Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2010

Osnovne informacije o raziskavi

Glavni avtor(ji):
  • Jowell, Roger
  • Fitzgerald, Rory
  • Harrison, Eric
  • Eva, Gillian
  • Martin, Peter
  • Widdop, Sally
  • Gatrell, Lizzy
  • Keane, Mary
  • Looseveldt, Geert
  • Billiet, Jaak
  • Matsuo, Hideko
  • Henrichsen, Bjørn
  • Kalgraff Skjåk, Knut
  • Kolsrud, Kirstine
  • Braun, Michael
  • Scheuer, Angelika
  • Häder, Sabine
  • Koch, Achim
  • Blom, Annelies
  • Ganninger, Matthias
  • Halbherr, Verena
  • Behr, Dorothée
  • Dorer, Brita
  • Saris, Willem
  • Gallhofer, Irmtraud
  • Oberski, Daniel
  • Zavala Rojas, Diana
  • Stoop, Ineke
  • Kappelhof, Joost
  • Fernee, Henk
  • Malnar, Brina
Ostali (strokovni) sodelavci:
  • Kaase, Max
  • Lievesley, Denise
  • Ganninger, Matthias
  • Jackson, Jonathon
  • Gallie, Duncan
  • Schneider, Silke
  • Curtice, John
  • Eriksson, Robert
  • O. Jonsson, Jan
  • Newton, Ken
  • Schwartz, Shalom
  • Thomassen, Jacques
  • Vogel, Joachim
Izdelal datoteko podatkov:
NSD - Norwegian Social Science Data Services (Bergen, Norveška; 2010)

Finančna podpora:

Belgija - Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk onderzoek (FWO)
Belgija - Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS)
Bolgarija - NSF
Hrvaška - Croatian Science Foundation
Ciper - European University Cyprus
Češka Republika - Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports
Danska - The Danish Council for Independent Research | Social Sciences
Estonija - Ministry of Science and Education, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Justice
Finska - Academy of Finland (Suomen Akatemia)
Francija - GIS Quételet, EHESS, PPF de l'Université de Caen, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques
Nemčija - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
Grčija - The National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)
Madžarska - OTKA (Orszagos Tudomanyos Kutatasi Alapprogramok - Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Irska - Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Izrael - The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Litva - European Social Fund and Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science
Nizozemska - Netherlands National Science Foundation NWO
Norveška - The Research Council of Norway
Poljska - Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Portugalska - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Rusija - John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Rusija - RGNF (Russian Science Foundation of Humanitarian Sciences)
Slovaška - Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic
Slovenija - Slovenian Research Agency
Španija - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) & Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS)
Švedska - Vetenskapsrådet, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap
Švica - SNFS (Swiss National Science Foundation)
Ukrajina - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, International Reinessance Foundation
Združeno kraljestvo - Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

Številka projekta:

ni podatka

  • ESS/Evropska družboslovna raziskava

    Evropska Družboslovna Raziskava (ESS) je mednarodna raziskava, ki vključuje več kot 30 držav. Njen namen je skozi pristop mednarodne primerjalne anketne raziskave preučiti povezanost med spreminjajočimi se evropskimi institucijami in stališči, prepričanji in vedenjskimi vzorci njenih prebivalcev. Anketa uporablja najvišje metodološke standarde. Projekt deluje kot evropska raziskovalna infrastrukturna enota (ERIC), ki se pretežno financira z viri posameznih sodelujočih držav. Eno uro dolga anketa med posamezniki vključuje blok vprašanj o splošnih družbenih in političnih stališčih, ki ostaja nespremenjen skozi leta, ter enkratne module vprašanj, ki so posvečeni posameznim temam in izbrani na podlagi javnih razpisov za sodelovanje raziskovalnih skupin.

Vsebina raziskave

Ključne besede:

zaupanje, politika, družbene vrednote, socialna izključenost, diskriminacija, religija, nacionalna identiteta, življenjska pot, policija, sodišča, delo, družina, blaginja

Ključne besede ELSST:

Vsebinska področja CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene navade in stališča
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Vsebinska področja ADP
družbeno zaupanje
politični interes in sodelovanje
družbeno-politična usmerjenost
socialna izključenost
nacionalna, etična and verska pripadnost
zaupanje v policijo in sodišča
demografija in socialna ekonomija
delo, družina in blaginj


Evropska družboslovna raziskava (ESS) je akademsko usmerjena, večdržavna raziskava, ki je potekala v več kot 30 državah. Trije cilji raziskave so: prvič - spremljanje in razlaga spreminjajočih se javnih odnosov in vrednot v Evropi ter proučevanje kako med seboj sodelujejo spreminjajoče se evropske institucije, drugič - spodbujanje in utrditev izboljšanih metod za navzkrižna merjenja nacionalnih raziskav v Evropi in zunaj nje, ter tretjič - razvoj vrste evropskih socialnih kazalnikov, vključno z nazorskimi kazalci. V petem krogu, raziskava zajema 28 držav in uporabi najstrožjo metodologijo. Za koordinacijo tega kroga ESS ni bilo primernih finančnih sredstev, zato je sredstva za koordinacijo petega kroga ESS zagotovila skupina nacionalnih ESS financerjev. Ta skupina je vključevala: Veliko Britanijo (Economic and Social Research Council), Nemčijo (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), Švedsko (Swedish Research Council), Švico (Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)), Nizozemsko (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research), Finsko (Academy of Finland, Research Council for Culture and Society), Norveško (Research Council of Norway) in Avstrijo (Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour). Za znanstveno sodelovanje so bila zagotovljena dodatna finančna sredstva s strani European Science Foundation (ESF). Peti krog ESS je finančno podprla tudi britanska City University London. Raziskava vključuje strogo naključno verjetnostno vzorčenje z minimalno 70% stopnjo odgovora ciljne populacije in strogimi protokoli prevajanja. Enourni intervju v živo vključuje vprašanja o različnih temah ponovljenih iz prejšnjih krogov raziskav, razvita pa sta tudi dva posebna modula za peti krog, ki zajemata zaupanje v policijo in sodišča, delo, družino in blaginjo (slednje je delno ponovljeno iz drugega kroga ESS).


Čas zbiranja podatkov: Belgija - 11.10.2010 - 06.05.2011, Bolgarija - 17.12.2010 - 28.03.2011, Hrvaška - 16.09.2011 - 14.12.2011, Ciper - 01.01.2011 - 21.06.2011, Češka Republika - 20.01.2011 - 08.03.2011, Danska - 20.09.2010 - 31.01.2011, Estonija - 10.10.2010 - 28.05.2011, Finska - 13.09.2010 - 30.12.2010, Francija - 15.10.2010 - 06.04.2011, Nemčija - 15.09.2010 - 03.02.2011, Grčija - 06.05.2011 - 05.07.2011, Mandžarska - 19.10.2010 - 10.12.2010, Irska - 20.09.2011 - 31.01.2012, Izrael - 09.01.2011 - 13.06.2011, Litva - 21.04.2011 to 20.08.2011, Nizozemska - 27.09.2010 - 02.04.2011, Norveška - 09.09.2010 - 15.02.2011, Poljska - 01.10.2010 - 06.02.2011, Portugalska - 11.10.2010 - 23.03.2011, Rusija - 24.12.2010 - 14.05.2011, Slovaška - 29.10.2010 - 28.02.2011, Slovenija - 20.10.2010 - 31.01.2011, Španija - 11.04.2011 - 24.07.2011, Švedska - 27.09.2010 - 01.03.2011, Švica - 02.10.2010 - 23.03.2011, Ukrajina - 13.05.2011 - 30.07.2011, Združeno kraljestvo - 31.08.2010 - 28.02.2011
Čas izdelave: 2010
Država: Belgija, Bolgarija, Hrvaška, Ciper, Češka Republika, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Grčija, Madžarska, Irska, Izrael, Litva, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugalska, Rusija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Združeno kraljestvo, Ukrajina
Geografsko pokritje:

Belgija - Belgija

Bolgarija - Bolgarija

Hrvaška - Hrvaška

Ciper - Ciper

Češka Republika - Češka Republika

Danska - Danska

Estonija - Estonija

Finska - Finska

Francija - Francija, ne vključuje Korzike in drugih čezmorskih ozemelj

Nemčija - Nemčija

Grčija - Grčija

Madžarska - Madžarska

Irska - Irska

Izrael - Izrael in del Zahodnega brega

Litva - Litva

Nizozemska - Nizozemska

Norveška - Norveška

Poljska - Poljska

Portugalska - celinska Portugalska

Rusija - Rusija

Slovaška - Slovaška

Slovenija - Slovenija

Španija - Španija, vkljlučno s severno-afriškima mestoma Ceuta in Melilla

Švedska - Švedska

Švica - Švica

Ukrajina - Ukrajina

Združeno kraljestvo - Kanalski otoki, otok Man, ter območje severno od Caledonian Canal na Škotskem (to je večina Highlands in otoške regije), so izključeni

Enota za analizo:



Vse osebe, stare 15 let in več, ki prebivajo v zasebnih gospodinjstvih, ne glede na njihovo narodnost, državljanstvo, jezik ali pravni status v sodelujočih državah EU: Avstrija, Belgija, Bolgarija, Hrvaška, Ciper, Češka, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Grčija, Madžarska, Irska, Litva, Nizozemska, Poljska, Portugalska, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska, Velika Britanija. Države izven Evropske unije: Izrael, Norveška, Švica, Rusija Federacija, Ukrajina.

Izključeni: ni podatka
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil:

Belgija - Significant GfK Geldenaaksebaan 329 3001 Heverlee

Bolgarija - Agency for Social Analyses (ASA), 1, Macedonia Sq. Sofia 1040 Bulgaria

Hrvaška - Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Marulicev trg 19, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

Ciper - European University Cyprus

Češka Republika - Factum Invenio, s.r.o. Office Park Nové Butovice / A Bucharova 1281/2, 158 00 Prague 13 Czech Republic

Danska - SFI, SFI Survey Herluf Trolles gade 11 1052 København K Denmark

Estonija - GfK Custom Research Baltic Eesti filiaal, Valge 13, Tallinn 11415, Estonia

Finska - Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus), FI-00022 Statistics Finland, Helsinki

Francija - Gfk ISL 6 Rue du 4 Septembre 92130 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX France

Nemčija - TNS Infratest Sozialforschung GmbH, Landsberger Str. 284, 80687 München


Madžarska - Gallup (Magyar Gallup Intezet - Hungarian Gallup Institute)

Irska - Amárach Research

Izrael - The B.I and Lucille Cohen Institute Faculty of Social Sciences Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978 Israel

Litva - UAB RAIT

Nizozemska - GfK Panel Services Benelux, Middellaan 25, 5102 PB Dongen, Netherlands

Norveška - Statistics Norway Division for sample surveys Kongens gate 11, Oslo P.O.B 8131 Dep, N-0033 Oslo

Poljska - Centre of Sociological Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Nowy Swiat 72, 00-330 Warszawa, Poland

Portugalska - TNS, Praça José Queirós, nº 1 - piso 3, Fracção 1 e 3, 1800-237 Lisboa

Rusija - CESSI (Institute for Comparative Social Research, Russia)

Slovaška - Institute of Social Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Karpatska 5, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia

Slovenija - Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij

Španija - Metroscopia, Estudios Sociales y de Opinión S.L. General Yagüe, 6 bis 28020 Madrid Phone: +34 91 701 55 99 Fax: +34 91 521 06 09 E-mail: metroscopia@metroscopia.org

Švedska - Scb, Box 24300, 10451 Stockholm, Sweden

Švica - M.I.S. Trend SA, Lausanne, Switzerland

Ukrajina - Center for Social and Marketing Research SOCIS, Research & Branding Group

Združeno kraljestvo - Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London, SE1 1FY

Tip vzorca:

Glej: http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/essdoc/doc.html?year=2010&ddi=

Način zbiranja podatkov:

Glej: http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/essdoc/doc.html?year=2010&ddi=


Na splošno so bile uteži za vsako državo izračunane po naslednjem postopku: w=1/(PROB1*...*PROBk) je nx1 vektor uteži; k je odvisn od števila stopenj vzorca. Vse uteži so bile na koncu popravljene tako, da je vsota končne uteži enaka velikosti realiziranega vzorca (n), se pravi weights=n*w/sum(w).

Omejitve dostopa

Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Kontakt: Norwegian Social Science Data Services

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Osnovne informacije o datoteki podatkov

Naslov podatkovne datoteke: ESS10 - European Social Survey 2010 [datoteka podatkov]

ID datoteke: F1

Format: OSTALO

  • število spremenljivk: 674
  • število enot: 52458

Verzija: ESS5 edition 3.1


name Title of dataset

1. Title of dataset

Vrednost 13 Frekvenca
ESS5e03_1 52458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

essround ESS round

2. ESS round

Vrednost 22 Frekvenca
5 52458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 5 do 5

edition Edition

3. Edition

Vrednost 31 Frekvenca
3.1 52458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

name Title of dataset

1. Title of dataset

Vrednost 1674 Frekvenca
ESS5e03_1 52458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

essround ESS round

2. ESS round

Vrednost 2673 Frekvenca
5 52458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 5 do 5

edition Edition

3. Edition

Vrednost 3672 Frekvenca
3.1 52458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

proddate Production date

4. Production date

Vrednost 4671 Frekvenca
29.04.2014 52458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

idno Respondent's identification number

6. Respondent's identification number

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 300003000

cntry Country

5. Country

Vrednost 6669 Frekvenca
BE Belgium 1704
BG Bulgaria 2434
CH Switzerland 1506
CY Cyprus 1083
CZ Czech Republic 2386
DE Germany 3031
DK Denmark 1576
EE Estonia 1793
ES Spain 1885
FI Finland 1878
FR France 1728
GB United Kingdom 2422
GR Greece 2715
HR Croatia 1649
HU Hungary 1561
IE Ireland 2576
IL Israel 2294
LT Lithuania 1677
NL Netherlands 1829
NO Norway 1548
PL Poland 1751
PT Portugal 2150
RU Russian Federation 2595
SE Sweden 1497
SI Slovenia 1403
SK Slovakia 1856
UA Ukraine 1931
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

tvtot TV watching, total time on average weekday CARD 1

A1. On an average weekday, how much time, in total, do you spend watching television?

Vrednost 7668 Frekvenca
0 No time at all 2166
1 Less than 0,5 hour 2586
2 0,5 hour to 1 hour 6659
3 More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours 6733
4 More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours 8518
5 More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours 6488
6 More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours 6569
7 More than 3 hours 12610
77 Refusal 5
88 Don't know 102
99 No answer 22
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52329 129

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

tvpol TV watching, news/politics/current affairs on average weekday STILL CARD 1

A2. And again on an average weekday, how much of your time watching television is spent watching news or programmes about politics and current affairs?

Vrednost 8667 Frekvenca
0 No time at all 4311
1 Less than 0,5 hour 16415
2 0,5 hour to 1 hour 18060
3 More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours 6245
4 More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours 2644
5 More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours 1088
6 More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours 540
7 More than 3 hours 777
66 Not applicable 2163
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 161
99 No answer 54
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50080 2378

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

rdtot Radio listening, total time on average weekday ASK ALL STILL CARD 1

A3. On an average weekday, how much time, in total, do you spend listening to the radio?

Vrednost 9666 Frekvenca
0 No time at all 15059
1 Less than 0,5 hour 7566
2 0,5 hour to 1 hour 7938
3 More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours 3800
4 More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours 3343
5 More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours 1985
6 More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours 1916
7 More than 3 hours 10569
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 236
99 No answer 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52176 282

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

rdpol Radio listening, news/politics/current affairs on average weekday STILL CARD 1

A4. And again on an average weekday, how much of your time listening to the radio is spent listening to news or programmes about politics and current affairs?

Vrednost 10665 Frekvenca
0 No time at all 7025
1 Less than 0,5 hour 16096
2 0,5 hour to 1 hour 7932
3 More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours 2517
4 More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours 1321
5 More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours 592
6 More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours 413
7 More than 3 hours 1036
66 Not applicable 15065
77 Refusal 2
88 Don't know 387
99 No answer 72
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
36932 15526

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

nwsptot Newspaper reading, total time on average weekday ASK ALL STILL CARD 1

A5. On an average weekday, how much time, in total, do you spend reading the newspapers?

Vrednost 11664 Frekvenca
0 No time at all 18265
1 Less than 0,5 hour 15226
2 0,5 hour to 1 hour 12554
3 More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours 3553
4 More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours 1599
5 More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours 525
6 More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours 237
7 More than 3 hours 327
77 Refusal 1
88 Don't know 143
99 No answer 28
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52286 172

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

nwsppol Newspaper reading, politics/current affairs on average weekday STILL CARD 1

A6. And how much of this time is spent reading about politics and current affairs?

Vrednost 12663 Frekvenca
0 No time at all 5054
1 Less than 0,5 hour 20683
2 0,5 hour to 1 hour 6104
3 More than 1 hour, up to 1,5 hours 1278
4 More than 1,5 hours, up to 2 hours 460
5 More than 2 hours, up to 2,5 hours 127
6 More than 2,5 hours, up to 3 hours 64
7 More than 3 hours 81
66 Not applicable 18263
77 Refusal 2
88 Don't know 240
99 No answer 102
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
33851 18607

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

netuse Personal use of internet/e-mail/www ASK ALL CARD 2

A7. Now, using this card, how often do you use the internet, the World Wide Web or e-mail - whether at home or at work - for your personal use?

Vrednost 13662 Frekvenca
0 No access at home or work 13145
1 Never use 6987
2 Less than once a month 655
3 Once a month 542
4 Several times a month 1341
5 Once a week 1731
6 Several times a week 6164
7 Every day 21771
77 Refusal 5
88 Don't know 86
99 No answer 31
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52336 122

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 7

ppltrst Most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful CARD 3

A8. Using this card, generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people? Please tell me on a score of 0 to 10, where 0 means you can't be too careful and 10 means that most people can be trusted.

Vrednost 14661 Frekvenca
0 You can't be too careful 3042
1 1 2663
2 2 4040
3 3 5885
4 4 5319
5 5 10536
6 6 5369
7 7 7304
8 8 5638
9 9 1522
10 Most people can be trusted 925
77 Refusal 4
88 Don't know 173
99 No answer 38
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52243 215

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

pplfair Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair CARD 4

A9. Using this card, do you think that most people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, or would they try to be fair?

Vrednost 15660 Frekvenca
0 Most people try to take advantage of me 1575
1 1 1729
2 2 3035
3 3 4787
4 4 4835
5 5 11138
6 6 5935
7 7 8360
8 8 6964
9 9 2204
10 Most people try to be fair 1370
77 Refusal 13
88 Don't know 477
99 No answer 36
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51932 526

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

pplhlp Most of the time people helpful or mostly looking out for themselves CARD 5

A10. Would you say that most of the time people try to be helpful or that they are mostly looking out for themselves?

Vrednost 16659 Frekvenca
0 People mostly look out for themselves 2462
1 1 2829
2 2 4716
3 3 6388
4 4 5690
5 5 11046
6 6 5817
7 7 6572
8 8 4509
9 9 1233
10 People mostly try to be helpful 835
77 Refusal 4
88 Don't know 276
99 No answer 81
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52097 361

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

polintr How interested in politics

B1. How interested would you say you are in politics ? are you?

Vrednost 17658 Frekvenca
1 Very interested 5077
2 Quite interested 17534
3 Hardly interested 18362
4 Not at all interested 11216
7 Refusal 1
8 Don't know 120
9 No answer 148
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52189 269

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

trstprl Trust in country's parliament CARD 8:

B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... [country]'s parliament?

Vrednost 18657 Frekvenca
0 No trust at all 7619
1 1 4158
2 2 5085
3 3 6372
4 4 5280
5 5 8916
6 6 4600
7 7 4314
8 8 3046
9 9 843
10 Complete trust 668
77 Refusal 36
88 Don't know 1481
99 No answer 40
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50901 1557

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

trstlgl Trust in the legal system CARD 8:

B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... the legal system?

Vrednost 19656 Frekvenca
0 No trust at all 5076
1 1 2989
2 2 4158
3 3 5264
4 4 4763
5 5 8523
6 6 4952
7 7 5955
8 8 5552
9 9 2313
10 Complete trust 1194
77 Refusal 28
88 Don't know 1634
99 No answer 57
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50739 1719

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

trstplc Trust in the police CARD 8:

B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... the police?

Vrednost 20655 Frekvenca
0 No trust at all 3373
1 1 2025
2 2 2817
3 3 3806
4 4 4057
5 5 8320
6 6 5388
7 7 7381
8 8 8129
9 9 3862
10 Complete trust 2430
77 Refusal 18
88 Don't know 806
99 No answer 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51588 870

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

trstplt Trust in politicians CARD 8:

B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... politicians?

Vrednost 21654 Frekvenca
0 No trust at all 10057
1 1 5609
2 2 6487
3 3 6697
4 4 5624
5 5 7979
6 6 4002
7 7 2882
8 8 1257
9 9 328
10 Complete trust 250
77 Refusal 23
88 Don't know 1196
99 No answer 67
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51172 1286

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

trstprt Trust in political parties CARD 8:

B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... political parties?

Vrednost 22653 Frekvenca
0 No trust at all 9748
1 1 5603
2 2 6506
3 3 6861
4 4 5624
5 5 8182
6 6 3864
7 7 2804
8 8 1150
9 9 300
10 Complete trust 242
77 Refusal 29
88 Don't know 1471
99 No answer 74
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50884 1574

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

trstep Trust in the European Parliament CARD 8:

B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... the European Parliament?

Vrednost 23652 Frekvenca
0 No trust at all 5297
1 1 2900
2 2 3814
3 3 5075
4 4 5220
5 5 9712
6 6 4969
7 7 4426
8 8 2793
9 9 918
10 Complete trust 680
77 Refusal 98
88 Don't know 6453
99 No answer 103
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45804 6654

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

trstun Trust in the United Nations CARD 8:

B4-10. Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. Firstly... ... the United Nations?

Vrednost 24651 Frekvenca
0 No trust at all 4300
1 1 2264
2 2 2858
3 3 3832
4 4 4416
5 5 9239
6 6 5399
7 7 5845
8 8 4725
9 9 1871
10 Complete trust 1162
77 Refusal 82
88 Don't know 6372
99 No answer 93
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45911 6547

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

vote Voted last national election

B11. Some people don't vote nowadays for one reason or another. Did you vote in the last [country] national election in [month/year]?

Vrednost 25650 Frekvenca
1 Yes 36804
2 No 11432
3 Not eligible to vote 3688
7 Refusal 40
8 Don't know 455
9 No answer 39
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51924 534

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

prtvtcbe Party voted for in last national election, Belgium

B12BE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Belgium)

Vrednost 26649 Frekvenca
1 Groen! 63
2 CD&V 150
3 N-VA 279
4 Lijst Dedecker 5
5 SP.A 128
6 PVDA+ 5
7 Vlaams Belang 61
8 Open VLD 96
9 CDH 61
10 Ecolo 70
11 Front National 1
12 MR 108
13 PS 157
14 PTB 8
15 Parti Populaire 8
16 Other 10
17 Blanco 31
18 Ongeldig 13
66 Not applicable 316
77 Refusal 84
88 Don't know 50
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1254 51204

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 18

prtvtbbg Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria

B12BG. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Bulgaria)

Vrednost 27648 Frekvenca
1 GERB 827
2 Koalitsia za Balgaria (BSP; PBS; Zemedelski saiuz) Al. Stamb 346
3 DPS - Dvijenie za prava i svobodi 163
4 Siniata koalitsia (SDS; DSB) 77
5 Partia Ataka 61
6 Red, zakonnost i spravedlivost (RZS) 15
7 NDSV 21
8 PP Lider 9
9 Saiuz na patriotichnite sili Zashtita 0
10 Partia na liberalnata alternative i mira (PLAM) 0
11 PP Zelenite 3
12 Sotsialdemokrati 0
13 P.P. Drugata Balgaria 0
14 PP Natsionalno dvijenie za spasenie na Otechestvoto 0
15 Balgarski Natsionalen Saiuz – ND 1
16 Druga politicheska sila 6
17 Nezavisim kandidat 5
66 Not applicable 603
77 Refusal 279
88 Don't know 17
99 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50024
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1534 50924

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17

prtvtcch Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland

B12CH. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 28647 Frekvenca
1 Radicals 98
2 Christian Democrats 96
3 Socialist Party 137
4 Swiss People’s Party 152
5 Liberal Party 15
6 Christian-Social Party 1
7 Swiss Labour Party 1
8 Green Party 48
9 Green Liberal Party 28
10 Swiss Democrats 3
11 Federal Democratic Union 4
12 Evangelical People’s Party 12
13 Ticino League 3
18 Blank paper 5
19 Mixed vote 32
20 Other party 5
66 Not applicable 769
77 Refusal 14
88 Don't know 83
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
640 51818

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

prtvthr Party voted for in last national election, Croatia

B12HR. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Croatia)

Vrednost 29646 Frekvenca
1 Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ) 286
2 Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske (SDP) 210
3 Hrvatska narodna stranka - Liberalni demokrati (HNS) 20
4 Hrvatska seljacka stranka (HSS) 31
5 Hrvatsko socijalno-liberalna stranka (HSLS) 14
6 Istarski demokratski sabor (IDS) 16
7 Hrvatski demokratski savez Slavonije i Baranje (HDSSB) 8
8 Samostalna demokratska Srpska stranka (SDSS) 9
9 Hrvatska stranka prava (HSP) 27
10 Hrvatska stranka umirovljenika (HSU) 30
11 Other 10
66 Not applicable 480
77 Refusal 395
88 Don't know 95
99 No answer 18
Sysmiss 50809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
661 51797

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtvtcy Party voted for in last national election, Cyprus

B12CY. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 30645 Frekvenca
1 Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) 165
2 Democratic Party (DIKO) 85
3 Democratic Rally (DISY) 151
4 European Party (EVROKO) 10
5 The Cyprus Green Party 2
6 United Democrats (EDI) 2
7 Social Democrats (KS EDEK) 23
8 Other 2
66 Not applicable 229
77 Refusal 396
88 Don't know 16
99 No answer 2
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
440 52018

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtvtbcz Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic

B12CZ. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Czech Republic)

Vrednost 31644 Frekvenca
1 KSCM 138
2 CSSD 420
3 SZ 46
4 KDU-CSL 71
5 TOP09 198
6 VV 143
7 ODS 243
8 Other 60
66 Not applicable 976
77 Refusal 83
88 Don't know 7
99 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50072
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1319 51139

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtvcde1 Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany

B12DE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Germany 1)

Vrednost 32643 Frekvenca
1 SPD 543
2 CDU\CSU 736
3 Bündnis 90\Die Grünen 201
4 FDP 144
5 Die Linke\PDS 189
6 Die Republikaner 4
7 NPD 15
8 Andere Partei 32
66 Not applicable 817
77 Refusal 206
88 Don't know 144
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1864 50594

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtvcde2 Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany

B12DE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Germany 2)

Vrednost 33642 Frekvenca
1 SPD 507
2 CDU\CSU 616
3 Bündnis 90\Die Grünen 267
4 FDP 235
5 Die Linke\PDS 201
6 Die Republikaner 2
7 NPD 16
8 Andere Partei 31
66 Not applicable 817
77 Refusal 197
88 Don't know 142
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1875 50583

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtvtbdk Party voted for in last national election, Denmark

B12DK. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Denmark)

Vrednost 34641 Frekvenca
1 Socialdemokraterne - the Danish social democtrats 303
2 Det Radikale Venstre - Danish Social-Liberal Party 70
3 Det Konservative Folkeparti - Conservative 99
4 SF- Socialistisk Folkeparti - the Socialist People's Party 189
5 Dansk Folkeparti - Danish peoples party 134
6 Kristendemokraterne - Christian democtrats 7
7 Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti - Venstre 363
8 Ny Alliance - New alliance 19
9 Enhedslisten, De Rød-Grønne - The Red-Green Alliance 25
10 Andet - other 10
66 Not applicable 269
77 Refusal 62
88 Don't know 22
99 No answer 4
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1219 51239

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtvtcee Party voted for in last national election, Estonia

B12EE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Estonia)

Vrednost 35640 Frekvenca
1 Erakond Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit 151
2 Eesti Keskerakond 268
3 Eesti Reformierakond 315
4 Eestimaa Rahvaliit 58
5 Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond 110
6 Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised 49
7 Other 4
8 Eesti Iseseisvuspartei 2
9 Erakond Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid 7
10 Üksikkandidaat 15
11 Mitte kellegi poolt 1
66 Not applicable 689
77 Refusal 49
88 Don't know 74
99 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50665
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
980 51478

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtvtbes Party voted for in last national election, Spain

B12ES. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Spain)

Vrednost 36639 Frekvenca
1 Partido Popular 360
2 Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) 536
3 Izquierda Unida (IU) 54
4 Convergència i Unió (CiU) 37
5 Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) 12
6 Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV) 16
7 Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) 7
8 Coalición Canaria-Partido Nacionalista Canario (CC-PNC) 4
9 Nafarroa-Bai (NA-BAI) 2
10 Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) 25
74 Other 16
75 Blank vote 40
76 Spoiled vote 4
66 Not applicable 550
77 Refusal 187
88 Don't know 35
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50573
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1113 51345

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 76

prtvtbfi Party voted for in last national election, Finland

B12FI. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Finland)

Vrednost 37638 Frekvenca
1 The National Coalition Party 304
2 The Swedish People´s Party (SPP) 48
3 Liberals, (The liberal party of Finland) 1
4 The Centre Party 262
5 True Finns 67
6 Christian Democrats 40
7 Patriotic People's Movement 0
8 Finnish People's Blue-whites 1
9 Senior Citizens' Party 3
10 Joint Responsibility Party 0
11 Independence Party 1
12 For the Poor 0
13 The Green League 122
14 Finnish Social Democratic Party 231
15 The Left Alliance 57
16 Communist Party of Finland 4
17 The Communist Workers' Party of Finland 2
18 Workers Party 1
19 Other 20
66 Not applicable 531
77 Refusal 89
88 Don't know 94
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1164 51294

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19

prtvtbfr Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)

B12FR. Which party did you vote for in that election? (France)

Vrednost 38637 Frekvenca
1 CPNT (Chasse, Pêche, Nature et Traditions) 27
2 FN (Front National) 43
3 LCR (Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire) 18
4 LO (Lutte Ouvrière) 16
5 MPF (Mouvement pour la France) 10
6 Nouveau Centre 14
7 PC (Parti Communiste) 29
8 PS (Parti Socialiste) 280
9 PRG (Parti Radical de Gauche) 18
10 UDF-MoDem (Mouvement Democrate) 55
11 UMP (Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle) 279
12 Les Verts 91
13 Autres mouvements écologistes 19
14 Divers gauche 11
15 Divers droite 11
16 Autre 4
17 Blanc 39
18 Nul 4
66 Not applicable 635
77 Refusal 91
88 Don't know 34
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
968 51490

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 18

prtvtgb Party voted for in last national election, United Kingdom

B12GB. Which party did you vote for in that election? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 39636 Frekvenca
1 Conservative 583
2 Labour 490
3 Liberal Democrat 342
4 Scottish National Party 31
5 Plaid Cymru 16
6 Green Party 24
7 Other 49
11 Ulster Unionist Party (nir) 9
12 Democratic Unionist Party (nir) 8
13 Sinn Fein (nir) 2
14 Social Democratic and Labour Party (nir) 1
15 Alliance Party (nir) 4
16 Progressive Unionist Party (nir) 0
17 United Kingdom Unionist Party (nir) 0
18 Women's Coalition (nir) 0
19 United Unionist Assembly Party (nir) 0
20 Northern Ireland Unionist Party (nir) 0
21 Workers Party (nir) 0
22 Other (nir) 0
66 Not applicable 751
77 Refusal 53
88 Don't know 59
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1559 50899

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22

prtvtcgr Party voted for in last national election, Greece

B12GR. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Greece)

Vrednost 40635 Frekvenca
1 The Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) 600
2 New Democracy (ND) 332
3 The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) 114
4 The Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) 53
5 The Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) 63
6 The Ecologist Greens (OP) 38
7 Null 38
8 No one 10
9 Invalid 13
10 Golden Dawn (Xrusi Augi) 3
11 The Liberal Alliance (FS) 2
12 The Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow (ANTAR 2
13 Smokers' Groups for Art and Visual Formation (KOTES) 1
14 Independent Citizens' Movement (SPITHA) 2
66 Not applicable 733
77 Refusal 697
88 Don't know 14
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1271 51187

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

prtvtchu Party voted for in last national election, Hungary

B12HU. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Hungary)

Vrednost 41634 Frekvenca
1 Fidesz - KDNP 559
2 MDF 5
3 MIEP 0
4 MSZP 149
5 Munkaspart 2
7 Centrum Part 1
8 Keresztenydemokrata Part - Kereszteny Centrum Osszefogas 0
9 Magyar Videk es Polgari Part 2
10 MCF Roma Osszefogas Part 0
11 Jobbik Magyarorszagert Mozgalom 101
12 Magyarorszagi Szocialdemokrata Part 2
13 Lehet Mas a Politika (LMP) 56
66 Not applicable 460
77 Refusal 214
86 Other party 2
87 Didn't go to vote 0
88 Don't know 4
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
881 51577

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtvtaie Party voted for in last national election, Ireland

B12IE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Ireland)

Vrednost 42633 Frekvenca
1 Fianna Fáil 305
2 Fine Gael 725
3 Green Party 20
4 Independent 137
5 Labour 215
6 People Before Profit 3
7 Sinn Fein 138
8 Socialist Party 5
9 United Left Alliance 4
10 Other 5
66 Not applicable 882
77 Refusal 97
88 Don't know 40
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1557 50901

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtvtbil Party voted for in last national election, Israel

B12IL. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Israel)

Vrednost 43632 Frekvenca
1 Mifleget Ha' Avoda 153
2 Ha' Likud 408
3 Kadima 295
4 Shas 91
5 Meretz 39
6 The Jewish House 41
7 Ya'Hadut Ha'Tora 54
8 Gil- Gimlaey Israeli la' Knesset 6
9 Israel Beiteinu 130
10 Ha'ihud HaLeumi 30
11 HaTnu`a HaYeruqa 6
12 Ale Yarok 11
13 HaYerukim 4
14 Hadash 41
15 Balad 44
16 Ra'am- Ta'al 48
17 other 6
18 a white Ballot (empty ballot note) 3
19 did not vote 4
66 Not applicable 634
77 Refusal 140
88 Don't know 61
99 No answer 45
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1414 51044

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19

prtvlt1 Party voted for in last national election 1, Lithuania

B12LT. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Lithuania 1)

Vrednost 44631 Frekvenca
1 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) 171
2 Union of Russians of Lithuania (LRS) 6
3 Party 'Front' (Frontas) 5
4 Lithuanian Centre Party (LCP) 6
5 Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) 163
6 New Union (Social Liberals) (NS) 19
7 Party of Civic Democracy (PDP) 2
8 Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) 26
9 National Resurrection Party (TPP) 28
10 The Coalition Labour Party + Youth 95
11 Liberals' Movement of the Republic of Lithuania (LRLS) 20
12 Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union (LVLS) 32
13 Party Order and Justice (TT) 67
14 Liberal and Centre Union (LiCS) 38
15 Party 'Young Lithuania' (JL) 6
16 Lithuanian Social Democratic Union (LSDS) 11
44 Did not vote for a candidate list 34
55 Does not know if voted for a candidate list 62
66 Not applicable 708
77 Refusal 101
88 Don't know 77
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
791 51667

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 55

prtvlt2 Party voted for in last national election 2, Lithuania

B12LT. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Lithuania 2)

Vrednost 45630 Frekvenca
1 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) 125
2 Union of Russians of Lithuania (LRS) 5
3 Party 'Front' (Frontas) 3
4 Lithuanian Centre Party (LCP) 5
5 Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) 100
6 New Union (Social Liberals) (NS) 14
7 Party of Civic Democracy (PDP) 2
8 Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) 21
9 National Resurrection Party (TPP) 15
10 Labour Party (DP) 70
11 Labourist Party (LP) 2
12 Liberals' Movement of the Republic of Lithuania (LRLS) 12
13 Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union (LVLS) 18
14 Party Order and Justice (TT) 46
15 Liberal and Centre Union (LiCS) 27
16 Party 'Young Lithuania' (JL) 4
17 Lithuanian Social Democratic Union (LSDS) 4
18 Lithuanian Freedom Union (LLS) 0
19 Lithuanian People's Union 'For the Fair Lithuania' (UTL) 0
20 Independent/Self-Nominated 6
44 Did not vote for a candidate in the 1st round 212
55 Does not know if voted for a candidate in the 1st round 141
66 Not applicable 708
77 Refusal 78
88 Don't know 59
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
832 51626

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 55

prtvlt3 Party voted for in last national election 3, Lithuania

B12LT. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Lithuania 3)

Vrednost 46629 Frekvenca
1 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) 72
2 Union of Russians of Lithuania (LRS) 2
3 Party 'Front' (Frontas) 0
4 Lithuanian Centre Party (LCP) 2
5 Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) 65
6 New Union (Social Liberals) (NS) 7
7 Party of Civic Democracy (PDP) 1
8 Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) 12
9 National Resurrection Party (TPP) 8
10 Labour Party (DP) 41
11 Labourist Party (LP) 0
12 Liberals' Movement of the Republic of Lithuania (LRLS) 3
13 Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union (LVLS) 9
14 Party Order and Justice (TT) 20
15 Liberal and Centre Union (LiCS) 15
16 Party 'Young Lithuania' (JL) 3
17 Lithuanian Social Democratic Union (LSDS) 1
18 Lithuanian Freedom Union (LLS) 1
19 Lithuanian People's Union 'For the Fair Lithuania' (UTL) 0
20 Independent/Self-Nominated 7
33 No 2nd round in SMD 96
44 Did not vote for a candidate in the 2nd round 347
55 Does not know if voted for a candidate in the 2nd round 177
66 Not applicable 708
77 Refusal 49
88 Don't know 31
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
889 51569

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 55

prtvtdnl Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands

B12NL. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 47628 Frekvenca
1 Party for Freedom and Democracy 288
2 Labour Party 268
3 PVV (List Wilders) 181
4 Christian Democratic Party 199
5 Socialistic Party 133
6 Democrats `66 126
7 Green Left 110
8 Christian Union 56
9 Social Reformed Party 26
10 Party for the Animals 19
11 TON (List Verdonk) 4
12 Other 9
13 Blanc 8
66 Not applicable 363
77 Refusal 29
88 Don't know 10
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1427 51031

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtvtano Party voted for in last national election, Norway

B12NO. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Norway)

Vrednost 48627 Frekvenca
1 The Party Red (RØDT) 22
2 Socialist Left Party (SV) 94
3 Labour Party (A) 412
4 Liberal party (V) 53
5 Christian Democratic Party (KRF) 66
6 Centre Party (SP) 65
7 Conservative Party (H) 240
8 Progress Party (FRP) 184
9 Coastal Party (KYST) 1
10 Other 12
66 Not applicable 358
77 Refusal 31
88 Don't know 10
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1149 51309

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtvtbpl Party voted for in last national election, Poland

B12PL. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Poland)

Vrednost 49626 Frekvenca
1 Left and Democrats 97
2 League of Polish Families 7
3 Civic Platform 486
4 Polish Labour Party 1
5 Polish Peasants Party 41
6 Law and Justice 332
7 Self-defence 10
8 Other party 2
66 Not applicable 625
77 Refusal 52
88 Don't know 98
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
976 51482

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtvtbpt Party voted for in last national election, Portugal

B12PT. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Portugal)

Vrednost 50625 Frekvenca
1 Bloco de Esquerda (BE) 45
2 Centro Democrático Social - Partido Popular (CDS-PP) 44
3 Coligação Democrática Unitária (CDU) 54
4 Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses/Movimento Re 4
5 Partido Democrático do Atlântico 0
6 Partido Humanista (PH) 2
7 Nova democracia (PND) 2
8 Partido Nacional Renovador (PNR) 4
9 Partido Operário de Unidade Socialista (POUS) 1
10 Partido Social Democrata (PSD) 368
11 Partido Socialista (PS) 430
12 Votou em branco / nulo 57
13 Outro 1
66 Not applicable 626
77 Refusal 420
88 Don't know 92
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1012 51446

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtvtbru Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation

B12RU. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 51624 Frekvenca
1 United Russia (ER) 1020
2 Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) 234
3 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) 122
5 Union of Right Forces (SPS) 4
6 Yabloko 15
7 Agrarian Party of Russia (APR) 9
11 Fair Russia (SR) 66
96 Against all 0
66 Not applicable 992
77 Refusal 42
88 Don't know 91
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1470 50988

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 96

prtvtase Party voted for in last national election, Sweden

B12SE. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Sweden)

Vrednost 52623 Frekvenca
1 Centern 81
2 Folkpartiet liberalerna 101
3 Kristdemokraterna 60
4 Miljöpartiet de gröna 111
5 Moderata samlingspartiet 432
6 Socialdemokraterna 321
7 Vänsterpartiet 60
8 FI (Feministiskt initiativ) 2
9 Junilistan 1
10 Sverigedemokraterna 42
11 Annat parti 14
66 Not applicable 196
77 Refusal 59
88 Don't know 14
99 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1225 51233

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtvtcsi Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia

B12SI. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 53622 Frekvenca
1 Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia - DESUS 58
2 Liberal Democracy of Slovenia - LDS 50
3 LIPA - Party 7
4 New Slovenia - Christian Peoples Party - NSi 25
5 Slovenian Democratic Party - SDS 196
6 Slovene Peoples Party - SLS 33
7 Slovene National Party - SNS 23
8 Social Democrats - SD 208
9 ZARES - New Politics 34
10 Other 9
66 Not applicable 486
77 Refusal 90
88 Don't know 175
99 No answer 9
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
643 51815

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtvtbsk Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia

B12SK. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Slovakia)

Vrednost 54621 Frekvenca
1 Slovak National Party (SNS) 37
2 Slovak Democratic Christian Union (SDKU) 194
3 SMER-Social Democracy 510
4 Most-Híd 72
5 Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) 135
6 Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) 92
7 Other 71
66 Not applicable 499
77 Refusal 219
88 Don't know 19
99 No answer 8
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1111 51347

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

prtvtbua Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine

B12UA. Which party did you vote for in that election? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 55620 Frekvenca
1 Block of Lytvyn 30
2 Block of Yulia Tymoshenko 417
3 Block 'Our Ukraine - People's self-defense' 101
4 Communist party of Ukraine 58
5 Party of regions 612
6 Progressive socialist party of Ukraine 2
7 Socialist party of Ukraine 18
8 Other 48
9 Against all 47
66 Not applicable 438
77 Refusal 81
88 Don't know 68
99 No answer 11
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1333 51125

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

contplt Contacted politician or government official last 12 months ASK ALL

B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ... ...contacted a politician, government or local government official?

Vrednost 56619 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6385
2 No 45925
7 Refusal 8
8 Don't know 104
9 No answer 36
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52310 148

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

wrkprty Worked in political party or action group last 12 months ASK ALL

B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ... ...worked in a political party or action group?

Vrednost 57618 Frekvenca
1 Yes 1804
2 No 50518
7 Refusal 11
8 Don't know 81
9 No answer 44
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52322 136

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

wrkorg Worked in another organisation or association last 12 months ASK ALL

B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ... ...worked in another organisation or association?

Vrednost 58617 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6022
2 No 46267
7 Refusal 11
8 Don't know 113
9 No answer 45
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52289 169

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

badge Worn or displayed campaign badge/sticker last 12 months ASK ALL

B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ... ...worn or displayed a campaign badge/sticker?

Vrednost 59616 Frekvenca
1 Yes 3217
2 No 49070
7 Refusal 8
8 Don't know 104
9 No answer 59
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52287 171

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

sgnptit Signed petition last 12 months ASK ALL

B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ... ...signed a petition?

Vrednost 60615 Frekvenca
1 Yes 9095
2 No 43121
7 Refusal 8
8 Don't know 183
9 No answer 51
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52216 242

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

pbldmn Taken part in lawful public demonstration last 12 months ASK ALL

B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ... ...taken part in a lawful public demonstration?

Vrednost 61614 Frekvenca
1 Yes 2930
2 No 49369
7 Refusal 10
8 Don't know 97
9 No answer 52
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52299 159

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

bctprd Boycotted certain products last 12 months ASK ALL

B13-19. There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following? Have you ... ...boycotted certain products?

Vrednost 62613 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6549
2 No 45644
7 Refusal 11
8 Don't know 201
9 No answer 53
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52193 265

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

clsprty Feel closer to a particular party than all other parties ASK ALL

B20a. Is there a particular political party you feel closer to than all the other parties?

Vrednost 63612 Frekvenca
1 Yes 23381
2 No 27813
7 Refusal 93
8 Don't know 1101
9 No answer 70
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51194 1264

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

prtclcbe Which party feel closer to, Belgium

B20bBE. Which one? (Belgium)

Vrednost 64611 Frekvenca
1 Groen! 54
2 CD&V 107
3 N-VA 137
4 Lijst Dedecker 3
5 SP.A 92
6 PVDA+ 2
7 Vlaams Belang 25
8 Open VLD 83
9 CDH 44
10 Ecolo 55
11 Front National 3
12 MR 94
13 PS 117
14 PTB 2
15 Parti Populaire 0
16 Other 2
17 Blanco 0
18 Ongeldig 0
66 Not applicable 851
77 Refusal 32
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
820 51638

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 18

prtclbbg Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria

B20bBG. Which one? (Bulgaria)

Vrednost 65610 Frekvenca
1 BSP 302
2 GERB 575
3 Ataka 42
4 NDSV 9
5 DPS 117
6 DSB 28
7 Grajdansko dvijenie ABV 2
8 SDS 38
9 SSD 0
10 VMRO 3
11 Partia Roma 4
12 Politichesko dvijenie Evroroma 0
13 Druga partia/koalitsia 10
66 Not applicable 1237
77 Refusal 66
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50024
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1130 51328

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtclcch Which party feel closer to, Switzerland

B20bCH. Which one? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 66609 Frekvenca
2 Christian Democrats 98
3 Socialist Party 199
4 Swiss People’s Party 213
6 Christian-Social Party 2
7 Swiss Labour Party 3
8 Green Party 66
9 Green Liberal Party 26
10 Swiss Democrats 2
11 Federal Democratic Union 6
12 Evangelical People’s Party 5
13 Ticino League 2
14 FDP. The Liberals 156
15 Conservative Democratic Party 17
20 Other party 6
66 Not applicable 688
77 Refusal 7
88 Don't know 10
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
801 51657

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2 do 20

prtclcy Which party feel closer to, Cyprus

B20bCY. Which one? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 67608 Frekvenca
1 Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) 167
2 Democratic Party (DIKO) 77
3 Democratic Rally (DISY) 135
4 European Party (EVROKO) 6
5 The Cyprus Green Party 1
6 United Democrats (EDI) 2
7 Social Democrats (KS EDEK) 23
8 Other 1
66 Not applicable 473
77 Refusal 194
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 3
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
412 52046

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtclhr Which party feel closer to, Croatia

B20bHR. Which one? (Croatia)

Vrednost 68607 Frekvenca
1 Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ) 169
2 Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske (SDP) 147
3 Hrvatska narodna stranka - Liberalni demokrati (HNS) 15
4 Hrvatska seljacka stranka (HSS) 16
5 Hrvatsko socijalno-liberalna stranka (HSLS) 7
6 Istarski demokratski sabor (IDS) 8
7 Hrvatski demokratski savez Slavonije i Baranje (HDSSB) 11
8 Samostalna demokratska Srpska stranka (SDSS) 4
9 Hrvatska stranka prava (HSP) 25
10 Hrvatska stranka umirovljenika (HSU) 18
11 Other 22
66 Not applicable 1115
77 Refusal 81
88 Don't know 3
99 No answer 8
Sysmiss 50809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
442 52016

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtclbcz Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic

B20bCZ. Which one? (Czech Republic)

Vrednost 69606 Frekvenca
1 KSCM 145
2 CSSD 270
3 SZ 22
4 KDU-CSL 56
5 TOP09 104
6 VV 45
7 ODS 156
8 Other 39
66 Not applicable 1528
77 Refusal 18
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 2
Sysmiss 50072
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
837 51621

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtclcde Which party feel closer to, Germany

B20bDE. Which one? (Germany)

Vrednost 70605 Frekvenca
1 SPD 380
2 CDU\CSU 465
3 Bündnis 90\Die Grünen 262
4 FDP 58
5 Die Linke\PDS 158
6 Die Republikaner 4
7 NPD 14
8 Andere Partei 27
66 Not applicable 1602
77 Refusal 60
88 Don't know 1
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1368 51090

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtclbdk Which party feel closer to, Denmark

B20bDK. Which one? (Denmark)

Vrednost 71604 Frekvenca
1 Socialdemokraterne - the Danish social democtrats 273
2 Det Radikale Venstre - Danish Social-Liberal Party 60
3 Det Konservative Folkeparti - Conservative 65
4 SF- Socialistisk Folkeparti - the Socialist People's Party 196
5 Dansk Folkeparti - Danish peoples party 128
6 Kristendemokraterne - Christian democtrats 7
7 Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti - Venstre 255
8 Ny Alliance - New alliance 24
9 Enhedslisten, De Rød-Grønne - The Red-Green Alliance 30
10 Andet - other 2
66 Not applicable 482
77 Refusal 45
88 Don't know 6
99 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1040 51418

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtclcee Which party feel closer to, Estonia

B20bEE. Which one? (Estonia)

Vrednost 72603 Frekvenca
1 Erakond Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit 96
2 Eesti Keskerakond 226
3 Eesti Reformierakond 211
4 Eestimaa Rahvaliit 15
5 Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond 95
6 Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised 33
7 Other 4
8 Eesti Iseseisvuspartei 2
9 Erakond Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid 2
10 Üksikkandidaat 0
11 Mitte kellegi poolt 0
66 Not applicable 1085
77 Refusal 19
88 Don't know 5
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50665
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
684 51774

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtclbes Which party feel closer to, Spain

B20bES. Which one? (Spain)

Vrednost 73602 Frekvenca
1 Partido Popular 243
2 Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) 318
3 Izquierda Unida (IU) 45
4 Convergència i Unió (CiU) 38
5 Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya (ERC) 17
6 Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV) 16
7 Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) 7
8 Coalición Canaria-Partido Nacionalista Canario (CC-PNC) 4
9 Nafarroa-Bai (NA-BAI) 2
10 Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) 16
74 Other 32
66 Not applicable 1089
77 Refusal 54
88 Don't know 4
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50573
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
738 51720

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 74

prtclbfi Which party feel closer to, Finland

B20bFI. Which one? (Finland)

Vrednost 74601 Frekvenca
1 The National Coalition Party 213
2 The Swedish People´s Party (SPP) 34
3 Liberals, (The liberal party of Finland) 3
4 The Centre Party 169
5 True Finns 121
6 Christian Democrats 33
7 Patriotic People's Movement 0
8 Finnish People's Blue-whites 0
9 Senior Citizens' Party 1
10 Joint Responsibility Party 0
11 Independence Party 0
12 For the Poor 0
13 The Green League 114
14 Finnish Social Democratic Party 155
15 The Left Alliance 46
16 Communist Party of Finland 2
17 The Communist Workers' Party of Finland 2
18 Workers Party 1
19 Other 13
66 Not applicable 912
77 Refusal 42
88 Don't know 17
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
907 51551

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19

prtclcfr Which party feel closer to, France

B20bFR. Which one? (France)

Vrednost 75600 Frekvenca
1 FN (Front National) 36
2 LO (Lutte ouvrière) 18
3 MoDem (Mouvement Démocrate) 42
4 Nouveau Centre 11
5 NPA (Nouveau Parti Anti-capitaliste) 18
6 PC (Parti communiste) 31
7 PRG (Parti Radical de Gauche) 16
8 PS (Parti Socialiste) 272
9 UMP (Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle) 237
10 Les Verts – Europe Ecologie 108
15 Autre (PRECISEZ) 14
66 Not applicable 883
77 Refusal 36
88 Don't know 6
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
803 51655

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 15

prtclgb Which party feel closer to, United Kingdom

B20bGB. Which one? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 76599 Frekvenca
1 Conservative 453
2 Labour 467
3 Liberal Democrat 151
4 Scottish National Party 18
5 Plaid Cymru 7
6 Green Party 33
7 Other 29
11 Ulster Unionist Party (nir) 8
12 Democratic Unionist Party (nir) 3
13 Sinn Fein (nir) 2
14 Social Democratic and Labour Party (nir) 3
15 Alliance Party (nir) 3
16 Progressive Unionist Party (nir) 0
17 United Kingdom Unionist Party (nir) 0
18 Women's Coalition (nir) 0
19 United Unionist Assembly Party (nir) 0
20 Northern Ireland Unionist Party (nir) 0
21 Workers Party (nir) 0
22 Other (nir) 3
66 Not applicable 1207
77 Refusal 14
88 Don't know 21
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1180 51278

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22

prtclcgr Which party feel closer to, Greece

B20bGR. Which one? (Greece)

Vrednost 77598 Frekvenca
1 The Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) 306
2 New Democracy (ND) 231
3 The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) 100
4 The Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) 30
5 The Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) 34
6 The Ecologist Greens (OP) 9
7 Democratic Alliance (DS) 1
8 Democratic Left (DIMAR) 9
9 Null 0
10 No one 2
11 Invalid 1
12 Golden Dawn (Xrusi Augi) 3
13 The Liberal Alliance (FS) 2
66 Not applicable 1850
77 Refusal 136
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
728 51730

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtclchu Which party feel closer to, Hungary

B20bHU. Which one? (Hungary)

Vrednost 78597 Frekvenca
1 Fidesz - KDNP 461
2 MDF 2
3 MIEP 0
4 MSZP 127
5 Munkaspart 1
7 Centrum Part 0
8 Keresztenydemokrata Part - Kereszteny Centrum Osszefogas 1
9 Magyar Videk es Polgari Part 1
10 MCF Roma Osszefogas Part 0
11 Jobbik Magyarorszagert Mozgalom 88
12 Magyarorszagi Szocialdemokrata Part 1
13 Lehet Mas a Politika (LMP) 40
66 Not applicable 733
77 Refusal 99
86 Other party 2
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
727 51731

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtclaie Which party feel closer to, Ireland

B20bIE. Which one? (Ireland)

Vrednost 79596 Frekvenca
1 Fianna Fáil 169
2 Fine Gael 218
3 Green Party 16
4 Independent 9
5 Labour 96
6 People Before Profit 1
7 Sinn Fein 73
8 Socialist Party 3
9 United Left Alliance 2
10 Other 2
66 Not applicable 1973
77 Refusal 13
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
589 51869

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtclbil Which party feel closer to, Israel

B20bIL. Which one? (Israel)

Vrednost 80595 Frekvenca
1 Mifleget Ha' Avoda 65
2 Ha' Likud 207
3 Kadima 109
4 Shas 62
5 Meretz 33
6 The Jewish House 35
7 Ya'Hadut Ha'Tora 43
8 Gil- Gimlaey Israeli la' Knesset 1
9 Israel Beiteinu 74
10 Ha'ihud HaLeumi 15
11 HaTnu`a HaYeruqa 3
12 Ale Yarok 11
13 HaYerukim 4
14 Hadash 35
15 Balad 36
16 Ra'am- Ta'al 12
17 other 9
18 a white Ballot (empty ballot note) 0
19 did not vote 0
66 Not applicable 1463
77 Refusal 39
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 38
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
754 51704

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19

prtcllt Which party feel closer to, Lithuania

B20bLT. Which one? (Lithuania)

Vrednost 81594 Frekvenca
1 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) 127
2 Union of Russians of Lithuania (LRS) 8
3 Party 'Front' (Frontas) 2
4 Lithuanian Centre Party (LCP) 3
5 Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) 123
6 New Union (Social Liberals) (NS) 11
7 Party of Civic Democracy (PDP) 1
8 Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) 21
9 National Resurrection Party (TPP) 6
10 Labour Party (DP) 103
11 Labourist Party (LP) 0
12 Liberals' Movement of the Republic of Lithuania (LRLS) 7
13 Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union (LVLS) 25
14 Party Order and Justice (TT) 46
15 Liberal and Centre Union (LiCS) 24
16 Party 'Young Lithuania' (JL) 2
17 Lithuanian Social Democratic Union (LSDS) 3
18 Lithuanian Freedom Union (LLS) 0
19 Lithuanian People's Union 'For the Fair Lithuania' (UTL) 1
20 Other 3
66 Not applicable 1122
77 Refusal 34
88 Don't know 5
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
516 51942

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

prtclcnl Which party feel closer to, Netherlands

B20bNL. Which one? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 82593 Frekvenca
1 Party for Freedom and Democracy 245
2 Labour Party 177
3 PVV (List Wilders) 131
4 Christian Democratic Party 151
5 Socialistic Party 116
6 Democrats `66 91
7 Green Left 109
8 Christian Union 53
9 Social Reformed Party 23
10 Party for the Animals 22
11 TON (List Verdonk) 0
12 Other 15
66 Not applicable 677
77 Refusal 14
88 Don't know 5
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1133 51325

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

prtclano Which party feel closer to, Norway

B20bNO. Which one? (Norway)

Vrednost 83592 Frekvenca
1 The Party Red (RØDT) 19
2 Socialist Left Party (SV) 74
3 Labour Party (A) 333
4 Liberal party (V) 41
5 Christian Democratic Party (KRF) 61
6 Centre Party (SP) 52
7 Conservative Party (H) 218
8 Progress Party (FRP) 151
9 Coastal Party (KYST) 0
10 Other 7
66 Not applicable 568
77 Refusal 17
88 Don't know 7
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
956 51502

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtcldpl Which party feel closer to, Poland

B20bPL. Which one? (Poland)

Vrednost 84591 Frekvenca
1 League of Polish Families 0
2 National Party of Retirees and Pensioners 1
3 Civic Platform 250
4 Democratic Party demokraci.pl 3
5 Polish Peasants' Party 26
6 Right of the Republic 1
7 Law and Justice 159
8 Self-defence 2
9 Social Democracy of Poland 4
10 Democratic Left Alliance 72
11 Democratic Party 0
12 Real Politics Union 5
13 Labour Union 0
14 Other party 3
66 Not applicable 1215
77 Refusal 8
88 Don't know 2
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
526 51932

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

prtclcpt Which party feel closer to, Portugal

B20bPT. Which one? (Portugal)

Vrednost 85590 Frekvenca
1 Bloco de Esquerda (BE) 33
2 Centro Democrático Social - Partido Popular (CDS-PP) 35
3 Coligação Democrática Unitária (CDU) 61
4 Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses/Movimento Re 5
5 Partido Democrático do Atlântico 0
6 Partido Humanista (PH) 1
7 Nova democracia (PND) 0
8 Partido Nacional Renovador (PNR) 2
9 Partido Operário de Unidade Socialista (POUS) 0
10 Partido Social Democrata (PSD) 316
11 Partido Socialista (PS) 324
12 Outro 3
66 Not applicable 1182
77 Refusal 185
88 Don't know 3
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
780 51678

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

prtclbru Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation

B20bRU. Which one? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 86589 Frekvenca
1 United Russia (ER) 673
2 Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) 215
3 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) 129
6 Yabloko 9
7 98. Other: Agrarian Party of Russia (APR) 1
11 Fair Russia (SR) 54
12 Right Cause (PD) 1
13 Solidarity (Solidarnost) 2
14 Coalition for Russia without despotism and corruption (KRPK) 1
16 98. Other: Patriots of Russia (PR) 1
66 Not applicable 1499
77 Refusal 8
88 Don't know 2
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1086 51372

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 16

prtclase Which party feel closer to, Sweden

B20bSE. Which one? (Sweden)

Vrednost 87588 Frekvenca
1 Centern 55
2 Folkpartiet liberalerna 96
3 Kristdemokraterna 39
4 Miljöpartiet de gröna 106
5 Moderata samlingspartiet 354
6 Socialdemokraterna 283
7 Vänsterpartiet 56
8 FI (Feministiskt initiativ) 5
9 Junilistan 0
10 Sverigedemokraterna 27
11 Annat parti 15
66 Not applicable 420
77 Refusal 33
88 Don't know 7
99 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1036 51422

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtclcsi Which party feel closer to, Slovenia

B20bSI. Which one? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 88587 Frekvenca
1 Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia - DESUS 47
2 Liberal Democracy of Slovenia - LDS 33
3 LIPA - Party 0
4 New Slovenia - Christian Peoples Party - NSi 17
5 Slovenian Democratic Party - SDS 110
6 Slovene Peoples Party - SLS 20
7 Slovene National Party - SNS 19
8 Social Democrats - SD 91
9 ZARES - New Politics 8
10 Other 8
66 Not applicable 1008
77 Refusal 32
88 Don't know 4
99 No answer 6
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
353 52105

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtclbsk Which party feel closer to, Slovakia

B20bSK. Which one? (Slovakia)

Vrednost 89586 Frekvenca
1 Slovak National Party (SNS) 31
2 Slovak Democratic Christian Union (SDKU) 128
3 SMER-Social Democracy 415
4 Most-Híd 45
5 Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) 90
6 Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) 60
7 Other 50
66 Not applicable 945
77 Refusal 71
88 Don't know 2
99 No answer 19
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
819 51639

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

prtclcua Which party feel closer to, Ukraine

B20bUA. Which one? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 90585 Frekvenca
1 Block of Lytvyn 5
2 Block of Yulia Tymoshenko 195
3 'People's Self-defense' (Yu.Lutsenko) 8
4 All-Ukrainian union 'Freedom' (O.Tyagnybok) 28
5 Communist party of Ukraine 77
6 Party of regions 260
7 Party 'PUNCH' of Vitaly Klychko 7
8 Political party 'Civil position' (A.Grytsenko) 8
9 Political party 'Our Ukraine' (V.Yuschenko) 15
10 Political pary 'Power Ukraine' (S.Tygypko) 9
11 Political party 'Front of changes' (A.Yatsenuk) 52
12 Progressive socialist party of Ukraine 3
13 Socialist Party of Ukraine 9
14 Other 18
66 Not applicable 1200
77 Refusal 11
88 Don't know 7
99 No answer 19
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
694 51764

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

prtdgcl How close to party ASK IF PARTY GIVEN AT B20b (codes 01 to xx)

B20c. How close do you feel to this party? Do you feel that you are ...

