Deposit Procedure

Datum objave: 08. 04. 2017    Datum zadnjega pregleda: 28. 10. 2022

Two phases compose the deposit procedure to the ADP that is the phase of evaluation and the phase of ingest of a study.


Evaluation phase


  1. Get to know the criteria for ingest of the ADP.
  2. Contact the ADP: (1) send a proposal to deposit your study, using the form Acquisition Proposal, or, (2) contact the staff of the ADP directly.
  3. The Commission for the Acquisition and Evaluation of Studies decides whether the study is appropriate for the inclusion in the Catalogue, assigns a grade to the study and makes a decision on whether to include the study in the Catalogue. The ADP will inform you of the decision of the Commission.


Ingest phase


  1. Fill-in the form Acquisition Proposal.
  2. Fill-in and sign the Deposit Agreement  that includes the List of deposited materials.
  3. Appropriately arrange and document the data file. Use our Recommendations to manage the data file.
  4. Fill-in the Study Description Form in Slovenian and English by noting the study title, its authors, a summary of the study and other details and describe the study methodology.
  5. Prepare all of the additional materials that will help in understanding the content of the data file and appropriately note them in the List of deposited materials (Appendix of the License Agreement).
  6. Use »ADP Cloud Storage« to send us all of the documentation and materials. In addition, two copies of the signed License Agreement should be sent by post.


  Kako citiram to stran?

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. LETO. Deposit Procedure. Dostopano prek: (DD. mesec leto).


Slovensko javno mnenje 1999/2, Stališča o zdravju in zdravstvu III in Mednarodna raziskava o kakovosti življenja, CJMMK

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