Call for PapersSocial Sciences and Humanities (SSH) tackle the Big Data Challenge
Workshop GoalsThe workshop can be seen as an event to a) identify and discuss such new paradigms which we could describe with the terms "Big Data Challenges in SSH" and b) discuss requirements for the infrastructural embedding, for the required analytics and for the skills that are required. The goal of the workshop is to derive a few key messages that could be turned into a program under the EC's H2020 framework program and perhaps national funding programs.
Targeted Audience and FormatWe would like to motivate SSH researchers and/or technologists working in SSH who have new ideas in mind or started projects that can be seen as tackling "Big Data Challenges in SSH" to report on their work or to sketch the ideas and elaborate as well on the embedding to be able to carry out such work. The scope of the issues in data volume and complexity and analytics should certainly be beyond what has been known in the field for years. We also would like to motivate infrastructure builders to join the workshop to discuss the infrastructural needs.
We solicit to submit abstracts of maximally one page where the following topics are addressed:
- • the new scientific challenge and why it could be called "Big Data Challenge in SSH"
- • the embedding and facilities that are required to meet the challenges
- • the help from infrastructures that should be available given the expectation that the amounts and complexity of data are rapidly growing in the coming years
The plan is to first give every presenter a slot to describe the highlights of his/her idea/project, i.e. the length of the presentations will depend on the number of submissions that meet the criteria. A second part of this one day workshop will then be devoted to discuss the needs of the presented papers in detail. In this part we will make use of the availability of the many technology experts that will be at this conference.
Please, send your abstract (maximally one page, PDF) to the following address:
Deadline for submission is: Sunday, September 15 th, 2013; 22.00
FeesPeople who want to stay for the whole conference need to pay 150 € which will then include lunch, coffee etc. People who just want to attend the workshop will pay 30 €.