Anketa o porabniških stereotipih glede blagovnih znamk, 2019

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • Gidaković, Petar
  • Žabkar, Vesna
Data file producer:
EF - Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (Ljubljana, Slovenija; 2019)

Funding agency:

Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije

Project number:

N5-0084 (ARRS)

  • BLAGZNAM/Blagovne znamke

    Raziskave v seriji Blagovne znamke so bile izvedene v okviru mednarodnega raziskovalnega projekta "Spremljanje preferenc potrošnikov skozi potrošniške stereotipe" (N5-0084), katerega namen je proučiti, kako različne vrste porabniških stereotipov v zvezi z blagovnimi znamkami (država izvora, tipični kupci znamke, znamka sama) vplivajo na nakupno vedenje porabnikov. Stereotipe, skladno z modelom vsebine stereotipov (angl. Stereotype content model) opredelimo kot zaznave topline in kompetentnosti objekta (znamke, kupca, države). Raziskave so bile izvedene na prebivalcih Združenega Kraljestva (APSBZ19 in EKUPSZ19) v starosti od 18 do 90 let oziroma prebivalcih ZDA (AUKZ19), v starosti nad 18 let, ki sodelujejo na spletnem panelu Prolific Academic.

Study Content

Keywords ADP: porabniški stereotipi, model vsebine stereotipov, toplina in kompetentnost, država izvora, tipični kupec blagovne znamke

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
GOSPODARSTVO - Poraba in navade porabnikov
Topic Classification CERIF
Topic Classification ADP


Raziskava je bila izvedena v okviru mednarodnega raziskovalnega projekta "Spremljanje preferenc potrošnikov skozi potrošniške stereotipe", katerega namen je proučiti, kako različne vrste porabniških stereotipov v zvezi z blagovnimi znamkami (država izvora, tipični kupci znamke, znamka sama) vplivajo na nakupno vedenje porabnikov. Stereotipe, skladno z modelom vsebine stereotipov (angl. Stereotype content model), opredelimo kot zaznave topline in kompetentnosti objekta (znamke, kupca, države). Skladno z obstoječimi raziskavami, ki so posamezne vrste stereotipov obravnavale v izolaciji, predvidevamo, da imajo vsi trije porabniški stereotipi vpliv na stališča in namere porabnikov. Zato je bil namen te raziskave izmeriti vse tri stereotipe, stališča in nakupne namere porabnikov glede različnih blagovnih znamk. To nam omogoča preverbo alternativnih teoretičnih modelov o povezavah med tremi stereotipi in njihovem vplivu na stališča in nakupne namere porabnikov.


Collection date: 13. junij 2019
Date of production: 2019
Country: Združeno kraljestvo
Geographic coverage:

Združeno kraljestvo

Unit of analysis:



Prebivalci Združenega kraljestva, stari od 18 do 90 let, ki sodelujejo na spletnem panelu Prolific Academic.

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

Gidaković, Petar

Sampling procedure:

Neverjetnostno: priložnostno

Vzorčni okvir je bil spletni panel Prolific Academic, na katerem so v prvem koraku avtorji določili kriterije (prebivalci Združenega kraljestva stari od 18 do 90 let) za izbor potencialnih respondentov. Panel je podal oceno, da kriterijem ustreza 27.661 aktivnih panelistov (to so tisti, ki so v zadnjih 90 dneh sodelovali v kakšni anketi), katerim je bilo v drugem koraku na njihov uporabniški račun na spletni strani panela Prolific Academic prikazano vabilo za sodelovanje v anketi. Tisti, ki dobivajo obvestila o novih anketah preko e-pošte, so bili povabljeni tudi preko omenjenega kanala. Respondenti so se sami odločili za sodelovanje, posledično vzorec ni reprezentativen.

Mode of data collection:

Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanje: spletni


Brez uteževanja.

Access restrictions

Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Contact: Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: Survey about consumer stereotypes about brands, 2019 [Podatkovna datoteka]

File ID: F1

Author of Data file: Gidaković, Petar; Žabkar, Vesna

Format: *.txt - TEKST

  • number of variables: 56
  • number of units: 394

License: ccby

Version: april 2020

Variable list

Consent Consent for personal data processing for the purposes of the scientific-research project (GDPR)


Value 13 Frequency
1 I agree 394
2 I disagree 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 2

Brand Brand


Value 22 Frequency
1 Toyota 46
2 Harley 42
3 Aldi 46
4 Dior 45
5 Gucci 45
6 Huawei 44
7 Lego 41
8 Samsung 42
9 Zara 43
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

BFam How familiar are you with BRAND?

BFam - How familiar are you with BRAND?

Value 31 Frequency
0 Totally unfamilair 5
100 Totally familiar 97
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0 0 100

Valid range from 0 to 100

Consent Consent for personal data processing for the purposes of the scientific-research project (GDPR)


Value 156 Frequency
1 I agree 394
2 I disagree 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 2

Brand Brand


Value 255 Frequency
1 Toyota 46
2 Harley 42
3 Aldi 46
4 Dior 45
5 Gucci 45
6 Huawei 44
7 Lego 41
8 Samsung 42
9 Zara 43
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 9

BFam How familiar are you with BRAND?

BFam - How familiar are you with BRAND?

Value 354 Frequency
0 Totally unfamilair 5
100 Totally familiar 97
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0 0 100

Valid range from 0 to 100

BUsage Have you personally used BRAND's products or services over the past 12 months?

BUsage - Have you personally used BRAND's products or services over the past 12 months?

Value 453 Frequency
1 No 263
2 Yes 131
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 2

PI1 It is very likely that I will use BRAND in the future. PI - Do you agree or disagree with following statements?

It is very likely that I will use BRAND in the future.

Value 552 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 44
2 Disagree 48
3 Somewhat disagree 41
4 Neutral 59
5 Somewhat agree 74
6 Agree 57
7 Strongly agree 71
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

PI2 I will purchase from BRAND the next time I need such a product PI - Do you agree or disagree with following statements?

I will purchase from BRAND the next time I need such a product.

Value 651 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 60
2 Disagree 50
3 Somewhat disagree 48
4 Neutral 96
5 Somewhat agree 64
6 Agree 33
7 Strongly agree 43
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

PI3 I will definitely try BRAND in the future. PI - Do you agree or disagree with following statements?

I will definitely try BRAND in the future.

Value 750 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 39
2 Disagree 40
3 Somewhat disagree 37
4 Neutral 67
5 Somewhat agree 76
6 Agree 62
7 Strongly agree 73
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

BATT1 How would you evaluate BRAND BATT - How would you evaluate BRAND?

Bad - Good

Value 849 Frequency
1 bad 4
2 9
3 13
4 85
5 108
6 89
7 good 86
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

BATT2 How would you evaluate BRAND BATT - How would you evaluate BRAND?

Negative - Positive

Value 948 Frequency
1 negative 4
2 9
3 14
4 86
5 99
6 97
7 positive 85
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

BATT3 How would you evaluate BRAND BATT - How would you evaluate BRAND?

Unfavourable - Favourable

Value 1047 Frequency
1 unfavourable 7
2 11
3 21
4 78
5 86
6 100
7 favourable 91
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

PV1 What I get from BRAND is worth the cost. PV - To what extent do you agree with following statements?

What I get from BRAND is worth the cost.

Value 1146 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 19
2 Disagree 20
3 Somewhat disagree 34
4 Neutral 121
5 Somewhat agree 82
6 Agree 84
7 Strongly agree 34
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

PV2 All things considered (price, time, and effort), BRAND is a good buy. PV - To what extent do you agree with following statements?

All things considered (price, time, and effort), BRAND is a good buy.

Value 1245 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 14
2 Disagree 20
3 Somewhat disagree 35
4 Neutral 86
5 Somewhat agree 106
6 Agree 97
7 Strongly agree 36
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

PV3 Compared to other brands, BRAND is a good value for the money. PV - To what extent do you agree with following statements?

Compared to other brands, BRAND is a good value for the money.

Value 1344 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 16
2 Disagree 31
3 Somewhat disagree 41
4 Neutral 98
5 Somewhat agree 95
6 Agree 71
7 Strongly agree 42
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

PV4 When I use a BRAND, I feel I am getting my moneys worth. PV - To what extent do you agree with following statements?

When I use a BRAND, I feel I am getting my money's worth.

Value 1443 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 15
2 Disagree 22
3 Somewhat disagree 28
4 Neutral 138
5 Somewhat agree 82
6 Agree 70
7 Strongly agree 39
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

COO What do you personally think, what country does BRAND come from? Please write in a single country in the box below.

COO - What do you personally think, what country does BRAND come from? Please write in a single country in the box below.

Value 1542 Frequency
America 19
Bulgaria 1
China 31
China 1
Denmark 16
England 4
France 36
Germany 40
Hawaii 1
Italy 47
Japan 52
Korea 6
Netherlands 1
No idea 1
Pakistan 1
Paris 1
S. Korea 1
Singapore 1
South Korea 7
Spain 19
Sweden 4
Taiwan 1
Tawain 1
UK 2
US 4
USA 25
Uk 5
United Kingdom 2
United States 5
United kingdom 2
Usa 4
america 1
china 7
croatia 1
france 8
germany 6
italy 3
japan 6
korea 1
south korea 3
spain 2
sweden 4
u.k 1
uk 1
unied kingdom 1
usa 4
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

ATCHECK1 Please, select number 5 on the list and move to the next page.

ATTCHECK1 - Please, select number 5 on the list and move to the next page.

Value 1641 Frequency
5 394
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 5 to 5

BW1 The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as... Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BW - The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as ...

Cold - Warm

Value 1740 Frequency
1 cold 12
2 34
3 141
4 143
5 warm 64
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BW2 The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as... Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BW - The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as ...

Ill-natured - Good-natured

Value 1839 Frequency
1 ill-natured 12
2 25
3 125
4 152
5 good-natured 80
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BW3 The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as... Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BW - The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as ...

Unfriendly - Friendly

Value 1938 Frequency
1 unfriendly 12
2 36
3 126
4 142
5 friendly 78
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BW4 The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as... Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BW - The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as ...

Unkind - Kind

Value 2037 Frequency
1 unkind 13
2 22
3 165
4 123
5 kind 71
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BC1 The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as... Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BC - The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as ...

Incompetent - Competent

Value 2136 Frequency
1 incompetent 9
2 14
3 89
4 168
5 competent 114
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BC2 The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as... Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BC - The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as ...

Unintelligent - Inteligent

Value 2235 Frequency
1 unintelligent 9
2 20
3 109
4 160
5 intelligent 96
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BC3 The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as... Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BC - The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as ...

Inefficient - Efficient

Value 2334 Frequency
1 inefficient 10
2 24
3 100
4 146
5 efficient 114
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BC4 The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as... Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BC - The majority of people in UK sees the brand BRAND as ...

Incapable - Capable

Value 2433 Frequency
1 incapable 8
2 19
3 87
4 166
5 capable 114
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BUW1 The majority of people in UK sees the users of brand BRAND as... warm Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BUW - The majority of people in UK sees users of BRAND as ...


Value 2532 Frequency
1 Not at all 20
2 Somewhat 88
3 Moderately 190
4 Very 76
5 Extremely 20
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BUW2 The majority of people in UK sees the users of brand BRAND as... firendly Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BUW - The majority of people in UK sees users of BRAND as ...


Value 2631 Frequency
1 Not at all 24
2 Somewhat 84
3 Moderately 176
4 Very 84
5 Extremely 26
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BUW3 The majority of people in UK sees the users of brand BRAND as... good-natured Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BUW - The majority of people in UK sees users of BRAND as ...


Value 2730 Frequency
1 Not at all 24
2 Somewhat 82
3 Moderately 169
4 Very 93
5 Extremely 26
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BUW4 The majority of people in UK sees the users of brand BRAND as... kind Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BUW - The majority of people in UK sees users of BRAND as ...


