RDA is
running a series of calls, in the context of the European Open Science Cloud
Future project, to further enable integration and take up of EOSC services. The
purpose of these RDA Open Calls is to engage the community from a bottom-up
approach to contribute their know-how to EOSC. The overarching objective of
these grants is to enable communities outside of EOSC to leverage EOSC services
and the RDA global community mechanisms.
RDA is
looking to contract an individual or an organisation who can provide technical
tools to organise and curate, over time, RDA outputs, such as outputs, tools,
standards, and recommendations produced by its committed, volunteer community and
which are used by the global research community.
should demonstrate an understanding of technical standards, outputs and
specifications maintenance facilities and requirements.
For more
information click here.
date is 15 of March 2022 at 16:00 CET.
5. December 2024
Delavnica Vozlišča RDA Slovenija o odprti znanosti na Arnesovi konferenci Mreža znanja 2024
27. September 2024
Predstavitev ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki in objavljanja v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti
Qualitative Data Handbook
New release of ELSST Thesaurus: enhancing data discovery within CESSDA and beyond
Research on Internet in Slovenia , School Institutions Survey, 1997 , ADP
Delavnica Vozlišča RDA Slovenija o odprti znanosti na Arnesovi konferenci Mreža znanja 2024
Predstavitev ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki in objavljanja v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti
Festival FAIRfest: Celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in EOSC
Konferenca: Child Wellbeing: Longitudinal Evidence for Research and Policy in Europe