6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA)

Začetek: Julij 13, 2015
Konec: Julij 17, 2015
Kraj: Reykjavik, Iceland
Organizator: European Survey Research Association
The 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) will take place 13th-17th July 2015 in Reykjavik, Iceland.

The scientific committee invites researchers who are active in the field of survey research and survey methodology to submit paper proposals.

To submit a presentation abstract, sign up or log in to your ESRA account , click "Submit a paper abstract" and follow the instructions. You may submit a maximum of two papers on which you are enlisted as presenting author.

The closing date for submission of paper proposals is 15 January 2015.

Paper proposals are invited in any area of survey methodology, or in substantive applications of survey research. We encourage proposals from researchers with a variety of backgrounds, including academic research, national statistics and market research.

A complete overview of all sessions that are organized can be consulted on the following link: http://www.europeansurveyresearch.org/conf2015/sessions.php.

Poster session - New this year is that also a poster session will be organized. To submit a poster rather than a paper presentation, select ‘Poster submission’ in the session list during the session selection procedure.

Early career prize - Researchers within two years of the completion of their doctorate, or within five years of starting a career in survey research, will be eligible to enter their paper for the ESRA Early-Career Researcher prize. The winning paper will be awarded a prize of 500 Euros. More information about the Early-Career Researcher award will be announced on the conference website in due course.

The SQP research paper award which includes a prize money of € 1,000 will be announced at the conference. The award is given for the best paper describing an application or a methodological comment on the use of the Survey Quality Predictor (SQP). The papers should be sent to RECSM before the 1st of March 2015. For more detailed information about the requirements, quality criteria and evaluation process, please check the RECSM website:
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