Podatki o financiranju niso na voljo.
no information
Raziskava je iz serije ISSP - Mednarodnega projekta sodelovanja splošnih družboslovnih anket, katerega namen je pridobivanje podatkov primernih za primerjalno analizo. Vsako leto se sodelujoče države odločijo za izvedbo kratkega vprašalnika na izbrano temo. (glej http://www.gesis.org/en/data_service/issp/index.htm in http://www.issp.org/homepage.htm ). Podatki iz mednarodne raziskave so na voljo pod oznako ADP - IDNo: ISSP in letnica.
nacionalna identiteta, občutek bližine domači državi, nacionalni ponos, odnos do drugih držav, odnos do imigrantov in družbenih manjšin, politični vpliv, gospodarstvo, socialna varnost, znanost in tehnologija, mednarodni odnosi, trgovinske omejitve, reševanje mednarodnih problemov, učenje tujih jezikov, nakup zemlje s strani tujcev, odnos do družbenih manjšin, odnos do imigrantov, kriminaliteta, trg delovne sile, kultura, politični begunci, pridobivanje državljanstva, demografska vprašanja
Keywords ELSST:
Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - kulturna in nacionalna identiteta
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Topic Classification CERIF
Topic Classification ADP
nacionalna identiteta
mednarodni odnosi
ohranjanje družbenih manjšin
članstvo v mednarodnih organizacijah
pravice imigrantov
Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodleovanja. Skupina, osnovana leta 1983, razvija različne raziskovalne module, ki se dotikajo pomembnih družbenih vprašanj in katerih namen je dopolniti nacionalne ankete. Tokratna raziskava nacionalne identitete prinaša podatke iz naslenjih držav: Avstralije, Avstrije, Bolgarije, Kanade, Češke, Nemčije, Velike Britanije, Madžarske, Irske, Italije, Japonske, Latvije, Nizozemske, Nove Zelandije, Norveške, Filipinov, Poljske, Rusije, Slovaške, Slovenije, Španije, Švedske in Združenih držav Amerike. Nabor vprašanj obsega različna dimenzije nacionalne identitete, med drugimi občutek ''bližine'' domači državi, nacionalni ponos, odnos do drugih držav in odnos do imigrantov in družbenih manjšin. Intervjuiranci so odgovarjali na vprašanja o dosežkih njihove države na naslednjih področjih: politični vpliv, gospodarstvo, socialna varnost, znanost in tehnologija, šport, umetnost, oborožene sile, zgodovina in odnos do drugih. Sklop vprašanj je bil namenjen tudi stališčem respondentov glede mednarodnih odnosov, kar vključuje tudi mednarodne trgovinske omejitve, poskusom reševanja mednarodnih problemov, učenju tujih jezikov, nakupu zemlje s strani tujcev, nacionalnem izvoru televizijskega programa in filmov in koristi od sodelovanja v mednarodnih organizacijah. Respondenti so v nadaljevanju ocenjevali tudi odnos lastne države do družbenih manjšin in imigrantov. Vprašanja so se dotikala področ kot so ohranjanje tradicij manjšin, vpliv imigrantov na obseg kriminalitete, gospodarstvo, trg delovne sile, kulturo, posebne ugodnosti za politične begunce in postopek pridobivanja državljanstva. Demografske spremenljivke pa vključujejo starost, spol, izobrazbo, zakonski stan, osebni dohodek in dohodek gospodinjstva, zaposlenost, velikost in sestava gospodinjstva, poklic, religija, razredno pripadnost, članstvo v sindikatu, pripadnost pollitični stranki, politične preference, raso, etično pripadnost, jezikovno kompetenco, lokalno skupnost in državljanstvo.
Collection date: | 1995 |
Date of production: | 1995 |
Country: | Avstralija, Avsrtija, Bolgarija, Češka, Filipini, Irska, Italija, Japonska, Kanada, Latvija, Madžarska, Nizozemska, Norveška, Nova Zelandija, Poljska, Rusija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska, Velika Britanija, Združene države Amerike, Zvezna republika Nemčija |
Geographic coverage: |
Teritorij naštetih držav, z izjemo Velike Britanije, kjer so izvzeti škotsko višavje in otoki. |
Unit of analysis: |
posameznik |
Universe: |
Osebe, stare 18 let in več iz naslednjih držav: Avstralije, Avstrije (15 let in več), Bolgarije, Irske, Italije, Madžarske, Velike Britanije, ZRN, ZDA , Slovaške, Rusije, Nizozemske, Norveške (od 16 do 79 let), Poljske, Slovenije, Filipinov, Nove Zelandije, Španije, Švedske (od 18 do 74 let), Češke, Japonske (16 in več), Kanade in Latvije. |
Excluded: | no information |
Data collected by: |
AUS: Research School of Social Science, Institute of Advanced Studies, the Australian National University (Canberra); I: EURISCO - Ricerca Sociale e di Marketing (Milano); H: TARKI - Tarsadalokumtatasi Informatikai Egyesules (Budapest); GB, NIRL: SCPR - Social and Community Planning Research (London); D: Infratest (München); USA: NORC - National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago (IL); BG: Institute for Trade Union and Social Research; N: NSD - Norwegian Social Science Data Sevice (Bergen); CND: Carleton University (Ottawa); CZ: STEM - Center for Empirical Studies (Praha); NZ: Department of Marketing, Massey University; RP: Social Weather Staions Inc., PL: Research Department of Polish Academy of Science (Warszawa); RUS: VCIOM - Russian Center for Public Opinion and Market Research (Moskva); SLO: CJMMK - Center za razikovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij, Fakulteta za družbene vede (Ljubljana); E: ASEP - Analisis Sociologicos, Economicos y Politicos (Madrid); NL: NIPO + Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (Rijkswijk); J: Broadcasting Culture Research Institute (Tokio); LV: Institut of Philosophy and Sociology (Riga); IRL: Social Science Research Center, University College (Dublin) + ESRI - Economic Social Research Institute (Dublin); S: Statistcs Sweden; A: Fessel + GfK-Institute (Wien); SK: Institut of Sociology, Slovak Academy of Science (Bratislava) |
Sampling procedure: |
večstopenjski verjetnostni vzorec |
Mode of data collection: |
Način zbiranja podatkov se med državami razlikuje razlikuje. |
Weighting: |
A, BG, CND, CZ, GB, E, H, I, LV, RP, PL, RUS, S, USA: uteževanje; D, J, N, NL, NZ, SLO: brez uteževanja; AUS, IRL, SK: ni podatka |
Omejeno za potrebe naročnika in raziskovalne skupine. Uporaba je mogoča samo ob predhodnem dogovoru z glavnim avtorjem raziskave in predložitvi pisnega dovoljenja. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.
Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.
Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.
Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.
Title of Data file: ISSP95 - datoteka [datoteka podatkov], 1995
Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka
V1 ZA study number ....
Value 13 | Frequency | |
2880 | 28456 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28456 | 2880 | 2880 | 2880 | 0 |
Valid range from 2880 to 2880
V2 Respondent ID number
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28456 | 1321 | 5014480.0 | 1617160.0 | 1004750.0 |
Valid range from 1321 to 5014485
V3 Country
Value 31 | Frequency | |
1 | AUS | 0 |
2 | D-W | 1282 |
3 | D-E | 612 |
4 | GB | 1058 |
5 | NIRL | 0 |
6 | USA | 1367 |
7 | A | 1007 |
8 | H | 1000 |
9 | I | 1094 |
10 | IRL | 994 |
11 | NL | 2089 |
12 | N | 1527 |
13 | S | 1296 |
14 | CZ | 1111 |
15 | SLO | 1036 |
16 | PL | 1598 |
17 | BG | 1105 |
18 | RUS | 1585 |
19 | NZ | 1043 |
20 | CDN | 1543 |
21 | RP | 1200 |
22 | IL | 0 |
23 | J | 1256 |
24 | E | 1221 |
25 | LV | 1044 |
26 | SK | 1388 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28456 | 2 | 26 | 14.4101 | 6.84993 |
Valid range from 1 to 26
V1 ZA study number ....
Value 1214 | Frequency | |
2880 | 28456 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28456 | 2880 | 2880 | 2880 | 0 |
Valid range from 2880 to 2880
V2 Respondent ID number
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28456 | 1321 | 5014480.0 | 1617160.0 | 1004750.0 |
Valid range from 1321 to 5014485
V3 Country
Value 3212 | Frequency | |
1 | AUS | 0 |
2 | D-W | 1282 |
3 | D-E | 612 |
4 | GB | 1058 |
5 | NIRL | 0 |
6 | USA | 1367 |
7 | A | 1007 |
8 | H | 1000 |
9 | I | 1094 |
10 | IRL | 994 |
11 | NL | 2089 |
12 | N | 1527 |
13 | S | 1296 |
14 | CZ | 1111 |
15 | SLO | 1036 |
16 | PL | 1598 |
17 | BG | 1105 |
18 | RUS | 1585 |
19 | NZ | 1043 |
20 | CDN | 1543 |
21 | RP | 1200 |
22 | IL | 0 |
23 | J | 1256 |
24 | E | 1221 |
25 | LV | 1044 |
26 | SK | 1388 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28456 | 2 | 26 | 14.4101 | 6.84993 |
Valid range from 1 to 26
V4 How close feel to: neighbourhood
Value 4211 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very close | 8318 |
2 | Close | 12019 |
3 | Not very close | 5780 |
4 | Not close at all | 1511 |
8 | Cant choose | 478 |
9 | NA | 350 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27628 | 1 | 4 | 2.01752 | 0.853676 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V5 How close feel to: town - city
Value 5210 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very close | 7312 |
2 | Close | 11904 |
3 | Not very close | 4799 |
4 | Not close at all | 980 |
8 | Cant choose | 540 |
9 | NA,NAP (village inh) | 2921 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24995 | 1 | 4 | 1.97788 | 0.800565 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V6 How close feel to: county
Value 6209 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very close | 7358 |
2 | Close | 12224 |
3 | Not very close | 6185 |
4 | Not close at all | 1482 |
8 | Cant choose | 662 |
9 | NA | 545 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27249 | 1 | 4 | 2.06573 | 0.842772 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V7 How close feel to: country
Value 7208 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very close | 12103 |
2 | Close | 11827 |
3 | Not very close | 2903 |
4 | Not close at all | 780 |
8 | Cant choose | 441 |
9 | NA | 402 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27613 | 1 | 4 | 1.72332 | 0.761511 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V8 How close feel to: continent
Value 8207 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very close | 5360 |
2 | Close | 9730 |
3 | Not very close | 7322 |
4 | Not close at all | 3470 |
8 | Cant choose | 1953 |
9 | NA | 621 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25882 | 1 | 4 | 2.34395 | 0.952895 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V9 Improve conditions: other neigbourhood
Value 9206 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very willing | 5129 |
2 | Fairly willing | 7392 |
3 | N willing n unwilling | 3161 |
4 | Fairly unwilling | 5249 |
5 | Very unwilling | 6428 |
8 | Cant choose | 820 |
9 | NA | 277 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27359 | 1 | 5 | 3.01663 | 1.46681 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V10 Improve conditions: other town - city
Value 10205 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very willing | 3294 |
2 | Fairly willing | 6422 |
3 | N willing n unwilling | 3233 |
4 | Fairly unwilling | 6128 |
5 | Very unwilling | 7662 |
8 | Cant choose | 806 |
9 | NA | 911 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26739 | 1 | 5 | 3.31572 | 1.41729 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V11 Improve conditions: other county
Value 11204 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very willing | 2721 |
2 | Fairly willing | 5001 |
3 | N willing n unwilling | 3314 |
4 | Fairly unwilling | 6625 |
5 | Very unwilling | 9493 |
8 | Cant choose | 872 |
9 | NA | 430 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27154 | 1 | 5 | 3.55859 | 1.38399 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V12 Improve conditions: other country
Value 12203 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very willing | 1902 |
2 | Fairly willing | 3237 |
3 | N willing n unwilling | 2549 |
4 | Fairly unwilling | 5576 |
5 | Very unwilling | 13724 |
8 | Cant choose | 1077 |
9 | NA | 391 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26988 | 1 | 5 | 3.96276 | 1.30985 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V13 Improve conditions: other continent
Value 13202 | Frequency | |
1 | Very willing | 1475 |
2 | Fairly willing | 2403 |
3 | N willing n unwilling | 2245 |
4 | Fairly unwilling | 4759 |
5 | Very unwilling | 14233 |
0 | Not available | 1585 |
8 | Cant choose | 1342 |
9 | NA | 414 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25115 | 1 | 5 | 4.10978 | 1.24716 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V14 One Nation - Seperate nation
Value 14201 | Frequency | |
1 | Remains one state | 19806 |
2 | Become separate | 2751 |
0 | Not available | 3099 |
8 | Cant choose | 2597 |
9 | NA | 203 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
22557 | 1 | 2 | 1.12196 | 0.327244 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V15 Important: born in (Rs country)
Value 15200 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very important | 10961 |
2 | Fairly important | 8027 |
3 | Not very important | 5829 |
4 | Not important at all | 2943 |
8 | Cant choose | 520 |
9 | NA | 176 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27760 | 1 | 4 | 2.02716 | 1.014 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V16 Important: have citizenship (Rs country)
Value 16199 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very important | 14384 |
2 | Fairly important | 9040 |
3 | Not very important | 3199 |
4 | Not important at all | 1147 |
8 | Cant choose | 462 |
9 | NA | 224 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27770 | 1 | 4 | 1.67983 | 0.834205 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V17 Important:most time of life in (country)
Value 17198 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very important | 10588 |
2 | Fairly important | 9883 |
3 | Not very important | 5503 |
4 | Not important at all | 1655 |
8 | Cant choose | 543 |
9 | NA | 284 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27629 | 1 | 4 | 1.93576 | 0.904379 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V18 Important: able to speak (language)
Value 18197 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very important | 16591 |
2 | Fairly important | 7924 |
3 | Not very important | 2390 |
4 | Not important at all | 989 |
8 | Cant choose | 338 |
9 | NA | 224 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27894 | 1 | 4 | 1.56181 | 0.793914 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V19 Important: to be a (religion)
Value 19196 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very important | 5445 |
2 | Fairly important | 4638 |
3 | Not very important | 6793 |
4 | Not important at all | 10134 |
8 | Cant choose | 1149 |
9 | NA | 297 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27010 | 1 | 4 | 2.8003 | 1.14606 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V20 Important: respect institutions - law
Value 20195 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very important | 14178 |
2 | Fairly important | 9837 |
3 | Not very important | 2375 |
4 | Not important at all | 972 |
8 | Cant choose | 859 |
9 | NA | 235 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27362 | 1 | 4 | 1.63968 | 0.785654 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V21 Important:to feel member of (Rs country)
Value 21194 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very important | 17040 |
2 | Fairly important | 7771 |
3 | Not very important | 1949 |
4 | Not important at all | 833 |
8 | Cant choose | 633 |
9 | NA | 230 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27593 | 1 | 4 | 1.51346 | 0.756466 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V22 Rather be a citizen of (Rs country)
Value 22193 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 12497 |
2 | Agree | 8590 |
3 | Neither nor | 3997 |
4 | Disagree | 1681 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 785 |
8 | Cant choose | 766 |
9 | NA | 140 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27550 | 1 | 5 | 1.89898 | 1.04357 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V23 Things about (Rs country) feel ashamed
Value 23192 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 5682 |
