534 | |
56 | 289 | |
57 | 357 | |
58 | 403 | |
59 | 396 | |
60 | 933 | |
61 | 272 | |
62 | 372 | |
63 | 384 | |
64 | 446 | |
65 | 688 | |
66 | 293 | |
67 | 300 | |
68 | 571 | |
69 | 219 | |
70 | 949 | |
71 | 183 | |
72 | 405 | |
73 | 366 | |
74 | 291 | |
75 | 683 | |
76 | 235 | |
77 | 217 | |
78 | 382 | |
79 | 145 | |
80 | 808 | |
81 | 112 | |
82 | 311 | |
83 | 194 | |
84 | 191 | |
85 | 397 | |
86 | 172 | |
87 | 109 | |
88 | 127 | |
89 | 124 | |
90 | 403 | |
91 | 78 | |
92 | 93 | |
93 | 79 | |
94 | 84 | |
95 | 188 | |
96 | 65 | |
97 | 46 | |
98 | 68 | |
99 | 14 | |
100 | 166 | |
101 | 10 | |
102 | 44 | |
103 | 25 | |
104 | 20 | |
105 | 62 | |
106 | 13 | |
107 | 11 | |
108 | 25 | |
109 | 9 | |
110 | 60 | |
111 | 4 | |
112 | 13 | |
113 | 6 | |
114 | 13 | |
115 | 27 | |
116 | 8 | |
117 | 4 | |
118 | 4 | |
119 | 2 | |
120 | 26 | |
121 | 2 | |
122 | 3 | |
123 | 2 | |
124 | 4 | |
125 | 10 | |
126 | 2 | |
127 | 5 | |
128 | 1 | |
130 | 14 | |
132 | 5 | |
136 | 1 | |
138 | 2 | |
140 | 6 | |
143 | 2 | |
148 | 1 | |
153 | 1 | |
165 | 3 | |
170 | 2 | |
171 | 1 | |
180 | 2 | |
185 | 1 | |
188 | 1 | |
190 | 2 | |
198 | 1 | |
200 | 1 | |
0 | Not available: AU, FLA, CL, TW, HR, CZ, JP, LV, NO, SI, ZA, | 18784 |
998 | Don´t know | 177 |
999 | NA | 754 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
16965 | 19715 |
Valid range from 32 to 200
v71 Q20 Would you like to gain or lose weight?
Value 71176 | Frequency | |
1 | Gain weight | 1296 |
2 | Maintain your current weight | 6476 |
3 | Lose weight | 7278 |
8 | I don´t care about my weight | 1398 |
0 | NAV | 20077 |
9 | NA | 155 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
16448 | 20232 |
Valid range from 1 to 8
v72 Q21a Pictures of the ideal shape of a man
Value 72175 | Frequency | |
1 | picture 1 (very corpulent) | 390 |
2 | picture 2 (corpulent) | 5803 |
3 | picture 3 (slender) | 6840 |
4 | picture 4 (very slender) | 839 |
0 | NAV | 22434 |
9 | NA | 374 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
13872 | 22808 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
v73 Q21b Pictures of the ideal shape of a woman
Value 73174 | Frequency | |
1 | picture 1 (very corpulent) | 520 |
2 | picture 2 (corpulent) | 5698 |
3 | picture 3 (slender) | 6863 |
4 | picture 4 (very slender) | 802 |
0 | NAV | 22434 |
9 | NA | 363 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
13883 | 22797 |
Valid range from 1 to 4
sex R: Sex
Value 74173 | Frequency | |
1 | Male | 16521 |
2 | Female | 20123 |
9 | NA, refused | 36 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36644 | 36 |
Valid range from 1 to 2
age R: Age
Value 75172 | Frequency | |
15 | 15 | 25 |
16 | 118 | |
17 | 120 | |
18 | 686 | |
19 | 709 | |
20 | 640 | |
21 | 682 | |
22 | 577 | |
23 | 632 | |
24 | 695 | |
25 | 703 | |
26 | 641 | |
27 | 673 | |
28 | 632 | |
29 | 644 | |
30 | 654 | |
31 | 605 | |
32 | 668 | |
33 | 600 | |
34 | 652 | |
35 | 752 | |
36 | 662 | |
37 | 657 | |
38 | 692 | |
39 | 708 | |
40 | 800 | |
41 | 635 | |
42 | 717 | |
43 | 676 | |
44 | 661 | |
45 | 741 | |
46 | 678 | |
47 | 610 | |
48 | 682 | |
49 | 607 | |
50 | 703 | |
51 | 612 | |
52 | 623 | |
53 | 613 | |
54 | 615 | |
55 | 601 | |
56 | 596 | |
57 | 575 | |
58 | 596 | |
59 | 550 | |
60 | 675 | |
61 | 527 | |
62 | 476 | |
63 | 486 | |
64 | 452 | |
65 | 424 | |
66 | 413 | |
67 | 460 | |
68 | 437 | |
69 | 437 | |
70 | 451 | |
71 | 376 | |
72 | 337 | |
73 | 329 | |
74 | 319 | |
75 | 308 | |
76 | 287 | |
77 | 247 | |
78 | 244 | |
79 | 228 | |
80 | 189 | |
81 | 133 | |
82 | 116 | |
83 | 90 | |
84 | 108 | |
85 | 78 | |
86 | 61 | |
87 | 50 | |
88 | 26 | |
89 | 22 | |
90 | 18 | |
91 | 15 | |
92 | 10 | |
93 | 9 | |
94 | 11 | |
95 | 1 | |
96 | 2 | |
97 | 2 | |
98 | 98 | 2 |
99 | NA, refused | 106 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36574 | 106 |
Valid range from 15 to 98
marital R: Marital status
Value 76171 | Frequency | |
1 | Married | 19510 |
2 | Widowed | 3041 |
