Documenting Data Using DDI 3.0: Supporting Research, Collection Management, and Access

Začetek: Julij 13, 2009
Konec: Julij 16, 2009
Kraj: Ithaca, NY
Organizator: Inter-University consortium for political and social research

* Wendy Thomas, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota
* Arofan Gregory, Open Data Foundation

The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) has produced an international XML standard for metadata describing social science research data. Version 3.0, which provides coverage of the research data life cycle, was published in April 2008.

DDI supports the work of researchers and data service providers by providing a structure that facilitates:

* Metadata capture from planning and production to dissemination and analysis;
* Reuse of metadata to drive subsequent production or analysis processes;
* ISO11179-compliant data registries such as question, variable, and concept banks;
* Grouping of study series for longitudinal and comparative research;
* Capturing comparative information for the creation of harmonized data;
* Improved capture of archival information for data organization and management.

The DDI 3.0 metadata structure is capturing the attention of major archives, data producers, and funding agencies as a standard that will aid in the collection, preservation, and dissemination of social science data throughout its life cycle. This course will show you how DDI can be used to support the research process, making the data you collect easier to manage, share, and analyze.

Who should attend: Anyone managing numeric social science data collections or a social science research project involving the collection of numeric data.

Co-sponsor: Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research; Mann Library

Fee: ICPSR Member: $550 Non-memberr: $550

This course is limited to 25 participants.
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