Podatki o financiranju niso na voljo.
no information
Raziskava je iz serije ISSP - Mednarodnega projekta sodelovanja splošnih družboslovnih anket, katerega namen je pridobivanje podatkov primernih za primerjalno analizo. Vsako leto se sodelujoče države odločijo za izvedbo kratkega vprašalnika na izbrano temo. (glej http://www.gesis.org/en/data_service/issp/index.htm in http://www.issp.org/homepage.htm ). Podatki iz mednarodne raziskave so na voljo pod oznako ADP - IDNo: ISSP in letnica.
ubogljivost kot element vzgoje, ekološke teme, ekološki problemi, gospodarski problemi, napredek, ekološka etika, svetost narave, profanost narave, pripravljenost za finančno delovanje v korist narave, ekološke navade, sortiranje odpadkov, vegetarjanstvo, politična ekološka angažiranost, poznavanje ekoloških problemov, učinek tople grede, radioaktivnost, ocena ekološke ogroženosti, onesnaženje zraka, onesnaženje vode, demografska vprašanja
Keywords ELSST:
Topic Classification CESSDA
NARAVNO OKOLJE - onesnaževanje in varstvo okolja
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Topic Classification CERIF
Družbene spremembe, teorija socialnega dela
Topic Classification ADP
ekološko obnašanje respondentov
ekološka angažiranost
poznavanje ekologije
ocena ekološke ogroženosti domačega okolja
Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodleovanja. Skupina, osnovana leta 1983, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dopolniti nacionalne ankete. Tokratna raziskava, drugi modul na temo družbene neenakosti (glej: MEDNARODNA SPLOŠNA DRUŽBOSLOVNA ANKETA: ODNOS DO OKOLJA I, 1993), prinaša podatke iz naslednjih držav: Avstrije, Avstralije, Bolgarije, Kanade, Čila, Cipra, Češke, Danske, Finske, Francije, Nemčije, Madžarske, Irske, Izraela, Italije, Japonske, Latvije, Mehike, Nizozemske, Nove Zelandije, Severne Irske, Norveške, Filipinov, Poljske, Portugalske, Rusije, Slovenije, Slovaške, Španije, Švedske, Švice, Velike Britanije in Združenih držav Amerike. Začne se s stališči glede ubogljivosti pri vzgoji. Ekološka tematika zajema lestvico zaupanja v znanost. Stališča do pomena ekoloških problemov nasploh in v primerjavi z gospodarskimi problemi, napredkom, ekološko etiko, gledanje na naravo kot nekaj svetega ali profanega. Respondentje izražajo pripravljenost finančno delovati v prid okolju,poročajo o vsakdanjih ekoloških navadah, kot je sortiranje, vegetarjanstvo, ter o politični ekološki angažiranosti. Vmes je vrsta vprašanj, ki merijo znanje s področja ekologije, kot je učinek tople grede, nevarnost radioaktivnosti. Ocenjena je tudi ekološka ogroženost zaradi onesnaženosti zraka, voda itd. Dodan je obsežen blok demografskih vprašanj.
Collection date: | januar 2000 - november 2001 |
Date of production: | 2002 |
Country: | Avstrija, Avstralija, Bolgarija, Kanada, Čile, Ciper, Češka, Danska, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Madžarska, Irska, Izrael, Italija, Japonska, Latvija, Mehika, Nizozemska, Nova Zelandija, Severna Irska, Norveška, Filipini, Poljska, Portugalska, Rusija, Slovenija, Slovaška, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Velika Britanija in Združene države Amerike |
Geographic coverage: |
Teritorij naštetih držav, z izjemo Velike Britanije, kjer so izvzeti škotsko višavje in otoki. |
Unit of analysis: |
posameznik |
Universe: |
Osebe, stare 18 let in več iz naslednjih držav: Avstrije, Avstralije, Bolgarije, Kanade, Čila, Cipra, Češke, Danske, Finske, Francije, Nemčije, Madžarske, Irske, Izraela, Italije, Japonske, Latvije, Mehike, Nizozemske, Nove Zelandije, Severne Irske, Norveške, Filipinov, Poljske, Portugalske, Rusije, Slovenije, Slovaške, Španije, Švedske, Švice, Velike Britanije in Združenih držav Amerike (pri nekaterih državah so prisotna manjša odstopanja glede starosti respondentov). |
Excluded: | no information |
Data collected by: |
A: IFES - Institut für Empirische Sozialforschung (Wien); NIRL: RES - Research and Evaluation Service (Dublin); SLO: CJMMK - Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij (Ljubljana); S: SIFO; USA: NORC - National Opinion Research Center (Chicago - IL); CZ: SC and C (Praha); DK: Statistics Denmark (Copenhagen); SF: Statistics Finland (Helsinki); MEX: Centro de Estudion de Opinion (Guadalajara); N: Norwegian Gallup Institute AS (Oslo); P: Atitudes Sociais dos Portugueses (Lisboa); RUS: VCIOM (Moskva). Za ostale države podatki niso na voljo. |
Sampling procedure: |
različno po posameznih državah |
Mode of data collection: |
Način zbiranja podatkov se med državami razlikuje razlikuje. |
Weighting: |
CND, CZ, RCH, E, GB, NIRL, RP, P, SF, RUS: uteževanje; BG, D, J, LV, N, NL, MEX, S, USA: brez uteževanja; AUS, A, DK, IL, NZ, CY, F, H, IRL, I, PL, SLO, SK, CH: ni podatka |
Omejeno za potrebe naročnika in raziskovalne skupine. Uporaba je mogoča samo ob predhodnem dogovoru z glavnim avtorjem raziskave in predložitvi pisnega dovoljenja. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.
Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.
Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.
Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.