3 | Divorced | 2300 |
4 | Separated (married but sep./not living w legal spouse) | 819 |
5 | Never married | 9993 |
6 | CH: Registered partnership | 4 |
9 | NA, refused | 1013 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35667 | 1013 |
Valid range from 1 to 6
cohab R: Steady life-partner
Value 77170 | Frequency | |
1 | Yes | 3742 |
2 | No | 12969 |
0 | NAP (married and living w legal spouse, Code 1 in MARITAL) | 18209 |
9 | NA,refused | 1760 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
16711 | 19969 |
Valid range from 1 to 2
educyrs R: Education I: years of schooling
Value 78169 | Frequency | |
1 | 81 | |
2 | 208 | |
3 | 371 | |
4 | 509 | |
5 | 378 | |
6 | 1591 | |
7 | 768 | |
8 | 2394 | |
9 | 2202 | |
10 | 2760 | |
11 | 2740 | |
12 | 6621 | |
13 | 2175 | |
14 | 2205 | |
15 | 1799 | |
16 | 2517 | |
17 | 1277 | |
18 | 1060 | |
19 | 403 | |
20 | 326 | |
21 | 107 | |
22 | 76 | |
23 | 46 | |
24 | 35 | |
25 | 24 | |
26 | 3 | |
27 | 5 | |
28 | 6 | |
29 | 1 | |
30 | 7 | |
31 | 5 | |
32 | 3 | |
34 | 1 | |
35 | 2 | |
36 | 1 | |
37 | 1 | |
39 | 1 | |
40 | 1 | |
41 | 1 | |
42 | 1 | |
44 | 1 | |
95 | Still at school | 576 |
96 | Still at college,university | 1578 |
97 | No formal schooling | 825 |
0 | NAV | 30 |
98 | Dont know | 202 |
99 | NA, refused | 756 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
35692 | 988 |
Valid range from 1 to 97
degree R: Education II-highest education level
Value 79168 | Frequency | |
0 | No formal qualification | 1578 |
1 | Lowest formal qualification | 6750 |
2 | Above lowest qualification | 7417 |
3 | Higher secondary completed | 8443 |
4 | Above higher secondary level | 6385 |
5 | University degree completed | 5687 |
8 | CH: Don´t know | 7 |
9 | NA, LV:NAV | 413 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
36260 | 420 |
Valid range from 0 to 5
au_degr Country specific education: Australia
Value 80167 | Frequency | |
1 | Did not complete High School to Year 10 | 283 |
2 | Completed High School to Year 10 | 398 |
3 | Completed High School to Year 12 | 272 |
4 | Trade qualification or apprenticeship | 374 |
5 | Certificate or Diploma (TAFE or business college) | 702 |
6 | Bachelor Degree (including Honors) | 419 |
7 | Postgraduate Degree or Postgraduate Diploma | 253 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 33911 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 68 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
2701 | 33979 |
Valid range from 1 to 7
ch_degr Country specific education: Switzerland
Value 81166 | Frequency | |
1 | Unfinished obligatory School | 1 |
2 | Primary School | 60 |
3 | Secondary School | 80 |
4 | Basic Vocational Education (1-2 years) | 68 |
5 | Apprenticeship. Voc. Colleges and Businesses | 400 |
6 | Specialised Middle Schools | 46 |
7 | Matura Schools | 71 |
8 | Vocational Training (second Training) | 36 |
9 | Professional Baccalaureate Schools/Adult Matura Schools | 9 |
10 | Higher Vocational Education and Training | 64 |
11 | Universities of Applied Sciences/Teacher Education | 55 |
12 | Universities. Federal Institutes of Technology | 89 |
13 | PhD Doctorate | 17 |
95 | other education | 0 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35677 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 7 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
996 | 35684 |
Valid range from 1 to 95
cl_degr Country specific education: Chile
Value 82165 | Frequency | |
1 | None | 16 |
2 | Incomplete primary | 277 |
3 | Primary completed | 196 |
4 | Incomplete secondary | 228 |
5 | Secondary completed | 411 |
6 | University incomplete | 72 |
7 | University completed | 101 |
8 | Incompl non-university higher | 62 |
9 | Compl non-university higher | 123 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35175 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 19 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1486 | 35194 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
