Applying FAIR data principles in social sciences: Part 2 – Metadata and study related documentation

Predavanje na dogodku "Lecture at Rīga Stradiņš University Doctoral school, 23.11.2022", Rīga Stradiņš University, (2022)


ŠTEBE, Janez


During two webinars we find out more about implementation of FAIR principles in everyday work of a researcher. This gives introduction to some of the most significant aspects to make your research data FAIR. Second session covers metadata standards and related controlled vocabularies to describe, document and support search for your data, as terms describing sampling and other characteristics of methods used. The purpose and key aspects of data management planning will be explained, how to prepare a consent form, and where to find support and where to publish data. The inventory of related materials will be presented needed for proper documentation of the research project as a context where the data is produced, in order to enable informed reuse. Importance will be emphasised of computer code sharing that enable reproducibility of published research results, which is a growing requirement of scientific journals.

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