International Conference: Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys (MOLS)

Začetek: Julij 12, 2006
Konec: Julij 14, 2006
Kraj: Colchesterl, UK
The conference will bring together scholars and research professionals involved in the design, implementation and analysis of longitudinal/panel surveys, to share methodological research findings and to discuss the state of the art in carrying out longitudinal surveys. The focus is primarily on surveys that involve collecting data from subjects on multiple occasions, though issues that arise in surveys that collect longitudinal data via retrospective methods may also be relevant. Invited papers will be published as a monograph in the John Wiley Survey Methodology Series. Also, the Journal of Official Statistics will consider producing a special issue of relevant contributed papers.


Slovensko javno mnenje 2020/3, Ogledalo javnega mnenja, Odnos do okolja (ISSP 2020), Mediji in problematika migracij, Odnos do uporabe pripravkov iz industrijske konoplje, CJMMK