Vrednost 91584 Frekvenca
1 Very close 2777
2 Quite close 13727
3 Not close 4627
4 Not at all close 450
6 Not applicable 30468
7 Refusal 7
8 Don't know 251
9 No answer 151
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
21581 30877

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

mmbprty Member of political party ASK ALL

B21. Are you a member of any political party?

Vrednost 92583 Frekvenca
1 Yes 2193
2 No 50138
7 Refusal 17
8 Don't know 67
9 No answer 43
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52331 127

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

prtmbcbe Member of which party, Belgium

B22BE. Which one? (Belgium)

Vrednost 93582 Frekvenca
1 Groen! 0
2 CD&V 14
3 N-VA 5
4 Lijst Dedecker 0
5 SP.A 23
6 PVDA+ 0
7 Vlaams Belang 0
8 Open VLD 24
9 CDH 6
10 Ecolo 6
11 Front National 0
12 MR 7
13 PS 11
14 PTB 1
15 Parti Populaire 0
16 Other 2
17 Blanco 0
18 Ongeldig 0
66 Not applicable 1602
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
99 52359

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 18

prtmbbbg Member of which party, Bulgaria

B22BG. Which one? (Bulgaria)

Vrednost 94581 Frekvenca
1 BSP 51
2 GERB 29
3 Ataka 5
4 NDSV 0
5 DPS 14
6 DSB 6
7 Grajdansko dvijenie ABV 0
8 SDS 0
9 SSD 1
10 VMRO 1
11 Partia Roma 2
12 Politichesko dvijenie Evroroma 0
13 Druga partia/koalitsia 7
66 Not applicable 2315
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50024
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
116 52342

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtmbcch Member of which party, Switzerland

B22CH. Which one? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 95580 Frekvenca
2 Christian Democrats 23
3 Socialist Party 14
4 Swiss People’s Party 23
6 Christian-Social Party 0
7 Swiss Labour Party 0
8 Green Party 2
9 Green Liberal Party 3
10 Swiss Democrats 0
11 Federal Democratic Union 3
12 Evangelical People’s Party 1
13 Ticino League 1
14 FDP. The Liberals 28
15 Conservative Democratic Party 0
20 Other party 5
66 Not applicable 1402
77 Refusal 1
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
103 52355

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2 do 20

prtmbhr Member of which party, Croatia

B22HR. Which one? (Croatia)

Vrednost 96579 Frekvenca
1 Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ) 66
2 Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske (SDP) 22
3 Hrvatska narodna stranka - Liberalni demokrati (HNS) 4
4 Hrvatska seljacka stranka (HSS) 8
5 Hrvatsko socijalno-liberalna stranka (HSLS) 1
6 Istarski demokratski sabor (IDS) 1
7 Hrvatski demokratski savez Slavonije i Baranje (HDSSB) 4
8 Samostalna demokratska Srpska stranka (SDSS) 0
9 Hrvatska stranka prava (HSP) 9
10 Hrvatska stranka umirovljenika (HSU) 3
11 Other 2
66 Not applicable 1500
77 Refusal 19
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 9
Sysmiss 50809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
120 52338

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtmbcy Member of which party, Cyprus

B22CY. Which one? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 97578 Frekvenca
1 Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) 42
2 Democratic Party (DIKO) 24
3 Democratic Rally (DISY) 31
4 European Party (EVROKO) 0
5 The Cyprus Green Party 1
6 United Democrats (EDI) 0
7 Social Democrats (KS EDEK) 3
8 Other 0
66 Not applicable 962
77 Refusal 13
88 Don't know 4
99 No answer 3
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
101 52357

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtmbbcz Member of which party, Czech Republic

B22CZ. Which one? (Czech Republic)

Vrednost 98577 Frekvenca
1 KSCM 35
2 CSSD 14
3 SZ 2
5 TOP09 1
6 VV 0
7 ODS 11
8 Other 1
66 Not applicable 2307
77 Refusal 1
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 5
Sysmiss 50072
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
72 52386

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtmbcde Member of which party, Germany

B22DE. Which one? (Germany)

Vrednost 99576 Frekvenca
1 SPD 26
2 CDU\CSU 40
3 Bündnis 90\Die Grünen 8
4 FDP 4
5 Die Linke\PDS 4
6 Die Republikaner 0
7 NPD 0
8 Andere Partei 14
66 Not applicable 2934
77 Refusal 1
88 Don't know 0
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
96 52362

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtmbbdk Member of which party, Denmark

B22DK. Which one? (Denmark)

Vrednost 100575 Frekvenca
1 Socialdemokraterne - the Danish social democtrats 28
2 Det Radikale Venstre - Danish Social-Liberal Party 7
3 Det Konservative Folkeparti - Conservative 8
4 SF- Socialistisk Folkeparti - the Socialist People's Party 15
5 Dansk Folkeparti - Danish peoples party 6
6 Kristendemokraterne - Christian democtrats 1
7 Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti - Venstre 25
8 Ny Alliance - New alliance 1
9 Enhedslisten, De Rød-Grønne - The Red-Green Alliance 5
10 Andet - other 2
66 Not applicable 1474
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
98 52360

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtmbcee Member of which party, Estonia

B22EE. Which one? (Estonia)

Vrednost 101574 Frekvenca
1 Erakond Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit 18
2 Eesti Keskerakond 21
3 Eesti Reformierakond 17
4 Eestimaa Rahvaliit 8
5 Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond 4
6 Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised 5
7 Other 0
8 Eesti Iseseisvuspartei 1
9 Erakond Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid 2
10 Üksikkandidaat 0
11 Mitte kellegi poolt 0
66 Not applicable 1715
77 Refusal 2
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50665
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
76 52382

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtmbbes Member of which party, Spain

B22ES. Which one? (Spain)

Vrednost 102573 Frekvenca
1 Partido Popular 13
2 Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) 13
3 Izquierda Unida (IU) 3
4 Convergència i Unió (CiU) 0
5 Esquerra Repubicana de Catalunya (ERC) 2
6 Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV) 0
7 Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) 0
8 Coalición Canaria-Partido Nacionalista Canario (CC-PNC) 1
9 Nafarroa-Bai (NA-BAI) 0
10 Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) 0
74 Other 4
66 Not applicable 1848
77 Refusal 1
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50573
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
36 52422

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 74

prtmbbfi Member of which party, Finland

B22FI. Which one? (Finland)

Vrednost 103572 Frekvenca
1 The National Coalition Party 22
2 The Swedish People´s Party (SPP) 10
3 Liberals, (The liberal party of Finland) 1
4 The Centre Party 53
5 True Finns 2
6 Christian Democrats 2
7 Patriotic People's Movement 0
8 Finnish People's Blue-whites 0
9 Senior Citizens' Party 0
10 Joint Responsibility Party 0
11 Independence Party 0
12 For the Poor 0
13 The Green League 2
14 Finnish Social Democratic Party 24
15 The Left Alliance 3
16 Communist Party of Finland 0
17 The Communist Workers' Party of Finland 0
18 Workers Party 0
19 Other 2
66 Not applicable 1754
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
121 52337

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19

prtmbcfr Member of which party, France

B22FR. Which one? (France)

Vrednost 104571 Frekvenca
1 FN (Front National) 3
2 LO (Lutte ouvrière) 1
3 MoDem (Mouvement Démocrate) 0
4 Nouveau Centre 0
5 NPA (Nouveau Parti Anti-capitaliste) 0
6 PC (Parti communiste) 5
7 PRG (Parti Radical de Gauche) 2
8 PS (Parti Socialiste) 12
9 UMP (Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle) 15
10 Les Verts – Europe Ecologie 0
15 Autre (PRECISEZ) 2
66 Not applicable 1686
77 Refusal 2
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
40 52418

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 15

prtmbgb Member of which party, United Kingdom

B22GB. Which one? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 105570 Frekvenca
1 Conservative 22
2 Labour 16
3 Liberal Democrat 5
4 Scottish National Party 1
5 Plaid Cymru 0
6 Green Party 3
7 Other 3
11 Ulster Unionist Party (nir) 3
12 Democratic Unionist Party (nir) 0
13 Sinn Fein (nir) 0
14 Social Democratic and Labour Party (nir) 0
15 Alliance Party (nir) 0
16 Progressive Unionist Party (nir) 0
17 United Kingdom Unionist Party (nir) 0
18 Women's Coalition (nir) 0
19 United Unionist Assembly Party (nir) 0
20 Northern Ireland Unionist Party (nir) 0
21 Workers Party (nir) 0
22 Other (nir) 0
66 Not applicable 2369
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
53 52405

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22

prtmbcgr Member of which party, Greece

B22GR. Which one? (Greece)

Vrednost 106569 Frekvenca
1 The Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) 49
2 New Democracy (ND) 36
3 The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) 10
4 The Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) 3
5 The Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) 2
6 The Ecologist Greens (OP) 0
7 Democratic Alliance (DS) 0
8 Democratic Left (DIMAR) 2
66 Not applicable 2605
77 Refusal 8
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
102 52356

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

prtmbchu Member of which party, Hungary

B22HU. Which one? (Hungary)

Vrednost 107568 Frekvenca
1 Fidesz - KDNP 5
2 MDF 0
3 MIEP 0
4 MSZP 8
5 Munkaspart 0
7 Centrum Part 0
8 Keresztenydemokrata Part - Kereszteny Centrum Osszefogas 0
9 Magyar Videk es Polgari Part 0
10 MCF Roma Osszefogas Part 0
11 Jobbik Magyarorszagert Mozgalom 2
12 Magyarorszagi Szocialdemokrata Part 0
13 Lehet Mas a Politika (LMP) 0
66 Not applicable 1543
77 Refusal 2
86 Other party 0
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16 52442

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtmbaie Member of which party, Ireland

B22IE. Which one? (Ireland)

Vrednost 108567 Frekvenca
1 Fianna Fáil 29
2 Fine Gael 27
3 Green Party 3
4 Independent 0
5 Labour 15
6 People Before Profit 0
7 Sinn Fein 5
8 Socialist Party 1
9 United Left Alliance 0
10 Other 1
66 Not applicable 2490
77 Refusal 5
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
81 52377

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtmbbil Member of which party, Israel

B22IL. Which one? (Israel)

Vrednost 109566 Frekvenca
1 Mifleget Ha' Avoda 10
2 Ha' Likud 25
3 Kadima 10
4 Shas 2
5 Meretz 1
6 The Jewish House 1
7 Ya'Hadut Ha'Tora 1
8 Gil- Gimlaey Israeli la' Knesset 1
9 Israel Beiteinu 3
10 Ha'ihud HaLeumi 0
11 HaTnu`a HaYeruqa 0
12 Ale Yarok 0
13 HaYerukim 0
14 Hadash 13
15 Balad 13
16 Ra'am- Ta'al 0
17 other 1
18 a white Ballot (empty ballot note) 0
19 did not vote 0
66 Not applicable 2187
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 23
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
81 52377

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19

prtmblt Member of which party, Lithuania

B22LT. Which one? (Lithuania)

Vrednost 110565 Frekvenca
1 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) 10
2 Union of Russians of Lithuania (LRS) 1
3 Party 'Front' (Frontas) 0
4 Lithuanian Centre Party (LCP) 0
5 Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) 10
6 New Union (Social Liberals) (NS) 0
7 Party of Civic Democracy (PDP) 0
8 Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) 0
9 National Resurrection Party (TPP) 0
10 Labour Party (DP) 11
11 Labourist Party (LP) 0
12 Liberals' Movement of the Republic of Lithuania (LRLS) 0
13 Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union (LVLS) 3
14 Party Order and Justice (TT) 9
15 Liberal and Centre Union (LiCS) 2
16 Party 'Young Lithuania' (JL) 0
17 Lithuanian Social Democratic Union (LSDS) 1
18 Lithuanian Freedom Union (LLS) 0
19 Lithuanian People's Union 'For the Fair Lithuania' (UTL) 0
20 Other 2
66 Not applicable 1624
77 Refusal 4
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49 52409

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

prtmbcnl Member of which party, Netherlands

B22NL. Which one? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 111564 Frekvenca
1 Party for Freedom and Democracy 7
2 Labour Party 15
3 PVV (List Wilders) 1
4 Christian Democratic Party 15
5 Socialistic Party 11
6 Democrats `66 8
7 Green Left 6
8 Christian Union 12
9 Social Reformed Party 9
10 Party for the Animals 4
11 TON (List Verdonk) 1
12 Other 9
66 Not applicable 1728
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
98 52360

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

prtmbano Member of which party, Norway

B22NO. Which one? (Norway)

Vrednost 112563 Frekvenca
1 The Party Red (RØDT) 1
2 Socialist Left Party (SV) 11
3 Labour Party (A) 37
4 Liberal party (V) 5
5 Christian Democratic Party (KRF) 16
6 Centre Party (SP) 15
7 Conservative Party (H) 24
8 Progress Party (FRP) 6
9 Coastal Party (KYST) 0
10 Other 3
66 Not applicable 1428
77 Refusal 1
88 Don't know 1
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
118 52340

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtmbdpl Member of which party, Poland

B22PL. Which one? (Poland)

Vrednost 113562 Frekvenca
1 League of Polish Families 0
2 National Party of Retirees and Pensioners 0
3 Civic Platform 4
4 Democratic Party demokraci.pl 0
5 Polish Peasants' Party 6
6 Right of the Republic 0
7 Law and Justice 2
8 Self-defence 0
9 Social Democracy of Poland 0
10 Democratic Left Alliance 0
11 Democratic Party 0
12 Real Politics Union 0
13 Labour Union 0
14 Other party 0
66 Not applicable 1738
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12 52446

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

prtmbbpt Member of which party, Portugal

B22PT. Which one? (Portugal)

Vrednost 114561 Frekvenca
1 Bloco de Esquerda (BE) 1
2 Centro Democrático Social - Partido Popular (CDS-PP) 1
3 Coligação Democrática Unitária (CDU) 8
4 Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses/Movimento Re 0
5 Partido Democrático do Atlântico 0
6 Partido Humanista (PH) 0
7 Nova democracia (PND) 0
8 Partido Nacional Renovador (PNR) 0
9 Partido Operário de Unidade Socialista (POUS) 0
10 Partido Social Democrata (PSD) 14
11 Partido Socialista (PS) 12
12 Outro 2
66 Not applicable 2105
77 Refusal 7
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
38 52420

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

prtmbbru Member of which party, Russian Federation

B22RU. Which one? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 115560 Frekvenca
1 United Russia (ER) 64
2 Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) 22
3 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) 7
6 Yabloko 0
11 Fair Russia (SR) 2
12 Right Cause (PD) 0
13 Solidarity (Solidarnost) 0
66 Not applicable 2500
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
95 52363

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 13

prtmbase Member of which party, Sweden

B22SE. Which one? (Sweden)

Vrednost 116559 Frekvenca
1 Centern 18
2 Folkpartiet liberalerna 8
3 Kristdemokraterna 9
4 Miljöpartiet de gröna 2
5 Moderata samlingspartiet 31
6 Socialdemokraterna 27
7 Vänsterpartiet 5
8 FI (Feministiskt initiativ) 0
9 Junilistan 0
10 Sverigedemokraterna 2
11 Annat parti 4
66 Not applicable 1388
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
106 52352

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

prtmbcsi Member of which party, Slovenia

B22SI. Which one? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 117558 Frekvenca
1 Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia - DESUS 7
2 Liberal Democracy of Slovenia - LDS 4
3 LIPA - Party 0
4 New Slovenia - Christian Peoples Party - NSi 5
5 Slovenian Democratic Party - SDS 13
6 Slovene Peoples Party - SLS 6
7 Slovene National Party - SNS 1
8 Social Democrats - SD 9
9 ZARES - New Politics 1
10 Other 3
66 Not applicable 1342
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 9
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49 52409

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

prtmbbsk Member of which party, Slovakia

B22SK. Which one? (Slovakia)

Vrednost 118557 Frekvenca
1 Slovak National Party (SNS) 6
2 Slovak Democratic Christian Union (SDKU) 1
3 SMER-Social Democracy 7
4 Most-Híd 1
5 Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) 4
6 Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) 0
7 Other 1
66 Not applicable 1827
77 Refusal 2
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 7
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20 52438

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

prtmbcua Member of which party, Ukraine

B22UA. Which one? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 119556 Frekvenca
1 Block of Lytvyn 2
2 Block of Yulia Tymoshenko 13
3 'People's Self-defense' (Yu.Lutsenko) 1
4 All-Ukrainian union 'Freedom' (O.Tyagnybok) 3
5 Communist party of Ukraine 7
6 Party of regions 39
7 Party 'PUNCH' of Vitaly Klychko 0
8 Political party 'Civil position' (A.Grytsenko) 0
9 Political party 'Our Ukraine' (V.Yuschenko) 2
10 Political pary 'Power Ukraine' (S.Tygypko) 1
11 Political party 'Front of changes' (A.Yatsenuk) 1
12 Progressive socialist party of Ukraine 0
13 Socialist Party of Ukraine 2
14 Other 3
66 Not applicable 1849
77 Refusal 1
88 Don't know 6
99 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
74 52384

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

lrscale Placement on left right scale ASK ALL CARD 9

B23. In politics people sometimes talk of "left" and "right". Using this card, where would you place yourself on this scale, where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?

Vrednost 120555 Frekvenca
0 Left 1418
1 1 1093
2 2 2338
3 3 4206
4 4 4206
5 5 14939
6 6 4257
7 7 4749
8 8 3722
9 9 1282
10 Right 1665
77 Refusal 587
88 Don't know 7810
99 No answer 186
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43875 8583

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

stflife How satisfied with life as a whole CARD 10

B24. All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole nowadays? Please answer using this card, where 0 means extremely dissatisfied and 10 means extremely satisfied.

Vrednost 121554 Frekvenca
0 Extremely dissatisfied 1082
1 1 863
2 2 1562
3 3 2728
4 4 2745
5 5 6775
6 6 4811
7 7 8611
8 8 11958
9 9 6545
10 Extremely satisfied 4530
77 Refusal 18
88 Don't know 204
99 No answer 26
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52210 248

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

stfeco How satisfied with present state of economy in country STILL CARD 10

B25. On the whole how satisfied are you with the present state of the economy in [country]?

Vrednost 122553 Frekvenca
0 Extremely dissatisfied 5785
1 1 4483
2 2 6422
3 3 7426
4 4 6013
5 5 7133
6 6 4900
7 7 4638
8 8 3035
9 9 951
10 Extremely satisfied 520
77 Refusal 20
88 Don't know 1112
99 No answer 20
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51306 1152

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

stfgov How satisfied with the national government STILL CARD 10

B26. Now thinking about the [country] government , how satisfied are you with the way it is doing its job?

Vrednost 123552 Frekvenca
0 Extremely dissatisfied 6302
1 1 4442
2 2 6116
3 3 6959
4 4 6007
5 5 8096
6 6 4724
7 7 4543
8 8 2635
9 9 670
10 Extremely satisfied 397
77 Refusal 38
88 Don't know 1493
99 No answer 36
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50891 1567

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

stfdem How satisfied with the way democracy works in country STILL CARD 10

B27. And on the whole, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [country]?

Vrednost 124551 Frekvenca
0 Extremely dissatisfied 3605
1 1 2570
2 2 4225
3 3 5712
4 4 5437
5 5 8917
6 6 5288
7 7 6102
8 8 5167
9 9 1932
10 Extremely satisfied 1085
77 Refusal 32
88 Don't know 2338
99 No answer 48
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50040 2418

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

stfedu State of education in country nowadays CARD 11

B28. Now, using this card, please say what you think overall about the state of education in [country] nowadays?

Vrednost 125550 Frekvenca
0 Extremely bad 1961
1 1 1593
2 2 2990
3 3 5022
4 4 5441
5 5 8480
6 6 6152
7 7 7679
8 8 6741
9 9 2337
10 Extremely good 1180
77 Refusal 24
88 Don't know 2808
99 No answer 50
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49576 2882

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

stfhlth State of health services in country nowadays STILL CARD 11

B29. Still using this card, please say what you think overall about the state of health services in [country] nowadays?

Vrednost 126549 Frekvenca
0 Extremely bad 3008
1 1 2818
2 2 4260
3 3 5605
4 4 5328
5 5 7261
6 6 5717
7 7 7042
8 8 6867
9 9 2575
10 Extremely good 1299
77 Refusal 8
88 Don't know 579
99 No answer 91
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51780 678

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

gincdif Government should reduce differences in income levels CARD 12

B30-33. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements The government should take measures to reduce differences in income levels

Vrednost 127548 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 18493
2 Agree 20751
3 Neither agree nor disagree 6524
4 Disagree 4718
5 Disagree strongly 1105
7 Refusal 22
8 Don't know 812
9 No answer 33
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51591 867

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

freehms Gays and lesbians free to live life as they wish CARD 12

B30-33. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements Gay men and lesbians should be free to live their own life as they wish

Vrednost 128547 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 14418
2 Agree 17782
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7861
4 Disagree 5303
5 Disagree strongly 4178
7 Refusal 105
8 Don't know 2708
9 No answer 103
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49542 2916

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

prtyban Ban political parties that wish overthrow democracy CARD 12

B30-33. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements Political parties that wish to overthrow democracy should be banned

Vrednost 129546 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 12252
2 Agree 16552
3 Neither agree nor disagree 9733
4 Disagree 7643
5 Disagree strongly 2308
7 Refusal 46
8 Don't know 3840
9 No answer 84
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48488 3970

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

scnsenv Modern science can be relied on to solve environmental problems CARD 12

B30-33. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements Modern science can be relied on to solve our environmental problems

Vrednost 130545 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 6146
2 Agree 18605
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12962
4 Disagree 9261
5 Disagree strongly 2397
7 Refusal 15
8 Don't know 2993
9 No answer 79
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49371 3087

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

imsmetn Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority CARD 14

B35. Now, using this card, to what extent do you think [country] should allow people of the same race or ethnic group as most [country] people to come and live here ?

Vrednost 131544 Frekvenca
1 Allow many to come and live here 12952
2 Allow some 20664
3 Allow a few 11949
4 Allow none 4918
7 Refusal 66
8 Don't know 1856
9 No answer 53
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50483 1975

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

imdfetn Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority STILL CARD 14

B36. How about people of a different race or ethnic group from most [country] people?

Vrednost 132543 Frekvenca
1 Allow many to come and live here 6925
2 Allow some 18279
3 Allow a few 16562
4 Allow none 8583
7 Refusal 75
8 Don't know 1961
9 No answer 73
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50349 2109

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

impcntr Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe STILL CARD 14

B37. How about people from the poorer countries outside Europe?

Vrednost 133542 Frekvenca
1 Allow many to come and live here 6006
2 Allow some 16511
3 Allow a few 16988
4 Allow none 10597
7 Refusal 144
8 Don't know 2131
9 No answer 81
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50102 2356

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

imbgeco Immigration bad or good for country's economy CARD 15

B38. Would you say it is generally bad or good for [country]'s economy that people come to live here from other countries?

Vrednost 134541 Frekvenca
0 Bad for the economy 3373
1 1 2718
2 2 4205
3 3 5588
4 4 5146
5 5 11887
6 6 5284
7 7 5434
8 8 3767
9 9 1079
10 Good for the economy 1238
77 Refusal 32
88 Don't know 2561
99 No answer 146
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49719 2739

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

imueclt Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants CARD 16

B39. And, using this card, would you say that [country]'s cultural life is generally undermined or enriched by people coming to live here from other countries?

Vrednost 135540 Frekvenca
0 Cultural life undermined 2496
1 1 2173
2 2 3458
3 3 4594
4 4 4339
5 5 10532
6 6 5326
7 7 6820
8 8 5726
9 9 2077
10 Cultural life enriched 2237
77 Refusal 26
88 Don't know 2523
99 No answer 131
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49778 2680

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

imwbcnt Immigrants make country worse or better place to live CARD 17

B40. Is [country] made a worse or a better place to live by people coming to live here from other countries?

Vrednost 136539 Frekvenca
0 Worse place to live 2732
1 1 2364
2 2 3815
3 3 5364
4 4 5386
5 5 14133
6 6 4880
7 7 4827
8 8 3596
9 9 1085
10 Better place to live 1197
77 Refusal 42
88 Don't know 2837
99 No answer 200
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49379 3079

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

happy How happy are you CARD 18

C1. Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are?

Vrednost 137538 Frekvenca
0 Extremely unhappy 497
1 1 506
2 2 914
3 3 1818
4 4 2249
5 5 6507
6 6 4787
7 7 9267
8 8 13239
9 9 7491
10 Extremely happy 4718
77 Refusal 15
88 Don't know 315
99 No answer 135
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51993 465

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

sclmeet How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues CARD 19

C2. Using this card, how often do you meet socially with friends, relatives or work colleagues?

Vrednost 138537 Frekvenca
1 Never 1068
2 Less than once a month 5037
3 Once a month 5223
4 Several times a month 9648
5 Once a week 9268
6 Several times a week 13520
7 Every day 8472
77 Refusal 6
88 Don't know 191
99 No answer 25
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52236 222

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

inmdisc Anyone to discuss intimate and personal matters with

C3. Do you have anyone with whom you can discuss intimate and personal matters?

Vrednost 139536 Frekvenca
1 Yes 46195
2 No 5596
7 Refusal 48
8 Don't know 507
9 No answer 112
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51791 667

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

sclact Take part in social activities compared to others of same age CARD 20

C4. Compared to other people of your age, how often would you say you take part in social activities ?

Vrednost 140535 Frekvenca
1 Much less than most 5797
2 Less than most 13243
3 About the same 24003
4 More than most 6776
5 Much more than most 1519
7 Refusal 7
8 Don't know 1065
9 No answer 48
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51338 1120

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

crmvct Respondent or household member victim of burglary/assault last 5 years

C5. Have you or a member of your household been the victim of a burglary or assault in the last 5 years?

Vrednost 141534 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8195
2 No 44063
7 Refusal 7
8 Don't know 143
9 No answer 50
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52258 200

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

aesfdrk Feeling of safety of walking alone in local area after dark

C6. How safe do you - or would you - feel walking alone in this area after dark? Do - or would - you feel...

Vrednost 142533 Frekvenca
1 Very safe 12783
2 Safe 25812
3 Unsafe 10490
4 Very unsafe 2722
7 Refusal 13
8 Don't know 575
9 No answer 63
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51807 651

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

brghmwr How often worry about your home being burgled CARD 21

C7. How often, if at all, do you worry about your home being burgled?

Vrednost 143532 Frekvenca
1 All or most of the time 3466
2 Some of the time 11452
3 Just occasionally 17159
4 Never 19950
7 Refusal 9
8 Don't know 394
9 No answer 28
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52027 431

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

brghmef Worry about home burgled has effect on quality of life ASK IF ANY WORRY AT C7 (CODES 1,2,3)

C8. Does this worry about your home being burgled have a?

Vrednost 144531 Frekvenca
1 Serious effect on quality of life 2312
2 Some effect 11381
3 No real effect on quality of life 18003
6 Not applicable 20353
7 Refusal 3
8 Don't know 286
9 No answer 120
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
31696 20762

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

crvctwr How often worry about becoming a victim of violent crime CARD 21 AGAIN

C9. How often, if at all, do you worry about becoming a victim of violent crime ? Please choose your answer from this card.

Vrednost 145530 Frekvenca
1 All or most of the time 1765
2 Some of the time 8416
3 Just occasionally 17220
4 Never 24376
7 Refusal 13
8 Don't know 576
9 No answer 92
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51777 681

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

crvctef Worry about becoming victim of violent crime has effect on quality of life ASK IF ANY WORRY AT C9 (CODES 1,2,3)

C10. Does this worry about becoming a victim of violent crime have a?

Vrednost 146529 Frekvenca
1 Serious effect on quality of life 2366
2 Some effect 10516
3 No real effect on quality of life 14015
6 Not applicable 24958
7 Refusal 2
8 Don't know 269
9 No answer 332
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
26897 25561

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

health Subjective general health

C15. How is your health in general? Would you say it is ...

Vrednost 147528 Frekvenca
1 Very good 11962
2 Good 20354
3 Fair 14705
4 Bad 4374
5 Very bad 984
7 Refusal 2
8 Don't know 59
9 No answer 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52379 79

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

hlthhmp Hampered in daily activities by illness/disability/infirmary/mental problem

C16. Are you hampered in your daily activities in any way by any longstanding illness, or disability, infirmity or mental health problem? If yes, is that a lot or to some extent?

Vrednost 148527 Frekvenca
1 Yes a lot 3529
2 Yes to some extent 10177
3 No 38402
7 Refusal 3
8 Don't know 240
9 No answer 107
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52108 350

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

rlgblg Belonging to particular religion or denomination

C17. Do you consider yourself as belonging to any particular religion or denomination?

Vrednost 149526 Frekvenca
1 Yes 33670
2 No 18468
7 Refusal 36
8 Don't know 207
9 No answer 77
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52138 320

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

rlgdnm Religion or denomination belonging to at present

C18. Which one?

Vrednost 150525 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 15221
2 Protestant 6104
3 Eastern Orthodox 8066
4 Other Christian denomination 625
5 Jewish 1881
6 Islamic 1374
7 Eastern religions 161
8 Other non-Christian religions 118
66 Not applicable 18711
77 Refusal 86
99 No answer 111
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
33550 18908

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdnbe Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Belgium

C18BE. Which one? (Belgium)

Vrednost 151524 Frekvenca
1 (Rooms) Katholiek 599
2 Protestants 14
3 Orthodox 6
4 Andere christelijke kerkgenootschap 16
5 Jodendom 3
6 Islam/Moslim 64
7 Oosterse religie: Hindoeïsme/Boeddhisme/Shintoïsme… 7
8 Andere niet-christelijke religie 3
6666 Not applicable 992
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
712 51746

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdnach Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Switzerland

C18CH. Which one? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 152523 Frekvenca
110 Roman catholic 413
190 Other catholic, denomination not specified 0
191 Christian catholic 51
240 Free evangelical churches 33
280 Protestant reformed 382
290 Other protestant, denomination not specified 4
390 Christian Orthodox 21
400 Other Christian,denomination not specified 16
500 Jewish 1
600 Islamic 67
710 Buddhist 7
720 Hinduhist 5
790 Other Eastern religion, religion not specified 3
800 Other non-Christian religion, religion non specified 8
6666 Not applicable 484
7777 Refusal 4
9999 No answer 7
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1011 51447

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 110 do 800

rlgdncy Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Cyprus

C18CY. Which one? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 153522 Frekvenca
11 Roman Catholic 5
13 Maronites 1
19 Other Roman Catholic 0
20 Protestant 0
31 Greek Orthodox 1048
32 Russian Orthodox 6
39 Other Orthodox 5
40 Other Christian denomination 3
50 Jewish 0
60 Islamic 0
70 Eastern religions 1
80 Other non-Christian religions 0
6666 Not applicable 14
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1069 51389

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 11 do 80

rlgdnde Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Germany

C18DE. Which one? (Germany)

Vrednost 154521 Frekvenca
1 Römisch-Katholisch 678
2 Evangelisch\Protestantisch (ohne Freikirchen) 808
3 Östlich-orthodox 22
4 Andere christliche Konfession 28
5 Jüdisch 1
6 Moslemisch\Islam 72
7 Östliche Religionsgemeinschaft (Buddhismus, Hinduismus,Sikh, 12
8 Andere, nicht-christliche Religionsgemeinschaft 7
9 Christlich, aber fühlte sich keiner spezifischen Religionsge 43
6666 Not applicable 1353
7777 Refusal 7
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1671 50787

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

rlgdndk Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Denmark

C18DK. Which one? (Denmark)

Vrednost 155520 Frekvenca
1 Romersk-katolsk 22
2 Protestantisk 859
3 Ortodoks 3
4 Andre kristne religioner 13
5 Jødisk 1
6 Islam 29
7 Østlige religioner 6
8 Andre ikke kristne religioner 7
6666 Not applicable 632
7777 Refusal 1
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
940 51518

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdnafi Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Finland

C18FI. Which one? (Finland)

Vrednost 156519 Frekvenca
1 Evangelical Lutheran 1056
2 Eastern Orthodox 23
3 Roman Catholic 4
4 Pentecostalism 17
5 Free church 4
6 Advent church 4
7 Jehovah's Witness 6
8 Mormon 1
9 Jewish 1
10 Islamic 6
11 Other Protestant denomination 2
12 Other Christian denomination 7
13 Eastern religions 3
14 Other non-Christian religions 3
6666 Not applicable 735
7777 Refusal 5
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1137 51321

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

rlgdngb Religion or denomination belonging to at present, United Kingdom

C18GB. Which one? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 157518 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 202
2 Church of England / Anglican 515
3 Church of Ireland 8
4 Baptist 22
5 Methodist 48
6 Presbyterian / Church of Scotland 88
7 United Reformed Church / Congregational 11
8 Free Presbyterian 5
9 Brethren 2
10 Other Protestant 9
11 Greek or Russian Orthodox 4
12 Other Eastern Orthodox 2
13 Other Christian 43
14 Hindu 24
15 Sikh 8
16 Buddhist 10
17 Other Eastern Religions 1
18 Jewish 7
19 Islam / Muslim 63
20 Other non-Christian 12
6666 Not applicable 1328
7777 Refusal 2
9999 No answer 8
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1084 51374

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

rlgdnagr Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Greece

C18GR. Which one? (Greece)

Vrednost 158517 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 6
2 Protestant 1
3 Eastern Orthodox 18
4 Other Christian Denominations 5
5 Jewish 0
6 Islam 41
8 Other Non Christian Religions 9
120 Greek Catholic 22
190 Other Roman Catholic, denomination not specified 6
250 Lutheran, Evangelical Church 1
290 Other Protestants, denomination not specified 0
310 Greek Orthodox 2315
390 Other Eastern Orthodox, denomination not specified 58
710 Buddhism 1
720 Hinduism 0
790 Other Eastern Religions 1
6666 Not applicable 227
7777 Refusal 4
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2484 49974

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 790

rlgdnhu Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Hungary

C18HU. Which one? (Hungary)

Vrednost 159516 Frekvenca
110 Catholic (Roman) 638
120 Catholic (Ortodox) 20
190 Other Catholic (Roman) 2
220 Baptist 4
250 Evangelist (Lutheran) 37
260 Methodist 0
270 Pentecostist 1
280 Reformed (Calvinist) 184
290 Other protestant 0
291 Unitarianism 2
300 Eastern Orthodox 0
410 Mormons 0
420 Jehovah's witnessees 6
490 Other Christian religions 4
491 Adventist 0
492 Hit gyülekezete 6
500 Jewish 2
600 Muslim 2
710 Budhism 1
720 Hindu 0
790 Other Eastern Religions/denomination 0
791 Krishna 1
890 Other non-Christian religions 2
998 Other Religions 0
6666 Not applicable 643
7777 Refusal 6
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
912 51546

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 110 do 998

rlgdnie Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Ireland

C18IE. Which one? (Ireland)

Vrednost 160515 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 1845
3 Orthodox 11
4 Other Christian denomination 44
5 Jewish 1
6 Islamic 20
7 Eastern religions (Buddhist, Hindu etc.) 14
8 Other non-Christian religions 7
210 Church of Ireland 36
290 Other Protestant 18
6666 Not applicable 572
7777 Refusal 4
9999 No answer 4
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1996 50462

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 290

rlgdnil Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Israel

C18IL. Which one? (Israel)

Vrednost 161514 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 19
2 Protestant 4
3 Eastern Orthodox 11
4 Other Christian denomination 10
5 Jewish 1849
7 Eastern religions 1
8 Other non Christian religions 0
610 Sunni 262
670 Druze 74
690 Other Islam denominations 2
6666 Not applicable 26
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 36
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2232 50226

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 690

rlgdnlt Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Lithuania

C18LT. Which one? (Lithuania)

Vrednost 162513 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 1333
2 Eastern Orthodox 63
3 Protestant 21
4 Other Christian denomination 9
5 Jewish 2
6 Islamic 2
7 Eastern religions 2
8 Other non-Christian religions 1
6666 Not applicable 232
7777 Refusal 12
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1433 51025

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdnnl Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Netherlands

C18NL. Which one? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 163512 Frekvenca
1 Rooms Katholiek 348
2 Protestant 30
3 Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN) 144
4 NH: midden orthodoxe richting 4
5 NH: confessionele richting 5
6 NH: gereformeerde bond 14
7 NH: vrijzinnige richting 13
8 NH: overige richtingen 10
9 NH: (geen verdere details gegeven) 12
10 GF: gereformeerde kerken (synodaal) 17
11 GF: gereformeerde kerken, vrijgemaakt (artikel 31) 18
12 GF: Nederlands gereformeerde kerken (buiten verband) 3
13 GF: christelijk gereformeerde kerk 9
14 GF: gereformeerde gemeenten 9
15 GF: oud gereformeerde gemeenten 2
16 GF: overige richting 6
17 GF: (geen verdere details gegeven) 7
18 Ander protestants kerkgenootschap 6
19 Oosters Orthodox Christelijke Kerk 3
20 Ander christelijk kerkgenootschap 26
21 Hindoeïsme 3
22 Boeddhisme 4
23 Andere oosterse religie 0
24 Jodendom 0
25 Islam/Moslim 39
26 Humanistisch Verbond 2
27 Andere niet-christelijke religie 7
6666 Not applicable 1087
7777 Refusal 1
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
741 51717

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 27

rlgdnno Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Norway

C18NO. Which one? (Norway)

Vrednost 164511 Frekvenca
1 Den norske kirke 753
2 Katolsk kirke 34
3 Ortodoks kirke (gresk, russisk, andre) 9
4 Andre protestantiske trossamfunn (f.eks. frikirker, anglikan 53
5 Andre kristne trossamfunn (f.eks. Jehovas vitner, mormonerne 9
6 Det mosaiske trossamfunn (jødisk) 1
7 Islam (muslimsk) 32
8 Østlige religioner (f.eks. Buddhisme, Hinduisme, Sikh, Shint 7
9 Andre ikke-kristne religioner 9
6666 Not applicable 640
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
907 51551

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

rlgdnapl Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Poland

C18PL. Which one? (Poland)

Vrednost 165510 Frekvenca
100 Catholic (denomination not specified) 161
110 Roman Catholic Church 1383
120 Greek Catholic Church 1
191 Armenian Catholic Church 0
199 Other Catholic 0
200 Protestant (denomination not specified) 0
220 Baptists 1
230 Congregationalists 0
240 European Free Church (Anabaptists) 1
250 Lutheran, Evangelical Church 8
260 Methodist Church 0
270 Pentecostals Church 2
280 Reformed Churches/Presbyterian Church 1
291 The Seventh-day Adventist Church 1
299 Other Protestants, denomination not specified 1
300 Eastern Orthodox Church (denomination not specified) 2
320 Russian Orthodox Church 1
330 Polish Orthodox Church 0
391 Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church 3
392 The Eastern Old-Believer in Poland Church 0
399 Other Eastern Orthodox 0
410 Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Reorgan 0
420 Jehova’s Witnesses 11
491 The Old Catholic Mariavite Church 1
492 The Polish Catholic Church 0
493 The Catholic Mariavite Church 0
494 The Old Catholic Church 0
499 Other Christian denomination 0
500 Jewish 0
600 Islamic / Muslim 1
700 Eastern religions (Buddhist, Hindu, Krishna, Tao, Zen etc.) 0
800 Other Non-Christian Religions 1
6666 Not applicable 168
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1580 50878

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 800

rlgdnpt Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Portugal

C18PT. Which one? (Portugal)

Vrednost 166509 Frekvenca
1 Católica 1726
2 Protestante 18
3 Ortodoxo 5
4 Islâmica\Muçulmana 3
5 Religiões Orientais (p.ex. Hindu) 5
6 Judaica 1
7 Outra Cristã 63
8 Outra não-Cristã 3
6666 Not applicable 319
7777 Refusal 5
9999 No answer 2
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1824 50634

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdnaru Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Russian Federation

C18RU. Which one? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 167508 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 6
2 Protestant 3
3 Eastern Orthodox 1344
4 Other Christian Denominations 5
5 Jewish 2
6 Islamic 142
7 Eastern religions 7
8 Other Non-Christian Religions 0
220 Baptists 0
391 Old Believers (pre-reform Russian Orthodox religion) 1
420 Jehova's Witnesses 3
710 Buddhism 2
891 Pagan 1
6666 Not applicable 1073
7777 Refusal 6
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1516 50942

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 891

rlgdnase Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Sweden

C18SE. Which one? (Sweden)

Vrednost 168507 Frekvenca
1 Katolska kyrkan 13
2 Svenska kyrkan 336
3 Annan protestantisk församling (t.ex. frikyrka) 34
4 Ortodoxa kyrkan 12
5 Annan kristen församling 20
6 Judisk 1
7 Islam 28
8 Österländsk religion (t.ex. Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikh, Shinto 6
9 Annan Icke-kristen religion 1
6666 Not applicable 1046
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
451 52007

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

rlgdnsi Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Slovenia

C18SI. Which one? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 169506 Frekvenca
1 Rimokatoliška 715
2 Protestantska 9
3 Pravoslavna 19
4 Druge kršcanske 3
5 Židovske 0
6 Muslimanske 13
7 Vzhodnjaške 0
8 Druge nekršcanske 1
6666 Not applicable 636
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 7
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
760 51698

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdnsk Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Slovakia

C18SK. Which one? (Slovakia)

Vrednost 170505 Frekvenca
1 Christian - without denomination 88
2 Roman Catholic 1140
3 Lutheran, Evangelical Church 152
4 Greek Catholic 64
5 Eastern Orthodox 8
6 Jehova´s Witnesses 4
7 Jewish 0
8 Islam 1
9 Hinduism 0
10 Buddhism 2
11 Other Pretestant 10
12 Other Roman Catholic 1
13 Other Christian denomination 3
14 Other Eastern Religions 0
6666 Not applicable 377
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 6
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1473 50985

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

rlgdnua Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Ukraine

C18UA. Which one? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 171504 Frekvenca
1 Orthodox church of the Moscow patriarchate 634
2 Ukrainian orthodox church (Kyiv patriarchate) 488
3 Ukrainian autocephalous church 10
4 Other eastern orthodox churches (denominations) 9
5 Greek-Catholic church 149
6 (Other) Roman Catholic denominations 5
7 Protestant church 13
8 Other Christian denominations 35
9 Muslim religion 9
10 Jewish religion 0
11 Eastern Religions 2
12 Other non Christian religions 12
6666 Not applicable 553
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 12
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1366 51092

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

rlgblge Ever belonging to particular religion or denomination ASK IF NO RELIGION OR DENOMINATION AT C17 (codes 2 or 8 at C17)

C19. Have you ever considered yourself as belonging to any particular religion or denomination?

Vrednost 172503 Frekvenca
1 Yes 4022
2 No 14464
6 Not applicable 33667
7 Refusal 17
8 Don't know 161
9 No answer 127
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
18486 33972

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

rlgdnme Religion or denomination belonging to in the past

C20. Which one?

Vrednost 173502 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 2088
2 Protestant 1456
3 Eastern Orthodox 228
4 Other Christian denomination 105
5 Jewish 11
6 Islamic 42
7 Eastern religions 31
8 Other non-Christian religions 30
66 Not applicable 48309
77 Refusal 15
99 No answer 143
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3991 48467

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdebe Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Belgium

C20BE. Which one? (Belgium)

Vrednost 174501 Frekvenca
1 (Rooms) Katholiek 289
2 Protestants 3
3 Orthodox 0
4 Andere christelijke kerkgenootschap 5
5 Jodendom 0
6 Islam/Moslim 3
7 Oosterse religie: Hindoeïsme/Boeddhisme/Shintoïsme… 1
8 Andere niet-christelijke religie 0
6666 Not applicable 1401
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 2
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
301 52157

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdeach Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Switzerland

C20CH. Which one? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 175500 Frekvenca
110 Roman catholic 106
190 Other catholic, denomination not specified 0
191 Christian catholic 13
240 Free evangelical churches 3
280 Protestant reformed 106
290 Other protestant, denomination not specified 1
390 Christian Orthodox 5
400 Other Christian,denomination not specified 1
500 Jewish 1
600 Islamic 5
710 Buddhist 7
720 Hinduhist 0
790 Other Eastern religion, religion not specified 0
800 Other non-Christian religion, religion non specified 1
6666 Not applicable 1256
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
249 52209

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 110 do 800

rlgdecy Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Cyprus

C20CY. Which one? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 176499 Frekvenca
11 Roman Catholic 0
13 Maronites 0
19 Other Roman Catholic 0
20 Protestant 0
31 Greek Orthodox 4
32 Russian Orthodox 0
39 Other Orthodox 0
40 Other Christian denomination 0
50 Jewish 0
60 Islamic 0
70 Eastern religions 0
80 Other non-Christian religions 0
6666 Not applicable 1076
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4 52454

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 11 do 80

rlgdede Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Germany

C20DE. Which one? (Germany)

Vrednost 177498 Frekvenca
1 Römisch-Katholisch 136
2 Evangelisch\Protestantisch (ohne Freikirchen) 311
3 Östlich-orthodox 3
4 Andere christliche Konfession 11
5 Jüdisch 0
6 Moslemisch\Islam 3
7 Östliche Religionsgemeinschaft (Buddhismus, Hinduismus,Sikh, 4
8 Andere, nicht-christliche Religionsgemeinschaft 2
9 Christlich, aber fühlte sich keiner spezifischen Religionsge 5
6666 Not applicable 2551
7777 Refusal 5
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
475 51983

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

rlgdedk Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Denmark

C20DK. Which one? (Denmark)

Vrednost 178497 Frekvenca
1 Romersk-katolsk 4
2 Protestantisk 107
3 Ortodoks 1
4 Andre kristne religioner 4
5 Jødisk 0
6 Islam 2
7 Østlige religioner 0
8 Andre ikke kristne religioner 7
6666 Not applicable 1448
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
125 52333

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdeafi Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Finland

C20FI. Which one? (Finland)

Vrednost 179496 Frekvenca
1 Evangelical Lutheran 166
2 Eastern Orthodox 2
3 Roman Catholic 0
4 Pentecostalism 2
5 Free church 1
6 Advent church 0
7 Jehovah's Witness 2
8 Mormon 0
9 Jewish 0
10 Islamic 2
11 Other Protestant denomination 1
12 Other Christian denomination 1
13 Eastern religions 1
14 Other non-Christian religions 0
6666 Not applicable 1700
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
178 52280

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

rlgdegb Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, United Kingdom

C20GB. Which one? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 180495 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 67
2 Church of England / Anglican 168
3 Church of Ireland 8
4 Baptist 9
5 Methodist 25
6 Presbyterian / Church of Scotland 32
7 United Reformed Church / Congregational 6
8 Free Presbyterian 0
9 Brethren 1
10 Other Protestant 3
11 Greek or Russian Orthodox 3
12 Other Eastern Orthodox 0
13 Other Christian 13
14 Hindu 0
15 Sikh 1
16 Buddhist 2
17 Other Eastern Religions 0
18 Jewish 3
19 Islam / Muslim 3
20 Other non-Christian 1
6666 Not applicable 2071
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 6
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
345 52113

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

rlgdeagr Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Greece

C20GR. Which one? (Greece)

Vrednost 181494 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 1
2 Protestant 0
3 Eastern Orthodox 0
4 Other Christian Denominations 0
5 Jewish 0
6 Islam 2
8 Other Non Christian Religions 1
120 Greek Catholic 0
190 Other Roman Catholic, denomination not specified 0
250 Lutheran, Evangelical Church 0
290 Other Protestants, denomination not specified 0
310 Greek Orthodox 56
390 Other Eastern Orthodox, denomination not specified 3
710 Buddhism 0
720 Hinduism 0
790 Other Eastern Religions 0
6666 Not applicable 2652
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
63 52395

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 790

rlgdehu Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Hungary

C20HU. Which one? (Hungary)

Vrednost 182493 Frekvenca
110 Catholic (Roman) 56
120 Catholic (Ortodox) 2
190 Other Catholic (Roman) 0
220 Baptist 0
250 Evangelist (Lutheran) 4
260 Methodist 0
270 Pentecostist 0
280 Reformed (Calvinist) 28
290 Other protestant 0
291 Unitarianism 0
300 Eastern Orthodox 0
410 Mormons 0
420 Jehovah's witnessees 0
490 Other Christian religions 0
491 Adventist 0
492 Hit gyülekezete 2
500 Jewish 0
600 Muslim 0
710 Budhism 0
720 Hindu 0
790 Other Eastern Religions/denomination 0
791 Krishna 0
890 Other non-Christian religions 0
998 Other Religions 0
6666 Not applicable 1469
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
92 52366

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 110 do 998

rlgdeie Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Ireland

C20IE. Which one? (Ireland)

Vrednost 183492 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 245
3 Orthodox 3
4 Other Christian denomination 7
5 Jewish 0
6 Islamic 1
7 Eastern religions (Buddhist, Hindu etc.) 2
8 Other non-Christian religions 0
210 Church of Ireland 4
290 Other Protestant 10
6666 Not applicable 2304
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
272 52186

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 290

rlgdeil Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Israel

C20IL. Which one? (Israel)

Vrednost 184491 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 0
2 Protestant 0
3 Eastern Orthodox 0
4 Other Christian denomination 0
5 Jewish 0
7 Eastern religions 0
8 Other non Christian religions 0
610 Sunni 0
670 Druze 0
690 Other Islam denominations 0
6666 Not applicable 2242
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 52
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 52458

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 690

rlgdelt Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Lithuania

C20LT. Which one? (Lithuania)

Vrednost 185490 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 36
2 Eastern Orthodox 3
3 Protestant 1
4 Other Christian denomination 1
5 Jewish 0
6 Islamic 0
7 Eastern religions 1
8 Other non-Christian religions 0
6666 Not applicable 1634
7777 Refusal 1
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
42 52416

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdenl Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Netherlands

C20NL. Which one? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 186489 Frekvenca
1 Rooms Katholiek 204
2 Protestant 26
3 Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN) 42
4 NH: midden orthodoxe richting 7
5 NH: confessionele richting 4
6 NH: gereformeerde bond 6
7 NH: vrijzinnige richting 18
8 NH: overige richtingen 6
9 NH: (geen verdere details gegeven) 13
10 GF: gereformeerde kerken (synodaal) 10
11 GF: gereformeerde kerken, vrijgemaakt (artikel 31) 3
12 GF: Nederlands gereformeerde kerken (buiten verband) 0
13 GF: christelijk gereformeerde kerk 2
14 GF: gereformeerde gemeenten 1
15 GF: oud gereformeerde gemeenten 0
16 GF: overige richting 2
17 GF: (geen verdere details gegeven) 4
18 Ander protestants kerkgenootschap 4
19 Oosters Orthodox Christelijke Kerk 1
20 Ander christelijk kerkgenootschap 9
21 Hindoeïsme 0
22 Boeddhisme 1
23 Andere oosterse religie 1
24 Jodendom 2
25 Islam/Moslim 3
26 Humanistisch Verbond 0
27 Andere niet-christelijke religie 1
6666 Not applicable 1458
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
370 52088

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 27

rlgdeno Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Norway

C20NO. Which one? (Norway)

Vrednost 187488 Frekvenca
1 Den norske kirke 130
2 Katolsk kirke 6
3 Ortodoks kirke (gresk, russisk, andre) 0
4 Andre protestantiske trossamfunn (f.eks. frikirker, anglikan 9
5 Andre kristne trossamfunn (f.eks. Jehovas vitner, mormonerne 1
6 Det mosaiske trossamfunn (jødisk) 0
7 Islam (muslimsk) 2
8 Østlige religioner (f.eks. Buddhisme, Hinduisme, Sikh, Shint 0
9 Andre ikke-kristne religioner 3
6666 Not applicable 1396
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
151 52307

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

rlgdeapl Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Poland

C20PL. Which one? (Poland)

Vrednost 188487 Frekvenca
100 Catholic (denomination not specified) 6
110 Roman Catholic Church 78
120 Greek Catholic Church 0
191 Armenian Catholic Church 0
199 Other Catholic 0
200 Protestant (denomination not specified) 1
220 Baptists 0
230 Congregationalists 0
240 European Free Church (Anabaptists) 0
250 Lutheran, Evangelical Church 0
260 Methodist Church 0
270 Pentecostals Church 0
280 Reformed Churches/Presbyterian Church 0
291 The Seventh-day Adventist Church 0
299 Other Protestants, denomination not specified 0
300 Eastern Orthodox Church (denomination not specified) 0
320 Russian Orthodox Church 0
330 Polish Orthodox Church 0
391 Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church 0
392 The Eastern Old-Believer in Poland Church 0
399 Other Eastern Orthodox 0
410 Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Reorgan 0
420 Jehova’s Witnesses 1
491 The Old Catholic Mariavite Church 0
492 The Polish Catholic Church 0
493 The Catholic Mariavite Church 0
494 The Old Catholic Church 0
499 Other Christian denomination 0
500 Jewish 0
600 Islamic / Muslim 0
700 Eastern religions (Buddhist, Hindu, Krishna, Tao, Zen etc.) 0
800 Other Non-Christian Religions 0
6666 Not applicable 1661
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 4
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
86 52372

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 800

rlgdept Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Portugal

C20PT. Which one? (Portugal)

Vrednost 189486 Frekvenca
1 Católica 97
2 Protestante 4
3 Ortodoxo 0
4 Islâmica\Muçulmana 1
5 Religiões Orientais (p.ex. Hindu) 0
6 Judaica 1
7 Outra Cristã 4
8 Outra não-Cristã 0
6666 Not applicable 2043
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
107 52351

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdearu Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Russian Federation

C20RU. Which one? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 190485 Frekvenca
1 Roman Catholic 0
2 Protestant 0
3 Eastern Orthodox 44
4 Other Christian Denominations 0
5 Jewish 0
6 Islamic 0
7 Eastern religions 4
8 Other Non-Christian Religions 0
220 Baptists 0
391 Old Believers (pre-reform Russian Orthodox religion) 0
420 Jehova's Witnesses 1
710 Buddhism 1
891 Pagan 0
6666 Not applicable 2543
7777 Refusal 2
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50 52408

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 891

rlgdease Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Sweden

C20SE. Which one? (Sweden)

Vrednost 191484 Frekvenca
1 Katolska kyrkan 6
2 Svenska kyrkan 114
3 Annan protestantisk församling (t.ex. frikyrka) 6
4 Ortodoxa kyrkan 1
5 Annan kristen församling 9
6 Judisk 1
7 Islam 5
8 Österländsk religion (t.ex. Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikh, Shinto 1
9 Annan Icke-kristen religion 4
6666 Not applicable 1349
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
147 52311

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

rlgdesi Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Slovenia

C20SI. Which one? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 192483 Frekvenca
1 Rimokatoliška 74
2 Protestantska 0
3 Pravoslavna 2
4 Druge kršcanske 2
5 Židovske 0
6 Muslimanske 2
7 Vzhodnjaške 1
8 Druge nekršcanske 1
6666 Not applicable 1312
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 9
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
82 52376

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

rlgdesk Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Slovakia

C20SK. Which one? (Slovakia)

Vrednost 193482 Frekvenca
1 Christian - without denomination 9
2 Roman Catholic 51
3 Lutheran, Evangelical Church 13
4 Greek Catholic 4
5 Eastern Orthodox 1
6 Jehova´s Witnesses 1
7 Jewish 0
8 Islam 0
9 Hinduism 0
10 Buddhism 0
11 Other Pretestant 1
12 Other Roman Catholic 0
13 Other Christian denomination 0
14 Other Eastern Religions 0
6666 Not applicable 1759
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 17
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
80 52378

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 14

rlgdeua Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Ukraine

C20UA. Which one? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 194481 Frekvenca
1 Orthodox church of the Moscow patriarchate 31
2 Ukrainian orthodox church (Kyiv patriarchate) 17
3 Ukrainian autocephalous church 0
4 Other eastern orthodox churches (denominations) 1
5 Greek-Catholic church 1
6 (Other) Roman Catholic denominations 0
7 Protestant church 0
8 Other Christian denominations 0
9 Muslim religion 0
10 Jewish religion 1
11 Eastern Religions 0
12 Other non Christian religions 1
6666 Not applicable 1861
7777 Refusal 0
9999 No answer 18
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52 52406

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

rlgdgr How religious are you ASK ALL CARD 23

C21. Regardless of whether you belong to a particular religion, how religious would you say you are?

Vrednost 195480 Frekvenca
0 Not at all religious 7079
1 1 3129
2 2 3647
3 3 4192
4 4 3499
5 5 8956
6 6 5100
7 7 5854
8 8 5122
9 9 2317
10 Very religious 2995
77 Refusal 24
88 Don't know 436
99 No answer 108
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51890 568

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

rlgatnd How often attend religious services apart from special occasions CARD 24

C22. Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services nowadays?

Vrednost 196479 Frekvenca
1 Every day 578
2 More than once a week 1449
3 Once a week 6067
4 At least once a month 5723
5 Only on special holy days 11910
6 Less often 9673
7 Never 16718
77 Refusal 20
88 Don't know 297
99 No answer 23
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52118 340

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

pray How often pray apart from at religious services STILL CARD 24

C23. Apart from when you are at religious services, how often, if at all, do you pray?

Vrednost 197478 Frekvenca
1 Every day 11087
2 More than once a week 4331
3 Once a week 3332
4 At least once a month 3074
5 Only on special holy days 3255
6 Less often 7808
7 Never 18569
77 Refusal 63
88 Don't know 894
99 No answer 45
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51456 1002

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

dscrgrp Member of a group discriminated against in this country ASK ALL

C24. Would you describe yourself as being a member of a group that is discriminated against in this country?

Vrednost 198477 Frekvenca
1 Yes 3393
2 No 48536
7 Refusal 21
8 Don't know 432
9 No answer 76
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51929 529

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

dscrrce Discrimination of respondent's group: colour or race

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Colour or race

Vrednost 199476 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51906
1 Marked 552
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrntn Discrimination of respondent's group: nationality

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Nationality

Vrednost 200475 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51732
1 Marked 726
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrrlg Discrimination of respondent's group: religion

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Religion

Vrednost 201474 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51899
1 Marked 559
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrlng Discrimination of respondent's group: language

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Language

Vrednost 202473 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52113
1 Marked 345
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscretn Discrimination of respondent's group: ethnic group

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Ethnic group

Vrednost 203472 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51918
1 Marked 540
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrage Discrimination of respondent's group: age

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Age

Vrednost 204471 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51969
1 Marked 489
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrgnd Discrimination of respondent's group: gender

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Gender

Vrednost 205470 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52183
1 Marked 275
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrsex Discrimination of respondent's group: sexuality

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Sexuality

Vrednost 206469 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52324
1 Marked 134
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrdsb Discrimination of respondent's group: disability

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Disability

Vrednost 207468 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52195
1 Marked 263
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscroth Discrimination of respondent's group: other grounds

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Other

Vrednost 208467 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51727
1 Marked 731
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrdk Discrimination of respondent's group: don't know

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Don't know

Vrednost 209466 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52390
1 Marked 68
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrref Discrimination of respondent's group: refusal

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Refusal

Vrednost 210465 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52451
1 Marked 7
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrnap Discrimination of respondent's group: not applicable

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? Not applicable

Vrednost 211464 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 3469
1 Marked 48989
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dscrna Discrimination of respondent's group: no answer

C25. On what grounds is your group discriminated against? No answer

Vrednost 212463 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52350
1 Marked 108
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

ctzcntr Citizen of country ASK ALL

C26. Are you a citizen of [country]?

Vrednost 213462 Frekvenca
1 Yes 50406
2 No 2025
7 Refusal 3
8 Don't know 3
9 No answer 21
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52431 27

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

ctzshipb Citizenship

C27. What citizenship do you hold?

Vrednost 214461 Frekvenca
01 DDR 0
02 USSR 1
03 Czechoslovakia 0
04 Yugoslavia 17
05 East Timor 0
06 Serbia and Montenegro 9
65 Alien passport 87
77 Refusal 2
88 Don't know 3
AD Andorra 0
AE United Arab Emirates 0
AF Afghanistan 3
AG Antigua and Barbuda 0
AI Anguilla 0
AL Albania 120
AM Armenia 2
AN Netherlands Antilles 0
AO Angola 11
AQ Antarctica 0
AR Argentina 9
AS American Samoa 0
AT Austria 15
AU Australia 3
AW Aruba 1
AX Åland Islands 0
AZ Azerbaijan 5
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 15
BB Barbados 0
BD Bangladesh 1
BE Belgium 10
BF Burkina Faso 0
BG Bulgaria 28
BH Bahrain 0
BI Burundi 1
BJ Benin 0
BL Saint Barthélemy 0
BM Bermuda 0
BN Brunei Darussalam 0
BO Bolivia 6
BR Brazil 47
BS Bahamas 0
BT Bhutan 0
BV Bouvet Island 0
BW Botswana 1
BY Belarus 7
BZ Belize 0
CA Canada 4
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands 0
CD Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 4
CF Central African Republic 0
CG Congo 8
CH Switzerland 4
CI Cote D'ivoire 1
CK Cook Islands 0
CL Chile 7
CM Cameroon 3
CN China 12
CO Colombia 6
CR Costa Rica 0
CU Cuba 4
CV Cape Verde 5
CX Christmas Island 0
CY Cyprus 7
CZ Czech Republic 17
DE Germany 79
DJ Djibouti 0
DK Denmark 19
DM Dominica 0
DO Dominican Republic 2
DZ Algeria 9
EC Ecuador 9
EE Estonia 9
EG Egypt 1
EH Western Sahara 0
ER Eritrea 2
ES Spain 19
ET Ethiopia 0
FI Finland 15
FJ Fiji 0
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 0
FM Micronesia, Federated States Of 0
FO Faroe Islands 0
FR France 56
GA Gabon 0
GB United Kingdom 86
GD Grenada 0
GE Georgia 10
GF French Guiana 0
GH Ghana 6
GI Gibraltar 0
GL Greenland 0
GM Gambia 3
GN Guinea 7
GP Guadeloupe 0
GQ Equatorial Guinea 0
GR Greece 25
GS South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands 0
GT Guatemala 0
GU Guam 0
GW Guinea-Bissau 0
GY Guyana 0
HK Hong Kong 0
HM Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands 0
HN Honduras 1
HR Croatia 14
HT Haiti 1
HU Hungary 12
ID Indonesia 3
IE Ireland 10
IL Israel 1
IN India 27
IO British Indian Ocean Territory 0
IQ Iraq 18
IR Iran, Islamic Republic of 6
IS Iceland 5
IT Italy 95
JE Jersey 0
JM Jamaica 1
JO Jordan 0
JP Japan 2
KE Kenya 1
KG Kyrgyzstan 3
KH Cambodia 1
KI Kiribati 0
KM Comoros 0
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis 0
KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1
KR Korea, Republic of 1
KW Kuwait 0
KY Cayman Islands 0
KZ Kazakhstan 3
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic 0
LB Lebanon 5
LC Saint Lucia 0
LI Liechtenstein 1
LK Sri Lanka 5
LR Liberia 0
LS Lesotho 0
LT Lithuania 18
LU Luxembourg 2
LV Latvia 20
LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1
MA Morocco 31
MC Monaco 0
MD Moldova 6
ME Montenegro 0
MF Saint Martin 0
MG Madagascar 2
MH Marshall Islands 0
MK Macedonia 15
ML Mali 0
MM Myanmar 0
MN Mongolia 0
MO Macao 1
MP Northern Mariana Islands 0
MQ Martinique 0
MR Mauritania 0
MS Montserrat 0
MT Malta 0
MU Mauritius 2
MV Maldives 0
MW Malawi 0
MX Mexico 2
MY Malaysia 4
MZ Mozambique 4
NA Namibia 0
NC New Caledonia 0
NE Niger 0
NF Norfolk Island 0
NG Nigeria 23
NI Nicaragua 0
NL Netherlands 33
NO Norway 11
NP Nepal 2
NR Nauru 0
NU Niue 0
NZ New Zealand 1
OM Oman 0
PA Panama 0
PE Peru 4
PF French Polynesia 0
PG Papua New Guinea 0
PH Philippines 15
PK Pakistan 24
PL Poland 138
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0
PN Pitcairn 0
PR Puerto Rico 0
PS Palestinian Territory, Occupied 2
PT Portugal 33
PW Palau 0
PY Paraguay 3
QA Qatar 0
RE Reunion 1
RO Romania 77
RS Serbia 17
RU Russian Federation 175
RW Rwanda 2
SA Saudi Arabia 1
SB Solomon Islands 0
SC Seychelles 0
SD Sudan 1
SE Sweden 22
SG Singapore 1
SH Saint Helena 0
SI Slovenia 1
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen 0
SK Slovakia 12
SL Sierra Leone 0
SM San Marino 0
SN Senegal 5
SO Somalia 8
SR Suriname 0
ST Sao Tome and Principe 1
SV El Salvador 0
SY Syrian Arab Republic 4
SZ Swaziland 0
TC Turks and Caicos Islands 0
TD Chad 0
TF French Southern Territories 0
TG Togo 3
TH Thailand 8
TJ Tajikistan 0
TK Tokelau 0
TL Timor-Leste 0
TM Turkmenistan 0
TN Tunisia 7
TO Tonga 0
TR Turkey 65
TT Trinidad and Tobago 0
TV Tuvalu 0
TW Taiwan, Province of China 0
TZ Tanzania, United Republic of 1
UA Ukraine 30
UG Uganda 1
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands 0
US United States 28
UY Uruguay 0
UZ Uzbekistan 2
VA Holy See (Vatican City State) 0
VC Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 0
VE Venezuela 7
VG Virgin Islands, British 0
VI Virgin Islands, U.S. 0
VN Viet Nam 1
VU Vanuatu 0
WF Wallis and Futuna 0
WS Samoa 0
YE Yemen 0
YT Mayotte 0
ZA South Africa 5
ZM Zambia 0
ZW Zimbabwe 4
66 Not applicable 50407
99 No answer 104
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1947 50511

brncntr Born in country ASK ALL

C28. Were you born in [country]?

Vrednost 215460 Frekvenca
1 Yes 47479
2 No 4926
7 Refusal 2
8 Don't know 5
9 No answer 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52405 53

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

cntbrthb Country of birth

C29. In which country were you born?

Vrednost 216459 Frekvenca
01 DDR 0
02 USSR 20
03 Czechoslovakia 11
04 Yugoslavia 57
05 East Timor 0
06 Serbia and Montenegro 7
65 Alien passport 0
77 Refusal 5
88 Don't know 9
AD Andorra 0
AE United Arab Emirates 0
AF Afghanistan 9
AG Antigua and Barbuda 1
AI Anguilla 0
AL Albania 140
AM Armenia 11
AN Netherlands Antilles 4
AO Angola 29
AQ Antarctica 0
AR Argentina 24
AS American Samoa 0
AT Austria 35
AU Australia 15
AW Aruba 4
AX Åland Islands 1
AZ Azerbaijan 19
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 220
BB Barbados 0
BD Bangladesh 11
BE Belgium 21
BF Burkina Faso 0
BG Bulgaria 37
BH Bahrain 0
BI Burundi 3
BJ Benin 1
BL Saint Barthélemy 0
BM Bermuda 0
BN Brunei Darussalam 0
BO Bolivia 7
BR Brazil 66
BS Bahamas 0
BT Bhutan 0
BV Bouvet Island 0
BW Botswana 1
BY Belarus 92
BZ Belize 0
CA Canada 17
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands 0
CD Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 16
CF Central African Republic 0
CG Congo 9
CH Switzerland 9
CI Cote D'ivoire 4
CK Cook Islands 0
CL Chile 20
CM Cameroon 4
CN China 19
CO Colombia 21
CR Costa Rica 1
CU Cuba 6
CV Cape Verde 18
CX Christmas Island 0
CY Cyprus 6
CZ Czech Republic 63
DE Germany 196
DJ Djibouti 0
DK Denmark 18
DM Dominica 0
DO Dominican Republic 5
DZ Algeria 47
EC Ecuador 21
EE Estonia 11
EG Egypt 21
EH Western Sahara 0
ER Eritrea 5
ES Spain 29
ET Ethiopia 39
FI Finland 35
FJ Fiji 0
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 0
FM Micronesia, Federated States Of 0
FO Faroe Islands 2
FR France 111
GA Gabon 2
GB United Kingdom 175
GD Grenada 1
GE Georgia 38
GF French Guiana 0
GH Ghana 12
GI Gibraltar 1
GL Greenland 2
GM Gambia 4
GN Guinea 9
GP Guadeloupe 0
GQ Equatorial Guinea 0
GR Greece 26
GS South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands 0
GT Guatemala 3
GU Guam 0
GW Guinea-Bissau 0
GY Guyana 3
HK Hong Kong 5
HM Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands 0
HN Honduras 1
HR Croatia 52
HT Haiti 1
HU Hungary 37
ID Indonesia 17
IE Ireland 19
IL Israel 4
IN India 72
IO British Indian Ocean Territory 0
IQ Iraq 69
IR Iran, Islamic Republic of 50
IS Iceland 6
IT Italy 93
JE Jersey 1
JM Jamaica 12
JO Jordan 4
JP Japan 5
KE Kenya 9
KG Kyrgyzstan 11
KH Cambodia 3
KI Kiribati 0
KM Comoros 0
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis 0
KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 3
KR Korea, Republic of 11
KW Kuwait 2
KY Cayman Islands 0
KZ Kazakhstan 91
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic 0
LB Lebanon 25
LC Saint Lucia 1
LI Liechtenstein 1
LK Sri Lanka 16
LR Liberia 1
LS Lesotho 0
LT Lithuania 29
LU Luxembourg 3
LV Latvia 34
LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 18
MA Morocco 157
MC Monaco 0
MD Moldova 31
ME Montenegro 1
MF Saint Martin 0
MG Madagascar 6
MH Marshall Islands 0
MK Macedonia 25
ML Mali 0
MM Myanmar 0
MN Mongolia 0
MO Macao 2
MP Northern Mariana Islands 0
MQ Martinique 0
MR Mauritania 1
MS Montserrat 0
MT Malta 1
MU Mauritius 5
MV Maldives 0
MW Malawi 0
MX Mexico 6
MY Malaysia 7
MZ Mozambique 14
NA Namibia 0
NC New Caledonia 0
NE Niger 0
NF Norfolk Island 0
NG Nigeria 32
NI Nicaragua 1
NL Netherlands 33
NO Norway 16
NP Nepal 3
NR Nauru 0
NU Niue 0
NZ New Zealand 3
OM Oman 0
PA Panama 1
PE Peru 13
PF French Polynesia 0
PG Papua New Guinea 0
PH Philippines 24
PK Pakistan 40
PL Poland 238
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0
PN Pitcairn 0
PR Puerto Rico 1
PS Palestinian Territory, Occupied 2
PT Portugal 34
PW Palau 0
PY Paraguay 4
QA Qatar 0
RE Reunion 1
RO Romania 179
RS Serbia 40
RU Russian Federation 616
RW Rwanda 5
SA Saudi Arabia 2
SB Solomon Islands 0
SC Seychelles 0
SD Sudan 2
SE Sweden 46
SG Singapore 3
SH Saint Helena 0
SI Slovenia 11
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen 0
SK Slovakia 44
SL Sierra Leone 1
SM San Marino 0
SN Senegal 8
SO Somalia 17
SR Suriname 8
ST Sao Tome and Principe 1
SV El Salvador 0
SY Syrian Arab Republic 31
SZ Swaziland 0
TC Turks and Caicos Islands 0
TD Chad 0
TF French Southern Territories 0
TG Togo 5
TH Thailand 14
TJ Tajikistan 13
TK Tokelau 0
TL Timor-Leste 0
TM Turkmenistan 4
TN Tunisia 36
TO Tonga 0
TR Turkey 114
TT Trinidad and Tobago 2
TV Tuvalu 0
TW Taiwan, Province of China 2
TZ Tanzania, United Republic of 2
UA Ukraine 189
UG Uganda 2
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands 0
US United States 61
UY Uruguay 7
UZ Uzbekistan 47
VA Holy See (Vatican City State) 0
VC Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 0
VE Venezuela 17
VG Virgin Islands, British 0
VI Virgin Islands, U.S. 0
VN Viet Nam 13
VU Vanuatu 0
WF Wallis and Futuna 0
WS Samoa 0
YE Yemen 27
YT Mayotte 0
ZA South Africa 15
ZM Zambia 1
ZW Zimbabwe 9
66 Not applicable 47467
99 No answer 100
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4891 47567

livecnta What year you first came to live in country

C30. What year did you first come to live in [country]?

Vrednost 217458 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 47467
7777 Refusal 4
8888 Don't know 95
9999 No answer 92
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4800 47658 1916 2011 1982.928 19.826

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1916 do 2011

lnghom1 Language most often spoken at home: first mentioned ASK ALL

C31. What language or languages do you speak most often at home? Language 1

Vrednost 218457 Frekvenca
777 Refusal 3
888 Don't know 202
AAR Afar 0
ABK Abkhazian 0
ACE Achinese 0
ACH Acoli 0
ADA Adangme 0
ADY Adyghe; Adygei 1
AFA Afro-Asiatic (Other) 0
AFH Afrihili 0
AFR Afrikaans 2
AIN Ainu 0
AKA Akan 1
AKK Akkadian 0
ALB Albanian 65
ALE Aleut 0
ALG Algonquian languages 0
AMH Amharic 17
ANG English, Old (ca.450-1100) 0
ANP Angika 0
APA Apache languages 0
ARA Arabic 469
ARC Aramaic 0
ARG Aragonese 0
ARM Armenian 4
ARN Mapudungun, Mapuche 0
ARP Arapaho 0
ART Artificial (Other) 0
ARW Arawak 0
ASM Assamese 0
AST Asturian, Bable 1
ATH Athapascan languages 0
AUS Australian languages 0
AVA Avaric 4
AVE Avestan 0
AWA Awadhi 0
AYM Aymara 0
AZE Azerbaijani 9
BAD Banda 0
BAI Bamileke languages 0
BAK Bashkir 9
BAL Baluchi 0
BAM Bambara 1
BAN Balinese 0
BAQ Basque 8
BAS Basa 0
BAT Baltic (Other) 0
BEJ Beja 0
BEL Belarusian 1
BEM Bemba 0
BEN Bengali 6
BER Berber (Other) 4
BHO Bhojpuri 0
BIH Bihari 0
BIK Bikol 0
BIN Bini 0
BIS Bislama 0
BLA Siksika 0
BNT Bantu (Other) 0
BOS Bosnian 28
BRA Braj 0
BRE Breton 1
BTK Batak (Indonesia) 0
BUA Buriat 0
BUG Buginese 0
BUL Bulgarian 2121
BUR Burmese 0
BYN Blin, Bilin 0
CAD Caddo 0
CAI Central American Indian (Other) 0
CAR Galibi Carib 0
CAT Catalan 95
CAU Caucasian (Other) 11
CEB Cebuano 0
CEL Celtic (Other) 0
CHA Chamorro 0
CHB Chibcha 0
CHE Chechen 1
CHG Chagatai 0
CHI Chinese 10
CHK Chuukese 0
CHM Mari 2
CHN Chinook jargon 0
CHO Choctaw 0
CHP Chipewyan 0
CHR Cherokee 1
CHU Old/Church Slavic, Slavonic, Bulgarian 0
CHV Chuvash 3
CHY Cheyenne 0
CMC Chamic languages 0
COP Coptic 0
COR Cornish 0
COS Corsican 0
CPE Creoles and pidgins, English-based (Other) 0
CPF Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other) 7
CPP Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other) 7
CRE Cree 0
CRH Crimean Tatar; Crimean Turkish 0
CRP Creoles and pidgins(Other) 0
CSB Kashubian 0
CUS Cushitic (Other) 0
CZE Czech 2395
DAK Dakota 0
DAN Danish 1532
DAR Dargwa 10
DAY Dayak 0
DEL Delaware 0
DEN Slave (Athapascan) 0
DGR Dogrib 0
DIN Dinka 0
DIV Divehi 0
DOI Dogri 0
DRA Dravidian (Other) 2
DSB Lower Sorbian 0
DUA Duala 0
DUM Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350) 0
DUT Dutch 2756
DYU Dyula 0
DZO Dzongkha 0
EFI Efik 0
EGY Egyptian (Ancient) 0
EKA Ekajuk 0
ELX Elamite 0
ENG English 4759
ENM English, Middle (1100-1500) 0
EPO Esperanto 0
EST Estonian 1415
EWE Ewe 0
EWO Ewondo 0
FAN Fang 0
FAO Faroese 0
FAT Fanti 0
FIJ Fijian 0
FIL Filipino; Pilipino 1
FIN Finnish 1743
FIU Finno-Ugrian (Other) 0
FON Fon 0
FRE French 2550
FRM French, Middle (ca.1400-1600) 0
FRO French, Old (842-ca.1400) 0
FRR Northern Frisian 0
FRS Eastern Frisian 0
FRY Western Frisian 24
FUL Fulah 2
FUR Friulian 0
GAA Ga 0
GAY Gayo 0
GBA Gbaya 0
GEM Germanic (Other) 0
GEO Georgian 4
GER German 2826
GEZ Geez 0
GIL Gilbertese 0
GLA Gaelic Scottish 2
GLE Irish 13
GLG Gallegan 21
GLV Manx 0
GMH German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500) 1
GOH German, Old High (ca.750-1050) 0
GON Gondi 0
GOR Gorontalo 0
GOT Gothic 0
GRB Grebo 0
GRC Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 0
GRE Greek, Modern (1453-) 3735
GRN Guarani 1
GSW Swiss German, Alemannic, Alsatian 919
GUJ Gujarati 5
GWI Gwich´in 0
HAI Haida 0
HAT Haitian; Haitian Creole 0
HAU Hausa 0
HAW Hawaiian 0
HEB Hebrew 1604
HER Herero 0
HIL Hiligaynon 0
HIM Himachali languages, Western Pahari languages 0
HIN Hindi 14
HIT Hittite 0
HMN Hmong 0
HMO Hiri Motu 0
HRV Croatian 1629
HSB Upper Sorbian 0
HUN Hungarian 1717
HUP Hupa 0
IBA Iban 0
IBO Igbo 0
ICE Icelandic 3
IDO Ido 0
III Sichuan Yi; Nuosu 0
IJO Ijo 0
IKU Inuktitut 0
ILE Interlingue 0
ILO Iloko 0
INA Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) 0
INC Indic (Other) 3
IND Indonesian 1
INE Indo-European (Other) 1
INH Ingush 0
IPK Inupiaq 0
IRA Iranian (Other) 4
IRO Iroquoian languages 0
ITA Italian 100
JAV Javanese 0
JBO Lojban 0
JPN Japanese 1
JPR Judeo-Persian 0
JRB Judeo-Arabic 0
KAA Kara-Kalpak 0
KAB Kabyle 1
KAC Kachin 0
KAL Kalaallisut 0
KAM Kamba 0
KAN Kannada 0
KAR Karen 0
KAS Kashmiri 0
KAU Kanuri 0
KAW Kawi 0
KAZ Kazakh 0
KBD Kabardian 2
KHA Khasi 0
KHI Khoisan (Other) 0
KHM Central Khmer 1
KHO Khotanese 0
KIK Kikuyu 0
KIN Kinyarwanda 2
KIR Kirghiz 1
KMB Kimbundu 0
KOK Konkani 0
KOM Komi 0
KON Kongo 0
KOR Korean 3
KOS Kosraean 0
KPE Kpelle 0
KRC Karachay-Balkar 0
KRL Karelian 0
KRO Kru 0
KRU Kurukh 0
KUA Kuanyama 0
KUM Kumyk 4
KUR Kurdish 16
KUT Kutenai 0
LAD Ladino 0
LAH Lahnda 0
LAM Lamba 0
LAO Lao 0
LAT Latin 2
LAV Latvian 7
LEZ Lezghian 4
LIM Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish 0
LIN Lingala 3
LIT Lithuanian 1566
LOL Mongo 0
LOZ Lozi 0
LTZ Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch 3
LUA Luba-Lulua 0
LUB Luba-Katanga 0
LUG Ganda 0
LUI Luiseno 0
LUN Lunda 0
LUO Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) 0
LUS Lushai 0
MAC Macedonian 4
MAD Madurese 0
MAG Magahi 0
MAH Marshallese 0
MAI Maithili 0
MAK Makasar 0
MAL Malayalam 6
MAN Mandingo 1
MAO Maori 0
MAP Austronesian (Other) 0
MAR Marathi 0
MAS Masai 0
MAY Malay 3
MDF Moksha 0
MDR Mandar 1
MEN Mende 0
MGA Irish, Middle (900-1200) 0
MIC Micmac, Mi’kmaq 0
MIN Minangkabau 0
MIS Uncoded languages 0
MKH Mon-Khmer (Other) 1
MLG Malagasy 1
MLT Maltese 0
MNC Manchu 0
MNI Manipuri 0
MNO Manobo languages 0
MOH Mohawk 0
MON Mongolian 0
MOS Mossi 0
MUL Multiple languages 0
MUN Munda languages 0
MUS Creek 0
MWL Mirandese 0
MWR Marwari 0
MYN Mayan languages 0
MYV Erzya 0
NAH Nahuatl 0
NAI North American Indian (Other) 0
NAP Neapolitan 0
NAU Nauru 0
NAV Navaho 0
NBL Ndebele, South 0
NDE Ndebele, North 0
NDO Ndonga 0
NDS Low German, Saxon 0
NEP Nepali 0
NEW Newari 0
NIA Nias 0
NIC Niger-Kordofanian (Other) 0
NIU Niuean 0
NNO Norwegian Nynorsk 0
NOB Norwegian Bokmål 0
NOG Nogai 0
NON Norse, Old 0
NOR Norwegian 1435
NQO N’Ko 0
NSO Nothern Sotho, Pedi, Sepedi 0
NUB Nubian languages 0
NWC Classical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal Bhasa 0
NYA Chewa, Chichewa, Nyanja 0
NYM Nyamwezi 0
NYN Nyankole 0
NYO Nyoro 0
NZI Nzima 0
OCI Occitan (post 1500) 1
OJI Ojibwa 0
ORI Oriya 0
ORM Oromo 1
OSA Osage 0
OSS Ossetian 11
OTA Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928) 0
OTO Otomian languages 0
PAA Papuan (Other) 0
PAG Pangasinan 0
PAL Pahlavi 0
PAM Pampanga 0
PAN Panjabi 19
PAP Papiamento 1
PAU Palauan 0
PEO Persian, Old (ca.600-400) 0
PER Persian 24
PHI Philippine (Other) 4
PHN Phoenician 0
PLI Pali 0
POL Polish 1913
PON Pohnpeian 0
POR Portuguese 2163
PRA Prakrit languages 0
PRO Provençal, Old (to 1500) 2
PUS Pushto 0
QAA Local language, Italy 0
QPL Local language, Poland 1
QUE Quechua 0
RAJ Rajasthani 0
RAP Rapanui 0
RAR Rarotongan 0
ROA Romance (Other) 0
ROH Romansh 9
ROM Romany 91
RUM Romanian 55
RUN Rundi 0
RUP Aromanian, Arumanian, Macedo-Romanian 0
RUS Russian 4120
SAD Sandawe 0
SAG Sango 0
SAH Yakut 0
SAI South American Indian (Other) 0
SAL Salishan languages 0
SAM Samaritan Aramaic 0
SAN Sanskrit 0
SAS Sasak 0
SAT Santali 0
SCN Sicilian 0
SCO Scots 25
SEL Selkup 0
SEM Semitic (Other) 1
SGA Irish, Old (to 900) 0
SGN Sign languages 0
SHN Shan 0
SID Sidamo 0
SIN Sinhalese, Sinhala 1
SIO Siouan languages 0
SIT Sino-Tibetan (Other) 0
SLA Slavic (Other) 1
SLO Slovak 1667
SLV Slovenian 1363
SMA Southern Sami 0
SME Northern Sami 0
SMI Sami languages (Other) 2
SMJ Lule Sami 0
SMN Inari Sami 0
SMO Samoan 0
SMS Skolt Sami 0
SNA Shona 2
SND Sindhi 0
SNK Soninke 1
SOG Sogdian 0
SOM Somali 14
SON Songhai 0
SOT Sotho, Southern 0
SPA Spanish, Castilian 1781
SRD Sardinian 0
SRN Sranan Tongo 0
SRP Serbian 38
SRR Serer 0
SSA Nilo-Saharan (Other) 0
SSW Swati 0
SUK Sukuma 0
SUN Sundanese 1
SUS Susu 0
SUX Sumerian 0
SWA Swahili 0
SWE Swedish 1511
SYC Classical Syriac 0
SYR Syriac 4
TAH Tahitian 0
TAI Tai (Other) 1
TAM Tamil 16
TAT Tatar 15
TEL Telugu 3
TEM Timne 0
TER Tereno 0
TET Tetum 0
TGK Tajik 0
TGL Tagalog 2
THA Thai 3
THL Klingon; tlhIngan-Hol 0
TIB Tibetan 2
TIG Tigre 0
TIR Tigrinya 3
TIV Tiv 0
TKL Tokelau 0
TLI Tlingit 0
TMH Tamashek 0
TOG Tonga (Nyasa) 0
TON Tonga (Tonga Islands) 0
TPI Tok Pisin 0
TSI Tsimshian 0
TSN Tswana 0
TSO Tsonga 0
TUK Turkmen 0
TUM Tumbuka 0
TUP Tupi languages 0
TUR Turkish 335
TUT Altaic (Other) 0
TVL Tuvalu 0
TWI Twi 1
TYV Tuvinian 2
UDM Udmurt 9
UGA Ugaritic 0
UIG Uighur 1
UKR Ukrainian 1049
UMB Umbundu 0
UND Undetermined 1
URD Urdu 24
UZB Uzbek 3
VAI Vai 0
VEN Venda 0
VIE Vietnamese 7
VOL Volapük 0
VOT Votic 0
WAK Wakashan languages 0
WAL Wolaitta, Wolaytta 0
WAR Waray 0
WAS Washo 0
WEL Welsh 12
WEN Sorbian languages 0
WLN Walloon 0
WOL Wolof 2
XAL Kalmyk, Oriat 0
XHO Xhosa 0
YAO Yao 0
YAP Yapese 0
YID Yiddish 6
YOR Yoruba 1
YPK Yupik languages 0
ZAA Zaza, Dimili, Dimli, Kirdki, Kirmanjki, Zazaki 0
ZAP Zapotec 0
ZBL Blissymbols, Blissymbolics, Bliss 0
ZEN Zenaga 0
ZHA Zhuang, Chuang 0
ZND Zande 0
ZUL Zulu 1
ZUN Zuni 0
ZXX No linguistic content; Not applicable 21
999 No answer 157
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52301 157

lnghom2 Language most often spoken at home: second mentioned ASK ALL

C31. What language or languages do you speak most often at home? Language 2

Vrednost 219456 Frekvenca
777 Refusal 2
888 Don't know 198
AAR Afar 0
ABK Abkhazian 0
ACE Achinese 0
ACH Acoli 0
ADA Adangme 0
ADY Adyghe; Adygei 0
AFA Afro-Asiatic (Other) 0
AFH Afrihili 0
AFR Afrikaans 1
AIN Ainu 0
AKA Akan 0
AKK Akkadian 0
ALB Albanian 108
ALE Aleut 0
ALG Algonquian languages 0
AMH Amharic 22
ANG English, Old (ca.450-1100) 0
ANP Angika 0
APA Apache languages 0
ARA Arabic 148
ARC Aramaic 0
ARG Aragonese 0
ARM Armenian 7
ARN Mapudungun, Mapuche 0
ARP Arapaho 0
ART Artificial (Other) 0
ARW Arawak 0
ASM Assamese 0
AST Asturian, Bable 0
ATH Athapascan languages 0
AUS Australian languages 0
AVA Avaric 0
AVE Avestan 0
AWA Awadhi 0
AYM Aymara 0
AZE Azerbaijani 1
BAD Banda 0
BAI Bamileke languages 0
BAK Bashkir 7
BAL Baluchi 0
BAM Bambara 0
BAN Balinese 0
BAQ Basque 20
BAS Basa 0
BAT Baltic (Other) 0
BEJ Beja 0
BEL Belarusian 5
BEM Bemba 0
BEN Bengali 6
BER Berber (Other) 5
BHO Bhojpuri 0
BIH Bihari 0
BIK Bikol 0
BIN Bini 0
BIS Bislama 0
BLA Siksika 0
BNT Bantu (Other) 0
BOS Bosnian 20
BRA Braj 0
BRE Breton 0
BTK Batak (Indonesia) 0
BUA Buriat 1
BUG Buginese 0
BUL Bulgarian 161
BUR Burmese 0
BYN Blin, Bilin 0
CAD Caddo 0
CAI Central American Indian (Other) 0
CAR Galibi Carib 0
CAT Catalan 135
CAU Caucasian (Other) 2
CEB Cebuano 1
CEL Celtic (Other) 0
CHA Chamorro 0
CHB Chibcha 0
CHE Chechen 1
CHG Chagatai 0
CHI Chinese 7
CHK Chuukese 0
CHM Mari 1
CHN Chinook jargon 0
CHO Choctaw 0
CHP Chipewyan 0
CHR Cherokee 0
CHU Old/Church Slavic, Slavonic, Bulgarian 0
CHV Chuvash 10
CHY Cheyenne 0
CMC Chamic languages 0
COP Coptic 0
COR Cornish 0
COS Corsican 0
CPE Creoles and pidgins, English-based (Other) 0
CPF Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other) 1
CPP Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other) 10
CRE Cree 0
CRH Crimean Tatar; Crimean Turkish 0
CRP Creoles and pidgins(Other) 0
CSB Kashubian 2
CUS Cushitic (Other) 0
CZE Czech 22
DAK Dakota 0
DAN Danish 38
DAR Dargwa 0
DAY Dayak 0
DEL Delaware 0
DEN Slave (Athapascan) 0
DGR Dogrib 0
DIN Dinka 0
DIV Divehi 0
DOI Dogri 0
DRA Dravidian (Other) 0
DSB Lower Sorbian 0
DUA Duala 0
DUM Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350) 0
DUT Dutch 65
DYU Dyula 0
DZO Dzongkha 0
EFI Efik 0
EGY Egyptian (Ancient) 0
EKA Ekajuk 0
ELX Elamite 0
ENG English 983
ENM English, Middle (1100-1500) 0
EPO Esperanto 0
EST Estonian 3
EWE Ewe 0
EWO Ewondo 0
FAN Fang 0
FAO Faroese 3
FAT Fanti 0
FIJ Fijian 0
FIL Filipino; Pilipino 0
FIN Finnish 60
FIU Finno-Ugrian (Other) 0
FON Fon 0
FRE French 261
FRM French, Middle (ca.1400-1600) 0
FRO French, Old (842-ca.1400) 0
FRR Northern Frisian 0
FRS Eastern Frisian 0
FRY Western Frisian 21
FUL Fulah 0
FUR Friulian 0
GAA Ga 0
GAY Gayo 0
GBA Gbaya 0
GEM Germanic (Other) 0
GEO Georgian 11
GER German 427
GEZ Geez 0
GIL Gilbertese 0
GLA Gaelic Scottish 0
GLE Irish 90
GLG Gallegan 69
GLV Manx 0
GMH German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500) 0
GOH German, Old High (ca.750-1050) 1
GON Gondi 0
GOR Gorontalo 0
GOT Gothic 0
GRB Grebo 0
GRC Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 0
GRE Greek, Modern (1453-) 21
GRN Guarani 0
GSW Swiss German, Alemannic, Alsatian 127
GUJ Gujarati 7
GWI Gwich´in 0
HAI Haida 0
HAT Haitian; Haitian Creole 0
HAU Hausa 0
HAW Hawaiian 0
HEB Hebrew 351
HER Herero 0
HIL Hiligaynon 0
HIM Himachali languages, Western Pahari languages 0
HIN Hindi 8
HIT Hittite 0
HMN Hmong 0
HMO Hiri Motu 0
HRV Croatian 43
HSB Upper Sorbian 0
HUN Hungarian 78
HUP Hupa 0
IBA Iban 0
IBO Igbo 0
ICE Icelandic 0
IDO Ido 0
III Sichuan Yi; Nuosu 0
IJO Ijo 0
IKU Inuktitut 0
ILE Interlingue 0
ILO Iloko 0
INA Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) 0
INC Indic (Other) 7
IND Indonesian 2
INE Indo-European (Other) 0
INH Ingush 0
IPK Inupiaq 0
IRA Iranian (Other) 1
IRO Iroquoian languages 0
ITA Italian 146
JAV Javanese 0
JBO Lojban 0
JPN Japanese 4
JPR Judeo-Persian 0
JRB Judeo-Arabic 0
KAA Kara-Kalpak 0
KAB Kabyle 0
KAC Kachin 0
KAL Kalaallisut 0
KAM Kamba 0
KAN Kannada 0
KAR Karen 0
KAS Kashmiri 0
KAU Kanuri 0
KAW Kawi 0
KAZ Kazakh 1
KBD Kabardian 6
KHA Khasi 0
KHI Khoisan (Other) 0
KHM Central Khmer 0
KHO Khotanese 0
KIK Kikuyu 0
KIN Kinyarwanda 2
KIR Kirghiz 0
KMB Kimbundu 0
KOK Konkani 0
KOM Komi 0
KON Kongo 0
KOR Korean 1
KOS Kosraean 0
KPE Kpelle 0
KRC Karachay-Balkar 0
KRL Karelian 6
KRO Kru 0
KRU Kurukh 0
KUA Kuanyama 0
KUM Kumyk 0
KUR Kurdish 10
KUT Kutenai 0
LAD Ladino 1
LAH Lahnda 1
LAM Lamba 0
LAO Lao 0
LAT Latin 2
LAV Latvian 2
LEZ Lezghian 1
LIM Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish 0
LIN Lingala 0
LIT Lithuanian 10
LOL Mongo 0
LOZ Lozi 0
LTZ Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch 1
LUA Luba-Lulua 0
LUB Luba-Katanga 0
LUG Ganda 0
LUI Luiseno 0
LUN Lunda 0
LUO Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) 0
LUS Lushai 0
MAC Macedonian 3
MAD Madurese 0
MAG Magahi 0
MAH Marshallese 0
MAI Maithili 0
MAK Makasar 1
MAL Malayalam 1
MAN Mandingo 0
MAO Maori 0
MAP Austronesian (Other) 0
MAR Marathi 0
MAS Masai 0
MAY Malay 0
MDF Moksha 1
MDR Mandar 0
MEN Mende 0
MGA Irish, Middle (900-1200) 0
MIC Micmac, Mi’kmaq 0
MIN Minangkabau 0
MIS Uncoded languages 2
MKH Mon-Khmer (Other) 0
MLG Malagasy 0
MLT Maltese 0
MNC Manchu 0
MNI Manipuri 0
MNO Manobo languages 0
MOH Mohawk 0
MON Mongolian 0
MOS Mossi 0
MUL Multiple languages 1
MUN Munda languages 0
MUS Creek 0
MWL Mirandese 0
MWR Marwari 0
MYN Mayan languages 0
MYV Erzya 0
NAH Nahuatl 0
NAI North American Indian (Other) 0
NAP Neapolitan 0
NAU Nauru 0
NAV Navaho 0
NBL Ndebele, South 0
NDE Ndebele, North 0
NDO Ndonga 0
NDS Low German, Saxon 0
NEP Nepali 1
NEW Newari 0
NIA Nias 0
NIC Niger-Kordofanian (Other) 3
NIU Niuean 0
NNO Norwegian Nynorsk 0
NOB Norwegian Bokmål 0
NOG Nogai 0
NON Norse, Old 0
NOR Norwegian 30
NQO N’Ko 0
NSO Nothern Sotho, Pedi, Sepedi 0
NUB Nubian languages 0
NWC Classical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal Bhasa 0
NYA Chewa, Chichewa, Nyanja 0
NYM Nyamwezi 0
NYN Nyankole 0
NYO Nyoro 0
NZI Nzima 0
OCI Occitan (post 1500) 0
OJI Ojibwa 0
ORI Oriya 0
ORM Oromo 0
OSA Osage 0
OSS Ossetian 4
OTA Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928) 0
OTO Otomian languages 0
PAA Papuan (Other) 1
PAG Pangasinan 0
PAL Pahlavi 0
PAM Pampanga 0
PAN Panjabi 7
PAP Papiamento 5
PAU Palauan 0
PEO Persian, Old (ca.600-400) 0
PER Persian 17
PHI Philippine (Other) 4
PHN Phoenician 0
PLI Pali 0
POL Polish 78
PON Pohnpeian 0
POR Portuguese 38
PRA Prakrit languages 0
PRO Provençal, Old (to 1500) 0
PUS Pushto 0
QAA Local language, Italy 0
QPL Local language, Poland 1
QUE Quechua 0
RAJ Rajasthani 0
RAP Rapanui 0
RAR Rarotongan 0
ROA Romance (Other) 0
ROH Romansh 3
ROM Romany 66
RUM Romanian 53
RUN Rundi 0
RUP Aromanian, Arumanian, Macedo-Romanian 0
RUS Russian 323
SAD Sandawe 0
SAG Sango 0
SAH Yakut 0
SAI South American Indian (Other) 0
SAL Salishan languages 0
SAM Samaritan Aramaic 0
SAN Sanskrit 0
SAS Sasak 0
SAT Santali 0
SCN Sicilian 0
SCO Scots 3
SEL Selkup 0
SEM Semitic (Other) 0
SGA Irish, Old (to 900) 0
SGN Sign languages 2
SHN Shan 0
SID Sidamo 0
SIN Sinhalese, Sinhala 0
SIO Siouan languages 0
SIT Sino-Tibetan (Other) 0
SLA Slavic (Other) 0
SLO Slovak 87
SLV Slovenian 28
SMA Southern Sami 0
SME Northern Sami 0
SMI Sami languages (Other) 3
SMJ Lule Sami 0
SMN Inari Sami 0
SMO Samoan 0
SMS Skolt Sami 0
SNA Shona 3
SND Sindhi 0
SNK Soninke 0
SOG Sogdian 0
SOM Somali 2
SON Songhai 0
SOT Sotho, Southern 0
SPA Spanish, Castilian 110
SRD Sardinian 0
SRN Sranan Tongo 0
SRP Serbian 40
SRR Serer 0
SSA Nilo-Saharan (Other) 0
SSW Swati 0
SUK Sukuma 0
SUN Sundanese 0
SUS Susu 0
SUX Sumerian 0
SWA Swahili 2
SWE Swedish 109
SYC Classical Syriac 0
SYR Syriac 3
TAH Tahitian 0
TAI Tai (Other) 1
TAM Tamil 0
TAT Tatar 48
TEL Telugu 0
TEM Timne 0
TER Tereno 0
TET Tetum 0
TGK Tajik 1
TGL Tagalog 2
THA Thai 6
THL Klingon; tlhIngan-Hol 0
TIB Tibetan 0
TIG Tigre 1
TIR Tigrinya 1
TIV Tiv 0
TKL Tokelau 0
TLI Tlingit 0
TMH Tamashek 0
TOG Tonga (Nyasa) 0
TON Tonga (Tonga Islands) 0
TPI Tok Pisin 0
TSI Tsimshian 0
TSN Tswana 1
TSO Tsonga 0
TUK Turkmen 0
TUM Tumbuka 0
TUP Tupi languages 0
TUR Turkish 78
TUT Altaic (Other) 0
TVL Tuvalu 0
TWI Twi 1
TYV Tuvinian 0
UDM Udmurt 1
UGA Ugaritic 0
UIG Uighur 0
UKR Ukrainian 22
UMB Umbundu 0
UND Undetermined 0
URD Urdu 8
UZB Uzbek 9
VAI Vai 0
VEN Venda 0
VIE Vietnamese 6
VOL Volapük 0
VOT Votic 0
WAK Wakashan languages 0
WAL Wolaitta, Wolaytta 0
WAR Waray 0
WAS Washo 0
WEL Welsh 3
WEN Sorbian languages 0
WLN Walloon 0
WOL Wolof 1
XAL Kalmyk, Oriat 0
XHO Xhosa 0
YAO Yao 0
YAP Yapese 0
YID Yiddish 28
YOR Yoruba 1
YPK Yupik languages 0
ZAA Zaza, Dimili, Dimli, Kirdki, Kirmanjki, Zazaki 0
ZAP Zapotec 0
ZBL Blissymbols, Blissymbolics, Bliss 0
ZEN Zenaga 0
ZHA Zhuang, Chuang 0
ZND Zande 0
ZUL Zulu 0
ZUN Zuni 0
ZXX No linguistic content; Not applicable 4
000 No second language mentioned 47155
999 No answer 270
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5033 47425

blgetmg Belong to minority ethnic group in country

C32. Do you belong to a minority ethnic group in [country]?

Vrednost 220455 Frekvenca
1 Yes 3223
2 No 47925
7 Refusal 12
8 Don't know 500
9 No answer 798
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51148 1310

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

facntr Father born in country

C33. Was your father born in [country]?

Vrednost 221454 Frekvenca
1 Yes 45048
2 No 7132
7 Refusal 5
8 Don't know 219
9 No answer 54
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52180 278

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

fbrncnta Country of birth, father

C34. In which country was your father born?

Vrednost 222453 Frekvenca
01 DDR 0
02 USSR 25
03 Czechoslovakia 9
04 Yugoslavia 86
05 East Timor 0
06 Serbia and Montenegro 6
65 Alien passport 0
77 Refusal 9
88 Don't know 36
AD Andorra 0
AE United Arab Emirates 0
AF Afghanistan 11
AG Antigua and Barbuda 2
AI Anguilla 0
AL Albania 137
AM Armenia 16
AN Netherlands Antilles 6
AO Angola 23
AQ Antarctica 0
AR Argentina 33
AS American Samoa 0
AT Austria 75
AU Australia 4
AW Aruba 2
AX Åland Islands 0
AZ Azerbaijan 17
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 294
BB Barbados 1
BD Bangladesh 13
BE Belgium 26
BF Burkina Faso 0
BG Bulgaria 60
BH Bahrain 0
BI Burundi 2
BJ Benin 1
BL Saint Barthélemy 1
BM Bermuda 0
BN Brunei Darussalam 0
BO Bolivia 7
BR Brazil 65
BS Bahamas 0
BT Bhutan 0
BV Bouvet Island 0
BW Botswana 0
BY Belarus 145
BZ Belize 0
CA Canada 16
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands 0
CD Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 13
CF Central African Republic 0
CG Congo 10
CH Switzerland 12
CI Cote D'ivoire 3
CK Cook Islands 0
CL Chile 18
CM Cameroon 4
CN China 28
CO Colombia 18
CR Costa Rica 0
CU Cuba 6
CV Cape Verde 26
CX Christmas Island 0
CY Cyprus 18
CZ Czech Republic 87
DE Germany 236
DJ Djibouti 0
DK Denmark 36
DM Dominica 1
DO Dominican Republic 5
DZ Algeria 92
EC Ecuador 19
EE Estonia 13
EG Egypt 35
EH Western Sahara 0
ER Eritrea 8
ES Spain 71
ET Ethiopia 48
FI Finland 60
FJ Fiji 0
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 0
FM Micronesia, Federated States Of 0
FO Faroe Islands 2
FR France 108
GA Gabon 1
GB United Kingdom 143
GD Grenada 1
GE Georgia 55
GF French Guiana 0
GH Ghana 16
GI Gibraltar 1
GL Greenland 1
GM Gambia 3
GN Guinea 9
GP Guadeloupe 1
GQ Equatorial Guinea 0
GR Greece 56
GS South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands 0
GT Guatemala 1
GU Guam 0
GW Guinea-Bissau 0
GY Guyana 2
HK Hong Kong 1
HM Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands 0
HN Honduras 1
HR Croatia 91
HT Haiti 2
HU Hungary 99
ID Indonesia 32
IE Ireland 52
IL Israel 6
IN India 119
IO British Indian Ocean Territory 0
IQ Iraq 168
IR Iran, Islamic Republic of 85
IS Iceland 8
IT Italy 224
JE Jersey 0
JM Jamaica 15
JO Jordan 4
JP Japan 4
KE Kenya 6
KG Kyrgyzstan 7
KH Cambodia 3
KI Kiribati 0
KM Comoros 0
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis 0
KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 6
KR Korea, Republic of 4
KW Kuwait 0
KY Cayman Islands 0
KZ Kazakhstan 50
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic 2
LB Lebanon 31
LC Saint Lucia 1
LI Liechtenstein 1
LK Sri Lanka 18
LR Liberia 1
LS Lesotho 0
LT Lithuania 34
LU Luxembourg 2
LV Latvia 28
LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 35
MA Morocco 300
MC Monaco 1
MD Moldova 46
ME Montenegro 4
MF Saint Martin 0
MG Madagascar 7
MH Marshall Islands 0
MK Macedonia 33
ML Mali 3
MM Myanmar 2
MN Mongolia 1
MO Macao 1
MP Northern Mariana Islands 0
MQ Martinique 0
MR Mauritania 0
MS Montserrat 0
MT Malta 0
MU Mauritius 5
MV Maldives 0
MW Malawi 0
MX Mexico 5
MY Malaysia 7
MZ Mozambique 9
NA Namibia 0
NC New Caledonia 0
NE Niger 0
NF Norfolk Island 0
NG Nigeria 36
NI Nicaragua 1
NL Netherlands 56
NO Norway 18
NP Nepal 3
NR Nauru 0
NU Niue 0
NZ New Zealand 1
OM Oman 0
PA Panama 0
PE Peru 12
PF French Polynesia 0
PG Papua New Guinea 0
PH Philippines 25
PK Pakistan 59
PL Poland 393
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0
PN Pitcairn 0
PR Puerto Rico 0
PS Palestinian Territory, Occupied 12
PT Portugal 52
PW Palau 0
PY Paraguay 3
QA Qatar 0
RE Reunion 1
RO Romania 265
RS Serbia 57
RU Russian Federation 900
RW Rwanda 5
SA Saudi Arabia 1
SB Solomon Islands 0
SC Seychelles 0
SD Sudan 3
SE Sweden 38
SG Singapore 2
SH Saint Helena 0
SI Slovenia 9
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen 0
SK Slovakia 74
SL Sierra Leone 1
SM San Marino 0
SN Senegal 10
SO Somalia 17
SR Suriname 22
ST Sao Tome and Principe 1
SV El Salvador 1
SY Syrian Arab Republic 62
SZ Swaziland 0
TC Turks and Caicos Islands 0
TD Chad 0
TF French Southern Territories 0
TG Togo 5
TH Thailand 14
TJ Tajikistan 9
TK Tokelau 0
TL Timor-Leste 0
TM Turkmenistan 2
TN Tunisia 78
TO Tonga 0
TR Turkey 292
TT Trinidad and Tobago 2
TV Tuvalu 0
TW Taiwan, Province of China 2
TZ Tanzania, United Republic of 2
UA Ukraine 287
UG Uganda 2
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands 0
US United States 77
UY Uruguay 7
UZ Uzbekistan 37
VA Holy See (Vatican City State) 0
VC Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 0
VE Venezuela 14
VG Virgin Islands, British 0
VI Virgin Islands, U.S. 0
VN Viet Nam 21
VU Vanuatu 0
WF Wallis and Futuna 0
WS Samoa 0
YE Yemen 87
YT Mayotte 0
ZA South Africa 15
ZM Zambia 0
ZW Zimbabwe 7
66 Not applicable 45270
99 No answer 129
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7059 45399

mocntr Mother born in country ASK ALL

C35. Was your mother born in [country]?

Vrednost 223452 Frekvenca
1 Yes 45378
2 No 6964
7 Refusal 4
8 Don't know 71
9 No answer 41
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52342 116

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

mbrncnta Country of birth, mother

C36. In which country was your mother born?

Vrednost 224451 Frekvenca
01 DDR 0
02 USSR 20
03 Czechoslovakia 13
04 Yugoslavia 72
05 East Timor 0
06 Serbia and Montenegro 3
65 Alien passport 0
77 Refusal 8
88 Don't know 19
AD Andorra 0
AE United Arab Emirates 1
AF Afghanistan 11
AG Antigua and Barbuda 1
AI Anguilla 0
AL Albania 139
AM Armenia 11
AN Netherlands Antilles 6
AO Angola 26
AQ Antarctica 0
AR Argentina 27
AS American Samoa 0
AT Austria 67
AU Australia 7
AW Aruba 1
AX Åland Islands 1
AZ Azerbaijan 12
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 288
BB Barbados 1
BD Bangladesh 13
BE Belgium 25
BF Burkina Faso 0
BG Bulgaria 50
BH Bahrain 0
BI Burundi 1
BJ Benin 0
BL Saint Barthélemy 2
BM Bermuda 0
BN Brunei Darussalam 0
BO Bolivia 8
BR Brazil 74
BS Bahamas 0
BT Bhutan 0
BV Bouvet Island 0
BW Botswana 1
BY Belarus 144
BZ Belize 0
CA Canada 19
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands 0
CD Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 10
CF Central African Republic 0
CG Congo 11
CH Switzerland 9
CI Cote D'ivoire 3
CK Cook Islands 0
CL Chile 19
CM Cameroon 4
CN China 21
CO Colombia 18
CR Costa Rica 1
CU Cuba 5
CV Cape Verde 27
CX Christmas Island 0
CY Cyprus 12
CZ Czech Republic 85
DE Germany 260
DJ Djibouti 0
DK Denmark 32
DM Dominica 1
DO Dominican Republic 6
DZ Algeria 92
EC Ecuador 19
EE Estonia 17
EG Egypt 36
EH Western Sahara 0
ER Eritrea 8
ES Spain 74
ET Ethiopia 48
FI Finland 89
FJ Fiji 0
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 0
FM Micronesia, Federated States Of 0
FO Faroe Islands 7
FR France 119
GA Gabon 1
GB United Kingdom 137
GD Grenada 1
GE Georgia 53
GF French Guiana 0
GH Ghana 16
GI Gibraltar 0
GL Greenland 2
GM Gambia 4
GN Guinea 12
GP Guadeloupe 0
GQ Equatorial Guinea 0
GR Greece 47
GS South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands 0
GT Guatemala 2
GU Guam 0
GW Guinea-Bissau 0
GY Guyana 3
HK Hong Kong 3
HM Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands 0
HN Honduras 1
HR Croatia 89
HT Haiti 2
HU Hungary 96
ID Indonesia 40
IE Ireland 54
IL Israel 2
IN India 109
IO British Indian Ocean Territory 0
IQ Iraq 142
IR Iran, Islamic Republic of 81
IS Iceland 10
IT Italy 188
JE Jersey 2
JM Jamaica 13
JO Jordan 8
JP Japan 5
KE Kenya 9
KG Kyrgyzstan 4
KH Cambodia 4
KI Kiribati 0
KM Comoros 0
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis 0
KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 7
KR Korea, Republic of 3
KW Kuwait 0
KY Cayman Islands 0
KZ Kazakhstan 60
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic 2
LB Lebanon 28
LC Saint Lucia 1
LI Liechtenstein 0
LK Sri Lanka 17
LR Liberia 1
LS Lesotho 0
LT Lithuania 38
LU Luxembourg 6
LV Latvia 32
LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 31
MA Morocco 291
MC Monaco 0
MD Moldova 33
ME Montenegro 4
MF Saint Martin 0
MG Madagascar 5
MH Marshall Islands 0
MK Macedonia 33
ML Mali 4
MM Myanmar 0
MN Mongolia 1
MO Macao 1
MP Northern Mariana Islands 0
MQ Martinique 0
MR Mauritania 1
MS Montserrat 1
MT Malta 0
MU Mauritius 6
MV Maldives 0
MW Malawi 0
MX Mexico 6
MY Malaysia 10
MZ Mozambique 13
NA Namibia 1
NC New Caledonia 0
NE Niger 0
NF Norfolk Island 1
NG Nigeria 33
NI Nicaragua 1
NL Netherlands 57
NO Norway 29
NP Nepal 3
NR Nauru 0
NU Niue 0
NZ New Zealand 3
OM Oman 1
PA Panama 0
PE Peru 13
PF French Polynesia 0
PG Papua New Guinea 0
PH Philippines 28
PK Pakistan 53
PL Poland 390
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0
PN Pitcairn 0
PR Puerto Rico 0
PS Palestinian Territory, Occupied 9
PT Portugal 54
PW Palau 0
PY Paraguay 4
QA Qatar 0
RE Reunion 1
RO Romania 243
RS Serbia 54
RU Russian Federation 898
RW Rwanda 6
SA Saudi Arabia 3
SB Solomon Islands 0
SC Seychelles 0
SD Sudan 3
SE Sweden 32
SG Singapore 2
SH Saint Helena 0
SI Slovenia 22
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen 0
SK Slovakia 82
SL Sierra Leone 1
SM San Marino 0
SN Senegal 7
SO Somalia 17
SR Suriname 19
ST Sao Tome and Principe 2
SV El Salvador 0
SY Syrian Arab Republic 56
SZ Swaziland 0
TC Turks and Caicos Islands 0
TD Chad 0
TF French Southern Territories 0
TG Togo 6
TH Thailand 16
TJ Tajikistan 8
TK Tokelau 0
TL Timor-Leste 0
TM Turkmenistan 2
TN Tunisia 64
TO Tonga 0
TR Turkey 262
TT Trinidad and Tobago 2
TV Tuvalu 0
TW Taiwan, Province of China 2
TZ Tanzania, United Republic of 2
UA Ukraine 292
UG Uganda 2
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands 0
US United States 71
UY Uruguay 8
UZ Uzbekistan 28
VA Holy See (Vatican City State) 0
VC Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 0
VE Venezuela 10
VG Virgin Islands, British 0
VI Virgin Islands, U.S. 0
VN Viet Nam 18
VU Vanuatu 0
WF Wallis and Futuna 0
WS Samoa 0
YE Yemen 83
YT Mayotte 0
ZA South Africa 18
ZM Zambia 0
ZW Zimbabwe 9
66 Not applicable 45450
99 No answer 98
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
6910 45548

insclwr How wrong to make exaggerated or false insurance claim CARD 25

D1-3. Using this card please tell me how wrong it is to... ...make an exaggerated or false insurance claim?

Vrednost 225450 Frekvenca
1 Not wrong at all 1452
2 A bit wrong 5655
3 Wrong 19651
4 Seriously wrong 24607
7 Refusal 17
8 Don't know 1047
9 No answer 29
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51365 1093

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

bystlwr How wrong to buy something that might be stolen CARD 25

D1-3. Using this card please tell me how wrong it is to... ...buy something you thought might be stolen?

Vrednost 226449 Frekvenca
1 Not wrong at all 1346
2 A bit wrong 5497
3 Wrong 19701
4 Seriously wrong 25172
7 Refusal 18
8 Don't know 691
9 No answer 33
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51716 742

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

trfowr How wrong to commit traffic offence CARD 25

D1-3. Using this card please tell me how wrong it is to... ...commit a traffic offence like speeding or crossing a red light?

Vrednost 227448 Frekvenca
1 Not wrong at all 1166
2 A bit wrong 10570
3 Wrong 22845
4 Seriously wrong 17195
7 Refusal 15
8 Don't know 631
9 No answer 36
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51776 682

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

insclct How likely be caught if made exaggerated or false insurance claim CARD 26

D4-6. Now just suppose you were to do any of these things in [country]. Using this card, please tell me how likely it is that you would be caught and punished if you... ...made an exaggerated or false insurance claim?

Vrednost 228447 Frekvenca
1 Not at all likely 8072
2 Not very likely 11342
3 Likely 19032
4 Very likely 11150
7 Refusal 44
8 Don't know 2752
9 No answer 66
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49596 2862

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

bystlct How likely to be caught if bought something that might be stolen CARD 26

D4-6. Now just suppose you were to do any of these things in [country]. Using this card, please tell me how likely it is that you would be caught and punished if you... ...bought something you thought might be stolen?

Vrednost 229446 Frekvenca
1 Not at all likely 9699
2 Not very likely 17295
3 Likely 15310
4 Very likely 7417
7 Refusal 52
8 Don't know 2611
9 No answer 74
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49721 2737

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

trfoct How likely to be caught if committed traffic offence CARD 26

D4-6. Now just suppose you were to do any of these things in [country]. Using this card, please tell me how likely it is that you would be caught and punished if you... ...committed a traffic offence like speeding or crossing a red light?

Vrednost 230445 Frekvenca
1 Not at all likely 5994
2 Not very likely 13370
3 Likely 20244
4 Very likely 10883
7 Refusal 41
8 Don't know 1850
9 No answer 76
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50491 1967

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

plcjbcn Police doing good or bad job in country CARD 27

D7. Taking into account all the things the police are expected to do, would you say they are doing a good job or a bad job?

Vrednost 231444 Frekvenca
1 Very good job 2719
2 Good job 25805
3 Neither good nor bad job 16757
4 Bad job 4884
5 Very bad job 1223
7 Refusal 13
8 Don't know 1020
9 No answer 37
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51388 1070

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

plccont Approached, stopped or contacted by police last 2 years

D8. In the past 2 years, did the police in [country] approach you, stop you or make contact with you for any reason?

Vrednost 232443 Frekvenca
1 Yes 17106
2 No 35159
7 Refusal 7
8 Don't know 148
9 No answer 38
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52265 193

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

plcstf How satisfied with treatment from police when contacted ASK IF HAS BEEN APPROACHED/STOPPED/CONTACTED BY THE POLICE FOR ANY REASON IN PAST 2 YEARS (code 1 at D8) CARD 28

D9. How dissatisfied or satisfied were you with the way the police treated you the last time this happened?

Vrednost 233442 Frekvenca
1 Very dissatisfied 1636
2 Dissatisfied 2036
3 Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied 2560
4 Satisfied 7236
5 Very satisfied 3605
6 Not applicable 35312
7 Refusal 3
8 Don't know 32
9 No answer 38
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17073 35385

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

plcvcrp How police treat victims of crime: Rich/poor ASK ALL CARD 29

D10. When victims report crimes, do you think the police treat rich people worse, poor people worse, or are rich and poor treated equally?

Vrednost 234441 Frekvenca
1 Rich people treated worse 646
2 Poor people treated worse 25311
3 Rich and poor treated equally 21868
7 Refusal 45
8 Don't know 4525
9 No answer 63
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47825 4633

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

plcvcrc How police treat victims of crime: Different races/ethnic groups CARD 30

D11. And when victims report crimes, do you think the police treat some people worse because of their race or ethnic group or is everyone treated equally?

Vrednost 235440 Frekvenca
1 People from different race treated worse 19566
2 People from same race treated worse 3943
3 People from all races treated equally 21613
7 Refusal 56
8 Don't know 7120
9 No answer 160
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45122 7336

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

plcpvcr How successful police are at preventing crimes in country CARD 31

D12. Based on what you have heard or your own experience how successful do you think the police are at preventing crimes in [country] where violence is used or threatened?

Vrednost 236439 Frekvenca
0 Extremely unsuccessful 1324
1 01 1293
2 02 2828
3 03 5509
4 04 6146
5 05 12172
6 06 7765
7 07 7502
8 08 4174
9 09 905
10 Extremely successful 527
77 Refusal 25
88 Don't know 2239
99 No answer 49
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50145 2313

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

plccbrg How successful police are at catching house burglars in country STILL CARD 31

D13. And how successful do you think the police are at catching people who commit house burglaries in [country]?

Vrednost 237438 Frekvenca
0 Extremely unsuccessful 1946
1 01 2258
2 02 4456
3 03 6730
4 04 6540
5 05 10642
6 06 6552
7 07 6056
8 08 3493
9 09 891
10 Extremely successful 438
77 Refusal 35
88 Don't know 2380
99 No answer 41
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50002 2456

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

plcarcr How quickly would police arrive at a violent crime/burglary scene near to where you live CARD 32

D14. If a violent crime were to occur near to where you live and the police were called, how slowly or quickly do you think they would arrive at the scene?

Vrednost 238437 Frekvenca
0 Extremely slowly 1161
1 1 1175
2 2 2410
3 3 4172
4 4 4507
5 5 8818
6 6 5915
7 7 8136
8 8 7512
9 9 2835
10 Extremely quickly 1489
55 Violent crimes never occur near to where I live 1333
77 Refusal 21
88 Don't know 2913
99 No answer 61
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49463 2995

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55

plcrspc How often do police treat people in country with respect

D15. Based on what you have heard or your own experience how often would you say the police generally treat people in [country] with respect...

Vrednost 239436 Frekvenca
1 Not at all often 2163
2 Not very often 12357
3 Often 28834
4 Very often 5661
7 Refusal 25
8 Don't know 3323
9 No answer 95
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49015 3443

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

plcfrdc How often do police make fair, impartial decisions

D16. About how often would you say that the police make fair, impartial decisions in the cases they deal with? Would you say...

Vrednost 240435 Frekvenca
1 Not at all often 1973
2 Not very often 12784
3 Often 28060
4 Very often 3947
7 Refusal 40
8 Don't know 5550
9 No answer 104
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46764 5694

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

plcexdc How often do the police explain their decisions and actions when asked

D17. And when dealing with people in [country], how often would you say the police generally explain their decisions and actions when asked to do so? Would you say...

Vrednost 241434 Frekvenca
1 Not at all often 3950
2 Not very often 15372
3 Often 21003
4 Very often 3764
5 No one ever asks the police to explain 1978
7 Refusal 39
8 Don't know 6233
9 No answer 119
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46067 6391

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bplcdc Duty to: back decisions made by police, even if disagree CARD 33

D18-20. To what extent is it your duty to... ...back the decisions made by the police even when you disagree with them?

Vrednost 242433 Frekvenca
0 Not at all my duty 4086
1 1 1706
2 2 2541
3 3 3451
4 4 3427
5 5 7841
6 6 4621
7 7 6202
8 8 6780
9 9 3660
10 Completely my duty 6080
77 Refusal 42
88 Don't know 1957
99 No answer 64
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50395 2063

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

doplcsy Duty to: do what police say, even when don't understand or agree CARD 33

D18-20. To what extent is it your duty to... ...do what the police tell you even if you don't understand or agree with the reasons?

Vrednost 243432 Frekvenca
0 Not at all my duty 2894
1 1 1398
2 2 2195
3 3 3064
4 4 3120
5 5 7458
6 6 4642
7 7 6397
8 8 7505
9 9 4577
10 Completely my duty 7140
77 Refusal 38
88 Don't know 1966
99 No answer 64
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50390 2068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

dpcstrb Duty to: do what police say even if treated badly CARD 33

D18-20. To what extent is it your duty to... ...do what the police tell you to do, even if you don't like how they treat you?

Vrednost 244431 Frekvenca
0 Not at all my duty 3085
1 1 1579
2 2 2441
3 3 3363
4 4 3571
5 5 7877
6 6 4936
7 7 6153
8 8 6822
9 9 4047
10 Completely my duty 6443
77 Refusal 43
88 Don't know 2034
99 No answer 64
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50317 2141

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

plcrgwr Police have the same sense of right and wrong as me CARD 34

D21-24. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the police in [country]. The police generally have the same sense of right and wrong as I do.

Vrednost 245430 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 4837
2 Agree 24332
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12595
4 Disagree 7038
5 Disagree strongly 1522
7 Refusal 28
8 Don't know 2041
9 No answer 65
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50324 2134

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

plcipvl Police stand up for values that are important to people like me CARD 34

D21-24. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the police in [country]. The police stand up for values that are important to people like me.

Vrednost 246429 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 5693
2 Agree 27194
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11183
4 Disagree 5166
5 Disagree strongly 1199
7 Refusal 23
8 Don't know 1929
9 No answer 71
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50435 2023

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

gsupplc I generally support how the police act CARD 34

D21-24. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the police in [country]. I generally support how the police usually act.

Vrednost 247428 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 4472
2 Agree 25887
3 Neither agree nor disagree 13258
4 Disagree 5875
5 Disagree strongly 1403
7 Refusal 28
8 Don't know 1450
9 No answer 85
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50895 1563

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

plciplt Decisions and actions of police unduly influenced by political pressure CARD 34

D21-24. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the police in [country]. The decisions and actions of the police are unduly influenced by pressure from political parties and politicians.

Vrednost 248427 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 7493
2 Agree 18824
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12888
4 Disagree 7171
5 Disagree strongly 1145
7 Refusal 48
8 Don't know 4808
9 No answer 81
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47521 4937

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

plccbrb How often do police in country take bribes CARD 35

D25. How often would you say that the police in [country] take bribes?

Vrednost 249426 Frekvenca
0 Never 3546
1 1 4606
2 2 6151
3 3 5614
4 4 3580
5 5 7339
6 6 3658
7 7 3999
8 8 3214
9 9 1376
10 Always 1548
77 Refusal 111
88 Don't know 7619
99 No answer 97
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44631 7827

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

ctjbcnt Courts doing good or bad job in country CARD 36

D26. Taking into account all the things the courts are expected to do, would you say they are doing a good job or a bad job?

Vrednost 250425 Frekvenca
1 Very good job 1528
2 Good job 21325
3 Neither good nor bad job 17051
4 Bad job 7676
5 Very bad job 1577
7 Refusal 33
8 Don't know 3164
9 No answer 104
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49157 3301

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ctmtgfr How often the courts make mistakes that let guilty people go free CARD 37

D27. Please tell me how often you think the courts make mistakes that let guilty people go free?

Vrednost 251424 Frekvenca
0 Never 405
1 1 1713
2 2 4700
3 3 6703
4 4 5206
5 5 10490
6 6 6170
7 7 6455
8 8 4150
9 9 1249
10 Always 761
77 Refusal 50
88 Don't know 4335
99 No answer 71
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48002 4456

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

ctfrdc How often the courts make fair, impartial decisions based on available evidence STILL CARD 37

D28. How often do you think the courts make fair, impartial decisions based on the evidence made available to them?

Vrednost 252423 Frekvenca
0 Never 283
1 1 532
2 2 1532
3 3 3020
4 4 3888
5 5 11041
6 6 6131
7 7 8209
8 8 8252
9 9 3860
10 Always 1259
77 Refusal 40
88 Don't know 4352
99 No answer 59
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48007 4451

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

wraccrp More likely to be found guilty: Rich or poor falsely accused of crime CARD 38

D29. Suppose two people - one rich, one poor - each appear in court, charged with an identical crime they did not commit. Choose an answer from this card to show who you think would be more likely to be found guilty.

Vrednost 253422 Frekvenca
1 Rich person more likely to be found guilty 841
2 Poor person more likely to be found guilty 29740
3 Same chance of being found guilty 19003
7 Refusal 36
8 Don't know 2774
9 No answer 64
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49584 2874

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

wraccrc More likely to be found guilty: Two different races/ethnic groups falsely accused of crime CARD 39

D30. Now suppose two people from different race or ethnic groups each appear in court, charged with an identical crime they did not commit. Choose an answer from this card to show who you think would be more likely to be found guilty.

Vrednost 254421 Frekvenca
1 Person from different race more likely to be found guilty 18116
2 Person from same race more likely to be found guilty 3831
3 All races same chance of being found guilty 24761
7 Refusal 64
8 Don't know 5538
9 No answer 148
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46708 5750

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

jdgcbrb How often judges in country take bribes CARD 40

D31. Using this card please tell me how often you would say that judges in [country] take bribes?

Vrednost 255420 Frekvenca
0 Never 5076
1 1 6159
2 2 5932
3 3 4491
4 4 2992
5 5 6034
6 6 3294
7 7 3810
8 8 3130
9 9 1495
10 Always 1318
77 Refusal 90
88 Don't know 8533
99 No answer 104
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43731 8727

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

ctprpwr Courts protect rich and powerful over ordinary people CARD 41

D32-37. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about [country] nowadays. Courts generally protect the interests of the rich and powerful above those of ordinary people.

Vrednost 256419 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 9114
2 Agree 18470
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11268
4 Disagree 9684
5 Disagree strongly 2058
7 Refusal 35
8 Don't know 1792
9 No answer 37
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50594 1864

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

hrshsnta People who break the law much harsher sentences CARD 41

D32-37. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about [country] nowadays. People who break the law should be given much harsher sentences than they are these days.

Vrednost 257418 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 11932
2 Agree 23093
3 Neither agree nor disagree 10791
4 Disagree 4407
5 Disagree strongly 569
7 Refusal 25
8 Don't know 1583
9 No answer 58
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50792 1666

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

dbctvrd Everyone's duty to back the court's final verdict CARD 41

D32-37. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about [country] nowadays. Everyone has a duty to back the final verdict of the courts.

Vrednost 258417 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 7656
2 Agree 23900
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11488
4 Disagree 6847
5 Disagree strongly 1002
7 Refusal 31
8 Don't know 1465
9 No answer 69
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50893 1565

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

lwstrob All laws should be strictly obeyed CARD 41

D32-37. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about [country] nowadays. All laws should be strictly obeyed.

Vrednost 259416 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 12827
2 Agree 27090
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8008
4 Disagree 3344
5 Disagree strongly 375
7 Refusal 24
8 Don't know 694
9 No answer 96
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51644 814

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

rgbrklw Doing the right thing sometimes means breaking the law CARD 41

D32-37. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about [country] nowadays. Doing the right thing sometimes means breaking the law.

Vrednost 260415 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 3363
2 Agree 20829
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12985
4 Disagree 9940
5 Disagree strongly 2129
7 Refusal 54
8 Don't know 3054
9 No answer 104
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49246 3212

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ctinplt The courts' decisions are unduly influenced by political pressure CARD 41

D32-37. Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about [country] nowadays. The decisions and actions of the courts are unduly influenced by pressure from political parties and politicians.

Vrednost 261414 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 7555
2 Agree 18225
3 Neither agree nor disagree 12805
4 Disagree 7777
5 Disagree strongly 1309
7 Refusal 57
8 Don't know 4663
9 No answer 67
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47671 4787

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

stcbg2t Which sentence: 25 year old male, house burglary, second time CARD 42

D38. People have different ideas about the sentences which should be given to offenders. Take for instance the case of a 25 year old man who is found guilty of house burglary for the second time. Which one of the following sentences do you think he should receive?

Vrednost 262413 Frekvenca
1 Prison sentence 30120
2 Suspended prison 6079
3 Fine 2380
4 Community sentence 10519
5 Other sentence 1209
7 Refusal 45
8 Don't know 2034
9 No answer 72
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50307 2151

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

tmprs How long should he spend in prison ASK IF PRISON SENTENCE GIVEN (code 1 at D38) CARD 43

D39. And which one of the answers on this card comes closest to the length of time you think he should spend in prison?

Vrednost 263412 Frekvenca
1 1-3 months 2193
2 4-6 months 3820
3 7-11 months 2077
4 About 1 year 6519
5 About 2 years 4783
6 About 3 years 2852
7 About 4 years 1209
8 About 5 years 2406
9 6-10 years 1237
10 More than 10 years 989
66 Not applicable 22259
77 Refusal 19
88 Don't know 2002
99 No answer 93
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
28085 24373

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

caplcst How likely to call police if you see a man get his wallet stolen ASK ALL

D40. Imagine that you were out and saw someone push a man to the ground and steal his wallet. How likely would you be to call the police? Would you be...

Vrednost 264411 Frekvenca
1 Not at all likely 1433
2 Not very likely 3654
3 Likely 17703
4 Very likely 28520
7 Refusal 22
8 Don't know 1066
9 No answer 60
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51310 1148

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

widprsn How willing to identify person who had done it

D41. How willing would you be to identify the person who had done it? Would you be...

Vrednost 265410 Frekvenca
1 Not at all willing 2288
2 Not very willing 6900
3 Willing 21060
4 Very willing 20434
7 Refusal 40
8 Don't know 1666
9 No answer 70
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50682 1776

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

wevdct How willing to give evidence in court against the accused

D42. And how willing would you be to give evidence in court against the accused? Would you be...

Vrednost 266409 Frekvenca
1 Not at all willing 4109
2 Not very willing 9808
3 Willing 19521
4 Very willing 16492
7 Refusal 42
8 Don't know 2403
9 No answer 83
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49930 2528

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

flsin5y How often made an exaggerated or false insurance claim last 5 years CARD 44

D43-45. Using this card please tell me how often you have done each of these things in the last five years? How often have you... ...made an exaggerated or false insurance claim?

Vrednost 267408 Frekvenca
1 Never 50782
2 Once 854
3 Twice 235
4 3 or 4 times 70
5 5 times or more 28
7 Refusal 21
8 Don't know 385
9 No answer 83
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51969 489

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bstln5y How often bought something that might be stolen last 5 years CARD 44

D43-45. Using this card please tell me how often you have done each of these things in the last five years? How often have you... ...bought something you thought might be stolen?

Vrednost 268407 Frekvenca
1 Never 48178
2 Once 1945
3 Twice 637
4 3 or 4 times 285
5 5 times or more 197
7 Refusal 33
8 Don't know 1079
9 No answer 104
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51242 1216

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

troff5y How often committed a traffic offence last 5 years CARD 44

D43-45. Using this card please tell me how often you have done each of these things in the last five years? How often have you... ...committed a traffic offence like speeding or crossing a red light?

Vrednost 269406 Frekvenca
1 Never 29037
2 Once 5232
3 Twice 4424
4 3 or 4 times 4082
5 5 times or more 8156
7 Refusal 71
8 Don't know 1339
9 No answer 117
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50931 1527

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

hhmmb Number of people living regularly as member of household

F1. Including yourself, how many people - including children - live here regularly as members of this household?

Vrednost 270405 Frekvenca
77 Refusal 9
88 Don't know 13
99 No answer 15
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52421 37 1 19 2.713 1.428

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 19

gndr Gender

F21. CODE SEX, respondent

Vrednost 271404 Frekvenca
1 Male 23782
2 Female 28655
9 No answer 21
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52437 21

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr2 Gender of second person in household

F22. CODE SEX (2. person in household)

Vrednost 272403 Frekvenca
1 Male 22091
2 Female 19480
6 Not applicable 10702
7 Refusal 24
9 No answer 161
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
41571 10887

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr3 Gender of third person in household

F23. CODE SEX (3. person in household)

Vrednost 273402 Frekvenca
1 Male 11371
2 Female 13030
6 Not applicable 27715
7 Refusal 61
9 No answer 281
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
24401 28057

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr4 Gender of fourth person in household

F24. CODE SEX (4. person in household)

Vrednost 274401 Frekvenca
1 Male 7439
2 Female 7021
6 Not applicable 37738
7 Refusal 65
9 No answer 195
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14460 37998

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr5 Gender of fifth person in household

F25. CODE SEX (5. person in household)

Vrednost 275400 Frekvenca
1 Male 2757
2 Female 2726
6 Not applicable 46808
7 Refusal 59
9 No answer 108
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5483 46975

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr6 Gender of sixth person in household

F26. CODE SEX (6. person in household)

Vrednost 276399 Frekvenca
1 Male 936
2 Female 894
6 Not applicable 50530
7 Refusal 26
9 No answer 72
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1830 50628

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr7 Gender of seventh person in household

F27. CODE SEX (7. person in household)

Vrednost 277398 Frekvenca
1 Male 318
2 Female 332
6 Not applicable 51737
7 Refusal 14
9 No answer 57
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
650 51808

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr8 Gender of eighth person in household

F28. CODE SEX (8. person in household)

Vrednost 278397 Frekvenca
1 Male 126
2 Female 130
6 Not applicable 50605
7 Refusal 5
9 No answer 44
Sysmiss 1548
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
256 52202

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr9 Gender of ninth person in household

F29. CODE SEX (9. person in household)

Vrednost 279396 Frekvenca
1 Male 64
2 Female 53
6 Not applicable 43533
7 Refusal 3
9 No answer 39
Sysmiss 8766
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
117 52341

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr10 Gender of tenth person in household

F210. CODE SEX (10. person in household)

Vrednost 280395 Frekvenca
1 Male 26
2 Female 38
6 Not applicable 37642
7 Refusal 1
9 No answer 37
Sysmiss 14714
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
64 52394

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr11 Gender of eleventh person in household

F211. CODE SEX (11. person in household)

Vrednost 281394 Frekvenca
1 Male 21
2 Female 11
6 Not applicable 34077
7 Refusal 0
9 No answer 28
Sysmiss 18321
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32 52426

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr12 Gender of twelfth person in household

F212. CODE SEX (12. person in household)

Vrednost 282393 Frekvenca
1 Male 8
2 Female 10
6 Not applicable 22947
7 Refusal 0
9 No answer 17
Sysmiss 29476
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
18 52440

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr13 Gender of thirteenth person in household

F213. CODE SEX (13. person in household)

Vrednost 283392 Frekvenca
1 Male 3
2 Female 0
6 Not applicable 4309
7 Refusal 0
9 No answer 0
Sysmiss 48146
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3 52455

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

gndr14 Gender of fourteenth person in household

F214. CODE SEX (14. person in household)

Vrednost 284391 Frekvenca
1 Male 3
2 Female 0
6 Not applicable 4309
7 Refusal 0
9 No answer 0
Sysmiss 48146
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3 52455

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

yrbrn Year of birth

F31a. And in what year were you born?

Vrednost 285390 Frekvenca
7777 Refusal 36
8888 Don't know 6
9999 No answer 95
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52321 137 1909 1996 1962.085 18.796

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1909 do 1996

agea Age of respondent, calculated

F31b. Age of respondent, calculated

Vrednost 286389 Frekvenca
999 Not available 153
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52305 153 14 102 48.505 18.789

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 14 do 102

yrbrn2 Year of birth of second person in household

F32. And in what year was he/she born? (2. person in household)

Vrednost 287388 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 10702
7777 Refusal 100
8888 Don't know 263
9999 No answer 287
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
41106 11352 1900 2011 1960.516 17.095

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1900 do 2011

yrbrn3 Year of birth of third person in household

F33. And in what year was he/she born? (3. person in the household)

Vrednost 288387 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 27715
7777 Refusal 110
8888 Don't know 230
9999 No answer 308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
24095 28363 1900 2011 1984.483 18.34

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1900 do 2011

yrbrn4 Year of birth of fourth person in household

F34. And in what year was he/she born? (4. person in the household)

Vrednost 289386 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 37738
7777 Refusal 96
8888 Don't know 83
9999 No answer 201
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14340 38118 1900 2011 1994.037 11.938

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1900 do 2011

yrbrn5 Year of birth of fifth person in household

F35. And in what year was he/she born? (5.person in the household)

Vrednost 290385 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 46808
7777 Refusal 73
8888 Don't know 46
9999 No answer 112
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5419 47039 1900 2011 1996.947 11.006

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1900 do 2011

yrbrn6 Year of birth of sixth person in household

F36. And in what year was he/she born? (6. person in the household)

Vrednost 291384 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 50530
7777 Refusal 33
8888 Don't know 27
9999 No answer 75
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1793 50665 1926 2011 1998.648 10.845

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1926 do 2011

yrbrn7 Year of birth of seventh person in household

F37. And in what year was he/she born? (7. person in the household)

Vrednost 292383 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 51737
7777 Refusal 19
8888 Don't know 8
9999 No answer 63
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
631 51827 1903 2011 1999.368 11.614

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1903 do 2011

yrbrn8 Year of birth of eighth person in household

F38. And in what year was he/she born? (8. person in the household)

Vrednost 293382 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 50605
7777 Refusal 8
8888 Don't know 7
9999 No answer 47
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
243 52215 1931 2011 2000.218 11.475

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1931 do 2011

yrbrn9 Year of birth of ninth person in household

F39. And in what year was he/she born? (9. person in the household)

Vrednost 294381 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 43533
7777 Refusal 4
8888 Don't know 2
9999 No answer 42
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
111 52347 1935 2010 2000.964 11.566

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1935 do 2010

yrbrn10 Year of birth of tenth person in household

F310. And in what year was he/she born? (10. person in the household)

Vrednost 295380 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 37642
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 2
9999 No answer 39
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
59 52399 1937 2011 2001.695 13.547

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1937 do 2011

yrbrn11 Year of birth of eleventh person in household

F311. And in what year was he/she born? (11. person in the household)

Vrednost 296379 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 34077
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 29
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29 52429 1937 2011 2000.31 18.103

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1937 do 2011

yrbrn12 Year of birth of twelfth person in household

F312. And in what year was he/she born? (12. person in the household)

Vrednost 297378 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 22947
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 17
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
18 52440 1940 2010 1996.944 21.391

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1940 do 2010

yrbrn13 Year of birth of thirteenth person in household

F313. And in what year was he/she born? (13. person in the household)

Vrednost 298377 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 4309
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2 52456 2007 2008 2007.5 0.707

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2007 do 2008

yrbrn14 Year of birth of fourteenth person in household

F314. And in what year was he/she born? (14. person in the household)

Vrednost 299376 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 4309
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2 52456 2010 2010 2010 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2010 do 2010

rshipa2 Second person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F42. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (2. person in household)

Vrednost 300375 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 28675
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 3166
3 Parent/parent-in-law 7844
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 494
5 Other relative 820
6 Other non-relative 521
66 Not applicable 10702
77 Refusal 24
88 Don't know 32
99 No answer 180
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
41520 10938

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa3 Third person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F43. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (3. person in household)

Vrednost 301374 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 887
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 16004
3 Parent/parent-in-law 5554
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 900
5 Other relative 758
6 Other non-relative 353
66 Not applicable 27715
77 Refusal 44
88 Don't know 23
99 No answer 220
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
24456 28002

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa4 Fourth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F44. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (4. person in household)

Vrednost 302373 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 385
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 9339
3 Parent/parent-in-law 479
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 3370
5 Other relative 745
6 Other non-relative 189
66 Not applicable 37738
77 Refusal 43
88 Don't know 12
99 No answer 158
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14507 37951

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa5 Fifth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F45. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (5. person in household)

Vrednost 303372 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 61
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 3229
3 Parent/parent-in-law 109
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 1404
5 Other relative 609
6 Other non-relative 99
66 Not applicable 46808
77 Refusal 39
88 Don't know 5
99 No answer 95
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5511 46947

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa6 Sixth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F46. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (6. person in household)

Vrednost 304371 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 14
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 929
3 Parent/parent-in-law 23
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 486
5 Other relative 340
6 Other non-relative 44
66 Not applicable 50530
77 Refusal 20
88 Don't know 2
99 No answer 70
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1836 50622

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa7 Seventh person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F47. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (7. person in household)

Vrednost 305370 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 4
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 292
3 Parent/parent-in-law 10
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 200
5 Other relative 126
6 Other non-relative 17
66 Not applicable 51737
77 Refusal 11
88 Don't know 3
99 No answer 58
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
649 51809

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa8 Eighth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F48. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (8. person in household)

Vrednost 306369 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 1
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 110
3 Parent/parent-in-law 3
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 73
5 Other relative 57
6 Other non-relative 10
66 Not applicable 50605
77 Refusal 4
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 47
Sysmiss 1548
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
254 52204

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa9 Ninth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F49. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (9. person in household)

Vrednost 307368 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 0
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 47
3 Parent/parent-in-law 1
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 37
5 Other relative 25
6 Other non-relative 4
66 Not applicable 43533
77 Refusal 3
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 42
Sysmiss 8766
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
114 52344

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa10 Tenth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F410. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (10. person in household)

Vrednost 308367 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 0
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 25
3 Parent/parent-in-law 0
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 18
5 Other relative 15
6 Other non-relative 4
66 Not applicable 37642
77 Refusal 1
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 39
Sysmiss 14714
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
62 52396

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa11 Eleventh person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F411. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (11. person in household)

Vrednost 309366 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 0
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 13
3 Parent/parent-in-law 0
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 11
5 Other relative 5
6 Other non-relative 3
66 Not applicable 34077
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 28
Sysmiss 18321
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32 52426

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa12 Twelfth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F412. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (12. person in household)

Vrednost 310365 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 0
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 7
3 Parent/parent-in-law 0
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 7
5 Other relative 1
6 Other non-relative 3
66 Not applicable 22947
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 17
Sysmiss 29476
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
18 52440

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa13 Thirteenth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F413. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (13. person in household)

Vrednost 311364 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 0
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 1
3 Parent/parent-in-law 0
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 1
5 Other relative 1
6 Other non-relative 0
66 Not applicable 4309
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 48146
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3 52455

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

rshipa14 Fourteenth person in household: Relationship to respondent CARD 45

F414. Looking at this card, what relationship is he/she to you? (14. person in household)

Vrednost 312363 Frekvenca
1 Husband/wife/partner 0
2 Son/daughter/step/adopted/foster 1
3 Parent/parent-in-law 0
4 Brother/sister/step/adopted/foster 1
5 Other relative 1
6 Other non-relative 0
66 Not applicable 4309
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 0
99 No answer 0
Sysmiss 48146
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3 52455

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

icpart1 Interviewer code, lives with husband/wife/partner


Vrednost 313362 Frekvenca
1 Respondent lives with husband/wife/partner 30039
2 All others 22284
9 Not available 135
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52323 135

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

rshpsts Relationship with husband/wife/partner currently living with CARD 46

F6. You just told me that you live with your husband/wife/partner. Which one of the descriptions on this card describes your relationship to them?

Vrednost 314361 Frekvenca
1 Legally married 25407
2 In a legally registered civil union 285
3 Living with my partner - not legally recognised 3408
4 Living with my partner - legally recognised 806
5 Legally separated 8
6 Legally divorced/civil union dissolved 103
66 Not applicable 20839
77 Refusal 10
88 Don't know 50
99 No answer 1542
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
30017 22441

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

lvgptnea Ever lived with a partner, without being married

F7. And can I just check have you ever lived with a partner, without being married to them (or in a civil union)?

Vrednost 315360 Frekvenca
1 Yes 12277
2 No 33037
6 Not applicable 4036
7 Refusal 373
8 Don't know 43
9 No answer 116
Sysmiss 2576
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45314 7144

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

dvrcdeva Ever been divorced/had civil union dissolved ASK ALL

F8. Can I just check have you ever been divorced or had a civil union dissolved?

Vrednost 316359 Frekvenca
1 Yes 7532
2 No 44528
7 Refusal 297
8 Don't know 25
9 No answer 76
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52060 398

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

icpart2 Interviewer code, lives with husband/wife/partner


Vrednost 317358 Frekvenca
1 Respondent lives with husband/wife/partner 30039
2 All others 22284
9 Not available 135
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52323 135

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

iccohbt Interviewer code, respondent cohabiting


Vrednost 318357 Frekvenca
1 Respondent cohabiting 4210
2 All others 25106
6 Not applicable 22284
9 Not available 858
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29316 23142

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2


F11. This question is about your legal marital status not about who you may or may not be living with. Which one of the descriptions on this card describes your legal marital status now?

Vrednost 319356 Frekvenca
1 Legally married 1348
2 In a legally registered civil union 171
3 Legally separated 366
4 Legally divorced/civil union dissolved 4476
5 Widowed/civil partner died 5498
6 None of these (NEVER married or in legally registered civil 13974
66 Not applicable 24231
77 Refusal 26
88 Don't know 151
99 No answer 339
Sysmiss 1878
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
25833 26625

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

marstie Legal marital status, Ireland

F11IE. This question is about your legal marital status not about who you may or may not be living with. Which one of the descriptions on this card describes your legal marital status now? (Ireland)

Vrednost 320355 Frekvenca
1 Legally married 66
2 In a legally registered civil partnership 8
3 Legally separated 99
4 Legally divorced/Civil partnership dissolved 91
5 Widowed/civil partner died 226
6 None of these (NEVER married or in legally registered civil 1024
7 Marriage annulled/Civil partnership annulled 5
66 Not applicable 0
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 4
99 No answer 19
Sysmiss 50916
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1519 50939

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

maritalb Legal marital status, post coded


Vrednost 321354 Frekvenca
1 Legally married 25230
2 In a legally registered civil union 438
3 Legally separated 374
4 Legally divorced/civil union dissolved 4548
5 Widowed/civil partner died 5497
6 None of these (NEVER married or in legally registered civil 13972
77 Refusal 34
88 Don't know 189
99 No answer 298
Sysmiss 1878
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50059 2399

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

chldhm Children living at home or not ASK ALL


Vrednost 322353 Frekvenca
1 Respondent lives with children at household grid 19713
2 Does not 32714
9 Not available 31
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52427 31

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

chldhhe Ever had children living in household

F13. Have you ever had any children of your own, step-children, adopted children, foster children or a partner's children living in your household?

Vrednost 323352 Frekvenca
1 Yes 16666
2 No 15584
6 Not applicable 19656
7 Refusal 13
8 Don't know 83
9 No answer 456
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
32250 20208

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

fxltph Fixed-line telephone in accommodation ASK ALL

F13a. Is there a fixed-line telephone in (your part of) this accommodation?

Vrednost 324351 Frekvenca
1 Yes 34660
2 No 17625
7 Refusal 31
8 Don't know 71
9 No answer 71
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52285 173

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

domicil Domicile, respondent's description CARD 48

F14. Which phrase on this card best describes the area where you live?

Vrednost 325350 Frekvenca
1 A big city 12588
2 Suburbs or outskirts of big city 5727
3 Town or small city 15425
4 Country village 15756
5 Farm or home in countryside 2847
7 Refusal 5
8 Don't know 69
9 No answer 41
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52343 115

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

edulvlb Highest level of education CARD 49

F15. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed?

Vrednost 326349 Frekvenca
0 Not completed ISCED level 1 1235
113 ISCED 1, completed primary education 5574
129 Vocational ISCED 2C < 2 years, no access ISCED 3 25
212 General/pre-vocational ISCED 2A/2B, access ISCED3 vocational 687
213 General ISCED 2A, access ISCED 3A general/all 3 6829
221 Vocational ISCED 2C >= 2 years, no access ISCED 3 63
222 Vocational ISCED 2A/2B, access ISCED 3 vocational 362
223 Vocational ISCED 2, access ISCED 3 general/all 56
229 Vocational ISCED 3C < 2 years, no access ISCED 5 1041
311 General ISCED 3 >=2 years, no access ISCED 5 494
312 General ISCED 3A/3B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 176
313 General ISCED 3A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 6600
321 Vocational ISCED 3C >= 2 years, no access ISCED 5 4762
322 Vocational ISCED 3A/3B, access 5B/lower tier 5A 2279
323 Vocational ISCED 3A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 5118
412 General ISCED 4A/4B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 18
413 General ISCED 4A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 79
421 ISCED 4 programmes without access ISCED 5 692
422 Vocational ISCED 4A/4B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 292
423 Vocational ISCED 4A, access upper tier ISCED 5A /all 5 1352
510 ISCED 5A short, intermediate/academic/general tertiary below 248
520 ISCED 5B short, advanced vocational qualifications 3670
610 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from lower tier tertiar 2242
620 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from upper/single tier 2411
710 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from lower tier tertiary 643
720 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from upper/single tier tert 4899
800 ISCED 6, doctoral degree 351
5555 Other 110
7777 Refusal 15
8888 Don't know 57
9999 No answer 78
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52308 150

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

eisced Highest level of education, ES - ISCED

F15A. Generated variable: Highest level of education, ES - ISCED

Vrednost 327348 Frekvenca
0 Not possible to harmonise into ES-ISCED 0
1 ES-ISCED I , less than lower secondary 6834
2 ES-ISCED II, lower secondary 9038
3 ES-ISCED IIIb, lower tier upper secondary 7535
4 ES-ISCED IIIa, upper tier upper secondary 11894
5 ES-ISCED IV, advanced vocational, sub-degree 6351
6 ES-ISCED V1, lower tertiary education, BA level 4653
7 ES-ISCED V2, higher tertiary education, >= MA level 5893
55 Other 110
77 Refusal 15
88 Don't know 57
99 No answer 78
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52308 150

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55

edlvdbe Highest level of education, Belgium CARD 49

F15BE. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Belgium)

Vrednost 328347 Frekvenca
1 Niet voltooid lager onderwijs 26
2 Getuigschrift Basisonderwijs 151
3 Lager beroepsonderwijs, Lager technisch onderwijs 178
4 Getuigschrift van de eerste graad secundair onderwijs; Diplo 158
5 Studiegetuigschrift van secundair onderwijs (na 6e jaar BSO) 94
6 Studiegetuigschrift van het 3de leerjaar van de 3de graad TS 69
7 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (na 7e jaar BSO) 57
8 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (TSO of KSO); Diploma va 177
9 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (ASO), Diploma van het h 232
10 Secundair onderwijs voorbereidend jaar op het hoger onderwij 13
11 Certificaat van schakelprogramma of voorbereidingsprogramma 3
12 Diploma hogescholenonderwijs van 1 cyclus: graduaat of profe 310
13 Universitair diploma van kandidaat of academische bachelor 36
14 Diploma hogescholenonderwijs van 2 cycli: licentiaat of mast 57
15 Voortgezette opleiding volgend op hogescholenonderwijs van 2 8
16 Universitair diploma van licentiaat of master; Diploma van d 97
17 Master-na-master (universiteit); Postgraduaat; Gediplomeerde 27
18 Doctoraat; post-doctoraat 6
5555 Other 5
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1704 50754

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdbg Highest level of education, Bulgaria CARD 49

F15BG. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Bulgaria)

Vrednost 329346 Frekvenca
0 Nezavarsheno nachalno obrazovanie 47
1 Nachalno obrazovanie 134
2 Svidetelstvo za zavarsheno osnovno obrazovanie (zavarshen 8 594
3 Udostoverenie za pridobita 2-3 stepen na profesionalna kvali 26
4 Svidetelstvo/Diploma za zavarsheno sredno obshto obrazovanie 338
5 Svidetelstvo/Diploma za zavarsheno sredno specialno obrazova 755
6 Diploma za zavarshen profesionalen coleg /pridobita 4 stepen 4
7 Poluvisshe 104
8 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie ot coleg /'Profesionalen baka 12
9 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie - bakalavar 85
10 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie - Magistar / Specialist po… 330
11 Doctorska stepen 5
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50024
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2434 50024

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvdch Highest level of education, Switzerland CARD 49

F15CH. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 330345 Frekvenca
1 Incompleted primary school 14
2 Primary school 78
3 Secondary education (first stage) 168
4 Additional year of secondary education, preparation for voca 37
5 General training school (2-3 years) 46
6 Baccalaureate preparing for university 59
7 Baccalaureate for adults or apprenticeship after Baccalaurea 3
8 Diploma for teaching in primary school or preprimary school 33
9 Vocational baccalaureate 20
10 Vocational baccalaureate for adults 3
11 Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y 54
12 Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system, 3-4 years) 518
13 Second vocational training (or apprenticeship as second educ 29
14 Advanced vocational qualification (specialization exam, fede 68
15 Higher vocational training (diploma in domains such as techn 73
16 Higher vocational training (diploma of some specific high sc 59
17 University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ba 54
18 University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ma 51
19 University diploma (intermediary level) 9
20 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 19
21 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 28
22 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 49
23 Doctoral degree 33
5555 Other education 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1505 50953

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdhr Highest level of education, Croatia CARD 49

F15HR. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Croatia)

Vrednost 331344 Frekvenca
1 Bez škole (do tri razreda osnovne škole) 41
2 Nedovršena osnovna škola (4 do 7 razreda) 152
3 Završena osnovna škola 220
4 Srednja strukovna škola u trajanju 1-2 godine (obrtnicka, in 84
5 Srednja strukovna škola u trajanju 3 godine (obrtnicka, indu 359
6 Tehnicke i srodne strukovne škole, škole za zanimanje u traj 407
7 Gimnazija 84
8 Strucni studij na visokoj školi ili veleucilištu (2-3 godine 97
9 Preddiplomski sveucilišni studij - za akademski naslov 'bacc 47
10 Specijalisticki diplomski strucni studij (4-5 godina); speci 20
11 Diplomski sveucilišni studij (4-6 godina) - stari program 97
12 Strucni magisterij (5 godina); umjetnicka akademija (diploms 12
13 Postignut magisterij znanosti ili završen poslijediplomski s 11
14 Postignut doktorat znanosti 5
5555 Other 7
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 2
9999 No answer 4
Sysmiss 50809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1643 50815

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdcy Highest level of education, Cyprus CARD 49

F15CY. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 332343 Frekvenca
0 Den apofoitise apo dimotiko sxoleio 81
113 Apolytyrio Dimotikou 217
213 Apolytyrio Gymnasiou 111
313 Apolytyrio Lykeiou 349
321 Systima mathiteias 15
323 Apolytyrion Technikis/ Epangelmatikis 17
520 Diploma kollegiou (monoetous dietous trietous foitisis) 82
610 Ptychio kollegiou (tetraetous foitisis) 32
620 Ptychio panepistimiou 124
710 Metaptychiako Diploma kollegiou 7
720 Ptychio polytechniou - iatrikis/Metaptychiako Diploma panepi 41
800 Didaktoriko 6
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1082 51376

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvdcz Highest level of education, Czech Republic CARD 49

F15CZ. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Czech Republic)

Vrednost 333342 Frekvenca
1 Nedokoncené základní vzdelání, neukoneený 1. stupen skolní d 2
2 Nedokoncené základní vzdelání (5 nebo více let skolní docház 19
3 Základní vzdelání (mest'anská skola) 300
4 Strední vzdelání s výucním listem, Strední vzdelání bez matu 902
5 Stredoskolské vzdelání bez maturity (záverecná zkouska) po n 107
6 Vyucení s maturitou, Úplné strední odborné vzdelání s maturi 416
7 Strední vzdelání s maturitou následované studiem s maturitou 182
8 Strední vseobecné vzdelání s maturitou (gymnázia) 193
9 Pomaturitní vzdelání s diplomem: Vyssí odborná skola (DiS), 15
10 Vysokoskolské bakalárské vzdelání 58
11 Vysokoskolské magisterské vzdelání (Mgr., Ing., Ing. arch., 185
12 Vedecká výchova, postgraduální vzdelání (Ph.D., Th.D., CSc., 5
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 2
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50072
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2384 50074

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edude1 Highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss CARD 49

F15DE1. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Germany 1)

Vrednost 334341 Frekvenca
0 Grundschule nicht beendet 28
1 Weiterführende Schule beendet ohne Abschluss oder noch kein 75
2 Volks-/Hauptschulabschluss bzw. Polytechnische Oberschule mi 869
3 Mittlere Reife/Realschulabschluss bzw. Polytechnische Obersc 1107
4 Fachhochschulreife (Abschluss einer Fachoberschule etc.) 221
5 Abitur bzw. erweiterte Oberschule mit Abschluss 12. Klasse ( 722
5555 Other, anderer Schulabschluss 5
8888 Don't know 4
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3027 49431

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edude2 Highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss CARD 49a

F15DE2. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Germany 2)

Vrednost 335340 Frekvenca
0 Kein Studienabschluss 337
1 Hochschule/Universitaet: Zwischenpruefung, Vordiplom 81
2 Diplom Berufsakademie 29
3 Bachelor (Verwaltungs-/Fachhochschule, Berufsakademie) 27
4 Diplom (FH) 134
5 Bachelor (Universitaet) 16
6 Master (Fachhochschule) 41
7 Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen (Universitaet, Kunst-, Musik- 225
8 Master, Aufbaustudium (Universitaet, Kunst-, Musik- und paed 24
9 Promotion; Habilitation 42
5555 Other, anderen Studienabschluss 0
6666 Not applicable 2070
8888 Don't know 5
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
956 51502

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edude3 Highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss CARD 49b

F15DE3. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Germany 3)

Vrednost 336339 Frekvenca
0 kein beruflicher Ausbildungsabschluss 816
1 Abschlusszeugnis Berufsgrundbildungsjahr, Berufsfachschule 86
2 Beruflich-betriebliche Anlernzeit mit Abschlusszeugnis, aber 86
3 Abschlusszeugnis für medizinische Assistenten, Krankenschwes 138
4 Laufbahnprüfung für den mittleren Dienst 45
5 Abgeschlossene gewerbliche oder landwirtschaftliche Lehre 816
6 Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Lehre 472
7 Berufsqualifizierender Abschluss einer Berufsfachschule/Koll 93
8 Berufliche Zweitausbildung 30
9 Meister-/Techniker- oder gleichwertiger Fachschulabschluss; 265
5555 Other, anderen beruflichen Ausbildungsabschluss 170
8888 Don't know 14
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3017 49441

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvddk Highest level of education, Denmark CARD 49

F15DK. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Denmark)

Vrednost 337338 Frekvenca
0 Ingen skolegang. Børnehaveklasse. 1.-5. klasse. 5
1 Folkeskole 6.-8. klasse 156
2 Folkeskole 9.-10. klasse 205
3 Gymnasielle uddannelser, studentereksamen, HF, HHX, HTX 140
4 Kort erhvervsudd. under 1-2 års varighed, F.eks. AMU Arbejds 98
5 Faglig udd. (håndværk, handel, landbrug mv.), F.eks. Faglært 370
6 Kort videreg. udd af op til 2-3 år, F.eks. Erhv.akademi, dat 142
7 Mellemlang videreg.udd. 3-4 år. Prof.bachelorer, F.eks. Dipl 288
8 Universitetsbachelor. 1. del af kandidatuddannelse 36
9 Lang videregående uddannelse. Kandidatuddannelser af 5.-6. å 116
10 Licentiat 2
11 Forskeruddannelse. Ph.d., doktor 15
5555 Other 3
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1576 50882

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvdee Highest level of education, Estonia CARD 49

F15EE. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Estonia)

Vrednost 338337 Frekvenca
0 Alghariduseta (alla 4 klassi) 8
113 Lõpetatud algharidus (4-6 klassi) 64
129 Kutseõpe ilma alghariduse lõpetamiseta 2
213 Lõpetatud põhiharidus (7-9 klassi) 301
229 Kutseharidus põhihariduse baasil õppekava alla 2 aasta 32
313 Lõpetatud üldkeskharidus 361
321 Kutseharidus põhihariduse baasil õppekava 2 aastat või enam 60
323 Kutseharidus koos keskhariduse omandamisega või keskeri-/teh 211
423 Kutseharidus keskhariduse baasil, keskeriharidus või kutseke 269
520 Keskhariduse baasil kutsekõrgkooli, rakenduskõrgkooli diplom 58
610 Kutsekõrgharidus, rakenduskõrgharidus diplomiõpe või bakalau 81
620 Ülikooli bakalaureusekraad (3-4 aastat õpinguid) 106
710 Magistrikraad rakenduskõrgkoolist, kutsekõrgkoolist 27
720 Magistrikraad (3+2, või 4+2, 5+4 süsteemi järgi, sh integree 204
800 Doktorikraad (sh kandidaadikraad) 8
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50665
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1792 50666

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvdes Highest level of education, Spain CARD 49

F15ES. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Spain)

Vrednost 339336 Frekvenca
0 Sin estudios 68
1 Estudios primarios sin completar 158
2 Certificado de Estudios Primarios 220
3 Hasta 5º de EGB 36
4 Educación Primaria (LOGSE) 87
5 Grado Elemental en Música y Danza 2
6 F.P. de Iniciación 17
7 Bachillerato Elemental 80
8 EGB 182
9 ESO 119
10 Grado Medio en Música y Danza 3
11 F.P. Oficialía 9
12 F.P. de 1er Grado 75
13 Bachillerato Superior (o PREU) 78
14 BUP o COU 73
15 Bachillerato (LOGSE) 71
16 C.F. de Grado Medio (Técnico Medio) 51
17 C.F. de Grado Medio en Artes Plásticas y Diseño 3
18 F.P. Maestría 10
19 F.P. de 2º Grado 83
20 C.F. de Grado Superior (Técnico Superior) 38
21 C.F. de Grado Superior en Escuelas de Arte 6
22 Peritaje, Enfermería, Magisterio, Asistente Social 30
23 Diplomado, Ingeniero o Arquitecto Técnico, 3 años de licenci 136
24 Licenciado, Ingeniero, Arquitecto, Máster (Bolonia) 226
25 Doctor 22
5555 Otros 1
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50573
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1884 50574

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvdfi Highest level of education, Finland CARD 49

F15FI. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Finland)

Vrednost 340335 Frekvenca
1 Vähemmän kuin peruskoulun ala-aste tai vähemmän kuin perusko 48
2 Peruskoulun ala-aste, kansakoulu tai kansalaiskoulu 318
3 Peruskoulun yläaste tai keskikoulu 209
4 Lukio, ylioppilastutkinto 117
5 Ammatillinen perustutkinto, ammattitutkinto 437
6 Sekä ylioppilas- että ammattitutkinto 57
7 Erikoisammattitutkinto 59
8 Ammatillinen opistoasteen tutkinto 223
9 Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto tai ammatillisen korkea-asteen tu 113
10 Alempi korkeakoulututkinto tai kandidaatin tutkinto 73
11 Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto 36
12 Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto 160
13 Lisensiaatintutkinto 13
14 Tohtorin tutkinto 12
5555 Other 2
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1877 50581

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdfr Highest level of education, France CARD 49

F15FR. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (France)

Vrednost 341334 Frekvenca
1 A - Non scolarisé ou école primaire non achevée 10
2 B - Ecole primaire uniquement 77
3 C - Certificat d'études primaires 184
4 D - Scolarité suivie de la 6ème à la 3ème 73
5 E - Brevet élémentaire, Brevet d'étude du premier cycle, Bre 103
6 F - Scolarité suivie de la 2nde à la Terminale 51
7 G - CAP, BEP, examen de fin d'apprentissage artisanal 413
8 H - Diplôme d'aide soignante, auxiliaire de puériculture, ai 16
9 I - Baccalauréat professionnel, Brevet de technicien 108
10 J - Baccalauréat technologique, Baccalauréat de technicien, 67
11 K - Baccalauréat général, Brevet supérieur 147
12 L - Diplôme de la capacité en droit, Diplôme d'accès aux étu 3
13 M - Diplôme de moniteur-éducateur, Educateur technique spéci 6
14 N - Diplôme universitaire du premier cycle (DEUG), Classes p 25
15 O - Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT), Brevet de te 125
16 P - Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique (instituteur), Diplôme 48
17 Q - Licence professionnelle 9
18 R - Licence 55
19 S - Diplôme d'école d'ingénieur 21
20 T - DESS, Master deuxième année professionnel 30
21 U - Diplômes professionnels supérieurs divers (notaire, arch 19
22 V - Diplôme des grandes écoles 15
23 W - Maîtrise, CAPES, CRPE (professeur des écoles) 63
24 X - DEA, DES, Master deuxième année recherche, Agrégation 27
25 Y - Doctorat en médecine ou équivalents (Médecine, Dentaire, 12
26 Z - Doctorat 12
5555 Other 9
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1728 50730

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edugb1 Highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent CARD 49a

F15GB1. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (United Kingdom 1)

Vrednost 342333 Frekvenca
1 2 or more A-levels, S-levels, A2-level, AS-levels, Scottish 653
2 GNVQ Intermediate 69
3 Vocational GCSE, SCOTVEC/SQA National certificate modules/Na 117
4 5 or more GCSEs A*-C, CSE Grade 1, GCE O-level Grades A-C or 481
5 1-4 GCSEs A*-C, GCSE Grades D-G, Short course GCSE, CSE Grad 263
6 Skills for Life (including Basic Skills, Key Skills, Entry L 38
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 16
9999 No answer 784
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1621 50837

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edugb2 Highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent CARD 49b

F15GB2. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (United Kingdom 2)

Vrednost 343332 Frekvenca
1 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent 15
2 Masters Degree, M.Phil, Post-Graduate Diplomas and Certifica 139
3 5 year University/CNAA first Degree (MB, BDS, BV etc) 21
4 3-4 year University/CNAA first Degree (BA, BSc., BEd., BEng. 264
5 Nursing certificate, Teacher training, HE Diploma, Edexcel/B 262
6 Foundation Degree (FdA, FdSc etc) 17
7 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or 64
8 HE Access 8
9 Vocational A-level (AVCE), GCE Applied A-level, NVQ/SVQ Leve 178
10 (Modern) Apprenticeship, Advanced (Modern) Apprenticeship, S 291
5555 Other 65
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 11
9999 No answer 1087
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1324 51134

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edagegb Age when completed full time education, United Kingdom

F15GB3. How old were you when you completed your continuous full-time education? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 344331 Frekvenca
1 3
2 1
7 1
8 1
10 3
11 8
12 12
13 8
14 162
15 463
16 609
17 187
18 257
19 82
20 72
21 139
22 127
23 45
24 36
25 28
26 11
27 9
28 3
29 3
30 4
31 3
33 2
35 3
39 1
41 1
50 1
51 1
80 1
95 Still at school 44
96 Still at college or university 78
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 13
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2409 50049

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdgr Highest level of education, Greece CARD 49

F15GR. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Greece)

Vrednost 345330 Frekvenca
1 Merikes taxeis Dimotikou 175
2 Apolytirio Dimotikou 585
3 Apolytirio Gymnasiou 280
4 Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou 795
5 Ptychio Epagelmatikis Ekpedefsis 81
6 Apolytirio Epaggelmatikou Lykeiou 141
7 Pistopoiitiko Epangelmatikis Katartisis epipedou 1 51
8 Diploma epagematikis katartisis epipedou metadefterovathmias 79
9 Ptychio (Sxoles Anoteris Epaggelmatikis Ekpaidefsis) 67
10 Ptychio (ATEI) 126
11 Ptychio (AEI) 230
12 Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis (ATEI) 19
13 Ptychio (AEI, Polytechniou) 33
14 Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis (AEI, Polytechniou) 42
15 Didaktoriko Diploma 11
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2715 49743

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdhu Highest level of education, Hungary CARD 49

F15HU. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Hungary)

Vrednost 346329 Frekvenca
1 Nem járt iskolába; 1-3 osztályos elemi iskola vagy azzal egy 3
2 4-7 osztályos elemi iskola vagy azzal egyenértéku 58
3 Befejezett általános iskola vagy azzal egyenértéku 307
4 Szakmunkásképzo, szakiskola 412
5 10. évfolyamra épülo szakképzés 10
6 Érettségi, befejezett szakközépiskola 205
7 Érettségi, befejezett gimnázium 189
8 Érettségire épülo felsofokra nem akkreditált szakképzés, köz 98
9 Felsofokú akkreditált szakképzés, felsofokú technikum 43
10 Foiskolai diploma vagy foiskolai alapképzési szak - BA /BSc 120
11 Egyetemi alapképzési szak – BA /BSc 17
12 Foiskolai mesterképzési szak – MA/MSs 17
13 Egyetemi diploma, vagy egyetemi mesterképzési szak MA / MSc 75
14 Felsofokú végzettség tudományos fokozattal 6
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1560 50898

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdie Highest level of education, Ireland CARD 49

F15IE. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Ireland)

Vrednost 347328 Frekvenca
1 Left school before finishing primary school; NFQ Level 1 111
2 Left school after the end of primary school but before reach 321
3 Junior Certificate; NFQ Level 3 (including Transition Year) 486
4 Vocational NFQ Level 3 courses, certified by FETAC, e.g. Com 65
5 Vocational NFQ level 4 courses, e.g. FETAC specific skills c 58
6 Leaving Certificate Established (LCE); Leaving Certificate V 450
7 Leaving Certificate Applied programme (LCA); NFQ levels 4-5 139
8 Apprenticeship - FAS etc. 68
9 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses (duration of 1 year); 73
10 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses of 2 or more years du 64
11 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or 28
12 Higher Certificate - NFQ level 6 70
13 Diploma, now termed 'Ordinary level bachelor degree' - NFQ l 179
14 Higher level/honours bachelor degree; NFQ level 8 162
15 Higher/Graduate Diploma, NFQ level 8 45
16 Post-graduate Diploma; NFQ level 9, 87
17 Masters Degree, M.Phil; NFQ level 9 111
18 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent; NFQ level 10 20
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 4
8888 Don't know 6
9999 No answer 29
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2537 49921

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

eduil1 Highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel CARD 49

F15IL1. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Israel 1)

Vrednost 348327 Frekvenca
0 Not completed primary education 49
113 Primary school 149
213 junior high school 188
229 Secondary school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate or Y 462
312 Completion of religious (Ultra-Orthodox) Yeshiva 32
313 Secondary school WITH a general [academic] matriculation cer 372
321 Apprenticeship & Industrial schools 37
323 Secondary school WITH a vocational matriculation certificate 67
413 Pre-academic preparatory programmes 5
422 Post secondary, non-tertiary (a technician diploma, practica 118
520 Post secondary, non tertiary (a practical engineer or author 120
610 A bachelor academic degree, B.A from an academic college, or 161
620 A bachelor academic degree, B.A from a university, or a simi 182
710 B.Ed. after completion of B.A. 13
711 A master's degree, M.A. from an academic college 38
720 A master's degree, M.A. from a university 101
721 MD or similar degree [D.M.D- Doctor of Dental Medicinae or D 15
800 A doctoral degree, Ph.D. or similar degree [J.S.D - Doctor o 20
4444 Education from the former Soviet Union 142
5555 Other 16
7777 Refusal 3
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 4
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2287 50171

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

eduil2 Highest level of education, Russian education, Israel CARD 49

F15IL2. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Israel 2)

Vrednost 349326 Frekvenca
0 Incomplete primary education 1
113 Completed 4 grades of primary school 3
213 Incomplete secondary education (8-9 grades of secondary scho 2
229 Primary professional education (PTU, FSU, FSO, liceum) witho 5
313 Completed general secondary education (10 grades by old syst 10
323 Incomplete secondary education (8-9 grades of secondary scho 9
324 Complete secondary education (10-11 grades of secondary scho 5
423 Completed general secondary education(..), got attestat & Pr 7
520 Completed general secondary education(..), got attestat & Se 21
620 Bachalar degree after 4 years program by new two-stage syste 25
720 Completed high education by 5-6 years system of education (d 44
800 Scientific degree (candidate, doctor of science) 4
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 2152
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 6
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
136 52322

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvdlt Highest level of education, Lithuania CARD 49

F15LT. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Lithuania)

Vrednost 350325 Frekvenca
0 Not completed primary 35
1 Primary 143
2 Vocational (without completing basic) 42
3 Basic (including youth, night schools) 156
4 Vocational (completing basic) 56
5 Vocational <2 years (after completing basic) 41
6 Vocational >=2 years (after completing basic) 68
7 Secondary (including gymnasiums, lyceums, night schools) 303
8 Vocational (completing secondary) 69
9 Vocational (after completing secondary) 108
10 Higher vocational or special secondary (after completing bas 123
11 Higher vocational or special secondary (after completing sec 138
12 Higher (non-university degree) 63
13 Higher (university bachelor degree) 116
14 Higher (integrated university studies degree or professional 139
15 Higher (university master or residency studies degree) 55
16 Doctoral or candidate of sciences degree 7
5555 Other 4
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 11
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1666 50792

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvdnl Highest level of education, Netherlands CARD 49

F15NL. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 351324 Frekvenca
1 Basisschool niet afgemaakt 26
113 Alleen basisschool afgemaakt 135
212 LBO, VBO, LEAO, LTS ambachtsschool, huishoudschool, LHNO, VM 303
213 MULO, ULO, MAVO, VMBO (niveau 4; theoretische leerweg); HAVO 253
229 KMBO, leerlingwezen, MBO niveau 1, MEAO, MTS afgemaakt (duur 103
312 HAVO, MMS, MSVM afgemaakt 70
313 VWO, HBS, atheneum, gymnasium afgemaakt 51
321 MBO niveau 2 en 3 afgemaakt (duur 2-3 jaar) 141
322 MBO niveau 4 afgemaakt (duur 4 jaar) 154
412 MBO-plus voor havisten 18
510 propedeuse WO, OU-certificaat 13
520 korte HBO-opleiding einddiploma (2 of 3 jaar), kweekschool, 117
610 Bachelor HBO afgemaakt 165
620 Bachelor universiteit afgemaakt 16
710 HBO: Master`s degree, tweede fase opleidingen; Post HBO-ople 114
720 WO/universiteit: Master`s degree, tweede fase opleidingen; i 132
800 Doctoraat/gepromoveerd 12
5555 Other 4
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1827 50631

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdno Highest level of education, Norway CARD 49

F15NO. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Norway)

Vrednost 352323 Frekvenca
1 Ingen fullført utdanning 13
2 Barneskole (første del av obligatorisk utdanning) 20
3 Ungdomsskole (grunnskole, 7-årig folkeskole, framhaldskole, 270
4 Vitnemål fra folkehøgskole 21
5 Videregående avsluttende utd, allmennf. studieretninger/stud 194
6 Videregående avsluttende utd., yrkesfaglige studieretninger/ 327
7 Forkurs til universitet/høgskole som ikke gir studiepoeng 8
8 Vitnemål fra påbygging til videregående utdanning (fagskoleu 70
9 Universitet/høgskole, < 3 år (høgskolekandidat, 2- og 2½- år 107
10 Fullført 3-4 årig utd. fra høgskole (Bachelor,cand.mag.,lære 226
11 Fullført 3-4 årig utdanning fra universitet (Bachelor, cand. 73
12 Fullført 5-6 årig utdanning fra høgskole (master, hovedfag) 72
13 Fullf 5-6 årig utd fra univ, lengre prof.utd. (cand.theol/ps 124
14 Forskernivå (Dr. grad, Ph.D.) 15
5555 Other 2
7777 Refusal 3
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 2
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1542 50916

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdpl Highest level of education, Poland CARD 49

F15PL1. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Poland)

Vrednost 353322 Frekvenca
1 Nieukonczona szkola podstawowa 15
2 Ukonczona szkola podstawowa 6-klasowa (4-klasowa przed wojna 47
3 Ukonczona szkola podstawowa 7 lub 8-klasowa 193
4 Ukonczone gimnazjum 126
5 Ukonczona szkola zasadnicza zawodowa 394
6 Ukonczone liceum ogolnoksztalcace bez matury 27
7 Ukonczone liceum ogolnoksztalcace z matura 155
8 Ukonczona srednia szkola zawodowe (technikum, liceum zawodow 125
9 Ukonczona srednia szkola zawodowe (technikum, liceum zawodow 217
10 Dyplom ukonczenia szkoly pomaturalnej lub policealnej 67
11 Dyplom ukooczenia kolegium lub studium nauczycielskiego 6
12 Dyplom licencjacki lub dyplom inzynierski 94
13 Dyplom magistra lub dyplom lekarza 272
14 Stopien naukowy doktora, doktora habilitowanego lub tytul pr 8
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 5
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1746 50712

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

eduyrpl Year of school completion, Poland

F15PL2. Year of school completion, Poland

Vrednost 354321 Frekvenca
0 Still in education 312
1929 1
1930 1
1931 1
1934 2
1935 2
1936 2
1937 1
1938 3
1939 10
1940 2
1941 1
1942 3
1943 2
1944 1
1945 3
1946 6
1947 6
1948 8
1949 7
1950 9
1951 10
1952 8
1953 19
1954 16
1955 17
1956 12
1957 6
1958 12
1959 10
1960 8
1961 8
1962 16
1963 15
1964 16
1965 20
1966 15
1967 16
1968 23
1969 23
1970 26
1971 29
1972 23
1973 24
1974 34
1975 29
1976 33
1977 30
1978 38
1979 35
1980 28
1981 22
1982 23
1983 23
1984 16
1985 17
1986 19
1987 14
1988 24
1989 24
1990 22
1991 18
1992 13
1993 16
1994 16
1995 23
1996 16
1997 21
1998 21
1999 22
2000 33
2001 19
2002 26
2003 26
2004 32
2005 41
2006 36
2007 51
2008 37
2009 27
2010 26
8888 Don't know 36
9999 Not available 9
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1706 50752

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 2010

edupl2 Tertiary education: lower or higher/single tier, Poland

F15PL3. Higher education: lower or higher/single tier, Poland

Vrednost 355320 Frekvenca
0 Other than tertiary level 1385
1 Tertiary level: lower tier 83
2 Tertiary level: higher/single tier 283
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1751 50707

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 2

edlvdpt Highest level of education, Portugal CARD 49

F15PT. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Portugal)

Vrednost 356319 Frekvenca
1 Nenhum 189
2 Ensino Básico 1 (até à 4ª classe, instrução primária (3º ou 793
3 Ensino Básico 2 (preparatório, 5º e 6º anos/classe, 1º ciclo 259
4 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 1. Atribuição de "Dipl 6
5 Ensino Básico 3 (9º ano; 5º ano dos liceus; escola comercial 326
6 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 2. Atribuição de "Dipl 8
7 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 3 e 4. Atribuição de " 5
8 Ensino Secundário - cursos científico-humanísticos (12º ano; 279
9 Ensino Secundário - cursos tecnológicos, artísticos especial 43
10 Cursos de especialização tecnológica. Atribuição de "Diploma 9
11 Ensino superior politécnico: bacharelato de 3 anos; Antigos 31
12 Ensino superior politécnico: licenciaturas de 3-4 anos curri 20
13 Ensino superior universitário: licenciaturas de 3-4 anos cur 57
14 Pós-graduação: especialização pós-licenciatura sem atribuiçã 9
15 Ensino superior universitário: licenciatura com mais de 4 an 95
16 Mestrado (inclui Mestrado Integrado) 17
17 Doutoramento 3
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2149 50309

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdru Highest level of education, Russian Federation CARD 49

F15RU. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 357318 Frekvenca
1 Voobshche ne uchilsya v shkole ili zakonchil lish´ 1-2 klass 17
2 Zakonchil 3-7 klassov srednyei shkoly, no ne poluchil attest 99
3 Poluchil attestat ob osnovnom obshchem obrazovanii, no ne po 206
4 Zakonchennoe srednyee obshchyee obrazovanie, poluchil attest 653
5 Nachal´noe professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil PTU, FZU 43
6 Nachal´noe professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil PTU, pro 232
7 Srednyee professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil tehnikum, 645
8 Poluchil diplom bakalavra v vuze posle 4 let obucheniya po n 16
9 Poluchil diplom magistra v vuze posle dopolnitel´nyh 2 let o 2
10 Zakonchennoe vysshyee obrazovanie po 5-6-letnyei sisteme (di 672
11 Nauchnaya stepen´ (kandidat, doktor nauk) 10
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2595 49863

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6666

edlvdse Highest level of education, Sweden CARD 49

F15SE. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Sweden)

Vrednost 358317 Frekvenca
1 Ej avslutad folkskola/grundskola skolår 1-6 33
2 Avslutad Folkskola, Grundskolan skolår 7-8 153
3 Avslutad Grundskola skolår 9 199
4 Fackskola (1963-1970) - 2-årig gymnasielinje, 2-årig yrkessk 110
5 Studieförberedande gymnasieprogram (3 år) 147
6 Gamla gymnasieutbildningar på två år 80
7 Yrkesinriktade gymnasieprogram (3 år) 186
8 4-årig gymnasielinje (före 1995)/Tekniskt basår 42
9 Universitet/Högskola, 1 år, med examen 36
10 Eftergymnasial utbildning, ej Universitet/Högskola, 1 år (t 53
11 Universitet/Högskola, 2 år, med examen (högskoleexamen) 73
12 2-3 år KY-utbildning, Eftergymnasial utbildning, ej Universi 49
13 Kandidat och/eller yrkesexamen från Högskola, 3-4 år 97
14 Kandidat och/eller yrkesexamen från Universitet, KTH, CTH, H 67
15 Magisterexamen och/eller yrkesexamen från Högskola, >4 år 58
16 Mastersexamen från Högskola 12
17 Magisterexamen och/eller yrkesexamen från universitet, KTH, 42
18 Mastersexamen från Universitet, KTH, CTH, Handelshögskolan 26
19 Forskarutbildning: Licentiatexamen 4
20 Forskarutbildning:Doktorsexamen 20
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 8
9999 No answer 2
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1487 50971

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdsi Highest level of education, Slovenia CARD 49

F15SI. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 359316 Frekvenca
0 Brez šolske izobrazbe 9
1 Nepopolna osnovnošolska izobrazba 49
2 Osnovnošolska izobrazba 277
3 Nižja ali srednja poklicna izobrazba 294
4 Srednja strokovna izobrazba 364
5 Srednja splošna izobrazba 114
6 Višja strokovna izobrazba, višješolska izobrazba 89
7 Visokošolska strokovna izobrazba 51
8 Visokošolska univerzitetna izobrazba 121
9 Specializacija 9
10 Magisterij 17
11 Doktorat 6
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1400 51058

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvdsk Highest level of education, Slovakia CARD 49

F15SK. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Slovakia)

Vrednost 360315 Frekvenca
1 Neukoncený prvý stupen základnej školy 1
2 Neukoncený druhý stupen základnej školy 23
3 Ukoncený druhý stupen základnej školy, Kurzy na doplnenie zá 239
4 Praktická škola 21
5 Rekvalifikacné kurzy 9
6 Odborné ucilište, stredná odborná škola bez maturity, stredn 538
7 Stredná odborná škola s maturitou, stredné odborné ucilište 594
8 8 rocné gymnázium, 4 rocné gymnázium 62
9 Nadstavbové štúdium 38
10 Doplnujúce pedagogické štúdium 8
11 Pomaturitné kvalifikacné štúdium 12
12 Pomaturitné špecializacné štúdium, tane?né konzervatórium, k 9
13 Stredná odborná škola- 6 rocné štúdium 5
14 Vyššie odborné štúdium 10
15 Bakalárske štúdium 34
16 Magisterské/doktorské a inžinierske štúdium 213
17 Magisterské pokracujúce štúdium, štátne rigorózne skúšky, do 22
18 Doktorandské štúdium 12
5555 Other 1
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 4
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1851 50607

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvdua Highest level of education, Ukraine CARD 49

F15UA. What is the highest level of education you have successfully completed? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 361314 Frekvenca
0 Nepovna pochatkova osvita (menshe 4-kh klasiv seredn'oi shko 24
1 Pochatkova osvita (4-7 klasiv seredn'oi shkoly) 110
2 Nepovna serednja osvita (atestat za 8-9 klasiv seredn'oi shk 143
3 PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti, nemaje atestatu pro p 44
4 Povna serednja osvita (atestat pro povnu serednju osvitu za 318
5 Zakinchiv PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti (atestat za 124
6 Dodatkove navchannja na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity (profes 53
7 PTU na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity 123
8 Nepovna vyshcha osvita (molodshij specialist - dyplom tekhni 463
9 Bazova vyshcha osvita (bakalavr) 59
10 Povna vyshcha osvita (specialist) 339
11 Povna vyshcha osvita (magistr) 112
12 Aspirantura, vchena stupin 11
5555 Other 4
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 3
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1927 50531

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

eduyrs Years of full-time education completed ASK ALL

F16. About how many years of education have you completed, whether full-time or part-time? Please report these in full-time equivalents and include compulsory years of schooling.

Vrednost 362313 Frekvenca
77 Refusal 16
88 Don't know 467
99 No answer 146
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51829 629 0 55 12.295 4.053

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55

pdwrk Doing last 7 days: paid work CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? In paid work (or away temporarily) (employee, self-employed, working for your family business)

Vrednost 363312 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 27540
1 Marked 24918
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

edctn Doing last 7 days: education CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? In education (not paid for by employer) even if on vacation

Vrednost 364311 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 47272
1 Marked 5186
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

uempla Doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Unemployed and actively looking for a job

Vrednost 365310 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 49500
1 Marked 2958
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

uempli Doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Unemployed, wanting a job but not actively looking for a job

Vrednost 366309 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51221
1 Marked 1237
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dsbld Doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Permanently sick or disabled

Vrednost 367308 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 50808
1 Marked 1650
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

rtrd Doing last 7 days: retired CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Retired

Vrednost 368307 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 37667
1 Marked 14791
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

cmsrv Doing last 7 days: community or military service CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? In community or military service

Vrednost 369306 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52287
1 Marked 171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

hswrk Doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Doing housework, looking after children or other persons

Vrednost 370305 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 43104
1 Marked 9354
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngoth Doing last 7 days: other CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Other

Vrednost 371304 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51686
1 Marked 772
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngdk Doing last 7 days: don't know CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Don't know

Vrednost 372303 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52425
1 Marked 33
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngref Doing last 7 days: refusal CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Refusal

Vrednost 373302 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52444
1 Marked 14
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngna Doing last 7 days: no answer CARD 50

F17a. Using this card, which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? No answer

Vrednost 374301 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52431
1 Marked 27
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

mainact Main activity last 7 days STILL CARD 50

F17c. And which of these descriptions best describes your situation (in the last seven days)?

Vrednost 375300 Frekvenca
1 Paid work 3679
2 Education 503
3 Unemployed, looking for job 377
4 Unemployed, not looking for job 145
5 Permanently sick or disabled 222
6 Retired 2027
7 Community or military service 12
8 Housework, looking after children, others 890
9 Other 61
66 Not applicable 44440
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 20
99 No answer 82
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7916 44542

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

mnactic Main activity, last 7 days. All respondents. Post coded


Vrednost 376299 Frekvenca
1 Paid work 24049
2 Education 4539
3 Unemployed, looking for job 2732
4 Unemployed, not looking for job 1015
5 Permanently sick or disabled 1230
6 Retired 14057
7 Community or military service 97
8 Housework, looking after children, others 4056
9 Other 536
66 Not applicable 0
77 Refusal 14
88 Don't know 51
99 No answer 82
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52311 147

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

crpdwk Control paid work last 7 days

F18. Can I just check, did you do any paid work of an hour or more in the last seven days?

Vrednost 377298 Frekvenca
1 Yes 954
2 No 26370
6 Not applicable 24909
7 Refusal 14
8 Don't know 55
9 No answer 156
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
27324 25134

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

pdjobev Ever had a paid job

F19. Have you ever had a paid job?

Vrednost 378297 Frekvenca
1 Yes 21008
2 No 5342
6 Not applicable 25859
7 Refusal 20
8 Don't know 26
9 No answer 203
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
26350 26108

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

pdjobyr Year last in paid job

F20. In what year were you last in a paid job?

Vrednost 379296 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 31245
7777 Refusal 32
8888 Don't know 782
9999 No answer 182
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20217 32241 1930 2012 2000.005 10.803

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1930 do 2012

emplrel Employment relation

F21. In your main job are/were you...

Vrednost 380295 Frekvenca
1 Employee 41041
2 Self-employed 5108
3 Working for own family business 612
6 Not applicable 5345
7 Refusal 28
8 Don't know 127
9 No answer 197
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46761 5697

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

emplno Number of employees respondent has/had

F22. How many employees (if any) do/did you have?

Vrednost 381294 Frekvenca
66666 Not applicable 47019
77777 Refusal 12
88888 Don't know 79
99999 No answer 423
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4925 47533 0 500 2.777 15.047

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 500

wrkctra Employment contract unlimited or limited duration ASK IF EMPLOYEE OR FAMILY BUSINESS OR DON'T KNOW (codes 1, 3, 8 at F21)

F23. Do/did you have a work contract of ...

Vrednost 382293 Frekvenca
1 Unlimited 31078
2 Limited 5733
3 No contract 4131
6 Not applicable 10431
7 Refusal 26
8 Don't know 422
9 No answer 637
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
40942 11516

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

jbtmppm You think employer considered job to be temporary or permanent ASK IF respondent has/had work contract of limited duration or no contract (Codes 2, 3 or 8 at F23)

F23a. When your job started do you think that it was considered by your employer to be...

Vrednost 383292 Frekvenca
1 Temporary/fixed term job lasting less than 12 months 3557
2 Temporary/fixed term job lasting 12 months or more 2490
3 A permanent job 3342
4 Other 403
6 Not applicable 41382
7 Refusal 26
8 Don't know 750
9 No answer 508
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9792 42666

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4


F24. Including yourself, about how many people are/were employed at the place where you usually work/worked?

Vrednost 384291 Frekvenca
1 Under 10 14655
2 10 to 24 8249
3 25 to 99 10075
4 100 to 499 6916
5 500 or more 5218
6 Not applicable 5345
7 Refusal 43
8 Don't know 1699
9 No answer 258
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45113 7345

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

jbspv Responsible for supervising other employees

F25. In your main job, do/did you have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees?

Vrednost 385290 Frekvenca
1 Yes 12284
2 No 34461
6 Not applicable 5345
7 Refusal 27
8 Don't know 118
9 No answer 223
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46745 5713

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

njbspv Number of people responsible for in job

F26. How many people are/were you responsible for?

Vrednost 386289 Frekvenca
66666 Not applicable 39841
77777 Refusal 18
88888 Don't know 278
99999 No answer 380
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
11941 40517 0 25000 28.205 335.127

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 25000

wkdcorga Allowed to decide how daily work is organised ASK ALL WORKING/PREVIOUSLY WORKED CARD 51

F27-28a. I am going to read out a list of things about your working life. Using this card, please say how much the management at your work allows/allowed you? ?to decide how your own daily work is/was organised?

Vrednost 387288 Frekvenca
0 I have/had no influence 7829
1 1 2486
2 2 2125
3 3 2112
4 4 1679
5 5 3950
6 6 2287
7 7 4022
8 8 5803
9 9 4275
10 I have/had complete control 9870
66 Not applicable 5345
77 Refusal 39
88 Don't know 396
99 No answer 240
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46438 6020

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

iorgact Allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation ASK ALL WORKING/PREVIOUSLY WORKED CARD 51

F27-28a. I am going to read out a list of things about your working life. Using this card, please say how much the management at your work allows/allowed you? ?to influence policy decisions about the activities of the organisation?

Vrednost 388287 Frekvenca
0 I have/had no influence 14810
1 1 4002
2 2 3208
3 3 2704
4 4 1957
5 5 3789
6 6 2399
7 7 2946
8 8 3201
9 9 1771
10 I have/had complete control 5402
66 Not applicable 5345
77 Refusal 42
88 Don't know 629
99 No answer 253
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46189 6269

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

wkdcpce Allowed to choose/change pace of work ASK ALL WORKING/PREVIOUSLY WORKED CARD 51

F27-28a. I am going to read out a list of things about your working life. Using this card, please say how much the management at your work allows/allowed you? ?to choose or change your pace of work?

Vrednost 389286 Frekvenca
0 I have/had no influence 8486
1 1 2630
2 2 2487
3 3 2345
4 4 1956
5 5 4507
6 6 2382
7 7 3796
8 8 5026
9 9 3466
10 I have/had complete control 9300
66 Not applicable 5345
77 Refusal 40
88 Don't know 451
99 No answer 241
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46381 6077

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

wkhct Total contracted hours per week in main job overtime excluded

F29. What are/were your total 'basic' or contracted hours each week (in your main job), excluding any paid and unpaid overtime?

Vrednost 390285 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 5345
777 Refusal 132
888 Don't know 2897
999 No answer 810
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43274 9184 0 220 37.534 11.203

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 220

wkhtot Total hours normally worked per week in main job overtime included

F30. Regardless of your basic or contracted hours, how many hours do/did you normally work a week (in your main job), including any paid or unpaid overtime

Vrednost 391284 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 5345
777 Refusal 81
888 Don't know 3172
999 No answer 509
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43351 9107 0 168 40.536 13.358

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 168

nacer2 Industry, NACE rev.2

F31. What does/did the firm/organisation you work/worked for mainly make or do?

Vrednost 392283 Frekvenca
1 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service acti 2567
2 Forestry and logging 242
3 Fishing and aquaculture 51
5 Mining of coal and lignite 159
6 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 99
7 Mining of metal ores 27
8 Other mining and quarrying 55
9 Mining support service activities 45
10 Manufacture of food products 1099
11 Manufacture of beverages 120
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 31
13 Manufacture of textiles 444
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 690
15 Manufacture of leather and related products 215
16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except 296
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 185
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 303
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 61
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 297
21 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceuti 201
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 293
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 348
24 Manufacture of basic metals 406
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery a 520
26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 359
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 335
28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 790
29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 376
30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 168
31 Manufacture of furniture 350
32 Other manufacturing 395
33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 247
35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 425
36 Water collection, treatment and supply 140
37 Sewerage 24
38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materia 114
39 Remediation activities and other waste management services 21
41 Construction of buildings 1608
42 Civil engineering 371
43 Specialised construction activities 1187
45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and 798
46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 803
47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 4073
49 Land transport and transport via pipelines 1496
50 Water transport 175
51 Air transport 169
52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation 617
53 Postal and courier activities 373
55 Accommodation 641
56 Food and beverage service activities 1444
58 Publishing activities 186
59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, s 68
60 Programming and broadcasting activities 136
61 Telecommunications 346
62 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 355
63 Information service activities 120
64 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension f 717
65 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsor 355
66 Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance act 134
68 Real estate activities 238
69 Legal and accounting activities 502
70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activitie 174
71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing 323
72 Scientific research and development 261
73 Advertising and market research 206
74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities 371
75 Veterinary activities 265
77 Rental and leasing activities 52
78 Employment activities 139
79 Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service a 113
80 Security and investigation activities 571
81 Services to buildings and landscape activities 690
82 Office administrative, office support and other business sup 344
84 Public administration and defence; compulsory social securit 2430
85 Education 3964
86 Human health activities 2491
87 Residential care activities 766
88 Social work activities without accommodation 931
90 Creative, arts and entertainment activities 271
91 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 196
92 Gambling and betting activities 107
93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities 312
94 Activities of membership organisations 263
95 Repair of computers and personal and household goods 137
96 Other personal service activities 853
97 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel 295
98 Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of 69
99 Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies 16
666 Not applicable 5345
777 Refusal 193
888 Don't know 159
999 No answer 741
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46020 6438

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 99

tporgwk What type of organisation work/worked for CARD 52

F32. Which of the types of organisation on this card do/did you work for?

Vrednost 393282 Frekvenca
1 Central or local government 4493
2 Other public sector (such as education and health) 5918
3 A state owned enterprise 5993
4 A private firm 24171
5 Self-employed 4073
6 Other 1346
66 Not applicable 5345
77 Refusal 30
88 Don't know 527
99 No answer 562
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45994 6464

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

iscoco Occupation, ISCO88 (com)

F33-34a. What is/was the name or title of your main job? In your main job, what kind of work do/did you do most of the time? What training or qualifications are/were needed for the job?

Vrednost 394281 Frekvenca
100 Armed forces 161
1000 Legislators, senior officials and managers 24
1100 Legislators and senior officials 22
1110 Legislators, senior government officials 74
1140 Senior officials of special-interest org 8
1141 Senior officials of political-party org 3
1142 Senior officials of economic-interest org 7
1143 Senior off human, special-interest org 6
1200 Corporate managers 11
1210 Directors and chief executives 308
1220 Production and operations managers 57
1221 Managers agriculture,hunting,forestry,fishing 54
1222 Managers in manufacturing 264
1223 Managers in construction 91
1224 Managers in wholesale and retail trade 85
1225 Managers in restaurants and hotels 47
1226 Managers transport,storage,communications 64
1227 Managers in business services enterprises 46
1228 Managers personal care,cleaning,rel serv 25
1229 Managers not elsewhere classified 167
1230 Other specialist managers 46
1231 Finance and administration managers 215
1232 Personnel and industrial relations managers 91
1233 Sales and marketing managers 169
1234 Advertising and public relations managers 25
1235 Supply and distribution managers 41
1236 Computing services managers 56
1237 Research and development managers 44
1239 Oth spec managers not elsewhere classified 185
1300 Managers of small enterprises 20
1310 Managers of small enterprises 22
1311 Mngr small ent agr,hunting,forestry,fishing 96
1312 Mngr small ent in manufacturing 60
1313 Mngr small ent in construction 95
1314 Mngr small ent wholesale and retail trade 543
1315 Mngr small ent of restaurants and hotels 171
1316 Mngr small ent transp,storage,comm 80
1317 Mngr small ent of business serv enterpr 99
1318 Mngr small ent pers care,cleaning,rel serv 67
1319 Mngr small ent not elsewhere classified 353
2000 Professionals 18
2100 Phys, mathem, engin science professionals 10
2110 Physics, chemists, related professionals 4
2111 Physicists and astronomers 4
2112 Meteorologists 4
2113 Chemists 33
2114 Geologists and geophysicists 17
2120 Mathem, stat, related professionals 1
2121 Mathematicians and related professionals 5
2122 Statisticians 15
2130 Computing professionals 62
2131 Comp systems designers,analysts,programmers 244
2139 Comp professionals not elsewhere classified 66
2140 Architects,engineers,related professionals 40
2141 Architects, town and traffic planners 125
2142 Civil engineers 135
2143 Electrical engineers 63
2144 Electronics, telecommunications engineers 47
2145 Mechanical engineers 120
2146 Chemical engineers 31
2147 Mining engineers, metall,rel professionals 11
2148 Cartographers and surveyors 38
2149 Arch, engin,rel prof not elsewhere class 179
2200 Life science and health professionals 6
2210 Life science professionals 2
2211 Biol,botan,zool and related professionals 48
2212 Pharm, pathol and related professionals 11
2213 Agronomists and related professionals 33
2220 Health professionals (except nursing) 2
2221 Medical doctors 245
2222 Dentists 51
2223 Veterinarians 28
2224 Pharmacists 63
2229 Health prof (not nursing) not elsew class 53
2230 Nursing and midwifery professionals 321
2300 Teaching professionals 155
2310 Coll,univ, higher educ teaching prof 220
2320 Secondary education teaching professionals 768
2330 Primary and pre-primary educ teaching prof 52
2331 Primary education teaching professionals 571
2332 Pre-primary educ teaching professionals 162
2340 Special education teaching professionals 111
2350 Other teaching professionals 9
2351 Education methods specialists 35
2352 School inspectors 14
2359 Other teaching prof not elsewhere class 249
2400 Other professionals 6
2410 Business professionals 15
2411 Accountants 368
2412 Personnel and careers professionals 90
2419 Business prof not elsewhere classified 380
2420 Legal professionals 10
2421 Lawyers 110
2422 Judges 20
2429 Legal prof not elsewhere classified 50
2430 Archiv,libr,related information prof 5
2431 Archivists and curators 24
2432 Librarians,related information prof 65
2440 Social science and related professionals 2
2441 Economists 110
2442 Sociologists, anthropologists, rel prof 20
2443 Philosophers,historians,political scientists 8
2444 Philologists, translators and interpreters 48
2445 Psychologists 75
2446 Social work professionals 156
2450 Writers and creative or performing artists 5
2451 Authors, journalists and other writers 138
2452 Sculptors, painters and related artists 59
2453 Composers, musicians and singers 50
2454 Choreographers and dancers 9
2455 Film, stage and related actors and directors 41
2460 Religious professionals 33
2470 Public service administrative professionals 176
3000 Technicians and associate professionals 7
3100 Physical,engineering science associate prof 16
3110 Physical,engineering science technicians 22
3111 Chemical and physical science technicians 69
3112 Civil engineering technicians 116
3113 Electrical engineering technicians 80
3114 Electronics,telecom engineering technicians 80
3115 Mechanical engineering technicians 155
3116 Chemical engineering technicians 35
3117 Mining and metallurgical technicians 22
3118 Draughtspersons 71
3119 Phys, engin science techn not elsew class 180
3120 Computer associate professionals 53
3121 Computer assistants 88
3122 Computer equipment operators 50
3123 Industrial robot controllers 17
3130 Optical and electronic equipment operators 1
3131 Photogr,image,sound rec equipment oper 44
3132 Broadcasting,telecom equipment operators 17
3133 Medical equipment operators 15
3139 Optical,electr equipm oper not elsew class 6
3140 Ship, aircraft controllers and technicians 2
3141 Ships' engineers 16
3142 Ships' deck officers and pilots 29
3143 Aircraft pilots, related associated prof 5
3144 Air traffic controllers 13
3145 Air traffic safety technicians 7
3150 Safety and quality inspectors 8
3151 Building and fire inspectors 19
3152 Safety, health and quality inspectors 148
3200 Life,science and health associate prof 11
3210 Life,science techn and rel associate prof 6
3211 Life science technicians 67
3212 Agronomy and forestry technicians 37
3213 Farming and forestry advisers 17
3220 Health associate prof (except nursing) 3
3221 Medical assistants 71
3222 Hygienists, health environmental officers 18
3223 Dieticians and nutritionists 15
3224 Optometrists and opticians 19
3225 Dental assistants 49
3226 Physiotherapists and rel associate prof 99
3227 Veterinary assistants 23
3228 Pharmaceutical assistants 51
3229 Health ass prof excpt nursing not else class 99
3230 Nursing midwifery associate prof 7
3231 Nursing associate professionals 609
3232 Midwifery associate professionals 37
3300 Teaching associate professionals 15
3310 Primary education teaching associate prof 149
3320 Pre-primary edu teaching associate prof 202
3330 Special education teaching associate prof 40
3340 Other teaching associate professionals 147
3400 Other associate professionals 29
3410 Finance and sales associate professionals 51
3411 Securities and finance dealers and brokers 56
3412 Insurance representatives 141
3413 Estate agents 63
3414 Travel consultants and organisers 25
3415 Technical and commercial sales rep 447
3416 Buyers 87
3417 Appraisers, valuers and auctioneers 13
3419 Finance,sales associate prof not else class 259
3420 Business services agents and trade brokers 13
3421 Trade brokers 31
3422 Clearing and forwarding agents 25
3423 Employment agents and labour contractors 54
3429 Busines,serv,agnts,trde brokr not else class 106
3430 Administrative associate professionals 106
3431 Adm secretaries, related associate prof 458
3432 Legal related business associate prof 99
3433 Bookkeepers 428
3434 Statistical, mathemat rel associate prof 41
3440 Custom,tax,related gov associate prof 12
3441 Customs and border inspectors 20
3442 Government tax and excise officials 38
3443 Government social benefits officials 32
3444 Government licensing officials 15
3449 Custom,tax,rel gov assoc prof not else class 34
3450 Police inspectors and detectives 82
3460 Social work associate professionals 206
3470 Artistic,entertainment,sports associate prof 6
3471 Decorators and commercial designers 138
3472 Radio, television and other announcers 7
3473 Street,nightclub,rel musicians,singers,dance 21
3474 Clowns,magicians,acrobats, rel associate prof 12
3475 Athletes,sportspers, related associate prof 94
3480 Religious associate professionals 14
4000 Clerks 73
4100 Office clerks 51
4110 Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks 108
4111 Stenographers and typists 33
4112 Word-processor and related operators 24
4113 Data entry operators 40
4114 Calculating-machine operators 13
4115 Secretaries 624
4120 Numerical clerks 63
4121 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks 522
4122 Statistical and finance clerks 268
4130 Material-recording and transport clerks 21
4131 Stock clerks 449
4132 Production clerks 206
4133 Transport clerks 136
4140 Library, mail and related clerks 1
4141 Library and filing clerks 75
4142 Mail carriers and sorting clerks 190
4143 Coding, proof-reading and related clerks 6
4144 Scribes and related workers 10
4190 Other office clerks 750
4200 Customer services clerks 15
4210 Cashiers, tellers and related clerks 30
4211 Cashiers and ticket clerks 271
4212 Tellers and other counter clerks 132
4213 Bookmakers and croupiers 17
4214 Pawnbrokers and money-lenders 2
4215 Debt-collectors and related workers 15
4220 Client information clerks 41
4221 Travel agency and related clerks 26
4222 Receptionists and information clerks 224
4223 Telephone switchboard operators 123
5000 Service workers,shop, market sales workers 23
5100 Personal and protective services workers 26
5110 Travel attendants and related workers 2
5111 Travel attendants and travel stewards 42
5112 Transport conductors 45
5113 Travel guides 24
5120 Housekeeping, restaurant services workers 12
5121 Housekeepers and related workers 123
5122 Cooks 720
5123 Waiters, waitresses and bartenders 726
5130 Personal care and related workers 24
5131 Child-care workers 451
5132 Institution-based personal care workers 510
5133 Home-based personal care workers 414
5139 Personal care,related workers not else class 102
5140 Other personal services workers 8
5141 Hairdress,barber,beautician, related workers 367
5142 Companions and valets 18
5143 Undertakers and embalmers 9
5149 Other pers service workers not else class 87
5160 Protective services workers 6
5161 Fire-fighters 85
5162 Police officers 193
5163 Prison guards 39
5169 Protective services workers not else class 322
5200 Models, salespersons and demonstrators 134
5210 Fashion and other models 21
5220 Shop,stall,market salespers, demonstrators 2840
6000 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 0
6100 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 18
6110 Market gardeners and crop growers 45
6111 Field crop and vegetable growers 335
6112 Gardeners, horticultural, nursery growers 197
6120 Animal producers and related workers 2
6121 Dairy and livestock producers 191
6122 Poultry producers 22
6129 Animal prod, related workers not else class 57
6130 Crop and animal producers 382
6140 Forestry and related workers 14
6141 Forestry workers and loggers 53
6142 Charcoal burners and related workers 2
6150 Fishery workers, hunters and trappers 7
6151 Aquatic-life cultivation workers 3
6152 Inland and coastal waters fishery workers 8
6153 Deep-sea fishery workers 5
6154 Hunters and trappers 1
7000 Craft and related trades workers 48
7100 Extraction and building trades workers 16
7110 Miners,shotfirers, stone cutters, carvers 0
7111 Miners and quarry workers 63
7112 Shotfirers and blasters 13
7113 Stone splitters, cutters and carvers 19
7120 Building frame and related trades workers 57
7121 Builders 175
7122 Bricklayers and stonemasons 444
7123 Concrete placer,concrete finisher, rel workrs 70
7124 Carpenters and joiners 315
7129 Build frame, rel trade worker not else class 133
7130 Build finishers, related trades workers 14
7131 Roofers 47
7132 Floor layers and tile setters 52
7133 Plasterers 70
7134 Insulation workers 28
7135 Glaziers 18
7136 Plumbers and pipe fitters 228
7137 Building and related electricians 217
7139 Build finisher,rel trde work not else class 63
7140 Painter,building struct cleaner,rel trde work 5
7141 Painters and related workers 221
7143 Building structure cleaners 18
7200 Metal, machinery related trades workers 23
7210 Metalm,welder,sheetmet,structmet prep,rel work 15
7211 Metal moulders and coremakers 19
7212 Welders and flamecutters 245
7213 Sheet-metal workers 90
7214 Structural-metal preparers and erectors 76
7215 Riggers and cable splicers 12
7216 Underwater workers 1
7220 Blacksmiths,tool-makers,related trad work 2
7221 Blacksmith, hammer-smith,forging-press work 54
7222 Tool-makers and related workers 182
7223 Machine-tool setters and setter-operators 161
7224 Metal wheelgrinder, polisher, tool sharpener 45
7230 Machinery mechanics and fitters 45
7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters 374
7232 Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters 19
7233 Agric- or industrmachine mechanic and fitter 251
7240 Electric,electronic equip mech and fitter 20
7241 Electric mechanic, fitters and servicers 259
7242 Electronic mecanic, fitters and servicers 106
7244 Telegraph, teleph installers and servicers 44
7245 Electric line install,repairer,cable jointer 79
7300 Precision,handicraft,printing,rel trade work 1
7310 Precision workers in metal and rel materials 5
7311 Precision-instrument makers and repairers 43
7312 Musical instrument makers and tuners 4
7313 Jewellery and precious-metal workers 40
7320 Potters,glass-makers, related trades workers 5
7321 Abrasive wheel former,potter and rel workers 15
7322 Glass-makers,cutters,grinders and finishers 32
7323 Glass engravers and etchers 4
7324 Glass,ceramics and rel decorative painters 14
7330 Handicrft work wood,textile,leather,rel matr 2
7331 Handicrft work in wood and related material 31
7332 Handicrft work in textile,leather,rel mater 21
7340 Craft printing and related trades workers 2
7341 Compositors,typesetters, related workers 36
7342 Stereotypers and electrotypers 12
7343 Printing engravers and etchers 17
7344 Photographic and related workers 16
7345 Bookbinders and related workers 25
7346 Silk-screen,block,craft textile printers 4
7400 Other craft and related trades workers 11
7410 Food processing and related trades workers 6
7411 Butchers,fishmongers,related food preparers 106
7412 Bakers,pastry-cooks,confectionery maker 180
7413 Dairy products workers 15
7414 Fruit, vegetable and related preservers 8
7415 Food and beverage tasters and graders 4
7416 Tobacco preparers,tobacco products maker 4
7420 Wood treaters,cabinet-makers,rel trad work 0
7421 Wood treaters 27
7422 Cabinetmakers and related workers 132
7423 Woodworking machine setter,setter-operator 16
7424 Basketry weavers,brush makers,rel worker 3
7430 Textile,garment, related trades worker 12
7431 Fibre preparers 9
7432 Weavers, knitters and related workers 70
7433 Tailors, dressmakers and hatters 249
7434 Furriers and related workers 5
7435 Textile,leather,rel patternmakers, cutter 45
7436 Sewers, embroiderers and related workers 233
7437 Upholsterers and related workers 34
7440 Pelt,leather,shoemaking trades worker 0
7441 Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers 7
7442 Shoe-makers and related workers 65
8000 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 31
8100 Stationary plant and related operators 11
8110 Mining, mineral-processing-plant operator 3
8111 Mining plant operators 19
8112 Mineralore,stone-processing-plant operator 7
8113 Well drillers,borers and related worker 16
8120 Metal-processing plant operators 5
8121 Ore and metal furnace operators 17
8122 Metal melters,casters,rolling-mill operator 31
8123 Metal-heat-treating-plant operators 20
8124 Metal drawers and extruders 10
8130 Glass, ceramics,related plant operators 4
8131 Glass,ceramics kiln,related machine operator 15
8139 Glass,ceramic,rel plant operat not else class 14
8140 Wood-processing, papermaking-plant operator 17
8141 Wood-processing-plant operators 52
8142 Paper-pulp plant operators 6
8143 Papermaking-plant operators 25
8150 Chemical-processing-plant operators 7
8151 Crush,grind,chemicalmixing machinery operat 2
8152 Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators 3
8153 Chemical,filtering,separating-equip operator 3
8154 Chem-still,reactor opt,except petr, nat gas 0
8155 Petrol,natural gas refin plant operator 11
8159 Chemicalprocess,plant operat not else class 9
8160 Power-Prod. and related plant operators 3
8161 Power-production plant operators 28
8162 Steam-engine and boiler operators 61
8163 Incinerator,watertreatment,rel plant operator 27
8170 Industrial robot operators 36
8200 Machine operators and assemblers 21
8210 Metal,mineralproducts machine operator 2
8211 Machine-tool operators 144
8212 Cement, other mineral prod machine operator 22
8220 Chemical-products machine operators 1
8221 Pharmaceutical,toiletry-prod machine operat 19
8222 Ammunition,explosive products machine operat 6
8223 Metal finish, plating,coatingmachine operat 15
8224 Photographic-products machine operators 7
8229 Chemicalprod, machine operat not else class 22
8230 Rubber,plasticproducts machine operator 4
8231 Rubber-products machine operators 30
8232 Plastic-products machine operators 59
8240 Wood-products machine operators 41
8250 Printing,binding,paperprod machine operat 1
8251 Printing-machine operators 33
8252 Bookbinding-machine operators 12
8253 Paper-products machine operators 18
8260 Textile,fur,leatherprod machine operator 9
8261 Fibreprep,spinning winding-machine operat 43
8262 Weaving- and knitting-machine operators 52
8263 Sewing-machine operators 205
8264 Bleaching,dyeing,cleaning-machine operat 38
8265 Fur,leatherprep machine operat 4
8266 Shoemaking- and related machine operators 21
8269 Textl,fur,leatherprod mach operat n else clas 45
8270 Food,related products machine operator 30
8271 Meat, fishprocess machine operator 63
8272 Dairy-products machine operators 22
8273 Grain- and spice-milling-machine operators 9
8274 Baked g,cereal,chocolateprod machine operat 59
8275 Fruit,vegetable,nutprocess-machine operat 21
8276 Sugar production machine operators 7
8277 Tea, coffee, cocoaprocess-machine operat 0
8278 Brewer,wine, other beverage machine operat 23
8279 Tobacco production machine operators 14
8280 Assemblers 33
8281 Mechanical-machinery assemblers 70
8282 Electrical-equipment assemblers 53
8283 Electronic-equipment assemblers 68
8284 Metal,rubber,plastic-prod assemblers 33
8285 Wood and related products assemblers 25
8286 Paperboard,textile, related prod assembl 5
8287 Composite products assemblers 7
8290 Other machine operat not else class 285
8300 Drivers and mobile plant operators 8
8310 Locomotive engine drivers,related worker 0
8311 Locomotive engine drivers 65
8312 Railway brakers, signallers and shunters 46
8320 Motor vehicle drivers 51
8321 Motorcycle drivers 6
8322 Car, taxi and van drivers 423
8323 Bus and tram drivers 205
8324 Heavy truck and lorry drivers 664
8330 Agricultural,other mobile plant operator 13
8331 Motorised farm, forestry plant operator 144
8332 Earth-moving and related plant operators 136
8333 Crane, hoist and related plant operators 97
8334 Lifting-truck operators 95
8340 Ships' deck crews and related workers 34
9000 Elementary occupations 113
9100 Sales and services elementary occupations 53
9110 Street vendors and related workers 1
9111 Street vendors 37
9113 Door-to-door and telephone salespersons 37
9120 Shoe cleaning,other streetserv element occ 5
9130 Domestic,related helpers,cleaner,launderer 181
9131 Domestic helpers and cleaners 420
9132 Helper,cleaner in office,hotel,other establ 1453
9133 Hand-launderers and pressers 80
9140 Building caretakers,window, rel cleaner 2
9141 Building caretakers 221
9142 Vehicle, window and related cleaners 28
9150 Messengers,porters doorkeepers,rel worker 7
9151 Messengers,package,luggage porter, deliverer 213
9152 Doorkeepers,watchpersons,related worker 264
9153 Vendingm,money collect, meter reader,rel work 31
9160 Garbage collectors and related labourers 5
9161 Garbage collectors 43
9162 Sweepers and related labourers 151
9200 Agricultural,fishery,related labourers 11
9210 Agricultural,fishery,related labourers 17
9211 Farm-hands and labourers 780
9212 Forestry labourers 67
9213 Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers 5
9300 Labourer mining,construction,manufact,transp 28
9310 Mining and construction labourers 4
9311 Mining and quarrying labourers 17
9312 Constr,mainten labour: roads,dams,sim constr 174
9313 Building construction labourers 233
9320 Manufacturing labourers 949
9330 Transport laborers and freight handlers 263
66666 Not applicable 5345
77777 Refusal 104
88888 Don't know 88
99999 No answer 546
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46375 6083

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 9330

rsnlvem Main reason for leaving last employer CODE ONE ANSWER ONLY CARD 53

F34b. Which of the reasons shown on this card best describes your main reason for leaving your last employer?

Vrednost 395280 Frekvenca
1 Obtained a better job 6098
2 Decided to start own business/ become self-employed 1543
3 Contract ended 2530
4 Was made redundant or dismissed 3406
5 Employer stopped operating 2247
6 My own/family business was closed or sold 443
7 Illness or disability 2481
8 Retired 8949
9 Personal or family reasons 4787
10 Other 2954
11 Never left an employer 9847
66 Not applicable 5345
77 Refusal 25
88 Don't know 474
99 No answer 1329
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
45285 7173

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 11

wrkac6m Paid work in another country, period more than 6 months last 10 years

F35. In the last 10 years have you done any paid work in another country for a period of 6 months or more?

Vrednost 396279 Frekvenca
1 Yes 2566
2 No 44223
6 Not applicable 5345
7 Refusal 17
8 Don't know 72
9 No answer 235
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
46789 5669

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

uemp3m Ever unemployed and seeking work for a period more than three months ASK ALL

F36. Have you ever been unemployed and seeking work for a period of more than three months?

Vrednost 397278 Frekvenca
1 Yes 13826
2 No 38243
7 Refusal 26
8 Don't know 221
9 No answer 142
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52069 389

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

uemp12m Any period of unemployment and work seeking lasted 12 months or more

F37. Have any of these periods lasted for 12 months or more?

Vrednost 398277 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6785
2 No 6941
6 Not applicable 38487
7 Refusal 5
8 Don't know 88
9 No answer 152
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13726 38732

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

uemp5yr Any period of unemployment and work seeking within last 5 years

F38. Have any of these periods been within the past 5 years?

Vrednost 399276 Frekvenca
1 Yes 7392
2 No 6334
6 Not applicable 38487
7 Refusal 7
8 Don't know 70
9 No answer 168
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13726 38732

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

mbtru Member of trade union or similar organisation ASK ALL

F39. Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation? IF YES, is that currently or previously?

Vrednost 400275 Frekvenca
1 Yes, currently 8125
2 Yes, previously 13048
3 No 30937
7 Refusal 32
8 Don't know 252
9 No answer 64
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52110 348

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

hincsrca Main source of household income CARD 54

F40. Please consider the income of all household members and any income which may be received by the household as a whole. What is the main source of income in your household?

Vrednost 401274 Frekvenca
1 Wages or salaries 29291
2 Income from self-employment (excluding farming) 2723
3 Income from farming 680
4 Pensions 14699
5 Unemployment/redundancy benefit 1244
6 Any other social benefits or grants 1687
7 Income from investments, savings etc. 214
8 Income from other sources 835
77 Refusal 568
88 Don't know 437
99 No answer 80
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51373 1085

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

hinctnta Household's total net income, all sources CARD 55

F41. Using this card, please tell me which letter describes your household's total income, after tax and compulsory deductions, from all sources? If you don't know the exact figure, please give an estimate. Use the part of the card that you know best: weekly, monthly or annual income.

Vrednost 402273 Frekvenca
1 J 4647
2 R 4801
3 C 4488
4 M 4365
5 F 4369
6 S 4073
7 K 3812
8 P 3477
9 D 2889
10 H 2917
77 Refusal 6253
88 Don't know 4035
99 No answer 182
Sysmiss 2150
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
39838 12620

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 10

pphincr Proportion of household income respondent provides CARD 56

F41a. Around how large a proportion of the household income do you provide yourself?

Vrednost 403272 Frekvenca
1 None 6242
2 Very small 4524
3 Under a half 7871
4 About half 8133
5 Over a half 6738
6 Very large 3639
7 All 13917
77 Refusal 854
88 Don't know 469
99 No answer 71
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51064 1394

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

hincfel Feeling about household's income nowadays CARD 57

F42. Which of the descriptions on this card comes closest to how you feel about your household's income nowadays?

Vrednost 404271 Frekvenca
1 Living comfortably on present income 12109
2 Coping on present income 22196
3 Difficult on present income 11650
4 Very difficult on present income 5803
7 Refusal 135
8 Don't know 481
9 No answer 84
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51758 700

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

brwmny Borrow money to make ends meet, difficult or easy CARD 58

F43. If for some reason you were in serious financial difficulties and had to borrow money to make ends meet, how difficult or easy would that be?

Vrednost 405270 Frekvenca
1 Very difficult 11710
2 Quite difficult 14561
3 Neither easy nor difficult 10847
4 Quite easy 8764
5 Very easy 3660
7 Refusal 146
8 Don't know 2638
9 No answer 132
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49542 2916

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

icpart3 Interviewer code, lives with husband/wife/partner


Vrednost 406269 Frekvenca
1 Respondent lives with husband/wife/partner 30039
2 All others 22284
9 Not available 135
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52323 135

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

edulvlpb Partner's highest level of education CARD 59

F45. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed?

Vrednost 407268 Frekvenca
0 Not completed ISCED level 1 594
113 ISCED 1, completed primary education 2966
129 Vocational ISCED 2C < 2 years, no access ISCED 3 18
212 General/pre-vocational ISCED 2A/2B, access ISCED3 vocational 399
213 General ISCED 2A, access ISCED 3A general/all 3 3046
221 Vocational ISCED 2C >= 2 years, no access ISCED 3 21
222 Vocational ISCED 2A/2B, access ISCED 3 vocational 217
223 Vocational ISCED 2, access ISCED 3 general/all 39
229 Vocational ISCED 3C < 2 years, no access ISCED 5 694
311 General ISCED 3 >=2 years, no access ISCED 5 270
312 General ISCED 3A/3B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 118
313 General ISCED 3A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 3130
321 Vocational ISCED 3C >= 2 years, no access ISCED 5 3060
322 Vocational ISCED 3A/3B, access 5B/lower tier 5A 1643
323 Vocational ISCED 3A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 3198
412 General ISCED 4A/4B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 28
413 General ISCED 4A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 65
421 ISCED 4 programmes without access ISCED 5 426
422 Vocational ISCED 4A/4B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 144
423 Vocational ISCED 4A, access upper tier ISCED 5A /all 5 818
510 ISCED 5A short, intermediate/academic/general tertiary below 172
520 ISCED 5B short, advanced vocational qualifications 2158
610 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from lower tier tertiar 1448
620 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from upper/single tier 1423
710 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from lower tier tertiary 431
720 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from upper/single tier tert 2877
800 ISCED 6, doctoral degree 246
5555 Other 67
6666 Not applicable 22285
7777 Refusal 40
8888 Don't know 253
9999 No answer 164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29716 22742

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

eiscedp Partner's highest level of education, ES - ISCED

F45A. Generated variable: Partner's highest level of education, ES - ISCED

Vrednost 408267 Frekvenca
0 Not possible to harmonise into ES-ISCED 0
1 ES-ISCED I , less than lower secondary 3578
2 ES-ISCED II, lower secondary 4416
3 ES-ISCED IIIb, lower tier upper secondary 4973
4 ES-ISCED IIIa, upper tier upper secondary 6446
5 ES-ISCED IV, advanced vocational, sub-degree 3811
6 ES-ISCED V1, lower tertiary education, BA level 2871
7 ES-ISCED V2, higher tertiary education, >= MA level 3554
55 Other 67
66 Not applicable 22285
77 Refusal 40
88 Don't know 253
99 No answer 164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29716 22742

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55

edlvpdbe Partner's highest level of education, Belgium CARD 59

F45BE. What is the highes level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed?(Belgium)

Vrednost 409266 Frekvenca
1 Niet voltooid lager onderwijs 23
2 Getuigschrift Basisonderwijs 77
3 Lager beroepsonderwijs, Lager technisch onderwijs 106
4 Getuigschrift van de eerste graad secundair onderwijs; Diplo 53
5 Studiegetuigschrift van secundair onderwijs (na 6e jaar BSO) 57
6 Studiegetuigschrift van het 3de leerjaar van de 3de graad TS 49
7 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (na 7e jaar BSO) 38
8 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (TSO of KSO); Diploma va 114
9 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (ASO), Diploma van het h 124
10 Secundair onderwijs voorbereidend jaar op het hoger onderwij 18
11 Certificaat van schakelprogramma of voorbereidingsprogramma 0
12 Diploma hogescholenonderwijs van 1 cyclus: graduaat of profe 224
13 Universitair diploma van kandidaat of academische bachelor 35
14 Diploma hogescholenonderwijs van 2 cycli: licentiaat of mast 29
15 Voortgezette opleiding volgend op hogescholenonderwijs van 2 10
16 Universitair diploma van licentiaat of master; Diploma van d 71
17 Master-na-master (universiteit); Postgraduaat; Gediplomeerde 18
18 Doctoraat; post-doctoraat 10
5555 Other 3
6666 Not applicable 641
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 4
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1059 51399

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdbg Partner's highest level of education, Bulgaria CARD 59

F45BG. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Bulgaria)

Vrednost 410265 Frekvenca
0 Nezavarsheno nachalno obrazovanie 32
1 Nachalno obrazovanie 66
2 Svidetelstvo za zavarsheno osnovno obrazovanie (zavarshen 8 323
3 Udostoverenie za pridobita 2-3 stepen na profesionalna kvali 12
4 Svidetelstvo/Diploma za zavarsheno sredno obshto obrazovanie 194
5 Svidetelstvo/Diploma za zavarsheno sredno specialno obrazova 492
6 Diploma za zavarshen profesionalen coleg /pridobita 4 stepen 2
7 Poluvisshe 57
8 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie ot coleg /'Profesionalen baka 7
9 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie - bakalavar 41
10 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie - Magistar / Specialist po… 191
11 Doctorska stepen 2
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 1011
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 3
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50024
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1419 51039

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpdch Partner's highest level of education, Switzerland CARD 59

F45CH. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 411264 Frekvenca
1 Incompleted primary school 14
2 Primary school 56
3 Secondary education (first stage) 60
4 Additional year of secondary education, preparation for voca 16
5 General training school (2-3 years) 30
6 Baccalaureate preparing for university 11
7 Baccalaureate for adults or apprenticeship after Baccalaurea 2
8 Diploma for teaching in primary school or preprimary school 21
9 Vocational baccalaureate 4
10 Vocational baccalaureate for adults 0
11 Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y 32
12 Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system, 3-4 years) 374
13 Second vocational training (or apprenticeship as second educ 26
14 Advanced vocational qualification (specialization exam, fede 47
15 Higher vocational training (diploma in domains such as techn 43
16 Higher vocational training (diploma of some specific high sc 39
17 University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ba 22
18 University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ma 30
19 University diploma (intermediary level) 9
20 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 13
21 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 17
22 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 40
23 Doctoral degree 24
5555 Other education 2
6666 Not applicable 568
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 6
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
932 51526

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdhr Partner's highest level of education, Croatia CARD 59

F45HR. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Croatia)

Vrednost 412263 Frekvenca
1 Bez škole (do tri razreda osnovne škole) 10
2 Nedovršena osnovna škola (4 do 7 razreda) 46
3 Završena osnovna škola 119
4 Srednja strukovna škola u trajanju 1-2 godine (obrtnicka, in 47
5 Srednja strukovna škola u trajanju 3 godine (obrtnicka, indu 236
6 Tehnicke i srodne strukovne škole, škole za zanimanje u traj 284
7 Gimnazija 18
8 Strucni studij na visokoj školi ili veleucilištu (2-3 godine 65
9 Preddiplomski sveucilišni studij - za akademski naslov 'bacc 15
10 Specijalisticki diplomski strucni studij (4-5 godina); speci 17
11 Diplomski sveucilišni studij (4-6 godina) - stari program 64
12 Strucni magisterij (5 godina); umjetnicka akademija (diploms 6
13 Postignut magisterij znanosti ili završen poslijediplomski s 3
14 Postignut doktorat znanosti 0
5555 Other 2
6666 Not applicable 692
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 4
9999 No answer 21
Sysmiss 50809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
932 51526

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdcy Partner's highest level of education, Cyprus CARD 59

F45CY. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 413262 Frekvenca
0 Den apofoitise apo dimotiko sxoleio 30
113 Apolytyrio Dimotikou 170
213 Apolytyrio Gymnasiou 66
313 Apolytyrio Lykeiou 248
321 Systima mathiteias 4
323 Apolytyrion Technikis/ Epangelmatikis 16
520 Diploma kollegiou (monoetous dietous trietous foitisis) 28
610 Ptychio kollegiou (tetraetous foitisis) 22
620 Ptychio panepistimiou 84
710 Metaptychiako Diploma kollegiou 3
720 Ptychio polytechniou - iatrikis/Metaptychiako Diploma panepi 16
800 Didaktoriko 11
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 375
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 10
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
698 51760

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpdcz Partner's highest level of education, Czech Republic CARD 59

F45CZ. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Czech Republic)

Vrednost 414261 Frekvenca
1 Nedokoncené základní vzdelání, neukoneený 1. stupen skolní d 0
2 Nedokoncené základní vzdelání (5 nebo více let skolní docház 2
3 Základní vzdelání (mest'anská skola) 67
4 Strední vzdelání s výucním listem, Strední vzdelání bez matu 511
5 Stredoskolské vzdelání bez maturity (záverecná zkouska) po n 60
6 Vyucení s maturitou, Úplné strední odborné vzdelání s maturi 239
7 Strední vzdelání s maturitou následované studiem s maturitou 108
8 Strední vseobecné vzdelání s maturitou (gymnázia) 84
9 Pomaturitní vzdelání s diplomem: Vyssí odborná skola (DiS), 15
10 Vysokoskolské bakalárské vzdelání 27
11 Vysokoskolské magisterské vzdelání (Mgr., Ing., Ing. arch., 111
12 Vedecká výchova, postgraduální vzdelání (Ph.D., Th.D., CSc., 1
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 1154
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 7
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50072
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1225 51233

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edupde1 Partner's highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss CARD 59

F45DE1. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Germany 1)

Vrednost 415260 Frekvenca
0 Grundschule nicht beendet 17
1 Weiterführende Schule beendet ohne Abschluss oder noch kein 12
2 Volks-/Hauptschulabschluss bzw. Polytechnische Oberschule mi 561
3 Mittlere Reife/Realschulabschluss bzw. Polytechnische Obersc 682
4 Fachhochschulreife (Abschluss einer Fachoberschule etc.) 119
5 Abitur bzw. erweiterte Oberschule mit Abschluss 12. Klasse ( 428
5555 Other, anderer Schulabschluss 5
6666 Not applicable 0
8888 Don't know 28
Sysmiss 50606
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1824 50634

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edupde2 Partner's highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss CARD 59a

F45DE2. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Germany 2)

Vrednost 416259 Frekvenca
0 Kein Studienabschluss 171
1 Hochschule/Universitaet: Zwischenpruefung, Vordiplom 69
2 Diplom Berufsakademie 14
3 Bachelor (Verwaltungs-/Fachhochschule, Berufsakademie) 12
4 Diplom (FH) 68
5 Bachelor (Universitaet) 6
6 Master (Fachhochschule) 26
7 Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen (Universitaet, Kunst-, Musik- 133
8 Master, Aufbaustudium (Universitaet, Kunst-, Musik- und paed 13
9 Promotion; Habilitation 27
5555 Other, anderen Studienabschluss 16
6666 Not applicable 1272
8888 Don't know 25
Sysmiss 50606
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
555 51903

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edupde3 Partner's highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss CARD 59b

F45DE3. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Germany 3)

Vrednost 417258 Frekvenca
0 kein beruflicher Ausbildungsabschluss 291
1 Abschlusszeugnis Berufsgrundbildungsjahr, Berufsfachschule 41
2 Beruflich-betriebliche Anlernzeit mit Abschlusszeugnis, aber 58
3 Abschlusszeugnis für medizinische Assistenten, Krankenschwes 92
4 Laufbahnprüfung für den mittleren Dienst 26
5 Abgeschlossene gewerbliche oder landwirtschaftliche Lehre 559
6 Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Lehre 313
7 Berufsqualifizierender Abschluss einer Berufsfachschule/Koll 70
8 Berufliche Zweitausbildung 22
9 Meister-/Techniker- oder gleichwertiger Fachschulabschluss; 182
5555 Other, anderen beruflichen Ausbildungsabschluss 156
6666 Not applicable 0
8888 Don't know 42
Sysmiss 50606
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1810 50648

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpddk Partner's highest level of education, Denmark CARD 59

F45DK. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Denmark)

Vrednost 418257 Frekvenca
0 Ingen skolegang. Børnehaveklasse. 1.-5. klasse. 2
1 Folkeskole 6.-8. klasse 75
2 Folkeskole 9.-10. klasse 98
3 Gymnasielle uddannelser, studentereksamen, HF, HHX, HTX 49
4 Kort erhvervsudd. under 1-2 års varighed, F.eks. AMU Arbejds 53
5 Faglig udd. (håndværk, handel, landbrug mv.), F.eks. Faglært 313
6 Kort videreg. udd af op til 2-3 år, F.eks. Erhv.akademi, dat 99
7 Mellemlang videreg.udd. 3-4 år. Prof.bachelorer, F.eks. Dipl 208
8 Universitetsbachelor. 1. del af kandidatuddannelse 27
9 Lang videregående uddannelse. Kandidatuddannelser af 5.-6. å 88
10 Licentiat 1
11 Forskeruddannelse. Ph.d., doktor 6
5555 Other 3
6666 Not applicable 546
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 7
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1022 51436

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpdee Partner's highest level of education, Estonia CARD 59

F45EE. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Estonia)

Vrednost 419256 Frekvenca
0 Alghariduseta (alla 4 klassi) 5
113 Lõpetatud algharidus (4-6 klassi) 18
129 Kutseõpe ilma alghariduse lõpetamiseta 0
213 Lõpetatud põhiharidus (7-9 klassi) 100
229 Kutseharidus põhihariduse baasil õppekava alla 2 aasta 16
313 Lõpetatud üldkeskharidus 210
321 Kutseharidus põhihariduse baasil õppekava 2 aastat või enam 34
323 Kutseharidus koos keskhariduse omandamisega või keskeri-/teh 126
423 Kutseharidus keskhariduse baasil, keskeriharidus või kutseke 163
520 Keskhariduse baasil kutsekõrgkooli, rakenduskõrgkooli diplom 23
610 Kutsekõrgharidus, rakenduskõrgharidus diplomiõpe või bakalau 51
620 Ülikooli bakalaureusekraad (3-4 aastat õpinguid) 72
710 Magistrikraad rakenduskõrgkoolist, kutsekõrgkoolist 15
720 Magistrikraad (3+2, või 4+2, 5+4 süsteemi järgi, sh integree 144
800 Doktorikraad (sh kandidaadikraad) 10
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 802
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 3
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50665
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
987 51471

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpdes Partner's highest level of education, Spain CARD 59

F45ES. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Spain)

Vrednost 420255 Frekvenca
0 Sin estudios 34
1 Estudios primarios sin completar 102
2 Certificado de Estudios Primarios 167
3 Hasta 5º de EGB 27
4 Educación Primaria (LOGSE) 47
5 Grado Elemental en Música y Danza 0
6 F.P. de Iniciación 12
7 Bachillerato Elemental 64
8 EGB 135
9 ESO 21
10 Grado Medio en Música y Danza 1
11 F.P. Oficialía 14
12 F.P. de 1er Grado 51
13 Bachillerato Superior (o PREU) 40
14 BUP o COU 56
15 Bachillerato (LOGSE) 20
16 C.F. de Grado Medio (Técnico Medio) 22
17 C.F. de Grado Medio en Artes Plásticas y Diseño 3
18 F.P. Maestría 17
19 F.P. de 2º Grado 46
20 C.F. de Grado Superior (Técnico Superior) 15
21 C.F. de Grado Superior en Escuelas de Arte 0
22 Peritaje, Enfermería, Magisterio, Asistente Social 17
23 Diplomado, Ingeniero o Arquitecto Técnico, 3 años de licenci 69
24 Licenciado, Ingeniero, Arquitecto, Máster (Bolonia) 123
25 Doctor 14
5555 Otros 0
6666 Not applicable 760
7777 Refusal 3
8888 Don't know 5
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50573
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1117 51341

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpdfi Partner's highest level of education, Finland CARD 59

F45FI. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Finland)

Vrednost 421254 Frekvenca
1 Vähemmän kuin peruskoulun ala-aste tai vähemmän kuin perusko 14
2 Peruskoulun ala-aste, kansakoulu tai kansalaiskoulu 150
3 Peruskoulun yläaste tai keskikoulu 75
4 Lukio, ylioppilastutkinto 41
5 Ammatillinen perustutkinto, ammattitutkinto 358
6 Sekä ylioppilas- että ammattitutkinto 44
7 Erikoisammattitutkinto 52
8 Ammatillinen opistoasteen tutkinto 129
9 Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto tai ammatillisen korkea-asteen tu 76
10 Alempi korkeakoulututkinto tai kandidaatin tutkinto 47
11 Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto 33
12 Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto 96
13 Lisensiaatintutkinto 10
14 Tohtorin tutkinto 8
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 741
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 4
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1133 51325

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdfr Partner's highest level of education, France CARD 59

F45FR. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (France)

Vrednost 422253 Frekvenca
1 A - Non scolarisé ou école primaire non achevée 9
2 B - Ecole primaire uniquement 40
3 C - Certificat d'études primaires 85
4 D - Scolarité suivie de la 6ème à la 3ème 29
5 E - Brevet élémentaire, Brevet d'étude du premier cycle, Bre 43
6 F - Scolarité suivie de la 2nde à la Terminale 16
7 G - CAP, BEP, examen de fin d'apprentissage artisanal 277
8 H - Diplôme d'aide soignante, auxiliaire de puériculture, ai 12
9 I - Baccalauréat professionnel, Brevet de technicien 53
10 J - Baccalauréat technologique, Baccalauréat de technicien, 25
11 K - Baccalauréat général, Brevet supérieur 67
12 L - Diplôme de la capacité en droit, Diplôme d'accès aux étu 2
13 M - Diplôme de moniteur-éducateur, Educateur technique spéci 4
14 N - Diplôme universitaire du premier cycle (DEUG), Classes p 13
15 O - Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT), Brevet de te 98
16 P - Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique (instituteur), Diplôme 20
17 Q - Licence professionnelle 10
18 R - Licence 20
19 S - Diplôme d'école d'ingénieur 8
20 T - DESS, Master deuxième année professionnel 18
21 U - Diplômes professionnels supérieurs divers (notaire, arch 9
22 V - Diplôme des grandes écoles 14
23 W - Maîtrise, CAPES, CRPE (professeur des écoles) 24
24 X - DEA, DES, Master deuxième année recherche, Agrégation 15
25 Y - Doctorat en médecine ou équivalents (Médecine, Dentaire, 9
26 Z - Doctorat 10
5555 Other 5
6666 Not applicable 782
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 9
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
935 51523

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edupgb1 Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent CARD 59a

F45GB1. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (United Kingdom 1)

Vrednost 423252 Frekvenca
1 2 or more A-levels, S-levels, A2-level, AS-levels, Scottish 354
2 GNVQ Intermediate 35
3 Vocational GCSE, SCOTVEC/SQA National certificate modules/Na 45
4 5 or more GCSEs A*-C, CSE Grade 1, GCE O-level Grades A-C or 240
5 1-4 GCSEs A*-C, GCSE Grades D-G, Short course GCSE, CSE Grad 135
6 Skills for Life (including Basic Skills, Key Skills, Entry L 26
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 1159
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 97
9999 No answer 329
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
835 51623

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edupgb2 Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent CARD 59b

F45GB2. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (United Kingdom 2)

Vrednost 424251 Frekvenca
1 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent 11
2 Masters Degree, M.Phil, Post-Graduate Diplomas and Certifica 72
3 5 year University/CNAA first Degree (MB, BDS, BV etc) 21
4 3-4 year University/CNAA first Degree (BA, BSc., BEd., BEng. 146
5 Nursing certificate, Teacher training, HE Diploma, Edexcel/B 137
6 Foundation Degree (FdA, FdSc etc) 9
7 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or 21
8 HE Access 0
9 Vocational A-level (AVCE), GCE Applied A-level, NVQ/SVQ Leve 84
10 (Modern) Apprenticeship, Advanced (Modern) Apprenticeship, S 156
5555 Other 35
6666 Not applicable 1159
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 86
9999 No answer 483
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
692 51766

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edagepgb Partner's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom

F45GB3. How old was your husband/wife/partner when they completed continuous full-time education? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 425250 Frekvenca
1 2
4 1
5 1
9 2
10 3
11 3
12 2
13 2
14 36
15 212
16 401
17 77
18 114
19 35
20 33
21 106
22 62
23 26
24 23
25 18
26 4
27 5
28 2
29 1
33 2
34 1
36 1
43 1
44 1
45 1
55 1
58 1
95 Still at school 0
96 Still at college or university 5
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 1159
7777 Refusal 3
8888 Don't know 75
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1185 51273

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdgr Partner's highest level of education, Greece CARD 59

F45GR. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Greece)

Vrednost 426249 Frekvenca
1 Merikes taxeis Dimotikou 75
2 Apolytirio Dimotikou 402
3 Apolytirio Gymnasiou 220
4 Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou 418
5 Ptychio Epagelmatikis Ekpedefsis 48
6 Apolytirio Epaggelmatikou Lykeiou 54
7 Pistopoiitiko Epangelmatikis Katartisis epipedou 1 19
8 Diploma epagematikis katartisis epipedou metadefterovathmias 33
9 Ptychio (Sxoles Anoteris Epaggelmatikis Ekpaidefsis) 31
10 Ptychio (ATEI) 57
11 Ptychio (AEI) 141
12 Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis (ATEI) 6
13 Ptychio (AEI, Polytechniou) 6
14 Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis (AEI, Polytechniou) 12
15 Didaktoriko Diploma 2
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 1190
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1524 50934

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdhu Partner's highest level of education, Hungary CARD 59

F45HU. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Hungary)

Vrednost 427248 Frekvenca
1 Nem járt iskolába; 1-3 osztályos elemi iskola vagy azzal egy 0
2 4-7 osztályos elemi iskola vagy azzal egyenértéku 27
3 Befejezett általános iskola vagy azzal egyenértéku 154
4 Szakmunkásképzo, szakiskola 297
5 10. évfolyamra épülo szakképzés 6
6 Érettségi, befejezett szakközépiskola 112
7 Érettségi, befejezett gimnázium 92
8 Érettségire épülo felsofokra nem akkreditált szakképzés, köz 47
9 Felsofokú akkreditált szakképzés, felsofokú technikum 22
10 Foiskolai diploma vagy foiskolai alapképzési szak - BA /BSc 73
11 Egyetemi alapképzési szak – BA /BSc 13
12 Foiskolai mesterképzési szak – MA/MSs 17
13 Egyetemi diploma, vagy egyetemi mesterképzési szak MA / MSc 49
14 Felsofokú végzettség tudományos fokozattal 1
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 649
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
910 51548

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdie Partner's highest level of education, Ireland CARD 59

F45IE. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Ireland)

