Open Repositories 2011

Začetek: Junij 7, 2011
Konec: Junij 11, 2011
Kraj: Austin, Texas, USA
Organizator: The University of Texas at Austin
What is the role of social interactions within repository technical communities in developing strong, distributed services and cyberinfrastructure to create open access to and preservation of our shared digital heritage? The Sixth Annual International Conference on Open Repositories (OR11) communities will address that question in Austin, Texas -- often billed as "The Live Music Capital of the World” -- from June 7-11, 2011 at the AT&T Conference Center.

This popular conference will be hosted by the University of Texas and will feature general conference and user group sessions as well as workshops, poster sessions, minute madness and new kinds of sessions designed to bring everyone into this lively exchange of ideas.
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