Belgija - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique
Belgija - Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Bolgarija - National Science Fund of Bulgaria
through the Agency for Social Analyses (ASA)
Ciper - European University Cyprus
Danska - Danish Social Science Research
Estonija - Ministry of Education and
Estonija - Office of the Minister of Population
Finska - Academy of Finland (Suomen
Francija - Plan pluriannuel de formation (PPF) of
the University of Caen, on behalf of the Comité de Concertation pour les Données en
Sciences Sociales
Francija - Sciences Po (Paris, France)
Nemčija - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German
Research Foundation)
Norveška - The Research Council of
Poljska - Ministry of Science and Higher
Portugalska - Fundação para a Ciência e
Ruska federacija - CESSI (Institute for
Comparative Social Research)
Slovaška - Ministry of Education of the Slovak
Slovenija - Slovenian Research Agency
Španija - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
(Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Španija - Direcció General de Participació
Ciutadana de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Citizen Participation Department of the Catalan
Španija - Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió (Catalan
Public Opinion Studies Center); Escola Galega de Administración Pública (Galician School
of Public Administration)
Švedska - Vetenskapsrådet, Riksbankens
jubileumsfond, FAS
Švica - Swiss National Science
Ukrajina - National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine; International Renaissance Foundation
Združeno kraljestvo- Economic and Social Research
Council (ESRC)
ni podatka
Evropska Družboslovna Raziskava (ESS) je mednarodna raziskava, ki vključuje 20 držav. Njen namene je skozi pristop mednarodne primerjalne anketne raziskave preučiti povezanost med spreminjajočimi se evropskimi institucijami in stališči, prepričanji in vedenjskimi vzorci njenih prebivalcev. Anketa uporablja najvišje metodološke standarde. Projekt je vključen v 5. okvirni program Evropske Komisije. Deloma ga financira Evropska Znanstvena Fundacija in dodatni viri znotraj posameznih sodelujočih držav. Eno uro dolga osebna anketa vključuje blok vprašanj o splošnih družbenih in političnih stališčih, ki ostaja nespremenjen skozi leta, ter enkratne module vprašanj posveče posameznim temam.
zaupanje, politika, družbene vrednote, socialna izključenost, diskriminacija, religija, nacionalna identiteta, življenjska pot, predsodki do starejših oseb, dobro počutje
Ključne besede ELSST:
Vsebinska področja CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
POLITIKA - vlada, politični sistemi in organizacije
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Evropska družboslovna raziskava (ESS) je akademsko usmerjena, več državna raziskava, ki je potekala v več kot 30 državah. Trije cilji raziskave so: prvič - spremljanje in razlaga spreminjanja odnosa javnosti in vrednot v Evropi in da razišče kako med seboj sodelujejo spreminjajoče se evropske institucije, drugič - spodbujanje in utrditev izboljšane metode za navzkrižna merjenja nacionalnih raziskav v Evropi in zunaj nje, in tretjič - razvoj vrste evropskih socialnih kazalnikov, vključno z nazorskimi kazalci. V četrtem krogu, raziskava zajema 31 držav in uporabi najstrožjo metodologijo. Raziskava je financirana s pomočjo Evropske komisije 6. okvirnega programa, Evropske znanstvene fundacije in nacionalnih organiov za financiranje v vsaki državi. Vključuje strogo naključno verjetnostno vzorčenje, z minimalno 70% stopnjo odziva ciljne populacije in strogimi protokoli prevajanja. Enourni intervju v živo vključuje vprašanja o različnih temah, pri čemer se jedro ponovi od prejšnjih krogov raziskav in razvijeta se tudi dve modula za četrti krog, ki zajemata izraze in predsodke do starejših oseb in socialno skrbstvo vedenja v spreminjajoči se Evropi.
Čas zbiranja podatkov: | Zbiranje podatkov v sodelujočih državah je potekalo od 25. avgusta 2008 - do 31. maja 2009., Zbiranje podatkov na terenu je potekalo: Belgija - 13.11.08 - 20.03.09;, Bolgarija - 06.03.09 - 31.05.09;, Ciper - 29.09.08 - 21.12.08;, Danska - 01.09.08 - 11.01.09;, Estonija - 05.11.08 - 11.03.09;, Finska - 19.09.08 - 05.02.09;, Francija - 28.09.08 - 31.01.09;, Nemčija - 27.08.08 - 31.01.09;, Norveška - 25.08.08 - 20.01.09;, Poljska - 03.11.08 - 15.02.09;, Portugalska - 09.10.08 - 08.03.09;, Ruska federacija - 08.11.08 - 09.04.09;, Slovaška - 17.11.08 - 15.02.09;, Slovenija - 20.10.08 - 20.01.09;, Španija - 05.09.08 - 31.01.09;, Švedska - 15.09.08 - 03.02.09;, Švica - 30.08.08 - 17.04.09;, Združeno kraljestvo - 01.09.08 - 19.01.09. |
Čas izdelave: | 2009 |
Država: | Belgija, Bolgarija, Ciper, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Norveška, Poljska, Portugalska - celinska Portugalska, Ruska federacija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija - Španija, vkljlučno s severno-afriškima mestama Ceuta in Melilla, Švedska, Švica, Združeno kraljestvo - Kanalski otoki, otok Man, ter območje severno od Caledonian Canal na Škotskem (to je večina Highlands in otoške regije), so izključeni. |
Geografsko pokritje: |
Ozemlje navedenih držav. |
Enota za analizo: |
posameznik |
Populacija: |
Vse osebe, stare 15 let in več, ki prebivajo v zasebnih gospodinjstvih, ne glede na njihovo narodnost, državljanstvo, jezik ali pravni status v sodelujočih državah. |
Izključeni: | ni podatka |
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil: |
Belgija - TNS Dimarso, Square F. Riga 30, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium Bolgarija - Fieldwork team at the Institute of sociology, 13-a Moskovska str. Sofia 1000, Bulgaria Ciper - European University Cyprus, 6 Diogenes Str, Engomi, Nicosia 1516, CYPRUS Danska - SFI-SURVEY, Herluf Trollesgade 1, 1052 Copenhagen K, Denmark Estonija - Turu-uuringute AS, Tatari 6, Tallinn, Estonia Finska - Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus), FI-00022 Statistics Finland Francija - Institut de Sondages Lasvialle - GFK Nemčija - Infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Strasse 18, 53113 Bonn; Germany Norveška - Statistics Norway, Division for sample surveys, Kongens gate 11, Oslo, P.O.B 8131 Dep, N-0033 Oslo, Norway Poljska - Centre of Sociological Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 72, Nowy Swiat St., 00-330 Warsaw, Poland Portugalska - TNS Euroteste Marketing e Opinião S.A. Ruska federacija - CESSI (Institute for Comparative Social Research), Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 20/5,107031 Moscow, Russia Slovaška - Institute of Social Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Karpatska 5, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia Slovenija - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Center, Kardeljeva pl. 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Španija - Metroscopia Švedska - Scb, Box 24300, 10451 Stockholm, Sweden Švica - MIS Trend, Pont-Bessières 3,1005 Lausanne, Switzerland Združeno kraljestvo - NatCen and NISRA |
Tip vzorca: |
Za podrobnosti o postopkih vzorčenja glej: |
Način zbiranja podatkov: |
Podrobnosti o načinu zbiranja podatkov najdete na: |
Uteževanje: |
Na splošno so bile uteži za vsako državo izračunane po naslednjem postopku: w=1/(PROB1*...*PROBk) je nx1 vektor uteži; k je odvisn od števila stopenj vzorca. Vse uteži so bile na koncu popravljene tako, da je vsota končne uteži enaka velikosti realiziranega vzorca (n), se pravi weights=n*w/sum(w). |
Podatki so brez omejitev dostopni za neprofitne namene. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.
Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv. Publikacije, ki temeljijo na podatkih ESS naj pri citirajo upoštevajo: a) bibliografsko citiranje, kot navedeno v rubriki Opis raziskave>Oblika citiranja b) referenco na NSD kot na arhiv in distributor podatkov ESS.
Z namenom nudenja bistvenih informacij o uporabi podatkov in izmenjavi informacij o raziskavi agencijam, ki so raziskavo financirale, se od uporabnikov podatkov ESS zahteva, da NSD pošljejo bibliografski zapis ali elektronsko verzijo zaključenega poročila, članka, prispevka na konferenci ali povzetka tez doktorata. Seznam citiranj in refence na posamezna dela bodo prosto dostopna. Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.
Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.
NAME Title of dataset
1. Title of dataset
Vrednost 13 | Frekvenca | |
ESS4e02 | 41027 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
2. ESS round
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 4 do 4
3. Edition
Vrednost 31 | Frekvenca | |
2.0 | 41027 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
NAME Title of dataset
1. Title of dataset
Vrednost 1569 | Frekvenca | |
ESS4e02 | 41027 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
2. ESS round
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 4 do 4
3. Edition
Vrednost 3567 | Frekvenca | |
2.0 | 41027 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
PRODDATE Production date
4. Production date
Vrednost 4566 | Frekvenca | |
17.12.2009 | 41027 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
IDNO Respondent's identification number
6. Respondent's identification number
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 | 1 | 300029998 | 9360517.983 | 45029624.048 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 300029998
CNTRY Country
5. Country
Vrednost 6564 | Frekvenca | |
BE | Belgium | 1760 |
BG | Bulgaria | 2230 |
CH | Switzerland | 1819 |
CY | Cyprus | 1215 |
DE | Germany | 2751 |
DK | Denmark | 1610 |
EE | Estonia | 1661 |
ES | Spain | 2576 |
FI | Finland | 2195 |
FR | France | 2073 |
GB | United Kingdom | 2352 |
HU | Hungary | 1544 |
IL | 2490 | |
NL | 1778 | |
NO | Norway | 1549 |
PL | Poland | 1619 |
PT | Portugal | 2367 |
RO | Romania | 0 |
RU | Russian Federation | 2512 |
SE | Sweden | 1830 |
SI | Slovenia | 1286 |
SK | Slovakia | 1810 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
TVTOT TV watching, total time on average weekday CARD 1
A1. On an average weekday, how much time, in total, do you spend watching television?
Vrednost 7563 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No time at all | 1634 |
1 | Less than 0,5 hour | 2165 |
2 | 0,5 hour to 1 hour | 5493 |
3 | More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours | 5839 |
4 | More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours | 6832 |
5 | More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours | 5355 |
6 | More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours | 4857 |
7 | More than 3 hours | 8767 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 76 |
99 | No answer | 6 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40942 | 85 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
TVPOL TV watching, news/politics/current affairs on average weekday STILL CARD 1
A2. And again on an average weekday, how much of your time watching television is spent watching news or programmes about politics and current affairs?
Vrednost 8562 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No time at all | 2741 |
1 | Less than 0,5 hour | 12463 |
2 | 0,5 hour to 1 hour | 14918 |
3 | More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours | 5043 |
4 | More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours | 2153 |
5 | More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours | 877 |
6 | More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours | 418 |
7 | More than 3 hours | 629 |
66 | Not applicable | 1634 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 141 |
99 | No answer | 7 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39242 | 1785 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
RDTOT Radio listening, total time on average weekday ASK ALL STILL CARD 1
A3. On an average weekday, how much time, in total, do you spend listening to the radio?
Vrednost 9561 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No time at all | 10793 |
1 | Less than 0,5 hour | 6653 |
2 | 0,5 hour to 1 hour | 6409 |
3 | More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours | 3138 |
4 | More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours | 2561 |
5 | More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours | 1635 |
6 | More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours | 1431 |
7 | More than 3 hours | 8224 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 138 |
99 | No answer | 41 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40844 | 183 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
RDPOL Radio listening, news/politics/current affairs on average weekday STILL CARD 1
A4. And again on an average weekday, how much of your time listening to the radio is spent listening to news or programmes about politics and current affairs?
Vrednost 10560 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No time at all | 4998 |
1 | Less than 0,5 hour | 13275 |
2 | 0,5 hour to 1 hour | 6511 |
3 | More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours | 2170 |
4 | More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours | 1028 |
5 | More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours | 547 |
6 | More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours | 389 |
7 | More than 3 hours | 997 |
66 | Not applicable | 10787 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 281 |
99 | No answer | 43 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
29915 | 11112 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
NWSPTOT Newspaper reading, total time on average weekday ASK ALL STILL CARD 1
A5. On an average weekday, how much time, in total, do you spend reading the newspapers?
Vrednost 11559 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No time at all | 12236 |
1 | Less than 0,5 hour | 12255 |
2 | 0,5 hour to 1 hour | 10945 |
3 | More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours | 3229 |
4 | More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours | 1246 |
5 | More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours | 485 |
6 | More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours | 238 |
7 | More than 3 hours | 290 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 87 |
99 | No answer | 15 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40924 | 103 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
NWSPPOL Newspaper reading, politics/current affairs on average weekday STILL CARD 1
A6. And how much of this time is spent reading about politics and current affairs?
Vrednost 12558 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No time at all | 3841 |
1 | Less than 0,5 hour | 17384 |
2 | 0,5 hour to 1 hour | 5634 |
3 | More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours | 1087 |
4 | More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours | 333 |
5 | More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours | 124 |
6 | More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours | 58 |
7 | More than 3 hours | 67 |
66 | Not applicable | 12251 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 200 |
99 | No answer | 47 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
28528 | 12499 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
NETUSE Personal use of internet/e-mail/www ASK ALL CARD 2
A7. Now, using this card, how often do you use the internet, the World Wide Web or e-mail - whether at home or at work - for your personal use?
Vrednost 13557 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No access at home or work | 10808 |
1 | Never use | 6323 |
2 | Less than once a month | 638 |
3 | Once a month | 469 |
4 | Several times a month | 1170 |
5 | Once a week | 1463 |
6 | Several times a week | 4926 |
7 | Every day | 15134 |
77 | Refusal | 7 |
88 | Don't know | 54 |
99 | No answer | 35 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40931 | 96 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
PPLTRST Most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful CARD 3
A8. Using this card, generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people? Please tell me on a score of 0 to 10, where 0 means you can't be too careful and 10 means that most people can be trusted.
Vrednost 14556 | Frekvenca | |
0 | You can't be too careful | 2308 |
1 | 1 | 2007 |
2 | 2 | 2911 |
3 | 3 | 4309 |
4 | 4 | 3911 |
5 | 5 | 8220 |
6 | 6 | 4305 |
7 | 7 | 5894 |
8 | 8 | 4851 |
9 | 9 | 1399 |
10 | Most people can be trusted | 777 |
77 | Refusal | 8 |
88 | Don't know | 112 |
99 | No answer | 15 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40892 | 135 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
PPLFAIR Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair CARD 4
A9. Using this card, do you think that most people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, or would they try to be fair?
Vrednost 15555 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Most people try to take advantage of me | 1062 |
1 | 1 | 1186 |
2 | 2 | 2116 |
3 | 3 | 3235 |
4 | 4 | 3365 |
5 | 5 | 8479 |
6 | 6 | 4584 |
7 | 7 | 6902 |
8 | 8 | 6343 |
9 | 9 | 2169 |
10 | Most people try to be fair | 1163 |
77 | Refusal | 9 |
88 | Don't know | 395 |
99 | No answer | 19 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40604 | 423 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
PPLHLP Most of the time people helpful or mostly looking out for themselves CARD 5
A10. Would you say that most of the time people try to be helpful or that they are mostly looking out for themselves?
Vrednost 16554 | Frekvenca | |
0 | People mostly look out for themselves | 1759 |
1 | 1 | 2016 |
2 | 2 | 3500 |
3 | 3 | 4989 |
4 | 4 | 4482 |
5 | 5 | 8637 |
6 | 6 | 4733 |
7 | 7 | 5322 |
8 | 8 | 3648 |
9 | 9 | 1032 |
10 | People mostly try to be helpful | 676 |
77 | Refusal | 12 |
88 | Don't know | 194 |
99 | No answer | 27 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40794 | 233 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
POLINTR How interested in politics
B1. How interested would you say you are in politics ? are you?
Vrednost 17553 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very interested | 4543 |
2 | Quite interested | 15327 |
3 | Hardly interested | 13913 |
4 | Not at all interested | 7166 |
7 | Refusal | 8 |
8 | Don't know | 47 |
9 | No answer | 23 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40949 | 78 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
POLCMPL Politics too complicated to understand CARD 6
B2. How often does politics seem so complicated that you can't really understand what is going on?
Vrednost 18552 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Never | 3663 |
2 | Seldom | 8152 |
3 | Occasionally | 14816 |
4 | Regularly | 8201 |
5 | Frequently | 5300 |
7 | Refusal | 42 |
8 | Don't know | 794 |
9 | No answer | 59 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40132 | 895 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
POLDCS Making mind up about political issues CARD 7
B3. How difficult or easy do you find it to make your mind up about political issues ?
Vrednost 19551 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very difficult | 3044 |
2 | Difficult | 10452 |
3 | Neither difficult nor easy | 13962 |
4 | Easy | 10081 |
5 | Very easy | 2442 |
7 | Refusal | 38 |
8 | Don't know | 911 |
9 | No answer | 97 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39981 | 1046 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
TRSTPRL Trust in country's parliament CARD 8:
B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ? [country]?s parliament?
Vrednost 20550 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No trust at all | 4117 |
1 | 1 | 2079 |
2 | 2 | 3143 |
3 | 3 | 4395 |
4 | 4 | 4228 |
5 | 5 | 7848 |
6 | 6 | 4418 |
7 | 7 | 4637 |
8 | 8 | 3262 |
9 | 9 | 964 |
10 | Complete trust | 619 |
77 | Refusal | 42 |
88 | Don't know | 1254 |
99 | No answer | 21 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39710 | 1317 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TRSTLGL Trust in the legal system CARD 8:
B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... the legal system?
Vrednost 21549 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No trust at all | 3023 |
1 | 1 | 1789 |
2 | 2 | 2831 |
3 | 3 | 3868 |
4 | 4 | 3725 |
5 | 5 | 6554 |
6 | 6 | 4157 |
7 | 7 | 5236 |
8 | 8 | 5208 |
9 | 9 | 2324 |
10 | Complete trust | 1088 |
77 | Refusal | 33 |
88 | Don't know | 1165 |
99 | No answer | 26 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39803 | 1224 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TRSTPLC Trust in the police CARD 8:
B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... the police?
Vrednost 22548 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No trust at all | 2116 |
1 | 1 | 1250 |
2 | 2 | 2027 |
3 | 3 | 2779 |
4 | 4 | 3080 |
5 | 5 | 6183 |
6 | 6 | 4489 |
7 | 7 | 6367 |
8 | 8 | 6699 |
9 | 9 | 3432 |
10 | Complete trust | 2063 |
77 | Refusal | 26 |
88 | Don't know | 488 |
99 | No answer | 28 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40485 | 542 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TRSTPLT Trust in politicians CARD 8:
B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... politicians?
Vrednost 23547 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No trust at all | 5902 |
1 | 1 | 3301 |
2 | 2 | 4430 |
3 | 3 | 5322 |
4 | 4 | 5094 |
5 | 5 | 7393 |
6 | 6 | 3955 |
7 | 7 | 2927 |
8 | 8 | 1299 |
9 | 9 | 272 |
10 | Complete trust | 156 |
77 | Refusal | 40 |
88 | Don't know | 883 |
99 | No answer | 53 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40051 | 976 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TRSTPRT Trust in political parties CARD 8:
B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... political parties?
Vrednost 24546 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No trust at all | 5659 |
1 | 1 | 3250 |
2 | 2 | 4522 |
3 | 3 | 5384 |
4 | 4 | 5022 |
5 | 5 | 7553 |
6 | 6 | 3953 |
7 | 7 | 2803 |
8 | 8 | 1213 |
9 | 9 | 249 |
10 | Complete trust | 160 |
77 | Refusal | 46 |
88 | Don't know | 1162 |
99 | No answer | 51 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39768 | 1259 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TRSTEP Trust in the European Parliament CARD 8:
B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... the European Parliament?
Vrednost 25545 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No trust at all | 2922 |
1 | 1 | 1579 |
2 | 2 | 2402 |
3 | 3 | 3544 |
4 | 4 | 3905 |
5 | 5 | 8341 |
6 | 6 | 4764 |
7 | 7 | 4042 |
8 | 8 | 2682 |
9 | 9 | 809 |
10 | Complete trust | 513 |
77 | Refusal | 71 |
88 | Don't know | 5379 |
99 | No answer | 74 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
35503 | 5524 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TRSTUN Trust in the United Nations CARD 8:
B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... the United Nations?
Vrednost 26544 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No trust at all | 2353 |
1 | 1 | 1238 |
2 | 2 | 1871 |
3 | 3 | 2664 |
4 | 4 | 3293 |
5 | 5 | 7408 |
6 | 6 | 4771 |
7 | 7 | 5543 |
8 | 8 | 4421 |
9 | 9 | 1659 |
10 | Complete trust | 900 |
77 | Refusal | 68 |
88 | Don't know | 4788 |
99 | No answer | 50 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36121 | 4906 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
VOTE Voted last national election
B11. Some people don't vote nowadays for one reason or another. Did you vote in the last [country] national election in [month/year]?
Vrednost 27543 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 29551 |
2 | No | 7912 |
3 | Not eligible to vote | 3150 |
7 | Refusal | 61 |
8 | Don't know | 218 |
9 | No answer | 135 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40613 | 414 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
PRTVTBBE Party voted for in last national election, Belgium
B12BE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Belgium)
Vrednost 28542 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Groen! | 45 |
2 | CD&V + N-VA | 295 |
4 | Lijst Dedecker | 31 |
5 | SP.A. + Vlaams - Progressieven (Spirit) | 144 |
7 | Vlaams Belang | 97 |
8 | Open VLD + Vivant | 158 |
9 | CDH | 84 |
10 | Ecolo | 65 |
11 | Front National | 6 |
12 | MR | 130 |
13 | PS | 185 |
14 | Other | 16 |
15 | Blank | 23 |
16 | Invalid | 11 |
66 | Not applicable | 326 |
77 | Refusal | 84 |
88 | Don't know | 60 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39267 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1290 | 39737 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 16
PRTVTABG Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria
B12BG. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Bulgaria)
Vrednost 29541 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Koalitziia za Balgariia | 488 |
2 | Dvijenie za Prava i Svobodi | 196 |
3 | Koalitziia na Rozata | 3 |
4 | Demokrati za Silna Balgariia | 50 |
5 | Natzionalno Dvijenie Simeon II | 121 |
6 | Koalitziia ODS | 163 |
7 | Koalitziia BNS | 36 |
8 | Novo Vreme | 6 |
9 | Evroroma | 2 |
10 | Koalitziia Ataka | 102 |
11 | Other | 13 |
66 | Not applicable | 706 |
77 | Refusal | 285 |
88 | Don't know | 59 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38797 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1180 | 39847 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11
PRTVTBCH Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland
B12CH. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 30540 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Radicals | 97 |
2 | Christian democrats | 93 |
3 | Socialist party | 178 |
4 | Swiss people party | 207 |
5 | Liberal party | 19 |
6 | Christian-social | 8 |
7 | Swiss labor party | 5 |
8 | Green party | 103 |
9 | Green liberal party | 27 |
10 | Swiss democrats | 1 |
11 | Federal Democratic Union | 7 |
12 | Evangelical People's Party | 17 |
13 | Lega dei Ticinese | 3 |
14 | Other party | 0 |
15 | Blank paper | 33 |
16 | Mixed vote | 26 |
66 | Not applicable | 856 |
77 | Refusal | 27 |
88 | Don't know | 111 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
824 | 40203 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 16
PRTVTCY Party voted for in last national election, Cyprus
B12CY. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 31539 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) | 284 |
2 | Demokrat Party (DIKO) | 198 |
3 | Democratic Rally (DISY) | 256 |
4 | European Party (EVROKO) | 37 |
5 | The Cyprus Green Party | 20 |
6 | United Democrats (EDI) | 13 |
7 | Social Democrats (KS EDEK) | 73 |
8 | Other | 3 |
66 | Not applicable | 164 |
77 | Refusal | 150 |
88 | Don't know | 9 |
99 | No answer | 8 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
884 | 40143 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTVBDE1 Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany
B12DE1. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Germany 1)
Vrednost 32538 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Social Democratic Party (SPD) | 648 |
2 | Christian Democratic Union (CDU/CSU) | 679 |
3 | Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) | 157 |
4 | Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) | 93 |
5 | The Left Party.Party of Democratic Socialism (Linkspartei.PD | 161 |
6 | Republican Party (Republikaner) | 10 |
7 | National Democratic Party/German People's Union (NPD/DVU) | 3 |
8 | Other party | 32 |
66 | Not applicable | 675 |
77 | Refusal | 159 |
88 | Don't know | 134 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38276 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1783 | 39244 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTVBDE2 Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany
B12DE2. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Germany 2)
Vrednost 33537 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Social Democratic Party (SPD) | 553 |
2 | Christian Democratic Union (CDU/CSU) | 582 |
3 | Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) | 240 |
4 | Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) | 180 |
5 | The Left Party.Party of Democratic Socialism (Linkspartei.PD | 168 |
6 | Republican Party (Republikaner) | 15 |
7 | National Democratic Party/German People's Union (NPD/DVU) | 5 |
8 | Other party | 17 |
66 | Not applicable | 675 |
77 | Refusal | 157 |
88 | Don't know | 159 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38276 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1760 | 39267 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTVTBDK Party voted for in last national election, Denmark
B12DK. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Denmark)
Vrednost 34536 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Socialdemokraterne - the Danish social democtrats | 360 |
2 | Det Radikale Venstre - Danish Social-Liberal Party | 90 |
3 | Det Konservative Folkeparti - Conservative | 131 |
4 | SF- Socialistisk Folkeparti - the Socialist People's Party | 193 |
5 | Dansk Folkeparti - Danish peoples party | 129 |
6 | Kristendemokraterne - Christian democtrats | 14 |
7 | Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti - Venstre | 367 |
8 | Ny Alliance - New alliance | 36 |
9 | Enhedslisten, De Rød-Grønne - The Red-Green Alliance | 20 |
10 | Andet – other | 5 |
66 | Not applicable | 191 |
77 | Refusal | 49 |
88 | Don't know | 17 |
99 | No answer | 8 |
Sysmiss | 39417 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1345 | 39682 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTVTBEE Party voted for in last national election, Estonia
B12EE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Estonia)
Vrednost 35535 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Pro Patria and Res Publica Union | 133 |
2 | The Estonian Centre Party | 237 |
3 | Estonian Reform Party | 294 |
4 | The People's Union of Estonia | 46 |
5 | The Social Democratic Party | 81 |
6 | Estonian Greens | 69 |
7 | Party of Estonian Christian Democrats | 6 |
8 | Estonian United Left Party | 1 |
9 | Estonian Independence Party | 2 |
10 | Russian Party in Estonia | 1 |
11 | campaigner | 2 |
66 | Not applicable | 719 |
77 | Refusal | 14 |
88 | Don't know | 53 |
99 | No answer | 3 |
Sysmiss | 39366 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
872 | 40155 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11
PRTVTBES Party voted for in last national election, Spain
B12ES. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Spain)
Vrednost 36534 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Partido Popular | 451 |
2 | Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) | 750 |
3 | Izquierda Unida (IU) | 64 |
4 | Convergència i Unió (CiU) | 56 |
5 | Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya (ERC) | 18 |
6 | Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV) | 30 |
7 | Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) | 36 |
8 | Coalición Canaria-Partido Nacionalista Canario (CC-PNC) | 4 |
9 | Nafarroa-Bai (NA-BAI) | 3 |
10 | Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) | 8 |
74 | Other | 23 |
75 | Blank vote | 33 |
76 | Spoiled vote | 5 |
66 | Not applicable | 733 |
77 | Refusal | 329 |
88 | Don't know | 33 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38451 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1481 | 39546 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 76
PRTVTAFI Party voted for in last national election, Finland
B12FI. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Finland)
Vrednost 37533 | Frekvenca | |
1 | The National Coalition Party | 359 |
2 | The Swedish People´s Party (SPP) | 74 |
3 | Liberals, (The liberal party of Finland) | 1 |
4 | The Centre Party | 296 |
5 | True Finns | 54 |
6 | Christian Democrats | 44 |
7 | The Green League | 131 |
8 | Finnish Social Democratic Party | 315 |
9 | The Left Alliance | 95 |
10 | Communist Party of Finland | 4 |
11 | The Communist Workers' Party of Finland | 1 |
12 | Other | 17 |
66 | Not applicable | 489 |
77 | Refusal | 103 |
88 | Don't know | 109 |
99 | No answer | 103 |
Sysmiss | 38832 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1391 | 39636 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
PRTVTBFR Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)
B12FR. Which party did you vote for in that election? (France)
Vrednost 38532 | Frekvenca | |
1 | CPNT (Chasse, Pêche, Nature et Traditions) | 16 |
2 | FN (Front National) | 31 |
3 | LCR (Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire) | 24 |
4 | LO (Lutte Ouvrière) | 23 |
5 | MPF (Mouvement pour la France) | 7 |
6 | Nouveau Centre | 11 |
7 | PC (Parti Communiste) | 44 |
8 | PS (Parti Socialiste) | 419 |
9 | PRG (Parti Radical de Gauche) | 25 |
10 | UDF-MoDem (Mouvement Democrate) | 88 |
11 | UMP (Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle) | 408 |
12 | Les Verts | 65 |
13 | Autres mouvements écologistes | 15 |
14 | Divers gauche | 12 |
15 | Divers droite | 24 |
16 | Autre | 3 |
17 | Blanc | 34 |
18 | Nul | 5 |
66 | Not applicable | 642 |
77 | Refusal | 114 |
88 | Don't know | 63 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38954 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1254 | 39773 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 18
PRTVTGB Party voted for in last national election, United Kingdom
B12GB. Which party did you vote for in that election? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 39531 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Conservative | 467 |
2 | Labour | 615 |
3 | Liberal Democrat | 242 |
4 | Scottish National Party | 24 |
5 | Plaid Cymru | 5 |
6 | Green Party | 23 |
7 | Other | 42 |
11 | Ulster Unionist Party (nir) | 7 |
12 | Democratic Unionist Party (nir) | 10 |
13 | Sinn Fein (nir) | 7 |
14 | Social Democratic and Labour Party (nir) | 16 |
15 | Alliance Party (nir) | 2 |
16 | Progressive Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
17 | United Kingdom Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
18 | Womens Coalition (nir) | 0 |
19 | United Unionist Assembly Party (nir) | 0 |
20 | Northern Ireland Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
21 | Workers Party (nir) | 0 |
22 | Other (nir) | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 785 |
77 | Refusal | 57 |
88 | Don't know | 50 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1460 | 39567 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22
PRTVTBHU Party voted for in last national election, Hungary
Vrednost 40530 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Fidesz - KDNP | 457 |
2 | MDF | 19 |
3 | MIÉP - Jobbik a Harmadik Út | 6 |
4 | MSZP | 353 |
5 | Munkáspárt | 5 |
6 | SZDSZ | 21 |
7 | Centrumpárt | 4 |
8 | Kereszténydemokrata Párt - Keresztény Centrum Összefogás | 1 |
9 | Magyar Vidék és Polgári Párt | 1 |
10 | MCF Roma Összefogás Párt | 0 |
16 | Other party | 0 |
17 | Didn't go to vote | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 417 |
77 | Refusal | 235 |
88 | Don't know | 25 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
867 | 40160 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17
PRTVTAIL Party voted for in last national election, Israel
Vrednost 41529 | Frekvenca | |
1 | HaAvoda- the Israeli Labor Party | 201 |
2 | Likud | 302 |
3 | Kadima | 334 |
4 | Shas | 129 |
5 | Meretz | 71 |
6 | National Religious Party | 53 |
7 | United Torah Judaism | 132 |
8 | Pensioners of Israel to the Knesset | 70 |
9 | Yisrael Beiteinu | 100 |
10 | Hadash | 7 |
11 | Balad | 27 |
12 | Ra'am- Ta'al | 28 |
13 | Hetz | 0 |
14 | Shinui | 9 |
15 | Ale Yarok | 7 |
16 | HaYerukim | 11 |
17 | Other | 30 |
18 | blank ballot | 6 |
19 | Did not vote | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 658 |
77 | Refusal | 279 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 36 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1517 | 39510 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19
PRTVTCNL Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands
Vrednost 42528 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Christian Democratic Party | 378 |
2 | Labour Party | 330 |
3 | Party for Freedom and Democracy | 204 |
4 | List Pim Fortuyn | 22 |
5 | Democrats `66 | 52 |
6 | Green Left | 86 |
7 | Socialistic Party | 176 |
8 | Christian Union | 64 |
9 | Liveable Netherlands | 2 |
10 | Social Reformed Party | 18 |
11 | PVV (List Wilders) | 35 |
12 | Party for the Animals | 26 |
13 | Other | 2 |
14 | Blanc | 6 |
66 | Not applicable | 330 |
77 | Refusal | 21 |
88 | Don`t know | 26 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1401 | 39626 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
PRTVTNO Party voted for in last national election, Norway
B12NO. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Norway)
Vrednost 43527 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Red Electoral Alliance (RV) | 11 |
2 | Socialist left party (SV) | 110 |
3 | Labour Party (A) | 399 |
4 | Liberal Party (V) | 53 |
5 | Christian Democratic Party (Krf) | 67 |
6 | Centre Party (Sp) | 59 |
7 | Conservative Party (H) | 237 |
8 | Progress Party (FrP) | 178 |
9 | Coast Party (KYST) | 3 |
10 | Other | 12 |
66 | Not applicable | 378 |
77 | Refusal | 25 |
88 | Don't know | 17 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1129 | 39898 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTVTBPL Party voted for in last national election, Poland
B12PL. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Poland)
Vrednost 44526 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Left and Democrats | 81 |
2 | League of Polish Families | 10 |
3 | Civic Platform | 494 |
4 | Polish Labour Party | 4 |
5 | Polish Peasants Party | 60 |
6 | Law and Justice | 313 |
7 | Self-defence | 19 |
8 | Other party | 3 |
66 | Not applicable | 532 |
77 | Refusal | 32 |
88 | Don't know | 70 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
984 | 40043 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTVTAPT Party voted for in last national election, Portugal
B12PT. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Portugal)
Vrednost 45525 | Frekvenca | |
1 | BE - Bloco de Esquerda | 35 |
2 | CDS/PP - Centro Democrático Social/Partido Popular | 39 |
3 | PCP-PEV - Partido Comunista Português - Partido Ecologista o | 69 |
4 | PCTP-MRPP - Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses | 9 |
5 | PDA - Partido Democrático do Atlântico | 0 |
6 | PH - Partido Humanista | 1 |
7 | PND - Partido da Nova Democracia | 6 |
8 | PNR - Partido Nacional Renovador | 2 |
9 | POUS - Partido Operário de Unidade Socialista | 0 |
10 | PSD - Partido Social Democrata | 304 |
11 | PS - Partido Socialista | 587 |
12 | Votou em branco / nulo | 53 |
13 | Outro | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 821 |
77 | Refusal | 371 |
88 | Don't know | 70 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1105 | 39922 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13
PRTVTARU Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation
B12RU. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 46524 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Edinaya Rossia | 1187 |
2 | KPRF | 220 |
3 | LDPR | 104 |
4 | Rodina | 0 |
5 | Union of the Right Forces | 18 |
6 | Yabloko | 9 |
7 | Agrarian party | 21 |
8 | Russian party of pensioners and party of social justice | 0 |
9 | Party of Revival of Russia - Russian Party of Life | 1 |
11 | Fair Russia | 54 |
15 | Green party | 1 |
96 | Against all | 0 |
98 | Other | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 761 |
77 | Refusal | 62 |
88 | Don't know | 73 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1615 | 39412 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 98
PRTVTSE Party voted for in last national election, Sweden
B12SE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Sweden)
Vrednost 47523 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Centre Party | 94 |
2 | Liberals | 119 |
3 | Christian Democrats | 62 |
4 | Green Party | 80 |
5 | Conservative | 417 |
6 | Social Democrats | 504 |
7 | Left | 73 |
8 | Other | 57 |
66 | Not applicable | 341 |
77 | Refusal | 45 |
88 | Don't know | 36 |
99 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1406 | 39621 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTVTCSI Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia
B12SI. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Slovenia)
Vrednost 48522 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia - DESUS | 60 |
2 | Liberal Democracy of Slovenia - LDS | 36 |
3 | LIPA - Party | 6 |
4 | New Slovenia - Christian Peoples Party - NSi | 17 |
5 | Slovenian Democratic Party - SDS | 194 |
6 | Slovene Peoples Party - SLS | 32 |
7 | Slovene National Party - SNS | 46 |
8 | Social Democrats - SD | 286 |
9 | ZARES - New Politics | 59 |
10 | Other | 8 |
66 | Not applicable | 380 |
77 | Refusal | 138 |
88 | Don't know | 19 |
99 | No answer | 5 |
Sysmiss | 39741 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
744 | 40283 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTVTASK Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia
B12SK. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 49521 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) | 103 |
2 | Slovak Democratic Christian Union (SDKU) | 204 |
3 | SMER | 515 |
4 | Party of Hungarian Coalition (SMK) | 110 |
5 | Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) | 109 |
6 | Slovak National Party (SNS) | 102 |
7 | Other | 17 |
66 | Not applicable | 437 |
77 | Refusal | 141 |
88 | Don't know | 68 |
99 | No answer | 4 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1160 | 39867 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
CONTPLT Contacted politician or government official last 12 months ASK ALL
B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ? ?contacted a politician, government or local government official?
Vrednost 50520 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 5143 |
2 | No | 35760 |
7 | Refusal | 14 |
8 | Don't know | 55 |
9 | No answer | 55 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40903 | 124 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
WRKPRTY Worked in political party or action group last 12 months ASK ALL
B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ? ?worked in a political party or action group?
Vrednost 51519 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 1471 |
2 | No | 39445 |
7 | Refusal | 7 |
8 | Don't know | 53 |
9 | No answer | 51 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40916 | 111 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
WRKORG Worked in another organisation or association last 12 months ASK ALL
B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ? ?worked in another organisation or association?
Vrednost 52518 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 5357 |
2 | No | 35530 |
7 | Refusal | 6 |
8 | Don't know | 74 |
9 | No answer | 60 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40887 | 140 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
BADGE Worn or displayed campaign badge/sticker last 12 months ASK ALL
B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ? ?worn or displayed a campaign badge/sticker?
Vrednost 53517 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 2860 |
2 | No | 38033 |
7 | Refusal | 6 |
8 | Don't know | 59 |
9 | No answer | 69 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40893 | 134 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
SGNPTIT Signed petition last 12 months ASK ALL
B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ? ?signed a petition?
Vrednost 54516 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 8695 |
2 | No | 32125 |
7 | Refusal | 7 |
8 | Don't know | 134 |
9 | No answer | 66 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40820 | 207 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
PBLDMN Taken part in lawful public demonstration last 12 months ASK ALL
B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ? ?taken part in a lawful public demonstration?
Vrednost 55515 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 2420 |
2 | No | 38467 |
7 | Refusal | 10 |
8 | Don't know | 68 |
9 | No answer | 62 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40887 | 140 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
BCTPRD Boycotted certain products last 12 months ASK ALL
B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ? ?boycotted certain products?
Vrednost 56514 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 5931 |
2 | No | 34913 |
7 | Refusal | 7 |
8 | Don't know | 110 |
9 | No answer | 66 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40844 | 183 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
CLSPRTY Feel closer to a particular party than all other parties ASK ALL
B20a. Is there a particular political party you feel closer to than all the other parties?
Vrednost 57513 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 20637 |
2 | No | 19468 |
7 | Refusal | 175 |
8 | Don't know | 709 |
9 | No answer | 38 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40105 | 922 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
PRTCLBBE Which party feel closer to, Belgium
B20bBE. Which one? (Belgium)
Vrednost 58512 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Groen! | 43 |
2 | CD&V | 147 |
3 | N-VA | 13 |
4 | Lijst Dedecker | 25 |
5 | SP.A. | 94 |
6 | Vlaams - Progressieven (Spirit) | 1 |
7 | Vivant | 1 |
8 | Vlaams Belang | 45 |
9 | Open VLD | 79 |
10 | CDH | 62 |
11 | Ecolo | 65 |
12 | Front National | 1 |
13 | MR | 95 |
14 | PS | 137 |
15 | Other | 11 |
66 | Not applicable | 916 |
77 | Refusal | 24 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39267 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
819 | 40208 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 15
PRTCLABG Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria
B20bBG. Which one? (Bulgaria)
Vrednost 59511 | Frekvenca | |
1 | BSP | 373 |
2 | BND | 2 |
3 | VMRO-BND | 10 |
4 | GERB | 273 |
5 | DPS | 153 |
6 | Dvijenie 'Gergiovden' | 1 |
7 | DSB | 46 |
8 | DP | 0 |
9 | BZNS-NS | 11 |
10 | NDSV | 16 |
11 | Ataka | 108 |
12 | Novo vreme | 3 |
13 | RZS | 9 |
14 | Evroroma | 1 |
15 | SDS | 91 |
16 | SSD | 1 |
17 | OBT | 0 |
18 | Other | 8 |
66 | Not applicable | 1046 |
77 | Refusal | 75 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 38797 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1106 | 39921 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 18
PRTCLBCH Which party feel closer to, Switzerland
B20bCH. Which one? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 60510 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Radicals | 135 |
2 | Christian democrats | 113 |
3 | Socialist party | 245 |
4 | Swiss people party | 236 |
5 | Liberal party | 24 |
6 | Christian-social | 4 |
7 | Swiss labor party | 7 |
8 | Green party | 109 |
9 | Green liberal party | 36 |
10 | Swiss democrats | 2 |
11 | Federal Democratic Union | 6 |
12 | Evangelical People's Party | 18 |
13 | Lega dei Ticinese | 2 |
14 | Other party | 15 |
66 | Not applicable | 847 |
77 | Refusal | 12 |
88 | Don't know | 8 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
952 | 40075 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
PRTCLCY Which party feel closer to, Cyprus
B20bCY. Which one? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 61509 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) | 266 |
2 | Demokrat Party (DIKO) | 155 |
3 | Democratic Rally (DISY) | 248 |
4 | European Party (EVROKO) | 23 |
5 | The Cyprus Green Party | 10 |
6 | United Democrats (EDI) | 7 |
7 | Social Democrats (KS EDEK) | 61 |
8 | Other | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 384 |
77 | Refusal | 50 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 10 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
770 | 40257 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTCLBDE Which party feel closer to, Germany
B20bDE. Which one? (Germany)
Vrednost 62508 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Social Democratic Party (SPD) | 392 |
2 | Christian Democratic Union (CDU/CSU) | 475 |
3 | Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) | 198 |
4 | Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) | 90 |
5 | The Left Party.Party of Democratic Socialism (Linkspartei.PD | 157 |
6 | Republican Party (Republikaner) | 8 |
7 | National Democratic Party/German People's Union (NPD/DVU) | 5 |
8 | Other party | 18 |
66 | Not applicable | 1328 |
77 | Refusal | 75 |
88 | Don't know | 5 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38276 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1343 | 39684 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTCLBDK Which party feel closer to, Denmark
B20bDK. Which one? (Denmark)
Vrednost 63507 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Socialdemokraterne - the Danish social democtrats | 322 |
2 | Det Radikale Venstre - Danish Social-Liberal Party | 72 |
3 | Det Konservative Folkeparti - Conservative | 116 |
4 | SF- Socialistisk Folkeparti - the Socialist People's Party | 220 |
5 | Dansk Folkeparti - Danish peoples party | 109 |
6 | Kristendemokraterne - Christian democtrats | 9 |
7 | Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti - Venstre | 286 |
8 | Ny Alliance - New alliance | 5 |
9 | Enhedslisten, De Rød-Grønne - The Red-Green Alliance | 22 |
10 | Andet – other | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 412 |
77 | Refusal | 29 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 6 |
Sysmiss | 39417 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1161 | 39866 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTCLBEE Which party feel closer to, Estonia
B20bEE. Which one? (Estonia)
Vrednost 64506 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Pro Patria and Res Publica Union | 99 |
2 | The Estonian Centre Party | 277 |
3 | Estonian Reform Party | 163 |
4 | The People's Union of Estonia | 22 |
5 | The Social Democratic Party | 70 |
6 | Estonian Greens | 73 |
7 | Party of Estonian Christian Democrats | 6 |
8 | Estonian United Left Party | 2 |
9 | Estonian Independence Party | 1 |
10 | Russian Party in Estonia | 1 |
11 | campaigner | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 927 |
77 | Refusal | 14 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 4 |
Sysmiss | 39366 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
714 | 40313 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11
PRTCLBES Which party feel closer to, Spain
B20bES. Which one? (Spain)
Vrednost 65505 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Partido Popular | 304 |
2 | Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) | 512 |
3 | Izquierda Unida (IU) | 59 |
4 | Convergència i Unió (CiU) | 39 |
5 | Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya (ERC) | 19 |
6 | Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV) | 23 |
7 | Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) | 24 |
8 | Coalición Canaria-Partido Nacionalista Canario (CC-PNC) | 3 |
9 | Nafarroa-Bai (NA-BAI) | 4 |
10 | Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) | 5 |
74 | Other | 18 |
66 | Not applicable | 1462 |
77 | Refusal | 97 |
88 | Don't know | 7 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38451 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1010 | 40017 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 74
PRTCLAFI Which party feel closer to, Finland
B20bFI. Which one? (Finland)
Vrednost 66504 | Frekvenca | |
1 | The National Coalition Party | 290 |
2 | The Swedish People´s Party (SPP) | 57 |
3 | Liberals, (The liberal party of Finland) | 2 |
4 | The Centre Party | 228 |
5 | True Finns | 71 |
6 | Christian Democrats | 42 |
7 | The Green League | 157 |
8 | Finnish Social Democratic Party | 238 |
9 | The Left Alliance | 87 |
10 | Communist Party of Finland | 1 |
11 | The Communist Workers' Party of Finland | 2 |
12 | Other | 11 |
66 | Not applicable | 929 |
77 | Refusal | 62 |
88 | Don't know | 18 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38832 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1186 | 39841 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
PRTCLBFR Which party feel closer to, France
B20bFR. Which one? (France)
Vrednost 67503 | Frekvenca | |
1 | CPNT (Chasse, Pêche, Nature et Traditions) | 8 |
2 | FN (Front National) | 34 |
3 | LCR (Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire) | 42 |
4 | LO (Lutte Ouvrière) | 14 |
5 | MRC (Mouvement Rèpublicain et Citoyen) | 1 |
6 | MPF (Mouvement pour la France) | 11 |
7 | Nouveau Centre | 21 |
8 | PC (Parti Communiste) | 83 |
9 | PRG (Parti Radical de Gauche) | 8 |
10 | PS (Parti Socialiste) | 334 |
11 | UMP (Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle) | 361 |
12 | UDF-MoDem (Mouvement Democrate) | 76 |
13 | Les Verts | 63 |
14 | Autres mouvements écologistes | 13 |
15 | Autre | 9 |
66 | Not applicable | 941 |
77 | Refusal | 44 |
88 | Don't know | 10 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38954 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1078 | 39949 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 15
PRTCLGB Which party feel closer to, United Kingdom
B20bGB. Which one? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 68502 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Conservative | 402 |
2 | Labour | 430 |
3 | Liberal Democrat | 144 |
4 | Scottish National Party | 23 |
5 | Plaid Cymru | 10 |
6 | Green Party | 40 |
7 | Other | 37 |
11 | Ulster Unionist Party (nir) | 8 |
12 | Democratic Unionist Party (nir) | 4 |
13 | Sinn Fein (nir) | 8 |
14 | Social Democratic and Labour Party (nir) | 7 |
15 | Alliance Party (nir) | 2 |
16 | Progressive Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
17 | United Kingdom Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
18 | Womens Coalition (nir) | 0 |
19 | United Unionist Assembly Party (nir) | 0 |
20 | Northern Ireland Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
21 | Workers Party (nir) | 0 |
22 | Other (nir) | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 1210 |
77 | Refusal | 22 |
88 | Don't know | 5 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1115 | 39912 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22
PRTCLBHU Which party feel closer to, Hungary
Vrednost 69501 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Fidesz - KDNP | 322 |
2 | MDF | 16 |
3 | MIÉP | 5 |
4 | MSZP | 152 |
5 | Munkáspárt | 8 |
6 | SZDSZ | 9 |
7 | Centrumpárt | 2 |
8 | Kereszténydemokrata Párt - Keresztény Centrum Összefogás | 2 |
9 | Magyar Vidék és Polgári Párt | 1 |
10 | MCF Roma Összefogás Párt | 0 |
11 | Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom | 15 |
12 | Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt | 0 |
16 | Other party | 1 |
66 | Not applicable | 946 |
77 | Refusal | 62 |
88 | Don't know | 3 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
533 | 40494 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 16
PRTCLAIL Which party feel closer to, Israel
Vrednost 70500 | Frekvenca | |
1 | HaAvoda- the Israeli Labor Party | 101 |
2 | Likud | 225 |
3 | Kadima | 128 |
4 | Shas | 80 |
5 | Meretz | 73 |
6 | National Religious Party | 50 |
7 | United Torah Judaism | 92 |
8 | Pensioners of Israel to the Knesset | 9 |
9 | Yisrael Beiteinu | 89 |
10 | Hadash | 5 |
11 | Balad | 4 |
12 | Ra'am- Ta'al | 8 |
13 | Hetz | 0 |
14 | Shinui | 1 |
15 | Ale Yarok | 7 |
16 | HaYerukim | 13 |
17 | Other | 13 |
18 | blank ballot | 0 |
19 | Did not vote | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 1498 |
77 | Refusal | 64 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 30 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
898 | 40129 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19
PRTCLBNL Which party feel closer to, Netherlands
Vrednost 71499 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Christian Democratic Party | 216 |
2 | Labour Party | 188 |
3 | Party for Freedom and Democracy | 134 |
4 | List Pim Fortuyn | 8 |
5 | Democrats `66 | 61 |
6 | Green Left | 66 |
7 | Socialistic Party | 136 |
8 | Christian Union | 49 |
9 | Liveable Netherlands | 2 |
10 | Social Reformed Party | 19 |
11 | PVV (List Wilders) | 50 |
12 | Party for the Animals | 23 |
13 | TON (List Verdonk) | 11 |
14 | Other | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 804 |
77 | Refusal | 5 |
88 | Don`t know | 6 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
963 | 40064 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
PRTCLNO Which party feel closer to, Norway
B20bNO. Which one? (Norway)
Vrednost 72498 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Red Electoral Alliance (RV) | 11 |
2 | Socialist left party (SV) | 94 |
3 | Labour Party (A) | 374 |
4 | Liberal Party (V) | 42 |
5 | Christian Democratic Party (Krf) | 60 |
6 | Centre Party (Sp) | 49 |
7 | Conservative Party (H) | 184 |
8 | Progress Party (FrP) | 181 |
9 | Coast Party (KYST) | 2 |
10 | Other | 6 |
66 | Not applicable | 524 |
77 | Refusal | 18 |
88 | Don't know | 4 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1003 | 40024 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTCLCPL Which party feel closer to, Poland
B20bPL. Which one? (Poland)
Vrednost 73497 | Frekvenca | |
1 | League of Polish Families | 2 |
2 | Civic Platform | 180 |
3 | Democratic Party | 5 |
4 | Polish Peasants Party | 28 |
5 | Law and Justice | 89 |
6 | Self-defence | 1 |
7 | Social Democratic Party of Poland | 12 |
8 | Democratic Left Alliance | 43 |
9 | Labour Union | 0 |
10 | Other party | 10 |
66 | Not applicable | 1238 |
77 | Refusal | 7 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 4 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
370 | 40657 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTCLBPT Which party feel closer to, Portugal
B20bPT. Which one? (Portugal)
Vrednost 74496 | Frekvenca | |
1 | BE - Bloco de Esquerda | 45 |
2 | CDS/PP - Centro Democrático Social/Partido Popular | 33 |
3 | PCP-PEV - Partido Comunista Português - Partido Ecologista o | 83 |
4 | PCTP-MRPP - Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses | 6 |
5 | PDA - Partido Democrático do Atlântico | 0 |
6 | PH - Partido Humanista | 0 |
7 | PND - Partido da Nova Democracia | 3 |
8 | PNR - Partido Nacional Renovador | 0 |
9 | POUS - Partido Operário de Unidade Socialista | 0 |
10 | PSD - Partido Social Democrata | 292 |
11 | PS - Partido Socialista | 470 |
12 | Outro | 1 |
66 | Not applicable | 1213 |
77 | Refusal | 217 |
88 | Don't know | 4 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
933 | 40094 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
PRTCLARU Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation
B20bRU. Which one? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 75495 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Edinaya Rossia | 833 |
2 | KPRF | 180 |
3 | LDPR | 82 |
4 | Rodina | 0 |
5 | Union of the Right Forces | 13 |
6 | Yabloko | 16 |
7 | Agrarian party | 14 |
8 | Russian party of pensioners and party of social justice | 0 |
9 | Party of Revival of Russia - Russian Party of Life | 0 |
11 | Fair Russia | 22 |
15 | Green party | 3 |
96 | Against all | 0 |
98 | Other | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 1335 |
77 | Refusal | 12 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1163 | 39864 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 98
PRTCLSE Which party feel closer to, Sweden
B20bSE. Which one? (Sweden)
Vrednost 76494 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Centre Party | 57 |
2 | Liberals | 86 |
3 | Christian Democrats | 38 |
4 | Green Party | 81 |
5 | Conservative | 295 |
6 | Social Democrats | 468 |
7 | Left | 86 |
8 | Other | 40 |
66 | Not applicable | 649 |
77 | Refusal | 19 |
88 | Don't know | 10 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1151 | 39876 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTCLCSI Which party feel closer to, Slovenia
B20bSI. Which one? (Slovenia)
Vrednost 77493 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia - DESUS | 42 |
2 | Liberal Democracy of Slovenia - LDS | 30 |
3 | LIPA - Party | 0 |
4 | New Slovenia - Christian Peoples Party - NSi | 12 |
5 | Slovenian Democratic Party - SDS | 115 |
6 | Slovene Peoples Party - SLS | 19 |
7 | Slovene National Party - SNS | 37 |
8 | Social Democrats - SD | 165 |
9 | ZARES - New Politics | 51 |
10 | Other | 5 |
66 | Not applicable | 765 |
77 | Refusal | 43 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39741 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
476 | 40551 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTCLASK Which party feel closer to, Slovakia
B20bSK. Which one? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 78492 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) | 47 |
2 | Slovak Democratic Christian Union (SDKU) | 111 |
3 | SMER | 388 |
4 | Party of Hungarian Coalition (SMK) | 71 |
5 | Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) | 57 |
6 | Slovak National Party (SNS) | 81 |
7 | Other | 17 |
66 | Not applicable | 978 |
77 | Refusal | 48 |
88 | Don't know | 4 |
99 | No answer | 8 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
772 | 40255 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
PRTDGCL How close to party ASK IF PARTY GIVEN AT B20b (codes 01 to xx)
B20c. How close do you feel to this party? Do you feel that you are ...
