Social integration of Ukrainian refugees in Slovenia, 2023

09. 07. 2024

Authors of Research: Zavratnik Simona, Tomašič Anteja, Žalac Domen and Falle Zorman Rebeka

Year of Research:  2023

Key words: war in Ukraine, Ukrainian refugees, social integration, temporary protection, international protection, housing, future, war, political crises, refugees, employment, education, language, integration.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24/02/2022, more than 8.500 refugees have arrived in Slovenia. The war on the doorstep of the European Union triggered a unified response from European foreign policy, humanitarian organizations and the general public. Ukrainian refugees have become part of discussions in educational and scientific-research institutions as well, where it is a matter of researching the situation and daily life of refugees as well as measures of integration and functioning in the new society. The beginnings of the research on the integration of Ukrainian refugees into Slovenian society go back to the time immediately after the invasion and the immediate wave of refugees from Ukraine. The draft of the online survey was prepared as part of the course Migration: local-global dimensions (FDV, Assoc. Prof. Simona Zavratnik, academic year 2021/2022), and the survey itself was upgraded in the research team at the Centre for Spatial Sociology and in an extended team of experts (ZRC SAZU, Rectorate of UL) and with the cooperation of the Red Cross of Slovenia and the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Support and Integration of Migrants. Online survey was intended for adults who came from Ukraine to Slovenia from 10/03/2022 and which was answered by n=262 persons. It consists of 121 questions, both in Ukrainian and Slovenian language. It was divided into 4 sections: the journey to Slovenia, integration into Slovenian society, needs and wishes for the future, and demographic data. In the context of integration into Slovenian society, most attention is paid to language, education, employment and living in a new society. 

Cite the data:

Zavratnik, S., Tomašič, A., Žalac, D. and Falle Zorman, R. (2024). Social integration of Ukrainian refugees in Slovenia, 2023 [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: UKRBEG23.

Find some interesting facts about data collection on the ADP blog: Social Integration of Ukrainian Refugees in Slovenia (in SI).

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