1. Ethnic and Migration Studies Data Collection

Datum objave: 11. 11. 2022    Datum zadnjega pregleda: 11. 11. 2022

The thematic data collection aims to contribute to greater transparency of research in the field of ethnic and migration studies and to improve access to quality research data in this area. 

The data collection presents political, social, economic, demographic, environmental and various other factors that are measured, recorded and presented in the form of a wide variety of data, such as surveys, interviews, registry data, etc.  

The collection is complemented by researchers who have produced data related to migration, minorities or cultural and national identities. It is also open to data generated by citizen researchers, NGOs, investigative journalists and others who seek to better understand the topics under study. 

Contribute to the Thematic Collection

We invite you to contribute your data to the Social Science Data Archives and help build the Ethnic and Migration Studies data collection. Contact us at arhiv.podatkov@fdv.uni-lj.si or call us on 00386 1 5805 277.  

For more information on the handover process, please visit: https://www.adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/eng/deli/postopek/.

The Ethnic and Migration Studies Data Collection is open to research that sheds light on themes from a variety of perspectives. For a better understanding, we highlight the related CESSDA Topic Classification, which may be helpful to reflect on the future development of the collection:


Includes immigration, emigration, internal migration as well as other types of geographical mobility. Immigration means coming to settle in another country than one's home country. Emigration means leaving one's home country to settle in another country. Migration is an umbrella term for both. Migration also includes internal migration, that is, movement of people within one country at different geographical levels.


Groups of individuals that differ from the majority of population in some way. Differentiating characteristics include, for instance, ethnicity, religion, health, sexual orientation, first language (mother tongue) and culture. Use note: For some minority issues, it may be useful to select additional topics such as 'Equality, inequality and social exclusion' or 'Language and linguistics'.

Cultural and national identity

Data on identity formation, who people feel they are and where they feel they belong in terms of nationality, locality, social class, generation, ethnicity, religion or any other social/cultural grouping. Also covers exclusion of self or others from those groups.

  Kako citiram to stran?

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. LETO. 1. Ethnic and Migration Studies Data Collection. Dostopano prek: http://adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/eng/uporabi/etmig/zbirka_etmig/ (DD. mesec leto).

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