Vrednost 79491 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very close | 2571 |
2 | Quite close | 12048 |
3 | Not close | 4168 |
4 | Not at all close | 482 |
6 | Not applicable | 21437 |
7 | Refusal | 11 |
8 | Don't know | 216 |
9 | No answer | 94 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
19269 | 21758 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
MMBPRTY Member of political party ASK ALL
B21. Are you a member of any political party?
Vrednost 80490 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 1824 |
2 | No | 39066 |
7 | Refusal | 42 |
8 | Don't know | 58 |
9 | No answer | 37 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40890 | 137 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
PRTMBBBE Member of which party, Belgium
B22BE. Which one? (Belgium)
Vrednost 81489 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Groen! | 4 |
2 | CD&V | 18 |
3 | N-VA | 0 |
4 | Lijst Dedecker | 0 |
5 | SP.A. | 19 |
6 | Vlaams - Progressieven (Spirit) | 0 |
7 | Vivant | 0 |
8 | Vlaams Belang | 5 |
9 | Open VLD | 10 |
10 | CDH | 2 |
11 | Ecolo | 2 |
12 | Front National | 0 |
13 | MR | 7 |
14 | PS | 9 |
15 | Other | 6 |
66 | Not applicable | 1676 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39267 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
82 | 40945 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 15
PRTMBABG Member of which party, Bulgaria
B22BG. Which one? (Bulgaria)
Vrednost 82488 | Frekvenca | |
1 | BSP | 67 |
2 | BND | 1 |
3 | VMRO-BND | 5 |
4 | GERB | 16 |
5 | DPS | 10 |
6 | Dvijenie 'Gergiovden' | 0 |
7 | DSB | 3 |
8 | DP | 0 |
9 | BZNS-NS | 4 |
10 | NDSV | 7 |
11 | Ataka | 5 |
12 | Novo vreme | 1 |
13 | RZS | 0 |
14 | Evroroma | 0 |
15 | SDS | 11 |
16 | SSD | 1 |
17 | OBT | 0 |
18 | Other | 6 |
66 | Not applicable | 2085 |
77 | Refusal | 8 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38797 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
137 | 40890 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 18
PRTMBBCH Member of which party, Switzerland
B22CH. Which one? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 83487 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Radicals | 31 |
2 | Christian democrats | 14 |
3 | Socialist party | 23 |
4 | Swiss people party | 26 |
5 | Liberal party | 3 |
6 | Christian-social | 2 |
7 | Swiss labor party | 0 |
8 | Green party | 4 |
9 | Green liberal party | 2 |
10 | Swiss democrats | 0 |
11 | Federal Democratic Union | 0 |
12 | Evangelical People's Party | 1 |
13 | Lega dei Ticinese | 0 |
14 | Other party | 3 |
66 | Not applicable | 1709 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
109 | 40918 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
PRTMBCY Member of which party, Cyprus
B22CY. Which one? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 84486 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) | 57 |
2 | Demokrat Party (DIKO) | 23 |
3 | Democratic Rally (DISY) | 55 |
4 | European Party (EVROKO) | 3 |
5 | The Cyprus Green Party | 0 |
6 | United Democrats (EDI) | 0 |
7 | Social Democrats (KS EDEK) | 10 |
8 | Other | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 1055 |
77 | Refusal | 5 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 7 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
148 | 40879 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTMBBDE Member of which party, Germany
B22DE. Which one? (Germany)
Vrednost 85485 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Social Democratic Party (SPD) | 19 |
2 | Christian Democratic Union (CDU/CSU) | 36 |
3 | Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) | 6 |
4 | Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) | 4 |
5 | The Left Party.Party of Democratic Socialism (Linkspartei.PD | 9 |
6 | Republican Party (Republikaner) | 3 |
7 | National Democratic Party/German People's Union (NPD/DVU) | 3 |
8 | Other party | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 2667 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38276 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
80 | 40947 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTMBBDK Member of which party, Denmark
B22DK. Which one? (Denmark)
Vrednost 86484 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Socialdemokraterne - the Danish social democtrats | 44 |
2 | Det Radikale Venstre - Danish Social-Liberal Party | 11 |
3 | Det Konservative Folkeparti - Conservative | 17 |
4 | SF- Socialistisk Folkeparti - the Socialist People's Party | 13 |
5 | Dansk Folkeparti - Danish peoples party | 8 |
6 | Kristendemokraterne - Christian democtrats | 3 |
7 | Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti - Venstre | 39 |
8 | Ny Alliance - New alliance | 3 |
9 | Enhedslisten, De Rød-Grønne - The Red-Green Alliance | 1 |
10 | Andet – other | 1 |
66 | Not applicable | 1464 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39417 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
140 | 40887 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTMBBEE Member of which party, Estonia
B22EE. Which one? (Estonia)
Vrednost 87483 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Pro Patria and Res Publica Union | 11 |
2 | The Estonian Centre Party | 25 |
3 | Estonian Reform Party | 13 |
4 | The People's Union of Estonia | 8 |
5 | The Social Democratic Party | 10 |
6 | Estonian Greens | 14 |
7 | Party of Estonian Christian Democrats | 2 |
8 | Estonian United Left Party | 0 |
9 | Estonian Independence Party | 0 |
10 | Russian Party in Estonia | 0 |
11 | campaigner | 0 |
12 | Estonian National Party | 1 |
66 | Not applicable | 1563 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 11 |
Sysmiss | 39366 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
84 | 40943 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
PRTMBBES Member of which party, Spain
B22ES. Which one? (Spain)
Vrednost 88482 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Partido Popular | 7 |
2 | Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) | 17 |
3 | Izquierda Unida (IU) | 0 |
4 | Convergència i Unió (CiU) | 1 |
5 | Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya (ERC) | 0 |
6 | Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV) | 2 |
7 | Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) | 1 |
8 | Coalición Canaria-Partido Nacionalista Canario (CC-PNC) | 0 |
9 | Nafarroa-Bai (NA-BAI) | 0 |
10 | Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) | 0 |
74 | Other | 2 |
66 | Not applicable | 2543 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38451 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
30 | 40997 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 74
PRTMBAFI Member of which party, Finland
B22FI. Which one? (Finland)
Vrednost 89481 | Frekvenca | |
1 | The National Coalition Party | 24 |
2 | The Swedish People´s Party (SPP) | 11 |
3 | Liberals, (The liberal party of Finland) | 0 |
4 | The Centre Party | 52 |
5 | True Finns | 2 |
6 | Christian Democrats | 5 |
7 | The Green League | 6 |
8 | Finnish Social Democratic Party | 28 |
9 | The Left Alliance | 11 |
10 | Communist Party of Finland | 1 |
11 | The Communist Workers' Party of Finland | 0 |
12 | Other | 2 |
66 | Not applicable | 2047 |
77 | Refusal | 6 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38832 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
142 | 40885 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
PRTMBBFR Member of which party, France
B22FR. Which one? (France)
Vrednost 90480 | Frekvenca | |
1 | CPNT (Chasse, Pêche, Nature et Traditions) | 1 |
2 | FN (Front National) | 2 |
3 | LCR (Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire) | 2 |
4 | LO (Lutte Ouvrière) | 0 |
5 | MRC (Mouvement Rèpublicain et Citoyen) | 0 |
6 | MPF (Mouvement pour la France) | 1 |
7 | Nouveau Centre | 0 |
8 | PC (Parti Communiste) | 7 |
9 | PRG (Parti Radical de Gauche) | 0 |
10 | PS (Parti Socialiste) | 11 |
11 | UMP (Union pour la Majorite Presidentielle) | 18 |
12 | UDF-MoDem (Mouvement Democrate) | 0 |
13 | Les Verts | 1 |
14 | Autres mouvements ecologistes | 1 |
15 | Autre | 1 |
66 | Not applicable | 2027 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38954 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
45 | 40982 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 15
PRTMBGB Member of which party, United Kingdom
B22GB. Which one? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 91479 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Conservative | 33 |
2 | Labour | 17 |
3 | Liberal Democrat | 11 |
4 | Scottish National Party | 1 |
5 | Plaid Cymru | 0 |
6 | Green Party | 1 |
7 | Other | 0 |
11 | Ulster Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
12 | Democratic Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
13 | Sinn Fein (nir) | 0 |
14 | Social Democratic and Labour Party (nir) | 0 |
15 | Alliance Party (nir) | 0 |
16 | Progressive Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
17 | United Kingdom Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
18 | Womens Coalition (nir) | 3 |
19 | United Unionist Assembly Party (nir) | 0 |
20 | Northern Ireland Unionist Party (nir) | 0 |
21 | Workers Party (nir) | 0 |
22 | Other (nir) | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 2285 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
66 | 40961 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22
PRTMBBHU Member of which party, Hungary
Vrednost 92478 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Fidesz - KDNP | 0 |
2 | MDF | 1 |
3 | MIÉP | 0 |
4 | MSZP | 9 |
5 | Munkáspárt | 0 |
6 | SZDSZ | 1 |
7 | Centrumpárt | 0 |
8 | Kereszténydemokrata Párt - Keresztény Centrum Összefogás | 0 |
9 | Magyar Vidék és Polgári Párt | 0 |
10 | MCF Roma Összefogás Párt | 0 |
11 | Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom | 0 |
12 | Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt | 0 |
16 | Other party | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 1533 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
11 | 41016 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 16
PRTMBAIL Member of which party, Israel
Vrednost 93477 | Frekvenca | |
1 | HaAvoda- the Israeli Labor Party | 28 |
2 | Likud | 33 |
3 | Kadima | 20 |
4 | Shas | 3 |
5 | Meretz | 2 |
6 | National Religious Party | 4 |
7 | United Torah Judaism | 4 |
8 | Pensioners of Israel to the Knesset | 0 |
9 | Yisrael Beiteinu | 3 |
10 | Hadash | 1 |
11 | Balad | 3 |
12 | Ra'am- Ta'al | 2 |
13 | Hetz | 0 |
14 | Shinui | 1 |
15 | Ale Yarok | 0 |
16 | HaYerukim | 1 |
17 | Other | 3 |
18 | blank ballot | 0 |
19 | Did not vote | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 2359 |
77 | Refusal | 6 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 17 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
108 | 40919 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19
PRTMBBNL Member of which party, Netherlands
Vrednost 94476 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Christian Democratic Party | 28 |
2 | Labour Party | 11 |
3 | Party for Freedom and Democracy | 7 |
4 | List Pim Fortuyn | 0 |
5 | Democrats `66 | 1 |
6 | Green Left | 5 |
7 | Socialistic Party | 14 |
8 | Christian Union | 10 |
9 | Liveable Netherlands | 0 |
10 | Social Reformed Party | 9 |
11 | PVV (List Wilders) | 0 |
12 | Party for the Animals | 0 |
13 | TON (List Verdonk) | 0 |
14 | Other | 3 |
66 | Not applicable | 1690 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don`t know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
88 | 40939 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
PRTMBNO Member of which party, Norway
B22NO. Which one? (Norway)
Vrednost 95475 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Red Electoral Alliance (RV) | 0 |
2 | Socialist left party (SV) | 9 |
3 | Labour Party (A) | 35 |
4 | Liberal Party (V) | 6 |
5 | Christian Democratic Party (Krf) | 21 |
6 | Centre Party (Sp) | 9 |
7 | Conservative Party (H) | 20 |
8 | Progress Party (FrP) | 8 |
9 | Coast Party (KYST) | 1 |
10 | Other | 1 |
66 | Not applicable | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 1437 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
110 | 40917 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTMBCPL Member of which party, Poland
B22PL. Which one? (Poland)
Vrednost 96474 | Frekvenca | |
1 | League of Polish Families | 2 |
2 | Civic Platform | 2 |
3 | Democratic Party | 1 |
4 | Polish Peasants Party | 4 |
5 | Law and Justice | 1 |
6 | Self-defence | 1 |
7 | Social Democratic Party of Poland | 1 |
8 | Democratic Left Alliance | 3 |
9 | Labour Union | 0 |
10 | Other party | 1 |
66 | Not applicable | 1601 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
16 | 41011 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTMBAPT Member of which party, Portugal
B22PT. Which one? (Portugal)
Vrednost 97473 | Frekvenca | |
1 | BE - Bloco de Esquerda | 0 |
2 | CDS/PP - Centro Democrático Social/Partido Popular | 4 |
3 | PCP-PEV - Partido Comunista Português - Partido Ecologista o | 8 |
4 | PCTP-MRPP - Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses | 0 |
5 | PDA - Partido Democrático do Atlântico | 0 |
6 | PH - Partido Humanista | 0 |
7 | PND - Partido da Nova Democracia | 0 |
8 | PNR - Partido Nacional Renovador | 0 |
9 | POUS - Partido Operário de Unidade Socialista | 0 |
10 | PSD - Partido Social Democrata | 22 |
11 | PS - Partido Socialista | 24 |
12 | Outro | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 2306 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
58 | 40969 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
PRTMBARU Member of which party, Russian Federation
B22RU. Which one? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 98472 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Edinaya Rossia | 47 |
2 | KPRF | 26 |
3 | LDPR | 5 |
4 | Rodina | 0 |
5 | Union of the Right Forces | 1 |
6 | Yabloko | 0 |
7 | Agrarian party | 2 |
8 | Russian party of pensioners and party of social justice | 0 |
9 | Party of Revival of Russia - Russian Party of Life | 0 |
11 | Fair Russia | 5 |
15 | Green party | 1 |
96 | Against all | 0 |
98 | Other | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 2422 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
87 | 40940 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 98
PRTMBSE Member of which party, Sweden
B22SE. Which one? (Sweden)
Vrednost 99471 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Centre Party | 22 |
2 | Liberals | 7 |
3 | Christian Democrats | 3 |
4 | Green Party | 3 |
5 | Conservative | 22 |
6 | Social Democrats | 53 |
7 | Left | 6 |
8 | Other | 4 |
66 | Not applicable | 1708 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
120 | 40907 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
PRTMBCSI Member of which party, Slovenia
B22SI. Which one? (Slovenia)
Vrednost 100470 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia - DESUS | 6 |
2 | Liberal Democracy of Slovenia - LDS | 8 |
3 | LIPA - Party | 0 |
4 | New Slovenia - Christian Peoples Party - NSi | 3 |
5 | Slovenian Democratic Party - SDS | 14 |
6 | Slovene Peoples Party - SLS | 9 |
7 | Slovene National Party - SNS | 2 |
8 | Social Democrats - SD | 11 |
9 | ZARES - New Politics | 1 |
10 | Other | 3 |
66 | Not applicable | 1225 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39741 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
57 | 40970 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
PRTMBASK Member of which party, Slovakia
B22SK. Which one? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 101469 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) | 9 |
2 | Slovak Democratic Christian Union (SDKU) | 4 |
3 | SMER | 6 |
4 | Party of Hungarian Coalition (SMK) | 3 |
5 | Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) | 6 |
6 | Slovak National Party (SNS) | 1 |
7 | Other | 6 |
66 | Not applicable | 1764 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 7 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
35 | 40992 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
LRSCALE Placement on left right scale ASK ALL CARD 9
B23. In politics people sometimes talk of "left" and "right". Using this card, where would you place yourself on this scale, where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?
Vrednost 102468 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Left | 1134 |
1 | 1 | 880 |
2 | 2 | 2042 |
3 | 3 | 3784 |
4 | 4 | 3684 |
5 | 5 | 11060 |
6 | 6 | 3456 |
7 | 7 | 3834 |
8 | 8 | 2975 |
9 | 9 | 1003 |
10 | Right | 1318 |
77 | Refusal | 849 |
88 | Don't know | 4910 |
99 | No answer | 98 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
35170 | 5857 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
STFLIFE How satisfied with life as a whole CARD 10
B24. All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole nowadays? Please answer using this card, where 0 means extremely dissatisfied and 10 means extremely satisfied.
Vrednost 103467 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely dissatisfied | 784 |
1 | 1 | 586 |
2 | 2 | 1082 |
3 | 3 | 1902 |
4 | 4 | 2062 |
5 | 5 | 4726 |
6 | 6 | 3557 |
7 | 7 | 6645 |
8 | 8 | 9993 |
9 | 9 | 5483 |
10 | Extremely satisfied | 3971 |
77 | Refusal | 26 |
88 | Don't know | 175 |
99 | No answer | 35 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40791 | 236 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
STFECO How satisfied with present state of economy in country STILL CARD 10
B25. On the whole how satisfied are you with the present state of the economy in [country]?
Vrednost 104466 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely dissatisfied | 3385 |
1 | 1 | 2648 |
2 | 2 | 4575 |
3 | 3 | 5786 |
4 | 4 | 5138 |
5 | 5 | 6289 |
6 | 6 | 4228 |
7 | 7 | 4170 |
8 | 8 | 2653 |
9 | 9 | 726 |
10 | Extremely satisfied | 407 |
77 | Refusal | 28 |
88 | Don't know | 968 |
99 | No answer | 26 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40005 | 1022 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
STFGOV How satisfied with the national government STILL CARD 10
B26. Now thinking about the [country] government , how satisfied are you with the way it is doing its job?
Vrednost 105465 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely dissatisfied | 3775 |
1 | 1 | 2544 |
2 | 2 | 3850 |
3 | 3 | 4959 |
4 | 4 | 4761 |
5 | 5 | 7015 |
6 | 6 | 4548 |
7 | 7 | 4453 |
8 | 8 | 2741 |
9 | 9 | 717 |
10 | Extremely satisfied | 431 |
77 | Refusal | 92 |
88 | Don't know | 1113 |
99 | No answer | 28 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39794 | 1233 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
STFDEM How satisfied with the way democracy works in country STILL CARD 10
B27. And on the whole, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [country]?
Vrednost 106464 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely dissatisfied | 2233 |
1 | 1 | 1601 |
2 | 2 | 2579 |
3 | 3 | 3714 |
4 | 4 | 3826 |
5 | 5 | 6843 |
6 | 6 | 4693 |
7 | 7 | 5694 |
8 | 8 | 5066 |
9 | 9 | 1897 |
10 | Extremely satisfied | 959 |
77 | Refusal | 54 |
88 | Don't know | 1846 |
99 | No answer | 22 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39105 | 1922 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
STFEDU State of education in country nowadays CARD 11
B28. Now, using this card, please say what you think overall about the state of education in [country] nowadays?
Vrednost 107463 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely bad | 1317 |
1 | 1 | 1107 |
2 | 2 | 2287 |
3 | 3 | 3885 |
4 | 4 | 4239 |
5 | 5 | 6510 |
6 | 6 | 5101 |
7 | 7 | 6241 |
8 | 8 | 5332 |
9 | 9 | 1944 |
10 | Extremely good | 930 |
77 | Refusal | 36 |
88 | Don't know | 2076 |
99 | No answer | 22 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38893 | 2134 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
STFHLTH State of health services in country nowadays STILL CARD 11
B29. Still using this card, please say what you think overall about the state of health services in [country] nowadays?
Vrednost 108462 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely bad | 1606 |
1 | 1 | 1583 |
2 | 2 | 2832 |
3 | 3 | 4085 |
4 | 4 | 4136 |
5 | 5 | 6010 |
6 | 6 | 4963 |
7 | 7 | 6271 |
8 | 8 | 5797 |
9 | 9 | 2207 |
10 | Extremely good | 1050 |
77 | Refusal | 19 |
88 | Don't know | 430 |
99 | No answer | 38 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40540 | 487 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
GINCDIF Government should reduce differences in income levels CARD 12
B30-33. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements The government should take measures to reduce differences in income levels
Vrednost 109461 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 11340 |
2 | Agree | 17397 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 6168 |
4 | Disagree | 4474 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 922 |
7 | Refusal | 36 |
8 | Don't know | 669 |
9 | No answer | 21 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40301 | 726 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
FREEHMS Gays and lesbians free to live life as they whish CARD 12
B30-33. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements Gay men and lesbians should be free to live their own life as they wish
Vrednost 110460 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 12140 |
2 | Agree | 14388 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 5668 |
4 | Disagree | 3740 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 3015 |
7 | Refusal | 106 |
8 | Don't know | 1814 |
9 | No answer | 156 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38951 | 2076 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
PRTYBAN Ban political parties that wish overthrow democracy CARD 12
B30-33. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements Political parties that wish to overthrow democracy should be banned
Vrednost 111459 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 10104 |
2 | Agree | 13375 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 6969 |
4 | Disagree | 6162 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1735 |
7 | Refusal | 83 |
8 | Don't know | 2549 |
9 | No answer | 50 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38345 | 2682 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SCNSENV Modern science can be relied on to solve environmental problems CARD 12
B30-33. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements Modern science can be relied on to solve our environmental problems
Vrednost 112458 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 4431 |
2 | Agree | 15049 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 10376 |
4 | Disagree | 7305 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1686 |
7 | Refusal | 25 |
8 | Don't know | 2091 |
9 | No answer | 64 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38847 | 2180 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
EUFTF European Union: European unification go further or gone too far CARD 13
B34. Now thinking about the European Union, some say European unification should go further. Others say it has already gone too far. Using this card, what number on the scale best describes your position?
Vrednost 113457 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Unification already gone too far | 1825 |
1 | 1 | 1286 |
2 | 2 | 2373 |
3 | 3 | 3350 |
4 | 4 | 3112 |
5 | 5 | 8266 |
6 | 6 | 3799 |
7 | 7 | 4391 |
8 | 8 | 3888 |
9 | 9 | 1605 |
10 | Unification go further | 2469 |
77 | Refusal | 69 |
88 | Don't know | 4464 |
99 | No answer | 130 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36364 | 4663 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
IMSMETN Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority CARD 14
B35. Now, using this card, to what extent do you think [country] should allow people of the same race or ethnic group as most [country] people to come and live here ?
Vrednost 114456 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Allow many to come and live here | 10012 |
2 | Allow some | 17397 |
3 | Allow a few | 9385 |
4 | Allow none | 2907 |
7 | Refusal | 103 |
8 | Don't know | 1190 |
9 | No answer | 33 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39701 | 1326 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
IMDFETN Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority STILL CARD 14
B36. How about people of a different race or ethnic group from most [country] people?
Vrednost 115455 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Allow many to come and live here | 5312 |
2 | Allow some | 15120 |
3 | Allow a few | 13460 |
4 | Allow none | 5660 |
7 | Refusal | 111 |
8 | Don't know | 1330 |
9 | No answer | 34 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39552 | 1475 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
IMPCNTR Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe STILL CARD 14
B37. How about people from the poorer countries outside Europe?
Vrednost 116454 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Allow many to come and live here | 4884 |
2 | Allow some | 13948 |
3 | Allow a few | 13667 |
4 | Allow none | 6734 |
7 | Refusal | 119 |
8 | Don't know | 1621 |
9 | No answer | 54 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39233 | 1794 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
IMBGECO Immigration bad or good for country's economy CARD 15
B38. Would you say it is generally bad or good for [country]'s economy that people come to live here from other countries?
Vrednost 117453 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Bad for the economy | 1929 |
1 | 1 | 1620 |
2 | 2 | 2768 |
3 | 3 | 3931 |
4 | 4 | 3740 |
5 | 5 | 9377 |
6 | 6 | 4573 |
7 | 7 | 4981 |
8 | 8 | 3802 |
9 | 9 | 1112 |
10 | Good for the economy | 1140 |
77 | Refusal | 46 |
88 | Don't know | 1981 |
99 | No answer | 27 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38973 | 2054 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
IMUECLT Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants CARD 16
B39. And, using this card, would you say that [country]'s cultural life is generally undermined or enriched by people coming to live here from other countries?
Vrednost 118452 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Cultural life undermined | 1444 |
1 | 1 | 1250 |
2 | 2 | 2179 |
3 | 3 | 3134 |
4 | 4 | 3083 |
5 | 5 | 7474 |
6 | 6 | 4355 |
7 | 7 | 6048 |
8 | 8 | 5616 |
9 | 9 | 2156 |
10 | Cultural life enriched | 2232 |
77 | Refusal | 45 |
88 | Don't know | 1981 |
99 | No answer | 30 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38971 | 2056 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
IMWBCNT Immigrants make country worse or better place to live CARD 17
B40. Is [country] made a worse or a better place to live by people coming to live here from other countries?
Vrednost 119451 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Worse place to live | 1723 |
1 | 1 | 1446 |
2 | 2 | 2594 |
3 | 3 | 3821 |
4 | 4 | 4000 |
5 | 5 | 11625 |
6 | 6 | 4099 |
7 | 7 | 4283 |
8 | 8 | 3222 |
9 | 9 | 1079 |
10 | Better place to live | 1034 |
77 | Refusal | 54 |
88 | Don't know | 2021 |
99 | No answer | 26 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38926 | 2101 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
HAPPY How happy are you CARD 18
C1. Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are?
Vrednost 120450 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely unhappy | 311 |
1 | 1 | 309 |
2 | 2 | 650 |
3 | 3 | 1184 |
4 | 4 | 1560 |
5 | 5 | 4425 |
6 | 6 | 3523 |
7 | 7 | 7355 |
8 | 8 | 11002 |
9 | 9 | 6355 |
10 | Extremely happy | 4105 |
77 | Refusal | 18 |
88 | Don't know | 163 |
99 | No answer | 67 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40779 | 248 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
SCLMEET How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues CARD 19
C2. Using this card, how often do you meet socially with friends, relatives or work colleagues?
Vrednost 121449 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Never | 861 |
2 | Less than once a month | 3249 |
3 | Once a month | 3487 |
4 | Several times a month | 7656 |
5 | Once a week | 7166 |
6 | Several times a week | 11283 |
7 | Every day | 7153 |
77 | Refusal | 6 |
88 | Don't know | 147 |
99 | No answer | 19 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40855 | 172 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
INMDISC Anyone to discuss intimate and personal matters with
C3. Do you have anyone with whom you can discuss intimate and personal matters?
Vrednost 122448 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 36738 |
2 | No | 3944 |
7 | Refusal | 34 |
8 | Don't know | 253 |
9 | No answer | 58 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40682 | 345 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
SCLACT Take part in social activities compared to others of same age CARD 20
C4. Compared to other people of your age, how often would you say you take part in social activities ?
Vrednost 123447 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Much less than most | 4713 |
2 | Less than most | 10122 |
3 | About the same | 18413 |
4 | More than most | 5534 |
5 | Much more than most | 1228 |
7 | Refusal | 11 |
8 | Don't know | 965 |
9 | No answer | 41 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40010 | 1017 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
CRMVCT Respondent or household member victim of burglary/assault last 5 years
C5. Have you or a member of your household been the victim of a burglary or assault in the last 5 years?
Vrednost 124446 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 7222 |
2 | No | 33678 |
7 | Refusal | 14 |
8 | Don't know | 83 |
9 | No answer | 30 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40900 | 127 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
AESFDRK Feeling of safety of walking alone in local area after dark
C6. How safe do you - or would you - feel walking alone in this area after dark? Do - or would - you feel...
Vrednost 125445 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very safe | 10765 |
2 | Safe | 19869 |
3 | Unsafe | 8013 |
4 | Very unsafe | 1978 |
7 | Refusal | 9 |
8 | Don't know | 352 |
9 | No answer | 41 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40625 | 402 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
BRGHMWR How often worry about your home being burgled CARD 21
C7. How often, if at all, do you worry about your home being burgled?
Vrednost 126444 | Frekvenca | |
1 | All or most of the time | 2328 |
2 | Some of the time | 9186 |
3 | Just occasionally | 13865 |
4 | Never | 15336 |
7 | Refusal | 11 |
8 | Don't know | 286 |
9 | No answer | 15 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40715 | 312 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
BRGHMEF Worry about home burgled has effect on quality of life ASK IF ANY WORRY AT C7 (CODES 1,2,3)
C8. Does this worry about your home being burgled have a?
Vrednost 127443 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Serious effect on quality of life | 1619 |
2 | Some effect | 8246 |
3 | No real effect on quality of life | 15140 |
6 | Not applicable | 15627 |
7 | Refusal | 10 |
8 | Don't know | 263 |
9 | No answer | 122 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
25005 | 16022 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
CRVCTWR How often worry about becoming a victim of violent crime CARD 21 AGAIN
C9. How often, if at all, do you worry about becoming a victim of violent crime ? Please choose your answer from this card.
Vrednost 128442 | Frekvenca | |
1 | All or most of the time | 1310 |
2 | Some of the time | 6876 |
3 | Just occasionally | 14348 |
4 | Never | 18071 |
7 | Refusal | 16 |
8 | Don't know | 386 |
9 | No answer | 20 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40605 | 422 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
CRVCTEF Worry about becoming victim of violent crime has effect on quality of life ASK IF ANY WORRY AT C9 (CODES 1,2,3)
C10. Does this worry about becoming a victim of violent crime have a?
Vrednost 129441 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Serious effect on quality of life | 1455 |
2 | Some effect | 8116 |
3 | No real effect on quality of life | 12614 |
6 | Not applicable | 18469 |
7 | Refusal | 3 |
8 | Don't know | 247 |
9 | No answer | 123 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
22185 | 18842 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
TRRENYR How likely terrorist attack in Europe during next twelve months ASK ALL
C11. Do you think that a terrorist attack somewhere in Europe during the next twelve months is ?
Vrednost 130440 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very likely | 7147 |
2 | Likely | 19414 |
3 | Not very likely | 9361 |
4 | Not at all likely | 1803 |
7 | Refusal | 52 |
8 | Don't know | 3227 |
9 | No answer | 23 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37725 | 3302 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
TRRCNYR How likely terrorist attack in country during next twelve months
C12. Do you think that a terrorist attack somewhere in [COUNTRY] during the next twelve months is ?
Vrednost 131439 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very likely | 4280 |
2 | Likely | 11127 |
3 | Not very likely | 15937 |
4 | Not at all likely | 6885 |
7 | Refusal | 36 |
8 | Don't know | 2737 |
9 | No answer | 25 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38229 | 2798 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
TRRPRSN Terrorist suspect in prison until police satisfied READ OUT EACH STATEMENT AND CODE IN GRID
C13-14. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of these statements If a man is suspected of planning a terrorist attack in [COUNTRY], the police should have the power to keep him in prison until they are satisfied he was not involved.
Vrednost 132438 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 16115 |
2 | Agree | 16311 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 3933 |
4 | Disagree | 3058 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 745 |
7 | Refusal | 39 |
8 | Don't know | 795 |
9 | No answer | 31 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40162 | 865 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
TRRTORT Torture in country never justified even to prevent terrorist attack READ OUT EACH STATEMENT AND CODE IN GRID
C13-14. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of these statements Torturing a prisoner in a [COUNTRY] prison is never justified, even if it might provide information that could prevent a terrorist attack.
Vrednost 133437 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 11620 |
2 | Agree | 12647 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 6300 |
4 | Disagree | 6195 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2787 |
7 | Refusal | 56 |
8 | Don't know | 1384 |
9 | No answer | 38 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39549 | 1478 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
HEALTH Subjective general health
C15. How is your health in general? Would you say it is ...
Vrednost 134436 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very good | 8950 |
2 | Good | 16906 |
3 | Fair | 11311 |
4 | Bad | 3147 |
5 | Very bad | 674 |
7 | Refusal | 10 |
8 | Don't know | 21 |
9 | No answer | 8 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40988 | 39 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
HLTHHMP Hampered in daily activities by illness/disability/infirmary/mental problem
C16. Are you hampered in your daily activities in any way by any longstanding illness, or disability, infirmity or mental health problem? If yes, is that a lot or to some extent?
Vrednost 135435 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes a lot | 2634 |
2 | Yes to some extent | 7719 |
3 | No | 30513 |
7 | Refusal | 18 |
8 | Don't know | 83 |
9 | No answer | 60 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40866 | 161 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
RLGBLG Belonging to particular religion or denomination
C17. Do you consider yourself as belonging to any particular religion or denomination?
Vrednost 136434 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 25643 |
2 | No | 15194 |
7 | Refusal | 42 |
8 | Don't know | 120 |
9 | No answer | 28 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40837 | 190 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
RLGDNM Religion or denomination belonging to at present
C18. Which one?
Vrednost 137433 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Roman Catholic | 11040 |
2 | Protestant | 6299 |
3 | Eastern Orthodox | 4234 |
4 | Other Christian denomination | 434 |
5 | Jewish | 2086 |
6 | Islamic | 1274 |
7 | Eastern religions | 113 |
8 | Other non-Christian religions | 91 |
66 | Not applicable | 15356 |
77 | Refusal | 26 |
99 | No answer | 74 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
25571 | 15456 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
RLGDNCH Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Switzerland
C18CH. Which one? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 138432 | Frekvenca | |
110 | Roman catholic | 533 |
190 | Other catholic, denomination not specified | 5 |
191 | Christian catholic | 21 |
280 | Protestant reformed | 506 |
290 | Other protestant, denomination not specified | 17 |
390 | Orthodox (for example, Greek, Russian and Serbian Church) | 18 |
400 | Other Christian, denomination not specified | 27 |
500 | Jewish | 5 |
600 | Islamic | 65 |
710 | Buddhist | 7 |
720 | Hinduhist | 3 |
790 | Other Eastern religion, religion not specified | 3 |
800 | Other non-Christian religion, religion not specified | 18 |
6666 | Not applicable | 583 |
7777 | Refusal | 2 |
9999 | No answer | 6 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1228 | 39799 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 110 do 800
RLGDNCY Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Cyprus
C18CY. Which one? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 139431 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Roman Catholic | 1 |
13 | Maronites | 4 |
19 | Other Roman Catholic | 4 |
20 | Protestant | 0 |
31 | Greek Orthodox | 1165 |
32 | Russian Orthodox | 18 |
39 | Other Orthodox | 7 |
40 | Other Christian denomination | 2 |
50 | Jewish | 0 |
60 | Islamic | 2 |
70 | Eastern religions | 1 |
80 | Other non-Christian religions | 2 |
6666 | Not applicable | 9 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1206 | 39821 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 11 do 80
RLGDNFI Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Finland
C18FI. Which one? (Finland)
Vrednost 140430 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Protestant | 1231 |
2 | Eastern Orthodox | 26 |
3 | Other Christian denomination | 28 |
4 | Non-Christian religions | 8 |
6666 | Not applicable | 900 |
7777 | Refusal | 2 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38832 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1293 | 39734 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
RLGDNGB Religion or denomination belonging to at present, United Kingdom
C18GB. Which one? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 141429 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Roman Catholic | 227 |
2 | Church of England / Anglican | 565 |
3 | Church of Ireland | 8 |
4 | Baptist | 30 |
5 | Methodist | 48 |
6 | Presbyterian / Church of Scotland | 65 |
7 | United Reform Church / Congregational | 4 |
8 | Free Presbyterian | 1 |
9 | Brethren | 1 |
10 | Other Protestant (WRITE IN) | 33 |
11 | Greek or Russian Orthodox | 1 |
12 | Other Eastern Orthodox (WRITE IN) | 0 |
13 | Other Christian (WRITE IN) | 28 |
14 | Hindu | 10 |
15 | Sikh | 7 |
16 | Buddhist | 2 |
17 | Other Eastern Religions (WRITE IN) | 0 |
18 | Jewish | 10 |
19 | Islam / Muslim | 59 |
20 | Other non-Christian (WRITE IN) | 9 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1239 |
7777 | Refusal | 2 |
9999 | No answer | 3 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1108 | 39919 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20
RLGDNHU Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Hungary
Vrednost 142428 | Frekvenca | |
110 | Catholic (Roman) | 622 |
120 | Catholic (Ortodox) | 35 |
190 | Other Catholic (Roman) | 4 |
220 | Baptist | 3 |
250 | Evangelist (Lutheran) | 27 |
260 | Methodist | 0 |
270 | Pentecostist | 2 |
280 | Reformed (Calvinist) | 183 |
290 | Other protestant | 0 |
291 | Unitarianism | 1 |
300 | Eastern Orthodox | 0 |
410 | Mormons | 0 |
420 | Jehovah's witnessees | 10 |
450 | Other Christian religions | 0 |
491 | Adventist | 3 |
492 | Hit gyülekezete | 7 |
500 | Jewish | 2 |
600 | Muslim | 1 |
666 | Not applicable | 0 |
710 | Budhism | 2 |
720 | Hindu | 0 |
777 | Refusal | 0 |
790 | Other Eastern Religions/denomination | 0 |
791 | Krishna | 0 |
888 | Don't know | 0 |
890 | Other non-Christian religions | 0 |
998 | Other Religions | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 639 |
7777 | Refusal | 3 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
902 | 40125 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 110 do 998
RLGDNIL Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Israel
Vrednost 143427 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Roman Catholic | 28 |
2 | Protestant | 3 |
3 | Eastern Orthodox | 25 |
4 | Other Christian denomination | 5 |
5 | Jewish | 2034 |
7 | Eastern religions | 4 |
8 | Other non-Christian religions | 5 |
610 | Sunni | 247 |
670 | Druze | 62 |
690 | Other Islam denominations | 7 |
6666 | Not applicable | 32 |
7777 | Refusal | 2 |
9999 | No answer | 36 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2420 | 38607 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 690
RLGDNNL Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Netherlands
Vrednost 144426 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Rooms Katholiek | 350 |
2 | Protestant | 23 |
3 | Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN) | 142 |
4 | NH: midden orthodoxe richting | 3 |
5 | NH: confessionele richting | 6 |
6 | NH: gereformeerde bond | 9 |
7 | NH: vrijzinnige richting | 14 |
8 | NH: overige richtingen | 7 |
9 | NH: (geen verdere details gegeven) | 17 |
10 | GF: gereformeerde kerken (synodaal) | 11 |
11 | GF: gereformeerde kerken, vrijgemaakt (artikel 31) | 15 |
12 | GF: Nederlands gereformeerde kerken (buiten verband) | 1 |
13 | GF: christelijk gereformeerde kerk | 6 |
14 | GF: gereformeerde gemeenten | 11 |
15 | GF: oud gereformeerde gemeenten | 2 |
16 | GF: overige richting | 3 |
17 | GF: (geen verdere details gegeven) | 3 |
18 | Ander protestants kerkgenootschap | 9 |
19 | Oosters Orthodox Christelijke Kerk | 2 |
20 | Ander christelijk kerkgenootschap | 21 |
21 | Hindoeďsme | 8 |
22 | Boeddhisme | 4 |
23 | Andere oosterse religie | 2 |
24 | Jodendom | 8 |
25 | Islam/Moslim | 44 |
26 | Humanistisch Verbond | 2 |
27 | Andere niet-christelijke religie | 6 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1047 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
729 | 40298 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 27
RLGDNNO Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Norway
C18NO. Which one? (Norway)
Vrednost 145425 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Den norske kirke | 747 |
2 | Katolsk kirke | 24 |
3 | Ortodoks kirke (gresk, russisk, andre) | 2 |
4 | Andre protestantiske trossamfunn (f.eks. frikirker, anglikan | 45 |
5 | Andre kristne trossamfunn (f.eks. Jehovas vitner, mormonerne | 8 |
6 | Det mosaiske trossamfunn (jødisk) | 2 |
7 | Islam (muslimsk) | 18 |
8 | Østlige religioner (f.eks. Buddhisme, Hinduisme, Sikh, Shint | 12 |
9 | Andre ikke-kristne religioner | 11 |
6666 | Not applicable | 680 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
869 | 40158 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
RLGDNPL Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Poland
C18PL. Which one? (Poland)
Vrednost 146424 | Frekvenca | |
100 | Catholic (denomination not specified) | 271 |
110 | Roman Catholic Church | 1178 |
120 | Greek Catholic Church | 4 |
191 | Armenian Catholic Church | 0 |
199 | Other Catholic | 0 |
200 | Anglican | 2 |
220 | Baptists | 0 |
230 | Congregationalists | 0 |
240 | European Free Church (Anabaptists) | 0 |
250 | Lutheran, Evangelical Church | 1 |
260 | Methodist Church | 0 |
270 | Pentecostals Church | 2 |
280 | Reformed Churches/Presbyterian Church | 0 |
291 | The Seventh-day Adventist Church | 0 |
299 | Other Protestants, denomination not specified | 1 |
300 | Eastern Orthodox Church | 8 |
320 | Russian Orthodox Church | 0 |
330 | Polish Orthodox Church | 0 |
391 | Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church | 0 |
392 | The Eastern Old-Believer in Poland Church | 0 |
399 | Other Eastern Orthodox | 0 |
410 | Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Reorgan | 0 |
420 | Jehova’s Witnesses | 10 |
491 | The Old Catholic Mariavite Church | 0 |
492 | The Polish Catholic Church | 1 |
493 | The Catholic Mariavite Church | 0 |
494 | The Old Catholic Church | 0 |
499 | Other Christian denomination | 0 |
500 | Jewish | 0 |
600 | Islamic / Muslim | 0 |
610 | Sunni | 0 |
699 | Other Islamic | 1 |
700 | Eastern religions (Buddhist, Hindu, Krishna, Tao, Zen etc.) | 2 |
800 | Other Non-Christian Religions | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 137 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1481 | 39546 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 800
RLGDNPT Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Portugal
C18PT. Which one? (Portugal)
Vrednost 147423 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Católica | 1966 |
2 | Protestante | 27 |
3 | Ortodoxo | 11 |
4 | Islâmica\Muçulmana | 6 |
5 | Religiões Orientais (p.ex. Hindu) | 6 |
6 | Judaica | 1 |
7 | Outra Cristã | 30 |
8 | Outra não-Cristã | 1 |
6666 | Not applicable | 314 |
7777 | Refusal | 5 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2048 | 38979 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
RLGDNRU Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Russian Federation
C18RU. Which one? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 148422 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Roman Catholic | 7 |
2 | Protestant | 4 |
3 | Eastern Orthodox | 1205 |
5 | Jewish | 4 |
6 | Islamic | 129 |
220 | Baptists | 1 |
391 | Old Believers (pre-reform Russian Orthodox religion) | 1 |
420 | Jehova's Witnesses | 2 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1159 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1353 | 39674 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 420
RLGDNSE Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Sweden
C18SE. Which one? (Sweden)
Vrednost 149421 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Katolska kyrkan | 22 |
3 | Ortodoxa kyrkan | 9 |
4 | Annan kristen församling | 28 |
5 | Judisk | 4 |
6 | Islam | 25 |
7 | Österländsk religion | 2 |
8 | Annan icke-kristen religion | 4 |
290 | Annan protestantisk församling (t ex frikyrka) | 31 |
291 | Svenska kyrkan | 445 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1260 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
570 | 40457 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 291
RLGDNSK Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Slovakia
C18SK. Which one? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 150420 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Christian - without denomination | 62 |
2 | Roman Catholic | 1117 |
3 | Lutheran, Evangelical Church | 113 |
4 | Greek Catholic | 62 |
5 | Eastern Orthodox | 9 |
6 | Jehova´s Witnesses | 10 |
7 | Jewish | 1 |
8 | Islam | 2 |
9 | Hinduism | 1 |
10 | Buddhism | 0 |
11 | Other Pretestant | 12 |
12 | Other Roman Catholic | 0 |
13 | Other Christian denomination | 9 |
14 | Other Eastern Religions | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 411 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1398 | 39629 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
RLGBLGE Ever belonging to particular religion or denomination ASK IF NO RELIGION OR DENOMINATION AT C17 (codes 2 or 8 at C17)
C19. Have you ever considered yourself as belonging to any particular religion or denomination?
Vrednost 151419 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 3484 |
2 | No | 11672 |
6 | Not applicable | 25612 |
7 | Refusal | 39 |
8 | Don't know | 103 |
9 | No answer | 117 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
15156 | 25871 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
RLGDNME Religion or denomination belonging to in the past
C20. Which one?
Vrednost 152418 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Roman Catholic | 1796 |
2 | Protestant | 1369 |
3 | Eastern Orthodox | 92 |
4 | Other Christian denomination | 78 |
5 | Jewish | 10 |
6 | Islamic | 39 |
7 | Eastern religions | 31 |
8 | Other non-Christian religions | 33 |
66 | Not applicable | 37426 |
77 | Refusal | 19 |
99 | No answer | 134 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
3448 | 37579 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
RLGDECH Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Switzerland
C20CH. Which one? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 153417 | Frekvenca | |
110 | Roman catholic | 122 |
190 | Other catholic, denomination not specified | 0 |
191 | Christian catholic | 7 |
280 | Protestant reformed | 103 |
290 | Other protestant, denomination not specified | 3 |
390 | Orthodox (for example, Greek, Russian and Serbian Church) | 0 |
400 | Other Christian, denomination not specified | 2 |
500 | Jewish | 1 |
600 | Islamic | 4 |
710 | Buddhist | 2 |
720 | Hinduhist | 1 |
790 | Other Eastern religion, religion not specified | 0 |
800 | Other non-Christian religion, religion not specified | 4 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1561 |
7777 | Refusal | 4 |
9999 | No answer | 5 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
249 | 40778 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 110 do 800
RLGDECY Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Cyprus
C20CY. Which one? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 154416 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Roman Catholic | 0 |
13 | Maronites | 0 |
19 | Other Roman Catholic | 0 |
20 | Protestant | 0 |
31 | Greek Orthodox | 19 |
32 | Russian Orthodox | 0 |
39 | Other Orthodox | 0 |
40 | Other Christian denomination | 1 |
50 | Jewish | 0 |
60 | Islamic | 0 |
70 | Eastern religions | 0 |
80 | Other non-Christian religions | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1171 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 24 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
20 | 41007 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 11 do 80
RLGDEFI Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Finland
C20FI. Which one? (Finland)
Vrednost 155415 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Protestant | 199 |
2 | Eastern Orthodox | 2 |
3 | Other Christian denomination | 6 |
4 | Non-Christian religions | 1 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1986 |
7777 | Refusal | 1 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38832 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
208 | 40819 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
RLGDEGB Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, United Kingdom
C20GB. Which one? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 156414 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Roman Catholic | 62 |
2 | Church of England / Anglican | 171 |
3 | Church of Ireland | 4 |
4 | Baptist | 7 |
5 | Methodist | 20 |
6 | Presbyterian / Church of Scotland | 23 |
7 | United Reform Church / Congregational | 2 |
8 | Free Presbyterian | 0 |
9 | Brethren | 0 |
10 | Other Protestant (WRITE IN) | 6 |
11 | Greek or Russian Orthodox | 1 |
12 | Other Eastern Orthodox (WRITE IN) | 0 |
13 | Other Christian (WRITE IN) | 9 |
14 | Hindu | 2 |
15 | Sikh | 1 |
16 | Buddhist | 3 |
17 | Other Eastern Religions (WRITE IN) | 0 |
18 | Jewish | 2 |
19 | Islam / Muslim | 1 |
20 | Other non-Christian (WRITE IN) | 3 |
6666 | Not applicable | 2034 |
7777 | Refusal | 1 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
317 | 40710 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20
RLGDEHU Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Hungary
Vrednost 157413 | Frekvenca | |
110 | Catholic (Roman) | 71 |
120 | Catholic (Ortodox) | 8 |
190 | Other Catholic (Roman) | 0 |
220 | Baptist | 0 |
250 | Evangelist (Lutheran) | 2 |
260 | Methodist | 0 |
270 | Pentecostist | 0 |
280 | Reformed (Calvinist) | 18 |
290 | Other protestant | 0 |
291 | Unitarianism | 0 |
300 | Eastern Orthodox | 0 |
410 | Mormons | 0 |
420 | Jehovah's witnessees | 1 |
450 | Other Christian religions | 0 |
491 | Adventist | 0 |
492 | Hit gyülekezete | 2 |
500 | Jewish | 0 |
600 | Muslim | 0 |
666 | Not applicable | 0 |
710 | Budhism | 0 |
720 | Hindu | 0 |
777 | Refusal | 0 |
790 | Other Eastern Religions/denomination | 0 |
791 | Krishna | 0 |
888 | Don't know | 0 |
890 | Other non-Christian religions | 0 |
998 | Other Religions | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1439 |
7777 | Refusal | 3 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
102 | 40925 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 110 do 998
RLGDEIL Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Israel
Vrednost 158412 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Roman Catholic | 0 |
2 | Protestant | 0 |
3 | Eastern Orthodox | 0 |
4 | Other Christian denomination | 0 |
5 | Jewish | 4 |
7 | Eastern religions | 0 |
8 | Other non-Christian religions | 0 |
610 | Sunni | 0 |
670 | Druze | 0 |
690 | Other Islam denominations | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 2478 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 8 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
4 | 41023 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 690
RLGDENL Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Netherlands
Vrednost 159411 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Rooms Katholiek | 206 |
2 | Protestant | 31 |
3 | Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN) | 28 |
4 | NH: midden orthodoxe richting | 4 |
5 | NH: confessionele richting | 3 |
6 | NH: gereformeerde bond | 4 |
7 | NH: vrijzinnige richting | 15 |
8 | NH: overige richtingen | 4 |
9 | NH: (geen verdere details gegeven) | 19 |
10 | GF: gereformeerde kerken (synodaal) | 19 |
11 | GF: gereformeerde kerken, vrijgemaakt (artikel 31) | 3 |
12 | GF: Nederlands gereformeerde kerken (buiten verband) | 1 |
13 | GF: christelijk gereformeerde kerk | 4 |
14 | GF: gereformeerde gemeenten | 1 |
15 | GF: oud gereformeerde gemeenten | 0 |
16 | GF: overige richting | 1 |
17 | GF: (geen verdere details gegeven) | 2 |
18 | Ander protestants kerkgenootschap | 3 |
19 | Oosters Orthodox Christelijke Kerk | 0 |
20 | Ander christelijk kerkgenootschap | 5 |
21 | Hindoeďsme | 1 |
22 | Boeddhisme | 0 |
23 | Andere oosterse religie | 1 |
24 | Jodendom | 2 |
25 | Islam/Moslim | 1 |
26 | Humanistisch Verbond | 0 |
27 | Andere niet-christelijke religie | 5 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1414 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
363 | 40664 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 27
RLGDENO Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Norway
C20NO. Which one? (Norway)
Vrednost 160410 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Den norske kirke | 150 |
2 | Katolsk kirke | 7 |
3 | Ortodoks kirke (gresk, russisk, andre) | 1 |
4 | Andre protestantiske trossamfunn (f.eks. frikirker, anglikan | 10 |
5 | Andre kristne trossamfunn (f.eks. Jehovas vitner, mormonerne | 5 |
6 | Det mosaiske trossamfunn (jødisk) | 0 |
7 | Islam (muslimsk) | 4 |
8 | Østlige religioner (f.eks. Buddhisme, Hinduisme, Sikh, Shint | 0 |
9 | Andre ikke-kristne religioner | 2 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1370 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
179 | 40848 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
RLGDEPL Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Poland
C20PL. Which one? (Poland)
Vrednost 161409 | Frekvenca | |
100 | Catholic (denomination not specified) | 21 |
110 | Roman Catholic Church | 40 |
120 | Greek Catholic Church | 0 |
191 | Armenian Catholic Church | 0 |
199 | Other Catholic | 0 |
200 | Anglican | 0 |
220 | Baptists | 0 |
230 | Congregationalists | 0 |
240 | European Free Church (Anabaptists) | 0 |
250 | Lutheran, Evangelical Church | 0 |
260 | Methodist Church | 1 |
270 | Pentecostals Church | 0 |
280 | Reformed Churches/Presbyterian Church | 0 |
291 | The Seventh-day Adventist Church | 0 |
299 | Other Protestants, denomination not specified | 0 |
300 | Eastern Orthodox Church | 0 |
320 | Russian Orthodox Church | 0 |
330 | Polish Orthodox Church | 0 |
391 | Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church | 0 |
392 | The Eastern Old-Believer in Poland Church | 0 |
399 | Other Eastern Orthodox | 0 |
410 | Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Reorgan | 0 |
420 | Jehova’s Witnesses | 1 |
491 | The Old Catholic Mariavite Church | 0 |
492 | The Polish Catholic Church | 0 |
493 | The Catholic Mariavite Church | 0 |
494 | The Old Catholic Church | 0 |
499 | Other Christian denomination | 0 |
500 | Jewish | 0 |
600 | Islamic / Muslim | 0 |
610 | Sunni | 0 |
699 | Other Islamic | 0 |
700 | Eastern religions (Buddhist, Hindu, Krishna, Tao, Zen etc.) | 0 |
800 | Other Non-Christian Religions | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1554 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
63 | 40964 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 800
RLGDEPT Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Portugal
C20PT. Which one? (Portugal)
Vrednost 162408 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Católica | 121 |
2 | Protestante | 4 |
3 | Ortodoxo | 1 |
4 | Islâmica\Muçulmana | 1 |
5 | Religiões Orientais (p.ex. Hindu) | 0 |
6 | Judaica | 0 |
7 | Outra Cristã | 3 |
8 | Outra não-Cristã | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 2237 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
130 | 40897 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
RLGDERU Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Russian Federation
C20RU. Which one? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 163407 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Roman Catholic | 0 |
2 | Protestant | 0 |
3 | Eastern Orthodox | 36 |
5 | Jewish | 0 |
6 | Islamic | 2 |
220 | Baptists | 0 |
391 | Old Believers (pre-reform Russian Orthodox religion) | 0 |
420 | Jehova's Witnesses | 1 |
6666 | Not applicable | 2473 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39 | 40988 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 420
RLGDESE Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Sweden
C20SE. Which one? (Sweden)
Vrednost 164406 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Katolska kyrkan | 4 |
3 | Ortodoxa kyrkan | 1 |
4 | Annan kristen församling | 11 |
5 | Judisk | 0 |
6 | Islam | 6 |
7 | Österländsk religion | 2 |
8 | Annan icke-kristen religion | 1 |
290 | Annan protestantisk församling (t ex frikyrka) | 10 |
291 | Svenska kyrkan | 100 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1695 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
135 | 40892 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 291
RLGDESK Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Slovakia
C20SK. Which one? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 165405 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Christian - without denomination | 5 |
2 | Roman Catholic | 93 |
3 | Lutheran, Evangelical Church | 13 |
4 | Greek Catholic | 2 |
5 | Eastern Orthodox | 1 |
6 | Jehova´s Witnesses | 1 |
7 | Jewish | 0 |
8 | Islam | 0 |
9 | Hinduism | 0 |
10 | Buddhism | 1 |
11 | Other Pretestant | 0 |
12 | Other Roman Catholic | 0 |
13 | Other Christian denomination | 0 |
14 | Other Eastern Religions | 0 |
6666 | Not applicable | 1672 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 22 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
116 | 40911 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
RLGDGR How religious are you ASK ALL CARD 23
C21. Regardless of whether you belong to a particular religion, how religious would you say you are?
Vrednost 166404 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all religious | 5789 |
1 | 1 | 2441 |
2 | 2 | 3013 |
3 | 3 | 3367 |
4 | 4 | 2724 |
5 | 5 | 6919 |
6 | 6 | 3927 |
7 | 7 | 4541 |
8 | 8 | 3958 |
9 | 9 | 1745 |
10 | Very religious | 2276 |
77 | Refusal | 62 |
88 | Don't know | 212 |
99 | No answer | 53 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40700 | 327 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
RLGATND How often attend religious services apart from special occasions CARD 24
C22. Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services nowadays?
Vrednost 167403 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Every day | 559 |
2 | More than once a week | 1018 |
3 | Once a week | 4207 |
4 | At least once a month | 3787 |
5 | Only on special holy days | 8537 |
6 | Less often | 8451 |
7 | Never | 14155 |
77 | Refusal | 63 |
88 | Don't know | 236 |
99 | No answer | 14 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40714 | 313 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
PRAY How often pray apart from at religious services STILL CARD 24
C23. Apart from when you are at religious services, how often, if at all, do you pray?
Vrednost 168402 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Every day | 7909 |
2 | More than once a week | 3002 |
3 | Once a week | 2386 |
4 | At least once a month | 2302 |
5 | Only on special holy days | 2271 |
6 | Less often | 7074 |
7 | Never | 15299 |
77 | Refusal | 150 |
88 | Don't know | 609 |
99 | No answer | 25 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40243 | 784 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
DSCRGRP Member of a group discriminated against in this country ASK ALL
C24. Would you describe yourself as being a member of a group that is discriminated against in this country?
Vrednost 169401 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 2844 |
2 | No | 37756 |
7 | Refusal | 20 |
8 | Don't know | 364 |
9 | No answer | 43 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40600 | 427 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
DSCRRCE Discrimination of respondent's group: colour or race
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Colour or race
Vrednost 170400 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40607 |
1 | Marked | 420 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRNTN Discrimination of respondent's group: nationality
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Nationality
Vrednost 171399 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40515 |
1 | Marked | 512 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRRLG Discrimination of respondent's group: religion
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Religion
Vrednost 172398 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40567 |
1 | Marked | 460 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRLNG Discrimination of respondent's group: language
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Language
Vrednost 173397 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40737 |
1 | Marked | 290 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRETN Discrimination of respondent's group: ethnic group
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Ethnic group
Vrednost 174396 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40591 |
1 | Marked | 436 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRAGE Discrimination of respondent's group: age
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Age
Vrednost 175395 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40566 |
1 | Marked | 461 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRGND Discrimination of respondent's group: gender
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Gender
Vrednost 176394 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40714 |
1 | Marked | 313 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRSEX Discrimination of respondent's group: sexuality
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Sexuality
Vrednost 177393 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40891 |
1 | Marked | 136 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRDSB Discrimination of respondent's group: disability
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Disability
Vrednost 178392 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40799 |
1 | Marked | 228 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCROTH Discrimination of respondent's group: other grounds
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Other
Vrednost 179391 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40373 |
1 | Marked | 654 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRDK Discrimination of respondent's group: don't know
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Don't know
Vrednost 180390 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40995 |
1 | Marked | 32 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRREF Discrimination of respondent's group: refusal
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Refusal
Vrednost 181389 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 41024 |
1 | Marked | 3 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRNAP Discrimination of respondent's group: not applicable
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Not applicable
Vrednost 182388 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 2887 |
1 | Marked | 38140 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSCRNA Discrimination of respondent's group: no answer
C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? No answer
Vrednost 183387 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40958 |
1 | Marked | 69 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
CTZCNTR Citizen of country ASK ALL
C26. Are you a citizen of [country]?
Vrednost 184386 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 39452 |
2 | No | 1555 |
7 | Refusal | 3 |
8 | Don't know | 2 |
9 | No answer | 15 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41007 | 20 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
CTZSHIPB Citizenship
C27. What citizenship do you hold?
Vrednost 185385 | Frekvenca | |
01 | DDR | 0 |
02 | USSR | 2 |
03 | Czechoslovakia | 1 |
04 | Yugoslavia | 15 |
05 | East Timor | 0 |
06 | Serbia and Montenegro | 0 |
65 | Alien passport | 142 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 9 |
AD | Andorra | 0 |
AE | United Arab Emirates | 0 |
AF | Afghanistan | 3 |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 0 |
AI | Anguilla | 0 |
AL | Albania | 7 |
AM | Armenia | 4 |
AN | Netherlands Antilles | 2 |
AO | Angola | 7 |
AQ | Antarctica | 0 |
AR | Argentina | 8 |
AS | American Samoa | 0 |
AT | Austria | 19 |
AU | Australia | 2 |
AW | Aruba | 0 |
AX | Åland Islands | 0 |
AZ | Azerbaijan | 2 |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 13 |
BB | Barbados | 0 |
BD | Bangladesh | 0 |
BE | Belgium | 18 |
BF | Burkina Faso | 0 |
BG | Bulgaria | 12 |
BH | Bahrain | 0 |
BI | Burundi | 1 |
BJ | Benin | 0 |
BL | Saint Barthélemy | 0 |
BM | Bermuda | 0 |
BN | Brunei Darussalam | 1 |
BO | Bolivia | 17 |
BR | Brazil | 36 |
BS | Bahamas | 0 |
BT | Bhutan | 0 |
BV | Bouvet Island | 0 |
BW | Botswana | 0 |
BY | Belarus | 4 |
BZ | Belize | 0 |
CA | Canada | 5 |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 0 |
CD | Congo, The Democratic Republic of the | 2 |
CF | Central African Republic | 1 |
CG | Congo | 5 |
CH | Switzerland | 5 |
CI | Cote D'ivoire | 2 |
CK | Cook Islands | 0 |
CL | Chile | 4 |
CM | Cameroon | 5 |
CN | China | 17 |
CO | Colombia | 11 |
CR | Costa Rica | 0 |
CU | Cuba | 8 |
CV | Cape Verde | 3 |
CX | Christmas Island | 0 |
CY | Cyprus | 0 |
CZ | Czech Republic | 2 |
DE | Germany | 90 |
DJ | Djibouti | 0 |
DK | Denmark | 18 |
DM | Dominica | 1 |
DO | Dominican Republic | 1 |
DZ | Algeria | 8 |
EC | Ecuador | 20 |
EE | Estonia | 5 |
EG | Egypt | 0 |
EH | Western Sahara | 0 |
ER | Eritrea | 2 |
ES | Spain | 28 |
ET | Ethiopia | 0 |
FI | Finland | 24 |
FJ | Fiji | 0 |
FK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 0 |
FM | Micronesia, Federated States Of | 0 |
FO | Faroe Islands | 0 |
FR | France | 57 |
GA | Gabon | 1 |
GB | United Kingdom | 43 |
GD | Grenada | 0 |
GE | Georgia | 4 |
GF | French Guiana | 0 |
GH | Ghana | 2 |
GI | Gibraltar | 0 |
GL | Greenland | 0 |
GM | Gambia | 0 |
GN | Guinea | 0 |
GP | Guadeloupe | 0 |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | 0 |
GR | Greece | 21 |
GS | South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands | 0 |
GT | Guatemala | 1 |
GU | Guam | 0 |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | 2 |
GY | Guyana | 0 |
HK | Hong Kong | 0 |
HM | Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands | 0 |
HN | Honduras | 1 |
HR | Croatia | 11 |
HT | Haiti | 0 |
HU | Hungary | 8 |
ID | Indonesia | 2 |
IE | Ireland | 15 |
IL | Israel | 2 |
IN | India | 14 |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | 0 |
IQ | Iraq | 3 |
IR | Iran, Islamic Republic of | 5 |
IS | Iceland | 4 |
IT | Italy | 81 |
JM | Jamaica | 1 |
JO | Jordan | 0 |
JP | Japan | 3 |
KE | Kenya | 0 |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | 1 |
KH | Cambodia | 0 |
KI | Kiribati | 0 |
KM | Comoros | 0 |
KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 0 |
KP | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | 0 |
KR | Korea, Republic of | 0 |
KW | Kuwait | 0 |
KY | Cayman Islands | 0 |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 0 |
LA | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 0 |
LB | Lebanon | 1 |
LC | Saint Lucia | 0 |
LI | Liechtenstein | 0 |
LK | Sri Lanka | 5 |
LR | Liberia | 0 |
LS | Lesotho | 0 |
LT | Lithuania | 4 |
LU | Luxembourg | 1 |
LV | Latvia | 2 |
LY | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 0 |
MA | Morocco | 54 |
MC | Monaco | 0 |
MD | Moldova | 8 |
ME | Montenegro | 0 |
MF | Saint Martin | 0 |
MG | Madagascar | 0 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 0 |
MK | Macedonia | 12 |
ML | Mali | 0 |
MM | Myanmar | 0 |
MN | Mongolia | 0 |
MO | Macao | 0 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 0 |
MQ | Martinique | 0 |
MR | Mauritania | 0 |
MS | Montserrat | 0 |
MT | Malta | 0 |
MU | Mauritius | 2 |
MV | Maldives | 0 |
MW | Malawi | 0 |
MX | Mexico | 2 |
MY | Malaysia | 1 |
MZ | Mozambique | 0 |
NA | Namibia | 0 |
NC | New Caledonia | 0 |
NE | Niger | 0 |
NF | Norfolk Island | 0 |
NG | Nigeria | 7 |
NI | Nicaragua | 1 |
NL | Netherlands | 33 |
NO | Norway | 15 |
NP | Nepal | 1 |
NR | Nauru | 0 |
NU | Niue | 0 |
NZ | New Zealand | 1 |
OM | Oman | 0 |
PA | Panama | 1 |
PE | Peru | 11 |
PF | French Polynesia | 0 |
PG | Papua New Guinea | 0 |
PH | Philippines | 10 |
PK | Pakistan | 3 |
PL | Poland | 39 |
PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 0 |
PN | Pitcairn | 0 |
PR | Puerto Rico | 0 |
PS | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | 0 |
PT | Portugal | 51 |
PW | Palau | 0 |
PY | Paraguay | 1 |
QA | Qatar | 0 |
RE | Reunion | 0 |
RO | Romania | 38 |
RS | Serbia | 18 |
RU | Russian Federation | 149 |
RW | Rwanda | 0 |
SA | Saudi Arabia | 0 |
SB | Solomon Islands | 0 |
SC | Seychelles | 0 |
SD | Sudan | 0 |
SE | Sweden | 15 |
SG | Singapore | 2 |
SH | Saint Helena | 0 |
SI | Slovenia | 0 |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 0 |
SK | Slovakia | 6 |
SL | Sierra Leone | 1 |
SM | San Marino | 0 |
SN | Senegal | 6 |
SO | Somalia | 2 |
SR | Suriname | 0 |
ST | Sao Tome and Principe | 2 |
SV | El Salvador | 1 |
SY | Syrian Arab Republic | 2 |
SZ | Swaziland | 0 |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | 0 |
TD | Chad | 0 |
TF | French Southern Territories | 0 |
TG | Togo | 3 |
TH | Thailand | 6 |
TJ | Tajikistan | 1 |
TK | Tokelau | 0 |
TL | Timor-Leste | 0 |
TM | Turkmenistan | 0 |
TN | Tunisia | 8 |
TO | Tonga | 0 |
TR | Turkey | 50 |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | 0 |
TV | Tuvalu | 0 |
TW | Taiwan, Province of China | 0 |
TZ | Tanzania, United Republic of | 0 |
UA | Ukraine | 13 |
UG | Uganda | 0 |
UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 0 |
US | United States | 18 |
UY | Uruguay | 1 |
UZ | Uzbekistan | 2 |
VA | Holy See (Vatican City State) | 0 |
VC | Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | 0 |
VE | Venezuela | 0 |
VG | Virgin Islands, British | 0 |
VI | Virgin Islands, U.S. | 0 |
VN | Viet Nam | 1 |
VU | Vanuatu | 0 |
WF | Wallis and Futuna | 0 |
WS | Samoa | 0 |
YE | Yemen | 1 |
YT | Mayotte | 0 |
ZA | South Africa | 3 |
ZM | Zambia | 2 |
ZW | Zimbabwe | 2 |
66 | Not applicable | 39452 |
99 | No answer | 78 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1497 | 39530 |
BRNCNTR Born in country ASK ALL
C28. Were you born in [country]?
Vrednost 186384 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 37022 |
2 | No | 3949 |
7 | Refusal | 5 |
8 | Don't know | 1 |
9 | No answer | 50 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40971 | 56 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
CNTBRTHB Country of birth
C29. In which country were you born?
Vrednost 187383 | Frekvenca | |
01 | DDR | 0 |
02 | USSR | 3 |
03 | Czechoslovakia | 14 |
04 | Yugoslavia | 44 |
05 | East Timor | 0 |
06 | Serbia and Montenegro | 4 |
65 | Alien passport | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 15 |
88 | Don't know | 7 |
AD | Andorra | 0 |
AE | United Arab Emirates | 1 |
AF | Afghanistan | 10 |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 0 |
AI | Anguilla | 0 |
AL | Albania | 4 |
AM | Armenia | 12 |
AN | Netherlands Antilles | 7 |
AO | Angola | 35 |
AQ | Antarctica | 0 |
AR | Argentina | 29 |
AS | American Samoa | 0 |
AT | Austria | 31 |
AU | Australia | 9 |
AW | Aruba | 1 |
AX | Åland Islands | 0 |
AZ | Azerbaijan | 22 |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 69 |
BB | Barbados | 0 |
BD | Bangladesh | 3 |
BE | Belgium | 22 |
BF | Burkina Faso | 2 |
BG | Bulgaria | 31 |
BH | Bahrain | 0 |
BI | Burundi | 1 |
BJ | Benin | 0 |
BL | Saint Barthélemy | 0 |
BM | Bermuda | 0 |
BN | Brunei Darussalam | 1 |
BO | Bolivia | 18 |
BR | Brazil | 55 |
BS | Bahamas | 0 |
BT | Bhutan | 0 |
BV | Bouvet Island | 0 |
BW | Botswana | 0 |
BY | Belarus | 63 |
BZ | Belize | 0 |
CA | Canada | 18 |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 0 |
CD | Congo, The Democratic Republic of the | 3 |
CF | Central African Republic | 1 |
CG | Congo | 21 |
CH | Switzerland | 17 |
CI | Cote D'ivoire | 4 |
CK | Cook Islands | 0 |
CL | Chile | 10 |
CM | Cameroon | 6 |
CN | China | 23 |
CO | Colombia | 21 |
CR | Costa Rica | 0 |
CU | Cuba | 11 |
CV | Cape Verde | 9 |
CX | Christmas Island | 0 |
CY | Cyprus | 3 |
CZ | Czech Republic | 45 |
DE | Germany | 196 |
DJ | Djibouti | 0 |
DK | Denmark | 22 |
DM | Dominica | 0 |
DO | Dominican Republic | 4 |
DZ | Algeria | 35 |
EC | Ecuador | 26 |
EE | Estonia | 11 |
EG | Egypt | 17 |
EH | Western Sahara | 0 |
ER | Eritrea | 5 |
ES | Spain | 45 |
ET | Ethiopia | 19 |
FI | Finland | 53 |
FJ | Fiji | 0 |
FK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 0 |
FM | Micronesia, Federated States Of | 0 |
FO | Faroe Islands | 2 |
FR | France | 123 |
GA | Gabon | 1 |
GB | United Kingdom | 83 |
GD | Grenada | 0 |
GE | Georgia | 17 |
GF | French Guiana | 0 |
GH | Ghana | 7 |
GI | Gibraltar | 0 |
GL | Greenland | 5 |
GM | Gambia | 0 |
GN | Guinea | 8 |
GP | Guadeloupe | 2 |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | 0 |
GR | Greece | 35 |
GS | South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands | 0 |
GT | Guatemala | 2 |
GU | Guam | 0 |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | 4 |
GY | Guyana | 2 |
HK | Hong Kong | 4 |
HM | Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands | 0 |
HN | Honduras | 2 |
HR | Croatia | 40 |
HT | Haiti | 0 |
HU | Hungary | 29 |
ID | Indonesia | 21 |
IE | Ireland | 14 |
IL | Israel | 4 |
IN | India | 55 |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | 0 |
IQ | Iraq | 52 |
IR | Iran, Islamic Republic of | 51 |
IS | Iceland | 6 |
IT | Italy | 98 |
JM | Jamaica | 10 |
JO | Jordan | 3 |
JP | Japan | 3 |
KE | Kenya | 8 |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | 15 |
KH | Cambodia | 2 |
KI | Kiribati | 0 |
KM | Comoros | 3 |
KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 0 |
KP | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | 4 |
KR | Korea, Republic of | 8 |
KW | Kuwait | 0 |
KY | Cayman Islands | 0 |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 46 |
LA | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 1 |
LB | Lebanon | 17 |
LC | Saint Lucia | 1 |
LI | Liechtenstein | 1 |
LK | Sri Lanka | 16 |
LR | Liberia | 0 |
LS | Lesotho | 0 |
LT | Lithuania | 12 |
LU | Luxembourg | 2 |
LV | Latvia | 12 |
LY | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 10 |
MA | Morocco | 204 |
MC | Monaco | 0 |
MD | Moldova | 22 |
ME | Montenegro | 4 |
MF | Saint Martin | 0 |
MG | Madagascar | 3 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 0 |
MK | Macedonia | 12 |
ML | Mali | 1 |
MM | Myanmar | 0 |
MN | Mongolia | 0 |
MO | Macao | 2 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 0 |
MQ | Martinique | 2 |
MR | Mauritania | 0 |
MS | Montserrat | 1 |
MT | Malta | 3 |
MU | Mauritius | 4 |
MV | Maldives | 1 |
MW | Malawi | 0 |
MX | Mexico | 3 |
MY | Malaysia | 1 |
MZ | Mozambique | 12 |
NA | Namibia | 1 |
NC | New Caledonia | 0 |
NE | Niger | 0 |
NF | Norfolk Island | 0 |
NG | Nigeria | 14 |
NI | Nicaragua | 1 |
NL | Netherlands | 42 |
NO | Norway | 18 |
NP | Nepal | 1 |
NR | Nauru | 0 |
NU | Niue | 0 |
NZ | New Zealand | 3 |
OM | Oman | 0 |
PA | Panama | 2 |
PE | Peru | 15 |
PF | French Polynesia | 0 |
PG | Papua New Guinea | 0 |
PH | Philippines | 18 |
PK | Pakistan | 29 |
PL | Poland | 124 |
PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 0 |
PN | Pitcairn | 0 |
PR | Puerto Rico | 0 |
PS | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | 0 |
PT | Portugal | 57 |
PW | Palau | 0 |
PY | Paraguay | 2 |
QA | Qatar | 0 |
RE | Reunion | 0 |
RO | Romania | 115 |
RS | Serbia | 43 |
RU | Russian Federation | 492 |
RW | Rwanda | 1 |
SA | Saudi Arabia | 0 |
SB | Solomon Islands | 0 |
SC | Seychelles | 0 |
SD | Sudan | 1 |
SE | Sweden | 38 |
SG | Singapore | 3 |
SH | Saint Helena | 0 |
SI | Slovenia | 4 |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 0 |
SK | Slovakia | 7 |
SL | Sierra Leone | 2 |
SM | San Marino | 0 |
SN | Senegal | 10 |
SO | Somalia | 6 |
SR | Suriname | 23 |
ST | Sao Tome and Principe | 5 |
SV | El Salvador | 1 |
SY | Syrian Arab Republic | 13 |
SZ | Swaziland | 2 |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | 0 |
TD | Chad | 0 |
TF | French Southern Territories | 0 |
TG | Togo | 3 |
TH | Thailand | 11 |
TJ | Tajikistan | 9 |
TK | Tokelau | 0 |
TL | Timor-Leste | 0 |
TM | Turkmenistan | 4 |
TN | Tunisia | 43 |
TO | Tonga | 0 |
TR | Turkey | 100 |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | 1 |
TV | Tuvalu | 0 |
TW | Taiwan, Province of China | 0 |
TZ | Tanzania, United Republic of | 2 |
UA | Ukraine | 180 |
UG | Uganda | 5 |
UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 0 |
US | United States | 50 |
UY | Uruguay | 8 |
UZ | Uzbekistan | 36 |
VA | Holy See (Vatican City State) | 0 |
VC | Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | 0 |
VE | Venezuela | 7 |
VG | Virgin Islands, British | 0 |
VI | Virgin Islands, U.S. | 0 |
VN | Viet Nam | 8 |
VU | Vanuatu | 0 |
WF | Wallis and Futuna | 0 |
WS | Samoa | 0 |
YE | Yemen | 23 |
YT | Mayotte | 0 |
ZA | South Africa | 25 |
ZM | Zambia | 3 |
ZW | Zimbabwe | 9 |
66 | Not applicable | 37027 |
99 | No answer | 126 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
3874 | 37153 |
LIVECNTR How long ago first came to live in country CARD 25
C30. How long ago did you first come to live in [country]?
Vrednost 188382 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Within last year | 50 |
2 | 1-5 years ago | 412 |
3 | 6-10 years ago | 486 |
4 | 11-20 years ago | 900 |
5 | More than 20 years ago | 2048 |
6 | Not applicable | 37024 |
7 | Refusal | 5 |
8 | Don't know | 7 |
9 | No answer | 95 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
3896 | 37131 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
LNGHOMA Language most often spoken at home: first mentioned ASK ALL
C31. What language or languages do you speak most often at home? Language 1
Vrednost 189381 | Frekvenca | |
777 | Refusal | 7 |
888 | Don't know | 8 |
AAR | Afar | 0 |
ABK | Abkhazian | 0 |
ACE | Achinese | 0 |
ACH | Acoli | 0 |
ADA | Adangme | 0 |
AFA | Afro-Asiatic (Other) | 0 |
AFH | Afrihili | 0 |
AFR | Afrikaans | 1 |
AKA | Akan | 0 |
AKK | Akkadian | 0 |
ALB | Albanian | 41 |
ALE | Aleut | 0 |
ALG | Algonquian languages | 0 |
AMH | Amharic | 6 |
ANG | English, Old (ca.450-1100) | 0 |
APA | Apache languages | 0 |
ARA | Arabic | 428 |
ARC | Aramaic | 0 |
ARM | Armenian | 4 |
ARN | Araucanian | 0 |
ARP | Arapaho | 0 |
ART | Artificial (Other) | 0 |
ARW | Arawak | 0 |
ASM | Assamese | 0 |
AST | Asturian, Bable | 0 |
ATH | Athapascan languages | 0 |
AUS | Australian languages | 0 |
AVA | Avaric | 7 |
AVE | Avestan | 0 |
AWA | Awadhi | 0 |
AYM | Aymara | 0 |
AZE | Azerbaijani | 1 |
BAD | Banda | 0 |
BAI | Bamileke languages | 0 |
BAK | Bashkir | 4 |
BAL | Baluchi | 0 |
BAM | Bambara | 0 |
BAN | Balinese | 0 |
BAQ | Basque | 5 |
BAS | Basa | 0 |
BAT | Baltic (Other) | 0 |
BEJ | Beja | 0 |
BEL | Belarusian | 3 |
BEM | Bemba | 0 |
BEN | Bengali | 2 |
BER | Berber (Other) | 3 |
BHO | Bhojpuri | 0 |
BIH | Bihari | 0 |
BIK | Bikol | 0 |
BIN | Bini | 0 |
BIS | Bislama | 0 |
BLA | Siksika | 0 |
BNT | Bantu (Other) | 0 |
BOS | Bosnian | 21 |
BRA | Braj | 0 |
BRE | Breton | 5 |
BTK | Batak (Indonesia) | 0 |
BUA | Buriat | 0 |
BUG | Buginese | 0 |
BUL | Bulgarian | 1905 |
BUR | Burmese | 0 |
CAD | Caddo | 0 |
CAI | Central American Indian (Other) | 0 |
CAR | Carib | 0 |
CAT | Catalan | 174 |
CAU | Caucasian (Other) | 17 |
CEB | Cebuano | 0 |
CEL | Celtic (Other) | 0 |
CHA | Chamorro | 0 |
CHB | Chibcha | 0 |
CHE | Chechen | 0 |
CHG | Chagatai | 0 |
CHI | Chinese | 13 |
CHK | Chuukese | 0 |
CHM | Mari | 0 |
CHN | Chinook jargon | 0 |
CHO | Choctaw | 0 |
CHP | Chipewyan | 0 |
CHR | Cherokee | 0 |
CHU | Old/Church Slavic, Slavonic, Bulgarian | 0 |
CHV | Chuvash | 0 |
CHY | Cheyenne | 0 |
CMC | Chamic languages | 0 |
COP | Coptic | 0 |
COR | Cornish | 0 |
COS | Corsican | 0 |
CPE | Creoles and pidgins, English-based (Other) | 0 |
CPF | Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other) | 1 |
CPP | Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other) | 6 |
CRE | Cree | 0 |
CRP | Creoles and pidgins(Other) | 0 |
CUS | Cushitic (Other) | 0 |
CZE | Czech | 4 |
DAK | Dakota | 0 |
DAN | Danish | 1530 |
DAY | Dayak | 0 |
DEL | Delaware | 0 |
DEN | Slave (Athapascan) | 0 |
DGR | Dogrib | 0 |
DIN | Dinka | 0 |
DIV | Divehi | 0 |
DOI | Dogri | 0 |
DRA | Dravidian (Other) | 0 |
DUA | Duala | 0 |
DUM | Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350) | 0 |
DUT | Dutch | 2716 |
DYU | Dyula | 0 |
DZO | Dzongkha | 0 |
EFI | Efik | 0 |
EGY | Egyptian (Ancient) | 0 |
EKA | Ekajuk | 0 |
ELX | Elamite | 0 |
ENG | English | 2382 |
ENM | English, Middle (1100-1500) | 0 |
EPO | Esperanto | 0 |
EST | Estonian | 1155 |
EWE | Ewe | 0 |
EWO | Ewondo | 0 |
FAN | Fang | 0 |
FAO | Faroese | 2 |
FAT | Fanti | 0 |
FIJ | Fijian | 0 |
FIN | Finnish | 2059 |
FIU | Finno-Ugrian (Other) | 1 |
FON | Fon | 0 |
FRE | French | 2986 |
FRM | French, Middle (ca.1400-1600) | 0 |
FRO | French, Old (842-ca.1400) | 0 |
FRY | Frisian | 33 |
FUL | Fulah | 0 |
FUR | Friulian | 0 |
GAA | Ga | 0 |
GAY | Gayo | 0 |
GBA | Gbaya | 0 |
GEM | Germanic (Other) | 9 |
GEO | Georgian | 5 |
GER | German | 3870 |
GEZ | Geez | 0 |
GIL | Gilbertese | 0 |
GLA | Gaelic Scottish | 1 |
GLE | Irish | 0 |
GLG | Gallegan | 108 |
GLV | Manx | 0 |
GMH | German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500) | 0 |
GOH | German, Old High (ca.750-1050) | 0 |
GON | Gondi | 0 |
GOR | Gorontalo | 0 |
GOT | Gothic | 0 |
GRB | Grebo | 0 |
GRC | Greek, Ancient (to 1453) | 0 |
GRE | Greek, Modern (1453-) | 1191 |
GRN | Guarani | 0 |
GUJ | Gujarati | 7 |
GWI | Gwich´in | 0 |
HAI | Haida | 0 |
HAU | Hausa | 0 |
HAW | Hawaiian | 0 |
HEB | Hebrew | 1803 |
HER | Herero | 0 |
HIL | Hiligaynon | 0 |
HIM | Himachali | 0 |
HIN | Hindi | 12 |
HIT | Hittite | 0 |
HMN | Hmong | 0 |
HMO | Hiri Motu | 0 |
HUN | Hungarian | 1732 |
HUP | Hupa | 0 |
IBA | Iban | 0 |
IBO | Igbo | 1 |
ICE | Icelandic | 4 |
IDO | Ido | 0 |
IJO | Ijo | 0 |
IKU | Inuktitut | 1 |
ILE | Interlingue | 0 |
ILO | Iloko | 0 |
INA | Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) | 0 |
INC | Indic (Other) | 0 |
IND | Indonesian | 0 |
INE | Indo-European (Other) | 0 |
IPK | Inupiaq | 0 |
IRA | Iranian (Other) | 10 |
IRO | Iroquoian languages | 0 |
ITA | Italian | 118 |
JAV | Javanese | 0 |
JPN | Japanese | 1 |
JPR | Judeo-Persian | 0 |
JRB | Judeo-Arabic | 0 |
KAA | Kara-Kalpak | 0 |
KAB | Kabyle | 2 |
KAC | Kachin | 0 |
KAL | Kalaallisut | 0 |
KAM | Kamba | 0 |
KAN | Kannada | 0 |
KAR | Karen | 0 |
KAS | Kashmiri | 0 |
KAU | Kanuri | 0 |
KAW | Kawi | 0 |
KAZ | Kazakh | 0 |
KHA | Khasi | 0 |
KHI | Khoisan (Other) | 0 |
KHM | Khmer | 0 |
KHO | Khotanese | 0 |
KIK | Kikuyu | 0 |
KIN | Kinyarwanda | 0 |
KIR | Kirghiz | 0 |
KMB | Kimbundu | 0 |
KOK | Konkani | 0 |
KOM | Komi | 0 |
KON | Kongo | 0 |
KOR | Korean | 0 |
KOS | Kosraean | 0 |
KPE | Kpelle | 0 |
KRO | Kru | 0 |
KRU | Kurukh | 0 |
KUA | Kuanyama | 0 |
KUM | Kumyk | 5 |
KUR | Kurdish | 13 |
KUT | Kutenai | 0 |
LAD | Ladino | 0 |
LAH | Lahnda | 0 |
LAM | Lamba | 0 |
LAO | Lao | 0 |
LAT | Latin | 0 |
LAV | Latvian | 0 |
LEZ | Lezghian | 0 |
LIN | Lingala | 3 |
LIT | Lithuanian | 1 |
LOL | Mongo | 0 |
LOZ | Lozi | 0 |
LTZ | Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch | 0 |
LUA | Luba-Lulua | 0 |
LUB | Luba-Katanga | 0 |
LUG | Ganda | 0 |
LUI | Luiseno | 0 |
LUN | Lunda | 0 |
LUO | Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) | 0 |
LUS | Lushai | 0 |
MAC | Macedonian | 4 |
MAD | Madurese | 0 |
MAG | Magahi | 0 |
MAH | Marshallese | 0 |
MAI | Maithili | 0 |
MAK | Makasar | 0 |
MAL | Malayalam | 2 |
MAN | Mandingo | 0 |
MAO | Maori | 0 |
MAP | Austronesian (Other) | 0 |
MAR | Marathi | 0 |
MAS | Masai | 0 |
MAY | Malay | 0 |
MDR | Mandar | 1 |
MEN | Mende | 0 |
MGA | Irish, Middle (900-1200) | 0 |
MIC | Micmac | 0 |
MIN | Minangkabau | 0 |
MIS | Miscellaneous languages | 0 |
MKH | Mon-Khmer (Other) | 0 |
MLG | Malagasy | 2 |
MLT | Maltese | 0 |
MNC | Manchu | 0 |
MNI | Manipuri | 0 |
MNO | Manobo languages | 0 |
MOH | Mohawk | 0 |
MOL | Moldavian | 2 |
MON | Mongolian | 0 |
MOS | Mossi | 0 |
MUL | Multiple languages | 0 |
MUN | Munda languages | 0 |
MUS | Creek | 1 |
MWR | Marwari | 0 |
MYN | Mayan languages | 0 |
NAH | Nahuatl | 0 |
NAI | North American Indian (Other) | 0 |
NAU | Nauru | 0 |
NAV | Navaho | 0 |
NBL | Ndebele, South | 0 |
NDE | Ndebele, North | 0 |
NDO | Ndonga | 0 |
NDS | Low German, Saxon | 0 |
NEP | Nepali | 0 |
NEW | Newari | 0 |
NIA | Nias | 0 |
NIC | Niger-Kordofanian (Other) | 1 |
NIU | Niuean | 0 |
NNO | Norwegian Nynorsk | 0 |
NOB | Norwegian Bokmål | 0 |
NON | Norse, Old | 0 |
NOR | Norwegian | 1476 |
NSO | Sotho, Northern | 0 |
NUB | Nubian languages | 0 |
NYA | Chewa, Chichewa, Nyanja | 0 |
NYM | Nyamwezi | 0 |
NYN | Nyankole | 0 |
NYO | Nyoro | 0 |
NZI | Nzima | 0 |
OCI | Provençal, Occitan (post 1500) | 0 |
OJI | Ojibwa | 0 |
ORI | Oriya | 0 |
ORM | Oromo | 0 |
OSA | Osage | 0 |
OSS | Ossetian | 15 |
OTA | Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928) | 0 |
OTO | Otomian languages | 0 |
PAA | Papuan (Other) | 0 |
PAG | Pangasinan | 0 |
PAL | Pahlavi | 0 |
PAM | Pampanga | 0 |
PAN | Panjabi | 18 |
PAP | Papiamento | 3 |
PAU | Palauan | 0 |
PEO | Persian, Old (ca.600-400) | 0 |
PER | Persian | 14 |
PHI | Philippine (Other) | 2 |
PHN | Phoenician | 0 |
PLI | Pali | 0 |
POL | Polish | 1657 |
PON | Pohnpeian | 0 |
POR | Portuguese | 2379 |
PRA | Prakrit languages | 0 |
PRO | Provençal, Old (to 1500) | 0 |
PUS | Pushto | 3 |
QAA | Local language, Italy | 0 |
QUE | Quechua | 0 |
RAJ | Rajasthani | 0 |
RAP | Rapanui | 0 |
RAR | Rarotongan | 0 |
ROA | Romance (Other) | 0 |
ROH | Raeto-Romance | 5 |
ROM | Romany | 85 |
RUM | Romanian | 27 |
RUN | Rundi | 0 |
RUS | Russian | 3152 |
SAD | Sandawe | 0 |
SAG | Sango | 0 |
SAH | Yakut | 0 |
SAI | South American Indian (Other) | 0 |
SAL | Salishan languages | 0 |
SAM | Samaritan Aramaic | 0 |
SAN | Sanskrit | 0 |
SAS | Sasak | 0 |
SAT | Santali | 0 |
SCC | Serbian | 30 |
SCO | Scots | 0 |
SCR | Croatian | 16 |
SEL | Selkup | 0 |
SEM | Semitic (Other) | 0 |
SGA | Irish, Old (to 900) | 0 |
SGN | Sign languages | 1 |
SHN | Shan | 0 |
SID | Sidamo | 0 |
SIN | Sinhalese | 1 |
SIO | Siouan languages | 0 |
SIT | Sino-Tibetan (Other) | 0 |
SLA | Slavic (Other) | 9 |
SLO | Slovak | 1594 |
SLV | Slovenian | 1260 |
SMA | Southern Sami | 0 |
SME | Northern Sami | 0 |
SMI | Sami languages (Other) | 2 |
SMJ | Lule Sami | 0 |
SMN | Inari Sami | 0 |
SMO | Samoan | 0 |
SMS | Skolt Sami | 0 |
SNA | Shona | 0 |
SND | Sindhi | 0 |
SNK | Soninke | 0 |
SOG | Sogdian | 0 |
SOM | Somali | 4 |
SON | Songhai | 0 |
SOT | Sotho, Southern | 0 |
SPA | Spanish, Castilian | 2314 |
SRD | Sardinian | 0 |
SRR | Serer | 0 |
SSA | Nilo-Saharan (Other) | 0 |
SSW | Swati | 0 |
SUK | Sukuma | 0 |
SUN | Sundanese | 4 |
SUS | Susu | 0 |
SUX | Sumerian | 0 |
SWA | Swahili | 3 |
SWE | Swedish | 1858 |
SYR | Syriac | 3 |
TAH | Tahitian | 0 |
TAI | Tai (Other) | 0 |
TAM | Tamil | 9 |
TAT | Tatar | 45 |
TEL | Telugu | 1 |
TEM | Timne | 0 |
TER | Tereno | 0 |
TET | Tetum | 0 |
TGK | Tajik | 1 |
TGL | Tagalog | 0 |
THA | Thai | 2 |
TIB | Tibetan | 0 |
TIG | Tigre | 0 |
TIR | Tigrinya | 2 |
TIV | Tiv | 0 |
TKL | Tokelau | 0 |
TLI | Tlingit | 0 |
TMH | Tamashek | 0 |
TOG | Tonga (Nyasa) | 0 |
TON | Tonga (Tonga Islands) | 0 |
TPI | Tok Pisin | 0 |
TSI | Tsimshian | 0 |
TSN | Tswana | 0 |
TSO | Tsonga | 0 |
TUK | Turkmen | 0 |
TUM | Tumbuka | 0 |
TUP | Tupi languages | 0 |
TUR | Turkish | 334 |
TUT | Altaic (Other) | 0 |
TVL | Tuvalu | 0 |
TWI | Twi | 0 |
TYV | Tuvinian | 0 |
UGA | Ugaritic | 0 |
UIG | Uighur | 0 |
UKR | Ukrainian | 7 |
UMB | Umbundu | 0 |
UND | Undetermined | 3 |
URD | Urdu | 19 |
UZB | Uzbek | 2 |
VAI | Vai | 0 |
VEN | Venda | 0 |
VIE | Vietnamese | 5 |
VOL | Volapük | 0 |
VOT | Votic | 13 |
WAK | Wakashan languages | 0 |
WAL | Walamo | 0 |
WAR | Waray | 0 |
WAS | Washo | 0 |
WEL | Welsh | 2 |
WEN | Sorbian languages | 0 |
WLN | Walloon | 2 |
WOL | Wolof | 1 |
XHO | Xhosa | 0 |
YAO | Yao | 0 |
YAP | Yapese | 0 |
YID | Yiddish | 24 |
YOR | Yoruba | 1 |
YPK | Yupik languages | 0 |
ZAP | Zapotec | 0 |
ZEN | Zenaga | 0 |
ZHA | Zhuang, Chuang | 0 |
ZND | Zande | 0 |
ZUL | Zulu | 0 |
ZUN | Zuni | 0 |
999 | No answer | 179 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40848 | 179 |
LNGHOMB Language most often spoken at home: second mentioned ASK ALL
C31. What language or languages do you speak most often at home? Language 2
Vrednost 190380 | Frekvenca | |
777 | Refusal | 33 |
888 | Don't know | 61 |
AAR | Afar | 0 |
ABK | Abkhazian | 0 |
ACE | Achinese | 0 |
ACH | Acoli | 0 |
ADA | Adangme | 0 |
AFA | Afro-Asiatic (Other) | 0 |
AFH | Afrihili | 0 |
AFR | Afrikaans | 1 |
AKA | Akan | 0 |
AKK | Akkadian | 0 |
ALB | Albanian | 13 |
ALE | Aleut | 0 |
ALG | Algonquian languages | 0 |
AMH | Amharic | 10 |
ANG | English, Old (ca.450-1100) | 0 |
APA | Apache languages | 0 |
ARA | Arabic | 169 |
ARC | Aramaic | 1 |
ARM | Armenian | 8 |
ARN | Araucanian | 0 |
ARP | Arapaho | 0 |
ART | Artificial (Other) | 0 |
ARW | Arawak | 0 |
ASM | Assamese | 0 |
AST | Asturian, Bable | 0 |
ATH | Athapascan languages | 0 |
AUS | Australian languages | 0 |
AVA | Avaric | 4 |
AVE | Avestan | 0 |
AWA | Awadhi | 0 |
AYM | Aymara | 0 |
AZE | Azerbaijani | 10 |
BAD | Banda | 0 |
BAI | Bamileke languages | 0 |
BAK | Bashkir | 10 |
BAL | Baluchi | 0 |
BAM | Bambara | 1 |
BAN | Balinese | 0 |
BAQ | Basque | 35 |
BAS | Basa | 1 |
BAT | Baltic (Other) | 0 |
BEJ | Beja | 0 |
BEL | Belarusian | 2 |
BEM | Bemba | 0 |
BEN | Bengali | 2 |
BER | Berber (Other) | 8 |
BHO | Bhojpuri | 0 |
BIH | Bihari | 0 |
BIK | Bikol | 0 |
BIN | Bini | 0 |
BIS | Bislama | 0 |
BLA | Siksika | 0 |
BNT | Bantu (Other) | 0 |
BOS | Bosnian | 16 |
BRA | Braj | 0 |
BRE | Breton | 0 |
BTK | Batak (Indonesia) | 1 |
BUA | Buriat | 0 |
BUG | Buginese | 0 |
BUL | Bulgarian | 111 |
BUR | Burmese | 0 |
CAD | Caddo | 0 |
CAI | Central American Indian (Other) | 0 |
CAR | Carib | 0 |
CAT | Catalan | 202 |
CAU | Caucasian (Other) | 4 |
CEB | Cebuano | 0 |
CEL | Celtic (Other) | 0 |
CHA | Chamorro | 0 |
CHB | Chibcha | 0 |
CHE | Chechen | 1 |
CHG | Chagatai | 0 |
CHI | Chinese | 10 |
CHK | Chuukese | 0 |
CHM | Mari | 0 |
CHN | Chinook jargon | 0 |
CHO | Choctaw | 0 |
CHP | Chipewyan | 0 |
CHR | Cherokee | 0 |
CHU | Old/Church Slavic, Slavonic, Bulgarian | 0 |
CHV | Chuvash | 2 |
CHY | Cheyenne | 0 |
CMC | Chamic languages | 0 |
COP | Coptic | 0 |
COR | Cornish | 0 |
COS | Corsican | 0 |
CPE | Creoles and pidgins, English-based (Other) | 6 |
CPF | Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other) | 1 |
CPP | Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other) | 0 |
CRE | Cree | 0 |
CRP | Creoles and pidgins(Other) | 1 |
CUS | Cushitic (Other) | 0 |
CZE | Czech | 17 |
DAK | Dakota | 0 |
DAN | Danish | 7 |
DAY | Dayak | 0 |
DEL | Delaware | 0 |
DEN | Slave (Athapascan) | 1 |
DGR | Dogrib | 0 |
DIN | Dinka | 0 |
DIV | Divehi | 0 |
DOI | Dogri | 0 |
DRA | Dravidian (Other) | 0 |
DUA | Duala | 0 |
DUM | Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350) | 0 |
DUT | Dutch | 94 |
DYU | Dyula | 0 |
DZO | Dzongkha | 0 |
EFI | Efik | 0 |
EGY | Egyptian (Ancient) | 0 |
EKA | Ekajuk | 0 |
ELX | Elamite | 0 |
ENG | English | 839 |
ENM | English, Middle (1100-1500) | 0 |
EPO | Esperanto | 0 |
EST | Estonian | 4 |
EWE | Ewe | 0 |
EWO | Ewondo | 0 |
FAN | Fang | 1 |
FAO | Faroese | 1 |
FAT | Fanti | 0 |
FIJ | Fijian | 0 |
FIN | Finnish | 63 |
FIU | Finno-Ugrian (Other) | 1 |
FON | Fon | 0 |
FRE | French | 326 |
FRM | French, Middle (ca.1400-1600) | 0 |
FRO | French, Old (842-ca.1400) | 0 |
FRY | Frisian | 16 |
FUL | Fulah | 0 |
FUR | Friulian | 0 |
GAA | Ga | 0 |
GAY | Gayo | 0 |
GBA | Gbaya | 0 |
GEM | Germanic (Other) | 28 |
GEO | Georgian | 1 |
GER | German | 396 |
GEZ | Geez | 0 |
GIL | Gilbertese | 0 |
GLA | Gaelic Scottish | 0 |
GLE | Irish | 0 |
GLG | Gallegan | 258 |
GLV | Manx | 0 |
GMH | German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500) | 0 |
GOH | German, Old High (ca.750-1050) | 0 |
GON | Gondi | 0 |
GOR | Gorontalo | 0 |
GOT | Gothic | 0 |
GRB | Grebo | 0 |
GRC | Greek, Ancient (to 1453) | 0 |
GRE | Greek, Modern (1453-) | 32 |
GRN | Guarani | 0 |
GUJ | Gujarati | 1 |
GWI | Gwich´in | 0 |
HAI | Haida | 0 |
HAU | Hausa | 0 |
HAW | Hawaiian | 0 |
HEB | Hebrew | 360 |
HER | Herero | 0 |
HIL | Hiligaynon | 0 |
HIM | Himachali | 0 |
HIN | Hindi | 15 |
HIT | Hittite | 0 |
HMN | Hmong | 0 |
HMO | Hiri Motu | 0 |
HUN | Hungarian | 85 |
HUP | Hupa | 0 |
IBA | Iban | 0 |
IBO | Igbo | 0 |
ICE | Icelandic | 3 |
IDO | Ido | 0 |
IJO | Ijo | 0 |
IKU | Inuktitut | 0 |
ILE | Interlingue | 0 |
ILO | Iloko | 0 |
INA | Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) | 0 |
INC | Indic (Other) | 0 |
IND | Indonesian | 2 |
INE | Indo-European (Other) | 0 |
IPK | Inupiaq | 0 |
IRA | Iranian (Other) | 12 |
IRO | Iroquoian languages | 0 |
ITA | Italian | 116 |
JAV | Javanese | 0 |
JPN | Japanese | 4 |
JPR | Judeo-Persian | 0 |
JRB | Judeo-Arabic | 0 |
KAA | Kara-Kalpak | 0 |
KAB | Kabyle | 0 |
KAC | Kachin | 0 |
KAL | Kalaallisut | 0 |
KAM | Kamba | 0 |
KAN | Kannada | 1 |
KAR | Karen | 0 |
KAS | Kashmiri | 0 |
KAU | Kanuri | 0 |
KAW | Kawi | 0 |
KAZ | Kazakh | 0 |
KHA | Khasi | 0 |
KHI | Khoisan (Other) | 0 |
KHM | Khmer | 0 |
KHO | Khotanese | 0 |
KIK | Kikuyu | 0 |
KIN | Kinyarwanda | 1 |
KIR | Kirghiz | 0 |
KMB | Kimbundu | 0 |
KOK | Konkani | 0 |
KOM | Komi | 1 |
KON | Kongo | 1 |
KOR | Korean | 0 |
KOS | Kosraean | 0 |
KPE | Kpelle | 0 |
KRO | Kru | 0 |
KRU | Kurukh | 0 |
KUA | Kuanyama | 0 |
KUM | Kumyk | 6 |
KUR | Kurdish | 6 |
KUT | Kutenai | 0 |
LAD | Ladino | 0 |
LAH | Lahnda | 0 |
LAM | Lamba | 0 |
LAO | Lao | 0 |
LAT | Latin | 2 |
LAV | Latvian | 1 |
LEZ | Lezghian | 3 |
LIN | Lingala | 3 |
LIT | Lithuanian | 0 |
LOL | Mongo | 0 |
LOZ | Lozi | 0 |
LTZ | Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch | 0 |
LUA | Luba-Lulua | 0 |
LUB | Luba-Katanga | 0 |
LUG | Ganda | 0 |
LUI | Luiseno | 0 |
LUN | Lunda | 0 |
LUO | Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) | 0 |
LUS | Lushai | 0 |
MAC | Macedonian | 1 |
MAD | Madurese | 0 |
MAG | Magahi | 0 |
MAH | Marshallese | 0 |
MAI | Maithili | 0 |
MAK | Makasar | 0 |
MAL | Malayalam | 0 |
MAN | Mandingo | 1 |
MAO | Maori | 0 |
MAP | Austronesian (Other) | 0 |
MAR | Marathi | 0 |
MAS | Masai | 0 |
MAY | Malay | 0 |
MDR | Mandar | 0 |
MEN | Mende | 0 |
MGA | Irish, Middle (900-1200) | 0 |
MIC | Micmac | 0 |
MIN | Minangkabau | 0 |
MIS | Miscellaneous languages | 0 |
MKH | Mon-Khmer (Other) | 0 |
MLG | Malagasy | 0 |
MLT | Maltese | 0 |
MNC | Manchu | 0 |
MNI | Manipuri | 0 |
MNO | Manobo languages | 0 |
MOH | Mohawk | 0 |
MOL | Moldavian | 4 |
MON | Mongolian | 1 |
MOS | Mossi | 0 |
MUL | Multiple languages | 0 |
MUN | Munda languages | 0 |
MUS | Creek | 0 |
MWR | Marwari | 0 |
MYN | Mayan languages | 0 |
NAH | Nahuatl | 0 |
NAI | North American Indian (Other) | 0 |
NAU | Nauru | 0 |
NAV | Navaho | 0 |
NBL | Ndebele, South | 0 |
NDE | Ndebele, North | 0 |
NDO | Ndonga | 0 |
NDS | Low German, Saxon | 0 |
NEP | Nepali | 1 |
NEW | Newari | 0 |
NIA | Nias | 0 |
NIC | Niger-Kordofanian (Other) | 1 |
NIU | Niuean | 0 |
NNO | Norwegian Nynorsk | 0 |
NOB | Norwegian Bokmål | 0 |
NON | Norse, Old | 0 |
NOR | Norwegian | 25 |
NSO | Sotho, Northern | 0 |
NUB | Nubian languages | 0 |
NYA | Chewa, Chichewa, Nyanja | 0 |
NYM | Nyamwezi | 0 |
NYN | Nyankole | 0 |
NYO | Nyoro | 0 |
NZI | Nzima | 0 |
OCI | Provençal, Occitan (post 1500) | 0 |
OJI | Ojibwa | 0 |
ORI | Oriya | 0 |
ORM | Oromo | 0 |
OSA | Osage | 0 |
OSS | Ossetian | 3 |
OTA | Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928) | 0 |
OTO | Otomian languages | 0 |
PAA | Papuan (Other) | 0 |
PAG | Pangasinan | 0 |
PAL | Pahlavi | 0 |
PAM | Pampanga | 0 |
PAN | Panjabi | 3 |
PAP | Papiamento | 2 |
PAU | Palauan | 0 |
PEO | Persian, Old (ca.600-400) | 0 |
PER | Persian | 7 |
PHI | Philippine (Other) | 3 |
PHN | Phoenician | 0 |
PLI | Pali | 0 |
POL | Polish | 32 |
PON | Pohnpeian | 0 |
POR | Portuguese | 45 |
PRA | Prakrit languages | 0 |
PRO | Provençal, Old (to 1500) | 0 |
PUS | Pushto | 1 |
QAA | Local language, Italy | 0 |
QUE | Quechua | 2 |
RAJ | Rajasthani | 0 |
RAP | Rapanui | 0 |
RAR | Rarotongan | 0 |
ROA | Romance (Other) | 0 |
ROH | Raeto-Romance | 6 |
ROM | Romany | 56 |
RUM | Romanian | 30 |
RUN | Rundi | 0 |
RUS | Russian | 265 |
SAD | Sandawe | 0 |
SAG | Sango | 0 |
SAH | Yakut | 0 |
SAI | South American Indian (Other) | 0 |
SAL | Salishan languages | 0 |
SAM | Samaritan Aramaic | 1 |
SAN | Sanskrit | 0 |
SAS | Sasak | 0 |
SAT | Santali | 0 |
SCC | Serbian | 32 |
SCO | Scots | 1 |
SCR | Croatian | 34 |
SEL | Selkup | 0 |
SEM | Semitic (Other) | 0 |
SGA | Irish, Old (to 900) | 0 |
SGN | Sign languages | 5 |
SHN | Shan | 0 |
SID | Sidamo | 0 |
SIN | Sinhalese | 0 |
SIO | Siouan languages | 0 |
SIT | Sino-Tibetan (Other) | 0 |
SLA | Slavic (Other) | 8 |
SLO | Slovak | 89 |
SLV | Slovenian | 21 |
SMA | Southern Sami | 0 |
SME | Northern Sami | 0 |
SMI | Sami languages (Other) | 1 |
SMJ | Lule Sami | 0 |
SMN | Inari Sami | 0 |
SMO | Samoan | 0 |
SMS | Skolt Sami | 0 |
SNA | Shona | 0 |
SND | Sindhi | 1 |
SNK | Soninke | 0 |
SOG | Sogdian | 0 |
SOM | Somali | 2 |
SON | Songhai | 0 |
SOT | Sotho, Southern | 0 |
SPA | Spanish, Castilian | 108 |
SRD | Sardinian | 0 |
SRR | Serer | 0 |
SSA | Nilo-Saharan (Other) | 0 |
SSW | Swati | 0 |
SUK | Sukuma | 0 |
SUN | Sundanese | 0 |
SUS | Susu | 0 |
SUX | Sumerian | 0 |
SWA | Swahili | 2 |
SWE | Swedish | 119 |
SYR | Syriac | 1 |
TAH | Tahitian | 0 |
TAI | Tai (Other) | 1 |
TAM | Tamil | 4 |
TAT | Tatar | 29 |
TEL | Telugu | 0 |
TEM | Timne | 0 |
TER | Tereno | 0 |
TET | Tetum | 0 |
TGK | Tajik | 0 |
TGL | Tagalog | 3 |
THA | Thai | 4 |
TIB | Tibetan | 0 |
TIG | Tigre | 0 |
TIR | Tigrinya | 3 |
TIV | Tiv | 0 |
TKL | Tokelau | 0 |
TLI | Tlingit | 0 |
TMH | Tamashek | 0 |
TOG | Tonga (Nyasa) | 0 |
TON | Tonga (Tonga Islands) | 0 |
TPI | Tok Pisin | 0 |
TSI | Tsimshian | 0 |
TSN | Tswana | 0 |
TSO | Tsonga | 0 |
TUK | Turkmen | 0 |
TUM | Tumbuka | 0 |
TUP | Tupi languages | 0 |
TUR | Turkish | 67 |
TUT | Altaic (Other) | 1 |
TVL | Tuvalu | 0 |
TWI | Twi | 0 |
TYV | Tuvinian | 0 |
UGA | Ugaritic | 0 |
UIG | Uighur | 0 |
UKR | Ukrainian | 18 |
UMB | Umbundu | 0 |
UND | Undetermined | 3 |
URD | Urdu | 6 |
UZB | Uzbek | 4 |
VAI | Vai | 0 |
VEN | Venda | 0 |
VIE | Vietnamese | 7 |
VOL | Volapük | 0 |
VOT | Votic | 1 |
WAK | Wakashan languages | 0 |
WAL | Walamo | 0 |
WAR | Waray | 0 |
WAS | Washo | 0 |
WEL | Welsh | 1 |
WEN | Sorbian languages | 0 |
WLN | Walloon | 22 |
WOL | Wolof | 1 |
XHO | Xhosa | 0 |
YAO | Yao | 0 |
YAP | Yapese | 0 |
YID | Yiddish | 48 |
YOR | Yoruba | 1 |
YPK | Yupik languages | 0 |
ZAP | Zapotec | 0 |
ZEN | Zenaga | 0 |
ZHA | Zhuang, Chuang | 0 |
ZND | Zande | 0 |
ZUL | Zulu | 0 |
ZUN | Zuni | 0 |
000 | No second language mentioned | 36394 |
999 | No answer | 63 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
4570 | 36457 |
BLGETMG Belong to minority ethnic group in country
C32. Do you belong to a minority ethnic group in [country]?
Vrednost 191379 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 2741 |
2 | No | 37749 |
7 | Refusal | 23 |
8 | Don't know | 212 |
9 | No answer | 302 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40490 | 537 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
FACNTR Father born in country
C33. Was your father born in [country]?
Vrednost 192378 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 34953 |
2 | No | 5892 |
7 | Refusal | 11 |
8 | Don't know | 143 |
9 | No answer | 28 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40845 | 182 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
FBRNCNTA Country of birth, father
C34. In which country was your father born?
Vrednost 193377 | Frekvenca | |
01 | DDR | 0 |
02 | USSR | 10 |
03 | Czechoslovakia | 28 |
04 | Yugoslavia | 57 |
05 | East Timor | 0 |
06 | Serbia and Montenegro | 5 |
65 | Alien passport | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 11 |
88 | Don't know | 56 |
AD | Andorra | 0 |
AE | United Arab Emirates | 0 |
AF | Afghanistan | 11 |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 0 |
AI | Anguilla | 0 |
AL | Albania | 6 |
AM | Armenia | 17 |
AN | Netherlands Antilles | 6 |
AO | Angola | 23 |
AQ | Antarctica | 0 |
AR | Argentina | 35 |
AS | American Samoa | 0 |
AT | Austria | 73 |
AU | Australia | 10 |
AW | Aruba | 2 |
AX | Åland Islands | 0 |
AZ | Azerbaijan | 28 |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 96 |
BB | Barbados | 1 |
BD | Bangladesh | 5 |
BE | Belgium | 24 |
BF | Burkina Faso | 2 |
BG | Bulgaria | 41 |
BH | Bahrain | 1 |
BI | Burundi | 1 |
BJ | Benin | 0 |
BL | Saint Barthélemy | 0 |
BM | Bermuda | 0 |
BN | Brunei Darussalam | 0 |
BO | Bolivia | 19 |
BR | Brazil | 54 |
BS | Bahamas | 0 |
BT | Bhutan | 0 |
BV | Bouvet Island | 0 |
BW | Botswana | 0 |
BY | Belarus | 102 |
BZ | Belize | 0 |
CA | Canada | 9 |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 0 |
CD | Congo, The Democratic Republic of the | 2 |
CF | Central African Republic | 1 |
CG | Congo | 18 |
CH | Switzerland | 16 |
CI | Cote D'ivoire | 6 |
CK | Cook Islands | 0 |
CL | Chile | 12 |
CM | Cameroon | 5 |
CN | China | 30 |
CO | Colombia | 17 |
CR | Costa Rica | 0 |
CU | Cuba | 10 |
CV | Cape Verde | 25 |
CX | Christmas Island | 1 |
CY | Cyprus | 4 |
CZ | Czech Republic | 84 |
DE | Germany | 259 |
DJ | Djibouti | 0 |
DK | Denmark | 37 |
DM | Dominica | 0 |
DO | Dominican Republic | 5 |
DZ | Algeria | 86 |
EC | Ecuador | 26 |
EE | Estonia | 18 |
EG | Egypt | 32 |
EH | Western Sahara | 0 |
ER | Eritrea | 8 |
ES | Spain | 82 |
ET | Ethiopia | 24 |
FI | Finland | 84 |
FJ | Fiji | 0 |
FK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 0 |
FM | Micronesia, Federated States Of | 0 |
FO | Faroe Islands | 2 |
FR | France | 130 |
GA | Gabon | 1 |
GB | United Kingdom | 69 |
GD | Grenada | 1 |
GE | Georgia | 26 |
GF | French Guiana | 0 |
GH | Ghana | 8 |
GI | Gibraltar | 0 |
GL | Greenland | 3 |
GM | Gambia | 0 |
GN | Guinea | 3 |
GP | Guadeloupe | 3 |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | 0 |
GR | Greece | 66 |
GS | South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands | 0 |
GT | Guatemala | 1 |
GU | Guam | 0 |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | 6 |
GY | Guyana | 1 |
HK | Hong Kong | 4 |
HM | Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands | 0 |
HN | Honduras | 2 |
HR | Croatia | 70 |
HT | Haiti | 0 |
HU | Hungary | 71 |
ID | Indonesia | 39 |
IE | Ireland | 43 |
IL | Israel | 2 |
IN | India | 87 |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | 0 |
IQ | Iraq | 130 |
IR | Iran, Islamic Republic of | 88 |
IS | Iceland | 7 |
IT | Italy | 233 |
JM | Jamaica | 16 |
JO | Jordan | 4 |
JP | Japan | 3 |
KE | Kenya | 4 |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | 9 |
KH | Cambodia | 1 |
KI | Kiribati | 0 |
KM | Comoros | 3 |
KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 0 |
KP | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | 1 |
KR | Korea, Republic of | 1 |
KW | Kuwait | 0 |
KY | Cayman Islands | 0 |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 35 |
LA | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 0 |
LB | Lebanon | 14 |
LC | Saint Lucia | 2 |
LI | Liechtenstein | 2 |
LK | Sri Lanka | 17 |
LR | Liberia | 0 |
LS | Lesotho | 0 |
LT | Lithuania | 27 |
LU | Luxembourg | 3 |
LV | Latvia | 14 |
LY | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 39 |
MA | Morocco | 386 |
MC | Monaco | 0 |
MD | Moldova | 24 |
ME | Montenegro | 7 |
MF | Saint Martin | 0 |
MG | Madagascar | 4 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 0 |
MK | Macedonia | 21 |
ML | Mali | 1 |
MM | Myanmar | 0 |
MN | Mongolia | 0 |
MO | Macao | 1 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 0 |
MQ | Martinique | 2 |
MR | Mauritania | 2 |
MS | Montserrat | 1 |
MT | Malta | 3 |
MU | Mauritius | 7 |
MV | Maldives | 1 |
MW | Malawi | 0 |
MX | Mexico | 4 |
MY | Malaysia | 2 |
MZ | Mozambique | 10 |
NA | Namibia | 0 |
NC | New Caledonia | 0 |
NE | Niger | 0 |
NF | Norfolk Island | 0 |
NG | Nigeria | 15 |
NI | Nicaragua | 1 |
NL | Netherlands | 60 |
NO | Norway | 24 |
NP | Nepal | 1 |
NR | Nauru | 0 |
NU | Niue | 0 |
NZ | New Zealand | 3 |
OM | Oman | 0 |
PA | Panama | 2 |
PE | Peru | 13 |
PF | French Polynesia | 0 |
PG | Papua New Guinea | 0 |
PH | Philippines | 19 |
PK | Pakistan | 45 |
PL | Poland | 312 |
PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 0 |
PN | Pitcairn | 0 |
PR | Puerto Rico | 1 |
PS | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | 7 |
PT | Portugal | 78 |
PW | Palau | 0 |
PY | Paraguay | 2 |
QA | Qatar | 0 |
RE | Reunion | 0 |
RO | Romania | 195 |
RS | Serbia | 54 |
RU | Russian Federation | 660 |
RW | Rwanda | 2 |
SA | Saudi Arabia | 0 |
SB | Solomon Islands | 0 |
SC | Seychelles | 0 |
SD | Sudan | 0 |
SE | Sweden | 31 |
SG | Singapore | 3 |
SH | Saint Helena | 0 |
SI | Slovenia | 4 |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 0 |
SK | Slovakia | 20 |
SL | Sierra Leone | 1 |
SM | San Marino | 0 |
SN | Senegal | 9 |
SO | Somalia | 7 |
SR | Suriname | 28 |
ST | Sao Tome and Principe | 4 |
SV | El Salvador | 1 |
SY | Syrian Arab Republic | 29 |
SZ | Swaziland | 1 |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | 0 |
TD | Chad | 0 |
TF | French Southern Territories | 0 |
TG | Togo | 4 |
TH | Thailand | 11 |
TJ | Tajikistan | 5 |
TK | Tokelau | 0 |
TL | Timor-Leste | 0 |
TM | Turkmenistan | 2 |
TN | Tunisia | 82 |
TO | Tonga | 0 |
TR | Turkey | 174 |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | 0 |
TV | Tuvalu | 0 |
TW | Taiwan, Province of China | 0 |
TZ | Tanzania, United Republic of | 0 |
UA | Ukraine | 276 |
UG | Uganda | 1 |
UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 0 |
US | United States | 84 |
UY | Uruguay | 5 |
UZ | Uzbekistan | 27 |
VA | Holy See (Vatican City State) | 0 |
VC | Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | 0 |
VE | Venezuela | 1 |
VG | Virgin Islands, British | 0 |
VI | Virgin Islands, U.S. | 0 |
VN | Viet Nam | 10 |
VU | Vanuatu | 0 |
WF | Wallis and Futuna | 0 |
WS | Samoa | 0 |
YE | Yemen | 97 |
YT | Mayotte | 0 |
ZA | South Africa | 22 |
ZM | Zambia | 2 |
ZW | Zimbabwe | 3 |
66 | Not applicable | 35088 |
99 | No answer | 109 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
5830 | 35197 |
MOCNTR Mother born in country ASK ALL
C35. Was your mother born in [country]?
Vrednost 194376 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 35264 |
2 | No | 5702 |
7 | Refusal | 9 |
8 | Don't know | 45 |
9 | No answer | 7 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40966 | 61 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
MBRNCNTA Country of birth, mother
C36. In which country was your mother born?
Vrednost 195375 | Frekvenca | |
01 | DDR | 1 |
02 | USSR | 13 |
03 | Czechoslovakia | 18 |
04 | Yugoslavia | 54 |
05 | East Timor | 0 |
06 | Serbia and Montenegro | 7 |
65 | Alien passport | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 13 |
88 | Don't know | 31 |
AD | Andorra | 0 |
AE | United Arab Emirates | 0 |
AF | Afghanistan | 11 |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 0 |
AI | Anguilla | 0 |
AL | Albania | 4 |
AM | Armenia | 13 |
AN | Netherlands Antilles | 7 |
AO | Angola | 30 |
AQ | Antarctica | 0 |
AR | Argentina | 35 |
AS | American Samoa | 0 |
AT | Austria | 67 |
AU | Australia | 5 |
AW | Aruba | 0 |
AX | Åland Islands | 0 |
AZ | Azerbaijan | 24 |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 92 |
BB | Barbados | 0 |
BD | Bangladesh | 4 |
BE | Belgium | 36 |
BF | Burkina Faso | 1 |
BG | Bulgaria | 42 |
BH | Bahrain | 0 |
BI | Burundi | 1 |
BJ | Benin | 0 |
BL | Saint Barthélemy | 0 |
BM | Bermuda | 0 |
BN | Brunei Darussalam | 1 |
BO | Bolivia | 18 |
BR | Brazil | 63 |
BS | Bahamas | 0 |
BT | Bhutan | 0 |
BV | Bouvet Island | 0 |
BW | Botswana | 0 |
BY | Belarus | 102 |
BZ | Belize | 0 |
CA | Canada | 9 |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 0 |
CD | Congo, The Democratic Republic of the | 2 |
CF | Central African Republic | 1 |
CG | Congo | 23 |
CH | Switzerland | 16 |
CI | Cote D'ivoire | 5 |
CK | Cook Islands | 0 |
CL | Chile | 11 |
CM | Cameroon | 7 |
CN | China | 28 |
CO | Colombia | 18 |
CR | Costa Rica | 0 |
CU | Cuba | 11 |
CV | Cape Verde | 22 |
CX | Christmas Island | 0 |
CY | Cyprus | 2 |
CZ | Czech Republic | 91 |
DE | Germany | 281 |
DJ | Djibouti | 0 |
DK | Denmark | 32 |
DM | Dominica | 1 |
DO | Dominican Republic | 7 |
DZ | Algeria | 73 |
EC | Ecuador | 25 |
EE | Estonia | 14 |
EG | Egypt | 39 |
EH | Western Sahara | 0 |
ER | Eritrea | 7 |
ES | Spain | 79 |
ET | Ethiopia | 25 |
FI | Finland | 98 |
FJ | Fiji | 0 |
FK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 0 |
FM | Micronesia, Federated States Of | 0 |
FO | Faroe Islands | 4 |
FR | France | 137 |
GA | Gabon | 1 |
GB | United Kingdom | 71 |
GD | Grenada | 1 |
GE | Georgia | 21 |
GF | French Guiana | 0 |
GH | Ghana | 7 |
GI | Gibraltar | 0 |
GL | Greenland | 5 |
GM | Gambia | 0 |
GN | Guinea | 4 |
GP | Guadeloupe | 3 |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | 0 |
GR | Greece | 50 |
GS | South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands | 0 |
GT | Guatemala | 1 |
GU | Guam | 0 |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | 6 |
GY | Guyana | 1 |
HK | Hong Kong | 3 |
HM | Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands | 0 |
HN | Honduras | 2 |
HR | Croatia | 75 |
HT | Haiti | 0 |
HU | Hungary | 63 |
ID | Indonesia | 38 |
IE | Ireland | 45 |
IL | Israel | 2 |
IN | India | 83 |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | 0 |
IQ | Iraq | 121 |
IR | Iran, Islamic Republic of | 85 |
IS | Iceland | 7 |
IT | Italy | 197 |
JM | Jamaica | 13 |
JO | Jordan | 1 |
JP | Japan | 5 |
KE | Kenya | 6 |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | 6 |
KH | Cambodia | 1 |
KI | Kiribati | 0 |
KM | Comoros | 3 |
KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 0 |
KP | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | 0 |
KR | Korea, Republic of | 1 |
KW | Kuwait | 0 |
KY | Cayman Islands | 0 |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 28 |
LA | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 1 |
LB | Lebanon | 18 |
LC | Saint Lucia | 1 |
LI | Liechtenstein | 1 |
LK | Sri Lanka | 17 |
LR | Liberia | 1 |
LS | Lesotho | 1 |
LT | Lithuania | 27 |
LU | Luxembourg | 5 |
LV | Latvia | 12 |
LY | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 35 |
MA | Morocco | 362 |
MC | Monaco | 0 |
MD | Moldova | 23 |
ME | Montenegro | 6 |
MF | Saint Martin | 0 |
MG | Madagascar | 4 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 0 |
MK | Macedonia | 16 |
ML | Mali | 1 |
MM | Myanmar | 2 |
MN | Mongolia | 1 |
MO | Macao | 2 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 0 |
MQ | Martinique | 2 |
MR | Mauritania | 0 |
MS | Montserrat | 1 |
MT | Malta | 2 |
MU | Mauritius | 5 |
MV | Maldives | 1 |
MW | Malawi | 0 |
MX | Mexico | 3 |
MY | Malaysia | 1 |
MZ | Mozambique | 9 |
NA | Namibia | 1 |
NC | New Caledonia | 0 |
NE | Niger | 0 |
NF | Norfolk Island | 0 |
NG | Nigeria | 14 |
NI | Nicaragua | 1 |
NL | Netherlands | 62 |
NO | Norway | 27 |
NP | Nepal | 2 |
NR | Nauru | 0 |
NU | Niue | 0 |
NZ | New Zealand | 3 |
OM | Oman | 0 |
PA | Panama | 1 |
PE | Peru | 12 |
PF | French Polynesia | 0 |
PG | Papua New Guinea | 0 |
PH | Philippines | 20 |
PK | Pakistan | 43 |
PL | Poland | 276 |
PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 0 |
PN | Pitcairn | 0 |
PR | Puerto Rico | 0 |
PS | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | 6 |
PT | Portugal | 77 |
PW | Palau | 0 |
PY | Paraguay | 5 |
QA | Qatar | 0 |
RE | Reunion | 0 |
RO | Romania | 185 |
RS | Serbia | 42 |
RU | Russian Federation | 678 |
RW | Rwanda | 1 |
SA | Saudi Arabia | 0 |
SB | Solomon Islands | 0 |
SC | Seychelles | 0 |
SD | Sudan | 1 |
SE | Sweden | 35 |
SG | Singapore | 2 |
SH | Saint Helena | 0 |
SI | Slovenia | 4 |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 0 |
SK | Slovakia | 15 |
SL | Sierra Leone | 2 |
SM | San Marino | 0 |
SN | Senegal | 14 |
SO | Somalia | 5 |
SR | Suriname | 25 |
ST | Sao Tome and Principe | 7 |
SV | El Salvador | 1 |
SY | Syrian Arab Republic | 25 |
SZ | Swaziland | 2 |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | 0 |
TD | Chad | 0 |
TF | French Southern Territories | 0 |
TG | Togo | 4 |
TH | Thailand | 11 |
TJ | Tajikistan | 6 |
TK | Tokelau | 0 |
TL | Timor-Leste | 0 |
TM | Turkmenistan | 3 |
TN | Tunisia | 76 |
TO | Tonga | 0 |
TR | Turkey | 168 |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | 0 |
TV | Tuvalu | 0 |
TW | Taiwan, Province of China | 0 |
TZ | Tanzania, United Republic of | 0 |
UA | Ukraine | 258 |
UG | Uganda | 2 |
UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 0 |
US | United States | 68 |
UY | Uruguay | 10 |
UZ | Uzbekistan | 26 |
VA | Holy See (Vatican City State) | 0 |
VC | Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | 1 |
VE | Venezuela | 4 |
VG | Virgin Islands, British | 0 |
VI | Virgin Islands, U.S. | 0 |
VN | Viet Nam | 10 |
VU | Vanuatu | 0 |
WF | Wallis and Futuna | 0 |
WS | Samoa | 0 |
YE | Yemen | 86 |
YT | Mayotte | 0 |
ZA | South Africa | 16 |
ZM | Zambia | 3 |
ZW | Zimbabwe | 5 |
66 | Not applicable | 35312 |
99 | No answer | 87 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
5628 | 35399 |
DFINCAC Large differences in income acceptable to reward talents and efforts CARD 26
D1-6. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Large differences in people?s incomes are acceptable to properly reward differences in talents and efforts.
Vrednost 196374 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 3880 |
2 | Agree | 16676 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 8714 |
4 | Disagree | 8630 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2376 |
7 | Refusal | 20 |
8 | Don't know | 702 |
9 | No answer | 29 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40276 | 751 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SCHTAUT Schools teach children obey authority CARD 26
D1-6. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Schools must teach children to obey authority.
Vrednost 197373 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 13338 |
2 | Agree | 18527 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 4893 |
4 | Disagree | 3413 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 648 |
7 | Refusal | 7 |
8 | Don't know | 170 |
9 | No answer | 31 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40819 | 208 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
WMCPWRK Woman should be prepared to cut down on paid work for sake of family CARD 26
D1-6. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. A woman should be prepared to cut down on her paid work for the sake of her family .
Vrednost 198372 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 4281 |
2 | Agree | 12842 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 8593 |
4 | Disagree | 10769 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 4034 |
7 | Refusal | 17 |
8 | Don't know | 440 |
9 | No answer | 51 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40519 | 508 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SMDFSLV For fair society, differences in standard of living should be small CARD 26
D1-6. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. For a society to be fair, differences in people?s standard of living should be small.
Vrednost 199371 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 6808 |
2 | Agree | 19137 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 8063 |
4 | Disagree | 5613 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 677 |
7 | Refusal | 9 |
8 | Don't know | 665 |
9 | No answer | 55 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40298 | 729 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
HRSHSNT People who break the law much harsher sentences CARD 26
D1-6. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. People who break the law should be given much harsher sentences than they are these days.
Vrednost 200370 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 13251 |
2 | Agree | 15992 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 7003 |
4 | Disagree | 3523 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 502 |
7 | Refusal | 36 |
8 | Don't know | 674 |
9 | No answer | 46 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40271 | 756 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
MNRGTJB Men should have more right to job than women when jobs are scarce CARD 26
D1-6. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women.
Vrednost 201369 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2191 |
2 | Agree | 5750 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 5982 |
4 | Disagree | 14227 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 12325 |
7 | Refusal | 24 |
8 | Don't know | 493 |
9 | No answer | 35 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40475 | 552 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
UEMPLWK Of every 100 working age how many unemployed and looking for work CARD 27
D7. Of every 100 people of working age in [country] how many would you say are unemployed and looking for work? Choose your answer from this card. If you are not sure please give your best guess.
Vrednost 202368 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 0-4 | 2470 |
2 | 5-9 | 6849 |
3 | 10-14 | 6770 |
4 | 15-19 | 4476 |
5 | 20-24 | 4179 |
6 | 25-29 | 2551 |
7 | 30-34 | 2584 |
8 | 35-39 | 1458 |
9 | 40-44 | 1430 |
10 | 45-49 | 919 |
11 | 50 or more | 3348 |
77 | Refusal | 34 |
88 | Don't know | 3931 |
99 | No answer | 28 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37034 | 3993 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11
SICKDSB Of every 100 working age how many long-term sick, disabled STILL CARD 27
D8. And of every 100 people of working age in [country] how many would you say are long-term sick or disabled?
Vrednost 203367 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 0-4 | 4978 |
2 | 5-9 | 8795 |
3 | 10-14 | 7499 |
4 | 15-19 | 4087 |
5 | 20-24 | 3200 |
6 | 25-29 | 1734 |
7 | 30-34 | 1564 |
8 | 35-39 | 809 |
9 | 40-44 | 740 |
10 | 45-49 | 506 |
11 | 50 or more | 1282 |
77 | Refusal | 52 |
88 | Don't know | 5741 |
99 | No answer | 40 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
35194 | 5833 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11
NMNYBSC Of every 100 working age how many not money for basic necessities STILL CARD 27
D9. And of every 100 people of working age in [country] how many would you say do not have enough money for basic necessities? Remember, if you are not sure please give your best guess.
Vrednost 204366 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 0-4 | 3955 |
2 | 5-9 | 5482 |
3 | 10-14 | 5541 |
4 | 15-19 | 3953 |
5 | 20-24 | 3664 |
6 | 25-29 | 2391 |
7 | 30-34 | 2474 |
8 | 35-39 | 1663 |
9 | 40-44 | 1809 |
10 | 45-49 | 1404 |
11 | 50 or more | 5103 |
77 | Refusal | 33 |
88 | Don't know | 3515 |
99 | No answer | 40 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37439 | 3588 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11
BRNOCNT Of every 100 working age how many born outside country STILL CARD 27
D10. And of every 100 people of working age in [country] about how many would you say were born outside [country]?
Vrednost 205365 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 0-4 | 5160 |
2 | 5-9 | 6735 |
3 | 10-14 | 6617 |
4 | 15-19 | 4497 |
5 | 20-24 | 3488 |
6 | 25-29 | 2076 |
7 | 30-34 | 1946 |
8 | 35-39 | 869 |
9 | 40-44 | 830 |
10 | 45-49 | 465 |
11 | 50 or more | 1372 |
77 | Refusal | 48 |
88 | Don't know | 6879 |
99 | No answer | 45 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
34055 | 6972 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11
SLVPENS Standard of living of pensioners CARD 28
D11. Using this card, what do you think overall about the standard of living of pensioners? Please tell me on a score of 0 to 10, where 0 means extremely bad and 10 means extremely good.
Vrednost 206364 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely bad | 2858 |
1 | 01 | 2413 |
2 | 02 | 3939 |
3 | 03 | 5646 |
4 | 04 | 5018 |
5 | 05 | 7080 |
6 | 06 | 4661 |
7 | 07 | 5072 |
8 | 08 | 3027 |
9 | 09 | 522 |
10 | Extremely good | 251 |
77 | Refusal | 16 |
88 | Don't know | 504 |
99 | No answer | 20 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40487 | 540 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
SLVUEMP Standard of living of unemployed STILL CARD 28
D12. What do you think overall about the standard of living of people who are unemployed?
Vrednost 207363 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely bad | 3169 |
1 | 01 | 3366 |
2 | 02 | 5459 |
3 | 03 | 7630 |
4 | 04 | 6619 |
5 | 05 | 6688 |
6 | 06 | 3352 |
7 | 07 | 2121 |
8 | 08 | 946 |
9 | 09 | 208 |
10 | Extremely good | 154 |
77 | Refusal | 23 |
88 | Don't know | 1266 |
99 | No answer | 26 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39712 | 1315 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
CLDCRSV Provision of affordable child care services for working parents STILL CARD 28
D13. And what do you think overall about the provision of affordable child care services for working parents?
Vrednost 208362 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely bad | 1218 |
1 | 01 | 1383 |
2 | 02 | 2980 |
3 | 03 | 4690 |
4 | 04 | 4597 |
5 | 05 | 6911 |
6 | 06 | 4280 |
7 | 07 | 4617 |
8 | 08 | 3712 |
9 | 09 | 1275 |
10 | Extremely good | 799 |
77 | Refusal | 67 |
88 | Don't know | 4458 |
99 | No answer | 40 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36462 | 4565 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
YNGFNJB Opportunities for young people to find first full-time job STILL CARD 28
D14. And what do you think overall about the opportunities for young people to find their first full-time job in [country]?
Vrednost 209361 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely bad | 2040 |
1 | 01 | 2497 |
2 | 02 | 4415 |
3 | 03 | 6126 |
4 | 04 | 5494 |
5 | 05 | 6100 |
6 | 06 | 4107 |
7 | 07 | 4496 |
8 | 08 | 3095 |
9 | 09 | 974 |
10 | Extremely good | 494 |
77 | Refusal | 16 |
88 | Don't know | 1148 |
99 | No answer | 25 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39838 | 1189 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
GVJBEVN Job for everyone, governments' responsibility CARD 29
D15-17. People have different views on what the responsibilities of governments should or should not be. For each of the tasks I read out please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much responsibility you think governments should have. 0 means it should not be governments? responsibility at all and 10 means it should be entirely governments? responsibility. Firstly to? ?ensure a job for everyone who wants one?
Vrednost 210360 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not governments' responsibility at all | 911 |
1 | 01 | 671 |
2 | 02 | 1546 |
3 | 03 | 2386 |
4 | 04 | 2485 |
5 | 05 | 5277 |
6 | 06 | 4103 |
7 | 07 | 5853 |
8 | 08 | 6152 |
9 | 09 | 3487 |
10 | Entirely governments' responsibility | 7668 |
77 | Refusal | 18 |
88 | Don't know | 456 |
99 | No answer | 14 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40539 | 488 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
GVHLTHC Health care for the sick, governments' responsibility CARD 29
D15-17. People have different views on what the responsibilities of governments should or should not be. For each of the tasks I read out please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much responsibility you think governments should have. 0 means it should not be governments? responsibility at all and 10 means it should be entirely governments? responsibility. Firstly to? ?ensure adequate health care for the sick?
Vrednost 211359 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not governments' responsibility at all | 92 |
1 | 01 | 57 |
2 | 02 | 129 |
3 | 03 | 236 |
4 | 04 | 457 |
5 | 05 | 1212 |
6 | 06 | 1526 |
7 | 07 | 3821 |
8 | 08 | 8118 |
9 | 09 | 7682 |
10 | Entirely governments' responsibility | 17507 |
77 | Refusal | 14 |
88 | Don't know | 161 |
99 | No answer | 15 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40837 | 190 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
GVSLVOL Standard of living for the old, governments' responsibility CARD 29
D15-17. People have different views on what the responsibilities of governments should or should not be. For each of the tasks I read out please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much responsibility you think governments should have. 0 means it should not be governments? responsibility at all and 10 means it should be entirely governments? responsibility. Firstly to? ?ensure a reasonable standard of living for the old?
Vrednost 212358 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not governments' responsibility at all | 87 |
1 | 01 | 70 |
2 | 02 | 131 |
3 | 03 | 301 |
4 | 04 | 532 |
5 | 05 | 1608 |
6 | 06 | 2033 |
7 | 07 | 4617 |
8 | 08 | 8723 |
9 | 09 | 7024 |
10 | Entirely governments' responsibility | 15685 |
77 | Refusal | 9 |
88 | Don't know | 191 |
99 | No answer | 16 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40811 | 216 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
GVSLVUE Standard of living for the unemployed, governments' responsibility STILL CARD 29
D18-20. And how much responsibility do you think governments should have to? ?ensure a reasonable standard of living for the unemployed?
Vrednost 213357 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not governments' responsibility at all | 335 |
1 | 01 | 281 |
2 | 02 | 785 |
3 | 03 | 1653 |
4 | 04 | 2304 |
5 | 05 | 6524 |
6 | 06 | 5283 |
7 | 07 | 6560 |
8 | 08 | 6575 |
9 | 09 | 3232 |
10 | Entirely governments' responsibility | 6927 |
77 | Refusal | 19 |
88 | Don't know | 532 |
99 | No answer | 17 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40459 | 568 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
GVCLDCR Child care services for working parents, governments' responsibility STILL CARD 29
D18-20. And how much responsibility do you think governments should have to? ?ensure sufficient child care services for working parents?
Vrednost 214356 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not governments' responsibility at all | 275 |
1 | 01 | 150 |
2 | 02 | 382 |
3 | 03 | 754 |
4 | 04 | 1088 |
5 | 05 | 3401 |
6 | 06 | 3341 |
7 | 07 | 5574 |
8 | 08 | 8445 |
9 | 09 | 5724 |
10 | Entirely governments' responsibility | 11133 |
77 | Refusal | 25 |
88 | Don't know | 718 |
99 | No answer | 17 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40267 | 760 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
GVPDLWK Paid leave from work to care for sick family, governments' responsibility STILL CARD 29
D18-20. And how much responsibility do you think governments should have to? ?provide paid leave from work for people who temporarily have to care for sick family members?
Vrednost 215355 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not governments' responsibility at all | 352 |
1 | 01 | 200 |
2 | 02 | 423 |
3 | 03 | 775 |
4 | 04 | 1088 |
5 | 05 | 3489 |
6 | 06 | 3394 |
7 | 07 | 5835 |
8 | 08 | 8097 |
9 | 09 | 5551 |
10 | Entirely governments' responsibility | 10925 |
77 | Refusal | 18 |
88 | Don't know | 851 |
99 | No answer | 29 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40129 | 898 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
SBSTREC Social benefits/services place too great strain on economy CARD 30
D21-26. Using this card please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?place too great a strain on the economy?
Vrednost 216354 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2156 |
2 | Agree | 11187 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 10457 |
4 | Disagree | 12138 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2635 |
7 | Refusal | 34 |
8 | Don't know | 2388 |
9 | No answer | 32 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38573 | 2454 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SBPRVPV Social benefits/services prevent widespread poverty CARD 30
D21-26. Using this card please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?prevent widespread poverty?
Vrednost 217353 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 3281 |
2 | Agree | 19063 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 8410 |
4 | Disagree | 7360 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1542 |
7 | Refusal | 21 |
8 | Don't know | 1284 |
9 | No answer | 66 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39656 | 1371 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SBEQSOC Social benefits/services lead to a more equal society CARD 30
D21-26. Using this card please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?lead to a more equal society?
Vrednost 218352 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2409 |
2 | Agree | 17064 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 9515 |
4 | Disagree | 8560 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1900 |
7 | Refusal | 25 |
8 | Don't know | 1467 |
9 | No answer | 87 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39448 | 1579 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SBENCCM Social benefits/services encourage people other countries to come live here CARD 30
D21-26. Using this card please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?encourage people from other countries to come and live here?
Vrednost 219351 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 5355 |
2 | Agree | 14747 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 7508 |
4 | Disagree | 8232 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2665 |
7 | Refusal | 15 |
8 | Don't know | 2430 |
9 | No answer | 75 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38507 | 2520 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SBBSNTX Social benefits/services cost businesses too much in taxes/charges CARD 30
D21-26. Using this card please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?cost businesses too much in taxes and charges?
Vrednost 220350 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2880 |
2 | Agree | 12333 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 10452 |
4 | Disagree | 9611 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1874 |
7 | Refusal | 40 |
8 | Don't know | 3783 |
9 | No answer | 54 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37150 | 3877 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SBCWKFM Social benefits/services make it easier to combine work and family CARD 30
D21-26. Using this card please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?make it easier for people to combine work and family life?
Vrednost 221349 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2155 |
2 | Agree | 18840 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 10476 |
4 | Disagree | 5836 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 1275 |
7 | Refusal | 24 |
8 | Don't know | 2370 |
9 | No answer | 51 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38582 | 2445 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SBLAZY Social benefits/services make people lazy STILL CARD 30
D27-29. And to what extent do you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?make people lazy?
Vrednost 222348 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 3282 |
2 | Agree | 12460 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 9316 |
4 | Disagree | 12030 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2990 |
7 | Refusal | 19 |
8 | Don't know | 895 |
9 | No answer | 35 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40078 | 949 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SBLWCOA Social benefits/services make people less willing care for one another STILL CARD 30
D27-29. And to what extent do you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?make people less willing to care for one another?
Vrednost 223347 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2121 |
2 | Agree | 12164 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 9507 |
4 | Disagree | 13286 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2576 |
7 | Refusal | 14 |
8 | Don't know | 1314 |
9 | No answer | 45 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39654 | 1373 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SBLWLKA Social benefits/services make people less willing look after themselves/family STILL CARD 30
D27-29. And to what extent do you agree or disagree that social benefits and services in [country].... ?make people less willing to look after themselves and their family?
Vrednost 224346 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 1951 |
2 | Agree | 10240 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 9504 |
4 | Disagree | 14873 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 3151 |
7 | Refusal | 19 |
8 | Don't know | 1244 |
9 | No answer | 45 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39719 | 1308 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
HLTHCEF Provision of health care, how efficient CARD 31
D30. Still thinking about the provision of social benefits and services, please tell me how efficient you think the provision of health care in [country] is. Choose your answer from this card where 0 means extremely inefficient and 10 means extremely efficient.
Vrednost 225345 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely inefficient | 1099 |
1 | 01 | 1096 |
2 | 02 | 2356 |
3 | 03 | 3803 |
4 | 04 | 3870 |
5 | 05 | 6601 |
6 | 06 | 5128 |
7 | 07 | 7041 |
8 | 08 | 6346 |
9 | 09 | 2001 |
10 | Extremely efficient | 932 |
77 | Refusal | 19 |
88 | Don't know | 695 |
99 | No answer | 40 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40273 | 754 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TXAUTEF Tax authorities, how efficient in doing their job STILL CARD 31
D31. And how efficient do you think the tax authorities are at things like handling queries on time, avoiding mistakes and preventing fraud? Please use this card where 0 means they are extremely inefficient in doing their job and 10 means they are extremely efficient.
Vrednost 226344 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely inefficient | 1009 |
1 | 01 | 999 |
2 | 02 | 2155 |
3 | 03 | 3472 |
4 | 04 | 4123 |
5 | 05 | 7908 |
6 | 06 | 4807 |
7 | 07 | 5235 |
8 | 08 | 4165 |
9 | 09 | 1441 |
10 | Extremely efficient | 966 |
77 | Refusal | 46 |
88 | Don't know | 4663 |
99 | No answer | 38 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36280 | 4747 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
DCNDLEQ Doctors, nurses give special advantages or deal with everyone equally CARD 32
D32. Using this card, please tell me whether you think doctors and nurses in [country] give special advantages to certain people or deal with everyone equally? Choose your answer from this card where 0 means you think they give special advantages to certain people and 10 means you think they deal with everyone equally.
Vrednost 227343 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Give special advantages to certain people | 2696 |
1 | 01 | 2031 |
2 | 02 | 3503 |
3 | 03 | 4536 |
4 | 04 | 3942 |
5 | 05 | 5151 |
6 | 06 | 2747 |
7 | 07 | 4171 |
8 | 08 | 5376 |
9 | 09 | 2966 |
10 | Deal with everyone equally | 2510 |
77 | Refusal | 32 |
88 | Don't know | 1338 |
99 | No answer | 28 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39629 | 1398 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TXADLEQ Tax authorities give special advantages or deal with everyone equally STILL CARD 32
D33. And using the same card, please tell me whether you think the tax authorities in [country] give special advantages to certain people or deal with everyone equally?
Vrednost 228342 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Give special advantages to certain people | 2099 |
1 | 01 | 1527 |
2 | 02 | 2946 |
3 | 03 | 3932 |
4 | 04 | 3711 |
5 | 05 | 6092 |
6 | 06 | 2720 |
7 | 07 | 3685 |
8 | 08 | 4497 |
9 | 09 | 2718 |
10 | Deal with everyone equally | 2292 |
77 | Refusal | 50 |
88 | Don't know | 4725 |
99 | No answer | 33 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36219 | 4808 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
DITXSSP Government decrease/increase taxes and social spending CARD 33
D34. Many social benefits and services are paid for by taxes. If the government had to choose between increasing taxes and spending more on social benefits and services, or decreasing taxes and spending less on social benefits and services, which should they do?
Vrednost 229341 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Decrease taxes and social spending a lot | 1070 |
1 | 01 | 899 |
2 | 02 | 1821 |
3 | 03 | 2944 |
4 | 04 | 3653 |
5 | 05 | 13440 |
6 | 06 | 4285 |
7 | 07 | 3835 |
8 | 08 | 2983 |
9 | 09 | 995 |
10 | Increase taxes and social spending a lot | 1136 |
77 | Refusal | 132 |
88 | Don't know | 3748 |
99 | No answer | 86 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37061 | 3966 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
TXEARN Taxation for higher versus lower earners CARD 34
D35. Think of two people, one earning twice as much as the other. Which of the three statements on this card comes closest to how you think they should be taxed?
Vrednost 230340 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Pay same share of earnings in tax | 16083 |
2 | Higher earner pay higher share of earnings in tax | 19872 |
3 | Pay same amount of money in tax | 2557 |
4 | None of these | 814 |
7 | Refusal | 47 |
8 | Don't know | 1601 |
9 | No answer | 53 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39326 | 1701 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
EARNPEN Higher or lower earners should get larger old age pensions CARD 35
D36. Some people say that higher earners should get larger old age pensions because they have paid in more. Others say that lower earners should get larger old age pensions because their needs are greater. Which of the three statements on this card comes closest to your view?
Vrednost 231339 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Higher earners should get larger pension | 17187 |
2 | High and low earners same pension | 16272 |
3 | Lower earners should get larger pension | 4604 |
4 | None of these | 1176 |
7 | Refusal | 54 |
8 | Don't know | 1689 |
9 | No answer | 45 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39239 | 1788 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
EARNUEB Higher or lower earners should get larger unemployment benefits CARD 36
D37. Some people say that higher earners should get more benefit when they are temporarily unemployed because they paid more in tax, whilst others think that lower earners should get more because they are in greater need. Using this card, please tell me which of the three statements you agree with most?
Vrednost 232338 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Higher earners should get more in benefit | 13675 |
2 | High and low earners same amount benefit | 20148 |
3 | Lower earners should get more in benefit | 4048 |
4 | None of these | 1038 |
7 | Refusal | 71 |
8 | Don't know | 1994 |
9 | No answer | 53 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38909 | 2118 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
IMSCLBN When should immigrants obtain rights to social benefits/services CARD 37
D38. Thinking of people coming to live in [country] from other countries, when do you think they should obtain the same rights to social benefits and services as citizens already living here? Please choose the option on this card that comes closest to your view.
Vrednost 233337 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Immediately on arrival | 3508 |
2 | After a year, whether or not have worked | 3715 |
3 | After worked and paid taxes at least a year | 15343 |
4 | Once they have become a citizen | 13291 |
5 | They should never get the same rights | 2603 |
7 | Refusal | 101 |
8 | Don't know | 2388 |
9 | No answer | 78 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38460 | 2567 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
IMRCCON Immigrants receive more or less than they contribute CARD 38
D39. A lot of people who come to live in [country] from other countries pay taxes and make use of social benefits and services. On balance, do you think people who come to live in [country] receive more than they contribute or contribute more than they receive? Please use this card where 0 means they receive much more and 10 means they contribute much more.
Vrednost 234336 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Receive much more than they contribute | 1904 |
1 | 01 | 1639 |
2 | 02 | 3428 |
3 | 03 | 4944 |
4 | 04 | 4562 |
5 | 05 | 11862 |
6 | 06 | 2810 |
7 | 07 | 2417 |
8 | 08 | 1574 |
9 | 09 | 476 |
10 | Contribute much more than they receive | 370 |
77 | Refusal | 76 |
88 | Don't know | 4869 |
99 | No answer | 96 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
35986 | 5041 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
UENTRJB Most unemployed people do not really try to find a job CARD 39
D40-44. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about people in [country]. Most unemployed people do not really try to find a job.
Vrednost 235335 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 3437 |
2 | Agree | 12376 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 9545 |
4 | Disagree | 12644 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2202 |
7 | Refusal | 12 |
8 | Don't know | 773 |
9 | No answer | 38 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40204 | 823 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
LBENENT Many with very low incomes get less benefit than legally entitled to CARD 39
D40-44. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about people in [country]. Many people with very low incomes get less benefit than they are legally entitled to.
Vrednost 236334 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 3519 |
2 | Agree | 15682 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 10091 |
4 | Disagree | 6780 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 724 |
7 | Refusal | 26 |
8 | Don't know | 4144 |
9 | No answer | 61 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36796 | 4231 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
BENNENT Many manage to obtain benefits/services not entitled to CARD 39
D40-44. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about people in [country]. Many people manage to obtain benefits and services to which they are not entitled.
Vrednost 237333 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 5384 |
2 | Agree | 18281 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 8262 |
4 | Disagree | 5913 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 601 |
7 | Refusal | 26 |
8 | Don't know | 2504 |
9 | No answer | 56 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38441 | 2586 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
INSFBEN Insufficient benefits in country to help people in real need CARD 39
D40-44. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about people in [country]. There are insufficient benefits in [country] to help the people who are in real need.
Vrednost 238332 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 6497 |
2 | Agree | 17912 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 6988 |
4 | Disagree | 7224 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 855 |
7 | Refusal | 15 |
8 | Don't know | 1470 |
9 | No answer | 66 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39476 | 1551 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
PRTSICK Employees often pretend they are sick to stay at home CARD 39
D40-44. Using this card, please say how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about people in [country]. Employees often pretend they are sick in order to stay at home.
Vrednost 239331 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agree strongly | 2459 |
2 | Agree | 11849 |
3 | Neither agree nor disagree | 9767 |
4 | Disagree | 12041 |
5 | Disagree strongly | 2546 |
7 | Refusal | 20 |
8 | Don't know | 2280 |
9 | No answer | 65 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38662 | 2365 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
LVPBHLT Level of public health care affordable 10 years from now CARD 40
D45. There is some debate nowadays about the cost of providing public health care in [country]. Thinking about 10 years from now, which of the statements on this card comes closest to your own opinion?
Vrednost 240330 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Will not be able to afford present level | 11196 |
2 | Afford present level but not increase | 17812 |
3 | Will be able to afford to increase | 8253 |
7 | Refusal | 39 |
8 | Don't know | 3681 |
9 | No answer | 46 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37261 | 3766 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
LVOAPEN Level of old age pension affordable 10 years from now CARD 41
D46. There is also some debate nowadays about the cost of pensions in [country]. Thinking of ten years from now, which of the statements on this card comes closest to your own opinion?
Vrednost 241329 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Will not be able to afford present level | 13700 |
2 | Afford present level but not increase | 16432 |
3 | Will be able to afford to increase | 7113 |
7 | Refusal | 44 |
8 | Don't know | 3696 |
9 | No answer | 42 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37245 | 3782 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
LKUEMP How likely unemployed and looking for work next 12 months CARD 42
D47. Using this card, please tell me how likely it is that during the next 12 months you will be unemployed and looking for work for at least four consecutive weeks?
Vrednost 242328 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not at all likely | 12583 |
2 | Not very likely | 9371 |
3 | Likely | 4402 |
4 | Very likely | 2542 |
5 | No longer working and not looking for work | 10665 |
7 | Refusal | 48 |
8 | Don't know | 1365 |
9 | No answer | 51 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39563 | 1464 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
LKLPWCF How likely less time paid work than like because care for family next 12 months STILL CARD 42
D48. How likely is it that during the next 12 months you will have to spend less time in paid work than you would like, because you have to take care of family members or relatives?
Vrednost 243327 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not at all likely | 12408 |
2 | Not very likely | 11736 |
3 | Likely | 3407 |
4 | Very likely | 1062 |
6 | Not applicable | 10607 |
7 | Refusal | 60 |
8 | Don't know | 1377 |
9 | No answer | 370 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
28613 | 12414 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
LKNEMNY How likely not enough money for household necessities next 12 months ASK ALL STILL CARD 42
D49. And during the next 12 months how likely is it that there will be some periods when you don?t have enough money to cover your household necessities?
Vrednost 244326 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not at all likely | 11624 |
2 | Not very likely | 16185 |
3 | Likely | 8195 |
4 | Very likely | 3254 |
7 | Refusal | 48 |
8 | Don't know | 1642 |
9 | No answer | 79 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39258 | 1769 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
LKNHLCN How likely not receive health care needed if become ill next 12 months STILL CARD 42
D50. And during the next 12 months how likely is it that you will not receive the health care you really need if you become ill?
Vrednost 245325 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not at all likely | 13022 |
2 | Not very likely | 18321 |
3 | Likely | 6032 |
4 | Very likely | 1885 |
7 | Refusal | 25 |
8 | Don't know | 1662 |
9 | No answer | 80 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39260 | 1767 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
AGDCYNG Age people stop being described as young
E1. At what age do you think people generally stop being described as young?
Vrednost 246324 | Frekvenca | |
0 | It depends on the person | 4055 |
1 | 11 | |
2 | 3 | |
3 | 1 | |
5 | 3 | |
7 | 2 | |
10 | 12 | |
11 | 1 | |
12 | 14 | |
13 | 13 | |
14 | 37 | |
15 | 87 | |
16 | 222 | |
17 | 91 | |
18 | 689 | |
19 | 79 | |
20 | 981 | |
21 | 193 | |
22 | 145 | |
23 | 117 | |
24 | 99 | |
25 | 2085 | |
26 | 148 | |
27 | 190 | |
28 | 239 | |
29 | 102 | |
30 | 5188 | |
31 | 37 | |
32 | 89 | |
33 | 116 | |
34 | 59 | |
35 | 3438 | |
36 | 79 | |
37 | 83 | |
38 | 170 | |
39 | 67 | |
40 | 7316 | |
41 | 21 | |
42 | 50 | |
43 | 26 | |
44 | 18 | |
45 | 2507 | |
46 | 38 | |
47 | 42 | |
48 | 93 | |
49 | 46 | |
50 | 5715 | |
51 | 14 | |
52 | 18 | |
53 | 18 | |
54 | 9 | |
55 | 993 | |
56 | 18 | |
57 | 16 | |
58 | 25 | |
59 | 17 | |
60 | 2254 | |
61 | 7 | |
62 | 13 | |
63 | 13 | |
64 | 5 | |
65 | 545 | |
66 | 14 | |
67 | 16 | |
68 | 16 | |
69 | 8 | |
70 | 571 | |
71 | 4 | |
72 | 6 | |
73 | 5 | |
74 | 2 | |
75 | 71 | |
76 | 5 | |
77 | 13 | |
78 | 1 | |
79 | 3 | |
80 | 100 | |
81 | 2 | |
82 | 2 | |
83 | 1 | |
85 | 10 | |
87 | 1 | |
88 | 14 | |
90 | 8 | |
95 | 1 | |
98 | 1 | |
100 | 7 | |
120 | 1 | |
222 | It never applies | 285 |
777 | Refusal | 103 |
888 | Don't know | 933 |
999 | No answer | 41 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39950 | 1077 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 222
AGDCOLD Age people start being described as old
E2. At what age do you think people generally start being described as old?
Vrednost 247323 | Frekvenca | |
0 | It depends on the person | 3781 |
1 | 12 | |
3 | 1 | |
4 | 2 | |
5 | 1 | |
7 | 1 | |
8 | 3 | |
14 | 2 | |
15 | 1 | |
16 | 3 | |
18 | 18 | |
19 | 1 | |
20 | 23 | |
21 | 5 | |
23 | 1 | |
24 | 7 | |
25 | 39 | |
26 | 12 | |
27 | 7 | |
28 | 8 | |
29 | 3 | |
30 | 170 | |
31 | 16 | |
32 | 10 | |
33 | 2 | |
34 | 3 | |
35 | 151 | |
36 | 17 | |
37 | 9 | |
38 | 7 | |
39 | 8 | |
40 | 974 | |
41 | 48 | |
42 | 11 | |
43 | 12 | |
44 | 7 | |
45 | 662 | |
46 | 25 | |
47 | 23 | |
48 | 35 | |
49 | 14 | |
50 | 3883 | |
51 | 92 | |
52 | 31 | |
53 | 21 | |
54 | 12 | |
55 | 1852 | |
56 | 48 | |
57 | 45 | |
58 | 82 | |
59 | 31 | |
60 | 8408 | |
61 | 72 | |
62 | 81 | |
63 | 95 | |
64 | 30 | |
65 | 5004 | |
66 | 106 | |
67 | 192 | |
68 | 158 | |
69 | 29 | |
70 | 8312 | |
71 | 55 | |
72 | 52 | |
73 | 22 | |
74 | 11 | |
75 | 2023 | |
76 | 34 | |
77 | 25 | |
78 | 45 | |
79 | 10 | |
80 | 2473 | |
81 | 10 | |
82 | 12 | |
83 | 7 | |
84 | 3 | |
85 | 210 | |
86 | 6 | |
87 | 2 | |
88 | 18 | |
89 | 5 | |
90 | 196 | |
91 | 2 | |
93 | 2 | |
94 | 2 | |
95 | 9 | |
96 | 1 | |
99 | 8 | |
100 | 36 | |
101 | 1 | |
103 | 1 | |
110 | 1 | |
120 | 2 | |
121 | 1 | |
222 | It never applies | 231 |
777 | Refusal | 61 |
888 | Don't know | 661 |
999 | No answer | 70 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40235 | 792 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 222
AGEGRBL Which age group belonging to CARD 43
E3. Using this card, please tell me which box best describes the age group you see yourself as belonging to. If you see yourself as very young, pick the first box. If you see yourself as very old, pick the last box. Otherwise pick one of the boxes in between. Just give me the letter under the box.
Vrednost 248322 | Frekvenca | |
1 | A | 1700 |
2 | B | 4051 |
3 | C | 5691 |
4 | D | 6711 |
5 | E | 9398 |
6 | F | 4904 |
7 | G | 4264 |
8 | H | 2450 |
9 | J | 1052 |
77 | Refusal | 195 |
88 | Don't know | 560 |
99 | No answer | 51 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40221 | 806 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
AGRPBLG Strong or weak sense of belonging to age group CARD 44
E4. Using this card, please tell me if you have a strong or weak sense of belonging to this age group. Choose your answer from this card where 0 means a very weak sense of belonging and 10 means a very strong sense of belonging.
Vrednost 249321 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Very weak sense of belonging | 430 |
1 | 01 | 441 |
2 | 02 | 1043 |
3 | 03 | 1861 |
4 | 04 | 2052 |
5 | 05 | 6147 |
6 | 06 | 3355 |
7 | 07 | 5802 |
8 | 08 | 8074 |
9 | 09 | 4543 |
10 | Very strong sense of belonging | 4764 |
55 | No sense of belonging any/this age group | 1366 |
77 | Refusal | 51 |
88 | Don't know | 991 |
99 | No answer | 107 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39878 | 1149 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55
STSP20 How most people view status of people in their 20s CARD 45
E5-7. I?m interested in how you think most people in [country] view the status of people in their 20s, people in their 40s and people over 70. Using this card please tell me where most people would place the status of? ?people in their 20s?
Vrednost 250320 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely low status | 444 |
1 | 01 | 723 |
2 | 02 | 2192 |
3 | 03 | 4723 |
4 | 04 | 5717 |
5 | 05 | 9054 |
6 | 06 | 5149 |
7 | 07 | 4939 |
8 | 08 | 3812 |
9 | 09 | 1307 |
10 | Extremely high status | 982 |
77 | Refusal | 54 |
88 | Don't know | 1871 |
99 | No answer | 60 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39042 | 1985 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
STSP40 How most people view status of people in their 40s CARD 45
E5-7. I?m interested in how you think most people in [country] view the status of people in their 20s, people in their 40s and people over 70. Using this card please tell me where most people would place the status of? ?people in their 40s?
Vrednost 251319 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely low status | 83 |
1 | 01 | 88 |
2 | 02 | 262 |
3 | 03 | 694 |
4 | 04 | 1394 |
5 | 05 | 5685 |
6 | 06 | 5784 |
7 | 07 | 8919 |
8 | 08 | 10436 |
9 | 09 | 4278 |
10 | Extremely high status | 1672 |
77 | Refusal | 45 |
88 | Don't know | 1626 |
99 | No answer | 61 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39295 | 1732 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
STSP70 How most people view status of people over 70 CARD 45
E5-7. I?m interested in how you think most people in [country] view the status of people in their 20s, people in their 40s and people over 70. Using this card please tell me where most people would place the status of? ?people over 70?
Vrednost 252318 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely low status | 1266 |
1 | 01 | 2239 |
2 | 02 | 3639 |
3 | 03 | 5121 |
4 | 04 | 5234 |
5 | 05 | 7252 |
6 | 06 | 4951 |
7 | 07 | 4166 |
8 | 08 | 3265 |
9 | 09 | 1408 |
10 | Extremely high status | 818 |
77 | Refusal | 44 |
88 | Don't know | 1558 |
99 | No answer | 66 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39359 | 1668 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
WR20CRM How worried about level of crime committed by people in their 20s CARD 46
E8-9. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how worried you are about each of the things I read out. 0 means not at all worried and 10 means extremely worried. How worried are you? ?by the level of crime committed by people in their 20s these days?
Vrednost 253317 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all worried | 990 |
1 | 01 | 776 |
2 | 02 | 1700 |
3 | 03 | 2523 |
4 | 04 | 2370 |
5 | 05 | 4463 |
6 | 06 | 3733 |
7 | 07 | 6375 |
8 | 08 | 7327 |
9 | 09 | 3890 |
10 | Extremely worried | 5958 |
77 | Refusal | 25 |
88 | Don't know | 847 |
99 | No answer | 50 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40105 | 922 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
WR20EMP How worried that employers prefer people in 20s rather than 40 or older CARD 46
E8-9. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how worried you are about each of the things I read out. 0 means not at all worried and 10 means extremely worried. How worried are you? ?that employers might prefer to give jobs to people in their 20s rather than to people in their 40s or older?
Vrednost 254316 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all worried | 2568 |
1 | 01 | 1512 |
2 | 02 | 2596 |
3 | 03 | 3283 |
4 | 04 | 2914 |
5 | 05 | 7142 |
6 | 06 | 4125 |
7 | 07 | 5415 |
8 | 08 | 5031 |
9 | 09 | 2186 |
10 | Extremely worried | 2784 |
77 | Refusal | 35 |
88 | Don't know | 1369 |
99 | No answer | 67 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39556 | 1471 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
P20CUST People in their 20s effect on customs and way of life CARD 47
E10. Please tell me whether you think most people in their 20s have a good or bad effect on [country]'s customs and way of life? Choose your answer from this card where 0 means an extremely bad effect and 10 means an extremely good effect.
Vrednost 255315 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely bad effect | 426 |
1 | 01 | 484 |
2 | 02 | 1539 |
3 | 03 | 3580 |
4 | 04 | 4860 |
5 | 05 | 11599 |
6 | 06 | 5311 |
7 | 07 | 5478 |
8 | 08 | 3346 |
9 | 09 | 824 |
10 | Extremely good effect | 597 |
55 | Have no effect at all | 1281 |
77 | Refusal | 37 |
88 | Don't know | 1609 |
99 | No answer | 56 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39325 | 1702 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55
P20CNEC People in their 20s contribution to the economy these days CARD 48
E11. All things considered, do you think people in their 20s contribute very little or a great deal economically to [country] these days? Please use this card where 0 means they contribute very little economically to [country] and 10 means they contribute a great deal.
Vrednost 256314 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Contribute very little economically | 596 |
1 | 01 | 1091 |
2 | 02 | 2692 |
3 | 03 | 4674 |
4 | 04 | 5406 |
5 | 05 | 8791 |
6 | 06 | 5594 |
7 | 07 | 5841 |
8 | 08 | 3405 |
9 | 09 | 926 |
10 | Contribute a great deal economically | 598 |
77 | Refusal | 32 |
88 | Don't know | 1327 |
99 | No answer | 54 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39614 | 1413 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
P70HLTB People over 70 a burden on health service these days CARD 49
E12. Using this card, please tell me whether or not you think people over 70 are a burden on [country]'s health service these days? 0 means no burden and 10 means a great burden.
Vrednost 257313 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No burden | 2550 |
1 | 01 | 1694 |
2 | 02 | 2830 |
3 | 03 | 3542 |
4 | 04 | 3144 |
5 | 05 | 6313 |
6 | 06 | 5167 |
7 | 07 | 6485 |
8 | 08 | 5166 |
9 | 09 | 1743 |
10 | A great burden | 1226 |
77 | Refusal | 48 |
88 | Don't know | 1073 |
99 | No answer | 46 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39860 | 1167 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
P70CUST People over 70 effect on customs and way of life CARD 50
E13. Please tell me whether you think most people over 70 have a good or bad effect on [country]'s customs and way of life? Choose your answer from this card where 0 means an extremely bad effect and 10 means an extremely good effect.
Vrednost 258312 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely bad effect | 131 |
1 | 01 | 132 |
2 | 02 | 379 |
3 | 03 | 774 |
4 | 04 | 1232 |
5 | 05 | 6062 |
6 | 06 | 4493 |
7 | 07 | 8053 |
8 | 08 | 9663 |
9 | 09 | 4609 |
10 | Extremely good effect | 3354 |
55 | Have no effect at all | 966 |
77 | Refusal | 41 |
88 | Don't know | 1089 |
99 | No answer | 49 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39848 | 1179 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55
P70CNEC People over 70 contribution to the economy these days CARD 51
E14. All things considered, do you think people over 70 contribute very little or a great deal economically to [country] these days? Please use this card where 0 means they contribute very little economically to [country] and 10 means they contribute a great deal.
Vrednost 259311 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Contribute very little economically | 2115 |
1 | 01 | 3042 |
2 | 02 | 4965 |
3 | 03 | 6185 |
4 | 04 | 5172 |
5 | 05 | 7215 |
6 | 06 | 4202 |
7 | 07 | 3764 |
8 | 08 | 2181 |
9 | 09 | 484 |
10 | Contribute a great deal economically | 339 |
77 | Refusal | 37 |
88 | Don't know | 1272 |
99 | No answer | 54 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39664 | 1363 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
V20FRND Most people view those in their 20s as friendly CARD 52
E15-18. Using this card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those in their 20s... ?as friendly?
Vrednost 260310 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 1155 |
1 | 1 | 5170 |
2 | 2 | 14219 |
3 | 3 | 13353 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 5801 |
7 | Refusal | 116 |
8 | Don't know | 1138 |
9 | No answer | 75 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39698 | 1329 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V20COMP Most people view those in their 20s as competent CARD 52
E15-18. Using this card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those in their 20s... ?as competent?
Vrednost 261309 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 1118 |
1 | 1 | 5678 |
2 | 2 | 14512 |
3 | 3 | 13402 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 4931 |
7 | Refusal | 73 |
8 | Don't know | 1216 |
9 | No answer | 97 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39641 | 1386 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V20MRST Most people view those in their 20s as having high moral standards CARD 52
E15-18. Using this card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those in their 20s... ?as having high moral standards?
Vrednost 262308 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 2642 |
1 | 1 | 10152 |
2 | 2 | 16115 |
3 | 3 | 7897 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 2671 |
7 | Refusal | 63 |
8 | Don't know | 1390 |
9 | No answer | 97 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39477 | 1550 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V20RESP Most people view those in their 20s with respect CARD 52
E15-18. Using this card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those in their 20s... ?with respect?
Vrednost 263307 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 1699 |
1 | 1 | 7996 |
2 | 2 | 16573 |
3 | 3 | 9924 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 3447 |
7 | Refusal | 56 |
8 | Don't know | 1234 |
9 | No answer | 98 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39639 | 1388 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V70FRND Most people view those over 70 as friendly STILL CARD 52
E19-22. Now think about those aged over 70. Using the same card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those over 70... ?as friendly?
Vrednost 264306 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 440 |
1 | 1 | 2121 |
2 | 2 | 8136 |
3 | 3 | 18265 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 10978 |
7 | Refusal | 71 |
8 | Don't know | 940 |
9 | No answer | 76 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39940 | 1087 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V70COMP Most people view those over 70 as competent STILL CARD 52
E19-22. Now think about those aged over 70. Using the same card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those over 70... ?as competent?
Vrednost 265305 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 1046 |
1 | 1 | 5340 |
2 | 2 | 12936 |
3 | 3 | 14454 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 6015 |
7 | Refusal | 73 |
8 | Don't know | 1075 |
9 | No answer | 88 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39791 | 1236 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V70MRST Most people view those over 70 as having high moral standards STILL CARD 52
E19-22. Now think about those aged over 70. Using the same card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those over 70... ?as having high moral standards?
Vrednost 266304 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 231 |
1 | 1 | 986 |
2 | 2 | 5677 |
3 | 3 | 17925 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 15061 |
7 | Refusal | 64 |
8 | Don't know | 1001 |
9 | No answer | 82 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39880 | 1147 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V70RESP Most people view those over 70 with respect STILL CARD 52
E19-22. Now think about those aged over 70. Using the same card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those over 70... ?with respect?
Vrednost 267303 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 369 |
1 | 1 | 1619 |
2 | 2 | 6856 |
3 | 3 | 16710 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 14503 |
7 | Refusal | 68 |
8 | Don't know | 827 |
9 | No answer | 75 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40057 | 970 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
ACQ30BS How acceptable for most people if qualified 30 year old appointed as their boss CARD 53
E23. Please tell me how acceptable or unacceptable you think most people in [country] would find it if a suitably qualified 30 year old was appointed as their boss? Use this card where 0 means most people would find it completely unacceptable and 10 means completely acceptable.
Vrednost 268302 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Completely unacceptable | 261 |
1 | 01 | 284 |
2 | 02 | 911 |
3 | 03 | 2022 |
4 | 04 | 2598 |
5 | 05 | 5005 |
6 | 06 | 4075 |
7 | 07 | 6572 |
8 | 08 | 7564 |
9 | 09 | 3647 |
10 | Completely acceptable | 5745 |
55 | It depends | 1289 |
77 | Refusal | 51 |
88 | Don't know | 954 |
99 | No answer | 49 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39973 | 1054 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55
ACQ70BS How acceptable for most people if qualified 70 year old appointed as their boss STILL CARD 53
E24. And please tell me how acceptable or unacceptable you think most people in [country] would find it if a suitably qualified 70 year old was appointed as their boss? Use this card where 0 means most people would find it completely unacceptable and 10 means completely acceptable.
Vrednost 269301 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Completely unacceptable | 2136 |
1 | 01 | 2105 |
2 | 02 | 3625 |
3 | 03 | 4487 |
4 | 04 | 4100 |
5 | 05 | 5224 |
6 | 06 | 3934 |
7 | 07 | 4400 |
8 | 08 | 4145 |
9 | 09 | 1680 |
10 | Completely acceptable | 2396 |
55 | It depends | 1674 |
77 | Refusal | 46 |
88 | Don't know | 1025 |
99 | No answer | 50 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39906 | 1121 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55
V20ENVY Most people view those in their 20s with envy CARD 54
E25-28. Using this card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those in their 20s... ?with envy?
Vrednost 270300 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 5572 |
1 | 1 | 8543 |
2 | 2 | 12784 |
3 | 3 | 9067 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 3154 |
7 | Refusal | 67 |
8 | Don't know | 1744 |
9 | No answer | 96 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39120 | 1907 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V20PITY Most people view those in their 20s with pity CARD 54
E25-28. Using this card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those in their 20s... ?with pity?
Vrednost 271299 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 10071 |
1 | 1 | 13254 |
2 | 2 | 10732 |
3 | 3 | 4010 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 1193 |
7 | Refusal | 62 |
8 | Don't know | 1603 |
9 | No answer | 102 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39260 | 1767 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V20ADM Most people view those in their 20s with admiration CARD 54
E25-28. Using this card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those in their 20s... ?with admiration?
Vrednost 272298 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 3291 |
1 | 1 | 8569 |
2 | 2 | 15993 |
3 | 3 | 8575 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 2782 |
7 | Refusal | 59 |
8 | Don't know | 1651 |
9 | No answer | 107 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39210 | 1817 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V20CNTM Most people view those in their 20s with contempt CARD 54
E25-28. Using this card please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those in their 20s... ?with contempt?
Vrednost 273297 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 10468 |
1 | 1 | 12378 |
2 | 2 | 11510 |
3 | 3 | 3764 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 824 |
7 | Refusal | 56 |
8 | Don't know | 1910 |
9 | No answer | 117 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38944 | 2083 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V70ENVY Most people view those over 70 with envy STILL CARD 54
E29-32. And now please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those over 70... ?with envy?
Vrednost 274296 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 13522 |
1 | 1 | 12588 |
2 | 2 | 8181 |
3 | 3 | 4164 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 1102 |
7 | Refusal | 60 |
8 | Don't know | 1306 |
9 | No answer | 104 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39557 | 1470 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V70PITY Most people view those over 70 with pity STILL CARD 54
E29-32. And now please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those over 70... ?with pity?
Vrednost 275295 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 4228 |
1 | 1 | 8032 |
2 | 2 | 12156 |
3 | 3 | 11180 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 4099 |
7 | Refusal | 56 |
8 | Don't know | 1183 |
9 | No answer | 93 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39695 | 1332 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V70ADM Most people view those over 70 with admiration STILL CARD 54
E29-32. And now please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those over 70... ?with admiration?
Vrednost 276294 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 2873 |
1 | 1 | 6301 |
2 | 2 | 14008 |
3 | 3 | 11717 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 4553 |
7 | Refusal | 69 |
8 | Don't know | 1409 |
9 | No answer | 97 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39452 | 1575 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
V70CNTM Most people view those over 70 with contempt STILL CARD 54
E29-32. And now please tell me how likely it is that most people in [country] view those over 70... ?with contempt?
Vrednost 277293 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all likely to be viewed that way | 12353 |
1 | 1 | 13099 |
2 | 2 | 9507 |
3 | 3 | 3381 |
4 | Very likely to be viewed that way | 863 |
7 | Refusal | 56 |
8 | Don't know | 1664 |
9 | No answer | 104 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39203 | 1824 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
OAFL20 Overall how negative or positive feel towards people in their 20s CARD 55
E33. Using this card, tell me overall how negative or positive you feel towards people in their 20s? Please tell me on a score of 0 to 10, where 0 means extremely negative and 10 means extremely positive.
Vrednost 278292 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely negative | 123 |
1 | 01 | 118 |
2 | 02 | 401 |
3 | 03 | 1076 |
4 | 04 | 1756 |
5 | 05 | 6418 |
6 | 06 | 3934 |
7 | 07 | 7045 |
8 | 08 | 9203 |
9 | 09 | 4936 |
10 | Extremely positive | 5398 |
77 | Refusal | 35 |
88 | Don't know | 493 |
99 | No answer | 91 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40408 | 619 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
OAFL70 Overall how negative or positive feel towards people over 70 STILL CARD 55
E34. And overall, how negative or positive do you feel towards people over 70?
Vrednost 279291 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Extremely negative | 93 |
1 | 01 | 54 |
2 | 02 | 183 |
3 | 03 | 456 |
4 | 04 | 907 |
5 | 05 | 4424 |
6 | 06 | 3375 |
7 | 07 | 7561 |
8 | 08 | 10691 |
9 | 09 | 6347 |
10 | Extremely positive | 6310 |
77 | Refusal | 33 |
88 | Don't know | 488 |
99 | No answer | 105 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40401 | 626 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
PREDAGE How often past year treated with prejudice because of age CARD 56
E35-37. Using this card please tell me how often, in the past year, anyone has shown prejudice against you or treated you unfairly because of? ?your age?
Vrednost 280290 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Never | 27050 |
1 | 1 | 6671 |
2 | 2 | 3896 |
3 | 3 | 2259 |
4 | Very often | 744 |
7 | Refusal | 34 |
8 | Don't know | 296 |
9 | No answer | 77 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40620 | 407 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
PREDSEX How often past year treated with prejudice because of sex CARD 56
E35-37. Using this card please tell me how often, in the past year, anyone has shown prejudice against you or treated you unfairly because of? ?your sex?
Vrednost 281289 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Never | 31044 |
1 | 1 | 5522 |
2 | 2 | 2536 |
3 | 3 | 1146 |
4 | Very often | 365 |
7 | Refusal | 33 |
8 | Don't know | 281 |
9 | No answer | 100 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40613 | 414 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
PREDETN How often past year treated with prejudice because of ethnic background CARD 56
E35-37. Using this card please tell me how often, in the past year, anyone has shown prejudice against you or treated you unfairly because of? ?your race or ethnic background?
Vrednost 282288 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Never | 34468 |
1 | 1 | 3327 |
2 | 2 | 1530 |
3 | 3 | 865 |
4 | Very often | 389 |
7 | Refusal | 27 |
8 | Don't know | 316 |
9 | No answer | 105 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40579 | 448 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
LKRSPAG How often past year felt lack of respect because of age STILL CARD 56
E38. And how often, if at all, in the past year have you felt that someone showed you a lack of respect because of your age, for instance by ignoring or patronising you?
Vrednost 283287 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Never | 26409 |
1 | 1 | 7416 |
2 | 2 | 3963 |
3 | 3 | 2161 |
4 | Very often | 697 |
7 | Refusal | 28 |
8 | Don't know | 278 |
9 | No answer | 75 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40646 | 381 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
TRTBDAG How often past year treated badly because of age STILL CARD 56
E39. In particular, how often in the past year has someone treated you badly because of your age, for example by insulting you, abusing you or refusing you services?
Vrednost 284286 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Never | 30583 |
1 | 1 | 6049 |
2 | 2 | 2608 |
3 | 3 | 1100 |
4 | Very often | 323 |
7 | Refusal | 28 |
8 | Don't know | 239 |
9 | No answer | 97 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40663 | 364 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 4
FRNDY30 How many friends other than family younger than 30 CARD 57
E40. About how many friends, other than members of your family, do you have who are younger than 30?
Vrednost 285285 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 12808 |
2 | 1 | 1998 |
3 | 2-5 | 10761 |
4 | 6-9 | 4629 |
5 | 10 or more | 10511 |
7 | Refusal | 30 |
8 | Don't know | 263 |
9 | No answer | 27 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40707 | 320 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
DPRSY30 Can discuss personal issues with friends younger than 30 CARD 58
E41. Which option on this card best describes whether or not you can discuss personal issues such as feelings, beliefs or experiences with any of these friends?
Vrednost 286284 | Frekvenca | |
1 | I can discuss all personal issues | 6472 |
2 | I can discuss almost all personal issues | 5634 |
3 | I can discuss most personal issues | 5519 |
4 | I can discuss some personal issues | 5606 |
5 | I can discuss a few personal issues | 3269 |
6 | I can discuss no personal issues | 1437 |
66 | Not applicable | 12802 |
77 | Refusal | 30 |
88 | Don't know | 201 |
99 | No answer | 57 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
27937 | 13090 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
FRNDO70 How many friends other than family aged over 70 ASK ALL CARD 59
E42. About how many friends, other than members of your family, do you have who are aged over 70?
Vrednost 287283 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 18823 |
2 | 1 | 3458 |
3 | 2-5 | 10834 |
4 | 6-9 | 3564 |
5 | 10 or more | 4086 |
7 | Refusal | 35 |
8 | Don't know | 192 |
9 | No answer | 35 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40765 | 262 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
DPRSO70 Can discuss personal issues with friends aged over 70 CARD 60
E43. Which option on this card best describes whether or not you can discuss personal issues such as feelings, beliefs or experiences with any of these friends?
Vrednost 288282 | Frekvenca | |
1 | I can discuss all personal issues | 3563 |
2 | I can discuss almost all personal issues | 3974 |
3 | I can discuss most personal issues | 4534 |
4 | I can discuss some personal issues | 5109 |
5 | I can discuss a few personal issues | 3244 |
6 | I can discuss no personal issues | 1544 |
66 | Not applicable | 18815 |
77 | Refusal | 22 |
88 | Don't know | 156 |
99 | No answer | 66 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
21968 | 19059 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
AGEYO30 Respondents age, younger or older than 30 ASK ALL
E44. Please tell me how old you are?
Vrednost 289281 | Frekvenca | |
1 | 29 or under | 8363 |
2 | 30 or older | 32535 |
7 | Refusal | 39 |
8 | Don't know | 13 |
9 | No answer | 77 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40898 | 129 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
CHG1530 Any children or grandchildren between age 15 and 30
E45. Do you have any children or grandchildren who are between the ages of 15 and 30?
Vrednost 290280 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 18029 |
2 | No | 14594 |
6 | Not applicable | 8280 |
7 | Refusal | 53 |
8 | Don't know | 16 |
9 | No answer | 55 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32623 | 8404 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
DPRSCHG Can discuss personal issues with children or grandchildren age 15 to 30 STILL CARD 60
E46. Which option on this card best describes whether or not you can discuss personal issues such as feelings, beliefs or experiences with any of these children or grandchildren?
Vrednost 291279 | Frekvenca | |
1 | I can discuss all personal issues | 5170 |
2 | I can discuss almost all personal issues | 3945 |
3 | I can discuss most personal issues | 3391 |
4 | I can discuss some personal issues | 2746 |
5 | I can discuss a few personal issues | 1545 |
6 | I can discuss no personal issues | 1056 |
66 | Not applicable | 22817 |
77 | Refusal | 28 |
88 | Don't know | 141 |
99 | No answer | 188 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
17853 | 23174 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
MBFMO70 Any members of family aged over 70 ASK ALL
E47. Are any members of your family aged over 70?
Vrednost 292278 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 28764 |
2 | No | 12083 |
7 | Refusal | 61 |
8 | Don't know | 79 |
9 | No answer | 40 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40847 | 180 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
DPRSF70 Can discuss personal issues with members of family aged over 70 STILL CARD 60
E48. Which option on this card best describes whether or not you can discuss personal issues such as feelings, beliefs or experiences with any of these members of your family?
Vrednost 293277 | Frekvenca | |
1 | I can discuss all personal issues | 6141 |
2 | I can discuss almost all personal issues | 5157 |
3 | I can discuss most personal issues | 4758 |
4 | I can discuss some personal issues | 5303 |
5 | I can discuss a few personal issues | 4045 |
6 | I can discuss no personal issues | 3115 |
66 | Not applicable | 12217 |
77 | Refusal | 35 |
88 | Don't know | 178 |
99 | No answer | 78 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
28519 | 12508 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
PVOLWRK Done paid or voluntary work last month ASK ALL
E49. In the last month have you done any paid or voluntary work? IF YES: Is that paid work only, voluntary work only or both?
Vrednost 294276 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes - Paid work only | 18790 |
2 | Yes - Voluntary work only | 1985 |
3 | Yes - Paid and voluntary work | 3303 |
4 | No - Neither | 16779 |
7 | Refusal | 18 |
8 | Don't know | 117 |
9 | No answer | 35 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40857 | 170 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
TWCOL20 Time spent working with colleagues in their 20s last month CARD 61
E50. How much of this time was spent working with colleagues or volunteers in their 20s?
Vrednost 295275 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None of the time | 6590 |
2 | Some of the time | 8100 |
3 | Most of the time | 5221 |
4 | All/almost all of the time | 3645 |
5 | No work with other people in last mounth | 318 |
6 | Not applicable | 16904 |
7 | Refusal | 13 |
8 | Don't know | 130 |
9 | No answer | 106 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
23874 | 17153 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
TWCOL70 Time spent working with colleagues aged over 70 last month STILL CARD 61
E51. And how much of this time was spent working with colleagues or volunteers aged over 70?
Vrednost 296274 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None of the time | 18896 |
2 | Some of the time | 3304 |
3 | Most of the time | 704 |
4 | All/almost all of the time | 400 |
5 | No work with other people in last mounth | 589 |
6 | Not applicable | 16904 |
7 | Refusal | 10 |
8 | Don't know | 115 |
9 | No answer | 105 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
23893 | 17134 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
SGR2070 How see people in their 20s and over 70 ASK ALL CARD 62
E52. Taking all things into account, please use this card to say how you see people in their 20s and people over 70 in [country] today?
Vrednost 297273 | Frekvenca | |
1 | One group | 3693 |
2 | Two separate groups same community | 19274 |
3 | Two separate groups not same community | 5011 |
4 | Individuals rather than groups | 11538 |
7 | Refusal | 37 |
8 | Don't know | 1378 |
9 | No answer | 96 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39516 | 1511 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
BUPROAG How important to be unprejudiced against other age groups CARD 63
E53. Please tell me how important it is for you to be unprejudiced against people of other age groups. Use this card where 0 means not at all important to you and 10 means extremely important to you.
Vrednost 298272 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all important | 1403 |
1 | 01 | 659 |
2 | 02 | 729 |
3 | 03 | 782 |
4 | 04 | 777 |
5 | 05 | 3750 |
6 | 06 | 2190 |
7 | 07 | 4147 |
8 | 08 | 7758 |
9 | 09 | 6555 |
10 | Extremely important | 11037 |
77 | Refusal | 48 |
88 | Don't know | 1102 |
99 | No answer | 90 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39787 | 1240 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
SUPROAG How important to be seen as being unprejudiced against other age groups STILL CARD 63
E54. And now please tell me how important it is for you to be seen as being unprejudiced against people of other age groups.
Vrednost 299271 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not at all important | 1781 |
1 | 01 | 658 |
2 | 02 | 902 |
3 | 03 | 975 |
4 | 04 | 953 |
5 | 05 | 4447 |
6 | 06 | 2557 |
7 | 07 | 4299 |
8 | 08 | 7567 |
9 | 09 | 5997 |
10 | Extremely important | 9400 |
77 | Refusal | 66 |
88 | Don't know | 1320 |
99 | No answer | 105 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39536 | 1491 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
SRDSCAG How serious is discrimination against people because of age CARD 64
E55. How serious, if at all, would you say discrimination is in [country] against people because of their age ? whether they are old or young.
Vrednost 300270 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very serious | 4232 |
2 | Quite serious | 14242 |
3 | Not very serious | 13831 |
4 | Not at all serious | 4016 |
5 | It depends | 1947 |
6 | There is no age discrimination at all in [country] | 1307 |
7 | Refusal | 25 |
8 | Don't know | 1312 |
9 | No answer | 115 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39575 | 1452 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
HHMMB Number of people living regularly as member of household
F1. Including yourself, how many people - including children - live here regularly as members of this household?
Vrednost 301269 | Frekvenca | |
77 | Refusal | 20 |
88 | Don't know | 5 |
99 | No answer | 23 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40979 | 48 | 1 | 15 | 2.744 | 1.462 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 15
GNDR Gender
F21. CODE SEX, respondent
Vrednost 302268 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 18887 |
2 | Female | 22121 |
9 | No answer | 19 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41008 | 19 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR2 Gender of second person in household
F22. CODE SEX (2. person in household)
Vrednost 303267 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 17400 |
2 | Female | 15377 |
6 | Not applicable | 8124 |
7 | Refusal | 19 |
9 | No answer | 107 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32777 | 8250 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR3 Gender of third person in household
F23. CODE SEX (3. person in household)
Vrednost 304266 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 9129 |
2 | Female | 10150 |
6 | Not applicable | 21582 |
7 | Refusal | 19 |
9 | No answer | 147 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
19279 | 21748 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR4 Gender of fourth person in household
F24. CODE SEX (4. person in household)
Vrednost 305265 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 5946 |
2 | Female | 5719 |
6 | Not applicable | 29191 |
7 | Refusal | 17 |
9 | No answer | 154 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
11665 | 29362 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR5 Gender of fifth person in household
F25. CODE SEX (5. person in household)
Vrednost 306264 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 2323 |
2 | Female | 2252 |
6 | Not applicable | 36326 |
7 | Refusal | 12 |
9 | No answer | 114 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
4575 | 36452 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR6 Gender of sixth person in household
F26. CODE SEX (6. person in household)
Vrednost 307263 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 779 |
2 | Female | 834 |
6 | Not applicable | 39317 |
7 | Refusal | 8 |
9 | No answer | 89 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1613 | 39414 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR7 Gender of seventh person in household
F27. CODE SEX (7. person in household)
Vrednost 308262 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 317 |
2 | Female | 296 |
6 | Not applicable | 40325 |
7 | Refusal | 9 |
9 | No answer | 80 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
613 | 40414 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR8 Gender of eighth person in household
F28. CODE SEX (8. person in household)
Vrednost 309261 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 124 |
2 | Female | 139 |
6 | Not applicable | 40696 |
7 | Refusal | 9 |
9 | No answer | 59 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
263 | 40764 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR9 Gender of ninth person in household
F29. CODE SEX (9. person in household)
Vrednost 310260 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 67 |
2 | Female | 60 |
6 | Not applicable | 37433 |
7 | Refusal | 7 |
9 | No answer | 50 |
Sysmiss | 3410 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
127 | 40900 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR10 Gender of tenth person in household
F210. CODE SEX (10. person in household)
Vrednost 311259 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 32 |
2 | Female | 38 |
6 | Not applicable | 30125 |
7 | Refusal | 7 |
9 | No answer | 34 |
Sysmiss | 10791 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
70 | 40957 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR11 Gender of eleventh person in household
F211. CODE SEX (11. person in household)
Vrednost 312258 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 20 |
2 | Female | 13 |
6 | Not applicable | 26531 |
7 | Refusal | 6 |
9 | No answer | 26 |
Sysmiss | 14431 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33 | 40994 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR12 Gender of twelfth person in household
F212. CODE SEX (12. person in household)
Vrednost 313257 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 5 |
2 | Female | 11 |
6 | Not applicable | 16472 |
7 | Refusal | 7 |
9 | No answer | 21 |
Sysmiss | 24511 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
16 | 41011 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR13 Gender of thirteenth person in household
F213. CODE SEX (13. person in household)
Vrednost 314256 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 1 |
2 | Female | 0 |
6 | Not applicable | 5256 |
7 | Refusal | 6 |
9 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 35764 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR14 Gender of fourteenth person in household
F214. CODE SEX (14. person in household)
Vrednost 315255 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 0 |
2 | Female | 1 |
6 | Not applicable | 2511 |
7 | Refusal | 0 |
9 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
GNDR15 Gender of fifteenth person in household
F215. CODE SEX (15. person in household)
Vrednost 316254 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Male | 0 |
2 | Female | 1 |
6 | Not applicable | 2511 |
7 | Refusal | 0 |
9 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
YRBRN Year of birth
F31a. And in what year were you born?
Vrednost 317253 | Frekvenca | |
7777 | Refusal | 72 |
8888 | Don't know | 12 |
9999 | No answer | 27 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40916 | 111 | 1885 | 1994 | 1960.161 | 18.69 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1885 do 1994
AGEA Age of respondent, calculated
F31b. Age of respondent, calculated
Vrednost 318252 | Frekvenca | |
999 | Not available | 112 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40915 | 112 | 15 | 123 | 48.133 | 18.695 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 15 do 123
YRBRN2 Year of birth of second person in household
F32. And in what year was he/she born? (2. person in household)
Vrednost 319251 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 8124 |
7777 | Refusal | 151 |
8888 | Don't know | 219 |
9999 | No answer | 176 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32357 | 8670 | 1906 | 2008 | 1958.794 | 16.909 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1906 do 2008
YRBRN3 Year of birth of third person in household
F33. And in what year was he/she born? (3. person in the household)
Vrednost 320250 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 21582 |
7777 | Refusal | 114 |
8888 | Don't know | 182 |
9999 | No answer | 166 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
18983 | 22044 | 1908 | 2009 | 1982.913 | 18.232 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1908 do 2009
YRBRN4 Year of birth of fourth person in household
F34. And in what year was he/she born? (4. person in the household)
Vrednost 321249 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 29191 |
7777 | Refusal | 74 |
8888 | Don't know | 104 |
9999 | No answer | 139 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
11519 | 29508 | 1909 | 2009 | 1991.779 | 12.275 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1909 do 2009
YRBRN5 Year of birth of fifth person in household
F35. And in what year was he/she born? (5.person in the household)
Vrednost 322248 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 36326 |
7777 | Refusal | 47 |
8888 | Don't know | 68 |
9999 | No answer | 102 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
4484 | 36543 | 1909 | 2009 | 1993.911 | 12.511 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1909 do 2009
YRBRN6 Year of birth of sixth person in household
F36. And in what year was he/she born? (6. person in the household)
Vrednost 323247 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 39317 |
7777 | Refusal | 26 |
8888 | Don't know | 44 |
9999 | No answer | 84 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1556 | 39471 | 1916 | 2009 | 1995.316 | 12.628 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1916 do 2009
YRBRN7 Year of birth of seventh person in household
F37. And in what year was he/she born? (7. person in the household)
Vrednost 324246 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 40325 |
7777 | Refusal | 21 |
8888 | Don't know | 25 |
9999 | No answer | 74 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
582 | 40445 | 1918 | 2009 | 1997.247 | 11.366 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1926 do 2009
YRBRN8 Year of birth of eighth person in household
F38. And in what year was he/she born? (8. person in the household)
Vrednost 325245 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 40696 |
7777 | Refusal | 13 |
8888 | Don't know | 15 |
9999 | No answer | 61 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
242 | 40785 | 1948 | 2009 | 1998.471 | 8.98 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1948 do 2009
YRBRN9 Year of birth of ninth person in household
F39. And in what year was he/she born? (9. person in the household)
Vrednost 326244 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 37433 |
7777 | Refusal | 12 |
8888 | Don't know | 10 |
9999 | No answer | 49 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
113 | 40914 | 1969 | 2008 | 2000.956 | 6.462 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1969 do 2008
YRBRN10 Year of birth of tenth person in household
F310. And in what year was he/she born? (10. person in the household)
Vrednost 327243 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 30125 |
7777 | Refusal | 9 |
8888 | Don't know | 7 |
9999 | No answer | 36 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
59 | 40968 | 1921 | 2008 | 1998.424 | 15.524 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1964 do 2008
YRBRN11 Year of birth of eleventh person in household
F311. And in what year was he/she born? (11. person in the household)
Vrednost 328242 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 26531 |
7777 | Refusal | 8 |
8888 | Don't know | 3 |
9999 | No answer | 26 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
28 | 40999 | 1964 | 2008 | 2001.821 | 8.65 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1964 do 2008
YRBRN12 Year of birth of twelfth person in household
F312. And in what year was he/she born? (12. person in the household)
Vrednost 329241 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 16472 |
7777 | Refusal | 9 |
8888 | Don't know | 2 |
9999 | No answer | 19 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
14 | 41013 | 1964 | 2008 | 1999.929 | 11.132 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1964 do 2008
YRBRN13 Year of birth of thirteenth person in household
F313. And in what year was he/she born? (13. person in the household)
Vrednost 330240 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 5256 |
7777 | Refusal | 4 |
8888 | Don't know | 2 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 | 2006 | 2006 | 2006 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2006 do 2006
YRBRN14 Year of birth of fourteenth person in household
F314. And in what year was he/she born? (14. person in the household)
Vrednost 331239 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 2511 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
8888 | Don't know | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 | 2007 | 2007 | 2007 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2007 do 2007
YRBRN15 Year of birth of fifteenth person in household
F315. And in what year was he/she born? (15. person in the household)
Vrednost 332238 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 2511 |
7777 | Refusal | 0 |
8888 | Don't know | 0 |
9999 | No answer | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 | 2008 | 2008 | 2008 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2008 do 2008
RSHIPA2 Second person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F42. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (2. person in household)
Vrednost 333237 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 23316 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 2271 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 5687 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 348 |
5 | Other relative | 614 |
6 | Other non-relative | 412 |
66 | Not applicable | 8124 |
77 | Refusal | 28 |
88 | Don't know | 12 |
99 | No answer | 215 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32648 | 8379 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA3 Third person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F43. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (3. person in household)
Vrednost 334236 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 615 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 12954 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 4122 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 695 |
5 | Other relative | 528 |
6 | Other non-relative | 320 |
66 | Not applicable | 21582 |
77 | Refusal | 28 |
88 | Don't know | 12 |
99 | No answer | 171 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
19234 | 21793 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA4 Fourth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F44. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (4. person in household)
Vrednost 335235 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 304 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 7595 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 357 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 2554 |
5 | Other relative | 597 |
6 | Other non-relative | 231 |
66 | Not applicable | 29191 |
77 | Refusal | 29 |
88 | Don't know | 4 |
99 | No answer | 165 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
11638 | 29389 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA5 Fifth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F45. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (5. person in household)
Vrednost 336234 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 53 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 2722 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 131 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 1088 |
5 | Other relative | 471 |
6 | Other non-relative | 84 |
66 | Not applicable | 36326 |
77 | Refusal | 24 |
88 | Don't know | 3 |
99 | No answer | 125 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
4549 | 36478 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA6 Sixth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F46. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (6. person in household)
Vrednost 337233 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 16 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 846 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 34 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 421 |
5 | Other relative | 259 |
6 | Other non-relative | 32 |
66 | Not applicable | 39317 |
77 | Refusal | 17 |
88 | Don't know | 4 |
99 | No answer | 81 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1608 | 39419 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA7 Seventh person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F47. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (7. person in household)
Vrednost 338232 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 2 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 299 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 10 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 184 |
5 | Other relative | 93 |
6 | Other non-relative | 24 |
66 | Not applicable | 40325 |
77 | Refusal | 13 |
88 | Don't know | 3 |
99 | No answer | 74 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
612 | 40415 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA8 Eighth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F48. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (8. person in household)
Vrednost 339231 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 2 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 125 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 2 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 85 |
5 | Other relative | 37 |
6 | Other non-relative | 10 |
66 | Not applicable | 40696 |
77 | Refusal | 9 |
88 | Don't know | 4 |
99 | No answer | 57 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
261 | 40766 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA9 Ninth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F49. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (9. person in household)
Vrednost 340230 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 0 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 69 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 1 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 34 |
5 | Other relative | 15 |
6 | Other non-relative | 6 |
66 | Not applicable | 37433 |
77 | Refusal | 9 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 48 |
Sysmiss | 3410 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
125 | 40902 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA10 Tenth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F410. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (10. person in household)
Vrednost 341229 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 2 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 32 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 3 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 20 |
5 | Other relative | 9 |
6 | Other non-relative | 4 |
66 | Not applicable | 30125 |
77 | Refusal | 7 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 33 |
Sysmiss | 10791 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
70 | 40957 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA11 Eleventh person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F411. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (11. person in household)
Vrednost 342228 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 0 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 19 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 0 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 8 |
5 | Other relative | 5 |
6 | Other non-relative | 1 |
66 | Not applicable | 26531 |
77 | Refusal | 7 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 24 |
Sysmiss | 14431 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
33 | 40994 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA12 Twelfth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F412. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (12. person in household)
Vrednost 343227 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 0 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 8 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 0 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 3 |
5 | Other relative | 3 |
6 | Other non-relative | 2 |
66 | Not applicable | 16472 |
77 | Refusal | 7 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 20 |
Sysmiss | 24511 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
16 | 41011 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA13 Thirteenth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F413. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (13. person in household)
Vrednost 344226 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 0 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 0 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 0 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 0 |
5 | Other relative | 1 |
6 | Other non-relative | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 5256 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 3 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 35764 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA14 Fourteenth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F414. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (14. person in household)
Vrednost 345225 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 0 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 0 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 0 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 0 |
5 | Other relative | 1 |
6 | Other non-relative | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 2511 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
RSHIPA15 Fifteenth person in household: relationship to respondent CARD 65
F415. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (15. person in household)
Vrednost 346224 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Husband/wife/partner | 0 |
2 | Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster | 0 |
3 | Parent/parent-in-law | 0 |
4 | Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster | 0 |
5 | Other relative | 1 |
6 | Other non-relative | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 2511 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1 | 41026 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
DOMICIL Domicile, respondent's description CARD 66
F5. Which phrase on this card best describes the area where you live?
Vrednost 347223 | Frekvenca | |
1 | A big city | 9410 |
2 | Suburbs or outskirts of big city | 4454 |
3 | Town or small city | 12510 |
4 | Country village | 12421 |
5 | Farm or home in countryside | 2005 |
7 | Refusal | 7 |
8 | Don't know | 41 |
9 | No answer | 179 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40800 | 227 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
EDULVL Highest level of education CARD 67
F6. What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
Vrednost 348222 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 1109 |
1 | Primary or first stage of basic | 4875 |
2 | Lower secondary or second stage of basic | 8197 |
3 | Upper secondary | 13810 |
4 | Post secondary, non-tertiary | 2894 |
5 | First stage of tertiary | 9520 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary | 518 |
7 | Refusal | 24 |
8 | Don't know | 13 |
9 | No answer | 67 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40923 | 104 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVABE Highest level of education, Belgium CARD 67
F6BE. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Belgium)
Vrednost 349221 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 22 |
1 | Primary, basic, and special primary education | 193 |
2 | Lower secondary vocational education | 214 |
3 | Lower secondary general education | 139 |
4 | Higher secondary vocational education (A3) | 155 |
5 | Higher secondary technical education (A2) | 244 |
6 | Higher secondary general education | 213 |
7 | 7th year of vocational education and apprenticeship | 39 |
8 | Higher education, short type (HOKT) (A1) | 292 |
9 | Higher education, long type (HOLT) | 84 |
10 | University education | 137 |
11 | Doctoral and post-doctoral education | 19 |
12 | Other | 9 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39267 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1760 | 39267 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12
EDLVCCH Highest level of education, Switzerland CARD 67
F6CH. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 350220 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Incomplete compulsory school | 7 |
2 | Primary school | 104 |
3 | Secondary education (first stage) | 192 |
4 | Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y | 101 |
5 | Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system) | 690 |
6 | General training school (2-3 years) | 73 |
7 | Vocational baccalaureate | 78 |
8 | School preparing for university | 54 |
9 | Vocational training (second education) | 42 |
10 | Vocational baccalaureate after vocational training | 10 |
11 | School for adult preparing for university | 5 |
12 | Higher vocational training | 152 |
13 | University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ba | 70 |
14 | University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ma | 65 |
15 | University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) | 35 |
16 | University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( | 105 |
17 | University doctorate | 32 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 4 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1815 | 39212 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17
EDLVACY Highest level of education, Cyprus CARD 67
F6CY. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 351219 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 38 |
1 | Primary or first stage of basic | 187 |
2 | Lower secondary or second stage of basic | 112 |
3 | Upper secondary | 488 |
4 | Post secondary, tertiary NOT university | 113 |
5 | First stage of tertiary, Bachelor/Ptychio | 213 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary, Master | 48 |
7 | PhD | 14 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1213 | 39814 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
EDLVADK Highest level of education, Denmark CARD 67
F6DK. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Denmark)
Vrednost 352218 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Ingen skoleuddannelse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 6 |
1 | 1.-6. skoleklasse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 17 |
2 | 7.-10. skoleklasse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 324 |
3 | Gymnasium, HF, HH, HTX, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 119 |
4 | Erhvervsfaglige/håndværker/social/sundhedshjælper | 494 |
5 | Korte videregående uddannelser | 164 |
6 | Mellemlang videregående uddannelse | 322 |
7 | Lang videregående uddannelse (Universitetsuddannelser fx) | 146 |
8 | Overbygning på universitetseksamen, Ph.d., licentiat | 8 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 9 |
Sysmiss | 39417 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1600 | 39427 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8
EDLVBEE Highest level of education, Estonia CARD 67
F6EE. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Estonia)
Vrednost 353217 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Illiterate | 2 |
1 | Without education | 6 |
2 | Basic education without professional qualifications | 76 |
3 | Primary ed without prof qual or uncompl secondary ed without | 208 |
4 | Secondary education without professional qualifications | 229 |
5 | Vocational education, less than 3 years studies | 83 |
6 | Vocational education with 3 or more years study | 32 |
7 | Vocational education with acquisition of basic education | 45 |
8 | Vocational education with acquisition of secondary education | 92 |
9 | Vocational-secondary education after acquisition of basic ed | 94 |
10 | Vocational-seconadary education after secondary education | 95 |
11 | Vocational secondary/technical scool after basic education | 181 |
12 | Vocational secondary/technical scool after secondary educati | 163 |
13 | Vocational higher education | 54 |
14 | Applied higher education (diploma study) | 50 |
15 | Bachelor, 3 years studies (Higher education) | 50 |
16 | Bachelor, more than 3 year studies | 104 |
17 | 2 years Master studies | 57 |
18 | Scientific degree of Master | 30 |
19 | Phd, doctor, all other scientific degrees higher than scient | 5 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 5 |
Sysmiss | 39366 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1656 | 39371 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 19
EDLVAES Highest level of education, Spain CARD 67
F6ES. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Spain)
Vrednost 354216 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No schooling / illiterate | 114 |
1 | Not completed primary education | 244 |
2 | General Basic Education, no Graduate | 199 |
3 | Five years of General Basic Education | 49 |
4 | Former primary education (5 years) | 283 |
5 | General Basic or Compulsory Secondary Education, Graduate | 516 |
6 | Former lower secondary education | 115 |
7 | Vocational training I | 115 |
8 | Former higher secondary education | 342 |
9 | Vocational training II | 188 |
10 | Post secondary, non-tertiary | 6 |
11 | University degree, 3 years technical | 13 |
12 | University degree, 3 years | 161 |
13 | University degree, 5 years technical | 19 |
14 | University degree, 5 years | 180 |
15 | Postgraduate studies | 15 |
16 | Ph.D. | 15 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38451 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2574 | 38453 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 16
EDLVBFR Highest level of education, France CARD 67
F6FR. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (France)
Vrednost 355215 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Non scolarisé | 7 |
2 | Ecole primaire uniquement | 99 |
3 | Certificat d'études primaires | 214 |
4 | Non diplômé jusqu'à la fin 3ème | 68 |
5 | Non diplômé du 2nd cycle (2nde, 1ère filière générale) | 59 |
6 | Non diplômé du CAP, BEP, filière professionnelle | 161 |
7 | Brevet élémentaire, Brevet d'étude du premier cycle, brevet | 95 |
8 | CAP, examen de fin d'apprentissage artisanal, BEP, BP | 375 |
9 | Diplôme d'aide soignante, auxiliaire de puériculture, aide m | 22 |
10 | Baccalauréat général, brevet supérieur | 158 |
11 | Brevet de technicien, baccalauréat de technicien, baccalauré | 86 |
12 | Baccalauréat professionnel | 85 |
13 | Diplôme de moniteur-éducateur, éducateur technique spécialis | 5 |
14 | Diplôme de la capacité en droit, diplôme d'accès aux études | 8 |
15 | Diplôme universitaire de premier cycle (DEUG), diplôme unive | 255 |
16 | Diplôme universitaire de deuxième cycle (licence, maîtrise) | 186 |
17 | Diplômes professionnels divers (notaire, architecte, vétérin | 9 |
18 | Diplôme universitaire de troisième cycle (DES, DESS, master) | 119 |
19 | DEA, master deuxième année recherche | 27 |
20 | Autres doctorats (médecine, dentaire, pharmacie, vétérinaire | 18 |
21 | Doctorat | 15 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38954 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2071 | 38956 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 21
EDLVGB Highest level of education, United Kingdom CARD 67
F6GB. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 356214 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No qualifications | 598 |
1 | GCSE/O-level/CSE/NVQ1/NVQ2 or equiv | 433 |
2 | A-level/NVQ3 or equiv | 269 |
3 | NVQ4/NVQ5 or equiv | 282 |
4 | Degree/HNC/teacher training/nursing or equiv | 727 |
5 | PhD/DPhil or equiv | 29 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 2 |
99 | No answer | 10 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2338 | 38689 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5
EDLVBHU Highest level of education, Hungary
Vrednost 357213 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Did not attend any school at all | 4 |
11 | Primary school (1-4 classes) or equivalent | 20 |
12 | Primary school (5-7 classes) or equivalent | 73 |
13 | Completed Primary School or equivalent | 343 |
21 | Certificate of Trade school | 418 |
22 | Incompleted Secondary School | 50 |
31 | Completed secondary school or equivalent | 260 |
32 | With certificate of Intermediate Technological Educational Institute or equivalent, no university degree | 93 |
41 | Higher form of vocational education | 39 |
42 | Attended some years of Higher Education (at least 1 year) but not holding a Diploma | 24 |
51 | Diploma in College | 142 |
52 | Diploma in University | 66 |
53 | Post-Graduate Diploma holder | 3 |
61 | PhD holder | 8 |
98 | Other | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1543 | 39484 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 98
EDLVAIL Highest level of education, Israel
Vrednost 358212 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 80 |
1 | Primary or junior high school | 279 |
2 | Secondary school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate | 492 |
3 | Secondary school WITH a matriculation certificate | 449 |
4 | Yeshiva high school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate | 90 |
5 | Yeshiva high school WITH a matriculation certificate | 47 |
6 | Post secondary, non tertiary | 379 |
7 | A bachelor academic degree, B.A., or a similar degree that includes an academic diploma | 418 |
8 | A master's degree, M.A., WITHOUT a thesis | 130 |
9 | A master's degree, M.A., WITH a thesis | 78 |
10 | A doctoral degree, Ph.D., or a similar degree | 32 |
77 | Refusal | 5 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 11 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2474 | 38553 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
EDLVNL Highest level of education, Netherlands
Vrednost 359211 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Niet voltooid lager onderwijs | 8 |
2 | Lager onderwijs (LO), Basisschool, Lager speciaal onderwijs | 172 |
3 | Lager Beroepsonderwijs (LBO), Lagere Technische School (LTS) | 258 |
4 | Middelbaar Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (MAVO) | 230 |
5 | Kort Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (KMBO) | 30 |
6 | Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (MBO), Beroepsopleidende leerweg | 304 |
7 | MBO-plus voor toegang tot het HBO korte HBO-opleiding | 95 |
8 | Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) | 131 |
9 | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) | 73 |
10 | Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO) | 300 |
11 | Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (WO) | 134 |
12 | Postdoctorale opleiding | 29 |
13 | Aio/Oio of andere promotie-opleiding tot graad van doctor | 13 |
14 | Anders | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don`t know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1777 | 39250 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
EDLVANO Highest level of education, Norway CARD 67
F6NO. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Norway)
Vrednost 360210 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ingen utdanning eller førskoleutdanning | 5 |
2 | Barneskole (første del av obligatorisk utdanning) | 26 |
3 | Ungdomsskole (grunnskole, 7-årig folkeskole, framhaldsskole) | 201 |
4 | Videregående grunnutdanning (grunnkurs, VK1, folkehøyskole, | 282 |
5 | Videregående avsluttende utdanning (VK2, VK3, gymnas, fagprø | 350 |
6 | Teknisk fagskole, godkjent fagskole eller forkurs som ikke g | 114 |
7 | Universitet/høyskole, 4 år eller mindre med eksamen (bachelo | 345 |
8 | Universitet/høyskole, mer enn 4 år med eksamen (mastergrad, | 200 |
9 | Forskernivå (Dr.grad, Ph.D.) | 20 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1543 | 39484 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
EDLVBPL Highest level of education, Poland CARD 67
F6PL. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Poland)
Vrednost 361209 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not completed primary (compulsory) education | 35 |
2 | Primary completed | 271 |
3 | lower secondary | 103 |
4 | Basic vocational | 358 |
5 | Secondary comprehensive | 173 |
6 | Secondary vocational | 303 |
7 | Post secondary | 82 |
8 | Higher professional | 75 |
9 | University | 210 |
10 | Doctoral degree or higher degree/title | 6 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 3 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1616 | 39411 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
EDLVBPT Highest level of education, Portugal CARD 67
F6PT. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Portugal)
Vrednost 362208 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 251 |
2 | Basic Level 1(primary school - 4th year) | 801 |
3 | Basic level 2 (preparatory school, 5th and 6th years) | 275 |
4 | Basic level 3 (9th year/ previous 5th year of high school) | 405 |
5 | Secondary Education - Vocational Training | 50 |
6 | Secondary School (12th year/ previous 7th year of high schoo | 296 |
7 | Training in Technological Specialization | 15 |
8 | Tertiary Education - Bachelor | 34 |
9 | Tertiary Education - Degree | 208 |
10 | Tertiary Education - Master (Before Bologna) | 18 |
11 | Tertiary Education - Master (After Bologna) | 6 |
12 | Tertiary Education - PhD | 8 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2367 | 38660 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
EDLVRU Highest level of education, Russian Federation CARD 67
F6RU. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 363207 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No formal education | 2 |
1 | Primary education | 193 |
2 | Incomplete high school | 182 |
3 | Professional education without secondary education | 56 |
4 | Completed secondary school | 373 |
5 | Professional education on secondary level | 300 |
6 | Special technical education | 689 |
7 | Several grades of college with no certificate | 94 |
8 | Bachelor degree from college | 6 |
9 | Master degree from college | 8 |
10 | Completed college by 5-6 grade system | 602 |
11 | Post-college education without scientific degree | 4 |
12 | Scientific degree | 3 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2512 | 38515 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12
EDLVASE Highest level of education, Sweden CARD 67
F6SE. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Sweden)
Vrednost 364206 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ej avslutad folkskola/grundskola | 34 |
2 | Folkskola | 188 |
3 | Grundskola/Enhetsskola | 181 |
4 | Realskola/Flickskola | 55 |
5 | Fackskola (1963-1970) | 31 |
6 | 2-årig gymnasielinje, 2-årig yrkesskola | 257 |
7 | 3- eller 4 årig gymnasium (före 1995) | 300 |
8 | Yrkesinriktat gymnasium (efter 1992) | 91 |
9 | Teoretiskt gymnasium (efter 1992) | 54 |
10 | Universitet/högskola utan examen | 149 |
11 | Universitet/högskola, kortare än 3 år, med examen | 140 |
12 | Universitet/högskola, 3 år eller längre, med examen | 320 |
13 | Forskarutbildning | 22 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 4 |
99 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1822 | 39205 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13
EDLVASI Highest level of education, Slovenia CARD 67
F6SI. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Slovenia)
Vrednost 365205 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Nedokoncana osnovna šola | 38 |
1 | Dokoncana osnovna šola | 325 |
2 | 2-3 letna poklicna šola | 270 |
3 | Splošna gimnazija, poklicna gimnazija, štiriletna strokovna | 382 |
4 | 2-letna višja (strokovna) šola | 86 |
5 | Visoka šola, fakulteta, akademija | 166 |
6 | Magisterij, doktorat | 16 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39741 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1283 | 39744 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVASK Highest level of education, Slovakia CARD 67
F6SK. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 366204 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not completed 1st stage of the basic school | 10 |
2 | Not completed 2nd stage of the basic school | 10 |
3 | Second stage of the basic education | 284 |
4 | Specialized secondary school- without maturita | 524 |
5 | Upper secondary education- with maturita | 674 |
6 | Post secondary, non-tertiary education | 56 |
7 | First stage of tertiary education | 33 |
8 | Second stage of tertiary education | 177 |
9 | Third stage of tertiary education- PhD. study | 31 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 11 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1799 | 39228 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
EDUFLD Field or subject, highest qualification CARD 68
F6a. In which one of these fields or subjects is your highest qualification?