Value 2829 Frequency
1 Not at all 25
2 Somewhat 87
3 Moderately 182
4 Very 74
5 Extremely 26
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BUC1 The majority of people in UK sees the users of brand BRAND as... competent Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BUC - The majority of people in UK sees users of BRAND as ...


Value 2928 Frequency
1 Not at all 41
2 Somewhat 51
3 Moderately 155
4 Very 114
5 Extremely 33
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BUC2 The majority of people in UK sees the users of brand BRAND as...intelligent Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BUC - The majority of people in UK sees users of BRAND as ...


Value 3027 Frequency
1 Not at all 48
2 Somewhat 53
3 Moderately 178
4 Very 84
5 Extremely 31
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BUC3 The majority of people in UK sees the users of brand BRAND as... efficient Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BUC - The majority of people in UK sees users of BRAND as ...


Value 3126 Frequency
1 Not at all 47
2 Somewhat 56
3 Moderately 152
4 Very 101
5 Extremely 38
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BUC4 The majority of people in UK sees the users of brand BRAND as... capable Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BUC - The majority of people in UK sees users of BRAND as ...


Value 3225 Frequency
1 Not at all 45
2 Somewhat 52
3 Moderately 141
4 Very 119
5 Extremely 37
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BOC1 The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #CO# as... competent Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BOC - The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #COO# as .. (#COO# was filled with piped text from the COO variable - the name of the country that respondent provided). Please, write in the number for your answer in boxes below.


Value 3324 Frequency
1 Not at all 11
2 Somewhat 40
3 Moderately 98
4 Very 162
5 Extremely 83
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BOC2 The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #CO# as... intelligent Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BOC - The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #COO# as .. (#COO# was filled with piped text from the COO variable - the name of the country that respondent provided). Please, write in the number for your answer in boxes below.


Value 3423 Frequency
1 Not at all 11
2 Somewhat 42
3 Moderately 110
4 Very 142
5 Extremely 89
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BOC3 The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #CO# as... efficient Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BOC - The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #COO# as .. (#COO# was filled with piped text from the COO variable - the name of the country that respondent provided). Please, write in the number for your answer in boxes below.


Value 3522 Frequency
1 Not at all 10
2 Somewhat 55
3 Moderately 108
4 Very 114
5 Extremely 107
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BOC4 The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #CO# as...capable Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BOC - The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #COO# as .. (#COO# was filled with piped text from the COO variable - the name of the country that respondent provided). Please, write in the number for your answer in boxes below.


Value 3621 Frequency
1 Not at all 7
2 Somewhat 33
3 Moderately 102
4 Very 174
5 Extremely 78
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BOW1 The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #CO# as... warm Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BOW - The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #COO# as ... (#COO# was filled with piped text from the COO variable - the name of the country that respondent provided). Please, write in the number of your answer in boxes below.


Value 3720 Frequency
1 Not at all 26
2 Somewhat 79
3 Moderately 129
4 Very 116
5 Extremely 44
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BOW2 The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #CO# as... friendly Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BOW - The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #COO# as ... (#COO# was filled with piped text from the COO variable - the name of the country that respondent provided). Please, write in the number of your answer in boxes below.


Value 3819 Frequency
1 Not at all 19
2 Somewhat 63
3 Moderately 128
4 Very 127
5 Extremely 57
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BOW3 The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #CO# as... good-natured Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BOW - The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #COO# as ... (#COO# was filled with piped text from the COO variable - the name of the country that respondent provided). Please, write in the number of your answer in boxes below.


Value 3918 Frequency
1 Not at all 14
2 Somewhat 57
3 Moderately 141
4 Very 138
5 Extremely 44
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

BOW4 The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #CO# as... kind Q1 - For the next set of questions, we kindly ask you to focus on how does the majority of people in UK think about the following... BOW - The majority of people in the UK sees citizens of #COO# as ... (#COO# was filled with piped text from the COO variable - the name of the country that respondent provided). Please, write in the number of your answer in boxes below.


