Evropska komisija
no information
Serija raziskav "Evrobarometer držav kandidatk" (CCEB) je bila prvič izvedena oktobra leta 2001 v državah, ki prosijo za članstvo v EU. Metodologija izvedbe ankete je sorodna uveljavljenemu "Evrobarometru", ki se izvaja v državah članicah EU. CCEB omogoča tako odločevalcem kot državljanom EU vpogled v javnomnenjske podobnosti in razlike med EU in državami kandidatkami. Raziskava CCEB vsebuje jedro stalnih vprašanj o podpori članstvu države v EU in odnos do evropskih zadev v državah kandidatkah. Serija je izvedena med 11. oktobrom in 8. novembrom leta 2003 v 13 državah kandidatkah: Bolgariji, Cipru (do konca leta 2002 se v severnem delu Cipra izvaja ločena, paralelna raziskava), Češki, Estoniji, Madžarski, Latviji, Litvi, Malti, Poljski, Romuniji, Slovaški, Sloveniji in Turčiji. Po štiriletnem premoru CCEB nadomešča nekdanji "CEEB". Anketirance vprašujejo o: pričakovanjih in zadovoljstvu z življenjem, politični participaciji, zaupanju v institucije, nacionalni in evropski identiteti, mednarodnih grožnjah, zadovoljstvu z demokracijo, evropski valuti, evropskih volitvah, korupciji v EU in zaupanju v javnomnenjske raziskave. Vsaka raziskava se izvaja na nacionalnem reprezentativnem vzorcu 1000 respondentov, starejših od 15 let, razen na Malti in Cipru, kjer sta vzorca sestavljena iz 500 respondentov, na način osebnega anketiranja z obiskom na domu.
pričakovanja o življenju na splošno, pričakovanja o ekonomski situaciji v državi, pričakovanja o finančni situaciji respondentovega gospodinjstva, pričakovanja o zaposlitveni situaciji, pričakovanja o situaciji v službi, zaupanje v tisk, zaupanje v radio, zaupanje v televizijo, zaupanje v pravni sistem države, zaupanje v policijo, zaupanje v vojsko, zaupanje v verske institucije, zaupanje v vlado, zaupanje v parlament, zaupanje v Evropsko Unijo, zaupanje v politične stranke, podpora članstvu v Evropski Uniji, koristi od članstva v EU, vedenje o EU, informacije o širitvi, podoba EU v medijih, zaupanje v evropski parlament, zaupanje v evropsko komisijo, kriminal v državi, brezposlenost, imigracije, okolje, podpora enotni valuti, podpora skupni zunanji politiki, podpora skupni obrambni politiki, podpora ustavi EU, mnenje o globalizaciji, evropska identiteta, zadovoljstvo z demokracijo, volilna namera na prihajajočih volitvah v evropski parlament, pomembnost volitev v evropski parlament
Keywords ELSST:
Topic Classification CESSDA
POLITIKA - mednarodna politika in organizacije
Topic Classification CERIF
Politične in upravne vede
Topic Classification ADP
Avtorji z raziskavo iščejo in analizirajo dejavnike, ki oblikujejo odnos in zavest prebivalcev držav kandidatk do Evropske Unije. V tej raziskavi respondenti odgovarjajo na vprašanja v zvezi z življenjem v državi kandidatki, politično participacijo in zaupanjem v institucije, nacionalno in evropsko identiteto, informiranostjo in stališčih do EU, pomembnimi nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi temami, skupno zunanjo in varnostno politiko, znanjem in stališčih do širitve EU, volitvami v Evropski Parlament, globalizacijo, javnim zdravstvom in do otrok primernejše vsebine na medmrežju.
Collection date: | 20. februar - 17. marec 2004 |
Date of production: | 2004-03 |
Country: | Bolgarija, Ciper, Češka, Estonija, Latvija, Litva, Madžarska, Malta, Poljska, Romunija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Turčija. |
Geographic coverage: |
Ozemlje držav. |
Unit of analysis: |
posameznik |
Universe: |
Ciljna populacija so prebivalci starejši od 15 let, s stalnim bivališčem v sodelujoči državi. |
Excluded: |
Institucionalizirani prebivalci kot so dijaki in študentje v domovih, osebe na služenju vojaškega roka, osebe na zdravljenju v bolnišnicah in drugi, ki ne živijo na svojem stalnem naslovu. |
Data collected by: |
Sampling procedure: |
Temeljni vzorčni načrt v državah kandidatkah je večstopenjsko slučajno vzorčenje. V vsaki državi je bilo število vzorčnih enot izbrano z verjetnostjo sorazmerno velikosti populacije (za celotno pokritje države) in gostoti prebivalstva. Vsaka raziskava se izvaja na nacionalnem reprezentativnem vzorcu 1000 respondentov, starejših od 15 let razen na Malti in Cipru, kjer sta vzorca sestavljena iz 500 respondentov. |
Mode of data collection: |
Osebno anketiranje na terenu z vprašalnikom na papirju. |
Weighting: |
V vseh državah kandidatkah je bil izveden postopek uteževanja z uporabo robnih in posamičnih uteži. Spremenljivke spol, starost, regija NUTS2, velikost naselja, velikost gospodinjstva in stopnja izobrazbe so bile uporabljene v postopku oblikovanja uteži z namenom približevanja karakteristikam populacije. Za mednarodne uteži znotraj posameznih držav je Gallup uporabil velikost populacije države, podane s strani nacionalnih statističnih uradov. Velikosti posameznih populacij so za postopke uteževanja podane v Tehnični dokumentaciji raziskave. |
Posamezne datoteke iz serije CCEB so proste za uporabo v izobraževalne in raziskovalne namene za slovenske uporabnike. Tuji uporabniki lahko dobijo podatke preko Zentral Archiva, Koeln, Nemčija ali ICPSR, Michigan. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.
Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.
Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.
Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.
Title of Data file: CCEB041 - Candidate Countries Eurobarometer, 2004.1; February - March 2004 [datoteka podatkov], 2004
Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka
Version: september 2005
Value 13 | Frequency | |
4246 | 12124 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 4246 to 4246
EDITION ZA edition
Value 22 | Frequency | |
1 | 1st za edition - Sep 21, 2005 | 12124 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 1
ID Respondent ID
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 | 1 | 9374 | 555.343 | 449.153 |
Valid range from 1 to 9374
Value 1474 | Frequency | |
4246 | 12124 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 4246 to 4246
EDITION ZA edition
Value 2473 | Frequency | |
1 | 1st za edition - Sep 21, 2005 | 12124 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 1
ID Respondent ID
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 | 1 | 9374 | 555.343 | 449.153 |
Valid range from 1 to 9374
COUNTRY Country code
Value 4471 | Frequency | |
1 | Bulgaria | 1000 |
2 | Cyprus | 500 |
3 | Czech Rep. | 1000 |
4 | Estonia | 1004 |
5 | Hungary | 1012 |
6 | Latvia | 1006 |
7 | Lithuania | 1016 |
8 | Malta | 500 |
9 | Poland | 1000 |
10 | Romania | 1019 |
11 | Slovakia | 1053 |
12 | Slovenia | 1014 |
13 | Turkey | 1000 |
14 | Northern Cyprus | 0 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 14
WEIGHT1 weight calculated for WITHIN country demographic distributions (to be applied in within-country analyses and country comparisons)
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 | 0.339 | 2.703 | 1 | 0.61 |
Valid range from 0.338535872813076 to 2.702806386
WEIGHT2 weight1 multiplied by the countries weight in the population of the total region (to be applied in CC13 analyses)
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 | 0.0199 | 10.894 | 1 | 1.576 |
Valid range from 0.0199048230458294 to 10.8936692514565
W_2004 weight separating the groups of member / non member countries (laeken)
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 | 0.033 | 11.925 | 1 | 1.579 |
Valid range from 0.0329597296480988 to 11.9250572031058
Value 8467 | Frequency | |
0 | INAP - COUNTRY NE 2 4 6 7 9 12 13 | 5584 |
1 | citizen | 6133 |
2 | permanent resident | 407 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 2
Q2 Discuss political matters with others
Value 9466 | Frequency | |
1 | frequently | 2278 |
2 | occasionally | 6732 |
3 | never | 3053 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 42 |
9 | NA | 19 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q3 Pesuading others to share view
Value 10465 | Frequency | |
1 | often | 1768 |
2 | from time to time | 3890 |
3 | rarely | 3207 |
4 | never | 3158 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 78 |
9 | NA | 23 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q4.A Expectations next year: your life in general
Value 11464 | Frequency | |
1 | the same | 5188 |
2 | worse | 2955 |
3 | better | 3242 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 712 |
9 | NA | 27 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q4.B Expectations next year: economic situation in [COUNTRY]
Value 12463 | Frequency | |
1 | the same | 3633 |
2 | worse | 4664 |
3 | better | 2684 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1105 |
9 | NA | 38 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q4.C Expectations next year: financial situation of your household
Value 13462 | Frequency | |
1 | the same | 5254 |
2 | worse | 3728 |
3 | better | 2428 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 665 |
9 | NA | 49 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q4.D Expectations next year: employment situation in [COUNTRY]
Value 14461 | Frequency | |
1 | the same | 3787 |
2 | worse | 4348 |
3 | better | 2532 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1387 |
9 | NA | 70 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q4.E Expectations next year: your personal job situation
Value 15460 | Frequency | |
1 | the same | 5633 |
2 | worse | 1773 |
3 | better | 1901 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2200 |
9 | NA | 617 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q5 Present personal situation comparing with five years ago
Value 16459 | Frequency | |
1 | improved | 3497 |
2 | stayed about the same | 3934 |
3 | got worse | 4523 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 149 |
9 | NA | 21 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q6 Expected personal situation in 5 years
Value 17458 | Frequency | |
1 | improved | 4541 |
2 | stayed about the same | 3600 |
3 | get worse | 2362 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1596 |
9 | NA | 25 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.1 Trust or NOT: The press
Value 18457 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 5874 |
2 | tend not to trust | 5186 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1014 |
9 | NA | 50 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.2 Trust or NOT: Radio
Value 19456 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 7428 |
2 | tend not to trust | 3610 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1028 |
9 | NA | 58 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.3 Trust or NOT: Television
Value 20455 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 7638 |
2 | tend not to trust | 3833 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 611 |
9 | NA | 42 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.4 Trust or NOT: Justice / the [COUNTRY] legal system
Value 21454 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 4124 |
2 | tend not to trust | 6747 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1186 |
9 | NA | 67 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.5 Trust or NOT: The police
Value 22453 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 5369 |
2 | tend not to trust | 5753 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 942 |
9 | NA | 60 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.6 Trust or NOT: The army
Value 23452 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 7390 |
2 | tend not to trust | 3049 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1608 |
9 | NA | 77 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.7 Trust or NOT: The religious institutions
Value 24451 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 5761 |
2 | tend not to trust | 4607 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1642 |
9 | NA | 114 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.8 Trust or NOT: Trade unions
Value 25450 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 3119 |
2 | tend not to trust | 5959 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2895 |
9 | NA | 151 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.9 Trust or NOT: Political parties
Value 26449 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 1594 |
2 | tend not to trust | 9160 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1268 |
9 | NA | 102 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.10 Trust or NOT: Big companies
Value 27448 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 3315 |
2 | tend not to trust | 6386 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2315 |
9 | NA | 108 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.11 Trust or NOT: The [COUNTRY] government
Value 28447 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 4097 |
2 | tend not to trust | 7009 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 936 |
9 | NA | 82 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.12 Trust or NOT: The [COUNTRY] parliament
Value 29446 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 3531 |
2 | tend not to trust | 7524 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 987 |
9 | NA | 82 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.13 Trust or NOT: The European Union
Value 30445 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 6072 |
2 | tend not to trust | 3651 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2340 |
9 | NA | 61 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.14 Trust or NOT: The United Nations
Value 31444 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 6148 |
2 | tend not to trust | 3281 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2607 |
9 | NA | 88 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q7.15 Trust or NOT: Charitable or voluntary organizations
Value 32443 | Frequency | |
1 | tend to trust | 5932 |
2 | tend not to trust | 3796 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2297 |
9 | NA | 99 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q8 EU membership - good/bad
Value 33442 | Frequency | |
1 | a good thing | 5957 |
2 | a bad thing | 1613 |
3 | neither good nor bad | 3685 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 847 |
9 | NA | 22 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q9 EU membership - country advantages
Value 34441 | Frequency | |
1 | yes, it will | 7185 |
2 | no, it will not | 2958 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1938 |
9 | NA | 43 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q10 Image of the European Union
Value 35440 | Frequency | |
1 | very negative | 450 |
2 | fairly negative | 1635 |
3 | neutral | 3796 |
4 | fairly positive | 4293 |
5 | very positive | 1475 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 449 |
9 | NA | 26 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q11.1 EU means personally - PEACE
Value 36439 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 6368 |
1 | Mentioned | 5167 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 523 |
9 | NA | 66 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.2 EU means personally - ECONOMIC PROSPERITY
Value 37438 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 6840 |
1 | Mentioned | 4699 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 519 |
9 | NA | 66 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.3 EU means personally - DEMOCRACY
Value 38437 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 7032 |
1 | Mentioned | 4496 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 529 |
9 | NA | 67 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.4 EU means personally - SOCIAL PROTECTION
Value 39436 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 7632 |
1 | Mentioned | 3902 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 522 |
9 | NA | 68 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Value 40435 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 4089 |
1 | Mentioned | 7446 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 528 |
9 | NA | 61 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.6 EU means personally - CULTURAL DIVERSITY
Value 41434 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 7205 |
1 | Mentioned | 4320 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 533 |
9 | NA | 66 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.7 EU means personally - STRONGER SAY IN THE WORLD
Value 42433 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 8064 |
1 | Mentioned | 3442 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 543 |
9 | NA | 75 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.8 EU means personally - EURO
Value 43432 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 6024 |
1 | Mentioned | 5495 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 538 |
9 | NA | 67 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.9 EU means personally - UNEMPLOYMENT
Value 44431 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 8775 |
1 | Mentioned | 2745 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 533 |
9 | NA | 71 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.10 EU means personally - BUREAUCRACY
Value 45430 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 8822 |
1 | Mentioned | 2663 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 567 |
9 | NA | 72 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.11 EU means personally - WASTE OF MONEY
Value 46429 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 9327 |
1 | Mentioned | 2167 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 558 |
9 | NA | 72 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.12 EU means personally - LOSS OF OUR CULTURAL IDENTITY
Value 47428 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 9531 |
1 | Mentioned | 1991 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 528 |
9 | NA | 74 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.13 EU means personally - MORE CRIME
Value 48427 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 8813 |
1 | Mentioned | 2701 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 539 |
9 | NA | 71 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Value 49426 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 9434 |
1 | Mentioned | 2074 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 547 |
9 | NA | 69 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q11.15 EU means personally - OTHER (SPONTANEOUS)
Value 50425 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11222 |
1 | Mentioned | 240 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 518 |
9 | NA | 144 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q12.1 Agree or Not - I will be safer because (COUNTRY) will be a member of the EU
Value 51424 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 6722 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 3598 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1750 |
9 | NA | 54 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q12.2 Agree or Not - We will be more stable economically because (COUNTRY) will be a member of the EU
Value 52423 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 6892 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 3342 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1839 |
9 | NA | 51 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q12.3 Agree or Not - We will be more stable politically because (COUNTRY) will be a member of the EU
Value 53422 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 6677 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 3292 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2082 |
9 | NA | 73 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q12.4 Agree or Not - My voice will count in the EU
Value 54421 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 3159 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 6712 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2166 |
9 | NA | 87 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q12.5 Agree or Not - I understand how the EU works
Value 55420 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 4756 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 4945 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2308 |
9 | NA | 115 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q12.6 Agree or Not - (COUNTRY)s voice will count in the EU
Value 56419 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 5643 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 4280 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2112 |
9 | NA | 89 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q12.7 Agree or Not - (COUNTRY) will become more influential in the EU in the future
Value 57418 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 5360 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 4256 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2435 |
9 | NA | 73 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q12.8 Agree or Not - The biggest countries have the most power in the EU
Value 58417 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 8953 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1527 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1568 |
9 | NA | 76 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q13A Current speed of BUILDING EU
Value 59416 | Frequency | |
1 | stands still | 355 |
2 | 2 | 682 |
3 | 3 | 1818 |
4 | 4 | 2838 |
5 | 5 | 2325 |
6 | 6 | 1123 |
7 | run as fast as possible | 1602 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1326 |
9 | NA | 55 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q13B Desired speed of BUILDING EU
Value 60415 | Frequency | |
1 | stands still | 450 |
2 | 2 | 417 |
3 | 3 | 835 |
4 | 4 | 1663 |
5 | 5 | 2263 |
6 | 6 | 1974 |
7 | run as fast as possible | 2889 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1528 |
9 | NA | 105 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q14A EU role in your daily life in 5 Years - expectation
Value 61414 | Frequency | |
1 | more important | 6048 |
2 | less important | 941 |
3 | same role | 3833 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1274 |
9 | NA | 28 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q14B EU role in your daily life in 5 Years - preference
Value 62413 | Frequency | |
1 | more important | 6744 |
2 | less important | 1151 |
3 | same role | 2978 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1182 |
9 | NA | 69 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.1 Fears: A loss of power for smaller member states
Value 63412 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 5146 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 5601 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1332 |
9 | NA | 45 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.2 Fears: An increase in drug trafficking and international organized crime
Value 64411 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 7025 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 4105 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 937 |
9 | NA | 57 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.3 Fears: Our language being used less and less
Value 65410 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 4200 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 7132 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 723 |
9 | NA | 69 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.4 Fears: COUNTRY paying more and more to the EU
Value 66409 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 5824 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 4282 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1944 |
9 | NA | 74 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.5 Fears: The loss of social benefits
Value 67408 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 3639 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 6674 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1739 |
9 | NA | 72 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.6 Fears: The loss of national identity and culture
Value 68407 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 3755 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 7248 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1047 |
9 | NA | 74 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.7 Fears: Economic Crisis
Value 69406 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 4449 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 5907 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1689 |
9 | NA | 79 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.8 Fears: The transfer of jobs to countries which have lower production costs
Value 70405 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 4943 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 3109 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1009 |
9 | NA | 3063 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.9 Fears: More difficulties for [NATIONALITY] farmers
Value 71404 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 6907 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 3826 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1322 |
9 | NA | 69 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q15.10 Fears: The end of [NATIONAL CURRENCY]
Value 72403 | Frequency | |
1 | Currently afraid of it | 5280 |
2 | Not currently afraid of it | 5842 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 926 |
9 | NA | 76 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q16 How much do you feel you know about the EU, its policies, its institutions?
Value 73402 | Frequency | |
0 | DK / no opinion | 0 |
1 | Knows nothing at all | 942 |
2 | 2 | 1490 |
3 | 3 | 2192 |
4 | 4 | 1859 |
5 | 5 | 2319 |
6 | 6 | 1245 |
7 | 7 | 944 |
8 | 8 | 555 |
9 | 9 | 182 |
10 | Knows a great deal | 155 |
98 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 192 |
99 | NA | 49 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 99
Q17 How well informed do you feel about the enlargement, that IN MAY new countries joining the EU?
Value 74401 | Frequency | |
1 | Not at all informed | 1574 |
2 | Not very well informed | 5836 |
3 | Well informed | 4016 |
4 | Very well informed | 451 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 224 |
9 | NA | 23 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q17B And how well informed do you feel about [COUNTRY]’s accession process IN MAY? Do you feel...?
Value 75400 | Frequency | |
0 | INAP - COUNTRY EQ 1 10 13 | 3019 |
1 | Not at all informed | 633 |
2 | Not very well informed | 3629 |
3 | Well informed | 3998 |
4 | Very well informed | 702 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 126 |
9 | NA | 17 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q18.1 True or False - The EU consists of 12 member states
Value 76399 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 5538 |
2 | False | 3432 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3091 |
9 | NA | 63 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.2 True or False - The European Community was created after WW1
Value 77398 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 2796 |
2 | False | 3855 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 5373 |
9 | NA | 100 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.3 True or False - The European flag is blue with yellow stars
Value 78397 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 10145 |
2 | False | 352 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1558 |
9 | NA | 69 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.4 True or False - There a star for each country on the European flag
Value 79396 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 7644 |
2 | False | 1744 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2658 |
9 | NA | 78 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.5 True or False - The HQs of the EU are in Strasbourg
Value 80395 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 5625 |
2 | False | 3120 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3294 |
9 | NA | 85 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.6 True or False - The members of the EP are directly elected by the citizens of the EU
Value 81394 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 5278 |
2 | False | 2045 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 4698 |
9 | NA | 103 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.7 True or False - There is a President of the EU elected directly the citizens of EU
Value 82393 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 2403 |
2 | False | 4079 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 5520 |
9 | NA | 122 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.8 True or False - The EU has its own anthem
Value 83392 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 4629 |
2 | False | 2318 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 5074 |
9 | NA | 103 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.9 True or False - Each year, there is a Europe Day in all theEU members
Value 84391 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 4794 |
2 | False | 1270 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 5952 |
9 | NA | 108 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q18.10 True or False - The next elections to the EP will take place in June 2006
Value 85390 | Frequency | |
1 | True | 2817 |
2 | False | 2326 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 6869 |
9 | NA | 112 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q19.1 EU information sources - Meetings
Value 86389 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11066 |
1 | Mentioned | 751 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 208 |
9 | NA | 99 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.2 EU information sources - Discussions with relatives, friends
Value 87388 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 7781 |
1 | Mentioned | 4054 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 203 |
9 | NA | 86 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.3 EU information sources - Daily newspapers
Value 88387 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 5842 |
1 | Mentioned | 6004 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 199 |
9 | NA | 79 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.4 EU information sources - Other newspapers, magazines
Value 89386 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 7987 |
1 | Mentioned | 3853 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 200 |
9 | NA | 84 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.5 EU information sources - Television
Value 90385 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 2376 |
1 | Mentioned | 9480 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 197 |
9 | NA | 71 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.6 EU information sources - Radio
Value 91384 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 5951 |
1 | Mentioned | 5896 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 199 |
9 | NA | 78 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.7 EU information sources - The Internet
Value 92383 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 9876 |
1 | Mentioned | 1967 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 199 |
9 | NA | 82 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.8 EU information sources - Books, brochures, information leaflets
Value 93382 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 10205 |
1 | Mentioned | 1635 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 201 |
9 | NA | 83 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.9 EU information sources - CD-Rom
Value 94381 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11627 |
1 | Mentioned | 200 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 208 |
9 | NA | 89 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.10 EU information sources - EU information offices, Euro-info Centres
Value 95380 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11430 |
1 | Mentioned | 398 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 212 |
9 | NA | 84 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.11 EU information sources - National or regional government information offices
Value 96379 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11611 |
1 | Mentioned | 221 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 209 |
9 | NA | 83 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.12 EU information sources - Trade unions or professional associations
Value 97378 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11648 |
1 | Mentioned | 189 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 205 |
9 | NA | 82 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.13 EU information sources - Other organisations
Value 98377 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11597 |
1 | Mentioned | 240 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 206 |
9 | NA | 81 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.14 EU information sources - A member of the EP
Value 99376 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11665 |
1 | Mentioned | 165 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 211 |
9 | NA | 83 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.15 EU information sources - Other politicians
Value 100375 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11391 |
1 | Mentioned | 445 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 206 |
9 | NA | 82 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.16 EU information sources - Other
Value 101374 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11659 |
1 | Mentioned | 164 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 202 |
9 | NA | 99 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q19.17 EU information sources - Not interested
Value 102373 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 10500 |
1 | Mentioned | 1363 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 195 |
9 | NA | 66 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q20 Amount of Appearance of EU in the NATIONAL media
Value 103372 | Frequency | |
1 | Too much | 1938 |
2 | About the right amount | 5456 |
3 | Too little | 3591 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1104 |
9 | NA | 35 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q21 Adjudication of EU in the NATIONAL media
Value 104371 | Frequency | |
1 | Too positively | 4819 |
2 | Objectively | 4742 |
3 | Too negatively | 590 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1914 |
9 | NA | 59 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.1 Awareness: The European Parliament
Value 105370 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 10392 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 1376 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 304 |
9 | NA | 52 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.1 Plays important role: The European Parliament
Value 106369 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 9178 |
2 | Does not play important role | 418 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2309 |
9 | NA | 219 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.1 Trust: The European Parliament
Value 107368 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 6673 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1672 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3457 |
9 | NA | 322 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.2 Awareness: The European Commission
Value 108367 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 9072 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 2491 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 500 |
9 | NA | 61 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.2 Plays important role: The European Commission
Value 109366 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 8064 |
2 | Does not play important role | 571 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3157 |
9 | NA | 332 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.2 Trust: The European Commission
Value 110365 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 5877 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1677 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 4124 |
9 | NA | 446 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.3 Awareness: The Council of Ministers of the European Union
Value 111364 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 7084 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 4206 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 761 |
9 | NA | 73 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.3 Plays important role: The Council of Ministers of the European Union
Value 112363 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 6586 |
2 | Does not play important role | 784 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 4203 |
9 | NA | 551 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.3 Trust: The Council of Ministers of the European Union
Value 113362 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 4601 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1786 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 5066 |
9 | NA | 671 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.4 Awareness: The Court of Justice of the European Communities
Value 114361 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 7287 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 4051 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 716 |
9 | NA | 70 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.4 Plays important role: The Court of Justice of the European Communities
Value 115360 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 6722 |
2 | Does not play important role | 772 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 4054 |
9 | NA | 576 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.4 Trust: The Court of Justice of the European Communities
Value 116359 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 5451 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1304 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 4662 |
9 | NA | 707 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.5 Awareness: The European Ombudsman
Value 117358 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 5157 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 5951 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 938 |
9 | NA | 78 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.5 Plays important role: The European Ombudsman
Value 118357 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 4623 |
2 | Does not play important role | 1269 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 5711 |
9 | NA | 521 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.5 Trust: The European Ombudsman
Value 119356 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 3738 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1568 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 6170 |
9 | NA | 648 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.6 Awareness: The European Central Bank
Value 120355 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 7475 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 3877 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 694 |
9 | NA | 78 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.6 Plays important role: The European Central Bank
Value 121354 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 6844 |
2 | Does not play important role | 661 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 4018 |
9 | NA | 601 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.6 Trust: The European Central Bank
Value 122353 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 4880 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1517 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 5007 |
9 | NA | 720 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.7 Awareness: The European Court of Auditors
Value 123352 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 3820 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 7164 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1047 |
9 | NA | 93 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.7 Plays important role: The European Court of Auditors
Value 124351 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 3936 |
2 | Does not play important role | 1105 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 6276 |
9 | NA | 807 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.7 Trust: The European Court of Auditors
Value 125350 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 2884 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1462 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 6838 |
9 | NA | 940 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.8 Awareness: The Committee of the Regions of the European Union
Value 126349 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 3514 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 7404 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1120 |
9 | NA | 86 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.8 Plays important role: The Committee of the Regions of the European Union
Value 127348 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 3686 |
2 | Does not play important role | 1158 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 6259 |
9 | NA | 1021 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.8 Trust: The Committee of the Regions of the European Union
Value 128347 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 2751 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1470 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 6768 |
9 | NA | 1135 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q22.9 Awareness: The Social and Economic Committee of the European Union
Value 129346 | Frequency | |
1 | Have heard of | 4084 |
2 | Haven’t heard of | 6908 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1049 |
9 | NA | 83 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q23.9 Plays important role: The Social and Economic Committee of the European Union
Value 130345 | Frequency | |
1 | Plays important role | 4168 |
2 | Does not play important role | 965 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 5951 |
9 | NA | 1040 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q24.9 Trust: The Social and Economic Committee of the European Union
Value 131344 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to trust | 3102 |
2 | Tend not to trust | 1380 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 6480 |
9 | NA | 1162 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q27.1 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Crime
Value 132343 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 8555 |
1 | mentioned | 3268 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 137 |
9 | NA | 164 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.2 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Public transports
Value 133342 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11622 |
1 | mentioned | 168 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 138 |
9 | NA | 196 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.3 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Economic Situation
Value 134341 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 7468 |
1 | mentioned | 4379 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 134 |
9 | NA | 143 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.4 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Rising prices/inflation
Value 135340 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 8932 |
1 | mentioned | 2898 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 136 |
9 | NA | 158 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.5 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Taxation
Value 136339 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 10716 |
1 | mentioned | 1086 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 135 |
9 | NA | 187 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.6 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Unemployment
Value 137338 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 5782 |
1 | mentioned | 6048 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 129 |
9 | NA | 165 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.7 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Terrorism
Value 138337 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11454 |
1 | mentioned | 351 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 130 |
9 | NA | 189 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.8 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Defence/Foreign affairs
Value 139336 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11654 |
1 | mentioned | 145 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 133 |
9 | NA | 192 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.9 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Housing
Value 140335 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11246 |
1 | mentioned | 551 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 137 |
9 | NA | 190 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.10 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Immigration
Value 141334 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11435 |
1 | mentioned | 363 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 135 |
9 | NA | 191 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.11 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Health care system
Value 142333 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 9601 |
1 | mentioned | 2209 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 134 |
9 | NA | 180 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.12 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - The educational system
Value 143332 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11087 |
1 | mentioned | 715 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 133 |
9 | NA | 189 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.13 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Pensions
Value 144331 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 10486 |
1 | mentioned | 1339 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 132 |
9 | NA | 167 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.14 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Protecting the environment
Value 145330 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11506 |
1 | mentioned | 294 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 131 |
9 | NA | 193 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q27.15 Most important issues [COUNTRY] facing - Other (SPONTANEOUS)
Value 146329 | Frequency | |
0 | not mentioned | 11540 |
1 | mentioned | 227 |
2 | 0 | |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 131 |
9 | NA | 226 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 0 to 9
Q28.1 Role of EU in - Fighting crime
Value 147328 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 6011 |
2 | Negative | 1193 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 3506 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1349 |
9 | NA | 65 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.2 Role of EU in - Public transports
Value 148327 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 3731 |
2 | Negative | 903 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 5577 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1834 |
9 | NA | 79 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.3 Role of EU in - Economic Situation
Value 149326 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 5879 |
2 | Negative | 2293 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 2383 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1480 |
9 | NA | 89 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.4 Role of EU in - Rising prices/inflation
Value 150325 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 2805 |
2 | Negative | 5295 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 2379 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1556 |
9 | NA | 89 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.5 Role of EU in - Taxation
Value 151324 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 2609 |
2 | Negative | 4131 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 3103 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2181 |
9 | NA | 100 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.6 Role of EU in - Fighting unemployment
Value 152323 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 4807 |
2 | Negative | 2552 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 3171 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1507 |
9 | NA | 87 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.7 Role of EU in - Fighting terrorism
Value 153322 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 6756 |
2 | Negative | 1198 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 2562 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1511 |
9 | NA | 97 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.8 Role of EU in - Defence
Value 154321 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 6622 |
2 | Negative | 830 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 2839 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1725 |
9 | NA | 108 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.9 Role of EU in - Foreign affairs
Value 155320 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 6654 |
2 | Negative | 863 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 2484 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2013 |
9 | NA | 110 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.10 Role of EU in - Housing
Value 156319 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 2436 |
2 | Negative | 1981 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 5345 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2263 |
9 | NA | 99 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.11 Role of EU in - Immigration
Value 157318 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 3351 |
2 | Negative | 3324 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 3259 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2084 |
9 | NA | 106 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.12 Role of EU in - Health care system
Value 158317 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 4346 |
2 | Negative | 1890 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 4054 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1735 |
9 | NA | 99 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.13 Role of EU in - The educational system
Value 159316 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 5463 |
2 | Negative | 1363 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 3545 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1650 |
9 | NA | 103 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.14 Role of EU in - Pensions
Value 160315 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 3368 |
2 | Negative | 2296 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 4320 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2039 |
9 | NA | 101 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q28.15 Role of EU in - Protecting the environment
Value 161314 | Frequency | |
1 | Positive | 6858 |
2 | Negative | 905 |
3 | Neither positive nor negative | 2599 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1663 |
9 | NA | 99 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.1 For or against - European Monetary Union with one single currency
Value 162313 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 7577 |
2 | Against | 3040 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1428 |
9 | NA | 79 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.2 For or against - one common foreign policy
Value 163312 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 8228 |
2 | Against | 1748 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2050 |
9 | NA | 98 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.3 For or against - common defence and security policy
Value 164311 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 9259 |
2 | Against | 1109 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1648 |
9 | NA | 108 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.4 For or against - enlargement of the EU in MAY
Value 165310 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 8549 |
2 | Against | 1304 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2154 |
9 | NA | 117 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.5 For or against - further enlargement of the EU to include other countries
Value 166309 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 7527 |
2 | Against | 1688 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2779 |
9 | NA | 130 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.6 For or against - A constitution for the EU
Value 167308 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 7568 |
2 | Against | 1307 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3110 |
9 | NA | 139 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.7 For or against - the EC commissioners coming from each of the member states
Value 168307 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 8880 |
2 | Against | 645 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2475 |
9 | NA | 124 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.8 For or against - the speed of building Europe being faster in some of countries than in the others
Value 169306 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 4528 |
2 | Against | 3685 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3752 |
9 | NA | 159 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q29.9 For or against - teaching school children about the way EU institutions work
Value 170305 | Frequency | |
1 | For | 9227 |
2 | Against | 984 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1795 |
9 | NA | 118 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.1 Agree ot not - The EU should have a rapid military reaction force
Value 171304 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 8532 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1788 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1670 |
9 | NA | 134 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.2 Agree ot not - When an international crisis occurs, EU member states should agree a common position
Value 172303 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 9728 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 829 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1403 |
9 | NA | 164 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.3 Agree ot not - The EU should have its own Foreign Minister, who can be the spokesperson for a common EU position
Value 173302 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 7973 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1568 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2421 |
9 | NA | 162 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.4 Agree ot not - The EU should have its own seat on the United Nations Security Council
Value 174301 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 8056 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1289 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2624 |
9 | NA | 155 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.5 Agree ot not - Member states which have opted for neutrality should have a say in EU foreign policy
Value 175300 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 6234 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 2766 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2961 |
9 | NA | 163 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.6 Agree ot not - EU foreign policy should be independent of United States foreign policy
Value 176299 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 9103 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1055 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1809 |
9 | NA | 157 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.7 Agree ot not - The EU should guarantee Human Rights in each member state
Value 177298 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 9252 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 975 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1744 |
9 | NA | 153 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.8 Agree ot not - The EU should work to guarantee Human Rights around the world
Value 178297 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 8002 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1826 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2135 |
9 | NA | 161 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.9 Agree ot not - The EU should have a common immigration policy towards people from outside the EU
Value 179296 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 8005 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1683 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2276 |
9 | NA | 160 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q30.10 Agree ot not - The EU should have a common asylum policy towards asylum seekers
Value 180295 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 8233 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1556 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2176 |
9 | NA | 159 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q31 In your opinion, should decisions concerning European defence policy be taken by national government, NATO or EU?
Value 181294 | Frequency | |
1 | National governments | 2863 |
2 | NATO | 1538 |
3 | The European Union | 5953 |
4 | Other (spontaneous) | 102 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1598 |
9 | NA | 70 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q32 The presidency of the Council is taken by each country in turn, for a period of six months. Do you think that…?
Value 182293 | Frequency | |
1 | the six-month period should be retained | 4579 |
2 | the period of the Presidency should be extended | 4971 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2491 |
9 | NA | 83 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q33 Opinion about the right of veto
Value 183292 | Frequency | |
1 | be retained as it is in order to preserve essential national | 6021 |
2 | be limited to a very few essential areas | 2250 |
3 | be given up for all decisions in order to make the EU more e | 1221 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 2540 |
9 | NA | 92 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q34 Preferred voting method within the EU Council of Ministers
Value 184291 | Frequency | |
1 | Each member state should have one vote | 7113 |
2 | number of votes state should be proportional to population | 2987 |
3 | Another solution | 394 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 1542 |
9 | NA | 88 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q35 On which of the following most of the EU budget is spent?
Value 185290 | Frequency | |
1 | Employment and social affairs | 1844 |
2 | Agriculture | 1700 |
3 | Scientific research | 707 |
4 | Regional aid | 1035 |
5 | Foreign policy and aid to countries outside the EU | 1622 |
6 | Administrative and personnel costs, buildings | 1854 |
7 | Other | 136 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3148 |
9 | NA | 78 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q36.1 Agree or NOT - Overall, globalisation is a good thing for (COUNTRY)
Value 186289 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 4350 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 3725 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3896 |
9 | NA | 153 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q36.2 Agree or NOT - Overall, globalisation is a good thing for me
Value 187288 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 3153 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 4291 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 4485 |
9 | NA | 195 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q36.3 Agree or NOT - Globalisation leads to power being concentrated in large companies, at the expense of others
Value 188287 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 6199 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 1815 |
8 | DK / no opinion (spontaneous) | 3912 |
9 | NA | 198 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12124 | 0 |
Valid range from 1 to 9
Q36.4 Agree or NOT - Globalisation increases global environmental problems
Value 189286 | Frequency | |
1 | Tend to agree | 5409 |
2 | Tend to disagree | 2372 |