Summer School on R of the International Association for Statistical Computing

Začetek: Sept. 23, 2013
Konec: Sept. 27, 2013
Kraj: Vorau, Austria
Organizator: The International Association for Statistical Computing
Aims of the course
The software environment R is not only one of the most important computing environments in statistics, but also in many other areas it became the standard computing tool. Nowadays, R is taught in various courses at universities, or it is used for statistical computations in practice. Often, however, people do not have knowledge about using R for more advanced tasks, like parallel computing, advanced graphics, reporting with R, etc. The goal of this summer school is to learn more about these features of R, that will be of great help for analyzing more complex data, as we find them nowadays in many fields.

About the IASC-ERS Summer School on R
This IASC-ERS Summer School on R is intended for PhD students, junior researchers, lecturers at universities, and professionals working in industry. Participants are expected to have a good background in statistics and a strong interest in statistical computing.
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