Value 4017 Frequency
1 Not at all 16
2 Somewhat 68
3 Moderately 141
4 Very 125
5 Extremely 44
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

Inv1 For me, PRODUCT/SERVICE CATEGORY is/are very important. PCInv - Do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

For me, PRODUCT CATEGOTY is/are very important.

Value 4116 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 35
2 Disagree 43
3 Somewhat disagree 30
4 Neutral 45
5 Somewhat agree 100
6 Agree 84
7 Strongly agree 57
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

Inv2 For me, PRODUCT/SERVICE CATEGORY do not matter. PCInv - Do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

For me, PRODUCT CATEGOTY do(es) not matter.

Value 4215 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 22
2 Disagree 37
3 Somewhat disagree 53
4 Neutral 39
5 Somewhat agree 85
6 Agree 95
7 Strongly agree 63
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

Inv3 PRODUCT/SERVICE CATEGORY is a very important part of my life. PCInv - Do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

PRODUCT CATEGOTY is/are a very important part of my life.

Value 4314 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 51
2 Disagree 43
3 Somewhat disagree 52
4 Neutral 46
5 Somewhat agree 82
6 Agree 79
7 Strongly agree 41
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

ATCHECK2 Please select "Somewhat agree".

ATTCCHECK2 - Please select "Somewhat agree".

Value 4413 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 0
2 Disagree 0
3 Somewhat disagree 0
4 Neutral 0
5 Somewhat agree 394
6 Agree 0
7 Strongly agree 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

SDB1 I like to gossip at times. You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself. SDB - To what degree do you disagree or agree with following statements?

I like to gossip at times.

Value 4512 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 21
2 Disagree 38
3 Somewhat disagree 49
4 Neutral 40
5 Somewhat agree 151
6 Agree 74
7 Strongly agree 21
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

SDB2 I have never deliberately said something that hurt someones feelings. You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself. SDB - To what degree do you disagree or agree with following statements?

I have never deliberately said something that hurt someone's feelings.

Value 4611 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 23
2 Disagree 72
3 Somewhat disagree 93
4 Neutral 50
5 Somewhat agree 55
6 Agree 64
7 Strongly agree 37
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

SDB3 I am always willing to admit it when I make a mistake. You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself. SDB - To what degree do you disagree or agree with following statements?

I'm always willing to admit it when I make a mistake.

Value 4710 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 2
2 Disagree 10
3 Somewhat disagree 28
4 Neutral 33
5 Somewhat agree 139
6 Agree 133
7 Strongly agree 49
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

SDB4 There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone. You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself. SDB - To what degree do you disagree or agree with following statements?

There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone.

Value 489 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 36
2 Disagree 58
3 Somewhat disagree 77
4 Neutral 65
5 Somewhat agree 109
6 Agree 44
7 Strongly agree 5
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

SDB5 I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget. You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself. SDB - To what degree do you disagree or agree with following statements?

I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget.

Value 498 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 43
2 Disagree 82
3 Somewhat disagree 81
4 Neutral 53
5 Somewhat agree 83
6 Agree 38
7 Strongly agree 14
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

SDB6 At times, I have really insisted on having things my own way. You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself. SDB - To what degree do you disagree or agree with following statements?

At times, I have really insisted on having things my own way.

Value 507 Frequency
1 Strongly disagree 10
2 Disagree 23
3 Somewhat disagree 29
4 Neutral 48
5 Somewhat agree 164
6 Agree 89
7 Strongly agree 31
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

EDU What is your current educational level? You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself.

EDU - What is your current educational level?

Value 516 Frequency
1 Degree or equivalent 213
2 Higher education 54
3 A Level or equivalent 62
4 GCSEs grades A*-C or equivalent 43
5 Other qualifications 20
6 No qualification 2
7 Don't know 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 7

XSTARlet How old are you? You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself.

XSTARletA - How old are you?

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0 18 67 34.381 11.035

Valid range from 18 to 67

XSPOL Your gender is: You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself.

