DCMI International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications

Začetek: Sept. 2, 2013
Konec: Sept. 6, 2013
Kraj: Lizbona, Portugalska
Organizator: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
The annual Dublin Core conferences bring together leading metadata researchers and professionals from around the world. DC-2013 in Lisbon will be the thirteenth in a series of conferences previously held in Tokyo (2001), Florence (2002), Seattle (2003), Shanghai (2004), Madrid (2005), Manzanillo, Mexico (2006), Singapore (2007), Berlin (2008), Seoul (2009), Pittsburgh (2010) The Hague, Netherlands (2011) and Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (2012).

The International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications proceedings cover a full range of topics related to standards and technologies for metadata in the context of organizations and on the open web. The proceedings provide a venue for researchers and metadata professionals to publish original research and innovative practices shaping development of languages of description.


Evrobarometer 73.4, Finančna in gospodarska kriza, prihodnost Evropske unije, globalizacija in evropsko državljanstvo, maj 2010, EC

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