European Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS) and European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), 3rd European User Conference

Začetek: Marec 21, 2013
Konec: Marec 22, 2013
Kraj: Mannheim
Kontakt: | GESIS
Organizator: GESIS (German Microdata Lab)
The 3rd European User Conference for EU-LFS and EU-SILC, organized [1] by the German Microdata Lab, GESIS, in cooperation with Eurostat, will provide researchers with the opportunity to present and discuss their work and share their experience.

In addition to fostering the discussion within the research community on both substantive and methodological issues, the conference offers researchers the opportunity to give feedback to the European Statistical System. Eurostat will inform about the ongoing work for improving EU social statistics, in particular EU-LFS and EU-SILC.
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