Evrobarometer držav kandidatk, 2003.3; junij - julij 2003

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • Evropska komisija, Generalni direktorat za tisk in komunikacije
  • Soufflot de Magny, Renaudo
Data file producer:
GALLUP - GALLUP Organization Hungary, Budimpešta / GALLUP Europe, Bruselj (Budimpešta, Madžarska, Bruselj, Belgija; julij 2003)

Funding agency:

Evropska komisija, Generalni direktorat za tisk in komunikacije

Project number:

no information

  • CCEB/Evrobarometer držav kandidatk

    Serija raziskav "Evrobarometer držav kandidatk" (CCEB) je bila prvič izvedena oktobra leta 2001 v državah, ki prosijo za članstvo v EU. Metodologija izvedbe ankete je sorodna uveljavljenemu "Evrobarometru", ki se izvaja v državah članicah EU. CCEB omogoča tako odločevalcem kot državljanom EU vpogled v javnomnenjske podobnosti in razlike med EU in državami kandidatkami. Raziskava CCEB vsebuje jedro stalnih vprašanj o podpori članstvu države v EU in odnos do evropskih zadev v državah kandidatkah. Serija je izvedena med 11. oktobrom in 8. novembrom leta 2003 v 13 državah kandidatkah: Bolgariji, Cipru (do konca leta 2002 se v severnem delu Cipra izvaja ločena, paralelna raziskava), Češki, Estoniji, Madžarski, Latviji, Litvi, Malti, Poljski, Romuniji, Slovaški, Sloveniji in Turčiji. Po štiriletnem premoru CCEB nadomešča nekdanji "CEEB". Anketirance vprašujejo o: pričakovanjih in zadovoljstvu z življenjem, politični participaciji, zaupanju v institucije, nacionalni in evropski identiteti, mednarodnih grožnjah, zadovoljstvu z demokracijo, evropski valuti, evropskih volitvah, korupciji v EU in zaupanju v javnomnenjske raziskave. Vsaka raziskava se izvaja na nacionalnem reprezentativnem vzorcu 1000 respondentov, starejših od 15 let, razen na Malti in Cipru, kjer sta vzorca sestavljena iz 500 respondentov, na način osebnega anketiranja z obiskom na domu.

Study Content


stališča do EU, podpora evru, podpora širitvi EU, vloga Evropske Unije, skupna zunanja in varnostna politika, podpora odločanju EU o varnostni politiki, podpora državljanov ustanavljanju Evropske vojske, mnenje o tem kdo naj odloča o Evropski obrambni politiki, geo-politične orientacije kandidatk, podpora skupnemu odločanju, problemi priseljevanja in zavetišč, Informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, varnost v Evropi, storitve splošnega interesa

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
POLITIKA - mednarodna politika in organizacije
Topic Classification CERIF
Politične in upravne vede
Topic Classification ADP


Avtorji z raziskavo iščejo in analizirajo dejavnike, ki oblikujejo stališča in zavest prebivalcev držav kandidatk do Evropske Unije. V tej raziskavi respondenti odgovarjajo na vprašanja odnosa do EU, evropskih politik in odločanja, skupne zunanje in varnostne politike, evropskih državljanskih pravic, imigracij in azila, informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, varnosti v Evropi ter storitvah splošnega interesa.


Collection date: 16. junij - 18. julij 2003
Date of production: 2003-07
Country: Bolgarija, Ciper, Češka, Estonija, Latvija, Litva, Madžarska, Malta, Poljska, Romunija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Turčija.
Geographic coverage:

Ozemlje držav.

Unit of analysis:



Ciljna populacija so prebivalci starejši od 15 let, s stalnim bivališčem v sodelujoči državi.


Institucionalizirani prebivalci kot so dijaki in študentje v domovih, osebe na služenju vojaškega roka, osebe na zdravljenju v bolnišnicah in drugi, ki ne živijo na svojem stalnem naslovu.

Data collected by:

Koordinatorja: GALLUP Hungary and GALLUP Europe




Estonija, SAAR POLL 1004 21




Malta, MISCO




Slovenija, CATI D.O.O.


Sampling procedure:

Temeljni vzorčni načrt v državah kandidatkah je večstopenjsko slučajno vzorčenje. V vsaki državi je bilo število vzorčnih enot izbrano z verjetnostjo sorazmerno velikosti populacije (za celotno pokritje države) in gostoti prebivalstva. Vsaka raziskava se izvaja na nacionalnem reprezentativnem vzorcu 1000 respondentov, starejših od 15 let razen na Malti in Cipru, kjer sta vzorca sestavljena iz 500 respondentov.

Mode of data collection:

Osebno anketiranje na terenu z vprašalnikom na papirju.


V vseh državah kandidatkah je bil izveden postopek uteževanja z uporabo robnih in posamičnih uteži. Spremenljivke spol, starost, regija NUTS2, velikost naselja, velikost gospodinjstva in stopnja izobrazbe so bile uporabljene v postopku oblikovanja uteži z namenom približevanja karakteristikam populacije. Za mednarodne uteži znotraj posameznih držav je Gallup uporabil velikost populacije države, podane s strani nacionalnih statističnih uradov. Velikosti posameznih populacij so za postopke uteževanja podane v Tehnični dokumentaciji raziskave.

Access restrictions

Posamezne datoteke iz serije CCEB so proste za uporabo v izobraževalne in raziskovalne namene za slovenske uporabnike. Tuji uporabniki lahko dobijo podatke preko Zentral Archiva, Koeln, Nemčija ali ICPSR, Michigan. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: CCEB033 - Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2003.3; June-July 2003 [datoteka podatkov], 2003

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • number of variables: 434
  • number of units: 12126

Version: marec 2005

Variable list

ZANR ZA Study Number

Value 13 Frequency
3984 12126
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 3984 to 3984


Value 22 Frequency
1 1st Release as of July 7, 2004 0
2 2nd Release as of March 20, 2005 12126
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 2

ID Respondent ID

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0 1 9202 543.289 376.485

Valid range from 1 to 9202

ZANR ZA Study Number

Value 1434 Frequency
3984 12126
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 3984 to 3984


Value 2433 Frequency
1 1st Release as of July 7, 2004 0
2 2nd Release as of March 20, 2005 12126
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 2

ID Respondent ID

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0 1 9202 543.289 376.485

Valid range from 1 to 9202

UNIQID Unique respondent id

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0 10000011 130001000 71941826.482 37446381.462

Valid range from 10000011 to 130001000

COUNTRY Country code

Value 5430 Frequency
1 Bulgaria 1000
2 Cyprus 500
3 Czech Rep. 1000
4 Estonia 1007
5 Hungary 1003
6 Latvia 1004
7 Lithuania 1004
8 Malta 500
9 Poland 1000
10 Romania 1047
11 Slovakia 1061
12 Slovenia 1000
13 Turkey 1000
14 Northern Cyprus 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 14

WEIGHT1 weight calculated for WITHIN country demographic distributions (to be applied in within-country analyses and country comparisons)

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0 0.337 2.825 1 0.627

Valid range from 0.337387876261209 to 2.8252562345

WEIGHT2 weight1 multiplied by the countries weight in the population of the total region (to be applied in CC13 analyses)

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0 0.0196 10.995 1 1.596

Valid range from 0.0196063859209027 to 10.9949388603355


Value 8427 Frequency
0 INAP - not 4 6 in COUNTRY 10115
1 citizen 1598
2 permanent resident 413
9 NA 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q1A In your opinion, in five years’ time, will the European Union play a more important, a less important or the same role in your daily life?

Value 9426 Frequency
1 more important 6058
2 less important 1177
3 same role 3521
8 DK / no opinion 1341
9 refusal/NA 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q2B And in five years’ time, would you like the European Union to play a more important, a less important or the same role in your daily life?

Value 10425 Frequency
1 more important 7455
2 less important 1084
3 same role 2443
8 DK / no opinion 1096
9 refusal/NA 48
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.1 Decision making: defence

Value 11424 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 4032
2 Jointly with the EU 7415
8 DK / no opinion 662
9 refusal/NA 17
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.2 Decision making: protection of the environment

Value 12423 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 3762
2 Jointly with the EU 7780
8 DK / no opinion 563
9 refusal/NA 21
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.3 Decision making: currency

Value 13422 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 3518
2 Jointly with the EU 7813
8 DK / no opinion 767
9 refusal/NA 28
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.4 Decision making: humanitarian aid

Value 14421 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 2622
2 Jointly with the EU 8747
8 DK / no opinion 716
9 refusal/NA 41
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.5 Decision making: health and social welfare

Value 15420 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 4750
2 Jointly with the EU 6841
8 DK / no opinion 515
9 refusal/NA 20
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.6 Decision making: basic rules for broadcasting and press

Value 16419 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 6117
2 Jointly with the EU 4974
8 DK / no opinion 998
9 refusal/NA 37
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.7 Decision making: the fight against poverty, social exclusion

Value 17418 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 3161
2 Jointly with the EU 8429
8 DK / no opinion 508
9 refusal/NA 28
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.8 Decision making: the fight against unemployment

Value 18417 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 3430
2 Jointly with the EU 8256
8 DK / no opinion 411
9 refusal/NA 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.9 Decision making: agriculture and fishing policy

Value 19416 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 4757
2 Jointly with the EU 6515
8 DK / no opinion 819
9 refusal/NA 35
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.10 Decision making: supporting regions which are experiencing economic difficulties

Value 20415 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 2672
2 Jointly with the EU 8690
8 DK / no opinion 725
9 refusal/NA 39
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.11 Decision making: education

Value 21414 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 5056
2 Jointly with the EU 6521
8 DK / no opinion 519
9 refusal/NA 30
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.12 Decision making: scientific and technological research

Value 22413 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 2082
2 Jointly with the EU 9263
8 DK / no opinion 752
9 refusal/NA 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.13 Decision making: information about the European Union, its policies and institutions

Value 23412 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 1860
2 Jointly with the EU 9366
8 DK / no opinion 865
9 refusal/NA 35
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.14 Decision making: foreign policy towards countries outside the European Union

Value 24411 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 2963
2 Jointly with the EU 8166
8 DK / no opinion 959
9 refusal/NA 38
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q3.15 Decision making: cultural policy

Value 25410 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 6908
2 Jointly with the EU 4503
8 DK / no opinion 685
9 refusal/NA 30
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.1 Decision making: immigration policy

Value 26409 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 4638
2 Jointly with the EU 6568
8 DK / no opinion 884
9 refusal/NA 36
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.2 Decision making: rules for political asylum

Value 27408 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 4652
2 Jointly with the EU 6552
8 DK / no opinion 890
9 refusal/NA 32
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.3 Decision making: the fight against organised crime

Value 28407 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 2159
2 Jointly with the EU 9517
8 DK / no opinion 424
9 refusal/NA 26
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.4 Decision making: police

Value 29406 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 6080
2 Jointly with the EU 5502
8 DK / no opinion 525
9 refusal/NA 19
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.5 Decision making: justice

Value 30405 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 5486
2 Jointly with the EU 6050
8 DK / no opinion 564
9 refusal/NA 26
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.6 Decision making: accepting refugees

Value 31404 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 5384
2 Jointly with the EU 5991
8 DK / no opinion 712
9 refusal/NA 39
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.7 Decision making: juvenile crime prevention

Value 32403 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 4893
2 Jointly with the EU 6699
8 DK / no opinion 505
9 refusal/NA 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.8 Decision making: urban crime prevention

Value 33402 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 5472
2 Jointly with the EU 6107
8 DK / no opinion 518
9 refusal/NA 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.9 Decision making: the fight against drugs

Value 34401 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 2068
2 Jointly with the EU 9635
8 DK / no opinion 396
9 refusal/NA 27
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.10 Decision making: the fight against trade in, and exploitation of human beings

Value 35400 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 1550
2 Jointly with the EU 10040
8 DK / no opinion 502
9 refusal/NA 34
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q4.11 Decision making: the fight against international terrorism

Value 36399 Frequency
1 Solely by COUNTRY 1056
2 Jointly with the EU 10600
8 DK / no opinion 437
9 refusal/NA 33
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q5.A For or against - European Monetary Union with one single currency

Value 37398 Frequency
1 For 8433
2 Against 2587
8 DK / no opinion 1081
9 refusal/NA 25
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q5.B For or against - one common foreign policy

Value 38397 Frequency
1 For 8862
2 Against 1801
8 DK / no opinion 1423
9 refusal/NA 40
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q5.C For or against - common defence and security policy

Value 39396 Frequency
1 For 9938
2 Against 1133
8 DK / no opinion 1020
9 refusal/NA 35
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q5.D For or against - enlargement of the EU

Value 40395 Frequency
1 For 9447
2 Against 1236
8 DK / no opinion 1406
9 refusal/NA 37
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q5.E For or against - the EU being responsible for unhandled regional matters

Value 41394 Frequency
1 For 8268
2 Against 1999
8 DK / no opinion 1819
9 refusal/NA 40
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q5.F For or against - the resignation of the President of the European Commission

Value 42393 Frequency
1 For 8499
2 Against 999
8 DK / no opinion 2562
9 refusal/NA 66
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q5.G For or against - taaching school children about the way EU institutions work

Value 43392 Frequency
1 For 10093
2 Against 941
8 DK / no opinion 1054
9 refusal/NA 38
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.A Agree ot not - The EU should have a rapid military reaction force

Value 44391 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 9284
2 Tend to disagree 1633
8 DK / no opinion 1152
9 refusal/NA 57
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.B Agree ot not - When an international crisis occurs, EU member states should agree a common position

Value 45390 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 10187
2 Tend to disagree 958
8 DK / no opinion 927
9 refusal/NA 54
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.C Agree ot not - The EU should have its own Foreign Minister, who can be the spokesperson for a common EU position

Value 46389 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 8242
2 Tend to disagree 1818
8 DK / no opinion 2001
9 refusal/NA 65
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.D Agree ot not - The EU should have its own seat on the United Nations Security Council

Value 47388 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 8839
2 Tend to disagree 1264
8 DK / no opinion 1958
9 refusal/NA 65
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.E Agree ot not - Member states which have opted for neutrality should have a say in EU foreign policy

Value 48387 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 6675
2 Tend to disagree 3174
8 DK / no opinion 2195
9 refusal/NA 82
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.F Agree ot not - Applicant countries of 2004 EU enlargement should already have a say in EU foreign policy

Value 49386 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 8605
2 Tend to disagree 1863
8 DK / no opinion 1605
9 refusal/NA 53
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.G Agree ot not - EU foreign policy should be independent of United States foreign policy

Value 50385 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 9678
2 Tend to disagree 1053
8 DK / no opinion 1325
9 refusal/NA 70
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.H Agree ot not - The EU should guarantee Human Rights in each member state

Value 51384 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 9694
2 Tend to disagree 1098
8 DK / no opinion 1271
9 refusal/NA 63
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.I Agree ot not - The EU should work to guarantee Human Rights around the world

Value 52383 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 8703
2 Tend to disagree 1850
8 DK / no opinion 1500
9 refusal/NA 73
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.J Agree ot not - The EU should have a common immigration policy towards people from outside the EU

Value 53382 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 8532
2 Tend to disagree 1873
8 DK / no opinion 1648
9 refusal/NA 73
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q6.K Agree ot not - The EU should have a common asylum policy towards asylum seekers

Value 54381 Frequency
1 Tend to agree 8751
2 Tend to disagree 1771
8 DK / no opinion 1524
9 refusal/NA 80
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q7 In your opinion, should decisions concerning European defence policy be taken by national government, NATO or EU?

Value 55380 Frequency
1 National governments 2558
2 NATO 1542
3 The European Union 6488
4 Other (spontaneous) 107
8 DK / no opinion 1328
9 refusal/NA 103
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8A.1 Role of the US - peace in the world

Value 56379 Frequency
1 Positive 4070
2 Negative 4570
3 Neither positive nor negative 2607
8 DK / no opinion 840
9 refusal/NA 39
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8A.2 Role of the US - fight against terrorism

Value 57378 Frequency
1 Positive 6204
2 Negative 3109
3 Neither positive nor negative 1992
8 DK / no opinion 785
9 refusal/NA 36
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8A.3 Role of the US - growth of the world economy

Value 58377 Frequency
1 Positive 5594
2 Negative 2573
3 Neither positive nor negative 2606
8 DK / no opinion 1321
9 refusal/NA 32
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8A.4 Role of the US - fight against poverty in the world

Value 59376 Frequency
1 Positive 4333
2 Negative 3342
3 Neither positive nor negative 3191
8 DK / no opinion 1233
9 refusal/NA 27
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8A.5 Role of the US - protection of the environment

Value 60375 Frequency
1 Positive 4370
2 Negative 3408
3 Neither positive nor negative 2758
8 DK / no opinion 1556
9 refusal/NA 34
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8B.1 Role of the EU - peace in the world

Value 61374 Frequency
1 Positive 8636
2 Negative 670
3 Neither positive nor negative 2017
8 DK / no opinion 774
9 refusal/NA 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8B.2 Role of the EU - fight against terrorism

Value 62373 Frequency
1 Positive 8081
2 Negative 817
3 Neither positive nor negative 2257
8 DK / no opinion 936
9 refusal/NA 35
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8B.3 Role of the EU - growth of the world economy

Value 63372 Frequency
1 Positive 8104
2 Negative 754
3 Neither positive nor negative 2033
8 DK / no opinion 1203
9 refusal/NA 32
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8B.4 Role of the EU - fight against poverty in the world

Value 64371 Frequency
1 Positive 7248
2 Negative 993
3 Neither positive nor negative 2637
8 DK / no opinion 1216
9 refusal/NA 32
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q8B.5 Role of the EU - protection of the environment

Value 65370 Frequency
1 Positive 8449
2 Negative 743
3 Neither positive nor negative 1797
8 DK / no opinion 1104
9 refusal/NA 33
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.1 Priority or not - Successful enlargement of the European Union to include new member countries

Value 66369 Frequency
1 Priority 7828
2 Not a priority 3098
8 DK / no opinion 1149
9 refusal/NA 51
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.2 Priority or not - Getting closer to European citizens, by informing them more about the European union, its policies and its institutions

Value 67368 Frequency
1 Priority 8441
2 Not a priority 2554
8 DK / no opinion 1079
9 refusal/NA 52
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.3 Priority or not - Implementing successfully the single European currency, the Euro

Value 68367 Frequency
1 Priority 7262
2 Not a priority 3771
8 DK / no opinion 1038
9 refusal/NA 55
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.4 Priority or not - Fighting poverty and social exclusion

Value 69366 Frequency
1 Priority 10728
2 Not a priority 861
8 DK / no opinion 484
9 refusal/NA 53
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.5 Priority or not - Protecting the environment

Value 70365 Frequency
1 Priority 10027
2 Not a priority 1465
8 DK / no opinion 581
9 refusal/NA 53
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.6 Priority or not - Guaranteeing the quality of food products

Value 71364 Frequency
1 Priority 9499
2 Not a priority 1904
8 DK / no opinion 672
9 refusal/NA 51
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.7 Priority or not - Protecting consumers and guaranteeing the quality of products

Value 72363 Frequency
1 Priority 9178
2 Not a priority 2155
8 DK / no opinion 740
9 refusal/NA 53
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.8 Priority or not - Fighting unemployment

Value 73362 Frequency
1 Priority 10897
2 Not a priority 765
8 DK / no opinion 410
9 refusal/NA 54
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.9 Priority or not - Reforming the institutions of the European Union, and the way they work

Value 74361 Frequency
1 Priority 6162
2 Not a priority 3811
8 DK / no opinion 2077
9 refusal/NA 76
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.10 Priority or not - Fighting organised crime and drug trafficking

Value 75360 Frequency
1 Priority 10653
2 Not a priority 928
8 DK / no opinion 495
9 refusal/NA 50
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.11 Priority or not - Asserting the political and diplomatic importance of the European Union around the world

Value 76359 Frequency
1 Priority 7366
2 Not a priority 3308
8 DK / no opinion 1378
9 refusal/NA 74
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.12 Priority or not - Maintaining peace and security in Europe

Value 77358 Frequency
1 Priority 10835
2 Not a priority 829
8 DK / no opinion 411
9 refusal/NA 51
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.13 Priority or not - Guaranteeing the rights of the individual and the respect for the principles of democracy in Europe

Value 78357 Frequency
1 Priority 9538
2 Not a priority 1668
8 DK / no opinion 858
9 refusal/NA 62
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.14 Priority or not - Fighting terrorism

Value 79356 Frequency
1 Priority 10596
2 Not a priority 961
8 DK / no opinion 514
9 refusal/NA 55
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q9.15 Priority or not - Fighting illegal immigration

Value 80355 Frequency
1 Priority 8721
2 Not a priority 2350
8 DK / no opinion 989
9 refusal/NA 66
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q11.1 Using - Computer

Value 81354 Frequency
1 Uses 4651
2 Does not use 7417
8 DK / no opinion 32
9 refusal/NA 26
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q11.2 Using - The Internet

Value 82353 Frequency
1 Uses 3646
2 Does not use 8414
8 DK / no opinion 39
9 refusal/NA 27
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q11.3 Using - Mobile phone

Value 83352 Frequency
1 Uses 7180
2 Does not use 4891
8 DK / no opinion 36
9 refusal/NA 19
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q11.4 Using - mobile phone with internet access

Value 84351 Frequency
1 Uses 923
2 Does not use 11109
8 DK / no opinion 59
9 refusal/NA 35
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q11.5 Using - Personal Digital Assistant

Value 85350 Frequency
1 Uses 373
2 Does not use 11630
8 DK / no opinion 69
9 refusal/NA 54
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q11.6 Using - TV

Value 86349 Frequency
1 Uses 11810
2 Does not use 287
8 DK / no opinion 8
9 refusal/NA 21
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q11.10 Using - None of these (1-6) (SPONTANEOUS)

Value 87348 Frequency
1 none of these mentioned 183
2 at least one mentioned 11909
8 DK / no opinion 8
9 refusal/NA 26
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q11.7 Using - Cable TV

Value 88347 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.6 316
1 Uses 5349
2 Does not use 6298
8 DK / no opinion 107
9 refusal/NA 56
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q11.8 Using - Satellite TV

Value 89346 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.6 316
1 Uses 2027
2 Does not use 9582
8 DK / no opinion 146
9 refusal/NA 55
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q11.9 Using - Digital TV

Value 90345 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.6 316
1 Uses 489
2 Does not use 11098
8 DK / no opinion 147
9 refusal/NA 76
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.1 Using Internet - at work

Value 91344 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 1649
2 Did not mention 1986
8 DK / no opinion 1
9 refusal/NA 10
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.2 Using Internet - at home, for work purposes

Value 92343 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 1018
2 Did not mention 2614
8 DK / no opinion 2
9 refusal/NA 12
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.3 Using Internet - at home, for other reasons

Value 93342 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 1658
2 Did not mention 1981
8 DK / no opinion 1
9 refusal/NA 6
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.4 Using Internet - at school

Value 94341 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 771
2 Did not mention 2862
8 DK / no opinion 1
9 refusal/NA 12
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.5 Using Internet - at university

Value 95340 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 394
2 Did not mention 3236
8 DK / no opinion 1
9 refusal/NA 15
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.6 Using Internet - in a friend's house

Value 96339 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 730
2 Did not mention 2902
8 DK / no opinion 2
9 refusal/NA 12
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.7 Using Internet - at a public internet access point

Value 97338 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 830
2 Did not mention 2805
8 DK / no opinion 2
9 refusal/NA 9
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.8 Using Internet - in internet cafés/cyber cafés

Value 98337 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 737
2 Did not mention 2894
8 DK / no opinion 2
9 refusal/NA 13
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q12.9 Using Internet - elsewhere (SPONTANEOUS)

Value 99336 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Mentioned 116
2 Did not mention 3496
8 DK / no opinion 4
9 refusal/NA 30
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q13 How often do you usually use the Internet, including e-mail?

Value 100335 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q11.2 8480
1 Every day or nearly every day 1415
2 Several times a week 1133
3 Approximately once a week 662
4 Approximately once a month 256
5 Less often 157
6 other (spontaneous) 5
8 DK / no opinion 10
9 refusal/NA 8
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.1 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - do not know exactly what is it

Value 101334 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1396
2 Did not mention 6487
8 DK / no opinion 427
9 refusal/NA 104
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.2 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - no time

Value 102333 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 793
2 Did not mention 7084
8 DK / no opinion 432
9 refusal/NA 105
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.3 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - no computer at home

Value 103332 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 3820
2 Did not mention 4064
8 DK / no opinion 426
9 refusal/NA 104
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.4 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - no computer at work

Value 104331 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1054
2 Did not mention 6822
8 DK / no opinion 430
9 refusal/NA 108
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.5 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - the internet connection is too expensive

Value 105330 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1891
2 Did not mention 5969
8 DK / no opinion 451
9 refusal/NA 103
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.6 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - computers are too expensive

Value 106329 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 2225
2 Did not mention 5653
8 DK / no opinion 432
9 refusal/NA 104
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.7 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - there is no public internet access

Value 107328 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 617
2 Did not mention 7246
8 DK / no opinion 446
9 refusal/NA 105
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.8 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - internet is too complicated

Value 108327 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1050
2 Did not mention 6807
8 DK / no opinion 452
9 refusal/NA 105
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.9 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - do not know how to use a computer

Value 109326 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 2117
2 Did not mention 5763
8 DK / no opinion 431
9 refusal/NA 103
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.10 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - there are technical barriers

Value 110325 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 596
2 Did not mention 7263
8 DK / no opinion 449
9 refusal/NA 106
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.11 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - the content is not useful

Value 111324 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 561
2 Did not mention 7299
8 DK / no opinion 448
9 refusal/NA 106
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.12 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - the internet is not secure enough

Value 112323 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 198
2 Did not mention 7648
8 DK / no opinion 462
9 refusal/NA 106
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.13 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - there are language barriers

Value 113322 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 691
2 Did not mention 7167
8 DK / no opinion 449
9 refusal/NA 107
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.14 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - problems with service provider

Value 114321 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 163
2 Did not mention 7685
8 DK / no opinion 459
9 refusal/NA 107
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.15 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - other reasons (SPONTANEOUS)

Value 115320 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 534
2 Did not mention 7346
8 DK / no opinion 424
9 refusal/NA 110
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q14.16 Reasons of NOT using the Internet - do not want to, not interested (SPONTANEOUS)

Value 116319 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 2273
2 Did not mention 5597
8 DK / no opinion 423
9 refusal/NA 121
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.1 Would encourage the Internet usage - computer training that meets the needs

Value 117318 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1367
2 Did not mention 6076
8 DK / no opinion 741
9 refusal/NA 230
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.2 Would encourage the Internet usage - free computer training was provided

Value 118317 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 2015
2 Did not mention 5433
8 DK / no opinion 737
9 refusal/NA 229
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.3 Would encourage the Internet usage - computers cost less

Value 119316 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 2547
2 Did not mention 4899
8 DK / no opinion 739
9 refusal/NA 229
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.4 Would encourage the Internet usage - subsidies or tax incentives for computer purchase

Value 120315 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1103
2 Did not mention 6320
8 DK / no opinion 762
9 refusal/NA 229
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.5 Would encourage the Internet usage - less cost of Internet connection

Value 121314 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 2304
2 Did not mention 5133
8 DK / no opinion 748
9 refusal/NA 229
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.6 Would encourage the Internet usage - Internet access points in the near

Value 122313 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 773
2 Did not mention 6666
8 DK / no opinion 746
9 refusal/NA 229
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.7 Would encourage the Internet usage - free public Internet access points

Value 123312 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1428
2 Did not mention 6010
8 DK / no opinion 746
9 refusal/NA 230
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.8 Would encourage the Internet usage - no technical barriers

Value 124311 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 557
2 Did not mention 6866
8 DK / no opinion 760
9 refusal/NA 231
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.9 Would encourage the Internet usage - more easy to find useful information about the Internet

Value 125310 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 687
2 Did not mention 6741
8 DK / no opinion 755
9 refusal/NA 231
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.10 Would encourage the Internet usage - providing useful information for me

Value 126309 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 959
2 Did not mention 6477
8 DK / no opinion 747
9 refusal/NA 231
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.11 Would encourage the Internet usage - more available on-line government/public utilities

Value 127308 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 391
2 Did not mention 7031
8 DK / no opinion 758
9 refusal/NA 234
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.12 Would encourage the Internet usage - more available on-line information about local community

Value 128307 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 417
2 Did not mention 7012
8 DK / no opinion 751
9 refusal/NA 234
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.13 Would encourage the Internet usage - more information available in native language

Value 129306 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 901
2 Did not mention 6533
8 DK / no opinion 747
9 refusal/NA 233
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q15.14 Would encourage the Internet usage - Nothing (SPONTANEOUS)

Value 130305 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 3099
2 Did not mention 4346
8 DK / no opinion 722
9 refusal/NA 247
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.1 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would have more contacts with people

Value 131304 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 2041
2 Did not mention 4949
8 DK / no opinion 1154
9 refusal/NA 270
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.2 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would have less contact with people

Value 132303 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 269
2 Did not mention 6718
8 DK / no opinion 1155
9 refusal/NA 272
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.3 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would feel more integrated in local area

Value 133302 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 994
2 Did not mention 5984
8 DK / no opinion 1164
9 refusal/NA 272
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.4 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would feel less integrated in local area

Value 134301 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 223
2 Did not mention 6754
8 DK / no opinion 1163
9 refusal/NA 274
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.5 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would be better informed about the relevant issues of daily life

Value 135300 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 2519
2 Did not mention 4485
8 DK / no opinion 1139
9 refusal/NA 271
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.6 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would be less informed about the relevant issues of daily life

Value 136299 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 198
2 Did not mention 6802
8 DK / no opinion 1143
9 refusal/NA 271
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.7 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would be easier to use public services

Value 137298 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1672
2 Did not mention 5313
8 DK / no opinion 1158
9 refusal/NA 271
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.8 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would be more difficult to use public services

Value 138297 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 99
2 Did not mention 6878
8 DK / no opinion 1165
9 refusal/NA 272
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.9 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would save money

Value 139296 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 579
2 Did not mention 6386
8 DK / no opinion 1174
9 refusal/NA 275
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.10 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would spend more money

Value 140295 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 990
2 Did not mention 5978
8 DK / no opinion 1174
9 refusal/NA 272
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.11 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would participate in more associations

Value 141294 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 743
2 Did not mention 6211
8 DK / no opinion 1186
9 refusal/NA 274
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.12 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would participate in fewer associations

Value 142293 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 149
2 Did not mention 6805
8 DK / no opinion 1183
9 refusal/NA 277
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.13 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would feel more included in society

Value 143292 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 1589
2 Did not mention 5389
8 DK / no opinion 1164
9 refusal/NA 272
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.14 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - would feel less included in society

Value 144291 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 135
2 Did not mention 6841
8 DK / no opinion 1165
9 refusal/NA 273
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.15 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - others (SPONTANEOUS)

Value 145290 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 273
2 Did not mention 6758
8 DK / no opinion 1102
9 refusal/NA 281
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q16.16 Preceived changes in daily life using Internet - Internet would not change the daily life (SPONTANEOUS)

Value 146289 Frequency
0 INAP - not 2 in Q11.2 3712
1 Mentioned 3075
2 Did not mention 3979
8 DK / no opinion 1073
9 refusal/NA 287
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q17.1 Reasons of using the Internet - to do the job

Value 147288 Frequency
1 Mentioned 2882
2 Did not mention 8121
8 DK / no opinion 924
9 refusal/NA 199
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.2 Reasons of using the Internet - to get a job or improve the job

Value 148287 Frequency
1 Mentioned 2443
2 Did not mention 8565
8 DK / no opinion 916
9 refusal/NA 202
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.3 Reasons of using the Internet - to search for and/or use educational and learning material

Value 149286 Frequency
1 Mentioned 3722
2 Did not mention 7297
8 DK / no opinion 915
9 refusal/NA 192
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.4 Reasons of using the Internet - to sell / buy or find information on products and services

Value 150285 Frequency
1 Mentioned 2509
2 Did not mention 8503
8 DK / no opinion 918
9 refusal/NA 196
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.5 Reasons of using the Internet - to get other information or free services, including tourism

Value 151284 Frequency
1 Mentioned 3358
2 Did not mention 7662
8 DK / no opinion 909
9 refusal/NA 197
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.6 Reasons of using the Internet - to read or listen to the news

Value 152283 Frequency
1 Mentioned 4059
2 Did not mention 6965
8 DK / no opinion 907
9 refusal/NA 195
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.7 Reasons of using the Internet - to access cultural sites

Value 153282 Frequency
1 Mentioned 2671
2 Did not mention 8339
8 DK / no opinion 913
9 refusal/NA 203
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.8 Reasons of using the Internet - to access local or national administration or public utilities

Value 154281 Frequency
1 Mentioned 2136
2 Did not mention 8868
8 DK / no opinion 923
9 refusal/NA 199
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.9 Reasons of using the Internet - to access health information and services

Value 155280 Frequency
1 Mentioned 2625
2 Did not mention 8379
8 DK / no opinion 920
9 refusal/NA 202
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.10 Reasons of using the Internet - to contact family and friends

Value 156279 Frequency
1 Mentioned 3532
2 Did not mention 7477
8 DK / no opinion 918
9 refusal/NA 199
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.11 Reasons of using the Internet - to get in contact with new people, chatrooms, forums

Value 157278 Frequency
1 Mentioned 2265
2 Did not mention 8744
8 DK / no opinion 920
9 refusal/NA 197
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.12 Reasons of using the Internet - leisure activities, games

Value 158277 Frequency
1 Mentioned 3202
2 Did not mention 7818
8 DK / no opinion 912
9 refusal/NA 194
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.13 Reasons of using the Internet - to connect to communities/organisations on-line

Value 159276 Frequency
1 Mentioned 1177
2 Did not mention 9812
8 DK / no opinion 931
9 refusal/NA 206
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.14 Reasons of using the Internet - for other Reasons of

Value 160275 Frequency
1 Mentioned 1302
2 Did not mention 9690
8 DK / no opinion 912
9 refusal/NA 222
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q17.15 Reasons of using the Internet - nothing (have no reason)

Value 161274 Frequency
1 Mentioned 2879
2 Did not mention 8059
8 DK / no opinion 890
9 refusal/NA 298
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q18 Participation of computer training

Value 162273 Frequency
1 Mentioned 3932
2 Did not mention 8044
8 DK / no opinion 44
9 refusal/NA 106
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q19.1 Source of computer training - at school

Value 163272 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 1744
2 Did not mention 2179
8 DK / no opinion 4
9 refusal/NA 5
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.2 Source of computer training - at university

Value 164271 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 738
2 Did not mention 3183
8 DK / no opinion 3
9 refusal/NA 8
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.3 Source of computer training - paid for by employer

Value 165270 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 942
2 Did not mention 2979
8 DK / no opinion 4
9 refusal/NA 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.4 Source of computer training - by public employment service

Value 166269 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 211
2 Did not mention 3708
8 DK / no opinion 4
9 refusal/NA 9
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.5 Source of computer training - at a vocational training institute

Value 167268 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 338
2 Did not mention 3581
8 DK / no opinion 4
9 refusal/NA 9
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.6 Source of computer training - in a centre for adult education

Value 168267 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 282
2 Did not mention 3637
8 DK / no opinion 4
9 refusal/NA 9
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.7 Source of computer training - at an other public internet centre

Value 169266 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 146
2 Did not mention 3772
8 DK / no opinion 4
9 refusal/NA 10
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.8 Source of computer training - offered by a private sector training institute

Value 170265 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 329
2 Did not mention 3589
8 DK / no opinion 5
9 refusal/NA 9
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.9 Source of computer training - by family or friends

Value 171264 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 1067
2 Did not mention 2856
8 DK / no opinion 3
9 refusal/NA 6
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.10 Source of computer training - by colleagues at work

Value 172263 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 717
2 Did not mention 3206
8 DK / no opinion 2
9 refusal/NA 7
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q19.11 Source of computer training - other training (SPONTANEOUS)

Value 173262 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1 in Q18 8194
1 Mentioned 133
2 Did not mention 3766
8 DK / no opinion 4
9 refusal/NA 29
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

D7.A Current occupation

Value 174261 Frequency
1 Responsible for ordinary shopping 989
2 Student 1368
3 Unemployed 1057
4 Retired 3354
5 Farmer 266
6 Fisherman 4
7 Professional 94
8 Owner of a shop 400
9 Business proprietors 198
10 Employed professional 393
11 General management 98
12 Middle management 745
13 Employed at desk 700
14 Employed but travelling 331
15 Service job 600
16 Supervisor 77
17 Skilled manual worker 1059
18 Other (unskilled) manual worker, servant 379
99 NA 14
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 99

D7.B Last occupation

Value 175260 Frequency
0 INAP - not 1-5 in D7.A 5358
5 Farmer 148
6 Fisherman 2
7 Professional 34
8 Owner of a shop 68
9 Business proprietors 24
10 Employed professional 179
11 General management 54
12 Middle management 447
13 Employed at desk 507
14 Employed but travelling 231
15 Service job 473
16 Supervisor 146
17 Skilled manual worker 1321
18 Other (unskilled) manual worker, servant 1031
99 NA 245
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 99

Q20 Would you be interested in teleworking, or not?

Value 176259 Frequency
0 INAP - 1 2 4 in D7.A 5711
1 Yes, regularly 257
2 Yes, occasionally 498
3 No, but I would be interested in trying teleworking 1519
4 No, and I would not be interested in trying teleworking 2908
8 DK / no opinion 877
9 refusal/NA 356
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 0 to 9

Q21.1 How much concern about - unemployment

Value 177258 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 7961
2 Some concern 2587
3 Little concern 785
4 No concern 685
8 DK / no opinion 98
9 refusal/NA 10
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.2 How much concern about - customs fraud

Value 178257 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 3802
2 Some concern 3675
3 Little concern 2423
4 No concern 1609
8 DK / no opinion 593
9 refusal/NA 24
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.3 How much concern about - terrorism

Value 179256 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 6627
2 Some concern 3241
3 Little concern 1384
4 No concern 675
8 DK / no opinion 184
9 refusal/NA 15
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.4 How much concern about - cheating the consumer

Value 180255 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 6407
2 Some concern 3739
3 Little concern 1277
4 No concern 462
8 DK / no opinion 227
9 refusal/NA 14
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.5 How much concern about - drug trafficking and usage

Value 181254 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 7882
2 Some concern 2618
3 Little concern 941
4 No concern 488
8 DK / no opinion 184
9 refusal/NA 13
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.6 How much concern about - organised crime

Value 182253 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 7762
2 Some concern 2789
3 Little concern 965
4 No concern 416
8 DK / no opinion 178
9 refusal/NA 16
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.7 How much concern about - authorities abusing citizens' rights

Value 183252 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 6362
2 Some concern 3570
3 Little concern 1329
4 No concern 473
8 DK / no opinion 373
9 refusal/NA 19
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.8 How much concern about - petty crime and urban violence

Value 184251 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 5894
2 Some concern 4263
3 Little concern 1351
4 No concern 397
8 DK / no opinion 205
9 refusal/NA 16
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.9 How much concern about - corruption

Value 185250 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 7335
2 Some concern 3011
3 Little concern 1064
4 No concern 461
8 DK / no opinion 239
9 refusal/NA 16
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12126 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

Q21.10 How much concern about - war

Value 186249 Frequency
1 A lot of concern 6947
2 Some concern 2650
3 Little concern 1476
4 No concern 872