Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP): Ekologija II

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • International Social Survey Programme
  • Kelly, Jonathan
  • Guidorossi, Giovanna
  • Haller, Max
  • Smith, Tom W.
  • Becker, Jos
  • Park, Alison
  • Ward, Connor
  • Robert, Peter
  • Harkness, Janet
  • Cichomski, Bogdan
  • Kalgraff Skjak, Knut
  • Lewin-Epstein, Noah
  • Gendal, Philip J.
  • Luz-Guerrero, Linda
  • Khakhalina, Ludmila
  • Dimova, Lilia
  • Pammett, Jon
  • Onodera, Noriko
  • Toš, Niko
  • Vlachova-Plecita, Klara
  • Svallfors, Stefan
  • Diez Nicolas, Juan
  • Villaverde-Cabral, Manuel
  • Piscova, Magdalena
  • Papageorgiou, Bambos
  • Lemel, Yannick
  • Tabuns, Aivars
  • Lehmann, Carla
  • Ahmad, Q. K.
  • Goul Andersen, Jørgen
  • Haag, Franz
  • Orkin, F. M.
  • Celi-Scalon, Maria
  • Briceno-Leon, Roberto
  • Blom, Raimo
  • Billiet, Jaak
  • Curiel-Gutierrez, Federico
  • Fu, Yang-Chin
  • Uher, Rolf
Data file producer:
ZA - Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, Universität zu Köln (Köln, Nemčija; 2002)

Funding agency:

Podatki o financiranju niso na voljo.

Project number:

no information

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Raziskava je iz serije ISSP - Mednarodnega projekta sodelovanja splošnih družboslovnih anket, katerega namen je pridobivanje podatkov primernih za primerjalno analizo. Vsako leto se sodelujoče države odločijo za izvedbo kratkega vprašalnika na izbrano temo. (glej in ). Podatki iz mednarodne raziskave so na voljo pod oznako ADP - IDNo: ISSP in letnica.

Study Content


ubogljivost kot element vzgoje, ekološke teme, ekološki problemi, gospodarski problemi, napredek, ekološka etika, svetost narave, profanost narave, pripravljenost za finančno delovanje v korist narave, ekološke navade, sortiranje odpadkov, vegetarjanstvo, politična ekološka angažiranost, poznavanje ekoloških problemov, učinek tople grede, radioaktivnost, ocena ekološke ogroženosti, onesnaženje zraka, onesnaženje vode, demografska vprašanja

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
NARAVNO OKOLJE - onesnaževanje in varstvo okolja
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Topic Classification CERIF
Družbene spremembe, teorija socialnega dela
Topic Classification ADP
ekološko obnašanje respondentov
ekološka angažiranost
poznavanje ekologije
ocena ekološke ogroženosti domačega okolja


Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodleovanja. Skupina, osnovana leta 1983, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dopolniti nacionalne ankete. Tokratna raziskava, drugi modul na temo družbene neenakosti (glej: MEDNARODNA SPLOŠNA DRUŽBOSLOVNA ANKETA: ODNOS DO OKOLJA I, 1993), prinaša podatke iz naslednjih držav: Avstrije, Avstralije, Bolgarije, Kanade, Čila, Cipra, Češke, Danske, Finske, Francije, Nemčije, Madžarske, Irske, Izraela, Italije, Japonske, Latvije, Mehike, Nizozemske, Nove Zelandije, Severne Irske, Norveške, Filipinov, Poljske, Portugalske, Rusije, Slovenije, Slovaške, Španije, Švedske, Švice, Velike Britanije in Združenih držav Amerike. Začne se s stališči glede ubogljivosti pri vzgoji. Ekološka tematika zajema lestvico zaupanja v znanost. Stališča do pomena ekoloških problemov nasploh in v primerjavi z gospodarskimi problemi, napredkom, ekološko etiko, gledanje na naravo kot nekaj svetega ali profanega. Respondentje izražajo pripravljenost finančno delovati v prid okolju,poročajo o vsakdanjih ekoloških navadah, kot je sortiranje, vegetarjanstvo, ter o politični ekološki angažiranosti. Vmes je vrsta vprašanj, ki merijo znanje s področja ekologije, kot je učinek tople grede, nevarnost radioaktivnosti. Ocenjena je tudi ekološka ogroženost zaradi onesnaženosti zraka, voda itd. Dodan je obsežen blok demografskih vprašanj.


Collection date: januar 2000 - november 2001
Date of production: 2002
Country: Avstrija, Avstralija, Bolgarija, Kanada, Čile, Ciper, Češka, Danska, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Madžarska, Irska, Izrael, Italija, Japonska, Latvija, Mehika, Nizozemska, Nova Zelandija, Severna Irska, Norveška, Filipini, Poljska, Portugalska, Rusija, Slovenija, Slovaška, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Velika Britanija in Združene države Amerike
Geographic coverage:

Teritorij naštetih držav, z izjemo Velike Britanije, kjer so izvzeti škotsko višavje in otoki.

Unit of analysis:



Osebe, stare 18 let in več iz naslednjih držav: Avstrije, Avstralije, Bolgarije, Kanade, Čila, Cipra, Češke, Danske, Finske, Francije, Nemčije, Madžarske, Irske, Izraela, Italije, Japonske, Latvije, Mehike, Nizozemske, Nove Zelandije, Severne Irske, Norveške, Filipinov, Poljske, Portugalske, Rusije, Slovenije, Slovaške, Španije, Švedske, Švice, Velike Britanije in Združenih držav Amerike (pri nekaterih državah so prisotna manjša odstopanja glede starosti respondentov).

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

A: IFES - Institut für Empirische Sozialforschung (Wien); NIRL: RES - Research and Evaluation Service (Dublin); SLO: CJMMK - Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij (Ljubljana); S: SIFO; USA: NORC - National Opinion Research Center (Chicago - IL); CZ: SC and C (Praha); DK: Statistics Denmark (Copenhagen); SF: Statistics Finland (Helsinki); MEX: Centro de Estudion de Opinion (Guadalajara); N: Norwegian Gallup Institute AS (Oslo); P: Atitudes Sociais dos Portugueses (Lisboa); RUS: VCIOM (Moskva). Za ostale države podatki niso na voljo.

Sampling procedure:

različno po posameznih državah

Mode of data collection:

Način zbiranja podatkov se med državami razlikuje razlikuje.


CND, CZ, RCH, E, GB, NIRL, RP, P, SF, RUS: uteževanje; BG, D, J, LV, N, NL, MEX, S, USA: brez uteževanja; AUS, A, DK, IL, NZ, CY, F, H, IRL, I, PL, SLO, SK, CH: ni podatka

Access restrictions

Omejeno za potrebe naročnika in raziskovalne skupine. Uporaba je mogoča samo ob predhodnem dogovoru z glavnim avtorjem raziskave in predložitvi pisnega dovoljenja. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: ISSP00 - podatki [datoteka podatkov], 2000

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • number of variables: 245
  • number of units: 26658

Variable list

V1 ZA study number

Value 13 Frequency
3440 31042
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31042 0

Valid range from 3440 to 3440

V2 Respondent ID number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31042 0 200001103 3800000836.4032 1902804352 1031534592

V3 Country

Value 31 Frequency
1 AUS-Australia 0
2 D-W-Germany-West 974
3 D-E-Germany-East 527
4 GB-Great Britain 972
5 NIRL-Northern Ireland 745
6 USA-United States 1276
7 A-Austria 1011
8 H-Hungary 0
9 I-Italy 0
10 IRL-Ireland 1232
11 NL-Netherlands 1609
12 N-Norway 1452
13 S-Sweden 1067
14 CZ-Czech Republic 1244
15 SLO-Slovenia 1077
16 PL-Poland 0
17 BG-Bulgaria 1013
18 RUS-Russia 1705
19 NZ-New Zealand 1112
20 CDN-Canada 1115
21 RP-Philippines 1200
22 IL-Israel 1205
23 IL-Israel Arabs 0
24 J-Japan 1180
25 E-Spain 958
26 LV-Latvia 1000
27 SK-Slovak Republic 0
28 F-France 0
29 CY-Cyprus 0
30 P-Portugal 1000
31 RCH-Chile 1503
32 DK-Denmark 1069
33 CH-Switzerland 1006
34 BD-Bangladesh 0
35 BR-Brasil 0
36 YV-Venezuela 0
37 SF-Finland 1528
38 MEX-Mexico 1262
39 FLA-Flanders 0
40 ZA-South Africa 0
41 RC-Taiwan 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31042 0

Valid range from 2 to 38

V1 ZA study number

Value 1209 Frequency
3440 31042
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31042 0

Valid range from 3440 to 3440

V2 Respondent ID number

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31042 0 200001103 3800000836.4032 1902804352 1031534592

V3 Country

Value 3207 Frequency
1 AUS-Australia 0
2 D-W-Germany-West 974
3 D-E-Germany-East 527
4 GB-Great Britain 972
5 NIRL-Northern Ireland 745
6 USA-United States 1276
7 A-Austria 1011
8 H-Hungary 0
9 I-Italy 0
10 IRL-Ireland 1232
11 NL-Netherlands 1609
12 N-Norway 1452
13 S-Sweden 1067
14 CZ-Czech Republic 1244
15 SLO-Slovenia 1077
16 PL-Poland 0
17 BG-Bulgaria 1013
18 RUS-Russia 1705
19 NZ-New Zealand 1112
20 CDN-Canada 1115
21 RP-Philippines 1200
22 IL-Israel 1205
23 IL-Israel Arabs 0
24 J-Japan 1180
25 E-Spain 958
26 LV-Latvia 1000
27 SK-Slovak Republic 0
28 F-France 0
29 CY-Cyprus 0
30 P-Portugal 1000
31 RCH-Chile 1503
32 DK-Denmark 1069
33 CH-Switzerland 1006
34 BD-Bangladesh 0
35 BR-Brasil 0
36 YV-Venezuela 0
37 SF-Finland 1528
38 MEX-Mexico 1262
39 FLA-Flanders 0
40 ZA-South Africa 0
41 RC-Taiwan 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31042 0

Valid range from 2 to 38

V4 Solve economic problems:Priv enterprise

Value 4206 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 3502
2 Agree 10263
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 6891
4 Disagree 5012
5 Strongly Disagree 1912
8 Cant Choose, DK 2920
9 NA, refused 542
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27580 3462

Valid range from 1 to 9

V5 Responsib gov: reduce income difference

Value 5205 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 6826
2 Agree 11295
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 4798
4 Disagree 4426
5 Strongly Disagree 1685
8 Cant Choose, DK 1584
9 NA, refused 428
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29030 2012

Valid range from 1 to 9

V6 Highest priority in <Rs Country>

Value 6204 Frequency
1 Order in Nation 13321
2 People more say 7352
3 Fight rising prices 5273
4 Protect freedom of speech 3360
0 NAV 188
8 Cant Choose, DK 1248
9 NA, refused 300
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29306 1736

Valid range from 0 to 9

V7 Next highest priority in <Rs Country>

Value 7203 Frequency
1 Order in Nation 7455
2 People more say 7398
3 Fight rising prices 7953
4 Protect freedom of speech 5614
0 NAV 188
8 Cant Choose, DK 1935
9 NA, refused 499
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28420 2622

Valid range from 0 to 9

V8 Science: believe too often in

Value 8202 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 3272
2 Agree 11168
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 6883
4 Disagree 5657
5 Strongly Disagree 1715
8 Cant Choose, DK 2017
9 NA, refused 330
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28695 2347

Valid range from 1 to 9

V9 Science: more harm than good

Value 9201 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 1471
2 Agree 5286
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 6413
4 Disagree 11028
5 Strongly Disagree 4645
8 Cant Choose, DK 1784
9 NA, refused 415
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28843 2199

Valid range from 1 to 9

V10 Science: solve environmental problems

Value 10200 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 1458
2 Agree 6887
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 6296
4 Disagree 9552
5 Strongly Disagree 3730
8 Cant Choose, DK 2706
9 NA, refused 413
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27923 3119

Valid range from 1 to 9

V11 Worry: about future environment

Value 11199 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 2799
2 Agree 8063
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 4983
4 Disagree 9867
5 Strongly Disagree 3801
8 Cant Choose, DK 1195
9 NA, refused 334
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29513 1529

Valid range from 1 to 9

V12 Environment: modern life harms the

Value 12198 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 3420
2 Agree 11767
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 5559
4 Disagree 7505
5 Strongly Disagree 1424
8 Cant Choose, DK 1018
9 NA, refused 349
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29675 1367

Valid range from 1 to 9

V13 Worry: progress harming environment

Value 13197 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 1832
2 Agree 8037
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 5645
4 Disagree 10295
5 Strongly Disagree 3100
8 Cant Choose, DK 1722
9 NA, refused 411
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28909 2133

Valid range from 1 to 9

V14 Environment: protect by economic growth

Value 14196 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 4924
2 Agree 11691
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 4978
4 Disagree 5533
5 Strongly Disagree 1366
8 Cant Choose, DK 2161
9 NA, refused 389
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28492 2550

Valid range from 1 to 9

V15 Animals: medical testing if save lives

Value 15195 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 5520
2 Agree 12803
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 4617
4 Disagree 4161
5 Strongly Disagree 2385
8 Cant Choose, DK 1218
9 NA, refused 338
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29486 1556

Valid range from 1 to 9

V16 Economic growth: harms the environment

Value 16194 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 1956
2 Agree 7201
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 6945
4 Disagree 10196
5 Strongly Disagree 2226
8 Cant Choose, DK 2075
9 NA, refused 443
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28524 2518

Valid range from 1 to 9

V17 Earth cannot continue support pres. rate

Value 17193 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 5021
2 Agree 10795
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 5081
4 Disagree 4520
5 Strongly Disagree 1258
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant Choose, DK 3001
9 NA, refused 366
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26675 4367

Valid range from 0 to 9

V18 Nature is sacred because ..

Value 18192 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Sacred - by God 8809
2 Spiritual, sacred itself 7316
3 Important, not sacred 12300
8 Cant choose, DK 2322
9 NA, refused 295
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28425 2617

Valid range from 1 to 9

V19 Protect enviro: pay much higher prices

Value 19191 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Very willing 2046
2 Fairly willing 9328
3 Neither nor 7501
4 Fairly unwilling 6390
5 Very unwilling 4370
8 Cant Choose, Dk 1143
9 NA, refused 264
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29635 1407

Valid range from 1 to 9

V20 Protect enviro: pay much higher taxes

Value 20190 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Very willing 1301
2 Fairly willing 6445
3 Neither nor 6678
4 Fairly unwilling 7962
5 Very unwilling 6874
8 Cant Choose, Dk 1494
9 NA, refused 288
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29260 1782

Valid range from 1 to 9

V21 Protect en: cut your standard of living

Value 21189 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Very willing 1717
2 Fairly willing 8176
3 Neither nor 7103
4 Fairly unwilling 7102
5 Very unwilling 5471
8 Cant Choose, Dk 1246
9 NA, refused 227
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29569 1473

Valid range from 1 to 9

V22 To do about environment: too difficult

Value 22188 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 2901
2 Agree 7733
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4263
4 Disagree 11361
5 Strongly Disagree 3802
7 Refused 0
8 Cant Choose, Dk 685
9 NA 297
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30060 982

Valid range from 1 to 9

V23 Do what is right costs money takes time

Value 23187 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 2530
2 Agree 12630
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 8218
4 Disagree 4981
5 Strongly Disagree 1123
7 Refused 0
8 Cant Choose, Dk 1230
9 NA 330
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29482 1560

Valid range from 1 to 9

V24 More important than protect environment

Value 24186 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 2072
2 Agree 7706
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 7569
4 Disagree 9051
5 Strongly Disagree 3295
7 Refused 0
8 Cant Choose, Dk 986
9 NA 363
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29693 1349

Valid range from 1 to 9

V25 No point unless others do the same

Value 25185 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 2910
2 Agree 8227
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 3776
4 Disagree 10820
5 Strongly Disagree 4225
7 Refused 0
8 Cant Choose, Dk 763
9 NA 321
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29958 1084

Valid range from 1 to 9

V26 Many about environment exaggerated

Value 26184 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 1628
2 Agree 6869
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 5475
4 Disagree 9568
5 Strongly Disagree 4274
7 Refused 0
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant Choose, Dk 1845
9 NA 383
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27814 3228

Valid range from 0 to 9

V27 Antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses

Value 27183 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Definitely true 8804
2 Probably true 10488
3 Probably not true 2500
4 Definitely untrue 1319
5 RCH: true 590
8 Cant Choose, DK 6956
9 NA, refused 385
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23701 7341

Valid range from 1 to 9

V28 Human beings developed from animals

Value 28182 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Definitely true 7465
2 Probably true 10909
3 Probably not true 3153
4 Definitely untrue 4395
5 RCH: true 474
8 Cant Choose, DK 4244
9 NA, refused 402
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26396 4646

Valid range from 1 to 9

V29 Man-made chemicals can cause cancer

Value 29181 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Definitely true 5772
2 Probably true 11663
3 Probably not true 5758
4 Definitely untrue 2776
5 RCH: true 546
8 Cant Choose, DK 4179
9 NA, refused 348
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26515 4527

Valid range from 1 to 9

V30 Exposed radioactivity results to die

Value 30180 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Definitely true 4155
2 Probably true 8607
3 Probably not true 7604
4 Definitely untrue 6195
5 RCH: true 552
8 Cant Choose, DK 3576
9 NA, refused 353
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27113 3929

Valid range from 1 to 9

V31 Greenhouse effect: hole in earth atmosp

Value 31179 Frequency
1 Definitely true 6974
2 Probably true 10400
3 Probably not true 2997
4 Definitely untrue 3810
5 RCH: true 560
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant Choose, DK 4895
9 NA, refused 406
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24741 6301

Valid range from 0 to 9

V32 Greenhouse effect: use coal oil gas

Value 32178 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Definitely true 9131
2 Probably true 12453
3 Probably not true 3043
4 Definitely untrue 1126
5 RCH: true 617
8 Cant Choose, DK 4318
9 NA, refused 354
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26370 4672

Valid range from 1 to 9

V33 Air pollution by cars for environment

Value 33177 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Extremely dangerous 6500
2 Very dangerous 11145
3 Somewhat dangerous 10651
4 Not very dangerous 1798
5 Not dangerous at all 150
8 Cant Choose, Dk 521
9 NA, refused 277
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30244 798

Valid range from 1 to 9

V34 Air pollution by cars for you + family

Value 34176 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Extremely dangerous 5267
2 Very dangerous 8666
3 Somewhat dangerous 11553
4 Not very dangerous 4100
5 Not dangerous at all 457
8 Cant Choose, Dk 720
9 NA, refused 279
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30043 999

Valid range from 1 to 9

V35 Air pollution by industry - environment

Value 35175 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Extremely dangerous 9048
2 Very dangerous 12760
3 Somewhat dangerous 7671
4 Not very dangerous 746
5 Not dangerous at all 52
8 Cant Choose, Dk 546
9 NA, refused 219
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30277 765

Valid range from 1 to 9

V36 Pesticides in farming - environment

Value 36174 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Extremely dangerous 7117
2 Very dangerous 11240
3 Somewhat dangerous 9661
4 Not very dangerous 1831
5 Not dangerous at all 197
8 Cant Choose, Dk 770
9 NA, refused 226
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30046 996

Valid range from 1 to 9

V37 Pollution river, lake - environment

Value 37173 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Extremely dangerous 8759
2 Very dangerous 11630
3 Somewhat dangerous 7910
4 Not very dangerous 1733
5 Not dangerous at all 162
8 Cant Choose, Dk 666
9 NA, refused 182
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30194 848

Valid range from 1 to 9

V38 Rise world s temperature - environment

Value 38172 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Extremely dangerous 7111
2 Very dangerous 10380
3 Somewhat dangerous 8042
4 Not very dangerous 2076
5 Not dangerous at all 266
8 Cant Choose, Dk 2970
9 NA, refused 197
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27875 3167

Valid range from 1 to 9

V39 Modifying the genes of certain crops

Value 39171 Frequency
1 Extremely dangerous 4851
2 Very dangerous 7103
3 Somewhat dangerous 7570
4 Not very dangerous 4404
5 Not dangerous at all 1029
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant Choose, Dk 4879
9 NA, refused 206
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24957 6085

Valid range from 0 to 9

V40 Gov+ord people: decide thems - laws

Value 40170 Frequency
1 Decide themselves 5798
2 Pass laws 21341
0 NAV 0
8 Cant Choose, Dk 3599
9 NA,RP:none 304
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27139 3903

Valid range from 1 to 9

V41 Gov+business: decide themselves - laws

Value 41169 Frequency
1 Decide themselves 2245
2 Pass laws 26275
0 NAV 0
8 Cant Choose, Dk 2232
9 NA,RP:none 290
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28520 2522

Valid range from 1 to 9

V42 To protect environment - this country...

Value 42168 Frequency
1 More than enough 2120
2 About the right amount 10491
3 Too little 14346
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant choose 2875
9 NA, refused 210
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26957 4085

Valid range from 0 to 9

V43 Which is making more effort to look ...

Value 43167 Frequency
1 Business and industry 3446
2 People in general 13306
3 Both equally 7097
7 Neither of them 6
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant choose 5888
9 NA, refused 299
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
23855 7187

Valid range from 0 to 9

V44 Which of these two is making more effort

Value 44166 Frequency
1 Government 11374
2 Business and industry 3652
3 Both equally 7216
7 Neither of them 25
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant choose 7422
9 NA, refused 353
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22267 8775

Valid range from 0 to 9

V45 Which of these two is making more effort

Value 45165 Frequency
1 People in general 10946
2 Government 6325
3 Both equally 6860
7 Neither of them 6
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant choose 5566
9 NA, refused 339
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24137 6905

Valid range from 0 to 9

V46 International agreements should be made

Value 46164 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 12855
2 Agree 12815
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 1928
4 Disagree 822
5 Strongly Disagree 163
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant Choose 1202
9 NA 257
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28583 2459

Valid range from 0 to 9

V47 Poorer countries to make less effort

Value 47163 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 3539
2 Agree 8766
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4225
4 Disagree 8221
5 Strongly Disagree 3386
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant Choose 1498
9 NA 407
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28137 2905

Valid range from 0 to 9

V48 Economic progress will slow down unless

Value 48162 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Strongly Agree 3560
2 Agree 9964
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 6979
4 Disagree 5107
5 Strongly Disagree 1224
8 Cant Choose 3788
9 NA 420
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26834 4208

Valid range from 1 to 9

V49 In next five years a nuclear accident

Value 49161 Frequency
1 Very likely 5591
2 Likely 11893
3 Unlikely 6120
4 Very unlikely 1949
0 NAV 1000
8 Cant Choose 4261
9 NA 228
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
25553 5489

Valid range from 0 to 9

V50 Causes of pollution: Business, industry

Value 50160 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 A great deal of trust 583
2 Quite a lot of trust 2744
3 Some trust 9415
4 Not much trust 10757
5 Hardly any trust 5344
8 Cant Choose 1631
9 NA, refused 568
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28843 2199

Valid range from 1 to 9

V51 Causes of pollution: Environment. groups

Value 51159 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 A great deal of trust 5110
2 Quite a lot of trust 11640
3 Some trust 8609
4 Not much trust 2803
5 Hardly any trust 1053
8 Cant Choose 1353
9 NA, refused 474
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29215 1827

Valid range from 1 to 9

V52 Causes of pollution: Government departm.

Value 52158 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 A great deal of trust 1119
2 Quite a lot of trust 6091
3 Some trust 12032
4 Not much trust 6844
5 Hardly any trust 2905
8 Cant Choose 1452
9 NA, refused 599
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28991 2051

Valid range from 1 to 9

V53 Causes of pollution: Newspapers

Value 53157 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 A great deal of trust 1539
2 Quite a lot of trust 7152
3 Some trust 12157
4 Not much trust 5972
5 Hardly any trust 2367
8 Cant Choose 1253
9 NA, refused 602
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29187 1855

Valid range from 1 to 9

V54 Causes of pollution: Radio or TV progr.

Value 54156 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 A great deal of trust 2088
2 Quite a lot of trust 9044
3 Some trust 12173
4 Not much trust 4488
5 Hardly any trust 1598
8 Cant Choose 1090
9 NA, refused 561
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29391 1651

Valid range from 1 to 9

V55 Causes of pollution: University research

Value 55155 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 A great deal of trust 6805
2 Quite a lot of trust 12431
3 Some trust 7047
4 Not much trust 1633
5 Hardly any trust 670
8 Cant Choose 1936
9 NA, refused 520
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28586 2456

Valid range from 1 to 9

V56 Effort: sort glass for recycling

Value 56154 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Always 10228
2 Often 6576
3 Sometimes 5578
4 Never 4264
5 Recycling nav 4102
8 Cant Choose 58
9 NA, refused 236
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30748 294

Valid range from 1 to 9

V57 No car driving for environmentel reasons

Value 57153 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Always 840
2 Often 3145
3 Sometimes 7137
4 Never 9884
5 Car driving nav 9555
8 Cant Choose 233
9 NA, refused 248
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30561 481

Valid range from 1 to 9

V58 Member of group to preserve environment

Value 58152 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Yes 1794
2 No 28911
8 Cant Choose 39
9 NA, refused 298
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30705 337

Valid range from 1 to 9

V59 Last five year: signed a petition

Value 59151 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Yes, I have 5796
2 No, I have not 24805
8 Cant choose,DK 27
9 NA, refused 414
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30601 441

Valid range from 1 to 9

V60 Last five year: given money a group

Value 60150 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 Yes, I have 5299
2 No, I have not 25255
8 Cant choose,DK 27
9 NA, refused 461
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30554 488

Valid range from 1 to 9

V61 Last five year: protest demonstration

Value 61149 Frequency
1 Yes, I have 1094
2 No, I have not 28376
0 NAV 1011
8 Cant choose,DK 19
9 NA, refused 542
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29470 1572

Valid range from 0 to 9

V62 Expressing what you believe about God

Value 62148 Frequency
1 Dont believe in God 3254
2 Dk God; no way find out 2526
3 N God, but Higher Power 5450
4 Believing God some of the time 2350
5 Doubts, believe in God 4563
6 God exists no doubts about it 11446
0 NAV 0
8 Cant Choose, Dk 1057
9 NA, refused 396
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29589 1453

Valid range from 1 to 9

V63 Describe the place where you live

Value 63147 Frequency
1 Big city 6636
2 Suburbs of big city 4473
3 Small city or town 8284
4 Country village 6626
5 Farm, home in the country 1933
6 H: City-count-seat 0
0 NAP, NAV 2825
8 Cant Choose,DK 70
9 NA, refused 195
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27952 3090

Valid range from 0 to 9

V64 Nuclear power stations - environment

Value 64146 Frequency
1 Extremely dangerous 6614
2 Very dangerous 6052
3 Somewhat dangerous 5178
4 Not very dangerous 2009
5 Not dangerous at all 355
0 NAV 9814
8 Cant Choose, Dk 888
9 Na, refused 132
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20208 10834

Valid range from 0 to 9

V65 Government should redistribute income

Value 65145 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 3574
2 Agree 6237
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 3801
4 Disagree 3618
5 Strongly Disagree 1895
0 Nap,nav 10821
8 Cant Choose 938
9 Na 158
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
19125 11917

Valid range from 0 to 9

V66 People can do little to change lives

Value 66144 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 1549
2 Agree 3879
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2742
4 Disagree 7568
5 Strongly Disagree 3757
0 Nap,nav 10821
8 Cant Choose 567
9 Na 159
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
19495 11547

Valid range from 0 to 9

V67 People challenge authority too often

Value 67143 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 1306
2 Agree 4830
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4029
4 Disagree 4765
5 Strongly Disagree 2370
0 Nap,nav 11936
8 Cant Choose 1615
9 Na 191
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17300 13742

Valid range from 0 to 9

V68 People with money should be left enjoy

Value 68142 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 2518
2 Agree 7440
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4507
4 Disagree 2265
5 Strongly Disagree 1145
0 Nap,nav 11936
8 Cant Choose 1060
9 Na 171
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17875 13167

Valid range from 0 to 9

V69 People follow conscience even break law

Value 69141 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 2083
2 Agree 6163
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 3570
4 Disagree 4152
5 Strongly Disagree 1598
0 Nap,nav 11936
8 Cant Choose 1378
9 Na 162
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17566 13476

Valid range from 0 to 9

V70 Private enterprise needs control

Value 70140 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 3918
2 Agree 8189
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 3065
4 Disagree 1860
5 Strongly Disagree 574
0 Nap,nav 11936
8 Cant Choose 1336
9 Na 164
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17606 13436

Valid range from 0 to 9

V71 All societies have inequalities

Value 71139 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 1072
2 Agree 4148
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4257
4 Disagree 5366
5 Strongly Disagree 2298
0 Nap,nav 11936
8 Cant Choose 1807
9 Na 158
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17141 13901

Valid range from 0 to 9

V72 Taking everything into account, better

Value 72138 Frequency
1 Strongly Agree 783
2 Agree 4346
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4812
4 Disagree 5125
5 Strongly Disagree 2278
0 Nap,nav 11936
8 Cant Choose 1628
9 Na 134
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17344 13698

Valid range from 0 to 9

V73 RCH:Antibiotics kill bacteria not virus

Value 73137 Frequency
1 Definitely true 144
2 Probably true 331
3 True 590
4 Probably not true 91
5 Definitely untrue 51
0 NAV 29539
8 Cant Choose, DK 290
9 NA, refused 6
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1207 29835

Valid range from 0 to 9

V74 RCH:Human beings developed from animals

Value 74136 Frequency
1 Definitely true 111
2 Probably true 297
3 True 474
4 Probably not true 181
5 Definitely untrue 198
0 NAV 29539
8 Cant Choose, DK 232
9 NA, refused 10
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1261 29781

Valid range from 0 to 9

V75 RCH:Man-made chemicals can cause cancer

Value 75135 Frequency
1 Definitely true 160
2 Probably true 427
3 True 546
4 Probably not true 148
5 Definitely untrue 54
0 NAV 29539
8 Cant Choose, DK 161
9 NA, refused 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1335 29707

Valid range from 0 to 9

V76 RCH:Exposed radioactivity results to die

Value 76134 Frequency
1 Definitely true 184
2 Probably true 405
3 True 552
4 Probably not true 116
5 Definitely untrue 45
0 NAV 29539
8 Cant Choose, DK 194
9 NA, refused 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1302 29740

Valid range from 0 to 9

V77 RCH:Greenhouse effect:hole i earth atmos

Value 77133 Frequency
1 Definitely true 193
2 Probably true 347
3 True 560
4 Probably not true 84
5 Definitely untrue 56
0 NAV 29539
8 Cant Choose, DK 258
9 NA, refused 5
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1240 29802

Valid range from 0 to 9

V78 RCH:Greenhouse effect: use coal oil gas

Value 78132 Frequency
1 Definitely true 175
2 Probably true 343
3 True 617
4 Probably not true 93
5 Definitely untrue 25
0 NAV 29539
8 Cant Choose, DK 243
9 NA, refused 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1253 29789

Valid range from 0 to 9

V79 LV42:To protect environment-this country

Value 79131 Frequency
1 Does very much 2
2 Rather much 41
3 Not very much 559
4 Almost nothing 334
0 NAV 30042
8 Cantsay 64
9 NA, refused 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
936 30106

Valid range from 0 to 8

V80 LV43: Which suits you the best

Value 80130 Frequency
1 All countries make sacrafices 377
2 Poorer countr.should do as much 516
0 NAV 30042
8 Cant say 107
9 NA, refused 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
893 30149

Valid range from 0 to 8

V81 LV49:Matter o time nucl accid.cause prob

Value 81129 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 150
2 Agree 430
3 Neither Agree nor disgaree 183
4 Disagree 86
5 Strongly disagree 19
0 NAV 30042
8 Cant choose 132
9 NA, refused 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
868 30174

Valid range from 0 to 8

V200 SEX R: sex

Value 82128 Frequency
1 Male 13964
2 Female 17064
9 NA, refused 14
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
31028 14

Valid range from 1 to 9

V201 AGE R: Age

Value 83127 Frequency
15 32
16 16 years 143
17 143
18 GB:18 yrs or above 439
19 434
20 487
21 475
22 485
23 473
24 479
25 550
26 509
27 534
28 514
29 515
30 675
31 551
32 626
33 553
34 618
35 628
36 649
37 639
38 664
39 629
40 693
41 552
42 631
43 629
44 547
45 670
46 580
47 574
48 568
49 524
50 615
51 532
52 586
53 535
54 524
55 460
56 487
57 463
58 441
59 418
60 509
61 402
62 445
63 423
64 415
65 429
66 364
67 405
68 383
69 340
70 414
71 285
72 350
73 294
74 290
75 259
76 213
77 180
78 182
79 183
80 139
81 102
82 93
83 66
84 56
85 56
86 45
87 43
88 29
89 25
90 8
91 5
92 5
93 4
94 4
95 2
96 GB:96 yrs or older 2
99 NA, refused 120
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30922 120

Valid range from 15 to 99

V202 MARITAL R: Marital status

Value 84126 Frequency
1 Marr,liv as mar 18498
2 Widowed 2509
3 Divorced 1961
4 Separated,but married 814
5 Single,never married 7036
9 NA,refused 224
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30818 224

Valid range from 1 to 9

V203 COHAB R: Steady life-partner

Value 85125 Frequency
1 Yes 2215
2 No 8866
0 NAP,married,no partner,NAV 19476
9 NA,refused 485
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
11081 19961

Valid range from 0 to 9

V204 EDUCYRS R: Education I: years in school

Value 86124 Frequency
1 AUS: 0 or 1 yr 73
2 172
3 306
4 620
5 318
6 929
7 704
8 NZ:1-8 yrs 2628
9 N:7-9 yrs 2188
10 2056
11 NZ:9-11 yrs 3523
12 4516
13 NZ:12-13 yrs 2197
14 1688
15 NZ:14-16 yrs 1579
16 1613
17 NZ:17+ yrs 1051
18 728
19 321
20 300
21 101
22 56
23 22
24 23
25 25
26 6
27 1
28 4
29 2
30 9
31 1
32 2
35 6
36 1
40 1
42 1
70 1
94 Other educ,other answer 35
95 Still at school,N:+uni 366
96 Still at college,uni 556
97 No form school 552
0 NAV 745
98 Dont know 301
99 NA, refused 715
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
29281 1761

Valid range from 0 to 99

V205 DEGREE R: Education II: categories

Value 87123 Frequency
0 NAV 0
1 None;still at school,uni 746
2 Incpl primary 1723
3 Primary compl 6282
4 Incpl secondary 6215
5 Secondary compl 7609
6 Semi-higher,incompl uni. 3771
7 University compl 4394
98 DK 84
99 NA 218
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30740 302

Valid range from 1 to 99

V206 A_DEGR Original education var: Austria

Value 88122 Frequency
1 None 13
2 Primary compl Hauptschule 298
3 Apprenticeship compl 298
4 Middle school vocational 185
5 Secondary compl Matura 146
6 University, semi-higher comp 71
0 NAV 30031
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1011 30031

Valid range from 0 to 6

V207 BG_DEGR Original education: Bulgaria

Value 89121 Frequency
1 None 21
2 Incompl primary 60
3 Primary compl 135
4 Incompl secondary 38
5 Secondary compl 423
6 University incompl 39
7 University degree 176
10 Basic compl,3-4 42
50 College completd 78
0 NAV 30029
99 DK, NA 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1012 30030

Valid range from 0 to 99

V208 CDN_DEGR Original education: Canada

Value 90120 Frequency
1 None 26
2 Some grade school 28
3 Finshed grade school 49
4 Some high school 165
5 Finished high school 239
6 College, CEGEP 331
7 Completed university 164
8 Graduate studies 93
0 NAV 29927
99 NA,refused 20
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1095 29947

Valid range from 0 to 99

V209 CH_DEGR Original education: Switzerland

Value 91119 Frequency
1 Primary school 123
2 Secondary school 39
3 Apprenticeship 419
4 Sec.higher qual,gymn 73
5 Master grade,spec.traing 120
6 Profess,techn.spec.higher qual 70
7 University 128
8 Other education 30
0 NAV 30036
99 DK, NA 4
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1002 30040

Valid range from 0 to 99

V210 CZ_DEGR Original educ: Czech Republic

Value 92118 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 1
2 Primary completed 153
3 Lower vocational 328
4 General sec.,no diploma 183
5 Technical secondary 301
6 Academic secondary 123
7 Incpl tertiary 32
8 Tertiary,bachelor 15
9 Tert.master degr,post 108
0 NAV 29798
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1244 29798

Valid range from 0 to 9

V211 D_DEGR Original education: Germany

Value 93117 Frequency
1 Still at school 9
2 School left without qual 36
3 Lower secondary,Volkssch 632
4 Middle school 469
5 Secondary technical 91
6 Academic sec. Abitur 129
7 Special univ. qualif 8
8 University 123
9 Other qualification 3
0 NAV 29541
99 NA 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1500 29542

Valid range from 0 to 99

V212 DK_DEGR Original education: Denmark

Value 94116 Frequency
1 7 primary or shorter 143
2 8 primary school 62
3 9 primary school 127
4 10 primary school 258
5 Gymnasium general 279
6 Gymnasium,technical,comercial 93
7 Other 57
0 NAV 29973
99 DK, NA 50
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1019 30023

Valid range from 0 to 99

V213 E_DEGR Original education: Spain

Value 95115 Frequency
1 Incompl. Primary School 75
2 Primary School compl 242
3 Incompl. Secondary School 186
4 First degree profess.trng 41
5 Secondary School compl 95
6 Sec. degree profess.trng 65
7 Technical architecture 11
8 3 yrs university certificate 54
9 2 or 3 yrs university 6
10 Architecture,engineerg school 2
11 College degrees, 4 or 5 yrs 50
12 PhD 4
13 Master degree,post-college 2
14 Other non-official studies 2
97 No formal schooling 115
0 NAV 30084
99 NA 8
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
950 30092

Valid range from 0 to 99

V214 GB_DEGR Original education: Britain

Value 96114 Frequency
1 No sec. qualifications 653
2 CSE NIRL:GCSE+O-level 274
3 O-level or equivalent 228
4 A-level or equivalent 200
5 Higher below degree level 116
6 Degree, university o CNAA o diploma 202
7 Foreign or other qualification 39
0 NAV 29325
99 DK, NA 5
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1712 29330

Valid range from 0 to 99

V215 IL_DEGR Original education: Israel

Value 97113 Frequency
1 Incomplete Primary 80
2 Incompl. vocational 102
3 Vocational completed 113
4 Vocational with matric. 100
5 Incompl. academic 46
6 Academic completed 80
7 Academic with matric. 174
8 Post secondary 172
9 Incompl. university 84
10 University compl,BA 244
0 NAV 29837
99 NA 10
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1195 29847

Valid range from 0 to 99

V216 IRL_DEGR Original education: Ireland

Value 98112 Frequency
0 NAV 31042
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
0 31042

Valid range from 0 to 0

V217 J_DEGR Original education: Japan

Value 99111 Frequency
1 Primary completed 243
2 High school completed 518
3 Junior college compl 170
4 Finished university 172
5 Still at High school 45
6 Still at university 23
7 Others 2
0 NAV 29862
99 NA 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1173 29869

Valid range from 0 to 99

V218 LV_DEGR Original education: Latvia

Value 100110 Frequency
1 Incompl.primary 13
2 Primary completed 88
3 Incl.secondary,vocat.without sec 108
4 Secondary completed 219
5 Semi-higher,voc.with sec 336
6 Incompl. university 80
7 University completed,higher 156
0 NAV 30042
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1000 30042

Valid range from 0 to 7

V219 MEX_DEGR Original education: Mexico

Value 101109 Frequency
1 None, still at school 296
2 Primary school compl 282
3 Technical traing without sec 13
4 Secondary school 269
5 Techn traing after sec 47
6 High school compl 148
7 Techn traing after high school 47
8 University compl 135
9 Master degree 17
0 NAV 29780
99 NA 8
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1254 29788

Valid range from 0 to 99

V220 N_DEGR Original education: Norway

Value 102108 Frequency
1 Primary 156
2 Sec. vocational,incompl 112
3 Sec. academic,inc 129
4 Sec. voc., compl 267
5 Sec. acad., compl 249
6 Univ.,coll. <1 year 40
7 Univ.,coll. 1-2 yrs 124
8 Univ.,coll. 3-4 yrs 209
9 Univ.,coll. >=5 yrs 153
0 NAV 29590
99 NA 13
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1439 29603

Valid range from 0 to 99

V221 NL_DEGR Original education: Netherlands

Value 103107 Frequency
3 Basic educ.+vocational trng 548
4 Lower grammar,3yrs incompl 73
5 L grammar,3-5,class educ+trng 663
6 Incompl. class. educ 44
7 Univ.,technical univ,teacher 281
0 NAV 29433
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1609 29433

Valid range from 0 to 7

V222 NZ_DEGR Original education: New Zealand

Value 104106 Frequency
1 No formal sec. qualification 229
2 School qualification 305
3 Trade, professional certificate 287
4 Diploma below Bachelor 96
5 Bachelor s degree 114
6 Post-graduate qualification 63
0 NAV 29930
99 NA 18
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1094 29948

Valid range from 0 to 99

V223 P_DEGR Original education: Portugal

Value 105105 Frequency
1 No formal schooling 81
2 3 or less yrs school 105
3 4 yrs school, basic level 366
4 5-11yrs,sec+thrd cycle basic level 273
5 12 yrs of schooling 85
6 Higher education below degree level 41
7 University degree 49
0 NAV 30042
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1000 30042

Valid range from 0 to 7

V224 RCH_DEGR Original education:Rep.o Chile

Value 106104 Frequency
1 None 53
2 Incomplete primary 434
3 Primary completed 161
4 Incomplete secondary 238
5 Secondary completed 300
6 University incomplete 79
7 University completed 116
8 Incompl non-university higher 35
9 Compl non-university higher 80
0 NAV 29539
99 NA 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1496 29546

Valid range from 0 to 99

V225 RP_DEGR Original education: Philippines

Value 107103 Frequency
1 None 13
2 Some elementary 147
3 Completed elementary 191
4 Some high school 168
5 Completed High school 249
6 Some vocational 18
7 Completed vocational 44
8 Some college 168
9 Completed college 199
10 Post college 3
0 NAV 29842
99 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1200 29842

Valid range from 0 to 10

V226 RUS_DEGR Original education: Russia

Value 108102 Frequency
0 31042
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
0 31042

Valid range from 0 to 0

V227 S_DEGR Original education: Sweden

Value 109101 Frequency
1 Primary or comprehensive 229
2 Vocational school (72-92) 127
3 Vocational school (post 92) 32
4 Vocational school (pre 72) 80
5 Alternative sec. school 29
6 Lower secondary school 46
7 3 o 4 yrs gymnasium 112
8 Gymnasium (academic) 20
9 Higher sec. school 33
10 University studies 113
11 University degree 210
0 NAV 29975
99 NA 36
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1031 30011

Valid range from 0 to 99

V228 SF_DEGR Original education: Finland

Value 110100 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 83
2 Primary school 191
3 Lower secondary 102
4 Vocational education 364
5 General upper second 126
6 Vocational college 346
7 Polytechnics 65
8 Lower uni degree 67
9 Higher uni degree 116
0 NAV 29514
99 NA 68
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1460 29582

Valid range from 0 to 99

V229 SLO_DEGR Original education: Slovenia

Value 11199 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 66
2 Primary completed 239
3 Incomplete vocational 37
4 2-3 yrs vocational 249
5 4 yrs middle school 311
6 Incomplete university 28
7 Higher degree compl 60
8 University compl 80
0 NAV 29965
99 NA 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1070 29972

Valid range from 0 to 99

V230 USA_DEGR Original education: USA

Value 11298 Frequency
1 Less than high school 216
2 High school 661
3 Associate, Junior colege 90
4 Bachelors 213
5 Graduate 89
0 NAV 29766
98 DK 1
99 NA 6
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1269 29773

Valid range from 0 to 99

V231 WRKST R: Current employment status

Value 11397 Frequency
1 Employed-full time 13393
2 Employed-part time 2761
3 Empl-< part-time 647
4 Helpg family member 219
5 Unemployed 1536
6 Studt,school,vocat.trng 1686
7 Retired 5435
8 Housewife,home duties 3492
9 Permanently disabled 706
10 Oth,not i labour force 540
0 NAV 0
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 0
99 NA 627
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30415 627

Valid range from 1 to 99

V232 SPWRKST S-P: Current employment status

Value 11496 Frequency
1 F-t empl,main job 9899
2 P-t empl,main job 1369
3 Less part-time 268
4 Help family member 147
5 Unemployed 694
6 Studt,school,educ 288
7 Retired 2795
8 Housewife,home duties 2399
9 Permanent disabled 475
10 Oth,n i lab force 228
0 NAV;n mar;n spou/partn 12000
97 Refused 0
98 Dont know 11
99 NA 469
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
18562 12480