2 | Agree | 10960 |
3 | Neither nor | 4424 |
4 | Disagree | 4259 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1754 |
8 | Cant choose | 1147 |
9 | NA | 230 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27079 | 1 | 5 | 2.46242 | 1.17111 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V24 World better place other like (country)
Value 24191 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 2224 |
2 | Agree | 5438 |
3 | Neither nor | 7925 |
4 | Disagree | 7109 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 3275 |
8 | Cant choose | 2285 |
9 | NA | 200 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25971 | 1 | 5 | 3.14528 | 1.14412 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V25 (Rs country) better country than other
Value 25190 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 4631 |
2 | Agree | 8921 |
3 | Neither nor | 6362 |
4 | Disagree | 4774 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1885 |
8 | Cant choose | 1675 |
9 | NA | 208 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26573 | 1 | 5 | 2.63726 | 1.1682 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V26 Support their country even is wrong
Value 26189 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 3125 |
2 | Agree | 6089 |
3 | Neither nor | 4615 |
4 | Disagree | 8915 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 4191 |
8 | Cant choose | 1300 |
9 | NA | 221 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26935 | 1 | 5 | 3.18407 | 1.26874 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V27 Well in international - makes proud
Value 27188 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 11778 |
2 | Agree | 10287 |
3 | Neither nor | 3626 |
4 | Disagree | 1056 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 667 |
8 | Cant choose | 870 |
9 | NA | 172 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27414 | 1 | 5 | 1.85267 | 0.95566 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V28 Proud of: way democracy works
Value 28187 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 3548 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 10550 |
3 | Not very proud | 8276 |
4 | Not proud at all | 3823 |
8 | Cant choose | 2028 |
9 | NA | 231 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26197 | 1 | 4 | 2.47234 | 0.901112 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V29 Proud of: political influence in world
Value 29186 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 2438 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 9892 |
3 | Not very proud | 9048 |
4 | Not proud at all | 3657 |
8 | Cant choose | 3128 |
9 | NA | 293 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25035 | 1 | 4 | 2.55618 | 0.856616 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V30 Proud of: economic achievements
Value 30185 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 3330 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 10164 |
3 | Not very proud | 7859 |
4 | Not proud at all | 4636 |
8 | Cant choose | 2167 |
9 | NA | 300 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25989 | 1 | 4 | 2.53103 | 0.928493 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V31 Proud of: social security system
Value 31184 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 3046 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 8999 |
3 | Not very proud | 8222 |
4 | Not proud at all | 6282 |
8 | Cant choose | 1659 |
9 | NA | 248 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26549 | 1 | 4 | 2.6682 | 0.961481 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V32 Proud of: scientific achievements
Value 32183 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 5854 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 13139 |
3 | Not very proud | 4364 |
4 | Not proud at all | 1476 |
8 | Cant choose | 3319 |
9 | NA | 304 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24833 | 1 | 4 | 2.05887 | 0.803602 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V33 Proud of: achievements in sports
Value 33182 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 8750 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 12694 |
3 | Not very proud | 3561 |
4 | Not proud at all | 1224 |
8 | Cant choose | 1978 |
9 | NA | 249 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26229 | 1 | 4 | 1.8955 | 0.803202 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V34 Proud of: achievements in arts
Value 34181 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 7245 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 13030 |
3 | Not very proud | 3615 |
4 | Not proud at all | 896 |
8 | Cant choose | 3370 |
9 | NA | 300 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24786 | 1 | 4 | 1.92585 | 0.759785 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V35 Proud of: armed forces
Value 35180 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 4020 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 8540 |
3 | Not very proud | 7089 |
4 | Not proud at all | 4621 |
8 | Cant choose | 3909 |
9 | NA | 277 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24270 | 1 | 4 | 2.50725 | 0.980846 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V36 Proud of: its history
Value 36179 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Very proud | 8787 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 11449 |
3 | Not very proud | 4166 |
4 | Not proud at all | 1462 |
8 | Cant choose | 2327 |
9 | NA | 265 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25864 | 1 | 4 | 1.93439 | 0.850083 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V37 Proud of: fair treatment of groups
Value 37178 | Frequency | |
1 | Very proud | 2546 |
2 | Somewhat proud | 8000 |
3 | Not very proud | 8107 |
4 | Not proud at all | 5284 |
0 | Not available | 1543 |
8 | Cant choose | 2745 |
9 | NA | 231 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
23937 | 1 | 4 | 2.67381 | 0.934903 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V38 Limit the import of foreign products
Value 38177 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 6708 |
2 | Agree | 8885 |
3 | Neither nor | 5066 |
4 | Disagree | 4742 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1558 |
8 | Cant choose | 1284 |
9 | NA | 213 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26959 | 1 | 5 | 2.46426 | 1.20207 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V39 International bodies enforce solutions
Value 39176 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 8130 |
2 | Agree | 11927 |
3 | Neither nor | 3364 |
4 | Disagree | 2156 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 694 |
8 | Cant choose | 1959 |
9 | NA | 226 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26271 | 1 | 5 | 2.06197 | 0.999869 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V40 Schools teach more foreign languages
Value 40175 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 9300 |
2 | Agree | 10886 |
3 | Neither nor | 4469 |
4 | Disagree | 2177 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 440 |
8 | Cant choose | 973 |
9 | NA | 211 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27272 | 1 | 5 | 2.03091 | 0.984105 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V41 Follow own interests even conflicts
Value 41174 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 3661 |
2 | Agree | 7377 |
3 | Neither nor | 5808 |
4 | Disagree | 6948 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2478 |
8 | Cant choose | 1936 |
9 | NA | 248 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26272 | 1 | 5 | 2.89361 | 1.21189 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V42 Foreigners not be allowed to buy land
Value 42173 | Frequency | |
1 | Agree strongly | 6509 |
2 | Agree | 4962 |
3 | Neither nor | 4868 |
4 | Disagree | 6224 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2879 |
0 | Not available | 1200 |
8 | Cant choose | 1588 |
9 | NA | 226 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25442 | 1 | 5 | 2.76425 | 1.36387 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V43 TV prefer (Rs c) films and programms
Value 43172 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 4633 |
2 | Agree | 6980 |
3 | Neither nor | 6168 |
4 | Disagree | 6485 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2980 |
8 | Cant choose | 987 |
9 | NA | 223 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27246 | 1 | 5 | 2.86049 | 1.26193 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V44 Share traditions - become fully member
Value 44171 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 5705 |
2 | Agree | 8553 |
3 | Neither nor | 4786 |
4 | Disagree | 5838 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2018 |
8 | Cant choose | 1335 |
9 | NA | 221 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26900 | 1 | 5 | 2.62494 | 1.24208 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V45 Help minorities to preserve traditions
Value 45170 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 3611 |
2 | Agree | 8558 |
3 | Neither nor | 5621 |
4 | Disagree | 5763 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2906 |
8 | Cant choose | 1724 |
9 | NA | 273 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26459 | 1 | 5 | 2.84107 | 1.22527 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V46 Maintain traditions - adapt in society
Value 46169 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Maintain distinct customs | 11065 |
2 | Adapt larger society | 12084 |
8 | Dont know | 4954 |
9 | NA | 353 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
23149 | 1 | 2 | 1.52201 | 0.499526 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V47 Immigrants increase crime rates
Value 47168 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 5759 |
2 | Agree | 7924 |
3 | Neither nor | 5465 |
4 | Disagree | 5667 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1720 |
8 | Cant choose | 1716 |
9 | NA | 205 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26535 | 1 | 5 | 2.61051 | 1.21982 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V48 Immigrants generally good for economy
Value 48167 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 995 |
2 | Agree | 6329 |
3 | Neither nor | 7761 |
4 | Disagree | 7339 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 3082 |
8 | Cant choose | 2703 |
9 | NA | 247 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25506 | 1 | 5 | 3.20325 | 1.06489 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V49 Immigrants take jobs away from people
Value 49166 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 3778 |
2 | Agree | 7096 |
3 | Neither nor | 5937 |
4 | Disagree | 7294 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2500 |
8 | Cant choose | 1633 |
9 | NA | 218 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
26605 | 1 | 5 | 2.91137 | 1.2153 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V50 Immigr make open to new ideas + cultures
Value 50165 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 2539 |
2 | Agree | 10724 |
3 | Neither nor | 5609 |
4 | Disagree | 4352 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2196 |
8 | Cant choose | 2815 |
9 | NA | 221 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25420 | 1 | 5 | 2.72234 | 1.12299 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V51 Number of immigrants increase to (cntry)
Value 51164 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Increased lot | 476 |
2 | Increased little | 1380 |
3 | Remain the same | 7575 |
4 | Reduced little | 6922 |
5 | Reduced lot | 8304 |
8 | Cant choose | 3635 |
9 | NA | 164 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24657 | 1 | 5 | 3.85972 | 1.01093 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V52 Repressions to refugees-allow to stay in
Value 52163 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Agree strongly | 4321 |
2 | Agree | 9282 |
3 | Neither nor | 5591 |
4 | Disagree | 4056 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2552 |
8 | Cant choose | 2483 |
9 | NA | 171 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
25802 | 1 | 5 | 2.66034 | 1.21125 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V53 Spend most of your childhood (until 16)
Value 53162 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | This town | 14740 |
2 | Diff town/this county | 7119 |
3 | Diff county | 5036 |
4 | Outside (Rs country) | 1394 |
5 | S:Mix of 2+ alternatives | 21 |
9 | NA | 146 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28310 | 1 | 5 | 1.75793 | 0.918489 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V54 How long in town where you live now
Value 54161 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | 1 year or less than 1 year | 834 |
2 | 2 years RP:1 y or more | 1661 |
3 | 538 | |
4 | 457 | |
5 | 554 | |
6 | 438 | |
7 | 362 | |
8 | 456 | |
9 | 288 | |
10 | 628 | |
11 | 268 | |
12 | 405 | |
13 | 282 | |
14 | 292 | |
15 | 618 | |
16 | 392 | |
17 | 389 | |
18 | 643 | |
19 | 462 | |
20 | 1162 | |
21 | 526 | |
22 | 623 | |
23 | 539 | |
24 | 527 | |
25 | 861 | |
26 | 460 | |
27 | 396 | |
28 | 435 | |
29 | 355 | |
30 | 960 | |
31 | 317 | |
32 | 412 | |
33 | 411 | |
34 | 388 | |
35 | 577 | |
36 | 352 | |
37 | 353 | |
38 | 348 | |
39 | 282 | |
40 | 734 | |
41 | 258 | |
42 | 325 | |
43 | 303 | |
44 | 269 | |
45 | 400 | |
46 | 231 | |
47 | 231 | |
48 | 238 | |
49 | 215 | |
50 | 511 | |
51 | 156 | |
52 | 160 | |
53 | 146 | |
54 | 139 | |
55 | 194 | |
56 | 149 | |
57 | 149 | |
58 | 145 | |
59 | 102 | |
60 | 264 | |
61 | 113 | |
62 | 136 | |
63 | 143 | |
64 | 135 | |
65 | 184 | |
66 | 133 | |
67 | 128 | |
68 | 88 | |
69 | 97 | |
70 | 157 | |
71 | 71 | |
72 | 95 | |
73 | 102 | |
74 | 81 | |
75 | 65 | |
76 | 55 | |
77 | 30 | |
78 | 36 | |
79 | 19 | |
80 | 49 | |
81 | 26 | |
82 | 18 | |
83 | 13 | |
84 | 7 | |
85 | 16 | |
86 | 9 | |
87 | 6 | |
88 | 5 | |
89 | 4 | |
90 | 90 and more | 18 |
96 | Since birth | 496 |
98 | DK | 31 |
99 | NA | 320 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28105 | 1 | 96 | 29.1077 | 21.1309 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V55 How long lived in other countries
Value 55160 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Never oth countries | 22988 |
2 | Less than 1 year in all | 1440 |
3 | 1 to 4 years in all | 1609 |
4 | 5 years or longer | 2069 |
9 | NA | 350 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28106 | 1 | 4 | 1.38657 | 0.890698 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V56 Language speak at home 1st mention
Value 56159 | Frequency | |
1 | Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Yoruba | 11 |
2 | Aklanon,Romblon | 30 |
3 | Albanian | 0 |
4 | American,American only,America | 0 |
5 | American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 4 |
6 | Arab,Arabic,Muslim (NL:Morocco) | 5 |
7 | Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic | 0 |
8 | Asian,Asia,other Asian | 15 |
9 | Australian,Oceanian,Australia | 0 |
10 | Austrian,Austria (I:Alto Adige) | 971 |
11 | Latvian,Estonian,Lith.,Baltic | 662 |
12 | Bangladeshi,Bengali,Bangladesh | 2 |
13 | Basque/Vasco | 16 |
14 | Belgian,Belgium | 0 |
15 | Belorussian,Bialorussian | 2 |
16 | Bicolano/Bikol | 36 |
17 | Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish | 0 |
18 | Bosnian (SLO:ethn.Muslim) | 0 |
19 | Bulgarian | 955 |
20 | Cajun/French Cajun | 0 |
21 | Canadian,Canadia,other Canada | 0 |
22 | Catalan,Valencian,Balear/Mallorquin | 155 |
23 | Chinese-Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 30 |
24 | Thai,Khmer,Vietnamese,Cont.Southeast | 5 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 1 |
26 | Creole,Surinamese/Sranan | 20 |
27 | Croatian | 0 |
28 | Czech-Czechia,Czech Republic | 1095 |
29 | Czech-Slovak,Czech/Slovak-CSSR | 0 |
30 | Danish,Denmark | 1 |
31 | English,England&Wales,UK,England | 5169 |
32 | European,White/European,Europe | 21 |
33 | Fijian | 0 |
34 | Finnish,Finland | 1 |
35 | French (I:Val D Aosta),France | 457 |
36 | French Canada,French Canadian | 0 |
37 | Frisian | 60 |
38 | German(H:German/Swab),Germany | 1899 |
39 | Greek,Greece | 6 |
40 | Hebrew/Ivrit | 1 |
41 | Hungarian,Hungary | 1122 |
42 | Ibanag | 0 |
43 | Ilocano | 35 |
44 | Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon | 77 |
45 | Indian,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 14 |
46 | Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian | 0 |
47 | Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari | 0 |
48 | Irish/Irish Gaelic,Ireland | 11 |
49 | Italian,Italy | 1103 |
50 | Japanese,Japan | 1264 |
51 | Kapampangan/Pampangan | 22 |
52 | Kinaray-a | 10 |
53 | Korean | 1 |
54 | Maori,NZ Maori | 108 |
55 | Maranaw/Maranao | 19 |
56 | Masbateno | 11 |
57 | Kurdish,Assyrian,Lebanese | 2 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 1955 |
59 | Nordic,Scandinavian other | 14 |
60 | North America | 0 |
61 | Norwegian,Norway | 1493 |
62 | Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam,Pacific | 1 |
63 | Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto | 3 |
64 | Panggalatok/Pangasinan | 34 |
