Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa (ISSP), 2015: Stališča o delu IV

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • ISSP raziskovalna skupina
  • Carton, Ann
  • Vanderkelen, Françoise
  • Gonzales T., Ricardo
  • Marinović Jerolimov, Dinka
  • Večerník, Jiří
  • Lund Clement, Sanne
  • Andersen, Johannes
  • Shamshiri-Petersen, Ditte
  • Andersen, Jørgen G.
  • Frederiksen, Morten
  • Severin, Majbritt C.
  • Holt, Steffen
  • Nielsen, Alex S.
  • Borregaard, Nicolaj
  • Melin, Harri
  • Blom, Raimo
  • Gonthier, Frédéric
  • Forsé, Michel
  • Clery, Liz
  • Phillips, Miranda
  • Jónsdóttir, Guðbjörg A.
  • Einarsson, Hafsteinn
  • Lewin-Epstein, Noah
  • Aramaki, Hiroshi
  • Murata, Hiroko
  • Niklass, Mareks
  • Krupavičius, Algis
  • Boxall, Peter
  • Humpage, Louise
  • McMillan, Kate
  • Milne, Barry
  • Randow, Martin von
  • Kolsrud, Kirstine
  • Skjåk, Knut K.
  • Social Weather Stations, Quezon City, Philippines
  • Khakhulina, Ludmila
  • Hafner-Fink, Mitja
  • Malnar, Brina
  • Struwig, Jare
  • Riedewald, Regien
  • Edlund, Jonas
  • FORS, c/o University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Fu, Yang-chih
  • Briceño-León, Roberto
  • Bacher, Johann
  • Höllinger, Franz
  • Verwiebe, Roland
  • Evans, Ann
  • Blunsdon, Betsy
  • Li, Lulu
  • Wolf, Christof
  • Roosalu, Triin
  • Kazjulja, Margarita
  • Kall, Kairit
  • Méndez Lago, Mónica
  • Tsuladze, Lia
  • Kolosi, Tamás
  • Deshmukh, Yashwant R.
  • Morones, César
  • Moran, Mauricio
  • Palacios, Felipe
  • Zielinski, Marcin W.
  • Jerzyński, Tomasz
  • Bahna, Miloslav
  • Smith, Tom W.
  • Davern, Michael
  • Freese, Jeremy
  • Hout, Michael
Data file producer:
GESIS - GESIS Datenarchiv, GESIS Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (Cologne; 2017)

Funding agency:

Vsaka raziskovalna organizacija krije svoje stroške raziskave. Skupnega financiranja ni.

Project number:

no information

  • ISSP/Mednarodna splošna družboslovna anketa = International Social Survey Programme

    Mednarodna družboslovna anketa (ISSP) je kontinuiran program mednarodnega sodelovanja v letnih anketah, ki pokrivajo pomembne teme za družboslovno znanstveno raziskovanje. Združuje že obstoječe družbeno-znanstvene projekte in usklajuje raziskovalne cilje ter tako dodaja posameznim nacionalnim raziskavam mednarodni in medkulturni vidik. Vsaka posamezna raziskava (tematski modul) se ukvarja z določeno družboslovno tematiko. Tako raziskave ISSP do sedaj vsebujejo vprašanja o odnosu posameznika do številnih družbenih tem, kot so: okolje, vloga vlade, družbene neenakosti, socialno podporo, družina in spolne vloge, delo in delovne usmeritve, religija, državljanstvo, nacionalna identiteta, zdravje in zdravstveni sistem. Prva raziskava je bila izvedena v letih 1985/86 v šestih državah, danes pa ima ISSP preko 40 držav članic po vsem svetu. (

Study Content

Keywords ADP: zaposlitev in vrednote, varnost zaposlitve, dohodek, razmerje med delom in zasebnim življenjem, diskriminacija, nadlegovanje na delovnem mestu, sindikati, delovna aktivnost, delovne naloge, odnos do dela, zadovoljstvo z delom, zaposlovanje, zaposlitev s polnim delovnim časom, zaposlitev s polovičnim delovnim časom, menedžerji, zaposljivost

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - Družbeno vedenje in stališča
Topic Classification CERIF
Sociologija dela, sociologija podjetij
Topic Classification ADP


Ta izvedba raziskav ISSP se osredotoča na stališča o delu. Respondente sprašuje o delovnih vrednotah (varnost zaposlitve, visok dohodek, ipd.), ravnovesju med poklicnim in zasebnim življenjem, diskriminaciji pri delu, o izkušnjah z nadlegovanjem na delovnem mestu ter moči sindikatov. Respondenti opisujejo lastnosti dela (fizično, stresno delo, delo doma, ob vikendih, prilagodljivost glede začetka in konca delovnega časa, itd.), delovna usposabljanja, presojajo odnose med vodstvom in zaposlenimi ter med sodelavci. Odgovarjajo tudi o zadovoljstvu pri delu, identifikaciji s podjetjem ali organizacijo, zaskrbljenosti zaradi možnosti izgube zaposlitve, o zaposljivosti ter pričakovanih težavah pri iskanju nove zaposlitve. Demografski sklop vključuje vprašanja o starosti respondenta, spolu, izobrazbi, zaposlitvi, poklicu, zakonskemu statusu, članstvu v sindikatu, verskem prepričanju, o udeležbi na zadnjih volitvah, voljeni stranki (levo-desno), pripadnosti etnični skupini, o velikosti gospodinjstva, dohodku, državi rojstva staršev in regiji bivanja.


Collection date: Zbiranje podatkov na terenu je potekalo: Avstralija: 17. avgust 2015 - 14. april 2016, Avstrija: 09. julij 2015 - 16. avgust 2016, Belgija: 14. oktober 2015 - 22. marec 2016, Češka: 31. marec 2015 - 20. maj 2015, Čile: 06. april 2015 - 03. maj 2015, Danska: 15. maj 2016 - 19. julij 2016, Estonija: september 2015 - oktober 2015, Filipini: 16. marec 2016 - 20. marec 2016, Finska: 22. september 2015 - 16. december 2015, Francija: februar 2015 - september 2015, Gruzija: 05. junij 2016 - 23. julij 2016, Hrvaška: 01. julij 2016 - 26. julij 2016, Indija: 22. februar 2017 - 06. april 2017, Islandija: 26. maj 2016 - 31. avgust 2016, Izrael: 23. december 2015 - 05. april 2016, Japonska: 24. oktober 2015 - 01. november 2015, Južna Afrika: 01. oktober 2015 - 01. marec 2016, Kitajska: 01. julij 2015 - 31. oktober 2015, Latvija: 27. avgust 2016 - 25. september 2016, Litva: 08. oktober 2015 - 01. december 2015, Madžarska: 16. oktober 2015 - 23. oktober 2015, Mehika: 10. februar 2017 - 03. april 2017, Nemčija: 05. april 2016 - 17. september 2016, Norveška: 20. oktober 2015 - 06. januar 2016, Nova Zelandija: 08. julij 2015 - 16. november 2015, Poljska: 01. marec 2015 - 26. junij 2015, Ruska federacija: 26. marec 2015 - 31. marec 2015, Slovaška: 11. september 2016 - 29. oktober 2016, Slovenija: 14. november 2015 - 23. februar 2016, Surinam: 24. junij 2015 - 02. februar 2017, Španija: 11. april 2016 - 29. junij 2016, Švedska: 01. april 2016 - 11. maj 2016, Švica: 12. februar 2015 - 10. julij 2015, Tajvan: 08. februar 2015 - 01. november 2015, Velika Britanija: 06. julij 2015 - 06. november 2015, Venezuela: 19. januar 2015 - 08. februar 2015, Združene države Amerike: 05. april 2016 - 19. november 2016
Date of production: 2017
Country: Avstralija, Avstrija, Belgija, Češka, Čile, Danska, Estonija, Filipini, Finska, Francija, Gruzija, Hrvaška, Indija, Islandija, Izrael, Japonska, Južna Afrika, Kitajska, Latvija, Litva, Madžarska, Mehika, Nemčija, Norveška, Nova Zelandija, Poljska, Ruska federacija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Surinam, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Tajvan, Velika Britanija, Venezuela, Združene države Amerike
Geographic coverage:

Teritorij naštetih držav.

Unit of analysis:



Osebe stare 18 let in več, izjeme so: Finska: od 15 do 74 let, Estonija: 15 let ali več, Japonska: 16 let ali več, Južna Afrika: 16 let ali več, Norveška: od 18 do 79 let, ter Surinam: od 21 do 74 let. Za dodatna pojasnila glej doi:10.4232/1.12848.

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

Avstralija: Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Inc. (ACSPRI), Black Rock

Avstrija: IFES, Vienna

Belgija: Research Center of the Flemish Government, Brussels, and IWEPS, Namur

Češka: STEM/MARK, Prague

Čile: CADEM, Santiago de Chile

Danska: Rambøll Denmark A/S, Copenhagen

Estonija: Saar Poll, Tallinn

Filipini: Social Weather Stations, Quezon City

Finska: Statistics Finland, Social Survey Unit, Helsinki

Francija: PACTE-CNRS, Grenoble

Gruzija: Center for Social Sciences (CSS), Tbilisi

Hrvaška: GFK market research

Indija: CVoter News Services Pvt. Ltd., Noida

Islandija: Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) - University of Iceland

Izrael: B.I. and Lucille Cohen Institute for public opinion research, Tel Aviv

Japonska: Central Research Services, Inc., Tokyo

Južna Afrika: Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria

Kitajska: National Survey Research Center at Renmin University of China, Beijing

Latvija: TNS Latvia, Riga

Litva: Eurotela, Klaipėda

Madžarska: TÁRKI Social Research Institute, Budapest

Mehika: Institute of Marketing and Opinion (IMO)

Nemčija: TNS Infratest

Norveška: TNS Gallup (kontakt in administracija papirnatih vprašalnikov) and Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) (administracija spletnih vprašalnikov), Bergen

Nova Zelandija: Zelandija: Centre of Methods and Policy Application in the Social Sciences (COMPASS), The University of Auckland

Poljska: Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS), Warsaw

Ruska federacija: Levada-Center, Moscow

Slovaška: TNS Slovakia, Bratislava

Slovenija: Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij (CJMMK), Univerza v Ljubljani

Surinam: Anton de Kom University of Suriname, Paramaribo

Španija: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS), Madrid

Švedska: SIFO, Stockholm

Švica: M.I.S. Trend SA, Economic and social research institute, Lausanne

Tajvan: Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taipei City

Velika Britanija: National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), London

Venezuela: Instituto Delphos, Caracas

Združene države Amerike: National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, Chicago

Sampling procedure:

Verjetnostno: enostavno slučajno

Verjetnostno: sistematično slučajno

Verjetnostno: stratificirano

Verjetnostno: stratificirano: proporcionalno

Verjetnostno: stratificirano: disproporcionalno

Verjetnostno: večstopenjsko

Vzorčenje se razlikuje glede na posamezne države. Za dodatna pojasnila glej doi:10.4232/1.12848.

Mode of data collection:

Osebni intervju: CAPI/CAMI

Osebni intervju: PAPI

Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanje: papirnati

Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanje: računalniško podprti (CASI)

Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanje: spletni

Telefonski intervju

Odvisno od posamezne države. Za dodatna pojasnila glej doi:10.4232/1.12848.


Da. Za dodatna pojasnila glej doi:10.4232/1.12848.

Access restrictions

Za dostop do podatkov se obrnite na avtorja raziskave ali pristojno organizacijo, saj Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov ne distribuira podatkov te raziskave. Več o omejitvah dostopa na doi:10.4232/1.12848.

Contact: GESIS Datenarchiv

Več o pravilnem navajanju podatkov na doi:10.4232/1.12848.

Več o uporabnikovi odgovornosti obveščanja arhiva o uporabi podatkov in objavi del na doi:10.4232/1.12848.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: ZA6770: International Social Survey Programme: Work Orientations IV - ISSP 2015 [Podatkovna datoteka]

File ID: F1

Format: OSTALO

  • number of variables: 442
  • number of units: 51668

Version: 2.1.0, doi:10.4232/1.12848

Variable list

studyno GESIS Data Archive Study Number

Value 13 Frequency
6770 GESIS Data Archive Study Number ZA6770 51668
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0 6770 6770

Valid range from 6770 to 6770

version GESIS Archive Version

Value 22 Frequency
2.1.0 (2017-08-30) 51668
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0

doi Digital Object Identifier

Value 31 Frequency
doi:10.4232/1.12848 51668
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0

studyno GESIS Data Archive Study Number

Value 1442 Frequency
6770 GESIS Data Archive Study Number ZA6770 51668
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0 6770 6770

Valid range from 6770 to 6770

version GESIS Archive Version

Value 2441 Frequency
2.1.0 (2017-08-30) 51668
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0

doi Digital Object Identifier

Value 3440 Frequency
doi:10.4232/1.12848 51668
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0

c_sample Country/ Sample ISO 3166 Code (see country for codes for whole nation states)

Value 4439 Frequency
36 AU-Australia 1211
40 AT-Austria 1001
152 CL-Chile 1433
156 CN-China 1795
158 TW-Taiwan 2031
191 HR-Croatia 1000
203 CZ-Czech Republic 1435
208 DK-Denmark 1138
233 EE-Estonia 1207
246 FI-Finland 1203
250 FR-France 1224
268 GE-Georgia 1487
348 HU-Hungary 1003
352 IS-Iceland 1126
356 IN-India 1336
392 JP-Japan 1573
428 LV-Latvia 1002
440 LT-Lithuania 1127
484 MX-Mexico 1141
554 NZ-New Zealand 901
578 NO-Norway 1550
608 PH-Philippines 1200
616 PL-Poland 2112
643 RU-Russia 1596
703 SK-Slovak Republic 1150
705 SI-Slovenia 1023
710 ZA-South Africa 2940
724 ES-Spain 1834
740 SR-Suriname 1139
752 SE-Sweden 1162
756 CH-Switzerland 1235
840 US-United States 1477
862 VE-Venezuela 1007
5601 BE-FLA-Belgium/ Flanders 963
5602 BE-WAL-Belgium/ Wallonia 639
5603 BE-BRU-Belgium/ Brussels 539
27601 DE-W-Germany-West 1127
27602 DE-E-Germany-East 560
37601 IL-J-Israel, Jews 1025
37602 IL-A-Israel, Arabs 223
82601 GB-GBN-Great Britain 1793
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0 36 82601

Valid range from 36 to 82601

country Country ISO 3166 Code (see c_sample for codes for the sample)

Value 5438 Frequency
36 AU-Australia 1211
40 AT-Austria 1001
56 BE-Belgium 2141
152 CL-Chile 1433
156 CN-China 1795
158 TW-Taiwan 2031
191 HR-Croatia 1000
203 CZ-Czech Republic 1435
208 DK-Denmark 1138
233 EE-Estonia 1207
246 FI-Finland 1203
250 FR-France 1224
268 GE-Georgia 1487
276 DE-Germany 1687
348 HU-Hungary 1003
352 IS-Iceland 1126
356 IN-India 1336
376 IL-Israel 1248
392 JP-Japan 1573
428 LV-Latvia 1002
440 LT-Lithuania 1127
484 MX-Mexico 1141
554 NZ-New Zealand 901
578 NO-Norway 1550
608 PH-Philippines 1200
616 PL-Poland 2112
643 RU-Russia 1596
703 SK-Slovak Republic 1150
705 SI-Slovenia 1023
710 ZA-South Africa 2940
724 ES-Spain 1834
740 SR-Suriname 1139
752 SE-Sweden 1162
756 CH-Switzerland 1235
826 GB-Great Britain and/or United Kingdom 1793
840 US-United States 1477
862 VE-Venezuela 1007
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0 36 862

Valid range from 36 to 862

c_alphan Country Prefix ISO 3166

Value 6437 Frequency
AT 1001
AU 1211
BE 2141
CH 1235
CL 1433
CN 1795
CZ 1435
DE 1687
DK 1138
EE 1207
ES 1834
FI 1203
FR 1224
GB-GBN 1793
GE 1487
HR 1000
HU 1003
IL 1248
IN 1336
IS 1126
JP 1573
LT 1127
LV 1002
MX 1141
NO 1550
NZ 901
PH 1200
PL 2112
RU 1596
SE 1162
SI 1023
SK 1150
SR 1139
TW 2031
US 1477
VE 1007
ZA 2940
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51668 0

v1 Q1a Job is a way of earning money

Value 7436 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 7105
2 Agree 13783
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7536
4 Disagree 14827
5 Strongly disagree 6766
8 Can't choose 665
9 No answer, refused 986
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50017 1651 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v2 Q1b Enjoy a paid job even if I did not need money

Value 8435 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 9022
2 Agree 21195
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7345
4 Disagree 7890
5 Strongly disagree 3640
8 Can't choose 1605
9 No answer, refused 971
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
49092 2576 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v3 Q2a Personally important: job security

Value 9434 Frequency
1 Very important 29974
2 Important 17997
3 Neither important nor unimportant 1899
4 Not important 716
5 Not important at all 233
8 Can't choose 433
9 No answer, refused 416
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50819 849 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v4 Q2b Personally important: high income

Value 10433 Frequency
1 Very important 16258
2 Important 25062
3 Neither important nor unimportant 7098
4 Not important 2103
5 Not important at all 229
8 Can't choose 408
9 No answer, refused 510
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50750 918 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v5 Q2c Personally important: opportunities for advancement

Value 11432 Frequency
1 Very important 15075
2 Important 22494
3 Neither important nor unimportant 8503
4 Not important 3681
5 Not important at all 717
8 Can't choose 625
9 No answer, refused 573
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50470 1198 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v6 Q2d Personally important: an interesting job

Value 12431 Frequency
1 Very important 23607
2 Important 22217
3 Neither important nor unimportant 3587
4 Not important 1032
5 Not important at all 240
8 Can't choose 469
9 No answer, refused 516
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50683 985 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v7 Q2e Personally important: work independently

Value 13430 Frequency
1 Very important 14898
2 Important 22416
3 Neither important nor unimportant 9031
4 Not important 3436
5 Not important at all 628
8 Can't choose 699
9 No answer, refused 560
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50409 1259 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v8 Q2f Personally important: help other people

Value 14429 Frequency
1 Very important 14757
2 Important 23799
3 Neither important nor unimportant 9118
4 Not important 2228
5 Not important at all 516
8 Can't choose 728
9 No answer, refused 522
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50418 1250 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v9 Q2g Personally important: a job useful to society

Value 15428 Frequency
1 Very important 15595
2 Important 23956
3 Neither important nor unimportant 8179
4 Not important 2107
5 Not important at all 564
8 Can't choose 735
9 No answer, refused 532
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50401 1267 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v10 Q2h Personally important: decide time of work

Value 16427 Frequency
1 Very important 11131
2 Important 19897
3 Neither important nor unimportant 11846
4 Not important 5996
5 Not important at all 1329
8 Can't choose 900
9 No answer, refused 569
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50199 1469 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v11 Q2i Personally important: contact with other people

Value 17426 Frequency
1 Very important 14232
2 Important 22997
3 Neither important nor unimportant 8804
4 Not important 3524
5 Not important at all 890
8 Can't choose 727
9 No answer, refused 494
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50447 1221 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v12 Q3 Give up job opportunities for benefit of family life

Value 18425 Frequency
1 Yes, I have done so and probably would do so again 12078
2 Yes, I have done so but probably would not do so again 4152
3 No, I have not done so but probably would do so 17316
4 No, I have not done so and probably would not do so 13303
8 Can't choose 4235
9 No answer, refused 584
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46849 4819 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v13 Q4 Remain in not satisfying job for benefit of family life

Value 19424 Frequency
1 Yes, I have done so and probably would do so again 11022
2 Yes, I have done so but probably would not do so again 6260
3 No, I have not done so but probably would do so 13956
4 No, I have not done so and probably would not do so 15141
8 Can't choose 4613
9 No answer, refused 676
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
46379 5289 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v14 Q5 Past five years: discriminated against with regard to work

Value 20423 Frequency
1 Yes 7487
2 No 34062
0 Does not apply: Did not work or did not seek work 9374
8 Don't know 32
9 No answer, refused 713
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
41549 10119 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v15 Q6 Reason for discrimination

Value 21422 Frequency
1 My age 1617
2 My race, ethnicity 653
3 My nationality 283
4 My sex 654
5 My religion 114
6 My disability/ mental or physical illness 352
7 My family responsibilities 587
8 My political beliefs 389
9 Other reason;TW: Other incl. education 2467
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v14) 43419
98 Can't choose 430
99 No answer, refused 703
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
7116 44552 1 9

Valid range from 1 to 9

V16 Q7 Past five years: harassed at your job

Value 22421 Frequency
1 Yes 5232
2 No 34671
0 Does not apply (I do not have a job/superior/co-worker),incl 10909
8 Don't know 4
9 No answer, refused 852
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
39903 11765 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v17 Q8a Workers need trade unions

Value 23420 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 13636
2 Agree 19904
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8679
4 Disagree 4227
5 Strongly disagree 1645
8 Can't choose 2760
9 No answer 817
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
48091 3577 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v18 Q8b Strong trade unions bad for economy

Value 24419 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 2848
2 Agree 6480
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12481
4 Disagree 15540
5 Strongly disagree 7556
8 Can't choose 5036
9 No answer 1727
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
44905 6763 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v19 Q9 Preference of pers work situation at present

Value 25418 Frequency
1 A full-time job [30 hours or more per week] 28530
2 A part-time job [10-29 hours per week] 11952
3 A job with less than 10 hours a week 2934
4 No paid job at all 4807
8 Can't choose 2712
9 No answer, refused 733
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
48223 3445 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v20 Q10 Respondent currently working for pay

Value 26417 Frequency
1 Yes 28349
2 No 22847
9 No answer, refused 472
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51196 472 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v21 Q11 Preference: number of hours working - earning money

Value 27416 Frequency
1 Work longer, earn more money 9371
2 Same number of hours, same money 15182
3 Work fewer, earn less money 1808
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK);NAV (VE) 23288
8 Can't choose 1364
9 No answer, refused 655
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26361 25307 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v22 Q12a Apply to R's job: my job is secure

Value 28415 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 7924
2 Agree 11331
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4168
4 Disagree 3316
5 Strongly disagree 1129
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22828
8 Can't choose 328
9 No answer, refused 644
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27868 23800 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v23 Q12b Apply to R's job: my income is high

Value 29414 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 1922
2 Agree 6163
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7791
4 Disagree 9040
5 Strongly disagree 2989
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22828
8 Can't choose 248
9 No answer, refused 687
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27905 23763 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v24 Q12c Apply to R's job: opportunities for advancement are high

Value 30413 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 1915
2 Agree 6004
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7172
4 Disagree 8630
5 Strongly disagree 3625
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 729
9 No answer, refused 764
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27346 24322 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v25 Q12d Apply to R's job: my job is interesting

Value 31412 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 7297
2 Agree 12678
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4755
4 Disagree 2435
5 Strongly disagree 797
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 193
9 No answer, refused 684
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27962 23706 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v26 Q12e Apply to R's job: can work independently

Value 32411 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 8039
2 Agree 12263
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3467
4 Disagree 2965
5 Strongly disagree 1239
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22828
8 Can't choose 191
9 No answer, refused 676
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27973 23695 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v27 Q12f Apply to R's job: can help other people

Value 33410 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 8012
2 Agree 12412
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4354
4 Disagree 2281
5 Strongly disagree 780
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 328
9 No answer, refused 672
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27839 23829 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v28 Q12g Apply to R's job: job is useful to society

Value 34409 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 8360
2 Agree 12379
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4704
4 Disagree 1765
5 Strongly disagree 554
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 398
9 No answer, refused 679
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27762 23906 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v29 Q12h Apply to R's job: personal contact with other people

Value 35408 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 11955
2 Agree 12350
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2158
4 Disagree 1133
5 Strongly disagree 375
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 208
9 No answer, refused 660
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27971 23697 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v30 Q13a How often applies: Do hard physical work

Value 36407 Frequency
1 Always 3311
2 Often 5078
3 Sometimes 6891
4 Hardly ever 5696
5 Never 7129
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22828
8 Can't choose 102
9 No answer, refused 633
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28105 23563 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v31 Q13b How often applies: find work stressful

Value 37406 Frequency
1 Always 3068
2 Often 7311
3 Sometimes 11353
4 Hardly ever 3934
5 Never 2370
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 133
9 No answer, refused 670
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28036 23632 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v32 Q14a And how often applies: work at home during working hours

Value 38405 Frequency
1 Always 1827
2 Often 2553
3 Sometimes 4266
4 Hardly ever 3762
5 Never 14815
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK);NAV (DK) 23618
8 Can't choose 237
9 No answer, refused 590
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27223 24445 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v33 Q14b And how often applies: involve working on weekends

Value 39404 Frequency
1 Always 3901
2 Often 5629
3 Sometimes 7120
4 Hardly ever 4154
5 Never 6508
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK);NAV (DK) 23619
8 Can't choose 136
9 No answer, refused 601
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27312 24356 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v34 Q15 Best describes the working hours conditions

Value 40403 Frequency
1 I cannot change, fixed time 14519
2 I can decide within certain limits 9235
3 I am entirely free to decide 4102
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Don't know 208
9 No answer, refused 775
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27856 23812 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v35 Q16 Best describes the usual working schedule

Value 41402 Frequency
1 I have a regular schedule or shift 19482
2 I have a schedule or shift which regularly changes 4388
3 I have a schedule where daily working times are decided at s 2284
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22828
8 Can't choose 1802
9 No answer, refused 884
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26154 25514 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v36 Q17 Best describes the organization of daily work

Value 42401 Frequency
1 I am free to decide 8004
2 Decide within certain limits 12045
3 I am not free to decide 7457
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22828
8 Can't choose 465
9 No answer, refused 869
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27506 24162 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v37 Q18 How difficult: take time off during working hours

Value 43400 Frequency
1 Not difficult at all 8344
2 Not too difficult 8878
3 Somewhat difficult 5651
4 Very difficult 4732
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 414
9 No answer, refused 820
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27605 24063 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v38 Q19a How often: demands of job interfere with family life

Value 44399 Frequency
1 Always 890
2 Often 3233
3 Sometimes 8285
4 Hardly ever 7565
5 Never 7866
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 353
9 No answer, refused 647
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27839 23829 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v39 Q19b How often: family life interferes with job

Value 45398 Frequency
1 Always 410
2 Often 1384
3 Sometimes 5737
4 Hardly ever 8883
5 Never 11144
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Can't choose 405
9 No answer, refused 875
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27558 24110 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v40 Q20 How much use of past work experience and skills

Value 46397 Frequency
1 Almost none 3582
2 A little 6277
3 A lot 8764
4 Almost all 8053
5 ES,RU: never another job 229
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 1218
9 No answer, refused 716
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26905 24763 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v41 Q21 Training to improve job skills over past 12 months

Value 47396 Frequency
1 Yes 12311
2 No 15570
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 309
9 No answer, refused 649
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27881 23787 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v42 Q22a Relations: between management and employees

Value 48395 Frequency
1 Very good 7071
2 Quite good 12092
3 Neither good nor bad 5479
4 Quite bad 1278
5 Very bad 447
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22829
8 Can't choose 1350
9 No answer, refused 1122
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26367 25301 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v43 Q22b Relations: between workmates/ colleagues?

Value 49394 Frequency
1 Very good 9578
2 Quite good 12948
3 Neither good nor bad 3242
4 Quite bad 462
5 Very bad 158
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Can't choose 1246
9 No answer, refused 1204
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26388 25280 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v44 Q23 How satisfied are you in your (main) job

Value 50393 Frequency
1 Completely satisfied 4304
2 Very satisfied 8248
3 Fairly satisfied 10333
4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3183
5 Fairly dissatisfied 1322
6 Very dissatisfied 435
7 Completely dissatisfied 217
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Can't choose 158
9 No answer, refused 638
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28042 23626 1 7

Valid range from 1 to 7

v45 Q24a Willing to work harder to help firm succeed

Value 51392 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 4981
2 Agree 11344
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6029
4 Disagree 3466
5 Strongly disagree 1265
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Can't choose 782
9 No answer, refused 971
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27085 24583 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v46 Q24b Proud to be working for my firm

Value 52391 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 6053
2 Agree 12116
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6412
4 Disagree 1929
5 Strongly disagree 627
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22831
8 Can't choose 727
9 No answer, refused 973
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27137 24531 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v47 Q24c I would turn down another job to stay

Value 53390 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 2745
2 Agree 5235
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6423
4 Disagree 7407
5 Strongly disagree 4313
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22831
8 Can't choose 1684
9 No answer, refused 1030
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26123 25545 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v48 Q25a I would change type of work

Value 54389 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 3266
2 Agree 7340
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5811
4 Disagree 7031
5 Strongly disagree 3676
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Can't choose 824
9 No answer, refused 890
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27124 24544 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v49 Q25b I am proud of the type of work I do

Value 55388 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 6960
2 Agree 12371
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5720
4 Disagree 1824
5 Strongly disagree 689
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22831
8 Can't choose 394
9 No answer, refused 879
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27564 24104 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v50 Q26 Easy or difficult to find a good job as the current

Value 56387 Frequency
1 Very easy 1483
2 Fairly easy 4739
3 Neither easy nor difficult 6222
4 Fairly difficult 9359
5 Very difficult 5337
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Can't choose 1037
9 No answer, refused 661
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27140 24528 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v51 Q27 How likely: try to find a job within next 12 months

Value 57386 Frequency
1 Very likely 2479
2 Likely 4794
3 Unlikely 8275
4 Very unlikely 11077
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Can't choose 1356
9 No answer, refused 857
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26625 25043 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v52 Q28 Extent to worry about the possibility of losing job

Value 58385 Frequency
1 I worry a great deal 3738
2 I worry to some extent 5656
3 I worry a little 8090
4 I don't worry at all 10550
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Don't know 22
9 No answer, refused 782
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28034 23634 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v53 Q29a Avoid unemployment: accept job that requires new skills

Value 59384 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 8483
2 Agree 13667
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2673
4 Disagree 1815
5 Strongly disagree 721
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22831
8 Can't choose 590
9 No answer, refused 888
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27359 24309 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v54 Q29b Avoid unemployment: accept lower position with lower pay

Value 60383 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 2879
2 Agree 8557
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5076
4 Disagree 7344
5 Strongly disagree 3362
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22831
8 Can't choose 667
9 No answer, refused 952
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27218 24450 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v55 Q29c Avoid unemployment: accept temporary employment

Value 61382 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 4192
2 Agree 12226
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4090
4 Disagree 4474
5 Strongly disagree 2252
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22831
8 Can't choose 631
9 No answer, refused 972
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27234 24434 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v56 Q29d Avoid unemployment: travel longer to get to work

Value 62381 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 3154
2 Agree 9850
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4800
4 Disagree 6447
5 Strongly disagree 3017
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Can't choose 580
9 No answer, refused 990
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27268 24400 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v57 Q29e Avoid unemployment: move within [country]

Value 63380 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 1750
2 Agree 5233
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3953
4 Disagree 8580
5 Strongly disagree 7496
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22831
8 Can't choose 841
9 No answer, refused 984
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
27012 24656 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v58 Q29f Avoid unemployment: to move to a different country

Value 64379 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 1711
2 Agree 4082
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3366
4 Disagree 7351
5 Strongly disagree 10395
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22831
8 Can't choose 924
9 No answer, refused 1008
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
26905 24763 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v59 Q30 Past 12 months: additional work for pay

Value 65378 Frequency
1 Yes, during all of that period 1676
2 Yes, during most of that period 934
3 Yes, during some of that period 2584
4 No 22971
0 Not applicable (c.2 in v20 or 2,3 in WORK) 22830
8 Don't know 1
9 No answer, refused 672
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
28165 23503 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v60 Q31 Past 12 months: earnings from additional work

Value 66377 Frequency
1 Much less than from main job 2079
2 Less than from main job 1610
3 About the same as from main job 749
4 More than from main job 422
5 Much more than from main job 172
0 Not applicable (code 4,0 in v59) 45781
8 Can't choose 148
9 No answer, refused 707
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
5032 46636 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v61 Q32 Not currently working: had paid job for 1 year or more

Value 67376 Frequency
1 Yes 15856
2 No 6663
0 Not applicable (code 1 in v20) 28271
8 Don't know 4
9 No answer, refused 874
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22519 29149 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v62 Q33a Not currently working: end (year) of last paid job

Value 68375 Frequency
1933 1933 1
2017 2017 18
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v61) 34925
9998 Don't know, difficult to answer 40
9999 No answer, refused 1500
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
15203 36465 1933 2017

Valid range from 1933 to 2017

v63 Q33b Not currently working: end (month) of last paid job

Value 69374 Frequency
1 January 1228
2 February 858
3 March 1141
4 April 958
5 May 1228
6 June 1577
7 July 1093
8 August 1105
9 September 1251
10 October 1029
11 November 719
12 December 1527
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v61) 34928
98 Don't know 236
99 No answer, refused 2790
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
13714 37954 1 12

Valid range from 1 to 12

v64 Q34 How satisfied in last job

Value 70373 Frequency
1 Completely satisfied 3071
2 Very satisfied 4364
3 Fairly satisfied 4778
4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 1785
5 Fairly dissatisfied 885
6 Very dissatisfied 463
7 Completely dissatisfied 281
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v61) 34924
8 Can't choose 130
9 No answer, refused 987
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
15627 36041 1 7

Valid range from 1 to 7

v65 Q35 Not currently working: main reason for job end

Value 71372 Frequency
1 I reached retirement age 5095
2 I retired early, by choice 1789
3 I retired early, not by choice 680
4 I became (permanently) disabled 1596
5 My place of work shut down 1267
6 I was dismissed 954
7 My term of employment/contract ended 1392
8 Family responsibilities 1981
9 I got married 396
95 CN,CZ,EE,ES,PH:Other;NZ:Inc.moved away; factors 324
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v61) 34924
98 Don't know 10
99 No answer, refused;IS: NA, ref. incl. other 1260
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
15474 36194 1 95

Valid range from 1 to 95

v66 Q36 Not working: like to have a paid job now or in future

Value 72371 Frequency
1 Yes 10269
2 No 12110
0 Not applicable (code 1 in v20) 28273
8 Don't know 8
9 No answer, refused 1008
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22379 29289 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v67 Q37 Not working: how likely to find a job

Value 73370 Frequency
1 Very likely 2096
2 Likely 3675
3 Unlikely 2339
4 Very unlikely 1619
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Can't choose 552
9 No answer, refused 1004
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9729 41939 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v68 Q38 Not working: worry about possibility not finding a job

Value 74369 Frequency
1 I worry a great deal 3198
2 I worry to some extent 2515
3 I worry a little 2244
4 I don't worry at all 2243
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Don't know 33
9 No answer, refused 1052
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10200 41468 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v69 Q39a In order to get a job: accept job that requires new skills

Value 75368 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 3382
2 Agree 4810
3 Neither agree nor disagree 863
4 Disagree 686
5 Strongly disagree 213
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40382
8 Can't choose 284
9 No answer, refused 1048
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9954 41714 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v70 Q39b In order to get a job: accept position with low pay

Value 76367 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 921
2 Agree 3109
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1957
4 Disagree 2743
5 Strongly disagree 1168
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40382
8 Can't choose 319
9 No answer, refused 1069
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9898 41770 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v71 Q39c In order to get a job: accept temporary employment

Value 77366 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 1929
2 Agree 5358
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1202
4 Disagree 1048
5 Strongly disagree 437
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40382
8 Can't choose 259
9 No answer, refused 1053
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9974 41694 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v72 Q39d In order to get a job: travel a long time to get to work

Value 78365 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 912
2 Agree 2867
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1669
4 Disagree 2926
5 Strongly disagree 1532
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40382
8 Can't choose 296
9 No answer, refused 1084
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9906 41762 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v73 Q39e In order to get a job: move within [country]

Value 79364 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 903
2 Agree 2448
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1114
4 Disagree 2794
5 Strongly disagree 2581
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40382
8 Can't choose 373
9 No answer, refused 1073
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9840 41828 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v74 Q39f In order to get a job: move to a different country

Value 80363 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 973
2 Agree 1685
3 Neither agree nor disagree 967
4 Disagree 2713
5 Strongly disagree 3478
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40382
8 Can't choose 399
9 No answer, refused 1071
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9816 41852 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v75 Q40a Not working: registered at a public agency

Value 81362 Frequency
1 No 7756
2 Yes, once or twice 1700
3 Yes, more than twice 688
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Don't know 14
9 No answer, refused 1127
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10144 41524 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v76 Q40b Not working: registered at a private agency

Value 82361 Frequency
1 No 8840
2 Yes, once or twice 838
3 Yes, more than twice 441
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Don't know 13
9 No answer, refused 1153
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10119 41549 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v77 Q40c Not working: answered job advertisement

Value 83360 Frequency
1 No 7221
2 Yes, once or twice 1617
3 Yes, more than twice 1294
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Don't know 14
9 No answer, refused 1139
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10132 41536 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v78 Q40d Not working: advertised on the internet or in newspapers

Value 84359 Frequency
1 No 8632
2 Yes, once or twice 959
3 Yes, more than twice 534
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Don't know 14
9 No answer, refused 1146
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10125 41543 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v79 Q40e Not working: applied directly to employers

Value 85358 Frequency
1 No 6497
2 Yes, once or twice 2102
3 Yes, more than twice 1528
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Don't know 13
9 No answer, refused 1145
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10127 41541 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v80 Q40f Not working: asked relatives, friends

Value 86357 Frequency
1 No 5815
2 Yes, once or twice 2389
3 Yes, more than twice 1951
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Don't know 14
9 No answer, refused 1116
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10155 41513 1 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

v81 Q41 Not working: past 12 months training to improve job skills

Value 87356 Frequency
1 Yes 1914
2 No 8165
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Can't choose 196
9 No answer, refused 1010
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10079 41589 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v82 Q42 Not working: Resp currently looking for a job

Value 88355 Frequency
1 Yes 4620
2 No 5647
0 Not applicable (code 2,0 in v66) 40383
8 Don't know 13
9 No answer, refused 1005
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
10267 41401 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v83 Q43 Not working: main source of economic support

Value 89354 Frequency
1 Current spouse/ partner 4073
2 Other family members 3873
3 Pension (private/ state) 9610
4 Unemployment benefits 627
5 Social assistance/ welfare 1495
6 Occasional work 555
7 Student loans/ stipends 292
8 Savings 517
9 Investments or rental income 241
95 Other 889
0 Not applicable (code 1 in v20) 28307
98 Don't know 2
99 No answer, refused; VE: incl. other 1187
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22172 29496 1 95

Valid range from 1 to 95

v84 Q44 Not working: worry about losing main economic support

Value 90353 Frequency
1 I worry a great deal 7308
2 I worry to some extent 4054
3 I worry a little 4141
4 I don't worry at all 6742
0 Not applicable (code 1 in v20) 28342
8 Don't know 63
9 No answer, refused 1018
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
22245 29423 1 4

Valid range from 1 to 4

v85 Q45 Age of youngest child in household

Value 91352 Frequency
0 Less than one year 1017
1 1;partially:0-1;AT:0-2 1858
4 4;AT:3-5 1194
12 12;AT:6-17 916
67 67 years 0
90 Not available (DK,NZ,VE) 3046
97 Does not apply/ no children in household 27133
99 No answer, refused 2053
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
19436 32232 0 65

Valid range from 0 to 67

v86 O1 Ever worked for pay in past five years

Value 92351 Frequency
1 Yes 4045
2 No 7387
0 NAP(c.1 in v20);NAV(CN,CZ,DK,ES,FI,FR,GB,JP,MX,NO,SI,SE,SK,S 39972
8 Don't know 3
9 No answer, refused 261
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
11432 40236 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

v87 O2a Past five years: unemployed longer than three months

Value 93350 Frequency
1 No 13055
2 Yes, once 3026
3 Yes, twice 771
4 Yes, three times 268
5 Yes, more than three times 684
0 NAP(c.2 in v86);NAV(CN,CZ,DK,ES,FR,GB,JP,MX,NO,SE,SI,SK,SR,T 32799
8 Can't choose 410
9 No answer, refused 655
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17804 33864 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v88 O2b Past five years: changed my employer

Value 94349 Frequency
1 No 11576
2 Yes, once 3731
3 Yes, twice 1415
4 Yes, three times 551
5 Yes, more than three times 555
0 NAP(c.2 in v86);NAV(CN,CZ,DK,ES,FR,GB,JP,MX,NO,SE,SI,SK,SR,T 32799
8 Can't choose 364
9 No answer, refused 677
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17828 33840 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v89 O2c Past five years: changed my occupation

Value 95348 Frequency
1 No 13259
2 Yes, once 3175
3 Yes, twice 832
4 Yes, three times 288
5 Yes, more than three times 268
0 NAP(c.2 in v86);NAV(CN,CZ,DK,ES,FR,GB,JP,MX,NO,SE,SI,SK,SR,T 32799
8 Can't choose 345
9 No answer, refused 702
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17822 33846 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v90 O2d Past five years: started own business/ self-employed

Value 96347 Frequency
1 No 15804
2 Yes, once 1725
3 Yes, twice 155
4 Yes, three times 47
5 Yes, more than three times 96
0 NAP(c.2 in v86);NAV(CN,CZ,DK,ES,FR,GB,JP,MX,NO,SE,SI,SK,SR,T 32799
8 Can't choose 337
9 No answer, refused 705
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17827 33841 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v91 O2e Past five years: took up additional job

Value 97346 Frequency
1 No 14564
2 Yes, once 2020
3 Yes, twice 495
4 Yes, three times 179
5 Yes, more than three times 496
0 NAP(c.2 in v86);NAV(CN,CZ,DK,ES,FR,GB,JP,MX,NO,SE,SI,SK,SR,T 32799
8 Can't choose 369
9 No answer, refused 746
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
17754 33914 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v92 O3 Self-assessed current financial situation

Value 98345 Frequency
1 Very good 1273
2 Good 6578
3 Neither good nor bad 9865
4 Bad 3155
5 Very bad 1034
8 Can't choose 291
9 No answer, refused 169
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
21905 29763 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v93 O4 Change of financial situation compared to past five years

Value 99344 Frequency
1 Much better than five years ago 2349
2 Somewhat better than five years ago 4973
3 The same as five years ago 6714
4 Somewhat worse than five years ago 4145
5 Much worse than five years ago 1888
8 Can't choose 595
9 No answer, refused 130
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
20069 31599 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v94 O5 Change of financial situation compared to future five years

Value 100343 Frequency
1 Much better than today 2835
2 Somewhat better than today 5095
3 The same as today 6020
4 Somewhat worse than today 2167
5 Much worse than today 872
8 Can't choose 3655
9 No answer, refused 150
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
16989 34679 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v95 O6a Senior citizens' work: good for country

Value 101342 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 4504
2 Agree 9093
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4574
4 Disagree 4757
5 Strongly disagree 1972
8 Can't choose 1343
9 No answer, refused 228
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
24900 26768 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v96 O6b Senior citizens' work: take jobs away from younger people

Value 102341 Frequency
1 Strongly agree 3037
2 Agree 5385
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4715
4 Disagree 7900
5 Strongly disagree 3984
8 Can't choose 1190
9 No answer, refused 260
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
25021 26647 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

v97 O7 Subjective health

Value 103340 Frequency
1 Excellent; HU: Very good 3295
2 Very good; HU: Good 7082
3 Good; HU: Satisfactory 10531
4 Fair; HU: Poor 6961
5 Poor; HU: Very poor 2456
8 Can't choose 215
9 No answer, refused 183
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
30325 21343 1 5

Valid range from 1 to 5

SEX Sex of Respondent

Value 104339 Frequency
1 Male 23540
2 Female 27983
9 No answer 145
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
51523 145 1 2

Valid range from 1 to 2

BIRTH Year of birth

Value 105338 Frequency
1913 1913 1
1918 1918;GB: 1918 or earlier 3
2000 2000 24
0 Not available (DK) 1138
9999 No answer 374
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50156 1512 1913 2000

Valid range from 1913 to 2000

AGE Age of respondent

Value 106337 Frequency
15 15 years 20
97 97;GB: 97 years or older 3
102 102 years 1
0 NAV (DK: answer categories differ from ISSP standard) 1138
999 No answer 203
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50327 1341 15 102

Valid range from 15 to 102

DK_AGE Age of respondent (Denmark)

Value 107336 Frequency
22 18-25 years 147
31 26-35 years 178
41 36-45 years 166
51 46-55 years 223
61 56-65 years 226
70 Above 65 years 198
0 NAP, other countries 50530
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1138 50530 22 70

Valid range from 22 to 70

EDUCYRS Education I: years of schooling

Value 108335 Frequency
0 No formal schooling, no years at school 974
1 1 year 117
8 8;NZ: Less than 10 years 2255
18 18;CN:18 years or more 1724
65 65 years 1
95 GB: Still at school 3
96 GB: Still at college/ university 36
98 Don't know 280
99 No answer 1116
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
50272 1396 0 96

Valid range from 0 to 96

AT_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Austria

Value 109334 Frequency
2 Primary completed, Hauptschule 121
3 Apprenticeship completed 441
4 Middle school, vocational 118
5 Secondary completed, Matura 47
6 Higher professional school, BHS 90
7 Bachelor degree 56
8 Master degree, Dr., Ph.D. 91
0 NAP, other countries 50667
99 No answer 37
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
964 50704 2 8

Valid range from 2 to 8

AU_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Australia

Value 110333 Frequency
1 Did not complete High School to Year 10 34
2 Completed High School to Year 10 196
3 Completed High School to Year 12 110
4 Trade qualification or apprenticeship 0
5 Certificate or Diploma (TAFE or business college) 381
6 Bachelor Degree (including Honors) 226
7 Postgraduate Degree or Postgraduate Diploma 218
0 NAP, other countries 50457
99 No answer 46
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1165 50503 1 7

Valid range from 1 to 7

BE_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Belgium

Value 111332 Frequency
1 None 45
2 Primary Education 109
3 Lower general secondary 178
4 Lower technical art secondary 93
5 Lower vocational secondary 94
6 Higher general secondary 233
7 Higher technical art secondary 201
8 Higher vocational secondary 109
9 7th year vocational secondary education 54
10 7th year general technical art secondary education 25
11 Higher vocational education 43
12 Professional bachelor non-university, bachelor university 508
13 University (master, licentiate, engineer, doctor) 428
0 NAP, other countries 49527
99 No answer 21
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2120 49548 1 13

Valid range from 1 to 13

CH_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Switzerland

Value 112331 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary education 4
2 Primary school (4 to 6 years of schooling) 25
3 Secondary education (first stage-incl primary with 8,9 y) 121
4 Additional year of secondary education, prep for voc trainin 33
5 Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y 49
6 Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system, 3-4 years) 412
7 General training school (2-3 years) 38
8 Vocational baccalaureate 32
9 Diploma for teaching primary school or pre-primary school 28
10 Baccalaureate preparing for university 41
11 Second voc training (or apprenticeship as second education) 32
12 Vocational baccalaureate for adults 0
13 Baccalaureate for adults or apprenticeship after Baccalaurea 11
14 Advanced voc qualification - specialization exam, federal ce 47
15 Higher voc training - diploma of a high school 64
16 Higher voc training - diploma of specific high schools 52
17 Applied science + pedagogical uni - Bachelor 58
18 Applied science + pedagogical uni - Master 42
19 University diploma - intermediary level 6
20 Uni (incl technical) - Bachelor and short degree 24
21 Uni (incl technical) - requiring more than 4 years 18
22 University (including technical) - Master 70
23 Doctoral degree 25
0 NAP, other countries 50433
99 No answer 3
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1232 50436 1 23

Valid range from 1 to 23

CL_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Chile

Value 113330 Frequency
1 No formal education 25
2 Incomplete primary 264
3 Complete primary 159
4 Incomplete secondary 155
5 Complete secondary 400
6 Incomplete non-university higher education 60
7 Complete non-university higher education 124
8 Incomplete university 79
9 Complete university 108
10 Master, Ph.D. 33
0 NAP, other countries 50235
99 No answer 26
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1407 50261 1 10

Valid range from 1 to 10

CN_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: China

Value 114329 Frequency
1 No formal schooling 251
2 Private school 11
3 Primary school 443
4 Junior high school 481
5 Professional school 96
6 High school 221
7 College 123
8 University 147
9 Graduate 15
10 Other 2
0 NAP, other countries 49873
99 No answer 5
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1790 49878 1 10

Valid range from 1 to 10

CZ_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Czech Republic

Value 115328 Frequency
1 Incomplete primary 3
2 Primary completed 115
3 Lower vocational, no diploma 356
4 General secondary, no diploma 132
5 Vocational with diploma 110
6 Technical secondary 360
7 Academic secondary 65
8 Post secondary 64
9 Tertiary, Bachelor degree 60
10 Tertiary, Master degree 150
11 Post-graduate education 14
0 NAP, other countries 50233
99 No answer 6
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1429 50239 1 11

Valid range from 1 to 11

DE_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Germany

Value 116327 Frequency
1 Still at school: < 7 years of schooling 0
2 Still at school: 7 years of schooling and more 12
3 School left without certificate 13
4 Lower secondary (Hauptschule) 64
5 Middle school (mittlere Reife) 32
6 Secondary, technical (Fachhochschulreife) 15
7 Higher secondary (Abitur) 72
8 Vocational training, degree from German dual system 918
9 Vocational training, master craftsmen (Meister) 129
10 University of applied sciences (FH): bachelor 27
11 University: bachelor 22
12 University of applied sciences (FH): master or other degree 107
13 University: master or other degree 235
14 University: doctorate 34
95 Other qualification 6
0 NAP, other countries 49981
99 No answer 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1686 49982 2 95

Valid range from 1 to 95

DK_DEGR Country specific highest completed degree of education: Denmark

Value 117326 Frequency
1 7 years primary school or shorter 20
2 8 years primary school 1
3 9 years primary school 24