Vrednost 428247 Frekvenca
1 Left school before finishing primary school; NFQ Level 1 44
2 Left school after the end of primary school but before reach 140
3 Junior Certificate; NFQ Level 3 (including Transition Year) 184
4 Vocational NFQ Level 3 courses, certified by FETAC, e.g. Com 24
5 Vocational NFQ level 4 courses, e.g. FETAC specific skills c 32
6 Leaving Certificate Established (LCE); Leaving Certificate V 215
7 Leaving Certificate Applied programme (LCA); NFQ levels 4-5 80
8 Apprenticeship - FAS etc. 52
9 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses (duration of 1 year); 23
10 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses of 2 or more years du 33
11 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or 13
12 Higher Certificate - NFQ level 6 43
13 Diploma, now termed 'Ordinary level bachelor degree' - NFQ l 83
14 Higher level/honours bachelor degree; NFQ level 8 86
15 Higher/Graduate Diploma, NFQ level 8 29
16 Post-graduate Diploma; NFQ level 9, 33
17 Masters Degree, M.Phil; NFQ level 9 59
18 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent; NFQ level 10 7
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 1354
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 12
9999 No answer 28
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1180 51278

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edupil1 Partner's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel CARD 59

F45IL1. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Israel 1)

Vrednost 429246 Frekvenca
0 Not completed primary education 35
113 Primary school 106
213 junior high school 91
229 Secondary school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate or Y 247
312 Completion of religious (Ultra-Orthodox) Yeshiva 39
313 Secondary school WITH a general [academic] matriculation cer 204
321 Apprenticeship & Industrial schools 22
323 Secondary school WITH a vocational matriculation certificate 38
413 Pre-academic preparatory programmes 4
422 Post secondary, non-tertiary (a technician diploma, practica 66
520 Post secondary, non tertiary (a practical engineer or author 78
610 A bachelor academic degree, B.A from an academic college, or 104
620 A bachelor academic degree, B.A from a university, or a simi 130
710 B.Ed. after completion of B.A. 10
711 A master's degree, M.A. from an academic college 21
720 A master's degree, M.A. from a university 79
721 MD or similar degree [D.M.D- Doctor of Dental Medicinae or D 9
800 A doctoral degree, Ph.D. or similar degree [J.S.D - Doctor o 15
4444 Education from the former Soviet Union 95
5555 Other 3
6666 Not applicable 874
7777 Refusal 17
8888 Don't know 4
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1396 51062

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edupil2 Partner's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel CARD 59

F45IL2. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Israel 2)

Vrednost 430245 Frekvenca
0 Incomplete primary education 1
113 Completed 4 grades of primary school 1
213 Incomplete secondary education (8-9 grades of secondary scho 2
229 Primary professional education (PTU, FSU, FSO, liceum) witho 3
313 Completed general secondary education (10 grades by old syst 10
323 Incomplete secondary education (8-9 grades of secondary scho 8
324 Complete secondary education (10-11 grades of secondary scho 8
423 Completed general secondary education(..), got attestat & Pr 7
520 Completed general secondary education(..), got attestat & Se 14
620 Bachalar degree after 4 years program by new two-stage syste 14
720 Completed high education by 5-6 years system of education (d 23
800 Scientific degree (candidate, doctor of science) 3
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 2199
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
94 52364

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpdlt Partner's highest level of education, Lithuania CARD 59

F45LT. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Lithuania)

Vrednost 431244 Frekvenca
0 Not completed primary 5
1 Primary 32
2 Vocational (without completing basic) 17
3 Basic (including youth, night schools) 54
4 Vocational (completing basic) 39
5 Vocational <2 years (after completing basic) 28
6 Vocational >=2 years (after completing basic) 33
7 Secondary (including gymnasiums, lyceums, night schools) 127
8 Vocational (completing secondary) 39
9 Vocational (after completing secondary) 52
10 Higher vocational or special secondary (after completing bas 97
11 Higher vocational or special secondary (after completing sec 91
12 Higher (non-university degree) 35
13 Higher (university bachelor degree) 46
14 Higher (integrated university studies degree or professional 65
15 Higher (university master or residency studies degree) 30
16 Doctoral or candidate of sciences degree 3
5555 Other 1
6666 Not applicable 841
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 24
9999 No answer 18
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
794 51664

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpdnl Partner's highest level of education, Netherlands CARD 59

F45NL. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 432243 Frekvenca
1 Basisschool niet afgemaakt 13
113 Alleen basisschool afgemaakt 53
212 LBO, VBO, LEAO, LTS ambachtsschool, huishoudschool, LHNO, VM 211
213 MULO, ULO, MAVO, VMBO (niveau 4; theoretische leerweg); HAVO 147
229 KMBO, leerlingwezen, MBO niveau 1, MEAO, MTS afgemaakt (duur 65
312 HAVO, MMS, MSVM afgemaakt 40
313 VWO, HBS, atheneum, gymnasium afgemaakt 29
321 MBO niveau 2 en 3 afgemaakt (duur 2-3 jaar) 73
322 MBO niveau 4 afgemaakt (duur 4 jaar) 113
412 MBO-plus voor havisten 28
510 propedeuse WO, OU-certificaat 3
520 korte HBO-opleiding einddiploma (2 of 3 jaar), kweekschool, 55
610 Bachelor HBO afgemaakt 99
620 Bachelor universiteit afgemaakt 18
710 HBO: Master`s degree, tweede fase opleidingen; Post HBO-ople 66
720 WO/universiteit: Master`s degree, tweede fase opleidingen; i 81
800 Doctoraat/gepromoveerd 17
5555 Other 2
6666 Not applicable 709
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 6
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1113 51345

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdno Partner's highest level of education, Norway CARD 59

F45NO. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Norway)

Vrednost 433242 Frekvenca
1 Ingen fullført utdanning 2
2 Barneskole (første del av obligatorisk utdanning) 11
3 Ungdomsskole (grunnskole, 7-årig folkeskole, framhaldskole, 132
4 Vitnemål fra folkehøgskole 22
5 Videregående avsluttende utd, allmennf. studieretninger/stud 106
6 Videregående avsluttende utd., yrkesfaglige studieretninger/ 235
7 Forkurs til universitet/høgskole som ikke gir studiepoeng 10
8 Vitnemål fra påbygging til videregående utdanning (fagskoleu 56
9 Universitet/høgskole, < 3 år (høgskolekandidat, 2- og 2½- år 74
10 Fullført 3-4 årig utd. fra høgskole (Bachelor,cand.mag.,lære 157
11 Fullført 3-4 årig utdanning fra universitet (Bachelor, cand. 51
12 Fullført 5-6 årig utdanning fra høgskole (master, hovedfag) 47
13 Fullf 5-6 årig utd fra univ, lengre prof.utd. (cand.theol/ps 86
14 Forskernivå (Dr. grad, Ph.D.) 9
5555 Other 1
6666 Not applicable 541
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 2
9999 No answer 6
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
999 51459

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdpl Partner's highest level of education, Poland CARD 59

F45PL1. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Poland)

Vrednost 434241 Frekvenca
1 Nieukonczona szkola podstawowa 4
2 Ukonczona szkola podstawowa 6-klasowa (4-klasowa przed wojna 7
3 Ukonczona szkola podstawowa 7 lub 8-klasowa 110
4 Ukonczone gimnazjum 4
5 Ukonczona szkola zasadnicza zawodowa 276
6 Ukonczone liceum ogolnoksztalcace bez matury 20
7 Ukonczone liceum ogolnoksztalcace z matura 90
8 Ukonczona srednia szkola zawodowe (technikum, liceum zawodow 76
9 Ukonczona srednia szkola zawodowe (technikum, liceum zawodow 134
10 Dyplom ukonczenia szkoly pomaturalnej lub policealnej 37
11 Dyplom ukooczenia kolegium lub studium nauczycielskiego 6
12 Dyplom licencjacki lub dyplom inzynierski 53
13 Dyplom magistra lub dyplom lekarza 204
14 Stopien naukowy doktora, doktora habilitowanego lub tytul pr 4
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 718
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 6
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1025 51433

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

eduyrppl Partner's year of school completion, Poland

F45PL2. Partner's year of school completion, Poland

Vrednost 435240 Frekvenca
0 Still in education 47
1936 1
1937 1
1938 1
1940 1
1943 1
1944 2
1945 2
1946 1
1947 2
1948 4
1949 3
1950 2
1951 5
1952 4
1953 7
1954 12
1955 6
1956 5
1957 4
1958 7
1959 5
1960 5
1961 8
1962 4
1963 12
1964 10
1965 12
1966 12
1967 13
1968 15
1969 21
1970 13
1971 20
1972 23
1973 11
1974 16
1975 23
1976 21
1977 19
1978 23
1979 28
1980 21
1981 20
1982 14
1983 16
1984 11
1985 17
1986 13
1987 15
1988 20
1989 10
1990 18
1991 15
1992 17
1993 21
1994 18
1995 20
1996 21
1997 13
1998 15
1999 16
2000 29
2001 8
2002 21
2003 14
2004 20
2005 21
2006 20
2007 10
2008 19
2009 14
2010 6
8888 Don't know 76
9999 Not available 6
Sysmiss 51431
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
945 51513

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 2010

eduppl2 Partner's tertiary education: lower or higher/single tier, Poland

F45PL3. Partner's higher education: lower or higher/single tier, Poland

Vrednost 436239 Frekvenca
0 Other than tertiary level 770
1 Tertiary level: lower tier 54
2 Tertiary level: higher/single tier 203
6 Not applicable 724
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1027 51431

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 2

edlvpdpt Partner's highest level of education, Portugal CARD 59

F45PT. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Portugal)

Vrednost 437238 Frekvenca
1 Nenhum 89
2 Ensino Básico 1 (até à 4ª classe, instrução primária (3º ou 577
3 Ensino Básico 2 (preparatório, 5º e 6º anos/classe, 1º ciclo 156
4 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 1. Atribuição de "Dipl 6
5 Ensino Básico 3 (9º ano; 5º ano dos liceus; escola comercial 148
6 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 2. Atribuição de "Dipl 3
7 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 3 e 4. Atribuição de " 1
8 Ensino Secundário - cursos científico-humanísticos (12º ano; 139
9 Ensino Secundário - cursos tecnológicos, artísticos especial 18
10 Cursos de especialização tecnológica. Atribuição de "Diploma 2
11 Ensino superior politécnico: bacharelato de 3 anos; Antigos 15
12 Ensino superior politécnico: licenciaturas de 3-4 anos curri 13
13 Ensino superior universitário: licenciaturas de 3-4 anos cur 46
14 Pós-graduação: especialização pós-licenciatura sem atribuiçã 5
15 Ensino superior universitário: licenciatura com mais de 4 an 44
16 Mestrado (inclui Mestrado Integrado) 8
17 Doutoramento 5
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 866
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 9
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1275 51183

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdru Partner's highest level of education, Russian Federation CARD 59

F45RU. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 438237 Frekvenca
1 Voobshche ne uchilsya v shkole ili zakonchil lish´ 1-2 klass 3
2 Zakonchil 3-7 klassov srednyei shkoly, no ne poluchil attest 29
3 Poluchil attestat ob osnovnom obshchem obrazovanii, no ne po 62
4 Zakonchennoe srednyee obshchyee obrazovanie, poluchil attest 155
5 Nachal´noe professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil PTU, FZU 71
6 Nachal´noe professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil PTU, pro 118
7 Srednyee professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil tehnikum, 403
8 Poluchil diplom bakalavra v vuze posle 4 let obucheniya po n 12
9 Poluchil diplom magistra v vuze posle dopolnitel´nyh 2 let o 1
10 Zakonchennoe vysshyee obrazovanie po 5-6-letnyei sisteme (di 382
11 Nauchnaya stepen´ (kandidat, doktor nauk) 7
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 1339
7777 Refusal 9
8888 Don't know 4
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1243 51215

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdse Partner's highest level of education, Sweden CARD 59

F45SE. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Sweden)

Vrednost 439236 Frekvenca
1 Ej avslutad folkskola/grundskola skolår 1-6 17
2 Avslutad Folkskola, Grundskolan skolår 7-8 71
3 Avslutad Grundskola skolår 9 94
4 Fackskola (1963-1970) - 2-årig gymnasielinje, 2-årig yrkessk 93
5 Studieförberedande gymnasieprogram (3 år) 50
6 Gamla gymnasieutbildningar på två år 45
7 Yrkesinriktade gymnasieprogram (3 år) 119
8 4-årig gymnasielinje (före 1995)/Tekniskt basår 31
9 Universitet/Högskola, 1 år, med examen 17
10 Eftergymnasial utbildning, ej Universitet/Högskola, 1 år (t 36
11 Universitet/Högskola, 2 år, med examen (högskoleexamen) 41
12 2-3 år KY-utbildning, Eftergymnasial utbildning, ej Universi 34
13 Kandidat och/eller yrkesexamen från Högskola, 3-4 år 79
14 Kandidat och/eller yrkesexamen från Universitet, KTH, CTH, H 32
15 Magisterexamen och/eller yrkesexamen från Högskola, >4 år 61
16 Mastersexamen från Högskola 8
17 Magisterexamen och/eller yrkesexamen från universitet, KTH, 38
18 Mastersexamen från Universitet, KTH, CTH, Handelshögskolan 16
19 Forskarutbildning: Licentiatexamen 0
20 Forskarutbildning:Doktorsexamen 18
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 574
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 20
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
900 51558

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdsi Partner's highest level of education, Slovenia CARD 59

F45SI. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 440235 Frekvenca
0 Brez šolske izobrazbe 7
1 Nepopolna osnovnošolska izobrazba 17
2 Osnovnošolska izobrazba 136
3 Nižja ali srednja poklicna izobrazba 204
4 Srednja strokovna izobrazba 210
5 Srednja splošna izobrazba 39
6 Višja strokovna izobrazba, višješolska izobrazba 54
7 Visokošolska strokovna izobrazba 39
8 Visokošolska univerzitetna izobrazba 88
9 Specializacija 6
10 Magisterij 13
11 Doktorat 7
5555 Other 3
6666 Not applicable 558
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 3
9999 No answer 19
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
823 51635

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvpdsk Partner's highest level of education, Slovakia CARD 59

F45SK. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed (Slovakia)

Vrednost 441234 Frekvenca
1 Neukoncený prvý stupen základnej školy 2
2 Neukoncený druhý stupen základnej školy 4
3 Ukoncený druhý stupen základnej školy, Kurzy na doplnenie zá 75
4 Praktická škola 4
5 Rekvalifikacné kurzy 8
6 Odborné ucilište, stredná odborná škola bez maturity, stredn 387
7 Stredná odborná škola s maturitou, stredné odborné ucilište 361
8 8 rocné gymnázium, 4 rocné gymnázium 24
9 Nadstavbové štúdium 14
10 Doplnujúce pedagogické štúdium 2
11 Pomaturitné kvalifikacné štúdium 6
12 Pomaturitné špecializacné štúdium, tane?né konzervatórium, k 1
13 Stredná odborná škola- 6 rocné štúdium 3
14 Vyššie odborné štúdium 13
15 Bakalárske štúdium 11
16 Magisterské/doktorské a inžinierske štúdium 126
17 Magisterské pokracujúce štúdium, štátne rigorózne skúšky, do 12
18 Doktorandské štúdium 9
5555 Other 1
6666 Not applicable 772
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 2
9999 No answer 19
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1063 51395

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvpdua Partner's highest level of education, Ukraine CARD 59

F45UA. What is the highest level of education your husband/wife/partner has successfully completed? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 442233 Frekvenca
0 Nepovna pochatkova osvita (menshe 4-kh klasiv seredn'oi shko 4
1 Pochatkova osvita (4-7 klasiv seredn'oi shkoly) 27
2 Nepovna serednja osvita (atestat za 8-9 klasiv seredn'oi shk 48
3 PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti, nemaje atestatu pro p 26
4 Povna serednja osvita (atestat pro povnu serednju osvitu za 169
5 Zakinchiv PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti (atestat za 95
6 Dodatkove navchannja na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity (profes 27
7 PTU na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity 100
8 Nepovna vyshcha osvita (molodshij specialist - dyplom tekhni 267
9 Bazova vyshcha osvita (bakalavr) 25
10 Povna vyshcha osvita (specialist) 163
11 Povna vyshcha osvita (magistr) 55
12 Aspirantura, vchena stupin 5
5555 Other 4
6666 Not applicable 890
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 5
9999 No answer 21
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1015 51443

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

pdwrkp Partner doing last 7 days: paid work CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? In paid work (or away temporarily) (employee, self-employed, working for your family business)

Vrednost 443232 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 35264
1 Marked 17194
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

edctnp Partner doing last 7 days: education CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? In education (not paid for by employer) even if on vacation

Vrednost 444231 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51949
1 Marked 509
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

uemplap Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Unemployed and actively looking for a job

Vrednost 445230 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51217
1 Marked 1241
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

uemplip Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Unemployed, wanting a job but not actively looking for a job

Vrednost 446229 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51942
1 Marked 516
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dsbldp Partner doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Permanently sick or disabled

Vrednost 447228 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 51770
1 Marked 688
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

rtrdp Partner doing last 7 days: retired CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Retired

Vrednost 448227 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 44808
1 Marked 7650
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

cmsrvp Partner doing last 7 days: community or military service CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? In community or military service

Vrednost 449226 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52407
1 Marked 51
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

hswrkp Partner doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Doing housework, looking after children or other persons

Vrednost 450225 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 46935
1 Marked 5523
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngothp Partner doing last 7 days: other CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Other

Vrednost 451224 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52141
1 Marked 317
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngdkp Partner doing last 7 days: don't know CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Don't know

Vrednost 452223 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52395
1 Marked 63
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngnapp Partner doing last 7 days: not applicable CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Not applicable

Vrednost 453222 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 30174
1 Marked 22284
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngrefp Partner doing last 7 days: refusal CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? Refusal

Vrednost 454221 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52433
1 Marked 25
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

dngnap Partner doing last 7 days: no answer CARD 60

F46a. Which of the descriptions on this card applies to what he/she has been doing for the last 7 days? No answer

Vrednost 455220 Frekvenca
0 Not marked 52298
1 Marked 160
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

mnactp Partner's main activity last 7 days STILL CARD 60

F46c. And which of the descriptions on this card best describes his/her situation (in the last 7 days)?

Vrednost 456219 Frekvenca
1 Paid work 1957
2 Education 60
3 Unemployed, looking for job 151
4 Unemployed, not looking for job 56
5 Permanently sick or disabled 96
6 Retired 778
7 Community or military service 11
8 Housework, looking after children, others 462
9 Other 25
66 Not applicable 48619
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 15
99 No answer 228
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3596 48862

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

crpdwkp Partner, control paid work last 7 days ASK IF NOT IN PAID WORK AT F46a (codes 02-09, 88). THOSE IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F46a), GO TO F48

F47. Can I just check, did he/she do any paid work (of an hour or more) in the last 7 days?

Vrednost 457218 Frekvenca
1 Yes 471
2 No 12223
6 Not applicable 39433
7 Refusal 25
8 Don't know 52
9 No answer 254
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12694 39764

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

iscocop Occupation partner, ISCO88 (com) ASK IF PARTNER IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F46a or code 1 at F47)

F48-50. What is the name or title of his/her main job? In his/her main job, what kind of work does he/she do most of the time? What training or qualifications are needed for the job?

Vrednost 458217 Frekvenca
100 Armed forces 79
1000 Legislators, senior officials and managers 15
1100 Legislators and senior officials 4
1110 Legislators, senior government officials 51
1140 Senior officials of special-interest org 6
1141 Senior officials of political-party org 1
1142 Senior officials of economic-interest org 7
1143 Senior off human, special-interest org 2
1200 Corporate managers 12
1210 Directors and chief executives 164
1220 Production and operations managers 14
1221 Managers agriculture,hunting,forestry,fishing 17
1222 Managers in manufacturing 63
1223 Managers in construction 38
1224 Managers in wholesale and retail trade 27
1225 Managers in restaurants and hotels 11
1226 Managers transport,storage,communications 24
1227 Managers in business services enterprises 20
1228 Managers personal care,cleaning,rel serv 5
1229 Managers not elsewhere classified 86
1230 Other specialist managers 22
1231 Finance and administration managers 86
1232 Personnel and industrial relations managers 27
1233 Sales and marketing managers 90
1234 Advertising and public relations managers 9
1235 Supply and distribution managers 15
1236 Computing services managers 24
1237 Research and development managers 11
1239 Oth spec managers not elsewhere classified 94
1300 Managers of small enterprises 15
1310 Managers of small enterprises 29
1311 Mngr small ent agr,hunting,forestry,fishing 31
1312 Mngr small ent in manufacturing 32
1313 Mngr small ent in construction 68
1314 Mngr small ent wholesale and retail trade 212
1315 Mngr small ent of restaurants and hotels 85
1316 Mngr small ent transp,storage,comm 43
1317 Mngr small ent of business serv enterpr 39
1318 Mngr small ent pers care,cleaning,rel serv 21
1319 Mngr small ent not elsewhere classified 139
2000 Professionals 8
2100 Phys, mathem, engin science professionals 12
2110 Physics, chemists, related professionals 2
2111 Physicists and astronomers 7
2112 Meteorologists 3
2113 Chemists 14
2114 Geologists and geophysicists 15
2120 Mathem, stat, related professionals 0
2121 Mathematicians and related professionals 2
2122 Statisticians 3
2130 Computing professionals 27
2131 Comp systems designers,analysts,programmers 167
2139 Comp professionals not elsewhere classified 43
2140 Architects,engineers,related professionals 36
2141 Architects, town and traffic planners 55
2142 Civil engineers 102
2143 Electrical engineers 41
2144 Electronics, telecommunications engineers 32
2145 Mechanical engineers 68
2146 Chemical engineers 18
2147 Mining engineers, metall,rel professionals 11
2148 Cartographers and surveyors 22
2149 Arch, engin,rel prof not elsewhere class 102
2200 Life science and health professionals 4
2210 Life science professionals 1
2211 Biol,botan,zool and related professionals 27
2212 Pharm, pathol and related professionals 5
2213 Agronomists and related professionals 14
2220 Health professionals (except nursing) 1
2221 Medical doctors 153
2222 Dentists 31
2223 Veterinarians 25
2224 Pharmacists 31
2229 Health prof (not nursing) not elsew class 28
2230 Nursing and midwifery professionals 118
2300 Teaching professionals 78
2310 Coll,univ, higher educ teaching prof 94
2320 Secondary education teaching professionals 295
2330 Primary and pre-primary educ teaching prof 25
2331 Primary education teaching professionals 220
2332 Pre-primary educ teaching professionals 70
2340 Special education teaching professionals 49
2350 Other teaching professionals 2
2351 Education methods specialists 10
2352 School inspectors 4
2359 Other teaching prof not elsewhere class 71
2400 Other professionals 10
2410 Business professionals 14
2411 Accountants 172
2412 Personnel and careers professionals 39
2419 Business prof not elsewhere classified 166
2420 Legal professionals 8
2421 Lawyers 90
2422 Judges 7
2429 Legal prof not elsewhere classified 26
2430 Archiv,libr,related information prof 0
2431 Archivists and curators 7
2432 Librarians,related information prof 16
2440 Social science and related professionals 5
2441 Economists 67
2442 Sociologists, anthropologists, rel prof 12
2443 Philosophers,historians,political scientists 7
2444 Philologists, translators and interpreters 22
2445 Psychologists 37
2446 Social work professionals 54
2450 Writers and creative or performing artists 1
2451 Authors, journalists and other writers 44
2452 Sculptors, painters and related artists 24
2453 Composers, musicians and singers 20
2454 Choreographers and dancers 5
2455 Film, stage and related actors and directors 15
2460 Religious professionals 11
2470 Public service administrative professionals 57
3000 Technicians and associate professionals 18
3100 Physical,engineering science associate prof 14
3110 Physical,engineering science technicians 4
3111 Chemical and physical science technicians 19
3112 Civil engineering technicians 65
3113 Electrical engineering technicians 47
3114 Electronics,telecom engineering technicians 39
3115 Mechanical engineering technicians 61
3116 Chemical engineering technicians 13
3117 Mining and metallurgical technicians 6
3118 Draughtspersons 21
3119 Phys, engin science techn not elsew class 85
3120 Computer associate professionals 24
3121 Computer assistants 45
3122 Computer equipment operators 28
3123 Industrial robot controllers 7
3130 Optical and electronic equipment operators 0
3131 Photogr,image,sound rec equipment oper 17
3132 Broadcasting,telecom equipment operators 11
3133 Medical equipment operators 5
3139 Optical,electr equipm oper not elsew class 6
3140 Ship, aircraft controllers and technicians 1
3141 Ships' engineers 9
3142 Ships' deck officers and pilots 14
3143 Aircraft pilots, related associated prof 7
3144 Air traffic controllers 7
3145 Air traffic safety technicians 5
3150 Safety and quality inspectors 2
3151 Building and fire inspectors 11
3152 Safety, health and quality inspectors 70
3200 Life,science and health associate prof 4
3210 Life,science techn and rel associate prof 0
3211 Life science technicians 26
3212 Agronomy and forestry technicians 14
3213 Farming and forestry advisers 7
3220 Health associate prof (except nursing) 4
3221 Medical assistants 25
3222 Hygienists, health environmental officers 15
3223 Dieticians and nutritionists 10
3224 Optometrists and opticians 11
3225 Dental assistants 35
3226 Physiotherapists and rel associate prof 49
3227 Veterinary assistants 7
3228 Pharmaceutical assistants 21
3229 Health ass prof excpt nursing not else class 43
3230 Nursing midwifery associate prof 3
3231 Nursing associate professionals 255
3232 Midwifery associate professionals 10
3300 Teaching associate professionals 5
3310 Primary education teaching associate prof 66
3320 Pre-primary edu teaching associate prof 99
3330 Special education teaching associate prof 11
3340 Other teaching associate professionals 62
3400 Other associate professionals 26
3410 Finance and sales associate professionals 30
3411 Securities and finance dealers and brokers 35
3412 Insurance representatives 63
3413 Estate agents 28
3414 Travel consultants and organisers 12
3415 Technical and commercial sales rep 203
3416 Buyers 44
3417 Appraisers, valuers and auctioneers 3
3419 Finance,sales associate prof not else class 77
3420 Business services agents and trade brokers 8
3421 Trade brokers 17
3422 Clearing and forwarding agents 19
3423 Employment agents and labour contractors 17
3429 Busines,serv,agnts,trde brokr not else class 34
3430 Administrative associate professionals 34
3431 Adm secretaries, related associate prof 175
3432 Legal related business associate prof 33
3433 Bookkeepers 152
3434 Statistical, mathemat rel associate prof 6
3440 Custom,tax,related gov associate prof 6
3441 Customs and border inspectors 18
3442 Government tax and excise officials 16
3443 Government social benefits officials 12
3444 Government licensing officials 9
3449 Custom,tax,rel gov assoc prof not else class 10
3450 Police inspectors and detectives 51
3460 Social work associate professionals 74
3470 Artistic,entertainment,sports associate prof 1
3471 Decorators and commercial designers 48
3472 Radio, television and other announcers 3
3473 Street,nightclub,rel musicians,singers,dance 13
3474 Clowns,magicians,acrobats, rel associate prof 3
3475 Athletes,sportspers, related associate prof 39
3480 Religious associate professionals 5
4000 Clerks 32
4100 Office clerks 25
4110 Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks 37
4111 Stenographers and typists 2
4112 Word-processor and related operators 11
4113 Data entry operators 6
4114 Calculating-machine operators 14
4115 Secretaries 208
4120 Numerical clerks 19
4121 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks 201
4122 Statistical and finance clerks 101
4130 Material-recording and transport clerks 10
4131 Stock clerks 147
4132 Production clerks 60
4133 Transport clerks 41
4140 Library, mail and related clerks 0
4141 Library and filing clerks 20
4142 Mail carriers and sorting clerks 60
4143 Coding, proof-reading and related clerks 0
4144 Scribes and related workers 7
4190 Other office clerks 263
4200 Customer services clerks 7
4210 Cashiers, tellers and related clerks 6
4211 Cashiers and ticket clerks 79
4212 Tellers and other counter clerks 42
4213 Bookmakers and croupiers 4
4214 Pawnbrokers and money-lenders 0
4215 Debt-collectors and related workers 5
4220 Client information clerks 12
4221 Travel agency and related clerks 7
4222 Receptionists and information clerks 58
4223 Telephone switchboard operators 23
5000 Service workers,shop, market sales workers 4
5100 Personal and protective services workers 9
5110 Travel attendants and related workers 0
5111 Travel attendants and travel stewards 11
5112 Transport conductors 14
5113 Travel guides 6
5120 Housekeeping, restaurant services workers 5
5121 Housekeepers and related workers 35
5122 Cooks 208
5123 Waiters, waitresses and bartenders 154
5130 Personal care and related workers 13
5131 Child-care workers 160
5132 Institution-based personal care workers 172
5133 Home-based personal care workers 123
5139 Personal care,related workers not else class 34
5140 Other personal services workers 2
5141 Hairdress,barber,beautician, related workers 154
5142 Companions and valets 3
5143 Undertakers and embalmers 6
5149 Other pers service workers not else class 7
5160 Protective services workers 2
5161 Fire-fighters 39
5162 Police officers 95
5163 Prison guards 25
5169 Protective services workers not else class 146
5200 Models, salespersons and demonstrators 19
5210 Fashion and other models 0
5220 Shop,stall,market salespers, demonstrators 848
6000 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 0
6100 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 4
6110 Market gardeners and crop growers 16
6111 Field crop and vegetable growers 89
6112 Gardeners, horticultural, nursery growers 60
6120 Animal producers and related workers 2
6121 Dairy and livestock producers 48
6122 Poultry producers 8
6129 Animal prod, related workers not else class 23
6130 Crop and animal producers 135
6140 Forestry and related workers 2
6141 Forestry workers and loggers 24
6142 Charcoal burners and related workers 0
6150 Fishery workers, hunters and trappers 6
6151 Aquatic-life cultivation workers 0
6152 Inland and coastal waters fishery workers 3
6153 Deep-sea fishery workers 4
6154 Hunters and trappers 1
7000 Craft and related trades workers 20
7100 Extraction and building trades workers 21
7110 Miners,shotfirers, stone cutters, carvers 0
7111 Miners and quarry workers 20
7112 Shotfirers and blasters 3
7113 Stone splitters, cutters and carvers 10
7120 Building frame and related trades workers 13
7121 Builders 116
7122 Bricklayers and stonemasons 192
7123 Concrete placer,concrete finisher, rel workrs 32
7124 Carpenters and joiners 116
7129 Build frame, rel trade worker not else class 66
7130 Build finishers, related trades workers 17
7131 Roofers 8
7132 Floor layers and tile setters 18
7133 Plasterers 24
7134 Insulation workers 11
7135 Glaziers 8
7136 Plumbers and pipe fitters 126
7137 Building and related electricians 153
7139 Build finisher,rel trde work not else class 25
7140 Painter,building struct cleaner,rel trde work 1
7141 Painters and related workers 79
7143 Building structure cleaners 4
7200 Metal, machinery related trades workers 12
7210 Metalm,welder,sheetmet,structmet prep,rel work 7
7211 Metal moulders and coremakers 16
7212 Welders and flamecutters 109
7213 Sheet-metal workers 43
7214 Structural-metal preparers and erectors 29
7215 Riggers and cable splicers 3
7216 Underwater workers 1
7220 Blacksmiths,tool-makers,related trad work 2
7221 Blacksmith, hammer-smith,forging-press work 26
7222 Tool-makers and related workers 81
7223 Machine-tool setters and setter-operators 49
7224 Metal wheelgrinder, polisher, tool sharpener 13
7230 Machinery mechanics and fitters 31
7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters 227
7232 Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters 12
7233 Agric- or industrmachine mechanic and fitter 97
7240 Electric,electronic equip mech and fitter 23
7241 Electric mechanic, fitters and servicers 86
7242 Electronic mecanic, fitters and servicers 48
7244 Telegraph, teleph installers and servicers 12
7245 Electric line install,repairer,cable jointer 28
7300 Precision,handicraft,printing,rel trade work 0
7310 Precision workers in metal and rel materials 0
7311 Precision-instrument makers and repairers 20
7312 Musical instrument makers and tuners 2
7313 Jewellery and precious-metal workers 6
7320 Potters,glass-makers, related trades workers 1
7321 Abrasive wheel former,potter and rel workers 8
7322 Glass-makers,cutters,grinders and finishers 8
7323 Glass engravers and etchers 2
7324 Glass,ceramics and rel decorative painters 3
7330 Handicrft work wood,textile,leather,rel matr 1
7331 Handicrft work in wood and related material 8
7332 Handicrft work in textile,leather,rel mater 6
7340 Craft printing and related trades workers 0
7341 Compositors,typesetters, related workers 8
7342 Stereotypers and electrotypers 6
7343 Printing engravers and etchers 2
7344 Photographic and related workers 11
7345 Bookbinders and related workers 6
7346 Silk-screen,block,craft textile printers 1
7400 Other craft and related trades workers 7
7410 Food processing and related trades workers 1
7411 Butchers,fishmongers,related food preparers 35
7412 Bakers,pastry-cooks,confectionery maker 58
7413 Dairy products workers 6
7414 Fruit, vegetable and related preservers 2
7415 Food and beverage tasters and graders 2
7416 Tobacco preparers,tobacco products maker 0
7420 Wood treaters,cabinet-makers,rel trad work 0
7421 Wood treaters 9
7422 Cabinetmakers and related workers 62
7423 Woodworking machine setter,setter-operator 7
7424 Basketry weavers,brush makers,rel worker 1
7430 Textile,garment, related trades worker 4
7431 Fibre preparers 0
7432 Weavers, knitters and related workers 5
7433 Tailors, dressmakers and hatters 44
7434 Furriers and related workers 4
7435 Textile,leather,rel patternmakers, cutter 5
7436 Sewers, embroiderers and related workers 34
7437 Upholsterers and related workers 9
7440 Pelt,leather,shoemaking trades worker 0
7441 Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers 0
7442 Shoe-makers and related workers 8
8000 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 25
8100 Stationary plant and related operators 4
8110 Mining, mineral-processing-plant operator 2
8111 Mining plant operators 3
8112 Mineralore,stone-processing-plant operator 0
8113 Well drillers,borers and related worker 2
8120 Metal-processing plant operators 3
8121 Ore and metal furnace operators 5
8122 Metal melters,casters,rolling-mill operator 7
8123 Metal-heat-treating-plant operators 7
8124 Metal drawers and extruders 4
8130 Glass, ceramics,related plant operators 0
8131 Glass,ceramics kiln,related machine operator 5
8139 Glass,ceramic,rel plant operat not else class 3
8140 Wood-processing, papermaking-plant operator 6
8141 Wood-processing-plant operators 13
8142 Paper-pulp plant operators 1
8143 Papermaking-plant operators 4
8150 Chemical-processing-plant operators 6
8151 Crush,grind,chemicalmixing machinery operat 3
8152 Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators 0
8153 Chemical,filtering,separating-equip operator 2
8154 Chem-still,reactor opt,except petr, nat gas 1
8155 Petrol,natural gas refin plant operator 7
8159 Chemicalprocess,plant operat not else class 6
8160 Power-Prod. and related plant operators 2
8161 Power-production plant operators 4
8162 Steam-engine and boiler operators 17
8163 Incinerator,watertreatment,rel plant operator 9
8170 Industrial robot operators 5
8200 Machine operators and assemblers 8
8210 Metal,mineralproducts machine operator 2
8211 Machine-tool operators 42
8212 Cement, other mineral prod machine operator 12
8220 Chemical-products machine operators 0
8221 Pharmaceutical,toiletry-prod machine operat 7
8222 Ammunition,explosive products machine operat 0
8223 Metal finish, plating,coatingmachine operat 3
8224 Photographic-products machine operators 1
8229 Chemicalprod, machine operat not else class 2
8230 Rubber,plasticproducts machine operator 0
8231 Rubber-products machine operators 11
8232 Plastic-products machine operators 12
8240 Wood-products machine operators 8
8250 Printing,binding,paperprod machine operat 0
8251 Printing-machine operators 19
8252 Bookbinding-machine operators 0
8253 Paper-products machine operators 5
8260 Textile,fur,leatherprod machine operator 1
8261 Fibreprep,spinning winding-machine operat 6
8262 Weaving- and knitting-machine operators 5
8263 Sewing-machine operators 38
8264 Bleaching,dyeing,cleaning-machine operat 9
8265 Fur,leatherprep machine operat 3
8266 Shoemaking- and related machine operators 3
8269 Textl,fur,leatherprod mach operat n else clas 12
8270 Food,related products machine operator 6
8271 Meat, fishprocess machine operator 14
8272 Dairy-products machine operators 5
8273 Grain- and spice-milling-machine operators 1
8274 Baked g,cereal,chocolateprod machine operat 18
8275 Fruit,vegetable,nutprocess-machine operat 1
8276 Sugar production machine operators 0
8277 Tea, coffee, cocoaprocess-machine operat 1
8278 Brewer,wine, other beverage machine operat 6
8279 Tobacco production machine operators 0
8280 Assemblers 8
8281 Mechanical-machinery assemblers 26
8282 Electrical-equipment assemblers 14
8283 Electronic-equipment assemblers 10
8284 Metal,rubber,plastic-prod assemblers 9
8285 Wood and related products assemblers 13
8286 Paperboard,textile, related prod assembl 1
8287 Composite products assemblers 3
8290 Other machine operat not else class 59
8300 Drivers and mobile plant operators 9
8310 Locomotive engine drivers,related worker 1
8311 Locomotive engine drivers 37
8312 Railway brakers, signallers and shunters 20
8320 Motor vehicle drivers 38
8321 Motorcycle drivers 1
8322 Car, taxi and van drivers 273
8323 Bus and tram drivers 103
8324 Heavy truck and lorry drivers 354
8330 Agricultural,other mobile plant operator 6
8331 Motorised farm, forestry plant operator 53
8332 Earth-moving and related plant operators 66
8333 Crane, hoist and related plant operators 36
8334 Lifting-truck operators 35
8340 Ships' deck crews and related workers 8
9000 Elementary occupations 21
9100 Sales and services elementary occupations 4
9110 Street vendors and related workers 0
9111 Street vendors 7
9113 Door-to-door and telephone salespersons 9
9120 Shoe cleaning,other streetserv element occ 1
9130 Domestic,related helpers,cleaner,launderer 50
9131 Domestic helpers and cleaners 107
9132 Helper,cleaner in office,hotel,other establ 313
9133 Hand-launderers and pressers 11
9140 Building caretakers,window, rel cleaner 2
9141 Building caretakers 83
9142 Vehicle, window and related cleaners 10
9150 Messengers,porters doorkeepers,rel worker 1
9151 Messengers,package,luggage porter, deliverer 40
9152 Doorkeepers,watchpersons,related worker 75
9153 Vendingm,money collect, meter reader,rel work 9
9160 Garbage collectors and related labourers 1
9161 Garbage collectors 9
9162 Sweepers and related labourers 29
9200 Agricultural,fishery,related labourers 0
9210 Agricultural,fishery,related labourers 1
9211 Farm-hands and labourers 100
9212 Forestry labourers 12
9213 Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers 2
9300 Labourer mining,construction,manufact,transp 13
9310 Mining and construction labourers 0
9311 Mining and quarrying labourers 3
9312 Constr,mainten labour: roads,dams,sim constr 54
9313 Building construction labourers 52
9320 Manufacturing labourers 228
9330 Transport laborers and freight handlers 87
66666 Not applicable 34544
77777 Refusal 97
88888 Don't know 61
99999 No answer 569
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17187 35271

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100 do 9330

emprelp Partner's employment relation

F51. In his/her main job is he/she...

Vrednost 459216 Frekvenca
1 Employee 14778
2 Self-employed 2411
3 Working for own family business 247
6 Not applicable 34544
7 Refusal 15
8 Don't know 96
9 No answer 367
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17436 35022

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

emplnop Number of employees partner has

F52. How many employees (if any) does he/she have?

Vrednost 460215 Frekvenca
66666 Not applicable 49644
77777 Refusal 12
88888 Don't know 95
99999 No answer 439
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2268 50190 0 1000 3.936 25.041

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1000

jbspvp Partner responsible for supervising other employees ASK IF PARTNER IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F46a or code 1 at F47)

F53. In his/her main job, does he/she have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees?

Vrednost 461214 Frekvenca
1 Yes 4718
2 No 12519
6 Not applicable 34544
7 Refusal 25
8 Don't know 203
9 No answer 449
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17237 35221

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

njbspvp Number of people partner responsible for in job

F54. How many people is he/she responsible for?

Vrednost 462213 Frekvenca
66666 Not applicable 47263
77777 Refusal 7
88888 Don't know 547
99999 No answer 668
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3973 48485 0 10000 19.471 174.244

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10000

wkhtotp Hours normally worked a week in main job overtime included, partner ASK IF PARTNER IN PAID WORK (code 01 at F46a or code 1 at F47)

F57. How many hours does he/she normally work a week (in his/her main job)? Please include any paid or unpaid overtime.

Vrednost 463212 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 34544
777 Refusal 34
888 Don't know 998
999 No answer 921
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15961 36497 0 168 40.208 12.14

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 168

edulvlfb Father's highest level of education ASK ALL CARD 61

F58. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed?

Vrednost 464211 Frekvenca
0 Not completed ISCED level 1 5325
113 ISCED 1, completed primary education 11751
129 Vocational ISCED 2C < 2 years, no access ISCED 3 22
212 General/pre-vocational ISCED 2A/2B, access ISCED3 vocational 767
213 General ISCED 2A, access ISCED 3A general/all 3 6439
221 Vocational ISCED 2C >= 2 years, no access ISCED 3 130
222 Vocational ISCED 2A/2B, access ISCED 3 vocational 297
223 Vocational ISCED 2, access ISCED 3 general/all 46
229 Vocational ISCED 3C < 2 years, no access ISCED 5 1251
311 General ISCED 3 >=2 years, no access ISCED 5 231
312 General ISCED 3A/3B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 115
313 General ISCED 3A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 2800
321 Vocational ISCED 3C >= 2 years, no access ISCED 5 4449
322 Vocational ISCED 3A/3B, access 5B/lower tier 5A 2610
323 Vocational ISCED 3A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 2880
412 General ISCED 4A/4B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 9
413 General ISCED 4A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 63
421 ISCED 4 programmes without access ISCED 5 461
422 Vocational ISCED 4A/4B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 79
423 Vocational ISCED 4A, access upper tier ISCED 5A /all 5 685
510 ISCED 5A short, intermediate/academic/general tertiary below 180
520 ISCED 5B short, advanced vocational qualifications 1958
610 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from lower tier tertiar 910
620 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from upper/single tier 1028
710 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from lower tier tertiary 320
720 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from upper/single tier tert 2621
800 ISCED 6, doctoral degree 316
5555 Other 189
7777 Refusal 125
8888 Don't know 4281
9999 No answer 120
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47932 4526

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

eiscedf Father's highest level of education, ES - ISCED

F58A. Generated variable: Father's highest level of education, ES - ISCED

Vrednost 465210 Frekvenca
0 Not possible to harmonise into ES-ISCED 0
1 ES-ISCED I , less than lower secondary 17098
2 ES-ISCED II, lower secondary 8930
3 ES-ISCED IIIb, lower tier upper secondary 7290
4 ES-ISCED IIIa, upper tier upper secondary 5795
5 ES-ISCED IV, advanced vocational, sub-degree 3435
6 ES-ISCED V1, lower tertiary education, BA level 1938
7 ES-ISCED V2, higher tertiary education, >= MA level 3257
55 Other 189
77 Refusal 125
88 Don't know 4281
99 No answer 120
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47932 4526

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55

edlvfdbe Father's highest level of education, Belgium ASK ALL CARD 61

F58BE. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Belgium)

Vrednost 466209 Frekvenca
1 Niet voltooid lager onderwijs 193
2 Getuigschrift Basisonderwijs 385
3 Lager beroepsonderwijs, Lager technisch onderwijs 202
4 Getuigschrift van de eerste graad secundair onderwijs; Diplo 63
5 Studiegetuigschrift van secundair onderwijs (na 6e jaar BSO) 49
6 Studiegetuigschrift van het 3de leerjaar van de 3de graad TS 41
7 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (na 7e jaar BSO) 30
8 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (TSO of KSO); Diploma va 128
9 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (ASO), Diploma van het h 142
10 Secundair onderwijs voorbereidend jaar op het hoger onderwij 18
11 Certificaat van schakelprogramma of voorbereidingsprogramma 1
12 Diploma hogescholenonderwijs van 1 cyclus: graduaat of profe 124
13 Universitair diploma van kandidaat of academische bachelor 27
14 Diploma hogescholenonderwijs van 2 cycli: licentiaat of mast 48
15 Voortgezette opleiding volgend op hogescholenonderwijs van 2 10
16 Universitair diploma van licentiaat of master; Diploma van d 81
17 Master-na-master (universiteit); Postgraduaat; Gediplomeerde 7
18 Doctoraat; post-doctoraat 11
5555 Other 12
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 132
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1572 50886

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdbg Father's highest level of education, Bulgaria ASK ALL CARD 61

F58BG. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Bulgaria)

Vrednost 467208 Frekvenca
0 Nezavarsheno nachalno obrazovanie 213
1 Nachalno obrazovanie 341
2 Svidetelstvo za zavarsheno osnovno obrazovanie (zavarshen 8 867
3 Udostoverenie za pridobita 2-3 stepen na profesionalna kvali 29
4 Svidetelstvo/Diploma za zavarsheno sredno obshto obrazovanie 265
5 Svidetelstvo/Diploma za zavarsheno sredno specialno obrazova 402
6 Diploma za zavarshen profesionalen coleg /pridobita 4 stepen 10
7 Poluvisshe 29
8 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie ot coleg /'Profesionalen baka 8
9 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie - bakalavar 12
10 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie - Magistar / Specialist po… 157
11 Doctorska stepen 2
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 97
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50024
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2335 50123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdch Father's highest level of education, Switzerland ASK ALL CARD 61

F58CH. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 468207 Frekvenca
1 Incompleted primary school 37
2 Primary school 217
3 Secondary education (first stage) 160
4 Additional year of secondary education, preparation for voca 18
5 General training school (2-3 years) 18
6 Baccalaureate preparing for university 15
7 Baccalaureate for adults or apprenticeship after Baccalaurea 3
8 Diploma for teaching in primary school or preprimary school 20
9 Vocational baccalaureate 1
10 Vocational baccalaureate for adults 3
11 Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y 51
12 Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system, 3-4 years) 555
13 Second vocational training (or apprenticeship as second educ 14
14 Advanced vocational qualification (specialization exam, fede 73
15 Higher vocational training (diploma in domains such as techn 24
16 Higher vocational training (diploma of some specific high sc 56
17 University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ba 19
18 University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ma 22
19 University diploma (intermediary level) 10
20 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 14
21 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 24
22 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 38
23 Doctoral degree 32
5555 Other education 9
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 73
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1433 51025

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdhr Father's highest level of education, Croatia ASK ALL CARD 61

F58HR. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Croatia)

Vrednost 469206 Frekvenca
1 Bez škole (do tri razreda osnovne škole) 189
2 Nedovršena osnovna škola (4 do 7 razreda) 267
3 Završena osnovna škola 336
4 Srednja strukovna škola u trajanju 1-2 godine (obrtnicka, in 154
5 Srednja strukovna škola u trajanju 3 godine (obrtnicka, indu 283
6 Tehnicke i srodne strukovne škole, škole za zanimanje u traj 208
7 Gimnazija 13
8 Strucni studij na visokoj školi ili veleucilištu (2-3 godine 44
9 Preddiplomski sveucilišni studij - za akademski naslov 'bacc 3
10 Specijalisticki diplomski strucni studij (4-5 godina); speci 6
11 Diplomski sveucilišni studij (4-6 godina) - stari program 48
12 Strucni magisterij (5 godina); umjetnicka akademija (diploms 3
13 Postignut magisterij znanosti ili završen poslijediplomski s 9
14 Postignut doktorat znanosti 1
5555 Other 6
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 74
9999 No answer 5
Sysmiss 50809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1570 50888

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdcy Father's highest level of education, Cyprus ASK ALL CARD 61

F58CY. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 470205 Frekvenca
0 Den apofoitise apo dimotiko sxoleio 264
113 Apolytyrio Dimotikou 411
213 Apolytyrio Gymnasiou 103
313 Apolytyrio Lykeiou 207
321 Systima mathiteias 1
323 Apolytyrion Technikis/ Epangelmatikis 8
520 Diploma kollegiou (monoetous dietous trietous foitisis) 20
610 Ptychio kollegiou (tetraetous foitisis) 7
620 Ptychio panepistimiou 42
710 Metaptychiako Diploma kollegiou 2
720 Ptychio polytechniou - iatrikis/Metaptychiako Diploma panepi 9
800 Didaktoriko 1
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 7
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1075 51383

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdcz Father's highest level of education, Czech Republic ASK ALL CARD 61

F58CZ. What is the highest level of education you father successfully completed? (Czech Republic)

Vrednost 471204 Frekvenca
1 Nedokoncené základní vzdelání, neukoneený 1. stupen skolní d 14
2 Nedokoncené základní vzdelání (5 nebo více let skolní docház 23
3 Základní vzdelání (mest'anská skola) 365
4 Strední vzdelání s výucním listem, Strední vzdelání bez matu 1159
5 Stredoskolské vzdelání bez maturity (záverecná zkouska) po n 108
6 Vyucení s maturitou, Úplné strední odborné vzdelání s maturi 258
7 Strední vzdelání s maturitou následované studiem s maturitou 88
8 Strední vseobecné vzdelání s maturitou (gymnázia) 60
9 Pomaturitní vzdelání s diplomem: Vyssí odborná skola (DiS), 13
10 Vysokoskolské bakalárské vzdelání 26
11 Vysokoskolské magisterské vzdelání (Mgr., Ing., Ing. arch., 164
12 Vedecká výchova, postgraduální vzdelání (Ph.D., Th.D., CSc., 8
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 100
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50072
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2286 50172

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edufde1 Father's highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss ASK ALL CARD 61

F58DE1. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Germany 1)

Vrednost 472203 Frekvenca
0 Grundschule nicht beendet 72
1 Weiterführende Schule beendet ohne Abschluss oder noch kein 32
2 Volks-/Hauptschulabschluss bzw. Polytechnische Oberschule mi 1585
3 Mittlere Reife/Realschulabschluss bzw. Polytechnische Obersc 482
4 Fachhochschulreife (Abschluss einer Fachoberschule etc.) 91
5 Abitur bzw. erweiterte Oberschule mit Abschluss 12. Klasse ( 412
5555 Other, anderer Schulabschluss 8
6666 Not applicable 0
8888 Don't know 349
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2682 49776

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6666

edufde2 Father's highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss ASK ALL CARD 61a

F58DE2. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Germany 2)

Vrednost 473202 Frekvenca
0 Kein Studienabschluss 241
1 Hochschule/Universitaet: Zwischenpruefung, Vordiplom 71
2 Diplom Berufsakademie 13
3 Bachelor (Verwaltungs-/Fachhochschule, Berufsakademie) 13
4 Diplom (FH) 56
5 Bachelor (Universitaet) 7
6 Master (Fachhochschule) 23
7 Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen (Universitaet, Kunst-, Musik- 134
8 Master, Aufbaustudium (Universitaet, Kunst-, Musik- und paed 6
9 Promotion; Habilitation 41
5555 Other, anderen Studienabschluss 20
6666 Not applicable 2171
8888 Don't know 235
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
625 51833

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edufde3 Father's highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss ASK ALL CARD 61b

F58DE3. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Germany 3)

Vrednost 474201 Frekvenca
0 kein beruflicher Ausbildungsabschluss 443
1 Abschlusszeugnis Berufsgrundbildungsjahr, Berufsfachschule 60
2 Beruflich-betriebliche Anlernzeit mit Abschlusszeugnis, aber 94
3 Abschlusszeugnis für medizinische Assistenten, Krankenschwes 11
4 Laufbahnprüfung für den mittleren Dienst 69
5 Abgeschlossene gewerbliche oder landwirtschaftliche Lehre 1263
6 Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Lehre 212
7 Berufsqualifizierender Abschluss einer Berufsfachschule/Koll 43
8 Berufliche Zweitausbildung 12
9 Meister-/Techniker- oder gleichwertiger Fachschulabschluss; 310
5555 Other, anderen beruflichen Ausbildungsabschluss 152
8888 Don't know 362
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2669 49789

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfddk Father's highest level of education, Denmark ASK ALL CARD 61

F58DK. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Denmark)

Vrednost 475200 Frekvenca
0 Ingen skolegang. Børnehaveklasse. 1.-5. klasse. 27
1 Folkeskole 6.-8. klasse 426
2 Folkeskole 9.-10. klasse 73
3 Gymnasielle uddannelser, studentereksamen, HF, HHX, HTX 26
4 Kort erhvervsudd. under 1-2 års varighed, F.eks. AMU Arbejds 60
5 Faglig udd. (håndværk, handel, landbrug mv.), F.eks. Faglært 565
6 Kort videreg. udd af op til 2-3 år, F.eks. Erhv.akademi, dat 71
7 Mellemlang videreg.udd. 3-4 år. Prof.bachelorer, F.eks. Dipl 147
8 Universitetsbachelor. 1. del af kandidatuddannelse 12
9 Lang videregående uddannelse. Kandidatuddannelser af 5.-6. å 106
10 Licentiat 0
11 Forskeruddannelse. Ph.d., doktor 6
5555 Other 3
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 53
9999 No answer 1
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1522 50936

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdee Father's highest level of education, Estonia ASK ALL CARD 61

F58EE. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Estonia)

Vrednost 476199 Frekvenca
0 Nepovna pochatkova osvita (menshe 4-kh klasiv seredn'oi shko 91
1 Pochatkova osvita (4-7 klasiv seredn'oi shkoly) 0
2 Nepovna serednja osvita (atestat za 8-9 klasiv seredn'oi shk 0
3 PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti, nemaje atestatu pro p 0
4 Povna serednja osvita (atestat pro povnu serednju osvitu za 0
5 Zakinchiv PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti (atestat za 0
6 Dodatkove navchannja na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity (profes 0
7 PTU na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity 0
8 Nepovna vyshcha osvita (molodshij specialist - dyplom tekhni 0
9 Bazova vyshcha osvita (bakalavr) 0
10 Povna vyshcha osvita (specialist) 0
11 Povna vyshcha osvita (magistr) 0
12 Aspirantura, vchena stupin 0
113 314
129 9
213 219
229 48
313 175
321 61
323 143
423 162
520 32
610 32
620 46
710 10
720 117
800 8
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 320
9999 No answer 6
Sysmiss 50665
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1467 50991

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdes Father's highest level of education, Spain ASK ALL CARD 61

F58ES. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Spain)

Vrednost 477198 Frekvenca
0 Sin estudios 324
1 Estudios primarios sin completar 377
2 Certificado de Estudios Primarios 408
3 Hasta 5º de EGB 33
4 Educación Primaria (LOGSE) 57
5 Grado Elemental en Música y Danza 2
6 F.P. de Iniciación 9
7 Bachillerato Elemental 82
8 EGB 117
9 ESO 19
10 Grado Medio en Música y Danza 0
11 F.P. Oficialía 15
12 F.P. de 1er Grado 20
13 Bachillerato Superior (o PREU) 36
14 BUP o COU 22
15 Bachillerato (LOGSE) 13
16 C.F. de Grado Medio (Técnico Medio) 9
17 C.F. de Grado Medio en Artes Plásticas y Diseño 0
18 F.P. Maestría 14
19 F.P. de 2º Grado 19
20 C.F. de Grado Superior (Técnico Superior) 9
21 C.F. de Grado Superior en Escuelas de Arte 1
22 Peritaje, Enfermería, Magisterio, Asistente Social 21
23 Diplomado, Ingeniero o Arquitecto Técnico, 3 años de licenci 53
24 Licenciado, Ingeniero, Arquitecto, Máster (Bolonia) 100
25 Doctor 15
5555 Otros 1
7777 Refusal 14
8888 Don't know 95
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50573
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1776 50682

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdfi Father's highest level of education, Finland ASK ALL CARD 61

F58FI. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Finland)

Vrednost 478197 Frekvenca
1 Vähemmän kuin peruskoulun ala-aste tai vähemmän kuin perusko 342
2 Peruskoulun ala-aste, kansakoulu tai kansalaiskoulu 603
3 Peruskoulun yläaste tai keskikoulu 99
4 Lukio, ylioppilastutkinto 27
5 Ammatillinen perustutkinto, ammattitutkinto 389
6 Sekä ylioppilas- että ammattitutkinto 19
7 Erikoisammattitutkinto 36
8 Ammatillinen opistoasteen tutkinto 89
9 Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto tai ammatillisen korkea-asteen tu 37
10 Alempi korkeakoulututkinto tai kandidaatin tutkinto 30
11 Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto 23
12 Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto 94
13 Lisensiaatintutkinto 10
14 Tohtorin tutkinto 6
5555 Other 5
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 69
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1809 50649

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdfr Father's highest level of education, France ASK ALL CARD 61

F58FR. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (France)

Vrednost 479196 Frekvenca
1 A - Non scolarisé ou école primaire non achevée 100
2 B - Ecole primaire uniquement 270
3 C - Certificat d'études primaires 431
4 D - Scolarité suivie de la 6ème à la 3ème 47
5 E - Brevet élémentaire, Brevet d'étude du premier cycle, Bre 69
6 F - Scolarité suivie de la 2nde à la Terminale 22
7 G - CAP, BEP, examen de fin d'apprentissage artisanal 293
8 H - Diplôme d'aide soignante, auxiliaire de puériculture, ai 4
9 I - Baccalauréat professionnel, Brevet de technicien 47
10 J - Baccalauréat technologique, Baccalauréat de technicien, 20
11 K - Baccalauréat général, Brevet supérieur 69
12 L - Diplôme de la capacité en droit, Diplôme d'accès aux étu 2
13 M - Diplôme de moniteur-éducateur, Educateur technique spéci 4
14 N - Diplôme universitaire du premier cycle (DEUG), Classes p 10
15 O - Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT), Brevet de te 27
16 P - Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique (instituteur), Diplôme 8
17 Q - Licence professionnelle 5
18 R - Licence 22
19 S - Diplôme d'école d'ingénieur 28
20 T - DESS, Master deuxième année professionnel 1
21 U - Diplômes professionnels supérieurs divers (notaire, arch 10
22 V - Diplôme des grandes écoles 15
23 W - Maîtrise, CAPES, CRPE (professeur des écoles) 12
24 X - DEA, DES, Master deuxième année recherche, Agrégation 7
25 Y - Doctorat en médecine ou équivalents (Médecine, Dentaire, 17
26 Z - Doctorat 7
5555 Other 8
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 172
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1555 50903

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edufgb1 Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent ASK ALL CARD 61a

F58GB1. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (United Kingdom 1)

Vrednost 480195 Frekvenca
1 2 or more A-levels, S-levels, A2-level, AS-levels, Scottish 252
2 GNVQ Intermediate 8
3 Vocational GCSE, SCOTVEC/SQA National certificate modules/Na 30
4 5 or more GCSEs A*-C, CSE Grade 1, GCE O-level Grades A-C or 174
5 1-4 GCSEs A*-C, GCSE Grades D-G, Short course GCSE, CSE Grad 80
6 Skills for Life (including Basic Skills, Key Skills, Entry L 54
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 662
9999 No answer 1160
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
598 51860

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edufgb2 Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent ASK ALL CARD 61b

F58GB2. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (United Kingdom 2)

Vrednost 481194 Frekvenca
1 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent 28
2 Masters Degree, M.Phil, Post-Graduate Diplomas and Certifica 69
3 5 year University/CNAA first Degree (MB, BDS, BV etc) 23
4 3-4 year University/CNAA first Degree (BA, BSc., BEd., BEng. 112
5 Nursing certificate, Teacher training, HE Diploma, Edexcel/B 75
6 Foundation Degree (FdA, FdSc etc) 7
7 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or 16
8 HE Access 2
9 Vocational A-level (AVCE), GCE Applied A-level, NVQ/SVQ Leve 39
10 (Modern) Apprenticeship, Advanced (Modern) Apprenticeship, S 191
5555 Other 55
7777 Refusal 3
8888 Don't know 589
9999 No answer 1213
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
617 51841

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edagefgb Father's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom

F58GB3. How old was your father when he completed continuous full-time education? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 482193 Frekvenca
1 2
4 1
5 3
7 1
8 1
9 5
10 5
11 8
12 36
13 61
14 623
15 322
16 259
17 27
18 77
19 11
20 30
21 56
22 23
23 10
24 14
25 29
26 7
27 2
28 2
29 1
30 4
32 1
35 1
50 1
51 1
53 1
54 1
55 1
58 1
95 Still at school 0
96 Still at college or university 0
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 793
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1628 50830

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdgr Father's highest level of education, Greece ASK ALL CARD 61

F58GR. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Greece)

Vrednost 483192 Frekvenca
0 Merikes taxeis Dimotikou 546
1 Apolytirio Dimotikou 1173
2 Apolytirio Gymnasiou 314
3 Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou 359
4 Ptychio Epagelmatikis Ekpedefsis 38
5 Apolytirio Epaggelmatikou Lykeiou 33
6 Pistopoiitiko Epangelmatikis Katartisis epipedou 1 18
7 Diploma epagematikis katartisis epipedou metadefterovathmias 26
8 Ptychio (Sxoles Anoteris Epaggelmatikis Ekpaidefsis) 30
9 Ptychio (ATEI) 24
10 Ptychio (AEI) 124
11 Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis (ATEI) 5
12 Ptychio (AEI, Polytechniou) 11
13 Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis (AEI, Polytechniou) 6
14 Didaktoriko Diploma 7
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 1
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2714 49744

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdhu Father's highest level of education, Hungary ASK ALL CARD 61

F58HU. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Hungary)

Vrednost 484191 Frekvenca
1 Nem járt iskolába; 1-3 osztályos elemi iskola vagy azzal egy 40
2 4-7 osztályos elemi iskola vagy azzal egyenértéku 272
3 Befejezett általános iskola vagy azzal egyenértéku 315
4 Szakmunkásképzo, szakiskola 514
5 10. évfolyamra épülo szakképzés 7
6 Érettségi, befejezett szakközépiskola 85
7 Érettségi, befejezett gimnázium 56
8 Érettségire épülo felsofokra nem akkreditált szakképzés, köz 48
9 Felsofokú akkreditált szakképzés, felsofokú technikum 15
10 Foiskolai diploma vagy foiskolai alapképzési szak - BA /BSc 42
11 Egyetemi alapképzési szak – BA /BSc 19
12 Foiskolai mesterképzési szak – MA/MSs 11
13 Egyetemi diploma, vagy egyetemi mesterképzési szak MA / MSc 48
14 Felsofokú végzettség tudományos fokozattal 6
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 82
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1478 50980

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdie Father's highest level of education, Ireland ASK ALL CARD 61

F58IE. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Ireland)

Vrednost 485190 Frekvenca
1 Left school before finishing primary school; NFQ Level 1 412
2 Left school after the end of primary school but before reach 887
3 Junior Certificate; NFQ Level 3 (including Transition Year) 374
4 Vocational NFQ Level 3 courses, certified by FETAC, e.g. Com 46
5 Vocational NFQ level 4 courses, e.g. FETAC specific skills c 33
6 Leaving Certificate Established (LCE); Leaving Certificate V 215
7 Leaving Certificate Applied programme (LCA); NFQ levels 4-5 67
8 Apprenticeship - FAS etc. 68
9 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses (duration of 1 year); 17
10 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses of 2 or more years du 15
11 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or 6
12 Higher Certificate - NFQ level 6 20
13 Diploma, now termed 'Ordinary level bachelor degree' - NFQ l 42
14 Higher level/honours bachelor degree; NFQ level 8 53
15 Higher/Graduate Diploma, NFQ level 8 18
16 Post-graduate Diploma; NFQ level 9, 24
17 Masters Degree, M.Phil; NFQ level 9 40
18 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent; NFQ level 10 10
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 8
8888 Don't know 192
9999 No answer 29
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2347 50111

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edufil1 Father's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel ASK ALL CARD 61

F58IL1. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Israel 1)

Vrednost 486189 Frekvenca
0 Not completed primary education 371
113 Primary school 392
213 junior high school 155
229 Secondary school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate or Y 218
312 Completion of religious (Ultra-Orthodox) Yeshiva 75
313 Secondary school WITH a general [academic] matriculation cer 131
321 Apprenticeship & Industrial schools 38
323 Secondary school WITH a vocational matriculation certificate 32
413 Pre-academic preparatory programmes 0
422 Post secondary, non-tertiary (a technician diploma, practica 36
520 Post secondary, non tertiary (a practical engineer or author 44
610 A bachelor academic degree, B.A from an academic college, or 58
620 A bachelor academic degree, B.A from a university, or a simi 100
710 B.Ed. after completion of B.A. 3
711 A master's degree, M.A. from an academic college 15
720 A master's degree, M.A. from a university 63
721 MD or similar degree [D.M.D- Doctor of Dental Medicinae or D 21
800 A doctoral degree, Ph.D. or similar degree [J.S.D - Doctor o 22
4444 Education from the former Soviet Union 240
5555 Other 14
7777 Refusal 19
8888 Don't know 242
9999 No answer 5
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2028 50430

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edufil2 Father's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel ASK ALL CARD 61

F58IL2. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Israel 2)

Vrednost 487188 Frekvenca
0 Incomplete primary education 12
113 Completed 4 grades of primary school 24
213 Incomplete secondary education (8-9 grades of secondary scho 22
229 Primary professional education (PTU, FSU, FSO, liceum) witho 13
313 Completed general secondary education (10 grades by old syst 13
323 Incomplete secondary education (8-9 grades of secondary scho 8
324 Complete secondary education (10-11 grades of secondary scho 9
423 Completed general secondary education(..), got attestat & Pr 3
520 Completed general secondary education(..), got attestat & Se 29
620 Bachalar degree after 4 years program by new two-stage syste 35
720 Completed high education by 5-6 years system of education (d 42
800 Scientific degree (candidate, doctor of science) 6
5555 Other 2
6666 Not applicable 2054
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 18
9999 No answer 4
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
218 52240

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdlt Father's highest level of education, Lithuania ASK ALL CARD 61

F58LT. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Lithuania)

Vrednost 488187 Frekvenca
0 Not completed primary 203
1 Primary 483
2 Vocational (without completing basic) 78
3 Basic (including youth, night schools) 105
4 Vocational (completing basic) 46
5 Vocational <2 years (after completing basic) 44
6 Vocational >=2 years (after completing basic) 50
7 Secondary (including gymnasiums, lyceums, night schools) 105
8 Vocational (completing secondary) 27
9 Vocational (after completing secondary) 48
10 Higher vocational or special secondary (after completing bas 65
11 Higher vocational or special secondary (after completing sec 47
12 Higher (non-university degree) 22
13 Higher (university bachelor degree) 26
14 Higher (integrated university studies degree or professional 66
15 Higher (university master or residency studies degree) 4
16 Doctoral or candidate of sciences degree 4
5555 Other 11
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 243
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1434 51024

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdnl Father's highest level of education, Netherlands ASK ALL CARD 61

F58NL. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 489186 Frekvenca
1 Basisschool niet afgemaakt 85
113 Alleen basisschool afgemaakt 427
212 LBO, VBO, LEAO, LTS ambachtsschool, huishoudschool, LHNO, VM 392
213 MULO, ULO, MAVO, VMBO (niveau 4; theoretische leerweg); HAVO 182
229 KMBO, leerlingwezen, MBO niveau 1, MEAO, MTS afgemaakt (duur 56
312 HAVO, MMS, MSVM afgemaakt 16
313 VWO, HBS, atheneum, gymnasium afgemaakt 81
321 MBO niveau 2 en 3 afgemaakt (duur 2-3 jaar) 40
322 MBO niveau 4 afgemaakt (duur 4 jaar) 65
412 MBO-plus voor havisten 9
510 propedeuse WO, OU-certificaat 4
520 korte HBO-opleiding einddiploma (2 of 3 jaar), kweekschool, 73
610 Bachelor HBO afgemaakt 63
620 Bachelor universiteit afgemaakt 5
710 HBO: Master`s degree, tweede fase opleidingen; Post HBO-ople 57
720 WO/universiteit: Master`s degree, tweede fase opleidingen; i 72
800 Doctoraat/gepromoveerd 20
5555 Other 7
7777 Refusal 4
8888 Don't know 171
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1654 50804

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdno Father's highest level of education, Norway ASK ALL CARD 61

F58NO. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Norway)

Vrednost 490185 Frekvenca
1 Ingen fullført utdanning 18
2 Barneskole (første del av obligatorisk utdanning) 167
3 Ungdomsskole (grunnskole, 7-årig folkeskole, framhaldskole, 406
4 Vitnemål fra folkehøgskole 17
5 Videregående avsluttende utd, allmennf. studieretninger/stud 111
6 Videregående avsluttende utd., yrkesfaglige studieretninger/ 279
7 Forkurs til universitet/høgskole som ikke gir studiepoeng 4
8 Vitnemål fra påbygging til videregående utdanning (fagskoleu 91
9 Universitet/høgskole, < 3 år (høgskolekandidat, 2- og 2½- år 77
10 Fullført 3-4 årig utd. fra høgskole (Bachelor,cand.mag.,lære 127
11 Fullført 3-4 årig utdanning fra universitet (Bachelor, cand. 34
12 Fullført 5-6 årig utdanning fra høgskole (master, hovedfag) 35
13 Fullf 5-6 årig utd fra univ, lengre prof.utd. (cand.theol/ps 91
14 Forskernivå (Dr. grad, Ph.D.) 19
5555 Other 14
7777 Refusal 5
8888 Don't know 51
9999 No answer 2
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1490 50968

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdpl Father's highest level of education, Poland ASK ALL CARD 61

F58PL. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Poland)

Vrednost 491184 Frekvenca
1 Nieukonczona szkola podstawowa 91
2 Ukonczona szkola podstawowa 6-klasowa (4-klasowa przed wojna 270
3 Ukonczona szkola podstawowa 7 lub 8-klasowa 313
4 Ukonczone gimnazjum 6
5 Ukonczona szkola zasadnicza zawodowa 497
6 Ukonczone liceum ogolnoksztalcace bez matury 10
7 Ukonczone liceum ogolnoksztalcace z matura 41
8 Ukonczona srednia szkola zawodowe (technikum, liceum zawodow 93
9 Ukonczona srednia szkola zawodowe (technikum, liceum zawodow 151
10 Dyplom ukonczenia szkoly pomaturalnej lub policealnej 15
11 Dyplom ukooczenia kolegium lub studium nauczycielskiego 3
12 Dyplom licencjacki lub dyplom inzynierski 43
13 Dyplom magistra lub dyplom lekarza 100
14 Stopien naukowy doktora, doktora habilitowanego lub tytul pr 8
5555 Other 6
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 95
9999 No answer 7
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1647 50811

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdpt Father's highest level of education, Portugal ASK ALL CARD 61

F58PT. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Portugal)

Vrednost 492183 Frekvenca
1 Nenhum 593
2 Ensino Básico 1 (até à 4ª classe, instrução primária (3º ou 983
3 Ensino Básico 2 (preparatório, 5º e 6º anos/classe, 1º ciclo 89
4 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 1. Atribuição de "Dipl 4
5 Ensino Básico 3 (9º ano; 5º ano dos liceus; escola comercial 98
6 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 2. Atribuição de "Dipl 4
7 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 3 e 4. Atribuição de " 3
8 Ensino Secundário - cursos científico-humanísticos (12º ano; 75
9 Ensino Secundário - cursos tecnológicos, artísticos especial 9
10 Cursos de especialização tecnológica. Atribuição de "Diploma 7
11 Ensino superior politécnico: bacharelato de 3 anos; Antigos 7
12 Ensino superior politécnico: licenciaturas de 3-4 anos curri 7
13 Ensino superior universitário: licenciaturas de 3-4 anos cur 24
14 Pós-graduação: especialização pós-licenciatura sem atribuiçã 4
15 Ensino superior universitário: licenciatura com mais de 4 an 22
16 Mestrado (inclui Mestrado Integrado) 3
17 Doutoramento 2
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 214
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1934 50524

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdru Father's highest level of education, Russian Federation ASK ALL CARD 61

F58RU. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 493182 Frekvenca
1 Voobshche ne uchilsya v shkole ili zakonchil lish´ 1-2 klass 135
2 Zakonchil 3-7 klassov srednyei shkoly, no ne poluchil attest 446
3 Poluchil attestat ob osnovnom obshchem obrazovanii, no ne po 246
4 Zakonchennoe srednyee obshchyee obrazovanie, poluchil attest 177
5 Nachal´noe professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil PTU, FZU 136
6 Nachal´noe professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil PTU, pro 164
7 Srednyee professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil tehnikum, 476
8 Poluchil diplom bakalavra v vuze posle 4 let obucheniya po n 2
9 Poluchil diplom magistra v vuze posle dopolnitel´nyh 2 let o 3
10 Zakonchennoe vysshyee obrazovanie po 5-6-letnyei sisteme (di 360
11 Nauchnaya stepen´ (kandidat, doktor nauk) 13
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 64
8888 Don't know 373
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2158 50300

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdse Father's highest level of education, Sweden ASK ALL CARD 61

F58SE. What is the highes level of education your father successfully achieved? (Sweden)

Vrednost 494181 Frekvenca
1 Ej avslutad folkskola/grundskola skolår 1-6 255
2 Avslutad Folkskola, Grundskolan skolår 7-8 387
3 Avslutad Grundskola skolår 9 138
4 Fackskola (1963-1970) - 2-årig gymnasielinje, 2-årig yrkessk 93
5 Studieförberedande gymnasieprogram (3 år) 18
6 Gamla gymnasieutbildningar på två år 40
7 Yrkesinriktade gymnasieprogram (3 år) 55
8 4-årig gymnasielinje (före 1995)/Tekniskt basår 37
9 Universitet/Högskola, 1 år, med examen 11
10 Eftergymnasial utbildning, ej Universitet/Högskola, 1 år (t 39
11 Universitet/Högskola, 2 år, med examen (högskoleexamen) 43
12 2-3 år KY-utbildning, Eftergymnasial utbildning, ej Universi 35
13 Kandidat och/eller yrkesexamen från Högskola, 3-4 år 47
14 Kandidat och/eller yrkesexamen från Universitet, KTH, CTH, H 23
15 Magisterexamen och/eller yrkesexamen från Högskola, >4 år 27
16 Mastersexamen från Högskola 8
17 Magisterexamen och/eller yrkesexamen från universitet, KTH, 31
18 Mastersexamen från Universitet, KTH, CTH, Handelshögskolan 14
19 Forskarutbildning: Licentiatexamen 6
20 Forskarutbildning:Doktorsexamen 14
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 173
9999 No answer 2
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1321 51137

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdsi Father's highest level of education, Slovenia ASK ALL CARD 61

F58SI. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 495180 Frekvenca
0 Brez šolske izobrazbe 73
1 Nepopolna osnovnošolska izobrazba 79
2 Osnovnošolska izobrazba 351
3 Nižja ali srednja poklicna izobrazba 394
4 Srednja strokovna izobrazba 223
5 Srednja splošna izobrazba 36
6 Višja strokovna izobrazba, višješolska izobrazba 44
7 Visokošolska strokovna izobrazba 28
8 Visokošolska univerzitetna izobrazba 55
9 Specializacija 2
10 Magisterij 6
11 Doktorat 6
5555 Other 2
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 100
9999 No answer 4
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1299 51159

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvfdsk Father's highest level of education, Slovakia ASK ALL CARD 61

F58SK. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Slovakia)

Vrednost 496179 Frekvenca
1 Neukoncený prvý stupen základnej školy 30
2 Neukoncený druhý stupen základnej školy 110
3 Ukoncený druhý stupen základnej školy, Kurzy na doplnenie zá 538
4 Praktická škola 52
5 Rekvalifikacné kurzy 30
6 Odborné ucilište, stredná odborná škola bez maturity, stredn 574
7 Stredná odborná škola s maturitou, stredné odborné ucilište 273
8 8 rocné gymnázium, 4 rocné gymnázium 14
9 Nadstavbové štúdium 7
10 Doplnujúce pedagogické štúdium 2
11 Pomaturitné kvalifikacné štúdium 2
12 Pomaturitné špecializacné štúdium, tane?né konzervatórium, k 2
13 Stredná odborná škola- 6 rocné štúdium 5
14 Vyššie odborné štúdium 15
15 Bakalárske štúdium 4
16 Magisterské/doktorské a inžinierske štúdium 109
17 Magisterské pokracujúce štúdium, štátne rigorózne skúšky, do 5
18 Doktorandské štúdium 7
5555 Other 2
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 57
9999 No answer 18
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1781 50677

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvfdua Father's highest level of education, Ukraine ASK ALL CARD 61

F58UA. What is the highest level of education your father successfully completed? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 497178 Frekvenca
0 Nepovna pochatkova osvita (menshe 4-kh klasiv seredn'oi shko 227
1 Pochatkova osvita (4-7 klasiv seredn'oi shkoly) 318
2 Nepovna serednja osvita (atestat za 8-9 klasiv seredn'oi shk 162
3 PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti, nemaje atestatu pro p 71
4 Povna serednja osvita (atestat pro povnu serednju osvitu za 199
5 Zakinchiv PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti (atestat za 104
6 Dodatkove navchannja na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity (profes 43
7 PTU na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity 100
8 Nepovna vyshcha osvita (molodshij specialist - dyplom tekhni 211
9 Bazova vyshcha osvita (bakalavr) 18
10 Povna vyshcha osvita (specialist) 154
11 Povna vyshcha osvita (magistr) 58
12 Aspirantura, vchena stupin 6
13 INSHE 0
5555 Other 26
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 205
9999 No answer 29
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1697 50761

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

emprf14 Father's employment status when respondent 14

F59. When you were 14, did your father work as an employee, was he self-employed, or was he not working then?

Vrednost 498177 Frekvenca
1 Employee 34701
2 Self-employed 10224
3 Not working 2122
4 Father dead/absent 3810
7 Refusal 57
8 Don't know 1454
9 No answer 90
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50857 1601

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

emplnof Number of employees father had

F60. How many employees did he have?

Vrednost 499176 Frekvenca
1 None 6235
2 1 to 24 3373
3 25 or more 268
6 Not applicable 42107
7 Refusal 5
8 Don't know 266
9 No answer 204
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9876 42582

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

jbspvf Father responsible for supervising other employees ASK IF FATHER EMPLOYED (code 1 at F59)

F61. Did he have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees?

Vrednost 500175 Frekvenca
1 Yes 9062
2 No 23997
6 Not applicable 17617
7 Refusal 8
8 Don't know 1320
9 No answer 454
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
33059 19399

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

occf14b Father's occupation when respondent 14 CARD 62

F63. Which of the descriptions on this card best describes the sort of work he did when you were 14?

Vrednost 501174 Frekvenca
1 Professional and technical occupations 3936
2 Higher administrator occupations 2182
3 Clerical occupations 2237
4 Sales occupations 2424
5 Service occupations 3096
6 Skilled worker 9764
7 Semi-skilled worker 8027
8 Unskilled worker 4725
9 Farm worker 8042
66 Not applicable 5972
77 Refusal 45
88 Don't know 1785
99 No answer 223
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
44433 8025

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

edulvlmb Mother's highest level of education ASK ALL CARD 63

F64. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed?

Vrednost 502173 Frekvenca
0 Not completed ISCED level 1 6709
113 ISCED 1, completed primary education 12686
129 Vocational ISCED 2C < 2 years, no access ISCED 3 19
212 General/pre-vocational ISCED 2A/2B, access ISCED3 vocational 1469
213 General ISCED 2A, access ISCED 3A general/all 3 8013
221 Vocational ISCED 2C >= 2 years, no access ISCED 3 127
222 Vocational ISCED 2A/2B, access ISCED 3 vocational 267
223 Vocational ISCED 2, access ISCED 3 general/all 31
229 Vocational ISCED 3C < 2 years, no access ISCED 5 977
311 General ISCED 3 >=2 years, no access ISCED 5 242
312 General ISCED 3A/3B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 77
313 General ISCED 3A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 3609
321 Vocational ISCED 3C >= 2 years, no access ISCED 5 3222
322 Vocational ISCED 3A/3B, access 5B/lower tier 5A 1948
323 Vocational ISCED 3A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 2587
412 General ISCED 4A/4B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 7
413 General ISCED 4A, access upper tier ISCED 5A/all 5 34
421 ISCED 4 programmes without access ISCED 5 314
422 Vocational ISCED 4A/4B, access ISCED 5B/lower tier 5A 114
423 Vocational ISCED 4A, access upper tier ISCED 5A /all 5 782
510 ISCED 5A short, intermediate/academic/general tertiary below 144
520 ISCED 5B short, advanced vocational qualifications 2013
610 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from lower tier tertiar 1010
620 ISCED 5A medium, bachelor/equivalent from upper/single tier 847
710 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from lower tier tertiary 177
720 ISCED 5A long, master/equivalent from upper/single tier tert 1970
800 ISCED 6, doctoral degree 102
5555 Other 96
7777 Refusal 100
8888 Don't know 2676
9999 No answer 89
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49593 2865

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

eiscedm Mother's highest level of education, ES - ISCED

F64A. Generated variable: Mother's highest level of education, ES - ISCED

Vrednost 503172 Frekvenca
0 Not possible to harmonise into ES-ISCED 0
1 ES-ISCED I , less than lower secondary 19414
2 ES-ISCED II, lower secondary 10884
3 ES-ISCED IIIb, lower tier upper secondary 5412
4 ES-ISCED IIIa, upper tier upper secondary 6273
5 ES-ISCED IV, advanced vocational, sub-degree 3408
6 ES-ISCED V1, lower tertiary education, BA level 1857
7 ES-ISCED V2, higher tertiary education, >= MA level 2249
55 Other 96
77 Refusal 100
88 Don't know 2676
99 No answer 89
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49593 2865

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55

edlvmdbe Mother's highest level of education, Belgium ASK ALL CARD 63

F64BE. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Belgium)

Vrednost 504171 Frekvenca
1 Niet voltooid lager onderwijs 236
2 Getuigschrift Basisonderwijs 443
3 Lager beroepsonderwijs, Lager technisch onderwijs 185
4 Getuigschrift van de eerste graad secundair onderwijs; Diplo 93
5 Studiegetuigschrift van secundair onderwijs (na 6e jaar BSO) 46
6 Studiegetuigschrift van het 3de leerjaar van de 3de graad TS 41
7 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (na 7e jaar BSO) 41
8 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (TSO of KSO); Diploma va 79
9 Diploma van het secundair onderwijs (ASO), Diploma van het h 162
10 Secundair onderwijs voorbereidend jaar op het hoger onderwij 11
11 Certificaat van schakelprogramma of voorbereidingsprogramma 2
12 Diploma hogescholenonderwijs van 1 cyclus: graduaat of profe 181
13 Universitair diploma van kandidaat of academische bachelor 12
14 Diploma hogescholenonderwijs van 2 cycli: licentiaat of mast 9
15 Voortgezette opleiding volgend op hogescholenonderwijs van 2 2
16 Universitair diploma van licentiaat of master; Diploma van d 37
17 Master-na-master (universiteit); Postgraduaat; Gediplomeerde 4
18 Doctoraat; post-doctoraat 3
5555 Other 3
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 114
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50754
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1590 50868

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdbg Mother's highest level of education, Bulgaria ASK ALL CARD 63

F64BG. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Bulgaria)

Vrednost 505170 Frekvenca
0 Nezavarsheno nachalno obrazovanie 280
1 Nachalno obrazovanie 396
2 Svidetelstvo za zavarsheno osnovno obrazovanie (zavarshen 8 835
3 Udostoverenie za pridobita 2-3 stepen na profesionalna kvali 15
4 Svidetelstvo/Diploma za zavarsheno sredno obshto obrazovanie 313
5 Svidetelstvo/Diploma za zavarsheno sredno specialno obrazova 290
6 Diploma za zavarshen profesionalen coleg /pridobita 4 stepen 11
7 Poluvisshe 68
8 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie ot coleg /'Profesionalen baka 5
9 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie - bakalavar 19
10 Diploma za visshe obrazovanie - Magistar / Specialist po… 117
11 Doctorska stepen 1
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 83
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50024
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2350 50108

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdch Mother's highest level of education, Switzerland ASK ALL CARD 63

F64CH. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Switzerland)

Vrednost 506169 Frekvenca
1 Incompleted primary school 70
2 Primary school 317
3 Secondary education (first stage) 267
4 Additional year of secondary education, preparation for voca 59
5 General training school (2-3 years) 35
6 Baccalaureate preparing for university 26
7 Baccalaureate for adults or apprenticeship after Baccalaurea 4
8 Diploma for teaching in primary school or preprimary school 34
9 Vocational baccalaureate 5
10 Vocational baccalaureate for adults 2
11 Elementary vocational training (enterprise and school, 1-2 y 45
12 Apprenticeship (vocational training, dual system, 3-4 years) 468
13 Second vocational training (or apprenticeship as second educ 10
14 Advanced vocational qualification (specialization exam, fede 13
15 Higher vocational training (diploma in domains such as techn 26
16 Higher vocational training (diploma of some specific high sc 10
17 University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ba 8
18 University of applied science and pedagogical university (Ma 6
19 University diploma (intermediary level) 4
20 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 6
21 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 7
22 University diploma and post-graduate (including technical) ( 19
23 Doctoral degree 4
5555 Other education 4
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 57
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50952
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1449 51009

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdhr Mother's highest level of education, Croatia ASK ALL CARD 63

F64HR. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Croatia)

Vrednost 507168 Frekvenca
1 Bez škole (do tri razreda osnovne škole) 317
2 Nedovršena osnovna škola (4 do 7 razreda) 319
3 Završena osnovna škola 404
4 Srednja strukovna škola u trajanju 1-2 godine (obrtnicka, in 72
5 Srednja strukovna škola u trajanju 3 godine (obrtnicka, indu 191
6 Tehnicke i srodne strukovne škole, škole za zanimanje u traj 186
7 Gimnazija 30
8 Strucni studij na visokoj školi ili veleucilištu (2-3 godine 30
9 Preddiplomski sveucilišni studij - za akademski naslov 'bacc 4
10 Specijalisticki diplomski strucni studij (4-5 godina); speci 6
11 Diplomski sveucilišni studij (4-6 godina) - stari program 35
12 Strucni magisterij (5 godina); umjetnicka akademija (diploms 0
13 Postignut magisterij znanosti ili završen poslijediplomski s 0
14 Postignut doktorat znanosti 4
5555 Other 3
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 43
9999 No answer 5
Sysmiss 50809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1601 50857

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdcy Mother's highest level of education, Cyprus ASK ALL CARD 63

F64CY. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Cyprus)

Vrednost 508167 Frekvenca
0 Den apofoitise apo dimotiko sxoleio 354
113 Apolytyrio Dimotikou 347
213 Apolytyrio Gymnasiou 131
313 Apolytyrio Lykeiou 193
321 Systima mathiteias 0
323 Apolytyrion Technikis/ Epangelmatikis 3
520 Diploma kollegiou (monoetous dietous trietous foitisis) 16
610 Ptychio kollegiou (tetraetous foitisis) 5
620 Ptychio panepistimiou 27
710 Metaptychiako Diploma kollegiou 0
720 Ptychio polytechniou - iatrikis/Metaptychiako Diploma panepi 0
800 Didaktoriko 0
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 2
9999 No answer 5
Sysmiss 51375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1076 51382

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdcz Mother's highest level of education, Czech Republic ASK ALL CARD 63

F64CZ. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Czech Republic)

Vrednost 509166 Frekvenca
1 Nedokoncené základní vzdelání, neukoneený 1. stupen skolní d 18
2 Nedokoncené základní vzdelání (5 nebo více let skolní docház 42
3 Základní vzdelání (mest'anská skola) 620
4 Strední vzdelání s výucním listem, Strední vzdelání bez matu 901
5 Stredoskolské vzdelání bez maturity (záverecná zkouska) po n 99
6 Vyucení s maturitou, Úplné strední odborné vzdelání s maturi 269
7 Strední vzdelání s maturitou následované studiem s maturitou 116
8 Strední vseobecné vzdelání s maturitou (gymnázia) 136
9 Pomaturitní vzdelání s diplomem: Vyssí odborná skola (DiS), 14
10 Vysokoskolské bakalárské vzdelání 22
11 Vysokoskolské magisterské vzdelání (Mgr., Ing., Ing. arch., 99
12 Vedecká výchova, postgraduální vzdelání (Ph.D., Th.D., CSc., 5
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 45
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50072
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2341 50117

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edumde1 Mother's highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss ASK ALL CARD 63

F64DE1. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Germany 1)

Vrednost 510165 Frekvenca
0 Grundschule nicht beendet 98
1 Weiterführende Schule beendet ohne Abschluss oder noch kein 35
2 Volks-/Hauptschulabschluss bzw. Polytechnische Oberschule mi 1744
3 Mittlere Reife/Realschulabschluss bzw. Polytechnische Obersc 604
4 Fachhochschulreife (Abschluss einer Fachoberschule etc.) 46
5 Abitur bzw. erweiterte Oberschule mit Abschluss 12. Klasse ( 284
5555 Other, anderer Schulabschluss 6
8888 Don't know 214
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2817 49641

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edumde2 Mother's highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss ASK ALL CARD 63a

F64DE1. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Germany 2)

Vrednost 511164 Frekvenca
0 Kein Studienabschluss 215
1 Hochschule/Universitaet: Zwischenpruefung, Vordiplom 49
2 Diplom Berufsakademie 8
3 Bachelor (Verwaltungs-/Fachhochschule, Berufsakademie) 4
4 Diplom (FH) 16
5 Bachelor (Universitaet) 6
6 Master (Fachhochschule) 10
7 Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen (Universitaet, Kunst-, Musik- 80
8 Master, Aufbaustudium (Universitaet, Kunst-, Musik- und paed 11
9 Promotion; Habilitation 7
5555 Other, anderen Studienabschluss 14
6666 Not applicable 2481
8888 Don't know 130
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
420 52038

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edumde3 Mother's highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss ASK ALL CARD 63b

F64DE3. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Germany 3)

Vrednost 512163 Frekvenca
0 kein beruflicher Ausbildungsabschluss 1066
1 Abschlusszeugnis Berufsgrundbildungsjahr, Berufsfachschule 80
2 Beruflich-betriebliche Anlernzeit mit Abschlusszeugnis, aber 80
3 Abschlusszeugnis für medizinische Assistenten, Krankenschwes 136
4 Laufbahnprüfung für den mittleren Dienst 20
5 Abgeschlossene gewerbliche oder landwirtschaftliche Lehre 621
6 Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Lehre 515
7 Berufsqualifizierender Abschluss einer Berufsfachschule/Koll 58
8 Berufliche Zweitausbildung 9
9 Meister-/Techniker- oder gleichwertiger Fachschulabschluss; 57
5555 Other, anderen beruflichen Ausbildungsabschluss 120
6666 Not applicable 0
8888 Don't know 269
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2762 49696

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6666

edlvmddk Mother's highest level of education, Denmark ASK ALL CARD 63

F64DK. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Denmark)

Vrednost 513162 Frekvenca
0 Ingen skolegang. Børnehaveklasse. 1.-5. klasse. 33
1 Folkeskole 6.-8. klasse 604
2 Folkeskole 9.-10. klasse 155
3 Gymnasielle uddannelser, studentereksamen, HF, HHX, HTX 53
4 Kort erhvervsudd. under 1-2 års varighed, F.eks. AMU Arbejds 113
5 Faglig udd. (håndværk, handel, landbrug mv.), F.eks. Faglært 281
6 Kort videreg. udd af op til 2-3 år, F.eks. Erhv.akademi, dat 83
7 Mellemlang videreg.udd. 3-4 år. Prof.bachelorer, F.eks. Dipl 178
8 Universitetsbachelor. 1. del af kandidatuddannelse 14
9 Lang videregående uddannelse. Kandidatuddannelser af 5.-6. å 32
10 Licentiat 0
11 Forskeruddannelse. Ph.d., doktor 4
5555 Other 2
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 21
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1552 50906

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdee Mother's highest level of education, Estonia ASK ALL CARD 63

F64EE. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Estonia)

Vrednost 514161 Frekvenca
0 Alghariduseta (alla 4 klassi) 121
113 Lõpetatud algharidus (4-6 klassi) 341
129 Kutseõpe ilma alghariduse lõpetamiseta 5
213 Lõpetatud põhiharidus (7-9 klassi) 243
229 Kutseharidus põhihariduse baasil õppekava alla 2 aasta 37
313 Lõpetatud üldkeskharidus 254
321 Kutseharidus põhihariduse baasil õppekava 2 aastat või enam 47
323 Kutseharidus koos keskhariduse omandamisega või keskeri-/teh 139
423 Kutseharidus keskhariduse baasil, keskeriharidus või kutseke 201
520 Keskhariduse baasil kutsekõrgkooli, rakenduskõrgkooli diplom 37
610 Kutsekõrgharidus, rakenduskõrgharidus diplomiõpe või bakalau 43
620 Ülikooli bakalaureusekraad (3-4 aastat õpinguid) 51
710 Magistrikraad rakenduskõrgkoolist, kutsekõrgkoolist 12
720 Magistrikraad (3+2, või 4+2, 5+4 süsteemi järgi, sh integree 143
800 Doktorikraad (sh kandidaadikraad) 1
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 115
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50665
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1675 50783

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdes Mother's highest level of education, Spain ASK ALL CARD 63

F64ES. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Spain)

Vrednost 515160 Frekvenca
0 Sin estudios 387
1 Estudios primarios sin completar 428
2 Certificado de Estudios Primarios 398
3 Hasta 5º de EGB 33
4 Educación Primaria (LOGSE) 66
5 Grado Elemental en Música y Danza 0
6 F.P. de Iniciación 11
7 Bachillerato Elemental 81
8 EGB 118
9 ESO 22
10 Grado Medio en Música y Danza 1
11 F.P. Oficialía 3
12 F.P. de 1er Grado 20
13 Bachillerato Superior (o PREU) 48
14 BUP o COU 38
15 Bachillerato (LOGSE) 8
16 C.F. de Grado Medio (Técnico Medio) 13
17 C.F. de Grado Medio en Artes Plásticas y Diseño 1
18 F.P. Maestría 2
19 F.P. de 2º Grado 17
20 C.F. de Grado Superior (Técnico Superior) 8
21 C.F. de Grado Superior en Escuelas de Arte 3
22 Peritaje, Enfermería, Magisterio, Asistente Social 25
23 Diplomado, Ingeniero o Arquitecto Técnico, 3 años de licenci 35
24 Licenciado, Ingeniero, Arquitecto, Máster (Bolonia) 52
25 Doctor 4
5555 Otros 0
7777 Refusal 11
8888 Don't know 52
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50573
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1822 50636

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdfi Mother's highest level of education, Finland ASK ALL CARD 63

F64FI. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Finland)

Vrednost 516159 Frekvenca
1 Vähemmän kuin peruskoulun ala-aste tai vähemmän kuin perusko 286
2 Peruskoulun ala-aste, kansakoulu tai kansalaiskoulu 652
3 Peruskoulun yläaste tai keskikoulu 137
4 Lukio, ylioppilastutkinto 69
5 Ammatillinen perustutkinto, ammattitutkinto 371
6 Sekä ylioppilas- että ammattitutkinto 31
7 Erikoisammattitutkinto 31
8 Ammatillinen opistoasteen tutkinto 99
9 Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto tai ammatillisen korkea-asteen tu 42
10 Alempi korkeakoulututkinto tai kandidaatin tutkinto 35
11 Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto 19
12 Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto 57
13 Lisensiaatintutkinto 4
14 Tohtorin tutkinto 3
5555 Other 2
7777 Refusal 2
8888 Don't know 38
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50580
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1838 50620

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdfr Mother's highest level of education, France ASK ALL CARD 63

F64FR. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (France)

Vrednost 517158 Frekvenca
1 A - Non scolarisé ou école primaire non achevée 151
2 B - Ecole primaire uniquement 313
3 C - Certificat d'études primaires 474
4 D - Scolarité suivie de la 6ème à la 3ème 68
5 E - Brevet élémentaire, Brevet d'étude du premier cycle, Bre 113
6 F - Scolarité suivie de la 2nde à la Terminale 31
7 G - CAP, BEP, examen de fin d'apprentissage artisanal 182
8 H - Diplôme d'aide soignante, auxiliaire de puériculture, ai 21
9 I - Baccalauréat professionnel, Brevet de technicien 23
10 J - Baccalauréat technologique, Baccalauréat de technicien, 14
11 K - Baccalauréat général, Brevet supérieur 88
12 L - Diplôme de la capacité en droit, Diplôme d'accès aux étu 2
13 M - Diplôme de moniteur-éducateur, Educateur technique spéci 3
14 N - Diplôme universitaire du premier cycle (DEUG), Classes p 16
15 O - Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT), Brevet de te 13
16 P - Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique (instituteur), Diplôme 26
17 Q - Licence professionnelle 5
18 R - Licence 14
19 S - Diplôme d'école d'ingénieur 2
20 T - DESS, Master deuxième année professionnel 1
21 U - Diplômes professionnels supérieurs divers (notaire, arch 2
22 V - Diplôme des grandes écoles 2
23 W - Maîtrise, CAPES, CRPE (professeur des écoles) 19
24 X - DEA, DES, Master deuxième année recherche, Agrégation 3
25 Y - Doctorat en médecine ou équivalents (Médecine, Dentaire, 5
26 Z - Doctorat 3
5555 Other 4
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 129
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1598 50860

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edumgb1 Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent ASK ALL CARD 63a

F64GB1. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (United Kingdom 1)

Vrednost 518157 Frekvenca
1 2 or more A-levels, S-levels, A2-level, AS-levels, Scottish 242
2 GNVQ Intermediate 9
3 Vocational GCSE, SCOTVEC/SQA National certificate modules/Na 25
4 5 or more GCSEs A*-C, CSE Grade 1, GCE O-level Grades A-C or 215
5 1-4 GCSEs A*-C, GCSE Grades D-G, Short course GCSE, CSE Grad 124
6 Skills for Life (including Basic Skills, Key Skills, Entry L 29
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 3
8888 Don't know 536
9999 No answer 1239
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
644 51814

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edumgb2 Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent ASK ALL CARD 63b

F64GB2. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (United Kingdom 2)

Vrednost 519156 Frekvenca
1 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent 7
2 Masters Degree, M.Phil, Post-Graduate Diplomas and Certifica 30
3 5 year University/CNAA first Degree (MB, BDS, BV etc) 12
4 3-4 year University/CNAA first Degree (BA, BSc., BEd., BEng. 81
5 Nursing certificate, Teacher training, HE Diploma, Edexcel/B 147
6 Foundation Degree (FdA, FdSc etc) 5
7 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or 9
8 HE Access 1
9 Vocational A-level (AVCE), GCE Applied A-level, NVQ/SVQ Leve 61
10 (Modern) Apprenticeship, Advanced (Modern) Apprenticeship, S 91
5555 Other 24
7777 Refusal 3
8888 Don't know 475
9999 No answer 1476
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
468 51990

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edagemgb Mother's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom

F64GB3. How old was your mother when she completed continuous full-time education? (United Kingdom)

Vrednost 520155 Frekvenca
1 3
5 5
6 1
7 1
9 2
10 4
11 5
12 28
13 47
14 617
15 347
16 374
17 46
18 107
19 15
20 29
21 55
22 25
23 18
24 9
25 6
26 4
27 1
28 2
29 2
30 4
31 2
35 2
40 1
42 1
45 1
47 1
51 1
53 1
54 1
55 1
95 Still at school 0
96 Still at college or university 0
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 652
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50036
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1769 50689

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdgr Mother's highest level of education, Greece ASK ALL CARD 63

F64GR. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Greece)

Vrednost 521154 Frekvenca
0 Merikes taxeis Dimotikou 748
1 Apolytirio Dimotikou 1159
2 Apolytirio Gymnasiou 259
3 Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou 348
4 Ptychio Epagelmatikis Ekpedefsis 6
5 Apolytirio Epaggelmatikou Lykeiou 19
6 Pistopoiitiko Epangelmatikis Katartisis epipedou 1 4
7 Diploma epagematikis katartisis epipedou metadefterovathmias 16
8 Ptychio (Sxoles Anoteris Epaggelmatikis Ekpaidefsis) 29
9 Ptychio (ATEI) 25
10 Ptychio (AEI) 84
11 Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis (ATEI) 3
12 Ptychio (AEI, Polytechniou) 9
13 Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis (AEI, Polytechniou) 2
14 Didaktoriko Diploma 4
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 0
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49743
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2715 49743

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdhu Mother's highest level of education, Hungary ASK ALL CARD 63

F64HU. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Hungary)

Vrednost 522153 Frekvenca
1 Nem járt iskolába; 1-3 osztályos elemi iskola vagy azzal egy 55
2 4-7 osztályos elemi iskola vagy azzal egyenértéku 333
3 Befejezett általános iskola vagy azzal egyenértéku 473
4 Szakmunkásképzo, szakiskola 289
5 10. évfolyamra épülo szakképzés 6
6 Érettségi, befejezett szakközépiskola 99
7 Érettségi, befejezett gimnázium 114
8 Érettségire épülo felsofokra nem akkreditált szakképzés, köz 43
9 Felsofokú akkreditált szakképzés, felsofokú technikum 20
10 Foiskolai diploma vagy foiskolai alapképzési szak - BA /BSc 46
11 Egyetemi alapképzési szak – BA /BSc 9
12 Foiskolai mesterképzési szak – MA/MSs 11
13 Egyetemi diploma, vagy egyetemi mesterképzési szak MA / MSc 28
14 Felsofokú végzettség tudományos fokozattal 0
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 34
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50897
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1526 50932

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdie Mother's highest level of education, Ireland ASK ALL CARD 63

F64IE. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Ireland)

Vrednost 523152 Frekvenca
1 Left school before finishing primary school; NFQ Level 1 374
2 Left school after the end of primary school but before reach 838
3 Junior Certificate; NFQ Level 3 (including Transition Year) 402
4 Vocational NFQ Level 3 courses, certified by FETAC, e.g. Com 49
5 Vocational NFQ level 4 courses, e.g. FETAC specific skills c 37
6 Leaving Certificate Established (LCE); Leaving Certificate V 299
7 Leaving Certificate Applied programme (LCA); NFQ levels 4-5 110
8 Apprenticeship - FAS etc. 10
9 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses (duration of 1 year); 28
10 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses of 2 or more years du 28
11 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or 9
12 Higher Certificate - NFQ level 6 28
13 Diploma, now termed 'Ordinary level bachelor degree' - NFQ l 65
14 Higher level/honours bachelor degree; NFQ level 8 51
15 Higher/Graduate Diploma, NFQ level 8 17
16 Post-graduate Diploma; NFQ level 9, 17
17 Masters Degree, M.Phil; NFQ level 9 31
18 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent; NFQ level 10 3
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 6
8888 Don't know 145
9999 No answer 29
Sysmiss 49882
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2396 50062

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edumil1 Mother's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel ASK ALL CARD 63

F64IL1. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Israel 1)

Vrednost 524151 Frekvenca
0 Not completed primary education 514
113 Primary school 377
213 junior high school 144
229 Secondary school WITHOUT a matriculation certificate or Y 228
312 Completion of religious (Ultra-Orthodox) Yeshiva 4
313 Secondary school WITH a general [academic] matriculation cer 176
321 Apprenticeship & Industrial schools 16
323 Secondary school WITH a vocational matriculation certificate 29
413 Pre-academic preparatory programmes 1
422 Post secondary, non-tertiary (a technician diploma, practica 61
520 Post secondary, non tertiary (a practical engineer or author 71
610 A bachelor academic degree, B.A from an academic college, or 71
620 A bachelor academic degree, B.A from a university, or a simi 74
710 B.Ed. after completion of B.A. 9
711 A master's degree, M.A. from an academic college 14
720 A master's degree, M.A. from a university 49
721 MD or similar degree [D.M.D- Doctor of Dental Medicinae or D 5
800 A doctoral degree, Ph.D. or similar degree [J.S.D - Doctor o 11
4444 Education from the former Soviet Union 244
5555 Other 6
7777 Refusal 20
8888 Don't know 166
9999 No answer 4
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2104 50354

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edumil2 Mother's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel ASK ALL CARD 63

F64IL2. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Israel 2)

Vrednost 525150 Frekvenca
0 Incomplete primary education 20
113 Completed 4 grades of primary school 22
213 Incomplete secondary education (8-9 grades of secondary scho 14
229 Primary professional education (PTU, FSU, FSO, liceum) witho 14
313 Completed general secondary education (10 grades by old syst 20
323 Incomplete secondary education (8-9 grades of secondary scho 9
324 Complete secondary education (10-11 grades of secondary scho 14
423 Completed general secondary education(..), got attestat & Pr 6
520 Completed general secondary education(..), got attestat & Se 31
620 Bachalar degree after 4 years program by new two-stage syste 30
720 Completed high education by 5-6 years system of education (d 49
800 Scientific degree (candidate, doctor of science) 2
5555 Other 0
6666 Not applicable 2050
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 13
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
231 52227

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdlt Mother's highest level of education, Lithuania ASK ALL CARD 63

F64LT. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Lithuania)

Vrednost 526149 Frekvenca
0 Not completed primary 235
1 Primary 519
2 Vocational (without completing basic) 51
3 Basic (including youth, night schools) 114
4 Vocational (completing basic) 31
5 Vocational <2 years (after completing basic) 28
6 Vocational >=2 years (after completing basic) 39
7 Secondary (including gymnasiums, lyceums, night schools) 145
8 Vocational (completing secondary) 27
9 Vocational (after completing secondary) 53
10 Higher vocational or special secondary (after completing bas 86
11 Higher vocational or special secondary (after completing sec 71
12 Higher (non-university degree) 23
13 Higher (university bachelor degree) 34
14 Higher (integrated university studies degree or professional 84
15 Higher (university master or residency studies degree) 9
16 Doctoral or candidate of sciences degree 2
5555 Other 10
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 116
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1561 50897

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdnl Mother's highest level of education, Netherlands ASK ALL CARD 63

F64NL. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Netherlands)

Vrednost 527148 Frekvenca
1 Basisschool niet afgemaakt 133
113 Alleen basisschool afgemaakt 552
212 LBO, VBO, LEAO, LTS ambachtsschool, huishoudschool, LHNO, VM 434
213 MULO, ULO, MAVO, VMBO (niveau 4; theoretische leerweg); HAVO 258
229 KMBO, leerlingwezen, MBO niveau 1, MEAO, MTS afgemaakt (duur 20
312 HAVO, MMS, MSVM afgemaakt 31
313 VWO, HBS, atheneum, gymnasium afgemaakt 34
321 MBO niveau 2 en 3 afgemaakt (duur 2-3 jaar) 45
322 MBO niveau 4 afgemaakt (duur 4 jaar) 50
412 MBO-plus voor havisten 7
510 propedeuse WO, OU-certificaat 2
520 korte HBO-opleiding einddiploma (2 of 3 jaar), kweekschool, 58
610 Bachelor HBO afgemaakt 38
620 Bachelor universiteit afgemaakt 6
710 HBO: Master`s degree, tweede fase opleidingen; Post HBO-ople 25
720 WO/universiteit: Master`s degree, tweede fase opleidingen; i 24
800 Doctoraat/gepromoveerd 2
5555 Other 1
7777 Refusal 4
8888 Don't know 105
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1720 50738

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdno Mother's highest level of education, Norway ASK ALL CARD 63

F64NO. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Norway)

Vrednost 528147 Frekvenca
1 Ingen fullført utdanning 25
2 Barneskole (første del av obligatorisk utdanning) 222
3 Ungdomsskole (grunnskole, 7-årig folkeskole, framhaldskole, 521
4 Vitnemål fra folkehøgskole 63
5 Videregående avsluttende utd, allmennf. studieretninger/stud 143
6 Videregående avsluttende utd., yrkesfaglige studieretninger/ 167
7 Forkurs til universitet/høgskole som ikke gir studiepoeng 10
8 Vitnemål fra påbygging til videregående utdanning (fagskoleu 38
9 Universitet/høgskole, < 3 år (høgskolekandidat, 2- og 2½- år 69
10 Fullført 3-4 årig utd. fra høgskole (Bachelor,cand.mag.,lære 147
11 Fullført 3-4 årig utdanning fra universitet (Bachelor, cand. 36
12 Fullført 5-6 årig utdanning fra høgskole (master, hovedfag) 27
13 Fullf 5-6 årig utd fra univ, lengre prof.utd. (cand.theol/ps 34
14 Forskernivå (Dr. grad, Ph.D.) 9
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 4
8888 Don't know 30
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 50910
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1511 50947

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdpl Mother's highest level of education, Poland ASK ALL CARD 63

F64PL. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Poland)

Vrednost 529146 Frekvenca
1 Nieukonczona szkola podstawowa 109
2 Ukonczona szkola podstawowa 6-klasowa (4-klasowa przed wojna 286
3 Ukonczona szkola podstawowa 7 lub 8-klasowa 370
4 Ukonczone gimnazjum 12
5 Ukonczona szkola zasadnicza zawodowa 336
6 Ukonczone liceum ogolnoksztalcace bez matury 22
7 Ukonczone liceum ogolnoksztalcace z matura 133
8 Ukonczona srednia szkola zawodowe (technikum, liceum zawodow 70
9 Ukonczona srednia szkola zawodowe (technikum, liceum zawodow 152
10 Dyplom ukonczenia szkoly pomaturalnej lub policealnej 40
11 Dyplom ukooczenia kolegium lub studium nauczycielskiego 18
12 Dyplom licencjacki lub dyplom inzynierski 23
13 Dyplom magistra lub dyplom lekarza 112
14 Stopien naukowy doktora, doktora habilitowanego lub tytul pr 5
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 3
8888 Don't know 53
9999 No answer 7
Sysmiss 50707
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1688 50770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdpt Mother's highest level of education, Portugal ASK ALL CARD 63

F64PT. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Portugal)

Vrednost 530145 Frekvenca
1 Nenhum 838
2 Ensino Básico 1 (até à 4ª classe, instrução primária (3º ou 884
3 Ensino Básico 2 (preparatório, 5º e 6º anos/classe, 1º ciclo 87
4 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 1. Atribuição de "Dipl 3
5 Ensino Básico 3 (9º ano; 5º ano dos liceus; escola comercial 87
6 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 2. Atribuição de "Dipl 3
7 Cursos de educação e formação de tipo 3 e 4. Atribuição de " 4
8 Ensino Secundário - cursos científico-humanísticos (12º ano; 74
9 Ensino Secundário - cursos tecnológicos, artísticos especial 11
10 Cursos de especialização tecnológica. Atribuição de "Diploma 3
11 Ensino superior politécnico: bacharelato de 3 anos; Antigos 11
12 Ensino superior politécnico: licenciaturas de 3-4 anos curri 8
13 Ensino superior universitário: licenciaturas de 3-4 anos cur 11
14 Pós-graduação: especialização pós-licenciatura sem atribuiçã 1
15 Ensino superior universitário: licenciatura com mais de 4 an 21
16 Mestrado (inclui Mestrado Integrado) 1
17 Doutoramento 1
5555 Other 2
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 99
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 50308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2050 50408

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdru Mother's highest level of education, Russian Federation ASK ALL CARD 63

F64RU. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Russian Federation)

Vrednost 531144 Frekvenca
1 Voobshche ne uchilsya v shkole ili zakonchil lish´ 1-2 klass 224
2 Zakonchil 3-7 klassov srednyei shkoly, no ne poluchil attest 440
3 Poluchil attestat ob osnovnom obshchem obrazovanii, no ne po 255
4 Zakonchennoe srednyee obshchyee obrazovanie, poluchil attest 213
5 Nachal´noe professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil PTU, FZU 90
6 Nachal´noe professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil PTU, pro 130
7 Srednyee professional´noe obrazovanie - zakonchil tehnikum, 598
8 Poluchil diplom bakalavra v vuze posle 4 let obucheniya po n 8
9 Poluchil diplom magistra v vuze posle dopolnitel´nyh 2 let o 4
10 Zakonchennoe vysshyee obrazovanie po 5-6-letnyei sisteme (di 408
11 Nauchnaya stepen´ (kandidat, doktor nauk) 4
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 42
8888 Don't know 179
9999 No answer 0
Sysmiss 49863
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2374 50084

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdse Mother's highest level of education, Sweden ASK ALL CARD 63

F64SE. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Sweden)

Vrednost 532143 Frekvenca
1 Ej avslutad folkskola/grundskola skolår 1-6 248
2 Avslutad Folkskola, Grundskolan skolår 7-8 401
3 Avslutad Grundskola skolår 9 164
4 Fackskola (1963-1970) - 2-årig gymnasielinje, 2-årig yrkessk 87
5 Studieförberedande gymnasieprogram (3 år) 34
6 Gamla gymnasieutbildningar på två år 79
7 Yrkesinriktade gymnasieprogram (3 år) 53
8 4-årig gymnasielinje (före 1995)/Tekniskt basår 9
9 Universitet/Högskola, 1 år, med examen 11
10 Eftergymnasial utbildning, ej Universitet/Högskola, 1 år (t 25
11 Universitet/Högskola, 2 år, med examen (högskoleexamen) 64
12 2-3 år KY-utbildning, Eftergymnasial utbildning, ej Universi 40
13 Kandidat och/eller yrkesexamen från Högskola, 3-4 år 72
14 Kandidat och/eller yrkesexamen från Universitet, KTH, CTH, H 21
15 Magisterexamen och/eller yrkesexamen från Högskola, >4 år 37
16 Mastersexamen från Högskola 6
17 Magisterexamen och/eller yrkesexamen från universitet, KTH, 12
18 Mastersexamen från Universitet, KTH, CTH, Handelshögskolan 5
19 Forskarutbildning: Licentiatexamen 3
20 Forskarutbildning:Doktorsexamen 4
5555 Other 0
7777 Refusal 1
8888 Don't know 119
9999 No answer 2
Sysmiss 50961
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1375 51083

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdsi Mother's highest level of education, Slovenia ASK ALL CARD 63

F64SI. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Slovenia)

Vrednost 533142 Frekvenca
0 Brez šolske izobrazbe 89
1 Nepopolna osnovnošolska izobrazba 111
2 Osnovnošolska izobrazba 582
3 Nižja ali srednja poklicna izobrazba 208
4 Srednja strokovna izobrazba 175
5 Srednja splošna izobrazba 54
6 Višja strokovna izobrazba, višješolska izobrazba 49
7 Visokošolska strokovna izobrazba 19
8 Visokošolska univerzitetna izobrazba 44
9 Specializacija 3
10 Magisterij 2
11 Doktorat 3
5555 Other 1
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 60
9999 No answer 3
Sysmiss 51055
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1340 51118

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

edlvmdsk Mother's highest level of education, Slovakia ASK ALL CARD 63

F64SK. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Slovakia)

Vrednost 534141 Frekvenca
1 Neukoncený prvý stupen základnej školy 42
2 Neukoncený druhý stupen základnej školy 152
3 Ukoncený druhý stupen základnej školy, Kurzy na doplnenie zá 715
4 Praktická škola 76
5 Rekvalifikacné kurzy 16
6 Odborné ucilište, stredná odborná škola bez maturity, stredn 403
7 Stredná odborná škola s maturitou, stredné odborné ucilište 261
8 8 rocné gymnázium, 4 rocné gymnázium 32
9 Nadstavbové štúdium 13
10 Doplnujúce pedagogické štúdium 5
11 Pomaturitné kvalifikacné štúdium 6
12 Pomaturitné špecializacné štúdium, tane?né konzervatórium, k 0
13 Stredná odborná škola- 6 rocné štúdium 2
14 Vyššie odborné štúdium 6
15 Bakalárske štúdium 6
16 Magisterské/doktorské a inžinierske štúdium 65
17 Magisterské pokracujúce štúdium, štátne rigorózne skúšky, do 4
18 Doktorandské štúdium 3
5555 Other 1
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 30
9999 No answer 18
Sysmiss 50602
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1808 50650

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5555

edlvmdua Mother's highest level of education, Ukraine ASK ALL CARD 63

F64UA. What is the highest level of education your mother successfully completed? (Ukraine)

Vrednost 535140 Frekvenca
0 Nepovna pochatkova osvita (menshe 4-kh klasiv seredn'oi shko 277
1 Pochatkova osvita (4-7 klasiv seredn'oi shkoly) 324
2 Nepovna serednja osvita (atestat za 8-9 klasiv seredn'oi shk 180
3 PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti, nemaje atestatu pro p 42
4 Povna serednja osvita (atestat pro povnu serednju osvitu za 250
5 Zakinchiv PTU na bazi nepovnoi seredn'oi osviti (atestat za 67
6 Dodatkove navchannja na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity (profes 34
7 PTU na bazi povnoi seredn'oi osvity 97
8 Nepovna vyshcha osvita (molodshij specialist - dyplom tekhni 277
9 Bazova vyshcha osvita (bakalavr) 19
10 Povna vyshcha osvita (specialist) 161
11 Povna vyshcha osvita (magistr) 58
12 Aspirantura, vchena stupin 3
5555 Other 28
7777 Refusal 0
8888 Don't know 107
9999 No answer 7
Sysmiss 50527
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1817 50641

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5555

emprm14 Mother's employment status when respondent 14

F65. When you were 14, did your mother work as an employee, was she self-employed, or was she not working then?

Vrednost 536139 Frekvenca
1 Employee 25809
2 Self-employed 4178
3 Not working 20343
4 Mother dead/absent 1195
7 Refusal 54
8 Don't know 805
9 No answer 74
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51525 933

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

emplnom Number of employees mother had

F66. How many employees did she have?

Vrednost 537138 Frekvenca
1 None 3211
2 1 to 24 855
3 25 or more 26
6 Not applicable 48178
7 Refusal 2
8 Don't know 50
9 No answer 136
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4092 48366

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

jbspvm Mother responsible for supervising other employees ASK IF MOTHER EMPLOYED (code 1 at F65)

F67. Did she have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees?

Vrednost 538137 Frekvenca
1 Yes 3101
2 No 21887
6 Not applicable 26546
7 Refusal 3
8 Don't know 544
9 No answer 377
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
24988 27470

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

occm14b Mother's occupation when respondent 14 CARD 64

F69. Which of the descriptions on this card best describes the sort of work she did when you were 14?

Vrednost 539136 Frekvenca
1 Professional and technical occupations 3333
2 Higher administrator occupations 504
3 Clerical occupations 4105
4 Sales occupations 2440
5 Service occupations 3716
6 Skilled worker 2404
7 Semi-skilled worker 3207
8 Unskilled worker 4604
9 Farm worker 5238
66 Not applicable 21575
77 Refusal 26
88 Don't know 1126
99 No answer 180
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29551 22907

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

atncrse Improve knowledge/skills: course/lecture/conference, last 12 months ASK ALL

F70. During the last twelve months, have you taken any course or attended any lecture or conference to improve your knowledge or skills for work?

Vrednost 540135 Frekvenca
1 Yes 11637
2 No 40621
7 Refusal 20
8 Don't know 117
9 No answer 63
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52258 200

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

edul12m Number of days on education or training last 12 months ASK IF RESPONDENT HAS TAKEN ANY COURSE, LECTURE OR CONFERENCE IN LAST 12 MONTHS (code 1 at F70)

F70a. About how many days in total have you spent on this training or education in the last 12 months?

Vrednost 541134 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 40758
777 Refusal 4
888 Don't know 289
999 No answer 114
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
11293 41165 0 365 23.518 49.728

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 365

useknwl How useful would obtained knowledge be if change firm/employer CARD 65

F70b. Now please think about what you have learnt during this training or education. How useful would what you have learnt be if you wanted to go and work for a different employer or firm?

Vrednost 542133 Frekvenca
1 Very useful 4605
2 Quite useful 4985
3 Not very useful 1367
4 Not at all useful 521
6 Not applicable 40758
7 Refusal 2
8 Don't know 142
9 No answer 78
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
11478 40980

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

edupdem How much of education/training paid for by employer/firm CARD 66

F70c. How much of this training or education was paid for by your employer or firm?

Vrednost 543132 Frekvenca
1 All 7036
2 Most 616
3 About half 290
4 Some 295
5 None 3255
6 Not applicable 40758
7 Refusal 10
8 Don't know 101
9 No answer 97
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
11492 40966

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

gdsprt Have felt cheerful and in good spirits last 2 weeks CARD 67

G1-3. Firstly, I am going to read out a list of statements about how you may have been feeling recently. For each statement I would like you to say how often you have felt like this over the last two weeks. I have felt cheerful and in good spirits

Vrednost 544131 Frekvenca
1 All of the time 5386
2 Most of the time 22149
3 More than half of the time 11751
4 Less than half of the time 5962
5 Some of the time 5628
6 At no time 1285
7 Refusal 18
8 Don't know 220
9 No answer 59
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52161 297

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

clmrlx Have felt calm and relaxed last 2 weeks CARD 67

G1-3. Firstly, I am going to read out a list of statements about how you may have been feeling recently. For each statement I would like you to say how often you have felt like this over the last two weeks. I have felt calm and relaxed

Vrednost 545130 Frekvenca
1 All of the time 4755
2 Most of the time 19509
3 More than half of the time 12592
4 Less than half of the time 7491
5 Some of the time 6245
6 At no time 1553
7 Refusal 16
8 Don't know 234
9 No answer 63
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52145 313

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

actvgrs Have felt active and vigorous last 2 weeks CARD 67

G1-3. Firstly, I am going to read out a list of statements about how you may have been feeling recently. For each statement I would like you to say how often you have felt like this over the last two weeks. I have felt active and vigorous

Vrednost 546129 Frekvenca
1 All of the time 6073
2 Most of the time 17719
3 More than half of the time 12144
4 Less than half of the time 7420
5 Some of the time 6364
6 At no time 2400
7 Refusal 14
8 Don't know 265
9 No answer 59
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52120 338

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

wmcpwrk Women should be prepared to cut down on paid work for sake of family CARD 68

G4-5. I am now going to read out some statements about men and women and their place in the family. Using this card, please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. A woman should be prepared to cut down on her paid work for the sake of her family.

Vrednost 547128 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 6376
2 Agree 18003
3 Neither agree nor disagree 11003
4 Disagree 11590
5 Disagree strongly 4505
7 Refusal 27
8 Don't know 893
9 No answer 61
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51477 981

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

mnrgtjb Men should have more right to job than women when jobs are scarce CARD 68

G4-5. I am now going to read out some statements about men and women and their place in the family. Using this card, please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women.

Vrednost 548127 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 4034
2 Agree 8743
3 Neither agree nor disagree 8854
4 Disagree 17171
5 Disagree strongly 12704
7 Refusal 29
8 Don't know 861
9 No answer 62
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51506 952

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

gvprppv Government do more to prevent people falling into poverty STILL CARD 68

G6. Using the same card, please tell me how much you agree with the following statement. 'The government should do more to prevent people falling into poverty'.

Vrednost 549126 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 27363
2 Agree 18755
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3904
4 Disagree 1745
5 Disagree strongly 287
7 Refusal 11
8 Don't know 330
9 No answer 63
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52054 404

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

fltlnla How much time during past week you felt lonely CARD 69

G7. Using this card, please tell me how much of the time during the past week you felt lonely?

Vrednost 550125 Frekvenca
1 None or almost none of the time 33203
2 Some of the time 13707
3 Most of the time 3485
4 All or almost all of the time 1492
7 Refusal 25
8 Don't know 448
9 No answer 98
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51887 571

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

mlohinc To what extent had to manage on lower household income last 3 years CARD 70

G8-10. Using this card, please tell me to what extent each of the following has applied to you in the last three years. I have had to manage on a lower household income.

Vrednost 551124 Frekvenca
0 Not at all 13778
1 1 4414
2 2 4576
3 3 7277
4 4 6512
5 5 5884
6 A great deal 8395
7 Refusal 154
8 Don't know 1044
9 No answer 424
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50836 1622

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

dsdclve To what extent had to draw on savings/debt to cover ordinary living expenses last 3 years CARD 70

G8-10. Using this card, please tell me to what extent each of the following has applied to you in the last three years. I have had to draw on my savings or get into debt to cover ordinary living expenses.

Vrednost 552123 Frekvenca
0 Not at all 19718
1 1 5729
2 2 4605
3 3 6004
4 4 4833
5 5 4128
6 A great deal 5400
7 Refusal 174
8 Don't know 1153
9 No answer 714
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50417 2041

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

cuthheq To what extent had to cut back on holidays or household equipment last 3 years CARD 70

G8-10. Using this card, please tell me to what extent each of the following has applied to you in the last three years. I have had to cut back on holidays or new household equipment

Vrednost 553122 Frekvenca
0 Not at all 18558
1 1 4496
2 2 4174
3 3 5729
4 4 4817
5 5 4902
6 A great deal 7844
7 Refusal 151
8 Don't know 1109
9 No answer 678
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50520 1938

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6

yrspdwka Total number of years in full-or part time work ASK ALL

G11. In total, how many years have you been in paid work?

Vrednost 554121 Frekvenca
555 Never had a paid job 3991
777 Refusal 78
888 Don't know 1617
999 No answer 221
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50542 1916 0 555

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 555

icmnact Interviewer code, main activity of respondent

G12. INTERVIEWER CODE: INTERVIEWER REFER TO F17d AND CODE: Main activity of respondent

Vrednost 555120 Frekvenca
1 In paid work 24049
2 Retired 14055
3 All others 14220
9 Not available 134
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52324 134

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

jbtsktm Which task spend most time on in main job ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY PAID WORK (code 1 at G12) CARD 71

G13. In your main job, which one of the following tasks do you generally spend most time on?

Vrednost 556119 Frekvenca
1 Supervising personnel 2880
2 Working with people other than employees 8619
3 Working with text and/or numbers 3754
4 Working with physical objects and/or other physical material 6610
5 Working with animals and/or plants 690
6 Other 825
55 Two or more of these in equal proportions 426
66 Not applicable 28275
77 Refusal 23
88 Don't know 173
99 No answer 183
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23804 28654

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 55

yrskdwk Total years doing kind of work currently doing, including all jobs

G14. Including all the jobs you have ever had, how many years in total have you been doing the kind of work you currently do?

Vrednost 557118 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 28275
777 Refusal 32
888 Don't know 474
999 No answer 192
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23485 28973 0 88 13.181 10.864

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 88

wrkengt Work involve working evenings/nights, how often CARD 72

G15-16. How often does your work involve? ...working evenings or nights?

Vrednost 558117 Frekvenca
1 Never 10349
2 Less than once a month 2882
3 Once a month 1455
4 Several times a month 3632
5 Once a week 1098
6 Several times a week 3416
7 Every day 1038
66 Not applicable 28275
77 Refusal 20
88 Don't know 133
99 No answer 160
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23870 28588

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

wkovrtm Work involve having to work overtime at short notice, how often CARD 72

G15-16. How often does your work involve? ...having to work overtime at short notice?

Vrednost 559116 Frekvenca
1 Never 8763
2 Less than once a month 4580
3 Once a month 2289
4 Several times a month 3619
5 Once a week 1338
6 Several times a week 2247
7 Every day 819
66 Not applicable 28275
77 Refusal 21
88 Don't know 312
99 No answer 195
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23655 28803

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

wrkwe Work involve working at weekends, how often CARD 73

G17. How often does your work involve working at weekends?

Vrednost 560115 Frekvenca
1 Never 8479
2 Less than once a month 3872
3 Once a month 2667
4 Several times a month 5711
5 Every week 3099
6 Not applicable 28275
7 Refusal 19
8 Don't know 172
9 No answer 164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23828 28630

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

yrcremp Year first started working for current employer ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY PAID WORK AND EMPLOYEE (code 1 at G18)

G19. In what year did you (first) start working for your current employer?

Vrednost 561114 Frekvenca
6666 Not applicable 31857
7777 Refusal 31
8888 Don't know 621
9999 No answer 206
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19743 32715 1945 2011 2000.049 9.983

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1945 do 2011

emplrjb Know other employers who would have good use of what learnt in present job CARD 74

G20. Do you know of any other employers who would have good use for what you have learnt in your present job?

Vrednost 562113 Frekvenca
1 Yes, many 6241
2 Yes, some 7795
3 Yes, one or two 2338
4 No, none 2607
55 I have not learnt anything in my present job 178
66 Not applicable 31857
77 Refusal 18
88 Don't know 1252
99 No answer 172
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19159 33299

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 55

mnrsefw Main reason I put effort into my work CARD 75

G21. People put effort into their work for many different reasons. Which of the reasons shown on this card is the main reason why you put effort into your work?

Vrednost 563112 Frekvenca
1 Be satisfied with what I accomplish 6148
2 Keep my job 4716
3 My work is useful for other people 2624
4 Get a higher wage or a promotion 1985
5 My work tasks are interesting 2323
6 It is everyone's duty to always do their best 2177
7 Other 175
55 I do not put effort into my work 90
66 Not applicable 31857
77 Refusal 7
88 Don't know 198
99 No answer 158
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20238 32220

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 55

scrsefw Second most important reason I put effort into my work ASK G22 IF REASON IS GIVEN AT G21 (codes 01-07) CARD 76

G22. And what is the second most important reason?

Vrednost 564111 Frekvenca
1 Be satisfied with what I accomplish 3924
2 Keep my job 3575
3 My work is useful for other people 3232
4 Get a higher wage or a promotion 2978
5 My work tasks are interesting 2979
6 It is everyone's duty to always do their best 2505
7 Other 236
55 No second reason 528
66 Not applicable 32148
77 Refusal 11
88 Don't know 155
99 No answer 187
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19957 32501

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 55

jbcoedu Would someone applying for your job need education beyond compulsory

G23. If someone was applying nowadays for the job you do now, would they need any education or vocational schooling beyond compulsory education?

Vrednost 565110 Frekvenca
1 Yes 13829
2 No 6033
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 9
8 Don't know 571
9 No answer 159
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19862 32596

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

jbedyrs Years of education beyond compulsory needed by applicant for your job ASK IF YES AT G23 (code 1) CARD 77

G24. About how many years of education or vocational schooling beyond compulsory education would they need?

Vrednost 566109 Frekvenca
1 Less than 1 year 1395
2 About 1 year 1328
3 About 2 years 1492
4 About 3 years 3112
5 About 4-5 years 3395
6 About 6-7 years 1349
7 About 8-9 years 838
8 10 years or more 571
66 Not applicable 38432
77 Refusal 0
88 Don't know 359
99 No answer 187
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13480 38978

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

jblrn Somebody with right qualification, how long to learn to do your job well ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY PAID WORK AND EMPLOYEE (code 1 at G18) CARD 78

G25. If somebody with the right education and qualifications replaced you in your job, how long would it take for them to learn to do the job reasonably well?

Vrednost 567108 Frekvenca
1 1 day or less 798
2 2-6 days 2040
3 1-4 weeks 3204
4 1-3 months 4192
5 More than 3 months, up to 1 year 5167
6 More than 1 year, up to 2 years 2284
7 More than 2 years, up to 5 years 1193
8 More than 5 years 383
66 Not applicable 31863
77 Refusal 16
88 Don't know 1155
99 No answer 163
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19261 33197

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

vrtywrk Current job: Variety in work CARD 79

G26-33. Using this card, please tell me how true each of the following statements is about your current job. There is a lot of variety in my work.

Vrednost 568107 Frekvenca
1 Not at all true 2095
2 A little true 5124
3 Quite true 6615
4 Very true 6470
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 11
8 Don't know 122
9 No answer 164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20304 32154

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

jbrqlrn Current job: Job requires learning new things CARD 79

G26-33. Using this card, please tell me how true each of the following statements is about your current job. My job requires that I keep learning new things.

Vrednost 569106 Frekvenca
1 Not at all true 2677
2 A little true 5436
3 Quite true 6420
4 Very true 5744
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 14
8 Don't know 131
9 No answer 179
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20277 32181

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

wgdpeft Current job: Wage/salary depends on effort put into work CARD 79

G26-33. Using this card, please tell me how true each of the following statements is about your current job. My wage or salary depends on the amount of effort I put into my work.

Vrednost 570105 Frekvenca
1 Not at all true 9628
2 A little true 4752
3 Quite true 3638
4 Very true 2213
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 17
8 Don't know 178
9 No answer 175
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20231 32227

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

hlpcowk Current job: can get support/help from co-workers when needed CARD 79

G26-33. Using this card, please tell me how true each of the following statements is about your current job. I can get support and help from my co-workers when needed.

Vrednost 571104 Frekvenca
1 Not at all true 1021
2 A little true 3725
3 Quite true 7999
4 Very true 7431
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 17
8 Don't know 229
9 No answer 179
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20176 32282

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

hlthrwk Current job: health/safety at risk because of work CARD 79

G26-33. Using this card, please tell me how true each of the following statements is about your current job. My health or safety is at risk because of my work.

Vrednost 572103 Frekvenca
1 Not at all true 9856
2 A little true 5876
3 Quite true 2844
4 Very true 1633
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 15
8 Don't know 208
9 No answer 169
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20209 32249

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

dcsfwrk Current job: can decide time start/finish work CARD 79

G26-33. Using this card, please tell me how true each of the following statements is about your current job. I can decide the time I start and finish work.

Vrednost 573102 Frekvenca
1 Not at all true 11297
2 A little true 4171
3 Quite true 2667
4 Very true 2132
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 13
8 Don't know 149
9 No answer 172
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20267 32191

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

jbscr Current job: Job is secure CARD 79

G26-33. Using this card, please tell me how true each of the following statements is about your current job. My job is secure

Vrednost 574101 Frekvenca
1 Not at all true 3067
2 A little true 4619
3 Quite true 6325
4 Very true 5694
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 16
8 Don't know 703
9 No answer 177
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19705 32753

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

lsintjb Move to less interesting job in organisation next 12 months CARD 79

G26-33. Using this card, please tell me how true each of the following statements is about your current job. I may have to move to a less interesting job in my organisation in the next 12 months.

Vrednost 575100 Frekvenca
1 Not at all true 12200
2 A little true 3122
3 Quite true 1352
4 Very true 599
6 Not applicable 29796
7 Refusal 13
8 Don't know 1744
9 No answer 193
Sysmiss 3439
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17273 35185

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

wrkhrd Current job: Job requires work very hard ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY PAID WORK AND EMPLOYEE (code 1 at G18) CARD 80

G34-36. Still thinking about your current job, how much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? My job requires that I work very hard.

Vrednost 57699 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 4199
2 Agree 9797
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4095
4 Disagree 1859
5 Disagree strongly 371
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 11
8 Don't know 107
9 No answer 162
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20321 32137

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nevdnjb Current job: Never enough time to get everything done in job ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY PAID WORK AND EMPLOYEE (code 1 at G18) CARD 80

G34-36. Still thinking about your current job, how much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I never seem to have enough time to get everything done in my job.

Vrednost 57798 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 2035
2 Agree 5560
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4805
4 Disagree 6451
5 Disagree strongly 1415
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 9
8 Don't know 161
9 No answer 165
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20266 32192

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

oprtad Current job: Good opportunities for advancement ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY PAID WORK AND EMPLOYEE (code 1 at G18) CARD 80

G34-36. Still thinking about your current job, how much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? My opportunities for advancement are good.

Vrednost 57897 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 1034
2 Agree 5183
3 Neither agree nor disagree 5658
4 Disagree 5527
5 Disagree strongly 2468
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 18
8 Don't know 543
9 No answer 170
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19870 32588

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bsmw Immediate supervisor/boss, man or woman

G37. Is your immediate supervisor/boss a man or a woman?

Vrednost 57996 Frekvenca
1 Man 13757
2 Woman 6516
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 12
8 Don't know 96
9 No answer 220
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20273 32185

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

ppwwkp Proportion of women at workplace CARD 81

G38. What is the proportion of women at your workplace?

Vrednost 58095 Frekvenca
1 None 1751
2 Very small 4008
3 Under a half 2721
4 About half 3150
5 Over a half 3160
6 Very large 4040
7 All 1316
66 Not applicable 31857
77 Refusal 10
88 Don't know 285
99 No answer 160
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20146 32312

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

bseftwk How difficult/easy for immediate boss to know how much effort put into work CARD 82

G39. How difficult or easy do you think it is for your immediate boss to know how much effort you put into your work?

Vrednost 58194 Frekvenca
0 Extremely difficult 306
1 1 247
2 2 490
3 3 758
4 4 728
5 5 2160
6 6 1429
7 7 2828
8 8 4396
9 9 2748
10 Extremely easy 3675
66 Not applicable 31857
77 Refusal 18
88 Don't know 640
99 No answer 178
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19765 32693

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

smblvjb How difficult/easy to get similar or better job if had to leave employer STILL CARD 82

G40. How difficult or easy would it be for you to get a similar or better job with another employer if you had to leave your current job?

Vrednost 58293 Frekvenca
0 Extremely difficult 1920
1 1 1631
2 2 2145
3 3 2116
4 4 1488
5 5 3256
6 6 1689
7 7 1956
8 8 1862
9 9 763
10 Extremely easy 717
66 Not applicable 31857
77 Refusal 14
88 Don't know 875
99 No answer 169
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19543 32915

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

rpljbde How difficult/easy for employer to replace you if you left STILL CARD 82

G41. In your opinion, how difficult or easy would it be for your employer to replace you if you left?

Vrednost 58392 Frekvenca
0 Extremely difficult 584
1 1 558
2 2 1178
3 3 1665
4 4 1496
5 5 3226
6 6 1726
7 7 2467
8 8 2623
9 9 1579
10 Extremely easy 2327
55 Would not be replaced 98
66 Not applicable 31857
77 Refusal 19
88 Don't know 892
99 No answer 163
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19527 32931

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 55

wpmwkcp Regular meetings between representatives of employer and employees at workplace

G42. At your workplace are there regular meetings between representatives of the employer and employees, in which working conditions and practices can be discussed?

Vrednost 58491 Frekvenca
1 Yes 10983
2 No 8892
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 19
8 Don't know 536
9 No answer 171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19875 32583

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

indisdc How much influence discussions have on decisions that affect working conditions/ practices ASK IF YES AT G42 (code 1) CARD 83

G43. How much influence would you say these discussions generally have on decisions that affect your working conditions and practices?

Vrednost 58590 Frekvenca
1 Not much or no influence 1269
2 Some influence 5550
3 Quite a lot of influence 3264
4 A great deal of influence 777
6 Not applicable 41244
7 Refusal 2
8 Don't know 124
9 No answer 228
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10860 41598

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

truinwk How much influence trade unions have over decisions that affect working conditions/practices ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY PAID WORK AND EMPLOYEE (code 1 at G18) STILL CARD 83

G44. How much influence would you say that trade unions at your workplace generally have over decisions that affect your working conditions and practices?

Vrednost 58689 Frekvenca
1 Not much or no influence 6459
2 Some influence 5300
3 Quite a lot of influence 2173
4 A great deal of influence 474
55 No trade unions/trade union members at workplace 4605
66 Not applicable 31857
77 Refusal 24
88 Don't know 1336
99 No answer 230
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
19011 33447

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 55

pdaprpa Considering efforts and achievements in job I feel I get paid appropriately CARD 84

G45. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'Considering all my efforts and achievements in my job, I feel I get paid appropriately'?

Vrednost 58788 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 1208
2 Agree 7386
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4560
4 Disagree 5324
5 Disagree strongly 1662
6 Not applicable 31857
7 Refusal 13
8 Don't know 285
9 No answer 163
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20140 32318

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

wrywprb Worry about work problems when not working, how often ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY = PAID WORK (code 1 at G12) CARD 85

G46-48. Using this card, how often do you... ...keep worrying about work problems when you are not working?

Vrednost 58887 Frekvenca
1 Never 4070
2 Hardly ever 4901
3 Sometimes 8671
4 Often 4903
5 Always 1341
6 Not applicable 28328
7 Refusal 11
8 Don't know 95
9 No answer 138
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23886 28572

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

trdawrk Too tired after work to enjoy things like do at home, how often ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY = PAID WORK (code 1 at G12) CARD 85

G46-48. Using this card, how often do you... ...feel too tired after work to enjoy the things you would like to do at home?

Vrednost 58986 Frekvenca
1 Never 2252
2 Hardly ever 4333
3 Sometimes 10638
4 Often 5584
5 Always 1080
6 Not applicable 28328
7 Refusal 10
8 Don't know 98
9 No answer 135
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23887 28571

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

jbprtfp Job prevents you from giving time to partner/family, how often ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY = PAID WORK (code 1 at G12) CARD 85

G46-48. Using this card, how often do you... ...find that your job prevents you from giving the time you want to your partner or family?

Vrednost 59085 Frekvenca
1 Never 3788
2 Hardly ever 5313
3 Sometimes 8023
4 Often 4040
5 Always 792
6 Don't have partner/family 1751
66 Not applicable 28275
77 Refusal 10
88 Don't know 274
99 No answer 192
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23707 28751

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

icnopfma Interviewer code, don't have partner/family


Vrednost 59184 Frekvenca
1 Don't have partner/family 1742
2 All others 22171
6 Not applicable 28275
9 Not available 270
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23913 28545

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

pfmfdjba Partner/family fed up with pressure of your job, how often

G50-52. Using this card, how often do you... ...find that your partner or family gets fed up with the pressure of your job?

Vrednost 59283 Frekvenca
1 Never 6921
2 Hardly ever 5988
3 Sometimes 6090
4 Often 1586
5 Always 229
6 Not applicable 30017
7 Refusal 25
8 Don't know 478
9 No answer 1124
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20814 31644

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

frsptjb Family responsibilities prevent you from giving the time you should to your job, how often

G50-52. Using this card, how often do you... ...find that your family responsibilities prevent you from giving the time you should to your job?

Vrednost 59382 Frekvenca
1 Never 9431
2 Hardly ever 6699
3 Sometimes 3908
4 Often 764
5 Always 97
6 Not applicable 30017
7 Refusal 23
8 Don't know 392
9 No answer 1127
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20899 31559

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

dfcnswka Difficult concentrate on work because of family responsibilities

G50-52. Using this card, how often do you... ...find it difficult to concentrate on work because of your family responsibilities?

Vrednost 59481 Frekvenca
1 Never 9369
2 Hardly ever 7156
3 Sometimes 3846
4 Often 516
5 Always 55
6 Not applicable 30017
7 Refusal 14
8 Don't know 347
9 No answer 1138
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
20942 31516

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

stfmjob How satisfied are you in your main job ASK THOSE WHOSE MAIN ACTIVITY=PAID WORK (code 1 at G12) CARD 86

G53. How satisfied are you in your main job?

Vrednost 59580 Frekvenca
0 Extremely dissatisfied 148
1 1 153
2 2 349
3 3 583
4 4 710
5 5 2360
6 6 2104
7 7 4446
8 8 6337
9 9 3925
10 Extremely satisfied 2762
66 Not applicable 28275
77 Refusal 14
88 Don't know 97
99 No answer 195
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23877 28581

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

stfjbot Satisfied with balance between time on job and time on other aspects STILL CARD 86

G54. And how satisfied are you with the balance between the time you spend on your paid work and the time you spend on other aspects of your life?

Vrednost 59679 Frekvenca
0 Extremely dissatisfied 203
1 1 181
2 2 610
3 3 1324
4 4 1632
5 5 4354
6 6 3143
7 7 4251
8 8 4499
9 9 2034
10 Extremely satisfied 1582
66 Not applicable 28275
77 Refusal 14
88 Don't know 199
99 No answer 157
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23813 28645

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 10

wkjbndm I would enjoy working in current job even if did not need money CARD 87

G55. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 'I would enjoy working in my current job even if I did not need the money'.

Vrednost 59778 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 2673
2 Agree 8534
3 Neither agree nor disagree 4359
4 Disagree 5122
5 Disagree strongly 2910
6 Not applicable 28275
7 Refusal 16
8 Don't know 394
9 No answer 175
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23598 28860

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

grspaya Usual gross pay in euros, before deductions for tax and insurance

G56. What is your usual gross pay before deductions for tax and insurance?

Vrednost 59877 Frekvenca
6666665 6666665 or more 0
6666666 Not applicable 28275
7777777 Refusal 5373
8888888 Don't know 1924
9999999 No answer 224
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16662 35796 0 700000

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 6666665

payprda How long period pay cover

G57. How long a period does that pay cover?

Vrednost 59976 Frekvenca
1 One hour 99
2 One day 43
3 One week 491
4 Two weeks 155
5 Four weeks 1277
6 Calendar month 11927
7 Year 2299
8 Other 36
66 Not applicable 35472
77 Refusal 5
88 Don't know 136
99 No answer 518
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16327 36131

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 8

linwk3y Had to do less interesting work, last 3 years ASK THOSE WHOSE MAIN ACTIVITY=PAID WORK (code 1 at G12)

G58-61. Please tell me whether or not each of the following has happened to you in the last three years. Have you... ...had to do less interesting work?

Vrednost 60075 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6854
2 No 16848
6 Not applicable 28275
7 Refusal 34
8 Don't know 276
9 No answer 171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23702 28756

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

rdpay3y Had to take a reduction in pay, last 3 years ASK THOSE WHOSE MAIN ACTIVITY=PAID WORK (code 1 at G12)

G58-61. Please tell me whether or not each of the following has happened to you in the last three years. Have you... ...had to take a reduction in pay?

Vrednost 60174 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6062
2 No 17659
6 Not applicable 28275
7 Refusal 40
8 Don't know 248
9 No answer 174
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23721 28737

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

wkshr3y Had to work shorter hours, last 3 years ASK THOSE WHOSE MAIN ACTIVITY=PAID WORK (code 1 at G12)

G58-61. Please tell me whether or not each of the following has happened to you in the last three years. Have you... ...had to work shorter hours?

Vrednost 60273 Frekvenca
1 Yes 3264
2 No 20474
6 Not applicable 28275
7 Refusal 33
8 Don't know 237
9 No answer 175
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23738 28720

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

lscjb3y Had less security in job, last 3 years ASK THOSE WHOSE MAIN ACTIVITY=PAID WORK (code 1 at G12)

G58-61. Please tell me whether or not each of the following has happened to you in the last three years. Have you... ...had less security in your job?

Vrednost 60372 Frekvenca
1 Yes 5895
2 No 17581
6 Not applicable 28275
7 Refusal 34
8 Don't know 488
9 No answer 185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
23476 28982

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

orgfd3y Financial difficulty in the organisation for which you work, last 3 years NOTE TO INTERVIEWER: if not in organisation for three years, ask 'since you joined the organisation'.

G62. During the last three years, would you say that the organisation for which you work has experienced...

Vrednost 60471 Frekvenca
1 A great deal of financial difficulty 2791
2 Some financial difficulty 7799
3 Not much financial difficulty 4812
4 No financial difficulty 6324
6 Not applicable 28275
7 Refusal 73
8 Don't know 2103
9 No answer 281
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
21726 30732

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

npemp3y Number of people employed in the organisation for which you work, last 3 years NOTE TO INTERVIEWER: if not in organisation for three years, ask 'since you joined the organisation'.

G63. And during the last three years, would you say that the number of people employed at the organisation for which you work has...

Vrednost 60570 Frekvenca
1 Decreased a lot 2000
2 Decreased a little 6197
3 Not changed 10560
4 Increased a little 2857
5 Increased a lot 790
6 Not applicable 28275
7 Refusal 72
8 Don't know 1402
9 No answer 305
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
22404 30054

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

icb1940 Interviewer code, respondent born after 1940 or not ALL


Vrednost 60669 Frekvenca
1 Respondent born after 1940 44408
2 Respondent born in 1940 or before 7900
9 Not available 150
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52308 150

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

ipjbini Important if choosing job: Job enabled you to use own initiative ASK IF RESPONDENT UNDER 70 (code 1 at G64) CARD 88

G65-69. For you personally, how important do you think each of the following would be if you were choosing a job? A job that enabled you to use your own initiative

Vrednost 60768 Frekvenca
1 Not important at all 1244
2 Not important 3306
3 Neither important nor unimportant 5776
4 Important 21545
5 Very important 11608
6 Not applicable 7900
7 Refusal 35
8 Don't know 736
9 No answer 308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43479 8979

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ipjbscr Important if choosing job: Secure job ASK IF RESPONDENT UNDER 70 (code 1 at G64) CARD 88

G65-69. For you personally, how important do you think each of the following would be if you were choosing a job? A secure job

Vrednost 60867 Frekvenca
1 Not important at all 614
2 Not important 1113
3 Neither important nor unimportant 2138
4 Important 17908
5 Very important 21978
6 Not applicable 7900
7 Refusal 37
8 Don't know 460
9 No answer 310
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43751 8707

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ipjbhin Important if choosing job: High income ASK IF RESPONDENT UNDER 70 (code 1 at G64) CARD 88

G65-69. For you personally, how important do you think each of the following would be if you were choosing a job? A high income

Vrednost 60966 Frekvenca
1 Not important at all 476
2 Not important 1880
3 Neither important nor unimportant 5824
4 Important 20689
5 Very important 14881
6 Not applicable 7900
7 Refusal 41
8 Don't know 438
9 No answer 329
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43750 8708

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ipjbwfm Important if choosing job: Job allowed you to combine work/family ASK IF RESPONDENT UNDER 70 (code 1 at G64) CARD 88

G65-69. For you personally, how important do you think each of the following would be if you were choosing a job? A job which allowed you to combine work and family responsibilities

Vrednost 61065 Frekvenca
1 Not important at all 660
2 Not important 1924
3 Neither important nor unimportant 4436
4 Important 21205
5 Very important 15341
6 Not applicable 7900
7 Refusal 44
8 Don't know 633
9 No answer 315
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43566 8892

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

ipjbtro Important if choosing job: job offered good training opportunities ASK IF RESPONDENT UNDER 70 (code 1 at G64) CARD 88

G65-69. For you personally, how important do you think each of the following would be if you were choosing a job? A job that offered good training opportunities

Vrednost 61164 Frekvenca
1 Not important at all 1110
2 Not important 3384
3 Neither important nor unimportant 7012
4 Important 21451
5 Very important 10593
6 Not applicable 7900
7 Refusal 38
8 Don't know 650
9 No answer 320
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43550 8908

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

pdjbndm I would enjoy having paid job even if did not need money CARD 89

G70. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 'I would enjoy having a paid job even if I did not need the money'.

Vrednost 61263 Frekvenca
1 Agree strongly 5723
2 Agree 17880
3 Neither agree nor disagree 7567
4 Disagree 7975
5 Disagree strongly 3890
6 Not applicable 7900
7 Refusal 43
8 Don't know 1118
9 No answer 362
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
43035 9423

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

uemp3y Longest period in months continuously unemployed and seeking work, last 3 years ACCEPT ESTIMATES. ROUND UP TO NEAREST MONTH.

G71. Thinking just of the last 3 years, what was the longest period in months, if any, that you were continuously unemployed and seeking work?

Vrednost 61362 Frekvenca
0 Not unemployed last 3 years 34121
66 Not applicable 7900
77 Refusal 98
88 Don't know 1570
99 No answer 635
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
42255 10203 0 60

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 60

wkhsch How many hours would choose to work weekly

G72. How many hours a week, if any, would you choose to work, bearing in mind that your earnings would go up or down according to how many hours you work?

Vrednost 61461 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 7900
777 Refusal 116
888 Don't know 5351
999 No answer 807
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
38284 14174 0 144 32.841 16.11

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 144

icptn Interviewer code, lives with husband/wife/partner ASK ALL


Vrednost 61560 Frekvenca
1 Lives with husband/wife/partner 30039
2 Does not 22297
9 Not available 122
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52336 122

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

pwkhsch How many hours a week would you like your partner to work ASK IF RESPONDENT LIVES WITH HUSBAND/WIFE/PARTNER (code 1 at G73)

G74. If you could choose, how many hours a week, if any, would you like your partner to work bearing in mind that your partner's earnings would go up or down according to how many hours s/he works?

Vrednost 61659 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 22297
777 Refusal 104
888 Don't know 3946
999 No answer 575
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
25536 26922 0 425 28.448 17.677

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 425

puemp3y Partner's longest period in months unemployed and seeking work, last 3 years

G75. Thinking just of the last 3 years, what was the longest period in months, if any, that your partner was continuously unemployed and seeking work?

Vrednost 61758 Frekvenca
0 Partner not unemployed in the last 3 years 24672
66 Not applicable 22297
77 Refusal 95
88 Don't know 1337
99 No answer 362
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
28367 24091 0 60

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 60

hwwkhs Total hours a week you personally spend on housework CARD 90 I would now like to ask you about housework. By housework, I mean things done around the home such as cooking, washing, cleaning, care of clothes, shopping, maintenance of property, but not including childcare or leisure activities.

G76. About how many hours a week, in total, do you personally spend on housework?

Vrednost 61857 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 22297
777 Refusal 27
888 Don't know 1803
999 No answer 332
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
27999 24459 0 168 16.118 14.104

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 168

phwwkhs Total hours a week your partner spends on housework STILL CARD 90

G77. And what about your spouse or partner? About how many hours a week does s/he spend on housework?

Vrednost 61956 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 22297
777 Refusal 36
888 Don't know 2272
999 No answer 346
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
27507 24951 0 168 14.949 14.309

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 168

dsgrmnya How often disagree with husband/wife/partner about money CARD 91

G78. Couples sometimes disagree about household and family issues. Using this card, how often do you and your husband/wife/partner disagree about money?

Vrednost 62055 Frekvenca
1 Never 12568
2 Less than once a month 7862
3 Once a month 3466
4 Several times a month 2832
5 Once a week 1036
6 Several times a week 825
7 Every day 492
66 Not applicable 22297
77 Refusal 103
88 Don't know 730
99 No answer 247
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29081 23377

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

icptnwka Interviewer code, partner is in paid work


Vrednost 62154 Frekvenca
1 Partner is in paid work 17635
2 Partner is not in paid work 12227
6 Not applicable 22297
9 Not available 299
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
29862 22596

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

wkengtp Partner's work involve working evenings/nights, how often STILL CARD 91

G80-81. How often does his/her work involve? ...working evenings or nights?

Vrednost 62253 Frekvenca
1 Never 8620
2 Less than once a month 1841
3 Once a month 1024
4 Several times a month 2427
5 Once a week 736
6 Several times a week 2029
7 Every day 609
66 Not applicable 34524
77 Refusal 19
88 Don't know 141
99 No answer 488
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17286 35172

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

wkovtmp Partner's work involve working overtime at short notice, how often STILL CARD 91

G80-81. How often does his/her work involve? ...having to work overtime at short notice?

Vrednost 62352 Frekvenca
1 Never 7256
2 Less than once a month 3080
3 Once a month 1639
4 Several times a month 2552
5 Once a week 769
6 Several times a week 1421
7 Every day 409
66 Not applicable 34524
77 Refusal 22
88 Don't know 283
99 No answer 503
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17126 35332

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

ptnwkwe Partner's work involve working at weekends, how often CARD 92

G82. Using this card, how often does his/her work involve working at weekends?

Vrednost 62451 Frekvenca
1 Never 6994
2 Less than once a month 2652
3 Once a month 1882
4 Several times a month 3832
5 Every week 1873
6 Not applicable 34524
7 Refusal 21
8 Don't know 191
9 No answer 489
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17233 35225

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

icmnart Interviewer code: respondent's main activity is retired ALL


Vrednost 62550 Frekvenca
1 Respondent's main activity is retired 14057
2 All others 38237
9 Not available 164
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52294 164

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

rtryr Year of retirement ASK IF MAIN ACTIVITY RETIRED (code 1 at G83)

G84. In what year did you retire?

Vrednost 62649 Frekvenca
0 Never had a paid job 270
6666 Not applicable 38229
7777 Refusal 21
8888 Don't know 612
9999 No answer 510
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13086 39372 0 2012

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 2012

wntrtr Wanted to retire or preferred to continue paid work, year of retirement

G85. Did you want to retire then or would you have preferred to continue in paid work?

Vrednost 62748 Frekvenca
1 Wanted to retire 9340
2 Preferred to continue in paid work 3629
6 Not applicable 38475
7 Refusal 23
8 Don't know 473
9 No answer 518
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12969 39489

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

icb1964 Interviewer code: respondent born in or before 1964 ALL


Vrednost 62847 Frekvenca
1 Respondent born in or before 1964 27632
2 Respondent born after 1964 23900
9 Not available 926
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51532 926

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

agertr What age you would like to/would have liked to retire ASK IF RESPONDENT IS OVER 45 (code 1 at G86)

G87. At what age would you like to/would you have liked to retire?

Vrednost 62946 Frekvenca
666 Not applicable 23900
777 Refusal 72
888 Don't know 3098
999 No answer 832
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
24556 27902 0 120 60.037 5.618

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 120

plnchld Plan having child within next 3 years ASK IF RESPONDENT AGED 45 OR UNDER (code 2 at G86) CARD 93

G88. Do you plan to have a child within the next three years?

Vrednost 63045 Frekvenca
1 Definitely not 12260
2 Probably not 4442
3 Probably yes 3239
4 Definitely yes 2216
6 Not applicable 27632
7 Refusal 28
8 Don't know 2033
9 No answer 608
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
22157 30301

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

ipcrtiv Important to think new ideas and being creative

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. Thinking up new ideas and being creative is important to her/him. She/he likes to do things in her/his own original way.

Vrednost 63144 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 10473
2 Like me 16398
3 Somewhat like me 12739
4 A little like me 6404
5 Not like me 3950
6 Not like me at all 1182
7 Refusal 77
8 Don't know 452
9 No answer 783
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51146 1312

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

imprich Important to be rich, have money and expensive things

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to be rich. She/he wants to have a lot of money and expensive things.

Vrednost 63243 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 2489
2 Like me 6043
3 Somewhat like me 10266
4 A little like me 11214
5 Not like me 15519
6 Not like me at all 5739
7 Refusal 83
8 Don't know 325
9 No answer 780
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51270 1188

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipeqopt Important that people are treated equally and have equal opportunities

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he thinks it is important that every person in the world should be treated equally. She/he believes everyone should have equal opportunities in life.

Vrednost 63342 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 17606
2 Like me 20502
3 Somewhat like me 8377
4 A little like me 3207
5 Not like me 1270
6 Not like me at all 313
7 Refusal 75
8 Don't know 338
9 No answer 770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51275 1183

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipshabt Important to show abilities and be admired

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It's important to her/him to show her/his abilities. She/he wants people to admire what she/he does.

Vrednost 63441 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 6480
2 Like me 13438
3 Somewhat like me 12580
4 A little like me 8832
5 Not like me 7818
6 Not like me at all 2005
7 Refusal 82
8 Don't know 428
9 No answer 795
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51153 1305

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

impsafe Important to live in secure and safe surroundings

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to live in secure surroundings. She/he avoids anything that might endanger her/his safety.

Vrednost 63540 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 15821
2 Like me 18404
3 Somewhat like me 9166
4 A little like me 4640
5 Not like me 2692
6 Not like me at all 548
7 Refusal 88
8 Don't know 290
9 No answer 809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51271 1187

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

impdiff Important to try new and different things in life

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he likes surprises and is always looking for new things to do. She/he thinks it is important to do lots of different things in life.

Vrednost 63639 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 7217
2 Like me 13653
3 Somewhat like me 12547
4 A little like me 8885
5 Not like me 7066
6 Not like me at all 1790
7 Refusal 91
8 Don't know 404
9 No answer 805
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51158 1300

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipfrule Important to do what is told and follow rules

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he believes that people should do what they're told. She/he thinks people should follow rules at all times, even when no-one is watching.

Vrednost 63738 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 5520
2 Like me 14508
3 Somewhat like me 12999
4 A little like me 8742
5 Not like me 7260
6 Not like me at all 1916
7 Refusal 94
8 Don't know 639
9 No answer 780
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50945 1513

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipudrst Important to understand different people

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to listen to people who are different from her/him. Even when she/he disagrees with them, she/he still wants to understand them.

Vrednost 63837 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 9666
2 Like me 21055
3 Somewhat like me 12369
4 A little like me 5458
5 Not like me 2115
6 Not like me at all 422
7 Refusal 91
8 Don't know 491
9 No answer 791
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51085 1373

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipmodst Important to be humble and modest, not draw attention

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to be humble and modest. She/he tries not to draw attention to herself/himself.

Vrednost 63936 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 8548
2 Like me 16963
3 Somewhat like me 12609
4 A little like me 7496
5 Not like me 4611
6 Not like me at all 948
7 Refusal 95
8 Don't know 400
9 No answer 788
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51175 1283

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipgdtim Important to have a good time

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. Having a good time is important to her/him. She/he likes to ?spoil? herself/himself.

Vrednost 64035 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 6755
2 Like me 14488
3 Somewhat like me 12441
4 A little like me 8686
5 Not like me 6336
6 Not like me at all 2096
7 Refusal 95
8 Don't know 420
9 No answer 1141
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50802 1656

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

impfree Important to make own decisions and be free

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to make her/his own decisions about what she/he does. She/he likes to be free and not depend on others.

Vrednost 64134 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 14639
2 Like me 19634
3 Somewhat like me 10135
4 A little like me 4483
5 Not like me 1887
6 Not like me at all 437
7 Refusal 92
8 Don't know 370
9 No answer 781
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51215 1243

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

iphlppl Important to help people and care for others well-being

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It's very important to her/him to help the people around her/him. She/he wants to care for their well-being.

Vrednost 64233 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 13356
2 Like me 21632
3 Somewhat like me 11060
4 A little like me 3969
5 Not like me 991
6 Not like me at all 226
7 Refusal 98
8 Don't know 341
9 No answer 785
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51234 1224

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipsuces Important to be successful and that people recognize achievements

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. Being very successful is important to her/him. She/he hopes people will recognise her/his achievements.

Vrednost 64332 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 5949
2 Like me 13629
3 Somewhat like me 13046
4 A little like me 9183
5 Not like me 7255
6 Not like me at all 1962
7 Refusal 101
8 Don't know 498
9 No answer 835
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51024 1434

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipstrgv Important that government is strong and ensures safety

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him that the government ensures her/his safety against all threats. She/he wants the state to be strong so it can defend its citizens.

Vrednost 64431 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 15851
2 Like me 18395
3 Somewhat like me 9381
4 A little like me 4486
5 Not like me 2314
6 Not like me at all 554
7 Refusal 111
8 Don't know 543
9 No answer 823
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50981 1477

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipadvnt Important to seek adventures and have an exciting life

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he looks for adventures and likes to take risks. She/he wants to have an exciting life.

Vrednost 64530 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 3315
2 Like me 7011
3 Somewhat like me 9621
4 A little like me 10244
5 Not like me 13614
6 Not like me at all 7290
7 Refusal 99
8 Don't know 416
9 No answer 848
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51095 1363

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ipbhprp Important to behave properly

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him always to behave properly. She/he wants to avoid doing anything people would say is wrong.

Vrednost 64629 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 9205
2 Like me 19276
3 Somewhat like me 12107
4 A little like me 6382
5 Not like me 3307
6 Not like me at all 782
7 Refusal 107
8 Don't know 432
9 No answer 860
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51059 1399

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

iprspot Important to get respect from others

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to get respect from others. She/he wants people to do what she/he says.

Vrednost 64728 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 6515
2 Like me 13793
3 Somewhat like me 12744
4 A little like me 8838
5 Not like me 7368
6 Not like me at all 1742
7 Refusal 116
8 Don't know 500
9 No answer 842
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51000 1458

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

iplylfr Important to be loyal to friends and devote to people close

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. It is important to her/him to be loyal to her/his friends. She/he wants to devote herself/himself to people close to her/him.

Vrednost 64827 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 17827
2 Like me 22627
3 Somewhat like me 7386
4 A little like me 2509
5 Not like me 667
6 Not like me at all 169
7 Refusal 100
8 Don't know 309
9 No answer 864
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51185 1273

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

impenv Important to care for nature and environment

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he strongly believes that people should care for nature. Looking after the environment is important to her/him.

Vrednost 64926 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 15648
2 Like me 20123
3 Somewhat like me 9941
4 A little like me 3969
5 Not like me 1205
6 Not like me at all 269
7 Refusal 98
8 Don't know 359
9 No answer 846
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51155 1303

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

imptrad Important to follow traditions and customs

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. Tradition is important to her/him. She/he tries to follow the customs handed down by her/his religion or her/his family.

Vrednost 65025 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 11156
2 Like me 16734
3 Somewhat like me 11235
4 A little like me 6378
5 Not like me 4197
6 Not like me at all 1497
7 Refusal 106
8 Don't know 335
9 No answer 820
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51197 1261

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

impfun Important to seek fun and things that give pleasure

Ha-u. Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. Use this card for your answer. She/he seeks every chance she/he can to have fun. It is important to her/him to do things that give her/him pleasure.

Vrednost 65124 Frekvenca
1 Very much like me 6303
2 Like me 13650
3 Somewhat like me 12619
4 A little like me 9198
5 Not like me 6570
6 Not like me at all 2791
7 Refusal 93
8 Don't know 388
9 No answer 846
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
51131 1327

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

region Region

R. Region

Vrednost 65223 Frekvenca
BE10 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale /Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest 112
BE21 Prov. Antwerpen 307
BE22 Prov. Limburg 166
BE23 Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen 221
BE24 Prov. Vlaams-Brabant 178
BE25 Prov. West-Vlaanderen 207
BE31 Prov. Brabant Wallon 56
BE32 Prov. Hainaut 178
BE33 Prov. Liège 153
BE34 Prov. Luxembourg 49
BE35 Prov. Namur 77
BG311 Vidin 53
BG312 Montana 68
BG313 Vratsa 73
BG314 Pleven 125
BG315 Lovech 48
BG321 Veliko Tarnovo 66
BG322 Gabrovo 15
BG323 Ruse 105
BG324 Razgrad 66
BG325 Silistra 85
BG331 Varna 175
BG332 Dobrich 44
BG333 Shumen 52
BG334 Targovishte 59
BG341 Burgas 151
BG342 Sliven 95
BG343 Yambol 62
BG344 Stara Zagora 95
BG411 Sofia (capital) 356
BG412 Sofia (region) 38
BG413 Blagoevgrad 107
BG414 Pernik 24
BG415 Kyustendil 21
BG421 Plovdiv 191
BG422 Haskovo 94
BG423 Pazardzhik 68
BG424 Smolyan 26
BG425 Kardzhali 72
CH01 Region lemanique 246
CH02 Espace Mittelland 356
CH03 Nordwestschweiz 208
CH04 Zurich 238
CH05 Ostschweiz 249
CH06 Zentralschweiz 161
CH07 Ticino 48
CY0 Cyprus 1083
CZ010 Hlavní mesto Praha 281
CZ020 Stredoceský kraj 234
CZ031 Jihoceský kraj 155
CZ032 Plzenský kraj 112
CZ041 Karlovarsky kraj 65
CZ042 Ustecky kraj 176
CZ051 Liberecky kraj 100
CZ052 Kralovehradecky kraj 126
CZ053 Pardubicky kraj 122
CZ063 Vysocina 129
CZ064 Jihomoravsky kraj 261
CZ071 Olomoucky kraj 164
CZ072 Zlinsky kraj 157
CZ080 Moravskoslezsky kraj 304
DE1 Baden-Württemberg 287
DE2 Bayern 430
DE3 Berlin 104
DE4 Brandenburg 226
DE5 Bremen 24
DE6 Hamburg 27
DE7 Hessen 193
DE8 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 122
DE9 Niedersachsen 185
DEA Nordrhein-Westfalen 566
DEB Rheinland-Pfalz 130
DEC Saarland 20
DED Sachsen 258
DEE Sachsen-Anhalt 182
DEF Schleswig-Holstein 81
DEG Thüringen 196
DK01 Hovedstaden 397
DK02 Sjælland 209
DK03 Syddanmark 355
DK04 Midjylland 411
DK05 Nordjylland 204
EE001 Põhja-Eesti 575
EE004 Lääne-Eesti 222
EE006 Kesk-Eesti 248
EE007 Kirde-Eesti 191
EE008 Lõuna-Eesti 557
ES11 Galicia 101
ES12 Principado de Asturias 42
ES13 Cantabria 25
ES21 País Vasco 81
ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra 29
ES23 La Rioja 9
ES24 Aragón 58
ES30 Comunidad de Madrid 305
ES41 Castilla y Leon 116
ES42 Castilla-La Mancha 84
ES43 Extremadura 53
ES51 Cataluña 248
ES52 Comunidad Valenciana 186
ES53 Illes Balears 28
ES61 Andalucía 408
ES62 Región de Murcia 45
ES63 Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta 0
ES64 Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla 5
ES70 Canarias 62
FI131 Etelä-Savo 61
FI132 Pohjois-Savo 102
FI133 Pohjois-Karjala 54
FI134 Kainuu 35
FI181 Uusimaa 446
FI182 Itä-Uusimaa 36
FI183 Varsinais-Suomi 181
FI184 Kanta-Häme 70
FI185 Päijät-Häme 68
FI186 Kymenlaakso 59
FI187 Etelä-Karjala 51
FI193 Keski-Suomi 104
FI194 Etelä-Pohjanmaa 65
FI195 Pohjanmaa 73
FI196 Satakunta 93
FI197 Pirkanmaa 164
FI1A1 Keski-Pohjanmaa 20
FI1A2 Pohjois-Pohjanmaa 129
FI1A3 Lappi 67
FR10 Île de France 262
FR21 Champagne-Ardenne 48
FR22 Picardie 36
FR23 Haute-Normandie 50
FR24 Centre 58
FR25 Basse-Normandie 46
FR26 Bourgogne 38
FR30 Nord - Pas-de-Calais 123
FR41 Lorraine 90
FR42 Alsace 46
FR43 Franche-Comté 47
FR51 Pays de la Loire 107
FR52 Bretagne 95
FR53 Poitou-Charentes 88
FR61 Aquitaine 98
FR62 Midi-Pyrénées 78
FR63 Limousin 29
FR71 Rhône-Alpes 184
FR72 Auvergne 38
FR81 Languedoc-Roussillon 59
FR82 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 108
GR11 Anatoliki Makedonia & Thraki 149
GR12 Kentriki Makedonia 429
GR13 Dytiki Makedonia 89
GR14 Thessalia 200
GR21 Ipeiros 105
GR22 Ionia Nisia 64
GR23 Dytiki Ellada 178
GR24 Sterea Ellada 161
GR25 Peloponnisos 150
GR30 Attiki 904
GR41 Voreio Aigaio 52
GR42 Notio Aigaio 75
GR43 Kriti 159
HR01 Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska 631
HR02 Sredisnja i Istocna (Panonska) Hrvatska 489
HR03 Jadranska Hrvatska 529
HU101 Budapest 220
HU102 Pest 185
HU211 Fejer 54
HU212 Komarom-Esztergom 80
HU213 Veszprem 54
HU221 Gyor-Moson-Sopron 70
HU222 Vas 62
HU223 Zala 30
HU231 Baranya 63
HU232 Somogy 69
HU233 Tolna 44
HU311 Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen 121
HU312 Heves 47
HU313 Nograd 18
HU321 Hajdu-Bihar 72
HU322 Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok 97
HU323 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 89
HU331 Bács-Kiskun 90
HU332 Békés 46
HU333 Csongrád 50
IE011 Border 332
IE012 Midland 165
IE013 West 362
IE021 Dublin 590
IE022 Mid-East 234
IE023 Mid-West 227
IE024 South-East (IRL) 302
IE025 South-West (IRL) 364
IL Israel 2294
LT001 Alytaus apskritis 101
LT002 Kauno apskritis 364
LT003 Klaipëdos apskritis 145
LT004 Marijampolës apskritis 106
LT005 Panevëþio apskritis 232
LT006 Ðiauliø apskritis 138
LT007 Tauragës apskritis 60
LT008 Telðiø apskritis 86
LT009 Utenos apskritis 70
LT00A Vilniaus apskritis 375
NL11 Groningen 56
NL12 Friesland (NL) 81
NL13 Drenthe 51
NL21 Overijssel 149
NL22 Gelderland 219
NL23 Flevoland 25
NL31 Utrecht 140
NL32 Noord-Holland 305
NL33 Zuid-Holland 355
NL34 Zeeland 41
NL41 Noord-Brabant 281
NL42 Limburg (NL) 126
NO01 Oslo og Akershus 315
NO02 Hedmark og Oppland 111
NO03 Sør-Østlandet 299
NO04 Agder og Rogaland 256
NO05 Vestlandet 273
NO06 Trøndelag 152
NO07 Nord-Norge 142
PL11 Lodzkie 127
PL12 Mazowieckie 228
PL21 Malopolskie 143
PL22 Slaskie 207
PL31 Lubelskie 113
PL32 Podkarpackie 97
PL33 Swietokrzyskie 70
PL34 Podlaskie 52
PL41 Wielkopolskie 147
PL42 Zachodniopomorskie 79
PL43 Lubuskie 41
PL51 Dolnoslaskie 110
PL52 Opolskie 55
PL61 Kujawsko-pomorskie 102
PL62 Warminsko-mazurskie 64
PL63 Pomorskie 116
PT11 Norte 849
PT15 Algarve 82
PT16 Centro 388
PT17 Lisboa 752
PT18 Alentejo 79
RU01 North and North West 233
RU02 Center 564
RU03 Volgo-Vyatsky 154
RU04 Central-Chernozhem 148
RU05 Volga 310
RU06 North Caucasus 345
RU07 Ural 356
RU08 West Siberia 248
RU09 East Siberia 130
RU10 Far East 107
SE110 Stockholms län 251
SE121 Uppsala län 64
SE122 Södermanlands län 37
SE123 Östergötlands län 78
SE124 Örebro län 62
SE125 Västmanlands län 41
SE211 Jönköpings län 42
SE212 Kronobergs län 32
SE213 Kalmar län 55
SE214 Gotlands län 11
SE221 Blekinge län 20
SE224 Skåne län 198
SE231 Hallands län 55
SE232 Västra Götalands län 268
SE311 Värmlands län 48
SE312 Dalarnas län 44
SE313 Gävleborgs län 49
SE321 Västernorrlands län 38
SE322 Jämtlands län 22
SE331 Västerbottens län 42
SE332 Norrbottens län 40
SI011 Pomurska 88
SI012 Podravska 259
SI013 Koroška 50
SI014 Savinjska 194
SI015 Zasavska 32
SI016 Spodnjeposavska 53
SI017 Jugovzhodna Slovenija 116
SI018 Notranjsko-kraška 35
SI021 Osrednjeslovenska 280
SI022 Gorenjska 138
SI023 Goriška 93
SI024 Obalno-kraška 65
SK010 Bratislavský kraj 224
SK021 Trnavský kraj 190
SK022 Trenèiansky kraj 199
SK023 Nitriansky kraj 224
SK031 Žilinský kraj 222
SK032 Banskobystrický kraj 241
SK041 Prešovský kraj 305
SK042 Košický kraj 251
UA01 Crimea, Autonomy Republic 101
UA02 Vynnytska oblast 99
UA03 Volynska oblast 68
UA04 Dnipropetrovska oblast 122
UA05 Donetska oblast 204
UA06 Zhytomyrska oblast 82
UA07 Zakarpatska oblast 37
UA08 Zaporizska oblast 77
UA09 Ivano-Frankivska oblast 72
UA10 Kyivska oblast 0
UA11 Kirovogradska oblast 72
UA12 Luganska oblast 99
UA13 Lvivska oblast 90
UA14 Mykolaivska oblast 66
UA15 Odesska oblast 74
UA16 Poltavska oblast 0
UA17 Rivenska oblast 82
UA18 Sumska oblast 51
UA19 Ternopilska oblast 49
UA20 Kharkivska oblast 117
UA21 Khersonska oblast 59
UA22 Khmelnitska oblast 0
UA23 Cherkasska oblast 72
UA24 Chernovytska oblast 47
UA25 Chernigivska oblast 109
UA26 Kyiv city 82
UKC North East (England) 107
UKD North West (England) 275
UKE Yorkshire and the Humber 225
UKF East Midlands (England) 183
UKG West Midlands (England) 220
UKH East of England 226
UKI London 208
UKJ South East (England) 335
UKK South West (England) 194
UKL Wales 138
UKM Scotland 247
UKN Northern Ireland 64
99999 Not available 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

regunit Regional unit

RUnit. Level of regional unit

Vrednost 65322 Frekvenca
1 NUTS level 1 6536
2 NUTS level 2 20041
3 NUTS level 3 19061
4 Regional unit not part of the NUTS nomenclature 6820
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

intewde Place of interview: East, West Germany

R1. Interview in East or West Germany

Vrednost 65421 Frekvenca
1 Interview takes place in East Germany, East Berlin 1056
2 Interview takes place in West Germany, West Berlin 1975
Sysmiss 49427
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3031 49427

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

inwdds Start of interview, day of month

R2. Start of interview, day of month

Vrednost 65520 Frekvenca
99 Not available 17
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50648 1810 1 31 16.062 8.663

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 31

inwmms Start of interview, month

R3. Start of interview, month

Vrednost 65619 Frekvenca
99 Not available 17
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50648 1810 1 12 6.751 4.056

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

inwyys Start of interview, year

R4. Start of interview, year

Vrednost 65718 Frekvenca
9999 Not available 16
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50649 1809 2010 2012 2010.598 0.496

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2010 do 2012

inwshh Start of interview, hour

R5. Start of interview, hour

Vrednost 65817 Frekvenca
99 Not available 74
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48015 4443 0 23 14.242 3.134

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 23

inwsmm Start of interview, minute

R6. Start of interview, minute

Vrednost 65916 Frekvenca
99 Not available 75
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
48014 4444 0 59 22.997 18.255

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 59

inwdde End of interview, day of month

R7. End of interview, day of month

Vrednost 66015 Frekvenca
99 Not available 62
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50603 1855 1 31 16.055 8.664

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 31

inwmme End of interview, month

R8. End of interview, month

Vrednost 66114 Frekvenca
99 Not available 62
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50603 1855 1 12 6.749 4.056

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

inwyye End of interview, year

R9. End of interview, year

Vrednost 66213 Frekvenca
9999 Not available 61
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
50604 1854 2010 2012 2010.598 0.496

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2010 do 2012

inwehh End of interview, hour

R10. End of interview, hour

Vrednost 66312 Frekvenca
99 Not available 92
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47997 4461 0 23 15.266 3.164

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 23

inwemm End of interview, minute

R11. End of interview, minute

Vrednost 66411 Frekvenca
99 Not available 92
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47997 4461 0 59 27.647 17.667

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 59

inwtm Interview length in minutes, main questionnaire

R20. Interview length in minutes, main questionnaire (calculated)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
47687 4771 0 680 66.81 26.425

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 680

spltadmd Administration of split ballot and MTMM

R13. Administration of split ballot and mtmm

Vrednost 6669 Frekvenca
1 FF A testd1-testd12 14427
2 FF B testd13-testd25 14194
3 FF C testd26-testd39 14306
4 SC A testd1-testd12 2598
5 SC B testd13-testd25 2628
6 SC C testd26-testd39 2557
21 SC No split 1561
99 Not available 187
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52271 187

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 21

supqad1 Administration of supplementary questionnaire 1

Vrednost 6678 Frekvenca
1 Completed by respondent, no help from you 8152
2 Completed by respondent, some help from you 467
3 Face to face interview 662
6 Not applicable 43004
9 No answer 173
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9281 43177

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

supqad2 Administration of supplementary questionnaire 2

Vrednost 6687 Frekvenca
1 Face to face interview 42726
2 Completed by respondent, some help from you 35
3 Completed by respondent, no help from you 88
6 Not applicable 9521
9 No answer 88
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
42849 9609

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

supqdd Day of month, supplementary questionnaire

R14. Day of month, supplementary questionnaire

Vrednost 6696 Frekvenca
99 Not available 566
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49742 2716 1 31 16.024 8.69

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 31

supqmm Month, supplementary questionnaire

R15. Month, supplementary questionnaire

Vrednost 6705 Frekvenca
99 Not available 566
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49742 2716 1 12 6.827 4.031

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 12

supqyr Year, supplementary questionnaire

R16. Year, supplementary questionnaire

Vrednost 6714 Frekvenca
9999 Not available 547
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
49761 2697 2010 2012 2010.587 0.517

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 2010 do 2012

dweight Design weight

R17. Design weight

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0 0.0073 4 1 0.456

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.00729682994278976 do 4

pspwght Post-stratification weight including design weight

R18. Post-stratification weight including design weight

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0 3.84e-06 4.986 1.006 0.569

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 3.8362518667327e-06 do 4.98628840434124

pweight Population size weight (must be combined with dweight or pspwght)

R19. Population size weight (must be combined with dweight or pspwght)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
52458 0 0.0616 4.644 0.996 1.189

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.0616366574330563 do 4.64408080924856

Gradiva o izvedbi raziskave

  1. Jowell, Roger (2010). ESS10 - The European Social Survey SELF-COMPLETION QUESTIONNAIRE S-C-A (Round 5 2010) [Vprašalnik].
  2. Jowell, Roger (2010). ESS10 - SOURCE QUESTIONNAIRE FINAL (Round 5, 2010/11) [Vprašalnik].
  3. Jowell, Roger (2010). ESS10 - ESS 2010 Data Protocol Edition 2.4 September 2010 [ostalo gradivo].
  4. Jowell, Roger (2010). ESS10 - Address_5HH (Round 5) [ostalo gradivo].
  5. Jowell, Roger (2010). ESS10 - Weighting European Social Survey Data [ostalo gradivo].
  6. Jowell, Roger (2010). ESS10 - Dodatne metodološke informacije o raziskavi [ostalo gradivo].

Rezultati raziskave

  1. Jowell, Roger (2010). ESS5 - 2010 DOCUMENTATION REPORT.
  2. The ESS Central Coordinating Team (2013). ESS - European Social Survey (EN): Response and Non-Response.
  3. The ESS Central Coordinating Team (2013). ESS - European Social Survey (EN): Improving Question Quality.
  4. The ESS Central Coordinating Team (2013). ESS - The European Social Survey: Sampling.
  5. The ESS Central Coordinating Team (2013). ESS - The European Social Survey: Translation.
  6. The ESS Central Coordinating Team (2013). ESS - The European Social Survey: Questionnaire Development.

Povezane objave

  1. The ESS Central Coordinating Team (2013). ESS The European Social Survey - home site.
  2. The ESS Central Coordinating Team (2013). ESS - The European Social Survey: ESS Data.

Dostop do podatkov in dokumentacije - Nesstar


Za dostop do podatkov se obrnite na avtorja raziskave ali pristojno organizacijo, saj Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov ne distribuira podatkov te raziskave.


3 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga z imeni spremenljivk iz podatkovne datoteke.


9 - najvišji rang, primerjalne ali kontinuirane raziskave, pomembne populacije, metodološko ustrezne

  Kako citiram to RAZISKAVO?

Jowell, Roger, Rory Fitzgerald, Eric Harrison, Gillian Eva, Peter Martin, Sally Widdop, Lizzy Gatrell, Mary Keane, Geert Looseveldt, Jaak Billiet, Hideko Matsuo, Bjørn Henrichsen, Knut Kalgraff Skjåk, Kirstine Kolsrud, Michael Braun, Angelika Scheuer, Sabine Häder, Achim Koch, Annelies Blom, Matthias Ganninger, Verena Halbherr, Dorothée Behr, Brita Dorer, Willem Saris, Irmtraud Gallhofer, Daniel Oberski, Diana Zavala Rojas, Ineke Stoop, Joost Kappelhof, Henk Fernee in Brina Malnar. Evropska družboslovna raziskava 2010 [datoteka podatkov]. Bergen, Norveška: ESS Data archive, Norwegian Social Science Data Services [izdelava], 2010. Bergen, Norveška: ESS Data archive [distribucija], 2010. ADP - IDNo: ESS10.

Več informacij lahko najdete na strani izdajatelja.

Cobiss tip: 2.25
Datum prve podatkovne objave: 2015
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