Title of Data file: ISSP00 - podatki [datoteka podatkov], 2000
Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka
V1 ZA study number
Value 13 | Frequency | |
3440 | 31042 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
31042 | 0 |
Valid range from 3440 to 3440
V2 Respondent ID number
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
31042 | 0 | 200001103 | 3800000836.4032 | 1902804352 | 1031534592 |
V3 Country
Value 31 | Frequency | |
1 | AUS-Australia | 0 |
2 | D-W-Germany-West | 974 |
3 | D-E-Germany-East | 527 |
4 | GB-Great Britain | 972 |
5 | NIRL-Northern Ireland | 745 |
6 | USA-United States | 1276 |
7 | A-Austria | 1011 |
8 | H-Hungary | 0 |
9 | I-Italy | 0 |
10 | IRL-Ireland | 1232 |
11 | NL-Netherlands | 1609 |
12 | N-Norway | 1452 |
13 | S-Sweden | 1067 |
14 | CZ-Czech Republic | 1244 |
15 | SLO-Slovenia | 1077 |
16 | PL-Poland | 0 |
17 | BG-Bulgaria | 1013 |
18 | RUS-Russia | 1705 |
19 | NZ-New Zealand | 1112 |
20 | CDN-Canada | 1115 |
21 | RP-Philippines | 1200 |
22 | IL-Israel | 1205 |
23 | IL-Israel Arabs | 0 |
24 | J-Japan | 1180 |
25 | E-Spain | 958 |
26 | LV-Latvia | 1000 |
27 | SK-Slovak Republic | 0 |
28 | F-France | 0 |
29 | CY-Cyprus | 0 |
30 | P-Portugal | 1000 |
31 | RCH-Chile | 1503 |
32 | DK-Denmark | 1069 |
33 | CH-Switzerland | 1006 |
34 | BD-Bangladesh | 0 |
35 | BR-Brasil | 0 |
36 | YV-Venezuela | 0 |
37 | SF-Finland | 1528 |
38 | MEX-Mexico | 1262 |
39 | FLA-Flanders | 0 |
40 | ZA-South Africa | 0 |
41 | RC-Taiwan | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
31042 | 0 |
Valid range from 2 to 38
V1 ZA study number
Value 1209 | Frequency | |
3440 | 31042 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
31042 | 0 |
Valid range from 3440 to 3440
V2 Respondent ID number
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
31042 | 0 | 200001103 | 3800000836.4032 | 1902804352 | 1031534592 |
V3 Country
Value 3207 | Frequency | |
1 | AUS-Australia | 0 |
2 | D-W-Germany-West | 974 |
3 | D-E-Germany-East | 527 |
4 | GB-Great Britain | 972 |
5 | NIRL-Northern Ireland | 745 |
6 | USA-United States | 1276 |
7 | A-Austria | 1011 |
8 | H-Hungary | 0 |
9 | I-Italy | 0 |
10 | IRL-Ireland | 1232 |
11 | NL-Netherlands | 1609 |
12 | N-Norway | 1452 |
13 | S-Sweden | 1067 |
14 | CZ-Czech Republic | 1244 |
15 | SLO-Slovenia | 1077 |
16 | PL-Poland | 0 |
17 | BG-Bulgaria | 1013 |
18 | RUS-Russia | 1705 |
19 | NZ-New Zealand | 1112 |
20 | CDN-Canada | 1115 |
21 | RP-Philippines | 1200 |
22 | IL-Israel | 1205 |
23 | IL-Israel Arabs | 0 |
24 | J-Japan | 1180 |
25 | E-Spain | 958 |
26 | LV-Latvia | 1000 |
27 | SK-Slovak Republic | 0 |
28 | F-France | 0 |
29 | CY-Cyprus | 0 |
30 | P-Portugal | 1000 |
31 | RCH-Chile | 1503 |
32 | DK-Denmark | 1069 |
33 | CH-Switzerland | 1006 |
34 | BD-Bangladesh | 0 |
35 | BR-Brasil | 0 |
36 | YV-Venezuela | 0 |
37 | SF-Finland | 1528 |
38 | MEX-Mexico | 1262 |
39 | FLA-Flanders | 0 |
40 | ZA-South Africa | 0 |
41 | RC-Taiwan | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
31042 | 0 |
Valid range from 2 to 38
V4 Solve economic problems:Priv enterprise
Value 4206 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 3502 |
2 | Agree | 10263 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 6891 |
4 | Disagree | 5012 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1912 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 2920 |
9 | NA, refused | 542 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27580 | 3462 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V5 Responsib gov: reduce income difference
Value 5205 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 6826 |
2 | Agree | 11295 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 4798 |
4 | Disagree | 4426 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1685 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 1584 |
9 | NA, refused | 428 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29030 | 2012 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V6 Highest priority in <Rs Country>
Value 6204 | Frequency | |
1 | Order in Nation | 13321 |
2 | People more say | 7352 |
3 | Fight rising prices | 5273 |
4 | Protect freedom of speech | 3360 |
0 | NAV | 188 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 1248 |
9 | NA, refused | 300 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29306 | 1736 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V7 Next highest priority in <Rs Country>
Value 7203 | Frequency | |
1 | Order in Nation | 7455 |
2 | People more say | 7398 |
3 | Fight rising prices | 7953 |
4 | Protect freedom of speech | 5614 |
0 | NAV | 188 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 1935 |
9 | NA, refused | 499 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28420 | 2622 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V8 Science: believe too often in
Value 8202 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 3272 |
2 | Agree | 11168 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 6883 |
4 | Disagree | 5657 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1715 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 2017 |
9 | NA, refused | 330 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28695 | 2347 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V9 Science: more harm than good
Value 9201 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 1471 |
2 | Agree | 5286 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 6413 |
4 | Disagree | 11028 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 4645 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 1784 |
9 | NA, refused | 415 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28843 | 2199 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V10 Science: solve environmental problems
Value 10200 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 1458 |
2 | Agree | 6887 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 6296 |
4 | Disagree | 9552 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 3730 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 2706 |
9 | NA, refused | 413 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27923 | 3119 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V11 Worry: about future environment
Value 11199 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 2799 |
2 | Agree | 8063 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 4983 |
4 | Disagree | 9867 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 3801 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 1195 |
9 | NA, refused | 334 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29513 | 1529 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V12 Environment: modern life harms the
Value 12198 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 3420 |
2 | Agree | 11767 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 5559 |
4 | Disagree | 7505 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1424 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 1018 |
9 | NA, refused | 349 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29675 | 1367 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V13 Worry: progress harming environment
Value 13197 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 1832 |
2 | Agree | 8037 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 5645 |
4 | Disagree | 10295 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 3100 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 1722 |
9 | NA, refused | 411 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28909 | 2133 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V14 Environment: protect by economic growth
Value 14196 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 4924 |
2 | Agree | 11691 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 4978 |
4 | Disagree | 5533 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1366 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 2161 |
9 | NA, refused | 389 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28492 | 2550 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V15 Animals: medical testing if save lives
Value 15195 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 5520 |
2 | Agree | 12803 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 4617 |
4 | Disagree | 4161 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 2385 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 1218 |
9 | NA, refused | 338 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29486 | 1556 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V16 Economic growth: harms the environment
Value 16194 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 1956 |
2 | Agree | 7201 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 6945 |
4 | Disagree | 10196 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 2226 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 2075 |
9 | NA, refused | 443 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28524 | 2518 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V17 Earth cannot continue support pres. rate
Value 17193 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 5021 |
2 | Agree | 10795 |
3 | Neither Agree nor Disagree | 5081 |
4 | Disagree | 4520 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1258 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 3001 |
9 | NA, refused | 366 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26675 | 4367 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V18 Nature is sacred because ..
Value 18192 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Sacred - by God | 8809 |
2 | Spiritual, sacred itself | 7316 |
3 | Important, not sacred | 12300 |
8 | Cant choose, DK | 2322 |
9 | NA, refused | 295 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28425 | 2617 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V19 Protect enviro: pay much higher prices
Value 19191 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Very willing | 2046 |
2 | Fairly willing | 9328 |
3 | Neither nor | 7501 |
4 | Fairly unwilling | 6390 |
5 | Very unwilling | 4370 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 1143 |
9 | NA, refused | 264 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29635 | 1407 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V20 Protect enviro: pay much higher taxes
Value 20190 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Very willing | 1301 |
2 | Fairly willing | 6445 |
3 | Neither nor | 6678 |
4 | Fairly unwilling | 7962 |
5 | Very unwilling | 6874 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 1494 |
9 | NA, refused | 288 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29260 | 1782 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V21 Protect en: cut your standard of living
Value 21189 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Very willing | 1717 |
2 | Fairly willing | 8176 |
3 | Neither nor | 7103 |
4 | Fairly unwilling | 7102 |
5 | Very unwilling | 5471 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 1246 |
9 | NA, refused | 227 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29569 | 1473 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V22 To do about environment: too difficult
Value 22188 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 2901 |
2 | Agree | 7733 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 4263 |
4 | Disagree | 11361 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 3802 |
7 | Refused | 0 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 685 |
9 | NA | 297 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30060 | 982 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V23 Do what is right costs money takes time
Value 23187 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 2530 |
2 | Agree | 12630 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 8218 |
4 | Disagree | 4981 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1123 |
7 | Refused | 0 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 1230 |
9 | NA | 330 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29482 | 1560 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V24 More important than protect environment
Value 24186 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 2072 |
2 | Agree | 7706 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 7569 |
4 | Disagree | 9051 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 3295 |
7 | Refused | 0 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 986 |
9 | NA | 363 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29693 | 1349 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V25 No point unless others do the same
Value 25185 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 2910 |
2 | Agree | 8227 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 3776 |
4 | Disagree | 10820 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 4225 |
7 | Refused | 0 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 763 |
9 | NA | 321 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29958 | 1084 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V26 Many about environment exaggerated
Value 26184 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 1628 |
2 | Agree | 6869 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 5475 |
4 | Disagree | 9568 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 4274 |
7 | Refused | 0 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 1845 |
9 | NA | 383 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27814 | 3228 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V27 Antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses
Value 27183 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Definitely true | 8804 |
2 | Probably true | 10488 |
3 | Probably not true | 2500 |
4 | Definitely untrue | 1319 |
5 | RCH: true | 590 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 6956 |
9 | NA, refused | 385 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
23701 | 7341 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V28 Human beings developed from animals
Value 28182 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Definitely true | 7465 |
2 | Probably true | 10909 |
3 | Probably not true | 3153 |
4 | Definitely untrue | 4395 |
5 | RCH: true | 474 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 4244 |
9 | NA, refused | 402 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26396 | 4646 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V29 Man-made chemicals can cause cancer
Value 29181 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Definitely true | 5772 |
2 | Probably true | 11663 |
3 | Probably not true | 5758 |
4 | Definitely untrue | 2776 |
5 | RCH: true | 546 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 4179 |
9 | NA, refused | 348 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26515 | 4527 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V30 Exposed radioactivity results to die
Value 30180 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Definitely true | 4155 |
2 | Probably true | 8607 |
3 | Probably not true | 7604 |
4 | Definitely untrue | 6195 |
5 | RCH: true | 552 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 3576 |
9 | NA, refused | 353 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27113 | 3929 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V31 Greenhouse effect: hole in earth atmosp
Value 31179 | Frequency | |
1 | Definitely true | 6974 |
2 | Probably true | 10400 |
3 | Probably not true | 2997 |
4 | Definitely untrue | 3810 |
5 | RCH: true | 560 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 4895 |
9 | NA, refused | 406 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24741 | 6301 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V32 Greenhouse effect: use coal oil gas
Value 32178 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Definitely true | 9131 |
2 | Probably true | 12453 |
3 | Probably not true | 3043 |
4 | Definitely untrue | 1126 |
5 | RCH: true | 617 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 4318 |
9 | NA, refused | 354 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26370 | 4672 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V33 Air pollution by cars for environment
Value 33177 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Extremely dangerous | 6500 |
2 | Very dangerous | 11145 |
3 | Somewhat dangerous | 10651 |
4 | Not very dangerous | 1798 |
5 | Not dangerous at all | 150 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 521 |
9 | NA, refused | 277 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30244 | 798 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V34 Air pollution by cars for you + family
Value 34176 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Extremely dangerous | 5267 |
2 | Very dangerous | 8666 |
3 | Somewhat dangerous | 11553 |
4 | Not very dangerous | 4100 |
5 | Not dangerous at all | 457 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 720 |
9 | NA, refused | 279 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30043 | 999 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V35 Air pollution by industry - environment
Value 35175 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Extremely dangerous | 9048 |
2 | Very dangerous | 12760 |
3 | Somewhat dangerous | 7671 |
4 | Not very dangerous | 746 |
5 | Not dangerous at all | 52 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 546 |
9 | NA, refused | 219 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30277 | 765 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V36 Pesticides in farming - environment
Value 36174 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Extremely dangerous | 7117 |
2 | Very dangerous | 11240 |
3 | Somewhat dangerous | 9661 |
4 | Not very dangerous | 1831 |
5 | Not dangerous at all | 197 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 770 |
9 | NA, refused | 226 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30046 | 996 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V37 Pollution river, lake - environment
Value 37173 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Extremely dangerous | 8759 |
2 | Very dangerous | 11630 |
3 | Somewhat dangerous | 7910 |
4 | Not very dangerous | 1733 |
5 | Not dangerous at all | 162 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 666 |
9 | NA, refused | 182 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30194 | 848 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V38 Rise world s temperature - environment
Value 38172 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Extremely dangerous | 7111 |
2 | Very dangerous | 10380 |
3 | Somewhat dangerous | 8042 |
4 | Not very dangerous | 2076 |
5 | Not dangerous at all | 266 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 2970 |
9 | NA, refused | 197 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27875 | 3167 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V39 Modifying the genes of certain crops
Value 39171 | Frequency | |
1 | Extremely dangerous | 4851 |
2 | Very dangerous | 7103 |
3 | Somewhat dangerous | 7570 |
4 | Not very dangerous | 4404 |
5 | Not dangerous at all | 1029 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 4879 |
9 | NA, refused | 206 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24957 | 6085 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V40 Gov+ord people: decide thems - laws
Value 40170 | Frequency | |
1 | Decide themselves | 5798 |
2 | Pass laws | 21341 |
0 | NAV | 0 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 3599 |
9 | NA,RP:none | 304 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27139 | 3903 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V41 Gov+business: decide themselves - laws
Value 41169 | Frequency | |
1 | Decide themselves | 2245 |
2 | Pass laws | 26275 |
0 | NAV | 0 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 2232 |
9 | NA,RP:none | 290 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28520 | 2522 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V42 To protect environment - this country...
Value 42168 | Frequency | |
1 | More than enough | 2120 |
2 | About the right amount | 10491 |
3 | Too little | 14346 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant choose | 2875 |
9 | NA, refused | 210 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26957 | 4085 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V43 Which is making more effort to look ...
Value 43167 | Frequency | |
1 | Business and industry | 3446 |
2 | People in general | 13306 |
3 | Both equally | 7097 |
7 | Neither of them | 6 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant choose | 5888 |
9 | NA, refused | 299 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
23855 | 7187 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V44 Which of these two is making more effort
Value 44166 | Frequency | |
1 | Government | 11374 |
2 | Business and industry | 3652 |
3 | Both equally | 7216 |
7 | Neither of them | 25 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant choose | 7422 |
9 | NA, refused | 353 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
22267 | 8775 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V45 Which of these two is making more effort
Value 45165 | Frequency | |
1 | People in general | 10946 |
2 | Government | 6325 |
3 | Both equally | 6860 |
7 | Neither of them | 6 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant choose | 5566 |
9 | NA, refused | 339 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24137 | 6905 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V46 International agreements should be made
Value 46164 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 12855 |
2 | Agree | 12815 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 1928 |
4 | Disagree | 822 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 163 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1202 |
9 | NA | 257 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28583 | 2459 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V47 Poorer countries to make less effort
Value 47163 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 3539 |
2 | Agree | 8766 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 4225 |
4 | Disagree | 8221 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 3386 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1498 |
9 | NA | 407 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28137 | 2905 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V48 Economic progress will slow down unless
Value 48162 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Strongly Agree | 3560 |
2 | Agree | 9964 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 6979 |
4 | Disagree | 5107 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1224 |
8 | Cant Choose | 3788 |
9 | NA | 420 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26834 | 4208 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V49 In next five years a nuclear accident
Value 49161 | Frequency | |
1 | Very likely | 5591 |
2 | Likely | 11893 |
3 | Unlikely | 6120 |
4 | Very unlikely | 1949 |
0 | NAV | 1000 |
8 | Cant Choose | 4261 |
9 | NA | 228 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25553 | 5489 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V50 Causes of pollution: Business, industry
Value 50160 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | A great deal of trust | 583 |
2 | Quite a lot of trust | 2744 |
3 | Some trust | 9415 |
4 | Not much trust | 10757 |
5 | Hardly any trust | 5344 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1631 |
9 | NA, refused | 568 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28843 | 2199 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V51 Causes of pollution: Environment. groups
Value 51159 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | A great deal of trust | 5110 |
2 | Quite a lot of trust | 11640 |
3 | Some trust | 8609 |
4 | Not much trust | 2803 |
5 | Hardly any trust | 1053 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1353 |
9 | NA, refused | 474 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29215 | 1827 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V52 Causes of pollution: Government departm.
Value 52158 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | A great deal of trust | 1119 |
2 | Quite a lot of trust | 6091 |
3 | Some trust | 12032 |
4 | Not much trust | 6844 |
5 | Hardly any trust | 2905 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1452 |
9 | NA, refused | 599 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28991 | 2051 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V53 Causes of pollution: Newspapers
Value 53157 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | A great deal of trust | 1539 |
2 | Quite a lot of trust | 7152 |
3 | Some trust | 12157 |
4 | Not much trust | 5972 |
5 | Hardly any trust | 2367 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1253 |
9 | NA, refused | 602 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29187 | 1855 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V54 Causes of pollution: Radio or TV progr.
Value 54156 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | A great deal of trust | 2088 |
2 | Quite a lot of trust | 9044 |
3 | Some trust | 12173 |
4 | Not much trust | 4488 |
5 | Hardly any trust | 1598 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1090 |
9 | NA, refused | 561 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29391 | 1651 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V55 Causes of pollution: University research
Value 55155 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | A great deal of trust | 6805 |
2 | Quite a lot of trust | 12431 |
3 | Some trust | 7047 |
4 | Not much trust | 1633 |
5 | Hardly any trust | 670 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1936 |
9 | NA, refused | 520 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28586 | 2456 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V56 Effort: sort glass for recycling
Value 56154 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Always | 10228 |
2 | Often | 6576 |
3 | Sometimes | 5578 |
4 | Never | 4264 |
5 | Recycling nav | 4102 |
8 | Cant Choose | 58 |
9 | NA, refused | 236 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30748 | 294 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V57 No car driving for environmentel reasons
Value 57153 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Always | 840 |
2 | Often | 3145 |
3 | Sometimes | 7137 |
4 | Never | 9884 |
5 | Car driving nav | 9555 |
8 | Cant Choose | 233 |
9 | NA, refused | 248 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30561 | 481 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V58 Member of group to preserve environment
Value 58152 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Yes | 1794 |
2 | No | 28911 |
8 | Cant Choose | 39 |
9 | NA, refused | 298 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30705 | 337 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V59 Last five year: signed a petition
Value 59151 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Yes, I have | 5796 |
2 | No, I have not | 24805 |
8 | Cant choose,DK | 27 |
9 | NA, refused | 414 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30601 | 441 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V60 Last five year: given money a group
Value 60150 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | Yes, I have | 5299 |
2 | No, I have not | 25255 |
8 | Cant choose,DK | 27 |
9 | NA, refused | 461 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30554 | 488 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V61 Last five year: protest demonstration
Value 61149 | Frequency | |
1 | Yes, I have | 1094 |
2 | No, I have not | 28376 |
0 | NAV | 1011 |
8 | Cant choose,DK | 19 |
9 | NA, refused | 542 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29470 | 1572 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V62 Expressing what you believe about God
Value 62148 | Frequency | |
1 | Dont believe in God | 3254 |
2 | Dk God; no way find out | 2526 |
3 | N God, but Higher Power | 5450 |
4 | Believing God some of the time | 2350 |
5 | Doubts, believe in God | 4563 |
6 | God exists no doubts about it | 11446 |
0 | NAV | 0 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 1057 |
9 | NA, refused | 396 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29589 | 1453 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V63 Describe the place where you live
Value 63147 | Frequency | |
1 | Big city | 6636 |
2 | Suburbs of big city | 4473 |
3 | Small city or town | 8284 |
4 | Country village | 6626 |
5 | Farm, home in the country | 1933 |
6 | H: City-count-seat | 0 |
0 | NAP, NAV | 2825 |
8 | Cant Choose,DK | 70 |
9 | NA, refused | 195 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27952 | 3090 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V64 Nuclear power stations - environment
Value 64146 | Frequency | |
1 | Extremely dangerous | 6614 |
2 | Very dangerous | 6052 |
3 | Somewhat dangerous | 5178 |
4 | Not very dangerous | 2009 |
5 | Not dangerous at all | 355 |
0 | NAV | 9814 |
8 | Cant Choose, Dk | 888 |
9 | Na, refused | 132 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
20208 | 10834 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V65 Government should redistribute income
Value 65145 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 3574 |
2 | Agree | 6237 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 3801 |
4 | Disagree | 3618 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1895 |
0 | Nap,nav | 10821 |
8 | Cant Choose | 938 |
9 | Na | 158 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
19125 | 11917 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V66 People can do little to change lives
Value 66144 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 1549 |
2 | Agree | 3879 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 2742 |
4 | Disagree | 7568 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 3757 |
0 | Nap,nav | 10821 |
8 | Cant Choose | 567 |
9 | Na | 159 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
19495 | 11547 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V67 People challenge authority too often
Value 67143 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 1306 |
2 | Agree | 4830 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 4029 |
4 | Disagree | 4765 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 2370 |
0 | Nap,nav | 11936 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1615 |
9 | Na | 191 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17300 | 13742 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V68 People with money should be left enjoy
Value 68142 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 2518 |
2 | Agree | 7440 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 4507 |
4 | Disagree | 2265 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1145 |
0 | Nap,nav | 11936 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1060 |
9 | Na | 171 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17875 | 13167 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V69 People follow conscience even break law
Value 69141 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 2083 |
2 | Agree | 6163 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 3570 |
4 | Disagree | 4152 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 1598 |
0 | Nap,nav | 11936 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1378 |
9 | Na | 162 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17566 | 13476 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V70 Private enterprise needs control
Value 70140 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 3918 |
2 | Agree | 8189 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 3065 |
4 | Disagree | 1860 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 574 |
0 | Nap,nav | 11936 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1336 |
9 | Na | 164 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17606 | 13436 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V71 All societies have inequalities
Value 71139 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 1072 |
2 | Agree | 4148 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 4257 |
4 | Disagree | 5366 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 2298 |
0 | Nap,nav | 11936 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1807 |
9 | Na | 158 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17141 | 13901 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V72 Taking everything into account, better
Value 72138 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly Agree | 783 |
2 | Agree | 4346 |
3 | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | 4812 |
4 | Disagree | 5125 |
5 | Strongly Disagree | 2278 |
0 | Nap,nav | 11936 |
8 | Cant Choose | 1628 |
9 | Na | 134 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17344 | 13698 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V73 RCH:Antibiotics kill bacteria not virus
Value 73137 | Frequency | |
1 | Definitely true | 144 |
2 | Probably true | 331 |
3 | True | 590 |
4 | Probably not true | 91 |
5 | Definitely untrue | 51 |
0 | NAV | 29539 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 290 |
9 | NA, refused | 6 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1207 | 29835 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V74 RCH:Human beings developed from animals
Value 74136 | Frequency | |
1 | Definitely true | 111 |
2 | Probably true | 297 |
3 | True | 474 |
4 | Probably not true | 181 |
5 | Definitely untrue | 198 |
0 | NAV | 29539 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 232 |
9 | NA, refused | 10 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1261 | 29781 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V75 RCH:Man-made chemicals can cause cancer
Value 75135 | Frequency | |
1 | Definitely true | 160 |
2 | Probably true | 427 |
3 | True | 546 |
4 | Probably not true | 148 |
5 | Definitely untrue | 54 |
0 | NAV | 29539 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 161 |
9 | NA, refused | 7 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1335 | 29707 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V76 RCH:Exposed radioactivity results to die
Value 76134 | Frequency | |
1 | Definitely true | 184 |
2 | Probably true | 405 |
3 | True | 552 |
4 | Probably not true | 116 |
5 | Definitely untrue | 45 |
0 | NAV | 29539 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 194 |
9 | NA, refused | 7 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1302 | 29740 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V77 RCH:Greenhouse effect:hole i earth atmos
Value 77133 | Frequency | |
1 | Definitely true | 193 |
2 | Probably true | 347 |
3 | True | 560 |
4 | Probably not true | 84 |
5 | Definitely untrue | 56 |
0 | NAV | 29539 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 258 |
9 | NA, refused | 5 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1240 | 29802 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V78 RCH:Greenhouse effect: use coal oil gas
Value 78132 | Frequency | |
1 | Definitely true | 175 |
2 | Probably true | 343 |
3 | True | 617 |
4 | Probably not true | 93 |
5 | Definitely untrue | 25 |
0 | NAV | 29539 |
8 | Cant Choose, DK | 243 |
9 | NA, refused | 7 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1253 | 29789 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V79 LV42:To protect environment-this country
Value 79131 | Frequency | |
1 | Does very much | 2 |
2 | Rather much | 41 |
3 | Not very much | 559 |
4 | Almost nothing | 334 |
0 | NAV | 30042 |
8 | Cantsay | 64 |
9 | NA, refused | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
936 | 30106 |
Valid range from 0 to 8
V80 LV43: Which suits you the best
Value 80130 | Frequency | |
1 | All countries make sacrafices | 377 |
2 | Poorer countr.should do as much | 516 |
0 | NAV | 30042 |
8 | Cant say | 107 |
9 | NA, refused | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
893 | 30149 |
Valid range from 0 to 8
V81 LV49:Matter o time nucl accid.cause prob
Value 81129 | Frequency | |
1 | Strongly agree | 150 |
2 | Agree | 430 |
3 | Neither Agree nor disgaree | 183 |
4 | Disagree | 86 |
5 | Strongly disagree | 19 |
0 | NAV | 30042 |
8 | Cant choose | 132 |
9 | NA, refused | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
868 | 30174 |
Valid range from 0 to 8
V200 SEX R: sex
Value 82128 | Frequency | |
1 | Male | 13964 |
2 | Female | 17064 |
9 | NA, refused | 14 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
31028 | 14 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V201 AGE R: Age
Value 83127 | Frequency | |
15 | 32 | |
16 | 16 years | 143 |
17 | 143 | |
18 | GB:18 yrs or above | 439 |
19 | 434 | |
20 | 487 | |
21 | 475 | |
22 | 485 | |
23 | 473 | |
24 | 479 | |
25 | 550 | |
26 | 509 | |
27 | 534 | |
28 | 514 | |
29 | 515 | |
30 | 675 | |
31 | 551 | |
32 | 626 | |
33 | 553 | |
34 | 618 | |
35 | 628 | |
36 | 649 | |
37 | 639 | |
38 | 664 | |
39 | 629 | |
40 | 693 | |
41 | 552 | |
42 | 631 | |
43 | 629 | |
44 | 547 | |
45 | 670 | |
46 | 580 | |
47 | 574 | |
48 | 568 | |
49 | 524 | |
50 | 615 | |
51 | 532 | |
52 | 586 | |
53 | 535 | |
54 | 524 | |
55 | 460 | |
56 | 487 | |
57 | 463 | |
58 | 441 | |
59 | 418 | |
60 | 509 | |
61 | 402 | |
62 | 445 | |
63 | 423 | |
64 | 415 | |
65 | 429 | |
66 | 364 | |
67 | 405 | |
68 | 383 | |
69 | 340 | |
70 | 414 | |
71 | 285 | |
72 | 350 | |
73 | 294 | |
74 | 290 | |
75 | 259 | |
76 | 213 | |
77 | 180 | |
78 | 182 | |
79 | 183 | |
80 | 139 | |
81 | 102 | |
82 | 93 | |
83 | 66 | |
84 | 56 | |
85 | 56 | |
86 | 45 | |
87 | 43 | |
88 | 29 | |
89 | 25 | |
90 | 8 | |
91 | 5 | |
92 | 5 | |
93 | 4 | |
94 | 4 | |
95 | 2 | |
96 | GB:96 yrs or older | 2 |
99 | NA, refused | 120 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30922 | 120 |
Valid range from 15 to 99
V202 MARITAL R: Marital status
Value 84126 | Frequency | |
1 | Marr,liv as mar | 18498 |
2 | Widowed | 2509 |
3 | Divorced | 1961 |
4 | Separated,but married | 814 |
5 | Single,never married | 7036 |
9 | NA,refused | 224 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30818 | 224 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V203 COHAB R: Steady life-partner
Value 85125 | Frequency | |
1 | Yes | 2215 |
2 | No | 8866 |
0 | NAP,married,no partner,NAV | 19476 |
9 | NA,refused | 485 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
11081 | 19961 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V204 EDUCYRS R: Education I: years in school
Value 86124 | Frequency | |
1 | AUS: 0 or 1 yr | 73 |
2 | 172 | |
3 | 306 | |
4 | 620 | |
5 | 318 | |
6 | 929 | |
7 | 704 | |
8 | NZ:1-8 yrs | 2628 |
9 | N:7-9 yrs | 2188 |
10 | 2056 | |
11 | NZ:9-11 yrs | 3523 |
12 | 4516 | |
13 | NZ:12-13 yrs | 2197 |
14 | 1688 | |
15 | NZ:14-16 yrs | 1579 |
16 | 1613 | |
17 | NZ:17+ yrs | 1051 |
18 | 728 | |
19 | 321 | |
20 | 300 | |
21 | 101 | |
22 | 56 | |
23 | 22 | |
24 | 23 | |
25 | 25 | |
26 | 6 | |
27 | 1 | |
28 | 4 | |
29 | 2 | |
30 | 9 | |
31 | 1 | |
32 | 2 | |
35 | 6 | |
36 | 1 | |
40 | 1 | |
42 | 1 | |
70 | 1 | |
94 | Other educ,other answer | 35 |
95 | Still at school,N:+uni | 366 |
96 | Still at college,uni | 556 |
97 | No form school | 552 |
0 | NAV | 745 |
98 | Dont know | 301 |
99 | NA, refused | 715 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
29281 | 1761 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V205 DEGREE R: Education II: categories
Value 87123 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 0 |
1 | None;still at school,uni | 746 |
2 | Incpl primary | 1723 |
3 | Primary compl | 6282 |
4 | Incpl secondary | 6215 |
5 | Secondary compl | 7609 |
6 | Semi-higher,incompl uni. | 3771 |
7 | University compl | 4394 |
98 | DK | 84 |
99 | NA | 218 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30740 | 302 |
Valid range from 1 to 99
V206 A_DEGR Original education var: Austria
Value 88122 | Frequency | |
1 | None | 13 |
2 | Primary compl Hauptschule | 298 |
3 | Apprenticeship compl | 298 |
4 | Middle school vocational | 185 |
5 | Secondary compl Matura | 146 |
6 | University, semi-higher comp | 71 |
0 | NAV | 30031 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1011 | 30031 |
Valid range from 0 to 6
V207 BG_DEGR Original education: Bulgaria
Value 89121 | Frequency | |
1 | None | 21 |
2 | Incompl primary | 60 |
3 | Primary compl | 135 |
4 | Incompl secondary | 38 |
5 | Secondary compl | 423 |
6 | University incompl | 39 |
7 | University degree | 176 |
10 | Basic compl,3-4 | 42 |
50 | College completd | 78 |
0 | NAV | 30029 |
99 | DK, NA | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1012 | 30030 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V208 CDN_DEGR Original education: Canada
Value 90120 | Frequency | |
1 | None | 26 |
2 | Some grade school | 28 |
3 | Finshed grade school | 49 |
4 | Some high school | 165 |
5 | Finished high school | 239 |
6 | College, CEGEP | 331 |
7 | Completed university | 164 |
8 | Graduate studies | 93 |
0 | NAV | 29927 |
99 | NA,refused | 20 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1095 | 29947 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V209 CH_DEGR Original education: Switzerland
Value 91119 | Frequency | |
1 | Primary school | 123 |
2 | Secondary school | 39 |
3 | Apprenticeship | 419 |
4 | Sec.higher qual,gymn | 73 |
5 | Master grade,spec.traing | 120 |
6 | Profess,techn.spec.higher qual | 70 |
7 | University | 128 |
8 | Other education | 30 |
0 | NAV | 30036 |
99 | DK, NA | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1002 | 30040 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V210 CZ_DEGR Original educ: Czech Republic
Value 92118 | Frequency | |
1 | Incomplete primary | 1 |
2 | Primary completed | 153 |
3 | Lower vocational | 328 |
4 | General sec.,no diploma | 183 |
5 | Technical secondary | 301 |
6 | Academic secondary | 123 |
7 | Incpl tertiary | 32 |
8 | Tertiary,bachelor | 15 |
9 | Tert.master degr,post | 108 |
0 | NAV | 29798 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1244 | 29798 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V211 D_DEGR Original education: Germany
Value 93117 | Frequency | |
1 | Still at school | 9 |
2 | School left without qual | 36 |
3 | Lower secondary,Volkssch | 632 |
4 | Middle school | 469 |
5 | Secondary technical | 91 |
6 | Academic sec. Abitur | 129 |
7 | Special univ. qualif | 8 |
8 | University | 123 |
9 | Other qualification | 3 |
0 | NAV | 29541 |
99 | NA | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1500 | 29542 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V212 DK_DEGR Original education: Denmark
Value 94116 | Frequency | |
1 | 7 primary or shorter | 143 |
2 | 8 primary school | 62 |
3 | 9 primary school | 127 |
4 | 10 primary school | 258 |
5 | Gymnasium general | 279 |
6 | Gymnasium,technical,comercial | 93 |
7 | Other | 57 |
0 | NAV | 29973 |
99 | DK, NA | 50 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1019 | 30023 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V213 E_DEGR Original education: Spain
Value 95115 | Frequency | |
1 | Incompl. Primary School | 75 |
2 | Primary School compl | 242 |
3 | Incompl. Secondary School | 186 |
4 | First degree profess.trng | 41 |
5 | Secondary School compl | 95 |
6 | Sec. degree profess.trng | 65 |
7 | Technical architecture | 11 |
8 | 3 yrs university certificate | 54 |
9 | 2 or 3 yrs university | 6 |
10 | Architecture,engineerg school | 2 |
11 | College degrees, 4 or 5 yrs | 50 |
12 | PhD | 4 |
13 | Master degree,post-college | 2 |
14 | Other non-official studies | 2 |
97 | No formal schooling | 115 |
0 | NAV | 30084 |
99 | NA | 8 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
950 | 30092 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V214 GB_DEGR Original education: Britain
Value 96114 | Frequency | |
1 | No sec. qualifications | 653 |
2 | CSE NIRL:GCSE+O-level | 274 |
3 | O-level or equivalent | 228 |
4 | A-level or equivalent | 200 |
5 | Higher below degree level | 116 |
6 | Degree, university o CNAA o diploma | 202 |
7 | Foreign or other qualification | 39 |
0 | NAV | 29325 |
99 | DK, NA | 5 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1712 | 29330 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V215 IL_DEGR Original education: Israel
Value 97113 | Frequency | |
1 | Incomplete Primary | 80 |
2 | Incompl. vocational | 102 |
3 | Vocational completed | 113 |
4 | Vocational with matric. | 100 |
5 | Incompl. academic | 46 |
6 | Academic completed | 80 |
7 | Academic with matric. | 174 |
8 | Post secondary | 172 |
9 | Incompl. university | 84 |
10 | University compl,BA | 244 |
0 | NAV | 29837 |
99 | NA | 10 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1195 | 29847 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V216 IRL_DEGR Original education: Ireland
Value 98112 | Frequency | |
0 | NAV | 31042 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
0 | 31042 |
Valid range from 0 to 0
V217 J_DEGR Original education: Japan
Value 99111 | Frequency | |
1 | Primary completed | 243 |
2 | High school completed | 518 |
3 | Junior college compl | 170 |
4 | Finished university | 172 |
5 | Still at High school | 45 |
6 | Still at university | 23 |
7 | Others | 2 |
0 | NAV | 29862 |
99 | NA | 7 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1173 | 29869 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V218 LV_DEGR Original education: Latvia
Value 100110 | Frequency | |
1 | Incompl.primary | 13 |
2 | Primary completed | 88 |
3 | Incl.secondary,vocat.without sec | 108 |
4 | Secondary completed | 219 |
5 | Semi-higher,voc.with sec | 336 |
6 | Incompl. university | 80 |
7 | University completed,higher | 156 |
0 | NAV | 30042 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1000 | 30042 |
Valid range from 0 to 7
V219 MEX_DEGR Original education: Mexico
Value 101109 | Frequency | |
1 | None, still at school | 296 |
2 | Primary school compl | 282 |
3 | Technical traing without sec | 13 |
4 | Secondary school | 269 |
5 | Techn traing after sec | 47 |
6 | High school compl | 148 |
7 | Techn traing after high school | 47 |
8 | University compl | 135 |
9 | Master degree | 17 |
0 | NAV | 29780 |
99 | NA | 8 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1254 | 29788 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V220 N_DEGR Original education: Norway
Value 102108 | Frequency | |
1 | Primary | 156 |
2 | Sec. vocational,incompl | 112 |
3 | Sec. academic,inc | 129 |
4 | Sec. voc., compl | 267 |
5 | Sec. acad., compl | 249 |
6 | Univ.,coll. <1 year | 40 |
7 | Univ.,coll. 1-2 yrs | 124 |
8 | Univ.,coll. 3-4 yrs | 209 |
9 | Univ.,coll. >=5 yrs | 153 |
0 | NAV | 29590 |
99 | NA | 13 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1439 | 29603 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V221 NL_DEGR Original education: Netherlands
Value 103107 | Frequency | |
3 | Basic educ.+vocational trng | 548 |
4 | Lower grammar,3yrs incompl | 73 |
5 | L grammar,3-5,class educ+trng | 663 |
6 | Incompl. class. educ | 44 |
7 | Univ.,technical univ,teacher | 281 |
0 | NAV | 29433 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1609 | 29433 |
Valid range from 0 to 7
V222 NZ_DEGR Original education: New Zealand
Value 104106 | Frequency | |
1 | No formal sec. qualification | 229 |
2 | School qualification | 305 |
3 | Trade, professional certificate | 287 |
4 | Diploma below Bachelor | 96 |
5 | Bachelor s degree | 114 |
6 | Post-graduate qualification | 63 |
0 | NAV | 29930 |
99 | NA | 18 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1094 | 29948 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V223 P_DEGR Original education: Portugal
Value 105105 | Frequency | |
1 | No formal schooling | 81 |
2 | 3 or less yrs school | 105 |
3 | 4 yrs school, basic level | 366 |
4 | 5-11yrs,sec+thrd cycle basic level | 273 |
5 | 12 yrs of schooling | 85 |
6 | Higher education below degree level | 41 |
7 | University degree | 49 |
0 | NAV | 30042 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1000 | 30042 |
Valid range from 0 to 7
V224 RCH_DEGR Original education:Rep.o Chile
Value 106104 | Frequency | |
1 | None | 53 |
2 | Incomplete primary | 434 |
3 | Primary completed | 161 |
4 | Incomplete secondary | 238 |
5 | Secondary completed | 300 |
6 | University incomplete | 79 |
7 | University completed | 116 |
8 | Incompl non-university higher | 35 |
9 | Compl non-university higher | 80 |
0 | NAV | 29539 |
99 | NA | 7 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1496 | 29546 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V225 RP_DEGR Original education: Philippines
Value 107103 | Frequency | |
1 | None | 13 |
2 | Some elementary | 147 |
3 | Completed elementary | 191 |
4 | Some high school | 168 |
5 | Completed High school | 249 |
6 | Some vocational | 18 |
7 | Completed vocational | 44 |
8 | Some college | 168 |
9 | Completed college | 199 |
10 | Post college | 3 |
0 | NAV | 29842 |
99 | NA | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1200 | 29842 |
Valid range from 0 to 10
V226 RUS_DEGR Original education: Russia
Value 108102 | Frequency | |
0 | 31042 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
0 | 31042 |
Valid range from 0 to 0
V227 S_DEGR Original education: Sweden
Value 109101 | Frequency | |
1 | Primary or comprehensive | 229 |
2 | Vocational school (72-92) | 127 |
3 | Vocational school (post 92) | 32 |
4 | Vocational school (pre 72) | 80 |
5 | Alternative sec. school | 29 |
6 | Lower secondary school | 46 |
7 | 3 o 4 yrs gymnasium | 112 |
8 | Gymnasium (academic) | 20 |
9 | Higher sec. school | 33 |
10 | University studies | 113 |
11 | University degree | 210 |
0 | NAV | 29975 |
99 | NA | 36 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1031 | 30011 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V228 SF_DEGR Original education: Finland
Value 110100 | Frequency | |
1 | Incomplete primary | 83 |
2 | Primary school | 191 |
3 | Lower secondary | 102 |
4 | Vocational education | 364 |
5 | General upper second | 126 |
6 | Vocational college | 346 |
7 | Polytechnics | 65 |
8 | Lower uni degree | 67 |
9 | Higher uni degree | 116 |
0 | NAV | 29514 |
99 | NA | 68 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1460 | 29582 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V229 SLO_DEGR Original education: Slovenia
Value 11199 | Frequency | |
1 | Incomplete primary | 66 |
2 | Primary completed | 239 |
3 | Incomplete vocational | 37 |
4 | 2-3 yrs vocational | 249 |
5 | 4 yrs middle school | 311 |
6 | Incomplete university | 28 |
7 | Higher degree compl | 60 |
8 | University compl | 80 |
0 | NAV | 29965 |
99 | NA | 7 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1070 | 29972 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V230 USA_DEGR Original education: USA
Value 11298 | Frequency | |
1 | Less than high school | 216 |
2 | High school | 661 |
3 | Associate, Junior colege | 90 |
4 | Bachelors | 213 |
5 | Graduate | 89 |
0 | NAV | 29766 |
98 | DK | 1 |
99 | NA | 6 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1269 | 29773 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V231 WRKST R: Current employment status
Value 11397 | Frequency | |
1 | Employed-full time | 13393 |
2 | Employed-part time | 2761 |
3 | Empl-< part-time | 647 |
4 | Helpg family member | 219 |
5 | Unemployed | 1536 |
6 | Studt,school,vocat.trng | 1686 |
7 | Retired | 5435 |
8 | Housewife,home duties | 3492 |
9 | Permanently disabled | 706 |
10 | Oth,not i labour force | 540 |
0 | NAV | 0 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | Dont know | 0 |
99 | NA | 627 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
30415 | 627 |
Valid range from 1 to 99
V232 SPWRKST S-P: Current employment status
Value 11496 | Frequency | |
1 | F-t empl,main job | 9899 |
2 | P-t empl,main job | 1369 |
3 | Less part-time | 268 |
4 | Help family member | 147 |
5 | Unemployed | 694 |
6 | Studt,school,educ | 288 |
7 | Retired | 2795 |
8 | Housewife,home duties | 2399 |
9 | Permanent disabled | 475 |
10 | Oth,n i lab force | 228 |
0 | NAV;n mar;n spou/partn | 12000 |
97 | Refused | 0 |
98 | Dont know | 11 |
99 | NA | 469 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
18562 | 12480 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V233 ISCO88 R: Occupation ILO,ISCO 1988
Value 11595 | Frequency | |
1 | D:Soldiers | 3 |
2 | D:Officers | 2 |
100 | Armed forces | 9 |
110 | Armed forces | 61 |
111 | N:Soldiers | 0 |
112 | N:Officers | 0 |
1000 | Legislators,senior off.+managers | 47 |
1039 | Undocumented | 0 |
1100 | Legislators and senior officials | 17 |
1110 | Legislators | 14 |
1120 | Senior government official | 23 |
1130 | Traditional chiefs+heads of villages | 12 |
1140 | Sen.officials of interest organisation | 6 |
1141 | Sen.officials of pol.party | 3 |
1142 | Sen.officials of empl+workers org | 8 |
1143 | Sen.off.of human+other interest org | 5 |
1181 | Undocumented | 0 |
1190 | Undocumented | 0 |
1195 | Undocumented | 0 |
1200 | Corporate managers | 28 |
1210 | Directors and chief executives | 151 |
1220 | Production+operations dep.manager | 64 |
1221 | Prod.+oper.managers in agriculture | 2 |
1222 | Prod.+oper.managers:manufacturing | 34 |
1223 | Prod.+oper.managers:construction | 30 |
1224 | Prod.+oper.managers:retail trade | 16 |
1225 | Prod.+oper.managers:hotels rest. | 15 |
1226 | Prod.+oper.managers:transport,comm | 15 |
1227 | Prod.+oper.managers:business serv. | 11 |
1228 | Prod.+oper.managers:cleaning | 15 |
1229 | Prod.+oper.dep. managers nec | 185 |
1230 | Other department managers | 127 |
1231 | Finance+administration dep.managers | 72 |
1232 | Personnel+industrial rel.dep.managers | 12 |
1233 | Sales+marketing dep.managers | 34 |
1234 | Advertising+pub.relations dep.managers | 7 |
1235 | Supply+distribution dep.managers | 15 |
1236 | Computing services dep.managers | 11 |
1237 | Research+development dep.managers | 16 |
1238 | Other department managers nec | 8 |
1239 | Other department managers | 26 |
1240 | USA:Misc.office supervisors | 2 |
1250 | PL:Military officer | 1 |
1251 | H,PL:High-grade military officer | 1 |
1252 | H,PL:Low-grade commissioned officer | 1 |
1300 | General managers | 24 |
1310 | General managers | 245 |
1311 | General managers in agriculture | 17 |
1312 | General managers in manufacture | 28 |
1313 | General managers in construction | 14 |
1314 | Gen.managers in wholesale+retail trade | 176 |
1315 | Gen.managers of rest.+hotels | 68 |
1316 | Gen.managers in transport+comm. | 22 |
1317 | General managers of business services | 17 |
1318 | Gen.managers in personal care,cleaning | 4 |
1319 | General managers nec | 53 |
1320 | N:Managers in non-specific trade areas | 0 |
1322 | Undocumented | 0 |
1352 | Undocumented | 0 |
1383 | Undocumented | 0 |
1384 | Undocumented | 0 |
1400 | Undocumented | 0 |
1410 | Undocumented | 0 |
1446 | Undocumented | 0 |
1450 | Undocumented | 0 |
1814 | Undocumented | 0 |
2000 | Professionals | 126 |
2020 | Undocumented | 0 |
2100 | Physical,math.+engineering science | 20 |
2110 | Physicists,chemists+rel.professionals | 17 |
2111 | Physicists, and astronomers | 2 |
2112 | Meteorologists | 2 |
2113 | Chemists | 10 |
2114 | Geologists and geophysicists | 2 |
2120 | Mathematicians, statisticians+rel.prof | 2 |
2121 | Mathematicians and related prof | 3 |
2122 | Statisticians | 2 |
2130 | Computing professionals | 50 |
2131 | Computing systems designers+analysts | 100 |
2132 | Computer programmers | 22 |
2139 | Computing professionals n.e.c. | 26 |
2140 | Architects,engineers+rel.profess | 152 |
2141 | Architects, town+traffic planners | 36 |
2142 | Civil engineers | 58 |
2143 | Electrical engineers | 26 |
2144 | Electronics+telecomm.engineers | 14 |
2145 | Mechanical engineers | 34 |
2146 | Chemical engineers | 11 |
2147 | Mining engineers,metallurgists+rel | 5 |
2148 | Cartographers and surveyors | 5 |
2149 | Architects,engineers+rel.prof | 67 |
2199 | Other natural scientist | 0 |
2200 | Life science+health professionals | 11 |
2210 | Life science professionals | 17 |
2211 | Biologist,botanist,zoologist+rel | 14 |
2212 | Pharmacologists, pathologists | 7 |
2213 | Agronomists+related professionals | 13 |
2220 | Health professionals | 42 |
2221 | Medical doctors | 67 |
2222 | Dentists | 23 |
2223 | Veterinarians | 9 |
2224 | Pharmacists | 20 |
2229 | Health professionals n.e.c. | 18 |
2230 | Nursing+midwifery professionals | 170 |
2248 | Undocumented | 0 |
2280 | Undocumented | 0 |
2300 | Teaching professionals | 66 |
2310 | College,uni+higher educ.teacher | 126 |
2313 | Undocumented | 0 |
2315 | Undocumented | 0 |
2320 | Secondary education teacher | 343 |
2321 | H:Secondary (high)-school teacher | 12 |
2322 | H:Teacher in vocational training | 1 |
2330 | Primary+pre-primary educ.teacher | 68 |
2331 | Primary educ.teaching prof | 231 |
2332 | Pre-primary educ.teaching prof | 39 |
2333 | Undocumented | 0 |
2340 | Special educ.teaching profess | 33 |
2350 | Other teaching profess,nec | 72 |
2351 | Education methods specialists | 11 |
2352 | School inspectors | 9 |
2354 | Undocumented | 0 |
2359 | Extra-systemic. teacher | 30 |
2400 | Other professionals | 33 |
2401 | Undocumented | 0 |
2410 | Business professionals | 79 |
2411 | Accountants | 109 |
2412 | Personnel+careers professionals | 42 |
2418 | Undocumented | 0 |
2419 | Business professionals n.e.c | 92 |
2420 | Legal professionals | 39 |
2421 | Lawyers | 25 |
2422 | Judges | 6 |
2423 | Undocumented | 1 |
2429 | Legal professionals nec | 17 |
2430 | Archivists,librarians+rel.info.prof | 5 |
2431 | Archivists and curators | 5 |
2432 | Librarians+rel.information prof. | 19 |
2440 | Social science+rel. prof. | 33 |
2441 | Economists | 53 |
2442 | Sociologists,anthropologists+rel | 5 |
2443 | Philosophers,historians+pol.scientist | 4 |
2444 | Philologists,translators+interpreter | 16 |
2445 | Psychologists | 30 |
2446 | Social work professionals | 58 |
2450 | Writers and creative artists | 43 |
2451 | Authors,journalists+other writers | 53 |
2452 | Sculptors, painters+rel.artists | 31 |
2453 | Composers, musicians+singers | 20 |
2454 | Choreographers and dancers | 4 |
2455 | Film, stage+rel.actors+directors | 11 |
2460 | Religious professionals | 38 |
2470 | Public service administrative prof | 29 |
2477 | Undocumented | 1 |
2500 | Education prof. n.e.c. | 7 |
2510 | N:Soc.scientific,juridical+techn.planng | 0 |
2511 | N:Economical+soc.scientific planng | 3 |
2512 | N:Juridical planning | 5 |
2513 | N:Technical+scientific planng | 0 |
2519 | N:Others within this group | 1 |
2890 | Undocumented | 0 |
2919 | Undocumented | 0 |
3000 | Technicians and related prof. | 33 |
3100 | Physical+engineering science techn. | 20 |
3110 | Physical+engineering science techn. | 106 |
3111 | Chemical+physical science techn. | 30 |
3112 | Civil engineering technicians | 33 |
3113 | Electrical engineering technicians | 42 |
3114 | Electronics+telecommunication techn | 47 |
3115 | Mechanical engineering technicians | 40 |
3116 | Chemical engineering technicians | 16 |
3117 | Mining and metallurgical techn. | 1 |
3118 | Draughtspersons | 16 |
3119 | Physical+engin.science techn.nec | 83 |
3120 | Computer associate professionals | 52 |
3121 | Computer assistants | 36 |
3122 | Computer equipment operators | 21 |
3123 | Industrial robot controllers | 4 |
3130 | Optical+electronic equipement oper | 14 |
3131 | Photographers+image+sound oper | 11 |
3132 | Broadcasting+telecommunications oper | 7 |
3133 | Medical equipment operators | 9 |
3139 | Optical+electronic operators nec | 6 |
3140 | Ship,aircraft controllers+techn. | 6 |
3141 | Ships engineers | 7 |
3142 | Ships deck officers and pilots | 13 |
3143 | Aircraft pilots+rel. professionals | 11 |
3144 | Air traffic pilots | 4 |
3145 | Air traffic safety technicians | 2 |
3149 | Undocumented | 0 |
3150 | Safety and quality inspectors | 10 |
3151 | Building and fire inspectors | 5 |
3152 | Safety, health+quality inspectors | 36 |
3160 | Undocumented | 12 |
3181 | Undocumented | 0 |
3200 | Life science+health ass.profess | 27 |
3210 | Life science technicians+rel.prof | 30 |
3211 | Life science technicians | 37 |
3212 | Agronomy and forestry technicians | 13 |
3213 | Farming and forestry advisers | 2 |
3220 | Modern health ass.professionals | 44 |
3221 | Medical assistants | 54 |
3222 | Sanitarians | 4 |
3223 | Dieticians and nutritionists | 6 |
3224 | Optometrists and opticians | 2 |
3225 | Dental assistants | 22 |
3226 | Physiotherapists+rel.ass.profess | 35 |
3227 | Veterinary assistants | 6 |
3228 | Pharmaceutical assistants | 13 |
3229 | Modern health ass.profess.nec | 29 |
3230 | Nursing+midwifery ass.professionals | 104 |
3231 | Nursing associate professionals | 249 |
3232 | Midwifery associate professionals | 13 |
3233 | Undocumented | 0 |
3240 | Trad.medicine practitioner+faith healer | 0 |
3241 | Traditional medicine practitioners | 0 |
3242 | Faith healers | 0 |
3249 | Undocumented | 0 |
3266 | Undocumented | 0 |
3271 | Undocumented | 0 |
3300 | Teaching associate professionals | 9 |
3310 | Primary educ.teachg ass.prof. | 126 |
3320 | Pre-primary educ. teachg ass. prof. | 96 |
3326 | Undocumented | 0 |
3330 | Spec.educ. teaching ass. prof. | 23 |
3340 | Other teaching associate profess | 69 |
3341 | N:Techers in technical college | 6 |
3342 | N:Other educational occ | 0 |
3400 | Other associate professionals | 43 |
3405 | Undocumented | 1 |
3410 | Finance+sales associate professionals | 160 |
3411 | Securities+finance dealers and brokers | 20 |
3412 | Insurance representatives | 42 |
3413 | Estate agents | 33 |
3414 | Travel consultants and organisers | 8 |
3415 | Technical+commercial sales represent | 139 |
3416 | Buyers | 33 |
3417 | Appraisers,valuers+auctioneers | 20 |
3418 | N:Customer consultant in a bank | 8 |
3419 | Finance+sales ass.professionals nec | 42 |
3420 | Business services agents+trade broker | 30 |
3421 | Trade brokers | 3 |
3422 | Clearing and forwarding agents | 8 |
3423 | Employment agents+labour contractors | 16 |
3424 | Undocumented | 0 |
3429 | Other business services agents nec | 62 |
3430 | Administrative ass.professionals | 95 |
3431 | Administrative secretaries+rel.prof | 83 |
3432 | Legal+rel.business ass. profess | 51 |
3433 | Bookkeepers | 142 |
3434 | Statistical,mathematical+rel.prof | 8 |
3439 | Administrative ass.profess. nec | 72 |
3440 | Customs,tax+rel.government prof | 42 |
3441 | Customs and border inspectors | 5 |
3442 | Government tax and excise officials | 20 |
3443 | Government social benefits officials | 8 |
3444 | Government licensing officials | 4 |
3445 | N:Public employment service worker | 0 |
3446 | Undocumented | 0 |
3448 | Undocumented | 0 |
3449 | Customs,tax+rel. government prof nec | 22 |
3450 | Police inspectors and detectives | 30 |
3452 |