Vpliv organizacijskega učenja in procesne usmerjenosti na uspešnost poslovanja v malezijskih podjetjih 2005

Osnovne informacije o raziskavi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_PROCMA05_V1
Glavni avtor(ji):
  • Škerlavaj, Miha
Ostali (strokovni) sodelavci:
  • Kimman, Mok
Izdelal datoteko podatkov:
EF - Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (Ljubljana, Slovenija; 2005)

Finančna podpora:

Ekonomska fakulteta

Številka projekta:

ni podatka

  • ORGU/Organizacijsko učenje

    Serija ORGU preučuje organizacijsko učenje v podjetjih. Zajema Slovenijo, Hrvaško, Južno Korejo in Španijo. Teme, ki so zajete v seriji so: organizacijsko učenje, uspešnost poslovanja podjetij, uspešnost poslovanja in organizacijska kultura. Prva raziskava iz te serije je bila narejena leta 2003 v Sloveniji in se je ponovila leta 2004. Preučevala je vpliv informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologij na organizacijsko učenje in uspešnost poslovanja. Leto kasneje sta bili izvedeni dve raziskavi, na Hrvaškem in v Maleziji, ki sta proučevali vpliv organizacijskega učenja in procesne usmerjenosti na uspešnost poslovanja v podjetjih. Zadnji dve raziskavi iz te serije sta bili narejeni leta 2008 v Južni Koreji in Španiji, ukvarjali pa sta se z vplivom organizacijskega učenja in inovacij na uspešnost podjetij.

Vsebina raziskave

Ključne besede:

pridobivanje informacij, kakovost informacij, podajanje informacij, vedenjske spremembe, kognitivne spremembe, procesna usmerjenost, ocena uspešnosti poslovanja

Ključne besede ELSST:

Vsebinska področja CESSDA
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Vodenje podjetij
Vsebinska področja ADP
organizacijsko učenje
organizacijska kultura
uspešnost poslovanja


Namen raziskave je bil raziskati proces organizacijskega učenja (OU) in njegovo povezavo z uspešnostjo poslovanja (UP) ter ugotoviti, kateri indikatorji uspešnosti poslovanja so najbolj pomembni. V ta namen so bili pridobljeni podatki 300-tih malezijskih podjetij, ki zaposlujejo več kot 100 ljudi.


Čas zbiranja podatkov: september 2005 - oktober 2005
Čas izdelave: 2005-09
Država: Malezija
Geografsko pokritje:

ozemlje Malezije

Enota za analizo:



Malezijska podjetja, ki zaposlujejo več kot 100 ljudi.

Izključeni: ni podatka
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil:

Škerlavaj, Miha

Kimman, Mok

Tip vzorca:

Slučajno vzorčenje. Zajet je bil slučajni vzorec 744 podjetij v Maleziji, ki zaposlujejo več kot 100 ljudi.

Način zbiranja podatkov:

Samoizpolnjevalna anketa poslana po pošti.


Brez uteževanja.

Omejitve dostopa

Podatki se izročajo izključno za izobraževalne in raziskovalne namene. Za navedene namene se lahko uporablja podatke s šetstmesečnim zamikom od izvedbe raziskave.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Osnovne informacije o datoteki podatkov

Naslov podatkovne datoteke: PROCMA05 - Vpliv organizacijskega učenja in procesne usmerjenosti na uspešnost poslovanja v malezijskih podjetjih 2005 [datoteka podatkov], 2005

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • število spremenljivk: 93
  • število enot: 300


infacq1 1. Employees in our organization are an extremely important source of information. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

1. Employees in our organization are an extremely important source of information.

Vrednost 13 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 22
2 disagree 26
3 nor disagree nor agree 42
4 agree 132
5 strongly agree 78
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq2 2. Previous decisions are a very useful source of information for current decisions. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

2. Previous decisions are a very useful source of information for current decisions.

Vrednost 22 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 32
2 disagree 54
3 nor disagree nor agree 53
4 agree 128
5 strongly agree 33
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq3 3. New business methods and services are always worth trying even if they may prove risky. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

3. New business methods and services are always worth trying even if they may prove risky.

Vrednost 31 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 21
2 disagree 23
3 nor disagree nor agree 104
4 agree 114
5 strongly agree 38
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq1 1. Employees in our organization are an extremely important source of information. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

1. Employees in our organization are an extremely important source of information.

Vrednost 193 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 22
2 disagree 26
3 nor disagree nor agree 42
4 agree 132
5 strongly agree 78
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq2 2. Previous decisions are a very useful source of information for current decisions. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

2. Previous decisions are a very useful source of information for current decisions.

Vrednost 292 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 32
2 disagree 54
3 nor disagree nor agree 53
4 agree 128
5 strongly agree 33
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq3 3. New business methods and services are always worth trying even if they may prove risky. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

3. New business methods and services are always worth trying even if they may prove risky.

Vrednost 391 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 21
2 disagree 23
3 nor disagree nor agree 104
4 agree 114
5 strongly agree 38
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq4 4. Reports prepared by external experts are an extremely important source of information. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

4. Reports prepared by external experts are an extremely important source of information.

Vrednost 490 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 14
2 disagree 19
3 nor disagree nor agree 106
4 agree 119
5 strongly agree 42
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq5 5. Our organization uses clipping service - regular collection of papers and articles to our interest. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

5. Our organization uses clipping service - regular collection of papers and articles to our interest.

Vrednost 589 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 6
2 disagree 27
3 nor disagree nor agree 102
4 agree 129
5 strongly agree 36
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq6 6. Our competitors are an extremely important source for learning new methods and services. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

6. Our competitors are an extremely important source for learning new methods and services.

Vrednost 688 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 5
2 disagree 7
3 nor disagree nor agree 53
4 agree 164
5 strongly agree 71
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq7 7. Expertise on the industry, products, and services is an extremely important criterion for hiring a new employee. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

7. Expertise on the industry, products, and services is an extremely important criterion for hiring a new employee.

Vrednost 787 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 1
2 disagree 5
3 nor disagree nor agree 77
4 agree 146
5 strongly agree 71
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq8 8. Joint tasks and mergers contribute a great deal of knowledge about industry and economic environment, new methods and services/products. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

8. Joint tasks and mergers contribute a great deal of knowledge about industry and economic environment, new methods and services/products.

Vrednost 886 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 3
2 disagree 5
3 nor disagree nor agree 73
4 agree 146
5 strongly agree 73
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq9 9. Top managers in any important decision seek information or advice from the board of directors or owners (in general). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

9. Top managers in any important decision seek information or advice from the board of directors or owners (in general).

Vrednost 985 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 2
2 disagree 5
3 nor disagree nor agree 63
4 agree 154
5 strongly agree 76
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq10 10. Top managers in any important decision seek information or advice from sources outside the company (hiring experts, contacting top managers of other companies, etc). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

10. Top managers in any important decision seek information or advice from sources outside the company (hiring experts, contacting top managers of other companies, etc).

Vrednost 1084 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 2
2 disagree 6
3 nor disagree nor agree 49
4 agree 163
5 strongly agree 80
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq11 11. Our organization has employees whose job is related to searching for external information. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

11. Our organization has employees whose job is related to searching for external information.

Vrednost 1183 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 5
2 disagree 6
3 nor disagree nor agree 59
4 agree 154
5 strongly agree 76
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq12 12. External sources (reports, consultants, newsletters, etc.) are extremely important for the operations of our organization. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

12. External sources (reports, consultants, newsletters, etc.) are extremely important for the operations of our organization.

Vrednost 1282 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 8
2 disagree 7
3 nor disagree nor agree 79
4 agree 123
5 strongly agree 83
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infacq13 13. In our organization we explicitly reward employees that are a source of quality information. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.

13. In our organization we explicitly reward employees that are a source of quality information.

Vrednost 1381 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 3
2 disagree 3
3 nor disagree nor agree 74
4 agree 142
5 strongly agree 78
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin1 1. … comprehensive (all that we need). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

1. … comprehensive (all that we need).

Vrednost 1480 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 2
2 disagree 4
3 nor disagree nor agree 69
4 agree 139
5 strongly agree 86
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin2 2. … accurate (close enough to actual situation). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

2. … accurate (close enough to actual situation).

Vrednost 1579 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 1
2 disagree 3
3 nor disagree nor agree 63
4 agree 152
5 strongly agree 81
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin3 3. … clear (allow for simple interpretation). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

3. … clear (allow for simple interpretation).

Vrednost 1678 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 2
2 disagree 5
3 nor disagree nor agree 70
4 agree 159
5 strongly agree 64
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin4 4. … applicable (serve certain intent e.g. decision-taking). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

4. … applicable (serve certain intent e.g. decision-taking).

Vrednost 1777 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 7
2 disagree 5
3 nor disagree nor agree 77
4 agree 148
5 strongly agree 63
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin5 5. … concise (there is no information overload). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

5. … concise (there's no information overload).

Vrednost 1876 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 7
2 disagree 4
3 nor disagree nor agree 58
4 agree 167
5 strongly agree 64
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin6 6. … consistent (not in contradiction according to different sources). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

6. … consistent (not in contradiction according to different sources).

Vrednost 1975 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 5
2 disagree 6
3 nor disagree nor agree 67
4 agree 157
5 strongly agree 65
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin7 7. … correct (true). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

7. … correct (true).

Vrednost 2074 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 4
2 disagree 8
3 nor disagree nor agree 90
4 agree 134
5 strongly agree 64
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin8 8. … current (quickly available). A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

8. … current (quickly available).

Vrednost 2173 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 11
2 disagree 5
3 nor disagree nor agree 65
4 agree 161
5 strongly agree 58
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin9 9. Access to the information is simple. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

9. Access to the information is simple.

Vrednost 2272 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 4
2 disagree 5
3 nor disagree nor agree 77
4 agree 147
5 strongly agree 67
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

qualin10 10. Information users in our company can self-adjust format and content of reports. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Information that are available in our company are …

10. Information users in our company can self-adjust format and content of reports.

Vrednost 2371 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 3
2 disagree 7
3 nor disagree nor agree 77
4 agree 153
5 strongly agree 60
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint1 1. Personal contacts A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

1. Personal contacts

Vrednost 2470 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 5
2 disagree 7
3 nor disagree nor agree 84
4 agree 139
5 strongly agree 65
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint2 2. Team meetings A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

2. Team meetings

Vrednost 2569 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 6
2 disagree 3
3 nor disagree nor agree 96
4 agree 136
5 strongly agree 59
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint3 3. Committees as decision-makers A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

3. Committees as decision-makers

Vrednost 2668 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 5
2 disagree 9
3 nor disagree nor agree 72
4 agree 155
5 strongly agree 59
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint4 4. Telephone contacts A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

4. Telephone contacts

Vrednost 2767 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 6
2 disagree 1
3 nor disagree nor agree 76
4 agree 151
5 strongly agree 66
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint5 5. Written memos, notes, letters… A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

5. Written memos, notes, letters…

Vrednost 2866 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 5
2 disagree 5
3 nor disagree nor agree 69
4 agree 163
5 strongly agree 58
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint6 6. Special reports A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

6. Special reports

Vrednost 2965 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 6
2 disagree 10
3 nor disagree nor agree 79
4 agree 152
5 strongly agree 53
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint7 7. Formal chain of command reporting A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

7. Formal chain of command reporting

Vrednost 3064 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 37
2 disagree 13
3 nor disagree nor agree 76
4 agree 130
5 strongly agree 44
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint8 8. Companies intranet as a mean of information interpretation A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

8. Companies intranet as a mean of information interpretation

Vrednost 3163 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 36
2 disagree 14
3 nor disagree nor agree 82
4 agree 117
5 strongly agree 51
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint9 9. Forums (e-chat, e-debates) A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of importance of the following statements about the vehicles for communication between management and the other employees in your organization. For information interpretation following things are important:

9. Forums (e-chat, e-debates)

Vrednost 3262 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 38
2 disagree 11
3 nor disagree nor agree 61
4 agree 142
5 strongly agree 48
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint10 10. The more information the subordinate has the better he/she will perform. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What is your attitude (as a manger) about informing the subordinates in your organization?

10. The more information the subordinate has the better he/she will perform.

Vrednost 3361 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 36
2 disagree 16
3 nor disagree nor agree 67
4 agree 144
5 strongly agree 37
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

infint11 11. Information to a subordinate must always be simple and concise. A:Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What is your attitude (as a manger) about informing the subordinates in your organization?

11. Information to a subordinate must always be simple and concise.

Vrednost 3460 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 36
2 disagree 16
3 nor disagree nor agree 70
4 agree 125
5 strongly agree 53
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc1 1. Adaptability to environmental pressures A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

1. Adaptability to environmental pressures

Vrednost 3559 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 33
2 moderate decline/decrease 8
3 no change 79
4 moderate improvement/increase 127
5 substantial improvement/increase 53
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc2 2. Quality of products / services A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

2. Quality of products / services

Vrednost 3658 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 33
2 moderate decline/decrease 14
3 no change 73
4 moderate improvement/increase 131
5 substantial improvement/increase 49
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc3 3. Number of products / services offered A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

3. Number of products / services offered

Vrednost 3757 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 32
2 moderate decline/decrease 15
3 no change 71
4 moderate improvement/increase 131
5 substantial improvement/increase 51
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc4 4. Technology of operation A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

4. Technology of operation

Vrednost 3856 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 33
2 moderate decline/decrease 15
3 no change 75
4 moderate improvement/increase 131
5 substantial improvement/increase 46
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc5 5. Speed of operations A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

5. Speed of operations

Vrednost 3955 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 34
2 moderate decline/decrease 13
3 no change 76
4 moderate improvement/increase 128
5 substantial improvement/increase 49
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc6 6. Introduction of new marketing approaches A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

6. Introduction of new marketing approaches

Vrednost 4054 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 34
2 moderate decline/decrease 13
3 no change 75
4 moderate improvement/increase 123
5 substantial improvement/increase 55
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc7 7. Average productivity of employees A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

7. Average productivity of employees

Vrednost 4153 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 35
2 moderate decline/decrease 12
3 no change 82
4 moderate improvement/increase 125
5 substantial improvement/increase 46
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc8 8. Satisfaction of employees A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

8. Satisfaction of employees

Vrednost 4252 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 36
2 moderate decline/decrease 12
3 no change 79
4 moderate improvement/increase 128
5 substantial improvement/increase 45
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc9 9. Overall atmosphere A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

9. Overall atmosphere

Vrednost 4351 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 35
2 moderate decline/decrease 15
3 no change 76
4 moderate improvement/increase 129
5 substantial improvement/increase 45
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc10 10. Personal communication between top managers and employees A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

10. Personal communication between top managers and employees

Vrednost 4450 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 36
2 moderate decline/decrease 11
3 no change 66
4 moderate improvement/increase 139
5 substantial improvement/increase 48
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc11 11. Team meetings A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

11. Team meetings' efficiency

Vrednost 4549 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 32
2 moderate decline/decrease 16
3 no change 69
4 moderate improvement/increase 133
5 substantial improvement/increase 50
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc12 12. Employees A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

12. Employees' level of understanding of company's strategic orientation

Vrednost 4648 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 34
2 moderate decline/decrease 11
3 no change 71
4 moderate improvement/increase 121
5 substantial improvement/increase 63
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc13 13. Employee A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

13. Employee's level of understanding of major problems in the company

Vrednost 4747 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 33
2 moderate decline/decrease 13
3 no change 69
4 moderate improvement/increase 139
5 substantial improvement/increase 46
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

bcc14 14. Efficiency of information systems within the company A: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to organizational learning apply to your organization: What has happened to the following in last three years?

14. Efficiency of information systems within the company

Vrednost 4846 Frekvenca
1 substantial decline/decrease 34
2 moderate decline/decrease 11
3 no change 74
4 moderate improvement/increase 132
5 substantial improvement/increase 49
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

procv1 1. The average employee views the business as a series of linked processes. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process view:

1. The average employee views the business as a series of linked processes.

Vrednost 4945 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 34
2 disagree 15
3 nor disagree nor agree 68
4 agree 135
5 strongly agree 48
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

procv2 2. Process terms such as input, output, process, and process owners are used in conversation in the organization. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process view:

2. Process terms such as input, output, process, and process owners are used in conversation in the organization.

Vrednost 5044 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 35
2 disagree 8
3 nor disagree nor agree 88
4 agree 119
5 strongly agree 50
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

procv3 3. Processes within the organization are defined and documented using inputs and outputs to and from our customers. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process view:

3. Processes within the organization are defined and documented using inputs and outputs to and from our customers.

Vrednost 5143 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 21
2 disagree 30
3 nor disagree nor agree 95
4 agree 119
5 strongly agree 35
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

procv4 4. The business processes are sufficiently defined so that most people in the organization know how they work. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process view:

4. The business processes are sufficiently defined so that most people in the organization know how they work.

Vrednost 5242 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 15
2 disagree 23
3 nor disagree nor agree 110
4 agree 120
5 strongly agree 32
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

procv5 5. Business informatization is based on processes (not business functions). B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process view:

5. Business informatization is based on processes (not business functions).

Vrednost 5341 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 8
2 disagree 31
3 nor disagree nor agree 116
4 agree 108
5 strongly agree 37
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

procj1 1. Jobs are usually multidimensional and not just simple tasks. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process jobs:

1. Jobs are usually multidimensional and not just simple tasks.

Vrednost 5440 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 2
2 disagree 11
3 nor disagree nor agree 56
4 agree 154
5 strongly agree 77
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

procj2 2. Employees have enough authority for job related problem-solving. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process jobs:

2. Employees have enough authority for job related problem-solving.

Vrednost 5539 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 4
2 disagree 6
3 nor disagree nor agree 77
4 agree 134
5 strongly agree 79
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

procj3 3. Due to constant changes in processes our employees learn constantly. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process jobs:

3. Due to constant changes in processes our employees learn constantly.

Vrednost 5638 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 4
2 disagree 7
3 nor disagree nor agree 82
4 agree 134
5 strongly agree 73
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

mmproc1 1. Process performance is measured in the organization. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process management and measurement system:

1. Process performance is measured in the organization.

Vrednost 5737 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 1
2 disagree 9
3 nor disagree nor agree 77
4 agree 144
5 strongly agree 69
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

mmproc2 2. Process measurements are defined. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process management and measurement system:

2. Process measurements are defined.

Vrednost 5836 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 5
2 disagree 9
3 nor disagree nor agree 62
4 agree 168
5 strongly agree 56
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

mmproc3 3. Resources are allocated based on process. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process management and measurement system:

3. Resources are allocated based on process.

Vrednost 5935 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 6
2 disagree 13
3 nor disagree nor agree 62
4 agree 147
5 strongly agree 72
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

mmproc4 4. Specific process performance goals are in place. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process management and measurement system:

4. Specific process performance goals are in place.

Vrednost 6034 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 8
2 disagree 8
3 nor disagree nor agree 67
4 agree 160
5 strongly agree 57
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

mmproc5 5. Process outcomes are measured B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process management and measurement system:

5. Process outcomes are measured

Vrednost 6133 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 3
2 disagree 8
3 nor disagree nor agree 87
4 agree 134
5 strongly agree 68
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

mmproc6 6. Quality of process data is monitored and controlled. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process management and measurement system:

6. Quality of process data is monitored and controlled.

Vrednost 6232 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 3
2 disagree 8
3 nor disagree nor agree 81
4 agree 143
5 strongly agree 65
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

mmproc7 7. Information flows and is shared throughout business processes. B: Please estimate to what extent the following statements related to process orienatation apply to your organization: Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement that fits the situation in your company best. Please circle one choice for each of the following statements.Process management and measurement system:

7. Information flows and is shared throughout business processes.

Vrednost 6331 Frekvenca
1 strongly disagree 4
2 disagree 7
3 nor disagree nor agree 65
4 agree 150
5 strongly agree 73
9 do not know 0
Sysmiss 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
299 1 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

fin1 ROA C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

1. Statment 1: Return on assets (ROA, %) in our company is well below the industry average. Statment 2: Return on assets (ROA, %) in our company is well above the industry average.

Vrednost 6430 Frekvenca
1 strongly below industry average 4
2 slightly below industry averagge 8
3 close to industry average 72
4 slightly above industry average 164
5 strongly above industry average 52
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

fin2 valu added per employee C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

2. Statment 1: Value added per employee in our company is well below the industry average. Statment 2: Value added per employee in our company is well above the industry average.

Vrednost 6529 Frekvenca
1 strongly below industry average 4
2 slightly below industry averagge 8
3 close to industry average 87
4 slightly above industry average 136
5 strongly above industry average 65
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefsup1 relationships with suppliers C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

3. Statment 1: Relations with suppliers are very poor and unstable and usually short-term. Statment 2: We consider our relations with suppliers to be excellent because we maintain genuine partnerships with them.

Vrednost 6628 Frekvenca
1 very unstable and short-term 8
2 relativelly unstable and short-term 8
3 average 90
4 good 143
5 excellent 51
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp1 net fluctuation of employees C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

4. Statment 1: The net fluctuation of employees (number of staff replaced due to dissatisfaction with pay, relationships in the workplace and chances for career advances etc - internal reasons) is very high within our company. Statment 2: There are no cases in our company of people leaving for internal reasons.

Vrednost 6727 Frekvenca
1 very high net fluctuation 7
2 high 6
3 average 89
4 low 138
5 very low 60
9 ne vem 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp2 work productivity of employees C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

5. Statment 1: Productivity of employees is much lower than industry average. Statment 2: Productivity of employees is much higher than industry average.

Vrednost 6826 Frekvenca
1 very bad 4
2 bad 12
3 average 82
4 good 143
5 very good 59
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp3 trust into leadership C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

6. Statment 1: Employees' trust into leadership is low. Statment 2: Employees' trust into leadership is high.

Vrednost 6925 Frekvenca
1 very bad 7
2 bad 10
3 average 79
4 good 149
5 very good 54
9 do not know 0
Sysmiss 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
299 1 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp4 employees mutual trust C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

7. Statment 1: Trust among employees themselves is weak. Statment 2: Trust among employees is strong.

Vrednost 7024 Frekvenca
1 very bad 8
2 bad 9
3 average 71
4 good 155
5 very good 57
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp5 work organization of employees C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

8. Statment 1: Work organization is inefficient. Statment 2: Work organization is efficient.

Vrednost 7123 Frekvenca
1 very bad 9
2 bad 12
3 average 88
4 good 133
5 very good 58
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp6 committment of employees C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

9. Statment 1: Employees do not feel special commitment to the organization. Statment 2: Employees feel very committed to the organization.

Vrednost 7222 Frekvenca
1 very bad 9
2 bad 12
3 average 89
4 good 134
5 very good 56
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp7 employees prepared to go extra mile C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

10. Statment 1: Employees are not prepared to go an extra mile for the company. Statment 2: Employees are prepared to go an extra mile for the company.

Vrednost 7321 Frekvenca
1 very bad 8
2 bad 14
3 average 89
4 good 136
5 very good 53
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp8 costs of work C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

11. Statment 1: Work costs per employee are well above the industry average. Statment 2: Work costs per employee are well below the industry average.

Vrednost 7420 Frekvenca
1 very bad 10
2 bad 10
3 average 86
4 good 155
5 very good 39
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp9 absenteeism C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

12. Statment 1: Absenteeism is in our company (relative to competition) very high. Statment 2: Absenteeism is in our company (relative to competition) very low.

Vrednost 7519 Frekvenca
1 very bad 9
2 bad 18
3 average 84
4 good 136
5 very good 53
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp10 satisfaction with work conditions C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

13. Statment 1: Employees are very dissatisfied with the situation within the company. Statment 2: Employees are very satisfied with the situation within the company.

Vrednost 7618 Frekvenca
1 very bad 9
2 bad 13
3 average 80
4 good 149
5 very good 49
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp11 learning ability and adaptability C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

14. Statment 1: Learning ability and adaptability of employees is low (in comparison to competition). Statment 2: Learning ability and adaptability of employees is high (in comparison to competition).

Vrednost 7717 Frekvenca
1 very bad 9
2 bad 12
3 average 86
4 good 146
5 very good 47
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefemp12 risk taking C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

15. Statment 1: Risk-taking within the company is worse than it is by our competitors. Statment 2: Risk-taking within the company is better than it is by our competitors.

Vrednost 7816 Frekvenca
1 very bad 11
2 bad 8
3 average 82
4 good 154
5 very good 44
9 do not know 0
Sysmiss 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
299 1 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefcust1 custumers complaints number C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

16. Statment 1: The number of customer complaints within the last period has increased strongly. Statment 2: The number of customer complaints within the last period has decreased strongly.

Vrednost 7915 Frekvenca
1 very bad 11
2 bad 8
3 average 87
4 good 134
5 very good 59
9 do not know 0
Sysmiss 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
299 1 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefcust2 customper complaints speed of solving C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

17. Statment 1: Speed of dealing with customer complaints (comparatively to competition) is low. Statment 2: We deal with customer complaints faster than our competition.

Vrednost 8014 Frekvenca
1 very bad 9
2 bad 8
3 average 94
4 good 129
5 very good 60
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefcust3 loosing/retaining clients C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

18. Statment 1: We loose existing clients and do not manage to attract new-ones. Statment 2: We retain existing clients and manage to attract new-ones.

Vrednost 8113 Frekvenca
1 very bad 9
2 bad 8
3 average 71
4 good 161
5 very good 51
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

nefcust4 reputation of company in customers eyes C: Please evaluate organizational performance in last three years using following bi-polar scales:

19. Statment 1: Reputation of our company in eyes of the customers has declined. Statment 2: Reputation of our company in eyes of the customers has improved.

Vrednost 8212 Frekvenca
1 very bad 8
2 bad 9
3 average 80
4 good 144
5 very good 59
9 do not know 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

company Company name

Name of the company:

Vrednost 8311 Frekvenca
0 300
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0

typeindu typeindustry

Main industry (circle adequate letter according to SIC):

Vrednost 8410 Frekvenca
1 agricultural product&machinery 6
2 automotive&company part 8
3 building material&related product 15
4 cement&concrete product 4
5 ceramic&tiles 8
6 chemical&adhesive product 14
7 electrical&electronic product 28
8 environment&waste managemt product 15
9 food&beverage 49
10 furniture&wood related product 17
11 giftware&jewellery 11
12 household&appliances 19
13 industrial&engineering product 26
14 iron&steel product 10
15 laboratory equipmt 5
16 packaging, labelling&printing 8
17 pharmaceutical, medical equipmt&cosmetics 10
18 plastic product&resins 9
19 playground equipmt 7
20 rubber product 6
21 shopping product&services 6
22 stationery 8
23 financial institution 3
24 insurance 2
25 inspection, certification & consultancy service 2
26 manufacturing solution 2
27 1
36 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
298 2 1 26

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 26

numbemp average number of employees in 2004

Average number of employees in year 2004:

Vrednost 859 Frekvenca
1 1-49 0
2 50-249 0
3 250-499 0
4 500-999 0
5 1000 in več 0
29 1
31 2
32 2
34 2
35 1
36 4
37 1
38 2
40 2
41 1
42 6
43 4
44 2
45 1
46 2
48 5
50 1
51 2
52 1
54 1
55 1
56 3
58 1
63 1
67 1
68 1
71 1
75 2
76 2
78 3
79 1
89 6
126 2
128 2
129 1
130 1
132 1
133 1
134 3
137 3
139 2
141 2
142 1
143 1
145 3
147 1
148 2
152 1
158 1
163 1
167 1
187 1
213 1
219 1
226 1
230 1
231 1
234 1
235 2
236 3
237 1
238 1
241 1
255 1
256 1
321 2
328 1
340 1
341 1
342 3
348 1
367 1
389 1
390 1
421 2
431 2
432 1
435 1
445 1
452 1
453 1
458 1
459 1
462 1
476 1
512 1
516 2
531 1
534 2
541 2
542 3
543 1
546 1
549 1
552 1
560 1
561 3
564 2
568 1
569 5
578 1
590 1
598 1
617 1
632 1
634 1
641 2
643 1
645 1
647 1
652 1
667 1
670 2
672 3
673 2
678 1
679 1
681 1
683 1
721 1
734 1
741 1
742 1
743 1
749 1
752 1
753 1
754 1
761 1
763 1
765 3
768 1
780 1
781 1
782 4
783 3
784 1
785 2
786 2
792 1
798 1
819 1
821 1
831 1
832 2
842 1
843 1
853 1
861 1
863 1
864 1
867 1
872 1
877 1
878 1
881 1
886 2
890 4
892 2
893 2
894 2
895 2
896 2
897 1
900 1
902 1
908 1
936 1
943 1
956 1
965 2
980 2
1006 1
1035 1
1072 1
1076 1
1078 1
1087 1
1134 1
1143 1
1185 1
1224 1
1278 1
1290 1
1299 1
1324 1
1339 1
1542 1
1564 1
1589 1
1653 1
1789 1
1890 1
1903 1
1980 1
1984 1
2138 1
2313 1
2348 1
2378 1
2467 1
2780 1
3007 1
3421 2
3429 1
3487 1
3560 1
3621 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3621

anureven revenues in 2004

Revenues in 2004:

Vrednost 868 Frekvenca
1 RM 0-RM500,000 0
2 RM500,000- RM 1,000,000 0
3 RM 1,000,000 and above 0
3160 1
4000 3
4093 1
4500 1
4700 1
4940 1
5172.8 1
5308 1
5600 1
5620 1
6075 1
8500 1
8860 1
9500 1
16000 1
19600 1
20000 1
20400 1
20600 1
21000 1
21118.4 1
21300 1
22000 1
22300 1
22943.6 1
23000 1
24000 1
24800 1
25000 1
25300 1
26000 1
26630 1
27000 1
27200 1
28000 1
28560 1
29730.2 1
29800 1
30000 1
34000 1
35000 1
35060 1
36000 1
37780 1
38000 1
39600 1
40000 1
43510.6 1
43720 1
44000 1
44042 1
44300 1
44920 1
45000 2
45100 1
46000 4
46060 1
47820 1
48000 1
48800 1
49750 1
50000 3
51260 1
51567.8 1
52064 1
52250 1
53020 1
54000 1
55500 1
57000 1
57800 1
58000 1
59300 1
60000 1
62000 1
62580 1
65000 1
66000 1
70000 1
84271 1
85872 1
86643 1
89321 1
92742 1
94875 1
100000 1
101000 2
102000 1
104000 1
105000 1
106000 1
106200 1
108000 2
110000 2
111600 1
112000 1
113600 1
114000 1
115000 2
120000 2
121000 1
130000 1
131000 1
131800 1
135000 1
136000 1
143000 1
148000 1
152000 1
156000 1
159000 1
164600 1
172200 1
174000 1
174200 1
178000 1
180000 1
197000 1
198000 1
200000 3
200500 1
205000 1
210000 4
210500 1
210941 1
211300 1
211600 1
215080 1
216000 1
220000 2
220872 1
224000 1
225600 1
226000 1
226200 1
236000 1
240500 1
268000 1
272000 1
273000 1
280692 1
282400 1
300000 2
320000 3
325000 1
342216.4 1
342927 1
350000 2
368000 1
400872 1
401435.8 1
424000 1
437623 1
441936 1
450000 1
454321 1
480000 1
492000 1
500000 9
502000 1
510000 1
514000 1
520000 1
524079 1
550000 1
551800 1
560000 1
572000 1
573241 1
583306.8 1
588400 1
600000 2
617462.6 1
630000 1
632000 1
639800 1
650000 1
674000 1
700000 2
762200 1
768645.8 1
772743 1
814624 1
841283.8 1
843325 1
846334 1
858100.2 1
863472 1
863743 1
872074 1
915890.4 1
926000 1
1000000 1
1200000 1
1204936 1
1243676 1
1280000 1
1346712 1
1365928.2 1
1425000 2
1500000 2
1580000 2
1587000 1
1605000 1
1676200 1
1684600 1
1700000 1
1742000 1
1743600 1
1744000 1
1745000 1
1747400 1
1750000 1
1755000 1
1759000 1
1780900 1
1785000 2
1806000 1
1880400 1
1885000 1
1895000 1
1902513 1
1904000 1
1945000 1
1950000 1
1951800 1
1984000 1
2000000 1
2026180 1
2104000 1
2280313 1
2312000 1
2482800 1
2684052.2 1
2741000 1
3245000 1
3310000 1
3362600 1
3890614 1
3900000 1
3941000 1
3987024 1
4001000 1
4060723 1
4072000 2
4090868 1
4168000 1
4894200 1
4962697.8 1
5485947 1
5720000 1
5941000 1
6741000 1
7509147 1
7644688.6 1
8081000 1
12964539.6 1
13000130 1
13028142 1
58685534 1
66555001.4 1
95682680 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 95682680

pwteduc average work time per education and training

Portion of working time, that employees on average use for education and training:

Vrednost 877 Frekvenca
1 do pod 1 uro na teden 46
2 od 1 do pod 2 uri na teden 73
3 od 2 do pod 3 ure na teden 79
4 od 3 do pod 4 ure na teden 57
5 nad 4 ure tedensko 27
6 nimamo tega podatka 17
7 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
282 18 1 5

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

surname surname of respondent In case that we would need some additional information we would appreciate the data on the person who filled-in this questionnaire.

Your surname:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

name name of respondent In case that we would need some additional information we would appreciate the data on the person who filled-in this questionnaire.

Your name:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

function function of respondent within organization In case that we would need some additional information we would appreciate the data on the person who filled-in this questionnaire.

Your function within the organization:

Vrednost 904 Frekvenca
Accountant 1
Accounts Executive 1
Administration Manager 2
Administrator 2
Assistant Manager 1
Business Development Director 1
Business Development Manager 4
Director 44
Division Manager 1
Engineer 1
Excecutive Director 1
Executive 1
Executive Director 9
Executive Officer 1
Export Director 1
Export Executive 3
Export Manager 1
Finance Director 3
Finance Manager 7
Financial Controller 1
Financial Director 1
General Manager 61
General Mannager 1
General Sales Manager 1
Human Resource Manager 5
Manager 11
Manager Director 1
Managing Director 60
Marketing Director 1
Marketing Executive 2
Marketing Manager 24
Marketing director 1
Operating Officer 4
Operations Director 1
Operations Manager 1
Product Manager 1
Production Engineer 1
Production Manager 1
Production Supervisor 1
Program Manager 1
Purchasing Manager 1
Purchasing Officer 1
Quality Control Manager 1
Quality Director 1
Quality Manager 1
Sales Co-ordinator 1
Sales Executive 1
Sales Manager 22
Technical & QA Manager 1
Trading Manager 1
director 2
jitsin@po.jaring.my 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0

funccode coded function of resondent In case that we would need some additional information we would appreciate the data on the person who filled-in this questionnaire.

Vrednost 913 Frekvenca
FA dir 1
FAdir director of finace and/or accounting 12
HRMdir director of HRM/personell 5
director CEO or director of company 203
infodir director of informatics, CIO 1
marktdir marketing director 58
marktidr 1
other other: lower levels in hierararchy 9
quadir 1
qualdir director of quality 9
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
300 0

email e-mail of respondent In case that we would need some additional information we would appreciate the data on the person who filled-in this questionnaire.

Your e-mail

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

mail respondent postal code In case that we would need some additional information we would appreciate the data on the person who filled-in this questionnaire.

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

Gradiva o izvedbi raziskave

  1. Škerlavaj, Miha (2005). PROCMA05 - Vpliv organizacijskega učenja in procesne usmerjenosti na uspešnost poslovanja v malezijskih podjetjih 2005 [Vprašalnik].

Rezultati raziskave

Ni gradiv povezanih z rezultati raziskave!

Povezane objave

  1. Mok Kim Man, Mandy, Dimovski, Vlado in Škerlavaj, Miha (2007). The organizational learning in Malysian companies.
  2. Dimovski, Vlado et al. (2006). Proces organizacijskega učenja v slovenskih, hrvaških in malezijskih podjetjih.
  3. Dimovski, Vlado et al. (2008). Comparative analysis of the organisational learning process in Slovenia, Croatia, and Malaysia.

Dostop do podatkov in dokumentacije - Nesstar


4 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga spremenljivk s polnim besedilom vprašanj.


8 - teoretsko ali praktično pomembne raziskave, zapolnjujejo raziskovalno praznino ali imajo široko uporabnost za več praktičnih problemov, imajo dolgoročno vrednost za znanost

  Kako citiram to RAZISKAVO?

Škerlavaj, M. (2010). Vpliv organizacijskega učenja in procesne usmerjenosti na uspešnost poslovanja v malezijskih podjetjih 2005 [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: PROCMA05. https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_PROCMA05_V1

Cobiss tip: 2.20
Datum prve podatkovne objave: 2010
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ADP je del Inštituta za družbene vede na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Sredstva za delovanje ADP je zagotovil ARRS v okviru infrastrukturnega programa "Mreža raziskovalnih infrastrukturnih centrov Univerze v Ljubljani." ADP je član združenja evropskih arhivov družboslovnih podatkov CESSDA. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 | arhiv.podatkov@fdv.uni-lj.si