Socio-Demographic Background Variables for Cross-National Comparative Survey Research in Europe

Začetek: Okt. 12, 2009
Konec: Okt. 13, 2009
Kraj: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Organizator: Europen Social Survey
Course Details

The objective of this course is to provide the participants with a thorough background on survey methods for comparative measurement of socio-demographic background variables. The emphasis will be on ensuring equivalence in the elaboration of survey questionnaires. Practical and theoretical considerations for the design and implementation of fieldwork instruments aimed to compare European countries will be discussed. In international comparing survey research the researchers need specific techniques for transferring variables from one national context to another. During the last decade the techniques of translation were developed very effective. Different national census offices and different networks of survey researchers established their procedures. In harmonizing background variables for comparative survey research techniques were discussed but only a small number of accepted measurement instruments are available. The course deals with techniques, procedures and experiences in harmonizing socio-demographic variables.

Jürgen H. P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences, Mannheim;
Uwe Warner, CEPS/INSTEAD, Differdange

The 7th course can be attended by 60 participants, for outstanding applications there is a limited number of ESSTrain grants available that cover travel costs and accommodation. All participants will be provided with lunch for all course days and a common dinner at the first course day evening.

The deadline for applications is Monday 4th May.
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