ADP Catalogue

Date of the last change of the catalog: 04.02.2025

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List of studies that were produced by CDK

Study ID Title of the study
DOP14 Delovni odnosi in pogoji raznašalcev časopisov v Sloveniji, 2014
DVNCOV20 Družbene vloge novinarstva med epidemijo COVID-19, 2020: Intervjuji s televizijskimi novinarji in uredniki
MEDJUG20 Novinarstvo v socialistični Jugoslaviji in imaginariji medijev skozi občinstvo, 2020
NOVTEH20 Novinarstvo in nove tehnologije, 2020: Raziskava o spremembah novičarskega dela v digitalni dobi
SLED21 Spremljanje epidemije covid-19: Sledilnik in podatkovna infrastruktura v Sloveniji, 2021
TANJUG17 Novinarstvo tiskovne agencije Tanjug v obdobju socialistične Jugoslavije, 2017
ZAPMED21 Segmentacija nestandardnega zaposlovanja v medijih, 2021
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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |