The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2009

Začetek: Julij 10, 2009
Konec: Julij 13, 2009
Kraj: Orlando, Florida, USA
Organizator: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics
Extended Deadlines:
Papers/Abstracts Submissions and Invited Sessions Proposals: December 17th, 2008
Authors Notifications: January 28th, 2009
Camera-ready, full papers: February 18th, 2009


Information Society Technologies
Knowledge-Based Society
eSkills. Computer-literacy
eInclusion, Digital Inclusion or inclusive Information Society. Global e-Inclusion
eAccessibility - Opening up the Information Society. Digital Divide
Globalization and Informatics/Cybernetics
Interdependencies between Society and Information and Communication Technologies
Social and Societal Roles of Information and Communications Technologies
Information Society Policy-Making
Socio-Political Regulations of Informatics and Cyber-Technologies
Ethics and Informatics/Cybernetics

All Submitted papers/abstracts will go through three reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at
least three reviewers), (2) non-blind, and (3) participative peer reviews. All accepted papers
to be presented at the conference will be published in the printed and the electronic (CD)
versions of the conference proceedings.

Awards will be granted to the best paper of those presented at each session. From these
session's best papers, the best 10%-20% of the papers presented at the conference will be
invited to adapt their papers for their publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and
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