cz_degr Country specific education: Czech Republic
Value 83164 | Frequency | |
1 | Incomplete primary | 3 |
2 | Primary completed | 145 |
3 | Lower vocational | 398 |
4 | General sec.,no diploma | 105 |
5 | Vocational, diploma | 70 |
6 | Technical secondary | 270 |
7 | Academic secondary | 107 |
8 | Post secondary | 26 |
9 | Tertiary,bachelor degree | 21 |
10 | Tertiary,master degree | 58 |
11 | Post-graduate education | 8 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35458 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 11 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1211 | 35469 |
Valid range from 1 to 11
do_degr Country specific education: Dominican Republic
Value 84163 | Frequency | |
1 | No Formal Schooling | 109 |
2 | Incomplete Primary School | 523 |
3 | Primary school completed | 239 |
4 | Incomplete High School | 441 |
5 | High School Completed | 477 |
6 | Technical training incomplete | 26 |
7 | Technical training completed | 37 |
8 | University Incomplete | 144 |
9 | University Completed | 137 |
10 | Master, Doctorate degree incomplete | 17 |
11 | Master, Doctorate degree completed | 14 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 34516 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
2164 | 34516 |
Valid range from 1 to 11
fi_degr Country specific education: Finland
Value 85162 | Frequency | |
1 | None, still at school | 74 |
2 | Primary school | 143 |
3 | Comprehensive, prim.+lower secondary | 105 |
4 | Post-comprehensive, vocational educ | 294 |
5 | Post-comprehensive, upper secondary | 97 |
6 | Post-comprehensive, voc college | 317 |
7 | Polytechnics | 107 |
8 | University,BA,lower academic | 52 |
9 | University,MA,higher academic | 130 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35326 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 35 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1319 | 35361 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
fla_degr Country specific education: Flanders
Value 86161 | Frequency | |
1 | None | 26 |
2 | Primary education | 144 |
3 | Lower general secondary | 78 |
4 | Lower technical secondary | 106 |
5 | Lower secondary vocational | 85 |
6 | Lower special secondary | 4 |
7 | Higher general secondary | 147 |
8 | Higher technical secondary | 173 |
9 | Higher vocational secondary | 93 |
10 | Higher special secondary | 7 |
11 | Non-university,higher,short | 222 |
12 | Non-university,higher,long | 69 |
13 | University | 103 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35423 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1257 | 35423 |
Valid range from 1 to 13
fr_degr Country specific education: France
Value 87160 | Frequency | |
1 | None | 27 |
2 | Primary incomplete | 72 |
3 | Primary completed | 203 |
4 | General secondary level 1 | 146 |
5 | Vocat.sec. level 1 | 377 |
6 | Voc. sec. level 2 | 102 |
7 | Incompl gen.sec. level 2 | 131 |
8 | General sec.level 2 | 187 |
9 | College | 291 |
10 | University | 510 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 34619 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 15 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
2046 | 34634 |
Valid range from 1 to 10
hr_degr Country specific education: Croatia
Value 88159 | Frequency | |
1 | Did not complete elementary school | 62 |
2 | Elementary school, completed. | 370 |
3 | Three year vocational school completed | 160 |
4 | Four year vocational school completed | 365 |
5 | Gymnasium, completed (General secondary school). | 79 |
6 | Post secondary degree, completed; professional studies | 62 |
7 | University degree, completed; university studies | 101 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35480 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1199 | 35481 |
Valid range from 1 to 7
il_degr Country specific education: Israel
Value 89158 | Frequency | |
1 | No formal schooling | 34 |