XSPOL - Your gender is:

Value 534 Frequency
1 Male 178
2 Female 215
3 Other 1
4 Do not want to say 0
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 4

XDOH What was your total personal income after taxes for the most recent calendar year (January through December)? You are approaching the end of the questionnaire. For the last part we would like you to focus on yourself.

XDOH - What was your total personal income after taxes for the most recent calendar year (January through December)? (Please include income received by all members of your household and from all sources, including salaries, pensions, interest, dividends, bonuses, capital gains, and profits.)

Value 543 Frequency
1 Less than 5,000 GBP 32
2 5,001 - 9,999 GBP 27
3 10,000 - 14,999 GBP 53
4 15,000 - 19,999 GBP 60
5 20,000 - 24,999 GBP 67
6 25,000 - 29,999 GBP 38
7 30,000 - 34,999 GBP 27
8 35,000 - 39,999 GBP 29
9 40,000 - 44,999 GBP 19
10 45,000 - 50,000 GBP 10
11 more than 50,000 GBP 32
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Valid range from 1 to 11

PID_r Respondents panel ID number

Respondents panel ID number

Value 552 Frequency
Zakrita vrednost 394
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

IntTime Interview duration

Interview duration

Value 561 Frequency
0:03:01,00 1
0:03:02,00 2
0:03:03,00 1
0:03:04,00 2
0:03:06,00 1
0:03:07,00 2
0:03:08,00 1
0:03:09,00 1
0:03:10,00 4
0:03:12,00 3
0:03:13,00 2
0:03:14,00 1
0:03:15,00 2
0:03:16,00 2
0:03:17,00 2
0:03:18,00 1
0:03:19,00 1
0:03:20,00 2
0:03:21,00 1
0:03:22,00 1
0:03:23,00 1
0:03:24,00 1
0:03:25,00 3
0:03:26,00 2
0:03:27,00 3
0:03:28,00 2
0:03:29,00 3
0:03:30,00 2
0:03:32,00 2
0:03:34,00 2
0:03:35,00 3
0:03:36,00 7
0:03:39,00 2
0:03:40,00 1
0:03:41,00 1
0:03:42,00 4
0:03:43,00 1
0:03:44,00 2
0:03:45,00 2
0:03:46,00 4
0:03:48,00 1
0:03:50,00 2
0:03:51,00 4
0:03:52,00 1
0:03:53,00 2
0:03:54,00 2
0:03:56,00 2
0:03:57,00 1
0:03:58,00 2
0:03:59,00 3
0:04:01,00 4
0:04:02,00 3
0:04:03,00 2
0:04:04,00 1
0:04:05,00 1
0:04:06,00 4
0:04:08,00 1
0:04:09,00 5
0:04:10,00 2
0:04:11,00 1
0:04:12,00 1
0:04:13,00 1
0:04:14,00 1
0:04:15,00 2
0:04:16,00 2
0:04:17,00 4
0:04:18,00 3
0:04:19,00 1
0:04:20,00 4
0:04:21,00 1
0:04:22,00 2
0:04:23,00 2
0:04:24,00 1
0:04:25,00 5
0:04:26,00 1
0:04:27,00 3
0:04:29,00 1
0:04:30,00 2
0:04:31,00 1
0:04:32,00 3
0:04:33,00 2
0:04:35,00 2
0:04:36,00 1
0:04:37,00 3
0:04:38,00 2
0:04:39,00 1
0:04:40,00 1
0:04:41,00 1
0:04:42,00 5
0:04:43,00 2
0:04:44,00 3
0:04:47,00 2
0:04:48,00 1
0:04:49,00 1
0:04:50,00 3
0:04:51,00 2
0:04:52,00 4
0:04:53,00 1
0:04:54,00 2
0:04:56,00 2
0:04:57,00 1
0:04:58,00 1
0:05:00,00 1
0:05:01,00 2
0:05:02,00 1
0:05:03,00 2
0:05:04,00 3
0:05:06,00 1
0:05:07,00 1
0:05:08,00 2
0:05:09,00 1
0:05:10,00 1
0:05:11,00 1
0:05:12,00 2
0:05:14,00 2
0:05:15,00 2
0:05:17,00 1
0:05:21,00 4
0:05:22,00 1
0:05:25,00 2
0:05:26,00 2
0:05:27,00 1
0:05:30,00 4
0:05:31,00 2
0:05:33,00 3
0:05:34,00 2
0:05:35,00 1
0:05:36,00 2
0:05:37,00 1
0:05:38,00 2
0:05:39,00 2
0:05:40,00 1
0:05:41,00 1
0:05:42,00 2
0:05:43,00 2
0:05:44,00 2
0:05:45,00 1
0:05:46,00 1
0:05:47,00 2
0:05:48,00 3
0:05:49,00 1
0:05:50,00 2
0:05:51,00 2
0:05:52,00 2
0:05:53,00 1
0:05:55,00 1
0:06:00,00 1
0:06:01,00 3
0:06:02,00 2
0:06:04,00 1
0:06:06,00 2
0:06:07,00 1
0:06:08,00 1
0:06:11,00 1
0:06:12,00 1
0:06:13,00 1
0:06:14,00 1
0:06:15,00 3
0:06:16,00 1
0:06:17,00 1
0:06:18,00 1
0:06:20,00 1
0:06:21,00 2
0:06:22,00 1
0:06:26,00 1
0:06:27,00 1
0:06:28,00 3
0:06:29,00 1
0:06:30,00 1
0:06:34,00 1
0:06:35,00 1
0:06:36,00 1
0:06:39,00 1
0:06:40,00 1
0:06:43,00 2
0:06:44,00 1
0:06:47,00 1
0:06:48,00 1
0:06:50,00 1
0:06:53,00 1
0:06:54,00 1
0:06:56,00 1
0:07:02,00 1
0:07:07,00 1
0:07:08,00 1
0:07:12,00 1
0:07:14,00 1
0:07:15,00 1
0:07:18,00 1
0:07:19,00 1
0:07:21,00 1
0:07:22,00 1
0:07:30,00 1
0:07:33,00 1
0:07:35,00 1
0:07:43,00 1
0:07:44,00 1
0:07:52,00 1
0:07:56,00 3
0:07:57,00 1
0:08:09,00 1
0:08:14,00 2
0:08:20,00 1
0:08:25,00 1
0:08:26,00 1
0:08:27,00 1
0:08:28,00 1
0:08:34,00 1
0:08:42,00 1
0:08:53,00 1
0:08:57,00 1
0:09:01,00 1
0:09:04,00 1
0:09:21,00 1
0:09:22,00 1
0:09:23,00 1
0:09:39,00 1
0:09:42,00 1
0:09:47,00 1
0:09:53,00 1
0:10:03,00 1
0:10:04,00 1
0:10:15,00 1
0:10:31,00 1
0:10:34,00 1
0:10:37,00 1
0:10:41,00 1
0:10:48,00 1
0:11:10,00 1
0:11:27,00 1
0:14:05,00 1
0:15:38,00 1
0:16:22,00 1
0:18:24,00 1
0:18:32,00 1
0:18:39,00 1
0:20:16,00 1
0:24:17,00 1
0:30:24,00 1
0:32:15,00 1
1:20:29,00 1
1:21:58,00 1
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
394 0

Materials of the Study

  1. Gidaković, Petar in Žabkar, Vesna (2019). APSBZ19 - Survey about brand attitudes [Vprašalnik].

Study Results Materials

No associated materials!

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Data and materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Slovenia


4 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga spremenljivk s polnim besedilom vprašanj.


7 - teoretsko ali praktično pomembne raziskave, omejene na manj splošno populacijo, manj vplivne

  How to CITE this study?

Gidaković, P. and Žabkar, V. (2020). Anketa o porabniških stereotipih glede blagovnih znamk, 2019 [Data file]. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: APSBZ19.

Publication date: 2020
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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |