Methods Centre Autumn School: Hybrid and cross-over methods in social research

Začetek: Nov. 11, 2009
Konec: Nov. 13, 2009
Kraj: Southampton (UK)
Organizator: National Centre for Research Methods
The National Centre for Research Methods will be holding its fifth residential training event targeted at early career researchers between November 11th to 13th 2009. Our focus this year is on what might be described as 'hybrid' or 'crossover' methods in the social sciences: methods which take quantitative data and develop an analysis reliant on more qualitative approaches, or vice versa; methods which are more commonly associated with a quantitative or qualitative tradition, and where new hybrid approaches are (re)emerging; and methods which defy a quantitative/qualitative categorisation. A key aim of the Autumn School is to encourage participants to consider how methods and approaches to analysis may emerge which work across fixed notions of a quantitative/qualitative methodological divide. By the end of the event, you will have been introduced to a number of such examples and will have been encouraged to think about what these might potentially offer to your own research
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