Vrednost 367203 | Frekvenca | |
1 | General/no specific field | 12678 |
2 | Art, fine/applied | 664 |
3 | Humanities | 1212 |
4 | Technical and engineering | 7126 |
5 | Agriculture/forestry | 1100 |
6 | Teacher training/education | 2050 |
7 | Science/mathematics/computing etc | 1406 |
8 | Medical/health services/nursing etc | 2621 |
9 | Economics/commerce/business administration | 4567 |
10 | Social studies/administration/media/culture | 1246 |
11 | Law and legal services | 423 |
12 | Personal care services | 2143 |
13 | Public order and safety | 382 |
14 | Transport and telecommunications | 587 |
66 | Not applicable | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 94 |
88 | Don't know | 453 |
99 | No answer | 2275 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38205 | 2822 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
EDUYRS Years of full-time education completed ASK ALL
F7. About how many years of education have you completed, whether full-time or part-time? Please report these in full-time equivalents and include compulsory years of schooling.
Vrednost 368202 | Frekvenca | |
77 | Refusal | 63 |
88 | Don't know | 190 |
99 | No answer | 77 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40697 | 330 | 0 | 48 | 12.19 | 4.129 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 45
PDWRK Doing last 7 days: paid work CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? In paid work (or away temporarily) (employee, self-employed, working for your family business)
Vrednost 369201 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 19126 |
1 | Marked | 21901 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
EDCTN Doing last 7 days: education CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? In education (not paid for by employer) even if on vacation
Vrednost 370200 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 37180 |
1 | Marked | 3847 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
UEMPLA Doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Unemployed and actively looking for a job
Vrednost 371199 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 39480 |
1 | Marked | 1547 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
UEMPLI Doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Unemployed, wanting a job but not actively looking for a job
Vrednost 372198 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40310 |
1 | Marked | 717 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSBLD Doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Permanently sick or disabled
Vrednost 373197 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 39601 |
1 | Marked | 1426 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
RTRD Doing last 7 days: retired CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Retired
Vrednost 374196 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 30321 |
1 | Marked | 10706 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
CMSRV Doing last 7 days: community or military service CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? In community or military service
Vrednost 375195 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40808 |
1 | Marked | 219 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
HSWRK Doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Doing housework, looking after children or other persons
Vrednost 376194 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 33896 |
1 | Marked | 7131 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGOTH Doing last 7 days: other CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? (other)
Vrednost 377193 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40220 |
1 | Marked | 807 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGDK Doing last 7 days: don't know CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Don't know
Vrednost 378192 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 41004 |
1 | Marked | 23 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGREF Doing last 7 days: refusal CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Refusal
Vrednost 379191 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 41007 |
1 | Marked | 20 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGNA Doing last 7 days: no answer CARD 69
F8a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? No answer
Vrednost 380190 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40950 |
1 | Marked | 77 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
MAINACT Main activity last 7 days STILL CARD 69
F8c1. And which of these descriptions best describes your situation (in the last seven days)?
Vrednost 381189 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Paid work | 4314 |
2 | Education | 677 |
3 | Unemployed, looking for job | 251 |
4 | Unemployed, not looking for job | 76 |
5 | Permanently sick or disabled | 220 |
6 | Retired | 1744 |
7 | Community or military service | 14 |
8 | Housework, looking after children, others | 1086 |
9 | Other | 75 |
66 | Not applicable | 32405 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 23 |
99 | No answer | 140 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
8457 | 32570 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
MNACTIC Main activity, last 7 days. All respondents. Post coded
Vrednost 382188 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Paid work | 20807 |
2 | Education | 3231 |
3 | Unemployed, looking for job | 1385 |
4 | Unemployed, not looking for job | 560 |
5 | Permanently sick or disabled | 1074 |
6 | Retired | 9995 |
7 | Community or military service | 83 |
8 | Housework, looking after children, others | 3195 |
9 | Other | 495 |
77 | Refusal | 19 |
88 | Don't know | 42 |
99 | No answer | 141 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40825 | 202 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
CRPDWK Control paid work last 7 days
F9. Can I just check, did you do any paid work of an hour or more in the last seven days?
Vrednost 383187 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 592 |
2 | No | 18311 |
6 | Not applicable | 21896 |
7 | Refusal | 13 |
8 | Don't know | 13 |
9 | No answer | 202 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
18903 | 22124 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
PDJOBEV Ever had a paid job
F10. Have you ever had a paid job?
Vrednost 384186 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 14851 |
2 | No | 3531 |
6 | Not applicable | 22484 |
7 | Refusal | 20 |
8 | Don't know | 9 |
9 | No answer | 132 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
18382 | 22645 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
PDJOBYR Year last in paid job
F11. In what year were you last in a paid job?
Vrednost 385185 | Frekvenca | |
6666 | Not applicable | 26041 |
7777 | Refusal | 49 |
8888 | Don't know | 728 |
9999 | No answer | 186 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
14023 | 27004 | 1937 | 2009 | 1997.522 | 11.034 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1937 do 2009
EMPLREL Employment relation
F12. In your main job are/were you...
Vrednost 386184 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Employee | 32666 |
2 | Self-employed | 3986 |
3 | Working for own family business | 563 |
6 | Not applicable | 3507 |
7 | Refusal | 20 |
8 | Don't know | 83 |
9 | No answer | 202 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37215 | 3812 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
EMPLNO Number of employees respondent has/had
F13. How many employees (if any) do/did you have?
Vrednost 387183 | Frekvenca | |
66666 | Not applicable | 36810 |
77777 | Refusal | 22 |
88888 | Don't know | 54 |
99999 | No answer | 387 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
3754 | 37273 | 0 | 763 | 3.305 | 18.681 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 763
WRKCTRA Employment contract unlimited or limited duration ASK IF EMPLOYEE OR FAMILY BUISINESS OR DON'T KNOW (codes 1, 3, 8 at F12)
F14. Do/did you have a work contract of ...
Vrednost 388182 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Unlimited | 24417 |
2 | Limited | 4995 |
3 | No contract | 3485 |
6 | Not applicable | 7470 |
7 | Refusal | 33 |
8 | Don't know | 362 |
9 | No answer | 265 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
32897 | 8130 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
F15. Including yourself, about how many people are/were employed at the place where you usually work/worked?
Vrednost 389181 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Under 10 | 11653 |
2 | 10 to 24 | 6466 |
3 | 25 to 99 | 8045 |
4 | 100 to 499 | 5641 |
5 | 500 or more | 4073 |
6 | Not applicable | 3507 |
7 | Refusal | 60 |
8 | Don't know | 1294 |
9 | No answer | 288 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
35878 | 5149 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
JBSPV Responsible for supervising other employees
F16. In your main job, do/did you have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees?
Vrednost 390180 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 10819 |
2 | No | 26377 |
6 | Not applicable | 3507 |
7 | Refusal | 36 |
8 | Don't know | 70 |
9 | No answer | 218 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37196 | 3831 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
NJBSPV Number of people responsible for in job
F17. How many people are/were you responsible for?
Vrednost 391179 | Frekvenca | |
66666 | Not applicable | 29970 |
77777 | Refusal | 36 |
88888 | Don't know | 213 |
99999 | No answer | 274 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
10534 | 30493 | 0 | 6000 | 21.741 | 123.36 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6000
WKDCORGA Allowed to decide how daily work is organised ASK ALL WORKING/PREVIOUSLY WORKED CARD 70
F18-19. I am going to read out a list of things about your working life. Using this card, please say how much the management at your work allows/allowed you? ?to decide how your own daily work is/was organised?
Vrednost 392178 | Frekvenca | |
0 | I have/had no influence | 4960 |
1 | 1 | 1562 |
2 | 2 | 1570 |
3 | 3 | 1475 |
4 | 4 | 1146 |
5 | 5 | 3174 |
6 | 6 | 2022 |
7 | 7 | 3619 |
8 | 8 | 5362 |
9 | 9 | 3824 |
10 | I have/had complete control | 8234 |
66 | Not applicable | 3507 |
77 | Refusal | 54 |
88 | Don't know | 271 |
99 | No answer | 247 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36948 | 4079 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
IORGACT Allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation ASK ALL WORKING/PREVIOUSLY WORKED CARD 70
F18-19. I am going to read out a list of things about your working life. Using this card, please say how much the management at your work allows/allowed you? ?to influence policy decisions about the activities of the organisation?
Vrednost 393177 | Frekvenca | |
0 | I have/had no influence | 10610 |
1 | 1 | 2851 |
2 | 2 | 2675 |
3 | 3 | 2127 |
4 | 4 | 1578 |
5 | 5 | 3461 |
6 | 6 | 2181 |
7 | 7 | 2726 |
8 | 8 | 2764 |
9 | 9 | 1465 |
10 | I have/had complete control | 4308 |
66 | Not applicable | 3507 |
77 | Refusal | 59 |
88 | Don't know | 460 |
99 | No answer | 255 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36746 | 4281 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
WKHCT Total contracted hours per week in main job overtime excluded
F20. What are/were your total 'basic' or contracted hours each week (in your main job), excluding any paid and unpaid overtime?
Vrednost 394176 | Frekvenca | |
666 | Not applicable | 3507 |
777 | Refusal | 189 |
888 | Don't know | 2321 |
999 | No answer | 802 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
34208 | 6819 | 0 | 168 | 37.396 | 10.963 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 168
WKHTOT Total hours normally worked per week in main job overtime included
F21. Regardless of your basic or contracted hours, how many hours do/did you normally work a week (in your main job), including any paid or unpaid overtime
Vrednost 395175 | Frekvenca | |
666 | Not applicable | 3507 |
777 | Refusal | 183 |
888 | Don't know | 2586 |
999 | No answer | 461 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
34290 | 6737 | 0 | 168 | 40.264 | 13.227 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 168
NACER11 Industry, NACE rev.1.1
F22. What does/did the firm/organisation you work/worked for mainly make or do?
Vrednost 396174 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Agriculture,hunting, related service activities | 1857 |
2 | Forestry,logging,related service activities | 142 |
5 | Fishing, fish farming and related service activities | 61 |
10 | Mining of coal and lignite, extraction of peat | 120 |
11 | Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas | 85 |
12 | Mining of uranium and thorium ores | 4 |
13 | Mining of metal ores | 34 |
14 | Other mining and quarrying | 58 |
15 | Manufacture of food products and beverages | 944 |
16 | Manufacture of tobacco products | 25 |
17 | Manufacture of textiles | 493 |
18 | Manufacture wearing apparel,dressing,dyeing fur | 500 |
19 | Tanning and dressing of leather | 129 |
20 | Manufact wood,prod of wood,cork,except furniture | 288 |
21 | Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products | 144 |
22 | Publishing,printing,reprod of recorded media | 362 |
23 | Manufacture coke,refined petr prod, nuclear fuel | 35 |
24 | Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products | 393 |
25 | Manufacture of rubber and plastic products | 208 |
26 | Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral prod | 289 |
27 | Manufacture of basic metals | 294 |
28 | Manufact fabric metal prod,except machin,equipm | 425 |
29 | Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. | 712 |
30 | Manufacture of office machinery and computers | 50 |
31 | Manufacture of electric machinery,apparatus | 278 |
32 | Manufact radio,television,communic equip apparat | 163 |
33 | Manufact medic,precisi,opt instr,watches,clocks | 123 |
34 | Manufacture motor vehicles,trailers,semitrailers | 321 |
35 | Manufacture of other transport equipment | 218 |
36 | Manufacture of furniture manufacturing n.e.c. | 394 |
37 | Recycling | 34 |
40 | Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply | 316 |
41 | Collection, purification,distribution of water | 61 |
45 | Construction | 2657 |
50 | Sale,mainten,repair motor vehicles,motorcycles | 550 |
51 | Wholesale trde,com trade,except m vehic,motorcycl | 803 |
52 | Retail trade,except motor vehicles,motorcycles | 3178 |
55 | Hotels and restaurants | 1549 |
60 | Land transport transport via pipelines | 1088 |
61 | Water transport | 86 |
62 | Air transport | 118 |
63 | Supporting,auxiliary transp act travel agencies | 363 |
64 | Post and telecommunications | 580 |
65 | Financial intermed, except insurance,pension fund | 593 |
66 | Insurance,pension fund, except comp soc security | 251 |
67 | Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation | 115 |
70 | Real estate activities | 349 |
71 | Rent machine,equip without oper,of pers, hh good | 46 |
72 | Computer and related activities | 447 |
73 | Research and development, basic research | 185 |
74 | Other business activities | 2111 |
75 | Public adm and defence,compulsory social security | 2410 |
80 | Education | 3086 |
85 | Health and social work | 3557 |
90 | Sewage,refuse disposal, sanitation similar activ | 92 |
91 | Activities of membership organizations n.e.c. | 233 |
92 | Recreational, cultural and sporting activities | 815 |
93 | Other service activities | 797 |
95 | Private households with employed persons | 338 |
96 | Goods producing, private households for own use | 5 |
97 | Services producing,private households for own use | 12 |
99 | Extra-territorial organizations and bodies | 9 |
666 | Not applicable | 3507 |
777 | Refusal | 196 |
888 | Don't know | 331 |
999 | No answer | 1010 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
35983 | 5044 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 99
TPORGWK What type of organisation work for CARD 71
F23. Which of the types of organisation on this card do/did you work for?
Vrednost 397173 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Central or local government | 3747 |
2 | Other public sector (such as education and health) | 4761 |
3 | A state owned enterprise | 3990 |
4 | A private firm | 19824 |
5 | Self-employed | 3268 |
6 | Other | 990 |
66 | Not applicable | 3507 |
77 | Refusal | 54 |
88 | Don't know | 360 |
99 | No answer | 526 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36580 | 4447 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
ISCOCO Occupation, ISCO88 (com)
F24-25a. What is/was the name or title of your main job? In your main job, what kind of work do/did you do most of the time? What training or qualifications are/were needed for the job?
Vrednost 398172 | Frekvenca | |
100 | Armed forces | 123 |
1000 | Legislators, senior officials and managers | 19 |
1100 | Legislators and senior officials | 34 |
1110 | Legislators, senior government officials | 29 |
1140 | Senior officials of special-interest org | 1 |
1141 | Senior officials of political-party org | 1 |
1142 | Senior officials of economic-interest org | 8 |
1143 | Senior off human, special-interest org | 11 |
1200 | Corporate managers | 33 |
1210 | Directors and chief executives | 287 |
1220 | Production and operations managers | 51 |
1221 | Managers agriculture,hunting,forestry,fishing | 15 |
1222 | Managers in manufacturing | 172 |
1223 | Managers in construction | 64 |
1224 | Managers in wholesale and retail trade | 55 |
1225 | Managers in restaurants and hotels | 29 |
1226 | Managers transport,storage,communications | 69 |
1227 | Managers in business services enterprises | 30 |
1228 | Managers personal care,cleaning,rel serv | 10 |
1229 | Managers not elsewhere classified | 135 |
1230 | Other specialist managers | 127 |
1231 | Finance and administration managers | 218 |
1232 | Personnel and industrial relations managers | 88 |
1233 | Sales and marketing managers | 168 |
1234 | Advertising and public relations managers | 20 |
1235 | Supply and distribution managers | 46 |
1236 | Computing services managers | 62 |
1237 | Research and development managers | 49 |
1239 | Oth spec managers not elsewhere classified | 141 |
1300 | Managers of small enterprises | 35 |
1310 | Managers of small enterprises | 26 |
1311 | Mngr small ent agr,hunting,forestry,fishing | 69 |
1312 | Mngr small ent in manufacturing | 77 |
1313 | Mngr small ent in construction | 103 |
1314 | Mngr small ent wholesale and retail trade | 380 |
1315 | Mngr small ent of restaurants and hotels | 150 |
1316 | Mngr small ent transp,storage,comm | 54 |
1317 | Mngr small ent of business serv enterpr | 111 |
1318 | Mngr small ent pers care,cleaning,rel serv | 46 |
1319 | Mngr small ent not elsewhere classified | 122 |
2000 | Professionals | 13 |
2100 | Phys, mathem, engin science professionals | 17 |
2110 | Physics, chemists, related professionals | 0 |
2111 | Physicists and astronomers | 5 |
2112 | Meteorologists | 4 |
2113 | Chemists | 19 |
2114 | Geologists and geophysicists | 13 |
2120 | Mathem, stat, related professionals | 2 |
2121 | Mathematicians and related professionals | 8 |
2122 | Statisticians | 6 |
2130 | Computing professionals | 67 |
2131 | Comp systems designers,analysts,programmers | 205 |
2139 | Comp professionals not elsewhere classified | 90 |
2140 | Architects,engineers,related professionals | 27 |
2141 | Architects, town and traffic planners | 111 |
2142 | Civil engineers | 111 |
2143 | Electrical engineers | 45 |
2144 | Electronics, telecommunications engineers | 47 |
2145 | Mechanical engineers | 107 |
2146 | Chemical engineers | 40 |
2147 | Mining engineers, metall,rel professionals | 15 |
2148 | Cartographers and surveyors | 20 |
2149 | Arch, engin,rel prof not elsewhere class | 189 |
2200 | Life science and health professionals | 14 |
2210 | Life science professionals | 1 |
2211 | Biol,botan,zool and related professionals | 23 |
2212 | Pharm, pathol and related professionals | 9 |
2213 | Agronomists and related professionals | 36 |
2220 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 9 |
2221 | Medical doctors | 216 |
2222 | Dentists | 39 |
2223 | Veterinarians | 22 |
2224 | Pharmacists | 31 |
2229 | Health prof (not nursing) not elsew class | 32 |
2230 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 259 |
2300 | Teaching professionals | 98 |
2310 | Coll,univ, higher educ teaching prof | 228 |
2320 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 596 |
2330 | Primary and pre-primary educ teaching prof | 44 |
2331 | Primary education teaching professionals | 445 |
2332 | Pre-primary educ teaching professionals | 112 |
2340 | Special education teaching professionals | 65 |
2350 | Other teaching professionals | 19 |
2351 | Education methods specialists | 33 |
2352 | School inspectors | 16 |
2359 | Other teaching prof not elsewhere class | 203 |
2400 | Other professionals | 29 |
2410 | Business professionals | 21 |
2411 | Accountants | 282 |
2412 | Personnel and careers professionals | 119 |
2419 | Business prof not elsewhere classified | 217 |
2420 | Legal professionals | 19 |
2421 | Lawyers | 97 |
2422 | Judges | 14 |
2429 | Legal prof not elsewhere classified | 50 |
2430 | Archiv,libr,related information prof | 5 |
2431 | Archivists and curators | 12 |
2432 | Librarians,related information prof | 37 |
2440 | Social science and related professionals | 3 |
2441 | Economists | 104 |
2442 | Sociologists, anthropologists, rel prof | 8 |
2443 | Philosophers,historians,political scientists | 9 |
2444 | Philologists, translators and interpreters | 36 |
2445 | Psychologists | 54 |
2446 | Social work professionals | 109 |
2450 | Writers and creative or performing artists | 7 |
2451 | Authors, journalists and other writers | 110 |
2452 | Sculptors, painters and related artists | 57 |
2453 | Composers, musicians and singers | 41 |
2454 | Choreographers and dancers | 7 |
2455 | Film, stage and related actors and directors | 29 |
2460 | Religious professionals | 48 |
2470 | Public service administrative professionals | 141 |
3000 | Technicians and associate professionals | 7 |
3100 | Physical,engineering science associate prof | 25 |
3110 | Physical,engineering science technicians | 25 |
3111 | Chemical and physical science technicians | 62 |
3112 | Civil engineering technicians | 126 |
3113 | Electrical engineering technicians | 46 |
3114 | Electronics,telecom engineering technicians | 81 |
3115 | Mechanical engineering technicians | 116 |
3116 | Chemical engineering technicians | 35 |
3117 | Mining and metallurgical technicians | 9 |
3118 | Draughtspersons | 69 |
3119 | Phys, engin science techn not elsew class | 159 |
3120 | Computer associate professionals | 75 |
3121 | Computer assistants | 62 |
3122 | Computer equipment operators | 51 |
3123 | Industrial robot controllers | 11 |
3130 | Optical and electronic equipment operators | 2 |
3131 | Photogr,image,sound rec equipment oper | 47 |
3132 | Broadcasting,telecom equipment operators | 18 |
3133 | Medical equipment operators | 19 |
3139 | Optical,electr equipm oper not elsew class | 9 |
3140 | Ship, aircraft controllers and technicians | 2 |
3141 | Ships' engineers | 11 |
3142 | Ships' deck officers and pilots | 18 |
3143 | Aircraft pilots, related associated prof | 14 |
3144 | Air traffic controllers | 9 |
3145 | Air traffic safety technicians | 11 |
3150 | Safety and quality inspectors | 11 |
3151 | Building and fire inspectors | 14 |
3152 | Safety, health and quality inspectors | 169 |
3200 | Life,science and health associate prof | 15 |
3210 | Life,science techn and rel associate prof | 2 |
3211 | Life science technicians | 55 |
3212 | Agronomy and forestry technicians | 11 |
3213 | Farming and forestry advisers | 2 |
3220 | Health associate prof (except nursing) | 6 |
3221 | Medical assistants | 32 |
3222 | Hygienists, health environmental officers | 21 |
3223 | Dieticians and nutritionists | 10 |
3224 | Optometrists and opticians | 24 |
3225 | Dental assistants | 39 |
3226 | Physiotherapists and rel associate prof | 118 |
3227 | Veterinary assistants | 19 |
3228 | Pharmaceutical assistants | 44 |
3229 | Health ass prof excpt nursing not else class | 74 |
3230 | Nursing midwifery associate prof | 11 |
3231 | Nursing associate professionals | 474 |
3232 | Midwifery associate professionals | 12 |
3300 | Teaching associate professionals | 24 |
3310 | Primary education teaching associate prof | 126 |
3320 | Pre-primary edu teaching associate prof | 173 |
3330 | Special education teaching associate prof | 34 |
3340 | Other teaching associate professionals | 166 |
3400 | Other associate professionals | 52 |
3410 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 74 |
3411 | Securities and finance dealers and brokers | 32 |
3412 | Insurance representatives | 88 |
3413 | Estate agents | 70 |
3414 | Travel consultants and organisers | 30 |
3415 | Technical and commercial sales rep | 441 |
3416 | Buyers | 91 |
3417 | Appraisers, valuers and auctioneers | 30 |
3419 | Finance,sales associate prof not else class | 223 |
3420 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 18 |
3421 | Trade brokers | 15 |
3422 | Clearing and forwarding agents | 21 |
3423 | Employment agents and labour contractors | 44 |
3429 | Busines,serv,agnts,trde brokr not else class | 56 |
3430 | Administrative associate professionals | 119 |
3431 | Adm secretaries, related associate prof | 348 |
3432 | Legal related business associate prof | 86 |
3433 | Bookkeepers | 389 |
3434 | Statistical, mathemat rel associate prof | 23 |
3440 | Custom,tax,related gov associate prof | 5 |
3441 | Customs and border inspectors | 11 |
3442 | Government tax and excise officials | 28 |
3443 | Government social benefits officials | 31 |
3444 | Government licensing officials | 7 |
3449 | Custom,tax,rel gov assoc prof not else class | 46 |
3450 | Police inspectors and detectives | 75 |
3460 | Social work associate professionals | 211 |
3470 | Artistic,entertainment,sports associate prof | 19 |
3471 | Decorators and commercial designers | 135 |
3472 | Radio, television and other announcers | 9 |
3473 | Street,nightclub,rel musicians,singers,dance | 21 |
3474 | Clowns,magicians,acrobats, rel associate prof | 4 |
3475 | Athletes,sportspers, related associate prof | 67 |
3480 | Religious associate professionals | 11 |
4000 | Clerks | 106 |
4100 | Office clerks | 109 |
4110 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 100 |
4111 | Stenographers and typists | 24 |
4112 | Word-processor and related operators | 15 |
4113 | Data entry operators | 33 |
4114 | Calculating-machine operators | 7 |
4115 | Secretaries | 568 |
4120 | Numerical clerks | 67 |
4121 | Accounting and bookkeeping clerks | 338 |
4122 | Statistical and finance clerks | 172 |
4130 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 13 |
4131 | Stock clerks | 361 |
4132 | Production clerks | 130 |
4133 | Transport clerks | 111 |
4140 | Library, mail and related clerks | 7 |
4141 | Library and filing clerks | 70 |
4142 | Mail carriers and sorting clerks | 188 |
4143 | Coding, proof-reading and related clerks | 5 |
4144 | Scribes and related workers | 2 |
4190 | Other office clerks | 510 |
4200 | Customer services clerks | 39 |
4210 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 38 |
4211 | Cashiers and ticket clerks | 208 |
4212 | Tellers and other counter clerks | 123 |
4213 | Bookmakers and croupiers | 13 |
4214 | Pawnbrokers and money-lenders | 1 |
4215 | Debt-collectors and related workers | 13 |
4220 | Client information clerks | 35 |
4221 | Travel agency and related clerks | 24 |
4222 | Receptionists and information clerks | 181 |
4223 | Telephone switchboard operators | 115 |
5000 | Service workers,shop, market sales workers | 16 |
5100 | Personal and protective services workers | 16 |
5110 | Travel attendants and related workers | 2 |
5111 | Travel attendants and travel stewards | 22 |
5112 | Transport conductors | 28 |
5113 | Travel guides | 18 |
5120 | Housekeeping, restaurant services workers | 24 |
5121 | Housekeepers and related workers | 80 |
5122 | Cooks | 462 |
5123 | Waiters, waitresses and bartenders | 531 |
5130 | Personal care and related workers | 37 |
5131 | Child-care workers | 386 |
5132 | Institution-based personal care workers | 560 |
5133 | Home-based personal care workers | 336 |
5139 | Personal care,related workers not else class | 93 |
5140 | Other personal services workers | 3 |
5141 | Hairdress,barber,beautician, related workers | 323 |
5142 | Companions and valets | 12 |
5143 | Undertakers and embalmers | 9 |
5149 | Other pers service workers not else class | 75 |
5160 | Protective services workers | 13 |
5161 | Fire-fighters | 43 |
5162 | Police officers | 124 |
5163 | Prison guards | 34 |
5169 | Protective services workers not else class | 197 |
5200 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 11 |
5210 | Fashion and other models | 1 |
5220 | Shop,stall,market salespers, demonstrators | 2022 |
6000 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 5 |
6100 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 46 |
6110 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 35 |
6111 | Field crop and vegetable growers | 173 |
6112 | Gardeners, horticultural, nursery growers | 176 |
6120 | Animal producers and related workers | 18 |
6121 | Dairy and livestock producers | 136 |
6122 | Poultry producers | 14 |
6129 | Animal prod, related workers not else class | 32 |
6130 | Crop and animal producers | 439 |
6140 | Forestry and related workers | 22 |
6141 | Forestry workers and loggers | 36 |
6142 | Charcoal burners and related workers | 1 |
6150 | Fishery workers, hunters and trappers | 8 |
6151 | Aquatic-life cultivation workers | 10 |
6152 | Inland and coastal waters fishery workers | 10 |
6153 | Deep-sea fishery workers | 10 |
6154 | Hunters and trappers | 1 |
7000 | Craft and related trades workers | 58 |
7100 | Extraction and building trades workers | 20 |
7110 | Miners,shotfirers, stone cutters, carvers | 0 |
7111 | Miners and quarry workers | 51 |
7112 | Shotfirers and blasters | 6 |
7113 | Stone splitters, cutters and carvers | 9 |
7120 | Building frame and related trades workers | 33 |
7121 | Builders | 193 |
7122 | Bricklayers and stonemasons | 353 |
7123 | Concrete placer,concrete finisher, rel workrs | 62 |
7124 | Carpenters and joiners | 228 |
7129 | Build frame, rel trade worker not else class | 88 |
7130 | Build finishers, related trades workers | 12 |
7131 | Roofers | 28 |
7132 | Floor layers and tile setters | 44 |
7133 | Plasterers | 35 |
7134 | Insulation workers | 30 |
7135 | Glaziers | 8 |
7136 | Plumbers and pipe fitters | 192 |
7137 | Building and related electricians | 178 |
7139 | Build finisher,rel trde work not else class | 42 |
7140 | Painter,building struct cleaner,rel trde work | 6 |
7141 | Painters and related workers | 190 |
7143 | Building structure cleaners | 18 |
7200 | Metal, machinery related trades workers | 46 |
7210 | Metalm,welder,sheetmet,structmet prep,rel work | 33 |
7211 | Metal moulders and coremakers | 46 |
7212 | Welders and flamecutters | 169 |
7213 | Sheet-metal workers | 60 |
7214 | Structural-metal preparers and erectors | 45 |
7215 | Riggers and cable splicers | 4 |
7216 | Underwater workers | 1 |
7220 | Blacksmiths,tool-makers,related trad work | 5 |
7221 | Blacksmith, hammer-smith,forging-press work | 49 |
7222 | Tool-makers and related workers | 101 |
7223 | Machine-tool setters and setter-operators | 140 |
7224 | Metal wheelgrinder, polisher, tool sharpener | 32 |
7230 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 56 |
7231 | Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters | 287 |
7232 | Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters | 20 |
7233 | Agric- or industrmachine mechanic and fitter | 161 |
7240 | Electric,electronic equip mech and fitter | 27 |
7241 | Electric mechanic, fitters and servicers | 171 |
7242 | Electronic mecanic, fitters and servicers | 72 |
7244 | Telegraph, teleph installers and servicers | 39 |
7245 | Electric line install,repairer,cable jointer | 44 |
7300 | Precision,handicraft,printing,rel trade work | 13 |
7310 | Precision workers in metal and rel materials | 0 |
7311 | Precision-instrument makers and repairers | 42 |
7312 | Musical instrument makers and tuners | 3 |
7313 | Jewellery and precious-metal workers | 25 |
7320 | Potters,glass-makers, related trades workers | 2 |
7321 | Abrasive wheel former,potter and rel workers | 17 |
7322 | Glass-makers,cutters,grinders and finishers | 19 |
7323 | Glass engravers and etchers | 0 |
7324 | Glass,ceramics and rel decorative painters | 14 |
7330 | Handicrft work wood,textile,leather,rel matr | 10 |
7331 | Handicrft work in wood and related material | 17 |
7332 | Handicrft work in textile,leather,rel mater | 13 |
7340 | Craft printing and related trades workers | 5 |
7341 | Compositors,typesetters, related workers | 30 |
7342 | Stereotypers and electrotypers | 8 |
7343 | Printing engravers and etchers | 12 |
7344 | Photographic and related workers | 11 |
7345 | Bookbinders and related workers | 8 |
7346 | Silk-screen,block,craft textile printers | 5 |
7400 | Other craft and related trades workers | 25 |
7410 | Food processing and related trades workers | 1 |
7411 | Butchers,fishmongers,related food preparers | 80 |
7412 | Bakers,pastry-cooks,confectionery maker | 125 |
7413 | Dairy products workers | 11 |
7414 | Fruit, vegetable and related preservers | 8 |
7415 | Food and beverage tasters and graders | 2 |
7416 | Tobacco preparers,tobacco products maker | 1 |
7420 | Wood treaters,cabinet-makers,rel trad work | 10 |
7421 | Wood treaters | 18 |
7422 | Cabinetmakers and related workers | 95 |
7423 | Woodworking machine setter,setter-operator | 19 |
7424 | Basketry weavers,brush makers,rel worker | 6 |
7430 | Textile,garment, related trades worker | 17 |
7431 | Fibre preparers | 11 |
7432 | Weavers, knitters and related workers | 64 |
7433 | Tailors, dressmakers and hatters | 179 |
7434 | Furriers and related workers | 2 |
7435 | Textile,leather,rel patternmakers, cutter | 17 |
7436 | Sewers, embroiderers and related workers | 177 |
7437 | Upholsterers and related workers | 24 |
7440 | Pelt,leather,shoemaking trades worker | 1 |
7441 | Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers | 9 |
7442 | Shoe-makers and related workers | 45 |
8000 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 22 |
8100 | Stationary plant and related operators | 24 |
8110 | Mining, mineral-processing-plant operator | 4 |
8111 | Mining plant operators | 16 |
8112 | Mineralore,stone-processing-plant operator | 11 |
8113 | Well drillers,borers and related worker | 14 |
8120 | Metal-processing plant operators | 5 |
8121 | Ore and metal furnace operators | 15 |
8122 | Metal melters,casters,rolling-mill operator | 20 |
8123 | Metal-heat-treating-plant operators | 8 |
8124 | Metal drawers and extruders | 4 |
8130 | Glass, ceramics,related plant operators | 1 |
8131 | Glass,ceramics kiln,related machine operator | 13 |
8139 | Glass,ceramic,rel plant operat not else class | 8 |
8140 | Wood-processing, papermaking-plant operator | 13 |
8141 | Wood-processing-plant operators | 52 |
8142 | Paper-pulp plant operators | 4 |
8143 | Papermaking-plant operators | 29 |
8150 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 9 |
8151 | Crush,grind,chemicalmixing machinery operat | 0 |
8152 | Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators | 5 |
8153 | Chemical,filtering,separating-equip operator | 1 |
8154 | Chem-still,reactor opt,except petr, nat gas | 0 |
8155 | Petrol,natural gas refin plant operator | 8 |
8159 | Chemicalprocess,plant operat not else class | 18 |
8160 | Power-Prod. and related plant operators | 0 |
8161 | Power-production plant operators | 23 |
8162 | Steam-engine and boiler operators | 32 |
8163 | Incinerator,watertreatment,rel plant operator | 24 |
8170 | Industrial robot operators | 15 |
8200 | Machine operators and assemblers | 27 |
8210 | Metal,mineralproducts machine operator | 5 |
8211 | Machine-tool operators | 127 |
8212 | Cement, other mineral prod machine operator | 20 |
8220 | Chemical-products machine operators | 3 |
8221 | Pharmaceutical,toiletry-prod machine operat | 10 |
8222 | Ammunition,explosive products machine operat | 4 |
8223 | Metal finish, plating,coatingmachine operat | 20 |
8224 | Photographic-products machine operators | 5 |
8229 | Chemicalprod, machine operat not else class | 21 |
8230 | Rubber,plasticproducts machine operator | 1 |
8231 | Rubber-products machine operators | 18 |
8232 | Plastic-products machine operators | 65 |
8240 | Wood-products machine operators | 37 |
8250 | Printing,binding,paperprod machine operat | 3 |
8251 | Printing-machine operators | 34 |
8252 | Bookbinding-machine operators | 9 |
8253 | Paper-products machine operators | 16 |
8260 | Textile,fur,leatherprod machine operator | 16 |
8261 | Fibreprep,spinning winding-machine operat | 25 |
8262 | Weaving- and knitting-machine operators | 50 |
8263 | Sewing-machine operators | 157 |
8264 | Bleaching,dyeing,cleaning-machine operat | 29 |
8265 | Fur,leatherprep machine operat | 4 |
8266 | Shoemaking- and related machine operators | 25 |
8269 | Textl,fur,leatherprod mach operat n else clas | 42 |
8270 | Food,related products machine operator | 17 |
8271 | Meat, fishprocess machine operator | 41 |
8272 | Dairy-products machine operators | 17 |
8273 | Grain- and spice-milling-machine operators | 11 |
8274 | Baked g,cereal,chocolateprod machine operat | 35 |
8275 | Fruit,vegetable,nutprocess-machine operat | 15 |
8276 | Sugar production machine operators | 1 |
8277 | Tea, coffee, cocoaprocess-machine operat | 1 |
8278 | Brewer,wine, other beverage machine operat | 15 |
8279 | Tobacco production machine operators | 6 |
8280 | Assemblers | 35 |
8281 | Mechanical-machinery assemblers | 53 |
8282 | Electrical-equipment assemblers | 49 |
8283 | Electronic-equipment assemblers | 36 |
8284 | Metal,rubber,plastic-prod assemblers | 25 |
8285 | Wood and related products assemblers | 27 |
8286 | Paperboard,textile, related prod assembl | 3 |
8287 | Composite products assemblers | 9 |
8290 | Other machine operat not else class | 126 |
8300 | Drivers and mobile plant operators | 30 |
8310 | Locomotive engine drivers,related worker | 3 |
8311 | Locomotive engine drivers | 52 |
8312 | Railway brakers, signallers and shunters | 50 |
8320 | Motor vehicle drivers | 41 |
8321 | Motorcycle drivers | 0 |
8322 | Car, taxi and van drivers | 309 |
8323 | Bus and tram drivers | 141 |
8324 | Heavy truck and lorry drivers | 456 |
8330 | Agricultural,other mobile plant operator | 9 |
8331 | Motorised farm, forestry plant operator | 107 |
8332 | Earth-moving and related plant operators | 92 |
8333 | Crane, hoist and related plant operators | 88 |
8334 | Lifting-truck operators | 69 |
8340 | Ships' deck crews and related workers | 21 |
9000 | Elementary occupations | 58 |
9100 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 38 |
9110 | Street vendors and related workers | 0 |
9111 | Street vendors | 20 |
9113 | Door-to-door and telephone salespersons | 40 |
9120 | Shoe cleaning,other streetserv element occ | 2 |
9130 | Domestic,related helpers,cleaner,launderer | 140 |
9131 | Domestic helpers and cleaners | 451 |
9132 | Helper,cleaner in office,hotel,other establ | 1037 |
9133 | Hand-launderers and pressers | 58 |
9140 | Building caretakers,window, rel cleaner | 15 |
9141 | Building caretakers | 176 |
9142 | Vehicle, window and related cleaners | 22 |
9150 | Messengers,porters doorkeepers,rel worker | 5 |
9151 | Messengers,package,luggage porter, deliverer | 146 |
9152 | Doorkeepers,watchpersons,related worker | 220 |
9153 | Vendingm,money collect, meter reader,rel work | 15 |
9160 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 11 |
9161 | Garbage collectors | 27 |
9162 | Sweepers and related labourers | 74 |
9200 | Agricultural,fishery,related labourers | 12 |
9210 | Agricultural,fishery,related labourers | 26 |
9211 | Farm-hands and labourers | 379 |
9212 | Forestry labourers | 32 |
9213 | Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers | 5 |
9300 | Labourer mining,construction,manufact,transp | 16 |
9310 | Mining and construction labourers | 12 |
9311 | Mining and quarrying labourers | 19 |
9312 | Constr,mainten labour: roads,dams,sim constr | 144 |
9313 | Building construction labourers | 141 |
9320 | Manufacturing labourers | 600 |
9330 | Transport laborers and freight handlers | 219 |
66666 | Not applicable | 3507 |
77777 | Refusal | 155 |
88888 | Don't know | 163 |
99999 | No answer | 433 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36769 | 4258 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 9330
WRKAC6M Paid work in another country, period more than 6 months last 10 years
F26. In the last 10 years have you done any paid work in another country for a period of 6 months or more?
Vrednost 399171 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 1954 |
2 | No | 34214 |
6 | Not applicable | 3507 |
7 | Refusal | 22 |
8 | Don't know | 12 |
9 | No answer | 1318 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
36168 | 4859 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
UEMP3M Ever unemployed and seeking work for a period more than three months ASK ALL
F27. Have you ever been unemployed and seeking work for a period of more than three months?
Vrednost 400170 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 10204 |
2 | No | 30566 |
7 | Refusal | 43 |
8 | Don't know | 96 |
9 | No answer | 118 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40770 | 257 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
UEMP12M Any period of unemployment and work seeking lasted 12 months or more
F28. Have any of these periods lasted for 12 months or more?
Vrednost 401169 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 4454 |
2 | No | 5684 |
6 | Not applicable | 30703 |
7 | Refusal | 5 |
8 | Don't know | 53 |
9 | No answer | 128 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
10138 | 30889 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
UEMP5YR Any period of unemployment and work seeking within last 5 years
F29. Have any of these periods been within the past 5 years?
Vrednost 402168 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 5052 |
2 | No | 5090 |
6 | Not applicable | 30703 |
7 | Refusal | 12 |
8 | Don't know | 27 |
9 | No answer | 143 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
10142 | 30885 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
MBTRU Member of trade union or similar organisation ASK ALL
F30. Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation? IF YES, is that currently or previously?
Vrednost 403167 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes, currently | 7534 |
2 | Yes, previously | 10059 |
3 | No | 23117 |
7 | Refusal | 60 |
8 | Don't know | 145 |
9 | No answer | 112 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40710 | 317 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
HINCSRCA Main source of household income CARD 72
F31. Please consider the income of all household members and any income which may be received by the household as a whole. What is the main source of income in your household?
Vrednost 404166 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Wages or salaries | 24795 |
2 | Income from self-employment (excluding farming) | 2047 |
3 | Income from farming | 393 |
4 | Pensions | 10604 |
5 | Unemployment/redundancy benefit | 683 |
6 | Any other social benefits or grants | 1106 |
7 | Income from investments, savings etc. | 233 |
8 | Income from other sources | 515 |
77 | Refusal | 302 |
88 | Don't know | 237 |
99 | No answer | 112 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40376 | 651 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
HINCTNTA Household's total net income, all sources CARD 73
F32. Using this card, please tell me which letter describes your household's total income, after tax and compulsory deductions, from all sources? If you don't know the exact figure, please give an estimate. Use the part of the card that you know best: weekly, monthly or annual income.
Vrednost 405165 | Frekvenca | |
1 | J | 1997 |
2 | R | 2867 |
3 | C | 3215 |
4 | M | 3155 |
5 | F | 3071 |
6 | S | 2871 |
7 | K | 2987 |
8 | P | 2911 |
9 | D | 2791 |
10 | H | 2839 |
77 | Refusal | 3742 |
88 | Don't know | 3164 |
99 | No answer | 162 |
Sysmiss | 5255 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
28704 | 12323 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
HINCFEL Feeling about household's income nowadays CARD 74
F33. Which of the descriptions on this card comes closest to how you feel about your household's income nowadays?
Vrednost 406164 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Living comfortably on present income | 11292 |
2 | Coping on present income | 18311 |
3 | Difficult on present income | 7900 |
4 | Very difficult on present income | 3102 |
7 | Refusal | 95 |
8 | Don't know | 261 |
9 | No answer | 66 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40605 | 422 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
BRWMNY Borrow money to make ends meet, difficult or easy CARD 75
F34. If for some reason you were in serious financial difficulties and had to borrow money to make ends meet, how difficult or easy would that be?
Vrednost 407163 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very difficult | 7638 |
2 | Quite difficult | 11325 |
3 | Neither easy nor difficult | 9169 |
4 | Quite easy | 7786 |
5 | Very easy | 2946 |
7 | Refusal | 132 |
8 | Don't know | 1935 |
9 | No answer | 96 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38864 | 2163 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
PARTNER Lives with husband/wife/partner at F4
Vrednost 408162 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Lives with husband/wife/partner at F4 | 24273 |
2 | Does not | 16474 |
9 | Not available | 280 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40747 | 280 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
EDULVLP Partner's highest level of education CARD 76
F36. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved?
Vrednost 409161 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 648 |
1 | Primary or first stage of basic | 2805 |
2 | Lower secondary or second stage of basic | 4357 |
3 | Upper secondary | 8325 |
4 | Post secondary, non-tertiary | 1725 |
5 | First stage of tertiary | 5784 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary | 498 |
66 | Not applicable | 16476 |
77 | Refusal | 71 |
88 | Don't know | 159 |
99 | No answer | 179 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
24142 | 16885 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVPBE Partner's highest level of education, Belgium CARD 76
F36BE. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Belgium)
Vrednost 410160 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 18 |
1 | Primary, basic, and special primary education | 101 |
2 | Lower secondary vocational education | 114 |
3 | Lower secondary general education | 59 |
4 | Higher secondary vocational education (A3) | 105 |
5 | Higher secondary technical education (A2) | 164 |
6 | Higher secondary general education | 105 |
7 | 7th year of vocational education and apprenticeship | 26 |
8 | Higher education, short type (HOKT) (A1) | 195 |
9 | Higher education, long type (HOLT) | 59 |
10 | University education | 111 |
11 | Doctoral and post-doctoral education | 18 |
12 | Other | 3 |
66 | Not applicable | 665 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 12 |
99 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39267 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1078 | 39949 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12
EDLVPCH Partner's highest level of education, Switzerland CARD 76
F36CH. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 411159 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Incomplete compulsory school | 4 |
2 | Primary school | 53 |
3 | Secondary education (first stage) | 60 |
4 | Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y | 48 |
5 | Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system) | 401 |
6 | General training school (2-3 years) | 30 |
7 | Vocational baccalaureate | 19 |
8 | School preparing for university | 15 |
9 | Vocational training (second education) | 21 |
10 | Vocational baccalaureate after vocational training | 4 |
11 | School for adult preparing for university | 1 |
12 | Higher vocational training | 80 |
13 | University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ba | 26 |
14 | University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ma | 27 |
15 | University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) | 25 |
16 | University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( | 58 |
17 | University doctorate | 25 |
66 | Not applicable | 907 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 15 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
897 | 40130 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17
EDLVPCY Partner's highest level of education, Cyprus CARD 76
F36CY. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 412158 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 30 |
1 | Primary or first stage of basic | 162 |
2 | Lower secondary or second stage of basic | 85 |
3 | Upper secondary | 290 |
4 | Post secondary, tertiary NOT university | 59 |
5 | First stage of tertiary, Bachelor/Ptychio | 145 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary, Master | 25 |
7 | PhD | 2 |
66 | Not applicable | 411 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 5 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
798 | 40229 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
EDLVPDK Partner's highest level of education, Denmark CARD 76
F36DK. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Denmark)
Vrednost 413157 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Ingen skoleuddannelse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 7 |
1 | 1.-6. skoleklasse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 11 |
2 | 7.-10. skoleklasse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 170 |
3 | Gymnasium, HF, HH, HTX, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 55 |
4 | Erhvervsfaglige/håndværker/social/sundhedshjælper | 394 |
5 | Korte videregående uddannelser | 125 |
6 | Mellemlang videregående uddannelse | 216 |
7 | Lang videregående uddannelse (Universitetsuddannelser fx) | 113 |
8 | Overbygning på universitetseksamen, Ph.d., licentiat | 9 |
66 | Not applicable | 498 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 12 |
Sysmiss | 39417 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1100 | 39927 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8
EDLVPEE Partner's highest level of education, Estonia CARD 76
F36EE. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Estonia)
Vrednost 414156 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 1 |
1 | Primary education | 21 |
2 | Basic education | 110 |
3 | Secondary education, vocational education after basic educat | 397 |
4 | Vocational education after secondary education, but not high | 156 |
5 | First stage of tertiary (3 years university studies, bachelo | 81 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary (5 years diploma studies, master st | 170 |
66 | Not applicable | 710 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 3 |
99 | No answer | 12 |
Sysmiss | 39366 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
936 | 40091 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVPES Partner's highest level of education, Spain CARD 76
F36ES. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Spain)
Vrednost 415155 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No schooling / illiterate | 62 |
1 | Not completed primary education | 175 |
2 | General Basic Education, no graduate | 123 |
3 | Five years of General Basic Education | 31 |
4 | Former primary education (5 years) | 194 |
5 | General Basic or Compulsory Secondary Education, Graduate | 287 |
6 | Former lower secondary education | 91 |
7 | Vocational training I | 72 |
8 | Former higher secondary education | 147 |
9 | Vocational training II | 113 |
10 | Post secondary, non-tertiary | 10 |
11 | University degree, 3 years technical | 15 |
12 | University degree, 3 years | 73 |
13 | University degree, 5 years technical | 7 |
14 | University degree, 5 years | 130 |
15 | Postgraduate studies | 8 |
16 | Ph.D. | 10 |
66 | Not applicable | 1005 |
77 | Refusal | 14 |
88 | Don't know | 8 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 38451 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1548 | 39479 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 16
EDLVPFR Partner's highest level of education, France CARD 76
F36FR. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (France)
Vrednost 416154 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Non scolarisé | 2 |
2 | Ecole primaire uniquement | 53 |
3 | Certificat d'études primaires | 118 |
4 | Non diplômé jusqu'à la fin 3ème | 41 |
5 | Non diplômé du 2nd cycle (2nde, 1ère filière générale) | 23 |
6 | Non diplômé du CAP, BEP, filière professionnelle | 81 |
7 | Brevet élémentaire, Brevet d'étude du premier cycle, brevet | 40 |
8 | CAP, examen de fin d'apprentissage artisanal, BEP, BP | 247 |
9 | Diplôme d'aide soignante, auxiliaire de puériculture, aide m | 19 |
10 | Baccalauréat général, brevet supérieur | 132 |
11 | Brevet de technicien, baccalauréat de technicien, baccalauré | 54 |
12 | Baccalauréat professionnel | 52 |
13 | Diplôme de moniteur-éducateur, éducateur technique spécialis | 4 |
14 | Diplôme de la capacité en droit, diplôme d'accès aux études | 6 |
15 | Diplôme universitaire de premier cycle (DEUG), diplôme unive | 150 |
16 | Diplôme universitaire de deuxième cycle (licence, maîtrise) | 101 |
17 | Diplômes professionnels divers (notaire, architecte, vétérin | 12 |
18 | Diplôme universitaire de troisième cycle (DES, DESS, master) | 65 |
19 | DEA, master deuxième année recherche | 8 |
20 | Autres doctorats (médecine, dentaire, pharmacie, vétérinaire | 16 |
21 | Doctorat | 20 |
66 | Not applicable | 812 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 14 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38954 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1244 | 39783 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 21
EDLVPGB Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom CARD 76
F36GB. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 417153 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No qualifications | 295 |
1 | GCSE/O-level/CSE/NVQ1/NVQ2 or equiv | 216 |
2 | A-level/NVQ3 or equiv | 107 |
3 | NVQ4/NVQ5 or equiv | 145 |
4 | Degree/HNC/teacher training/nursing or equiv | 361 |
5 | PhD/DPhil or equiv | 30 |
66 | Not applicable | 1153 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 31 |
99 | No answer | 10 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1154 | 39873 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5
EDLVPHU Partner's highest level of education, Hungary
Vrednost 418152 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Did not attend any school at all | 3 |
11 | Primary school (1-4 classes) or equivalent | 5 |
12 | Primary school (5-7 classes) or equivalent | 26 |
13 | Completed Primary School or equivalent | 186 |
21 | Certificate of Trade school | 289 |
22 | Incompleted Secondary School | 19 |
31 | Completed secondary school or equivalent | 159 |
32 | With certificate of Intermediate Technological Educational Institute or equivalent, no university degree | 46 |
41 | Higher form of vocational education | 19 |
42 | Attended some years of Higher Education (at least 1 year) but not holding a Diploma | 7 |
51 | Diploma in College | 76 |
52 | Diploma in University | 41 |
53 | Post-Graduate Diploma holder | 2 |
61 | PhD holder | 6 |
98 | Other | 0 |
66 | Not applicable | 655 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 3 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
884 | 40143 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 98
EDLVPIL Partner's highest level of education, Israel
Vrednost 419151 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 60 |
1 | Primary or junior high school | 207 |
2 | Secondary school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate | 269 |
3 | Secondary school WITH a matriculation certificate | 249 |
4 | Yeshiva high school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate | 31 |
5 | Yeshiva high school WITH a matriculation certificate | 33 |
6 | Post secondary, non tertiary | 281 |
7 | A bachelor academic degree, B.A., or a similar degree that includes an academic diploma | 244 |
8 | A master's degree, M.A., WITHOUT a thesis | 109 |
9 | A master's degree, M.A., WITH a thesis | 45 |
10 | A doctoral degree, Ph.D., or a similar degree | 25 |
66 | Not applicable | 875 |
77 | Refusal | 8 |
88 | Don't know | 5 |
99 | No answer | 49 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1553 | 39474 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
EDLVPNL Partner's highest level of education, Netherlands
Vrednost 420150 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Niet voltooid lager onderwijs | 9 |
2 | Lager onderwijs (LO), Basisschool, Lager speciaal onderwijs | 64 |
3 | Lager Beroepsonderwijs (LBO), Lagere Technische School (LTS) | 193 |
4 | Middelbaar Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (MAVO) | 134 |
5 | Kort Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (KMBO) | 12 |
6 | Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (MBO), Beroepsopleidende leerweg | 217 |
7 | MBO-plus voor toegang tot het HBO korte HBO-opleiding | 54 |
8 | Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) | 62 |
9 | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) | 25 |
10 | Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO) | 169 |
11 | Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (WO) | 93 |
12 | Postdoctorale opleiding | 11 |
13 | Aio/Oio of andere promotie-opleiding tot graad van doctor | 5 |
14 | Anders | 4 |
66 | Not applicable | 720 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don`t know | 5 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1052 | 39975 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
EDLVPNO Partner's highest level of education, Norway CARD 76
F36NO. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Norway)
Vrednost 421149 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ingen utdanning eller førskoleutdanning | 2 |
2 | Barneskole (første del av obligatorisk utdanning) | 10 |
3 | Ungdomsskole (grunnskole, 7-årig folkeskole, framhaldsskole) | 98 |
4 | Videregående grunnutdanning (grunnkurs, VK1, folkehøyskole, | 186 |
5 | Videregående avsluttende utdanning (VK2, VK3, gymnas, fagprø | 207 |
6 | Teknisk fagskole, godkjent fagskole eller forkurs som ikke g | 95 |
7 | Universitet/høyskole, 4 år eller mindre med eksamen (bachelo | 210 |
8 | Universitet/høyskole, mer enn 4 år med eksamen (mastergrad, | 164 |
9 | Forskernivå (Dr.grad, Ph.D.) | 16 |
66 | Not applicable | 549 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 5 |
99 | No answer | 6 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
988 | 40039 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
EDLVPPL Partner's highest level of education, Poland CARD 76
F36PL. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (POLAND)
Vrednost 422148 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not completed primary (compulsory) education | 9 |
2 | Primary completed | 151 |
3 | lower secondary | 3 |
4 | Basic vocational | 285 |
5 | Secondary comprehensive | 78 |
6 | Secondary vocational | 202 |
7 | Post secondary | 39 |
8 | Higher professional | 31 |
9 | University | 152 |
10 | Doctoral degree or higher degree/title | 5 |
66 | Not applicable | 656 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 5 |
99 | No answer | 3 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
955 | 40072 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
EDLVPPT Partner's highest level of education, Portugal CARD 76
F36PT. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Portugal)
Vrednost 423147 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 133 |
2 | Basic Level 1(primary school - 4th year) | 568 |
3 | Basic level 2 (preparatory school, 5th and 6th years) | 161 |
4 | Basic level 3 (9th year/ previous 5th year of high school) | 203 |
5 | Secondary Education - Vocational Training | 26 |
6 | Secondary School (12th year/ previous 7th year of high schoo | 121 |
7 | Training in Technological Specialization | 6 |
8 | Tertiary Education - Bachelor | 14 |
9 | Tertiary Education - Degree | 107 |
10 | Tertiary Education - Master (Before Bologna) | 8 |
11 | Tertiary Education - Master (After Bologna) | 1 |
12 | Tertiary Education - PhD | 5 |
66 | Not applicable | 992 |
77 | Refusal | 11 |
88 | Don't know | 7 |
99 | No answer | 4 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1353 | 39674 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
EDLVPRU Partner's highest level of education, Russian Federation CARD 76
F36RU. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 424146 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No formal education | 0 |
1 | Primary education | 56 |
2 | Incomplete high school | 50 |
3 | Professional education without secondary education | 55 |
4 | Completed secondary school | 177 |
5 | Professional education on secondary level | 116 |
6 | Special technical education | 368 |
7 | Several grades of college with no certificate | 31 |
8 | Bachelor degree from college | 8 |
9 | Master degree from college | 2 |
10 | Completed college by 5-6 grade system | 332 |
11 | Post-college education without scientific degree | 4 |
12 | Scientific degree | 2 |
66 | Not applicable | 1295 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 16 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1201 | 39826 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12
EDLVPSE Partner's highest level of education, Sweden CARD 76
F36SE. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Sweden)
Vrednost 425145 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ej avslutad folkskola/grundskola | 6 |
2 | Folkskola | 101 |
3 | Grundskola/Enhetsskola | 102 |
4 | Realskola/Flickskola | 38 |
5 | Fackskola (1963-1970) | 15 |
6 | 2-årig gymnasielinje, 2-årig yrkesskola | 208 |
7 | 3- eller 4 årig gymnasium (före 1995) | 176 |
8 | Yrkesinriktat gymnasium (efter 1992) | 52 |
9 | Teoretiskt gymnasium (efter 1992) | 23 |
10 | Universitet/högskola utan examen | 78 |
11 | Universitet/högskola, kortare än 3 år, med examen | 74 |
12 | Universitet/högskola, 3 år eller längre, med examen | 254 |
13 | Forskarutbildning | 17 |
66 | Not applicable | 669 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 13 |
99 | No answer | 4 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1144 | 39883 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13
EDLVPSI Partner's highest level of education, Slovenia CARD 76
F36SI. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Slovenia)
Vrednost 426144 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Nedokoncana osnovna šola | 22 |
1 | Dokoncana osnovna šola | 145 |
2 | 2-3 letna poklicna šola | 201 |
3 | Splošna gimnazija, poklicna gimnazija, štiriletna strokovna | 192 |
4 | 2-letna višja (strokovna) šola | 68 |
5 | Visoka šola, fakulteta, akademija | 105 |
6 | Magisterij, doktorat | 18 |
66 | Not applicable | 509 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 1 |
99 | No answer | 25 |
Sysmiss | 39741 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
751 | 40276 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVPSK Partner's highest level of education, Slovakia CARD 76
F36SK. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has achieved? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 427143 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not completed 1st stage of the basic school | 10 |
2 | Not completed 2nd stage of the basic school | 2 |
3 | Second stage of the basic education | 82 |
4 | Specialized secondary school- without maturita | 424 |
5 | Upper secondary education- with maturita | 343 |
6 | Post secondary, non-tertiary education | 18 |
7 | First stage of tertiary education | 13 |
8 | Second stage of tertiary education | 132 |
9 | Third stage of tertiary education- PhD. study | 9 |
66 | Not applicable | 751 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 0 |
99 | No answer | 26 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1033 | 39994 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
PDWRKP Partner doing last 7 days: paid work CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? In paid work (or away temporarily) (employee, self-employed, working for your family business)
Vrednost 428142 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 26185 |
1 | Marked | 14842 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
EDCTNP Partner doing last 7 days: education CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? In education (not paid for by employer) even if on vacation
Vrednost 429141 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40554 |
1 | Marked | 473 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
UEMPLAP Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Unemployed and actively looking for a job
Vrednost 430140 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40267 |
1 | Marked | 760 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
UEMPLIP Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Unemployed, wanting a job but not actively looking for a job
Vrednost 431139 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40711 |
1 | Marked | 316 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DSBLDP Partner doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Permanently sick or disabled
Vrednost 432138 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40482 |
1 | Marked | 545 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
RTRDP Partner doing last 7 days: retired CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Retired
Vrednost 433137 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 35233 |
1 | Marked | 5794 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
CMSRVP Partner doing last 7 days: community or military service CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? In community or military service
Vrednost 434136 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40955 |
1 | Marked | 72 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
HSWRKP Partner doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Doing housework, looking after children or other persons
Vrednost 435135 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 36768 |
1 | Marked | 4259 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGOTHP Partner doing last 7 days: other CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? (other)
Vrednost 436134 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40767 |
1 | Marked | 260 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGDKP Partner doing last 7 days: don't know CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Don't know
Vrednost 437133 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40996 |
1 | Marked | 31 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGNAPP Partner doing last 7 days: not applicable CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Not applicable
Vrednost 438132 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 24553 |
1 | Marked | 16474 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGREFP Partner doing last 7 days: refusal CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Refusal
Vrednost 439131 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40968 |
1 | Marked | 59 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
DNGNAP Partner doing last 7 days: no answer CARD 77
F37a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? No answer
Vrednost 440130 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not marked | 40804 |
1 | Marked | 223 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1
MNACTP Partner's main activity last 7 days STILL CARD 77
F37c. And which of the descriptions on this card best describes his/her situation (in the last 7 days)?
Vrednost 441129 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Paid work | 2429 |
2 | Education | 69 |
3 | Unemployed, looking for job | 90 |
4 | Unemployed, not looking for job | 35 |
5 | Permanently sick or disabled | 76 |
6 | Retired | 795 |
7 | Community or military service | 4 |
8 | Housework, looking after children, others | 615 |
9 | Other | 33 |
66 | Not applicable | 36457 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 12 |
99 | No answer | 409 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
4146 | 36881 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
CRPDWKP Partner, control paid work last 7 days ASK IF NOT IN PAID WORK AT F37a (codes 02-09, 88). THOSE IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F37a), GO TO F39
F38. Can I just check, did he/she do any paid work (of an hour or more) in the last 7 days?
Vrednost 442128 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 344 |
2 | No | 9059 |
6 | Not applicable | 31193 |
7 | Refusal | 33 |
8 | Don't know | 46 |
9 | No answer | 352 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
9403 | 31624 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
ISCOCOP Occupation partner, ISCO88 (com) ASK IF PARTNER IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F37a or code 1 at F38)
F39-41. What is the name or title of his/her main job? In his/her main job, what kind of work does he/she do most of the time? What training or qualifications are needed for the job?
Vrednost 443127 | Frekvenca | |
100 | Armed forces | 53 |
1000 | Legislators, senior officials and managers | 26 |
1100 | Legislators and senior officials | 12 |
1110 | Legislators, senior government officials | 12 |
1140 | Senior officials of special-interest org | 1 |
1141 | Senior officials of political-party org | 1 |
1142 | Senior officials of economic-interest org | 3 |
1143 | Senior off human, special-interest org | 1 |
1200 | Corporate managers | 32 |
1210 | Directors and chief executives | 135 |
1220 | Production and operations managers | 26 |
1221 | Managers agriculture,hunting,forestry,fishing | 8 |
1222 | Managers in manufacturing | 46 |
1223 | Managers in construction | 19 |
1224 | Managers in wholesale and retail trade | 24 |
1225 | Managers in restaurants and hotels | 17 |
1226 | Managers transport,storage,communications | 33 |
1227 | Managers in business services enterprises | 12 |
1228 | Managers personal care,cleaning,rel serv | 7 |
1229 | Managers not elsewhere classified | 58 |
1230 | Other specialist managers | 39 |
1231 | Finance and administration managers | 89 |
1232 | Personnel and industrial relations managers | 19 |
1233 | Sales and marketing managers | 77 |
1234 | Advertising and public relations managers | 11 |
1235 | Supply and distribution managers | 12 |
1236 | Computing services managers | 29 |
1237 | Research and development managers | 25 |
1239 | Oth spec managers not elsewhere classified | 60 |
1300 | Managers of small enterprises | 21 |
1310 | Managers of small enterprises | 16 |
1311 | Mngr small ent agr,hunting,forestry,fishing | 23 |
1312 | Mngr small ent in manufacturing | 36 |
1313 | Mngr small ent in construction | 80 |
1314 | Mngr small ent wholesale and retail trade | 143 |
1315 | Mngr small ent of restaurants and hotels | 46 |
1316 | Mngr small ent transp,storage,comm | 21 |
1317 | Mngr small ent of business serv enterpr | 56 |
1318 | Mngr small ent pers care,cleaning,rel serv | 13 |
1319 | Mngr small ent not elsewhere classified | 70 |
2000 | Professionals | 12 |
2100 | Phys, mathem, engin science professionals | 9 |
2110 | Physics, chemists, related professionals | 1 |
2111 | Physicists and astronomers | 13 |
2112 | Meteorologists | 1 |
2113 | Chemists | 7 |
2114 | Geologists and geophysicists | 3 |
2120 | Mathem, stat, related professionals | 0 |
2121 | Mathematicians and related professionals | 6 |
2122 | Statisticians | 5 |
2130 | Computing professionals | 35 |
2131 | Comp systems designers,analysts,programmers | 135 |
2139 | Comp professionals not elsewhere classified | 38 |
2140 | Architects,engineers,related professionals | 30 |
2141 | Architects, town and traffic planners | 49 |
2142 | Civil engineers | 57 |
2143 | Electrical engineers | 25 |
2144 | Electronics, telecommunications engineers | 30 |
2145 | Mechanical engineers | 75 |
2146 | Chemical engineers | 17 |
2147 | Mining engineers, metall,rel professionals | 3 |
2148 | Cartographers and surveyors | 9 |
2149 | Arch, engin,rel prof not elsewhere class | 124 |
2200 | Life science and health professionals | 4 |
2210 | Life science professionals | 3 |
2211 | Biol,botan,zool and related professionals | 19 |
2212 | Pharm, pathol and related professionals | 5 |
2213 | Agronomists and related professionals | 17 |
2220 | Health professionals (except nursing) | 0 |
2221 | Medical doctors | 129 |
2222 | Dentists | 32 |
2223 | Veterinarians | 13 |
2224 | Pharmacists | 14 |
2229 | Health prof (not nursing) not elsew class | 16 |
2230 | Nursing and midwifery professionals | 108 |
2300 | Teaching professionals | 45 |
2310 | Coll,univ, higher educ teaching prof | 110 |
2320 | Secondary education teaching professionals | 237 |
2330 | Primary and pre-primary educ teaching prof | 17 |
2331 | Primary education teaching professionals | 192 |
2332 | Pre-primary educ teaching professionals | 65 |
2340 | Special education teaching professionals | 28 |
2350 | Other teaching professionals | 4 |
2351 | Education methods specialists | 8 |
2352 | School inspectors | 2 |
2359 | Other teaching prof not elsewhere class | 46 |
2400 | Other professionals | 17 |
2410 | Business professionals | 16 |
2411 | Accountants | 131 |
2412 | Personnel and careers professionals | 45 |
2419 | Business prof not elsewhere classified | 144 |
2420 | Legal professionals | 6 |
2421 | Lawyers | 53 |
2422 | Judges | 6 |
2429 | Legal prof not elsewhere classified | 26 |
2430 | Archiv,libr,related information prof | 1 |
2431 | Archivists and curators | 10 |
2432 | Librarians,related information prof | 18 |
2440 | Social science and related professionals | 0 |
2441 | Economists | 67 |
2442 | Sociologists, anthropologists, rel prof | 9 |
2443 | Philosophers,historians,political scientists | 6 |
2444 | Philologists, translators and interpreters | 10 |
2445 | Psychologists | 28 |
2446 | Social work professionals | 57 |
2450 | Writers and creative or performing artists | 1 |
2451 | Authors, journalists and other writers | 46 |
2452 | Sculptors, painters and related artists | 20 |
2453 | Composers, musicians and singers | 17 |
2454 | Choreographers and dancers | 5 |
2455 | Film, stage and related actors and directors | 12 |
2460 | Religious professionals | 17 |
2470 | Public service administrative professionals | 68 |
3000 | Technicians and associate professionals | 1 |
3100 | Physical,engineering science associate prof | 15 |
3110 | Physical,engineering science technicians | 13 |
3111 | Chemical and physical science technicians | 22 |
3112 | Civil engineering technicians | 49 |
3113 | Electrical engineering technicians | 19 |
3114 | Electronics,telecom engineering technicians | 32 |
3115 | Mechanical engineering technicians | 47 |
3116 | Chemical engineering technicians | 14 |
3117 | Mining and metallurgical technicians | 3 |
3118 | Draughtspersons | 24 |
3119 | Phys, engin science techn not elsew class | 70 |
3120 | Computer associate professionals | 47 |
3121 | Computer assistants | 35 |
3122 | Computer equipment operators | 22 |
3123 | Industrial robot controllers | 5 |
3130 | Optical and electronic equipment operators | 2 |
3131 | Photogr,image,sound rec equipment oper | 22 |
3132 | Broadcasting,telecom equipment operators | 7 |
3133 | Medical equipment operators | 10 |
3139 | Optical,electr equipm oper not elsew class | 1 |
3140 | Ship, aircraft controllers and technicians | 2 |
3141 | Ships' engineers | 4 |
3142 | Ships' deck officers and pilots | 9 |
3143 | Aircraft pilots, related associated prof | 7 |
3144 | Air traffic controllers | 1 |
3145 | Air traffic safety technicians | 1 |
3150 | Safety and quality inspectors | 3 |
3151 | Building and fire inspectors | 5 |
3152 | Safety, health and quality inspectors | 45 |
3200 | Life,science and health associate prof | 12 |
3210 | Life,science techn and rel associate prof | 1 |
3211 | Life science technicians | 24 |
3212 | Agronomy and forestry technicians | 6 |
3213 | Farming and forestry advisers | 2 |
3220 | Health associate prof (except nursing) | 0 |
3221 | Medical assistants | 15 |
3222 | Hygienists, health environmental officers | 8 |
3223 | Dieticians and nutritionists | 5 |
3224 | Optometrists and opticians | 7 |
3225 | Dental assistants | 17 |
3226 | Physiotherapists and rel associate prof | 64 |
3227 | Veterinary assistants | 5 |
3228 | Pharmaceutical assistants | 17 |
3229 | Health ass prof excpt nursing not else class | 39 |
3230 | Nursing midwifery associate prof | 4 |
3231 | Nursing associate professionals | 211 |
3232 | Midwifery associate professionals | 4 |
3300 | Teaching associate professionals | 7 |
3310 | Primary education teaching associate prof | 46 |
3320 | Pre-primary edu teaching associate prof | 91 |
3330 | Special education teaching associate prof | 25 |
3340 | Other teaching associate professionals | 69 |
3400 | Other associate professionals | 30 |
3410 | Finance and sales associate professionals | 28 |
3411 | Securities and finance dealers and brokers | 17 |
3412 | Insurance representatives | 47 |
3413 | Estate agents | 29 |
3414 | Travel consultants and organisers | 9 |
3415 | Technical and commercial sales rep | 218 |
3416 | Buyers | 46 |
3417 | Appraisers, valuers and auctioneers | 6 |
3419 | Finance,sales associate prof not else class | 73 |
3420 | Business services agents and trade brokers | 8 |
3421 | Trade brokers | 5 |
3422 | Clearing and forwarding agents | 10 |
3423 | Employment agents and labour contractors | 17 |
3429 | Busines,serv,agnts,trde brokr not else class | 20 |
3430 | Administrative associate professionals | 68 |
3431 | Adm secretaries, related associate prof | 124 |
3432 | Legal related business associate prof | 31 |
3433 | Bookkeepers | 157 |
3434 | Statistical, mathemat rel associate prof | 6 |
3440 | Custom,tax,related gov associate prof | 5 |
3441 | Customs and border inspectors | 7 |
3442 | Government tax and excise officials | 14 |
3443 | Government social benefits officials | 15 |
3444 | Government licensing officials | 3 |
3449 | Custom,tax,rel gov assoc prof not else class | 20 |
3450 | Police inspectors and detectives | 26 |
3460 | Social work associate professionals | 60 |
3470 | Artistic,entertainment,sports associate prof | 9 |
3471 | Decorators and commercial designers | 61 |
3472 | Radio, television and other announcers | 2 |
3473 | Street,nightclub,rel musicians,singers,dance | 8 |
3474 | Clowns,magicians,acrobats, rel associate prof | 1 |
3475 | Athletes,sportspers, related associate prof | 20 |
3480 | Religious associate professionals | 6 |
4000 | Clerks | 49 |
4100 | Office clerks | 46 |
4110 | Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks | 58 |
4111 | Stenographers and typists | 6 |
4112 | Word-processor and related operators | 8 |
4113 | Data entry operators | 7 |
4114 | Calculating-machine operators | 3 |
4115 | Secretaries | 222 |
4120 | Numerical clerks | 21 |
4121 | Accounting and bookkeeping clerks | 125 |
4122 | Statistical and finance clerks | 73 |
4130 | Material-recording and transport clerks | 5 |
4131 | Stock clerks | 123 |
4132 | Production clerks | 44 |
4133 | Transport clerks | 40 |
4140 | Library, mail and related clerks | 1 |
4141 | Library and filing clerks | 11 |
4142 | Mail carriers and sorting clerks | 50 |
4143 | Coding, proof-reading and related clerks | 1 |
4144 | Scribes and related workers | 2 |
4190 | Other office clerks | 214 |
4200 | Customer services clerks | 15 |
4210 | Cashiers, tellers and related clerks | 15 |
4211 | Cashiers and ticket clerks | 60 |
4212 | Tellers and other counter clerks | 55 |
4213 | Bookmakers and croupiers | 4 |
4214 | Pawnbrokers and money-lenders | 0 |
4215 | Debt-collectors and related workers | 2 |
4220 | Client information clerks | 12 |
4221 | Travel agency and related clerks | 13 |
4222 | Receptionists and information clerks | 54 |
4223 | Telephone switchboard operators | 18 |
5000 | Service workers,shop, market sales workers | 5 |
5100 | Personal and protective services workers | 19 |
5110 | Travel attendants and related workers | 2 |
5111 | Travel attendants and travel stewards | 6 |
5112 | Transport conductors | 12 |
5113 | Travel guides | 2 |
5120 | Housekeeping, restaurant services workers | 3 |
5121 | Housekeepers and related workers | 26 |
5122 | Cooks | 177 |
5123 | Waiters, waitresses and bartenders | 126 |
5130 | Personal care and related workers | 18 |
5131 | Child-care workers | 160 |
5132 | Institution-based personal care workers | 189 |
5133 | Home-based personal care workers | 121 |
5139 | Personal care,related workers not else class | 17 |
5140 | Other personal services workers | 2 |
5141 | Hairdress,barber,beautician, related workers | 108 |
5142 | Companions and valets | 4 |
5143 | Undertakers and embalmers | 7 |
5149 | Other pers service workers not else class | 19 |
5160 | Protective services workers | 8 |
5161 | Fire-fighters | 27 |
5162 | Police officers | 87 |
5163 | Prison guards | 9 |
5169 | Protective services workers not else class | 104 |
5200 | Models, salespersons and demonstrators | 4 |
5210 | Fashion and other models | 1 |
5220 | Shop,stall,market salespers, demonstrators | 694 |
6000 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 1 |
6100 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 7 |
6110 | Market gardeners and crop growers | 13 |
6111 | Field crop and vegetable growers | 44 |
6112 | Gardeners, horticultural, nursery growers | 67 |
6120 | Animal producers and related workers | 3 |
6121 | Dairy and livestock producers | 45 |
6122 | Poultry producers | 7 |
6129 | Animal prod, related workers not else class | 13 |
6130 | Crop and animal producers | 165 |
6140 | Forestry and related workers | 4 |
6141 | Forestry workers and loggers | 12 |
6142 | Charcoal burners and related workers | 0 |
6150 | Fishery workers, hunters and trappers | 4 |
6151 | Aquatic-life cultivation workers | 3 |
6152 | Inland and coastal waters fishery workers | 1 |
6153 | Deep-sea fishery workers | 0 |
6154 | Hunters and trappers | 0 |
7000 | Craft and related trades workers | 21 |
7100 | Extraction and building trades workers | 20 |
7110 | Miners,shotfirers, stone cutters, carvers | 0 |
7111 | Miners and quarry workers | 11 |
7112 | Shotfirers and blasters | 3 |
7113 | Stone splitters, cutters and carvers | 4 |
7120 | Building frame and related trades workers | 13 |
7121 | Builders | 101 |
7122 | Bricklayers and stonemasons | 178 |
7123 | Concrete placer,concrete finisher, rel workrs | 35 |
7124 | Carpenters and joiners | 129 |
7129 | Build frame, rel trade worker not else class | 41 |
7130 | Build finishers, related trades workers | 3 |
7131 | Roofers | 13 |
7132 | Floor layers and tile setters | 21 |
7133 | Plasterers | 10 |
7134 | Insulation workers | 14 |
7135 | Glaziers | 5 |
7136 | Plumbers and pipe fitters | 104 |
7137 | Building and related electricians | 126 |
7139 | Build finisher,rel trde work not else class | 19 |
7140 | Painter,building struct cleaner,rel trde work | 5 |
7141 | Painters and related workers | 83 |
7143 | Building structure cleaners | 5 |
7200 | Metal, machinery related trades workers | 46 |
7210 | Metalm,welder,sheetmet,structmet prep,rel work | 15 |
7211 | Metal moulders and coremakers | 13 |
7212 | Welders and flamecutters | 85 |
7213 | Sheet-metal workers | 29 |
7214 | Structural-metal preparers and erectors | 18 |
7215 | Riggers and cable splicers | 5 |
7216 | Underwater workers | 0 |
7220 | Blacksmiths,tool-makers,related trad work | 0 |
7221 | Blacksmith, hammer-smith,forging-press work | 19 |
7222 | Tool-makers and related workers | 66 |
7223 | Machine-tool setters and setter-operators | 42 |
7224 | Metal wheelgrinder, polisher, tool sharpener | 11 |
7230 | Machinery mechanics and fitters | 30 |
7231 | Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters | 157 |
7232 | Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters | 7 |
7233 | Agric- or industrmachine mechanic and fitter | 71 |
7240 | Electric,electronic equip mech and fitter | 14 |
7241 | Electric mechanic, fitters and servicers | 96 |
7242 | Electronic mecanic, fitters and servicers | 31 |
7244 | Telegraph, teleph installers and servicers | 13 |
7245 | Electric line install,repairer,cable jointer | 32 |
7300 | Precision,handicraft,printing,rel trade work | 2 |
7310 | Precision workers in metal and rel materials | 1 |
7311 | Precision-instrument makers and repairers | 17 |
7312 | Musical instrument makers and tuners | 1 |
7313 | Jewellery and precious-metal workers | 6 |
7320 | Potters,glass-makers, related trades workers | 2 |
7321 | Abrasive wheel former,potter and rel workers | 5 |
7322 | Glass-makers,cutters,grinders and finishers | 3 |
7323 | Glass engravers and etchers | 0 |
7324 | Glass,ceramics and rel decorative painters | 3 |
7330 | Handicrft work wood,textile,leather,rel matr | 0 |
7331 | Handicrft work in wood and related material | 3 |
7332 | Handicrft work in textile,leather,rel mater | 3 |
7340 | Craft printing and related trades workers | 1 |
7341 | Compositors,typesetters, related workers | 11 |
7342 | Stereotypers and electrotypers | 1 |
7343 | Printing engravers and etchers | 2 |
7344 | Photographic and related workers | 1 |
7345 | Bookbinders and related workers | 6 |
7346 | Silk-screen,block,craft textile printers | 2 |
7400 | Other craft and related trades workers | 10 |
7410 | Food processing and related trades workers | 0 |
7411 | Butchers,fishmongers,related food preparers | 35 |
7412 | Bakers,pastry-cooks,confectionery maker | 45 |
7413 | Dairy products workers | 6 |
7414 | Fruit, vegetable and related preservers | 1 |
7415 | Food and beverage tasters and graders | 2 |
7416 | Tobacco preparers,tobacco products maker | 0 |
7420 | Wood treaters,cabinet-makers,rel trad work | 5 |
7421 | Wood treaters | 8 |
7422 | Cabinetmakers and related workers | 42 |
7423 | Woodworking machine setter,setter-operator | 4 |
7424 | Basketry weavers,brush makers,rel worker | 0 |
7430 | Textile,garment, related trades worker | 1 |
7431 | Fibre preparers | 0 |
7432 | Weavers, knitters and related workers | 9 |
7433 | Tailors, dressmakers and hatters | 27 |
7434 | Furriers and related workers | 0 |
7435 | Textile,leather,rel patternmakers, cutter | 7 |
7436 | Sewers, embroiderers and related workers | 42 |
7437 | Upholsterers and related workers | 12 |
7440 | Pelt,leather,shoemaking trades worker | 0 |
7441 | Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers | 6 |
7442 | Shoe-makers and related workers | 13 |
8000 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 12 |
8100 | Stationary plant and related operators | 4 |
8110 | Mining, mineral-processing-plant operator | 2 |
8111 | Mining plant operators | 3 |
8112 | Mineralore,stone-processing-plant operator | 1 |
8113 | Well drillers,borers and related worker | 3 |
8120 | Metal-processing plant operators | 0 |
8121 | Ore and metal furnace operators | 4 |
8122 | Metal melters,casters,rolling-mill operator | 6 |
8123 | Metal-heat-treating-plant operators | 5 |
8124 | Metal drawers and extruders | 1 |
8130 | Glass, ceramics,related plant operators | 0 |
8131 | Glass,ceramics kiln,related machine operator | 1 |
8139 | Glass,ceramic,rel plant operat not else class | 3 |
8140 | Wood-processing, papermaking-plant operator | 3 |
8141 | Wood-processing-plant operators | 9 |
8142 | Paper-pulp plant operators | 1 |
8143 | Papermaking-plant operators | 6 |
8150 | Chemical-processing-plant operators | 1 |
8151 | Crush,grind,chemicalmixing machinery operat | 1 |
8152 | Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators | 3 |
8153 | Chemical,filtering,separating-equip operator | 0 |
8154 | Chem-still,reactor opt,except petr, nat gas | 1 |
8155 | Petrol,natural gas refin plant operator | 2 |
8159 | Chemicalprocess,plant operat not else class | 5 |
8160 | Power-Prod. and related plant operators | 0 |
8161 | Power-production plant operators | 2 |
8162 | Steam-engine and boiler operators | 7 |
8163 | Incinerator,watertreatment,rel plant operator | 9 |
8170 | Industrial robot operators | 4 |
8200 | Machine operators and assemblers | 17 |
8210 | Metal,mineralproducts machine operator | 1 |
8211 | Machine-tool operators | 41 |
8212 | Cement, other mineral prod machine operator | 7 |
8220 | Chemical-products machine operators | 1 |
8221 | Pharmaceutical,toiletry-prod machine operat | 3 |
8222 | Ammunition,explosive products machine operat | 1 |
8223 | Metal finish, plating,coatingmachine operat | 7 |
8224 | Photographic-products machine operators | 2 |
8229 | Chemicalprod, machine operat not else class | 5 |
8230 | Rubber,plasticproducts machine operator | 2 |
8231 | Rubber-products machine operators | 5 |
8232 | Plastic-products machine operators | 14 |
8240 | Wood-products machine operators | 8 |
8250 | Printing,binding,paperprod machine operat | 0 |
8251 | Printing-machine operators | 19 |
8252 | Bookbinding-machine operators | 3 |
8253 | Paper-products machine operators | 5 |
8260 | Textile,fur,leatherprod machine operator | 0 |
8261 | Fibreprep,spinning winding-machine operat | 2 |
8262 | Weaving- and knitting-machine operators | 6 |
8263 | Sewing-machine operators | 39 |
8264 | Bleaching,dyeing,cleaning-machine operat | 8 |
8265 | Fur,leatherprep machine operat | 0 |
8266 | Shoemaking- and related machine operators | 6 |
8269 | Textl,fur,leatherprod mach operat n else clas | 8 |
8270 | Food,related products machine operator | 11 |
8271 | Meat, fishprocess machine operator | 21 |
8272 | Dairy-products machine operators | 5 |
8273 | Grain- and spice-milling-machine operators | 4 |
8274 | Baked g,cereal,chocolateprod machine operat | 10 |
8275 | Fruit,vegetable,nutprocess-machine operat | 3 |
8276 | Sugar production machine operators | 0 |
8277 | Tea, coffee, cocoaprocess-machine operat | 1 |
8278 | Brewer,wine, other beverage machine operat | 5 |
8279 | Tobacco production machine operators | 2 |
8280 | Assemblers | 13 |
8281 | Mechanical-machinery assemblers | 38 |
8282 | Electrical-equipment assemblers | 11 |
8283 | Electronic-equipment assemblers | 10 |
8284 | Metal,rubber,plastic-prod assemblers | 14 |
8285 | Wood and related products assemblers | 9 |
8286 | Paperboard,textile, related prod assembl | 0 |
8287 | Composite products assemblers | 3 |
8290 | Other machine operat not else class | 54 |
8300 | Drivers and mobile plant operators | 14 |
8310 | Locomotive engine drivers,related worker | 4 |
8311 | Locomotive engine drivers | 24 |
8312 | Railway brakers, signallers and shunters | 12 |
8320 | Motor vehicle drivers | 17 |
8321 | Motorcycle drivers | 1 |
8322 | Car, taxi and van drivers | 205 |
8323 | Bus and tram drivers | 98 |
8324 | Heavy truck and lorry drivers | 290 |
8330 | Agricultural,other mobile plant operator | 3 |
8331 | Motorised farm, forestry plant operator | 39 |
8332 | Earth-moving and related plant operators | 29 |
8333 | Crane, hoist and related plant operators | 38 |
8334 | Lifting-truck operators | 29 |
8340 | Ships' deck crews and related workers | 15 |
9000 | Elementary occupations | 27 |
9100 | Sales and services elementary occupations | 17 |
9110 | Street vendors and related workers | 1 |
9111 | Street vendors | 3 |
9113 | Door-to-door and telephone salespersons | 7 |
9120 | Shoe cleaning,other streetserv element occ | 1 |
9130 | Domestic,related helpers,cleaner,launderer | 31 |
9131 | Domestic helpers and cleaners | 106 |
9132 | Helper,cleaner in office,hotel,other establ | 228 |
9133 | Hand-launderers and pressers | 7 |
9140 | Building caretakers,window, rel cleaner | 2 |
9141 | Building caretakers | 82 |
9142 | Vehicle, window and related cleaners | 7 |
9150 | Messengers,porters doorkeepers,rel worker | 1 |
9151 | Messengers,package,luggage porter, deliverer | 39 |
9152 | Doorkeepers,watchpersons,related worker | 74 |
9153 | Vendingm,money collect, meter reader,rel work | 9 |
9160 | Garbage collectors and related labourers | 5 |
9161 | Garbage collectors | 7 |
9162 | Sweepers and related labourers | 14 |
9200 | Agricultural,fishery,related labourers | 4 |
9210 | Agricultural,fishery,related labourers | 7 |
9211 | Farm-hands and labourers | 48 |
9212 | Forestry labourers | 9 |
9213 | Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers | 1 |
9300 | Labourer mining,construction,manufact,transp | 9 |
9310 | Mining and construction labourers | 2 |
9311 | Mining and quarrying labourers | 0 |
9312 | Constr,mainten labour: roads,dams,sim constr | 58 |
9313 | Building construction labourers | 41 |
9320 | Manufacturing labourers | 154 |
9330 | Transport laborers and freight handlers | 74 |
66666 | Not applicable | 25519 |
77777 | Refusal | 90 |
88888 | Don't know | 68 |
99999 | No answer | 654 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
14696 | 26331 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 9330
EMPRELP Partner's employment relation
F42. In his/her main job is he/she...
Vrednost 444126 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Employee | 12782 |
2 | Self-employed | 1919 |
3 | Working for own family business | 280 |
6 | Not applicable | 25519 |
7 | Refusal | 21 |
8 | Don't know | 50 |
9 | No answer | 456 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
14981 | 26046 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
EMPLNOP Number of employees partner has
F43. How many employees (if any) does he/she have?
Vrednost 445125 | Frekvenca | |
66666 | Not applicable | 38563 |
77777 | Refusal | 8 |
88888 | Don't know | 55 |
99999 | No answer | 615 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1786 | 39241 | 0 | 763 | 4.017 | 22.405 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 763
JBSPVP Partner responsible for supervising other employees ASK IF PARTNER IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F37a or code 1 at F38)
F44. In his/her main job, does he/she have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees?
Vrednost 446124 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 4258 |
2 | No | 10583 |
6 | Not applicable | 25519 |
7 | Refusal | 25 |
8 | Don't know | 168 |
9 | No answer | 474 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
14841 | 26186 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
NJBSPVP Number of people partner responsible for in job
F45. How many people is he/she responsible for?
Vrednost 447123 | Frekvenca | |
66666 | Not applicable | 36217 |
77777 | Refusal | 23 |
88888 | Don't know | 455 |
99999 | No answer | 570 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
3762 | 37265 | 0 | 8888 | 23.908 | 207.091 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8888
WKDCORP Partner allowed to decide how daily work is organised ASK IF PARTNER IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F37a or code 1 at F38) CARD 78
F46-47. I am going to read out a list of things about your partner?s working life. Using this card, please say how much the management at his/her work allows him/her? ?to decide how his/her own daily work is organised?
Vrednost 448122 | Frekvenca | |
0 | He/she has no influence | 1671 |
1 | 1 | 651 |
2 | 2 | 639 |
3 | 3 | 665 |
4 | 4 | 576 |
5 | 5 | 1467 |
6 | 6 | 926 |
7 | 7 | 1566 |
8 | 8 | 1948 |
9 | 9 | 1260 |
10 | He/she has complete control | 3086 |
66 | Not applicable | 25519 |
77 | Refusal | 35 |
88 | Don't know | 552 |
99 | No answer | 466 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
14455 | 26572 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
IOACTP Partner allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation ASK IF PARTNER IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F37a or code 1 at F38) CARD 78
F46-47. I am going to read out a list of things about your partner?s working life. Using this card, please say how much the management at his/her work allows him/her? ?to influence policy decisions about the activities of the organisation?
Vrednost 449121 | Frekvenca | |
0 | He/she has no influence | 3366 |
1 | 1 | 1174 |
2 | 2 | 1055 |
3 | 3 | 897 |
4 | 4 | 718 |
5 | 5 | 1464 |
6 | 6 | 855 |
7 | 7 | 993 |
8 | 8 | 1138 |
9 | 9 | 646 |
10 | He/she has complete control | 2031 |
66 | Not applicable | 25519 |
77 | Refusal | 45 |
88 | Don't know | 658 |
99 | No answer | 468 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
14337 | 26690 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
WKHTOTP Hours normally worked a week in main job overtime included, partner
F48. How many hours does he/she normally work a week (in his/her main job)? Please include any paid or unpaid overtime.
Vrednost 450120 | Frekvenca | |
666 | Not applicable | 25519 |
777 | Refusal | 76 |
888 | Don't know | 1011 |
999 | No answer | 510 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
13911 | 27116 | 0 | 168 | 40.043 | 11.614 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 168
EDULVLF Father's highest level of education ASK ALL CARD 79
F49. What is the highest level of education your father achieved?
Vrednost 451119 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 4008 |
1 | Primary or first stage of basic | 9732 |
2 | Lower secondary or second stage of basic | 8037 |
3 | Upper secondary | 8902 |
4 | Post secondary, non-tertiary | 1583 |
5 | First stage of tertiary | 4730 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary | 522 |
7 | Refusal | 118 |
8 | Don't know | 3285 |
9 | No answer | 110 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
37514 | 3513 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVFBE Father's highest level of education, Belgium ASK ALL CARD 79
F49BE. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Belgium)
Vrednost 452118 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 120 |
1 | Primary, basic, and special primary education | 474 |
2 | Lower secondary vocational education | 165 |
3 | Lower secondary general education | 121 |
4 | Higher secondary vocational education (A3) | 97 |
5 | Higher secondary technical education (A2) | 186 |
6 | Higher secondary general education | 146 |
7 | 7th year of vocational education and apprenticeship | 19 |
8 | Higher education, short type (HOKT) (A1) | 121 |
9 | Higher education, long type (HOLT) | 51 |
10 | University education | 126 |
11 | Doctoral and post-doctoral education | 8 |
12 | Other | 2 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 120 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39267 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1636 | 39391 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12
EDLVFCH Father's highest level of education, Switzerland ASK ALL CARD 79
F49CH. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 453117 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Incomplete compulsory school | 26 |
2 | Primary school | 238 |
3 | Secondary education (first stage) | 172 |
4 | Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y | 96 |
5 | Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system) | 735 |
6 | General training school (2-3 years) | 30 |
7 | Vocational baccalaureate | 33 |
8 | School preparing for university | 29 |
9 | Vocational training (second education) | 21 |
10 | Vocational baccalaureate after vocational training | 1 |
11 | School for adult preparing for university | 8 |
12 | Higher vocational training | 91 |
13 | University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ba | 24 |
14 | University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ma | 23 |
15 | University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) | 40 |
16 | University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( | 65 |
17 | University doctorate | 38 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 149 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1670 | 39357 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17
EDLVFCY Father's highest level of education, Cyprus ASK ALL CARD 79
F49CY. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 454116 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 180 |
1 | Primary or first stage of basic | 534 |
2 | Lower secondary or second stage of basic | 143 |
3 | Upper secondary | 242 |
4 | Post secondary, tertiary NOT university | 25 |
5 | First stage of tertiary, Bachelor/Ptychio | 64 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary, Master | 3 |
7 | PhD | 2 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 22 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1193 | 39834 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
EDLVFDK Father's highest level of education, Denmark ASK ALL CARD 79
F49DK. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Denmark)
Vrednost 455115 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Ingen skoleuddannelse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 32 |
1 | 1.-6. skoleklasse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 174 |
2 | 7.-10. skoleklasse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 332 |
3 | Gymnasium, HF, HH, HTX, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 24 |
4 | Erhvervsfaglige/håndværker/social/sundhedshjælper | 647 |
5 | Korte videregående uddannelser | 81 |
6 | Mellemlang videregående uddannelse | 154 |
7 | Lang videregående uddannelse (Universitetsuddannelser fx) | 105 |
8 | Overbygning på universitetseksamen, Ph.d., licentiat | 8 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 43 |
99 | No answer | 10 |
Sysmiss | 39417 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1557 | 39470 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8
EDLVFEE Father's highest level of education, Estonia ASK ALL CARD 79
F49EE. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Estonia)
Vrednost 456114 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 31 |
1 | Primary education | 295 |
2 | Basic education | 362 |
3 | Secondary education, vocational education after basic educat | 375 |
4 | Vocational education after secondary education, but not high | 157 |
5 | First stage of tertiary (3 years university studies, bachelo | 65 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary (5 years diploma studies, master st | 153 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 211 |
99 | No answer | 12 |
Sysmiss | 39366 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1438 | 39589 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVFES Father's highest level of education, Spain ASK ALL CARD 79
F49ES. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Spain)
Vrednost 457113 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No schooling / illiterate | 396 |
1 | Not completed primary education | 643 |
2 | General Basic Education, no Graduate | 418 |
3 | Five years of General Basic Education | 25 |
4 | Former primary education (5 years) | 307 |
5 | General Basic or Compulsory Secondary Education, Graduate | 137 |
6 | Former lower secondary education | 100 |
7 | Vocational training I | 42 |
8 | Former higher secondary education | 79 |
9 | Vocational training II | 70 |
10 | Post secondary, non-tertiary | 11 |
11 | University degree, 3 years technical | 17 |
12 | University degree, 3 years | 47 |
13 | University degree, 5 years technical | 9 |
14 | University degree, 5 years | 84 |
15 | Postgraduate studies | 1 |
16 | Ph.D. | 9 |
77 | Refusal | 32 |
88 | Don't know | 149 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38451 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2395 | 38632 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 16
EDLVFFR Father's highest level of education, France ASK ALL CARD 79
F49FR. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (France)
Vrednost 458112 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Non scolarisé | 74 |
2 | Ecole primaire uniquement | 306 |
3 | Certificat d'études primaires | 567 |
4 | Non diplômé jusqu'à la fin 3ème | 49 |
5 | Non diplômé du 2nd cycle (2nde, 1ère filière générale) | 12 |
6 | Non diplômé du CAP, BEP, filière professionnelle | 96 |
7 | Brevet élémentaire, Brevet d'étude du premier cycle, brevet | 66 |
8 | CAP, examen de fin d'apprentissage artisanal, BEP, BP | 230 |
9 | Diplôme d'aide soignante, auxiliaire de puériculture, aide m | 1 |
10 | Baccalauréat général, brevet supérieur | 97 |
11 | Brevet de technicien, baccalauréat de technicien, baccalauré | 32 |
12 | Baccalauréat professionnel | 21 |
13 | Diplôme de moniteur-éducateur, éducateur technique spécialis | 7 |
14 | Diplôme de la capacité en droit, diplôme d'accès aux études | 4 |
15 | Diplôme universitaire de premier cycle (DEUG), diplôme unive | 46 |
16 | Diplôme universitaire de deuxième cycle (licence, maîtrise) | 64 |
17 | Diplômes professionnels divers (notaire, architecte, vétérin | 17 |
18 | Diplôme universitaire de troisième cycle (DES, DESS, master) | 65 |
19 | DEA, master deuxième année recherche | 5 |
20 | Autres doctorats (médecine, dentaire, pharmacie, vétérinaire | 26 |
21 | Doctorat | 17 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 267 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38954 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1802 | 39225 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 21
EDLVFGB Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom ASK ALL CARD 79
F49GB. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 459111 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No qualifications | 1146 |
1 | GCSE/O-level/CSE/NVQ1/NVQ2 or equiv | 270 |
2 | A-level/NVQ3 or equiv | 96 |
3 | NVQ4/NVQ5 or equiv | 166 |
4 | Degree/HNC/teacher training/nursing or equiv | 271 |
5 | PhD/DPhil or equiv | 41 |
77 | Refusal | 8 |
88 | Don't know | 344 |
99 | No answer | 10 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1990 | 39037 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5
EDLVFHU Father's highest level of education, Hungary
Vrednost 460110 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Did not attend any school at all | 24 |
11 | Primary school (1-4 classes) or equivalent | 90 |
12 | Primary school (5-7 classes) or equivalent | 236 |
13 | Completed Primary School or equivalent | 327 |
21 | Certificate of Trade school | 497 |
22 | Incompleted Secondary School | 17 |
31 | Completed secondary school or equivalent | 113 |
32 | With certificate of Intermediate Technological Educational Institute or equivalent, no university degree | 39 |
41 | Higher form of vocational education | 13 |
42 | Attended some years of Higher Education (at least 1 year) but not holding a Diploma | 4 |
51 | Diploma in College | 54 |
52 | Diploma in University | 45 |
53 | Post-Graduate Diploma holder | 1 |
61 | PhD holder | 1 |
98 | Other | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 5 |
88 | Don't know | 76 |
99 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1461 | 39566 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 98
EDLVFIL Father's highest level of education, Israel
Vrednost 461109 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 478 |
1 | Primary or junior high school | 622 |
2 | Secondary school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate | 269 |
3 | Secondary school WITH a matriculation certificate | 231 |
4 | Yeshiva high school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate | 63 |
5 | Yeshiva high school WITH a matriculation certificate | 32 |
6 | Post secondary, non tertiary | 184 |
7 | A bachelor academic degree, B.A., or a similar degree that includes an academic diploma | 199 |
8 | A master's degree, M.A., WITHOUT a thesis | 97 |
9 | A master's degree, M.A., WITH a thesis | 41 |
10 | A doctoral degree, Ph.D., or a similar degree | 30 |
77 | Refusal | 11 |
88 | Don't know | 225 |
99 | No answer | 8 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2246 | 38781 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
EDLVFNL Father's highest level of education, Netherlands
Vrednost 462108 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Niet voltooid lager onderwijs | 95 |
2 | Lager onderwijs (LO), Basisschool, Lager speciaal onderwijs | 468 |
3 | Lager Beroepsonderwijs (LBO), Lagere Technische School (LTS) | 315 |
4 | Middelbaar Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (MAVO) | 174 |
5 | Kort Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (KMBO) | 25 |
6 | Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (MBO), Beroepsopleidende leerweg | 149 |
7 | MBO-plus voor toegang tot het HBO korte HBO-opleiding | 36 |
8 | Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) | 47 |
9 | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) | 67 |
10 | Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO) | 143 |
11 | Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (WO) | 100 |
12 | Postdoctorale opleiding | 16 |
13 | Aio/Oio of andere promotie-opleiding tot graad van doctor | 4 |
14 | Anders | 10 |
77 | Refusal | 2 |
88 | Don`t know | 127 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1649 | 39378 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
EDLVFNO Father's highest level of education, Norway ASK ALL CARD 79
F49NO. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Norway)
Vrednost 463107 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ingen utdanning eller førskoleutdanning | 20 |
2 | Barneskole (første del av obligatorisk utdanning) | 180 |
3 | Ungdomsskole (grunnskole, 7-årig folkeskole, framhaldsskole) | 364 |
4 | Videregående grunnutdanning (grunnkurs, VK1, folkehøyskole, | 193 |
5 | Videregående avsluttende utdanning (VK2, VK3, gymnas, fagprø | 190 |
6 | Teknisk fagskole, godkjent fagskole eller forkurs som ikke g | 222 |
7 | Universitet/høyskole, 4 år eller mindre med eksamen (bachelo | 168 |
8 | Universitet/høyskole, mer enn 4 år med eksamen (mastergrad, | 141 |
9 | Forskernivå (Dr.grad, Ph.D.) | 21 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 45 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1499 | 39528 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
EDLVFPL Father's highest level of education, Poland ASK ALL CARD 79
F49PL. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Poland)
Vrednost 464106 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary (compulsory) education | 158 |
1 | Primary completed | 502 |
2 | Basic vocational | 431 |
3 | Secondary comprehensive | 51 |
4 | Secondary vocational | 227 |
5 | Post secondary | 19 |
6 | Higher professional | 19 |
7 | University | 90 |
8 | Doctoral degree or higher degree/title | 6 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 111 |
99 | No answer | 5 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1503 | 39524 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8
EDLVFPT Father's highest level of education, Portugal ASK ALL CARD 79
F49PT. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Portugal)
Vrednost 465105 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 663 |
2 | Basic Level 1(primary school - 4th year) | 1059 |
3 | Basic level 2 (preparatory school, 5th and 6th years) | 116 |
4 | Basic level 3 (9th year/ previous 5th year of high school) | 133 |
5 | Secondary Education - Vocational Training | 24 |
6 | Secondary School (12th year/ previous 7th year of high schoo | 67 |
7 | Training in Technological Specialization | 5 |
8 | Tertiary Education - Bachelor | 9 |
9 | Tertiary Education - Degree | 68 |
10 | Tertiary Education - Master (Before Bologna) | 2 |
11 | Tertiary Education - Master (After Bologna) | 0 |
12 | Tertiary Education - PhD | 9 |
77 | Refusal | 9 |
88 | Don't know | 203 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2155 | 38872 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
EDLVFRU Father's highest level of education, Russian Federation ASK ALL CARD 79
F49RU. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 466104 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No formal education | 0 |
1 | Primary education | 688 |
2 | Incomplete high school | 203 |
3 | Professional education without secondary education | 145 |
4 | Completed secondary school | 210 |
5 | Professional education on secondary level | 134 |
6 | Special technical education | 427 |
7 | Several grades of college with no certificate | 22 |
8 | Bachelor degree from college | 0 |
9 | Master degree from college | 0 |
10 | Completed college by 5-6 grade system | 304 |
11 | Post-college education without scientific degree | 7 |
12 | Scientific degree | 7 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 365 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2147 | 38880 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12
EDLVFSE Father's highest level of education, Sweden ASK ALL CARD 79
F49SE. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Sweden)
Vrednost 467103 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ej avslutad folkskola/grundskola | 65 |
2 | Folkskola | 701 |
3 | Grundskola/Enhetsskola | 144 |
4 | Realskola/Flickskola | 53 |
5 | Fackskola (1963-1970) | 45 |
6 | 2-årig gymnasielinje, 2-årig yrkesskola | 159 |
7 | 3- eller 4 årig gymnasium (före 1995) | 106 |
8 | Yrkesinriktat gymnasium (efter 1992) | 18 |
9 | Teoretiskt gymnasium (efter 1992) | 1 |
10 | Universitet/högskola utan examen | 33 |
11 | Universitet/högskola, kortare än 3 år, med examen | 74 |
12 | Universitet/högskola, 3 år eller längre, med examen | 216 |
13 | Forskarutbildning | 20 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 184 |
99 | No answer | 7 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1635 | 39392 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13
EDLVFSI Father's highest level of education, Slovenia ASK ALL CARD 79
F49SI. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Slovenia)
Vrednost 468102 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Nedokoncana osnovna šola | 107 |
1 | Dokoncana osnovna šola | 393 |
2 | 2-3 letna poklicna šola | 388 |
3 | Splošna gimnazija, poklicna gimnazija, štiriletna strokovna | 178 |
4 | 2-letna višja (strokovna) šola | 29 |
5 | Visoka šola, fakulteta, akademija | 76 |
6 | Magisterij, doktorat | 17 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 89 |
99 | No answer | 9 |
Sysmiss | 39741 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1188 | 39839 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVFSK Father's highest level of education, Slovakia ASK ALL CARD 79
F49SK. What is the highest level of education your father achieved? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 469101 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not completed 1st stage of the basic school | 38 |
2 | Not completed 2nd stage of the basic school | 33 |
3 | Second stage of the basic education | 653 |
4 | Specialized secondary school- without maturita | 588 |
5 | Upper secondary education- with maturita | 292 |
6 | Post secondary, non-tertiary education | 8 |
7 | First stage of tertiary education | 13 |
8 | Second stage of tertiary education | 90 |
9 | Third stage of tertiary education- PhD. study | 15 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 73 |
99 | No answer | 7 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1730 | 39297 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
EMPRF14 Father's employment status when respondent 14
F50. When you were 14, did your father work as an employee, was he self-employed, or was he not working then?
Vrednost 470100 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Employee | 27639 |
2 | Self-employed | 7998 |
3 | Not working | 1332 |
4 | Father dead/absent | 2796 |
7 | Refusal | 106 |
8 | Don't know | 1093 |
9 | No answer | 63 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39765 | 1262 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
EMPLNOF Number of employees father had
F51. How many employees did he have?
Vrednost 47199 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 4558 |
2 | 1 to 24 | 2988 |
3 | 25 or more | 215 |
6 | Not applicable | 32828 |
7 | Refusal | 10 |
8 | Don't know | 195 |
9 | No answer | 233 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
7761 | 33266 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
JBSPVF Father responsible for supervising other employees ASK IF FATHER EMPLOYED (code 1 at F50)
F52. Did he have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees?
Vrednost 47298 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 7925 |
2 | No | 18489 |
6 | Not applicable | 13199 |
7 | Refusal | 22 |
8 | Don't know | 1010 |
9 | No answer | 382 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
26414 | 14613 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
OCCF14B Father's occupation when respondent 14 CARD 80
F54. Which of the descriptions on this card best describes the sort of work he did when you were 14?
Vrednost 47397 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Professional and technical occupations | 3338 |
2 | Higher administrator occupations | 1839 |
3 | Clerical occupations | 1743 |
4 | Sales occupations | 2128 |
5 | Service occupations | 2451 |
6 | Skilled worker | 7217 |
7 | Semi-skilled worker | 6841 |
8 | Unskilled worker | 3472 |
9 | Farm worker | 6216 |
66 | Not applicable | 4167 |
77 | Refusal | 129 |
88 | Don't know | 1232 |
99 | No answer | 254 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
35245 | 5782 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
EDULVLM Mother's highest level of education ASK ALL CARD 81
F55. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved?
Vrednost 47496 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 4927 |
1 | Primary or first stage of basic | 10924 |
2 | Lower secondary or second stage of basic | 9008 |
3 | Upper secondary | 8253 |
4 | Post secondary, non-tertiary | 1574 |
5 | First stage of tertiary | 3738 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary | 297 |
7 | Refusal | 111 |
8 | Don't know | 2080 |
9 | No answer | 115 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38721 | 2306 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVMBE Mother's highest level of education, Belgium ASK ALL CARD 81
F55BE. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Belgium)
Vrednost 47595 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 151 |
1 | Primary, basic, and special primary education | 602 |
2 | Lower secondary vocational education | 152 |
3 | Lower secondary general education | 145 |
4 | Higher secondary vocational education (A3) | 100 |
5 | Higher secondary technical education (A2) | 100 |
6 | Higher secondary general education | 168 |
7 | 7th year of vocational education and apprenticeship | 7 |
8 | Higher education, short type (HOKT) (A1) | 182 |
9 | Higher education, long type (HOLT) | 24 |
10 | University education | 32 |
11 | Doctoral and post-doctoral education | 6 |
12 | Other | 1 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 87 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39267 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1670 | 39357 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12
EDLVMCH Mother's highest level of education, Switzerland ASK ALL CARD 81
F55CH. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Switzerland)
Vrednost 47694 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Incomplete compulsory school | 40 |
2 | Primary school | 377 |
3 | Secondary education (first stage) | 397 |
4 | Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y | 103 |
5 | Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system) | 550 |
6 | General training school (2-3 years) | 35 |
7 | Vocational baccalaureate | 47 |
8 | School preparing for university | 26 |
9 | Vocational training (second education) | 12 |
10 | Vocational baccalaureate after vocational training | 3 |
11 | School for adult preparing for university | 4 |
12 | Higher vocational training | 31 |
13 | University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ba | 18 |
14 | University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ma | 24 |
15 | University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) | 4 |
16 | University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( | 27 |
17 | University doctorate | 8 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 113 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1706 | 39321 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17
EDLVMCY Mother's highest level of education, Cyprus ASK ALL CARD 81
F55CY. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Cyprus)
Vrednost 47793 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 262 |
1 | Primary or first stage of basic | 536 |
2 | Lower secondary or second stage of basic | 125 |
3 | Upper secondary | 215 |
4 | Post secondary, tertiary NOT university | 17 |
5 | First stage of tertiary, Bachelor/Ptychio | 48 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary, Master | 2 |
7 | PhD | 1 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 9 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1206 | 39821 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7
EDLVMDK Mother's highest level of education, Denmark ASK ALL CARD 81
F55DK. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Denmark)
Vrednost 47892 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Ingen skoleuddannelse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 51 |
1 | 1.-6. skoleklasse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 228 |
2 | 7.-10. skoleklasse, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 605 |
3 | Gymnasium, HF, HH, HTX, ingen erhvervsuddannelse | 34 |
4 | Erhvervsfaglige/håndværker/social/sundhedshjælper | 366 |
5 | Korte videregående uddannelser | 90 |
6 | Mellemlang videregående uddannelse | 160 |
7 | Lang videregående uddannelse (Universitetsuddannelser fx) | 41 |
8 | Overbygning på universitetseksamen, Ph.d., licentiat | 1 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 21 |
99 | No answer | 13 |
Sysmiss | 39417 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1576 | 39451 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8
EDLVMEE Mother's highest level of education, Estonia ASK ALL CARD 81
F55EE. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Estonia)
Vrednost 47991 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 51 |
1 | Primary education | 318 |
2 | Basic education | 342 |
3 | Secondary education, vocational education after basic educat | 435 |
4 | Vocational education after secondary education, but not high | 211 |
5 | First stage of tertiary (3 years university studies, bachelo | 72 |
6 | Second stage of tertiary (5 years diploma studies, master st | 143 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 75 |
99 | No answer | 14 |
Sysmiss | 39366 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1572 | 39455 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVMES Mother's highest level of education, Spain ASK ALL CARD 81
F55ES. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Spain)
Vrednost 48090 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No schooling / illiterate | 461 |
1 | Not completed primary education | 682 |
2 | General Basic Education, no Graduate | 465 |
3 | Five years of General Basic Education | 54 |
4 | Former primary education (5 years) | 291 |
5 | General Basic or Compulsory Secondary Education, Graduate | 151 |
6 | Former lower secondary education | 92 |
7 | Vocational training I | 34 |
8 | Former higher secondary education | 69 |
9 | Vocational training II | 32 |
10 | Post secondary, non-tertiary | 13 |
11 | University degree, 3 years technical | 1 |
12 | University degree, 3 years | 49 |
13 | University degree, 5 years technical | 0 |
14 | University degree, 5 years | 46 |
15 | Postgraduate studies | 2 |
16 | Ph.D. | 1 |
77 | Refusal | 35 |
88 | Don't know | 98 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38451 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2443 | 38584 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 16
EDLVMFR Mother's highest level of education, France ASK ALL CARD 81
F55FR. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (France)
Vrednost 48189 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Non scolarisé | 74 |
2 | Ecole primaire uniquement | 401 |
3 | Certificat d'études primaires | 609 |
4 | Non diplômé jusqu'à la fin 3ème | 60 |
5 | Non diplômé du 2nd cycle (2nde, 1ère filière générale) | 26 |
6 | Non diplômé du CAP, BEP, filière professionnelle | 67 |
7 | Brevet élémentaire, Brevet d'étude du premier cycle, brevet | 99 |
8 | CAP, examen de fin d'apprentissage artisanal, BEP, BP | 161 |
9 | Diplôme d'aide soignante, auxiliaire de puériculture, aide m | 28 |
10 | Baccalauréat général, brevet supérieur | 129 |
11 | Brevet de technicien, baccalauréat de technicien, baccalauré | 19 |
12 | Baccalauréat professionnel | 15 |
13 | Diplôme de moniteur-éducateur, éducateur technique spécialis | 5 |
14 | Diplôme de la capacité en droit, diplôme d'accès aux études | 5 |
15 | Diplôme universitaire de premier cycle (DEUG), diplôme unive | 73 |
16 | Diplôme universitaire de deuxième cycle (licence, maîtrise) | 61 |
17 | Diplômes professionnels divers (notaire, architecte, vétérin | 6 |
18 | Diplôme universitaire de troisième cycle (DES, DESS, master) | 19 |
19 | DEA, master deuxième année recherche | 1 |
20 | Autres doctorats (médecine, dentaire, pharmacie, vétérinaire | 10 |
21 | Doctorat | 4 |
77 | Refusal | 5 |
88 | Don't know | 196 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38954 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1872 | 39155 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 21
EDLVMGB Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom ASK ALL CARD 81
F55GB. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (United Kingdom)
Vrednost 48288 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No qualifications | 1312 |
1 | GCSE/O-level/CSE/NVQ1/NVQ2 or equiv | 294 |
2 | A-level/NVQ3 or equiv | 91 |
3 | NVQ4/NVQ5 or equiv | 114 |
4 | Degree/HNC/teacher training/nursing or equiv | 283 |
5 | PhD/DPhil or equiv | 4 |
77 | Refusal | 10 |
88 | Don't know | 234 |
99 | No answer | 10 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2098 | 38929 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5
EDLVMHU Mother's highest level of education, Hungary
Vrednost 48387 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Did not attend any school at all | 37 |
11 | Primary school (1-4 classes) or equivalent | 111 |
12 | Primary school (5-7 classes) or equivalent | 289 |
13 | Completed Primary School or equivalent | 470 |
21 | Certificate of Trade school | 250 |
22 | Incompleted Secondary School | 27 |
31 | Completed secondary school or equivalent | 196 |
32 | With certificate of Intermediate Technological Educational Institute or equivalent, no university degree | 24 |
41 | Higher form of vocational education | 16 |
42 | Attended some years of Higher Education (at least 1 year) but not holding a Diploma | 2 |
51 | Diploma in College | 60 |
52 | Diploma in University | 23 |
53 | Post-Graduate Diploma holder | 0 |
61 | PhD holder | 0 |
98 | Other | 0 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 34 |
99 | No answer | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1505 | 39522 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 98
EDLVMIL Mother's highest level of education, Israel
Vrednost 48486 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary education | 590 |
1 | Primary or junior high school | 567 |
2 | Secondary school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate | 308 |
3 | Secondary school WITH a matriculation certificate | 259 |
4 | Yeshiva high school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate | 15 |
5 | Yeshiva high school WITH a matriculation certificate | 17 |
6 | Post secondary, non tertiary | 235 |
7 | A bachelor academic degree, B.A., or a similar degree that includes an academic diploma | 197 |
8 | A master's degree, M.A., WITHOUT a thesis | 78 |
9 | A master's degree, M.A., WITH a thesis | 48 |
10 | A doctoral degree, Ph.D., or a similar degree | 14 |
77 | Refusal | 11 |
88 | Don't know | 137 |
99 | No answer | 14 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2328 | 38699 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10
EDLVMNL Mother's highest level of education, Netherlands
Vrednost 48585 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Niet voltooid lager onderwijs | 128 |
2 | Lager onderwijs (LO), Basisschool, Lager speciaal onderwijs | 623 |
3 | Lager Beroepsonderwijs (LBO), Lagere Technische School (LTS) | 329 |
4 | Middelbaar Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (MAVO) | 232 |
5 | Kort Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (KMBO) | 20 |
6 | Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (MBO), Beroepsopleidende leerweg | 110 |
7 | MBO-plus voor toegang tot het HBO korte HBO-opleiding | 18 |
8 | Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) | 54 |
9 | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) | 27 |
10 | Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO) | 93 |
11 | Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (WO) | 33 |
12 | Postdoctorale opleiding | 5 |
13 | Aio/Oio of andere promotie-opleiding tot graad van doctor | 1 |
14 | Anders | 6 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don`t know | 98 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1679 | 39348 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14
EDLVMNO Mother's highest level of education, Norway ASK ALL CARD 81
F55NO. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Norway)
Vrednost 48684 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ingen utdanning eller førskoleutdanning | 32 |
2 | Barneskole (første del av obligatorisk utdanning) | 202 |
3 | Ungdomsskole (grunnskole, 7-årig folkeskole, framhaldsskole) | 460 |
4 | Videregående grunnutdanning (grunnkurs, VK1, folkehøyskole, | 280 |
5 | Videregående avsluttende utdanning (VK2, VK3, gymnas, fagprø | 200 |
6 | Teknisk fagskole, godkjent fagskole eller forkurs som ikke g | 53 |
7 | Universitet/høyskole, 4 år eller mindre med eksamen (bachelo | 227 |
8 | Universitet/høyskole, mer enn 4 år med eksamen (mastergrad, | 63 |
9 | Forskernivå (Dr.grad, Ph.D.) | 1 |
77 | Refusal | 4 |
88 | Don't know | 26 |
99 | No answer | 1 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1518 | 39509 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
EDLVMPL Mother's highest level of education, Poland ASK ALL CARD 81
F55PL. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Poland)
Vrednost 48783 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Not completed primary (compulsory) education | 185 |
1 | Primary completed | 617 |
2 | Basic vocational | 267 |
3 | Secondary comprehensive | 144 |
4 | Secondary vocational | 181 |
5 | Post secondary | 42 |
6 | Higher professional | 18 |
7 | University | 94 |
8 | Doctoral degree or higher degree/title | 5 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 59 |
99 | No answer | 7 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1553 | 39474 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 8
EDLVMPT Mother's highest level of education, Portugal ASK ALL CARD 81
F55PT. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Portugal)
Vrednost 48882 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 942 |
2 | Basic Level 1(primary school - 4th year) | 943 |
3 | Basic level 2 (preparatory school, 5th and 6th years) | 105 |
4 | Basic level 3 (9th year/ previous 5th year of high school) | 108 |
5 | Secondary Education - Vocational Training | 14 |
6 | Secondary School (12th year/ previous 7th year of high schoo | 73 |
7 | Training in Technological Specialization | 4 |
8 | Tertiary Education - Bachelor | 11 |
9 | Tertiary Education - Degree | 48 |
10 | Tertiary Education - Master (Before Bologna) | 2 |
11 | Tertiary Education - Master (After Bologna) | 1 |
12 | Tertiary Education - PhD | 5 |
77 | Refusal | 1 |
88 | Don't know | 110 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2256 | 38771 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
EDLVMRU Mother's highest level of education, Russian Federation ASK ALL CARD 81
F55RU. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Russian Federation)
Vrednost 48981 | Frekvenca | |
0 | No formal education | 0 |
1 | Primary education | 750 |
2 | Incomplete high school | 217 |
3 | Professional education without secondary education | 92 |
4 | Completed secondary school | 299 |
5 | Professional education on secondary level | 102 |
6 | Special technical education | 536 |
7 | Several grades of college with no certificate | 24 |
8 | Bachelor degree from college | 4 |
9 | Master degree from college | 0 |
10 | Completed college by 5-6 grade system | 294 |
11 | Post-college education without scientific degree | 4 |
12 | Scientific degree | 2 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 188 |
99 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2324 | 38703 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12
EDLVMSE Mother's highest level of education, Sweden ASK ALL CARD 81
F55SE. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Sweden)
Vrednost 49080 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Ej avslutad folkskola/grundskola | 61 |
2 | Folkskola | 728 |
3 | Grundskola/Enhetsskola | 153 |
4 | Realskola/Flickskola | 151 |
5 | Fackskola (1963-1970) | 22 |
6 | 2-årig gymnasielinje, 2-årig yrkesskola | 169 |
7 | 3- eller 4 årig gymnasium (före 1995) | 101 |
8 | Yrkesinriktat gymnasium (efter 1992) | 16 |
9 | Teoretiskt gymnasium (efter 1992) | 5 |
10 | Universitet/högskola utan examen | 48 |
11 | Universitet/högskola, kortare än 3 år, med examen | 106 |
12 | Universitet/högskola, 3 år eller längre, med examen | 162 |
13 | Forskarutbildning | 4 |
77 | Refusal | 3 |
88 | Don't know | 98 |
99 | No answer | 3 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1726 | 39301 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13
EDLVMSI Mother's highest level of education, Slovenia ASK ALL CARD 81
F55SI. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Slovenia)
Vrednost 49179 | Frekvenca | |
0 | Nedokoncana osnovna šola | 143 |
1 | Dokoncana osnovna šola | 591 |
2 | 2-3 letna poklicna šola | 205 |
3 | Splošna gimnazija, poklicna gimnazija, štiriletna strokovna | 189 |
4 | 2-letna višja (strokovna) šola | 38 |
5 | Visoka šola, fakulteta, akademija | 68 |
6 | Magisterij, doktorat | 6 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 41 |
99 | No answer | 5 |
Sysmiss | 39741 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1240 | 39787 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6
EDLVMSK Mother's highest level of education, Slovakia ASK ALL CARD 81
F55SK. What is the highest level of education your mother achieved? (Slovakia)
Vrednost 49278 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Not completed 1st stage of the basic school | 44 |
2 | Not completed 2nd stage of the basic school | 43 |
3 | Second stage of the basic education | 840 |
4 | Specialized secondary school- without maturita | 422 |
5 | Upper secondary education- with maturita | 338 |
6 | Post secondary, non-tertiary education | 19 |
7 | First stage of tertiary education | 6 |
8 | Second stage of tertiary education | 49 |
9 | Third stage of tertiary education- PhD. study | 4 |
77 | Refusal | 0 |
88 | Don't know | 39 |
99 | No answer | 6 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1765 | 39262 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
EMPRM14 Mother's employment status when respondent 14
F56. When you were 14, did your mother work as an employee, was she self-employed, or was she not working then?
Vrednost 49377 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Employee | 19753 |
2 | Self-employed | 3355 |
3 | Not working | 16246 |
4 | Mother dead/absent | 990 |
7 | Refusal | 76 |
8 | Don't know | 550 |
9 | No answer | 57 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40344 | 683 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
EMPLNOM Number of employees mother had
F57. How many employees did she have?
Vrednost 49476 | Frekvenca | |
1 | None | 2530 |
2 | 1 to 24 | 747 |
3 | 25 or more | 33 |
6 | Not applicable | 37528 |
7 | Refusal | 2 |
8 | Don't know | 28 |
9 | No answer | 159 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
3310 | 37717 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
JBSPVM Mother responsible for supervising other employees ASK IF MOTHER EMPLOYED (code 1 at F56)
F58. Did she have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees?
Vrednost 49575 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 2545 |
2 | No | 16672 |
6 | Not applicable | 21134 |
7 | Refusal | 11 |
8 | Don't know | 384 |
9 | No answer | 281 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
19217 | 21810 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
OCCM14B Mother's occupation when respondent 14 CARD 82
F60. Which of the descriptions on this card best describes the sort of work she did when you were 14?
Vrednost 49674 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Professional and technical occupations | 2534 |
2 | Higher administrator occupations | 395 |
3 | Clerical occupations | 3415 |
4 | Sales occupations | 1935 |
5 | Service occupations | 3157 |
6 | Skilled worker | 1532 |
7 | Semi-skilled worker | 2245 |
8 | Unskilled worker | 3584 |
9 | Farm worker | 3956 |
66 | Not applicable | 17262 |
77 | Refusal | 68 |
88 | Don't know | 764 |
99 | No answer | 180 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
22753 | 18274 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
ATNCRSE Improve knowledge/skills: course/lecture/conference, last 12 months ASK ALL
F61. During the last twelve months, have you taken any course or attended any lecture or conference to improve your knowledge or skills for work?
Vrednost 49773 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 12044 |
2 | No | 28752 |
7 | Refusal | 32 |
8 | Don't know | 92 |
9 | No answer | 107 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40796 | 231 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
MARITALA Legal marital status CARD 83
F62. Could I ask about your current legal marital status? Which of the descriptions on this card applies to you?
Vrednost 49872 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Married | 20442 |
2 | In a civil partnership | 698 |
3 | Separated (still legally married) | 498 |
4 | Separated (still in a civil partnership) | 37 |
5 | Divorced | 3336 |
6 | Widowed | 3950 |
7 | Formerly in civil partnership, now dissolved | 103 |
8 | Formerly in civil partnership, partner died | 17 |
9 | Never married and never in civil partnership | 10051 |
77 | Refusal | 143 |
88 | Don't know | 43 |
99 | No answer | 48 |
Sysmiss | 1661 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39132 | 1895 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
LVGHWA Currently living with husband/wife/civil partner
F63. Are you currently living with your husband/wife/ civil partner?
Vrednost 49971 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 20739 |
2 | No | 405 |
6 | Not applicable | 18161 |
7 | Refusal | 9 |
8 | Don't know | 2 |
9 | No answer | 50 |
Sysmiss | 1661 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
21144 | 19883 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
LVGPTNA Currently living with partner
F64. Are you currently living with a partner?
Vrednost 50070 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 3020 |
2 | No | 15318 |
6 | Not applicable | 20733 |
7 | Refusal | 146 |
8 | Don't know | 14 |
9 | No answer | 135 |
Sysmiss | 1661 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
18338 | 22689 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
LVGPTNE Ever lived with a partner without being married
F66. Can I just check, have you ever lived with a partner without being married to them?
Vrednost 50169 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 8564 |
2 | No | 26201 |
6 | Not applicable | 3667 |
7 | Refusal | 377 |
8 | Don't know | 39 |
9 | No answer | 518 |
Sysmiss | 1661 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
34765 | 6262 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
DVRCDEV Ever been divorced
F68. May I just check, have you ever been divorced?
Vrednost 50268 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 1939 |
2 | No | 23660 |
6 | Not applicable | 13294 |
7 | Refusal | 162 |
8 | Don't know | 10 |
9 | No answer | 301 |
Sysmiss | 1661 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
25599 | 15428 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
CHLDHM Children living at home or not at F4 ASK ALL
Vrednost 50367 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Respondent lives with children at F4 | 15347 |
2 | Does not | 25500 |
9 | Not available | 180 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40847 | 180 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
CHLDHHE Ever had children living in household
F70. Have you ever had any children of your own, step-children, adopted children, foster children or a partner's children living in your household?
Vrednost 50466 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 12541 |
2 | No | 11914 |
6 | Not applicable | 14716 |
7 | Refusal | 37 |
8 | Don't know | 56 |
9 | No answer | 1763 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
24455 | 16572 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
FXLTPH Fixed-line telephone in accommodation
F71. Is there a fixed-line telephone in (your part of) this accommodation?
Vrednost 50565 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 29813 |
2 | No | 11057 |
7 | Refusal | 74 |
8 | Don't know | 19 |
9 | No answer | 64 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40870 | 157 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
MBLTPH Personally have mobile telephone
F72. Do you personally have a mobile telephone?
Vrednost 50664 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 34361 |
2 | No | 6488 |
7 | Refusal | 87 |
8 | Don't know | 32 |
9 | No answer | 59 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40849 | 178 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
INTTPH Use the Internet for telephone calls at home
F73. Do you ever use the internet to make telephone calls at home?
Vrednost 50763 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Yes | 7412 |
2 | No | 26781 |
5 | No internet at home | 6583 |
7 | Refusal | 48 |
8 | Don't know | 62 |
9 | No answer | 141 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40776 | 251 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
IPCRTIV Important to think new ideas and being creative
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. Thinking up new ideas and being creative is important to her/him. She/he likes to do things in her/his own original way.
Vrednost 50862 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 7619 |
2 | Like me | 12896 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 10212 |
4 | A little like me | 4907 |
5 | Not like me | 3105 |
6 | Not like me at all | 838 |
7 | Refusal | 51 |
8 | Don't know | 421 |
9 | No answer | 978 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39577 | 1450 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IMPRICH Important to be rich, have money and expensive things
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to be rich. She/he wants to have a lot of money and expensive things.
Vrednost 50961 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 1622 |
2 | Like me | 3925 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 7444 |
4 | A little like me | 8613 |
5 | Not like me | 12894 |
6 | Not like me at all | 5221 |
7 | Refusal | 63 |
8 | Don't know | 274 |
9 | No answer | 971 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39719 | 1308 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPEQOPT Important that people are treated equally and have equal opportunities
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he thinks it is important that every person in the world should be treated equally. She/he believes everyone should have equal opportunities in life.
Vrednost 51060 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 12404 |
2 | Like me | 16590 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 6936 |
4 | A little like me | 2415 |
5 | Not like me | 1055 |
6 | Not like me at all | 287 |
7 | Refusal | 59 |
8 | Don't know | 308 |
9 | No answer | 973 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39687 | 1340 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPSHABT Important to show abilities and be admired
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It's important to her/him to show her/his abilities. She/he wants people to admire what she/he does.
Vrednost 51159 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 4764 |
2 | Like me | 10273 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 10048 |
4 | A little like me | 6791 |
5 | Not like me | 6019 |
6 | Not like me at all | 1719 |
7 | Refusal | 64 |
8 | Don't know | 350 |
9 | No answer | 999 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39614 | 1413 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IMPSAFE Important to live in secure and safe surroundings
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to live in secure surroundings. She/he avoids anything that might endanger her/his safety.
Vrednost 51258 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 11010 |
2 | Like me | 14233 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 7551 |
4 | A little like me | 4048 |
5 | Not like me | 2387 |
6 | Not like me at all | 486 |
7 | Refusal | 60 |
8 | Don't know | 260 |
9 | No answer | 992 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39715 | 1312 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IMPDIFF Important to try new and different things in life
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he likes surprises and is always looking for new things to do. She/he thinks it is important to do lots of different things in life.
Vrednost 51357 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 5480 |
2 | Like me | 10520 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 9855 |
4 | A little like me | 7034 |
5 | Not like me | 5253 |
6 | Not like me at all | 1476 |
7 | Refusal | 69 |
8 | Don't know | 364 |
9 | No answer | 976 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39618 | 1409 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPFRULE Important to do what is told and follow rules
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he believes that people should do what they're told. She/he thinks people should follow rules at all times, even when no-one is watching.
Vrednost 51456 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 4654 |
2 | Like me | 11122 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 9709 |
4 | A little like me | 6514 |
5 | Not like me | 5737 |
6 | Not like me at all | 1750 |
7 | Refusal | 75 |
8 | Don't know | 498 |
9 | No answer | 968 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39486 | 1541 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPUDRST Important to understand different people
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to listen to people who are different from her/him. Even when she/he disagrees with them, she/he still wants to understand them.
Vrednost 51555 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 7810 |
2 | Like me | 16757 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 9847 |
4 | A little like me | 3667 |
5 | Not like me | 1222 |
6 | Not like me at all | 283 |
7 | Refusal | 66 |
8 | Don't know | 415 |
9 | No answer | 960 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39586 | 1441 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPMODST Important to be humble and modest, not draw attention
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to be humble and modest. She/he tries not to draw attention to herself/himself.
Vrednost 51654 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 6644 |
2 | Like me | 13119 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 9911 |
4 | A little like me | 5707 |
5 | Not like me | 3555 |
6 | Not like me at all | 752 |
7 | Refusal | 63 |
8 | Don't know | 303 |
9 | No answer | 973 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39688 | 1339 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPGDTIM Important to have a good time
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. Having a good time is important to her/him. She/he likes to "spoil" herself/himself.
Vrednost 51753 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 5522 |
2 | Like me | 11029 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 9904 |
4 | A little like me | 6711 |
5 | Not like me | 4867 |
6 | Not like me at all | 1613 |
7 | Refusal | 71 |
8 | Don't know | 307 |
9 | No answer | 1003 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39646 | 1381 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IMPFREE Important to make own decisions and be free
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to make her/his own decisions about what she/he does. She/he likes to be free and not depend on others.
Vrednost 51852 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 11113 |
2 | Like me | 15601 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 8048 |
4 | A little like me | 3191 |
5 | Not like me | 1402 |
6 | Not like me at all | 346 |
7 | Refusal | 56 |
8 | Don't know | 306 |
9 | No answer | 964 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39701 | 1326 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPHLPPL Important to help people and care for others well-being
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It's very important to her/him to help the people around her/him. She/he wants to care for their well-being.
Vrednost 51951 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 10127 |
2 | Like me | 16769 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 8956 |
4 | A little like me | 2926 |
5 | Not like me | 692 |
6 | Not like me at all | 187 |
7 | Refusal | 62 |
8 | Don't know | 308 |
9 | No answer | 1000 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39657 | 1370 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPSUCES Important to be successful and that people recognise achievements
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. Being very successful is important to her/him. She/he hopes people will recognise her/his achievements.
Vrednost 52050 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 4281 |
2 | Like me | 10122 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 10076 |
4 | A little like me | 7347 |
5 | Not like me | 6084 |
6 | Not like me at all | 1620 |
7 | Refusal | 78 |
8 | Don't know | 406 |
9 | No answer | 1013 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39530 | 1497 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPSTRGV Important that government is strong and ensures safety
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him that the government ensures her/his safety against all threats. She/he wants the state to be strong so it can defend its citizens.
Vrednost 52149 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 10592 |
2 | Like me | 14392 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 7945 |
4 | A little like me | 3941 |
5 | Not like me | 2112 |
6 | Not like me at all | 530 |
7 | Refusal | 97 |
8 | Don't know | 425 |
9 | No answer | 993 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39512 | 1515 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPADVNT Important to seek adventures and have an exiting life
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he looks for adventures and likes to take risks. She/he wants to have an exciting life.
Vrednost 52248 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 2355 |
2 | Like me | 5067 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 7347 |
4 | A little like me | 8029 |
5 | Not like me | 11004 |
6 | Not like me at all | 5808 |
7 | Refusal | 67 |
8 | Don't know | 339 |
9 | No answer | 1011 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39610 | 1417 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPBHPRP Important to behave properly
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him always to behave properly. She/he wants to avoid doing anything people would say is wrong.
Vrednost 52347 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 6865 |
2 | Like me | 14475 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 9610 |
4 | A little like me | 5119 |
5 | Not like me | 2901 |
6 | Not like me at all | 614 |
7 | Refusal | 65 |
8 | Don't know | 342 |
9 | No answer | 1036 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39584 | 1443 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPRSPOT Important to get respect from others
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to get respect from others. She/he wants people to do what she/he says.
Vrednost 52446 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 3860 |
2 | Like me | 9812 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 9809 |
4 | A little like me | 7394 |
5 | Not like me | 6535 |
6 | Not like me at all | 2086 |
7 | Refusal | 77 |
8 | Don't know | 423 |
9 | No answer | 1031 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39496 | 1531 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IPLYLFR Important to be loyal to friends and devote to people close
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to be loyal to her/his friends. She/he wants to devote herself/himself to people close to her/him.
Vrednost 52545 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 13574 |
2 | Like me | 17920 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 5947 |
4 | A little like me | 1688 |
5 | Not like me | 440 |
6 | Not like me at all | 121 |
7 | Refusal | 52 |
8 | Don't know | 275 |
9 | No answer | 1010 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39690 | 1337 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IMPENV Important to care for nature and environment
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he strongly believes that people should care for nature. Looking after the environment is important to her/him.
Vrednost 52644 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 11748 |
2 | Like me | 16186 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 7726 |
4 | A little like me | 2929 |
5 | Not like me | 791 |
6 | Not like me at all | 264 |
7 | Refusal | 63 |
8 | Don't know | 339 |
9 | No answer | 981 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39644 | 1383 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IMPTRAD Important to follow traditions and customs
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. Tradition is important to her/him. She/he tries to follow the customs handed down by her/his religion or her/his family.
Vrednost 52743 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 7648 |
2 | Like me | 12934 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 8947 |
4 | A little like me | 5452 |
5 | Not like me | 3407 |
6 | Not like me at all | 1319 |
7 | Refusal | 56 |
8 | Don't know | 282 |
9 | No answer | 982 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39707 | 1320 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
IMPFUN Important to seek fun and things that give pleasure
Ga-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he seeks every chance she/he can to have fun. It is important to her/him to do things that give her/him pleasure.
Vrednost 52842 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Very much like me | 4942 |
2 | Like me | 10318 |
3 | Somewhat like me | 9777 |
4 | A little like me | 7336 |
5 | Not like me | 5002 |
6 | Not like me at all | 2300 |
7 | Refusal | 63 |
8 | Don't know | 314 |
9 | No answer | 975 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
39675 | 1352 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
REGIONBE Region, Belgium
RBE. Region, Belgium
Vrednost 52941 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Flemish region | 1061 |
2 | Brussels region | 124 |
3 | Walloon region | 575 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39267 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1760 | 39267 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
REGIONBG Region, Bulgaria
RBG. Region, Bulgaria
Vrednost 53040 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Blagoevgrad | 110 |
2 | Bourgas | 142 |
3 | Varna | 112 |
4 | Veliko Tarnovo | 41 |
5 | Vidin | 46 |
6 | Vratca | 69 |
7 | Gabrovo | 49 |
8 | Dobrich | 61 |
9 | Kurdjali | 93 |
10 | Kustendil | 45 |
11 | Lovetch | 55 |
12 | Montana | 59 |
13 | Pazardjik | 92 |
14 | Pernik | 37 |
15 | Pleven | 100 |
16 | Plovdiv | 209 |
17 | Razgrad | 54 |
18 | Rouse | 91 |
19 | Silistra | 50 |
20 | Sliven | 57 |
21 | Smolian | 43 |
22 | Sofia | 282 |
23 | Sofia-region | 71 |
24 | Stara Zagora | 71 |
25 | Targovishte | 32 |
26 | Haskovo | 58 |
27 | Shoumen | 61 |
28 | Iambol | 40 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38797 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2230 | 38797 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 28
REGIOACH Region, Switzerland
RCH. Region, Switzerland
Vrednost 53139 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Région lémanique | 296 |
2 | Espace Mittelland | 393 |
3 | Nordwestschweiz | 254 |
4 | Zürich | 316 |
5 | Ostschweiz | 325 |
6 | Zentralschweiz | 168 |
7 | Ticino | 67 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39208 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1819 | 39208 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
REGIONCY Region, Cyprus
RCY. Region, Cyprus
Vrednost 53238 | Frekvenca | |
10 | Nicosia Urban | 375 |
11 | Nicosia Rural | 130 |
20 | Limassol Urban | 254 |
21 | Limassol Rural | 76 |
30 | Larnaka Urban | 119 |
31 | Larnaka Rural | 91 |
40 | Paphos Urban | 75 |
41 | Paphos Rural | 35 |
51 | Ammochostos Rural | 60 |
999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39812 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1215 | 39812 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 10 do 51
REGIONDE Region, Germany
RDE. Region, Germany
Vrednost 53337 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Schleswig-Holstein | 87 |
2 | Hamburg | 57 |
3 | Niedersachsen | 192 |
4 | Bremen | 17 |
5 | Nordrhein-Westfalen | 470 |
6 | Hessen | 156 |
7 | Rheinland-Pfalz | 82 |
8 | Baden-Württemberg | 289 |
9 | Bayern | 351 |
10 | Saarland | 25 |
11 | Berlin | 165 |
12 | Brandenburg | 177 |
13 | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 123 |
14 | Sachsen | 256 |
15 | Sachsen-Anhalt | 149 |
16 | Thüringen | 155 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38276 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2751 | 38276 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 16
REGIOADK Region, Denmark
RDK. Region, Denmark
Vrednost 53436 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Hovedstaden | 346 |
2 | Sjælland | 229 |
3 | Syddanmark | 423 |
4 | Midjylland | 399 |
5 | Nordjylland | 213 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39417 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1610 | 39417 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
REGIONEE Region, Estonia
REE. Region, Estonia
Vrednost 53535 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Põhja-Eesti | 653 |
4 | Lääne-Eesti | 233 |
6 | Kesk-Eesti | 217 |
7 | Kirde-Eesti | 191 |
8 | Lõuna-Eesti | 367 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39366 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1661 | 39366 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
REGIOAES Region, Spain
RES. Region, Spain
Vrednost 53634 | Frekvenca | |
11 | Galicia | 500 |
12 | Principado de Asturias | 53 |
13 | Cantabria | 23 |
21 | País Vasco | 105 |
22 | Comunidad Foral de Navarra | 27 |
23 | La Rioja | 8 |
24 | Aragón | 50 |
30 | Comunidad de Madrid | 273 |
41 | Castilla y León | 115 |
42 | Castilla-La Mancha | 80 |
43 | Extremadura | 55 |
51 | Cataluña | 527 |
52 | Comunidad Valenciana | 181 |
53 | Illes Balears | 43 |
61 | Andalucía | 403 |
62 | Región de Murcia | 61 |
63 | Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta | 0 |
64 | Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla | 5 |
70 | Canarias | 67 |
999 | No answer | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38451 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2576 | 38451 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 11 do 70
REGIOAFI Region, Finland
RFI. Region, Finland
Vrednost 53733 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Southern Finland(FI18) and Åland(FI20) | 1061 |
2 | Western Finland (FI19) | 593 |
3 | Eastern Finland (FI13) | 305 |
4 | Northern Finland (FI1A) | 236 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38832 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2195 | 38832 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4
REGIONFR Region, France
RFR. Region, France
Vrednost 53832 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Région parisienne | 316 |
2 | Bassin Parisien Est | 151 |
3 | Bassin Parisien Ouest | 198 |
4 | Nord | 145 |
5 | Est | 208 |
6 | Ouest | 288 |
7 | Sud Ouest | 238 |
8 | Sud Est | 293 |
9 | Méditerranée | 236 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38954 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2073 | 38954 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9
REGIONGB Region, United Kingdom
RGB. Region, United Kingdom
Vrednost 53931 | Frekvenca | |
1 | North East | 99 |
2 | North West | 274 |
3 | Yorkshire and The Humber | 209 |
4 | East Midlands | 203 |
5 | West Midlands | 180 |
6 | South West | 229 |
7 | East of England | 226 |
8 | London | 206 |
9 | South East | 352 |
10 | Wales | 130 |
11 | Scotland | 165 |
12 | Northern Ireland | 79 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38675 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2352 | 38675 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
REGIONHU Region, Hungary
Vrednost 54030 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Central regio | 347 |
2 | Middle- Transdanubia | 208 |
3 | West- Transdanubia | 176 |
4 | South-Transdanubia | 169 |
5 | North Regio | 183 |
6 | North- Plain | 255 |
7 | South- Plain | 206 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39483 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1544 | 39483 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
REGIONIL Region, Israel
Vrednost 54129 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Jerusalem | 264 |
2 | Northern | 395 |
3 | Haifa | 258 |
4 | Central | 656 |
5 | Tel Aviv | 565 |
6 | Southern | 329 |
7 | Judea - Samaria and Gaza | 23 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38537 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2490 | 38537 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
REGIONNL Region, Netherlands
Vrednost 54228 | Frekvenca | |
111 | Oost-Groningen | 14 |
112 | Delfzijl en omgeving | 5 |
113 | Overig Groningen | 26 |
121 | Noord-Friesland | 39 |
122 | Zuidwest-Friesland | 8 |
123 | Zuidoost-Friesland | 30 |
131 | Noord-Drenthe | 25 |
132 | Zuidoost-Drenthe | 19 |
133 | Zuidwest-Drenthe | 12 |
211 | Noord-Overijssel | 38 |
212 | Zuidwest-Overijssel | 18 |
213 | Twente | 74 |
221 | Veluwe | 54 |
222 | Achterhoek | 48 |
223 | Arnhem\Nijmegen | 84 |
224 | Zuidwest-Gelderland | 28 |
230 | Flevoland | 39 |
310 | Utrecht | 140 |
321 | Kop van Noord-Holland | 41 |
322 | Alkmaar en omgeving | 24 |
323 | IJmond | 19 |
324 | Agglomeratie Haarlem | 15 |
325 | Zaanstreek | 19 |
326 | Groot-Amsterdam | 136 |
327 | Het Gooi en Vechtstreek | 30 |
331 | Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek | 44 |
332 | Agglomeratie`s-Gravenhage | 59 |
333 | Delft en Westland | 27 |
334 | Oost-Zuid-Holland | 45 |
335 | Groot-Rijnmond | 159 |
336 | Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland | 38 |
341 | Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen | 13 |
342 | Overig Zeeland | 32 |
411 | West-Noord-Brabant | 55 |
412 | Midden-Noord-Brabant | 52 |
413 | Noordoost-Noord-Brabant | 68 |
414 | Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant | 65 |
421 | Noord-Limburg | 38 |
422 | Midden-Limburg | 22 |
423 | Zuid-Limburg | 76 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39249 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1778 | 39249 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 111 do 423
REGIONNO Region, Norway
RNO. Region, Norway
Vrednost 54327 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Oslo and Akershus | 374 |
2 | Hedmark and Oppland | 112 |
3 | South Eastern Norway | 284 |
4 | Agder and Rogaland | 209 |
5 | Western Norway | 259 |
6 | Trøndelag | 156 |
7 | Northern Norway | 155 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39478 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1549 | 39478 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7
REGIONPL Region, Poland
RPL. Region, Poland
Vrednost 54426 | Frekvenca | |
2 | Dolnoslaskie | 110 |
4 | Kujawsko-pomorskie | 95 |
6 | Lubelskie | 99 |
8 | Lubuskie | 37 |
10 | Lodzkie | 113 |
12 | Malopolskie | 111 |
14 | Mazowieckie | 233 |
16 | Opolskie | 42 |
18 | Podkarpackie | 104 |
20 | Podlaskie | 45 |
22 | Pomorskie | 90 |
24 | Slaskie | 221 |
26 | Swietokrzyskie | 62 |
28 | Warminsko-mazurskie | 56 |
30 | Wielkopolskie | 133 |
32 | Zachodniopomorskie | 68 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39408 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1619 | 39408 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2 do 32
REGIOAPT Region, Portugal
RPT. Region, Portugal
Vrednost 54525 | Frekvenca | |
1 | North | 796 |
2 | Center | 409 |
3 | Lisbon | 968 |
4 | Alentejo | 115 |
5 | Algarve | 79 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38660 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2367 | 38660 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5
REGIONRU Region, Russian Federation
RRU. Region, Russian Federation
Vrednost 54624 | Frekvenca | |
1 | North and North West | 240 |
2 | Center | 551 |
3 | Volgo-Vyatsky | 141 |
4 | Central-Chernozhem | 135 |
5 | Volga | 287 |
6 | North Caucasus | 327 |
7 | Urals | 345 |
8 | West Siberia | 253 |
9 | East Siberia | 123 |
10 | Far East | 110 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 38515 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2512 | 38515 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10
REGIONSE Region, Sweden
RSE. Region, Sweden
Vrednost 54723 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Stockholm | 334 |
2 | Östra Mellansverige | 315 |
3 | Sydsverige | 270 |
4 | Norra Mellansverige | 167 |
5 | Mellersta Norrland | 86 |
6 | Övre Norrland | 121 |
7 | Småland med Öarna | 171 |
8 | Västsverige | 366 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39197 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1830 | 39197 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
REGIONSI Region, Slovenia
RSI. Region, Slovenia
Vrednost 54822 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Gorenjska | 124 |
2 | Goriska | 72 |
3 | Jugovzhodna Slovenija | 100 |
4 | Koroska | 63 |
5 | Notranjsko-kraska | 30 |
6 | Obalno-kraska | 56 |
7 | Osrednjeslovenska | 289 |
8 | Podravska | 228 |
9 | Pomurska | 93 |
10 | Savinjska | 177 |
11 | Spodnjeposavska | 45 |
12 | Zasavska | 9 |
999 | Not available | 0 |
Sysmiss | 39741 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1286 | 39741 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
REGIONSK Region, Slovakia
RSK. Region, Slovakia
Vrednost 54921 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Bratislava Reg. | 226 |
2 | Trnava Reg. | 144 |
3 | Trencin Reg. | 194 |
4 | Nitra Reg. | 276 |
5 | Zilina Reg. | 190 |
6 | Banska Bystrica Reg. | 231 |
7 | Presov Reg. | 277 |
8 | Kosice Reg. | 270 |
999 | Not available | 2 |
Sysmiss | 39217 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
1808 | 39219 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8
INTEWDE Place of interview: East/West Germany
R1. Interview in East or West Germany
Vrednost 55020 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Interview takes place in East Germany, East Berlin | 967 |
2 | Interview takes place in West Germany, West Berlin | 1784 |
Sysmiss | 38276 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
2751 | 38276 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2
INWDDS Start of interview, day of month
R2. Start of interview, day of month
Vrednost 55119 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 15 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41012 | 15 | 1 | 31 | 15.714 | 8.483 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 31
INWMMS Start of interview, month
R3. Start of interview, month
Vrednost 55218 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 15 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41012 | 15 | 1 | 12 | 8.116 | 4.015 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
INWYYS Start of interview, year
R4. Start of interview, year
Vrednost 55317 | Frekvenca | |
9999 | Not available | 1 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41026 | 1 | 2008 | 2009 | 2008.295 | 0.456 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2008 do 2009
INWSHH Start of interview, hour
R5. Start of interview, hour
Vrednost 55416 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 41 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40986 | 41 | 0 | 23 | 14.343 | 3.215 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 23
INWSMM Start of interview, minute
R6. Start of interview, minute
Vrednost 55515 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 42 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40985 | 42 | 0 | 59 | 21.961 | 18.5 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 59
INWDDE End of interview, day of month
R7. End of interview, day of month
Vrednost 55614 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 31 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40996 | 31 | 1 | 31 | 15.717 | 8.482 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 31
INWMME End of interview, month
R8. End of interview, month
Vrednost 55713 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 30 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40997 | 30 | 1 | 12 | 8.112 | 4.017 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
INWYYE End of interview, year
R9. End of interview, year
Vrednost 55812 | Frekvenca | |
9999 | Not available | 16 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41011 | 16 | 2008 | 2009 | 2008.295 | 0.456 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2008 do 2009
INWEHH End of interview, hour
R10. End of interview, hour
Vrednost 55911 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 61 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40966 | 61 | 0 | 23 | 15.408 | 3.212 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 23
INWEMM End of interview, minute
R11. End of interview, minute
Vrednost 56010 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 61 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40966 | 61 | 0 | 59 | 27.391 | 17.621 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 59
INWTM Interview length in minutes, main questionnaire
R19. Interview length in minutes, main questionnaire (calculated)
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40466 | 561 | 0 | 902 | 70.591 | 28.687 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 902
SPLTADMC Administration of split ballot and MTMM
R13. Administration of split ballot and mtmm
Vrednost 5628 | Frekvenca | |
1 | FF A TESTC1-TESTC12 | 10055 |
2 | FF B TESTC13-TESTC24 | 10436 |
3 | FF C TESTC25-TESTC36 | 9978 |
4 | SC A TESTC1-TESTC12 | 3001 |
5 | SC B TESTC13-TESTC24 | 2953 |
6 | SC C TESTC25-TESTC36 | 3009 |
21 | 1544 | |
99 | 51 | |
9 | Not available | 0 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6
SUPQAD1 Administration of supplementary questionnaire 1
Vrednost 5637 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Completed by respondent, no help from you | 7769 |
2 | Completed by respondent, some help from you | 781 |
3 | Face to face interview | 1420 |
6 | Not applicable | 30470 |
9 | No answer | 587 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
9970 | 31057 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
SUPQAD2 Administration of supplementary questionnaire 2
Vrednost 5646 | Frekvenca | |
1 | Face to face interview | 30415 |
2 | Completed by respondent, some help from you | 14 |
3 | Completed by respondent, no help from you | 9 |
6 | Not applicable | 10551 |
9 | No answer | 38 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
30438 | 10589 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3
SUPQDD Day of month,supplementary questionnaire
R14. Day of month, supplementary questionnaire
Vrednost 5655 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 847 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38636 | 2391 | 0 | 31 | 15.861 | 8.467 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 31
SUPQMM Month,supplementary questionnaire
R15. Month, supplementary questionnaire
Vrednost 5664 | Frekvenca | |
99 | Not available | 841 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
38642 | 2385 | 1 | 12 | 8.282 | 3.986 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12
SUPQYR Year,supplementary questionnaire
R16. Year, supplementary questionnaire
Vrednost 5673 | Frekvenca | |
9999 | Not available | 827 |
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
40200 | 827 | 2008 | 2009 | 2008.301 | 0.459 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2008 do 2009
DWEIGHT Design weight
R17. Design weight
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 | 0.0251 | 4 | 1 | 0.437 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.1389 do 4
PWEIGHT Population size weight (must be combined with dweight)
R18. Population size weight (must be combined with dweight)
Veljavni odgovori | Neveljavni odgovori | Minimum | Maksimum | Aritmetična sredina | Standardni odklon |
41027 | 0 | 0.0536 | 4.824 | 1.098 | 1.271 |
Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.0536262551440329 do 4.82422838375796
3 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga z imeni spremenljivk iz podatkovne datoteke.
9 - najvišji rang, primerjalne ali kontinuirane raziskave, pomembne populacije, metodološko ustrezne
Kako citiram to RAZISKAVO?
Jowell, R. (2009). Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2008 [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: ESS08. Dostopno prek
ESS03 - Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2002/2003
ESS04 - Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2004
ESS06 - Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2006
ESS10 - Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2010
ESS12 - Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2012
ESS14 - Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2014
ESS16 - Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2016
ESS18 - Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2018
SJM022 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2002/2: Evropska družboslovna anketa
SJM042 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2004/2: Evropska družboslovna raziskava
SJM061 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2006/1: Evropska družboslovna raziskava
SJM082 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2008/2: Evropska družboslovna raziskava
SJM10 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2010: Evropska družboslovna raziskava
SJM122 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2012/2: Evropska družboslovna raziskava
SJM14 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2014: Evropska družboslovna raziskava
SJM182 - Slovensko javno mnenje 2018/2: Evropska družboslovna raziskava
Analiza izobraževanja na daljavo v času prvega vala epidemije covida-19 v Sloveniji, 2020
Delavnica Vozlišča RDA Slovenija o odprti znanosti na Arnesovi konferenci Mreža znanja 2024
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