Valid range from 0 to 99

V233 ISCO88 R: Occupation ILO,ISCO 1988

Value 11595 Frequency
1 D:Soldiers 3
2 D:Officers 2
100 Armed forces 9
110 Armed forces 61
111 N:Soldiers 0
112 N:Officers 0
1000 Legislators,senior off.+managers 47
1039 Undocumented 0
1100 Legislators and senior officials 17
1110 Legislators 14
1120 Senior government official 23
1130 Traditional chiefs+heads of villages 12
1140 Sen.officials of interest organisation 6
1141 Sen.officials of 3
1142 Sen.officials of empl+workers org 8
1143 human+other interest org 5
1181 Undocumented 0
1190 Undocumented 0
1195 Undocumented 0
1200 Corporate managers 28
1210 Directors and chief executives 151
1220 Production+operations dep.manager 64
1221 Prod.+oper.managers in agriculture 2
1222 Prod.+oper.managers:manufacturing 34
1223 Prod.+oper.managers:construction 30
1224 Prod.+oper.managers:retail trade 16
1225 Prod.+oper.managers:hotels rest. 15
1226 Prod.+oper.managers:transport,comm 15
1227 Prod.+oper.managers:business serv. 11
1228 Prod.+oper.managers:cleaning 15
1229 Prod.+oper.dep. managers nec 185
1230 Other department managers 127
1231 Finance+administration dep.managers 72
1232 Personnel+industrial rel.dep.managers 12
1233 Sales+marketing dep.managers 34
1234 Advertising+pub.relations dep.managers 7
1235 Supply+distribution dep.managers 15
1236 Computing services dep.managers 11
1237 Research+development dep.managers 16
1238 Other department managers nec 8
1239 Other department managers 26
1240 supervisors 2
1250 PL:Military officer 1
1251 H,PL:High-grade military officer 1
1252 H,PL:Low-grade commissioned officer 1
1300 General managers 24
1310 General managers 245
1311 General managers in agriculture 17
1312 General managers in manufacture 28
1313 General managers in construction 14
1314 Gen.managers in wholesale+retail trade 176
1315 Gen.managers of rest.+hotels 68
1316 Gen.managers in transport+comm. 22
1317 General managers of business services 17
1318 Gen.managers in personal care,cleaning 4
1319 General managers nec 53
1320 N:Managers in non-specific trade areas 0
1322 Undocumented 0
1352 Undocumented 0
1383 Undocumented 0
1384 Undocumented 0
1400 Undocumented 0
1410 Undocumented 0
1446 Undocumented 0
1450 Undocumented 0
1814 Undocumented 0
2000 Professionals 126
2020 Undocumented 0
2100 Physical,math.+engineering science 20
2110 Physicists,chemists+rel.professionals 17
2111 Physicists, and astronomers 2
2112 Meteorologists 2
2113 Chemists 10
2114 Geologists and geophysicists 2
2120 Mathematicians, 2
2121 Mathematicians and related prof 3
2122 Statisticians 2
2130 Computing professionals 50
2131 Computing systems designers+analysts 100
2132 Computer programmers 22
2139 Computing professionals n.e.c. 26
2140 Architects,engineers+rel.profess 152
2141 Architects, town+traffic planners 36
2142 Civil engineers 58
2143 Electrical engineers 26
2144 Electronics+telecomm.engineers 14
2145 Mechanical engineers 34
2146 Chemical engineers 11
2147 Mining engineers,metallurgists+rel 5
2148 Cartographers and surveyors 5
2149 Architects, 67
2199 Other natural scientist 0
2200 Life science+health professionals 11
2210 Life science professionals 17
2211 Biologist,botanist,zoologist+rel 14
2212 Pharmacologists, pathologists 7
2213 Agronomists+related professionals 13
2220 Health professionals 42
2221 Medical doctors 67
2222 Dentists 23
2223 Veterinarians 9
2224 Pharmacists 20
2229 Health professionals n.e.c. 18
2230 Nursing+midwifery professionals 170
2248 Undocumented 0
2280 Undocumented 0
2300 Teaching professionals 66
2310 College,uni+higher educ.teacher 126
2313 Undocumented 0
2315 Undocumented 0
2320 Secondary education teacher 343
2321 H:Secondary (high)-school teacher 12
2322 H:Teacher in vocational training 1
2330 Primary+pre-primary educ.teacher 68
2331 Primary educ.teaching prof 231
2332 Pre-primary educ.teaching prof 39
2333 Undocumented 0
2340 Special educ.teaching profess 33
2350 Other teaching profess,nec 72
2351 Education methods specialists 11
2352 School inspectors 9
2354 Undocumented 0
2359 Extra-systemic. teacher 30
2400 Other professionals 33
2401 Undocumented 0
2410 Business professionals 79
2411 Accountants 109
2412 Personnel+careers professionals 42
2418 Undocumented 0
2419 Business professionals n.e.c 92
2420 Legal professionals 39
2421 Lawyers 25
2422 Judges 6
2423 Undocumented 1
2429 Legal professionals nec 17
2430 Archivists, 5
2431 Archivists and curators 5
2432 Librarians+rel.information prof. 19
2440 Social science+rel. prof. 33
2441 Economists 53
2442 Sociologists,anthropologists+rel 5
2443 Philosophers,historians+pol.scientist 4
2444 Philologists,translators+interpreter 16
2445 Psychologists 30
2446 Social work professionals 58
2450 Writers and creative artists 43
2451 Authors,journalists+other writers 53
2452 Sculptors, painters+rel.artists 31
2453 Composers, musicians+singers 20
2454 Choreographers and dancers 4
2455 Film, stage+rel.actors+directors 11
2460 Religious professionals 38
2470 Public service administrative prof 29
2477 Undocumented 1
2500 Education prof. n.e.c. 7
2510 N:Soc.scientific,juridical+techn.planng 0
2511 N:Economical+soc.scientific planng 3
2512 N:Juridical planning 5
2513 N:Technical+scientific planng 0
2519 N:Others within this group 1
2890 Undocumented 0
2919 Undocumented 0
3000 Technicians and related prof. 33
3100 Physical+engineering science techn. 20
3110 Physical+engineering science techn. 106
3111 Chemical+physical science techn. 30
3112 Civil engineering technicians 33
3113 Electrical engineering technicians 42
3114 Electronics+telecommunication techn 47
3115 Mechanical engineering technicians 40
3116 Chemical engineering technicians 16
3117 Mining and metallurgical techn. 1
3118 Draughtspersons 16
3119 83
3120 Computer associate professionals 52
3121 Computer assistants 36
3122 Computer equipment operators 21
3123 Industrial robot controllers 4
3130 Optical+electronic equipement oper 14
3131 Photographers+image+sound oper 11
3132 Broadcasting+telecommunications oper 7
3133 Medical equipment operators 9
3139 Optical+electronic operators nec 6
3140 Ship,aircraft controllers+techn. 6
3141 Ships engineers 7
3142 Ships deck officers and pilots 13
3143 Aircraft pilots+rel. professionals 11
3144 Air traffic pilots 4
3145 Air traffic safety technicians 2
3149 Undocumented 0
3150 Safety and quality inspectors 10
3151 Building and fire inspectors 5
3152 Safety, health+quality inspectors 36
3160 Undocumented 12
3181 Undocumented 0
3200 Life science+health ass.profess 27
3210 Life science 30
3211 Life science technicians 37
3212 Agronomy and forestry technicians 13
3213 Farming and forestry advisers 2
3220 Modern health ass.professionals 44
3221 Medical assistants 54
3222 Sanitarians 4
3223 Dieticians and nutritionists 6
3224 Optometrists and opticians 2
3225 Dental assistants 22
3226 Physiotherapists+rel.ass.profess 35
3227 Veterinary assistants 6
3228 Pharmaceutical assistants 13
3229 Modern health 29
3230 Nursing+midwifery ass.professionals 104
3231 Nursing associate professionals 249
3232 Midwifery associate professionals 13
3233 Undocumented 0
3240 Trad.medicine practitioner+faith healer 0
3241 Traditional medicine practitioners 0
3242 Faith healers 0
3249 Undocumented 0
3266 Undocumented 0
3271 Undocumented 0
3300 Teaching associate professionals 9
3310 Primary educ.teachg 126
3320 Pre-primary educ. teachg ass. prof. 96
3326 Undocumented 0
3330 Spec.educ. teaching ass. prof. 23
3340 Other teaching associate profess 69
3341 N:Techers in technical college 6
3342 N:Other educational occ 0
3400 Other associate professionals 43
3405 Undocumented 1
3410 Finance+sales associate professionals 160
3411 Securities+finance dealers and brokers 20
3412 Insurance representatives 42
3413 Estate agents 33
3414 Travel consultants and organisers 8
3415 Technical+commercial sales represent 139
3416 Buyers 33
3417 Appraisers,valuers+auctioneers 20
3418 N:Customer consultant in a bank 8
3419 Finance+sales ass.professionals nec 42
3420 Business services agents+trade broker 30
3421 Trade brokers 3
3422 Clearing and forwarding agents 8
3423 Employment agents+labour contractors 16
3424 Undocumented 0
3429 Other business services agents nec 62
3430 Administrative ass.professionals 95
3431 Administrative 83
3432 ass. profess 51
3433 Bookkeepers 142
3434 Statistical, 8
3439 Administrative ass.profess. nec 72
3440 Customs,tax+rel.government prof 42
3441 Customs and border inspectors 5
3442 Government tax and excise officials 20
3443 Government social benefits officials 8
3444 Government licensing officials 4
3445 N:Public employment service worker 0
3446 Undocumented 0
3448 Undocumented 0
3449 Customs,tax+rel. government prof nec 22
3450 Police inspectors and detectives 30