Realist Evaluation Methods

Začetek: Junij 10, 2009
Konec: Junij 11, 2009
Kraj: Leeds
Organizator: National Centre for Research Methods
The event provides a broad overview of the philosophy and practice of realist evaluation and realist synthesis. Once a brash young upstart amongst evaluation strategies, the method is now practiced widely in applied research. And yet some of the core ideas remain elusive. Come prepared to contribute to an interactive approach. Presentations will be interspersed with Q&A, exercises, tea & coffee, pub crawl and pub quiz. Background reading (not compulsory): R Pawson and N Tilley (1997) Realistic Evaluation London; Sage R Pawson (2006) Evidence-based Policy: A Realist Perspective London: Sage Many additional readings will be provided at the workshop.

The fee is:
1. £50 - For UK registered postgraduate students
2. £100 - For staff at UK academic institutions, ESRC funded researchers and registered charity organisations
3. £390 - For all other participants
All fees include event materials, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. They do not include travel and accommodation costs.
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