Applied Statistics 2009 International Conference

Začetek: Sept. 20, 2009
Konec: Sept. 23, 2009
Kraj: Ribno (Bled), Slovenia
Organizator: Statistical Society of Slovenia
The main goal of Applied Statistics 2009 conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers in statistics, data analysts, and other professionals from various statistical and related fields to come together, present their research, and learn from each other. A four days program consists of invited paper presentations, contributed paper sections from diverse topics, and finishes with a workshop. Cross-discipline and applied paper submissions are especially welcome.

(in alphabetical order)

* Gerald van den Boogaart
Technical University Freiberg, Germany
* Andrew Gelman
Columbia University, USA
*Geert Molenberghs
Hasselt University, Belgium (abstract)

* Patrick Wessa
K.U Leuven Association, Belgium

Papers from diverse areas of statistics and methodology are appreciated:
* Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
* Data Collection
* Data Mining
* Design of experiments
* Econometrics
* Mathematical Statistics
* Measurement

* Modeling and Simulation
* Network Analysis
* Sampling Techniques
* Social Science Methodology
* Statistical Applications
* Statistical Education
* Other Areas of Statistics

Besides new or improved statistical methods, cross-discipline and applied
paper submissions are especially welcome.