65 | Philippine other | 7 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 468 |
67 | Pidgin, PNG Pidgin | 0 |
68 | Polish,Pole,Poland | 1562 |
69 | Portuguese,(E:Galician),Portugal | 49 |
70 | Romani,Gipsy | 33 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 2 |
72 | Russian,Russia,USSR&Rep. | 1862 |
73 | Samal | 2 |
74 | Samic,Lapp | 0 |
75 | Samoan,Tokelauan | 6 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic,Scottish | 0 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 0 |
78 | Slovakia,Slovak | 1237 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 991 |
80 | South America,Latin America, | 0 |
81 | Spanish,Castilian,Castellano | 1024 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 1213 |
83 | Switzerland | 0 |
84 | Tatar | 18 |
85 | Tausug | 46 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 6 |
87 | Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) | 11 |
88 | Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) | 121 |
89 | Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) | 27 |
90 | USA | 0 |
91 | Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno | 340 |
92 | Waray | 44 |
93 | Welsh | 9 |
94 | Yiddish/Jewish | 0 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 28 |
96 | Dont speak at home | 4 |
97 | No languages at all | 1 |
98 | Other,Mixed origin | 140 |
0 | NAP,NAV,no further mention | 9 |
99 | NA, dont know | 267 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28180 | 1 | 98 | 50.3 | 22.3007 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V57 Language speak at home 2nd mention
Value 57158 | Frequency | |
1 | Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Yoruba | 5 |
2 | Aklanon,Romblon | 2 |
3 | Albanian | 4 |
4 | American,American only,America | 0 |
5 | American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 1 |
6 | Arab,Arabic,Muslim (NL:Morocco) | 4 |
7 | Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic | 7 |
8 | Asian,Asia,other Asian | 12 |
9 | Australian,Oceanian,Australia | 0 |
10 | Austrian,Austria (I:Alto Adige) | 0 |
11 | Latvian,Estonian,Lith.,Baltic | 1 |
12 | Bangladeshi,Bengali,Bangladesh | 0 |
13 | Basque/Vasco | 0 |
14 | Belgian,Belgium | 0 |
15 | Belorussian,Bialorussian | 0 |
16 | Bicolano/Bikol | 18 |
17 | Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish | 0 |
18 | Bosnian (SLO:ethn.Muslim) | 0 |
19 | Bulgarian | 41 |
20 | Cajun/French Cajun | 0 |
21 | Canadian,Canadia,other Canada | 0 |
22 | Catalan,Valencian,Balear/Mallorquin | 0 |
23 | Chinese-Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 8 |
24 | Thai,Khmer,Vietnamese,Cont.Southeast | 1 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 0 |
26 | Creole,Surinamese/Sranan | 3 |
27 | Croatian | 0 |
28 | Czech-Czechia,Czech Republic | 28 |
29 | Czech-Slovak,Czech/Slovak-CSSR | 0 |
30 | Danish,Denmark | 1 |
31 | English,England&Wales,UK,England | 316 |
32 | European,White/European,Europe | 34 |
33 | Fijian | 0 |
34 | Finnish,Finland | 0 |
35 | French (I:Val D Aosta),France | 20 |
36 | French Canada,French Canadian | 0 |
37 | Frisian | 0 |
38 | German(H:German/Swab),Germany | 67 |
39 | Greek,Greece | 3 |
40 | Hebrew/Ivrit | 0 |
41 | Hungarian,Hungary | 87 |
42 | Ibanag | 0 |
43 | Ilocano | 28 |
44 | Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon | 16 |
45 | Indian,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 7 |
46 | Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian | 0 |
47 | Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari | 1 |
48 | Irish/Irish Gaelic,Ireland | 28 |
49 | Italian,Italy | 18 |
50 | Japanese,Japan | 0 |
51 | Kapampangan/Pampangan | 6 |
52 | Kinaray-a | 0 |
53 | Korean | 0 |
54 | Maori,NZ Maori | 0 |
55 | Maranaw/Maranao | 0 |
56 | Masbateno | 2 |
57 | Kurdish,Assyrian,Lebanese | 1 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 10 |
59 | Nordic,Scandinavian other | 36 |
60 | North America | 0 |
61 | Norwegian,Norway | 2 |
62 | Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam,Pacific | 0 |
63 | Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto | 3 |
64 | Panggalatok/Pangasinan | 2 |
65 | Philippine other | 2 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 54 |
67 | Pidgin, PNG Pidgin | 0 |
68 | Polish,Pole,Poland | 23 |
69 | Portuguese,(E:Galician),Portugal | 0 |
70 | Romani,Gipsy | 9 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 3 |
72 | Russian,Russia,USSR&Rep. | 102 |
73 | Samal | 0 |
74 | Samic,Lapp | 3 |
75 | Samoan,Tokelauan | 0 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic,Scottish | 0 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 1 |
78 | Slovakia,Slovak | 67 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 28 |
80 | South America,Latin America, | 0 |
81 | Spanish,Castilian,Castellano | 34 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 0 |
83 | Switzerland | 0 |
84 | Tatar | 0 |
85 | Tausug | 0 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 0 |
87 | Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) | 1 |
88 | Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) | 18 |
89 | Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) | 13 |
90 | USA | 0 |
91 | Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno | 43 |
92 | Waray | 8 |
93 | Welsh | 6 |
94 | Yiddish/Jewish | 0 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 33 |
96 | Dont speak at home | 0 |
97 | No languages at all | 0 |
98 | Other,Mixed origin | 55 |
0 | NAP,NAV,no further mention | 27130 |
99 | NA, dont know | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1326 | 1 | 98 | 51.8831 | 24.9932 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V58 Language speak at home 3rd mention
Value 58157 | Frequency | |
1 | Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Yoruba | 0 |
2 | Aklanon,Romblon | 0 |
3 | Albanian | 0 |
4 | American,American only,America | 0 |
5 | American Indian,Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 0 |
6 | Arab,Arabic,Muslim (NL:Morocco) | 3 |
7 | Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic | 1 |
8 | Asian,Asia,other Asian | 0 |
9 | Australian,Oceanian,Australia | 0 |
10 | Austrian,Austria (I:Alto Adige) | 0 |
11 | Latvian,Estonian,Lith.,Baltic | 0 |
12 | Bangladeshi,Bengali,Bangladesh | 0 |
13 | Basque/Vasco | 0 |
14 | Belgian,Belgium | 0 |
15 | Belorussian,Bialorussian | 0 |
16 | Bicolano/Bikol | 1 |
17 | Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish | 0 |
18 | Bosnian (SLO:ethn.Muslim) | 0 |
19 | Bulgarian | 0 |
20 | Cajun/French Cajun | 0 |
21 | Canadian,Canadia,other Canada | 0 |
22 | Catalan,Valencian,Balear/Mallorquin | 0 |
23 | Chinese-Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 0 |
24 | Thai,Khmer,Vietnamese,Cont.Southeast | 0 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 0 |
26 | Creole,Surinamese/Sranan | 0 |
27 | Croatian | 0 |
28 | Czech-Czechia,Czech Republic | 4 |
29 | Czech-Slovak,Czech/Slovak-CSSR | 0 |
30 | Danish,Denmark | 0 |
31 | English,England&Wales,UK,England | 18 |
32 | European,White/European,Europe | 16 |
33 | Fijian | 0 |
34 | Finnish,Finland | 0 |
35 | French (I:Val D Aosta),France | 10 |
36 | French Canada,French Canadian | 0 |
37 | Frisian | 0 |
38 | German(H:German/Swab),Germany | 14 |
39 | Greek,Greece | 1 |
40 | Hebrew/Ivrit | 0 |
41 | Hungarian,Hungary | 0 |
42 | Ibanag | 0 |
43 | Ilocano | 2 |
44 | Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon | 3 |
45 | Indian,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 1 |
46 | Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian | 0 |
47 | Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari | 0 |
48 | Irish/Irish Gaelic,Ireland | 2 |
49 | Italian,Italy | 3 |
50 | Japanese,Japan | 0 |
51 | Kapampangan/Pampangan | 1 |
52 | Kinaray-a | 0 |
53 | Korean | 1 |
54 | Maori,NZ Maori | 4 |
55 | Maranaw/Maranao | 0 |
56 | Masbateno | 0 |
57 | Kurdish,Assyrian,Lebanese | 0 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 0 |
59 | Nordic,Scandinavian other | 0 |
60 | North America | 0 |
61 | Norwegian,Norway | 0 |
62 | Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam,Pacific | 0 |
63 | Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto | 0 |
64 | Panggalatok/Pangasinan | 2 |
65 | Philippine other | 0 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 0 |
67 | Pidgin, PNG Pidgin | 0 |
68 | Polish,Pole,Poland | 2 |
69 | Portuguese,(E:Galician),Portugal | 1 |
70 | Romani,Gipsy | 0 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 2 |
72 | Russian,Russia,USSR&Rep. | 3 |
73 | Samal | 0 |
74 | Samic,Lapp | 0 |
75 | Samoan,Tokelauan | 1 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic,Scottish | 1 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 0 |
78 | Slovakia,Slovak | 4 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 0 |
80 | South America,Latin America, | 0 |
81 | Spanish,Castilian,Castellano | 2 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 0 |
83 | Switzerland | 0 |
84 | Tatar | 0 |
85 | Tausug | 0 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 0 |
87 | Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) | 0 |
88 | Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) | 0 |
89 | Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) | 1 |
90 | USA | 0 |
91 | Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno | 8 |
92 | Waray | 2 |
93 | Welsh | 0 |
94 | Yiddish/Jewish | 0 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 5 |
96 | Dont speak at home | 0 |
97 | No languages at all | 0 |
98 | Other,Mixed origin | 10 |
0 | NAP,NAV,no further mention | 28327 |
99 | NA, dont know | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
129 | 6 | 98 | 52.2636 | 26.2543 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V59 Languages do you speak well 1st mention
Value 59156 | Frequency | |
1 | Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Yoruba | 0 |
2 | Aklanon,Romblon | 28 |
3 | Albanian | 0 |
4 | America, American,American only | 0 |
5 | American Indian, Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 5 |
6 | Arab,Arabic,Muslim (NL:Morocco) | 8 |
7 | Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic | 4 |
8 | Asia,Asian,other Asian | 9 |
9 | Australia and Oceania,Australian | 0 |
10 | Austria,Austrian (I:Alto Adige) | 644 |
11 | BALTIC (RUS:Latvian,Estonian,Lith) | 805 |
12 | Bangladesh,Bangladeshi,Bengali | 1 |
13 | Basque, Vasco | 1 |
14 | Belgium, Belgian | 0 |
15 | Belorussian, Bialorussian | 12 |
16 | Bicolano/ Bicol | 41 |
17 | Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish | 0 |
18 | Bosnian | 0 |
19 | Bulgarian | 576 |
20 | Cajun/French Cajun | 1 |
21 | Canada,Canadian,other Canada | 0 |
22 | Catalan-Valencian-Balear/Mallorquin | 421 |
23 | China,Chin,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 35 |
24 | CONT.SOUTH-EAST ASIA,Thai,Khmer | 5 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 0 |
26 | Creole,Surinamese/Sranan | 25 |
27 | Croatian | 0 |
28 | Czech Republic,Czechia,Czech | 931 |
29 | Czechoslovakia,CSSR,Czech-Slovak | 0 |
30 | Denmark,Danish | 5 |
31 | England,England&Wales,UK,English | 7245 |
32 | Europe,European,White/European | 102 |
33 | Fijian | 0 |
34 | Finland,Finnish | 0 |
35 | France,French (I:Val D Aosta) | 662 |
36 | French Canada, French Canadian | 0 |
37 | Frisian | 11 |
38 | Germany,German (H:German/Swab) | 2891 |
39 | Greece,Greek | 4 |
40 | Hebrew, Ivrit | 4 |
41 | Hungary,Hungarian | 124 |
42 | Ibanag | 0 |
43 | Ilocano | 46 |
44 | Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon | 84 |
45 | India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 12 |
46 | Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian | 7 |
47 | Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari | 3 |
48 | Ireland,Irish/Irish Gaelic | 75 |
49 | Italy,Italian | 103 |
50 | Japan,Japanese | 5 |
51 | Kapampangan/Pampangan | 25 |
52 | Kinaray-a | 6 |
53 | Korean | 3 |
54 | Maori, NZ Maori | 62 |
55 | Maranaw/Maranao | 18 |
56 | Masbateno | 8 |
57 | MIDDLE EAST,Kurdish/Kurd,Assyrian | 0 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 73 |
59 | Nordic, other Scandinavian | 33 |
60 | North America | 0 |
61 | Norway, Norwegian | 27 |
62 | PACIFIC,Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam | 1 |
63 | Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto | 0 |
64 | Panggalatok/Pangasinan | 33 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 445 |
67 | PIDGIN, PNG Pidgin | 4 |
68 | Poland,Polish,Pole | 22 |
69 | Portugal,Portuguese,E:Galician | 25 |
70 | Romani, Gipsy | 4 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 10 |
72 | Russia,Russian,USSR&Rep. | 835 |
73 | Samal | 3 |
74 | Samic,Lapp | 4 |
75 | Samoan, Tokelauan | 7 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic, Scottish | 2 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 0 |
78 | Slovakia, Slovak | 132 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 0 |
80 | South America,Latin America, | 0 |
81 | Spanish, Castilian,Castellano | 838 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 929 |
83 | Switzerland | 0 |
84 | Tatar | 37 |
85 | Tausug | 48 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 2 |
87 | Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) | 5 |
88 | Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) | 84 |
89 | Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) | 48 |
90 | USA | 0 |
91 | Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno | 319 |
92 | Waray | 47 |
93 | Welsh | 10 |
94 | Yiddish/Jewish | 1 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 328 |
96 | Dont speak at home | 0 |
97 | No languages at all | 812 |
98 | Other,Mixed origin | 206 |
0 | NAP,NAV,no further mention | 5877 |
99 | NA, dont know | 2141 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
20438 | 2 | 98 | 43.8948 | 24.8236 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V60 Languages do you speak well 2nd mention
Value 60155 | Frequency | |
1 | Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Yoruba | 11 |
2 | Aklanon,Romblon | 2 |
3 | Albanian | 4 |
4 | America, American,American only | 0 |
5 | American Indian, Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 2 |
6 | Arab,Arabic,Muslim (NL:Morocco) | 11 |
7 | Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic | 4 |
8 | Asia,Asian,other Asian | 17 |
9 | Australia and Oceania,Australian | 0 |
10 | Austria,Austrian (I:Alto Adige) | 361 |
11 | BALTIC (RUS:Latvian,Estonian,Lith) | 3 |
12 | Bangladesh,Bangladeshi,Bengali | 0 |
13 | Basque, Vasco | 0 |
14 | Belgium, Belgian | 0 |
15 | Belorussian, Bialorussian | 10 |
16 | Bicolano/ Bicol | 23 |
17 | Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish | 0 |
18 | Bosnian | 0 |
19 | Bulgarian | 88 |
20 | Cajun/French Cajun | 0 |
21 | Canada,Canadian,other Canada | 0 |
22 | Catalan-Valencian-Balear/Mallorquin | 0 |
23 | China,Chin,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 6 |
24 | CONT.SOUTH-EAST ASIA,Thai,Khmer | 1 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 0 |
26 | Creole,Surinamese/Sranan | 6 |
27 | Croatian | 0 |
28 | Czech Republic,Czechia,Czech | 44 |
29 | Czechoslovakia,CSSR,Czech-Slovak | 0 |
30 | Denmark,Danish | 0 |
31 | England,England&Wales,UK,English | 1889 |
32 | Europe,European,White/European | 79 |
33 | Fijian | 0 |
34 | Finland,Finnish | 1 |
35 | France,French (I:Val D Aosta) | 298 |
36 | French Canada, French Canadian | 0 |
37 | Frisian | 0 |
38 | Germany,German (H:German/Swab) | 1132 |
39 | Greece,Greek | 5 |
40 | Hebrew, Ivrit | 0 |
41 | Hungary,Hungarian | 24 |
42 | Ibanag | 0 |
43 | Ilocano | 29 |
44 | Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon | 13 |
45 | India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 8 |
46 | Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian | 4 |
47 | Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari | 1 |
48 | Ireland,Irish/Irish Gaelic | 76 |
49 | Italy,Italian | 54 |
50 | Japan,Japanese | 0 |
51 | Kapampangan/Pampangan | 4 |
52 | Kinaray-a | 0 |
53 | Korean | 1 |
54 | Maori, NZ Maori | 0 |
55 | Maranaw/Maranao | 0 |
56 | Masbateno | 3 |
57 | MIDDLE EAST,Kurdish/Kurd,Assyrian | 1 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 19 |
59 | Nordic, other Scandinavian | 54 |
60 | North America | 0 |
61 | Norway, Norwegian | 4 |
62 | PACIFIC,Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam | 0 |
63 | Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto | 2 |
64 | Panggalatok/Pangasinan | 3 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 45 |
67 | PIDGIN, PNG Pidgin | 0 |
68 | Poland,Polish,Pole | 32 |
69 | Portugal,Portuguese,E:Galician | 3 |
70 | Romani, Gipsy | 6 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 6 |
72 | Russia,Russian,USSR&Rep. | 965 |
73 | Samal | 2 |
74 | Samic,Lapp | 0 |
75 | Samoan, Tokelauan | 0 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic, Scottish | 0 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 0 |
78 | Slovakia, Slovak | 51 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 1 |
80 | South America,Latin America, | 0 |
81 | Spanish, Castilian,Castellano | 72 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 2 |
83 | Switzerland | 0 |
84 | Tatar | 0 |
85 | Tausug | 1 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 0 |
87 | Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) | 0 |
88 | Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) | 34 |
89 | Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) | 16 |
90 | USA | 0 |
91 | Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno | 31 |
92 | Waray | 2 |
93 | Welsh | 6 |
94 | Yiddish/Jewish | 4 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 183 |
96 | Dont speak at home | 0 |
97 | No languages at all | 0 |
98 | Other,Mixed origin | 72 |
0 | NAP,NAV,no further mention | 22623 |
99 | NA, dont know | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
5833 | 1 | 98 | 43.9433 | 22.177 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V61 Languages do you speak well 3rd mention
Value 61154 | Frequency | |
1 | Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Yoruba | 2 |
2 | Aklanon,Romblon | 0 |
3 | Albanian | 2 |
4 | America, American,American only | 0 |
5 | American Indian, Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 0 |
6 | Arab,Arabic,Muslim (NL:Morocco) | 5 |
7 | Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic | 2 |
8 | Asia,Asian,other Asian | 4 |
9 | Australia and Oceania,Australian | 0 |
10 | Austria,Austrian (I:Alto Adige) | 0 |
11 | BALTIC (RUS:Latvian,Estonian,Lith) | 0 |
12 | Bangladesh,Bangladeshi,Bengali | 0 |
13 | Basque, Vasco | 0 |
14 | Belgium, Belgian | 0 |
15 | Belorussian, Bialorussian | 13 |
16 | Bicolano/ Bicol | 1 |
17 | Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish | 0 |
18 | Bosnian | 0 |
19 | Bulgarian | 4 |
20 | Cajun/French Cajun | 0 |
21 | Canada,Canadian,other Canada | 0 |
22 | Catalan-Valencian-Balear/Mallorquin | 0 |
23 | China,Chin,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 2 |
24 | CONT.SOUTH-EAST ASIA,Thai,Khmer | 0 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 0 |
26 | Creole,Surinamese/Sranan | 4 |
27 | Croatian | 0 |
28 | Czech Republic,Czechia,Czech | 10 |
29 | Czechoslovakia,CSSR,Czech-Slovak | 0 |
30 | Denmark,Danish | 3 |
31 | England,England&Wales,UK,English | 328 |
32 | Europe,European,White/European | 105 |
33 | Fijian | 0 |
34 | Finland,Finnish | 0 |
35 | France,French (I:Val D Aosta) | 311 |
36 | French Canada, French Canadian | 0 |
37 | Frisian | 12 |
38 | Germany,German (H:German/Swab) | 262 |
39 | Greece,Greek | 3 |
40 | Hebrew, Ivrit | 1 |
41 | Hungary,Hungarian | 6 |
42 | Ibanag | 1 |
43 | Ilocano | 3 |
44 | Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon | 1 |
45 | India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 4 |
46 | Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian | 1 |
47 | Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari | 1 |
48 | Ireland,Irish/Irish Gaelic | 8 |
49 | Italy,Italian | 37 |
50 | Japan,Japanese | 2 |
51 | Kapampangan/Pampangan | 0 |
52 | Kinaray-a | 0 |
53 | Korean | 2 |
54 | Maori, NZ Maori | 0 |
55 | Maranaw/Maranao | 0 |
56 | Masbateno | 0 |
57 | MIDDLE EAST,Kurdish/Kurd,Assyrian | 1 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 10 |
59 | Nordic, other Scandinavian | 21 |
60 | North America | 0 |
61 | Norway, Norwegian | 0 |
62 | PACIFIC,Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam | 0 |
63 | Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto | 0 |
64 | Panggalatok/Pangasinan | 3 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 3 |
67 | PIDGIN, PNG Pidgin | 0 |
68 | Poland,Polish,Pole | 39 |
69 | Portugal,Portuguese,E:Galician | 2 |
70 | Romani, Gipsy | 1 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 6 |
72 | Russia,Russian,USSR&Rep. | 93 |
73 | Samal | 0 |
74 | Samic,Lapp | 1 |
75 | Samoan, Tokelauan | 1 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic, Scottish | 0 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 0 |
78 | Slovakia, Slovak | 10 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 0 |
80 | South America,Latin America, | 0 |
81 | Spanish, Castilian,Castellano | 44 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 3 |
83 | Switzerland | 0 |
84 | Tatar | 0 |
85 | Tausug | 1 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 0 |
87 | Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) | 1 |
88 | Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) | 6 |
89 | Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) | 11 |
90 | USA | 0 |
91 | Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno | 10 |
92 | Waray | 2 |
93 | Welsh | 1 |
94 | Yiddish/Jewish | 0 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 52 |
96 | Dont speak at home | 0 |
97 | No languages at all | 0 |
98 | Other,Mixed origin | 59 |
0 | NAP,NAV,no further mention | 26935 |
99 | NA, dont know | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1521 | 1 | 98 | 45.7416 | 21.5721 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V62 Languages do you speak well 4th mention
Value 62153 | Frequency | |
1 | Africa,Mandinka,Somalia,Yoruba | 0 |
2 | Aklanon,Romblon | 0 |
3 | Albanian | 0 |
4 | America, American,American only | 0 |
5 | American Indian, Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 0 |
6 | Arab,Arabic,Muslim (NL:Morocco) | 1 |
7 | Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic | 1 |
8 | Asia,Asian,other Asian | 0 |
9 | Australia and Oceania,Australian | 0 |
10 | Austria,Austrian (I:Alto Adige) | 0 |
11 | BALTIC (RUS:Latvian,Estonian,Lith) | 0 |
12 | Bangladesh,Bangladeshi,Bengali | 0 |
13 | Basque, Vasco | 0 |
14 | Belgium, Belgian | 0 |
15 | Belorussian, Bialorussian | 0 |
16 | Bicolano/ Bicol | 1 |
17 | Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish | 0 |
18 | Bosnian | 0 |
19 | Bulgarian | 0 |
20 | Cajun/French Cajun | 0 |
21 | Canada,Canadian,other Canada | 0 |
22 | Catalan-Valencian-Balear/Mallorquin | 0 |
23 | China,Chin,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 0 |
24 | CONT.SOUTH-EAST ASIA,Thai,Khmer | 0 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 0 |
26 | Creole,Surinamese/Sranan | 3 |
27 | Croatian | 0 |
28 | Czech Republic,Czechia,Czech | 0 |
29 | Czechoslovakia,CSSR,Czech-Slovak | 0 |
30 | Denmark,Danish | 1 |
31 | England,England&Wales,UK,English | 4 |
32 | Europe,European,White/European | 0 |
33 | Fijian | 0 |
34 | Finland,Finnish | 0 |
35 | France,French (I:Val D Aosta) | 13 |
36 | French Canada, French Canadian | 0 |
37 | Frisian | 3 |
38 | Germany,German (H:German/Swab) | 7 |
39 | Greece,Greek | 1 |
40 | Hebrew, Ivrit | 0 |
41 | Hungary,Hungarian | 0 |
42 | Ibanag | 0 |
43 | Ilocano | 0 |
44 | Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon | 0 |
45 | India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 0 |
46 | Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian | 3 |
47 | Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari | 0 |
48 | Ireland,Irish/Irish Gaelic | 1 |
49 | Italy,Italian | 13 |
50 | Japan,Japanese | 0 |
51 | Kapampangan/Pampangan | 0 |
52 | Kinaray-a | 0 |
53 | Korean | 0 |
54 | Maori, NZ Maori | 0 |
55 | Maranaw/Maranao | 0 |
56 | Masbateno | 0 |
57 | MIDDLE EAST,Kurdish/Kurd,Assyrian | 0 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 2 |
59 | Nordic, other Scandinavian | 0 |
60 | North America | 0 |
61 | Norway, Norwegian | 0 |
62 | PACIFIC,Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam | 0 |
63 | Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto | 0 |
64 | Panggalatok/Pangasinan | 0 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 1 |
67 | PIDGIN, PNG Pidgin | 0 |
68 | Poland,Polish,Pole | 3 |
69 | Portugal,Portuguese,E:Galician | 2 |
70 | Romani, Gipsy | 0 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 0 |
72 | Russia,Russian,USSR&Rep. | 5 |
73 | Samal | 0 |
74 | Samic,Lapp | 0 |
75 | Samoan, Tokelauan | 0 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic, Scottish | 0 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 0 |
78 | Slovakia, Slovak | 0 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 0 |
80 | South America,Latin America, | 0 |
81 | Spanish, Castilian,Castellano | 24 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 1 |
83 | Switzerland | 0 |
84 | Tatar | 0 |
85 | Tausug | 0 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 0 |
87 | Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) | 0 |
88 | Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) | 1 |
89 | Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) | 1 |
90 | USA | 0 |
91 | Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno | 0 |
92 | Waray | 1 |
93 | Welsh | 0 |
94 | Yiddish/Jewish | 0 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 13 |
96 | Dont speak at home | 0 |
97 | No languages at all | 0 |
98 | Other,Mixed origin | 12 |
0 | NAP,NAV,no further mention | 28338 |
99 | NA, dont know | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
118 | 6 | 98 | 63.9407 | 25.7361 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V63 Are you a citizen of (country)
Value 63152 | Frequency | |
1 | Yes | 26320 |
2 | No | 713 |
0 | NAV;J:not asked | 1256 |
9 | NA | 167 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
27033 | 1 | 2 | 1.02638 | 0.160251 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V64 Parents citizens of (country at birth)
Value 64151 | Frequency | |
0 | Not available | 0 |
1 | Both cit (Rs ctry) | 26224 |
2 | Only father citizen | 290 |
3 | Only mother citizen | 323 |
4 | N parent | 1428 |
8 | Dont know | 27 |
9 | NA | 164 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28265 | 1 | 4 | 1.18468 | 0.690345 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V65 Racial-ethnic group of respondent
Value 65150 | Frequency | |
1 | Africa,Maninka,Somalia,Yoruba | 86 |
2 | Aklanon,Romblon | 26 |
3 | Albanian | 1 |
4 | America, American,American only | 39 |
5 | American Indian, Navajo,Ind.Dialect | 69 |
6 | Arab,Arabic,Muslim (NL:Morocco) | 8 |
7 | Esperanto,Latin,Slavonik,Celtic | 11 |
8 | Asia,Asian,other Asian | 24 |
9 | Australia and Oceania,Australian | 6 |
10 | Austria,Austrian (I:Alto Adige) | 934 |
11 | BALTIC (RUS:Latvian,Estonian,Lith) | 621 |
12 | Bangladesh,Bangladeshi,Bengali | 2 |
13 | Basque, Vasco | 0 |
14 | Belgium, Belgian | 1 |
15 | Belorussian, Bialorussian | 13 |
16 | Bicolano/ Bicol | 80 |
17 | Black/African/Carribean,No-Spanish | 28 |
18 | Bosnian,Muslim | 18 |
19 | Bulgarian | 927 |
20 | Cajun/French Cajun | 0 |
21 | Canada,Canadian,other Canada | 8 |
22 | Catalan-Valencian-Balear/Mallorquin | 0 |
23 | China,Chin,Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin | 70 |
24 | CONT.SOUTH-EAST ASIA,Thai,Khmer | 13 |
25 | Cook Island Maori | 7 |
26 | Creole,Surinamese/Sranan,Metis | 34 |
27 | Croatian | 37 |
28 | Czech Republic,Czechia,Czech | 882 |
29 | Czechoslovakia,CSSR,Czech-Slovak | 10 |
30 | Denmark,Danish | 11 |
31 | England,England&Wales,UK,English | 1527 |
32 | Europe,European,White/European | 834 |
33 | Fijian | 1 |
34 | Finland,Finnish | 19 |
35 | France,French (I:Val D Aosta) | 574 |
36 | French Canada, French Canadian | 13 |
37 | Frisian | 0 |
38 | Germany,German (H:German/Swab) | 2202 |
39 | Greece,Greek | 11 |
40 | Hebrew, Ivrit | 0 |
41 | Hungary,Hungarian | 1150 |
42 | Ibanag | 0 |
43 | Ilocano | 64 |
44 | Ilonggo/Hiligaynon,Bantayanon | 111 |
45 | India,Hindi,Urdu,Gujarati,Tamil | 19 |
46 | Indonesian,Malay/Malaysian | 0 |
47 | Iranian,Persian/Farsi,Dari | 5 |
48 | Ireland,Irish/Irish Gaelic | 217 |
49 | Italy,Italian | 122 |
50 | Japan,Japanese | 1240 |
51 | Kapampangan/Pampangan | 32 |
52 | Kinaray-a | 0 |
53 | Korean | 0 |
54 | Maori, NZ Maori | 159 |
55 | Maranaw/Maranao | 20 |
56 | Masbateno | 2 |
57 | MIDDLE EAST,Kurdish/Kurd,Assyrian | 7 |
58 | Netherlands,Dutch,Flemish | 2054 |
59 | Nordic,Scandinavian other | 10 |
60 | North America | 2 |
61 | Norway, Norwegian | 1479 |
62 | PACIFIC,Polynesian,Chamorro/Guam | 1 |
63 | Pakistan,Panjab/Punjabi,Pashto | 4 |
64 | Panggalatok/Pangasinan | 36 |
66 | Philippines,Tagalog,Filippino | 339 |
67 | PIDGIN, PNG Pidgin | 0 |
68 | Poland,Polish,Pole | 1615 |
69 | Portugal,Portuguese,E:Galician | 3 |
70 | Romani, Gipsy | 53 |
71 | Romanian/Rumanian,RUS:Moldavian | 7 |
72 | Russia,Russian,USSR&Rep. | 1655 |
73 | Samal | 1 |
74 | Samic,Lapp | 7 |
75 | Samoan, Tokelauan | 8 |
76 | Scotland,Scots Gaelic, Scottish | 140 |
77 | Serbia,Serbian,Serb | 19 |
78 | Slovakia, Slovak | 1238 |
79 | Slovenia,Slovenian,Slovene | 954 |
80 | South+Latin America,NL:Neth.Antilles | 67 |
81 | Spanish, Castilian,Castellano | 33 |
82 | Swedish,Swede | 1215 |
83 | Switzerland | 4 |
84 | Tatar | 49 |
85 | Tausug | 46 |
86 | Tongan,Niuean | 7 |
87 | Transcaucasian (BG:Armenian) | 12 |
88 | Turkey,Turkish (S:Bulgarian-turk) | 140 |
89 | Ukraine,Ukrainian (SK:Ruthenian) | 79 |
90 | USA | 1 |
91 | Visayan/Cebuano,Boholano,Leyteno | 358 |
92 | Waray | 57 |
93 | Welsh | 0 |
94 | Yiddish/Jewish | 41 |
95 | Yugoslavia,Serbo-Croatian | 19 |
96 | Dont speak at home | 0 |
97 | Neither,none of these | 56 |
98 | Other,Mixed origin | 411 |
0 | NAP,NAV,IRL,I:not asked | 3556 |
99 | NA, dont know | 371 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24529 | 1 | 98 | 51.8945 | 23.2455 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
V66 How close feel to your ethnic group
Value 66149 | Frequency | |
1 | Very close | 7726 |
2 | Close | 6355 |
3 | Not very close | 1766 |
4 | Not close at all | 608 |
0 | NAV,NAP (Code 97,99 V60) | 10870 |
8 | Cant choose | 850 |
9 | NA | 281 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
16455 | 1 | 4 | 1.7117 | 0.800977 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V67 Heard-read about (appropriate associat)
Value 67148 | Frequency | |
1 | A lot | 3172 |
2 | Quite a bit | 7806 |
3 | Not much | 8137 |
4 | Nothing at all | 2119 |
0 | Not available | 7018 |
8 | Dont know | 15 |
9 | NA | 189 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
21234 | 1 | 4 | 2.43341 | 0.862527 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V68 Benefits from being member of (assoc)
Value 68147 | Frequency | |
1 | Benefits | 11732 |
2 | Does not benefit | 4612 |
3 | Never heard of | 1877 |
0 | Not available | 3828 |
8 | Dont know,cant choose | 6279 |
9 | NA | 128 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
18221 | 1 | 3 | 1.45914 | 0.674078 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V69 Unite fully-protect independance (assoc)
Value 69146 | Frequency | |
1 | Unite fully | 7928 |
2 | Protect independance | 4031 |
0 | Not available | 10912 |
8 | Dont know,cant choose | 5443 |
9 | NA | 142 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
11959 | 1 | 2 | 1.33707 | 0.472728 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V70 Easier for immigrants attain citizenship
Value 70145 | Frequency | |
1 | Agree strongly | 3978 |
2 | Agree | 4810 |
3 | Neither nor | 2889 |
4 | Disagree | 2277 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1059 |
0 | Not available | 11964 |
8 | Cant choose | 1374 |
9 | NA | 105 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
15013 | 1 | 5 | 2.44242 | 1.22609 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V71 Measures to exclude illegal immigrants
Value 71144 | Frequency | |
1 | Agree strongly | 10637 |
2 | Agree | 5887 |
3 | Neither nor | 1797 |
4 | Disagree | 882 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 360 |
0 | Not available | 7645 |
8 | Cant choose | 1065 |
9 | NA | 183 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
19563 | 1 | 5 | 1.6935 | 0.942153 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
V200 R: Sex
Value 72143 | Frequency | |
1 | Male | 13318 |
2 | Female | 15103 |
9 | NA, refused | 35 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28421 | 1 | 2 | 1.5314 | 0.499022 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
V201 R: Age
Value 73142 | Frequency | |
14 | 1 | |
15 | 20 | |
16 | 16 years | 129 |
17 | 121 | |
18 | 380 | |
19 | 441 | |
20 | 473 | |
21 | 497 | |
22 | 521 | |
23 | 525 | |
24 | 518 | |
25 | 536 | |
26 | 532 | |
27 | 509 | |
28 | 501 | |
29 | 518 | |
30 | 664 | |
31 | 518 | |
32 | 549 | |
33 | 555 | |
34 | 583 | |
35 | 614 | |
36 | 619 | |
37 | 580 | |
38 | 595 | |
39 | 578 | |
40 | 623 | |
41 | 568 | |
42 | 608 | |
43 | 544 | |
44 | 593 | |
45 | 563 | |
46 | 542 | |
47 | 523 | |
48 | 522 | |
49 | 476 | |
50 | 493 | |
51 | 417 | |
52 | 411 | |
53 | 423 | |
54 | 462 | |
55 | 430 | |
56 | 451 | |
57 | 402 | |
58 | 391 | |
59 | 346 | |
60 | 402 | |
61 | 349 | |
62 | 393 | |
63 | 407 | |
64 | 378 | |
65 | 421 | |
66 | 373 | |
67 | 387 | |
68 | 334 | |
69 | 322 | |
70 | 369 | |
71 | 293 | |
72 | 288 | |
73 | 303 | |
74 | 243 | |
75 | 217 | |
76 | 164 | |
77 | 115 | |
78 | 114 | |
79 | 87 | |
80 | 93 | |
81 | 74 | |
82 | 58 | |
83 | 64 | |
84 | 40 | |
85 | 43 | |
86 | 33 | |
87 | 18 | |
88 | 20 | |
89 | 11 | |
90 | 8 | |
91 | 4 | |
92 | 3 | |
93 | 2 | |
94 | 5 | |
95 | 4 | |
96 | 96 years | 1 |
98 | 1 | |
99 | NA, refused | 150 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
28306 | 14 | 98 | 44.7667 | 16.8818 |
Valid range from 14 to 99
V202 R: Marital status
Value 74141 | Frequency | |
1 | Marr,liv as married | 17604 |
2 | Widowed | 2460 |
3 | Divorced | 1684 |
4 | Separated | 406 |
5 | Not married | 6174 |
9 | NA, refused | 128 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum |