National research data service conference

Datum: Feb. 26, 2009
Kraj: The Royal Society, London
Organizator: UKOLN
The UKRDS feasibility study was commissioned to explore a range of models
for the provision of a national infrastructure for digital research data
management. It has brought together key UK stakeholders, including the
Research Councils, JISC, HEFCE, British Library, Research Information
Network, Wellcome Trust, researchers, and university IT and library
managers, and it builds on the work of the UK's Office of Science and
Innovation e-infrastructure group. It also takes into account international
developments in this area.

The UKRDS report is due to be released soon and makes important
recommendations for investment in this key part of the UK national

The study has been funded by HEFCE as part of its Shared Services programme,
with additional support from JISC, Research Libraries UK
(RLUK) and the Russell Group IT Directors (RUGIT). It has been led by the
London School of Economics, with Serco Consulting as lead consultants, with
Charles Beagrie Limited and Grant Thornton as sub-contractors.
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