Podatki o financiranju niso na voljo.
ni podatka
Raziskava je iz serije ISSP - Mednarodnega projekta sodelovanja splošnih družboslovnih anket, katerega namen je pridobivanje podatkov primernih za primerjalno analizo. Vsako leto se sodelujoče države odločijo za izvedbo kratkega vprašalnika na izbrano temo. (glej http://www.gesis.org/en/data_service/issp/index.htm in http://www.issp.org/homepage.htm ). Podatki iz mednarodne raziskave so na voljo pod oznako ADP - IDNo: ISSP in letnica.
stiki s starši, stiki z bratom/brati, stiki s sestro/sestrami, stiki z otroki, stiki s sorodniki, stiki s prijatelji, iskanje pomoči: bolezen, iskanje pomoči: družinske težave, iskanje pomoči: depresija, iskanje pomoči: nasvet, iskanje pomoči: izposoditi si denar, nemožnost dobiti pomoč, demografska vprašanja
Ključne besede ELSST:
Vsebinska področja CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene razmere in kazalci
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Socialne strukture
Vsebinska področja ADP
stiki s sorodniki
stiki s prijatelji
socialne mreže
iskanje pomoči
pomoč v stresnih situacijah
Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran projekt mednarodnega sodelovanja z namenom dopolnitve rednih nacionalnih empiričnih raziskav. Skupina, osnovana leta 1983, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj. Tokratna raziskava, drugi modul na temo družbenih stikov (glej: MEDNARODNA SPLOŠNA DRUŽBOSLOVNA ANKETA: DRUŽBENI STIKI I, 1986), prinaša podatke iz naslednjih držav: Avstrije, Avstralije, Bolgarije, Kanade, Čila, Cipra, Češke, Danske, Finske, Francije, Nemčije, Madžarske, Irske, Izraela, Italije, Japonske, Latvije, Mehike, Nizozemske, Nove Zelandije, Severne Irske, Norveške, Filipinov, Poljske, Portugalske, Rusije, Slovenije, Slovaške, Španije, Švedske, Švice, Velike Britanije in Združenih držav Amerike. Zbrani podatki nudijo natančen opis socialnih stikov respondentov s sorodniki in prijatelji skupaj z informacijo na koga bi se obrnili po pomoč v različnih situacijah, kot denimo: finančna stiska, lažja bolezen, kariera in emocionalna stiska. Raziskava se zaključi z blokom demografskih vprašanj.
Čas zbiranja podatkov: | 2000 - 2001 |
Čas izdelave: | 2003 |
Država: | Avstrija, Avstralija, Bolgarija, Kanada, Čile, Ciper, Češka, Danska, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Madžarska, Irska, Izrael, Italija, Japonska, Latvija, Mehika, Nizozemska, Nova Zelandija, Severna Irska, Norveška, Filipini, Poljska, Portugalska, Rusija, Slovenija, Slovaška, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Velika Britanija in Združene države Amerike |
Geografsko pokritje: |
Teritorij naštetih držav, z izjemo Velike Britanije, kjer so izvzeti škotsko višavje in otoki. |
Enota za analizo: |
posameznik |
Populacija: |
Osebe, stare 18 let in več iz naslednjih držav: Avstrije, Avstralije, Bolgarije, Kanade, Čila, Cipra, Češke, Danske, Finske, Francije, Nemčije, Madžarske, Irske, Izraela, Italije, Japonske, Latvije, Mehike, Nizozemske, Nove Zelandije, Severne Irske, Norveške, Filipinov, Poljske, Portugalske, Rusije, Slovenije, Slovaške, Španije, Švedske, Švice, Velike Britanije in Združenih držav Amerike (pri nekaterih državah so prisotna manjša odstopanja glede starosti respondentov). |
Izključeni: | ni podatka |
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil: |
A: IFES - Institut für Empirische Sozialforschung (Wien); NIRL: RES - Research and Evaluation Service (Dublin); SLO: CJMMK - Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij (Ljubljana); S: SIFO; USA: NORC - National Opinion Research Center (Chicago - IL); CZ: SC and C (Praha); DK: Statistics Denmark (Copenhagen); SF: Statistics Finland (Helsinki); MEX: Centro de Estudion de Opinion (Guadalajara); N: Norwegian Gallup Institute AS (Oslo); P: Atitudes Sociais dos Portugueses (Lisboa); RUS: VCIOM (Moskva). Za ostale države podatki niso na voljo. |
Tip vzorca: |
različno po posameznih državah |
Način zbiranja podatkov: |
Način zbiranja podatkov se med državami razlikuje razlikuje. |
Uteževanje: |
ni podatka |
Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.
Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.
Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.
Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.
Naslov podatkovne datoteke: ISSP01 - podatki [datoteka podatkov], 2001
Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka
V1 Study Number
Vrednost 13 | Frekvenca | |
2001 | 2001 | 33527 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33527 | 2001 | 2001 | 2001 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2001 do 2001
V2 Respondent Number
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33527 | 1 | 9300590.0 | 664401 | 1692920.0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9300592
V3 Country
Vrednost 31 | Frekvenca | |
1 | AUS-Australia | 1352 |
2 | D-W-Germany-West | 0 |
3 | D-E-Germany-East | 0 |
4 | GB-Great Britain | 912 |
5 | NIRL-Northern Ireland | 1407 |
6 | USA-United States | 1149 |
7 | A-Austria | 1011 |
8 | H-Hungary | 1524 |
9 | I-Italy | 0 |
10 | IRL-Ireland | 0 |
11 | NL-Netherlands | 0 |
12 | N-Norway | 1560 |
13 | S-Sweden | 0 |
14 | CZ-Czech Republic | 1200 |
15 | SLO-Slovenia | 1077 |
16 | PL-Poland | 1221 |
17 | BG-Bulgaria | 0 |
18 | RUS-Russia | 2000 |
19 | NZ-New Zealand | 1146 |
20 | CDN-Canada | 1115 |
21 | RP-Philippines | 1200 |
22 | IL-Israel Jews | 1053 |
23 | IL-Israel Arabs | 154 |
24 | J-Japan | 1321 |
25 | E-Spain | 1214 |
26 | LV-Latvia | 1000 |
27 | SK-Slovak Republic | 0 |
28 | F-France | 1398 |
29 | CY-Cyprus | 1006 |
30 | P-Portugal | 0 |
31 | RCH-Chile | 1504 |
32 | D-Denmark | 0 |
33 | CH-Switzerland | 1001 |
34 | BD-Bangladesh | 0 |
35 | B-BRAZIL | 2000 |
36 | AFS_Southafrica | 2563 |
37 | FIN_Finlandia | 1439 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33527 | 1 | 37 | 20.6678 | 10.8897 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 37
V1 Study Number
Vrednost 1299 | Frekvenca | |
2001 | 2001 | 33527 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33527 | 2001 | 2001 | 2001 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2001 do 2001
V2 Respondent Number
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33527 | 1 | 9300590.0 | 664401 | 1692920.0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9300592
V3 Country
Vrednost 3297 | Frekvenca | |
1 | AUS-Australia | 1352 |
2 | D-W-Germany-West | 0 |
3 | D-E-Germany-East | 0 |
4 | GB-Great Britain | 912 |
5 | NIRL-Northern Ireland | 1407 |
6 | USA-United States | 1149 |
7 | A-Austria | 1011 |
8 | H-Hungary | 1524 |
9 | I-Italy | 0 |
10 | IRL-Ireland | 0 |
11 | NL-Netherlands | 0 |
12 | N-Norway | 1560 |
13 | S-Sweden | 0 |
14 | CZ-Czech Republic | 1200 |
15 | SLO-Slovenia | 1077 |
16 | PL-Poland | 1221 |
17 | BG-Bulgaria | 0 |
18 | RUS-Russia | 2000 |
19 | NZ-New Zealand | 1146 |
20 | CDN-Canada | 1115 |
21 | RP-Philippines | 1200 |
22 | IL-Israel Jews | 1053 |
23 | IL-Israel Arabs | 154 |
24 | J-Japan | 1321 |
25 | E-Spain | 1214 |
26 | LV-Latvia | 1000 |
27 | SK-Slovak Republic | 0 |
28 | F-France | 1398 |
29 | CY-Cyprus | 1006 |
30 | P-Portugal | 0 |
31 | RCH-Chile | 1504 |
32 | D-Denmark | 0 |
33 | CH-Switzerland | 1001 |
34 | BD-Bangladesh | 0 |
35 | B-BRAZIL | 2000 |
36 | AFS_Southafrica | 2563 |
37 | FIN_Finlandia | 1439 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33527 | 1 | 37 | 20.6678 | 10.8897 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 37
V4 How many adult brothers or sisters
Vrednost 4296 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No adult brother, sister | 4820 |
1 | 1 adult brother, sisters | 8646 |
2 | 2 adult brothers,sisters | 6900 |
3 | 3 adult brothers,sisters | 4364 |
4 | 4 adult brothers,sisters | 2797 |
5 | 5 adult brothers,sisters GB: ... or more | 1930 |
6 | 6 adult brothers,sisters | 1227 |
7 | 7 adult brothers,sisters | 920 |
8 | 8 adult brothers,sisters | 615 |
9 | 9 adult brothers,sisters | 360 |
10 | 10 adult brothers,sisters | 234 |
11 | 11 adult brothers,sisters | 113 |
12 | 12 adult brothers,sisters | 86 |
13 | 13 adult brothers,sisters | 49 |
14 | 14 adult brothers,sisters | 23 |
15 | 15 adult brothers,sisters | 16 |
16 | 16 adult brothers,sisters | 4 |
17 | 17 adult brothers,sisters | 5 |
18 | 18 adult brothers,sisters | 3 |
19 | 19 adult brothers,sisters | 3 |
20 | 20 adult brothers,sisters | 5 |
21 | 21 adult brothers,sisters | 1 |
22 | 22 adult brothers,sisters | 2 |
23 | 23 adult brothers,sisters | 1 |
24 | 24 adult brothers,sisters | 4 |
25 | 25 adult brothers,sisters | 9 |
26 | 26 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
27 | 27 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
28 | 28 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
29 | 29 adult brothers,sisters | 1 |
30 | 30 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
31 | 31 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
32 | 32 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
33 | 33 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
34 | 34 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
35 | 35 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
36 | 36 adult brothers,sisters | 1 |
37 | 37 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
38 | 38 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
39 | 39 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
40 | 40 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
50 | 50 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
52 | 52 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
60 | 60 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
69 | 69 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
90 | 90 adult brothers,sisters | 0 |
998 | Don´t know | 4 |
999 | Na, refused | 298 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 86 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33441 | 0 | 999 | 11.5631 | 94.2941 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
V5 Most contact with brother or sister?
Vrednost 5295 | Frekvenca | |
1 | With a brother | 11565 |
2 | With a sister | 14488 |
6 | No contact | 1298 |
8 | Don´t know | 30 |
9 | Na, refused | 1309 |
12 | LV:with both of them | 15 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, same household, no contact | 3871 |
SYSMISS | 951 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
28705 | 1 | 12 | 2.10869 | 1.85447 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 12
V6 How often visit brother or sister
Vrednost 6294 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lives in same household | 1970 |
2 | Daily | 2863 |
3 | Several times a week | 3213 |
4 | At least once a week | 4409 |
5 | At least once a month | 5323 |
6 | Several times a year | 5704 |
7 | Less often | 3087 |
8 | Don´t know | 2 |
9 | Na, refused | 704 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, same household, no contact | 5087 |
SYSMISS | 1165 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
27275 | 1 | 9 | 4.53789 | 1.89612 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V7 Other contact w brother or sister
Vrednost 7293 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Daily | 2370 |
2 | Several times a week | 4097 |
3 | At least once a week | 5598 |
4 | At least once a month | 5458 |
5 | Several times a year | 3510 |
6 | Less often | 2771 |
7 | B,NIRL:Never | 370 |
8 | Don´t know | 53 |
9 | Na, refused | 822 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, same household, no contact | 6804 |
SYSMISS | 1674 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
25049 | 1 | 9 | 3.74378 | 1.7982 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V8 How many adult children
Vrednost 8292 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None, no adult children | 16328 |
1 | One child | 4246 |
2 | Two children | 5883 |
3 | Three children | 2768 |
4 | Four | 1286 |
5 | Five | 553 |
6 | Six | 445 |
7 | Seven | 192 |
8 | Eight children | 98 |
9 | Nine children | 67 |
10 | Ten children | 32 |
11 | Eleven children | 19 |
12 | Twelve children | 15 |
13 | Thirteen children | 3 |
14 | Fourteen children | 3 |
15 | Fifteen children | 1 |
17 | Seventen children | 1 |
18 | Eighteen children | 1 |
99 | Na, refused | 631 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 955 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32572 | 0 | 99 | 3.09883 | 13.5787 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V9 Most contact with daughter or son?
Vrednost 9291 | Frekvenca | |
1 | With a son | 6868 |
2 | With a daughter | 7588 |
3 | RP:Both; LV:Both | 14 |
6 | No contact w adult child | 286 |
8 | Don´t know | 62 |
9 | Na, refused | 1610 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, no adult child | 13550 |
SYSMISS | 3549 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
16428 | 1 | 9 | 2.36109 | 2.34637 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V10 How often visit son or daughter?
Vrednost 10290 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lives in same household | 4933 |
2 | Daily | 2663 |
3 | Several times a week | 2014 |
4 | At least once a week | 2177 |
5 | At least once a month | 1624 |
6 | Several times a year | 1180 |
7 | Less often | 400 |
9 | Na, refused | 1190 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, no contact | 13801 |
SYSMISS | 3545 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
16181 | 1 | 9 | 3.31988 | 2.34892 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V11 Other contact with son or daughter
Vrednost 11289 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Daily | 2454 |
2 | Several times a week | 2653 |
3 | At least once a week | 2351 |
4 | At least once a month | 1052 |
5 | Several times a year | 454 |
6 | Less often | 780 |
7 | NIRL: never | 96 |
8 | Don´t know | 36 |
9 | Na, refused | 1251 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 18043 |
SYSMISS | 4357 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
11127 | 1 | 9 | 3.43219 | 2.46767 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V12 How often visit father
Vrednost 12288 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lives in same household | 3150 |
2 | Daily | 1589 |
3 | Several times a week | 1542 |
4 | At least once a week | 2195 |
5 | At least once a month | 2169 |
6 | Several times a year | 1954 |
7 | Less often | 1199 |
8 | Never | 560 |
96 | Father no longer alive | 17286 |
98 | Don´t know where father lives | 616 |
99 | Na, refused | 1223 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 44 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33483 | 1 | 99 | 56.6281 | 45.7621 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V13 Other contact with father
Vrednost 13287 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Daily | 1246 |
2 | Several times a week | 1865 |
3 | At least once a week | 2635 |
4 | At least once a month | 1910 |
5 | Several times a year | 1050 |
6 | Less often | 964 |
7 | Never | 1345 |
8 | Don´t know | 7 |
9 | Na, refused | 1336 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, same household, not alive | 17018 |
SYSMISS | 4151 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
12358 | 1 | 9 | 4.29277 | 2.39319 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V14 How often visit mother
Vrednost 14286 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lives in same household | 4632 |
2 | Daily | 2484 |
3 | Several times a week | 2571 |
4 | At least once a week | 3106 |
5 | At least once a month | 2901 |
6 | Several times a year | 2502 |
7 | Less often | 1332 |
8 | Never | 222 |
96 | Mother no longer alive | 12562 |
98 | Don´t know where mother lives | 199 |
99 | Na, refused | 971 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 45 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33482 | 1 | 99 | 41.5727 | 45.6141 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V15 Other contact with mother
Vrednost 15285 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Daily | 2407 |
2 | Several times a week | 3324 |
3 | At least once a week | 3731 |
4 | At least once a month | 2200 |
5 | Several times a year | 1034 |
6 | Less often | 923 |
7 | Never | 1306 |
8 | Don´t know | 8 |
9 | Na, refused | 1094 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, same household, not alive | 14014 |
SYSMISS | 3486 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
16027 | 1 | 9 | 3.66931 | 2.24672 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V16 How long to get to where mother lives
Vrednost 16284 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Less than 2 minutes | 1594 |
2 | Less than 15 minutes | 3400 |
3 | Between 15 and 30 minutes | 2627 |
4 | Between 30 min and 1 hour | 1837 |
5 | Between 1 and 2 hours | 1487 |
6 | Between 2 and 3 hours | 1022 |
7 | Between 3 and 5 hours | 985 |
8 | Between 5 and 12 hours | 1035 |
9 | Over 12 hours | 1196 |
98 | Don´t know | 1 |
99 | Na, refused | 936 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, no contact, no longer alive | 13915 |
SYSMISS | 3492 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
16120 | 1 | 99 | 9.67066 | 22.3188 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V17 How often contact with uncles or aunts
Vrednost 17283 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice in last 4 weeks | 4060 |
2 | Once or twice in last 4 weeks | 7586 |
3 | Not at all in last 4 weeks | 13470 |
4 | No living relative of this type | 6749 |
8 | Don´t know | 32 |
9 | NA | 1222 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 61 |
SYSMISS | 347 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33119 | 1 | 9 | 2.95577 | 1.5079 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V18 How often contact with cousins
Vrednost 18282 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice in last 4 weeks | 4708 |
2 | Once or twice in last 4 weeks | 8715 |
3 | Not at all in last 4 weeks | 15982 |
4 | No living relative of this type | 2579 |
8 | Don´t know | 32 |
9 | NA | 1147 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 37 |
SYSMISS | 327 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33163 | 1 | 9 | 2.74339 | 1.45323 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V19 How often contact with parents-in-law
Vrednost 19281 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice in last 4 weeks | 5570 |
2 | Once or twice in last 4 weeks | 4387 |
3 | Not at all in last 4 weeks | 5548 |
4 | No living relative of this type | 13765 |
8 | Don´t know | 61 |
9 | NA | 1641 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 509 |
SYSMISS | 2046 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
30972 | 1 | 9 | 3.27086 | 1.78573 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V20 Contact w brothers-or-sisters-in-law
Vrednost 20280 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice in last 4 weeks | 7257 |
2 | Once or twice in last 4 weeks | 8713 |
3 | Not at all in last 4 weeks | 8726 |
4 | No living relative of this type | 6765 |
8 | Don´t know | 52 |
9 | NA | 1314 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 270 |
SYSMISS | 430 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32827 | 1 | 9 | 2.74661 | 1.66501 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V21 Contact with nieces and nephews
Vrednost 21279 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice in last 4 weeks | 7588 |
2 | Once or twice in last 4 weeks | 8862 |
3 | Not at all in last 4 weeks | 10189 |
4 | No living relative of this type | 5099 |
8 | Don´t know | 59 |
9 | NA | 1216 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 177 |
SYSMISS | 337 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33013 | 1 | 9 | 2.65626 | 1.61087 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V22 How often contact with god-parents
Vrednost 22278 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice in last 4 weeks | 964 |
2 | Once or twice in last 4 weeks | 1718 |
3 | Not at all in last 4 weeks | 6512 |
4 | No living relative of this type | 10295 |
8 | Don´t know | 71 |
9 | NA | 355 |
-4 | Not asked | 11188 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 2424 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
19915 | 1 | 9 | 3.45865 | 1.14778 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V23 Number of close friends at work place
Vrednost 23277 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None | 9936 |
1 | 1 close friend | 2917 |
2 | 2 friends | 3156 |
3 | 3 friends | 1948 |
4 | 4 friends | 1099 |
5 | 5 friends | 1040 |
6 | 6 friends | 464 |
7 | 7 friends | 143 |
8 | 8 friends | 173 |
9 | 9 friends | 67 |
10 | 10 friends,H:Ten or more | 580 |
11 | 11 friends | 43 |
12 | 12 friends | 57 |
13 | 13 friends | 6 |
14 | 14 friends | 10 |
15 | 15 friends | 91 |
16 | 16 friends | 5 |
17 | 17 friends | 7 |
18 | 18 friends | 6 |
19 | 19 friends | 1 |
20 | 20 friends | 116 |
21 | 21 friends | 3 |
22 | 22 friends | 3 |
23 | 23 friends | 3 |
24 | 24 friends | 0 |
25 | 25 friends | 9 |
26 | 26 friends | 1 |
27 | 27 friends | 1 |
28 | 28 friends | 1 |
29 | 29 friends | 0 |
30 | 30 friends | 42 |
32 | 32 friends | 1 |
33 | 33 friends | 0 |
35 | 35 friends | 3 |
39 | 39 friends | 0 |
40 | 40 friends | 9 |
44 | 44 friends | 1 |
45 | 45 friends | 3 |
50 | 50 friends | 15 |
56 | 56 friends | 1 |
58 | 58 friends | 1 |
60 | 60 friends | 6 |
62 | 62 friends | 1 |
70 | 70 friends | 0 |
80 | 80 friends | 1 |
90 | 90 friends | 9 |
94 | 94 friends | 0 |
95 | 95 friends | 1 |
98 | B: 98 friends or more | 19 |
100 | 100 friends | 1 |
996 | GB,NI: Respondent does not work for pay | 273 |
997 | GB,NI: Respondent works alone | 647 |
998 | Don´t know | 148 |
999 | NA | 7508 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP | 2234 |
SYSMISS | 717 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
30576 | 0 | 999 | 281.707 | 447.709 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
V24 Number of close friends livg near you
Vrednost 24276 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None | 10156 |
1 | 1 close friend | 4282 |
2 | 2 friends | 5478 |
3 | 3 friends | 3046 |
4 | 4 friends | 2450 |
5 | 5 friends | 1877 |
6 | 6 friends | 1174 |
7 | 7 friends | 315 |
8 | 8 friends | 478 |
9 | 9 friends | 118 |
10 | 10 friends,H:Ten or more | 1446 |
11 | 11 friends | 62 |
12 | 12 friends | 179 |
13 | 13 friends | 12 |
14 | 14 friends | 26 |
15 | 15 friends | 224 |
16 | 16 friends | 21 |
17 | 17 friends | 2 |
18 | 18 friends | 11 |
19 | 19 friends | 4 |
20 | 20 friends | 407 |
21 | 21 friends | 4 |
22 | 22 friends | 7 |
23 | 23 friends | 3 |
24 | 24 friends | 5 |
25 | 25 friends | 35 |
26 | 26 friends | 1 |
27 | 27 friends | 1 |
28 | 28 friends | 3 |
29 | 29 friends | 2 |
30 | 30 friends | 106 |
31 | 31 friends | 1 |
32 | 32 friends | 1 |
33 | 33 friends | 0 |
34 | 34 friends | 1 |
35 | 35 friends | 5 |
39 | 39 friends | 0 |
40 | 40 friends | 19 |
41 | 41 friends | 1 |
48 | 48 friends | 1 |
49 | 49 friends | 1 |
50 | 50 friends | 47 |
51 | 51 friends | 1 |
55 | 55 friends | 1 |
58 | 58 friends | 0 |
60 | 60 friends | 9 |
61 | 61 friends | 1 |
62 | 62 friends | 1 |
70 | 70 friends | 3 |
80 | 80 friends | 1 |
90 | 90 friends | 44 |
94 | 94 friends | 0 |
97 | J:97 friends and more | 1 |
98 | B:98 friends or more | 82 |
100 | 100 friends | 2 |
150 | 1 | |
800 | CDN: Few | 1 |
801 | CDN: Many | 6 |
998 | Don´t know | 176 |
999 | NA | 1133 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 52 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33475 | 0 | 999 | 42.4935 | 193.418 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
V25 Number of other close friends
Vrednost 25275 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None | 8056 |
1 | 1 close friend | 3155 |
2 | 2 friends | 3921 |
3 | 3 friends | 2921 |
4 | 4 friends | 2358 |
5 | 5 friends | 2528 |
6 | 6 friends | 1456 |
7 | 7 friends | 487 |
8 | 8 friends | 639 |
9 | 9 friends | 132 |
10 | 10 friends,H:Ten or more | 2696 |
11 | 11 friends | 280 |
12 | 12 friends | 436 |
13 | 13 friends | 21 |
14 | 14 friends | 70 |
15 | 15 friends | 566 |
16 | 16 friends | 46 |
17 | 17 friends | 14 |
18 | 18 friends | 42 |
19 | 19 friends | 7 |
20 | 20 friends | 1111 |
21 | 21 friends | 13 |
22 | 22 friends | 17 |
23 | 23 friends | 5 |
24 | 24 friends | 17 |
25 | 25 friends | 131 |
26 | 26 friends | 5 |
27 | 27 friends | 5 |
28 | 28 friends | 7 |
29 | 29 friends | 2 |
30 | 30 friends | 396 |
32 | 32 friends | 3 |
33 | 33 friends | 0 |
34 | 34 friends | 1 |
35 | 35 friends | 24 |
36 | 36 friends | 2 |
37 | 37 friends | 2 |
38 | 38 friends | 1 |
39 | 39 friends | 0 |
40 | 40 friends | 108 |
42 | 42 friends | 1 |
43 | 43 friends | 1 |
44 | 44 friends | 1 |
45 | 45 friends | 9 |
46 | 46 friends | 1 |
47 | 47 friends | 2 |
48 | 48 friends | 1 |
49 | 49 friends | 1 |
50 | 50 friends | 224 |
52 | 52 friends | 1 |
54 | 54 friends | 1 |
55 | 55 friends | 3 |
56 | 56 friends | 1 |
58 | 58 friends | 0 |
60 | 60 friends | 33 |
62 | 62 friends | 0 |
63 | 63 friends | 1 |
65 | 65 friends | 1 |
67 | 67 friends | 1 |
70 | 70 friends | 10 |
73 | 73 friends | 1 |
75 | 75 friends | 1 |
77 | 77 friends | 1 |
80 | 80 friends | 19 |
85 | 85 friends | 1 |
90 | 90 friends | 67 |
94 | 94 friends | 0 |
95 | 95 friends | 3 |
97 | J:97 friends and more | 3 |
98 | B:98 friends or more | 185 |
100 | 100 friends | 24 |
103 | 103 friends | 1 |
123 | 123 friends | 1 |
150 | 150 friends | 2 |
200 | 200 friends | 5 |
800 | CDN: Few | 1 |
801 | CDN: Many | 46 |
998 | Don´t know | 216 |
999 | NA | 865 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 111 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33416 | 0 | 999 | 39.3436 | 178.327 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
V26 Gender of best close friend
Vrednost 26274 | Frekvenca | |
1 | A male relative | 3198 |
2 | A female relative | 4803 |
3 | A man,not a relative | 9036 |
4 | A woman,not a relative | 11453 |
8 | DK | 2 |
9 | NA | 834 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV, no close friend | 4095 |
SYSMISS | 106 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
29326 | 1 | 9 | 3.17964 | 1.40848 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V27 How often visit your close friend
Vrednost 27273 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lives in same household | 854 |
2 | Daily | 5732 |
3 | Several times a week | 6276 |
4 | At least once a week | 6470 |
5 | At least once a month | 4800 |
6 | Several times a year | 3027 |
7 | Less often | 1191 |
8 | Never | 136 |
9 | Na, refused | 474 |
98 | DK | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, no close friend | 3666 |
SYSMISS | 900 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
28961 | 1 | 98 | 3.901 | 1.73419 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 98
V28 Other contact with best close friend
Vrednost 28272 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Daily | 3974 |
2 | Several times a week | 6327 |
3 | At least once a week | 6505 |
4 | At least once a month | 4101 |
5 | Several times a year | 1956 |
6 | Less often | 1585 |
7 | Never | 2674 |
8 | Don´t know | 6 |
9 | Na, refused | 593 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, same household, no contact | 4709 |
SYSMISS | 1097 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
27721 | 1 | 9 | 3.46091 | 1.96291 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V29 Participation: pol.party lst 12 month
Vrednost 29271 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice | 1574 |
2 | Once or twice | 1052 |
3 | Belong to,never participate | 1198 |
4 | Not belong to such a group | 27798 |
8 | Don´t know | 1 |
9 | Na, refused | 1615 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 289 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33238 | 1 | 9 | 4.00165 | 1.34317 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V30 Participation: trade union o prof.ass.
Vrednost 30270 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice | 1643 |
2 | Once or twice | 1639 |
3 | Belong to,never participate | 2875 |
4 | Not belong to such a group | 25466 |
8 | Don´t know | 1 |
9 | Na, refused | 1601 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 302 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33225 | 1 | 9 | 3.90751 | 1.38765 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V31 Participation: church or rel organis.
Vrednost 31269 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice | 5024 |
2 | Once or twice | 2229 |
3 | Belong to,never participate | 2289 |
4 | Not belong to such a group | 22251 |
8 | Don´t know | 0 |
9 | Na, refused | 1506 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 228 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33299 | 1 | 9 | 3.57089 | 1.62511 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V32 Participation in sports group
Vrednost 32268 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice | 6264 |
2 | Once or twice | 1932 |
3 | Belong to,never participate | 973 |
4 | Not belong to such a group | 22872 |
8 | Don´t know | 0 |
9 | Na, refused | 1275 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 211 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33316 | 1 | 9 | 3.48211 | 1.62541 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V33 Participation: charitable organisation
Vrednost 33267 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice | 2043 |
2 | Once or twice | 1326 |
3 | Belong to,never participate | 885 |
4 | Not belong to such a group | 27297 |
8 | Don´t know | 0 |
9 | Na, refused | 1678 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 298 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33229 | 1 | 9 | 3.9616 | 1.41444 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V34 Participation in neighbourhood group
Vrednost 34266 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice | 1753 |
2 | Once or twice | 1610 |
3 | Belong to,never participate | 1167 |
4 | Not belong to such a group | 27051 |
8 | Don´t know | 0 |
9 | Na, refused | 1641 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 305 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33222 | 1 | 9 | 3.95663 | 1.39173 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V35 Participation in other associations
Vrednost 35265 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than twice | 2727 |
2 | Once or twice | 1277 |
3 | Belong to,never participate | 818 |
4 | Not belong to such a group | 26551 |
8 | Don´t know | 0 |
9 | Na, refused | 1560 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 594 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32933 | 1 | 9 | 3.88604 | 1.44792 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V36 Ask f help in household when ill: 1.ch
Vrednost 36264 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No one | 514 |
1 | Husband,wife,partner | 17167 |
2 | Mother | 4882 |
3 | Father | 502 |
4 | Daughter | 2879 |
5 | Daughter-in-law | 258 |
6 | Son | 1396 |
7 | Son-in-law | 30 |
8 | Sister | 1135 |
9 | Brother | 518 |
10 | Other blood relative | 459 |
11 | Other in-law relative | 241 |
12 | Close friend | 1607 |
13 | Neighbour | 759 |
14 | Someone you work with | 63 |
15 | Social services agency | 133 |
16 | Someone you pay to help | 128 |
17 | Someone else | 219 |
18 | God-parent | 14 |
19 | B:Somebody church/cult | 0 |
20 | B:Assoc. filantrópica | 0 |
21 | B:Doctor | 0 |
98 | Don´t know | 94 |
99 | NA | 460 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 69 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33458 | 0 | 99 | 4.89016 | 12.7616 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V37 Ask f help in household when ill: 2.ch
Vrednost 37263 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No one | 1801 |
1 | Husband,wife,partner | 1977 |
2 | Mother | 4378 |
3 | Father | 1902 |
4 | Daughter | 4998 |
5 | Daughter-in-law | 544 |
6 | Son | 3551 |
7 | Son-in-law | 187 |
8 | Sister | 2548 |
9 | Brother | 1264 |
10 | Other blood relative | 1185 |
11 | Other in-law relative | 874 |
12 | Close friend | 3186 |
13 | Neighbour | 1880 |
14 | Someone you work with | 224 |
15 | Social services agency | 187 |
16 | Someone you pay to help | 266 |
17 | Someone else | 608 |
98 | Don´t know | 46 |
99 | NA | 1796 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 125 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33402 | 0 | 99 | 11.3917 | 21.5926 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V38 Borrow a large sum of money: 1. choice
Vrednost 38262 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No one | 3304 |
1 | Husband,wife,partner | 4903 |
2 | Mother | 3677 |
3 | Father | 2842 |
4 | Daughter | 1242 |
5 | Son | 1300 |
6 | Sister | 1270 |
7 | Brother | 1344 |
8 | Other blood relative | 934 |
9 | Other in-law relative | 676 |
10 | God-parent | 80 |
11 | Close friend | 1849 |
12 | Neighbour | 478 |
13 | Someone you work with | 219 |
14 | Employer | 472 |
15 | Government or social service agency | 193 |
16 | Bank or credit union | 7412 |
17 | Private money lender | 203 |
18 | Someone else | 305 |
98 | Don´t know | 98 |
99 | NA | 663 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 63 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33464 | 0 | 99 | 9.10931 | 14.9854 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V39 Borrow a large sum of money: 2. choice
Vrednost 39261 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No one | 6803 |
1 | Husband,wife,partner | 1010 |
2 | Mother | 2713 |
3 | Father | 2452 |
4 | Daughter | 1119 |
5 | Son | 1345 |
6 | Sister | 1633 |
7 | Brother | 1682 |
8 | Other blood relative | 1405 |
9 | Other in-law relative | 1272 |
10 | God-parent | 116 |
11 | Close friend | 2391 |
12 | Neighbour | 578 |
13 | Someone you work with | 362 |
14 | Employer | 661 |
15 | Government or social service agency | 331 |
16 | Bank or credit union | 3659 |
17 | Private money lender | 625 |
18 | Someone else | 586 |
19 | CDN:Son-in-law | 14 |
98 | Don´t know | 120 |
99 | NA | 2403 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 247 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33280 | 0 | 99 | 13.5882 | 25.0848 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V40 Ask for help in depression: 1. choice
Vrednost 40260 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No one | 1684 |
1 | Husband,wife,partner | 13036 |
2 | Mother | 2526 |
3 | Father | 282 |
4 | Daughter | 1969 |
5 | Son | 680 |
6 | Sister | 1804 |
7 | Brother | 561 |
8 | Other blood relative | 441 |
9 | In-law relative | 326 |
10 | Close friend | 7105 |
11 | Neighbour | 549 |
12 | Someone you work with | 196 |
13 | Priest or member of the clergy | 315 |
14 | Family doctor | 696 |
15 | Psychologist | 287 |
16 | Self-help group | 42 |
17 | Someone else | 371 |
98 | Don´t know | 113 |
99 | NA | 482 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 62 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33465 | 0 | 99 | 6.41802 | 13.1985 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V41 Ask for help in depression: 2. choice
Vrednost 41259 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No one | 3420 |
1 | Husband,wife,partner | 2678 |
2 | Mother | 3552 |
3 | Father | 870 |
4 | Daughter | 2750 |
5 | Son | 1841 |
6 | Sister | 2650 |
7 | Brother | 1358 |
8 | Other blood relative | 905 |
9 | In-law relative | 675 |
10 | Close friend | 6344 |
11 | Neighbour | 891 |
12 | Someone you work with | 643 |
13 | Priest or member of the clergy | 427 |
14 | Family doctor | 1014 |
15 | Psychologist | 532 |
16 | Self-help group | 73 |
17 | Someone else | 563 |
98 | Don´t know | 215 |
99 | NA | 1948 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 178 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33349 | 0 | 99 | 12.1342 | 23.2605 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V42 How often:help w housework lst 12 mon
Vrednost 42258 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than once a week | 2990 |
2 | Once a week | 3297 |
3 | Once a month | 5157 |
4 | At least 2 or 3 times past year | 6861 |
5 | Once in the past year | 2723 |
6 | Not at all in the past year | 11467 |
8 | Don´t know | 9 |
9 | Na, refused | 854 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 169 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33358 | 1 | 9 | 4.27705 | 1.83875 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V43 How often: lent money lst 12 months
Vrednost 43257 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than once a week | 373 |
2 | Once a week | 499 |
3 | Once a month | 1657 |
4 | At least 2 or 3 times past year | 3847 |
5 | Once in the past year | 4454 |
6 | Not at all in the past year | 21375 |
8 | Don´t know | 8 |
9 | Na, refused | 1121 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 193 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33334 | 1 | 9 | 5.47198 | 1.25966 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V44 How often: talkg w someone depressed
Vrednost 44256 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than once a week | 3540 |
2 | Once a week | 3822 |
3 | Once a month | 5893 |
4 | At least 2 or 3 times past year | 8503 |
5 | Once in the past year | 3311 |
6 | Not at all in the past year | 7554 |
8 | Don´t know | 4 |
9 | Na, refused | 780 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 120 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33407 | 1 | 9 | 3.94546 | 1.78159 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V45 How often: helped somebody find a job
Vrednost 45255 | Frekvenca | |
1 | More than once a week | 520 |
2 | Once a week | 477 |
3 | Once a month | 1131 |
4 | At least 2 or 3 times past year | 3940 |
5 | Once in the past year | 5174 |
6 | Not at all in the past year | 20930 |
8 | Don´t know | 6 |
9 | Na, refused | 1136 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 213 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33314 | 1 | 9 | 5.47364 | 1.25852 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V46 Sources of information about jobs
Vrednost 46254 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Never worked for pay | 4066 |
1 | From parents,brother,sister | 2764 |
2 | From other relatives | 2058 |
3 | From a close friend | 3610 |
4 | From an acquaintance | 4025 |
5 | Public employment agency | 1796 |
6 | Private employment agency | 560 |
7 | School or university office | 1079 |
8 | Advertisement or a sign | 4032 |
9 | Contact by employer | 2531 |
10 | Call or ask for work | 3949 |
11 | PL:Other sources | 150 |
80 | Other | 662 |
98 | Don´t know | 54 |
99 | Na, refused | 1807 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 384 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33143 | 0 | 99 | 11.6774 | 23.9739 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
V47 Character of close friends:intelligence
Vrednost 47253 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Extremely important | 6572 |
2 | Very important | 9928 |
3 | Fairly important | 9404 |
4 | Not too important | 4871 |
5 | Not at all important | 1651 |
8 | Don´t know | 67 |
9 | Na, refused | 888 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 146 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33381 | 1 | 9 | 2.72332 | 1.53625 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V48 Charact cl. friend:help get things done
Vrednost 48252 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Extremely important | 5458 |
2 | Very important | 9687 |
3 | Fairly important | 9423 |
4 | Not too important | 5952 |
5 | Not at all important | 1898 |
8 | Don´t know | 49 |
9 | Na, refused | 894 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 166 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33361 | 1 | 9 | 2.84275 | 1.52563 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V49 Character cl. friend:really understands
Vrednost 49251 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Extremely important | 11205 |
2 | Very important | 12826 |
3 | Fairly important | 6680 |
4 | Not too important | 1285 |
5 | Not at all important | 571 |
8 | Don´t know | 49 |
9 | Na, refused | 775 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 136 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33391 | 1 | 9 | 2.16403 | 1.41659 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V50 Character cl. friend: enjoyable company
Vrednost 50250 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Extremely important | 12229 |
2 | Very important | 12959 |
3 | Fairly important | 5984 |
4 | Not too important | 992 |
5 | Not at all important | 512 |
8 | Don´t know | 44 |
9 | Na, refused | 687 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 120 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33407 | 1 | 9 | 2.07028 | 1.36092 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V51 Adult children shld care a old parents
Vrednost 51249 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 12826 |
2 | Agree | 11590 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 4855 |
4 | Disagree | 2525 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 914 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 459 |
9 | Na, refused | 294 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 64 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33463 | 1 | 9 | 2.13845 | 1.40756 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V52 Take care of family,before helpg others
Vrednost 52248 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 11408 |
2 | Agree | 13287 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 4848 |
4 | Disagree | 2612 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 524 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 447 |
9 | Na, refused | 345 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 56 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33471 | 1 | 9 | 2.15933 | 1.37813 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V53 People better off should help friends
Vrednost 53247 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 7524 |
2 | Agree | 12238 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 8003 |
4 | Disagree | 3333 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1089 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 824 |
9 | Na, refused | 428 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 88 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33439 | 1 | 9 | 2.54882 | 1.53925 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V54 Friendship should be of use to yourself
Vrednost 54246 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2388 |
2 | Agree | 4300 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 4506 |
4 | Disagree | 9951 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 11093 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 768 |
9 | Na, refused | 434 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 87 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33440 | 1 | 9 | 3.88233 | 1.51713 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V55 Gov.resp:provide childcare f everyone
Vrednost 55245 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Definitely should be | 14948 |
2 | Probably should be | 9399 |
3 | Probably should not be | 4087 |
4 | Definitely should not be | 2940 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 1567 |
9 | Na | 509 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 77 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33450 | 1 | 9 | 2.23868 | 1.81544 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V56 Gov:provide standard of livg f the old
Vrednost 56244 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Definitely should be | 23213 |
2 | Probably should be | 7968 |
3 | Probably should not be | 982 |
4 | Definitely should not be | 392 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 602 |
9 | Na | 312 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 58 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33469 | 1 | 9 | 1.53237 | 1.28664 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V57 How happy do R feel on the whole
Vrednost 57243 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very happy | 8346 |
2 | Fairly happy | 17803 |
3 | Not very happy | 4750 |
4 | Not at all happy | 1570 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 830 |
9 | Na | 184 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 44 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33483 | 1 | 9 | 2.17358 | 1.30777 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V58 Too many demands from family,relatives
Vrednost 58242 | Frekvenca | |
1 | No, never | 14517 |
2 | Yes, but seldom | 7867 |
3 | Yes, sometimes | 8081 |
4 | Yes, often | 1960 |
5 | Yes, very often | 676 |
8 | Don´t know | 55 |
9 | Na | 304 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 67 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33460 | 1 | 9 | 2.05888 | 1.26193 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V59 Only a few people you can trust compl.
Vrednost 59241 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 12502 |
2 | Agree | 13497 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 2878 |
4 | Disagree | 3080 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 694 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 481 |
9 | Na | 312 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 83 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33444 | 1 | 9 | 2.11027 | 1.40634 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V60 Other people want ones best most o time
Vrednost 60240 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 3479 |
2 | Agree | 12087 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 8566 |
4 | Disagree | 5968 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1700 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 1117 |
9 | Na | 521 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 89 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33438 | 1 | 9 | 2.97111 | 1.59837 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V61 Other people take advantage of you
Vrednost 61239 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 8374 |
2 | Agree | 12600 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 5846 |
4 | Disagree | 4217 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1104 |
8 | Can´t choose, Dk | 753 |
9 | Na | 525 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 108 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33419 | 1 | 9 | 2.52099 | 1.59284 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V62 How long lived in city,town,community
Vrednost 62238 | Frekvenca | |
1901 | Since the year 1901 | 0 |
1902 | 1 | |
1903 | Since the year 1903 | 0 |
1904 | 3 | |
1905 | 1 | |
1906 | 301 | |
1907 | 1 | |
1908 | 3 | |
1909 | 1 | |
1910 | Since the year 1910 | 5 |
1912 | 4 | |
1913 | 4 | |
1914 | since the year 1914 | 4 |
1915 | Since the year 1915 | 3 |
1916 | Since the year 1916 | 8 |
1917 | Since the year 1917 | 5 |
1918 | Since the year 1918 | 3 |
1919 | Since the year 1919 | 6 |
1920 | Since the year 1920 | 15 |
1921 | 17 | |
1922 | Since the year 1922 | 18 |
1923 | Since the year 1923 | 22 |
1924 | since the year 1924 | 9 |
1925 | Since the year 1925 | 33 |
1926 | since the year 1926 | 15 |
1927 | 16 | |
1928 | Since the year 1928 | 26 |
1929 | Since the year 1929 | 19 |
1930 | Since the year 1930 | 36 |
1931 | Since the year 1931 | 29 |
1932 | since the year 1932 | 34 |
1933 | Since the year 1933 | 27 |
1934 | Since the year 1934 | 28 |
1935 | Since the year 1935 | 45 |
1936 | Since the year 1936 | 45 |
1937 | Since the year 1937 | 42 |
1938 | Since the year 1938 | 47 |
1939 | Since the year 1939 | 49 |
1940 | Since the year 1940 | 71 |
1941 | Since the year 1941 | 62 |
1942 | Since the year 1942 | 73 |
1943 | Since the year 1943 | 53 |
1944 | Since the year 1944 | 53 |
1945 | Since the year 1945 | 121 |
1946 | Since the year 1946 | 112 |
1947 | Since the year 1947 | 110 |
1948 | Since the year 1948 | 109 |
1949 | Since the year 1949 | 127 |
1950 | Since the year 1950 | 229 |
1951 | Since the year 1951 | 161 |
1952 | Since the year 1952 | 168 |
1953 | Since the year 1953 | 122 |
1954 | Since the year 1954 | 155 |
1955 | Since the year 1955 | 157 |
1956 | Since the year 1956 | 192 |
1957 | Since the year 1957 | 157 |
1958 | Since the year 1958 | 204 |
1959 | Since the year 1959 | 183 |
1960 | Since the year 1960 | 353 |
1961 | Since the year 1961 | 238 |
1962 | Since the year 1962 | 279 |
1963 | Since the year 1963 | 224 |
1964 | Since the year 1964 | 218 |
1965 | Since the year 1965 | 303 |
1966 | Since the year 1966 | 228 |
1967 | Since the year 1967 | 286 |
1968 | Since the year 1968 | 306 |
1969 | Since the year 1969 | 298 |
1970 | Since the year 1970 | 510 |
1971 | Since the year 1971 | 365 |
1972 | Since the year 1972 | 393 |
1973 | Since the year 1973 | 326 |
1974 | Since the year 1974 | 421 |
1975 | Since the year 1975 | 467 |
1976 | Since the year 1976 | 496 |
1977 | Since the year 1977 | 370 |
1978 | Since the year 1978 | 387 |
1979 | Since the year 1979 | 421 |
1980 | Since the year 1980 | 674 |
1981 | Since the year 1981 | 471 |
1982 | Since the year 1982 | 558 |
1983 | Since the year 1983 | 445 |
1984 | Since the year 1984 | 429 |
1985 | Since the year 1985 | 552 |
1986 | Since the year 1986 | 545 |
1987 | Since the year 1987 | 465 |
1988 | Since the year 1988 | 430 |
1989 | Since the year 1989 | 492 |
1990 | Since the year 1990 | 680 |
1991 | Since the year 1991 | 564 |
1992 | Since the year 1992 | 506 |
1993 | Since the year 1993 | 529 |
1994 | Since the year 1994 | 540 |
1995 | Since the year 1995 | 653 |
1996 | Since the year 1996 | 733 |
1997 | Since the year 1997 | 716 |
1998 | Since the year 1998 | 912 |
1999 | Since the year 1999 | 953 |
2000 | Since the year 2000 | 926 |
2001 | Since the year 2001 | 804 |
2002 | Since the year 2002 | 81 |
9996 | Since birth | 8898 |
9998 | Don´t know | 19 |
9999 | Na | 383 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 136 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33391 | 1902 | 9999 | 4211.65 | 3594.09 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9999
V63 Improvements in Rs local government
Vrednost 63237 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very likely | 3449 |
2 | Somewhat likely | 7247 |
3 | Not very likely | 11000 |
4 | Not at all likely | 8456 |
8 | Don´t know | 2807 |
9 | Na | 503 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 65 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33462 | 1 | 9 | 3.33961 | 1.84517 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V64 No influence on government decicions
Vrednost 64236 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 4717 |
2 | Agree | 5429 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 3814 |
4 | Disagree | 4483 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2582 |
8 | Can´t choose | 825 |
9 | Na | 357 |
-4 | Not asked | 9674 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 1646 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
22207 | 1 | 9 | 3.04733 | 1.80734 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V65 How often:political discussion w friend
Vrednost 65235 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Almost all the time | 1269 |
2 | Most of the time | 3465 |
3 | Occasionally | 10331 |
4 | Almost never | 7781 |
8 | Can´t choose | 366 |
9 | Na | 407 |
-4 | Not asked | 8276 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 1632 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
23619 | 1 | 9 | 3.25615 | 1.27799 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
V66 How many children under 18 years
Vrednost 66234 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None, no child under 18 | 14982 |
1 | One child | 4546 |
2 | Two children | 3887 |
3 | Three children | 1466 |
4 | Four | 460 |
5 | Five | 162 |
6 | Six | 80 |
7 | Seven | 25 |
8 | Eight children | 19 |
9 | Nine children | 7 |
10 | Ten children | 5 |
11 | Eleven children | 2 |
12 | Twelve children | 2 |
15 | Fifteen children | 2 |
18 | Eighteen children | 1 |
27 | Twenty-seven children | 1 |
99 | Na, refused | 703 |
-4 | Not asked | 4058 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 3119 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
26350 | 0 | 99 | 3.41579 | 15.8695 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
SEX R: Sex
Vrednost 67233 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 15157 |
2 | Female | 18333 |
9 | NA, refused | 29 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33519 | 1 | 9 | 1.55386 | 0.543652 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
AGE R: Age
Vrednost 68232 | Frekvenca | |
4 | 2 | |
8 | 2 | |
9 | 1 | |
11 | 1 | |
12 | 2 | |
13 | 1 | |
14 | 3 | |
15 | 26 | |
16 | 16 years | 63 |
17 | 50 | |
18 | 519 | |
19 | 533 | |
20 | 522 | |
21 | 534 | |
22 | 544 | |
23 | 595 | |
24 | 543 | |
25 | 626 | |
26 | 645 | |
27 | 643 | |
28 | 623 | |
29 | 560 | |
30 | 670 | |
31 | 580 | |
32 | 611 | |
33 | 628 | |
34 | 566 | |
35 | 643 | |
36 | 747 | |
37 | 656 | |
38 | 678 | |
39 | 675 | |
40 | 763 | |
41 | 597 | |
42 | 681 | |
43 | 648 | |
44 | 648 | |
45 | 671 | |
46 | 652 | |
47 | 627 | |
48 | 628 | |
49 | 597 | |
50 | 642 | |
51 | 584 | |
52 | 584 | |
53 | 568 | |
54 | 559 | |
55 | 586 | |
56 | 468 | |
57 | 462 | |
58 | 445 | |
59 | 464 | |
60 | 557 | |
61 | 462 | |
62 | 467 | |
63 | 428 | |
64 | 436 | |
65 | 439 | |
66 | 395 | |
67 | 421 | |
68 | 366 | |
69 | 350 | |
70 | 406 | |
71 | 351 | |
72 | 351 | |
73 | 314 | |
74 | 275 | |
75 | 282 | |
76 | 250 | |
77 | 224 | |
78 | 230 | |
79 | 168 | |
80 | 166 | |
81 | 142 | |
82 | 112 | |
83 | 88 | |
84 | 66 | |
85 | 41 | |
86 | 46 | |
87 | 51 | |
88 | 27 | |
89 | 23 | |
90 | 19 | |
91 | 16 | |
92 | 6 | |
93 | 9 | |
94 | 1 | |
95 | 4 | |
96 | 96 years | 3 |
97 | 97 years | 0 |
98 | 98 years | 4 |
99 | 99 years | 5 |
999 | NA, refused | 110 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 50 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33477 | 4 | 999 | 48.8547 | 57.1964 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
MARITAL R: Marital status
Vrednost 69231 | Frekvenca | |
1 | marr,liv as mar | 19542 |
2 | widowed | 2812 |
3 | divorced | 2198 |
4 | separated | 833 |
5 | not married | 7939 |
9 | NA,refused,Can´t choose | 193 |
11 | AFS:Other type of marital status | 4 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33521 | 1 | 11 | 2.28418 | 1.75801 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 11
COHAB R: Steady life-partner
Vrednost 70230 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 3137 |
2 | No | 9358 |
9 | NA,refused | 383 |
-4 | Not asked | 3884 |
-3 | NAP, married, no partner, NAV | 13974 |
SYSMISS | 2791 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
12878 | 1 | 9 | 1.96459 | 1.30375 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
EDUCYRS R: Education I: years in school
Vrednost 71229 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 81 |
1 | 1 year | 142 |
2 | 2 years | 218 |
3 | 3 years | 307 |
4 | 4 years | 591 |
5 | 5 years | 392 |
6 | 6 years | 950 |
7 | 7 years | 562 |
8 | 8 years,NZ:1-8 yrs | 2438 |
9 | 9 years,N:7-9 yrs | 2047 |
10 | 10 years | 2461 |
11 | 11 years,NZ:9-11 yrs | 2964 |
12 | 12 years | 5288 |
13 | 13 years,NZ:12-13 yrs | 2016 |
14 | 14 years | 1555 |
15 | 15 years,NZ:14-16 yrs | 1615 |
16 | 16 years | 1594 |
17 | 17 years,NZ:17+ yrs | 1089 |
18 | 18 years | 606 |
19 | 19 years | 272 |
20 | 20 years | 225 |
21 | 21 years | 83 |
22 | 22 years | 55 |
23 | 23 years | 32 |
24 | 24 years | 24 |
25 | 25 years | 15 |
26 | 26 years | 1 |
27 | 27 years | 4 |
28 | 28 years | 7 |
29 | 29 years | 5 |
30 | 30 years | 4 |
31 | 31 years | 2 |
32 | 32 years | 2 |
34 | 34 years | 2 |
35 | 35 years | 2 |
36 | 36 years | 1 |
37 | 37 years | 1 |
38 | 38 years | 1 |
41 | 41 years | 1 |
44 | 44 years | 1 |
46 | 46 years | 1 |
47 | 47 years | 2 |
48 | 48 years | 1 |
54 | 54 years | 1 |
56 | 56 years | 1 |
68 | 68 years | 1 |
69 | 69 years | 0 |
94 | GB: Other answer | 1 |
95 | Still at school | 215 |
96 | Still at college,uni | 398 |
97 | No form school | 318 |
98 | Don´t know | 156 |
99 | Na, refused | 779 |
-4 | Not asked | 3970 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 27 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
29530 | 0 | 99 | 16.8944 | 21.2699 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
DEGREE R: Education II: categories
Vrednost 72228 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 159 |
1 | None;still at school,uni | 2921 |
2 | Incpl primary | 2170 |
3 | Primary compl | 4268 |
4 | Incpl secondary | 6343 |
5 | Secondary compl | 7733 |
6 | Semi-higher,incompl uni,other | 4122 |
7 | University compl | 4190 |
98 | Don´t know | 1 |
99 | NA | 193 |
-4 | Not asked | 1398 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 29 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32100 | 0 | 99 | 4.90246 | 7.54692 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
WRKST R: Current employment status
Vrednost 73227 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | F-time empl,main job | 13687 |
2 | P-t empl,main job | 2612 |
3 | Less part-time | 521 |
4 | Help family member | 188 |
5 | Unemployed | 2597 |
6 | Studt,school,educ | 1635 |
7 | Retired | 6545 |
8 | Housewife [man] | 3345 |
9 | Permanent disabled | 775 |
10 | Oth,n i lab force | 693 |
11 | AFS,B:Self employed | 572 |
12 | PL: Temporary out of work | 4 |
97 | Refused | 45 |
98 | Don´t know | 1 |
99 | NA | 249 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 58 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33469 | 1 | 99 | 4.95847 | 9.3771 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
WRKHRS R: Hours worked weekly
Vrednost 74226 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 1 hour | 10 |
2 | 2 hours | 20 |
3 | 3 hours | 38 |
4 | 4 hours | 49 |
5 | 5 hours | 67 |
6 | 6 hours | 78 |
7 | 7 hours | 45 |
8 | 8 hours | 163 |
9 | 9 hours | 51 |
10 | 10 hours | 209 |
11 | 11 hours | 24 |
12 | 12 hours | 147 |
13 | 13 hours | 19 |
14 | 14 hours | 57 |
15 | 15 hours | 185 |
16 | 16 hours | 102 |
17 | 17 hours | 21 |
18 | 18 hours | 106 |
19 | 19 hours | 20 |
20 | 20 hours | 511 |
21 | 21 hours | 69 |
22 | 22 hours | 57 |
23 | 23 hours | 36 |
24 | 24 hours | 196 |
25 | 25 hours | 263 |
26 | 26 hours | 41 |
27 | 27 hours | 34 |
28 | 28 hours | 113 |
29 | 29 hours | 20 |
30 | 30 hours | 578 |
31 | 31 hours | 23 |
32 | 32 hours | 130 |
33 | 33 hours | 31 |
34 | 34 hours | 38 |
35 | 35 hours | 945 |
36 | 36 hours | 303 |
37 | 37 hours | 489 |
38 | 38 hours | 738 |
39 | 39 hours | 276 |
40 | 40 hours | 4158 |
41 | 41 hours | 91 |
42 | 42 hours | 683 |
43 | 43 hours | 124 |
44 | 44 hours | 286 |
45 | 45 hours | 1008 |
46 | 46 hours | 97 |
47 | 47 hours | 39 |
48 | 48 hours | 936 |
49 | 49 hours | 54 |
50 | 50 hours | 1201 |
51 | 51 hours | 11 |
52 | 52 hours | 48 |
53 | 53 hours | 22 |
54 | 54 hours | 65 |
55 | 55 hours | 222 |
56 | 56 hours | 181 |
57 | 57 hours | 10 |
58 | 58 hours | 20 |
59 | 59 hours | 4 |
60 | 60 hours | 724 |
61 | 61 hours | 1 |
62 | 62 hours | 20 |
63 | 63 hours | 32 |
64 | 64 hours | 14 |
65 | 65 hours | 77 |
66 | 66 hours | 22 |
67 | 67 hours | 2 |
68 | 68 hours | 13 |
69 | 69 hours | 1 |
70 | 70 hours | 292 |
71 | 71 hours | 1 |
72 | 72 hours | 87 |
73 | 73 hours | 4 |
74 | 74 hours | 7 |
75 | 75 hours | 36 |
76 | 76 hours | 3 |
77 | 77 hours | 17 |
78 | 78 hours | 11 |
79 | 79 hours | 0 |
80 | 80 hours | 84 |
81 | 81 hours | 0 |
82 | 82 hours | 3 |
83 | 83 hours | 0 |
84 | 84 hours | 86 |
85 | 85 hours | 9 |
86 | 86 hours | 3 |
87 | 87 hours | 2 |
88 | 88 hours | 2 |
89 | 89 hours | 11 |
90 | 90 hours | 28 |
91 | 91 hours | 11 |
92 | 92 hours | 0 |
93 | 93 hours | 0 |
94 | 94 hours | 1 |
95 | 95 hours,GB:95+ hours | 2 |
96 | 96 and more | 72 |
99 | 229 | |
100 | 1 | |
997 | Refused | 26 |
998 | DK,cant say,varies too much | 262 |
999 | NA | 2016 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 10115 |
SYSMISS | 3638 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
19774 | 1 | 999 | 152.67 | 307.672 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
ISCO88 R: Occupation ISCO88 (4 digits)
Vrednost 75225 | Frekvenca | |
100 | Armed forces | 5 |
110 | Armed forces | 55 |
111 | Soldiers | 1 |
112 | Officers | 2 |
932 | 3 | |
1000 | 1 | |
1110 | Legislators | 8 |
1120 | Senior government official | 16 |
1130 | Traditional chiefs and heads of villages | 7 |
1140 | Senior officials of interest organisation | 5 |
1141 | Senior officials of political-party organisations | 1 |
1142 | Senior officials of employers | 7 |
1143 | Senior officials of humanitarian organisations | 1 |
1200 | Corporate managers | 2 |
1210 | Directors and chief executives | 136 |
1220 | Production and operations department managers | 79 |
1221 | Production and operations in agriculture | 5 |
1222 | Production and operations in manufacturing | 43 |
1223 | Production and operations in construction | 30 |
1224 | Production and operations in wholesale and retail trade | 90 |
1225 | Production and operations in restaurants and hotels | 23 |
1226 | Production and operations in transport | 27 |
1227 | Production and operations in business services | 24 |
1228 | Production and operations in personal care | 10 |
1229 | Production and operations not elsewhere classified | 162 |
1230 | Other departement managers | 87 |
1231 | Finance and administration department managers | 66 |
1232 | Personnel and industrial relations | 22 |
1233 | Sales and marketing department managers | 44 |
1234 | Advertising and public relations departments managers | 11 |
1235 | Supply and distribution department managers | 27 |
1236 | Computing services department managers | 11 |
1237 | Research and development department managers | 9 |
1238 | Other department managers not elsewhere classified | 9 |
1239 | Other department managers n.e.c. | 64 |
1300 | General managers | 3 |
1310 | General managers | 92 |
1311 | General managers in agriculture | 5 |
1312 | General managers in manufacture | 23 |
1313 | General managers in construction | 35 |
1314 | General managers in wholesale and retail trade | 237 |
1315 | General managers of restaurants and hotels | 51 |
1316 | General managers in transport | 26 |
1317 | General managers of business services | 48 |
1318 | General managers in personal care | 16 |
1319 | General managers not elsewhere classified | 75 |
2100 | 1 | |
2110 | Physicists, chemist and related professionals | 7 |
2111 | Physicists, and astronomers | 3 |
2112 | Meteorologists | 2 |
2113 | Chemists | 18 |
2114 | Geologists and geophysicists | 7 |
2120 | Mathematicians, statiscians and related professionals | 1 |
2121 | Mathematicians | 4 |
2122 | Statisticians | 7 |
2130 | Computing professionals | 67 |
2131 | Computing systems designers and analysts | 42 |
2132 | Computer programmers | 26 |
2139 | Computing professionals not elsewhere classified | 32 |
2140 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 91 |
2141 | Architects, town and traffic planners | 51 |
2142 | Civil engineers | 43 |
2143 | Electrical engineers | 17 |
2144 | Electronics and telecommunication engineers | 16 |
2145 | Mechanical engineers | 32 |
2146 | Chemical engineers | 11 |
2147 | Mining engineers, metallurgists | 5 |
2148 | Cartographers and surveyors | 4 |
2149 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 71 |
2210 | Life science professionals | 14 |
2211 | Biologists, botanists, zoologists | 11 |
2212 | Pharmacologists, pathologists | 3 |
2213 | Agronomists and related professionals | 6 |
2220 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 15 |
2221 | Medical doctors | 76 |
2222 | Dentists | 19 |
2223 | Veterinarians | 17 |
2224 | Pharmacists | 26 |
2229 | Health professionals (except nursing) n.e.c. | 9 |
2230 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 150 |
2300 | Teaching professionals | 39 |
2310 | College, university and higher education teaching | 117 |
2320 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 270 |
2330 | Primary and pre-primary education teaching | 41 |
2331 | Primary education teaching professionals | 189 |
2332 | Pre-primary education teaching professionals | 50 |
2340 | Special education teaching professionals | 38 |
2350 | Other teaching profess,nec | 57 |
2351 | Education methods specialists | 5 |
2352 | School inspectors | 14 |
2359 | Other teaching professionals n.e.c | 65 |
2400 | Other professionals | 13 |
2410 | Business professionals | 63 |
2411 | Accountants | 130 |
2412 | Personnel and careers professionals | 35 |
2419 | Business professionals not elsewhere classified | 77 |
2420 | Legal professionals | 11 |
2421 | Lawyers | 48 |
2422 | Judges | 3 |
2429 | Legal professionals not elsewhere classified | 16 |
2430 | Archivists, librarians and related info.professionals | 1 |
2431 | Archivists and curators | 4 |
2432 | Librarians and related information professionals | 20 |
2440 | Social science and related professional | 26 |
2441 | Economists | 31 |
2442 | Sociologists, anthropologists | 5 |
2443 | Philosophers, historians and political scientists | 2 |
2444 | Philologists, translators and interpreters | 13 |
2445 | Psychologists | 19 |
2446 | Social work professionals | 46 |
2450 | Writers and creative artists | 25 |
2451 | Authors, journalists and other writers | 50 |
2452 | Sculptors, painters and related artists | 36 |
2453 | Composers, musicians and singers | 11 |
2454 | Choreographers and dancers | 2 |
2455 | Film, stage and related actors and directors | 16 |
2460 | Religious professionals | 22 |
2470 | ćPublic service admin professionalsĆ | 1 |
2500 | Education professionals n.e.c. | 1 |
3100 | 13 | |
3110 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 32 |
3111 | Chemical and physical science technicians | 10 |
3112 | Civil engineering technicians | 32 |
3113 | Electrical engineering technicians | 22 |
3114 | Elect. and telecom. engineering technicians | 36 |
3115 | Mechanical engineering technicians | 26 |
3116 | Chemical engineering technicians | 11 |
3117 | Mining and metallurgical technicians | 6 |
3118 | Draughtspersons | 19 |
3119 | Physical and engin. science technicians n.e.c. | 53 |
3120 | Computer associate professionals | 12 |
3121 | Computer assistants | 22 |
3122 | Computer equipment operators | 29 |
3123 | Industrial robot controllers | 1 |
3130 | Optical and electronic equipement oper | 6 |
3131 | Photographers and image and sound recording | 19 |
3132 | Broadcasting and telecom. Equipment operat. | 3 |
3133 | Medical equipment operators | 5 |
3139 | Optical and electronic equip. Operators n.e.c. | 5 |
3140 | Ship, aircraft controllers and technicians | 8 |
3141 | Ships engineers | 8 |
3142 | Ships deck officers and pilots | 16 |
3143 | Aircraft pilots and related associate professionals | 5 |
3144 | Air traffic pilots | 3 |
3145 | Air traffic safety technicians | 1 |
3150 | Safety and quality inspectors | 24 |
3151 | Building and fire inspectors | 4 |
3152 | Safety, health and quality inspectors | 39 |
3210 | Life science technicians and related associate prof | 11 |
3211 | Life science technicians | 31 |
3212 | Agronomy and forestry technicians | 7 |
3213 | Farming and forestry advisers | 5 |
3220 | Modern health assistants professionals | 20 |
3221 | Medical assistants | 56 |
3222 | Sanitarians | 1 |
3223 | Dieticians and nutritionists | 3 |
3224 | Optometrists and opticians | 6 |
3225 | Dental assistants | 22 |
3226 | Physiotherapists and related associate professionals | 22 |
3227 | Veterinary assistants | 6 |
3228 | Pharmaceutical assistants | 10 |
3229 | Modern health associate prof. (except nursing) n.e.c. | 29 |
3230 | Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | 56 |
3231 | Nursing associate professionals | 167 |
3232 | Midwifery associate professionals | 19 |
3241 | Traditional medicine practitioners | 0 |
3242 | Faith healers | 3 |
3300 | Teaching associate professionals | 2 |
3310 | Primary education teaching associate professionals | 78 |
3320 | Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals | 35 |
3330 | Special education teaching associate professionals | 4 |
3340 | Other teaching associate professionals | 49 |
3400 | Other associate professionals | 10 |
3410 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 97 |
3411 | Securities and finance dealers and brokers | 9 |
3412 | Insurance representatives | 75 |
3413 | Estate agents | 34 |
3414 | Travel consultants and organisers | 10 |
3415 | Technical and commercial sales representatives | 208 |
3416 | Buyers | 37 |
3417 | Appraisers, valuers and auctioneers | 16 |
3419 | Finance and sales associate professionals n.e.c. | 67 |
3420 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 10 |
3421 | Trade brokers | 12 |
3422 | Clearing and forwarding agents | 21 |
3423 | Employment agents and labour contractors | 18 |
3429 | Business services agents and trade brokers n.e.c. | 40 |
3430 | Administrative associate professionals | 40 |
3431 | Administ. Secret. and related associate prof. | 104 |
3432 | Legal and related business associate professionals | 28 |
3433 | Bookkeepers | 113 |
3434 | Statistical, mathematical and related associate | 8 |
3439 | Administrative associate professionals n.e.c. | 63 |
3440 | Customs, tax and related government professionals | 16 |
3441 | Customs and border inspectors | 6 |
3442 | Government tax and excise officials | 6 |
3443 | Government social benefits officials | 7 |
3444 | Government licensing officials | 4 |
3449 | Customs, tax and related gover. Assoc. n.e.c. | 25 |
3450 | Police inspectors and detectives | 48 |
3460 | Social work associate professionals | 56 |
3470 | Artistic, entertainment and sports professionals | 12 |
3471 | Decorators and commercial designers | 33 |
3472 | Radio, television and other announcers | 4 |
3473 | Street, night-club and related musicians | 12 |
3474 | Clowns, magicians, acrobates and related associate | 1 |
3475 | Athletes, sportspersons and related associate | 23 |
3480 | Religious associate professionals | 16 |
4100 | Office clerks | 81 |
4110 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 98 |
4111 | Stenographers and typists | 46 |
4112 | Word-processor and related operators | 53 |
4113 | Data entry operators | 27 |
4114 | Calculating machine operators | 32 |
4115 | Secretaries | 286 |
4120 | Numerical clerks | 36 |
4121 | Accounting and bookkeeping clerks | 235 |
4122 | Statistical and finance clerks | 47 |
4130 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 18 |
4131 | Stock clerks | 151 |
4132 | Production clerks | 22 |
4133 | Transport clerks | 58 |
4140 | Library, mail and related clerks | 23 |
4141 | Library and filing clerks | 79 |
4142 | Mail carriers and sorting clerks | 82 |
4143 | Coding, proof-reading and related clerks | 4 |
4144 | Scribes and related workers | 1 |
4190 | Other office clerks | 278 |
4200 | Customer services clerks | 16 |
4210 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 37 |
4211 | Cashiers and ticket clerks | 133 |
4212 | Tellers and other counter clerks | 85 |
4213 | Bookmakers and croupiers | 3 |
4214 | Pawnbrokers and money-lenders | 7 |
4215 | Debt-collectors and related workers | 12 |
4220 | Client information clerks | 34 |
4221 | Travel agency and related clerks | 25 |
4222 | Receptionists and information clerks | 92 |
4223 | Telephone switchboard operators | 47 |
4300 | Office helping workers | 1 |
5100 | Personal and protective services workers | 8 |
5110 | Travel attendents and related workers | 9 |
5111 | Travel attendents and travel stewards | 21 |
5112 | Transport conductors | 28 |
5113 | Travel guides | 4 |
5120 | Housekeeping and restaurant services workers | 63 |
5121 | Housekeepers and related workers | 29 |
5122 | Cooks | 245 |
5123 | Waiters, waitresses and bartenders | 227 |
5130 | Personal care and related workers | 157 |
5131 | Child care workers | 133 |
5132 | Institution-based personal care workers | 127 |
5133 | Home-based personal care workers | 58 |
5139 | Personal care and related workers n.e.c. | 53 |
5140 | Other personal services workers | 25 |
5141 | Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians | 147 |
5142 | Companions and valets | 1 |
5143 | Undertakers and embalmers | 3 |
5149 | Other personal services workers n.e.c. | 19 |
5150 | Astrologers,fortune-tellers and related workers | 1 |
5151 | Astrologers and related workers | 0 |
5152 | Fortune-tellers, palmists and related workers | 2 |
5160 | Protective services workers | 24 |
5161 | Fire-fighters | 27 |
5162 | Police officers | 52 |
5163 | Prison guards | 13 |
5169 | Protective services workers not elsewhere classified | 96 |
5200 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 4 |
5210 | Fashion and other models | 8 |
5220 | Shop salespersons and demonstrators | 915 |
5230 | Stall and market salespersons | 89 |
6100 | Market-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 17 |
6110 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 31 |
6111 | Field crop and vegetable growers | 179 |
6112 | Tree and shrub crop growers | 17 |
6113 | Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers | 55 |
6114 | Mixed-crop growers | 26 |
6120 | Market-oriented animal producers | 37 |
6121 | Dairy and livestock producers | 137 |
6122 | Poultry producers | 11 |
6123 | Apiarists and sericulturists | 0 |
6124 | Mixed animal producers | 8 |
6129 | Market-oriented animal producers and related workers n.e.c. | 9 |
6130 | Market-oriented crop animal producers | 220 |
6140 | Forestry and related worker | 5 |
6141 | Forestry workers and loggers | 40 |
6142 | Charcoal burners and related workers | 1 |
6150 | Fishery workers,hunters and trappers | 42 |
6151 | Aquatic-life cultivation workers | 9 |
6152 | Inland and coatsal waters fishery workers | 23 |
6153 | Deep-sea fishery workers | 3 |
6154 | Aquatic-life cultivation workers | 0 |
6210 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 5 |
7100 | Extraction and building trades workers | 4 |
7110 | Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers | 5 |
7111 | Miners and quarry workers | 33 |
7112 | Shotfirers and blasters | 1 |
7113 | Stone splitters, cutters and carvers | 7 |
7120 | Building frame and related trades workers | 33 |
7121 | Builders, traditional materials | 39 |
7122 | Bricklayersand stonemasons | 138 |
7123 | Concrete placers, concrete finishers | 18 |
7124 | Carpenters and joiners | 154 |
7129 | Building frame and related trades workers n.e.c. | 72 |
7130 | Building finishers and related trades workers | 41 |
7131 | Roofers | 12 |
7132 | Floor layers and tile setters | 19 |
7133 | Plasterers | 21 |
7134 | Insulation workers | 5 |
7135 | Glaziers | 5 |
7136 | Plumbers and pipe fitters | 110 |
7137 | Building and related electricians | 71 |
7140 | Painters, building structure cleaners | 18 |
7141 | Painters and related workers | 87 |
7142 | Varnishers and related painters | 17 |
7143 | Building structure cleaners | 6 |
7200 | Metal,machinery and related trades workers | 6 |
7210 | Metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers | 28 |
7211 | Metal moulders vand coremakers | 17 |
7212 | Welders and flamecutters | 66 |
7213 | Sheet-metal workers | 19 |
7214 | Structural-metal preparers and erectors | 16 |
7215 | Riggers and cable splicers | 2 |
7216 | Underwater workers | 1 |
7220 | Blacksmiths, tool-makers and related trades workers | 16 |
7221 | Blacksmiths, hammer-smths and forging-press workers | 5 |
7222 | Tool-makers and related workers | 111 |
7223 | Machine-tool setters and setter-operators | 58 |
7224 | Metal wheel-grinders, polishers and tool sharpeners | 24 |
7230 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 62 |
7231 | Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters | 154 |
7232 | Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters | 8 |
7233 | Agricultural- or industrial-machinery mechanics | 55 |
7240 | Electrical and electronic equipement mechanics | 35 |
7241 | Electrical mechanics and fitters | 102 |
7242 | Electronics fitters | 17 |
7243 | Electronics mechanics and servicers | 33 |
7244 | Telegraph and telephone installers and servicers | 21 |
7245 | Electrical line installers, repairers and cable | 36 |
7300 | Precision,handicraft,printing and related trades workers | 2 |
7310 | Precision workers in metal and related materials | 6 |
7311 | Precision-instrument makers and repairers | 32 |
7312 | Musical-instrument makers and tuners | 0 |
7313 | Jewellery and precious-metal workers | 9 |
7320 | Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers | 4 |
7321 | Abrasive wheel formers, potters and related workers | 8 |
7322 | Glass-makers, cutters, grinders and finishers | 10 |
7323 | Glass engravers and etchers | 0 |
7324 | Glass, ceramics and related decorative painters | 5 |
7330 | Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather | 7 |
7331 | Handicraft workers in wood and related materials | 23 |
7332 | Handicraft workers in textile, leather | 11 |
7340 | Printing and related trades workers | 13 |
7341 | Compositors, typesetters and related workers | 12 |
7342 | Stereotypers, and electrotypers | 2 |
7343 | Printing engravers and etchers | 2 |
7344 | Photographic and related workers | 7 |
7345 | Bookbinders and related workers | 8 |
7346 | Silk-screen, block and textile printers | 3 |
7400 | Other craft and related trades workers | 2 |
7410 | Food processing and related trades workers | 8 |
7411 | Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers | 44 |
7412 | Bakers, pastry-cooks and confectionary makers | 69 |
7413 | Dairy-products makers | 7 |
7414 | Fruit, vegetable and related preservers | 4 |
7415 | Food and beverage tasters and graders | 4 |
7416 | Tobacco preparers and tobaco products makers | 1 |
7420 | Wood treaters and related trades | 20 |
7421 | Wood treaters | 19 |
7422 | Cabinet-makers and related workers | 49 |
7423 | Woodworking-machine setters and setter-operators | 2 |
7424 | Basketry weavers, brush makers and related workers | 1 |
7430 | Textile, garment and related trades workers | 25 |
7431 | Fibre preparers | 2 |
7432 | Weavers, knitters and related workers | 36 |
7433 | Tailors, dressmakers and hatters | 92 |
7434 | Furriers and related workers | 1 |
7435 | Textile, leather and related pattern-makers | 8 |
7436 | Sewers, embroiderers and related workers | 114 |
7437 | Upholsterers and related workers | 5 |
7440 | Pelt, leather and shoemaking trades workers | 9 |
7441 | Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers | 6 |
7442 | Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers | 20 |
7510 | Metal worker n.e.c. | 64 |
7520 | Electronics engineers n.e.c. | 38 |
7900 | Master craftsman, supervisor | 3 |
8100 | Stationary-plant and related operators | 5 |
8110 | Mining and mineral-proc.-plant operator | 6 |
8111 | Mining-plant operators | 4 |
8112 | Mineral-ore and stone-processing-plant operators | 2 |
8113 | Well drillers and borers and related workers | 12 |
8120 | Metal-processing-plant operators | 2 |
8121 | Ore ad metal furnace operators | 4 |
8122 | Metal melters, casters and rolling-mill operators | 7 |
8123 | Metal-heat-treating-plant operators | 2 |
8124 | Metal drawers and extruders | 0 |
8130 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators | 0 |
8131 | Glass and ceramics kiln and related machine operators | 2 |
8139 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators n.e.c. | 3 |
8140 | Wood-processing- and papermaking-plant operators | 9 |
8141 | Wood-processing-plant operators | 21 |
8142 | Paper-pulp plant operators | 5 |
8143 | Papermaking-plant operators | 3 |
8150 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 7 |
8151 | Crushing-, grinding- and chemical-mixing-machinery | 0 |
8152 | Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators | 2 |
8153 | Chemical-filtering- and separating-equipment | 0 |
8154 | Chemical-still and reactor operators | 3 |
8155 | Petroleum- and natural-gas-refining-plant operators | 3 |
8159 | Chemical-processing-plant operators n.e.c. | 4 |
8160 | Power-production and related plant operators | 3 |
8161 | Power-production plant operators | 9 |
8162 | Steam-engine and boiler operators | 11 |
8163 | Icinerator, water-treatment and relted plant | 13 |
8170 | Automated-assembly-line and industrial-robot operators | 2 |
8171 | Automated-assembly-line operators | 15 |
8172 | Industrial-robot operators | 1 |
8200 | Machine operators and assemblers | 10 |
8210 | Metal- and mineral-products mancine operators | 19 |
8211 | Machine-tool operators | 25 |
8212 | Cement and other mineral products machine operators | 5 |
8220 | Chemical-products machine operators | 3 |
8221 | Pharmaceutical- and toiletry products machine | 8 |
8222 | Ammunition- and explosive-products machine | 0 |
8223 | Metal finishing-, plating- and coating-machine | 5 |
8224 | Photographic-products machine operators | 4 |
8229 | Chemical-products machine operators n.e.c. | 8 |
8230 | Rubber- and plastic-products machine operators | 6 |
8231 | Rubber-products machine operators | 7 |
8232 | Plastic-products machine operators | 18 |
8240 | Wood-products machine operators | 7 |
8250 | Printing and paper-products machine oper | 1 |
8251 | Printing-machine operators | 17 |
8252 | Bookbinding-machine operators | 2 |
8253 | Paper-products machine operators | 8 |
8260 | Textile and leather-products machine oper | 33 |
8261 | Fibre-preparing-, spinning- and winding-machine | 8 |
8262 | Weaving- and knitting-machine operators | 5 |
8263 | Sewing-machine operators | 57 |
8264 | Bleaching-, dyeing- and cleaning-machine operators | 18 |
8265 | Fur- and leather-preparing-machine operators | 3 |
8266 | Shoemaking- and related machine operators | 4 |
8269 | Textile-, fur- and leather-products machine oper. n.e.c. | 8 |
8270 | Food and related products machine operators | 16 |
8271 | Meat- and fish-processing-machine operators | 28 |
8272 | Dairy-products machine operators | 8 |
8273 | Grain- and spice-milling-machine operators | 1 |
8274 | Baked-goods, cereal and chocolate-products | 6 |
8275 | Fruit-, vegetable- and nut-processing-machine | 4 |
8276 | Sugar production machine operators | 0 |
8277 | Tea-, coffee-, and cocoa-processing-machine | 1 |
8278 | Brewers-, wine and other beverage machine | 51 |
8279 | Tobacco production machine operators | 2 |
8280 | Assemblers | 6 |
8281 | Mechanical-machinery assemblers | 13 |
8282 | Electrical-equipment assemblers | 14 |
8283 | Electronic-equipment assemblers | 3 |
8284 | Metal-, rubber- and plastic-products assemblers | 5 |
8285 | Wood and related products assemblers | 0 |
8286 | Paperboard, textile and related products | 5 |
8290 | Other machine operators and Assemblers | 105 |
8300 | Drivers and mobile-plant operators | 6 |
8310 | Locomotive-engine drivers and related workers | 7 |
8311 | Locomotive-engine drivers | 22 |
8312 | Railway brakers, signallers and shunters | 14 |
8320 | Motor-vehicle drivers | 77 |
8321 | Motor-cycle drivers | 22 |
8322 | Car, taxi and van drivers | 203 |
8323 | Bus and tram drivers | 64 |
8324 | Heavy truck and lorry drivers | 209 |
8330 | Agricultural and other movile-plant operators | 18 |
8331 | Motorised farm and forestry plant operators | 36 |
8332 | Earth-moving- and related plant operators | 29 |
8333 | Crane, hoist and related plant operators | 25 |
8334 | Lifting-truck operators | 15 |
8340 | Ships deck crews and related workers | 14 |
9100 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 39 |
9110 | Street vendors and related workers | 19 |
9111 | Street food vendors | 19 |
9112 | Street vendors, non-food products | 23 |
9113 | Door-to-door and telephone salespersons | 26 |
9120 | Shoe cleaning and other street services elem. Occup | 2 |
9130 | Domestic and related helpers | 108 |
9131 | Domestic helpers and cleaners | 174 |
9132 | Helpers and cleaners in offices, hotels | 401 |
9133 | Hand-launderers and pressers | 33 |
9140 | Building caretakers,window and related cleaner | 51 |
9141 | Building caretakers | 127 |
9142 | Vehicle, window and related cleaners | 16 |
9150 | Messengers,porters,doorkeepers and related workers | 30 |
9151 | Messengers, package, and luggage porters | 48 |
9152 | Doorkeepers, watchpersons uggage porters | 127 |
9153 | Vending-machine money collectors, meter readers | 7 |
9160 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 8 |
9161 | Garbage collectors | 11 |
9162 | Sweepers and related labourers | 37 |
9210 | Agricultural, fishery and related labourers | 6 |
9211 | Farm-hands and labourers | 260 |
9212 | Forestry labourers | 16 |
9213 | Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers | 13 |
9300 | Labourers in mining construction manufacturing and transport | 48 |
9310 | Mining and construction labourers | 12 |
9311 | Mining and quarrying labourers | 6 |
9312 | Construction and maintenance labourers: roads, dams | 54 |
9313 | Building construction labourers | 99 |
9320 | Manufacturing labourers | 97 |
9321 | Assembling labourers | 30 |
9322 | Hand packers and other manufacturing labourers | 103 |
9330 | Transport labourers and freight handlers | 28 |
9331 | Hand or pedal vehicle drivers | 17 |
9332 | Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles and machinery | 10 |
9333 | Freight handlers | 65 |
9995 | Not classif;inadeq described | 664 |
9997 | Refused | 288 |
9998 | Don´t know | 348 |
9999 | No answer | 1483 |
-4 | Not asked | 7256 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 3572 |
SYSMISS | 1410 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
21289 | 100 | 9999 | 5755.93 | 2885.26 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9999
ISCO88_3 R: Occupation ISCO88 (3 digits)
Vrednost 76224 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Armed forces | 31 |
100 | Legislators, senior officials and managers | 0 |
110 | Legislators and senior officials | 6 |
111 | Legislators | 5 |
112 | senior government official | 9 |
113 | Traditional chiefs and heasds of villages | 0 |
114 | Senior officials of special-interest organisation | 1 |
120 | Corporate managers | 3 |
121 | Directors and chiefs executives | 25 |
122 | Production and operations department managers | 51 |
123 | Other department managers | 49 |
130 | General managers | 0 |
131 | General managers | 32 |
200 | Professionals | 4 |
210 | Physical, mathematical and enginnering science professionals | 7 |
211 | Physicists, chemists and related professionals | 4 |
212 | Mathematicians, statisticians and related professionals | 3 |
213 | Computing professionals | 20 |
214 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 52 |
220 | Life science and health professionals | 0 |
221 | Life science professionals | 6 |
222 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 38 |
223 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 1 |
230 | Teaching professionals | 0 |
231 | College, university and higher education teaching profession | 18 |
232 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 80 |
233 | Primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals | 28 |
234 | Special education teaching professionals | 2 |
235 | Other teaching professionals | 9 |
240 | Other professionals | 0 |
241 | Business professionals | 30 |
242 | Legal professionals | 18 |
243 | Archivists, librarians and related information professionals | 12 |
244 | Social science and related professionals | 10 |
245 | Writers and creative or performing artists | 42 |
246 | Religious professionals | 2 |
247 | Public service administrative professionals (A) | 6 |
300 | Technicians and associate professionals | 0 |
310 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 6 |
311 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 88 |
312 | Computer associate professionals | 44 |
313 | Optical and electronic equipement operators | 7 |
314 | Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians | 3 |
315 | Safety and quality inspectors | 5 |
320 | Life science and health associate professionals | 0 |
321 | Life science technicians and related associate professionals | 23 |
322 | Modern health associate professionals (except nursing) | 22 |
323 | Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | 75 |
324 | Traditional medicine practitioners and faith healers | 0 |
330 | Teaching associate professionals | 0 |
331 | Primary education teaching assoicate professionals | 83 |
332 | Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals | 22 |
333 | Special education teaching associate professionals | 11 |
334 | Other teaching associate professionals | 49 |
340 | Other associate professionals | 4 |
341 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 91 |
342 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 13 |
343 | Administrative associate professionals | 76 |
344 | Customs, tax and related government assoicate professionals | 33 |
345 | Police inspectors and detectives | 16 |
346 | Social work associate professionals | 30 |
347 | Artistic, entertainment and sports associate professionals | 10 |
348 | Religious associate professionals | 4 |
400 | Clerks | 0 |
410 | Office clerks | 32 |
411 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 154 |
412 | Numerical clerks | 129 |
413 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 61 |
414 | Library, mail and related clerks | 29 |
419 | Other office clerks | 109 |
420 | Customer services clerks | 0 |
421 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 52 |
422 | Client information clerks | 32 |
500 | Service workers and shop and market sales workers | 0 |
510 | Personal and protective services workers | 0 |
511 | Travel attendents and related workers | 4 |
512 | Housekeeping and restaurant services workers | 153 |
513 | Personal care and related workers | 122 |
514 | Other personal services workers | 51 |
515 | Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related workers | 0 |
516 | Protective services workers | 32 |
520 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 12 |
521 | Fashion and other models | 0 |
522 | Shop salespersons and demonstrators | 144 |
523 | Stall and market salespersons | 40 |
600 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
610 | Marked-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 9 |
611 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 33 |
612 | Market-oriented animal producers and related workers | 22 |
613 | Market-oriented crop animal producers | 46 |
614 | Forestry and related workers | 3 |
615 | Fishery workers, hunters and trappers | 0 |
620 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
621 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
700 | Craft and related trades workers | 10 |
710 | Extraction and building trades workers | 0 |
711 | Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers | 1 |
712 | Building frame and related trades workers | 42 |
713 | Building finishers and related trades workers | 30 |
714 | Painters, building structure cleaners and related workers | 12 |
720 | Metal, machinery and related trades workers | 0 |
721 | Metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers, structural-meta | 33 |
722 | Blacksmiths, tool-makers and reltaed trades workers | 31 |
723 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 49 |
724 | Electrical and electronic equipement mechanics and fitters | 60 |
730 | Precision, handicraft, printing and related trades workers | 0 |
731 | Precision workers in metal and related materials | 12 |
732 | Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers | 8 |
733 | Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather and related mat | 4 |
734 | Printing and related trades workers | 10 |
740 | Other craft and related trades workers | 0 |
741 | Food processing and related trades workers | 40 |
742 | Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers | 44 |
743 | Textile, garment and related trades workers | 63 |
744 | Pelt, leather and shoemaking trades workers | 10 |
800 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 7 |
810 | Stationary-plant and related operators | 0 |
811 | Mining- and mineral - processing - plant operators | 2 |
812 | Metal-processing-plnat operators | 3 |
813 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators | 3 |
814 | Wood-processing- and papermaking-plant operators | 4 |
815 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 4 |
816 | Power-production and related plant operators | 5 |
817 | Automated-assembly-line and industrial-robot operators | 1 |
820 | Machine operators and assemblers | 0 |
821 | Metal-and mineral-products machine operators | 24 |
822 | Chemical-products machine operators | 4 |
823 | Rubber- and plastic-products machine operators | 4 |
824 | Wood-products machine operators | 10 |
825 | Printing-, binding- and paper- products machine operators | 7 |
826 | Textile-, fur- and leather-products machine operators | 64 |
827 | Food and related products machine operatos | 10 |
828 | Assemblers | 14 |
829 | Other machine operators and Assemblers | 28 |
830 | Drivers and mobile-plant operators | 1 |
831 | Locomotive-engine drivers and reltaed workers | 8 |
832 | Motor-vehicle drivers | 67 |
833 | Agricultural and other mobile-plant operators | 21 |
834 | ship´s deck crews and reltaed workers | 0 |
900 | Elementary occupations | 4 |
910 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 0 |
911 | Street vendors and related workers | 1 |
912 | Shoe cleaning and other street services elementary occupatio | 0 |
913 | Domestic and related helpers, cleaners and launderers | 121 |
914 | Building caretakers, window and related cleaners | 19 |
915 | Messengers, porters, doorkeepers and related workers | 22 |
916 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 3 |
920 | Agricultural, fishery and related labourers | 0 |
921 | Agricultural, gishery and related labourers | 3 |
930 | Labourers in mining construction manufacturing and transport | 0 |
931 | Mining and construction labourers | 17 |
932 | Manufacturing labourers | 45 |
933 | Transport labourers and freight handlers | 22 |
996 | Not classif; inadequate description | 25 |
997 | Refused | 0 |
998 | Dk | 1 |
999 | Na | 636 |
-4 | Not asked | 28834 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 341 |
SYSMISS | 95 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
4257 | 11 | 999 | 569.862 | 279.551 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
PISCO_3 R: Previous occupation ISCO88 (3 digits)
Vrednost 77223 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Armed forces | 7 |
100 | Legislators, senior officials and managers | 0 |
110 | Legislators and senior officials | 0 |
111 | Legislators | 0 |
112 | senior government official | 6 |
113 | Traditional chiefs and heasds of villages | 0 |
114 | Senior officials of special-interest organisation | 0 |
120 | Corporate managers | 1 |
121 | Directors and chiefs executives | 0 |
122 | Production and operations department managers | 19 |
123 | Other department managers | 17 |
130 | General managers | 0 |
131 | General managers | 24 |
200 | Professionals | 2 |
210 | Physical, mathematical and enginnering science professionals | 6 |
211 | Physicists, chemists and related professionals | 0 |
212 | Mathematicians, statisticians and related professionals | 0 |
213 | Computing professionals | 1 |
214 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 8 |
220 | Life science and health professionals | 0 |
221 | Life science professionals | 0 |
222 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 5 |
223 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 0 |
230 | Teaching professionals | 0 |
231 | College, university and higher education teaching profession | 0 |
232 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 25 |
233 | Primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals | 0 |
234 | Special education teaching professionals | 0 |
235 | Other teaching professionals | 0 |
240 | Other professionals | 0 |
241 | Business professionals | 2 |
242 | Legal professionals | 2 |
243 | Archivists, librarians and related information professionals | 2 |
244 | Social science and related professionals | 4 |
245 | Writers and creative or performing artists | 8 |
246 | Religious professionals | 1 |
247 | Public service administrative professionals (A) | 0 |
300 | Technicians and associate professionals | 1 |
310 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 1 |
311 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 10 |
312 | Computer associate professionals | 0 |
313 | Optical and electronic equipement operators | 1 |
314 | Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians | 0 |
315 | Safety and quality inspectors | 0 |
320 | Life science and health associate professionals | 0 |
321 | Life science technicians and related associate professionals | 4 |
322 | Modern health associate professionals (except nursing) | 0 |
323 | Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | 6 |
324 | Traditional medicine practitioners and faith healers | 0 |
330 | Teaching associate professionals | 0 |
331 | Primary education teaching assoicate professionals | 13 |
332 | Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals | 0 |
333 | Special education teaching associate professionals | 0 |
334 | Other teaching associate professionals | 3 |
340 | Other associate professionals | 2 |
341 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 19 |
342 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 1 |
343 | Administrative associate professionals | 15 |
344 | Customs, tax and related government assoicate professionals | 8 |
345 | Police inspectors and detectives | 0 |
346 | Social work associate professionals | 9 |
347 | Artistic, entertainment and sports associate professionals | 0 |
348 | Religious associate professionals | 0 |
400 | Clerks | 0 |
410 | Office clerks | 20 |
411 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 26 |
412 | Numerical clerks | 13 |
413 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 1 |
414 | Library, mail and related clerks | 3 |
419 | Other office clerks | 10 |
420 | Customer services clerks | 0 |
421 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 5 |
422 | Client information clerks | 2 |
500 | Service workers and shop and market sales workers | 0 |
510 | Personal and protective services workers | 0 |
511 | Travel attendents and related workers | 0 |
512 | Housekeeping and restaurant services workers | 14 |
513 | Personal care and related workers | 18 |
514 | Other personal services workers | 4 |
515 | Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related workers | 0 |
516 | Protective services workers | 0 |
520 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 6 |
521 | Fashion and other models | 0 |
522 | Shop salespersons and demonstrators | 8 |
523 | Stall and market salespersons | 0 |
600 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
610 | Marked-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 18 |
611 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 5 |
612 | Market-oriented animal producers and related workers | 0 |
613 | Market-oriented crop animal producers | 3 |
614 | Forestry and related workers | 0 |
615 | Fishery workers, hunters and trappers | 0 |
620 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
621 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
700 | Craft and related trades workers | 10 |
710 | Extraction and building trades workers | 0 |
711 | Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers | 0 |
712 | Building frame and related trades workers | 4 |
713 | Building finishers and related trades workers | 4 |
714 | Painters, building structure cleaners and related workers | 1 |
720 | Metal, machinery and related trades workers | 1 |
721 | Metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers, structural-meta | 1 |
722 | Blacksmiths, tool-makers and reltaed trades workers | 3 |
723 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 0 |
724 | Electrical and electronic equipement mechanics and fitters | 4 |
730 | Precision, handicraft, printing and related trades workers | 0 |
731 | Precision workers in metal and related materials | 0 |
732 | Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers | 0 |
733 | Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather and related mat | 0 |
734 | Printing and related trades workers | 1 |
740 | Other craft and related trades workers | 1 |
741 | Food processing and related trades workers | 5 |
742 | Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers | 0 |
743 | Textile, garment and related trades workers | 2 |
744 | Pelt, leather and shoemaking trades workers | 0 |
800 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 8 |
810 | Stationary-plant and related operators | 0 |
811 | Mining- and mineral - processing - plant operators | 2 |
812 | Metal-processing-plnat operators | 0 |
813 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators | 0 |
814 | Wood-processing- and papermaking-plant operators | 0 |
815 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 0 |
816 | Power-production and related plant operators | 0 |
817 | Automated-assembly-line and industrial-robot operators | 0 |
820 | Machine operators and assemblers | 0 |
821 | Metal-and mineral-products machine operators | 1 |
822 | Chemical-products machine operators | 0 |
823 | Rubber- and plastic-products machine operators | 0 |
824 | Wood-products machine operators | 2 |
825 | Printing-, binding- and paper- products machine operators | 4 |
826 | Textile-, fur- and leather-products machine operators | 3 |
827 | Food and related products machine operatos | 5 |
828 | Assemblers | 9 |
829 | Other machine operators and Assemblers | 0 |
830 | Drivers and mobile-plant operators | 0 |
831 | Locomotive-engine drivers and reltaed workers | 3 |
832 | Motor-vehicle drivers | 3 |
833 | Agricultural and other mobile-plant operators | 0 |
834 | ship´s deck crews and reltaed workers | 0 |
900 | Elementary occupations | 0 |
910 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 0 |
911 | Street vendors and related workers | 0 |
912 | Shoe cleaning and other street services elementary occupatio | 0 |
913 | Domestic and related helpers, cleaners and launderers | 14 |
914 | Building caretakers, window and related cleaners | 0 |
915 | Messengers, porters, doorkeepers and related workers | 1 |
916 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 0 |
920 | Agricultural, fishery and related labourers | 0 |
921 | Agricultural, gishery and related labourers | 0 |
930 | Labourers in mining construction manufacturing and transport | 0 |
931 | Mining and construction labourers | 1 |
932 | Manufacturing labourers | 0 |
933 | Transport labourers and freight handlers | 3 |
996 | Not classif; inadequate description | 0 |
997 | Refused | 0 |
998 | Dk | 0 |
999 | Na | 913 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 11 | 999 | 799.877 | 305.419 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
WRKGOVT R: Working for privat - public sector
Vrednost 78222 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Government | 4441 |
2 | Public owned firm,nat.ind | 2642 |
3 | Private firm | 11170 |
6 | Other,charity,voluntary sector | 394 |
7 | Refused | 0 |
8 | Self employed | 2993 |
9 | NA, Don´t know | 1179 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 9924 |
SYSMISS | 784 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
22819 | 1 | 9 | 3.5126 | 2.43439 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
SELFEMP R: Self-employed I
Vrednost 79221 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV;Unempl,n lab force | 7093 |
1 | Self-employed RP:informell | 3416 |
2 | Work f someone else | 15482 |
3 | IL:Missing System | 2 |
8 | Don´t know | 25 |
9 | NA, refused | 618 |
-4 | Not asked | 3961 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 1184 |
SYSMISS | 1746 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
26636 | 0 | 9 | 1.50728 | 1.45653 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
NEMPLOY R: Self-employed II - how many employ
Vrednost 80220 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 1 employee | 490 |
2 | 2 employees | 317 |
3 | 3 employees | 177 |
4 | 4 employees | 109 |
5 | 5 employees | 92 |
6 | 6 employees | 56 |
7 | 7 employees | 31 |
8 | 8 employees | 26 |
9 | 9 employees | 22 |
10 | 10 employees | 28 |
11 | 11 employees | 6 |
12 | 12 employees | 19 |
13 | 13 employees | 8 |
14 | 14 employess | 8 |
15 | 15 employees | 16 |
16 | 16 employees | 6 |
17 | 17 employees | 2 |
18 | 18 employees | 2 |
19 | 19 employees | 4 |
20 | 20 employees | 12 |
21 | 21 employees | 2 |
22 | 22 employees | 1 |
23 | 23 employees | 3 |
24 | 24 employees | 1 |
25 | 25 employees | 10 |
26 | 26 employees | 2 |
27 | 27 employees | 1 |
30 | 30 employees | 7 |
31 | 31 employees | 0 |
34 | 34 employees | 1 |
35 | 35 employess | 2 |
36 | 36 employees | 0 |
37 | 37 employees | 2 |
38 | 38 employees | 0 |
40 | 40 employees | 7 |
44 | 44 employees | 0 |
45 | 45 employees | 3 |
50 | 10 | |
55 | 55 employess | 1 |
56 | 1 | |
60 | 60 employees | 2 |
63 | 63 employees | 0 |
65 | 65 employees | 1 |
69 | 69 employees | 1 |
70 | 70 employees | 2 |
75 | 75 employees | 1 |
95 | SLO:95 or more | 1 |
97 | 97 employees | 1 |
99 | 99 employees | 0 |
100 | 100 employees | 2 |
105 | 1 | |
120 | 120 employees | 1 |
150 | 150 employees | 2 |
200 | 200 employees | 2 |
250 | 250 employees | 2 |
300 | 300 employees | 0 |
450 | 450 employees | 1 |
500 | 500 employees | 1 |
750 | 1 | |
1000 | A:1000 employees | 1 |
5000 | AUS:5000 employees | 0 |
9000 | 1 | |
9998 | 6 | |
99996 | None | 925 |
99997 | Refused | 237 |
99998 | Don´t know | 5 |
99999 | No answer | 2088 |
-4 | Not asked | 1011 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 22435 |
SYSMISS | 5311 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
4770 | 1 | 99999 | 68254.6 | 46535.3 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99999
WRKSUP R: Supervise
Vrednost 81219 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes,supervises | 6008 |
2 | No,do n supervise | 12904 |
6 | GB: Self employed | 99 |
7 | Refused | 179 |
8 | Don´t know | 53 |
9 | NA | 784 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP, unempl, not in labour force | 9751 |
SYSMISS | 3749 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
20027 | 1 | 9 | 2.05438 | 1.61654 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
NWRKSUP R: Supervise, how many
Vrednost 82218 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Supervise 1 | 28 |
2 | Supervise 2 | 38 |
3 | Supervise 3 | 37 |
4 | Supervise 4 | 27 |
5 | Supervise 5 | 19 |
6 | Supervise 6 | 15 |
7 | Supervise 7 | 5 |
8 | Supervise 8 | 4 |
9 | Supervise 9 | 2 |
10 | Supervise 10 | 18 |
11 | Supervise 11 | 1 |
12 | Supervise 12 | 5 |
13 | Supervise 13 | 0 |
14 | Supervise 14 | 1 |
15 | Supervise 15 | 8 |
16 | Supervise 16 | 1 |
17 | Supervise 17 | 2 |
18 | Supervise 18 | 0 |
19 | Supervise 19 | 0 |
20 | Supervise 20 | 10 |
21 | Supervise 21 | 0 |
22 | Supervise 22 | 1 |
23 | Supervise 23 | 1 |
24 | Supervise 24 | 0 |
25 | Supervise 25 | 2 |
26 | Supervise 26 | 0 |
27 | Supervise 27 | 0 |
28 | Supervise 28 | 0 |
29 | Supervise 29 | 0 |
30 | Supervise 30 | 5 |
35 | Supervise 35 | 1 |
36 | Supervise 36 | 0 |
38 | Supervise 38 | 0 |
40 | Supervise 40 | 5 |
41 | Supervise 41 | 0 |
42 | Supervise 42 | 1 |
45 | Supervise 45 | 1 |
50 | Supervise 50 | 0 |
57 | Supervise 57 | 0 |
60 | Supervise 60 | 0 |
65 | Supervise 65 | 0 |
70 | Supervise 70 | 4 |
72 | Supervise 72 | 0 |
75 | Supervise 75 | 0 |
80 | Supervise 80 | 1 |
89 | Supervise 89 | 1 |
90 | Supervise 90 | 0 |
97 | Supervise 97 | 0 |
99 | Supervise 99 | 10 |
110 | Supervise 110 | 0 |
120 | Supervise 120 | 0 |
130 | Supervise 130 | 0 |
144 | Supervise 144 | 0 |
160 | Supervise 160 | 0 |
200 | Supervise 200 | 0 |
243 | Supervise 243 | 0 |
350 | Supervise 350 | 0 |
500 | Supervise 500 | 0 |
600 | Supervise 600 | 0 |
680 | Supervise 680 | 0 |
2000 | Supervise 2000 | 0 |
6500 | Supervise 6500 | 0 |
9995 | Not supervising | 0 |
9999 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP, doesn´t supervise | 34 |
SYSMISS | 919 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
254 | 1 | 99 | 12.7323 | 22.0156 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9999
UNION R: Trade union membership
Vrednost 83217 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP;Unempl etc;s-empl | 6102 |
1 | Member | 5450 |
2 | No member | 17685 |
3 | CDN: Member only in the past; RP,LV,RUS:Once member,not now | 1419 |
4 | RP,RUS:Never a member | 1519 |
8 | Don´t know | 19 |
9 | NA, refused | 869 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 464 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33063 | 0 | 9 | 1.78828 | 1.54711 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
SPEDUCYR S-P: Education I: years in school
Vrednost 84216 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 11 |
1 | 1 year | 0 |
2 | 2 years | 0 |
3 | 3 years | 1 |
4 | 4 years | 5 |
5 | 5 years | 2 |
6 | 6 years | 7 |
7 | 7 years | 6 |
8 | 8 years | 53 |
9 | 9 years | 15 |
10 | 10 years | 70 |
11 | 11 years | 32 |
12 | 12 years | 252 |
13 | 13 years | 31 |
14 | 14 years | 40 |
15 | 15 years | 70 |
16 | 16 years | 72 |
17 | 17 years | 32 |
18 | 18 years | 26 |
19 | 19 years | 8 |
20 | 20 years | 16 |
21 | 21 years | 0 |
22 | 22 years | 3 |
23 | 23 years | 2 |
24 | 24 years | 3 |
25 | 25 years | 6 |
26 | 26 years | 1 |
27 | 27 years | 2 |
28 | 28 years | 1 |
29 | 29 years | 0 |
30 | 30 years | 2 |
31 | 31 years | 0 |
32 | 32 years | 0 |
34 | 34 years | 0 |
35 | 35 years | 0 |
36 | 36 years | 0 |
37 | 37 years | 0 |
38 | 38 years | 0 |
40 | 40 years | 1 |
41 | 41 years | 0 |
44 | 44 years | 0 |
46 | 46 years | 0 |
47 | 47 years | 0 |
48 | 48 years | 0 |
54 | 54 years | 0 |
56 | 56 years | 0 |
68 | 68 years | 0 |
69 | 69 years | 0 |
94 | 94 years | 0 |
95 | Still at school | 0 |
96 | Still at college,uni | 0 |
97 | No form school | 0 |
98 | Don´t know | 0 |
99 | Na, refused | 10 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 427 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
780 | 0 | 99 | 14.0167 | 10.4914 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
SPWRKST S-P: Current employment status
Vrednost 85215 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV;N mar;n spou/partn | 8863 |
1 | F-t empl,main job,GB:employed | 10405 |
2 | P-t empl,main job | 1512 |
3 | Less part-time | 281 |
4 | Help family member | 157 |
5 | Unemployed | 1059 |
6 | Studt,school,educ | 253 |
7 | Retired | 3605 |
8 | Housewife [man] | 2731 |
9 | Permanent disabled | 473 |
10 | Oth,n i lab force | 559 |
11 | AFS,B:Self employed | 409 |
12 | PL: Temporary out of work | 9 |
97 | Refused | 227 |
98 | Don´t know | 11 |
99 | NA | 1206 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 1767 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
31760 | 0 | 99 | 7.10771 | 20.2401 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
SPISCO88 S-P: Occupation ISCO88 (4 digits)
Vrednost 86214 | Frekvenca | |
0 | 675 | |
100 | Armed forces | 0 |
110 | Armed forces | 57 |
111 | Soldiers | 1 |
112 | Officers | 0 |
828 | 3 | |
932 | 2 | |
1110 | Legislators | 4 |
1120 | Senior government official | 23 |
1130 | Traditional chiefs and heads of villages | 5 |
1140 | Senior officials of interest organisation | 2 |
1141 | Senior officials of political-party organisations | 1 |
1142 | Senior officials of employers | 1 |
1143 | Senior officials of humanitarian organisations | 0 |
1200 | Corporate managers | 0 |
1210 | Directors and chief executives | 95 |
1220 | Production and operations department managers | 22 |
1221 | Production and operations in agriculture | 13 |
1222 | Production and operations in manufacturing | 32 |
1223 | Production and operations in construction | 7 |
1224 | Production and operations in wholesale and retail trade | 49 |
1225 | Production and operations in restaurants and hotels | 12 |
1226 | Production and operations in transport | 15 |
1227 | Production and operations in business services | 13 |
1228 | Production and operations in personal care | 8 |
1229 | Production and operations not elsewhere classified | 76 |
1230 | Other departement managers | 40 |
1231 | Finance and administration department managers | 45 |
1232 | Personnel and industrial relations | 7 |
1233 | Sales and marketing department managers | 20 |
1234 | Advertising and public relations departments managers | 5 |
1235 | Supply and distribution department managers | 9 |
1236 | Computing services department managers | 6 |
1237 | Research and development department managers | 5 |
1238 | Other department managers not elsewhere classified | 3 |
1239 | Other department managers n.e.c. | 22 |
1300 | General managers | 0 |
1310 | General managers | 50 |
1311 | General managers in agriculture | 10 |
1312 | General managers in manufacture | 20 |
1313 | General managers in construction | 14 |
1314 | General managers in wholesale and retail trade | 127 |
1315 | General managers of restaurants and hotels | 32 |
1316 | General managers in transport | 16 |
1317 | General managers of business services | 42 |
1318 | General managers in personal care | 3 |
1319 | General managers not elsewhere classified | 58 |
2110 | Physicists, chemist and related professionals | 4 |
2111 | Physicists, and astronomers | 2 |
2112 | Meteorologists | 0 |
2113 | Chemists | 13 |
2114 | Geologists and geophysicists | 6 |
2120 | Mathematicians, statiscians and related professionals | 2 |
2121 | Mathematicians | 1 |
2122 | Statisticians | 2 |
2130 | Computing professionals | 28 |
2131 | Computing systems designers and analysts | 26 |
2132 | Computer programmers | 16 |
2139 | Computing professionals not elsewhere classified | 14 |
2140 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 49 |
2141 | Architects, town and traffic planners | 26 |
2142 | Civil engineers | 50 |
2143 | Electrical engineers | 10 |
2144 | Electronics and telecommunication engineers | 31 |
2145 | Mechanical engineers | 43 |
2146 | Chemical engineers | 7 |
2147 | Mining engineers, metallurgists | 7 |
2148 | Cartographers and surveyors | 3 |
2149 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 50 |
2210 | Life science professionals | 12 |
2211 | Biologists, botanists, zoologists | 4 |
2212 | Pharmacologists, pathologists | 2 |
2213 | Agronomists and related professionals | 4 |
2220 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 8 |
2221 | Medical doctors | 64 |
2222 | Dentists | 8 |
2223 | Veterinarians | 15 |
2224 | Pharmacists | 11 |
2229 | Health professionals (except nursing) n.e.c. | 7 |
2230 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 108 |
2300 | Teaching professionals | 25 |
2310 | College, university and higher education teaching | 74 |
2320 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 165 |
2321 | 6 | |
2330 | Primary and pre-primary education teaching | 14 |
2331 | Primary education teaching professionals | 105 |
2332 | Pre-primary education teaching professionals | 33 |
2340 | Special education teaching professionals | 16 |
2350 | Other teaching profess,nec | 29 |
2351 | Education methods specialists | 3 |
2352 | School inspectors | 3 |
2359 | Other teaching professionals n.e.c | 36 |
2400 | Other professionals | 6 |
2410 | Business professionals | 46 |
2411 | Accountants | 85 |
2412 | Personnel and careers professionals | 26 |
2419 | Business professionals not elsewhere classified | 53 |
2420 | Legal professionals | 11 |
2421 | Lawyers | 32 |
2422 | Judges | 0 |
2429 | Legal professionals not elsewhere classified | 8 |
2430 | Archivists, librarians and related info.professionals | 2 |
2431 | Archivists and curators | 4 |
2432 | Librarians and related information professionals | 14 |
2440 | Social science and related professional | 12 |
2441 | Economists | 24 |
2442 | Sociologists, anthropologists | 10 |
2443 | Philosophers, historians and political scientists | 0 |
2444 | Philologists, translators and interpreters | 2 |
2445 | Psychologists | 9 |
2446 | Social work professionals | 22 |
2450 | Writers and creative artists | 13 |
2451 | Authors, journalists and other writers | 22 |
2452 | Sculptors, painters and related artists | 18 |
2453 | Composers, musicians and singers | 12 |
2454 | Choreographers and dancers | 2 |
2455 | Film, stage and related actors and directors | 4 |
2460 | Religious professionals | 13 |
2470 | ćPublic service admin professionalsĆ | 0 |
2500 | Education professionals n.e.c. | 0 |
3110 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 31 |
3111 | Chemical and physical science technicians | 5 |
3112 | Civil engineering technicians | 27 |
3113 | Electrical engineering technicians | 19 |
3114 | Elect. and telecom. engineering technicians | 24 |
3115 | Mechanical engineering technicians | 12 |
3116 | Chemical engineering technicians | 4 |
3117 | Mining and metallurgical technicians | 3 |
3118 | Draughtspersons | 11 |
3119 | Physical and engin. science technicians n.e.c. | 34 |
3120 | Computer associate professionals | 7 |
3121 | Computer assistants | 13 |
3122 | Computer equipment operators | 10 |
3123 | Industrial robot controllers | 2 |
3130 | Optical and electronic equipement oper | 4 |
3131 | Photographers and image and sound recording | 3 |
3132 | Broadcasting and telecom. Equipment operat. | 6 |
3133 | Medical equipment operators | 2 |
3139 | Optical and electronic equip. Operators n.e.c. | 2 |
3140 | Ship, aircraft controllers and technicians | 4 |
3141 | Ships engineers | 8 |
3142 | Ships deck officers and pilots | 9 |
3143 | Aircraft pilots and related associate professionals | 3 |
3144 | Air traffic pilots | 2 |
3145 | Air traffic safety technicians | 2 |
3150 | Safety and quality inspectors | 6 |
3151 | Building and fire inspectors | 1 |
3152 | Safety, health and quality inspectors | 16 |
3210 | Life science technicians and related associate prof | 9 |
3211 | Life science technicians | 15 |
3212 | Agronomy and forestry technicians | 5 |
3213 | Farming and forestry advisers | 0 |
3220 | Modern health assistants professionals | 11 |
3221 | Medical assistants | 40 |
3222 | Sanitarians | 1 |
3223 | Dieticians and nutritionists | 4 |
3224 | Optometrists and opticians | 5 |
3225 | Dental assistants | 12 |
3226 | Physiotherapists and related associate professionals | 20 |
3227 | Veterinary assistants | 4 |
3228 | Pharmaceutical assistants | 5 |
3229 | Modern health associate prof. (except nursing) n.e.c. | 18 |
3230 | Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | 13 |
3231 | Nursing associate professionals | 114 |
3232 | Midwifery associate professionals | 8 |
3241 | Traditional medicine practitioners | 1 |
3242 | Faith healers | 0 |
3300 | Teaching associate professionals | 1 |
3310 | Primary education teaching associate professionals | 48 |
3320 | Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals | 26 |
3330 | Special education teaching associate professionals | 5 |
3340 | Other teaching associate professionals | 21 |
3400 | Other associate professionals | 12 |
3410 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 62 |
3411 | Securities and finance dealers and brokers | 10 |
3412 | Insurance representatives | 30 |
3413 | Estate agents | 12 |
3414 | Travel consultants and organisers | 3 |
3415 | Technical and commercial sales representatives | 128 |
3416 | Buyers | 36 |
3417 | Appraisers, valuers and auctioneers | 14 |
3419 | Finance and sales associate professionals n.e.c. | 37 |
3420 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 7 |
3421 | Trade brokers | 20 |
3422 | Clearing and forwarding agents | 14 |
3423 | Employment agents and labour contractors | 15 |
3429 | Business services agents and trade brokers n.e.c. | 14 |
3430 | Administrative associate professionals | 21 |
3431 | Administ. Secret. and related associate prof. | 38 |
3432 | Legal and related business associate professionals | 19 |
3433 | Bookkeepers | 58 |
3434 | Statistical, mathematical and related associate | 3 |
3439 | Administrative associate professionals n.e.c. | 43 |
3440 | Customs, tax and related government professionals | 10 |
3441 | Customs and border inspectors | 7 |
3442 | Government tax and excise officials | 6 |
3443 | Government social benefits officials | 4 |
3444 | Government licensing officials | 0 |
3449 | Customs, tax and related gover. Assoc. n.e.c. | 17 |
3450 | Police inspectors and detectives | 31 |
3460 | Social work associate professionals | 30 |
3470 | Artistic, entertainment and sports professionals | 13 |
3471 | Decorators and commercial designers | 19 |
3472 | Radio, television and other announcers | 6 |
3473 | Street, night-club and related musicians | 8 |
3474 | Clowns, magicians, acrobates and related associate | 0 |
3475 | Athletes, sportspersons and related associate | 6 |
3480 | Religious associate professionals | 4 |
4100 | Office clerks | 34 |
4110 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 52 |
4111 | Stenographers and typists | 50 |
4112 | Word-processor and related operators | 32 |
4113 | Data entry operators | 9 |
4114 | Calculating machine operators | 8 |
4115 | Secretaries | 153 |
4120 | Numerical clerks | 11 |
4121 | Accounting and bookkeeping clerks | 125 |
4122 | Statistical and finance clerks | 10 |
4130 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 5 |
4131 | Stock clerks | 82 |
4132 | Production clerks | 14 |
4133 | Transport clerks | 19 |
4140 | Library, mail and related clerks | 11 |
4141 | Library and filing clerks | 28 |
4142 | Mail carriers and sorting clerks | 45 |
4143 | Coding, proof-reading and related clerks | 1 |
4144 | Scribes and related workers | 0 |
4190 | Other office clerks | 114 |
4200 | Customer services clerks | 5 |
4210 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 20 |
4211 | Cashiers and ticket clerks | 54 |
4212 | Tellers and other counter clerks | 31 |
4213 | Bookmakers and croupiers | 2 |
4214 | Pawnbrokers and money-lenders | 0 |
4215 | Debt-collectors and related workers | 15 |
4220 | Client information clerks | 8 |
4221 | Travel agency and related clerks | 5 |
4222 | Receptionists and information clerks | 52 |
4223 | Telephone switchboard operators | 20 |
4300 | Office helping workers | 3 |
5100 | Personal and protective services workers | 3 |
5110 | Travel attendents and related workers | 0 |
5111 | Travel attendents and travel stewards | 3 |
5112 | Transport conductors | 15 |
5113 | Travel guides | 2 |
5120 | Housekeeping and restaurant services workers | 33 |
5121 | Housekeepers and related workers | 27 |
5122 | Cooks | 121 |
5123 | Waiters, waitresses and bartenders | 83 |
5130 | Personal care and related workers | 60 |
5131 | Child care workers | 63 |
5132 | Institution-based personal care workers | 57 |
5133 | Home-based personal care workers | 18 |
5139 | Personal care and related workers n.e.c. | 17 |
5140 | Other personal services workers | 14 |
5141 | Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians | 64 |
5142 | Companions and valets | 2 |
5143 | Undertakers and embalmers | 2 |
5149 | Other personal services workers n.e.c. | 10 |
5150 | Astrologers,fortune-tellers and related workers | 0 |
5151 | Astrologers and related workers | 1 |
5152 | Fortune-tellers, palmists and related workers | 0 |
5160 | Protective services workers | 6 |
5161 | Fire-fighters | 32 |
5162 | Police officers | 65 |
5163 | Prison guards | 9 |
5169 | Protective services workers not elsewhere classified | 65 |
5200 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 2 |
5210 | Fashion and other models | 3 |
5220 | Shop salespersons and demonstrators | 397 |
5230 | Stall and market salespersons | 48 |
6100 | Market-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 50 |
6110 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 10 |
6111 | Field crop and vegetable growers | 140 |
6112 | Tree and shrub crop growers | 16 |
6113 | Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers | 39 |
6114 | Mixed-crop growers | 27 |
6120 | Market-oriented animal producers | 7 |
6121 | Dairy and livestock producers | 98 |
6122 | Poultry producers | 6 |
6123 | Apiarists and sericulturists | 2 |
6124 | Mixed animal producers | 4 |
6129 | Market-oriented animal producers and related workers n.e.c. | 6 |
6130 | Market-oriented crop animal producers | 135 |
6140 | Forestry and related worker | 3 |
6141 | Forestry workers and loggers | 20 |
6142 | Charcoal burners and related workers | 1 |
6150 | Fishery workers,hunters and trappers | 27 |
6151 | Aquatic-life cultivation workers | 3 |
6152 | Inland and coatsal waters fishery workers | 14 |
6153 | Deep-sea fishery workers | 0 |
6154 | Aquatic-life cultivation workers | 0 |
6210 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 6 |
7100 | Extraction and building trades workers | 4 |
7110 | Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers | 5 |
7111 | Miners and quarry workers | 33 |
7112 | Shotfirers and blasters | 0 |
7113 | Stone splitters, cutters and carvers | 2 |
7120 | Building frame and related trades workers | 31 |
7121 | Builders, traditional materials | 38 |
7122 | Bricklayersand stonemasons | 115 |
7123 | Concrete placers, concrete finishers | 15 |
7124 | Carpenters and joiners | 105 |
7129 | Building frame and related trades workers n.e.c. | 60 |
7130 | Building finishers and related trades workers | 11 |
7131 | Roofers | 7 |
7132 | Floor layers and tile setters | 17 |
7133 | Plasterers | 8 |
7134 | Insulation workers | 2 |
7135 | Glaziers | 8 |
7136 | Plumbers and pipe fitters | 73 |
7137 | Building and related electricians | 71 |
7140 | Painters, building structure cleaners | 6 |
7141 | Painters and related workers | 63 |
7142 | Varnishers and related painters | 17 |
7143 | Building structure cleaners | 3 |
7200 | Metal,machinery and related trades workers | 4 |
7210 | Metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers | 17 |
7211 | Metal moulders vand coremakers | 4 |
7212 | Welders and flamecutters | 63 |
7213 | Sheet-metal workers | 17 |
7214 | Structural-metal preparers and erectors | 12 |
7215 | Riggers and cable splicers | 2 |
7216 | Underwater workers | 1 |
7220 | Blacksmiths, tool-makers and related trades workers | 14 |
7221 | Blacksmiths, hammer-smths and forging-press workers | 6 |
7222 | Tool-makers and related workers | 81 |
7223 | Machine-tool setters and setter-operators | 58 |
7224 | Metal wheel-grinders, polishers and tool sharpeners | 15 |
7230 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 56 |
7231 | Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters | 136 |
7232 | Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters | 4 |
7233 | Agricultural- or industrial-machinery mechanics | 62 |
7240 | Electrical and electronic equipement mechanics | 30 |
7241 | Electrical mechanics and fitters | 74 |
7242 | Electronics fitters | 9 |
7243 | Electronics mechanics and servicers | 14 |
7244 | Telegraph and telephone installers and servicers | 16 |
7245 | Electrical line installers, repairers and cable | 35 |
7300 | Precision,handicraft,printing and related trades workers | 0 |
7310 | Precision workers in metal and related materials | 3 |
7311 | Precision-instrument makers and repairers | 13 |
7312 | Musical-instrument makers and tuners | 0 |
7313 | Jewellery and precious-metal workers | 9 |
7320 | Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers | 1 |
7321 | Abrasive wheel formers, potters and related workers | 4 |
7322 | Glass-makers, cutters, grinders and finishers | 6 |
7323 | Glass engravers and etchers | 0 |
7324 | Glass, ceramics and related decorative painters | 6 |
7330 | Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather | 4 |
7331 | Handicraft workers in wood and related materials | 16 |
7332 | Handicraft workers in textile, leather | 11 |
7340 | Printing and related trades workers | 4 |
7341 | Compositors, typesetters and related workers | 9 |
7342 | Stereotypers, and electrotypers | 1 |
7343 | Printing engravers and etchers | 3 |
7344 | Photographic and related workers | 4 |
7345 | Bookbinders and related workers | 5 |
7346 | Silk-screen, block and textile printers | 1 |
7400 | Other craft and related trades workers | 0 |
7410 | Food processing and related trades workers | 9 |
7411 | Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers | 22 |
7412 | Bakers, pastry-cooks and confectionary makers | 40 |
7413 | Dairy-products makers | 5 |
7414 | Fruit, vegetable and related preservers | 7 |
7415 | Food and beverage tasters and graders | 0 |
7416 | Tobacco preparers and tobaco products makers | 2 |
7420 | Wood treaters and related trades | 9 |
7421 | Wood treaters | 14 |
7422 | Cabinet-makers and related workers | 34 |
7423 | Woodworking-machine setters and setter-operators | 1 |
7424 | Basketry weavers, brush makers and related workers | 0 |
7430 | Textile, garment and related trades workers | 16 |
7431 | Fibre preparers | 3 |
7432 | Weavers, knitters and related workers | 18 |
7433 | Tailors, dressmakers and hatters | 55 |
7434 | Furriers and related workers | 1 |
7435 | Textile, leather and related pattern-makers | 1 |
7436 | Sewers, embroiderers and related workers | 60 |
7437 | Upholsterers and related workers | 4 |
7440 | Pelt, leather and shoemaking trades workers | 6 |
7441 | Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers | 2 |
7442 | Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers | 13 |
7510 | Metal worker n.e.c. | 42 |
7520 | Electronics engineers n.e.c. | 17 |
7900 | Master craftsman, supervisor | 5 |
8100 | Stationary-plant and related operators | 5 |
8110 | Mining and mineral-proc.-plant operator | 4 |
8111 | Mining-plant operators | 5 |
8112 | Mineral-ore and stone-processing-plant operators | 0 |
8113 | Well drillers and borers and related workers | 8 |
8120 | Metal-processing-plant operators | 5 |
8121 | Ore ad metal furnace operators | 2 |
8122 | Metal melters, casters and rolling-mill operators | 4 |
8123 | Metal-heat-treating-plant operators | 1 |
8124 | Metal drawers and extruders | 1 |
8130 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators | 0 |
8131 | Glass and ceramics kiln and related machine operators | 7 |
8139 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators n.e.c. | 1 |
8140 | Wood-processing- and papermaking-plant operators | 5 |
8141 | Wood-processing-plant operators | 19 |
8142 | Paper-pulp plant operators | 1 |
8143 | Papermaking-plant operators | 2 |
8150 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 0 |
8151 | Crushing-, grinding- and chemical-mixing-machinery | 2 |
8152 | Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators | 1 |
8153 | Chemical-filtering- and separating-equipment | 0 |
8154 | Chemical-still and reactor operators | 0 |
8155 | Petroleum- and natural-gas-refining-plant operators | 5 |
8159 | Chemical-processing-plant operators n.e.c. | 5 |
8160 | Power-production and related plant operators | 7 |
8161 | Power-production plant operators | 1 |
8162 | Steam-engine and boiler operators | 6 |
8163 | Icinerator, water-treatment and relted plant | 12 |
8170 | Automated-assembly-line and industrial-robot operators | 0 |
8171 | Automated-assembly-line operators | 7 |
8172 | Industrial-robot operators | 0 |
8200 | Machine operators and assemblers | 6 |
8210 | Metal- and mineral-products mancine operators | 5 |
8211 | Machine-tool operators | 13 |
8212 | Cement and other mineral products machine operators | 4 |
8220 | Chemical-products machine operators | 0 |
8221 | Pharmaceutical- and toiletry products machine | 3 |
8222 | Ammunition- and explosive-products machine | 1 |
8223 | Metal finishing-, plating- and coating-machine | 5 |
8224 | Photographic-products machine operators | 1 |
8229 | Chemical-products machine operators n.e.c. | 2 |
8230 | Rubber- and plastic-products machine operators | 1 |
8231 | Rubber-products machine operators | 5 |
8232 | Plastic-products machine operators | 9 |
8240 | Wood-products machine operators | 4 |
8250 | Printing and paper-products machine oper | 5 |
8251 | Printing-machine operators | 6 |
8252 | Bookbinding-machine operators | 0 |
8253 | Paper-products machine operators | 7 |
8260 | Textile and leather-products machine oper | 5 |
8261 | Fibre-preparing-, spinning- and winding-machine | 5 |
8262 | Weaving- and knitting-machine operators | 4 |
8263 | Sewing-machine operators | 27 |
8264 | Bleaching-, dyeing- and cleaning-machine operators | 5 |
8265 | Fur- and leather-preparing-machine operators | 1 |
8266 | Shoemaking- and related machine operators | 4 |
8269 | Textile-, fur- and leather-products machine oper. n.e.c. | 3 |
8270 | Food and related products machine operators | 10 |
8271 | Meat- and fish-processing-machine operators | 7 |
8272 | Dairy-products machine operators | 5 |
8273 | Grain- and spice-milling-machine operators | 2 |
8274 | Baked-goods, cereal and chocolate-products | 6 |
8275 | Fruit-, vegetable- and nut-processing-machine | 1 |
8276 | Sugar production machine operators | 0 |
8277 | Tea-, coffee-, and cocoa-processing-machine | 1 |
8278 | Brewers-, wine and other beverage machine | 24 |
8279 | Tobacco production machine operators | 0 |
8280 | Assemblers | 5 |
8281 | Mechanical-machinery assemblers | 4 |
8282 | Electrical-equipment assemblers | 9 |
8283 | Electronic-equipment assemblers | 3 |
8284 | Metal-, rubber- and plastic-products assemblers | 2 |
8285 | Wood and related products assemblers | 0 |
8286 | Paperboard, textile and related products | 0 |
8290 | Other machine operators and Assemblers | 60 |
8300 | Drivers and mobile-plant operators | 5 |
8310 | Locomotive-engine drivers and related workers | 4 |
8311 | Locomotive-engine drivers | 25 |
8312 | Railway brakers, signallers and shunters | 18 |
8320 | Motor-vehicle drivers | 51 |
8321 | Motor-cycle drivers | 31 |
8322 | Car, taxi and van drivers | 202 |
8323 | Bus and tram drivers | 55 |
8324 | Heavy truck and lorry drivers | 218 |
8330 | Agricultural and other movile-plant operators | 12 |
8331 | Motorised farm and forestry plant operators | 42 |
8332 | Earth-moving- and related plant operators | 25 |
8333 | Crane, hoist and related plant operators | 22 |
8334 | Lifting-truck operators | 18 |
8340 | Ships deck crews and related workers | 17 |
9100 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 12 |
9110 | Street vendors and related workers | 7 |
9111 | Street food vendors | 12 |
9112 | Street vendors, non-food products | 19 |
9113 | Door-to-door and telephone salespersons | 21 |
9120 | Shoe cleaning and other street services elem. Occup | 0 |
9130 | Domestic and related helpers | 55 |
9131 | Domestic helpers and cleaners | 101 |
9132 | Helpers and cleaners in offices, hotels | 181 |
9133 | Hand-launderers and pressers | 19 |
9140 | Building caretakers,window and related cleaner | 19 |
9141 | Building caretakers | 61 |
9142 | Vehicle, window and related cleaners | 9 |
9150 | Messengers,porters,doorkeepers and related workers | 9 |
9151 | Messengers, package, and luggage porters | 27 |
9152 | Doorkeepers, watchpersons uggage porters | 54 |
9153 | Vending-machine money collectors, meter readers | 4 |
9160 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 5 |
9161 | Garbage collectors | 6 |
9162 | Sweepers and related labourers | 10 |
9210 | Agricultural, fishery and related labourers | 6 |
9211 | Farm-hands and labourers | 176 |
9212 | Forestry labourers | 20 |
9213 | Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers | 5 |
9300 | Labourers in mining construction manufacturing and transport | 22 |
9310 | Mining and construction labourers | 7 |
9311 | Mining and quarrying labourers | 4 |
9312 | Construction and maintenance labourers: roads, dams | 32 |
9313 | Building construction labourers | 72 |
9320 | Manufacturing labourers | 87 |
9321 | Assembling labourers | 16 |
9322 | Hand packers and other manufacturing labourers | 70 |
9330 | Transport labourers and freight handlers | 10 |
9331 | Hand or pedal vehicle drivers | 7 |
9332 | Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles and machinery | 4 |
9333 | Freight handlers | 38 |
9995 | Not classif;inadeq described | 376 |
9997 | Refused | 429 |
9998 | Don´t know | 286 |
9999 | No answer | 3754 |
-4 | Not asked | 8577 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 7701 |
SYSMISS | 647 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
16602 | 0 | 9999 | 6418.36 | 3285.66 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9999
SPISCO_3 S-P: Occupation ISCO88 (3 digits)
Vrednost 87213 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Armed forces | 31 |
100 | Legislators, senior officials and managers | 0 |
110 | Legislators and senior officials | 5 |
111 | Legislators | 2 |
112 | senior government official | 9 |
113 | Traditional chiefs and heasds of villages | 0 |
114 | Senior officials of special-interest organisation | 2 |
120 | Corporate managers | 7 |
121 | Directors and chiefs executives | 19 |
122 | Production and operations department managers | 34 |
123 | Other department managers | 27 |
130 | General managers | 0 |
131 | General managers | 47 |
200 | Professionals | 5 |
210 | Physical, mathematical and enginnering science professionals | 10 |
211 | Physicists, chemists and related professionals | 4 |
212 | Mathematicians, statisticians and related professionals | 3 |
213 | Computing professionals | 8 |
214 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 53 |
220 | Life science and health professionals | 0 |
221 | Life science professionals | 5 |
222 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 38 |
223 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 3 |
230 | Teaching professionals | 0 |
231 | College, university and higher education teaching profession | 11 |
232 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 63 |
233 | Primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals | 22 |
234 | Special education teaching professionals | 2 |
235 | Other teaching professionals | 12 |
240 | Other professionals | 0 |
241 | Business professionals | 20 |
242 | Legal professionals | 19 |
243 | Archivists, librarians and related information professionals | 5 |
244 | Social science and related professionals | 7 |
245 | Writers and creative or performing artists | 20 |
246 | Religious professionals | 0 |
247 | Public service administrative professionals (A) | 3 |
300 | Technicians and associate professionals | 0 |
310 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 11 |
311 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 65 |
312 | Computer associate professionals | 31 |
313 | Optical and electronic equipement operators | 4 |
314 | Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians | 2 |
315 | Safety and quality inspectors | 2 |
320 | Life science and health associate professionals | 0 |
321 | Life science technicians and related associate professionals | 14 |
322 | Modern health associate professionals (except nursing) | 14 |
323 | Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | 46 |
324 | Traditional medicine practitioners and faith healers | 0 |
330 | Teaching associate professionals | 0 |
331 | Primary education teaching assoicate professionals | 75 |
332 | Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals | 10 |
333 | Special education teaching associate professionals | 6 |
334 | Other teaching associate professionals | 25 |
340 | Other associate professionals | 7 |
341 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 54 |
342 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 20 |
343 | Administrative associate professionals | 47 |
344 | Customs, tax and related government assoicate professionals | 25 |
345 | Police inspectors and detectives | 16 |
346 | Social work associate professionals | 15 |
347 | Artistic, entertainment and sports associate professionals | 5 |
348 | Religious associate professionals | 2 |
400 | Clerks | 0 |
410 | Office clerks | 39 |
411 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 87 |
412 | Numerical clerks | 54 |
413 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 30 |
414 | Library, mail and related clerks | 14 |
419 | Other office clerks | 48 |
420 | Customer services clerks | 0 |
421 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 46 |
422 | Client information clerks | 21 |
500 | Service workers and shop and market sales workers | 0 |
510 | Personal and protective services workers | 0 |
511 | Travel attendents and related workers | 4 |
512 | Housekeeping and restaurant services workers | 83 |
513 | Personal care and related workers | 49 |
514 | Other personal services workers | 24 |
515 | Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related workers | 0 |
516 | Protective services workers | 20 |
520 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 17 |
521 | Fashion and other models | 1 |
522 | Shop salespersons and demonstrators | 94 |
523 | Stall and market salespersons | 9 |
600 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
610 | Marked-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 17 |
611 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 21 |
612 | Market-oriented animal producers and related workers | 12 |
613 | Market-oriented crop animal producers | 45 |
614 | Forestry and related workers | 8 |
615 | Fishery workers, hunters and trappers | 0 |
620 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
621 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
700 | Craft and related trades workers | 26 |
710 | Extraction and building trades workers | 0 |
711 | Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers | 3 |
712 | Building frame and related trades workers | 62 |
713 | Building finishers and related trades workers | 31 |
714 | Painters, building structure cleaners and related workers | 15 |
720 | Metal, machinery and related trades workers | 5 |
721 | Metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers, structural-meta | 30 |
722 | Blacksmiths, tool-makers and reltaed trades workers | 27 |
723 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 51 |
724 | Electrical and electronic equipement mechanics and fitters | 53 |
730 | Precision, handicraft, printing and related trades workers | 1 |
731 | Precision workers in metal and related materials | 7 |
732 | Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers | 5 |
733 | Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather and related mat | 2 |
734 | Printing and related trades workers | 11 |
740 | Other craft and related trades workers | 7 |
741 | Food processing and related trades workers | 27 |
742 | Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers | 32 |
743 | Textile, garment and related trades workers | 31 |
744 | Pelt, leather and shoemaking trades workers | 4 |
800 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 10 |
810 | Stationary-plant and related operators | 0 |
811 | Mining- and mineral - processing - plant operators | 1 |
812 | Metal-processing-plnat operators | 4 |
813 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators | 1 |
814 | Wood-processing- and papermaking-plant operators | 7 |
815 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 3 |
816 | Power-production and related plant operators | 3 |
817 | Automated-assembly-line and industrial-robot operators | 0 |
820 | Machine operators and assemblers | 0 |
821 | Metal-and mineral-products machine operators | 26 |
822 | Chemical-products machine operators | 2 |
823 | Rubber- and plastic-products machine operators | 4 |
824 | Wood-products machine operators | 5 |
825 | Printing-, binding- and paper- products machine operators | 3 |
826 | Textile-, fur- and leather-products machine operators | 29 |
827 | Food and related products machine operatos | 14 |
828 | Assemblers | 24 |
829 | Other machine operators and Assemblers | 24 |
830 | Drivers and mobile-plant operators | 3 |
831 | Locomotive-engine drivers and reltaed workers | 18 |
832 | Motor-vehicle drivers | 75 |
833 | Agricultural and other mobile-plant operators | 15 |
834 | ship´s deck crews and reltaed workers | 1 |
900 | Elementary occupations | 3 |
910 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 2 |
911 | Street vendors and related workers | 2 |
912 | Shoe cleaning and other street services elementary occupatio | 1 |
913 | Domestic and related helpers, cleaners and launderers | 64 |
914 | Building caretakers, window and related cleaners | 8 |
915 | Messengers, porters, doorkeepers and related workers | 20 |
916 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 2 |
920 | Agricultural, fishery and related labourers | 0 |
921 | Agricultural, gishery and related labourers | 0 |
930 | Labourers in mining construction manufacturing and transport | 0 |
931 | Mining and construction labourers | 21 |
932 | Manufacturing labourers | 18 |
933 | Transport labourers and freight handlers | 17 |
996 | Not classif; inadequate description | 12 |
997 | Refused | 0 |
998 | Dk | 10 |
999 | Na | 622 |
-4 | Not asked | 28834 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 1406 |
SYSMISS | 48 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
3239 | 11 | 999 | 598.296 | 292.97 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
WKGOVTSP S-P: Working for privat - public sector in current or last
Vrednost 88212 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP, NAV | 316 |
1 | Self employed | 97 |
2 | Private firm | 415 |
3 | Government or Public owned | 289 |
9 | NA | 281 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 0 | 9 | 3.09227 | 3.1374 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
WRKGOVTP R: Working for privat - public sector in last occupation fo
Vrednost 89211 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP, NAV | 905 |
1 | Self employed | 59 |
2 | Private firm | 228 |
3 | Public owned firm,nat.ind | 135 |
9 | NA, dont know | 71 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 0 | 9 | 1.11516 | 2.10641 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
FDEGREE Father: Education II: categories
Vrednost 90210 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 479 |
1 | None;still at school,uni | 925 |
2 | Incpl primary | 429 |
3 | Primary compl | 419 |
4 | Incpl secondary | 313 |
5 | Secondary compl | 43 |
6 | Semi-higher,incompl uni,other | 67 |
7 | University compl | 44 |
99 | NA | 495 |
-4 | Not asked | 30313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
3214 | 0 | 99 | 16.8706 | 35.0794 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
FISCO88 R: Occupation ISCO88 (4 digits)
Vrednost 91209 | Frekvenca | |
100 | Armed forces | 0 |
110 | Armed forces | 28 |
111 | Soldiers | 0 |
112 | Officers | 0 |
1110 | Legislators | 0 |
1120 | Senior government official | 0 |
1130 | Traditional chiefs and heads of villages | 0 |
1140 | Senior officials of interest organisation | 0 |
1141 | Senior officials of political-party organisations | 0 |
1142 | Senior officials of employers | 0 |
1143 | Senior officials of humanitarian organisations | 0 |
1200 | Corporate managers | 0 |
1210 | Directors and chief executives | 2 |
1220 | Production and operations department managers | 4 |
1221 | Production and operations in agriculture | 1 |
1222 | Production and operations in manufacturing | 6 |
1223 | Production and operations in construction | 7 |
1224 | Production and operations in wholesale and retail trade | 1 |
1225 | Production and operations in restaurants and hotels | 1 |
1226 | Production and operations in transport | 7 |
1227 | Production and operations in business services | 0 |
1228 | Production and operations in personal care | 2 |
1229 | Production and operations not elsewhere classified | 1 |
1230 | Other departement managers | 0 |
1231 | Finance and administration department managers | 0 |
1232 | Personnel and industrial relations | 0 |
1233 | Sales and marketing department managers | 0 |
1234 | Advertising and public relations departments managers | 0 |
1235 | Supply and distribution department managers | 0 |
1236 | Computing services department managers | 0 |
1237 | Research and development department managers | 0 |
1238 | Other department managers not elsewhere classified | 0 |
1239 | Other department managers n.e.c. | 0 |
1300 | General managers | 0 |
1310 | General managers | 13 |
1311 | General managers in agriculture | 0 |
1312 | General managers in manufacture | 1 |
1313 | General managers in construction | 7 |
1314 | General managers in wholesale and retail trade | 24 |
1315 | General managers of restaurants and hotels | 9 |
1316 | General managers in transport | 2 |
1317 | General managers of business services | 7 |
1318 | General managers in personal care | 1 |
1319 | General managers not elsewhere classified | 4 |
2110 | Physicists, chemist and related professionals | 0 |
2111 | Physicists, and astronomers | 0 |
2112 | Meteorologists | 0 |
2113 | Chemists | 2 |
2114 | Geologists and geophysicists | 0 |
2120 | Mathematicians, statiscians and related professionals | 0 |
2121 | Mathematicians | 0 |
2122 | Statisticians | 0 |
2130 | Computing professionals | 0 |
2131 | Computing systems designers and analysts | 0 |
2132 | Computer programmers | 0 |
2139 | Computing professionals not elsewhere classified | 0 |
2140 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 3 |
2141 | Architects, town and traffic planners | 0 |
2142 | Civil engineers | 2 |
2143 | Electrical engineers | 1 |
2144 | Electronics and telecommunication engineers | 0 |
2145 | Mechanical engineers | 0 |
2146 | Chemical engineers | 0 |
2147 | Mining engineers, metallurgists | 2 |
2148 | Cartographers and surveyors | 0 |
2149 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 3 |
2210 | Life science professionals | 0 |
2211 | Biologists, botanists, zoologists | 0 |
2212 | Pharmacologists, pathologists | 0 |
2213 | Agronomists and related professionals | 0 |
2220 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 0 |
2221 | Medical doctors | 5 |
2222 | Dentists | 0 |
2223 | Veterinarians | 2 |
2224 | Pharmacists | 1 |
2229 | Health professionals (except nursing) n.e.c. | 0 |
2230 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 0 |
2300 | Teaching professionals | 0 |
2310 | College, university and higher education teaching | 0 |
2320 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 1 |
2330 | Primary and pre-primary education teaching | 0 |
2331 | Primary education teaching professionals | 0 |
2332 | Pre-primary education teaching professionals | 0 |
2340 | Special education teaching professionals | 1 |
2350 | Other teaching profess,nec | 0 |
2351 | Education methods specialists | 0 |
2352 | School inspectors | 0 |
2359 | Other teaching professionals n.e.c | 0 |
2400 | Other professionals | 0 |
2410 | Business professionals | 0 |
2411 | Accountants | 1 |
2412 | Personnel and careers professionals | 0 |
2419 | Business professionals not elsewhere classified | 0 |
2420 | Legal professionals | 0 |
2421 | Lawyers | 1 |
2422 | Judges | 0 |
2429 | Legal professionals not elsewhere classified | 0 |
2430 | Archivists, librarians and related info.professionals | 0 |
2431 | Archivists and curators | 0 |
2432 | Librarians and related information professionals | 0 |
2440 | Social science and related professional | 0 |
2441 | Economists | 0 |
2442 | Sociologists, anthropologists | 0 |
2443 | Philosophers, historians and political scientists | 0 |
2444 | Philologists, translators and interpreters | 0 |
2445 | Psychologists | 0 |
2446 | Social work professionals | 0 |
2450 | Writers and creative artists | 0 |
2451 | Authors, journalists and other writers | 2 |
2452 | Sculptors, painters and related artists | 0 |
2453 | Composers, musicians and singers | 0 |
2454 | Choreographers and dancers | 0 |
2455 | Film, stage and related actors and directors | 1 |
2460 | Religious professionals | 0 |
2470 | ćPublic service admin professionalsĆ | 0 |
2500 | Education professionals n.e.c. | 0 |
3110 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 1 |
3111 | Chemical and physical science technicians | 0 |
3112 | Civil engineering technicians | 5 |
3113 | Electrical engineering technicians | 0 |
3114 | Elect. and telecom. engineering technicians | 0 |
3115 | Mechanical engineering technicians | 0 |
3116 | Chemical engineering technicians | 0 |
3117 | Mining and metallurgical technicians | 0 |
3118 | Draughtspersons | 2 |
3119 | Physical and engin. science technicians n.e.c. | 0 |
3120 | Computer associate professionals | 0 |
3121 | Computer assistants | 1 |
3122 | Computer equipment operators | 1 |
3123 | Industrial robot controllers | 0 |
3130 | Optical and electronic equipement oper | 0 |
3131 | Photographers and image and sound recording | 1 |
3132 | Broadcasting and telecom. Equipment operat. | 0 |
3133 | Medical equipment operators | 0 |
3139 | Optical and electronic equip. Operators n.e.c. | 0 |
3140 | Ship, aircraft controllers and technicians | 0 |
3141 | Ships engineers | 0 |
3142 | Ships deck officers and pilots | 0 |
3143 | Aircraft pilots and related associate professionals | 0 |
3144 | Air traffic pilots | 0 |
3145 | Air traffic safety technicians | 0 |
3150 | Safety and quality inspectors | 0 |
3151 | Building and fire inspectors | 0 |
3152 | Safety, health and quality inspectors | 0 |
3210 | Life science technicians and related associate prof | 0 |
3211 | Life science technicians | 0 |
3212 | Agronomy and forestry technicians | 0 |
3213 | Farming and forestry advisers | 0 |
3220 | Modern health assistants professionals | 0 |
3221 | Medical assistants | 0 |
3222 | Sanitarians | 0 |
3223 | Dieticians and nutritionists | 0 |
3224 | Optometrists and opticians | 0 |
3225 | Dental assistants | 0 |
3226 | Physiotherapists and related associate professionals | 0 |
3227 | Veterinary assistants | 0 |
3228 | Pharmaceutical assistants | 0 |
3229 | Modern health associate prof. (except nursing) n.e.c. | 0 |
3230 | Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | 0 |
3231 | Nursing associate professionals | 1 |
3232 | Midwifery associate professionals | 0 |
3241 | Traditional medicine practitioners | 0 |
3242 | Faith healers | 0 |
3300 | Teaching associate professionals | 0 |
3310 | Primary education teaching associate professionals | 6 |
3320 | Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals | 0 |
3330 | Special education teaching associate professionals | 1 |
3340 | Other teaching associate professionals | 1 |
3400 | Other associate professionals | 0 |
3410 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 0 |
3411 | Securities and finance dealers and brokers | 0 |
3412 | Insurance representatives | 2 |
3413 | Estate agents | 0 |
3414 | Travel consultants and organisers | 0 |
3415 | Technical and commercial sales representatives | 5 |
3416 | Buyers | 0 |
3417 | Appraisers, valuers and auctioneers | 0 |
3419 | Finance and sales associate professionals n.e.c. | 1 |
3420 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 0 |
3421 | Trade brokers | 0 |
3422 | Clearing and forwarding agents | 0 |
3423 | Employment agents and labour contractors | 0 |
3429 | Business services agents and trade brokers n.e.c. | 4 |
3430 | Administrative associate professionals | 0 |
3431 | Administ. Secret. and related associate prof. | 0 |
3432 | Legal and related business associate professionals | 0 |
3433 | Bookkeepers | 0 |
3434 | Statistical, mathematical and related associate | 0 |
3439 | Administrative associate professionals n.e.c. | 0 |
3440 | Customs, tax and related government professionals | 0 |
3441 | Customs and border inspectors | 0 |
3442 | Government tax and excise officials | 0 |
3443 | Government social benefits officials | 0 |
3444 | Government licensing officials | 0 |
3449 | Customs, tax and related gover. Assoc. n.e.c. | 0 |
3450 | Police inspectors and detectives | 0 |
3460 | Social work associate professionals | 0 |
3470 | Artistic, entertainment and sports professionals | 0 |
3471 | Decorators and commercial designers | 1 |
3472 | Radio, television and other announcers | 0 |
3473 | Street, night-club and related musicians | 0 |
3474 | Clowns, magicians, acrobates and related associate | 0 |
3475 | Athletes, sportspersons and related associate | 0 |
3480 | Religious associate professionals | 0 |
4100 | Office clerks | 0 |
4110 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 0 |
4111 | Stenographers and typists | 0 |
4112 | Word-processor and related operators | 1 |
4113 | Data entry operators | 0 |
4114 | Calculating machine operators | 0 |
4115 | Secretaries | 42 |
4120 | Numerical clerks | 0 |
4121 | Accounting and bookkeeping clerks | 4 |
4122 | Statistical and finance clerks | 0 |
4130 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 0 |
4131 | Stock clerks | 0 |
4132 | Production clerks | 0 |
4133 | Transport clerks | 11 |
4140 | Library, mail and related clerks | 0 |
4141 | Library and filing clerks | 0 |
4142 | Mail carriers and sorting clerks | 3 |
4143 | Coding, proof-reading and related clerks | 0 |
4144 | Scribes and related workers | 0 |
4190 | Other office clerks | 0 |
4200 | Customer services clerks | 0 |
4210 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 0 |
4211 | Cashiers and ticket clerks | 0 |
4212 | Tellers and other counter clerks | 0 |
4213 | Bookmakers and croupiers | 2 |
4214 | Pawnbrokers and money-lenders | 0 |
4215 | Debt-collectors and related workers | 2 |
4220 | Client information clerks | 0 |
4221 | Travel agency and related clerks | 0 |
4222 | Receptionists and information clerks | 1 |
4223 | Telephone switchboard operators | 1 |
4300 | Office helping workers | 0 |
5100 | Personal and protective services workers | 0 |
5110 | Travel attendents and related workers | 0 |
5111 | Travel attendents and travel stewards | 0 |
5112 | Transport conductors | 0 |
5113 | Travel guides | 0 |
5120 | Housekeeping and restaurant services workers | 0 |
5121 | Housekeepers and related workers | 0 |
5122 | Cooks | 0 |
5123 | Waiters, waitresses and bartenders | 10 |
5130 | Personal care and related workers | 0 |
5131 | Child care workers | 0 |
5132 | Institution-based personal care workers | 0 |
5133 | Home-based personal care workers | 0 |
5139 | Personal care and related workers n.e.c. | 1 |
5140 | Other personal services workers | 0 |
5141 | Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians | 9 |
5142 | Companions and valets | 0 |
5143 | Undertakers and embalmers | 0 |
5149 | Other personal services workers n.e.c. | 0 |
5150 | Astrologers,fortune-tellers and related workers | 0 |
5151 | Astrologers and related workers | 0 |
5152 | Fortune-tellers, palmists and related workers | 0 |
5160 | Protective services workers | 0 |
5161 | Fire-fighters | 0 |
5162 | Police officers | 6 |
5163 | Prison guards | 1 |
5169 | Protective services workers not elsewhere classified | 2 |
5200 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 0 |
5210 | Fashion and other models | 0 |
5220 | Shop salespersons and demonstrators | 6 |
5230 | Stall and market salespersons | 2 |
6100 | Market-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
6110 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 62 |
6111 | Field crop and vegetable growers | 106 |
6112 | Tree and shrub crop growers | 1 |
6113 | Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers | 3 |
6114 | Mixed-crop growers | 0 |
6120 | Market-oriented animal producers | 1 |
6121 | Dairy and livestock producers | 14 |
6122 | Poultry producers | 0 |
6123 | Apiarists and sericulturists | 0 |
6124 | Mixed animal producers | 0 |
6129 | Market-oriented animal producers and related workers n.e.c. | 0 |
6130 | Market-oriented crop animal producers | 0 |
6140 | Forestry and related worker | 0 |
6141 | Forestry workers and loggers | 3 |
6142 | Charcoal burners and related workers | 1 |
6150 | Fishery workers,hunters and trappers | 0 |
6151 | Aquatic-life cultivation workers | 0 |
6152 | Inland and coatsal waters fishery workers | 5 |
6153 | Deep-sea fishery workers | 0 |
6154 | Aquatic-life cultivation workers | 0 |
6210 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
7100 | Extraction and building trades workers | 0 |
7110 | Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers | 0 |
7111 | Miners and quarry workers | 20 |
7112 | Shotfirers and blasters | 0 |
7113 | Stone splitters, cutters and carvers | 0 |
7120 | Building frame and related trades workers | 13 |
7121 | Builders, traditional materials | 4 |
7122 | Bricklayersand stonemasons | 54 |
7123 | Concrete placers, concrete finishers | 3 |
7124 | Carpenters and joiners | 0 |
7129 | Building frame and related trades workers n.e.c. | 0 |
7130 | Building finishers and related trades workers | 1 |
7131 | Roofers | 2 |
7132 | Floor layers and tile setters | 1 |
7133 | Plasterers | 1 |
7134 | Insulation workers | 0 |
7135 | Glaziers | 0 |
7136 | Plumbers and pipe fitters | 6 |
7137 | Building and related electricians | 0 |
7140 | Painters, building structure cleaners | 0 |
7141 | Painters and related workers | 5 |
7142 | Varnishers and related painters | 0 |
7143 | Building structure cleaners | 0 |
7200 | Metal,machinery and related trades workers | 0 |
7210 | Metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers | 9 |
7211 | Metal moulders vand coremakers | 3 |
7212 | Welders and flamecutters | 10 |
7213 | Sheet-metal workers | 3 |
7214 | Structural-metal preparers and erectors | 2 |
7215 | Riggers and cable splicers | 0 |
7216 | Underwater workers | 0 |
7220 | Blacksmiths, tool-makers and related trades workers | 0 |
7221 | Blacksmiths, hammer-smths and forging-press workers | 2 |
7222 | Tool-makers and related workers | 0 |
7223 | Machine-tool setters and setter-operators | 0 |
7224 | Metal wheel-grinders, polishers and tool sharpeners | 0 |
7230 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 2 |
7231 | Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters | 11 |
7232 | Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters | 1 |
7233 | Agricultural- or industrial-machinery mechanics | 4 |
7240 | Electrical and electronic equipement mechanics | 0 |
7241 | Electrical mechanics and fitters | 13 |
7242 | Electronics fitters | 1 |
7243 | Electronics mechanics and servicers | 4 |
7244 | Telegraph and telephone installers and servicers | 0 |
7245 | Electrical line installers, repairers and cable | 0 |
7300 | Precision,handicraft,printing and related trades workers | 0 |
7310 | Precision workers in metal and related materials | 0 |
7311 | Precision-instrument makers and repairers | 0 |
7312 | Musical-instrument makers and tuners | 0 |
7313 | Jewellery and precious-metal workers | 1 |
7320 | Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers | 0 |
7321 | Abrasive wheel formers, potters and related workers | 1 |
7322 | Glass-makers, cutters, grinders and finishers | 1 |
7323 | Glass engravers and etchers | 0 |
7324 | Glass, ceramics and related decorative painters | 0 |
7330 | Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather | 0 |
7331 | Handicraft workers in wood and related materials | 0 |
7332 | Handicraft workers in textile, leather | 0 |
7340 | Printing and related trades workers | 2 |
7341 | Compositors, typesetters and related workers | 2 |
7342 | Stereotypers, and electrotypers | 1 |
7343 | Printing engravers and etchers | 2 |
7344 | Photographic and related workers | 0 |
7345 | Bookbinders and related workers | 1 |
7346 | Silk-screen, block and textile printers | 0 |
7400 | Other craft and related trades workers | 0 |
7410 | Food processing and related trades workers | 0 |
7411 | Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers | 8 |
7412 | Bakers, pastry-cooks and confectionary makers | 6 |
7413 | Dairy-products makers | 0 |
7414 | Fruit, vegetable and related preservers | 0 |
7415 | Food and beverage tasters and graders | 1 |
7416 | Tobacco preparers and tobaco products makers | 0 |
7420 | Wood treaters and related trades | 1 |
7421 | Wood treaters | 14 |
7422 | Cabinet-makers and related workers | 10 |
7423 | Woodworking-machine setters and setter-operators | 0 |
7424 | Basketry weavers, brush makers and related workers | 1 |
7430 | Textile, garment and related trades workers | 2 |
7431 | Fibre preparers | 0 |
7432 | Weavers, knitters and related workers | 1 |
7433 | Tailors, dressmakers and hatters | 1 |
7434 | Furriers and related workers | 0 |
7435 | Textile, leather and related pattern-makers | 0 |
7436 | Sewers, embroiderers and related workers | 0 |
7437 | Upholsterers and related workers | 0 |
7440 | Pelt, leather and shoemaking trades workers | 0 |
7441 | Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers | 4 |
7442 | Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers | 6 |
7510 | Metal worker n.e.c. | 0 |
7520 | Electronics engineers n.e.c. | 0 |
7900 | Master craftsman, supervisor | 0 |
8100 | Stationary-plant and related operators | 0 |
8110 | Mining and mineral-proc.-plant operator | 0 |
8111 | Mining-plant operators | 0 |
8112 | Mineral-ore and stone-processing-plant operators | 0 |
8113 | Well drillers and borers and related workers | 0 |
8120 | Metal-processing-plant operators | 2 |
8121 | Ore ad metal furnace operators | 2 |
8122 | Metal melters, casters and rolling-mill operators | 1 |
8123 | Metal-heat-treating-plant operators | 0 |
8124 | Metal drawers and extruders | 0 |
8130 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators | 0 |
8131 | Glass and ceramics kiln and related machine operators | 1 |
8139 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators n.e.c. | 0 |
8140 | Wood-processing- and papermaking-plant operators | 0 |
8141 | Wood-processing-plant operators | 0 |
8142 | Paper-pulp plant operators | 0 |
8143 | Papermaking-plant operators | 0 |
8150 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 0 |
8151 | Crushing-, grinding- and chemical-mixing-machinery | 0 |
8152 | Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators | 0 |
8153 | Chemical-filtering- and separating-equipment | 0 |
8154 | Chemical-still and reactor operators | 0 |
8155 | Petroleum- and natural-gas-refining-plant operators | 0 |
8159 | Chemical-processing-plant operators n.e.c. | 0 |
8160 | Power-production and related plant operators | 0 |
8161 | Power-production plant operators | 1 |
8162 | Steam-engine and boiler operators | 0 |
8163 | Icinerator, water-treatment and relted plant | 0 |
8170 | Automated-assembly-line and industrial-robot operators | 0 |
8171 | Automated-assembly-line operators | 3 |
8172 | Industrial-robot operators | 0 |
8200 | Machine operators and assemblers | 0 |
8210 | Metal- and mineral-products mancine operators | 0 |
8211 | Machine-tool operators | 5 |
8212 | Cement and other mineral products machine operators | 0 |
8220 | Chemical-products machine operators | 1 |
8221 | Pharmaceutical- and toiletry products machine | 0 |
8222 | Ammunition- and explosive-products machine | 0 |
8223 | Metal finishing-, plating- and coating-machine | 0 |
8224 | Photographic-products machine operators | 0 |
8229 | Chemical-products machine operators n.e.c. | 0 |
8230 | Rubber- and plastic-products machine operators | 0 |
8231 | Rubber-products machine operators | 0 |
8232 | Plastic-products machine operators | 0 |
8240 | Wood-products machine operators | 0 |
8250 | Printing and paper-products machine oper | 0 |
8251 | Printing-machine operators | 0 |
8252 | Bookbinding-machine operators | 0 |
8253 | Paper-products machine operators | 3 |
8260 | Textile and leather-products machine oper | 6 |
8261 | Fibre-preparing-, spinning- and winding-machine | 1 |
8262 | Weaving- and knitting-machine operators | 1 |
8263 | Sewing-machine operators | 0 |
8264 | Bleaching-, dyeing- and cleaning-machine operators | 0 |
8265 | Fur- and leather-preparing-machine operators | 0 |
8266 | Shoemaking- and related machine operators | 0 |
8269 | Textile-, fur- and leather-products machine oper. n.e.c. | 0 |
8270 | Food and related products machine operators | 0 |
8271 | Meat- and fish-processing-machine operators | 0 |
8272 | Dairy-products machine operators | 0 |
8273 | Grain- and spice-milling-machine operators | 0 |
8274 | Baked-goods, cereal and chocolate-products | 2 |
8275 | Fruit-, vegetable- and nut-processing-machine | 1 |
8276 | Sugar production machine operators | 1 |
8277 | Tea-, coffee-, and cocoa-processing-machine | 0 |
8278 | Brewers-, wine and other beverage machine | 0 |
8279 | Tobacco production machine operators | 0 |
8280 | Assemblers | 1 |
8281 | Mechanical-machinery assemblers | 0 |
8282 | Electrical-equipment assemblers | 0 |
8283 | Electronic-equipment assemblers | 0 |
8284 | Metal-, rubber- and plastic-products assemblers | 0 |
8285 | Wood and related products assemblers | 1 |
8286 | Paperboard, textile and related products | 0 |
8290 | Other machine operators and Assemblers | 66 |
8300 | Drivers and mobile-plant operators | 0 |
8310 | Locomotive-engine drivers and related workers | 0 |
8311 | Locomotive-engine drivers | 2 |
8312 | Railway brakers, signallers and shunters | 0 |
8320 | Motor-vehicle drivers | 2 |
8321 | Motor-cycle drivers | 0 |
8322 | Car, taxi and van drivers | 22 |
8323 | Bus and tram drivers | 4 |
8324 | Heavy truck and lorry drivers | 23 |
8330 | Agricultural and other movile-plant operators | 0 |
8331 | Motorised farm and forestry plant operators | 2 |
8332 | Earth-moving- and related plant operators | 0 |
8333 | Crane, hoist and related plant operators | 0 |
8334 | Lifting-truck operators | 0 |
8340 | Ships deck crews and related workers | 23 |
9100 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 0 |
9110 | Street vendors and related workers | 0 |
9111 | Street food vendors | 2 |
9112 | Street vendors, non-food products | 2 |
9113 | Door-to-door and telephone salespersons | 0 |
9120 | Shoe cleaning and other street services elem. Occup | 0 |
9130 | Domestic and related helpers | 0 |
9131 | Domestic helpers and cleaners | 0 |
9132 | Helpers and cleaners in offices, hotels | 2 |
9133 | Hand-launderers and pressers | 1 |
9140 | Building caretakers,window and related cleaner | 0 |
9141 | Building caretakers | 10 |
9142 | Vehicle, window and related cleaners | 0 |
9150 | Messengers,porters,doorkeepers and related workers | 0 |
9151 | Messengers, package, and luggage porters | 3 |
9152 | Doorkeepers, watchpersons uggage porters | 3 |
9153 | Vending-machine money collectors, meter readers | 0 |
9160 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 0 |
9161 | Garbage collectors | 0 |
9162 | Sweepers and related labourers | 3 |
9210 | Agricultural, fishery and related labourers | 0 |
9211 | Farm-hands and labourers | 191 |
9212 | Forestry labourers | 0 |
9213 | Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers | 0 |
9300 | Labourers in mining construction manufacturing and transport | 0 |
9310 | Mining and construction labourers | 0 |
9311 | Mining and quarrying labourers | 5 |
9312 | Construction and maintenance labourers: roads, dams | 0 |
9313 | Building construction labourers | 15 |
9320 | Manufacturing labourers | 0 |
9321 | Assembling labourers | 3 |
9322 | Hand packers and other manufacturing labourers | 5 |
9330 | Transport labourers and freight handlers | 0 |
9331 | Hand or pedal vehicle drivers | 0 |
9332 | Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles and machinery | 0 |
9333 | Freight handlers | 3 |
9995 | Not classif;inadeq described | 0 |
9997 | Refused | 0 |
9998 | Don´t know | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 59 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1214 | 110 | 9999 | 6634.16 | 2634.68 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9999
FISCO_3 R: Father Occupation ISCO (1988) 3-digit
Vrednost 92208 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Armed forces | 47 |
100 | Legislators, senior officials and managers | 0 |
110 | Legislators and senior officials | 0 |
111 | Legislators | 0 |
112 | senior government official | 19 |
113 | Traditional chiefs and heasds of villages | 0 |
114 | Senior officials of special-interest organisation | 0 |
120 | Corporate managers | 12 |
121 | Directors and chiefs executives | 8 |
122 | Production and operations department managers | 37 |
123 | Other department managers | 19 |
130 | General managers | 0 |
131 | General managers | 54 |
200 | Professionals | 3 |
210 | Physical, mathematical and enginnering science professionals | 13 |
211 | Physicists, chemists and related professionals | 0 |
212 | Mathematicians, statisticians and related professionals | 0 |
213 | Computing professionals | 2 |
214 | Architects, engineers and related professionals | 24 |
220 | Life science and health professionals | 0 |
221 | Life science professionals | 1 |
222 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 20 |
223 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 0 |
230 | Teaching professionals | 0 |
231 | College, university and higher education teaching profession | 3 |
232 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 20 |
233 | Primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals | 0 |
234 | Special education teaching professionals | 0 |
235 | Other teaching professionals | 0 |
240 | Other professionals | 0 |
241 | Business professionals | 3 |
242 | Legal professionals | 3 |
243 | Archivists, librarians and related information professionals | 0 |
244 | Social science and related professionals | 2 |
245 | Writers and creative or performing artists | 8 |
246 | Religious professionals | 0 |
247 | Public service administrative professionals (A) | 0 |
300 | Technicians and associate professionals | 1 |
310 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 4 |
311 | Physical and engineering science technicians | 25 |
312 | Computer associate professionals | 4 |
313 | Optical and electronic equipement operators | 1 |
314 | Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians | 2 |
315 | Safety and quality inspectors | 0 |
320 | Life science and health associate professionals | 0 |
321 | Life science technicians and related associate professionals | 3 |
322 | Modern health associate professionals (except nursing) | 3 |
323 | Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | 6 |
324 | Traditional medicine practitioners and faith healers | 0 |
330 | Teaching associate professionals | 0 |
331 | Primary education teaching assoicate professionals | 17 |
332 | Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals | 0 |
333 | Special education teaching associate professionals | 0 |
334 | Other teaching associate professionals | 3 |
340 | Other associate professionals | 1 |
341 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 38 |
342 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 0 |
343 | Administrative associate professionals | 11 |
344 | Customs, tax and related government assoicate professionals | 16 |
345 | Police inspectors and detectives | 2 |
346 | Social work associate professionals | 5 |
347 | Artistic, entertainment and sports associate professionals | 1 |
348 | Religious associate professionals | 0 |
400 | Clerks | 0 |
410 | Office clerks | 28 |
411 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 2 |
412 | Numerical clerks | 14 |
413 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 18 |
414 | Library, mail and related clerks | 9 |
419 | Other office clerks | 9 |
420 | Customer services clerks | 0 |
421 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 11 |
422 | Client information clerks | 0 |
500 | Service workers and shop and market sales workers | 0 |
510 | Personal and protective services workers | 0 |
511 | Travel attendents and related workers | 4 |
512 | Housekeeping and restaurant services workers | 6 |
513 | Personal care and related workers | 3 |
514 | Other personal services workers | 3 |
515 | Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related workers | 0 |
516 | Protective services workers | 19 |
520 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 4 |
521 | Fashion and other models | 0 |
522 | Shop salespersons and demonstrators | 4 |
523 | Stall and market salespersons | 0 |
600 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
610 | Marked-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 159 |
611 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 21 |
612 | Market-oriented animal producers and related workers | 2 |
613 | Market-oriented crop animal producers | 6 |
614 | Forestry and related workers | 2 |
615 | Fishery workers, hunters and trappers | 6 |
620 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
621 | Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers | 0 |
700 | Craft and related trades workers | 26 |
710 | Extraction and building trades workers | 3 |
711 | Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers | 1 |
712 | Building frame and related trades workers | 75 |
713 | Building finishers and related trades workers | 20 |
714 | Painters, building structure cleaners and related workers | 3 |
720 | Metal, machinery and related trades workers | 9 |
721 | Metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers, structural-meta | 14 |
722 | Blacksmiths, tool-makers and reltaed trades workers | 12 |
723 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 22 |
724 | Electrical and electronic equipement mechanics and fitters | 13 |
730 | Precision, handicraft, printing and related trades workers | 2 |
731 | Precision workers in metal and related materials | 5 |
732 | Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers | 0 |
733 | Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather and related mat | 5 |
734 | Printing and related trades workers | 2 |
740 | Other craft and related trades workers | 3 |
741 | Food processing and related trades workers | 24 |
742 | Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers | 2 |
743 | Textile, garment and related trades workers | 5 |
744 | Pelt, leather and shoemaking trades workers | 0 |
800 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 23 |
810 | Stationary-plant and related operators | 0 |
811 | Mining- and mineral - processing - plant operators | 6 |
812 | Metal-processing-plnat operators | 5 |
813 | Glass, ceramics and related plant operators | 0 |
814 | Wood-processing- and papermaking-plant operators | 9 |
815 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 6 |
816 | Power-production and related plant operators | 1 |
817 | Automated-assembly-line and industrial-robot operators | 0 |
820 | Machine operators and assemblers | 0 |
821 | Metal-and mineral-products machine operators | 35 |
822 | Chemical-products machine operators | 0 |
823 | Rubber- and plastic-products machine operators | 0 |
824 | Wood-products machine operators | 4 |
825 | Printing-, binding- and paper- products machine operators | 10 |
826 | Textile-, fur- and leather-products machine operators | 3 |
827 | Food and related products machine operatos | 5 |
828 | Assemblers | 25 |
829 | Other machine operators and Assemblers | 0 |
830 | Drivers and mobile-plant operators | 3 |
831 | Locomotive-engine drivers and reltaed workers | 20 |
832 | Motor-vehicle drivers | 44 |
833 | Agricultural and other mobile-plant operators | 11 |
834 | ship´s deck crews and reltaed workers | 4 |
900 | Elementary occupations | 0 |
910 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 1 |
911 | Street vendors and related workers | 0 |
912 | Shoe cleaning and other street services elementary occupatio | 0 |
913 | Domestic and related helpers, cleaners and launderers | 9 |
914 | Building caretakers, window and related cleaners | 0 |
915 | Messengers, porters, doorkeepers and related workers | 1 |
916 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 0 |
920 | Agricultural, fishery and related labourers | 0 |
921 | Agricultural, gishery and related labourers | 0 |
930 | Labourers in mining construction manufacturing and transport | 0 |
931 | Mining and construction labourers | 17 |
932 | Manufacturing labourers | 2 |
933 | Transport labourers and freight handlers | 7 |
996 | Not classif; inadequate description | 0 |
997 | Refused | 0 |
998 | Dk | 0 |
999 | Na | 130 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 11 | 999 | 562.016 | 287.218 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
WKGOVTFA R: Father Working for privat - public sector
Vrednost 93207 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Private firm | 515 |
2 | Government or Public owned | 354 |
3 | Self employed | 349 |
4 | other | 40 |
9 | NA, NAP, NAV | 140 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP, NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 1 | 9 | 2.63948 | 2.28786 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
HOMPOP How many persons in household
Vrednost 94206 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 37 |
1 | 1 person | 4473 |
2 | 2 persons | 8307 |
3 | 3 persons | 5521 |
4 | 4 persons | 5677 |
5 | 5 persons | 2814 |
6 | 6 persons | 1109 |
7 | 7 persons | 475 |
8 | 8 persons,F:8 or more | 227 |
9 | 9 persons,SLO,E:9 or more persons | 113 |
10 | 10 persons | 51 |
11 | 11 persons | 32 |
12 | 12 persons | 18 |
13 | 13 persons | 5 |
14 | 14 persons | 2 |
15 | 15 persons | 3 |
16 | 16 persons | 1 |
17 | 17 persons | 1 |
40 | 40 persons | 0 |
99 | NA, refused | 80 |
-4 | Not asked | 4563 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 18 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
28946 | 0 | 99 | 3.33065 | 5.29799 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
HHCYCLE Household cycle
Vrednost 95205 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 3 |
1 | Single household | 3929 |
2 | 1 adult,1 child | 941 |
3 | 1 adult,2 child | 567 |
4 | 1 adult,3 or ] ch | 333 |
5 | 2 adults | 7143 |
6 | 2 adults,1 child | 2163 |
7 | 2 adults,2 child | 2641 |
8 | 2 adults,3 or ] ch | 1421 |
9 | 3 adults | 2181 |
10 | 3 adults+children | 1893 |
11 | 4 adults | 1359 |
12 | 4 adults+ children | 1073 |
13 | 5 adults | 516 |
14 | 5 adults+children | 416 |
15 | 6 adults | 131 |
16 | 6 adults+children | 155 |
17 | 7 adults | 42 |
18 | 7 adults+children | 66 |
19 | 8 adults | 12 |
20 | 8 adults+children | 17 |
21 | 9 adults | 4 |
22 | 9 adults+children | 10 |
23 | 10 adults | 5 |
24 | 10 adults+children | 3 |
25 | 11 adults | 1 |
26 | 11 adults+children | 0 |
27 | 12 adults | 0 |
28 | 12 adults+children | 4 |
995 | Otherwise | 50 |
996 | None | 2 |
999 | NA,refused | 177 |
-4 | Not asked | 5168 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 1101 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
27258 | 0 | 999 | 14.7632 | 90.5863 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999
NPOPUP18 How many persons less than 18
Vrednost 96204 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None | 24 |
1 | 1 person | 106 |
2 | 2 persons | 536 |
3 | 3 persons | 241 |
4 | 4 persons | 174 |
5 | 5 persons | 64 |
6 | 6 persons | 27 |
7 | 7 persons | 9 |
8 | 8 persons | 4 |
9 | 9 persons | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 21 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1186 | 0 | 9 | 2.68381 | 1.30252 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
RELIG R: Religious denomination
Vrednost 97203 | Frekvenca | |
7 | AFS:Other black independent churches | 87 |
8 | Nederduitse Gereform Kerk | 280 |
9 | E:Christian | 1 |
10 | Roman Catholic | 11875 |
11 | Greek Catholic | 65 |
12 | Aglipayan | 24 |
20 | Jewish | 1105 |
30 | Muslim, Islam | 401 |
31 | Druse | 18 |
33 | Mennonite | 4 |
35 | Jehuvah´s witness | 28 |
36 | Born Again Christian | 1 |
37 | Church of god | 2 |
38 | Reform | 3 |
40 | Baptist | 356 |
41 | Methodist | 471 |
42 | Lutheran, evangelical church | 1705 |
43 | Presbyterian,Church of Scotland | 616 |
44 | Church of England,Ireland,Anglican | 1251 |
45 | URC/ Congregational | 11 |
46 | Episcopal | 24 |
47 | Unitarians | 6 |
48 | Protestant (ev)free church | 47 |
49 | Protestant (not else class), reformated | 2512 |
50 | Shinto | 24 |
51 | Hindu | 53 |
52 | Buddhists | 476 |
53 | Sikh | 6 |
54 | Orthodox; Eastern Orthodox | 2403 |
55 | United Church CDN | 80 |
60 | Free Presbytarian | 31 |
61 | Brethren | 13 |
62 | Pentecostal | 115 |
63 | Mormon | 45 |
64 | Salvation Army, Assemblies of God | 60 |
65 | Seventh Day Adventists | 17 |
66 | Ratana | 11 |
67 | Hussites | 18 |
68 | USA:Native American | 0 |
69 | USA:Inter-Nondenomination | 0 |
70 | B:Afro Brazilian religion | 10 |
80 | B:Protestant Pentecostal | 179 |
81 | B:No Protestant Pentecostal | 141 |
90 | None | 5033 |
91 | No denomination given | 526 |
92 | Other christian religion | 1621 |
93 | Other non-christian | 127 |
94 | Other not classified | 284 |
98 | Don´t know | 160 |
99 | NA, refused | 675 |
-4 | Not asked | 0 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 477 |
SYSMISS | 49 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33001 | 7 | 99 | 44.017 | 32.5697 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
ATTEND R: Religious services - how often
Vrednost 98202 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Once a week or more | 5370 |
2 | 2-3 times a month; GB: At least once in two weeks | 2096 |
3 | Once a month; GB: At least once in a month | 1980 |
4 | Several times a year | 6145 |
5 | Less frequently a year | 6508 |
6 | Never | 7597 |
7 | RP: Once a year | 46 |
8 | Varies too much | 215 |
9 | NA, refused | 382 |
-4 | Not asked | 2563 |
-3 | NAP, no religion | 604 |
SYSMISS | 21 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
30339 | 1 | 9 | 4.07673 | 1.89388 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
CLASS R: Subjective social class
Vrednost 99201 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None of these | 299 |
1 | Lower class | 3040 |
2 | Working class | 8802 |
3 | Lower middle class | 3634 |
4 | Middle | 11404 |
5 | Upper middle | 2173 |
6 | Upper | 787 |
7 | Classif refused | 409 |
8 | DK,Can´t choose | 612 |
9 | NA | 344 |
-4 | Not asked | 1913 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 110 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
31504 | 0 | 9 | 3.2886 | 1.61764 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
PARTY_LR R: Party affiliation: left - right
Vrednost 100200 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Far left etc,GB: Green | 1216 |
2 | Left,center left | 4439 |
3 | Center,liberal | 3412 |
4 | Right,conservative | 5131 |
5 | Far right etc | 1039 |
6 | Other,no specific | 633 |
7 | No party,no preference,PL:Not voted | 4290 |
8 | Don´t know | 2482 |
9 | No answer,refused | 2049 |
-4 | Not asked | 8796 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 10 |
SYSMISS | 30 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
24691 | 1 | 9 | 4.78612 | 2.46458 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
VOTE_LR R: Vote last election I: left - right
Vrednost 101199 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Far left etc | 0 |
2 | Left,center left | 359 |
3 | Center,liberal | 0 |
4 | Right,conservative | 398 |
5 | Far right etc | 0 |
6 | Other,no specific | 17 |
7 | No party,no preference | 29 |
8 | Don´t know | 0 |
9 | No answer,refused | 173 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 238 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
976 | 2 | 9 | 4.27459 | 2.48408 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
URBRURAL Urban - Rural
Vrednost 102198 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Urban,RP:total urban | 13972 |
2 | Suburb,city,town,county seat | 9330 |
3 | Rural,RP:total rural,RUS:Country village | 8825 |
9 | No answer | 160 |
-4 | Not asked | 1207 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 33 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32287 | 1 | 9 | 1.87527 | 0.96611 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
MODE Interview method
Vrednost 103197 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Face to face | 13666 |
3 | 8010 | |
21 | 1001 | |
31 | Self completion | 5468 |
32 | Collect | 1596 |
99 | Na | 16 |
-4 | Not asked | 3770 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
29757 | 1 | 99 | 9.43916 | 12.861 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
INCOME Household income: deciles
Vrednost 104196 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lowest decile | 1465 |
2 | 2 | 1824 |
3 | 3 | 2145 |
4 | 4 | 2290 |
5 | 5 | 2614 |
6 | 6 | 2311 |
7 | 7 | 2096 |
8 | 8 | 1660 |
9 | 9 | 1496 |
10 | Highest decile | 1520 |
98 | Dk | 1501 |
99 | Na | 2425 |
-4 | Not asked | 9439 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 29 |
SYSMISS | 712 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
23347 | 1 | 99 | 21.0491 | 34.9604 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RINCOME Respondent income: deciles
Vrednost 105195 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lowest decile | 2134 |
2 | 2 | 1949 |
3 | 3 | 2181 |
4 | 4 | 2203 |
5 | 5 | 2206 |
6 | 6 | 1978 |
7 | 7 | 1558 |
8 | 8 | 1246 |
9 | 9 | 1038 |
10 | Highest decile | 894 |
98 | Dk | 805 |
99 | Na | 1653 |
-4 | Not asked | 9439 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 2904 |
SYSMISS | 1339 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
19845 | 1 | 99 | 16.4262 | 31.023 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
AFS_OCCU Occupation: South Africa
Vrednost 106194 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Engineers, architechts etc. | 11 |
12 | Natural sciences | 6 |
13 | Technical science occupations | 24 |
14 | Medical, dental &1; related | 31 |
15 | Education and related fields | 67 |
16 | Human science &1; related fields | 26 |
17 | Art, sport, entertainment | 14 |
21 | Legislative, executive - state | 2 |
22 | Managerial occupations | 37 |
23 | Administrative occupations | 3 |
31 | Clerical occupations | 104 |
32 | Sales occupations | 74 |
41 | Transport occupations | 54 |
42 | Communications occupations | 3 |
43 | Driver, special hiring | 1 |
51 | Protection occupations | 25 |
52 | Catering occuapations | 21 |
53 | Personal service occupations | 14 |
59 | Service occupations not elsewhere classified | 6 |
61 | Farmer, farm manager | 24 |
62 | Fisherman, hunter | 2 |
63 | Farm, forestry, nursery worker | 31 |
71 | Artisan | 44 |
72 | Apprentices | 14 |
81 | Mine &1; quarry workers | 0 |
82 | Production, foreman &1; supervisors | 16 |
83 | Operation, production &1; related occupations | 41 |
84 | Labourer &1; unskilled work | 179 |
91 | Housewife | 217 |
92 | Unemployed -fit for work | 741 |
93 | Unemployed - not fit for work | 43 |
94 | Retired | 346 |
95 | Student | 186 |
99 | No occupation given | 33 |
100 | No Partner | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 30964 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 123 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2440 | 11 | 99 | 76.9525 | 26.654 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 100
F_OCCU Occupation: France
Vrednost 107193 | Frekvenca | |
0 | 593 | |
1099 | Agriculteur, taille d´exploitation inconnue | 8 |
1101 | Agriculteurs sur petite exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1102 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur petite exploitation | 0 |
1103 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur petite exploitati | 1 |
1104 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur petite exploitation | 0 |
1105 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur petite exploi | 0 |
1106 | Agriculteurs sur petite exploitation sans orientation domina | 0 |
1201 | Agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1202 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur moyenne exploitation | 0 |
1203 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur moyenne exploitat | 0 |
1204 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur moyenne exploitation | 0 |
1205 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur moyenne explo | 0 |
1206 | Agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation sans orientation domin | 0 |
1211 | Entrepreneurs de travaux agricoles ŕ façon, de 0 ŕ 9 salarié | 0 |
1212 | Exploitants forestiers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
1213 | Patrons pécheurs et aquaculteurs, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
1301 | Agriculteurs sur grande exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1302 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur grande exploitation | 0 |
1303 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur grande exploitati | 0 |
1304 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur grande exploitation | 0 |
1305 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur grande exploi | 0 |
1306 | Agriculteurs sur grande exploitation sans orientation domina | 0 |
2099 | Artisan ou commerçant mal désigné | 0 |
2101 | Artisans boulangers, pâtissiers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 0 |
2102 | Artisans boulangers, pâtissiers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2103 | Artisans bouchers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 0 |
2104 | Artisans bouchers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2105 | Artisans charcutiers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 0 |
2106 | Artisans charcutiers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2107 | Autres artisans de l´alimentation | 0 |
2111 | Artisans mécaniciens en machines agricoles | 0 |
2112 | Artisans en matériel de précision | 0 |
2113 | Artisans divers du travail des métaux, de l´électromécanique | 0 |
2121 | Artisans tailleurs, couturiers et autres artisans de la conf | 0 |
2122 | Artisans fabricants en cuirs et peaux | 0 |
2131 | Artisans du meuble | 0 |
2132 | Artisans du travail mécanique du bois | 0 |
2141 | Artisans de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
2142 | Artisans d´art | 0 |
2143 | Autres artisans de fabrication | 2 |
2151 | Artisans maçons, plâtriers | 1 |
2152 | Artisans en terrassement, travaux publics, parcs et jardins | 0 |
2153 | Artisans électriciens du bâtiment | 1 |
2154 | Artisans de la peinture et des finitions du bâtiment | 0 |
2155 | Artisans plombiers, couvreurs, chauffagistes | 0 |
2156 | Artisans menuisiers du bâtiment, charpentiers en bois | 1 |
2157 | Artisans serruriers, métalliers | 0 |
2161 | Artisans mécaniciens réparateurs d´automobiles | 1 |
2162 | Artisans tôliers-carrossiers d´automobiles | 0 |
2163 | Artisans réparateurs en électroménager | 0 |
2164 | Artisans cordonniers, réparateurs divers | 0 |
2171 | Conducteurs de taxi artisans | 0 |
2172 | Artisans coiffeurs, manucures, esthéticiens | 2 |
2173 | Artisans teinturiers, blanchisseurs | 0 |
2174 | Artisans des services divers | 0 |
2181 | Transporteurs routiers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2182 | Bateliers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2190 | Aides familiaux non salariés ou associés d´artisans | 1 |
2199 | Artisan, secteur d´activité inconnu | 3 |
2210 | Petits grossistes en alimentation | 0 |
2211 | Petits grossistes en produits non alimentaires | 0 |
2212 | Petits détaillants en alimentation spécialisée | 0 |
2213 | Petits détaillants en alimentation générale | 0 |
2214 | Petits détaillants en ameublement, décor, équipement du foye | 0 |
2215 | Petits détaillants en équipement de la personne, articles de | 0 |
2216 | Petits détaillants en quincaillerie, bricolage, bazar | 0 |
2217 | Petits détaillants en produits de luxe | 0 |
2218 | Petits détaillants en librairie, photo, disques | 1 |
2219 | Exploitants et gérants libres de station service, de 0 ŕ 2 s | 0 |
2221 | Patrons dé petit restaurant, café-restaurant | 1 |
2222 | Patrons de petit café, café-tabac | 0 |
2223 | Patrons de petit café associé ŕ une autre activité | 0 |
2224 | Patrons de petit hôtel, hôtel-restaurant | 0 |
2231 | Moyens grossistes en alimentation | 0 |
2232 | Moyens grossistes en produits non alimentaires | 0 |
2233 | Moyens détaillants en alimentation | 0 |
2234 | Moyens détaillants en produits non alimentaires | 0 |
2235 | Intermédiaires indépendants. du commerce, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 1 |
2236 | Patrons de café, restaurant, hôtel, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2241 | Agents immobiliers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 2 |
2242 | Agents généraux et courtiers d´assurances indépendants, de 0 | 1 |
2243 | Agents de voyage et auxiliaires de transports indépendants, | 0 |
2244 | Indépendants gestionnaires de spectacle, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2245 | Professionnels de la parapsychologie, guérisseurs | 0 |
2246 | Indépendants gestionnaires d´établissement privé, de 0 ŕ 9 s | 0 |
2247 | Indépendants divers prestataires de services, de 0 ŕ 9 salar | 2 |
2299 | Commerçant, taille d´entreprise inconnue | 1 |
2310 | Chefs de grande entreprise (500 salariés et plus) | 0 |
2320 | Chefs de moyenne entreprise (150 ŕ 499 salariés) | 1 |
2331 | Chefs d´entreprise du BTP de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 0 |
2332 | Chefs d´entreprise de l´industrie ou des transports, de 10 ŕ | 0 |
2333 | Chefs d´entreprise commerciale de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 1 |
2334 | Chefs d´entreprise de services de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 2 |
2399 | Chef d´entreprise, taille d´entreprise inconnue | 3 |
3111 | Médecins libéraux spécialistes | 2 |
3112 | Médecins libéraux non spécialistes | 5 |
3113 | Chirurgiens dentistes (libéraux ou salariés) | 0 |
3114 | Psychologues, psychanalystes, psychothérapeutes (non médecin | 2 |
3115 | Vétérinaires (libéraux ou salariés) | 0 |
3116 | Pharmaciens libéraux | 1 |
3121 | Avocats | 0 |
3122 | Notaires | 0 |
3123 | Conseils juridiques et fiscaux libéraux | 0 |
3124 | Experts comptables, comptables agréés, libéraux | 0 |
3125 | Ingénieurs conseils libéraux en recrutement, etc. | 4 |
3126 | Ingénieurs conseils libéraux en études techniques | 2 |
3127 | Architectes libéraux . | 3 |
3128 | Huissiers de justice, officiers ministériels et professions | 0 |
3130 | Aides familiaux non salariés de professions libérales | 0 |
3199 | Profession libérale, secteur d´activité inconnu | 0 |
3311 | Personnel de direction de la fonction publique | 1 |
3312 | Ingénieurs de l´Etat et des collectivités locales | 1 |
3313 | Magistrats | 0 |
3314 | Inspecteurs et autres cadres A des Impôts, du Trésor et des | 1 |
3315 | Inspecteurs et autres cadres A des PTT . | 0 |
3316 | Personnel administratif supérieur des collectivités locales | 2 |
3317 | Personnel administratif de catégorie A de l´Etat | 2 |
3318 | Personnes exerçant un mandat politique ou syndical | 0 |
3321 | Officiers de l´Armée et de la Gendarmerie (sauf généraux) | 0 |
3399 | Cadre supérieur de la fonction publique, secteur inconnu | 2 |
3411 | Professeurs agrégés et certifiés | 29 |
3414 | Directeurs d´établissement secondaire et inspecteurs | 2 |
3415 | Enseignants de l´enseignement supérieur | 5 |
3421 | Chercheurs de la recherche publique | 4 |
3431 | Médecins hospitaliers (sans activité libérale) | 4 |
3432 | Médecins salariés non hospitaliers | 1 |
3433 | Psychologues spécialistes de l´orientation scolaire et profe | 1 |
3434 | Étudiants hospitaliers, stagiaires internes | 1 |
3435 | Pharmaciens salariés | 2 |
3499 | Profession scientifique, secteur d´activité inconnu | 0 |
3511 | Journalistes, secrétaires de rédaction | 1 |
3512 | Auteurs littéraires, scénaristes, dialoguistes | 0 |
3513 | Bibliothécaires, archivistes, conservateurs de la fonction p | 2 |
3521 | Cadres de la presse, de l´édition, de l´audiovisuel et des s | 0 |
3522 | Cadres artistiques des spectacles | 1 |
3523 | Cadres techniques de la réalisation de spectacles vivants et | 1 |
3531 | Artistes plasticiens | 2 |
3532 | Artistes professionnels de la musique et du chant | 2 |
3533 | Artistes dramatiques, danseurs | 0 |
3534 | Professeurs d´art (hors établissements scolaires) | 1 |
3535 | Artistes de variété | 0 |
3599 | Profession de l´information ou des arts, secteur inconnu | 0 |
3710 | Cadres d´état-major des grandes entreprises | 3 |
3721 | Cadres chargés d´études économiques, financičres, commercial | 1 |
3722 | Cadres spécialistes du recrutement, de la formation | 5 |
3723 | Cadres de l´organisation ou du contrôle | 4 |
3724 | Cadres de gestion courante des grandes entreprises | 0 |
3725 | Cadres de gestion courante du personnel des grandes entrepri | 1 |
3726 | Cadres de gestion courante des autres services des grandes e | 1 |
3727 | Cadres administratifs ou financiers des PME | 6 |
3728 | Cadres de la documentation, de l´archivage (hors fonction pu | 1 |
3731 | Cadres de l´exploitation des magasins de vente | 2 |
3732 | Chefs de produits, acheteurs du commerce et autres cadres de | 1 |
3733 | Cadres des ventes des grandes entreprises (hors commerce de | 4 |
3734 | Cadres commerciaux des PME (hors commerce de détail) | 4 |
3735 | Cadres de la publicité ; cadres des relations publiques | 2 |
3741 | Cadres des services techniques et commerciaux de la banque | 9 |
3744 | Cadres des services techniques des assurances | 0 |
3751 | Cadres de l´hôtellerie et de la restauration | 0 |
3799 | Cadre supérieur d´entreprise, secteur inconnu | 1 |
3810 | Directeurs techniques des grandes entreprises | 1 |
3820 | Ingénieurs et cadres techniques d´études, développement de l | 0 |
3821 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, études, essais en électri | 1 |
3822 | Ingénieurs et cadres de bureau d´études ou des méthodes en m | 0 |
3823 | Ingénieurs et cadres d´études, méthodes, contrôles en BTP | 0 |
3824 | Architectes salariés | 2 |
3825 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, développement en chimie, | 2 |
3826 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, contrôles en métallurgie | 1 |
3827 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, études des industries lég | 0 |
3828 | Ingénieurs et cadres spécialistes de l´informatique | 7 |
3829 | Autres ingénieurs et cadres d´études | 0 |
3831 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en matériel électrique, | 0 |
3832 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en mécanique | 0 |
3833 | Ingénieurs et cadres de chantier du BTP | 0 |
3835 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en chimie et agro-alimen | 2 |
3836 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en métallurgie et matéri | 0 |
3837 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication des industries légčres | 0 |
3838 | Cadres techniques de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
3839 | Ingénieurs et cadres de la production et de la distribution | 0 |
3841 | Ingénieurs et cadres d´entretien, travaux neufs | 1 |
3842 | Ingénieurs et cadres des achats et approvisionnements indust | 1 |
3843 | Ingénieurs et cadres de planning, ordonnancement | 0 |
3851 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en matériel élec. | 0 |
3852 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en matériel mécani | 1 |
3853 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en bâtiment, trava | 0 |
3854 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en biens intermédi | 0 |
3855 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en informatique | 3 |
3861 | Cadres des transports et de la logistique | 0 |
3862 | Personnels navigants techniques de l´aviation civile | 2 |
3863 | Officiers de la marine marchande | 0 |
3899 | Ingénieur, cadre technique d´entreprise, secteur inconnu | 7 |
4211 | Instituteurs | 19 |
4214 | Directeurs d´école primaire ou maternelle | 4 |
4215 | Instituteurs de l´éducation spécialisée | 1 |
4221 | PEGC et maîtres auxiliaires de l´enseignement général | 11 |
4224 | Enseignants du technique court . | 3 |
4227 | Conseillers d´éducation et surveillants | 1 |
4231 | Assistants techniques de la documentation, de l´archivage | 2 |
4232 | Formateurs et animateurs de formation continue | 6 |
4233 | Moniteurs et éducateurs sportifs, sportifs professionnels | 3 |
4299 | Profession intermédiaire de l´enseignement, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4311 | Cadres infirmiers et assimilés | 5 |
4312 | Infirmiers psychiatriques | 5 |
4313 | Puéricultrices | 2 |
4314 | Infirmiers spécialisés (autres que puéricultrices) | 1 |
4315 | Infirmiers en soins généraux salariés | 7 |
4316 | Infirmiers libéraux | 1 |
4321 | Sages-femmes (libérales ou salariées) | 1 |
4322 | Spécialistes de la rééducation et diététiciens, salariés | 1 |
4323 | Spécialistes de la rééducation et pédicures, libéraux | 2 |
4324 | Techniciens médicaux | 1 |
4325 | Spécialistes de l´appareillage médical salariés | 0 |
4326 | Spécialistes de l´appareillage médical indépendants | 0 |
4327 | Préparateurs en pharmacie | 2 |
4331 | Assistantes sociales | 3 |
4332 | Éducateurs spécialisés | 5 |
4333 | Animateurs socio-culturels et de loisirs | 7 |
4334 | Conseillers familiaux | 0 |
4399 | Prof. intermédiaire santé, travail social, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4411 | Clergé séculier | 0 |
4412 | Clergé régulier | 0 |
4499 | Clergé régulier ou séculier ou assistant laďc | 0 |
4511 | Contrôleurs des PTT et assimilés | 0 |
4512 | Contrôleurs des Impôts, du Trésor, des Douanes et assimilés | 3 |
4513 | Professions administratives intermédiaires des Collectivités | 7 |
4514 | Personnels administratifs de catégorie B de l´Etat | 10 |
4521 | Inspecteurs et officiers de police | 0 |
4522 | Adjudants et majors de l´Armée et de la Gendarmerie | 2 |
4599 | Prof. interm. administrative publique, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4611 | Maîtrise et techniciens des services comptables ou financier | 10 |
4612 | Maîtrise et techniciens administratifs (autres que financier | 8 |
4615 | Personnel de secrétariat de niveau supérieur, secrétaires de | 8 |
4621 | Chefs de petite surface de vente (salariés ou mandataires) | 2 |
4622 | Maîtrise de l´exploitation des magasins de vente | 7 |
4623 | Personnel technique d´inspection, d´assistance des magasins | 0 |
4624 | Représentants en biens, commerce interindustriel | 0 |
4625 | Représentants en biens de consommation auprčs d´ntreprises | 3 |
4626 | Représentants en services auprčs d´entreprises ou de profess | 1 |
4627 | Représentants auprčs de particuliers | 4 |
4628 | Acheteurs non classés cadres, aides-acheteurs | 6 |
4629 | Professions intermédiaires commerciales | 7 |
4631 | Assistants techniques de la publicité, des relations publiqu | 2 |
4632 | Interprčtes, traducteurs (salariés ou indépendants) | 0 |
4633 | Assistants techniques de la réalisation des spectacles vivan | 2 |
4634 | Assistants techniques des arts graphiques, de la mode et de | 0 |
4635 | Assistants techniques des arts graphiques, de la mode et de | 2 |
4636 | Photographes salariés | 0 |
4637 | Photographes indépendants | 0 |
4641 | Responsables administratifs ou commerciaux des transports et | 1 |
4642 | Responsables d´exploitation des transports | 5 |
4651 | Gradés des services techniques de la banque | 3 |
4654 | Rédacteurs d´assurance | 2 |
4661 | Maîtres d´hôtel (non cadres) | 1 |
4662 | Maîtrise du hall et des étages (hôtellerie) | 0 |
4699 | Prof. interm. administrative entreprise, secteur inconnu | 4 |
4701 | Techniciens d´études, développement de l´agriculture et des | 0 |
4702 | Contrôleurs laitiers, inséminateurs et autres agents techniq | 0 |
4711 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en électricité, électronique | 0 |
4712 | Dessinateurs d´études en électricité, électronique | 1 |
4713 | Techniciens d´études, essais, contrôle en électricité, élect | 4 |
4717 | Techniciens en électricité, électronique, automatisme | 3 |
4718 | Techniciens des télécommunications | 1 |
4721 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en construction mécanique et chaudro | 0 |
4722 | Dessinateurs d´études en construction mécanique et chaudronn | 2 |
4723 | Techniciens en mécanique et chaudronnerie | 1 |
4731 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en bâtiment, travaux publics | 0 |
4732 | Dessinateurs d´études en bâtiment, travaux publics | 0 |
4733 | Géomčtres, topographes | 1 |
4734 | Techniciens des travaux publics de l´État et des collectivit | 2 |
4735 | Métreurs et techniciens divers du bâtiment et des travaux pu | 3 |
4751 | Techniciens chimistes, biologistes | 0 |
4761 | Techniciens en métallurgie et matériaux | 0 |
4771 | Assistants techniques de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
4772 | Techniciens des industries légčres | 1 |
4781 | Préparateurs de méthodes | 3 |
4782 | Techniciens de planning, ordonnancement, lancement | 3 |
4791 | Pupitreurs, chefs de salle en informatique (hors fonction pu | 0 |
4792 | Programmeurs, préparateurs de travaux en informatique (hors | 4 |
4793 | Techniciens des laboratoires de recherche publique ou d´ense | 2 |
4794 | Techniciens divers | 3 |
4795 | Experts indépendants de niveau technicien | 1 |
4799 | Technicien, secteur d´activité inconnu | 6 |
4801 | Personnel de direction et d´encadrement des exploitations ag | 0 |
4802 | Maîtres d´équipage (pčche, marine marchande) | 0 |
4811 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication de matériel élec | 1 |
4812 | Agents de maîtrise le´ niveau en fabrication de matériel éle | 0 |
4821 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication mécanique | 0 |
4822 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication mécanique | 0 |
4831 | Conducteurs de travaux non cadres en bâtiment, travaux publi | 1 |
4832 | Chefs de chantier du bâtiment et des travaux publics | 0 |
4851 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication chimique ou agro | 1 |
4852 | Agents de maîtrise en fabrication chimique ou agro-alimentai | 0 |
4861 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication en métallurgie e | 0 |
4862 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication en métallurgie e | 0 |
4871 | Agents de maîtrise et techniciens chauffage, énergie | 0 |
4873 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication en industrie lég | 0 |
4874 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication en industrie lég | 0 |
4881 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en entretien, installation | 0 |
4882 | Agents de maîtrise en entretien, installation électromécaniq | 0 |
4883 | Agents de maîtrise en entretien, installation mécanique | 0 |
4884 | Agents de maîtrise d´entretien général | 0 |
4891 | Responsables d´entrepôt, de magasinage | 0 |
4892 | Responsables de manutention | 1 |
4893 | Maîtrise de restauration et de cuisine | 0 |
4899 | Contremaître, secteur d´activité inconnu | 1 |
5211 | Agents d´exploitation des PTT et assimilés | 4 |
5212 | Préposés des PTT | 5 |
5213 | Agents de constatation ou de recouvrement des Impôts, du Tré | 1 |
5214 | Commis, adjoints administratifs de la fonction publique | 11 |
5215 | Agents de bureau de la fonction publique | 8 |
5216 | Agents de service des établissements d´enseignement | 10 |
5217 | Agents de service de la fonction publique (sauf écoles, hôpi | 4 |
5221 | Aides-soignants (du public ou du privé) | 19 |
5222 | Agents de service hospitaliers (du public ou du privé) | 5 |
5223 | Ambulanciers salariés (du public ou du privé) | 0 |
5299 | Employé, fonction publique, secteur d´activité inconnu | 13 |
5311 | Agents de police | 1 |
5312 | Gendarmes (de grade inférieur ŕ adjudant) | 4 |
5313 | Sergents, sergents-chefs | 0 |
5314 | Hommes du rang | 3 |
5315 | Pompiers | 1 |
5316 | Agents techniques des eaux et foręts | 0 |
5317 | Agents de sécurité, de surveillance | 2 |
5399 | Policier, militaire, sécurité, secteur d´activité inconnu | 1 |
5411 | Secrétaires | 37 |
5412 | Dactylos, sténo-dactylos (sans secrétariat) | 0 |
5415 | Opératrices de saisie en informatique | 0 |
5416 | Opérateurs d´exploitation en informatique | 2 |
5417 | Standardistes, téléphonistes | 1 |
5421 | Employés des services comptables ou financiers | 23 |
5424 | Employés administratifs divers d´entreprise | 12 |
5428 | Dessinateurs d´exécution | 0 |
5431 | Employés des services techniques de la banque, guichetiers | 4 |
5434 | Employés des services techniques des assurances | 6 |
5441 | Contrôleurs des transports (personnels roulants) | 0 |
5442 | Agents des services commerciaux des transports et du tourism | 5 |
5443 | Agents administratifs des transports de marchandises | 0 |
5444 | Agents et hôtesses d´accueil et d´information | 3 |
5445 | Agents et hôtesses d´accompagnement (transports, tourisme) | 0 |
5499 | Salariés ne donnant aucune indication sur leur profession | 3 |
5511 | Vendeurs en gros de biens d´équipement, biens intermédiaires | 0 |
5512 | Vendeurs en alimentation | 3 |
5513 | Vendeurs en ameublement, décor, équipement du foyer | 1 |
5514 | Vendeurs en équipement de la personne, articles de sport | 3 |
5515 | Vendeurs en droguerie, bazar, quincaillerie, bricolage | 2 |
5516 | Vendeurs en articles de luxe | 1 |
5517 | Vendeurs en photo, disques, librairie | 2 |
5518 | Employés de libre-service | 3 |
5519 | Caissiers de magasin | 2 |
5521 | Pompistes et gérants (salariés ou mandataires de station-ser | 0 |
5599 | Employé de commerce, secteur d´activité inconnu | 12 |
5611 | Serveurs et commis de restaurant ou de café | 9 |
5614 | Employés de l´hôtellerie | 3 |
5621 | Manucures, esthéticiennes, salariées | 1 |
5622 | Coiffeurs salariés | 2 |
5631 | Assistantes maternelles, gardiennes d´enfants et travailleus | 13 |
5632 | Employés de maison et femmes de ménages chez des particulier | 5 |
5633 | Concierges, gardiens d´immeubles | 0 |
5634 | Employés des services divers | 0 |
5699 | Personnel de service direct aux particuliers, mal désigné | 0 |
6201 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipement industriel | 0 |
6202 | Électromécaniciens, électroniciens qualifiés d´entretien ind | 3 |
6203 | Régleurs qualifiés d´équipements de fabrication (travail des | 2 |
6204 | Régleurs qualifiés d´équipements de fabrication (sauf travai | 2 |
6211 | Bobiniers qualifiés | 0 |
6214 | Câbleurs qualifiés | 1 |
6218 | Plateformistes, contrôleurs qualifiés de matériel électrique | 2 |
6220 | Forgerons qualifiés | 0 |
6221 | Chaudronniers, tôliers industriels qualifiés | 0 |
6222 | Tuyauteurs industriels qualifiés | 0 |
6223 | Soudeurs qualifiés sur métaux | 0 |
6226 | Ouvriers trčs qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 0 |
6227 | Ouvriers qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 0 |
6231 | Monteurs qualifiés d´ensembles mécaniques | 0 |
6234 | Monteurs qualifiés en charpente métallique | 0 |
6235 | Traceurs qualifiés | 0 |
6236 | Ouvriers qualifiés de contrôle et d´essais en mécanique, mét | 0 |
6237 | Ouvriers qualifiés des traitements thermiques et de surface | 0 |
6238 | Mécaniciens, ajusteurs qualifiés, sans autre indication | 1 |
6241 | Chefs d´équipe du gros oeuvre et des travaux publics | 1 |
6242 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail du béton | 0 |
6243 | Conducteurs qualifiés d´engins de chantiers du BTP | 2 |
6244 | Autres ouvriers qualifiés des travaux publics | 0 |
6245 | Mineurs de fond qualifiés | 0 |
6246 | Ouvriers qualifiés de l´extraction (carričres, pétrole, gaz, | 0 |
6251 | Ouvriers qualifiés sur installations ou machines de la chimi | 0 |
6254 | Ouvriers qualifiés de laboratoire (chimie) | 0 |
6255 | Ouvriers qualifiés des industries agricoles et alimentaires | 0 |
6261 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la métallurgie, du verre, de la cérami | 1 |
6264 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la fabrication des papiers et canons | 0 |
6265 | Ouvriers qualifiés des industries lourdes du bois | 0 |
6271 | Conducteurs de machines du textile et de la tannerie-mégisse | 0 |
6272 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la coupe et des finitions des vętement | 0 |
6273 | Mécaniciennes en confection qualifiées | 0 |
6274 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail industriel du cuir | 1 |
6281 | Ouvriers de la photogravure et des laboratoires photographiq | 0 |
6282 | Ouvriers de la composition . | 0 |
6283 | Ouvriers de l´impression | 1 |
6284 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la brochure, de la reliure | 0 |
6291 | Ouvriers qualifiés de scierie | 0 |
6292 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la menuiserie industrielle et de l´ame | 1 |
6293 | Surveillants qualifiés d´exploitation (électricité, gaz, eau | 1 |
6294 | Agents qualifiés de laboratoire (sauf chimie et santé) | 0 |
6299 | Ouvriers qualifiés divers de type industriel et ouvriers qua | 3 |
6301 | Jardiniers | 1 |
6311 | Électriciens qualifiés du bâtiment | 1 |
6312 | Dépanneurs qualfiés en radio-télévision, électroménager | 1 |
6313 | Électromécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipements non i | 1 |
6321 | Carrossiers d´automobile qualifiés | 0 |
6322 | Métalliers, serruriers qualifiés | 2 |
6323 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´automobiles (entretien, réparation) | 1 |
6324 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipements non industri | 1 |
6331 | Charpentiers en bois qualifiés | 0 |
6332 | Menuisiers qualifiés du bâtiment | 0 |
6341 | Maçons qualifiés | 2 |
6342 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail de la pierre | 0 |
6343 | Couvreurs qualifiés | 0 |
6344 | Plombiers et chauffagistes qualifiés | 0 |
6345 | Peintres et ouvriers qualifiés des finitions du bâtiment | 2 |
6346 | Monteurs qualifiés en agencement, isolation | 0 |
6347 | Ouvriers qualifiés d´entretien général des bâtiments | 4 |
6351 | Bouchers (sauf industrie de la viande) | 1 |
6352 | Charcutiers (sauf industrie de la viande) | 0 |
6353 | Boulangers, pâtissiers (sauf activité industrielle) | 0 |
6354 | Cuisiniers qualifiés | 8 |
6371 | Tailleurs et couturičres qualifiés . | 0 |
6372 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail des étoffes (sauf fabrication | 0 |
6373 | Ouvriers qualifiés de type artisanal du travail du cuir | 0 |
6391 | Modeleurs (sauf modeleurs de métal), mouleurs-noyauteurs ŕ l | 0 |
6392 | Ouvriers d´art | 0 |
6393 | Auxiliaires des spectacles | 1 |
6394 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail du verre ou de la céramique ŕ | 0 |
6399 | Ouvriers qualifiés divers de type artisanal | 1 |
6411 | Conducteurs routiers et grands routiers (salariés) | 12 |
6412 | Conducteurs de véhicule routier de transport en commun (sala | 3 |
6413 | Conducteurs de taxi (salariés) | 0 |
6414 | Conducteurs de voiture particuličre (salariés) | 0 |
6415 | Conducteurs livreurs, coursiers (salariés) | 5 |
6499 | Chauffeur, secteur d´activité inconnu | 1 |
6511 | Conducteurs d´engins lourds de levage | 0 |
6512 | Conducteurs d´engins lourds de manoeuvre | 0 |
6513 | Dockers | 0 |
6514 | Conducteurs de chariot élévateur, caristes | 1 |
6515 | Magasiniers | 5 |
6521 | Agents qualifiés des services d´exploitation des transports | 0 |
6522 | Conducteurs qualifiés d´engin de transport guidé | 1 |
6531 | Matelots de la marine marchande | 0 |
6532 | Capitaines et matelots timoniers de la navigation fluviale ( | 0 |
6599 | Ouvrier qualif. mal désigné (manutention, magasin., transp.) | 0 |
6711 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de l´électricité et de l´électronique | 2 |
6721 | Ouvriers non qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 1 |
6722 | Ouvriers non qualifiés travaillant par formage de métal | 2 |
6723 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de montage, de contrôle, etc., en méc | 2 |
6741 | Ouvriers non qualifiés des travaux publics et du travail du | 0 |
6742 | Aides-mineurs, ouvriers non qualifiés de l´extraction. | 0 |
6751 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la chimie | 0 |
6754 | Ouvriers non qualifiés des industries agricoles et alimentai | 4 |
6761 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la métallurgie, du verre, de la cé | 1 |
6764 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la fabrication du papier-carton et | 0 |
6771 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du textile et de la tannerie-mégisser | 0 |
6772 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la confection | 2 |
6773 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du travail du cuir | 1 |
6791 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du travail du bois | 0 |
6792 | Manutentionnaires des services d´exploitation des transports | 3 |
6793 | Ouvriers du tri, de l´emballage, de l´expédition | 5 |
6799 | Ouvriers non qualifiés divers de type industriel et ouvriers | 7 |
6821 | Métalliers, serruriers, réparateurs en mécanique non qualifi | 0 |
6841 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du gros oeuvre du bâtiment | 2 |
6842 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du second oeuvre du bâtiment | 2 |
6851 | Apprentis boulangers, bouchers, charcutiers | 0 |
6891 | Nettoyeurs | 1 |
6899 | Ouvriers non qualifiés divers de type artisanal | 2 |
6911 | Conducteurs d´engins agricoles ou forestiers | 0 |
6912 | Ouvriers de l´élevage | 0 |
6913 | Ouvriers en maraîchage ou de l´horticulture | 1 |
6914 | Ouvriers de la viticulture ou de l´arboriculture fruitičre | 0 |
6915 | Ouvriers agricoles sans spécialisation particuličre | 0 |
6916 | Ouvriers d´exploitation forestičre ou de sylviculture | 0 |
6921 | Marins-pęcheurs et ouvriers de l´aquaculture | 0 |
6999 | Ouvrier agricole mal désigné | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 0 | 6999 | 2740.9 | 2505.67 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 6999
J_OCCU R Occupation: Japan
Vrednost 108192 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agriculture, forestry or fishery work | 38 |
2 | Self employed work | 135 |
3 | Sales or services | 98 |
4 | Skilled work | 92 |
5 | Unskilled work | 64 |
6 | Clerical or technical work | 216 |
7 | Business operators or managers | 62 |
8 | Specialists, free-lancers etc. | 31 |
9 | Housewife /home duties | 229 |
10 | Students | 75 |
11 | Jobless | 275 |
99 | NA | 6 |
-4 | Not asked | 32206 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1321 | 1 | 99 | 7.34141 | 6.9774 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
AFS_SPOC SP Occupation: South Africa
Vrednost 109191 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Engineers, architechts etc. | 9 |
12 | Natural sciences | 3 |
13 | Technical science occupations | 7 |
14 | Medical, dental &1; related | 25 |
15 | Education and related fields | 30 |
16 | Human science &1; related fields | 13 |
17 | Art, sport, entertainment | 8 |
21 | Legislative, executive - state | 0 |
22 | Managerial occupations | 23 |
23 | Administrative occupations | 18 |
31 | Clerical occupations | 75 |
32 | Sales occupations | 38 |
41 | Transport occupations | 47 |
42 | Communications occupations | 5 |
43 | Driver, special hiring | 0 |
51 | Protection occupations | 40 |
52 | Catering occuapations | 7 |
53 | Personal service occupations | 4 |
59 | Service occupations not elsewhere classified | 5 |
61 | Farmer, farm manager | 19 |
62 | Fisherman, hunter | 1 |
63 | Farm, forestry, nursery worker | 19 |
71 | Artisan | 26 |
72 | Apprentices | 28 |
81 | Mine &1; quarry workers | 1 |
82 | Production, foreman &1; supervisors | 22 |
83 | Operation, production &1; related occupations | 44 |
84 | Labourer &1; unskilled work | 110 |
91 | Housewife | 126 |
92 | Unemployed -fit for work | 231 |
93 | Unemployed - not fit for work | 11 |
94 | Retired | 162 |
95 | Student | 23 |
99 | No occupation given | 448 |
100 | No Partner | 196 |
-4 | Not asked | 30964 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 739 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1824 | 11 | 100 | 80.6151 | 26.506 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 100
F_SPOC S-P occupation: France
Vrednost 110190 | Frekvenca | |
0 | 546 | |
1099 | Agriculteur, taille d´exploitation inconnue | 17 |
1101 | Agriculteurs sur petite exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1102 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur petite exploitation | 1 |
1103 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur petite exploitati | 0 |
1104 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur petite exploitation | 0 |
1105 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur petite exploi | 1 |
1106 | Agriculteurs sur petite exploitation sans orientation domina | 0 |
1201 | Agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1202 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur moyenne exploitation | 0 |
1203 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur moyenne exploitat | 0 |
1204 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur moyenne exploitation | 0 |
1205 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur moyenne explo | 0 |
1206 | Agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation sans orientation domin | 0 |
1211 | Entrepreneurs de travaux agricoles ŕ façon, de 0 ŕ 9 salarié | 0 |
1212 | Exploitants forestiers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
1213 | Patrons pécheurs et aquaculteurs, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
1301 | Agriculteurs sur grande exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1302 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur grande exploitation | 0 |
1303 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur grande exploitati | 0 |
1304 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur grande exploitation | 0 |
1305 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur grande exploi | 0 |
1306 | Agriculteurs sur grande exploitation sans orientation domina | 0 |
2099 | Artisan ou commerçant mal désigné | 0 |
2101 | Artisans boulangers, pâtissiers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 0 |
2102 | Artisans boulangers, pâtissiers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2103 | Artisans bouchers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 0 |
2104 | Artisans bouchers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2105 | Artisans charcutiers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 0 |
2106 | Artisans charcutiers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2107 | Autres artisans de l´alimentation | 0 |
2111 | Artisans mécaniciens en machines agricoles | 0 |
2112 | Artisans en matériel de précision | 0 |
2113 | Artisans divers du travail des métaux, de l´électromécanique | 0 |
2121 | Artisans tailleurs, couturiers et autres artisans de la conf | 0 |
2122 | Artisans fabricants en cuirs et peaux | 0 |
2131 | Artisans du meuble | 0 |
2132 | Artisans du travail mécanique du bois | 0 |
2141 | Artisans de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
2142 | Artisans d´art | 0 |
2143 | Autres artisans de fabrication | 0 |
2151 | Artisans maçons, plâtriers | 0 |
2152 | Artisans en terrassement, travaux publics, parcs et jardins | 0 |
2153 | Artisans électriciens du bâtiment | 0 |
2154 | Artisans de la peinture et des finitions du bâtiment | 0 |
2155 | Artisans plombiers, couvreurs, chauffagistes | 0 |
2156 | Artisans menuisiers du bâtiment, charpentiers en bois | 1 |
2157 | Artisans serruriers, métalliers | 0 |
2161 | Artisans mécaniciens réparateurs d´automobiles | 1 |
2162 | Artisans tôliers-carrossiers d´automobiles | 3 |
2163 | Artisans réparateurs en électroménager | 0 |
2164 | Artisans cordonniers, réparateurs divers | 0 |
2171 | Conducteurs de taxi artisans | 1 |
2172 | Artisans coiffeurs, manucures, esthéticiens | 0 |
2173 | Artisans teinturiers, blanchisseurs | 0 |
2174 | Artisans des services divers | 0 |
2181 | Transporteurs routiers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2182 | Bateliers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2190 | Aides familiaux non salariés ou associés d´artisans | 1 |
2199 | Artisan, secteur d´activité inconnu | 3 |
2210 | Petits grossistes en alimentation | 0 |
2211 | Petits grossistes en produits non alimentaires | 0 |
2212 | Petits détaillants en alimentation spécialisée | 1 |
2213 | Petits détaillants en alimentation générale | 3 |
2214 | Petits détaillants en ameublement, décor, équipement du foye | 1 |
2215 | Petits détaillants en équipement de la personne, articles de | 2 |
2216 | Petits détaillants en quincaillerie, bricolage, bazar | 0 |
2217 | Petits détaillants en produits de luxe | 0 |
2218 | Petits détaillants en librairie, photo, disques | 0 |
2219 | Exploitants et gérants libres de station service, de 0 ŕ 2 s | 0 |
2221 | Patrons dé petit restaurant, café-restaurant | 2 |
2222 | Patrons de petit café, café-tabac | 1 |
2223 | Patrons de petit café associé ŕ une autre activité | 0 |
2224 | Patrons de petit hôtel, hôtel-restaurant | 0 |
2231 | Moyens grossistes en alimentation | 0 |
2232 | Moyens grossistes en produits non alimentaires | 2 |
2233 | Moyens détaillants en alimentation | 0 |
2234 | Moyens détaillants en produits non alimentaires | 1 |
2235 | Intermédiaires indépendants. du commerce, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 1 |
2236 | Patrons de café, restaurant, hôtel, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2241 | Agents immobiliers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2242 | Agents généraux et courtiers d´assurances indépendants, de 0 | 0 |
2243 | Agents de voyage et auxiliaires de transports indépendants, | 0 |
2244 | Indépendants gestionnaires de spectacle, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2245 | Professionnels de la parapsychologie, guérisseurs | 0 |
2246 | Indépendants gestionnaires d´établissement privé, de 0 ŕ 9 s | 1 |
2247 | Indépendants divers prestataires de services, de 0 ŕ 9 salar | 1 |
2299 | Commerçant, taille d´entreprise inconnue | 5 |
2310 | Chefs de grande entreprise (500 salariés et plus) | 0 |
2320 | Chefs de moyenne entreprise (150 ŕ 499 salariés) | 0 |
2331 | Chefs d´entreprise du BTP de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 0 |
2332 | Chefs d´entreprise de l´industrie ou des transports, de 10 ŕ | 0 |
2333 | Chefs d´entreprise commerciale de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 2 |
2334 | Chefs d´entreprise de services de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 0 |
2399 | Chef d´entreprise, taille d´entreprise inconnue | 7 |
3111 | Médecins libéraux spécialistes | 4 |
3112 | Médecins libéraux non spécialistes | 3 |
3113 | Chirurgiens dentistes (libéraux ou salariés) | 2 |
3114 | Psychologues, psychanalystes, psychothérapeutes (non médecin | 1 |
3115 | Vétérinaires (libéraux ou salariés) | 0 |
3116 | Pharmaciens libéraux | 1 |
3121 | Avocats | 1 |
3122 | Notaires | 1 |
3123 | Conseils juridiques et fiscaux libéraux | 0 |
3124 | Experts comptables, comptables agréés, libéraux | 0 |
3125 | Ingénieurs conseils libéraux en recrutement, etc. | 0 |
3126 | Ingénieurs conseils libéraux en études techniques | 0 |
3127 | Architectes libéraux . | 0 |
3128 | Huissiers de justice, officiers ministériels et professions | 0 |
3130 | Aides familiaux non salariés de professions libérales | 0 |
3199 | Profession libérale, secteur d´activité inconnu | 1 |
3311 | Personnel de direction de la fonction publique | 2 |
3312 | Ingénieurs de l´Etat et des collectivités locales | 3 |
3313 | Magistrats | 1 |
3314 | Inspecteurs et autres cadres A des Impôts, du Trésor et des | 0 |
3315 | Inspecteurs et autres cadres A des PTT . | 0 |
3316 | Personnel administratif supérieur des collectivités locales | 1 |
3317 | Personnel administratif de catégorie A de l´Etat | 1 |
3318 | Personnes exerçant un mandat politique ou syndical | 0 |
3321 | Officiers de l´Armée et de la Gendarmerie (sauf généraux) | 4 |
3399 | Cadre supérieur de la fonction publique, secteur inconnu | 1 |
3411 | Professeurs agrégés et certifiés | 30 |
3414 | Directeurs d´établissement secondaire et inspecteurs | 0 |
3415 | Enseignants de l´enseignement supérieur | 1 |
3421 | Chercheurs de la recherche publique | 3 |
3431 | Médecins hospitaliers (sans activité libérale) | 3 |
3432 | Médecins salariés non hospitaliers | 5 |
3433 | Psychologues spécialistes de l´orientation scolaire et profe | 2 |
3434 | Étudiants hospitaliers, stagiaires internes | 0 |
3435 | Pharmaciens salariés | 2 |
3499 | Profession scientifique, secteur d´activité inconnu | 0 |
3511 | Journalistes, secrétaires de rédaction | 3 |
3512 | Auteurs littéraires, scénaristes, dialoguistes | 0 |
3513 | Bibliothécaires, archivistes, conservateurs de la fonction p | 1 |
3521 | Cadres de la presse, de l´édition, de l´audiovisuel et des s | 0 |
3522 | Cadres artistiques des spectacles | 0 |
3523 | Cadres techniques de la réalisation de spectacles vivants et | 0 |
3531 | Artistes plasticiens | 1 |
3532 | Artistes professionnels de la musique et du chant | 1 |
3533 | Artistes dramatiques, danseurs | 1 |
3534 | Professeurs d´art (hors établissements scolaires) | 0 |
3535 | Artistes de variété | 0 |
3599 | Profession de l´information ou des arts, secteur inconnu | 1 |
3710 | Cadres d´état-major des grandes entreprises | 0 |
3721 | Cadres chargés d´études économiques, financičres, commercial | 1 |
3722 | Cadres spécialistes du recrutement, de la formation | 0 |
3723 | Cadres de l´organisation ou du contrôle | 1 |
3724 | Cadres de gestion courante des grandes entreprises | 1 |
3725 | Cadres de gestion courante du personnel des grandes entrepri | 1 |
3726 | Cadres de gestion courante des autres services des grandes e | 0 |
3727 | Cadres administratifs ou financiers des PME | 5 |
3728 | Cadres de la documentation, de l´archivage (hors fonction pu | 0 |
3731 | Cadres de l´exploitation des magasins de vente | 2 |
3732 | Chefs de produits, acheteurs du commerce et autres cadres de | 3 |
3733 | Cadres des ventes des grandes entreprises (hors commerce de | 1 |
3734 | Cadres commerciaux des PME (hors commerce de détail) | 3 |
3735 | Cadres de la publicité ; cadres des relations publiques | 0 |
3741 | Cadres des services techniques et commerciaux de la banque | 3 |
3744 | Cadres des services techniques des assurances | 0 |
3751 | Cadres de l´hôtellerie et de la restauration | 1 |
3799 | Cadre supérieur d´entreprise, secteur inconnu | 2 |
3810 | Directeurs techniques des grandes entreprises | 0 |
3820 | Ingénieurs et cadres techniques d´études, développement de l | 0 |
3821 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, études, essais en électri | 0 |
3822 | Ingénieurs et cadres de bureau d´études ou des méthodes en m | 0 |
3823 | Ingénieurs et cadres d´études, méthodes, contrôles en BTP | 0 |
3824 | Architectes salariés | 1 |
3825 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, développement en chimie, | 0 |
3826 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, contrôles en métallurgie | 0 |
3827 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, études des industries lég | 0 |
3828 | Ingénieurs et cadres spécialistes de l´informatique | 3 |
3829 | Autres ingénieurs et cadres d´études | 1 |
3831 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en matériel électrique, | 0 |
3832 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en mécanique | 1 |
3833 | Ingénieurs et cadres de chantier du BTP | 2 |
3835 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en chimie et agro-alimen | 0 |
3836 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en métallurgie et matéri | 0 |
3837 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication des industries légčres | 0 |
3838 | Cadres techniques de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
3839 | Ingénieurs et cadres de la production et de la distribution | 0 |
3841 | Ingénieurs et cadres d´entretien, travaux neufs | 1 |
3842 | Ingénieurs et cadres des achats et approvisionnements indust | 0 |
3843 | Ingénieurs et cadres de planning, ordonnancement | 0 |
3851 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en matériel élec. | 0 |
3852 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en matériel mécani | 0 |
3853 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en bâtiment, trava | 0 |
3854 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en biens intermédi | 0 |
3855 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en informatique | 0 |
3861 | Cadres des transports et de la logistique | 0 |
3862 | Personnels navigants techniques de l´aviation civile | 0 |
3863 | Officiers de la marine marchande | 0 |
3899 | Ingénieur, cadre technique d´entreprise, secteur inconnu | 10 |
4211 | Instituteurs | 36 |
4214 | Directeurs d´école primaire ou maternelle | 5 |
4215 | Instituteurs de l´éducation spécialisée | 1 |
4221 | PEGC et maîtres auxiliaires de l´enseignement général | 11 |
4224 | Enseignants du technique court . | 5 |
4227 | Conseillers d´éducation et surveillants | 2 |
4231 | Assistants techniques de la documentation, de l´archivage | 0 |
4232 | Formateurs et animateurs de formation continue | 7 |
4233 | Moniteurs et éducateurs sportifs, sportifs professionnels | 3 |
4299 | Profession intermédiaire de l´enseignement, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4311 | Cadres infirmiers et assimilés | 5 |
4312 | Infirmiers psychiatriques | 0 |
4313 | Puéricultrices | 1 |
4314 | Infirmiers spécialisés (autres que puéricultrices) | 0 |
4315 | Infirmiers en soins généraux salariés | 19 |
4316 | Infirmiers libéraux | 1 |
4321 | Sages-femmes (libérales ou salariées) | 1 |
4322 | Spécialistes de la rééducation et diététiciens, salariés | 2 |
4323 | Spécialistes de la rééducation et pédicures, libéraux | 2 |
4324 | Techniciens médicaux | 1 |
4325 | Spécialistes de l´appareillage médical salariés | 1 |
4326 | Spécialistes de l´appareillage médical indépendants | 0 |
4327 | Préparateurs en pharmacie | 0 |
4331 | Assistantes sociales | 2 |
4332 | Éducateurs spécialisés | 4 |
4333 | Animateurs socio-culturels et de loisirs | 5 |
4334 | Conseillers familiaux | 0 |
4399 | Prof. intermédiaire santé, travail social, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4411 | Clergé séculier | 0 |
4412 | Clergé régulier | 0 |
4499 | Clergé régulier ou séculier ou assistant laďc | 0 |
4511 | Contrôleurs des PTT et assimilés | 2 |
4512 | Contrôleurs des Impôts, du Trésor, des Douanes et assimilés | 2 |
4513 | Professions administratives intermédiaires des Collectivités | 3 |
4514 | Personnels administratifs de catégorie B de l´Etat | 7 |
4521 | Inspecteurs et officiers de police | 1 |
4522 | Adjudants et majors de l´Armée et de la Gendarmerie | 3 |
4599 | Prof. interm. administrative publique, secteur inconnu | 4 |
4611 | Maîtrise et techniciens des services comptables ou financier | 12 |
4612 | Maîtrise et techniciens administratifs (autres que financier | 4 |
4615 | Personnel de secrétariat de niveau supérieur, secrétaires de | 8 |
4621 | Chefs de petite surface de vente (salariés ou mandataires) | 6 |
4622 | Maîtrise de l´exploitation des magasins de vente | 1 |
4623 | Personnel technique d´inspection, d´assistance des magasins | 0 |
4624 | Représentants en biens, commerce interindustriel | 0 |
4625 | Représentants en biens de consommation auprčs d´ntreprises | 4 |
4626 | Représentants en services auprčs d´entreprises ou de profess | 1 |
4627 | Représentants auprčs de particuliers | 3 |
4628 | Acheteurs non classés cadres, aides-acheteurs | 1 |
4629 | Professions intermédiaires commerciales | 4 |
4631 | Assistants techniques de la publicité, des relations publiqu | 4 |
4632 | Interprčtes, traducteurs (salariés ou indépendants) | 0 |
4633 | Assistants techniques de la réalisation des spectacles vivan | 0 |
4634 | Assistants techniques des arts graphiques, de la mode et de | 1 |
4635 | Assistants techniques des arts graphiques, de la mode et de | 0 |
4636 | Photographes salariés | 0 |
4637 | Photographes indépendants | 0 |
4641 | Responsables administratifs ou commerciaux des transports et | 0 |
4642 | Responsables d´exploitation des transports | 1 |
4651 | Gradés des services techniques de la banque | 1 |
4654 | Rédacteurs d´assurance | 1 |
4661 | Maîtres d´hôtel (non cadres) | 2 |
4662 | Maîtrise du hall et des étages (hôtellerie) | 1 |
4699 | Prof. interm. administrative entreprise, secteur inconnu | 3 |
4701 | Techniciens d´études, développement de l´agriculture et des | 3 |
4702 | Contrôleurs laitiers, inséminateurs et autres agents techniq | 1 |
4711 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en électricité, électronique | 0 |
4712 | Dessinateurs d´études en électricité, électronique | 0 |
4713 | Techniciens d´études, essais, contrôle en électricité, élect | 0 |
4717 | Techniciens en électricité, électronique, automatisme | 1 |
4718 | Techniciens des télécommunications | 2 |
4721 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en construction mécanique et chaudro | 0 |
4722 | Dessinateurs d´études en construction mécanique et chaudronn | 0 |
4723 | Techniciens en mécanique et chaudronnerie | 0 |
4731 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en bâtiment, travaux publics | 0 |
4732 | Dessinateurs d´études en bâtiment, travaux publics | 2 |
4733 | Géomčtres, topographes | 1 |
4734 | Techniciens des travaux publics de l´État et des collectivit | 0 |
4735 | Métreurs et techniciens divers du bâtiment et des travaux pu | 1 |
4751 | Techniciens chimistes, biologistes | 1 |
4761 | Techniciens en métallurgie et matériaux | 1 |
4771 | Assistants techniques de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
4772 | Techniciens des industries légčres | 0 |
4781 | Préparateurs de méthodes | 1 |
4782 | Techniciens de planning, ordonnancement, lancement | 3 |
4791 | Pupitreurs, chefs de salle en informatique (hors fonction pu | 2 |
4792 | Programmeurs, préparateurs de travaux en informatique (hors | 6 |
4793 | Techniciens des laboratoires de recherche publique ou d´ense | 0 |
4794 | Techniciens divers | 1 |
4795 | Experts indépendants de niveau technicien | 1 |
4799 | Technicien, secteur d´activité inconnu | 11 |
4801 | Personnel de direction et d´encadrement des exploitations ag | 0 |
4802 | Maîtres d´équipage (pčche, marine marchande) | 0 |
4811 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication de matériel élec | 0 |
4812 | Agents de maîtrise le´ niveau en fabrication de matériel éle | 0 |
4821 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication mécanique | 0 |
4822 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication mécanique | 0 |
4831 | Conducteurs de travaux non cadres en bâtiment, travaux publi | 1 |
4832 | Chefs de chantier du bâtiment et des travaux publics | 2 |
4851 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication chimique ou agro | 0 |
4852 | Agents de maîtrise en fabrication chimique ou agro-alimentai | 1 |
4861 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication en métallurgie e | 1 |
4862 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication en métallurgie e | 0 |
4871 | Agents de maîtrise et techniciens chauffage, énergie | 0 |
4873 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication en industrie lég | 0 |
4874 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication en industrie lég | 0 |
4881 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en entretien, installation | 0 |
4882 | Agents de maîtrise en entretien, installation électromécaniq | 0 |
4883 | Agents de maîtrise en entretien, installation mécanique | 1 |
4884 | Agents de maîtrise d´entretien général | 1 |
4891 | Responsables d´entrepôt, de magasinage | 2 |
4892 | Responsables de manutention | 2 |
4893 | Maîtrise de restauration et de cuisine | 1 |
4899 | Contremaître, secteur d´activité inconnu | 9 |
5211 | Agents d´exploitation des PTT et assimilés | 1 |
5212 | Préposés des PTT | 5 |
5213 | Agents de constatation ou de recouvrement des Impôts, du Tré | 1 |
5214 | Commis, adjoints administratifs de la fonction publique | 11 |
5215 | Agents de bureau de la fonction publique | 10 |
5216 | Agents de service des établissements d´enseignement | 5 |
5217 | Agents de service de la fonction publique (sauf écoles, hôpi | 13 |
5221 | Aides-soignants (du public ou du privé) | 12 |
5222 | Agents de service hospitaliers (du public ou du privé) | 2 |
5223 | Ambulanciers salariés (du public ou du privé) | 1 |
5299 | Employé, fonction publique, secteur d´activité inconnu | 18 |
5311 | Agents de police | 2 |
5312 | Gendarmes (de grade inférieur ŕ adjudant) | 4 |
5313 | Sergents, sergents-chefs | 0 |
5314 | Hommes du rang | 2 |
5315 | Pompiers | 0 |
5316 | Agents techniques des eaux et foręts | 0 |
5317 | Agents de sécurité, de surveillance | 6 |
5399 | Policier, militaire, sécurité, secteur d´activité inconnu | 6 |
5411 | Secrétaires | 34 |
5412 | Dactylos, sténo-dactylos (sans secrétariat) | 0 |
5415 | Opératrices de saisie en informatique | 0 |
5416 | Opérateurs d´exploitation en informatique | 2 |
5417 | Standardistes, téléphonistes | 0 |
5421 | Employés des services comptables ou financiers | 9 |
5424 | Employés administratifs divers d´entreprise | 8 |
5428 | Dessinateurs d´exécution | 0 |
5431 | Employés des services techniques de la banque, guichetiers | 13 |
5434 | Employés des services techniques des assurances | 0 |
5441 | Contrôleurs des transports (personnels roulants) | 1 |
5442 | Agents des services commerciaux des transports et du tourism | 1 |
5443 | Agents administratifs des transports de marchandises | 0 |
5444 | Agents et hôtesses d´accueil et d´information | 2 |
5445 | Agents et hôtesses d´accompagnement (transports, tourisme) | 2 |
5499 | Salariés ne donnant aucune indication sur leur profession | 5 |
5511 | Vendeurs en gros de biens d´équipement, biens intermédiaires | 1 |
5512 | Vendeurs en alimentation | 2 |
5513 | Vendeurs en ameublement, décor, équipement du foyer | 3 |
5514 | Vendeurs en équipement de la personne, articles de sport | 2 |
5515 | Vendeurs en droguerie, bazar, quincaillerie, bricolage | 1 |
5516 | Vendeurs en articles de luxe | 1 |
5517 | Vendeurs en photo, disques, librairie | 0 |
5518 | Employés de libre-service | 5 |
5519 | Caissiers de magasin | 3 |
5521 | Pompistes et gérants (salariés ou mandataires de station-ser | 0 |
5599 | Employé de commerce, secteur d´activité inconnu | 17 |
5611 | Serveurs et commis de restaurant ou de café | 6 |
5614 | Employés de l´hôtellerie | 2 |
5621 | Manucures, esthéticiennes, salariées | 1 |
5622 | Coiffeurs salariés | 1 |
5631 | Assistantes maternelles, gardiennes d´enfants et travailleus | 12 |
5632 | Employés de maison et femmes de ménages chez des particulier | 6 |
5633 | Concierges, gardiens d´immeubles | 1 |
5634 | Employés des services divers | 1 |
5699 | Personnel de service direct aux particuliers, mal désigné | 1 |
6201 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipement industriel | 1 |
6202 | Électromécaniciens, électroniciens qualifiés d´entretien ind | 1 |
6203 | Régleurs qualifiés d´équipements de fabrication (travail des | 1 |
6204 | Régleurs qualifiés d´équipements de fabrication (sauf travai | 0 |
6211 | Bobiniers qualifiés | 0 |
6214 | Câbleurs qualifiés | 3 |
6218 | Plateformistes, contrôleurs qualifiés de matériel électrique | 0 |
6220 | Forgerons qualifiés | 0 |
6221 | Chaudronniers, tôliers industriels qualifiés | 0 |
6222 | Tuyauteurs industriels qualifiés | 0 |
6223 | Soudeurs qualifiés sur métaux | 0 |
6226 | Ouvriers trčs qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 0 |
6227 | Ouvriers qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 1 |
6231 | Monteurs qualifiés d´ensembles mécaniques | 0 |
6234 | Monteurs qualifiés en charpente métallique | 0 |
6235 | Traceurs qualifiés | 0 |
6236 | Ouvriers qualifiés de contrôle et d´essais en mécanique, mét | 1 |
6237 | Ouvriers qualifiés des traitements thermiques et de surface | 1 |
6238 | Mécaniciens, ajusteurs qualifiés, sans autre indication | 0 |
6241 | Chefs d´équipe du gros oeuvre et des travaux publics | 1 |
6242 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail du béton | 1 |
6243 | Conducteurs qualifiés d´engins de chantiers du BTP | 0 |
6244 | Autres ouvriers qualifiés des travaux publics | 0 |
6245 | Mineurs de fond qualifiés | 0 |
6246 | Ouvriers qualifiés de l´extraction (carričres, pétrole, gaz, | 0 |
6251 | Ouvriers qualifiés sur installations ou machines de la chimi | 2 |
6254 | Ouvriers qualifiés de laboratoire (chimie) | 7 |
6255 | Ouvriers qualifiés des industries agricoles et alimentaires | 4 |
6261 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la métallurgie, du verre, de la cérami | 1 |
6264 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la fabrication des papiers et canons | 1 |
6265 | Ouvriers qualifiés des industries lourdes du bois | 0 |
6271 | Conducteurs de machines du textile et de la tannerie-mégisse | 0 |
6272 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la coupe et des finitions des vętement | 1 |
6273 | Mécaniciennes en confection qualifiées | 0 |
6274 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail industriel du cuir | 0 |
6281 | Ouvriers de la photogravure et des laboratoires photographiq | 1 |
6282 | Ouvriers de la composition . | 0 |
6283 | Ouvriers de l´impression | 1 |
6284 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la brochure, de la reliure | 0 |
6291 | Ouvriers qualifiés de scierie | 1 |
6292 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la menuiserie industrielle et de l´ame | 3 |
6293 | Surveillants qualifiés d´exploitation (électricité, gaz, eau | 0 |
6294 | Agents qualifiés de laboratoire (sauf chimie et santé) | 0 |
6299 | Ouvriers qualifiés divers de type industriel et ouvriers qua | 8 |
6301 | Jardiniers | 1 |
6311 | Électriciens qualifiés du bâtiment | 0 |
6312 | Dépanneurs qualfiés en radio-télévision, électroménager | 0 |
6313 | Électromécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipements non i | 1 |
6321 | Carrossiers d´automobile qualifiés | 0 |
6322 | Métalliers, serruriers qualifiés | 1 |
6323 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´automobiles (entretien, réparation) | 5 |
6324 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipements non industri | 1 |
6331 | Charpentiers en bois qualifiés | 0 |
6332 | Menuisiers qualifiés du bâtiment | 1 |
6341 | Maçons qualifiés | 1 |
6342 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail de la pierre | 0 |
6343 | Couvreurs qualifiés | 1 |
6344 | Plombiers et chauffagistes qualifiés | 0 |
6345 | Peintres et ouvriers qualifiés des finitions du bâtiment | 0 |
6346 | Monteurs qualifiés en agencement, isolation | 0 |
6347 | Ouvriers qualifiés d´entretien général des bâtiments | 5 |
6351 | Bouchers (sauf industrie de la viande) | 3 |
6352 | Charcutiers (sauf industrie de la viande) | 0 |
6353 | Boulangers, pâtissiers (sauf activité industrielle) | 1 |
6354 | Cuisiniers qualifiés | 2 |
6371 | Tailleurs et couturičres qualifiés . | 0 |
6372 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail des étoffes (sauf fabrication | 1 |
6373 | Ouvriers qualifiés de type artisanal du travail du cuir | 0 |
6391 | Modeleurs (sauf modeleurs de métal), mouleurs-noyauteurs ŕ l | 1 |
6392 | Ouvriers d´art | 1 |
6393 | Auxiliaires des spectacles | 0 |
6394 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail du verre ou de la céramique ŕ | 0 |
6399 | Ouvriers qualifiés divers de type artisanal | 2 |
6411 | Conducteurs routiers et grands routiers (salariés) | 7 |
6412 | Conducteurs de véhicule routier de transport en commun (sala | 5 |
6413 | Conducteurs de taxi (salariés) | 1 |
6414 | Conducteurs de voiture particuličre (salariés) | 0 |
6415 | Conducteurs livreurs, coursiers (salariés) | 3 |
6499 | Chauffeur, secteur d´activité inconnu | 3 |
6511 | Conducteurs d´engins lourds de levage | 0 |
6512 | Conducteurs d´engins lourds de manoeuvre | 0 |
6513 | Dockers | 0 |
6514 | Conducteurs de chariot élévateur, caristes | 2 |
6515 | Magasiniers | 3 |
6521 | Agents qualifiés des services d´exploitation des transports | 6 |
6522 | Conducteurs qualifiés d´engin de transport guidé | 1 |
6531 | Matelots de la marine marchande | 0 |
6532 | Capitaines et matelots timoniers de la navigation fluviale ( | 0 |
6599 | Ouvrier qualif. mal désigné (manutention, magasin., transp.) | 0 |
6711 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de l´électricité et de l´électronique | 9 |
6721 | Ouvriers non qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 2 |
6722 | Ouvriers non qualifiés travaillant par formage de métal | 5 |
6723 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de montage, de contrôle, etc., en méc | 5 |
6741 | Ouvriers non qualifiés des travaux publics et du travail du | 1 |
6742 | Aides-mineurs, ouvriers non qualifiés de l´extraction. | 1 |
6751 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la chimie | 0 |
6754 | Ouvriers non qualifiés des industries agricoles et alimentai | 7 |
6761 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la métallurgie, du verre, de la cé | 3 |
6764 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la fabrication du papier-carton et | 1 |
6771 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du textile et de la tannerie-mégisser | 4 |
6772 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la confection | 0 |
6773 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du travail du cuir | 1 |
6791 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du travail du bois | 0 |
6792 | Manutentionnaires des services d´exploitation des transports | 5 |
6793 | Ouvriers du tri, de l´emballage, de l´expédition | 2 |
6799 | Ouvriers non qualifiés divers de type industriel et ouvriers | 10 |
6821 | Métalliers, serruriers, réparateurs en mécanique non qualifi | 5 |
6841 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du gros oeuvre du bâtiment | 3 |
6842 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du second oeuvre du bâtiment | 2 |
6851 | Apprentis boulangers, bouchers, charcutiers | 0 |
6891 | Nettoyeurs | 3 |
6899 | Ouvriers non qualifiés divers de type artisanal | 2 |
6911 | Conducteurs d´engins agricoles ou forestiers | 0 |
6912 | Ouvriers de l´élevage | 0 |
6913 | Ouvriers en maraîchage ou de l´horticulture | 0 |
6914 | Ouvriers de la viticulture ou de l´arboriculture fruitičre | 1 |
6915 | Ouvriers agricoles sans spécialisation particuličre | 1 |
6916 | Ouvriers d´exploitation forestičre ou de sylviculture | 1 |
6921 | Marins-pęcheurs et ouvriers de l´aquaculture | 0 |
6999 | Ouvrier agricole mal désigné | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 0 | 6916 | 2952.27 | 2566.09 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 6999
F_FOCC Father occupation: France
Vrednost 111189 | Frekvenca | |
0 | 130 | |
1099 | Agriculteur, taille d´exploitation inconnue | 158 |
1101 | Agriculteurs sur petite exploitation d´agriculture générale | 5 |
1102 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur petite exploitation | 3 |
1103 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur petite exploitati | 2 |
1104 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur petite exploitation | 2 |
1105 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur petite exploi | 0 |
1106 | Agriculteurs sur petite exploitation sans orientation domina | 0 |
1201 | Agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1202 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur moyenne exploitation | 1 |
1203 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur moyenne exploitat | 1 |
1204 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur moyenne exploitation | 0 |
1205 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur moyenne explo | 0 |
1206 | Agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation sans orientation domin | 0 |
1211 | Entrepreneurs de travaux agricoles ŕ façon, de 0 ŕ 9 salarié | 0 |
1212 | Exploitants forestiers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 1 |
1213 | Patrons pécheurs et aquaculteurs, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 3 |
1301 | Agriculteurs sur grande exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1302 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur grande exploitation | 0 |
1303 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur grande exploitati | 0 |
1304 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur grande exploitation | 0 |
1305 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur grande exploi | 0 |
1306 | Agriculteurs sur grande exploitation sans orientation domina | 0 |
2099 | Artisan ou commerçant mal désigné | 0 |
2101 | Artisans boulangers, pâtissiers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 9 |
2102 | Artisans boulangers, pâtissiers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 2 |
2103 | Artisans bouchers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 5 |
2104 | Artisans bouchers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 1 |
2105 | Artisans charcutiers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 3 |
2106 | Artisans charcutiers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2107 | Autres artisans de l´alimentation | 0 |
2111 | Artisans mécaniciens en machines agricoles | 2 |
2112 | Artisans en matériel de précision | 1 |
2113 | Artisans divers du travail des métaux, de l´électromécanique | 0 |
2121 | Artisans tailleurs, couturiers et autres artisans de la conf | 1 |
2122 | Artisans fabricants en cuirs et peaux | 0 |
2131 | Artisans du meuble | 5 |
2132 | Artisans du travail mécanique du bois | 4 |
2141 | Artisans de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 1 |
2142 | Artisans d´art | 2 |
2143 | Autres artisans de fabrication | 2 |
2151 | Artisans maçons, plâtriers | 10 |
2152 | Artisans en terrassement, travaux publics, parcs et jardins | 0 |
2153 | Artisans électriciens du bâtiment | 6 |
2154 | Artisans de la peinture et des finitions du bâtiment | 2 |
2155 | Artisans plombiers, couvreurs, chauffagistes | 3 |
2156 | Artisans menuisiers du bâtiment, charpentiers en bois | 5 |
2157 | Artisans serruriers, métalliers | 2 |
2161 | Artisans mécaniciens réparateurs d´automobiles | 7 |
2162 | Artisans tôliers-carrossiers d´automobiles | 1 |
2163 | Artisans réparateurs en électroménager | 1 |
2164 | Artisans cordonniers, réparateurs divers | 0 |
2171 | Conducteurs de taxi artisans | 1 |
2172 | Artisans coiffeurs, manucures, esthéticiens | 2 |
2173 | Artisans teinturiers, blanchisseurs | 0 |
2174 | Artisans des services divers | 1 |
2181 | Transporteurs routiers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 3 |
2182 | Bateliers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2190 | Aides familiaux non salariés ou associés d´artisans | 0 |
2199 | Artisan, secteur d´activité inconnu | 4 |
2210 | Petits grossistes en alimentation | 4 |
2211 | Petits grossistes en produits non alimentaires | 1 |
2212 | Petits détaillants en alimentation spécialisée | 1 |
2213 | Petits détaillants en alimentation générale | 6 |
2214 | Petits détaillants en ameublement, décor, équipement du foye | 1 |
2215 | Petits détaillants en équipement de la personne, articles de | 2 |
2216 | Petits détaillants en quincaillerie, bricolage, bazar | 0 |
2217 | Petits détaillants en produits de luxe | 1 |
2218 | Petits détaillants en librairie, photo, disques | 2 |
2219 | Exploitants et gérants libres de station service, de 0 ŕ 2 s | 0 |
2221 | Patrons dé petit restaurant, café-restaurant | 4 |
2222 | Patrons de petit café, café-tabac | 2 |
2223 | Patrons de petit café associé ŕ une autre activité | 1 |
2224 | Patrons de petit hôtel, hôtel-restaurant | 2 |
2231 | Moyens grossistes en alimentation | 2 |
2232 | Moyens grossistes en produits non alimentaires | 1 |
2233 | Moyens détaillants en alimentation | 0 |
2234 | Moyens détaillants en produits non alimentaires | 1 |
2235 | Intermédiaires indépendants. du commerce, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2236 | Patrons de café, restaurant, hôtel, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2241 | Agents immobiliers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 1 |
2242 | Agents généraux et courtiers d´assurances indépendants, de 0 | 5 |
2243 | Agents de voyage et auxiliaires de transports indépendants, | 0 |
2244 | Indépendants gestionnaires de spectacle, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2245 | Professionnels de la parapsychologie, guérisseurs | 1 |
2246 | Indépendants gestionnaires d´établissement privé, de 0 ŕ 9 s | 0 |
2247 | Indépendants divers prestataires de services, de 0 ŕ 9 salar | 2 |
2299 | Commerçant, taille d´entreprise inconnue | 14 |
2310 | Chefs de grande entreprise (500 salariés et plus) | 4 |
2320 | Chefs de moyenne entreprise (150 ŕ 499 salariés) | 4 |
2331 | Chefs d´entreprise du BTP de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 2 |
2332 | Chefs d´entreprise de l´industrie ou des transports, de 10 ŕ | 3 |
2333 | Chefs d´entreprise commerciale de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 3 |
2334 | Chefs d´entreprise de services de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 1 |
2399 | Chef d´entreprise, taille d´entreprise inconnue | 12 |
3111 | Médecins libéraux spécialistes | 4 |
3112 | Médecins libéraux non spécialistes | 8 |
3113 | Chirurgiens dentistes (libéraux ou salariés) | 0 |
3114 | Psychologues, psychanalystes, psychothérapeutes (non médecin | 0 |
3115 | Vétérinaires (libéraux ou salariés) | 3 |
3116 | Pharmaciens libéraux | 0 |
3121 | Avocats | 2 |
3122 | Notaires | 0 |
3123 | Conseils juridiques et fiscaux libéraux | 0 |
3124 | Experts comptables, comptables agréés, libéraux | 1 |
3125 | Ingénieurs conseils libéraux en recrutement, etc. | 2 |
3126 | Ingénieurs conseils libéraux en études techniques | 1 |
3127 | Architectes libéraux . | 4 |
3128 | Huissiers de justice, officiers ministériels et professions | 0 |
3130 | Aides familiaux non salariés de professions libérales | 0 |
3199 | Profession libérale, secteur d´activité inconnu | 0 |
3311 | Personnel de direction de la fonction publique | 2 |
3312 | Ingénieurs de l´Etat et des collectivités locales | 5 |
3313 | Magistrats | 1 |
3314 | Inspecteurs et autres cadres A des Impôts, du Trésor et des | 3 |
3315 | Inspecteurs et autres cadres A des PTT . | 3 |
3316 | Personnel administratif supérieur des collectivités locales | 3 |
3317 | Personnel administratif de catégorie A de l´Etat | 3 |
3318 | Personnes exerçant un mandat politique ou syndical | 0 |
3321 | Officiers de l´Armée et de la Gendarmerie (sauf généraux) | 16 |
3399 | Cadre supérieur de la fonction publique, secteur inconnu | 0 |
3411 | Professeurs agrégés et certifiés | 12 |
3414 | Directeurs d´établissement secondaire et inspecteurs | 2 |
3415 | Enseignants de l´enseignement supérieur | 3 |
3421 | Chercheurs de la recherche publique | 3 |
3431 | Médecins hospitaliers (sans activité libérale) | 2 |
3432 | Médecins salariés non hospitaliers | 2 |
3433 | Psychologues spécialistes de l´orientation scolaire et profe | 1 |
3434 | Étudiants hospitaliers, stagiaires internes | 0 |
3435 | Pharmaciens salariés | 1 |
3499 | Profession scientifique, secteur d´activité inconnu | 0 |
3511 | Journalistes, secrétaires de rédaction | 3 |
3512 | Auteurs littéraires, scénaristes, dialoguistes | 0 |
3513 | Bibliothécaires, archivistes, conservateurs de la fonction p | 0 |
3521 | Cadres de la presse, de l´édition, de l´audiovisuel et des s | 1 |
3522 | Cadres artistiques des spectacles | 1 |
3523 | Cadres techniques de la réalisation de spectacles vivants et | 1 |
3531 | Artistes plasticiens | 1 |
3532 | Artistes professionnels de la musique et du chant | 2 |
3533 | Artistes dramatiques, danseurs | 0 |
3534 | Professeurs d´art (hors établissements scolaires) | 0 |
3535 | Artistes de variété | 0 |
3599 | Profession de l´information ou des arts, secteur inconnu | 0 |
3710 | Cadres d´état-major des grandes entreprises | 4 |
3721 | Cadres chargés d´études économiques, financičres, commercial | 1 |
3722 | Cadres spécialistes du recrutement, de la formation | 0 |
3723 | Cadres de l´organisation ou du contrôle | 1 |
3724 | Cadres de gestion courante des grandes entreprises | 0 |
3725 | Cadres de gestion courante du personnel des grandes entrepri | 0 |
3726 | Cadres de gestion courante des autres services des grandes e | 3 |
3727 | Cadres administratifs ou financiers des PME | 8 |
3728 | Cadres de la documentation, de l´archivage (hors fonction pu | 0 |
3731 | Cadres de l´exploitation des magasins de vente | 1 |
3732 | Chefs de produits, acheteurs du commerce et autres cadres de | 1 |
3733 | Cadres des ventes des grandes entreprises (hors commerce de | 4 |
3734 | Cadres commerciaux des PME (hors commerce de détail) | 5 |
3735 | Cadres de la publicité ; cadres des relations publiques | 0 |
3741 | Cadres des services techniques et commerciaux de la banque | 5 |
3744 | Cadres des services techniques des assurances | 3 |
3751 | Cadres de l´hôtellerie et de la restauration | 1 |
3799 | Cadre supérieur d´entreprise, secteur inconnu | 3 |
3810 | Directeurs techniques des grandes entreprises | 1 |
3820 | Ingénieurs et cadres techniques d´études, développement de l | 1 |
3821 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, études, essais en électri | 1 |
3822 | Ingénieurs et cadres de bureau d´études ou des méthodes en m | 0 |
3823 | Ingénieurs et cadres d´études, méthodes, contrôles en BTP | 3 |
3824 | Architectes salariés | 0 |
3825 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, développement en chimie, | 2 |
3826 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, contrôles en métallurgie | 0 |
3827 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, études des industries lég | 0 |
3828 | Ingénieurs et cadres spécialistes de l´informatique | 2 |
3829 | Autres ingénieurs et cadres d´études | 0 |
3831 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en matériel électrique, | 0 |
3832 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en mécanique | 1 |
3833 | Ingénieurs et cadres de chantier du BTP | 0 |
3835 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en chimie et agro-alimen | 2 |
3836 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en métallurgie et matéri | 2 |
3837 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication des industries légčres | 1 |
3838 | Cadres techniques de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
3839 | Ingénieurs et cadres de la production et de la distribution | 3 |
3841 | Ingénieurs et cadres d´entretien, travaux neufs | 1 |
3842 | Ingénieurs et cadres des achats et approvisionnements indust | 0 |
3843 | Ingénieurs et cadres de planning, ordonnancement | 0 |
3851 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en matériel élec. | 0 |
3852 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en matériel mécani | 0 |
3853 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en bâtiment, trava | 1 |
3854 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en biens intermédi | 0 |
3855 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en informatique | 0 |
3861 | Cadres des transports et de la logistique | 4 |
3862 | Personnels navigants techniques de l´aviation civile | 1 |
3863 | Officiers de la marine marchande | 1 |
3899 | Ingénieur, cadre technique d´entreprise, secteur inconnu | 13 |
4211 | Instituteurs | 14 |
4214 | Directeurs d´école primaire ou maternelle | 3 |
4215 | Instituteurs de l´éducation spécialisée | 0 |
4221 | PEGC et maîtres auxiliaires de l´enseignement général | 5 |
4224 | Enseignants du technique court . | 3 |
4227 | Conseillers d´éducation et surveillants | 0 |
4231 | Assistants techniques de la documentation, de l´archivage | 0 |
4232 | Formateurs et animateurs de formation continue | 2 |
4233 | Moniteurs et éducateurs sportifs, sportifs professionnels | 1 |
4299 | Profession intermédiaire de l´enseignement, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4311 | Cadres infirmiers et assimilés | 3 |
4312 | Infirmiers psychiatriques | 0 |
4313 | Puéricultrices | 0 |
4314 | Infirmiers spécialisés (autres que puéricultrices) | 0 |
4315 | Infirmiers en soins généraux salariés | 3 |
4316 | Infirmiers libéraux | 0 |
4321 | Sages-femmes (libérales ou salariées) | 0 |
4322 | Spécialistes de la rééducation et diététiciens, salariés | 0 |
4323 | Spécialistes de la rééducation et pédicures, libéraux | 1 |
4324 | Techniciens médicaux | 1 |
4325 | Spécialistes de l´appareillage médical salariés | 0 |
4326 | Spécialistes de l´appareillage médical indépendants | 0 |
4327 | Préparateurs en pharmacie | 2 |
4331 | Assistantes sociales | 1 |
4332 | Éducateurs spécialisés | 2 |
4333 | Animateurs socio-culturels et de loisirs | 2 |
4334 | Conseillers familiaux | 0 |
4399 | Prof. intermédiaire santé, travail social, secteur inconnu | 1 |
4411 | Clergé séculier | 0 |
4412 | Clergé régulier | 0 |
4499 | Clergé régulier ou séculier ou assistant laďc | 0 |
4511 | Contrôleurs des PTT et assimilés | 4 |
4512 | Contrôleurs des Impôts, du Trésor, des Douanes et assimilés | 3 |
4513 | Professions administratives intermédiaires des Collectivités | 3 |
4514 | Personnels administratifs de catégorie B de l´Etat | 6 |
4521 | Inspecteurs et officiers de police | 2 |
4522 | Adjudants et majors de l´Armée et de la Gendarmerie | 5 |
4599 | Prof. interm. administrative publique, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4611 | Maîtrise et techniciens des services comptables ou financier | 7 |
4612 | Maîtrise et techniciens administratifs (autres que financier | 3 |
4615 | Personnel de secrétariat de niveau supérieur, secrétaires de | 0 |
4621 | Chefs de petite surface de vente (salariés ou mandataires) | 2 |
4622 | Maîtrise de l´exploitation des magasins de vente | 1 |
4623 | Personnel technique d´inspection, d´assistance des magasins | 0 |
4624 | Représentants en biens, commerce interindustriel | 3 |
4625 | Représentants en biens de consommation auprčs d´ntreprises | 9 |
4626 | Représentants en services auprčs d´entreprises ou de profess | 1 |
4627 | Représentants auprčs de particuliers | 7 |
4628 | Acheteurs non classés cadres, aides-acheteurs | 3 |
4629 | Professions intermédiaires commerciales | 2 |
4631 | Assistants techniques de la publicité, des relations publiqu | 0 |
4632 | Interprčtes, traducteurs (salariés ou indépendants) | 0 |
4633 | Assistants techniques de la réalisation des spectacles vivan | 0 |
4634 | Assistants techniques des arts graphiques, de la mode et de | 1 |
4635 | Assistants techniques des arts graphiques, de la mode et de | 0 |
4636 | Photographes salariés | 0 |
4637 | Photographes indépendants | 1 |
4641 | Responsables administratifs ou commerciaux des transports et | 3 |
4642 | Responsables d´exploitation des transports | 7 |
4651 | Gradés des services techniques de la banque | 1 |
4654 | Rédacteurs d´assurance | 0 |
4661 | Maîtres d´hôtel (non cadres) | 0 |
4662 | Maîtrise du hall et des étages (hôtellerie) | 0 |
4699 | Prof. interm. administrative entreprise, secteur inconnu | 1 |
4701 | Techniciens d´études, développement de l´agriculture et des | 1 |
4702 | Contrôleurs laitiers, inséminateurs et autres agents techniq | 1 |
4711 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en électricité, électronique | 1 |
4712 | Dessinateurs d´études en électricité, électronique | 1 |
4713 | Techniciens d´études, essais, contrôle en électricité, élect | 0 |
4717 | Techniciens en électricité, électronique, automatisme | 1 |
4718 | Techniciens des télécommunications | 3 |
4721 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en construction mécanique et chaudro | 1 |
4722 | Dessinateurs d´études en construction mécanique et chaudronn | 0 |
4723 | Techniciens en mécanique et chaudronnerie | 2 |
4731 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en bâtiment, travaux publics | 0 |
4732 | Dessinateurs d´études en bâtiment, travaux publics | 2 |
4733 | Géomčtres, topographes | 2 |
4734 | Techniciens des travaux publics de l´État et des collectivit | 2 |
4735 | Métreurs et techniciens divers du bâtiment et des travaux pu | 4 |
4751 | Techniciens chimistes, biologistes | 0 |
4761 | Techniciens en métallurgie et matériaux | 1 |
4771 | Assistants techniques de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 4 |
4772 | Techniciens des industries légčres | 0 |
4781 | Préparateurs de méthodes | 1 |
4782 | Techniciens de planning, ordonnancement, lancement | 1 |
4791 | Pupitreurs, chefs de salle en informatique (hors fonction pu | 3 |
4792 | Programmeurs, préparateurs de travaux en informatique (hors | 1 |
4793 | Techniciens des laboratoires de recherche publique ou d´ense | 0 |
4794 | Techniciens divers | 1 |
4795 | Experts indépendants de niveau technicien | 0 |
4799 | Technicien, secteur d´activité inconnu | 4 |
4801 | Personnel de direction et d´encadrement des exploitations ag | 1 |
4802 | Maîtres d´équipage (pčche, marine marchande) | 1 |
4811 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication de matériel élec | 1 |
4812 | Agents de maîtrise le´ niveau en fabrication de matériel éle | 0 |
4821 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication mécanique | 3 |
4822 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication mécanique | 3 |
4831 | Conducteurs de travaux non cadres en bâtiment, travaux publi | 8 |
4832 | Chefs de chantier du bâtiment et des travaux publics | 15 |
4851 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication chimique ou agro | 0 |
4852 | Agents de maîtrise en fabrication chimique ou agro-alimentai | 1 |
4861 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication en métallurgie e | 3 |
4862 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication en métallurgie e | 2 |
4871 | Agents de maîtrise et techniciens chauffage, énergie | 3 |
4873 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication en industrie lég | 1 |
4874 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication en industrie lég | 3 |
4881 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en entretien, installation | 1 |
4882 | Agents de maîtrise en entretien, installation électromécaniq | 1 |
4883 | Agents de maîtrise en entretien, installation mécanique | 2 |
4884 | Agents de maîtrise d´entretien général | 1 |
4891 | Responsables d´entrepôt, de magasinage | 5 |
4892 | Responsables de manutention | 0 |
4893 | Maîtrise de restauration et de cuisine | 0 |
4899 | Contremaître, secteur d´activité inconnu | 9 |
5211 | Agents d´exploitation des PTT et assimilés | 4 |
5212 | Préposés des PTT | 5 |
5213 | Agents de constatation ou de recouvrement des Impôts, du Tré | 4 |
5214 | Commis, adjoints administratifs de la fonction publique | 4 |
5215 | Agents de bureau de la fonction publique | 9 |
5216 | Agents de service des établissements d´enseignement | 2 |
5217 | Agents de service de la fonction publique (sauf écoles, hôpi | 6 |
5221 | Aides-soignants (du public ou du privé) | 1 |
5222 | Agents de service hospitaliers (du public ou du privé) | 0 |
5223 | Ambulanciers salariés (du public ou du privé) | 2 |
5299 | Employé, fonction publique, secteur d´activité inconnu | 15 |
5311 | Agents de police | 17 |
5312 | Gendarmes (de grade inférieur ŕ adjudant) | 14 |
5313 | Sergents, sergents-chefs | 2 |
5314 | Hommes du rang | 5 |
5315 | Pompiers | 1 |
5316 | Agents techniques des eaux et foręts | 0 |
5317 | Agents de sécurité, de surveillance | 2 |
5399 | Policier, militaire, sécurité, secteur d´activité inconnu | 4 |
5411 | Secrétaires | 1 |
5412 | Dactylos, sténo-dactylos (sans secrétariat) | 1 |
5415 | Opératrices de saisie en informatique | 0 |
5416 | Opérateurs d´exploitation en informatique | 0 |
5417 | Standardistes, téléphonistes | 0 |
5421 | Employés des services comptables ou financiers | 10 |
5424 | Employés administratifs divers d´entreprise | 3 |
5428 | Dessinateurs d´exécution | 0 |
5431 | Employés des services techniques de la banque, guichetiers | 11 |
5434 | Employés des services techniques des assurances | 4 |
5441 | Contrôleurs des transports (personnels roulants) | 3 |
5442 | Agents des services commerciaux des transports et du tourism | 4 |
5443 | Agents administratifs des transports de marchandises | 1 |
5444 | Agents et hôtesses d´accueil et d´information | 0 |
5445 | Agents et hôtesses d´accompagnement (transports, tourisme) | 1 |
5499 | Salariés ne donnant aucune indication sur leur profession | 2 |
5511 | Vendeurs en gros de biens d´équipement, biens intermédiaires | 0 |
5512 | Vendeurs en alimentation | 1 |
5513 | Vendeurs en ameublement, décor, équipement du foyer | 0 |
5514 | Vendeurs en équipement de la personne, articles de sport | 0 |
5515 | Vendeurs en droguerie, bazar, quincaillerie, bricolage | 2 |
5516 | Vendeurs en articles de luxe | 0 |
5517 | Vendeurs en photo, disques, librairie | 0 |
5518 | Employés de libre-service | 0 |
5519 | Caissiers de magasin | 0 |
5521 | Pompistes et gérants (salariés ou mandataires de station-ser | 1 |
5599 | Employé de commerce, secteur d´activité inconnu | 4 |
5611 | Serveurs et commis de restaurant ou de café | 1 |
5614 | Employés de l´hôtellerie | 1 |
5621 | Manucures, esthéticiennes, salariées | 0 |
5622 | Coiffeurs salariés | 1 |
5631 | Assistantes maternelles, gardiennes d´enfants et travailleus | 0 |
5632 | Employés de maison et femmes de ménages chez des particulier | 0 |
5633 | Concierges, gardiens d´immeubles | 1 |
5634 | Employés des services divers | 1 |
5699 | Personnel de service direct aux particuliers, mal désigné | 0 |
6201 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipement industriel | 6 |
6202 | Électromécaniciens, électroniciens qualifiés d´entretien ind | 3 |
6203 | Régleurs qualifiés d´équipements de fabrication (travail des | 0 |
6204 | Régleurs qualifiés d´équipements de fabrication (sauf travai | 0 |
6211 | Bobiniers qualifiés | 0 |
6214 | Câbleurs qualifiés | 5 |
6218 | Plateformistes, contrôleurs qualifiés de matériel électrique | 0 |
6220 | Forgerons qualifiés | 1 |
6221 | Chaudronniers, tôliers industriels qualifiés | 4 |
6222 | Tuyauteurs industriels qualifiés | 0 |
6223 | Soudeurs qualifiés sur métaux | 5 |
6226 | Ouvriers trčs qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 2 |
6227 | Ouvriers qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 4 |
6231 | Monteurs qualifiés d´ensembles mécaniques | 0 |
6234 | Monteurs qualifiés en charpente métallique | 1 |
6235 | Traceurs qualifiés | 0 |
6236 | Ouvriers qualifiés de contrôle et d´essais en mécanique, mét | 2 |
6237 | Ouvriers qualifiés des traitements thermiques et de surface | 0 |
6238 | Mécaniciens, ajusteurs qualifiés, sans autre indication | 2 |
6241 | Chefs d´équipe du gros oeuvre et des travaux publics | 2 |
6242 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail du béton | 0 |
6243 | Conducteurs qualifiés d´engins de chantiers du BTP | 1 |
6244 | Autres ouvriers qualifiés des travaux publics | 3 |
6245 | Mineurs de fond qualifiés | 4 |
6246 | Ouvriers qualifiés de l´extraction (carričres, pétrole, gaz, | 2 |
6251 | Ouvriers qualifiés sur installations ou machines de la chimi | 4 |
6254 | Ouvriers qualifiés de laboratoire (chimie) | 2 |
6255 | Ouvriers qualifiés des industries agricoles et alimentaires | 0 |
6261 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la métallurgie, du verre, de la cérami | 5 |
6264 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la fabrication des papiers et canons | 0 |
6265 | Ouvriers qualifiés des industries lourdes du bois | 0 |
6271 | Conducteurs de machines du textile et de la tannerie-mégisse | 0 |
6272 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la coupe et des finitions des vętement | 0 |
6273 | Mécaniciennes en confection qualifiées | 0 |
6274 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail industriel du cuir | 0 |
6281 | Ouvriers de la photogravure et des laboratoires photographiq | 1 |
6282 | Ouvriers de la composition . | 0 |
6283 | Ouvriers de l´impression | 6 |
6284 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la brochure, de la reliure | 0 |
6291 | Ouvriers qualifiés de scierie | 0 |
6292 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la menuiserie industrielle et de l´ame | 7 |
6293 | Surveillants qualifiés d´exploitation (électricité, gaz, eau | 1 |
6294 | Agents qualifiés de laboratoire (sauf chimie et santé) | 0 |
6299 | Ouvriers qualifiés divers de type industriel et ouvriers qua | 6 |
6301 | Jardiniers | 1 |
6311 | Électriciens qualifiés du bâtiment | 4 |
6312 | Dépanneurs qualfiés en radio-télévision, électroménager | 0 |
6313 | Électromécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipements non i | 0 |
6321 | Carrossiers d´automobile qualifiés | 3 |
6322 | Métalliers, serruriers qualifiés | 3 |
6323 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´automobiles (entretien, réparation) | 1 |
6324 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipements non industri | 4 |
6331 | Charpentiers en bois qualifiés | 1 |
6332 | Menuisiers qualifiés du bâtiment | 3 |
6341 | Maçons qualifiés | 7 |
6342 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail de la pierre | 1 |
6343 | Couvreurs qualifiés | 0 |
6344 | Plombiers et chauffagistes qualifiés | 4 |
6345 | Peintres et ouvriers qualifiés des finitions du bâtiment | 1 |
6346 | Monteurs qualifiés en agencement, isolation | 0 |
6347 | Ouvriers qualifiés d´entretien général des bâtiments | 1 |
6351 | Bouchers (sauf industrie de la viande) | 3 |
6352 | Charcutiers (sauf industrie de la viande) | 0 |
6353 | Boulangers, pâtissiers (sauf activité industrielle) | 1 |
6354 | Cuisiniers qualifiés | 4 |
6371 | Tailleurs et couturičres qualifiés . | 1 |
6372 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail des étoffes (sauf fabrication | 1 |
6373 | Ouvriers qualifiés de type artisanal du travail du cuir | 2 |
6391 | Modeleurs (sauf modeleurs de métal), mouleurs-noyauteurs ŕ l | 2 |
6392 | Ouvriers d´art | 1 |
6393 | Auxiliaires des spectacles | 0 |
6394 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail du verre ou de la céramique ŕ | 0 |
6399 | Ouvriers qualifiés divers de type artisanal | 0 |
6411 | Conducteurs routiers et grands routiers (salariés) | 22 |
6412 | Conducteurs de véhicule routier de transport en commun (sala | 5 |
6413 | Conducteurs de taxi (salariés) | 2 |
6414 | Conducteurs de voiture particuličre (salariés) | 0 |
6415 | Conducteurs livreurs, coursiers (salariés) | 11 |
6499 | Chauffeur, secteur d´activité inconnu | 1 |
6511 | Conducteurs d´engins lourds de levage | 2 |
6512 | Conducteurs d´engins lourds de manoeuvre | 0 |
6513 | Dockers | 1 |
6514 | Conducteurs de chariot élévateur, caristes | 7 |
6515 | Magasiniers | 8 |
6521 | Agents qualifiés des services d´exploitation des transports | 15 |
6522 | Conducteurs qualifiés d´engin de transport guidé | 5 |
6531 | Matelots de la marine marchande | 3 |
6532 | Capitaines et matelots timoniers de la navigation fluviale ( | 1 |
6599 | Ouvrier qualif. mal désigné (manutention, magasin., transp.) | 2 |
6711 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de l´électricité et de l´électronique | 1 |
6721 | Ouvriers non qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 9 |
6722 | Ouvriers non qualifiés travaillant par formage de métal | 9 |
6723 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de montage, de contrôle, etc., en méc | 12 |
6741 | Ouvriers non qualifiés des travaux publics et du travail du | 12 |
6742 | Aides-mineurs, ouvriers non qualifiés de l´extraction. | 5 |
6751 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la chimie | 2 |
6754 | Ouvriers non qualifiés des industries agricoles et alimentai | 4 |
6761 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la métallurgie, du verre, de la cé | 12 |
6764 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la fabrication du papier-carton et | 2 |
6771 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du textile et de la tannerie-mégisser | 3 |
6772 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la confection | 0 |
6773 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du travail du cuir | 0 |
6791 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du travail du bois | 4 |
6792 | Manutentionnaires des services d´exploitation des transports | 7 |
6793 | Ouvriers du tri, de l´emballage, de l´expédition | 2 |
6799 | Ouvriers non qualifiés divers de type industriel et ouvriers | 23 |
6821 | Métalliers, serruriers, réparateurs en mécanique non qualifi | 9 |
6841 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du gros oeuvre du bâtiment | 20 |
6842 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du second oeuvre du bâtiment | 6 |
6851 | Apprentis boulangers, bouchers, charcutiers | 0 |
6891 | Nettoyeurs | 1 |
6899 | Ouvriers non qualifiés divers de type artisanal | 3 |
6911 | Conducteurs d´engins agricoles ou forestiers | 0 |
6912 | Ouvriers de l´élevage | 0 |
6913 | Ouvriers en maraîchage ou de l´horticulture | 3 |
6914 | Ouvriers de la viticulture ou de l´arboriculture fruitičre | 5 |
6915 | Ouvriers agricoles sans spécialisation particuličre | 5 |
6916 | Ouvriers d´exploitation forestičre ou de sylviculture | 1 |
6921 | Marins-pęcheurs et ouvriers de l´aquaculture | 2 |
6999 | Ouvrier agricole mal désigné | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 0 | 6999 | 3917.49 | 2234.3 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 6999
F_OCCP Previous occupation: France
Vrednost 112188 | Frekvenca | |
0 | 913 | |
1099 | Agriculteur, taille d´exploitation inconnue | 18 |
1101 | Agriculteurs sur petite exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1102 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur petite exploitation | 1 |
1103 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur petite exploitati | 0 |
1104 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur petite exploitation | 0 |
1105 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur petite exploi | 0 |
1106 | Agriculteurs sur petite exploitation sans orientation domina | 1 |
1201 | Agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1202 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur moyenne exploitation | 0 |
1203 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur moyenne exploitat | 0 |
1204 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur moyenne exploitation | 0 |
1205 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur moyenne explo | 0 |
1206 | Agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation sans orientation domin | 0 |
1211 | Entrepreneurs de travaux agricoles ŕ façon, de 0 ŕ 9 salarié | 0 |
1212 | Exploitants forestiers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
1213 | Patrons pécheurs et aquaculteurs, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
1301 | Agriculteurs sur grande exploitation d´agriculture générale | 0 |
1302 | Maraîchers, horticulteurs sur grande exploitation | 0 |
1303 | Viticulteurs, arboriculteurs fruitiers sur grande exploitati | 0 |
1304 | Éleveurs d´herbivores sur grande exploitation | 0 |
1305 | Éleveurs de granivores et éleveurs mixtes, sur grande exploi | 0 |
1306 | Agriculteurs sur grande exploitation sans orientation domina | 0 |
2099 | Artisan ou commerçant mal désigné | 0 |
2101 | Artisans boulangers, pâtissiers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 3 |
2102 | Artisans boulangers, pâtissiers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2103 | Artisans bouchers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 2 |
2104 | Artisans bouchers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2105 | Artisans charcutiers, de 0 ŕ 2 salariés | 0 |
2106 | Artisans charcutiers, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2107 | Autres artisans de l´alimentation | 0 |
2111 | Artisans mécaniciens en machines agricoles | 0 |
2112 | Artisans en matériel de précision | 0 |
2113 | Artisans divers du travail des métaux, de l´électromécanique | 0 |
2121 | Artisans tailleurs, couturiers et autres artisans de la conf | 1 |
2122 | Artisans fabricants en cuirs et peaux | 0 |
2131 | Artisans du meuble | 0 |
2132 | Artisans du travail mécanique du bois | 0 |
2141 | Artisans de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
2142 | Artisans d´art | 0 |
2143 | Autres artisans de fabrication | 0 |
2151 | Artisans maçons, plâtriers | 0 |
2152 | Artisans en terrassement, travaux publics, parcs et jardins | 1 |
2153 | Artisans électriciens du bâtiment | 0 |
2154 | Artisans de la peinture et des finitions du bâtiment | 0 |
2155 | Artisans plombiers, couvreurs, chauffagistes | 1 |
2156 | Artisans menuisiers du bâtiment, charpentiers en bois | 0 |
2157 | Artisans serruriers, métalliers | 0 |
2161 | Artisans mécaniciens réparateurs d´automobiles | 0 |
2162 | Artisans tôliers-carrossiers d´automobiles | 0 |
2163 | Artisans réparateurs en électroménager | 0 |
2164 | Artisans cordonniers, réparateurs divers | 0 |
2171 | Conducteurs de taxi artisans | 0 |
2172 | Artisans coiffeurs, manucures, esthéticiens | 1 |
2173 | Artisans teinturiers, blanchisseurs | 0 |
2174 | Artisans des services divers | 0 |
2181 | Transporteurs routiers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2182 | Bateliers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2190 | Aides familiaux non salariés ou associés d´artisans | 1 |
2199 | Artisan, secteur d´activité inconnu | 0 |
2210 | Petits grossistes en alimentation | 0 |
2211 | Petits grossistes en produits non alimentaires | 0 |
2212 | Petits détaillants en alimentation spécialisée | 0 |
2213 | Petits détaillants en alimentation générale | 2 |
2214 | Petits détaillants en ameublement, décor, équipement du foye | 3 |
2215 | Petits détaillants en équipement de la personne, articles de | 1 |
2216 | Petits détaillants en quincaillerie, bricolage, bazar | 0 |
2217 | Petits détaillants en produits de luxe | 0 |
2218 | Petits détaillants en librairie, photo, disques | 3 |
2219 | Exploitants et gérants libres de station service, de 0 ŕ 2 s | 0 |
2221 | Patrons dé petit restaurant, café-restaurant | 4 |
2222 | Patrons de petit café, café-tabac | 1 |
2223 | Patrons de petit café associé ŕ une autre activité | 0 |
2224 | Patrons de petit hôtel, hôtel-restaurant | 0 |
2231 | Moyens grossistes en alimentation | 0 |
2232 | Moyens grossistes en produits non alimentaires | 1 |
2233 | Moyens détaillants en alimentation | 0 |
2234 | Moyens détaillants en produits non alimentaires | 0 |
2235 | Intermédiaires indépendants. du commerce, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2236 | Patrons de café, restaurant, hôtel, de 3 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2241 | Agents immobiliers indépendants, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2242 | Agents généraux et courtiers d´assurances indépendants, de 0 | 2 |
2243 | Agents de voyage et auxiliaires de transports indépendants, | 1 |
2244 | Indépendants gestionnaires de spectacle, de 0 ŕ 9 salariés | 0 |
2245 | Professionnels de la parapsychologie, guérisseurs | 1 |
2246 | Indépendants gestionnaires d´établissement privé, de 0 ŕ 9 s | 1 |
2247 | Indépendants divers prestataires de services, de 0 ŕ 9 salar | 1 |
2299 | Commerçant, taille d´entreprise inconnue | 3 |
2310 | Chefs de grande entreprise (500 salariés et plus) | 0 |
2320 | Chefs de moyenne entreprise (150 ŕ 499 salariés) | 0 |
2331 | Chefs d´entreprise du BTP de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 1 |
2332 | Chefs d´entreprise de l´industrie ou des transports, de 10 ŕ | 0 |
2333 | Chefs d´entreprise commerciale de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 0 |
2334 | Chefs d´entreprise de services de 10 ŕ 49 salariés | 0 |
2399 | Chef d´entreprise, taille d´entreprise inconnue | 1 |
3111 | Médecins libéraux spécialistes | 2 |
3112 | Médecins libéraux non spécialistes | 0 |
3113 | Chirurgiens dentistes (libéraux ou salariés) | 0 |
3114 | Psychologues, psychanalystes, psychothérapeutes (non médecin | 1 |
3115 | Vétérinaires (libéraux ou salariés) | 1 |
3116 | Pharmaciens libéraux | 1 |
3121 | Avocats | 1 |
3122 | Notaires | 1 |
3123 | Conseils juridiques et fiscaux libéraux | 0 |
3124 | Experts comptables, comptables agréés, libéraux | 0 |
3125 | Ingénieurs conseils libéraux en recrutement, etc. | 2 |
3126 | Ingénieurs conseils libéraux en études techniques | 0 |
3127 | Architectes libéraux . | 2 |
3128 | Huissiers de justice, officiers ministériels et professions | 0 |
3130 | Aides familiaux non salariés de professions libérales | 0 |
3199 | Profession libérale, secteur d´activité inconnu | 1 |
3311 | Personnel de direction de la fonction publique | 0 |
3312 | Ingénieurs de l´Etat et des collectivités locales | 0 |
3313 | Magistrats | 0 |
3314 | Inspecteurs et autres cadres A des Impôts, du Trésor et des | 0 |
3315 | Inspecteurs et autres cadres A des PTT . | 2 |
3316 | Personnel administratif supérieur des collectivités locales | 1 |
3317 | Personnel administratif de catégorie A de l´Etat | 1 |
3318 | Personnes exerçant un mandat politique ou syndical | 0 |
3321 | Officiers de l´Armée et de la Gendarmerie (sauf généraux) | 2 |
3399 | Cadre supérieur de la fonction publique, secteur inconnu | 2 |
3411 | Professeurs agrégés et certifiés | 14 |
3414 | Directeurs d´établissement secondaire et inspecteurs | 5 |
3415 | Enseignants de l´enseignement supérieur | 0 |
3421 | Chercheurs de la recherche publique | 1 |
3431 | Médecins hospitaliers (sans activité libérale) | 0 |
3432 | Médecins salariés non hospitaliers | 0 |
3433 | Psychologues spécialistes de l´orientation scolaire et profe | 2 |
3434 | Étudiants hospitaliers, stagiaires internes | 0 |
3435 | Pharmaciens salariés | 1 |
3499 | Profession scientifique, secteur d´activité inconnu | 0 |
3511 | Journalistes, secrétaires de rédaction | 4 |
3512 | Auteurs littéraires, scénaristes, dialoguistes | 0 |
3513 | Bibliothécaires, archivistes, conservateurs de la fonction p | 2 |
3521 | Cadres de la presse, de l´édition, de l´audiovisuel et des s | 0 |
3522 | Cadres artistiques des spectacles | 1 |
3523 | Cadres techniques de la réalisation de spectacles vivants et | 2 |
3531 | Artistes plasticiens | 0 |
3532 | Artistes professionnels de la musique et du chant | 0 |
3533 | Artistes dramatiques, danseurs | 1 |
3534 | Professeurs d´art (hors établissements scolaires) | 0 |
3535 | Artistes de variété | 0 |
3599 | Profession de l´information ou des arts, secteur inconnu | 0 |
3710 | Cadres d´état-major des grandes entreprises | 3 |
3721 | Cadres chargés d´études économiques, financičres, commercial | 1 |
3722 | Cadres spécialistes du recrutement, de la formation | 3 |
3723 | Cadres de l´organisation ou du contrôle | 2 |
3724 | Cadres de gestion courante des grandes entreprises | 3 |
3725 | Cadres de gestion courante du personnel des grandes entrepri | 0 |
3726 | Cadres de gestion courante des autres services des grandes e | 1 |
3727 | Cadres administratifs ou financiers des PME | 3 |
3728 | Cadres de la documentation, de l´archivage (hors fonction pu | 0 |
3731 | Cadres de l´exploitation des magasins de vente | 1 |
3732 | Chefs de produits, acheteurs du commerce et autres cadres de | 0 |
3733 | Cadres des ventes des grandes entreprises (hors commerce de | 2 |
3734 | Cadres commerciaux des PME (hors commerce de détail) | 2 |
3735 | Cadres de la publicité ; cadres des relations publiques | 2 |
3741 | Cadres des services techniques et commerciaux de la banque | 2 |
3744 | Cadres des services techniques des assurances | 0 |
3751 | Cadres de l´hôtellerie et de la restauration | 0 |
3799 | Cadre supérieur d´entreprise, secteur inconnu | 2 |
3810 | Directeurs techniques des grandes entreprises | 0 |
3820 | Ingénieurs et cadres techniques d´études, développement de l | 0 |
3821 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, études, essais en électri | 1 |
3822 | Ingénieurs et cadres de bureau d´études ou des méthodes en m | 0 |
3823 | Ingénieurs et cadres d´études, méthodes, contrôles en BTP | 0 |
3824 | Architectes salariés | 1 |
3825 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, développement en chimie, | 1 |
3826 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, contrôles en métallurgie | 0 |
3827 | Ingénieurs et cadres de recherche, études des industries lég | 0 |
3828 | Ingénieurs et cadres spécialistes de l´informatique | 1 |
3829 | Autres ingénieurs et cadres d´études | 0 |
3831 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en matériel électrique, | 0 |
3832 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en mécanique | 0 |
3833 | Ingénieurs et cadres de chantier du BTP | 0 |
3835 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en chimie et agro-alimen | 1 |
3836 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication en métallurgie et matéri | 0 |
3837 | Ingénieurs et cadres de fabrication des industries légčres | 0 |
3838 | Cadres techniques de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 1 |
3839 | Ingénieurs et cadres de la production et de la distribution | 1 |
3841 | Ingénieurs et cadres d´entretien, travaux neufs | 0 |
3842 | Ingénieurs et cadres des achats et approvisionnements indust | 0 |
3843 | Ingénieurs et cadres de planning, ordonnancement | 0 |
3851 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en matériel élec. | 0 |
3852 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en matériel mécani | 0 |
3853 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en bâtiment, trava | 0 |
3854 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en biens intermédi | 0 |
3855 | Ingénieurs et cadres technico-commerciaux en informatique | 0 |
3861 | Cadres des transports et de la logistique | 4 |
3862 | Personnels navigants techniques de l´aviation civile | 0 |
3863 | Officiers de la marine marchande | 0 |
3899 | Ingénieur, cadre technique d´entreprise, secteur inconnu | 6 |
4211 | Instituteurs | 11 |
4214 | Directeurs d´école primaire ou maternelle | 2 |
4215 | Instituteurs de l´éducation spécialisée | 0 |
4221 | PEGC et maîtres auxiliaires de l´enseignement général | 7 |
4224 | Enseignants du technique court . | 4 |
4227 | Conseillers d´éducation et surveillants | 0 |
4231 | Assistants techniques de la documentation, de l´archivage | 0 |
4232 | Formateurs et animateurs de formation continue | 3 |
4233 | Moniteurs et éducateurs sportifs, sportifs professionnels | 0 |
4299 | Profession intermédiaire de l´enseignement, secteur inconnu | 1 |
4311 | Cadres infirmiers et assimilés | 1 |
4312 | Infirmiers psychiatriques | 0 |
4313 | Puéricultrices | 0 |
4314 | Infirmiers spécialisés (autres que puéricultrices) | 1 |
4315 | Infirmiers en soins généraux salariés | 4 |
4316 | Infirmiers libéraux | 0 |
4321 | Sages-femmes (libérales ou salariées) | 0 |
4322 | Spécialistes de la rééducation et diététiciens, salariés | 0 |
4323 | Spécialistes de la rééducation et pédicures, libéraux | 0 |
4324 | Techniciens médicaux | 4 |
4325 | Spécialistes de l´appareillage médical salariés | 0 |
4326 | Spécialistes de l´appareillage médical indépendants | 0 |
4327 | Préparateurs en pharmacie | 0 |
4331 | Assistantes sociales | 1 |
4332 | Éducateurs spécialisés | 4 |
4333 | Animateurs socio-culturels et de loisirs | 2 |
4334 | Conseillers familiaux | 2 |
4399 | Prof. intermédiaire santé, travail social, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4411 | Clergé séculier | 0 |
4412 | Clergé régulier | 0 |
4499 | Clergé régulier ou séculier ou assistant laďc | 1 |
4511 | Contrôleurs des PTT et assimilés | 2 |
4512 | Contrôleurs des Impôts, du Trésor, des Douanes et assimilés | 2 |
4513 | Professions administratives intermédiaires des Collectivités | 1 |
4514 | Personnels administratifs de catégorie B de l´Etat | 3 |
4521 | Inspecteurs et officiers de police | 0 |
4522 | Adjudants et majors de l´Armée et de la Gendarmerie | 0 |
4599 | Prof. interm. administrative publique, secteur inconnu | 0 |
4611 | Maîtrise et techniciens des services comptables ou financier | 3 |
4612 | Maîtrise et techniciens administratifs (autres que financier | 5 |
4615 | Personnel de secrétariat de niveau supérieur, secrétaires de | 4 |
4621 | Chefs de petite surface de vente (salariés ou mandataires) | 2 |
4622 | Maîtrise de l´exploitation des magasins de vente | 3 |
4623 | Personnel technique d´inspection, d´assistance des magasins | 0 |
4624 | Représentants en biens, commerce interindustriel | 1 |
4625 | Représentants en biens de consommation auprčs d´ntreprises | 2 |
4626 | Représentants en services auprčs d´entreprises ou de profess | 1 |
4627 | Représentants auprčs de particuliers | 3 |
4628 | Acheteurs non classés cadres, aides-acheteurs | 2 |
4629 | Professions intermédiaires commerciales | 2 |
4631 | Assistants techniques de la publicité, des relations publiqu | 1 |
4632 | Interprčtes, traducteurs (salariés ou indépendants) | 0 |
4633 | Assistants techniques de la réalisation des spectacles vivan | 0 |
4634 | Assistants techniques des arts graphiques, de la mode et de | 0 |
4635 | Assistants techniques des arts graphiques, de la mode et de | 0 |
4636 | Photographes salariés | 1 |
4637 | Photographes indépendants | 0 |
4641 | Responsables administratifs ou commerciaux des transports et | 0 |
4642 | Responsables d´exploitation des transports | 1 |
4651 | Gradés des services techniques de la banque | 3 |
4654 | Rédacteurs d´assurance | 2 |
4661 | Maîtres d´hôtel (non cadres) | 1 |
4662 | Maîtrise du hall et des étages (hôtellerie) | 0 |
4699 | Prof. interm. administrative entreprise, secteur inconnu | 2 |
4701 | Techniciens d´études, développement de l´agriculture et des | 0 |
4702 | Contrôleurs laitiers, inséminateurs et autres agents techniq | 0 |
4711 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en électricité, électronique | 0 |
4712 | Dessinateurs d´études en électricité, électronique | 0 |
4713 | Techniciens d´études, essais, contrôle en électricité, élect | 1 |
4717 | Techniciens en électricité, électronique, automatisme | 1 |
4718 | Techniciens des télécommunications | 1 |
4721 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en construction mécanique et chaudro | 0 |
4722 | Dessinateurs d´études en construction mécanique et chaudronn | 1 |
4723 | Techniciens en mécanique et chaudronnerie | 0 |
4731 | Dessinateurs projeteurs en bâtiment, travaux publics | 0 |
4732 | Dessinateurs d´études en bâtiment, travaux publics | 0 |
4733 | Géomčtres, topographes | 0 |
4734 | Techniciens des travaux publics de l´État et des collectivit | 2 |
4735 | Métreurs et techniciens divers du bâtiment et des travaux pu | 0 |
4751 | Techniciens chimistes, biologistes | 4 |
4761 | Techniciens en métallurgie et matériaux | 0 |
4771 | Assistants techniques de l´imprimerie et de l´édition | 0 |
4772 | Techniciens des industries légčres | 0 |
4781 | Préparateurs de méthodes | 0 |
4782 | Techniciens de planning, ordonnancement, lancement | 0 |
4791 | Pupitreurs, chefs de salle en informatique (hors fonction pu | 0 |
4792 | Programmeurs, préparateurs de travaux en informatique (hors | 0 |
4793 | Techniciens des laboratoires de recherche publique ou d´ense | 0 |
4794 | Techniciens divers | 0 |
4795 | Experts indépendants de niveau technicien | 0 |
4799 | Technicien, secteur d´activité inconnu | 1 |
4801 | Personnel de direction et d´encadrement des exploitations ag | 1 |
4802 | Maîtres d´équipage (pčche, marine marchande) | 0 |
4811 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication de matériel élec | 0 |
4812 | Agents de maîtrise le´ niveau en fabrication de matériel éle | 0 |
4821 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication mécanique | 2 |
4822 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication mécanique | 2 |
4831 | Conducteurs de travaux non cadres en bâtiment, travaux publi | 0 |
4832 | Chefs de chantier du bâtiment et des travaux publics | 0 |
4851 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication chimique ou agro | 0 |
4852 | Agents de maîtrise en fabrication chimique ou agro-alimentai | 1 |
4861 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication en métallurgie e | 0 |
4862 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication en métallurgie e | 0 |
4871 | Agents de maîtrise et techniciens chauffage, énergie | 0 |
4873 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en fabrication en industrie lég | 1 |
4874 | Agents de maîtrise le niveau en fabrication en industrie lég | 1 |
4881 | Agents de maîtrise 2° niveau en entretien, installation | 0 |
4882 | Agents de maîtrise en entretien, installation électromécaniq | 1 |
4883 | Agents de maîtrise en entretien, installation mécanique | 0 |
4884 | Agents de maîtrise d´entretien général | 2 |
4891 | Responsables d´entrepôt, de magasinage | 0 |
4892 | Responsables de manutention | 0 |
4893 | Maîtrise de restauration et de cuisine | 2 |
4899 | Contremaître, secteur d´activité inconnu | 3 |
5211 | Agents d´exploitation des PTT et assimilés | 2 |
5212 | Préposés des PTT | 1 |
5213 | Agents de constatation ou de recouvrement des Impôts, du Tré | 1 |
5214 | Commis, adjoints administratifs de la fonction publique | 5 |
5215 | Agents de bureau de la fonction publique | 9 |
5216 | Agents de service des établissements d´enseignement | 1 |
5217 | Agents de service de la fonction publique (sauf écoles, hôpi | 3 |
5221 | Aides-soignants (du public ou du privé) | 7 |
5222 | Agents de service hospitaliers (du public ou du privé) | 2 |
5223 | Ambulanciers salariés (du public ou du privé) | 0 |
5299 | Employé, fonction publique, secteur d´activité inconnu | 6 |
5311 | Agents de police | 0 |
5312 | Gendarmes (de grade inférieur ŕ adjudant) | 2 |
5313 | Sergents, sergents-chefs | 0 |
5314 | Hommes du rang | 1 |
5315 | Pompiers | 0 |
5316 | Agents techniques des eaux et foręts | 0 |
5317 | Agents de sécurité, de surveillance | 0 |
5399 | Policier, militaire, sécurité, secteur d´activité inconnu | 2 |
5411 | Secrétaires | 23 |
5412 | Dactylos, sténo-dactylos (sans secrétariat) | 3 |
5415 | Opératrices de saisie en informatique | 0 |
5416 | Opérateurs d´exploitation en informatique | 0 |
5417 | Standardistes, téléphonistes | 1 |
5421 | Employés des services comptables ou financiers | 12 |
5424 | Employés administratifs divers d´entreprise | 8 |
5428 | Dessinateurs d´exécution | 0 |
5431 | Employés des services techniques de la banque, guichetiers | 1 |
5434 | Employés des services techniques des assurances | 1 |
5441 | Contrôleurs des transports (personnels roulants) | 0 |
5442 | Agents des services commerciaux des transports et du tourism | 0 |
5443 | Agents administratifs des transports de marchandises | 0 |
5444 | Agents et hôtesses d´accueil et d´information | 1 |
5445 | Agents et hôtesses d´accompagnement (transports, tourisme) | 0 |
5499 | Salariés ne donnant aucune indication sur leur profession | 1 |
5511 | Vendeurs en gros de biens d´équipement, biens intermédiaires | 0 |
5512 | Vendeurs en alimentation | 0 |
5513 | Vendeurs en ameublement, décor, équipement du foyer | 0 |
5514 | Vendeurs en équipement de la personne, articles de sport | 3 |
5515 | Vendeurs en droguerie, bazar, quincaillerie, bricolage | 3 |
5516 | Vendeurs en articles de luxe | 0 |
5517 | Vendeurs en photo, disques, librairie | 0 |
5518 | Employés de libre-service | 2 |
5519 | Caissiers de magasin | 4 |
5521 | Pompistes et gérants (salariés ou mandataires de station-ser | 0 |
5599 | Employé de commerce, secteur d´activité inconnu | 6 |
5611 | Serveurs et commis de restaurant ou de café | 7 |
5614 | Employés de l´hôtellerie | 2 |
5621 | Manucures, esthéticiennes, salariées | 1 |
5622 | Coiffeurs salariés | 1 |
5631 | Assistantes maternelles, gardiennes d´enfants et travailleus | 9 |
5632 | Employés de maison et femmes de ménages chez des particulier | 5 |
5633 | Concierges, gardiens d´immeubles | 1 |
5634 | Employés des services divers | 0 |
5699 | Personnel de service direct aux particuliers, mal désigné | 0 |
6201 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipement industriel | 0 |
6202 | Électromécaniciens, électroniciens qualifiés d´entretien ind | 1 |
6203 | Régleurs qualifiés d´équipements de fabrication (travail des | 0 |
6204 | Régleurs qualifiés d´équipements de fabrication (sauf travai | 0 |
6211 | Bobiniers qualifiés | 0 |
6214 | Câbleurs qualifiés | 2 |
6218 | Plateformistes, contrôleurs qualifiés de matériel électrique | 0 |
6220 | Forgerons qualifiés | 0 |
6221 | Chaudronniers, tôliers industriels qualifiés | 1 |
6222 | Tuyauteurs industriels qualifiés | 0 |
6223 | Soudeurs qualifiés sur métaux | 0 |
6226 | Ouvriers trčs qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 1 |
6227 | Ouvriers qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 2 |
6231 | Monteurs qualifiés d´ensembles mécaniques | 0 |
6234 | Monteurs qualifiés en charpente métallique | 0 |
6235 | Traceurs qualifiés | 0 |
6236 | Ouvriers qualifiés de contrôle et d´essais en mécanique, mét | 0 |
6237 | Ouvriers qualifiés des traitements thermiques et de surface | 0 |
6238 | Mécaniciens, ajusteurs qualifiés, sans autre indication | 0 |
6241 | Chefs d´équipe du gros oeuvre et des travaux publics | 1 |
6242 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail du béton | 0 |
6243 | Conducteurs qualifiés d´engins de chantiers du BTP | 0 |
6244 | Autres ouvriers qualifiés des travaux publics | 0 |
6245 | Mineurs de fond qualifiés | 2 |
6246 | Ouvriers qualifiés de l´extraction (carričres, pétrole, gaz, | 0 |
6251 | Ouvriers qualifiés sur installations ou machines de la chimi | 0 |
6254 | Ouvriers qualifiés de laboratoire (chimie) | 1 |
6255 | Ouvriers qualifiés des industries agricoles et alimentaires | 2 |
6261 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la métallurgie, du verre, de la cérami | 1 |
6264 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la fabrication des papiers et canons | 0 |
6265 | Ouvriers qualifiés des industries lourdes du bois | 0 |
6271 | Conducteurs de machines du textile et de la tannerie-mégisse | 0 |
6272 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la coupe et des finitions des vętement | 0 |
6273 | Mécaniciennes en confection qualifiées | 0 |
6274 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail industriel du cuir | 0 |
6281 | Ouvriers de la photogravure et des laboratoires photographiq | 1 |
6282 | Ouvriers de la composition . | 0 |
6283 | Ouvriers de l´impression | 2 |
6284 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la brochure, de la reliure | 0 |
6291 | Ouvriers qualifiés de scierie | 0 |
6292 | Ouvriers qualifiés de la menuiserie industrielle et de l´ame | 0 |
6293 | Surveillants qualifiés d´exploitation (électricité, gaz, eau | 0 |
6294 | Agents qualifiés de laboratoire (sauf chimie et santé) | 0 |
6299 | Ouvriers qualifiés divers de type industriel et ouvriers qua | 2 |
6301 | Jardiniers | 0 |
6311 | Électriciens qualifiés du bâtiment | 2 |
6312 | Dépanneurs qualfiés en radio-télévision, électroménager | 0 |
6313 | Électromécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipements non i | 0 |
6321 | Carrossiers d´automobile qualifiés | 0 |
6322 | Métalliers, serruriers qualifiés | 0 |
6323 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´automobiles (entretien, réparation) | 0 |
6324 | Mécaniciens qualifiés d´entretien d´équipements non industri | 0 |
6331 | Charpentiers en bois qualifiés | 0 |
6332 | Menuisiers qualifiés du bâtiment | 0 |
6341 | Maçons qualifiés | 3 |
6342 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail de la pierre | 0 |
6343 | Couvreurs qualifiés | 0 |
6344 | Plombiers et chauffagistes qualifiés | 0 |
6345 | Peintres et ouvriers qualifiés des finitions du bâtiment | 1 |
6346 | Monteurs qualifiés en agencement, isolation | 0 |
6347 | Ouvriers qualifiés d´entretien général des bâtiments | 0 |
6351 | Bouchers (sauf industrie de la viande) | 0 |
6352 | Charcutiers (sauf industrie de la viande) | 0 |
6353 | Boulangers, pâtissiers (sauf activité industrielle) | 0 |
6354 | Cuisiniers qualifiés | 2 |
6371 | Tailleurs et couturičres qualifiés . | 1 |
6372 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail des étoffes (sauf fabrication | 0 |
6373 | Ouvriers qualifiés de type artisanal du travail du cuir | 0 |
6391 | Modeleurs (sauf modeleurs de métal), mouleurs-noyauteurs ŕ l | 0 |
6392 | Ouvriers d´art | 1 |
6393 | Auxiliaires des spectacles | 0 |
6394 | Ouvriers qualifiés du travail du verre ou de la céramique ŕ | 0 |
6399 | Ouvriers qualifiés divers de type artisanal | 0 |
6411 | Conducteurs routiers et grands routiers (salariés) | 2 |
6412 | Conducteurs de véhicule routier de transport en commun (sala | 0 |
6413 | Conducteurs de taxi (salariés) | 0 |
6414 | Conducteurs de voiture particuličre (salariés) | 0 |
6415 | Conducteurs livreurs, coursiers (salariés) | 1 |
6499 | Chauffeur, secteur d´activité inconnu | 0 |
6511 | Conducteurs d´engins lourds de levage | 0 |
6512 | Conducteurs d´engins lourds de manoeuvre | 0 |
6513 | Dockers | 0 |
6514 | Conducteurs de chariot élévateur, caristes | 0 |
6515 | Magasiniers | 1 |
6521 | Agents qualifiés des services d´exploitation des transports | 2 |
6522 | Conducteurs qualifiés d´engin de transport guidé | 1 |
6531 | Matelots de la marine marchande | 0 |
6532 | Capitaines et matelots timoniers de la navigation fluviale ( | 0 |
6599 | Ouvrier qualif. mal désigné (manutention, magasin., transp.) | 0 |
6711 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de l´électricité et de l´électronique | 1 |
6721 | Ouvriers non qualifiés travaillant par enlčvement de métal | 0 |
6722 | Ouvriers non qualifiés travaillant par formage de métal | 0 |
6723 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de montage, de contrôle, etc., en méc | 2 |
6741 | Ouvriers non qualifiés des travaux publics et du travail du | 1 |
6742 | Aides-mineurs, ouvriers non qualifiés de l´extraction. | 0 |
6751 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la chimie | 0 |
6754 | Ouvriers non qualifiés des industries agricoles et alimentai | 2 |
6761 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la métallurgie, du verre, de la cé | 0 |
6764 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la fabrication du papier-carton et | 0 |
6771 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du textile et de la tannerie-mégisser | 1 |
6772 | Ouvriers non qualifiés de la confection | 2 |
6773 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du travail du cuir | 0 |
6791 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du travail du bois | 2 |
6792 | Manutentionnaires des services d´exploitation des transports | 3 |
6793 | Ouvriers du tri, de l´emballage, de l´expédition | 0 |
6799 | Ouvriers non qualifiés divers de type industriel et ouvriers | 8 |
6821 | Métalliers, serruriers, réparateurs en mécanique non qualifi | 1 |
6841 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du gros oeuvre du bâtiment | 0 |
6842 | Ouvriers non qualifiés du second oeuvre du bâtiment | 3 |
6851 | Apprentis boulangers, bouchers, charcutiers | 0 |
6891 | Nettoyeurs | 5 |
6899 | Ouvriers non qualifiés divers de type artisanal | 2 |
6911 | Conducteurs d´engins agricoles ou forestiers | 0 |
6912 | Ouvriers de l´élevage | 0 |
6913 | Ouvriers en maraîchage ou de l´horticulture | 2 |
6914 | Ouvriers de la viticulture ou de l´arboriculture fruitičre | 1 |
6915 | Ouvriers agricoles sans spécialisation particuličre | 1 |
6916 | Ouvriers d´exploitation forestičre ou de sylviculture | 0 |
6921 | Marins-pęcheurs et ouvriers de l´aquaculture | 0 |
6999 | Ouvrier agricole mal désigné | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 0 | 6915 | 1587.94 | 2330.86 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 6999
A_DEGR Education: Austria
Vrednost 113187 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | None | 13 |
2 | Elementary and secondary school | 298 |
3 | Apprenticeship | 298 |
4 | Semi-higher incompleted | 185 |
5 | Semi-higher completed | 146 |
6 | University | 71 |
-4 | Not asked | 32516 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1011 | 1 | 6 | 3.36202 | 1.26862 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 6
AFS_DEGR Education: South Africa
Vrednost 114186 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 225 |
2 | Primary | 581 |
3 | Grade 8 to grade 11 (std 6 to std 9) | 885 |
4 | Grade 12 (std 10) | 496 |
5 | Post-matric certificate or diploma | 269 |
6 | Degree | 96 |
7 | Other qualification | 2 |
-4 | Not asked | 30964 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2554 | 1 | 7 | 3.11707 | 1.23818 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 7
AUS_DEGR Education: Australia
Vrednost 115185 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -3
B_DEGR Education: Brazil
Vrednost 116184 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 125 |
1 | None;still at school,uni | 1262 |
2 | Incpl primary | 185 |
3 | Primary compl | 136 |
4 | Incpl secondary | 203 |
5 | Secondary compl | 46 |
6 | Semi-higher,incompl uni,other | 35 |
7 | University compl | 0 |
90 | NA | 8 |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 0 | 90 | 2.006 | 5.73013 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 90
CDN_DEGR Education: Canada
Vrednost 117183 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | None, still at school | 26 |
2 | Some grade school | 28 |
3 | Finshed grade school | 49 |
4 | Some high school | 165 |
5 | Finished high school | 239 |
6 | Collegue/CEGEP/some university | 331 |
7 | Completed university | 164 |
8 | Graduate studies | 93 |
9 | NA,refused | 20 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 9 | 5.50852 | 1.60918 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
CH_DEGR Education: Switzerland
Vrednost 118182 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Other education | 34 |
1 | Compulsory or less | 140 |
2 | Intermediary diploma, administrative education, Trade school | 30 |
3 | Elementary vocational training, Apprenticeship | 411 |
4 | Maturity, teacher training college | 76 |
5 | Full time vocational education, vocational maturity, Higher | 115 |
6 | Technical or vocational college, Advanced technical college | 75 |
7 | University, technical university (bachelor, master, doctorat | 119 |
99 | Don´t know | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 32526 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1001 | 0 | 99 | 3.69031 | 3.57071 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CY_DEGR Education: Cyprus
Vrednost 119181 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | None;still at school,uni | 25 |
2 | Incpl primary | 27 |
3 | Primary compl | 111 |
4 | Incpl secondary | 57 |
5 | Secondary compl | 534 |
6 | Semi-higher,incompl uni,other | 37 |
7 | University compl | 215 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32521 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1006 | 1 | 7 | 5.00696 | 1.42506 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CZ_DEGR Education: Czech Republic
Vrednost 120180 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Incomplete primary | 3 |
2 | Primary completed | 150 |
3 | Lower vocational | 312 |
4 | General sec.,no diploma | 182 |
5 | Technical secondary | 273 |
6 | Academic secondary | 121 |
7 | Incpl tertiary | 28 |
8 | Tertiary,bachelor | 35 |
9 | Tertiary,master degree | 90 |
99 | NA | 6 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 1 | 99 | 4.94833 | 6.94484 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
E_DEGR Education: Spain
Vrednost 121179 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None | 27 |
1 | Incpl primary | 173 |
2 | Primary compl | 240 |
3 | Incpl secondary | 326 |
4 | Vocational school | 106 |
5 | Secondary compl | 90 |
6 | COU - PREU | 93 |
7 | Incpl university | 79 |
8 | University compl | 80 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1214 | 0 | 8 | 3.50577 | 2.11606 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 8
F_DEGR Education: France
Vrednost 122178 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 33 |
2 | Incpl primary (primary without CEP) | 46 |
3 | Primary compl (primary with CEP) | 137 |
4 | Incpl secondary (French collčge) | 100 |
5 | Secondary (profesionnal French lycée without baccalauréat) | 252 |
6 | Secondary (profesionnal French lycée with baccalauréat) | 67 |
7 | Secondary (general French lycée without baccalauréat) | 90 |
8 | Secondary (general French lycée with baccalauréat) | 114 |
9 | University degree or equivalent (baccalauréat+2 years) | 197 |
10 | Univ postgraduate or equivalent (baccalauréat+3years &1; over) | 340 |
99 | Na, refused, NAV | 22 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 1 | 99 | 8.2196 | 11.8023 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
FIN_DEGR Education: Finland
Vrednost 123177 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Incpl primary/secondary | 95 |
2 | Primary school | 197 |
3 | Lower secondary | 98 |
4 | Vocational education | 282 |
5 | General upper second | 101 |
6 | Vocational college | 292 |
7 | Polytechnics | 69 |
8 | Lower uni degree | 60 |
9 | Higher uni degree | 155 |
99 | NA | 90 |
-4 | Not asked | 32088 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1439 | 1 | 99 | 10.7269 | 22.9227 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
GB_DEGR Education: Great Britain
Vrednost 124176 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | No sec. qualifications | 249 |
2 | CSE or equivalent | 87 |
3 | O-level or equivalent | 171 |
4 | A-level or equivalent | 110 |
5 | Higher below degree level | 132 |
6 | Degree, university o CNAA o diploma | 143 |
7 | Foreign or other | 18 |
99 | DK, NA | 2 |
-4 | Not asked | 32615 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
912 | 1 | 99 | 3.52851 | 4.85501 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
H_DEGR Education: Hungary
Vrednost 125175 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | No formal schooling | 8 |
2 | Less than primary | 178 |
3 | 8 years elementary | 343 |
4 | Vocational | 364 |
5 | Vocational+maturity | 0 |
6 | Sec. technical+matura | 171 |
7 | Gymnasium, matura | 249 |
8 | College | 148 |
9 | University | 62 |
99 | NA | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 32003 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1524 | 1 | 99 | 4.89436 | 3.21846 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
IL_DEGR Education: Israel
Vrednost 126174 | Frekvenca | |
0 | incpl primary | 112 |
1 | incpl vocational | 76 |
2 | vocational compl | 124 |
3 | vocational with matriculation | 72 |
4 | incpl academic secondary | 57 |
5 | academic secondary compl | 72 |
6 | academic secondary with matriculation | 159 |
7 | semi-higher, post secondary | 183 |
8 | incpl university | 67 |
9 | university compl (BA or more) | 277 |
10 | refused | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1199 | 0 | 9 | 5.33111 | 3.06735 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 10
J_DEGR Education: Japan
Vrednost 127173 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Junior high completed | 297 |
2 | High school completed | 512 |
3 | Junior college compl | 239 |
4 | Finished university | 190 |
5 | Still at High school | 48 |
6 | Still at Junior college or University | 25 |
7 | Others | 5 |
99 | NA | 5 |
-4 | Not asked | 32206 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1321 | 1 | 99 | 2.81453 | 6.05665 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
LV_DEGR Education: Latvia
Vrednost 128172 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None, incpl primary | 15 |
2 | Primary compl | 79 |
3 | Incpl secondary | 108 |
4 | Compl secondary | 222 |
5 | Secondary professional/ vocational | 344 |
6 | Incpl university | 59 |
7 | Higher edu, University compl | 171 |
9 | NA | 2 |
-4 | Not asked | 32527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 1 | 9 | 4.674 | 1.50864 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
N_DEGR Education: Norway
Vrednost 129171 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Primary | 185 |
2 | Sec. vocational, inc | 103 |
3 | Sec. academic, inc | 168 |
4 | Sec. voc., compl | 276 |
5 | Sec. acad., compl | 286 |
6 | Univ.,coll. [1 year | 45 |
7 | Univ., coll. 1-2 yrs | 121 |
8 | Univ., coll. 3-4 yrs | 235 |
9 | Univ., coll. ]= 5 yrs | 125 |
99 | NA | 16 |
-4 | Not asked | 31967 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1560 | 1 | 99 | 5.85577 | 9.79955 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
NI_DEGR Education: Northern Ireland
Vrednost 130170 | Frekvenca | |
1 | No formal qualification | 721 |
2 | GCSE/O level/CSE or equivalent | 346 |
3 | A level or equivalent | 139 |
4 | Degree level or higher | 149 |
5 | Other qualifications | 52 |
9 | No answer | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32120 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1407 | 1 | 5 | 1.90903 | 1.16625 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
NZ_DEGR Education: New Zealand
Vrednost 131169 | Frekvenca | |
1 | No form school | 5 |
2 | Incpl primary | 10 |
3 | Complete primary | 67 |
4 | Incpl secondary | 246 |
5 | Complete secondary | 208 |
6 | Professional certificate | 296 |
7 | Diploma | 141 |
8 | Bachelor´s degree | 97 |
9 | Compl postgrad | 65 |
-4 | Not asked | 32381 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 11 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1135 | 1 | 9 | 5.61586 | 1.63367 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
PL_DEGR Education: Poland
Vrednost 132168 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | No formal schooling | 6 |
2 | Incomplete elementary | 43 |
3 | Elementary | 265 |
4 | Basic vocational | 323 |
5 | Incomplete secondary | 25 |
6 | Secondary general | 70 |
7 | Secondary vocational | 232 |
8 | Post Secondary | 52 |
9 | Incomplete higher | 77 |
10 | Completed higher | 128 |
-4 | Not asked | 32306 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1221 | 1 | 10 | 5.51761 | 2.46897 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 10
RCH_DEGR Education: Chile
Vrednost 133167 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | None | 41 |
2 | Incomplete primary | 341 |
3 | Primary completed | 201 |
4 | Incomplete secondary | 235 |
5 | Secondary completed | 341 |
6 | University incomplete | 70 |
7 | University completed | 133 |
8 | Incompl Non-university higher | 35 |
9 | Compl Non-university higher | 96 |
99 | NA | 11 |
-4 | Not asked | 32023 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1504 | 1 | 99 | 5.02327 | 8.33482 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RP_DEGR Education: Philippines
Vrednost 134166 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | None | 28 |
2 | Incomplete primary | 163 |
3 | Primary completed | 215 |
4 | Incomplete secondary | 176 |
5 | Secondary completed | 256 |
6 | Incomplete university | 135 |
7 | University completed | 166 |
8 | Some vocational | 15 |
9 | Completed vocational | 35 |
10 | Post college | 11 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 1 | 10 | 4.58333 | 1.93981 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RUS_DEGR Education: Russia
Vrednost 135165 | Frekvenca | |
1 | No formal education | 13 |
2 | Primary education | 155 |
3 | Intermediary secondary completed | 255 |
4 | Higher secondary non-completed (without certificate) | 42 |
5 | Intermediary secondary technical (trade school) | 75 |
6 | Higher secondary completed | 328 |
7 | Higher secondary technical (trade school) | 207 |
8 | Special secondary (college) | 557 |
9 | University non-completed | 77 |
10 | University degree | 281 |
11 | Post-university studies | 10 |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 1 | 11 | 6.5585 | 2.50993 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 11
SLO_DEGR Education: Slovenia
Vrednost 136164 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Incomplete primary | 66 |
2 | Primary completed | 239 |
3 | Incomplete vocational | 37 |
4 | 2-3 yrs vocational | 249 |
5 | 4 yrs middle school | 311 |
6 | Incomplete university | 28 |
7 | Higher degree compl | 60 |
8 | University compl | 80 |
99 | NA | 7 |
-4 | Not asked | 32450 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1077 | 1 | 99 | 4.76045 | 7.85452 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
USA_DEGR Education: USA
Vrednost 137163 | Frekvenca | |
0 | LT High school | 151 |
1 | High school | 629 |
2 | Junior college | 81 |
3 | Bachelor | 182 |
4 | Graduate | 105 |
97 | NAP | 0 |
98 | DK | 1 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32378 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1149 | 0 | 98 | 1.61445 | 3.07856 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
IL_SPDE S-P: education: Israel
Vrednost 138162 | Frekvenca | |
0 | incpl primary | 73 |
1 | incpl vocational | 60 |
2 | vocational compl | 97 |
3 | vocational with matriculation | 48 |
4 | incpl academic secondary | 47 |
5 | academic secondary compl | 53 |
6 | academic secondary with matriculation | 73 |
7 | semi higher, post secondery | 99 |
8 | incpl university | 39 |
9 | university compl (BA or more) | 189 |
10 | refused | 2 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 427 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
780 | 0 | 10 | 5.14744 | 3.15904 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 10
A_INCO Household income: Austria
Vrednost 139161 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income, no paid work | 0 |
3000 | below S 6000 | 9 |
7000 | S 6000, below S 8000 | 18 |
9000 | S 8000, below S 10000 | 37 |
11000 | S 10000, below S 12000 | 36 |
13000 | S 12000, below S 14000 | 59 |
15000 | S 14000, below S 16000 | 40 |
17000 | S 16000, below S 18000 | 38 |
19000 | S 18000, below S 20000 | 47 |
21000 | S 21000, below S 22000 | 48 |
23000 | S 23000, below S 24000 | 26 |
25000 | S 24000, below S 26000 | 38 |
27000 | S 26000, below S 28000 | 37 |
29000 | S 28000, below S 30000 | 33 |
31000 | S 30000, below S 32000 | 38 |
34000 | S 32000, below S 36000 | 48 |
38000 | S 38000, below S 40000 | 34 |
42000 | S 40000, below S 42000 | 23 |
46000 | S 44000, below S 48000 | 15 |
50000 | S 48000, below S 52000 | 20 |
54000 | S 52000 and more | 33 |
999997 | Refused | 334 |
-4 | Not asked | 32516 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1011 | 3000 | 999997 | 347022 | 458989 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999997
AFS_INCO Household income: South Africa
Vrednost 140160 | Frekvenca | |
1 | No income | 220 |
2 | R1 - R500 | 330 |
3 | R501 -R750 | 319 |
4 | R751 - R1 000 | 184 |
5 | R1 001-R1 500 | 245 |
6 | R1 501 - R2 000 | 138 |
7 | R2 001 - R3 000 | 109 |
8 | R3 001 - R5 000 | 124 |
9 | R5 001 - R7 500 | 96 |
10 | R7 501 - R10 000 | 79 |
11 | R10 001 - R15 000 | 50 |
12 | R15 001 - R20 000 | 30 |
13 | R20 001 - R30 000 | 25 |
14 | R30 000 + | 20 |
15 | Refuse to answer | 208 |
16 | Uncertain/Don´t know | 265 |
-4 | Not asked | 30964 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 121 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2442 | 1 | 16 | 6.92465 | 5.09878 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 16
AUS_INCO Household income: Australia
Vrednost 141159 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | 9 |
401 | 1 | |
1000 | AUD 1000 per annum | 0 |
2000 | 6 | |
3500 | 9 | |
4000 | 1 | |
4500 | 1 | |
7000 | 1 | |
7500 | 32 | |
9500 | 1 | |
11000 | 3 | |
12500 | 70 | |
15000 | 60 | |
17500 | 36 | |
20000 | 14 | |
21000 | 1 | |
22500 | 29 | |
24500 | 2 | |
25000 | AUD 25000 per annum | 63 |
26000 | 2 | |
27500 | 43 | |
29500 | 6 | |
30000 | 25 | |
31000 | 6 | |
32500 | 41 | |
34500 | 6 | |
35000 | 66 | |
36000 | 3 | |
37500 | 38 | |
39500 | 3 | |
40000 | 25 | |
41000 | 5 | |
42500 | 17 | |
44500 | 6 | |
45000 | 39 | |
46000 | 5 | |
47500 | 25 | |
49500 | 5 | |
50000 | AUD 50000 per annum | 32 |
51000 | 4 | |
52500 | 23 | |
54500 | 6 | |
55000 | 46 | |
56000 | 6 | |
60000 | 31 | |
65000 | 66 | |
67000 | 3 | |
68500 | 3 | |
70000 | 25 | |
72500 | 2 | |
75000 | 36 | |
77000 | 2 | |
77500 | 5 | |
80000 | 17 | |
82500 | 11 | |
85000 | 28 | |
87000 | 1 | |
87500 | 11 | |
88500 | 1 | |
90000 | 14 | |
92500 | 4 | |
95000 | 13 | |
97000 | 1 | |
97500 | 6 | |
100000 | 10 | |
102500 | 7 | |
105000 | 13 | |
107500 | 13 | |
112500 | 7 | |
117500 | 11 | |
122500 | 5 | |
125000 | 12 | |
127000 | 2 | |
127500 | 10 | |
128500 | 1 | |
130000 | 6 | |
132500 | 3 | |
137500 | 4 | |
140000 | 6 | |
142500 | 2 | |
147500 | 1 | |
150000 | 5 | |
152500 | 2 | |
157500 | 2 | |
162500 | 1 | |
167500 | 2 | |
170000 | 3 | |
177500 | 2 | |
180000 | 1 | |
190000 | 5 | |
200000 | 3 | |
207500 | 1 | |
217500 | 1 | |
220000 | 1 | |
222500 | 2 | |
232500 | 1 | |
250000 | 1 | |
275000 | 1 | |
295000 | 2 | |
400000 | 1 | |
500000 | 3 | |
575000 | 1 | |
585000 | 1 | |
700000 | 1 | |
999997 | Refused | 0 |
999998 | Dont know | 0 |
999999 | NA | 94 |
-4 | Not asked | 32175 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1352 | 0 | 999999 | 121307 | 245910 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
B_INCO Household income: Brazil
Vrednost 142158 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None | 80 |
15 | R$ 15,00 | 2 |
20 | R$ 20,00 | 1 |
25 | R$ 25,00 | 1 |
30 | R$ 30,00 | 1 |
40 | R$ 40,00 | 2 |
45 | R$ 45,00 | 1 |
50 | R$ 50,00 | 9 |
60 | R$ 60,00 | 4 |
80 | R$ 80,00 | 9 |
90 | R$ 90,00 | 3 |
100 | R$ 100,00 | 32 |
105 | R$ 105,00 | 1 |
106 | R$ 106,00 | 1 |
110 | R$ 110,00 | 1 |
115 | R$ 115,00 | 1 |
120 | R$ 120,00 | 9 |
121 | R$ 121,00 | 1 |
130 | R$ 130,00 | 1 |
135 | R$ 135,00 | 1 |
150 | R$ 150,00 | 13 |
160 | R$ 160,00 | 6 |
166 | R$ 166,00 | 1 |
170 | R$ 170,00 | 1 |
180 | R$ 180,00 | 191 |
190 | R$ 190,00 | 3 |
196 | R$ 196,00 | 1 |
200 | R$ 200,00 | 69 |
203 | R$ 203,00 | 1 |
206 | R$ 206,00 | 1 |
210 | R$ 210,00 | 5 |
220 | R$ 220,00 | 8 |
225 | R$ 225,00 | 1 |
230 | R$ 230,00 | 3 |
235 | R$ 235,00 | 1 |
240 | R$ 240,00 | 9 |
245 | R$ 245,00 | 1 |
250 | R$ 250,00 | 52 |
255 | R$ 255,00 | 1 |
260 | R$ 260,00 | 6 |
265 | R$ 265,00 | 1 |
270 | R$ 270,00 | 8 |
271 | R$ 271,00 | 1 |
280 | R$ 280,00 | 16 |
284 | R$ 284,00 | 1 |
290 | R$ 290,00 | 1 |
300 | R$ 300,00 | 87 |
310 | R$ 310,00 | 1 |
320 | R$ 320,00 | 7 |
326 | R$ 326,00 | 1 |
328 | R$ 328,00 | 1 |
330 | R$ 330,00 | 3 |
340 | R$ 340,00 | 4 |
346 | R$ 346,00 | 1 |
350 | R$ 350,00 | 42 |
355 | R$ 355,00 | 1 |
360 | R$ 360,00 | 95 |
366 | R$ 366,00 | 1 |
370 | R$ 370,00 | 1 |
375 | R$ 375,00 | 2 |
376 | R$ 376,00 | 1 |
379 | R$ 379,00 | 1 |
380 | R$ 380,00 | 16 |
390 | R$ 390,00 | 3 |
400 | R$ 400,00 | 114 |
403 | R$ 403,00 | 1 |
410 | R$ 410,00 | 1 |
416 | R$ 416,00 | 1 |
420 | R$ 420,00 | 6 |
421 | R$ 421,00 | 1 |
430 | R$ 430,00 | 5 |
438 | R$ 438,00 | 1 |
440 | R$ 440,00 | 3 |
450 | R$ 450,00 | 32 |
460 | R$ 460,00 | 5 |
468 | R$ 468,00 | 1 |
470 | R$ 470,00 | 2 |
477 | R$ 477,00 | 1 |
479 | R$ 479,00 | 1 |
480 | R$ 480,00 | 21 |
484 | R$ 484,00 | 1 |
490 | R$ 490,00 | 1 |
499 | R$ 499,00 | 1 |
500 | R$ 500,00 | 122 |
510 | R$ 510,00 | 3 |
520 | R$ 520,00 | 7 |
529 | R$ 529,00 | 0 |
530 | R$ 530,00 | 2 |
540 | R$ 540,00 | 13 |
550 | R$ 550,00 | 9 |
560 | R$ 560,00 | 5 |
570 | R$ 570,00 | 1 |
580 | R$ 580,00 | 7 |
586 | R$ 586,00 | 1 |
590 | R$ 590,00 | 1 |
600 | R$ 600,00 | 79 |
605 | R$ 605,00 | 1 |
620 | R$ 620,00 | 2 |
630 | R$ 630,00 | 2 |
640 | R$ 640,00 | 2 |
650 | R$ 650,00 | 11 |
660 | R$ 660,00 | 3 |
669 | R$ 669,00 | 1 |
680 | R$ 680,00 | 2 |
690 | R$ 690,00 | 1 |
700 | R$ 700,00 | 52 |
720 | R$ 720,00 | 10 |
730 | R$ 730,00 | 2 |
735 | R$ 735,00 | 1 |
740 | R$ 740,00 | 2 |
750 | R$ 750,00 | 9 |
780 | R$ 780,00 | 2 |
800 | R$ 800,00 | 57 |
824 | R$ 824,00 | 1 |
840 | R$ 840,00 | 1 |
850 | R$ 850,00 | 6 |
860 | R$ 860,00 | 3 |
900 | R$ 900,00 | 42 |
920 | R$ 920,00 | 2 |
940 | R$ 940,00 | 1 |
950 | R$ 950,00 | 3 |
960 | R$ 960,00 | 1 |
980 | R$ 980,00 | 1 |
1000 | R$ 1.000,00 | 72 |
1026 | R$ 1.026,00 | 1 |
1040 | R$ 1.040,00 | 1 |
1080 | R$ 1.080,00 | 3 |
1100 | R$ 1.100,00 | 13 |
1120 | R$ 1.120,00 | 1 |
1140 | R$ 1.140,00 | 1 |
1150 | R$ 1.150,00 | 1 |
1180 | R$ 1.180,00 | 2 |
1200 | R$ 1.200,00 | 28 |
1250 | R$ 1.250,00 | 1 |
1260 | R$ 1.260,00 | 1 |
1300 | R$ 1.300,00 | 8 |
1400 | R$ 1.400,00 | 4 |
1500 | R$ 1.500,00 | 32 |
1510 | R$ 1.510,00 | 2 |
1570 | R$ 1.570,00 | 1 |
1600 | R$ 1.600,00 | 13 |
1700 | R$ 1.700,00 | 3 |
1730 | R$ 1.730,00 | 1 |
1780 | R$ 1.780,00 | 1 |
1800 | R$ 1.800,00 | 12 |
1900 | R$ 1.900,00 | 3 |
1930 | R$ 1.930,00 | 1 |
2000 | R$ 2.000,00 | 41 |
2100 | R$ 2.100,00 | 2 |
2300 | R$ 2.300,00 | 1 |
2400 | R$ 2.400,00 | 1 |
2500 | R$ 2.500,00 | 11 |
2600 | R$ 2.600,00 | 2 |
3000 | R$ 3.000,00 | 19 |
3500 | R$ 3.500,00 | 3 |
4000 | R$ 4.000,00 | 7 |
4400 | R$ 4.400,00 | 1 |
5000 | R$ 5.000,00 | 3 |
5200 | R$ 5.200,00 | 1 |
5400 | R$ 5.400,00 | 1 |
5500 | R$ 5.500,00 | 1 |
6000 | R$ 6.000,00 | 2 |
6600 | R$ 6.600,00 | 1 |
7000 | R$ 7.000,00 | 1 |
9000 | R$ 9.000,00 | 1 |
9002 | R$ 9.002,00 | 1 |
11000 | R$ 11.000,00 | 1 |
12000 | R$ 12.000,00 | 1 |
15000 | R$ 15.000,00 | 2 |
16350 | R$ 16.350,00 | 1 |
20000 | R$ 20.000,00 | 3 |
23000 | R$ 23.000,00 | 1 |
28000 | R$ 28.000,00 | 1 |
30005 | R$ 30.005,00 | 1 |
36002 | 1 | |
45000 | R$ 45.000,00 | 1 |
48000 | R$ 48.000,00 | 1 |
50000 | R$ 50.000,00 | 2 |
99998 | R$ 99.998,00 or more | 2 |
99999 | Don´t know/No answer | 0 |
999999 | 175 | |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 0 | 999999 | 88384.5 | 282394 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
CDN_INCO Household income: Canada
Vrednost 143157 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Under $15.000 | 241 |
2 | $15.000-$24.999 | 181 |
3 | $25.000-$34.999 | 176 |
4 | $35.000-$44.999 | 108 |
5 | $45.000-$54.000 | 97 |
6 | $55.000-$64.999 | 71 |
7 | $65.000-$74.999 | 46 |
8 | $75.000 + | 86 |
999997 | Refused | 109 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 999997 | 97760.7 | 297118 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999997
CH_INCO Household income: Switzerland
Vrednost 144156 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1001 | 0 | 999998 | 310243 | 457927 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999998
CY_INCO Household income: Cyprus
Vrednost 145155 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 0 - 200 CY Pounds | 26 |
2 | 201- 300 CY Pounds | 59 |
3 | 301 - 500 CY Pounds | 21 |
4 | 501 - 700 CY Pounds | 65 |
5 | 701 - 900 CY Pounds | 150 |
6 | 901 - 1100 CY Pounds | 155 |
7 | 1101 - 1300 CY Pounds | 137 |
8 | 1301 - 1500 CY Pounds | 97 |
9 | 1501 - 1700 CY Pounds | 56 |
10 | <1; than 1700 CY Pounds | 77 |
98 | Dont know | 163 |
-4 | Not asked | 32521 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1006 | 1 | 98 | 21.004 | 33.939 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 98
CZ_INCO Household income: Czech Republic
Vrednost 146154 | Frekvenca | |
3000 | 1 - 5 999 CZK | 48 |
8000 | 6 000 - 8 999 CZK | 92 |
10000 | 9 000 - 10 999 CZK | 66 |
12000 | 11 000 - 12 999 CZK | 115 |
14000 | 13 000 - 14 999 CZK | 112 |
16000 | 15 000 - 16 999 CZK | 91 |
18500 | 17 000 - 19 999 CZK | 99 |
21500 | 20 000 - 22 999 CZK | 86 |
24500 | 23 000 - 25 999 CZK | 55 |
28000 | 26 000 - 29 999 CZK | 41 |
32500 | 30 000 - 34 999 CZK | 26 |
37500 | 35 000 and more CZK | 34 |
999998 | Do not know | 120 |
999999 | Not answered | 215 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 3000 | 999999 | 291033 | 441439 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
E_INCO Household income: Spain
Vrednost 147153 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Up to 50.000 ptas | 18 |
1 | 50.001 - 75.000 | 70 |
2 | 75.001 - 100.000 | 113 |
3 | 100.001 - 150.000 | 186 |
4 | 150.001 - 200.000 | 176 |
5 | 200.001 - 275.000 | 139 |
6 | 275.001 - 350.000 | 68 |
7 | 350.001 - 500.000 | 38 |
8 | 500.001 and more | 16 |
9 | No answer | 390 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1214 | 0 | 9 | 5.40774 | 2.85817 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
F_INCO Household income: France
Vrednost 148152 | Frekvenca | |
1 | [3000 Francs | 17 |
2 | 3000-5000 Francs | 47 |
3 | 5000-7000 Francs | 75 |
4 | 7000-10000 Francs | 153 |
5 | 10000-15000 Francs | 301 |
6 | 15000-20000 Francs | 261 |
7 | 20000-25000 Francs | 122 |
8 | 25000-30000 Francs | 97 |
9 | 30000-40000 Francs | 56 |
10 | 40000-50000 Francs | 18 |
11 | ]50000 Francs | 22 |
99 | Na | 229 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 1 | 99 | 20.9199 | 34.6166 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
FIN_INCO Household income: Finland
Vrednost 149151 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | |
15 | 15 finnish frame | |
18 | 18 finnish frame | |
34 | 34 finnish frame | |
180 | 180 finnish frame | |
750 | 750 finnish frame | |
1000 | 1000 finnish frame | |
1300 | 1300 finnish frame | |
350000 | 350000 finnish frame | |
450000 | 450000 finnish frame | |
1.4e+06 | 1400000 finnish frame | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1243 | 0 | 1400000.0 | 20445.2 | 47374.4 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 1400000
GB_INCO Household income: Great Britain
Vrednost 150150 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income;Not in paid work | 0 |
2000 | GB: >1; 3 999 | 24 |
5000 | GB: 4 000 - 5 999 | 90 |
7000 | GB: 6 000 - 7 999 | 63 |
9000 | GB: 8 000 - 9 999 | 59 |
11000 | GB: 10 000 - 11 999 | 43 |
13500 | GB: 12 000 - 14 999 | 56 |
16500 | GB: 15 000 - 17 999 | 57 |
19000 | GB: 18 000 - 19 999 | 37 |
21500 | GB: 20 000 - 22 999 | 50 |
24500 | GB: 23 000 - 25 999 | 40 |
27500 | GB: 26 000 - 28 999 | 35 |
30500 | GB: 29 000 - 31 999 | 38 |
33500 | GB: 32 000 - 34 999 | 28 |
36500 | GB: 35 000 - 37 999 | 38 |
39500 | GB: 38 000 - 40 999 | 33 |
42500 | GB: 41 000 - 43 999 | 16 |
45500 | GB: 44 000 - 46 999 | 18 |
48500 | GB: 47 000 - 49 999 | 16 |
51500 | GB: 50 000 - 52 999 | 12 |
54500 | GB: 53 000 + | 63 |
999997 | Refused | 44 |
999998 | Dont know | 52 |
999999 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32615 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
912 | 2000 | 999998 | 125519 | 300476 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
H_INCO Household income: Hungary
Vrednost 151149 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | |
17000 | 17000 Forints | |
20000 | 20000 Forints | |
400000 | 400000 Forints | |
600000 | 600000 Forints | |
999997 | Refused | |
999998 | Dont know | |
999999 | NA | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1524 | 17000 | 999999 | 498832 | 452224 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
IL_INCO Household income: Israel
Vrednost 152148 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income, no paid work | 14 |
1 | up to 2000 israeli shekel | 61 |
2 | 2001-4000 israeli shekel | 185 |
3 | 4001-6000 israeli shekel | 190 |
4 | 6001-8000 israeli shekel | 172 |
5 | 8001-10000 israeli shekel | 133 |
6 | 10001-15000 israeli shekel | 95 |
7 | 15001-20000 israeli shekel | 47 |
8 | 20001-30000 israeli shekel | 15 |
9 | more than 30000 israeli shekel | 8 |
10 | refused | 111 |
11 | don´t know | 67 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 109 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1098 | 0 | 11 | 4.81967 | 2.96136 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 11
J_INCO Household income: Japan
Vrednost 153147 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | 0 |
1000 | less than 2,000,000 yen | 94 |
2500 | 2,000,000 yen-2,999,999 yen | 139 |
3500 | 3,000,000 yen-3,999,999 yen | 171 |
4500 | 4,000,000 yen-4,999,999 yen | 118 |
5500 | 5,000,000 yen-5,999,999 yen | 120 |
6500 | 6,000,000 yen-6,999,999 yen | 109 |
7500 | 7,000,000 yen-7,999,999 yen | 107 |
8500 | 8,000,000 yen-8,999,999 yen | 82 |
9500 | 9,000,000 yen-9,999,999 yen | 82 |
11000 | 10,000,000 yen-11,999,999 yen | 84 |
13500 | 12,000,000 yen-14,999,999 yen | 55 |
20000 | 15,000,000 yen or more | 59 |
999997 | Refused | 0 |
999998 | Dont know | 0 |
999999 | NA | 101 |
-4 | Not asked | 32206 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1321 | 1000 | 999999 | 82562 | 264105 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
LV_INCO Household income: Latvia
Vrednost 154146 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | |
8 | 8 Lats | |
20 | 20 Lats | |
21 | 51 Lats | |
26 | 26 Lats | |
28 | 28 Lats | |
800 | 800 Lats | |
850 | 850 Lats | |
998 | 998 Lats | |
1500 | 1500 Lats | |
2000 | 2000 Lats | |
9997 | Refused | |
9998 | Dont know | |
9999 | NA | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | Not applicable |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 0 | 9999 | 1115.54 | 2882.31 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9999
N_INCO Household income: Norway
Vrednost 155145 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1560 | 0 | 999999 | 119010 | 323254 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
NI_INCO Household income: Northern Ireland
Vrednost 156144 | Frekvenca | |
1500 | 1500 Ł | 23 |
3500 | 3500 Ł | 40 |
5500 | 5500 Ł | 143 |
8500 | 8500 Ł | 118 |
12500 | 12500 Ł | 132 |
17500 | 17500 Ł | 107 |
23000 | 23000 Ł | 83 |
28000 | 28000 Ł | 53 |
35000 | 35000 Ł | 64 |
40000 | 40000 Ł | 47 |
999997 | Refused | 343 |
999998 | Don´t know | 254 |
-4 | Not asked | 32120 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1407 | 1500 | 999998 | 433545 | 486548 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999998
NZ_INCO Household income: New Zealand
Vrednost 157143 | Frekvenca | |
15000 | [15,000 NZ dollars | 90 |
17500 | 17,500 NZ dollars | 75 |
25000 | 25,000 NZ dollars | 136 |
35000 | 35,000 NZ dollars | 126 |
45000 | 45,000 NZ dollars | 109 |
55000 | 55,000 NZ dollars | 102 |
65000 | 65,000 NZ dollars | 97 |
75000 | 75,000 NZ dollars | 72 |
90000 | 90,000 NZ dollars | 91 |
100000 | ]100,000 NZ dollars | 131 |
-4 | Not asked | 32381 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 117 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1029 | 15000 | 100000 | 52461.1 | 28615.7 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 100000
PL_INCO Household income: Poland
Vrednost 158142 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | |
50 | 50 PLN | |
100 | 100 PLN | |
1000 | 1000 PLN | |
5000 | 5000 PLN | |
10000 | 10000 PLN | |
23000 | 23000 PLN | |
999998 | Don´t know | |
999999 | NA | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1221 | 0 | 999999 | 82766.2 | 272574 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
RCH_INCO Household income: Chile
Vrednost 159141 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Less than $35.000 | 56 |
2 | $35.001 to $56.000 | 63 |
3 | $56.001 to $78.000 | 103 |
4 | $78.001 to $101.000 | 148 |
5 | $101.001 to $134.000 | 163 |
6 | $134.001 to $179.000 | 137 |
7 | $179.001 to $224.000 | 134 |
8 | $224.001 to $291.000 | 107 |
9 | $291.001 to $358.000 | 102 |
10 | $358.001 to $448.000 | 92 |
11 | $448.001 to $1.000.000 | 123 |
12 | $1.000.001 to $2.000.000 | 27 |
13 | $2.000.001 to $3.000.000 | 11 |
14 | More than $3.000.000 | 5 |
88 | Don´t know | 102 |
99 | NA | 131 |
-4 | Not asked | 32023 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1504 | 1 | 99 | 20.0711 | 31.9371 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RP_INCO Household income: Philippines
Vrednost 160140 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 200 | 999999 | 46074.3 | 186612 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
RUS_INCO Household income: Russia
Vrednost 161139 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 50 | 999999 | 70021.3 | 248334 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
SLO_INCO Household income: Slovenia
Vrednost 162138 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | |
30 | [30 Tolar | |
32 | 32 Tolar | |
35 | 35 Tolar | |
37 | 37 Tolar | |
630 | 630 Tolar | |
700 | 700 Tolar | |
800 | 800 Tolar | |
996 | ]996.000 Tolar | |
999997 | Refused | |
999998 | Dont know | |
999999 | NA | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1077 | 0 | 999999 | 399384 | 489869 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
USA_INCO Household income: USA
Vrednost 163137 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | 0 |
500 | [ $500 | 13 |
2000 | $2000 | 8 |
3500 | $3500 | 16 |
4500 | $4500 | 7 |
5500 | 14 | |
6500 | 9 | |
7500 | 10 | |
9000 | 31 | |
11250 | 37 | |
13750 | 42 | |
16250 | 32 | |
18750 | 40 | |
21250 | 42 | |
23750 | 41 | |
27500 | 65 | |
32500 | 75 | |
37500 | 55 | |
45000 | 99 | |
55000 | 105 | |
67500 | 87 | |
82500 | $82500 | 73 |
100000 | $100000 | 53 |
999996 | USA:] $110000 | 99 |
999997 | Refused | 54 |
999998 | Dont know | 42 |
999999 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32378 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1149 | 500 | 999998 | 203169 | 361230 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
A_RINC R income: Austria
Vrednost 164136 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income, no paid work | 108 |
3000 | below S 6000 | 58 |
7000 | S 6000, below S 8000 | 60 |
9000 | S 8000, below S 10000 | 83 |
11000 | S 10000, below S 12000 | 79 |
13000 | S 12000, below S 14000 | 84 |
15000 | S 14000, below S 16000 | 69 |
17000 | S 16000, below S 18000 | 56 |
19000 | S 18000, below S 20000 | 47 |
21000 | S 21000, below S 22000 | 40 |
23000 | S 23000, below S 24000 | 23 |
25000 | S 24000, below S 26000 | 17 |
27000 | S 26000, below S 28000 | 14 |
29000 | S 28000, below S 30000 | 11 |
31000 | S 30000, below S 32000 | 8 |
34000 | S 32000, below S 36000 | 12 |
38000 | S 38000, below S 40000 | 6 |
42000 | S 40000, below S 42000 | 4 |
46000 | S 44000, below S 48000 | 2 |
50000 | S 48000, below S 52000 | 2 |
54000 | S 52000 and more | 1 |
999997 | Refused | 227 |
-4 | Not asked | 32516 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1011 | 0 | 999997 | 234392 | 412246 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999997
AFS_RINC R income: South Africa
Vrednost 165135 | Frekvenca | |
1 | No income | 979 |
2 | R1 - R500 | 326 |
3 | R501 -R750 | 286 |
4 | R751 - R1 000 | 88 |
5 | R1 001-R1 500 | 100 |
6 | R1 501 - R2 000 | 66 |
7 | R2 001 - R3 000 | 78 |
8 | R3 001 - R5 000 | 110 |
9 | R5 001 - R7 500 | 64 |
10 | R7 501 - R10 000 | 33 |
11 | R10 001 - R15 000 | 21 |
12 | R15 001 - R20 000 | 14 |
13 | R20 001 - R30 000 | 11 |
14 | R30 000 + | 4 |
15 | Refuse to answer | 185 |
16 | Uncertain/Don´t know | 59 |
-4 | Not asked | 30964 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 139 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2424 | 1 | 16 | 4.28465 | 4.5388 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 16
AUS_RINC R income: Australia
Vrednost 166134 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income,no paid work | 37 |
401 | 1 | |
1000 | AUD 1000 per annum | 0 |
2000 | 24 | |
3500 | 33 | |
4500 | 1 | |
7500 | 131 | |
12500 | 161 | |
17500 | 137 | |
22500 | 84 | |
25000 | AUD 25000 per annum | 0 |
27500 | 98 | |
32500 | 107 | |
37500 | 68 | |
42500 | 48 | |
47500 | 49 | |
50000 | AUD 50000 per annum | 0 |
52500 | 97 | |
65000 | 59 | |
75000 | 35 | |
85000 | 21 | |
95000 | 14 | |
125000 | 21 | |
200000 | 8 | |
500000 | 3 | |
999997 | Refused | 0 |
999998 | Dont know | 0 |
999999 | NA | 115 |
-4 | Not asked | 32175 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1352 | 0 | 999999 | 115335 | 272068 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
B_RINC R income: Brazil
Vrednost 167133 | Frekvenca | |
0 | None | 756 |
1 | R$ 1,00 | 1 |
9 | R$ 9,00 | 1 |
10 | R$ 10,00 | 1 |
15 | R$ 15,00 | 1 |
16 | R$ 16,00 | 1 |
20 | R$ 20,00 | 3 |
30 | R$ 30,00 | 4 |
40 | R$ 40,00 | 1 |
45 | R$ 45,00 | 1 |
50 | R$ 50,00 | 13 |
60 | R$ 60,00 | 7 |
70 | R$ 70,00 | 6 |
80 | R$ 80,00 | 7 |
90 | R$ 90,00 | 6 |
100 | R$ 100,00 | 29 |
105 | R$ 105,00 | 1 |
110 | R$ 110,00 | 1 |
115 | R$ 115,00 | 1 |
120 | R$ 120,00 | 8 |
121 | R$ 121,00 | 1 |
126 | R$ 126,00 | 1 |
130 | R$ 130,00 | 4 |
140 | R$ 140,00 | 1 |
145 | R$ 145,00 | 1 |
150 | R$ 150,00 | 23 |
160 | R$ 160,00 | 4 |
164 | R$ 164,00 | 1 |
166 | R$ 166,00 | 1 |
167 | R$ 167,00 | 1 |
170 | R$ 170,00 | 1 |
175 | R$ 175,00 | 2 |
177 | R$ 177,00 | 2 |
180 | R$ 180,00 | 271 |
186 | R$ 186,00 | 1 |
190 | R$ 190,00 | 4 |
193 | R$ 193,00 | 1 |
194 | R$ 194,00 | 2 |
196 | R$ 196,00 | 1 |
197 | R$ 197,00 | 0 |
199 | R$ 199,00 | 1 |
200 | R$ 200,00 | 62 |
201 | R$ 201,00 | 1 |
203 | R$ 203,00 | 1 |
206 | R$ 206,00 | 1 |
210 | R$ 210,00 | 6 |
214 | R$ 214,00 | 1 |
215 | R$ 215,00 | 1 |
220 | R$ 220,00 | 8 |
225 | R$ 225,00 | 2 |
226 | R$ 226,00 | 1 |
230 | R$ 230,00 | 5 |
240 | R$ 240,00 | 18 |
245 | R$ 245,00 | 0 |
246 | R$ 246,00 | 1 |
250 | R$ 250,00 | 50 |
255 | R$ 255,00 | 2 |
258 | R$ 258,00 | 1 |
260 | R$ 260,00 | 2 |
265 | R$ 265,00 | 1 |
270 | R$ 270,00 | 8 |
271 | R$ 271,00 | 1 |
280 | R$ 280,00 | 11 |
284 | R$ 284,00 | 2 |
286 | R$ 286,00 | 1 |
293 | R$ 293,00 | 1 |
298 | R$ 298,00 | 1 |
300 | R$ 300,00 | 65 |
310 | R$ 310,00 | 1 |
320 | R$ 320,00 | 4 |
330 | R$ 330,00 | 3 |
340 | R$ 340,00 | 7 |
350 | R$ 350,00 | 24 |
354 | R$ 354,00 | 1 |
355 | R$ 355,00 | 1 |
360 | R$ 360,00 | 31 |
375 | R$ 375,00 | 1 |
376 | R$ 376,00 | 2 |
380 | R$ 380,00 | 5 |
383 | R$ 383,00 | 1 |
390 | R$ 390,00 | 2 |
400 | R$ 400,00 | 73 |
403 | R$ 403,00 | 1 |
410 | R$ 410,00 | 1 |
416 | R$ 416,00 | 1 |
420 | R$ 420,00 | 2 |
430 | R$ 430,00 | 2 |
438 | R$ 438,00 | 1 |
440 | R$ 440,00 | 1 |
450 | R$ 450,00 | 12 |
468 | R$ 468,00 | 1 |
469 | R$ 469,00 | 1 |
470 | R$ 470,00 | 1 |
479 | R$ 479,00 | 1 |
480 | R$ 480,00 | 5 |
494 | R$ 494,00 | 1 |
499 | R$ 499,00 | 1 |
500 | R$ 500,00 | 69 |
516 | R$ 516,00 | 1 |
520 | R$ 520,00 | 1 |
540 | R$ 540,00 | 5 |
550 | R$ 550,00 | 6 |
560 | R$ 560,00 | 1 |
580 | R$ 580,00 | 1 |
590 | R$ 590,00 | 2 |
600 | R$ 600,00 | 50 |
605 | R$ 605,00 | 1 |
620 | R$ 620,00 | 1 |
640 | R$ 640,00 | 2 |
650 | R$ 650,00 | 3 |
667 | R$ 667,00 | 2 |
669 | R$ 669,00 | 1 |
690 | R$ 690,00 | 1 |
700 | R$ 700,00 | 16 |
720 | R$ 720,00 | 2 |
730 | R$ 730,00 | 1 |
750 | R$ 750,00 | 1 |
800 | R$ 800,00 | 22 |
850 | R$ 850,00 | 1 |
878 | R$ 878,00 | 1 |
890 | R$ 890,00 | 1 |
900 | R$ 900,00 | 23 |
920 | R$ 920,00 | 1 |
950 | R$ 950,00 | 2 |
990 | R$ 990,00 | 1 |
1000 | R$ 1.000,00 | 38 |
1026 | R$ 1.026,00 | 1 |
1040 | R$ 1.040,00 | 1 |
1080 | R$ 1.080,00 | 1 |
1100 | R$ 1.100,00 | 4 |
1200 | R$ 1.200,00 | 9 |
1223 | R$ 1.223,00 | 1 |
1300 | R$ 1.300,00 | 2 |
1350 | R$ 1.350,00 | 1 |
1500 | R$ 1.500,00 | 10 |
1800 | R$ 1.800,00 | 5 |
1900 | R$ 1.900,00 | 1 |
2000 | R$ 2.000,00 | 11 |
2300 | R$ 2.300,00 | 1 |
2500 | R$ 2.500,00 | 2 |
2800 | R$ 2.800,00 | 1 |
3000 | R$ 3.000,00 | 1 |
3500 | R$ 3.500,00 | 0 |
5000 | R$ 5.000,00 | 2 |
6000 | R$ 6.000,00 | 1 |
7000 | R$ 7.000,00 | 1 |
9000 | R$ 9.000,00 | 1 |
22000 | R$ 22.000,00 | 1 |
23004 | R$ 23.004,00 | 1 |
24401 | R$ 24.401,00 | 1 |
28000 | R$ 28.000,00 | 1 |
30000 | R$ 30.000,00 | 2 |
30060 | R$ 30.060,00 | 1 |
31030 | R$ 31.030,00 | 1 |
35000 | R$ 35.000,00 | 1 |
40000 | R$ 40.000,00 | 3 |
60000 | R$ 60.000,00 | 2 |
99998 | R$ 99.998,00 or more | 2 |
99999 | Don´t know/ no answer | 0 |
999999 | 55 | |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 0 | 999999 | 28094.3 | 163536 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
CDN_RINC R income: Canada
Vrednost 168132 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Under $15.000 | 84 |
2 | $15.000-$24.999 | 108 |
3 | $25.000-$34.999 | 129 |
4 | $35.000-$44.999 | 126 |
5 | $45.000-$54.000 | 126 |
6 | $55.000-$64.999 | 105 |
7 | $65.000-$74.999 | 84 |
8 | $75.000 + | 251 |
999997 | Refused | 102 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 999997 | 91484.1 | 288417 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999997
CH_RINC R income: Switzerland
Vrednost 169131 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1001 | 0 | 999998 | 265304 | 437688 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999998
CY_RINC R income: Cyprus
Vrednost 170130 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 0 - 100 CY Pounds | 164 |
2 | 101- 200 CY Pounds | 44 |
3 | 201 - 300 CY Pounds | 63 |
4 | 301 - 400 CY Pounds | 74 |
5 | 401 - 500 CY Pounds | 117 |
6 | 501 - 600 CY Pounds | 151 |
7 | 601 - 800 CY Pounds | 153 |
8 | 801 - 1000 CY Pounds | 83 |
9 | 1001 - 1200 CY Pounds | 34 |
10 | <1; than 1200 CY Pounds | 39 |
98 | Dont know | 84 |
-4 | Not asked | 32521 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1006 | 1 | 98 | 12.8141 | 25.8481 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 98
CZ_RINC R income: Czech Republic
Vrednost 171129 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | 48 |
2500 | 1 - 4 999 CZK | 135 |
5500 | 5 000 - 5 999 CZK | 131 |
6500 | 6 000 - 6 999 CZK | 166 |
7500 | 7 000 - 7 999 CZK | 91 |
8500 | 8 000 - 8 999 CZK | 83 |
9750 | 9 000 - 10 499 CZK | 88 |
11250 | 10 500 - 11 999 CZK | 76 |
12750 | 12 000 - 14 999 CZK | 99 |
17000 | 15 000 - 19 999 CZK | 52 |
22500 | 20 000 - 24 999 CZK | 13 |
27500 | 25 000 - 29 999 CZK | 4 |
32500 | 30 000 and more CZK | 7 |
999998 | Do not know | 18 |
999999 | Not answered | 189 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 0 | 999999 | 179178 | 374948 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
E_RINC R income: Spain
Vrednost 172128 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Up to 50.000 ptas | 89 |
1 | 50.001 - 75.000 | 104 |
2 | 75.001 - 100.000 | 131 |
3 | 100.001 - 150.000 | 188 |
4 | 150.001 - 200.000 | 133 |
5 | 200.001 - 275.000 | 58 |
6 | 275.001 - 350.000 | 11 |
7 | 350.001 - 500.000 | 10 |
8 | 500.001 and more | 5 |
9 | No answer | 485 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1214 | 0 | 9 | 5.18369 | 3.36904 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
F_RINC R income: France
Vrednost 173127 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | 89 |
1 | [3000 Francs | 68 |
2 | 3000-5000 Francs | 105 |
3 | 5000-7000 Francs | 196 |
4 | 7000-10000 Francs | 282 |
5 | 10000-15000 Francs | 246 |
6 | 15000-20000 Francs | 95 |
7 | 20000-25000 Francs | 47 |
8 | 25000-30000 Francs | 19 |
9 | 30000-40000 Francs | 11 |
10 | 40000-50000 Francs | 5 |
11 | ]50000 Francs | 5 |
99 | Na | 230 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 0 | 99 | 19.4914 | 35.3423 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
FIN_RINC R income: Finland
Vrednost 174126 | Frekvenca | |
0 | 0 finnish frame | |
8 | 8 finnish frame | |
10 | 10 finnish frame | |
14 | 14 finnish frame | |
50 | 50 finnish frame | |
65 | 65 finnish frame | |
100 | 100 finnish frame | |
120 | 120 finnish frame | |
58000 | 58000 finnish frame | |
150000 | 150000 finnish frame | |
200000 | 200000 finnish frame | |
220000 | 220000 finnish frame | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1299 | 0 | 220000 | 9515.72 | 11952.5 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 220000
GB_RINC R income: Great Britain
Vrednost 175125 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income;Not in paid work | 432 |
2000 | GB: >1; 3 999 | 24 |
5000 | GB: 4 000 - 5 999 | 30 |
7000 | GB: 6 000 - 7 999 | 22 |
9000 | GB: 8 000 - 9 999 | 25 |
11000 | GB: 10 000 - 11 999 | 41 |
13500 | GB: 12 000 - 14 999 | 54 |
16500 | GB: 15 000 - 17 999 | 57 |
19000 | GB: 18 000 - 19 999 | 27 |
21500 | GB: 20 000 - 22 999 | 41 |
24500 | GB: 23 000 - 25 999 | 38 |
27500 | GB: 26 000 - 28 999 | 20 |
30500 | GB: 29 000 - 31 999 | 12 |
33500 | GB: 32 000 - 34 999 | 9 |
36500 | GB: 35 000 - 37 999 | 11 |
39500 | GB: 38 000 - 40 999 | 16 |
42500 | GB: 41 000 - 43 999 | 5 |
45500 | GB: 44 000 - 46 999 | 3 |
48500 | GB: 47 000 - 49 999 | 2 |
51500 | GB: 50 000 - 52 999 | 2 |
54500 | GB: 53 000 + | 16 |
999997 | Refused | 20 |
999998 | Dont know | 5 |
999999 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32615 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
912 | 0 | 999998 | 36946.2 | 162275 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
H_RINC R income: Hungary
Vrednost 176124 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income,no paid work | |
4000 | 4000 Forints | |
5000 | 5000 Forints | |
250000 | 250000 Forints | |
300000 | 300000 Forints | |
999997 | Refused | |
999998 | Dont know | |
999999 | NA | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1524 | 4000 | 999999 | 174469 | 319279 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
IL_RINC R income: Israel
Vrednost 177123 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income, no paid work | 28 |
1 | up to 2000 israeli shekel | 93 |
2 | 2001-4000 israeli shekel | 237 |
3 | 4001-6000 israeli shekel | 205 |
4 | 6001-8000 israeli shekel | 76 |
5 | 8001-10000 israeli shekel | 46 |
6 | 10001-15000 israeli shekel | 18 |
7 | more than 15000 israeli shekel | 9 |
8 | refused | 59 |
9 | don´t know | 10 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 426 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
781 | 0 | 9 | 3.13572 | 2.04049 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
J_RINC R income: Japan
Vrednost 178122 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | 204 |
500 | less than 1,000,000 yen | 243 |
1500 | 1,000,000 yen-1,999,999 yen | 211 |
2500 | 2,000,000 yen-2,999,999 yen | 193 |
3500 | 3,000,000 yen-3,999,999 yen | 124 |
4500 | 4,000,000 yen-4,999,999 yen | 86 |
5500 | 5,000,000 yen-5,999,999 yen | 60 |
6500 | 6,000,000 yen-6,999,999 yen | 47 |
7500 | 7,000,000 yen-7,999,999 yen | 32 |
8500 | 8,000,000 yen-8,999,999 yen | 21 |
9500 | 9,000,000 yen-9,999,999 yen | 22 |
11000 | 10,000,000 yen-11,999,999 yen | 17 |
13500 | 12,000,000 yen-14,999,999 yen | 13 |
20000 | 15,000,000 yen or more | 9 |
999997 | Refused | 0 |
999998 | Dont know | 0 |
999999 | NA | 39 |
-4 | Not asked | 32206 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1321 | 0 | 999999 | 32208.1 | 168891 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
LV_RINC R income: Latvia
Vrednost 179121 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income,no paid work | |
2 | 2 Lats | |
4 | 4 Lats | |
5 | 5 Lats | |
6 | 6 Lats | |
7 | 7 Lats | |
400 | 400 Lats | |
500 | 500 Lats | |
550 | 550 Lats | |
600 | 600 Lats | |
2000 | 2000 Lats | |
9997 | Refused | |
9998 | Dont know | |
9999 | NA | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | Not applicable |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 0 | 9999 | 597.287 | 2182.21 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9999
N_RINC R income: Norway
Vrednost 180120 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1560 | 0 | 999999 | 101501 | 301725 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
NI_RINC R Income: Northern Ireland
Vrednost 181119 | Frekvenca | |
1500 | 1500 Ł | 71 |
3500 | 3500 Ł | 72 |
5500 | 5500 Ł | 224 |
8500 | 8500 Ł | 167 |
12500 | 12500 Ł | 152 |
17500 | 17500 Ł | 96 |
23000 | 23000 Ł | 62 |
28000 | 28000 Ł | 32 |
35000 | 35000 Ł | 21 |
40000 | 40000 Ł | 11 |
999997 | Refused | 327 |
999998 | Don´t know | 172 |
-4 | Not asked | 32120 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1407 | 1500 | 999998 | 361824 | 473308 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999998
NZ_RINC R income: New Zealand
Vrednost 182118 | Frekvenca | |
10000 | [10,000 NZ dollars | 191 |
12500 | 12,500 NZ dollars | 163 |
17500 | 17,500 NZ dollars | 95 |
22500 | 22,500 NZ dollars | 106 |
27500 | 27,500 NZ dollars | 105 |
35000 | 35,000 NZ dollars | 153 |
45000 | 45,000 NZ dollars | 98 |
60000 | 60,000 NZ dollars | 98 |
85000 | 85,000 NZ dollars | 40 |
100000 | ]100,000 NZ dollars | 37 |
-4 | Not asked | 32381 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 60 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1086 | 10000 | 100000 | 30964.5 | 22782.2 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 100000
PL_RINC R income: Poland
Vrednost 183117 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income,no paid work | 694 |
50 | 50 PLN | 1 |
75 | 75 PLN | 0 |
100 | 100 PLN | 4 |
150 | 2 | |
190 | 1 | |
200 | 9 | |
250 | 2 | |
270 | 2 | |
290 | 1 | |
300 | 11 | |
325 | 1 | |
350 | 4 | |
390 | 1 | |
400 | 9 | |
490 | 1 | |
500 | 19 | |
520 | 1 | |
530 | 3 | |
540 | 1 | |
550 | 4 | |
560 | 2 | |
561 | 1 | |
600 | 24 | |
610 | 1 | |
620 | 2 | |
640 | 1 | |
650 | 8 | |
659 | 1 | |
660 | 2 | |
680 | 2 | |
687 | 1 | |
700 | 25 | |
710 | 2 | |
720 | 3 | |
730 | 2 | |
750 | 5 | |
760 | 4 | |
780 | 1 | |
800 | 27 | |
850 | 5 | |
886 | 1 | |
900 | 20 | |
950 | 1 | |
980 | 1 | |
1000 | 62 | |
1050 | 2 | |
1100 | 22 | |
1140 | 1 | |
1150 | 2 | |
1200 | 37 | |
1230 | 1 | |
1250 | 3 | |
1300 | 19 | |
1380 | 1 | |
1400 | 8 | |
1450 | 1 | |
1500 | 33 | |
1600 | 8 | |
1650 | 1 | |
1680 | 1 | |
1700 | 6 | |
1780 | 1 | |
1800 | 3 | |
1900 | 2 | |
2000 | 20 | |
2100 | 4 | |
2200 | 2 | |
2500 | 11 | |
2800 | 3 | |
3000 | 7 | |
3100 | 1 | |
3200 | 1 | |
3300 | 1 | |
3500 | 2 | |
3600 | 1 | |
4000 | 2 | |
4500 | 1 | |
6000 | 2 | |
8000 | 2 | |
10000 | 10000 PLN | 3 |
15000 | 15000 PLN | 0 |
999998 | Dont know | 1 |
999999 | NA | 30 |
-4 | Not asked | 32306 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1221 | 0 | 999999 | 25880 | 157291 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
RCH_RINC R income: Chile
Vrednost 184116 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Less than $35.000 | 300 |
2 | $35.001 to $56.000 | 99 |
3 | $56.001 to $78.000 | 122 |
4 | $78.001 to $101.000 | 142 |
5 | $101.001 to $134.000 | 167 |
6 | $134.001 to $179.000 | 123 |
7 | $179.001 to $224.000 | 82 |
8 | $224.001 to $291.000 | 59 |
9 | $291.001 to $358.000 | 69 |
10 | $358.001 to $448.000 | 60 |
11 | $448.001 to $1.000.000 | 69 |
12 | $1.000.001 to $2.000.000 | 10 |
13 | $2.000.001 to $3.000.000 | 4 |
14 | More than $3.000.000 | 1 |
88 | Don´t know | 57 |
99 | NA | 140 |
-4 | Not asked | 32023 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1504 | 1 | 99 | 16.6842 | 30.9272 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RP_RINC R income: Philippines
Vrednost 185115 | Frekvenca | |
0 | 395 | |
200 | 7 | |
240 | 1 | |
300 | 3 | |
400 | 3 | |
500 | 32 | |
600 | 6 | |
700 | 1 | |
750 | 1 | |
800 | 11 | |
1000 | 79 | |
1100 | 1 | |
1140 | 1 | |
1200 | 5 | |
1300 | 3 | |
1350 | 1 | |
1500 | 25 | |
1600 | 1 | |
1750 | 1 | |
1800 | 2 | |
2000 | 88 | |
2200 | 1 | |
2400 | 5 | |
2500 | 15 | |
2600 | 2 | |
2800 | 3 | |
2900 | 3 | |
2961 | 1 | |
3000 | 94 | |
3200 | 1 | |
3500 | 8 | |
3600 | 1 | |
3800 | 1 | |
4000 | 53 | |
4400 | 1 | |
4500 | 5 | |
4800 | 1 | |
5000 | 66 | |
5200 | 2 | |
5400 | 1 | |
5500 | 2 | |
6000 | 45 | |
6200 | 1 | |
6500 | 2 | |
6700 | 1 | |
6800 | 1 | |
7000 | 17 | |
7500 | 4 | |
7800 | 1 | |
8000 | 28 | |
8400 | 1 | |
8900 | 1 | |
9000 | 18 | |
9440 | 1 | |
9600 | 1 | |
10000 | 36 | |
10400 | 1 | |
10700 | 1 | |
11000 | 2 | |
12000 | 9 | |
13000 | 4 | |
14000 | 3 | |
15000 | 16 | |
16000 | 3 | |
17000 | 2 | |
18000 | 1 | |
20000 | 12 | |
21000 | 1 | |
22000 | 2 | |
25000 | 3 | |
30000 | 10 | |
35000 | 2 | |
40000 | 2 | |
45000 | 1 | |
50000 | 4 | |
999997 | 19 | |
999998 | 8 | |
999999 | 3 | |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 0 | 999999 | 28538.7 | 155736 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
RUS_RINC R income: Russia
Vrednost 186114 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 0 | 999999 | 57234.6 | 229696 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
SLO_RINC R income: Slovenia
Vrednost 187113 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No own income,no paid work | |
4 | [4 Tolar | |
6 | 6 Tolar | |
13 | 13 Tolar | |
345 | 345 Tolar | |
400 | 400 Tolar | |
480 | 480 Tolar | |
996 | ]996.000 Tolar | |
999997 | Refused | |
999998 | Dont know | |
999999 | NA | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1077 | 0 | 999999 | 210837 | 408010 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
USA_RINC R income: USA
Vrednost 188112 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No income | 320 |
500 | [ $500 | 16 |
2000 | $2000 | 29 |
3500 | $3500 | 18 |
4500 | $4500 | 12 |
5500 | 15 | |
6500 | 8 | |
7500 | 11 | |
9000 | 31 | |
11250 | 30 | |
13750 | 40 | |
16250 | 27 | |
18750 | 35 | |
21250 | 40 | |
23750 | 38 | |
27500 | 56 | |
32500 | 74 | |
37500 | 44 | |
45000 | 79 | |
55000 | 64 | |
67500 | 48 | |
82500 | $82500 | 21 |
100000 | $100000 | 11 |
999996 | USA:] $110000 | 34 |
999997 | Refused | 29 |
999998 | Dont know | 11 |
999999 | NA | 8 |
-4 | Not asked | 32378 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1149 | 0 | 999999 | 91519.8 | 252958 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
A_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Austria
Vrednost 189111 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP | 0 |
1 | SPOE (Soc-Democr) | 211 |
2 | OEVP (Cons) | 234 |
3 | FPOE (Liberal) | 77 |
4 | GRUENE (Green) | 69 |
5 | LIF (liberal) | 6 |
95 | Other Party | 1 |
96 | Would not vote;No party preference | 236 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
99 | NA' | 177 |
-4 | Not asked | 32516 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1011 | 1 | 99 | 41.0386 | 46.8744 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
AUS_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Australia
Vrednost 190110 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Liberal Party | 523 |
2 | Labour Party | 438 |
3 | National Party | 51 |
4 | Democrats | 50 |
5 | Greens | 132 |
6 | One nation | 0 |
95 | Other Party | 31 |
96 | None | 0 |
99 | NA, refused | 127 |
-4 | Not asked | 32175 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1352 | 1 | 99 | 13.2618 | 30.9431 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
B_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Brazil
Vrednost 191109 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | 33527 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -4
CDN_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Canada
Vrednost 192108 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Canadian Alliance-Reform | 86 |
2 | Progressive Conservative | 132 |
3 | Liberal | 402 |
4 | New democrat | 59 |
5 | Bloc Quebecois | 98 |
95 | Other Party | 11 |
96 | Would not vote;no party preference | 272 |
97 | Refused | 55 |
98 | Don´t know | 0 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 97 | 31.1874 | 42.8625 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CH_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Switzerland
Vrednost 193107 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Christian Democratic Party | 46 |
2 | Evangelical Peoples Party | 7 |
3 | Radical Party | 93 |
4 | Social Democratic Party | 143 |
5 | Swiss Peoples Party | 80 |
6 | Independent Party | 0 |
7 | Liberal Party | 14 |
8 | Labour Party | 2 |
9 | Swiss Democrats | 2 |
10 | Green Party | 31 |
11 | Freedom Party | 2 |
95 | Other Party | 7 |
96 | Voted blank | 565 |
97 | Did not vote, no right to vote | 0 |
98 | Dont know | 0 |
99 | NA | 9 |
-4 | Not asked | 32526 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1001 | 1 | 99 | 57.5135 | 45.3523 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CY_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Cyprus
Vrednost 194106 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -3
CZ_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Czech Republic
Vrednost 195105 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP, NAV | 0 |
2 | Independent Candidates | 37 |
3 | CAO Nat.Citizens Initiative | 0 |
5 | ODS Civic Democratic Party | 138 |
6 | OK Civic Coalition | 5 |
7 | CSSD Czech Social Democratic P. | 110 |
8 | MDS Moravian Democratic P. | 7 |
9 | KSCM Communist P.of Bohemia&1;Mor. | 88 |
10 | SPR-RSC Assoc.For Rep.-Republican P.of CS | 5 |
12 | SZJ P.for Life Securities | 13 |
13 | CSNS Czech National Social P. | 3 |
14 | SDCR Assoc.of Pensioners of CR | 7 |
15 | A2000 Alternative 2000 | 0 |
16 | PB Right Block | 0 |
17 | SZ Green Party | 18 |
18 | Four Coalition | 99 |
19 | Other Party | 12 |
96 | Would not vote | 0 |
97 | Refused | 223 |
98 | Dont know | 328 |
99 | NA | 107 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 2 | 99 | 57.8658 | 44.1912 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
E_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Spain
Vrednost 196104 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Popular Party | 350 |
2 | Socialist Party | 272 |
3 | Communist Party | 66 |
4 | Regional Party of Center | 68 |
5 | Regional Party of Left | 25 |
6 | Ecologist Party | 22 |
7 | Other Party | 5 |
8 | White | 36 |
9 | No vote | 126 |
10 | Dont Know | 166 |
11 | NA | 78 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1214 | 1 | 11 | 4.60956 | 3.80208 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 11
F_PRTY R: Party affiliation: France
Vrednost 197103 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No party proximity | 360 |
1 | Far left | 29 |
2 | Communist party | 33 |
3 | Socialist party | 303 |
4 | Green | 124 |
5 | UDF-Liberal | 87 |
6 | RPR-Conservative | 190 |
7 | Far right | 31 |
8 | Other | 12 |
9 | NAP, NAV, NA, DK | 229 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 0 | 9 | 3.89771 | 3.10683 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
FIN_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Finland
Vrednost 198102 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Social Democratic Party of Finland | 227 |
2 | Centre Party of Finland | 184 |
3 | National Coalition Party | 182 |
4 | Left Alliance | 49 |
5 | Swedish People´s Party in Finland | 45 |
6 | Green League | 123 |
7 | Christian League of Finland | 39 |
8 | True Finns | 3 |
9 | Reform Group | 1 |
10 | Other party | 8 |
96 | Would not vote | 137 |
97 | Refused | 135 |
98 | Can´t choose | 286 |
99 | NA | 20 |
-4 | Not asked | 32088 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1439 | 1 | 99 | 40.9597 | 46.2298 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
GB_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Great Britain
Vrednost 199101 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Conservative | 220 |
2 | Labour | 401 |
3 | Liberal Democrats,SLD | 133 |
4 | Alliance Party | 0 |
5 | Democratic Unionist P | 0 |
6 | SNP (Scot National) | 17 |
7 | Plaid Cymru | 4 |
8 | Green party | 8 |
9 | Ulster Union Party | 0 |
10 | Progressive Unionist P | 0 |
11 | Sinn Fein | 0 |
12 | Ulster Democratic Party | 0 |
13 | Womens Coalition | 0 |
14 | Workers Party | 0 |
15 | UK Unionist Party | 0 |
93 | Other answer | 5 |
95 | Other Party | 6 |
96 | Would not vote;No party preference | 96 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | Dont know | 14 |
99 | NA | 8 |
-4 | Not asked | 32615 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
912 | 1 | 99 | 15.3838 | 32.857 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
H_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Hungary
Vrednost 200100 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | HDF-Hungarian Democratic Forum | 23 |
2 | FFD-Free Democrats | 29 |
3 | ISHP-Independent Small Holders | 37 |
4 | HSP-Hungarian Socialist Party | 355 |
5 | FYD-Federation of Young Democrats | 327 |
6 | CDPP-Christ.Democr.People s P | 7 |
7 | HSPW-Socialist workers | 14 |
8 | HIJP-Hungarina Truth | 26 |
95 | Other Party | 5 |
96 | Would not vote;no party preference | 0 |
97 | Refused | 269 |
98 | Can´t choose | 431 |
99 | NA | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 32003 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1524 | 1 | 99 | 47.5722 | 46.5008 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
IL_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Israel
Vrednost 20199 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Likud | 365 |
2 | Israel one+gesher+me | 210 |
3 | Shase | 37 |
4 | Meretz | 82 |
5 | Mafdal | 43 |
6 | Yahadut-hatora | 44 |
7 | Haehud haleumi | 16 |
8 | Shinuy | 30 |
9 | The center party | 9 |
10 | Am ehad | 0 |
11 | Israel baliya | 11 |
12 | Israel byteno | 10 |
13 | Hadash | 25 |
14 | Other left party | 0 |
15 | Other right party | 0 |
16 | Other religious party | 0 |
17 | Reshima aravit mitkademet(RAM) | 23 |
18 | Brit leumit demokratit (BLD) | 25 |
95 | Other party | 43 |
96 | No vote;no party preference | 123 |
97 | Refused | 108 |
98 | Can´t choose | 0 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1204 | 1 | 97 | 24.8439 | 38.9532 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
J_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Japan
Vrednost 20298 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Liberal Democratic Party | 363 |
2 | The Democratic Party | 60 |
3 | Liberal Party | 19 |
4 | New Komeito | 57 |
5 | Japanese Communist Party | 22 |
6 | Social Democratic Party | 32 |
7 | New Conservative Party | 4 |
95 | Other Party | 9 |
96 | No party preference | 752 |
99 | NA | 3 |
-4 | Not asked | 32206 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1321 | 1 | 99 | 56.3528 | 46.463 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
LV_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Latvia
Vrednost 20397 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | The People´s Union "Freedom" | 0 |
3 | The Conservative Party | 0 |
4 | The Union "Latvia´s Way" | 54 |
5 | The Social Democratic Women´s Organization | 0 |
6 | The National Harmony Party | 24 |
7 | The New Party | 4 |
8 | The Association of Labor Party, Union of Christ.Democrats | 4 |
9 | The Latvian Farmer´s Union | 12 |
10 | The Democratic Party "Saimnieks" | 0 |
11 | The People´s Movement "For Latvia" | 0 |
14 | The People´s Party | 73 |
15 | The Association of Latvian Social Democrats | 63 |
16 | The Latvian Unity party | 0 |
17 | The Union "For Fatherland and Freedom"/LNNK | 46 |
18 | The Latvian National Democratic Party | 0 |
20 | The Political Organization "Helsinki"-86 | 0 |
22 | Founded before elections in 2002: "New Era" | 32 |
23 | Before el-s in 2002: "For Human Rights in United Latvia" | 88 |
24 | Founded before elections in 2002: Light of Latgale | 7 |
97 | No party preference | 381 |
98 | Dont know | 193 |
99 | NA | 19 |
-4 | Not asked | 32527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 4 | 99 | 63.925 | 40.6309 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
N_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Norway
Vrednost 20496 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Red Electoral All | 14 |
2 | Labour Party | 302 |
3 | Progress Party | 198 |
4 | Conserv Party | 294 |
5 | Christ Democr Party | 165 |
6 | Centre party | 72 |
7 | Socialist Left | 181 |
8 | Liberal | 55 |
95 | Other Party | 27 |
96 | No party preference;wouldnt vote | 65 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | Don´t know | 175 |
99 | NA | 12 |
-4 | Not asked | 31967 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1560 | 1 | 99 | 20.8301 | 35.7362 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
NI_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Northern Ireland
Vrednost 20595 | Frekvenca | |
4 | Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) | 298 |
5 | Social Democratic &1; Labour Party (SDLP) | 257 |
6 | Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) | 155 |
7 | Alliance Party | 49 |
8 | Sinn Fein | 100 |
9 | Progressive Unionist Party (PUP) | 11 |
10 | Ulster Democratic Party (UDP) | 10 |
11 | Women´s Coalition | 10 |
15 | Other Party (specify) | 8 |
16 | (NONE) | 302 |
17 | Other Answer (specify) | 24 |
98 | (Don´t know) | 183 |
-4 | Not asked | 32120 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1407 | 4 | 98 | 20.0092 | 30.5117 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 98
NZ_PRTY R: Party affiliation: New Zealand
Vrednost 20694 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | ACT | 43 |
2 | Alliance | 57 |
4 | Labour | 377 |
5 | National | 330 |
6 | New Zealand First | 38 |
7 | United | 7 |
95 | Other party | 73 |
96 | No preference, not vote | 55 |
98 | Don´t know | 136 |
-4 | Not asked | 32381 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 30 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1116 | 1 | 98 | 26.1066 | 39.3615 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 98
PL_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Poland
Vrednost 20793 | Frekvenca | |
1 | SLD-UP: Democratic left alliance/labour union | 293 |
2 | AWS: Solidarity election action | 26 |
3 | UW: Freedom union | 35 |
4 | Lepper`s self-defense trade union | 47 |
5 | PiS: Law and justice party | 54 |
6 | PSL: Polish peasants party | 60 |
7 | PO: Civic platform of the rep of Poland | 64 |
8 | Alternative social movement | 0 |
9 | PWN: Polish national fellowship | 1 |
10 | LPR: League of polish families | 49 |
11 | German minority | 3 |
13 | PUG: Polish economic union | 1 |
14 | Polish socialist party | 0 |
95 | Other list | 4 |
96 | NAP:Not voted-2001 election | 492 |
98 | DK/Refused | 89 |
99 | No answer | 3 |
-4 | Not asked | 32306 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1221 | 1 | 99 | 48.2326 | 46.4091 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RCH_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Chile
Vrednost 20892 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Christian Democratic | 196 |
2 | Independent Democratic | 147 |
3 | Communist Party of Chile | 36 |
4 | National Renewal Party | 130 |
5 | Chilean Socialist Party | 116 |
6 | Radical Social Democratic | 16 |
7 | Democracy Party PPD | 126 |
8 | Other Party | 6 |
9 | None of them | 637 |
88 | Don´t know | 31 |
99 | NA | 63 |
-4 | Not asked | 32023 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1504 | 1 | 99 | 11.5838 | 21.8951 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RP_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Philippines
Vrednost 20991 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Lakas NUCD-UMDP | 59 |
2 | LDP-Lakas ng Demokratiko | 16 |
3 | NPC-Nationalists People | 12 |
4 | PRP-Peoples Reform P | 0 |
5 | LP-Liberal Party | 6 |
6 | NP-Nacionalista Party | 3 |
7 | PDP-Phil Democratic Party | 3 |
8 | PDSP-Partido Democratico | 2 |
9 | LM-Lapiang Manggagawa | 0 |
10 | PMP-Partido ng Masang Pi | 16 |
12 | KBL-Kilusang Bagong Lipu | 1 |
13 | Bicol Saro | 0 |
14 | PP-Partido Panghiusa | 5 |
15 | None | 1004 |
16 | Partido ni Roco | 2 |
17 | LAMMP | 8 |
18 | Laban ng Alyansang | 0 |
19 | Erap Party | 7 |
21 | Promdi | 1 |
22 | De Venecia S Party | 0 |
23 | Ramos Party | 0 |
24 | Herbert Bautista | 0 |
25 | Independent Party | 1 |
26 | Obet Pagdanganan P | 0 |
29 | Partido ni Eusebio | 1 |
30 | Bayan Muna | 2 |
31 | Puwersa ng Masa | 7 |
32 | Partido ng Mahihirap | 1 |
33 | Leftist Party | 1 |
34 | BOPK- Bando Osmeńa Pundok Kauswagan | 5 |
35 | Party Ni President Arroyo | 9 |
36 | PPC- Peoples Power Coalition | 6 |
37 | Partido ni Francis Pangilinan | 1 |
38 | MAD | 3 |
39 | Akbayan | 2 |
40 | Party List ni Mayor Perez | 1 |
41 | Partido Ni Alvin Garcia | 1 |
42 | Kusug-Kagi-Usuag Sugbo | 6 |
43 | Alayon | 1 |
44 | Bacolod Congression Anthony Lipares | 3 |
45 | Ralph Recto Party | 1 |
50 | Maranios Party | 1 |
95 | Other Party | 0 |
96 | Would not vote,No party preference | 0 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | Dont know | 1 |
99 | NA | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 1 | 99 | 14.9683 | 6.90703 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RUS_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Russia
Vrednost 21090 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Edinstvo | 299 |
2 | Women of Russia | 114 |
3 | KPRF | 364 |
4 | LDPR | 81 |
5 | Otechestvo | 45 |
6 | Union of Rigth Forces | 75 |
7 | Yabloko | 86 |
95 | Other Party | 24 |
96 | Would not vote;no party preference | 317 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | Dont know | 595 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 1 | 98 | 47.121 | 47.0492 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
SLO_PRTY R: Party affiliation: Slovenia
Vrednost 21189 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
1 | Democrat party DS | 21 |
2 | Democratic ret DESUS | 309 |
3 | Liberal Democrat LDS | 28 |
4 | Peoples party SLS | 22 |
5 | Slovenian Nation SNS | 85 |
6 | Social Democratic SDS | 30 |
7 | Slovenian Christian SKD | 50 |
8 | Combined list ZLSD | 31 |
9 | Green of Slovenia ZS | 0 |
95 | Other Party | 3 |
96 | Would not vote;No party preference | 171 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | Don´t know | 323 |
99 | No answer | 4 |
-4 | Not asked | 32450 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1077 | 1 | 99 | 47.1356 | 46.8424 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
USA_PRTY R: Party affiliation: USA
Vrednost 21288 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strong democrat | 156 |
2 | N very strg democrat | 223 |
3 | Indep,close democr | 122 |
4 | Independent | 209 |
5 | Indep,close republ | 105 |
6 | N very strg republ | 190 |
7 | Strong republican | 116 |
95 | Other Party | 16 |
96 | Would not vote;No party preference | 0 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | Don´t know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 12 |
-4 | Not asked | 32378 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1149 | 1 | 99 | 6.08268 | 14.4631 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
E_VOTE R: Vote last election II - party : Spain
Vrednost 21387 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Popular Party | 336 |
2 | Socialist Party | 277 |
3 | Communist Party | 60 |
4 | Regional Party of Center | 62 |
5 | Regional Party of Left | 22 |
6 | Ecologist Party | 11 |
7 | Other Party | 6 |
8 | White | 27 |
9 | No vote | 146 |
10 | Dont Know | 238 |
11 | NA | 29 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1214 | 1 | 11 | 4.74876 | 3.82019 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 11
CH_VOTE R: Vote last election II - party : Switzerland
Vrednost 21486 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Christian Democratic Party | 63 |
2 | Evangelical Peoples Party | 6 |
3 | Radical Party | 115 |
4 | Social Democratic Party | 141 |
5 | Swiss Peoples Party | 80 |
6 | Independent Party | 1 |
7 | Liberal Party | 24 |
8 | Labour Party | 1 |
9 | Swiss Democrats | 0 |
10 | Green Party | 22 |
11 | Freedom Party | 0 |
95 | Other Party | 27 |
96 | Voted blank | 39 |
97 | Did not vote, no right to vote | 289 |
98 | Dont know | 142 |
99 | NA | 51 |
-4 | Not asked | 32526 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1001 | 1 | 99 | 55.038 | 46.5034 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
A_SIZE Size of community: Austria
Vrednost 21585 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | ]1 mill+Vienna | 152 |
2 | 50 001-1 million | 133 |
3 | 20 001-50 000 | 64 |
4 | 10 001-20 000 | 67 |
5 | 5 001-10 000 | 103 |
6 | 3 001- 5 000 | 127 |
7 | 2 001- 3 000 | 137 |
8 | Less than 2 000 | 228 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32516 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1011 | 1 | 8 | 4.88427 | 2.56894 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
AUS_SIZE Size of community: Australia
Vrednost 21684 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Metropolitan area, ] 500 000 | 515 |
2 | City, up to 500 000 | 167 |
3 | Middle city, 60 000 | 203 |
4 | Town, up to 20 000 | 220 |
5 | Village, under 1 000 | 72 |
6 | Farm | 88 |
99 | NA | 87 |
-4 | Not asked | 32175 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1352 | 1 | 99 | 8.75666 | 23.7261 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
B_SIZE Size of community: Brazil
Vrednost 21783 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | 33527 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -4
CDN_SIZE Size of community: Canada
Vrednost 21882 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Greater than 1 million | 76 |
2 | 750 000 - 999 999 | 40 |
3 | 500 000 - 749 000 | 61 |
4 | 250 000 - 499 999 | 56 |
5 | 1000 000 - 249 000 | 116 |
6 | 50 000 - 99 999 | 106 |
7 | 10 000 - 49 999 | 265 |
8 | 1 000 - 9 999 | 243 |
9 | Less than 1 000 | 106 |
99 | NA, refused | 46 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 99 | 9.9426 | 18.6179 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CY_SIZE Size of community: Cyprus
Vrednost 21981 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | 100 001 and more | 512 |
2 | 50 001-100 000 | 0 |
3 | 20 001- 50 000 | 170 |
4 | 5 001- 20 000 | 69 |
5 | 1 001- 5 000 | 223 |
6 | Less than 1 000 | 32 |
-4 | Not asked | 32521 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1006 | 1 | 6 | 2.58946 | 1.76405 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 6
CZ_SIZE Size of community: Czech Republic
Vrednost 22080 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | 1,2 Mill. (Prague) | 99 |
2 | 100 000+ | 125 |
3 | 50 000- 99 999 | 127 |
4 | 10 000- 49 999 | 334 |
5 | 5 000- 9 999 | 119 |
6 | 2 000- 4 999 | 88 |
7 | 1 000- 1 999 | 118 |
8 | Less than 1 000 | 190 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 1 | 8 | 4.6125 | 2.16901 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
E_SIZE Size of community: Spain
Vrednost 22179 | Frekvenca | |
1 | [ Than 2.000 | 96 |
2 | 2.001 - 5.000 | 97 |
3 | 5.001 - 10.000 | 119 |
4 | 10.001 - 50.000 | 272 |
5 | 50.001 - 100.000 | 129 |
6 | 100.001 - 250.000 | 155 |
7 | ] Than 250.000 | 185 |
8 | Madrid and Barcelona | 161 |
9 | No answer,refused | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1214 | 1 | 8 | 4.8542 | 2.12456 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
F_SIZE Size of community: France
Vrednost 22278 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Paris | 85 |
2 | ] 500 000 | 83 |
3 | 100 001- 500 000 | 113 |
4 | 50 001- 100 000 | 80 |
5 | 20 001- 50 000 | 118 |
6 | 10 001- 20 000 | 130 |
7 | 2 001- 10 000 | 367 |
8 | [ 2 000 | 357 |
9 | NA, NAV | 65 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 1 | 9 | 5.9299 | 2.28298 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
FIN_SIZE Size of community: Finland
Vrednost 22377 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 11 |
1 | [ 5.000 | 157 |
2 | 5.000-9.999 | 239 |
3 | 10.000-19.999 | 194 |
4 | 20.000-49.999 | 278 |
5 | 50.000-99.999 | 149 |
6 | 100.000-199.999 | 182 |
7 | 200.000 [ | 229 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32088 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1439 | 0 | 7 | 4.00903 | 1.9869 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
GB_SIZE Size of community: Great Britain
Vrednost 22476 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lowest population density | 240 |
2 | 2 | 234 |
3 | 3 | 234 |
4 | Highest population density | 204 |
-4 | Not asked | 32615 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
912 | 1 | 4 | 2.44079 | 1.10522 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 4
H_SIZE Size of community: Hungary
Vrednost 22575 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | 2 mill.inh.,Budapest | 300 |
2 | 100 000- | 132 |
3 | 50 001-100 000 | 132 |
4 | 20 001- 50 000 | 144 |
5 | 10 001- 20 000 | 132 |
6 | 5 001- 10 000 | 168 |
7 | 2 001- 5 000 | 204 |
8 | 1 001- 2 000 | 168 |
9 | [ 1 000 | 144 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32003 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1524 | 1 | 9 | 4.77165 | 2.73358 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
IL_SIZE Size of community: Israel
Vrednost 22674 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | ] than 100 000 | 549 |
2 | 50 001-100 000 | 174 |
3 | 20 001- 50 000 | 233 |
4 | 10 001- 20 000 | 89 |
5 | 5 001- 10 000 | 38 |
6 | 2 501- 5 000 | 71 |
7 | >1; than 2 500 | 32 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 21 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1186 | 1 | 7 | 2.35413 | 1.66048 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 7
J_SIZE Size of community: Japan
Vrednost 22773 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | 13 major cities | 258 |
2 | 300.000 or more | 197 |
3 | 100.000-299.999 | 271 |
4 | less than 100.000 | 254 |
5 | Town or village | 341 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32206 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1321 | 1 | 5 | 3.16881 | 1.45887 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
LV_SIZE Size of community: Latvia
Vrednost 22872 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | ] 500.000 | 320 |
2 | 100.001-500.000 | 47 |
3 | 50.001-100.000 | 90 |
4 | 20.001- 50.000 | 79 |
5 | 10.001- 20.000 | 78 |
6 | 5.001- 10.000 | 65 |
7 | 2.000- 5.000 | 41 |
8 | >1; 2.000 | 280 |
-4 | Not asked | 32527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 1 | 8 | 4.307 | 2.87385 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 8
N_SIZE Size of community: Norway
Vrednost 22971 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | <1;100 000 | 387 |
2 | 30 000- 99 999 | 278 |
3 | 3 000- 29 999 | 799 |
4 | >1; 3 000 | 96 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 31967 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1560 | 1 | 4 | 2.38718 | 0.925771 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
NZ_SIZE Size of community: New Zealand
Vrednost 23070 | Frekvenca | |
1 | L city 100 000 + ] | 536 |
3 | Small c 30 000-49 999 | 360 |
6 | Village [1 000 | 82 |
7 | Farm,rural property | 149 |
-4 | Not asked | 32381 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 19 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1127 | 1 | 7 | 2.79592 | 2.15292 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 7
PL_SIZE Size of community: Poland
Vrednost 23169 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | ] 500 000 | 168 |
2 | 250 000-500 000 | 98 |
3 | 100 000-249 999 | 156 |
4 | 50 000- 99 999 | 117 |
5 | 25 000- 49 999 | 76 |
6 | 10 000- 24 999 | 118 |
7 | [ 10 000 | 56 |
8 | Village | 432 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32306 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1221 | 1 | 8 | 5.10729 | 2.64373 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RCH_SIZE Size of community: Chile
Vrednost 23268 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -3
RP_SIZE Size of community: Philippines
Vrednost 23367 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not available | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 227 | 999999 | 287310 | 448410 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 999999
RUS_SIZE Size of community: Russia
Vrednost 23466 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | ] 1 million | 359 |
2 | 500 001-1 000 000 | 225 |
3 | 250 001- 500 000 | 201 |
4 | 100 001- 250 000 | 159 |
5 | 50 001- 100 000 | 199 |
6 | 20 001- 50 000 | 186 |
7 | Urban >1; 20 000 | 156 |
8 | Rural | 515 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 1 | 8 | 4.6855 | 2.64444 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
SLO_SIZE Size of community: Slovenia
Vrednost 23565 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | ] 50 000 (Lblj,Mar) | 190 |
2 | 10 000-50 000 | 144 |
3 | 4 000-10 000 | 87 |
4 | 2 000-4 000 | 68 |
5 | 500-2 000 | 266 |
6 | >1; 500 | 320 |
99 | NA | 2 |
-4 | Not asked | 32450 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1077 | 1 | 99 | 4.1402 | 4.51637 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
USA_SIZE Size of community: USA
Vrednost 23664 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | 1-9 millions | 77 |
2 | 500 000-999 999 | 44 |
3 | 100 000-499 999 | 206 |
4 | 50 000- 99 999 | 102 |
5 | 10 000- 49 999 | 361 |
6 | 1 000- 9 999 | 318 |
7 | - 999 | 41 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32378 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1149 | 1 | 7 | 4.51784 | 1.55304 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
A_REG Region: Austria
Vrednost 23763 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Vorarlberg | 45 |
2 | Tirol | 90 |
3 | Salzburg | 66 |
4 | Oberoesterreich | 198 |
5 | Kaernten | 75 |
6 | Steiermark | 151 |
7 | Burgenland | 40 |
8 | Niederoesterreich | 194 |
9 | Wien | 152 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32516 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1011 | 1 | 9 | 5.63403 | 2.45244 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
AFS_REG Region: South Africa
Vrednost 23862 | Frekvenca | |
1 | EC | 304 |
2 | FS | 240 |
3 | GT | 416 |
4 | KZN | 431 |
5 | MP | 207 |
6 | NC | 224 |
7 | NP | 250 |
8 | NW | 236 |
9 | WC | 255 |
-4 | Not asked | 30964 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2563 | 1 | 9 | 4.70854 | 2.52461 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
AUS_REG Region: Australia
Vrednost 23961 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | New South Wales | 334 |
2 | Queensland | 231 |
3 | South Australia | 141 |
4 | Tasmania | 68 |
5 | Victoria | 319 |
6 | West Australia | 111 |
12 | North Territory | 24 |
13 | Capital Territory | 54 |
99 | NA | 70 |
-4 | Not asked | 32175 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1352 | 1 | 99 | 8.63314 | 21.3093 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
B_REG Region: Brazil
Vrednost 24060 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Northeast | 563 |
2 | South | 296 |
3 | Southeast | 852 |
4 | North | 152 |
5 | Centro-West | 137 |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 1 | 5 | 2.502 | 1.17332 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 5
CDN_REG Region: Canada
Vrednost 24159 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Newfoundland | 69 |
2 | Nova Scotia | 57 |
3 | Prince Edward Island | 79 |
4 | New Brunswick | 73 |
5 | Quebec | 326 |
6 | Ontario | 290 |
7 | Manitoba | 59 |
8 | Saskatchewan | 57 |
9 | Alberta | 59 |
10 | British Colombia | 43 |
99 | NA | 3 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 99 | 5.56861 | 5.29316 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CH_REG Region: Switzerland
Vrednost 24258 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 1 | 200 |
2 | 2 | 101 |
3 | 3 | 60 |
5 | 5 | 10 |
8 | 8 | 20 |
9 | 9 | 10 |
10 | 10 | 30 |
11 | 11 | 20 |
12 | 12 | 90 |
13 | 13 | 10 |
14 | 14 | 20 |
17 | 17 | 20 |
18 | 18 | 40 |
19 | 19 | 60 |
20 | 20 | 20 |
21 | 21 | 50 |
22 | 22 | 110 |
23 | 23 | 60 |
24 | 24 | 40 |
25 | 25 | 20 |
26 | 26 | 10 |
-4 | Not asked | 32526 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1001 | 1 | 26 | 12.05 | 8.9363 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 26
CY_REG Region: Cyprus
Vrednost 24357 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Nicosia | 419 |
2 | Larnaka, Famagusta | 287 |
3 | Limassol | 212 |
4 | Paphos | 88 |
-4 | Not asked | 32521 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1006 | 1 | 4 | 1.96918 | 0.988513 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 4
CZ_REG Region: Czech Republic
Vrednost 24456 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Prague | 99 |
2 | Central Bohemia | 124 |
3 | South Bohemia | 86 |
4 | West Bohemia | 73 |
5 | North Bohemia | 169 |
6 | East Bohemia | 120 |
7 | South Moravia | 264 |
8 | North Moravia | 265 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 1 | 8 | 5.35833 | 2.33262 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
E_REG Region: Spain
Vrednost 24555 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Andalucía | 211 |
2 | Aragón | 38 |
3 | Asturias | 35 |
4 | Baleares | 24 |
5 | Cataluńa | 193 |
6 | Canarias | 48 |
7 | Cantabria | 17 |
8 | Castilla-León | 78 |
9 | Castilla-La Mancha | 52 |
10 | Extremadura | 31 |
11 | Galicia | 87 |
12 | La Rioja | 8 |
13 | Madrid | 154 |
14 | Murcia | 33 |
15 | Navarra | 14 |
16 | País Vasco | 67 |
17 | Comunidad Valenciana | 124 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32313 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1214 | 1 | 17 | 8.37644 | 5.43893 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
F_REG Region: France
Vrednost 24654 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ain | 15 |
2 | Aisne | 17 |
3 | Allier | 7 |
4 | Alpes-Hte-Provence | 5 |
5 | Hautes-Alpes | 5 |
6 | Alpes-Maritimes | 31 |
7 | Ardeche | 4 |
8 | Ardennes | 11 |
9 | Ariege | 6 |
10 | Aube | 4 |
11 | Aude | 12 |
12 | Aveyron | 12 |
13 | Bouche-du-Rhone | 47 |
14 | Calvados | 19 |
15 | Cantal | 1 |
16 | Charente | 11 |
17 | Charente-Maritime | 13 |
18 | Cher | 3 |
19 | Correze | 3 |
20 | Haute-Corse | 4 |
21 | Cote-d Or | 17 |
22 | Cotes-d Armor | 19 |
23 | Creuse | 5 |
24 | Dordogne | 15 |
25 | Doubs | 9 |
26 | Drome | 12 |
27 | Eure | 8 |
28 | Eure-et-Loir | 13 |
29 | Finistere | 31 |
30 | Gard | 15 |
31 | Haute-Garonne | 40 |
32 | Gers | 2 |
33 | Gironde | 33 |
34 | Herault | 30 |
35 | Ille-et-Vilaine | 17 |
36 | Indre | 6 |
37 | Indre-et-Loire | 14 |
38 | Isere | 29 |
39 | Jura | 10 |
40 | Landes | 9 |
41 | Loir-et-Cher | 9 |
42 | Loire | 22 |
43 | Haute-Loire | 6 |
44 | Loire-Atlantique | 50 |
45 | Loiret | 19 |
46 | Lot | 6 |
47 | Lot-et-Garonne | 7 |
48 | Lozere | 3 |
49 | Maine-et-Loire | 19 |
50 | Manche | 16 |
51 | Marne | 18 |
52 | Haute-Marne | 4 |
53 | Mayenne | 9 |
54 | Meurthe-et-Moselle | 18 |
55 | Meuse | 8 |
56 | Morbihan | 21 |
57 | Moselle | 25 |
58 | Nievre | 9 |
59 | Nord | 43 |
60 | Oise | 11 |
61 | Orne | 7 |
62 | Pas-de-Calais | 33 |
63 | Puy-de-Dome | 21 |
64 | Pyrenees-Atlantiques | 16 |
65 | Hautes-Pyrenees | 6 |
66 | Pyrenees-Orientales | 14 |
67 | Bas-Rhin | 39 |
68 | Haut-Rhin | 22 |
69 | Rhone | 47 |
70 | Haute-Saone | 9 |
71 | Saone-et-Loire | 13 |
72 | Sarthe | 26 |
73 | Savoie | 14 |
74 | Haute-Savoie | 32 |
75 | Ville de Paris | 82 |
76 | Seine-Maritime | 29 |
77 | Seine-et-Marne | 19 |
78 | Yvelines | 32 |
79 | Deux-Sevres | 13 |
80 | Somme | 12 |
81 | Tarn | 1 |
82 | Tarn-et-Garonne | 0 |
83 | Var | 5 |
84 | Vaucluse | 0 |
85 | Vendee | 2 |
86 | Vienne | 1 |
87 | Haute-Vienne | 2 |
88 | Vosges | 3 |
89 | Yonne | 1 |
90 | Belfort (Territoire) | 0 |
91 | Essone | 1 |
92 | Hauts-de-Seine | 2 |
93 | Seine-Saint-Denis | 0 |
94 | Val-de-Marne | 1 |
95 | Val-d Oise | 0 |
96 | Corse-Sud | 0 |
97 | D O M | 0 |
98 | T O M | 0 |
99 | NA, NAV | 6 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 1 | 99 | 47.0966 | 23.6524 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
FIN_REG Region: Finland
Vrednost 24753 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Uusimaa | 369 |
2 | Itä-Uusimaa | 129 |
3 | Varsinais-Suomi | 0 |
4 | Satakunta | 64 |
5 | Kanta-Häme | 47 |
6 | Pirkanmaa | 110 |
7 | Päijät-Häme | 54 |
8 | Kymenlaakso | 53 |
9 | Etelä-Karjala | 43 |
10 | Etelä-Savo | 40 |
11 | Pohjois-Savo | 74 |
12 | Pohjois-Karjala | 56 |
13 | Keski-Suomi | 72 |
14 | Etelä-Pohjanmaa | 55 |
15 | Pohjanmaa | 42 |
16 | Keski-Pohjanmaa | 17 |
17 | Pohjois-Pohjanmaa | 100 |
18 | Kainuu | 24 |
19 | Lappi | 40 |
20 | Itä-Uusimaa | 32 |
21 | Ahvenanmaa | 7 |
99 | NA | 11 |
-4 | Not asked | 32088 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1439 | 1 | 99 | 8.49826 | 10.0493 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
GB_REG Region: Great Britain
Vrednost 24852 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Scotland | 91 |
2 | North,North West,Yorkshire Hbs | 251 |
3 | West, East Midlands | 146 |
4 | Wales | 53 |
5 | East Anglia,South West,S-E | 294 |
6 | Greater London | 77 |
-4 | Not asked | 32615 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
912 | 1 | 6 | 3.48136 | 1.59778 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 6
H_REG Region: Hungary
Vrednost 24951 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Budapest | 300 |
2 | Baranya | 72 |
3 | Bacs-Kiskun | 48 |
4 | Bekes | 84 |
5 | Borsod-Abauj | 72 |
6 | Csongrad | 84 |
7 | Fejer | 48 |
8 | Gyor-Sopron | 96 |
9 | Hajdu-Bihar | 60 |
10 | Heves | 108 |
11 | Komarom | 60 |
12 | Nograd | 12 |
13 | Pest | 132 |
14 | Somogy | 48 |
15 | Szabolcs-Szatmar | 84 |
16 | Szolnok | 72 |
17 | Tolna | 24 |
18 | Vas | 36 |
19 | Veszprem | 60 |
20 | Zala | 24 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32003 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1524 | 1 | 20 | 8.3937 | 5.83578 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
IL_REG Region: Israel
Vrednost 25050 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | North | 272 |
2 | South | 144 |
3 | Tel-Aviv | 485 |
4 | Jerusalem | 156 |
5 | Arab sector | 141 |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1198 | 1 | 5 | 2.79132 | 1.25983 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 5
J_REG Region: Japan
Vrednost 25149 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Hokkaido, Tohoku | 184 |
2 | Kanto, Koshin-etsu | 441 |
3 | Chubu | 193 |
4 | Kinki | 223 |
5 | Chugoku, Shikoku | 132 |
6 | Kyushu | 148 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32206 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1321 | 1 | 6 | 3.09235 | 1.56881 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
LV_REG Region: Latvia
Vrednost 25248 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Riga | 320 |
2 | Vidzeme | 214 |
3 | Kurzeme | 140 |
4 | Zemgale | 165 |
5 | Latgale | 161 |
-4 | Not asked | 32527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 1 | 5 | 2.633 | 1.47326 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 5
N_REG Region: Norway
Vrednost 25347 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Central East | 327 |
2 | East | 413 |
3 | South | 95 |
4 | West | 425 |
5 | Middle | 146 |
6 | North | 154 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 31967 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1560 | 1 | 6 | 3.07179 | 1.62327 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
NZ_REG Region: New Zealand
Vrednost 25446 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Northland | 47 |
2 | Auckland | 300 |
3 | Thames Valley | 12 |
4 | Bay of Plenty | 91 |
5 | Waikato | 85 |
6 | Tongariro | 6 |
7 | East Cape | 9 |
8 | Hawkes Bay | 42 |
9 | Taranaki | 24 |
10 | Wanganui | 20 |
11 | Manawatu | 33 |
12 | Horowhenua | 19 |
13 | Wellington | 120 |
14 | Wairarapa | 11 |
15 | Nelson Bays | 36 |
16 | Marlborough | 15 |
17 | West Coast | 12 |
18 | Canterbury | 142 |
19 | Aorangi | 16 |
20 | Clutha-Centr Otago | 16 |
21 | Coastal-North Otago | 42 |
22 | Southland | 34 |
-4 | Not asked | 32381 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 14 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1132 | 1 | 22 | 9.20671 | 6.91029 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 22
PL_REG Region:Poland
Vrednost 25545 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Central | 241 |
2 | Wielkopolska(Ctr-W) | 148 |
3 | Silesia (S-W) | 220 |
4 | West | 126 |
5 | Pomorze (North) | 117 |
6 | North-East | 110 |
7 | East | 91 |
8 | Malopolska (S-E) | 168 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32306 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1221 | 1 | 8 | 4.03522 | 2.40278 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RCH_REG Region: Republic of Chile
Vrednost 25644 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Tarapaca | 40 |
2 | Antofagasta | 45 |
3 | Atacama | 30 |
4 | Coquimbo | 54 |
5 | Valparaiso | 160 |
6 | Libertador General | 80 |
7 | Maule | 85 |
8 | Biobio | 190 |
9 | La Araucania | 85 |
10 | Los Lagos | 105 |
11 | Aisen del General | 5 |
12 | Magallanes y Antari | 15 |
13 | Metropolitana de Santiago | 610 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32023 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1504 | 1 | 13 | 9.18285 | 3.73567 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RP_REG Region: Philippines
Vrednost 25743 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Great Manila Area | 300 |
2 | Balance Luzon | 300 |
3 | Visayas | 300 |
4 | Mindanao | 300 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 1 | 4 | 2.5 | 1.1185 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
RUS_REG Region: Russia
Vrednost 25842 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | North | 97 |
2 | North-West | 110 |
3 | Central | 418 |
4 | Volga-Vyatka | 117 |
5 | Black Earth | 109 |
6 | Volga Region | 231 |
7 | North Caucasus | 223 |
8 | Urals | 276 |
9 | West Siberia | 204 |
10 | East Siberia | 118 |
11 | Far East | 97 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 1 | 11 | 5.911 | 2.82773 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
SLO_REG Region: Slovenia
Vrednost 25941 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Pomurska | 63 |
2 | Podravska | 172 |
3 | Koroska | 33 |
4 | Savinjska | 139 |
5 | Gorenjska | 119 |
6 | Zasavska | 32 |
7 | Osrednja | 271 |
8 | Spodnjeposavska | 40 |
9 | Dolenjska | 65 |
10 | Goriska | 63 |
11 | Obalnokraska | 0 |
12 | Kraska | 80 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32450 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1077 | 1 | 12 | 5.7948 | 3.07249 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
Vrednost 26040 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | New England | 67 |
2 | Middle Atlantic | 171 |
3 | East North Central | 212 |
4 | West North Central | 102 |
5 | South Atlantic | 170 |
6 | East South Central | 78 |
7 | West South Central | 116 |
8 | Mountain | 75 |
9 | Pacific | 158 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32378 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1149 | 1 | 9 | 4.87815 | 2.51977 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
A_ETHN Ethnics: Austria
Vrednost 26139 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | 32516 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 1011 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -3
AFS_ETHN Ethnics: South Africa
Vrednost 26238 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Black African | 1802 |
2 | Coloured | 317 |
3 | Indian | 80 |
4 | White | 356 |
-4 | Not asked | 30964 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2555 | 1 | 4 | 1.6047 | 1.06682 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 4
AUS_ETHN Ethnics: Australia
Vrednost 26337 | Frekvenca | |
99 | NA, dont know | 52 |
1101 | New South Wales | 330 |
1102 | Victoria | 295 |
1103 | Queensland | 152 |
1104 | South Australia | 121 |
1105 | Western Australia | 74 |
1106 | Tasmania | 58 |
1107 | Northern Territory | 3 |
1108 | Australian Capital T | 13 |
1301 | New Zealand | 24 |
1402 | Papua New Guinea | 3 |
2100 | United Kingdom &1; Ireland | 141 |
2101 | England | 1 |
2104 | Northern Ireland | 3 |
2107 | Ireland (Eire) | 2 |
2203 | Cyprus | 1 |
2205 | Greece | 3 |
2207 | Italy | 15 |
2208 | Malta | 2 |
2211 | Spain | 1 |
2220 | Former Yugoslavia | 3 |
2222 | 1 | |
2305 | Germany | 13 |
2309 | Netherlands | 13 |
2403 | Finland | 1 |
2406 | Norway | 1 |
2502 | Former Czechoslovakia | 1 |
2503 | Hungary | 1 |
2504 | Poland | 2 |
2600 | Former USSR &1; Baltic | 1 |
2608 | Latvia | 1 |
3203 | Egypt | 2 |
4105 | Malaysia | 2 |
4107 | Philippines | 2 |
4109 | Thailand | 1 |
4110 | Viet Nam | 3 |
5101 | 1 | |
6104 | India | 1 |
6108 | Sri Lanka | 3 |
7102 | Canada | 1 |
8103 | Brazil | 1 |
8113 | Uruguay | 1 |
9000 | Africa (NOT North Africa) | 1 |
9211 | Mauritius | 1 |
-4 | 32175 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1352 | 99 | 9211 | 1294.66 | 717.134 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9211
B_ETHN Ethnics: Brazil
Vrednost 26436 | Frekvenca | |
1 | White | 0 |
2 | Black | 0 |
3 | Mixed | 0 |
4 | Asian | 0 |
5 | Indian | 0 |
9 | No answer | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
CDN_ETHN Ethnics: Canada
Vrednost 26535 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP | 0 |
1 | French | 423 |
2 | English | 331 |
3 | German | 68 |
4 | Scottish | 76 |
5 | Other Western European | 77 |
6 | Other Eastern European | 32 |
7 | China/South-East Asia | 11 |
8 | Africa | 4 |
9 | Caribbean | 4 |
10 | Latin America | 2 |
11 | Indian sub-continant | 2 |
12 | Other Middle east | 4 |
13 | Jewish | 5 |
14 | North American India | 5 |
15 | Metis | 6 |
16 | Inuit/Eskimo | 1 |
88 | Other | 51 |
99 | Na, refused | 13 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 99 | 7.55247 | 20.5616 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CDN_ETH2 Ethnics II: Canada
Vrednost 26634 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP | 0 |
1 | French | 0 |
2 | English | 0 |
3 | German | 0 |
4 | Scottish | 0 |
5 | Other Western European | 0 |
6 | Other Eastern European | 0 |
7 | China/South-East Asia | 0 |
8 | Africa | 0 |
9 | Caribbean | 0 |
10 | Latin America | 0 |
11 | Indian sub-continant | 0 |
12 | Other Middle east | 0 |
13 | Jewish | 0 |
14 | North American India | 0 |
15 | Metis | 0 |
16 | Inuit/Eskimo | 0 |
88 | Other | 0 |
99 | Na, refused | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CH_ETHN Ethnics: Switzerland
Vrednost 26733 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Belgium | 4 |
2 | Denmark | 1 |
3 | Germany | 15 |
4 | Greece | 0 |
5 | Spain | 6 |
6 | France | 10 |
7 | Ireland | 2 |
8 | Italy | 23 |
9 | Luxemburg | 0 |
10 | Netherlands | 6 |
11 | Portugal | 13 |
12 | Great Britain | 3 |
13 | Austria | 5 |
14 | Sweden | 3 |
15 | Finland | 2 |
16 | Switzerland | 817 |
17 | Switzerland and Germany | 5 |
18 | Switzerland and France | 12 |
19 | Switzerland and Italy | 30 |
20 | Switzerland and Great Britain | 5 |
21 | Other countries | 39 |
98 | DK | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32526 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1001 | 1 | 21 | 15.5614 | 2.9706 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 98
CY_ETHN Ethnics: Cyprus
Vrednost 26832 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Greek Cypriot | 997 |
2 | Maronite | 7 |
3 | Armenian | 2 |
-4 | Not asked | 32521 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1006 | 1 | 3 | 1.01093 | 0.121679 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 3
CZ_ETHN Ethnics: Czech Republic
Vrednost 26931 | Frekvenca | |
28 | Czech | 1159 |
38 | German | 1 |
41 | Hungarian | 1 |
68 | Polish | 7 |
78 | Slovak | 20 |
89 | Ukrainian | 1 |
98 | Other | 0 |
99 | NA | 11 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 28 | 99 | 29.7875 | 9.87017 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
E_ETHN Ethnics: Spain
Vrednost 27030 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -3
F_ETHN Ethnics: France
Vrednost 27129 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -3
FIN_ETHN Ethnics: Finland
Vrednost 27228 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
1 | Native tongue finnish | 1316 |
2 | Native tongue swedish | 90 |
3 | Native tongue other | 22 |
9 | NA | 11 |
-4 | Not asked | 32088 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1439 | 1 | 9 | 1.15427 | 0.767812 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
GB_ETHN Ethnics: Great Britain
Vrednost 27327 | Frekvenca | |
1 | BLACK: of African origin | 5 |
2 | BLACK: of Caribbean origin | 12 |
3 | BLACK: of other origin (WRITE IN) | 1 |
4 | ASIAN: of Indian origin | 10 |
5 | ASIAN: of Pakistani origin | 3 |
6 | ASIAN: of Bangladeshi origin | 0 |
7 | ASIAN: of Chinese origin | 1 |
8 | ASIAN: of other origin (WRITE IN) | 3 |
9 | WHITE: of any European origin | 865 |
10 | WHITE: of other origin (WRITE IN) | 6 |
12 | OTHER (WRITE IN) | 2 |
98 | Don´t know | 0 |
99 | Not answered | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32615 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
912 | 1 | 12 | 8.80592 | 1.17355 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
H_ETHN Ethnics: Hungary
Vrednost 27426 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP,NAV | 14 |
27 | Croatian | 25 |
38 | Germany, German (H:German/Swab) | 109 |
41 | Hungary, Hungarian | 1194 |
70 | Romani, Gipsy | 17 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian | 24 |
77 | Serbia, Serbian, Serb | 9 |
78 | Slovakia, Slovak | 60 |
94 | Yiddish, Jewish | 4 |
98 | Other, mixed origin | 68 |
99 | NA, don´t know | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32003 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1524 | 0 | 98 | 45.3268 | 15.4332 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
IL_ETHN Ethnics: Israel
Vrednost 27525 | Frekvenca | |
2 | 4 | |
3 | 2 | |
5 | 25 | |
7 | 14 | |
9 | 10 | |
10 | 1 | |
11 | 2 | |
12 | 1 | |
17 | 8 | |
20 | 66 | |
21 | 5 | |
22 | 14 | |
23 | 7 | |
24 | 9 | |
25 | 8 | |
27 | 5 | |
28 | 1 | |
30 | 90 | |
31 | 21 | |
40 | 37 | |
41 | 4 | |
42 | 8 | |
43 | 2 | |
50 | 10 | |
51 | 1 | |
53 | 7 | |
54 | 10 | |
56 | 1 | |
58 | 1 | |
59 | 7 | |
64 | 8 | |
65 | 2 | |
67 | 1 | |
70 | 24 | |
81 | 3 | |
82 | 2 | |
83 | 7 | |
86 | 1 | |
90 | 698 | |
91 | 54 | |
92 | 19 | |
-4 | Not asked | 32320 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 2 | 92 | 69.4425 | 29.9846 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 92
J_ETHN Ethnics: Japan
Vrednost 27624 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -3
LV_ETHN Ethnics: Latvia
Vrednost 27723 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Latvian | 580 |
2 | Russian | 319 |
3 | Other nationality | 101 |
-4 | Not asked | 32527 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 1 | 3 | 1.521 | 0.672318 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 3
NI_ETHN Ethnics: Northern Ireland
Vrednost 27822 | Frekvenca | |
1 | White | 1396 |
2 | Chinese | 1 |
3 | Irish Traveller | 3 |
4 | Indian | 1 |
9 | Mixed Ethnic | 1 |
10 | Other | 3 |
11 | None of these | 2 |
-4 | Not asked | 32120 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1407 | 1 | 11 | 1.0462 | 0.611644 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 11
NZ_ETHN Ethnics: New Zealand
Vrednost 27921 | Frekvenca | |
23 | China,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 24 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 4 |
32 | Europe,White/European | 918 |
45 | India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 7 |
54 | Maori+New Zealand | 95 |
75 | Samoan, Tokelauan | 13 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 8 |
98 | Other,mixed origin | 52 |
-4 | Not asked | 32381 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
SYSMISS | 25 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1121 | 23 | 98 | 37.6735 | 16.0105 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 98
RCH_ETHN Ethnics: Chile
Vrednost 28020 | Frekvenca | |
-4 | Not asked | 33527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do -3
RP_ETHN Ethnics: Philippines
Vrednost 28119 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Tagalog | 320 |
2 | Bisaya | 295 |
3 | Ilonggo | 201 |
4 | Bicolano | 62 |
5 | Ilocano | 90 |
6 | Waray | 77 |
7 | Chavacano | 3 |
9 | Dont know | 4 |
10 | Kapampangan | 43 |
14 | Chinese | 3 |
19 | Ibanal | 1 |
20 | Bilaan | 3 |
24 | Cebuano | 15 |
25 | Zamboangeno | 1 |
26 | Pangasinense | 5 |
27 | Surigaonon | 1 |
28 | Higaanon | 2 |
29 | Tansay | 1 |
30 | Zambal | 1 |
31 | Muslim | 8 |
32 | Maguindanao | 41 |
33 | Butuanon | 1 |
34 | Batanguen | 21 |
35 | Tausog | 1 |
-4 | Not asked | 32327 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1200 | 1 | 35 | 5.23333 | 7.97843 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 35
RUS_ETHN Ethnics: Russia
Vrednost 28218 | Frekvenca | |
72 | USSR western + eastern nations | 2000 |
-4 | Not asked | 31527 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2000 | 72 | 72 | 72 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 72
SLO_ETHN Ethnics: Slovenia
Vrednost 28317 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
18 | ethn.Muslim | 22 |
27 | Croatia | 37 |
41 | Hungary,Hungarian | 1 |
49 | Italy,Italian | 1 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 31 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 974 |
98 | Other,mixed origin | 8 |
99 | NA, dont know | 3 |
-4 | Not asked | 32450 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1077 | 18 | 99 | 76.0436 | 12.8998 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
Vrednost 28416 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAP, NAV | 244 |
1 | Africa,Somalia,Sudan,Mandinka,Yoruba | 80 |
4 | American,American only,America | 30 |
5 | American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 54 |
6 | Arab,Muslim (Morocco,Algeria,Lybia) | 3 |
8 | Asia,other Asian | 6 |
10 | Austria,Austrian (I:Alto Adige) | 6 |
14 | Belgium, Belgian | 3 |
21 | Canada,other Canada | 6 |
23 | China,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 3 |
29 | Czechoslovakia,Moravia,Czech-Slovak | 8 |
30 | Denmark,Danish | 4 |
31 | England,England&1;Wales,UK,English | 96 |
32 | Europe,White/European | 3 |
34 | Finland,Finnish | 4 |
35 | France,French (I:Val D Aosta) | 26 |
36 | French Canada,French Canadian | 11 |
38 | Germany,German (H:German/Swab) | 150 |
39 | Greece,Greek | 4 |
41 | Hungary,Hungarian | 4 |
45 | India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 2 |
48 | Ireland,Irish/Irish Gaelic | 106 |
49 | Italy,Italian | 54 |
50 | Japan,Japanese | 2 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 15 |
61 | Norway, Norwegian | 18 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 6 |
68 | Poland,Polish,Pole | 28 |
69 | Portugal,Portuguese,E:Galician | 4 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 3 |
72 | Russia,(former) USSR &1; Rep. | 20 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic, Scottish | 35 |
80 | South+Latin America,NL:Neth.Antilles | 64 |
81 | Spanish, Castilian,Castellano | 7 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 14 |
83 | Switzerland | 3 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 1 |
98 | Other,mixed origin | 2 |
99 | NA, dont know | 20 |
-4 | Not asked | 32378 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1149 | 0 | 99 | 32.946 | 28.5694 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
IL_SPET S-P Ethnics: Israel
Vrednost 28515 | Frekvenca | |
2 | 2 | |
3 | 2 | |
5 | 20 | |
7 | 8 | |
9 | 10 | |
11 | 2 | |
13 | 1 | |
17 | 5 | |
20 | 52 | |
21 | 5 | |
22 | 5 | |
23 | 5 | |
24 | 3 | |
25 | 4 | |
27 | 3 | |
30 | 63 | |
31 | 22 | |
40 | 24 | |
42 | 2 | |
43 | 2 | |
50 | 5 | |
51 | 1 | |
53 | 1 | |
54 | 5 | |
62 | 1 | |
64 | 9 | |
66 | 1 | |
70 | 17 | |
71 | 1 | |
79 | 1 | |
80 | 1 | |
81 | 2 | |
83 | 9 | |
90 | 436 | |
91 | 42 | |
92 | 9 | |
98 | 1 | |
-4 | 32320 | |
SYSMISS | 425 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
782 | 2 | 98 | 68.2174 | 30.8076 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 98
CDN_LANG Language at home: Canada
Vrednost 28614 | Frekvenca | |
1 | English | 733 |
2 | French | 326 |
3 | English and French | 26 |
4 | Other | 25 |
9 | Na, refused | 5 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 9 | 1.44215 | 0.824348 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
CH_LANG Language: Switzerland
Vrednost 28713 | Frekvenca | |
1 | German (Swiss German or German) | 662 |
2 | French | 234 |
3 | Italian | 55 |
4 | Rheto-roman | 0 |
5 | Portuguese | 9 |
6 | Spanish | 8 |
7 | Kurdish | 2 |
8 | Japanese | 0 |
9 | Albanian | 3 |
10 | Serbo-croatian | 3 |
11 | English | 14 |
12 | Other language | 11 |
99 | NA | 0 |
-4 | Not asked | 32526 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1001 | 1 | 12 | 1.74326 | 1.86628 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
CDN_ILAN Interview language: Canada
Vrednost 28812 | Frekvenca | |
1 | English | 793 |
2 | French | 322 |
-4 | Not asked | 32412 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 1 | 2 | 1.28879 | 0.453403 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 2
LV_ILAN Questionnaire language: Latvia
Vrednost 28911 | Frekvenca | |
0 | NAV | 1 |
1 | Latvian | 596 |
2 | Russian | 403 |
-4 | Not asked | 32527 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 0 | 2 | 1.402 | 0.492584 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 2
LV_DIST District: Latvia
Vrednost 29010 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Riga: Centra d. | 20 |
2 | Riga: Kurzemes d. | 58 |
3 | Riga: Latgales d. | 89 |
4 | Riga: Vidzemes d. | 80 |
5 | Riga: Zemgales d. | 31 |
6 | Riga:Ziemelu d. | 42 |
7 | Daugavpils | 47 |
8 | Jelgava | 27 |
9 | Jurmala | 24 |
10 | Liepaja | 39 |
11 | Rezekne | 17 |
12 | Ventspils | 19 |
13 | Liepajas d. | 20 |
14 | Ventspils d. | 6 |
15 | Saldus d. | 16 |
16 | Talsu d. | 20 |
17 | Kuldigas d. | 20 |
18 | Jelgavas d. | 14 |
19 | Bauskas d. | 23 |
20 | jekabpils d. | 23 |
21 | Aizkraukles d. | 18 |
22 | Dobeles d. | 17 |
23 | Tukuma d. | 22 |
24 | Aluksnes d. | 12 |
25 | Cesu d. | 26 |
26 | Gulbenes d. | 14 |
27 | Limbazu d. | 16 |
28 | Madonas d. | 19 |
29 | Ogres d. | 26 |
30 | Valmieras d. | 25 |
31 | Rigas d. | 59 |
32 | Valkas d. | 14 |
33 | Daugavpils d. | 18 |
34 | Rezeknes d. | 17 |
35 | Balvu d. | 15 |
36 | Kraslavas d. | 16 |
37 | Ludzas d. | 14 |
38 | Preilu d. | 17 |
-4 | Not asked | 32527 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1000 | 1 | 38 | 15.831 | 11.5917 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 38
F_HOUSE Ownership of house/flat: France
Vrednost 2919 | Frekvenca | |
1 | No ownership | 476 |
2 | 1 ownership | 649 |
3 | Several ownership | 223 |
9 | Na | 50 |
-4 | Not asked | 32129 |
-3 | NAP,NAV | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 1 | 9 | 2.06938 | 1.49977 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
WEIGHT Weighting factor
Vrednost 2928 | Frekvenca | |
1 | No weighting | |
-4 | Not asked | |
-3 | NAP,NAV |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33524 | 0.00991031 | 11.4018 | 0.999511 | 0.393281 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 11.4018
Vrednost 2937 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 15-24 | 3929 |
2 | 25-34 | 6152 |
3 | 35-44 | 6736 |
4 | 45-54 | 6112 |
5 | 55-64 | 4775 |
6 | 65-98 | 5646 |
-4 | Not asked | 176 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
9 | NA/RF | 1 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33350 | 1 | 6 | 3.55742 | 1.6201 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
Vrednost 2946 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 1909-1925 | 157 |
2 | 1926-1940 | 529 |
3 | 1941-1965 | 4163 |
4 | 1966-1980 | 5948 |
5 | 1981-1995 | 7859 |
6 | 1996-2002 | 5125 |
7 | Since birth | 8898 |
-4 | Not asked | 465 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
9 | NA | 383 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32679 | 1 | 7 | 5.19682 | 1.45651 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
Vrednost 2955 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 1-7 | 3162 |
2 | 8-11 | 9910 |
3 | 12-15 | 10474 |
4 | 16-19 | 3561 |
5 | 20-70 | 475 |
6 | Still at school | 215 |
7 | Still at college,uni | 398 |
8 | No form school | 318 |
98 | Don´t know | 156 |
99 | NA/Refused | 779 |
-4 | Not asked | 4078 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
9 | Other | 1 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
29448 | 1 | 99 | 5.77465 | 16.8943 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
Vrednost 2964 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 1-10 | 730 |
2 | 11-20 | 1192 |
3 | 21-30 | 1407 |
4 | 31-35 | 1167 |
5 | 36-40 | 5964 |
6 | 41-50 | 4519 |
7 | 51-60 | 1307 |
8 | 61-100 | 1184 |
10 | DK,cant say,varies t | 262 |
11 | NA | 2016 |
-4 | Not asked | 13779 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
9 | RF | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
19748 | 1 | 11 | 5.68939 | 2.45841 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 11
Vrednost 2973 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 1-20 | 1431 |
2 | 21-50 | 52 |
3 | 51-80 | 9 |
4 | 81-100 | 4 |
5 | 101-150 | 4 |
6 | 151-250 | 4 |
7 | None | 925 |
8 | RF | 237 |
-4 | Not asked | 28773 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
9 | NA | 2088 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2666 | 1 | 8 | 3.74831 | 3.06674 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 9
Vrednost 2982 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 1-10 | 193 |
2 | 11-25 | 32 |
3 | 26-40 | 11 |
4 | 41-60 | 2 |
5 | 61-80 | 5 |
6 | 81-99 | 11 |
-4 | Not asked | 33273 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
254 | 1 | 6 | 1.5315 | 1.22111 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 6
Vrednost 2991 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 3-8 | 74 |
2 | 9-12 | 369 |
3 | 13-18 | 271 |
4 | 19-25 | 38 |
5 | 26-30 | 6 |
6 | 31-90 | 1 |
7 | Still at school | 0 |
8 | Still at college,uni | 0 |
98 | Don´t know | 0 |
99 | NA/Refused | 10 |
-4 | Not asked | 32758 |
-3 | Not applicable | 0 |
9 | No form school | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
769 | 1 | 99 | 3.64499 | 10.9792 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od -4 do 99
Ni povezanih gradiv!
Ni gradiv povezanih z rezultati raziskave!
3 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga z imeni spremenljivk iz podatkovne datoteke.
9 - najvišji rang, primerjalne ali kontinuirane raziskave, pomembne populacije, metodološko ustrezne
Kako citiram to RAZISKAVO?
International Social Survey Programme. (2003). Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družbeni stiki II [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: ISSP01. Dostopno prek http://www.adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/opisi/issp01/
ISSP - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa: Opis serije
ISSP00 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Ekologija II
ISSP02 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2002: Družina III
ISSP - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa: Opis serije
ISSP00 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Ekologija II
ISSP02 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2002: Družina III
ISSP03 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2003: Nacionalna identiteta II
ISSP04 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2004: Razumevanje vloge državljana
ISSP05 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2005: Stališča o delu III
ISSP06 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2006: Vloga države IV
ISSP07 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2007: Prosti čas in šport I
ISSP08 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2008: Religija III
ISSP09 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2009: Družbena neenakost IV
ISSP10 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2010: Okolje III
ISSP11 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2011: Zdravje
ISSP13 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2013: Nacionalna identiteta III
ISSP14 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2014: Razumevanje vloge državljana II
ISSP15 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2015: Stališča o delu IV
ISSP16 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2016: Vloga države V
ISSP85 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države I
ISSP86 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družbeni stiki
ISSP87 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost I
ISSP88 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družina I
ISSP89 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Stališča o delu I
ISSP90 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države II
ISSP91 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Mednarodna raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi I
ISSP92 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost II
ISSP93 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Ekologija
ISSP94 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Družina II
ISSP95 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Mednarodna raziskava narodne identitete
ISSP96 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Vloga države III
ISSP97 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Stališča o delu II
ISSP98 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Raziskava o vernosti in cerkvi II
ISSP99 - Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Neenakost III
SJM002 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2000/2: Raziskava o okolju in raziskava o medčloveških stikih (ISSP)
SJM034 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2003/4: Razumevanje vloge državljana / Mednarodna raziskava ISSP
SJM051 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2005/1: Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o delu
SJM932 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1993/2: Mednarodna raziskava o okolju in družini
SJM944 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1994/4: Mednarodna raziskava narodne identitete
SJM973 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1997/3: Mednarodna raziskava Stališča o delu in ekološka sondaža
SJM981 - Slovensko javno mnenje 1998/1: Mednarodna raziskava o neenakosti in religiji
SJMUST89 - Slovensko javno mnenje, 1989: Stališča o ustavnih dopolnilih
Analiza izobraževanja na daljavo v času prvega vala epidemije covida-19 v Sloveniji, 2020
Delavnica Vozlišča RDA Slovenija o odprti znanosti na Arnesovi konferenci Mreža znanja 2024
Predstavitev ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki in objavljanja v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti
Serija spletnih delavnic za raziskovalce: Orodja za kvalitativno raziskovanje
Konferenca IASSIST: Bridging oceans, harbouring data & anchoring the future