2 | Lowest formal qualification | 114 |
3 | Incompl vocational | 74 |
4 | Vocational completed without matriculation | 76 |
5 | Vocational completed with matriculation | 63 |
6 | Incomplete academic secondary | 81 |
7 | Full general without matriculation | 120 |
8 | Academic secondary completed | 208 |
9 | Yeshiva without matriculation | 17 |
10 | Yeshiva with matriculation | 8 |
11 | Semi higher, post secondary | 145 |
12 | Incpl university | 89 |
13 | University compl, BA or more | 296 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35335 |
97 | Refused | 6 |
98 | DK | 1 |
99 | NA | 13 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1325 | 35355 |
Valid range from 1 to 13
jp_degr Country specific education: Japan
Value 90157 | Frequency | |
1 | Junior High school completed | 234 |
2 | High school completed | 496 |
3 | Junior college completed | 208 |
4 | Finished university | 207 |
5 | Still at High school | 52 |
6 | Still at Junior college | 23 |
7 | Others | 13 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35427 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 20 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1233 | 35447 |
Valid range from 1 to 7
kr_degr Country specific education: South Korea
Value 91156 | Frequency | |
1 | No formal schooling | 76 |
2 | Elementary incompleted | 36 |
3 | Elementary completed | 124 |
4 | Middle school incompleted | 14 |
5 | Middle school completed | 89 |
6 | High school incompleted | 18 |
7 | High school completed | 390 |
8 | Junior college incompleted | 32 |
9 | Junior college completed | 143 |
10 | University incompleted | 131 |
11 | University completed | 309 |
12 | Masters degree incompleted | 8 |
13 | Masters degree completed | 52 |
14 | Doctoral degree incompleted | 1 |
15 | Doctoral degree completed | 6 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35249 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1429 | 35251 |
Valid range from 1 to 15
lv_degr Country specific education: Latvia
Value 92155 | Frequency | |
1 | Incomplete primary | 16 |
2 | Primary completed | 119 |
3 | Incompl sec, voc traing | 58 |
4 | Secondary completed | 288 |
5 | Voc with sec qualif | 372 |
6 | Incompl university | 53 |
7 | University completed | 163 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35611 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1069 | 35611 |
Valid range from 1 to 7
mx_degr Country specific education: Mexico
Value 93154 | Frequency | |
1 | None, still at school | 148 |
2 | Primary school completed | 297 |
3 | Technical traing without sec. qualif | 19 |
4 | Secondary school completed | 321 |
5 | Technical traing after sec. qualif | 47 |
6 | High school completed | 342 |
7 | Technical traing after high school qualif | 81 |
8 | University completed | 229 |
9 | Master, doctorate degree | 16 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35073 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 107 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1500 | 35180 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
no_degr Country specific education: Norway
Value 94153 | Frequency | |
1 | Primary completed | 91 |
2 | Secondary,vocational,incomplete | 68 |
3 | Secondary,academic, incomplete | 106 |
4 | Secondary,vocational, complete | 144 |
5 | Secondary,academic, complete | 208 |
6 | Univ, college < 1 yr | 42 |
7 | Univ, college 1-2 yrs | 106 |
8 | Univ, college 3-4 yrs | 210 |
9 | Univ, college >=5 yrs | 159 |
0 | NAP, other countries | 35537 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | DK | 0 |
99 | NA | 9 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1134 | 35546 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
nz_degr Country specific education: New Zealand
Value 95152 | Frequency | |
1 | No formal qualification | 200 |
2 | School qualification only | 271 |
3 | Trade or professional certificate | 216 |
4 | Diploma below Bachelor | 109 |