Introduction for open Science & FAIR Data and data management plans – Uvod v odprto znanost, načela FAIR in načrti ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki (dr. Paola Masuzzo) (v angleščini)

In the first part of the workshop, Paola Masuzzo will introduce you to Open Science, its multiple aspects, and showcase why Open Science is nothing but “just science done right”. In the second part, she will focus on the data aspect of open science. Managing research data effectively and efficiently is crucial for the success of any research project. However, in the modern eScience ecosystem, enabling optimal (re)use of data is a major challenge. Paola will show that the best approach to managing data is to be as open and FAIR as possible (and as closed as necessary). We will explore the FAIR principles in detail and highlight best practices, tools, and tips for implementing FAIR Data in your research flow. We will also look at how to set up and implement a Data Management Plan (DMP) according to the FAIR principles.

Paola Masuzzo obtained a PhD in Bioinformatics from Ghent University in Belgium and has a big passion for data. During her PhD, she was fortunate enough to join OpenCon, an extraordinary community around Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data. This event has changed forever the way she looks at access to knowledge and educational resources. Since then, she has participated in many international projects for the promotion of open research practices, especially for FAIR data and open source code. She is currently a data scientist for a corporate organization, an independent researcher at the Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE) and spends a lot of free time advocating for free and fair access to knowledge. She has co-authored many articles on open scholarly communication, has been a ContentMine and a Research Data Alliance fellow, has co-founded the Civic Lab Ghent, and currently sits on the Steering Committee of the Open Science MOOC. You can follow her on Twitter @pcmasuzzo.

Open hardware – Odprta strojna oprema (dr. Benjamin Paffhaussen) (v angleščini)

In the first hour of the workshop, Benjamin Paffhaussen will introduce you to the concept of Open Hardware, addressing the relevance of the topic to junior researchers and listing example projects. The second part will be a hands-on session where attendees will learn where to find necessary information to build open hardware. Attendees will be asked what hardware they need for their research projects and will be offered practical guidance and assistance.

Benjamin Paffhausen is a researcher at the Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics at the Free University of Berlin. In his PhD he investigated neuronal activity of free running honey bees in the context of social interactions. His passion for open hardware started 10 years ago when he needed a machine that was not available on the market. The joyful building of measuring devices and animal-interactors led to good coding skills and a satisfying understanding of electronics and engineering in general. An explanatory video featuring Benjamin Paffhausen and his project Artificial Flower - a honey bee feeding device, which was built with open-source hardware and software, can be seen here.

Open peer review – Odprt raziskovalni pregled (dr. Edit Görögh) (v angleščini)

The workshop focuses on the changing discourse of peer review, the strengthening presence of open peer review in scholarly publishing, and the emerging methods and tools in support of open scholarship. The workshop wishes to provide young researchers with information about the methods and tools of open scholarship, open peer review in particular, and how they strengthen core principles of research integrity. It also plans to engage participants in a dialogue about open peer review and some of the major aspects of the transforming scholarly publishing system (demand for greater transparency, erosion of incentives, lack of training).

Edit Görögh is currently working as a Head of References at the University of Debrecen in Hungary. She is also involved in international project, such as the EOSC related NI4OS-Europe project, DaLiCo, RDA related HRDA and RDA Adoption. Her latest open science project activity included a position as a project officer at the University of Göttingen in Germany for OpenUp, an EU funded project which aimed at developing a cohesive framework for new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, dissemination of research results, and impact measurement. She has been involved in knowledge management and open access/science related programs for 15 years. Her open science advocacy work is enhanced by her PhD degree in communication from the University of Colorado Boulder and her humanities background from the University of Debrecen.  

Ravnanje z raziskovalnimi podatki o ljudeh (mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar)

Arhivi družboslovnih podatkov smo veliki promotorji odprte znanosti in s tem odprtega dostopa do raziskovalnih podatkov. Pobudam za skrbno rabo javnih sredstev in dostop do raziskovalnih podatkov, ki so podlaga znanstvenim delom, objavam v publikacijah in drugim projektnim dokumentom, se vedno bolj pridružujejo tudi univerze, založniki revij in financerji raziskovalnih projektov. Za namene sekundarne rabe podatkov pa morajo biti ti ustrezno zbrani, opisani in ohranjani. 

Na delavnici bo govora o kritičnih področjih ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki na poti v odprti dostop: priprava načrta za ravnanje z raziskovalnimi podatki, etični in pravni vidiki deljenja podatkov, priprava raziskovalnih gradiv za potrebe druge rabe, arhiviranje podatkov in dolgoročno skrbništvo, varnost podatkov in hramba. Še zlasti se bomo posvetili pravnim in etičnim vidikom ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki. V ospredje bomo postavili vprašanje varstva osebnih podatkov, ki je še zlasti aktualno zaradi nove evropske Uredbe o varstvu osebnih podatkov, ki je stopila v veljavo s koncem maja 2018. Prav tako se bomo posvetili vprašanju avtorskih pravic in z njimi povezanimi licencami. S praktičnimi primeri in napotki bomo dodatno osvetlili zahtevno tematiko, čas pa bo tudi za vprašanja.

Vsebina delavnice temelji na spletnem učbeniku Data Management Expert Guide

Delavnica bo potekala v slovenskem jeziku. Udeležence vabimo, da na delavnico pridejo s svojim konkretnim primerom in v razpoložljivem času pripravijo svoj načrt ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki. 

Irena Vipavc Brvar ima magisterij iz statistike in je vodja področja v Arhivu družboslovnih podatkov, ki ima funkcijo nacionalnega podatkovnega središča za družboslovje. V arhivu sodeluje v procesu pridobitve in arhiviranja raziskovalnih podatkov, obenem pa vodi delavnice za raziskovalce o pripravi načrta ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki in dostopom ter uporabo podatkov preko podatkovnih arhivov. Mag. Vipavc Brvar vodi delovno skupino za izobraževanje na ravni Konzorcija arhivov družboslovnih podatkov (CESSDA) in sodeluje na področju izobraževanja v številnih mednarodnih projektih (SSHOC, TRIPLE in specifični projekti CESSDA) ter širjenja konzorcija. Je tudi ena od koordinatorjev RDA vozlišča Slovenija in aktivna članica RDA delovnih skupin. 

Objavljanje v odprtem dostopu (Bernarda Korez in Jerneja Grašič)

Financerji imajo pri objavljanju v odprtem dostopu različne zahteve. Včasih je dovolj objava v zelenem odprtem dostopu, spet drugi zahtevajo zlati odprti dostop. Kakšna je razlika med njima? Okvirni program Horizon 2020 je še dovoljeval zeleni odprti dostop, medtem ko Horizon Europe napoveduje aktivno vključevanje odprte znanosti, FAIR raziskovalnih podatkov in načrta ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki, torej zlati odprti dostop. Posvetili se bomo tudi pastem elektronskega založništva.

Bernarda Korez je bibliotekarka, redaktorica bibliografije Univerze v Mariboru, strokovnjakinja na področju klasifikacije in vrednotenje znanstvenih del, bibliometrije in promotorka odprtega dostopa.

Jerneja Grašič je bibliotekarka, strokovnjakinja za orodja pri rabi in upravljanju z elektronskimi viri in skrbnica DKUM. Svetuje raziskovalcem in študentom pri oddaji nalog v DKUM in uporabi orodja End Note.

Lokacija dogodka:



Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov
Fakulteta za družbene vede
Univerza v Ljubljani
Kardeljeva ploščad 5
1000 Ljubljana
(01) 5805 292
(01) 5805 293

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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |