Design and evaluation of questionnaires for survey research

Začetek: Dec. 10, 2009
Konec: Dec. 11, 2009
Kraj: Barcelona, Spain
Some people may think that formulating survey questions is simple because we all can make questions. Others may think that it is an Art which one cannot learn. Our point of view is that there is now enough knowledge about the consequences of the choices which are made when questions are formulated that survey design can be a scientific task. Therefore an overview of these choices and the consequences of these choices will be given in this course. We will also introduce a program SQP which predicts the quality of questions on the basis of all the information we have collected about the effect of these choices on the quality of questions. Because errors will always remain in the questionnaires, we will also briefly discuss how one can cope with these errors in the analysis of survey data.

The Program:

10 December

10.00 From concepts to questions

- Reflective or formative indicators

- Choice of assertions for concepts

- choice of question form

- choice of response categories

- use of batteries and other social sciences specific choices

- choice of mode of data collection and order of questions

13.00 Lunch

14.30 Evaluation of single questions

- measurement models

- designs for estimation of quality of questions: reliability and validity

- meta analysis: special attention to agree/disagree questions

- Quality prediction: SQP

11 December

10.00 Evaluation of Complex concepts

- Test of the measurement model

- Evaluation of the consistency of the indicators

- Computation of composite scores

- Quality of composite scores

13.00 Lunch

14.30 Analysis of survey questions

- Simple approach to analysis taking into account measurement error

- Requirements for comparative research

Participants: The course is directed to all people involved in design, evaluation or analysis of survey data. Maximally 50 people can participate. The first 50 people who register and pay will be accepted.

Participants of commercial organization 400 Euros; participants working at Universities 200 Euros; students 50 Euros
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