Demokratizacija v vzhodnoevropskih državah 1990-92

Basic Study Information

ADP - IDNo: TD92
Main author(s):
  • Simon, János
  • Raychev, A.
  • Stoychev, K.
  • Hartl, J.
  • Mišovič, J.
  • Saar, A.
  • Fuchs, D.
  • Klingemann, H. D.
  • Roller, E.
  • Weßels, B.
  • Bruszt, László
  • Simon, János
  • Nemirovsky, V.
  • Staneika, E.
  • Sviklas, E.-K.
  • Siemienska-Zachowska, R.
  • Campeanu, P.
  • Marginean, I.
  • Toš, Niko
  • Burov, I.
  • Churilov, N.
  • Golovaha, Y.
  • Pakhomov, J. N.
  • Panina, N.
Data file producer:
MTA PTI - Institute for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budimpešta, Madžarska; 2001)

Funding agency:

Podatki niso na voljo.

Project number:

no information

  • TD/Utrjevanje demokracije v centralni in vzhodni Evropi = Consolidation of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

    Raziskava je plod sodelovanja družboslovnih institutov vzhodnoevropskih držav in s koordinacijo Instituta za politične znanosti pri Madžarski akademiji znanosti iz Budimpešte (János Simon), Wissenschaftszentrum, Berlin (H. D. Klingemann) in Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown (Samuel Barnes). Podatki za ostale sodelujoče države Vzhodne Evrope bodo ob sodelovanju z nemškim arhivom podatkov ZA kmalu na razpolago. Raziskava je bila v podobni obliki ponovljena leta 1999 (ADP IDNo. SJM991).

Study Content


članstvo v političnih strankah, članstvo v združbah, članstvo v religijskih organizacijah, članstvo v sindikatih, zadovoljstvo z demokracijo, gospodarske razmere v državi v zadnjih letih, pričakovane spremembe v prihodnjem letu, prisotnost korupcije, življenjske razmere delavcev prej in sedaj, življenjske razmere kmetov prej in sedaj, življenjske razmere srednjega sloja prej in sedaj, življenjske razmere podjetnikov prej in sedaj, razlike v dohodku, primerjava gmotnih razmer anketirancev s starši, hitrost družbenih sprememb, zadovoljstvo s predhodno vlado, zadovoljstvo s sedanjo vlado, vpliv na odločitve na delovnem mestu, zaposlenost moža/žene, vpliv na družinske odločitve, zadovoljstvo z družinskimi razmerami, odnos do homoseksualcev, odnos do splava, odnos do zaposlovanja žensk, zaupanje v institucije, država naj zagotovi medicinsko pomoč vsem, zakonska omejitev najvišjih dohodkov posameznikov, odvisnost od države vs. skrb sam zase, varovanje okolja vs. gospodarska rast, največji konflikt v posamezni državi, pristojnosti vlade, vodenje politike skladno z interesi državljanov, zaupanje v vlado, vloga in pomen volitev ter parlamenta, katero stranko ste volili na zadnjih volitvah, razlogi za neudeležbo volitev, ali bi volili za isto stranko na naslednjih volitvah, naloge vlade, inflacija vs. brezposelnost, odločitve nasprotne interesom državljanov, obeti za nadaljnirazvoj demokracije v državi, trenutne politične razmere njihov nadaljni razvoj, zadovoljstvo s stopnjo demokracije, vloga političnih strank, preferenčna država za življenje, privatizacija gospodarskih družb, privatizacija kmetijskih zemljišč, značilnosti kapitalističnega gospodarstva, značilnosti socialističnega gospodarstva, upravljanje gospodarskih družb, strankarska pripadnost, pripadnost političnim gibanjem, razlogi za udeležbo stavke, nekonvencionalna politična participacija, enostrankarski vs. večstrankarski sistem, odnos do politike, zaupanje posameznim politikom, dobitniki spremembe sistema, poraženci spremembe sistema, ocena življenjskih pogojev držav, ocena njihovih državljanov, veroizpoved, odnosi s sosedi, prihranki, samoocena pripadnosti družbenemu razredu, lastništvo privatnega podjetja, proizvodnja kmetijskih pridelkov, možnost dobiti nadomestno zaposlitev, nadurno delo, dodatna zaposlitev

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
POLITIKA - množične politične navade, stališča in mnenje
Topic Classification CERIF
Politične in upravne vede
Topic Classification ADP
politična kultura
politične in ekonomske orientacije
participacija v političnih aktivnostih
prehod v demokracijo
odnos do demokracije
življenjski pogoji
družbeni konflikti
vloga države
primerjava kapitalističnega in socialističnega sistema
sprememba režima
odnos do politike
primerjava držav vključenih v raziskavo


Raziskava vsebuje oceno razmer in zaupanje v inštitucije, zadovoljstvo z demokracijo, pomen demokracije, kakšne so lastnosti kapitalizma in lastnosti demokracije, odnos do volitev in volilne preference, kdo je največ pridobil po zadnjih volitvah, kako izraziti so konflikti med različnimi družbenimi skupinami, protestni potencial oz. pripravljenost nasprotovati odločitvam oblasti, odnos do politike. Kazalci konzervativnosti v stališčih so odnos do vloge žensk, abortusa in homoseksualcev. Vključene so tudi samoocene levo - desne politične usmerjenosti, politična aktivnost, spremljanje medijev, subjektivna politična moč in vpliv in ocena prihodnosti demokracije v državi. Kaj pomeni levo oz. desno v politiki, odnos do večstrankarskega sistema in privatizacije, razvrščanje držav glede na kvaliteto življenja, enakost pred zakonom in glede na politični vpliv, ki ga imajo navadni ljudje. Vključena so standardna demografska vprašanja.


Collection date: junij 1990 - november 1992
Date of production: 2001
Country: Bolgarija, Češkoslovaška, Estonija, Vzhodna Nemčija, Madžarska, Krasnojarsk, Litva, Poljska, Romunija, Ukrajina, Slovenija, Turčija
Geographic coverage:

Teritorij navedenih držav

Unit of analysis:



Osebe stare 18 let in več s stalnim prebivališčem v sodelujočih državah.


Institucionalizirani prebivalci kot so dijaki in študentje v domovih, osebe na služenju vojaškega roka, osebe na zdravljenju v bolnišnicah in drugi, ki ne živijo na svojem stalnem naslovu.

Data collected by:

BG: BBSS - Gallup International, Sofia; CS: VVM - Institute for Public Opinion Research, Prague; EE: Saar Poll, Tallinn; D: USUMA - GmbH, Berlin; H: Institute of Political Science, Cenral European University; Institut for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; KRASNOYARSK: Social Research Centre, Krasnoyarsk; LV: Lithuanian Center of National REsearch, Vilnius; PL: Institute of Sociology, Warsaw; RO: Institute for the Quality of Life, Bucharest; SLO: CJMMK - Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij, Ljubljana; UA:, TR: informacija o zbiranju podatkov ni na voljo.

Sampling procedure:

Prebivalci, stari 18 let in več s stalnim bivališčem v sodelujočih državah. CS: kvotni vzorec (starost, izobrazba in ekonomski status), SLO: sistematični tristopenjski slučajni vzorec

Mode of data collection:

Osebno anketiranje na terenu z vprašalnikom na papirju.


Brez uteževanja.

Access restrictions

Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: TD92 - The Postcomunist Citizen 1990-92 [datoteka podatkov], 1992

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • number of variables: 360
  • number of units: 12365

Variable list



Value 13 Frequency
3218 12365

Valid range from 999 to 3218



Value 22 Frequency
1 1
2 1
3 1
2097 1
2098 1
2099 1
2100 1

Valid range from 1 to 2100



Value 31 Frequency
1 Bulgaria 1074
2 CSFR - Czech part 679
3 CSFR - Slovak part 324
4 Estonia 943
5 Hungary 1277
6 Lithuania 918
7 Poland 919
8 Romania 1234
9 Slovenia 686
10 Ukraine 1739
11 Krasnoyarsk 1485
12 East Germany 1087

Valid range from 1 to 12



Value 1360 Frequency
3218 12365

Valid range from 999 to 3218



Value 2359 Frequency
1 1
2 1
3 1
2097 1
2098 1
2099 1
2100 1

Valid range from 1 to 2100



Value 3358 Frequency
1 Bulgaria 1074
2 CSFR - Czech part 679
3 CSFR - Slovak part 324
4 Estonia 943
5 Hungary 1277
6 Lithuania 918
7 Poland 919
8 Romania 1234
9 Slovenia 686
10 Ukraine 1739
11 Krasnoyarsk 1485
12 East Germany 1087

Valid range from 1 to 12

V4 POL. ACTIV: NEWSPAPER Q1 Some people do quite a lot in politics while others find they haven't the time or perhaps the interest to participate in political activities. I'll read to you briefly some of the thins that people do and I would like you to tell me how often you do each of them.

V4 How often do you read about politics in the newspaper?

Value 4357 Frequency
1 often 3684
2 sometimes 3694
3 seldom 3512
4 never 1332
9 NA 143

Valid range from 1 to 4

V5 POL. ACTIV: DISCUSSING Q1 Some people do quite a lot in politics while others find they haven't the time or perhaps the interest to participate in political activities. I'll read to you briefly some of the thins that people do and I would like you to tell me how often you do each of them.

V5 How often do you discus politics with other people?

Value 5356 Frequency
1 often 2690
2 sometimes 4331
3 seldom 3661
4 never 1484
9 NA 199

Valid range from 1 to 4

V6 POL. ACTIV: CONVINCE Q1 Some people do quite a lot in politics while others find they haven't the time or perhaps the interest to participate in political activities. I'll read to you briefly some of the thins that people do and I would like you to tell me how often you do each of them.

V6 How often do you try to convince friends to vote the same as you?

Value 6355 Frequency
1 often 923
2 sometimes 2042
3 seldom 3081
4 never 5739
9 NA 580

Valid range from 1 to 4

V7 POL. ACTIV: GROUP WORK Q1 Some people do quite a lot in politics while others find they haven't the time or perhaps the interest to participate in political activities. I'll read to you briefly some of the thins that people do and I would like you to tell me how often you do each of them.

V7 How often do you work with other people in this community to try to solve some local problems?

Value 7354 Frequency
1 often 516
2 sometimes 1110
3 seldom 1553
4 never 4269
0 Not available 4501
9 NA 416

Valid range from 1 to 4

V8 POL. ACTIV: POL.MEETING Q1 Some people do quite a lot in politics while others find they haven't the time or perhaps the interest to participate in political activities. I'll read to you briefly some of the thins that people do and I would like you to tell me how often you do each of them.

V8 How often do you attend a political meeting or rally?

Value 8353 Frequency
1 often 370
2 sometimes 1045
3 seldom 2072
4 never 8195
9 NA 683

Valid range from 1 to 4

V9 POL. ACTIV: POL. CONTACT Q1 Some people do quite a lot in politics while others find they haven't the time or perhaps the interest to participate in political activities. I'll read to you briefly some of the thins that people do and I would like you to tell me how often you do each of them.

V9 How often do you contact public officials or politicians?

Value 9352 Frequency
1 often 238
2 sometimes 712
3 seldom 1702
4 never 8922
9 NA 791

Valid range from 1 to 4

V10 POL. ACTIV: PARTY WORK Q1 Some people do quite a lot in politics while others find they haven't the time or perhaps the interest to participate in political activities. I'll read to you briefly some of the thins that people do and I would like you to tell me how often you do each of them.

V10 How often do you spend time working for a political party or candidate?

Value 10351 Frequency
1 often 213
2 sometimes 412
3 seldom 867
4 never 9497
9 NA 1376

Valid range from 1 to 4


V11 How many days in the past week did you watch the news on television?

Value 11350 Frequency
1 One day 289
2 2 day 749
3 3 day 1102
4 4 day 983
5 5 day 905
6 6 day 611
7 Every day 5774
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 865

Valid range from 1 to 7


(If the answer is 1 to 7 days, then:) V12 How much attention did you pay to television news about politics?

Value 12349 Frequency
1 Great deal 1764
2 Quite a bit 3502
3 Some 3564
4 Very little 1256
5 None 480
0 Not avalable 1087
9 NA 712

Valid range from 1 to 5


V13 How many days in the past week did you a daily newspaper?

Value 13348 Frequency
1 One day 615
2 2 day 1005
3 3 day 1309
4 4 day 989
5 5 day 884
6 6 day 851
7 Every day 4067
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1558

Valid range from 1 to 7


(If the answer is 1 to 7 days, then:) V14 How much attention did you pay to newspaper articles about politics?

Value 14347 Frequency
1 Great deal 1140
2 Quite a bit 2915
3 Some 3825
4 Very little 1461
5 None 742
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1195

Valid range from 1 to 5


V15 Many people think of political attitudes as being on the "left" or "right". This is a scale streching from the "left" to the "right". When you think of your own political attitudes, where would you put yourself?

Value 15346 Frequency
1 01-Left side 365
2 02 343
3 03 902
4 04 970
5 05 2752
6 06 1227
7 07 696
8 08 628
9 09 202
10 10-Right side 306
99 NA 3974

Valid range from 1 to 10

V16 MEMBER: ASSOCIAT. CLUB Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V16 Free time association, club

Value 16345 Frequency
1 Yes 941
2 No 10849
9 NA 575

Valid range from 1 to 2

V17 MEMBER: LOCAL ASSOCIAT. Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V17 Any local association

Value 17344 Frequency
1 Yes 541
2 No 11236
9 NA 588

Valid range from 1 to 2

V18 MEMBER: POL. PARTY Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V18 Political party

Value 18343 Frequency
1 Yes 1001
2 No 10789
9 NA 575

Valid range from 1 to 2

V19 MEMBER: SOC. POL. MOVEM. Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V19 Social (Political) movement

Value 19342 Frequency
1 Yes 393
2 No 10450
0 Not available 918
9 NA 604

Valid range from 1 to 2

V20 MEMBER: ECOLOGICAL GROUP Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V20 Ecological group

Value 20341 Frequency
1 Yes 350
2 No 11447
9 NA 568

Valid range from 1 to 2

V21 MEMBER: PROF. ASSOCIAT. Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V21 Professional associations (of lawyers, teachers, doctors, etc.)

Value 21340 Frequency
1 Yes 670
2 No 11116
9 NA 579

Valid range from 1 to 2

V22 MEMBER: SPORTS CLUB Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V22 Sports club

Value 22339 Frequency
1 Yes 1132
2 No 10652
9 NA 581

Valid range from 1 to 2

V23 MEMBER: TRADE UNION Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V23 Trade union

Value 23338 Frequency
1 Yes 5154
2 No 6761
9 NA 450

Valid range from 1 to 2

V24 MEMBER: STUDENT ASSOC. Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V24 Student association

Value 24337 Frequency
1 Yes 263
2 No 11516
9 NA 586

Valid range from 1 to 2

V25 MEMBER: RELIG. ORGANIZ. Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V25 Parish religious organizations

Value 25336 Frequency
1 Yes 737
2 No 10622
9 NA 1006

Valid range from 1 to 2

V26 MEMBER: OTHERS Q10 Are you a member of any organizations that appear on this list?

V26 Others

Value 26335 Frequency
1 Yes 416
2 No 8524
0 Not available 2030
9 NA 1395

Valid range from 1 to 2

V27 DEMOCRACY: POL. LIBERTY Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V27 political liberties e.g. freedom of speech, freedom of association

Value 27334 Frequency
1 A lot 8038
2 Somethig 2378
3 Not much 600
4 Nothing to do with 187
9 NA 1162

Valid range from 1 to 4

V28 DEMOCRACY: SOC. EQUALITY Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V28 greater social equality

Value 28333 Frequency
1 A lot 5275
2 Somethig 3239
3 Not much 1672
4 Nothing to do with 787
9 NA 1392

Valid range from 1 to 4

V29 DEMOCRACY: LOC. DECISION Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V29 that many political and administrative decisions can be made at local and regional levels

Value 29332 Frequency
1 A lot 4527
2 Somethig 3816
3 Not much 1454
4 Nothing to do with 508
9 NA 2060

Valid range from 1 to 4

V30 DEMOCRACY: CORRUPTION Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V30 less coruption and less selling of influence

Value 30331 Frequency
1 A lot 4994
2 Somethig 2399
3 Not much 1580
4 Nothing to do with 1423
9 NA 1969

Valid range from 1 to 4

V31 DEMOCRACY: MORAL FREEDOM Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V31 freedom in moral and sexual metters

Value 31330 Frequency
1 A lot 2548
2 Somethig 3008
3 Not much 2502
4 Nothing to do with 2256
9 NA 2051

Valid range from 1 to 4

V32 DEMOCRACY: LAW EQUALITY Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V32 that judger provide equal justice before the law

Value 32329 Frequency
1 A lot 8087
2 Somethig 1916
3 Not much 783
4 Nothing to do with 342
9 NA 1237

Valid range from 1 to 4

V33 DEMOCRACY: GOV. CONTROL Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V33 that the government control banks and large private enterprises

Value 33328 Frequency
1 A lot 3639
2 Somethig 2989
3 Not much 1920
4 Nothing to do with 1384
9 NA 2433

Valid range from 1 to 4

V34 DEMOCRACY: EQUAL RIGHTS Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V34 equal rigths for women

Value 34327 Frequency
1 A lot 6439
2 Somethig 2762
3 Not much 1233
4 Nothing to do with 645
9 NA 1286

Valid range from 1 to 4

V35 DEMOCRACY: MORE JOBS Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V35 more jobs, less unemployment

Value 35326 Frequency
1 A lot 5476
2 Somethig 2682
3 Not much 1642
4 Nothing to do with 1111
9 NA 1454

Valid range from 1 to 4

V36 DEMOCRACY: IMPROVE ECON. Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V36 that economic conditions improve

Value 36325 Frequency
1 A lot 6654
2 Somethig 2515
3 Not much 1086
4 Nothing to do with 739
9 NA 1371

Valid range from 1 to 4

V37 DEMOCRACY: PARTY SYSTEM Q11 People associate democracy with diverse meaning such as those on this card (show card #_). For of them, please tell me weather, for you, democracy has 1. a lot, 2. something, 3. not much, or, 4. nothing to do with.

V37 multi-party system

Value 37324 Frequency
1 A lot 7154
2 Somethig 2073
3 Not much 791
4 Nothing to do with 592
9 NA 1755

Valid range from 1 to 4


V38 Are you totally satisfied or totally dissatisfied with the way in which democracy is working in today?

Value 38323 Frequency
1 01-Dissatisfied 1504
2 02 1264
3 03 2018
4 04 1490
5 05 1989
6 06 1068
7 07 754
8 08 573
9 09 194
10 10-Satisfied 218
99 NA 1293

Valid range from 1 to 10

V39 ECON. SITUAT. SINCE 1990 Now I would like to ask you some questions about economic conditions.

V39 Considering the situation of (country) during the period that the present government has been in power (since 198_), would you say that the economic situation of the country has improved, gotten worse, or remaind the same?

Value 39322 Frequency
1 Improved 1471
2 The same 3556
3 Gotten worse 6686
9 NA 652

Valid range from 1 to 3


V40 And regarding the future, do you expect that in the next year the economic situation of the country will improve, get worse, or remain the same?

Value 40321 Frequency
1 Will improve 3767
2 The same 2851
3 Get worse 4283
9 NA 1464

Valid range from 1 to 3


V41 In copmarison with the last five years of the previous government, would you say that the economic situation of the country has improved, gotten worse, or remained the same?

Value 41320 Frequency
1 Improved 1947
2 The same 3493
3 Gotten worse 6165
9 NA 760

Valid range from 1 to 3


V42 Would you say that under the present government corruption and selling of influence have increased, have remained the same, or have declined?

Value 42319 Frequency
1 Increased 4166
2 Remained the same 3827
3 Declined 1400
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1885

Valid range from 1 to 3

V43 CONDITION: WORKING CLASS Q17 During the time that the present government has been in power (since 198_), would you say, for example, that the condition of the working class (of the workers) has improved, gotten worse, or has continued being more or laess the same as before? And the peasentry? And the middle classes? And the entrepreneurs?

V43 The working class

Value 43318 Frequency
1 Improved 1186
2 More or less the same 2814
3 Gotten worse 5497
0 Not available 2006
9 NA 862

Valid range from 1 to 3

V44 CONDITION: PEASANTRY Q17 During the time that the present government has been in power (since 198_), would you say, for example, that the condition of the working class (of the workers) has improved, gotten worse, or has continued being more or laess the same as before? And the peasentry? And the middle classes? And the entrepreneurs?

V44 The peasentry

Value 44317 Frequency
1 Improved 1854
2 More or less the same 2522
3 Gotten worse 4588
0 Not available 2006
9 NA 1395

Valid range from 1 to 3

V45 CONDITION: MIDDLE CLASS Q17 During the time that the present government has been in power (since 198_), would you say, for example, that the condition of the working class (of the workers) has improved, gotten worse, or has continued being more or laess the same as before? And the peasentry? And the middle classes? And the entrepreneurs?

V45 The middle classes

Value 45316 Frequency
1 Improved 763
2 More or less the same 3046
3 Gotten worse 3865
0 Not available 3240
9 NA 1451

Valid range from 1 to 3

V46 CONDITION: ENTERPRENEURS Q17 During the time that the present government has been in power (since 198_), would you say, for example, that the condition of the working class (of the workers) has improved, gotten worse, or has continued being more or laess the same as before? And the peasentry? And the middle classes? And the entrepreneurs?

V46 The entrepreneurs

Value 46315 Frequency
1 Improved 6875
2 More or less the same 1063
3 Gotten worse 856
0 Not available 2006
9 NA 1565

Valid range from 1 to 3

V47 WORKING CLASS LAST 5 Y. Q18 And in copmarison with the situation during the last five years of (the previous regime), would you say, for example, that the condition of the working class today has improved, gotten worse, or has continued being more or less the same as it was then? And the peasentry? And the middle classes? And the entrepreneurs?

V47 The working class

Value 47314 Frequency
1 Improved 1391
2 More or less the same 2363
3 Gotten worse 5751
0 Not available 2006
9 NA 854

Valid range from 1 to 3

V48 PEASANTRY LAST 5 YEARS Q18 And in copmarison with the situation during the last five years of (the previous regime), would you say, for example, that the condition of the working class today has improved, gotten worse, or has continued being more or less the same as it was then? And the peasentry? And the middle classes? And the entrepreneurs?

V48 The peasentry

Value 48313 Frequency
1 Improved 1945
2 More or less the same 3203
3 Gotten worse 4891
0 Not available 919
9 NA 1407

Valid range from 1 to 3

V49 MIDDLE CLASSES LAST 5 Y. Q18 And in copmarison with the situation during the last five years of (the previous regime), would you say, for example, that the condition of the working class today has improved, gotten worse, or has continued being more or less the same as it was then? And the peasentry? And the middle classes? And the entrepreneurs?

V49 The middle classes

Value 49312 Frequency
1 Improved 1500
2 More or less the same 2815
3 Gotten worse 4352
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1545

Valid range from 1 to 3

V50 ENTERPRENEURS LAST 5 Y. Q18 And in copmarison with the situation during the last five years of (the previous regime), would you say, for example, that the condition of the working class today has improved, gotten worse, or has continued being more or less the same as it was then? And the peasentry? And the middle classes? And the entrepreneurs?

V50 The entrepreneurs

Value 50311 Frequency
1 Improved 7637
2 More or less the same 1050
3 Gotten worse 1048
0 Not available 919
9 NA 1711

Valid range from 1 to 3


V51 Considering the money people earn from their work, do you think that ...? (Interviewer: read the alternatives)

Value 51310 Frequency
1 There should be large differences 2829
2 There should be some differences 6470
3 There should be practically no differences 1356
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 623

Valid range from 1 to 3


V52 Compared with the life your parents lived at your age, do you think you are, financially speaking, dong better, the same, or worse?

Value 52309 Frequency
1 Better 4240
2 Same 2055
3 Worse 4310
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 673

Valid range from 1 to 3


V53 Compared with most of the people in your neighborhood, do you think that are, financially speaking, doing better, the same, or worse?

Value 53308 Frequency
1 Better 1917
2 Same 4985
3 Worse 2797
4 Nor better nor worse (Ukraine and Krasnoyarsk only) 1814
9 NA 852

Valid range from 1 to 4


V54 In general, do you think that in (country) things are changing too fast, at the right speed, or too slowly?

Value 54307 Frequency
1 Too fast 1786
2 Right speed 2036
3 Too slowly 6078
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1378

Valid range from 1 to 3


V55 Taking everything into account, in general, are you satisfied, or not satisfied with the present government? (Interviewer: show card #_)

Value 55306 Frequency
1 01-Not satisfied 1796
2 02 1159
3 03 1777
4 04 1280
5 05 1902
6 06 986
7 07 775
8 08 867
9 09 358
10 10-Very satisfied 430
99 NA 1035

Valid range from 1 to 10


V56 Taking everything into account, in general, were you satisfied or dissatisfied with the previous government (with the government before the regime-change)? (Interviewer: show card #_)

Value 56305 Frequency
1 01-Not satisfied 2533
2 02 1339
3 03 1444
4 04 1014
5 05 1509
6 06 634
7 07 527
8 08 487
9 09 171
10 10-Very satisfied 264
0 Not available 1234
99 NA 1209

Valid range from 1 to 10


V57 (For those who are working or retired) How uch influence would you say that people like you have in decisions at your (former) workplace?

Value 57304 Frequency
1 Decisive 500
2 Much 1493
3 A little 3685
4 None 3226
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2374

Valid range from 1 to 4


V58 (For those who are working or retired) In general, how satisfied are/were you you're your work situation?

Value 58303 Frequency
1 01-Dissatisfied 537
2 02 433
3 03 941
4 04 839
5 05 1527
6 06 939
7 07 1052
8 08 1258
9 09 650
10 10-Satisfied 751
0 Not available 1087
99 NA 2351

Valid range from 1 to 10


V59 You're your husband/wife/companiwork outside of the house?

Value 59302 Frequency
1 Yes (to next question) 6300
2 No (skip next question) 2740
9 NA (skip next question) 3325

Valid range from 1 to 2


V60 Is it full-time or part-time work?

Value 60301 Frequency
1 Full-time 5291
2 Part-time 372
0 Noa available 6589
9 NA 113

Valid range from 1 to 2


V61 How much influence would you say that you have in family decisions?

Value 61300 Frequency
1 Decisive 2682
2 Much 5465
3 A little 1509
4 None 352
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1270

Valid range from 1 to 4


V62 In general, how satisfied are you with your family situation? (Show card)

Value 62299 Frequency
1 01-Dissatisfied 496
2 02 456
3 03 949
4 04 836
5 05 1384
6 06 874
7 07 1033
8 08 1413
9 09 1072
10 10-Satisfied 1741
0 Not available 1087
99 NA 1024

Valid range from 1 to 10

V63 WOMEN TAKE CARE OF HOUSE Q32 Tell me if you are completely in agreement, partially in agreement, partially in disagreement, or completely in disagreement with the following statements:

V63 The best thing for a women to do is to take care of the house.

Value 63298 Frequency
1 Completely in agreement 4983
2 Partially in agreement 3658
3 Partially in disagreement 1311
4 Copletely in disagreement 1054
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 272

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64 ACCEPT HOMOSEXUALS Q32 Tell me if you are completely in agreement, partially in agreement, partially in disagreement, or completely in disagreement with the following statements:

V64 Homosexuals are people who should be accepted like anybody else.

Value 64297 Frequency
1 Completely in agreement 2096
2 Partially in agreement 2276
3 Partially in disagreement 1405
4 Copletely in disagreement 2502
0 Not available 2321
9 NA 1765

Valid range from 1 to 4

V65 AGREE: ABORTIONS Q32 Tell me if you are completely in agreement, partially in agreement, partially in disagreement, or completely in disagreement with the following statements:

V65 Abortions should be available to all women who want them.

Value 65296 Frequency
1 Completely in agreement 6349
2 Partially in agreement 2073
3 Partially in disagreement 911
4 Copletely in disagreement 944
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1001

Valid range from 1 to 4

V66 CONFIDENCE: FAMILY Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V66 Family and relatives

Value 66295 Frequency
1 Totally 7126
2 Certain point 4029
3 Little 817
4 None 173
9 NA 220

Valid range from 1 to 4

V67 CONFIDENCE: GOVERNMENT Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V67 National government

Value 67294 Frequency
1 Totally 1051
2 Certain point 3648
3 Little 4393
4 None 2580
9 NA 693

Valid range from 1 to 4

V68 CONFIDENCE: CHURCH Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V68 Church and clergy

Value 68293 Frequency
1 Totally 1966
2 Certain point 3191
3 Little 3536
4 None 2636
9 NA 1036

Valid range from 1 to 4

V69 CONFIDENCE: NEIGHBORS Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V69 Neighbors

Value 69292 Frequency
1 Totally 1241
2 Certain point 4649
3 Little 4301
4 None 1621
9 NA 553

Valid range from 1 to 4

V70 CONFIDENCE: NAT. PEOPLE Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V70 People of your language

Value 70291 Frequency
1 Totally 1378
2 Certain point 4918
3 Little 3911
4 None 1005
9 NA 1153

Valid range from 1 to 4

V71 CONFIDENCE: MEDIA Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V71 TV, newspapers, radio

Value 71290 Frequency
1 Totally 552
2 Certain point 3868
3 Little 4723
4 None 1412
0 Not available 1234
9 NA 576

Valid range from 1 to 4

V72 CONFIDENCE: TRADE UNIONS Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V72 Trade unions

Value 72289 Frequency
1 Totally 583
2 Certain point 2476
3 Little 4293
4 None 3208
9 NA 1805

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73 CONFIDENCE: GOD Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V73 God

Value 73288 Frequency
1 Totally 3858
2 Certain point 2241
3 Little 1998
4 None 2839
9 NA 1429

Valid range from 1 to 4

V74 CONFIDENCE: ONESELF Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V74 Oneself

Value 74287 Frequency
1 Totally 7258
2 Certain point 3771
3 Little 649
4 None 146
9 NA 541

Valid range from 1 to 4

V75 CONFIDENCE: COLLEAGUES Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V75 Work companions

Value 75286 Frequency
1 Totally 1329
2 Certain point 5592
3 Little 2997
4 None 654
9 NA 1793

Valid range from 1 to 4

V76 CONFIDENCE: PARTIES Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V76 Political parties

Value 76285 Frequency
1 Totally 299
2 Certain point 1899
3 Little 4485
4 None 4090
9 NA 1592

Valid range from 1 to 4

V77 CONFIDENCE: EMPLOYERS Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V77 Employers

Value 77284 Frequency
1 Totally 726
2 Certain point 2727
3 Little 3803
4 None 2992
9 NA 2117

Valid range from 1 to 4

V78 CONFIDENCE: POLICE Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V78 The police

Value 78283 Frequency
1 Totally 933
2 Certain point 2991
3 Little 4363
4 None 3008
9 NA 1070

Valid range from 1 to 4

V79 CONFIDENCE: LEAD. PARTY Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V79 The leading party in the governing coalition, or the governing party

Value 79282 Frequency
1 Totally 829
2 Certain point 2037
3 Little 3156
4 None 4521
9 NA 1822

Valid range from 1 to 4

V80 CONFIDENCE: OPPOS. PARTY Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V80 The biggest oppositional party

Value 80281 Frequency
1 Totally 578
2 Certain point 2321
3 Little 3458
4 None 3822
9 NA 2186

Valid range from 1 to 4

V81 CONFIDENCE: PARLIAMENT Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V81 The Parliament

Value 81280 Frequency
1 Totally 906
2 Certain point 3407
3 Little 4319
4 None 2360
9 NA 1373

Valid range from 1 to 4

V82 CONFIDENCE: ARMY Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V82 The Army

Value 82279 Frequency
1 Totally 2141
2 Certain point 3543
3 Little 2848
4 None 2511
9 NA 1322

Valid range from 1 to 4

V83 SLOV: CONF. IN YUG. ARMY Q33 In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you think that you trust the following totally, to a certain point, little, or not at all?

V83 The Yugoslavian army (Slovenia only)

Value 83278 Frequency
1 Totally 21
2 Certain point 47
3 Little 174
4 None 383
0 Not available 11679
9 NA 61

Valid range from 1 to 4

V84 AGREE: MEDICAL CARE Q34 Which of the following statements do you agree with more?


Value 84277 Frequency
1 Citizens should pay for their own medical care and medicine. 2603
2 The government should cover the costs of citizens' medical care and medicine. 8386
9 NA 1376

Valid range from 1 to 3

V85 AGREE: INCOME LIMITS Q34 Which of the following statements do you agree with more?


Value 85276 Frequency
1 There should be no limits on the amount of money one is able to earn. 7723
2 It is necessary to place limits on the amount of money that one can earn. 3747
9 NA 895

Valid range from 1 to 3

V86 AGREE: SELF RESPONSIBLE Q34 Which of the following statements do you agree with more?


Value 86275 Frequency
1 Instead of depending so much on the government, people should learn to take care of themselves. 3580
2 The government doesn't do enough to protect people from economic difficulties. 7653
9 NA 1132

Valid range from 1 to 3

V87 AGREE: ENVIRONMENT Q34 Which of the following statements do you agree with more?


Value 87274 Frequency
1 The environment has to be cleaned up even if it means some loss in manufactering jobs. 8762
2 Cleaning up the environment has to take second place to industrial growth and the protection of jobs. 1705
9 NA 1898

Valid range from 1 to 3

V88 CONFLICTS: POOR - RICH Q35 (Country) has many problems to solve. Of the conflicts listed on this card, tell me, please, which do you conside very important, somewhat important, of little importance, or not at all important. (Show card #_)

V88 Between those with money and those without (or: between rich and poor).

Value 88273 Frequency
1 Very important 3780
2 Somewhat important 4311
3 Little important 2738
4 Not at all important 675
9 NA 861

Valid range from 1 to 4

V89 CONFLICTS: PEOPLE OBEY Q35 (Country) has many problems to solve. Of the conflicts listed on this card, tell me, please, which do you conside very important, somewhat important, of little importance, or not at all important. (Show card #_)

V89 Between those citizens who obey the law and delinquents.

Value 89272 Frequency
1 Very important 5536
2 Somewhat important 4273
3 Little important 1312
4 Not at all important 287
9 NA 957

Valid range from 1 to 4

V90 CONFLICTS: LANG. GROUPS Q35 (Country) has many problems to solve. Of the conflicts listed on this card, tell me, please, which do you conside very important, somewhat important, of little importance, or not at all important. (Show card #_)

V90 Between those who speak (language) nad those who don't.

Value 90271 Frequency
1 Very important 1464
2 Somewhat important 2542
3 Little important 3363
4 Not at all important 3635
9 NA 1361

Valid range from 1 to 4

V91 CONFLICTS: LEFT-RIGHT Q35 (Country) has many problems to solve. Of the conflicts listed on this card, tell me, please, which do you conside very important, somewhat important, of little importance, or not at all important. (Show card #_)

V91 Between those on the left and those on the right.

Value 91270 Frequency
1 Very important 2261
2 Somewhat important 3882
3 Little important 2618
4 Not at all important 916
9 NA 2688

Valid range from 1 to 4

V92 CONFLICTS: YOUNG-OLD Q35 (Country) has many problems to solve. Of the conflicts listed on this card, tell me, please, which do you conside very important, somewhat important, of little importance, or not at all important. (Show card #_)

V92 Between the young and the old.

Value 92269 Frequency
1 Very important 1743
2 Somewhat important 3882
3 Little important 4038
4 Not at all important 1781
9 NA 921

Valid range from 1 to 4

V93 CONFLICTS: CHURCH MORAL Q35 (Country) has many problems to solve. Of the conflicts listed on this card, tell me, please, which do you conside very important, somewhat important, of little importance, or not at all important. (Show card #_)

V93 Between those who follow the moral teachings of the church and those who do not.

Value 93268 Frequency
1 Very important 1059
2 Somewhat important 2322
3 Little important 4268
4 Not at all important 3263
9 NA 1453

Valid range from 1 to 4

V94 CONFLICTS: NATIONALISTS Q35 (Country) has many problems to solve. Of the conflicts listed on this card, tell me, please, which do you conside very important, somewhat important, of little importance, or not at all important. (Show card #_)

V94 Between nationalists and the rest of the people of the country.

Value 94267 Frequency
1 Very important 2927
2 Somewhat important 3496
3 Little important 2653
4 Not at all important 1115
9 NA 2174

Valid range from 1 to 4

V95 GOV.ACTION: USING FORCE Q36 Now I'd like you to consider some kinds of action that the government and the authorities sometimes take. For each one, I would like you to tell me wheather you approve strongly, approve, disapprove, or disapprove strongly. (Show card #_)

V95 The police using force against demonstrators.

Value 95266 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 478
2 Approve 1266
3 Disapprove 3174
4 Disapprove strongly 2775
0 Not available 4142
9 NA 530

Valid range from 1 to 4

V96 GOV.ACTION: SEVERE COURT Q36 Now I'd like you to consider some kinds of action that the government and the authorities sometimes take. For each one, I would like you to tell me wheather you approve strongly, approve, disapprove, or disapprove strongly. (Show card #_)

V96 The courts giving severe sentences to protestors who disregard police.

Value 96265 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 1374
2 Approve 2275
3 Disapprove 2371
4 Disapprove strongly 1532
0 Not available 4142
9 NA 671

Valid range from 1 to 4

V97 GOV.ACTION: DEMONSTR.LAW Q36 Now I'd like you to consider some kinds of action that the government and the authorities sometimes take. For each one, I would like you to tell me wheather you approve strongly, approve, disapprove, or disapprove strongly. (Show card #_)

V97 The government passing a law to forbid all public protest demonstrations.

Value 97264 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 472
2 Approve 835
3 Disapprove 3004
4 Disapprove strongly 3346
0 Not available 4142
9 NA 566

Valid range from 1 to 4

V98 GOV.ACTION: BREAK STRIKE Q36 Now I'd like you to consider some kinds of action that the government and the authorities sometimes take. For each one, I would like you to tell me wheather you approve strongly, approve, disapprove, or disapprove strongly. (Show card #_)

V98 The government using troops to break strikes.

Value 98263 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 247
2 Approve 429
3 Disapprove 2268
4 Disapprove strongly 4798
0 Not available 4142
9 NA 481

Valid range from 1 to 4


V99 Generally speaking, would you say that this country is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves or that it is run for the benefit of all the people?

Value 99262 Frequency
1 All the people 5121
2 A few big interests 5275
9 NA 1969

Valid range from 1 to 2


V100 How much do you trust the government in (country) to do what is right? Do you trust it just about always, most of the time, only some of the time, or almost never?

Value 100261 Frequency
1 Just about always 728
2 Most of the time 3732
3 Only some of the time 4177
4 Almost never 1885
0 Not available 919
9 NA 924

Valid range from 1 to 4


V101 Do you think that elections are the best way to choose the government and the authorities of the country or you not think so?

Value 101260 Frequency
1 Yes, they are the best way. 9152
2 They are not the best way. 1255
0 Not available 919
9 NA 1039

Valid range from 1 to 2


V102 Looking at things from the point of view of utility, do you think that in order for things to go well, we need a parliament? Or are you among those who think that we can do without it?

Value 102259 Frequency
1 We need a parliament 9478
2 We could go without it 1276
9 NA 1611

Valid range from 1 to 2


V103 Did you vote in the last elections?

Value 103258 Frequency
1 Yes 7598
2 No 2244
0 Not available 2077
9 NA 446

Valid range from 1 to 2


V104 Czechoslovakia: party vote

Value 104257 Frequency
1 Freedom Party 1
2 Democratic Party 13
3 Czecho-Slovak Socialist Party 17
4 Movement Civic Freedom 1
5 Public Against Violence 112
6 Free Block 10
7 Civic Forum 358
8 All People Democratic Party 1
9 Interest Union, Czech 4
10 Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 94
11 Farmers 33
12 Egyuetteles Coexistence 17
13 Czechoslovak Democratic Forum 2
14 Slovak National Party 40
15 Christian-Democratic Party 52
16 Party of Green 43
17 Czecho-Slovak Union 2
18 Movement for Self-Administrative Democracy 55
19 Social Democracy 30
20 Friends of Beer 2
21 Christian-Democratic Union 48
0 Not applicable 11362
97 Refused to answer 21
99 NA 47

Valid range from 1 to 21


V105 Estonia: party vote

Value 105256 Frequency
1 Democr. Party 4
2 Democratic Union "Free Estonia" 6
3 Entrepreneurs Party 2
4 Interfront 11
5 Citizen Committee 7
6 Estonian Communist Party 1
7 CPSU 40
8 Christian Democrats 4
9 Rural Centrist Party 9
10 Rural Union 3
11 Popular Front 154
12 National Independence Party 9
13 Green Movement 16
14 Green Party 1
15 Council of Work Collectives 5
16 Others 6
17 Congress of Estonia 1
18 Association of Individuals 25
0 Not applicable 12051
99 NA 10

Valid range from 1 to 18


V106 Hungary: party vote

Value 106255 Frequency
1 MDF 275
2 SZDSZ 216
3 FGKP 99
4 MSZP 63
6 KGNP 57
7 Others 48
0 Not applicable 11427
97 Refused to answer 85

Valid range from 1 to 7


V107 Poland: candidate vote

Value 107254 Frequency
1 Bartoszoze 29
2 Cimoszewicza 35
3 Mazowiecki 138
4 Moczulskiogo 9
5 Tymlasklege 92
6 Walesa 353
7 edmowa odpow 67
0 Not applicable 11642

Valid range from 1 to 7


V108 Romania: party vote

Value 108253 Frequency
1 FSN 609
2 UDMR 56
3 PNL 117
4 PNT-cd 31
5 MER 26
6 PUNR 39
7 PDA 14
8 PER 21
9 PSDR 1
10 PSD 3
11 Independed candidate 6
12 PSM 1
13 Alte Partide 12
0 Not applicable 11429

Valid range from 1 to 13


V109 Slovenia: party vote

Value 109252 Frequency
1 Small Scale Industrial P 10
2 Greens 34
3 Farmer Alliance 29
4 Christian Democrats 42
5 Social Democratic Alliance 33
6 Liberal Democratic Alliance 29
7 Liberal-Democratic Party 46
8 Democratic Renewal 93
9 Socialist Party 5
10 Other 4
11 Different candidates 149
12 Not remembered 131
0 Not applicable 11698
99 NA 62

Valid range from 1 to 12


V110 East Germany: party vote

Value 110251 Frequency
1 CDU 316
2 SPD 212
3 FDP 71
4 PDS 114
5 Bündnis90 Grüne 65
6 DSU 8
7 REP 3
8 DVU 1
9 NPD 1
10 ÖDP 3
0 Not applicable 11442
99 NA 129

Valid range from 1 to 10


V111 Czechoslovakia: reason non-vote

Value 111250 Frequency
1 Too young 16
2 Sick, "couldn't get out" 7
3 Other 21
0 not applicable 12314
8 DK 7

Valid range from 1 to 3


V112 Lithuania: reason non-vote

Value 112249 Frequency
1 Too young 5
2 Sick, "couldn't get out" 29
3 Other 72
0 Not applicable 12248
8 DK 2
9 NA 9

Valid range from 1 to 3


V113 Poland: reason non-vote

Value 113248 Frequency
1 Too young 43
2 Sick, "couldn't get out" 27
3 Other 124
0 Not applicable 12169
9 NA 2

Valid range from 1 to 3


V114 Ukraine: reason non-vote

Value 114247 Frequency
1 Too young 64
2 Sick, "couldn't get out" 44
3 Other 87
0 Not applicable 12055
9 NA 115

Valid range from 1 to 3


V115 Krasnoyarsk: reason non-vote

Value 115246 Frequency
1 young 71
2 Sick, "couldn't get out" 48
3 Other 100
0 Not applicable 12016
9 NA 130

Valid range from 1 to 3


V116 Sunday question

Value 116245 Frequency
1 Yes 5816
2 No 1953
0 Not available 1605
9 NA 2991

Valid range from 1 to 2


V117 Czechoslovakia: sunday question

Value 117244 Frequency
2 Democratic party 4
3 Czecho-Slovak Socialist Party 3
4 Public Against Violence 3
5 Free Block 8
6 Civic Forum 1
7 All People Democratic Party 2
8 Interest Union Czech 1
9 Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 9
10 Farmers Rural Population 6
11 Czechoslovac Democratic Forum 1
12 Slovak National Party 25
13 Hungarian Christian-Democratic Movement 1
14 Party of Green 13
15 Movement for Self-Administrative Democracy 10
16 Social Democracy 10
17 Friends of Beer 1
18 Christian Democratic Union 7
19 Others 3
0 Not applicable 12179
97 Refused to answer 8
99 NA 70

Valid range from 2 to 19


V118 Estonia: sunday question

Value 118243 Frequency
1 Democratic Party 5
3 Entrepreneurs Party 2
4 Interfront 4
5 Citizen Committee 1
7 CPSU 2
8 Conservative People Party 1
9 Christian Democrats 5
10 Liberal Democrats 3
11 Rural Centrists 2
14 Popular Front 11
15 National Independence Party 4
16 Royalists 2
17 Green Movement 4
19 Social Democratic Party 5
22 Republican 1
25 Association of Individuals 1
0 Not applicable 12103
99 NA 209

Valid range from 1 to 25


V119 Hungary: sunday question

Value 119242 Frequency
0 Not applicable 12146
99 NA 213

Valid range from 2 to 5


V120 Romania: sunday question

Value 120241 Frequency
1 FSN 3
3 PNL 22
4 PNT-cd 15
5 MER 5
6 PUNR 3
7 PDA 3
8 PER 9
9 PSDR 1
10 PSD 1
13 PSM 3
14 Alte Partide 9
0 Not applicable 12198
99 NA 93

Valid range from 1 to 14


V121 Slovenia: sunday question

Value 121240 Frequency
1 Socialists 16
2 Democratic Renewal 88
3 Liberal Democratic Party 58
4 Liberal Democratic Alliance 32
5 Social Democratic Alliance 29
6 Christian Democratic Party 43
7 Farmers Alliance 42
8 Greens 44
9 Small Scale Industrial Party 10
10 Other 16
0 Not applicable 11679
99 NA 308

Valid range from 1 to 10


V122 Ukraine: sunday question

Value 122239 Frequency
1 Communist Party 103
2 Party of Democratic Revival 14
3 Democratic Party 27
4 National Party of the Ukraine 11
6 Christian Democratic Party 3
7 Republican Party 8
8 Green Party 26
9 Ukrainian National Party 2
10 Peasant Democratic Party 5
11 Republican Party of the Ukraine 1
12 Social Democratic Party 4
14 Constitutional Democrats 4
15 Other 9
0 Not applicable 11954
99 NA 194

Valid range from 1 to 15


V123 Krasnoyarsk: sunday question

Value 123238 Frequency
1 Democratic Russia 21
2 Democratic Party of Russia 13
3 Social Democratic Party Russia 3
4 Republican Party 1
5 Liberal-Democratic Party 5
6 Socialist Party 1
8 Constitutional Democratic Party 2
9 Christian Democrats 2
10 Christian Democratic Movement 3
11 Peasants' Party 4
13 Confederation of the Anarcho-Syndicalists 1
14 Orthodox-monarchistiUnion 2
16 Communist Party 4
17 Communist Party of the Soviet Union 13
21 Others 7
0 Not applicable 12193
99 NA 90

Valid range from 1 to 21


V124 East Germany: sunday question

Value 124237 Frequency
1 CDU 153
2 SPD 263
3 FDP 52
4 PDS 82
5 Bündnis 90 Grüne 57
6 DSU 3
7 REP 14
8 DVU 2
9 NPD 1
10 Graue 2
11 ÖDP 3
12 Others 2
0 Not applicable 11278
99 NA 453

Valid range from 1 to 12

V125 GOV.RESP.: PROVIDE JOB Q44 On the whole do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to:

V125 Provide a job for everyone, who wants one.

Value 125236 Frequency
1 Definitely should be 8246
2 Probably should be 2719
3 Probably should not be 681
4 Definitely should not be 404
9 NA 315

Valid range from 1 to 4

V126 GOV.RESP.: HEALTH CARE Q44 On the whole do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to:

V126 Provide health care for the sick.

Value 126235 Frequency
1 Definitely should be 9908
2 Probably should be 1931
3 Probably should not be 203
4 Definitely should not be 96
9 NA 227

Valid range from 1 to 4

V127 GOV.RESP.: OLD PEOPLE Q44 On the whole do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to:

V127 Provide a decent standard of living for the old.

Value 127234 Frequency
1 Definitely should be 10180
2 Probably should be 1742
3 Probably should not be 144
4 Definitely should not be 66
9 NA 233

Valid range from 1 to 4

V128 GOV.RESP.: UNEMPLOYED Q44 On the whole do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to:

V128 Provide a decent standard of living for the unemployed.

Value 128233 Frequency
1 Definitely should be 6810
2 Probably should be 3418
3 Probably should not be 1021
4 Definitely should not be 543
9 NA 573

Valid range from 1 to 4

V129 GOV.RESP.: INCOME DIFF. Q44 On the whole do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to:

V129 Reduce income differences between the rich and the poor.

Value 129232 Frequency
1 Definitely should be 5662
2 Probably should be 3054
3 Probably should not be 1585
4 Definitely should not be 1316
9 NA 748

Valid range from 1 to 4


V130 If the government had to choose between keeping down inflation or keeping down unemployment to which do you think it should give highest priority?

Value 130231 Frequency
1 Keeping inflation down 6151
2 Keeping unemployment down 3091
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2036

Valid range from 1 to 2


V131 If the government made a decision which violated people's interests,

Value 131230 Frequency
1 could you do something about it, 1390
2 couldn't you do something about it 8343
3 other 0
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1545

Valid range from 1 to 3


V132 If your local council made a decision which violated people's interests,

Value 132229 Frequency
1 could you do something about it, 2035
2 couldn't you do something about it 6761
3 other 0
0 Not available 2090
9 NA 1479

Valid range from 1 to 3


V133 Do you think that if you had lived in a western country

Value 133228 Frequency
1 you would have get on better 6361
2 it would have been the same 1866
3 it would have been worse 631
9 NA 3507

Valid range from 1 to 3

V134 AGREE: NEED OF WEST.DEM. Q49 Please tell me wheather you agree with the following statements or not.

V134 Our country needs a kind of development typical of the western countries.

Value 134227 Frequency
1 Agree 8429
2 Disagree 1672
9 NA 2264

Valid range from 1 to 2

V135 AGREE: NO CONSOL.OF DEM. Q49 Please tell me wheather you agree with the following statements or not.

V135 Democracy will never be consolidated in our country.

Value 135226 Frequency
1 Agree 2212
2 Disagree 7191
9 NA 2962

Valid range from 1 to 2


V136 We have got the same kind of democracy here as in Western-European countries.

Value 136225 Frequency
1 Agree 1325
2 Disagree 8360
9 NA 2680

Valid range from 1 to 2


V137 Democracy in (country) will be consolidated in a difficult process.

Value 137224 Frequency
1 Agree 9176
2 Disagree 1341
9 NA 1848

Valid range from 1 to 2


V138 You can't say that democracy has already been accomplished in (country).

Value 138223 Frequency
1 Agree 8376
2 Disagree 2016
9 NA 1973

Valid range from 1 to 2


V139 Do you think that in democracy the problem of our country

Value 139222 Frequency
1 will be solved. 5441
2 will be getting more and more serious. 2669
3 willremain the same. 2026
9 NA 2229

Valid range from 1 to 3


V140 How do you judge the political situation of the country?

Value 140221 Frequency
1 Very good. 161
2 Quite good. 1176
3 So-so. 5483
4 Rather bad. 3837
5 Very bad. 1056
9 NA 652

Valid range from 1 to 5


V141 How do you think the political situation of (country) will change next year?

Value 141220 Frequency
1 It will improve. 3921
2 It will remain the same. 3230
3 It will get worse. 2971
9 NA 2243

Valid range from 1 to 3


V142 Taking everything into account, how contented are you with the present state of democracy in (country)?

Value 142219 Frequency
1 Totally. 263
2 To a certain point. 2668
3 Little. 5142
4 Not at all. 2257
0 Not available 919
9 NA 1116

Valid range from 1 to 4

V143 AGREE: NEED POL. PARTIES Q54 Please tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V143 We need political parties if we want democratic development.

Value 143218 Frequency
1 Agree 9018
2 Disagree 1428
9 NA 1919

Valid range from 1 to 2

V144 AGREE: NO PARTY DIFFER. Q54 Please tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V144 I can't see any differences between the existing parties.

Value 144217 Frequency
1 Agree 3519
2 Disagree 6576
9 NA 2270

Valid range from 1 to 2


V145 Parties provide opportunity to participate in political activities.

Value 145216 Frequency
1 Agree 7971
2 Disagree 1581
9 NA 2813

Valid range from 1 to 2


V146 Parties only serve their leaders' interests.

Value 146215 Frequency
1 Agree 4362
2 Disagree 5109
9 NA 2894

Valid range from 1 to 2


V147 If you had a chance to choose which you could live in, would you choose (county)?

Value 147214 Frequency
1 Definitely. 6992
2 Probably yes. 2975
3 Probably no. 1273
4 By no means/absolutely not. 530
9 NA 595

Valid range from 1 to 4


V148 Taking everything into account, since the end of the era (Kadar, or Zsivkov, or Ceaucescu, etc.; the last regime) things have been getting on

Value 148213 Frequency
1 better than I expected. 1051
2 worse than I expected. 3616
3 as I expected. 1382
4 some things better, some things worse. 4747
9 NA 1569

Valid range from 1 to 4


V149 There is considerable argument concerning the ownership of companies. What do you think the right solution would be?

Value 149212 Frequency
1 Companies should be given back to the original owners. 1755
2 They should be sold to those who offer most, even if the buyers are foreigners. 1745
3 The companies should go into the workers' proprietorship. 4385
4 The should remain state property. 2851
9 NA 1629

Valid range from 1 to 4


V150 According to your opinion, what should we do in (country) with the ownership of agricultural lands?

Value 150211 Frequency
1 The land should be returned to those who owned it before collectivization. 2606
2 The land should be sold to the highest bidder. 471
3 It should be kept in its present form in the hand of the collective farms. 1703
4 The collective farms should retain ownership and they should be allowed to either sell or lease the land. 1688
5 The lands should be owned by the local communities/villages 2723
6 They should be given to those who were employed by the state to work on them (Romania only). 282
9 NA 1030
0 Not available 1862

Valid range from 1 to 6

V151 CAPIT. ECONOMY: STRIKE Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V151 Strike

Value 151210 Frequency
1 chosen 7448
2 not chosen 1358
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1406

Valid range from 1 to 2

V152 CAPIT. ECONOMY: FREEDOM Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V152 Freedom

Value 152209 Frequency
1 chosen 6445
2 not chosen 2292
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1475

Valid range from 1 to 2

V153 CAP. ECONOMY: INEQUALITY Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V153 Inequality

Value 153208 Frequency
1 chosen 6135
2 not chosen 2588
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1489

Valid range from 1 to 2

V154 CAP. ECONOMY: PROGRESS 1 Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V154 Techical progress

Value 154207 Frequency
1 chosen 7985
2 not chosen 821
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1406

Valid range from 1 to 2

V155 CAPIT. ECONOMY: WEALTH Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V155 Wealth

Value 155206 Frequency
1 chosen 7485
2 not chosen 1313
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1414

Valid range from 1 to 2

V156 CAPIT. ECONOMY: SELFISH Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V156 Selfishness

Value 156205 Frequency
1 chosen 5540
2 not chosen 3059
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1613

Valid range from 1 to 2

V157 CAPIT. ECONOMY: POWER Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V157 Power

Value 157204 Frequency
1 chosen 6696
2 not chosen 1983
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1533

Valid range from 1 to 2

V158 CAPIT. ECONOMY: PROFIT Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V158 Profit

Value 158203 Frequency
1 chosen 8022
2 not chosen 769
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1421

Valid range from 1 to 2

V159 CAPIT. ECONOMY: JUSTICE Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V159 Justice

Value 159202 Frequency
1 chosen 3587
2 not chosen 4995
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1630

Valid range from 1 to 2

V160 CAPIT. ECONOMY: SCARCITY Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V160 Scarcity

Value 160201 Frequency
1 chosen 2292
2 not chosen 6426
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1494

Valid range from 1 to 2

V161 CAPIT. ECONOMY: HUMANITY Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V161 Humane

Value 161200 Frequency
1 chosen 3647
2 not chosen 4884
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1681

Valid range from 1 to 2

V162 CAP. ECONOMY: PROGRESS 2 Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V162 Progres

Value 162199 Frequency
1 chosen 7419
2 not chosen 1344
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1449

Valid range from 1 to 2

V163 CAPIT. ECONOMY: PLANNING Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V163 Planning

Value 163198 Frequency
1 chosen 4682
2 not chosen 3969
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1561

Valid range from 1 to 2

V164 CAPIT. ECONOMY: EFFICACY Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V164 Efficacy

Value 164197 Frequency
1 chosen 7150
2 not chosen 1576
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1486

Valid range from 1 to 2

V165 CAPIT. ECON.: REPRESSION Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V165 Repression

Value 165196 Frequency
1 chosen 4379
2 not chosen 4204
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1629

Valid range from 1 to 2

V166 CAP. ECONOMY: CORRUPTION Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think a) of the capitalist free enterprise economy? (Show cards)

V166 Corruption

Value 166195 Frequency
1 chosen 5280
2 not chosen 3375
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1557

Valid range from 1 to 2

V167 SOCIAL. ECONOMY: STRIKE Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V167 Strike

Value 167194 Frequency
1 chosen 3571
2 not chosen 5188
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1453

Valid range from 1 to 2

V168 SOCIAL. ECONOMY: FREEDOM Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V168 Freedom

Value 168193 Frequency
1 chosen 2971
2 not chosen 5701
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1540

Valid range from 1 to 2

V169 SOC. ECONOMY: INEQUALITY Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V169 Inequality

Value 169192 Frequency
1 chosen 5309
2 not chosen 3390
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1513

Valid range from 1 to 2

V170 SOC. ECONOMY: PROGRESS 1 Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V170 Techical progress

Value 170191 Frequency
1 chosen 3080
2 not chosen 5608
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1524

Valid range from 1 to 2

V171 SOCIAL. ECONOMY: WEALTH Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V171 Wealth

Value 171190 Frequency
1 chosen 2336
2 not chosen 6337
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1539

Valid range from 1 to 2

V172 SOC. ECONOMY: SELFISHN. Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V172 Selfishness

Value 172189 Frequency
1 chosen 5269
2 not chosen 3327
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1616

Valid range from 1 to 2

V173 SOCIALIST ECONOMY: POWER Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V173 Power

Value 173188 Frequency
1 chosen 6097
2 not chosen 2552
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1563

Valid range from 1 to 2

V174 SOCIAL. ECONOMY: PROFIT Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V174 Profit

Value 174187 Frequency
1 chosen 2948
2 not chosen 5683
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1581

Valid range from 1 to 2

V175 SOCIAL. ECONOMY: JUSTICE Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V175 Justice

Value 175186 Frequency
1 chosen 2584
2 not chosen 6055
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1573

Valid range from 1 to 2

V176 SOC. ECONOMY: SCARCITY Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V176 Scarcity

Value 176185 Frequency
1 chosen 6510
2 not chosen 2248
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1454

Valid range from 1 to 2

V177 SOCIAL. ECONOMY: HUMANE Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V177 Humane

Value 177184 Frequency
1 chosen 3651
2 not chosen 4904
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1657

Valid range from 1 to 2

V178 SOC. ECONOMY: PROGRESS 2 Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V178 Progres

Value 178183 Frequency
1 chosen 2880
2 not chosen 5744
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1588

Valid range from 1 to 2

V179 SOC. ECONOMY: PLANNING Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V179 Planning

Value 179182 Frequency
1 chosen 6135
2 not chosen 2540
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1537

Valid range from 1 to 2

V180 SOC. ECONOMY: EFFICACY Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V180 Efficacy

Value 180181 Frequency
1 chosen 2169
2 not chosen 6416
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1627

Valid range from 1 to 2

V181 SOC. ECONOMY: REPRESSION Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V181 Repression

Value 181180 Frequency
1 chosen 4721
2 not chosen 3851
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1640

Valid range from 1 to 2

V182 SOC. ECONOMY: CORRUPTION Q59 Please tell me which of the words in this list describe best what you think b) of the socialist economy without private firms? (Show cards)

V182 Corruption

Value 182179 Frequency
1 chosen 6203
2 not chosen 2476
0 Not available 2153
9 NA 1533

Valid range from 1 to 2

V183 CAPITALIST ECONOMY BEST Q60 Please tell me whether you agree with the following statements.

V183 The capitalist economy, based on free private initiative, is the best economic system for our country.

Value 183178 Frequency
1 agree 5053
2 disagree 2901
0 Not available 943
9 NA 3468

Valid range from 1 to 2


V184 The capitalist economy, based on free private initivative, will enable us to resolve the problems that we have.

Value 184177 Frequency
1 agree 5653
2 disagree 2371
0 Not available 919
9 NA 3422

Valid range from 1 to 2


V185 There is a lot of debate about the way of management of industrial enterprises. Which of the following four opinions most resembles yours? Please select only one.

Value 185176 Frequency
1 The owners of the enterprises should manage the enterprise or name the director of the enterprise. 2448
2 The owners and the employees should participate together in the naming of the management. 3493
3 The property should be state-owned and the state should name the mangers. 1309
4 The property should be owned by the employees and the employees should name the managers. 4001
9 NA 1114

Valid range from 1 to 4

V186 FEEL CLOSE TO PARTY Now I would like to ask you some questions about political parties and movements in (country).

V186 Among the political parties and political movements in (country) is there any that you usually feel closer to?

Value 186175 Frequency
1 Yes 5166
9 NA 7199

Valid range from 1 to 1


V187 Czechoslovakia: party preference

Value 187174 Frequency
1 Freedom Party 2
2 Democratic Party 7
3 Czecho-Slovak Socialist Party 9
4 Movement for Civic Freedom 1
5 Public Against Violence 39
6 Free Block 19
7 Civic Forum 138
8 All People Democratic Party 2
9 Interest Union Czech 1
10 Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 57
11 Farmers Rural Population 16
12 Egyuetteles Coexistence 5
13 Czechoslovak Democratic Forum 3
14 Slovak National Party 33
15 Christian-Democratic Movement 29
16 Party of Green 38
17 Movement for Self-Administrative Democracy 24
18 Social Democracy 26
19 Friends of Beer 2
20 Christian-Democratic Union 42
21 Others 5
0 Not applicable, Not available 11833
97 Refused to answer 28
99 NA 6

Valid range from 1 to 21


V188 Estonia: party preference

Value 188173 Frequency
1 Democratic Party 5
2 DU Free Estonia 4
3 Entrepreneurs Party 2
4 Interfront 15
5 Citizen Committee 4
6 Estonian Communist Party 1
7 CPSU 18
8 Christian Democrats 12
9 Liberal Democrats 8
10 Rural Centrists 3
11 Rural Union 4
12 Memento 1
13 Estonian Hertage Society 2
14 Popular Front 58
15 National Independence Party 15
16 Royalists 2
17 Green Movement 44
18 Green Party 6
19 Social Democratic Party 17
20 Union of Farmers 1
21 Council of Work Collectives 5
22 Republican 5
23 Others 3
24 Congress of Estonia 2
25 Association of Individuals 2
0 Not applicable, Not available 12100
99 NA 26

Valid range from 1 to 25


V189 Hungary: party preference

Value 189172 Frequency
1 MDF 114
2 SZDSZ 151
3 FGKP 49
4 MSZP 45
5 FIDESZ 174
6 KGNP 33
7 Others 14
0 Not applicable, Not available 11719
97 Refused to answer 11
99 NA 55

Valid range from 1 to 7


V190 Poland: party preference

Value 190171 Frequency
1 Polska Stranka Ludowa 15
2 KPN 5
3 SDRP 4
4 ROAD 10
5 Forum 2
6 Unia Democracie 5
7 PC 12
8 PPS 5
9 SD 5
10 Solidarnosz 80
11 OPPZ 5
12 Ruch Ludzi Prace 3
0 Not applicable, Not available 12211
99 NA 3

Valid range from 1 to 12


V191 Slovenia: party preference

Value 191170 Frequency
1 Socialists 28
2 Democratic Renewal 101
3 Liberal Democratic Party 64
4 Liberal Democratic Alliance 29
5 Social Democratic Alliance 34
6 Christian Democrats 43
7 Farmers Alliance 53
8 The Greens 77
9 Small Scale Industrial Party 13
0 Not applicable, Not available 11923

Valid range from 1 to 9


V192 Ukraine: party preference

Value 192169 Frequency
1 Communist Party 219
2 Party of Democratic Revival 18
3 Democratoc Party 38
4 National Party of the Ukraine 7
5 Liberal-Democratic Party 3
6 Christian Democratic Party 5
7 Republican Party 27
8 Green Party 48
9 Ukrainian National Party 2
10 Peasant Democratic Party 5
11 Republican Party of the Ukraine 1
12 Social Democratic Party 2
13 United Social Democratic Party 3
14 Other 31
0 Not applicable, Not available 11924
99 NA 32

Valid range from 1 to 14


V193 Krasnoyarsk: party preference

Value 193168 Frequency
1 Democratic Russia 91
2 Democratic Party of Russia 74
3 Social Democratic Party Russia 4
4 Republican Party 1
5 Liberal-Democratic Party 9
9 Christian Democrats 2
10 Christian Democratic Movement 4
11 Peasants' Party 3
12 Democratic Union 1
13 Confederation Anarcho-Syndicalists 2
14 United Workers of the USSR 1
15 Communist Party 11
16 Communist Party of the Soviet Union 62
18 Unity Leninism and Communist Ideals 1
19 National-Patriotic Front 7
20 Others 4
0 Not applicable, Not available 12056
99 NA 32

Valid range from 1 to 20


V194 East Germany: party preference

Value 194167 Frequency
1 CDU 111
2 SPD 200
3 FDP 34
4 PDS 90
5 Bündnis 90 Grüne 56
6 DSU 5
7 REP 9
8 DVU 2
9 NPD 1
10 Graue 2
11 ÖDP 3
12 Others 6
0 Not applicable, Not available 11827
99 NA 19

Valid range from 1 to 12


V195 Would you say you feel very close, fairly close, or not very close to that party?

Value 195166 Frequency
1 Very close 1074
2 Fairly close 3050
3 Not very close 792
4 Refused 0
0 Not available 7199
9 NA 250

Valid range from 1 to 4

V196 STRIKE: DISLIKE PARTY Q64 There may occur different situations in which people decide to go on strike in the future. Please tell me in which case you would organize or join a strike:

V196 If a party I have a strong dislike for won the elections

Value 196165 Frequency
1 I would 2179
2 I wouldn't 7050
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2049

Valid range from 1 to 2

V197 STRIKE: DEM.RESTRICTED Q64 There may occur different situations in which people decide to go on strike in the future. Please tell me in which case you would organize or join a strike:

V197 If the governing party abuse its power and it is feared that democracy may be restrictioned.

Value 197164 Frequency
1 I would 6250
2 I wouldn't 3075
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1953

Valid range from 1 to 2

V198 STRIKE: ECON. PERFORM. Q64 There may occur different situations in which people decide to go on strike in the future. Please tell me in which case you would organize or join a strike:

V198 If the government's economic measures lead to much lower living standards.

Value 198163 Frequency
1 I would 7211
2 I wouldn't 2393
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1674

Valid range from 1 to 2

V199 STRIKE: UNEMPLOYMENT Q64 There may occur different situations in which people decide to go on strike in the future. Please tell me in which case you would organize or join a strike:

V199 If unemployment increases and masses of people are made redundant.

Value 199162 Frequency
1 I would 5985
2 I wouldn't 3177
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2116

Valid range from 1 to 2

V200 STRIKE: SOCIAL BENEFITS Q64 There may occur different situations in which people decide to go on strike in the future. Please tell me in which case you would organize or join a strike:

V200 If social benefits/allocationsprovided equally for the people, are reduced.

Value 200161 Frequency
1 I would 6044
2 I wouldn't 3127
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2107

Valid range from 1 to 2

V201 APPROVE: PETITION Q65 Do you approve of a community using the following ways to protest or do you think that they are unacceptable?

V201 Petition (collecting signatures)

Value 201160 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 4304
2 Approve 4824
3 Disapprove 1477
4 Disapprove strongly 626
9 NA 1134

Valid range from 1 to 4

V202 APPROVE: BOYCOTTS Q65 Do you approve of a community using the following ways to protest or do you think that they are unacceptable?

V202 Boycotts

Value 202159 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 1444
2 Approve 3001
3 Disapprove 3651
4 Disapprove strongly 1676
0 Not available 919
9 NA 1674

Valid range from 1 to 4

V203 APPROVE: DEMONSTRATION Q65 Do you approve of a community using the following ways to protest or do you think that they are unacceptable?

V203 Lawful demonstrations

Value 203158 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 4179
2 Approve 5226
3 Disapprove 1205
4 Disapprove strongly 553
9 NA 1202

Valid range from 1 to 4

V204 APPROVE: STRIKE Q65 Do you approve of a community using the following ways to protest or do you think that they are unacceptable?

V204 Threatening to go on strike

Value 204157 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 2114
2 Approve 4101
3 Disapprove 3276
4 Disapprove strongly 1420
9 NA 1454

Valid range from 1 to 4

V205 APPROVE: WILDCAT STRIKE Q65 Do you approve of a community using the following ways to protest or do you think that they are unacceptable?

V205 Wildcat strike

Value 205156 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 566
2 Approve 1145
3 Disapprove 4785
4 Disapprove strongly 4331
9 NA 1538

Valid range from 1 to 4

V206 APPROVE: OCCUPY PROPERT. Q65 Do you approve of a community using the following ways to protest or do you think that they are unacceptable?

V206 Occupaying buildings/factories

Value 206155 Frequency
1 Approve strongly 531
2 Approve 1095
3 Disapprove 3935
4 Disapprove strongly 5348
9 NA 1456

Valid range from 1 to 4


V207 Which do you think would be better for our country?

Value 207154 Frequency
1 One-party system 1534
2 Multi-party system 8846
9 NA 1985

Valid range from 1 to 2

V208 AGREE: GOV.NOT IMPORTANT Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V208 As long as things are getting on well I'm not really interested in who is in power.

Value 208153 Frequency
1 Agree 7306
2 Disagree 4132
9 NA 927

Valid range from 1 to 2

V209 AGREE: NO POL. INTERFER. Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V209 Politicians are glad if people don't interfere in their matters.

Value 209152 Frequency
1 Agree 7101
2 Disagree 3138
9 NA 2126

Valid range from 1 to 2

V210 AGREE: EVERYONE'S A SAY Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V210 Now in (country) everybody can have a say in the metters of the country.

Value 210151 Frequency
1 Agree 5102
2 Disagree 4754
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1422

Valid range from 1 to 2

V211 AGREE: INVOLVE IN POLIT. Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V211 It's always better not to get involved in politics becouse sooner or later you'll get your fingers burned.

Value 211150 Frequency
1 Agree 5403
2 Disagree 4749
9 NA 2213

Valid range from 1 to 2

V212 AGREE: TRUST POLITICIANS Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V212 You'd better not trust politicians.

Value 212149 Frequency
1 Agree 6595
2 Disagree 2671
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2012

Valid range from 1 to 2

V213 AGREE: POLITIC. DO BEST Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V213 Politicians do their best to seek the views of the people.

Value 213148 Frequency
1 Agree 4178
2 Disagree 5744
9 NA 2443

Valid range from 1 to 2

V214 AGREE: POLIT. EXCLUSION Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V214 Ordinary people are always excluded from power.

Value 214147 Frequency
1 Agree 7957
2 Disagree 2057
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1264

Valid range from 1 to 2

V215 AGREE: MONEY INTEREST Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V215 These days only those who want to make their fortune get involved in politics.

Value 215146 Frequency
1 Agree 4928
2 Disagree 3980
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2370

Valid range from 1 to 2

V216 AGREE: POLITIC. MOTIVES Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V216 Only when there's trouble are politicians interested in the views of the people.

Value 216145 Frequency
1 Agree 7533
2 Disagree 2620
9 NA 2212

Valid range from 1 to 2

V217 AGREE: PARTICIP. IS DUTY Q67 Plese tell me whether you agree with the following statements or not:

V217 It's a patriotic duty to participate in political activities.

Value 217144 Frequency
1 Agree 4246
2 Disagree 5337
9 NA 2782

Valid range from 1 to 2

V218 TRUST: GEORGE BUSH Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V218 George Bush

Value 218143 Frequency
1 totally 1783
2 to a certain point 4672
3 little 2455
4 not at all 885
9 NA 2570

Valid range from 1 to 4

V219 TRUST: PRIME MINISTER Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V219 The Prime Minister of the country

Value 219142 Frequency
1 totally 1555
2 to a certain point 3603
3 little 2656
4 not at all 1565
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1899

Valid range from 1 to 4

V220 TRUST: M. GORBACHEV Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V220 Mikhail Gorbachev

Value 220141 Frequency
1 totally 1629
2 to a certain point 3693
3 little 3128
4 not at all 2656
9 NA 1259

Valid range from 1 to 4

V221 TRUST: PRESIDENT Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V221 The president of the country

Value 221140 Frequency
1 totally 3774
2 to a certain point 3980
3 little 2083
4 not at all 1290
9 NA 1238

Valid range from 1 to 4

V222 TRUST: JOHN PAUL II. Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V222 John Paul II

Value 222139 Frequency
1 totally 2784
2 to a certain point 2463
3 little 1705
4 not at all 1710
9 NA 3703

Valid range from 1 to 4

V223 TRUST: 1. OPPOS. LEADER Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V223 The leader of the largest party in opposition

Value 223138 Frequency
1 totally 1128
2 to a certain point 2655
3 little 2362
4 not at all 3245
9 NA 2975

Valid range from 1 to 4

V224 TRUST: F. MITTERAND Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V224 Francois Mitterand

Value 224137 Frequency
1 totally 1008
2 to a certain point 3303
3 little 2719
4 not at all 1115
9 NA 4220

Valid range from 1 to 4

V225 TRUST: 2. OPPOS. LEADER Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V225 The leader of the second-largest party in opposition

Value 225136 Frequency
1 totally 1074
2 to a certain point 1983
3 little 2177
4 not at all 4146
9 NA 2985

Valid range from 1 to 4

V226 TRUST: H. KOHL Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V226 Helmut Kohl

Value 226135 Frequency
1 totally 1307
2 to a certain point 3364
3 little 2744
4 not at all 1415
9 NA 3535

Valid range from 1 to 4

V227 TRUST: TV PERSONALITY Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V227 A leading TV personality

Value 227134 Frequency
1 totally 1454
2 to a certain point 2554
3 little 2109
4 not at all 1933
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 3228

Valid range from 1 to 4

V228 TRUST: M. THATCHER Q68 I'm interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements. (To the interviewer: Shuffle the card with the names under the respondent's nose and see that he/she cannot have a look at the questionnaire.)

V228 Margaret Thatcher

Value 228133 Frequency
1 totally 1316
2 to a certain point 3001
3 little 2245
4 not at all 949
0 Not available 1234
9 NA 3620

Valid range from 1 to 4

V229 ADVANTAGE: WORKERS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V229 Workers

Value 229132 Frequency
1 Satisfied 2902
2 Dissatisfied 6592
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 1784

Valid range from 1 to 2

V230 ADVANTAGE: ENGINEERS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V230 Engineers

Value 230131 Frequency
1 Satisfied 3796
2 Dissatisfied 4686
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2796

Valid range from 1 to 2

V231 ADVANTAGE: ARTISTS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V231 Artists, Writers

Value 231130 Frequency
1 Satisfied 4538
2 Dissatisfied 3281
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 3459

Valid range from 1 to 2

V232 ADVANTAGE: SCIENTISTS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V232 Scientists

Value 232129 Frequency
1 Satisfied 4543
2 Dissatisfied 3011
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 3724

Valid range from 1 to 2

V233 ADVANTAGE: CLERKS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V233 Clerks

Value 233128 Frequency
1 Satisfied 3288
2 Dissatisfied 5136
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2854

Valid range from 1 to 2

V234 ADVANTAGE: AGRIC.WORKERS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V234 Agricultural workers/Peasants

Value 234127 Frequency
1 Satisfied 2949
2 Dissatisfied 6053
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2276

Valid range from 1 to 2

V235 ADVANTAGE: MINERS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V235 Miners

Value 235126 Frequency
1 Satisfied 2709
2 Dissatisfied 6059
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2510

Valid range from 1 to 2

V236 ADVANTAGE: PRIV.ENTERPR. Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V236 Private entrepreneurs

Value 236125 Frequency
1 Satisfied 7437
2 Dissatisfied 1703
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 2138

Valid range from 1 to 2

V237 ADVANTAGE: POLITICIANS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V237 Politicians

Value 237124 Frequency
1 Satisfied 6239
2 Dissatisfied 1913
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 3126

Valid range from 1 to 2

V238 ADVANTAGE: ARMY OFFICERS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V238 Army officers

Value 238123 Frequency
1 Satisfied 2921
2 Dissatisfied 5076
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 3281

Valid range from 1 to 2

V239 ADVANTAGE: POLICEMEN Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V239 Policemen

Value 239122 Frequency
1 Satisfied 3705
2 Dissatisfied 4129
0 Not available 1087
9 NA 3444

Valid range from 1 to 2

V240 ADVANTAGE: OLD LEADERS Q69 There are divergent views of who will take advantage of the regim-change and who will be dissatisfied with the changes. Do you think that the following people will be rather more satisfied with the changes, or will they be dissatisfied?

V240 Former leaders of the Communist party

Value 240121 Frequency
1 Satisfied 1594
2 Dissatisfied 7745
9 NA 3026

Valid range from 1 to 2

V241 BETTER LIVING: BULGARIA Q70 Now I would like to ask you to rank the following countries according to the following criteria: 1. Where do people live better; 2. Where is political and legal equality greater; and 3. Where do people have greater influence in shaping public policy? (Interviewer: Rankings are from 1 (best) to 8 (worst). If necessary, use card as well.)

V241 Where do people live better (Bulgaria)?

Value 241120 Frequency
1 1-Best 129
2 2 274
3 3 1011
4 4 857
5 5 1549
6 6 1851
7 7 1209
8 8-Worst 610
99 NA 4875

Valid range from 1 to 8

V242 BETTER LIVING: ROMANIA Q70 Now I would like to ask you to rank the following countries according to the following criteria: 1. Where do people live better; 2. Where is political and legal equality greater; and 3. Where do people have greater influence in shaping public policy? (Interviewer: Rankings are from 1 (best) to 8 (worst). If necessary, use card as well.)

V242 Where do people live better (Romania)?

Value 242119 Frequency
1 1-Best 68
2 2 139
3 3 317
4 4 435
5 5 980
6 6 891
7 7 1883
8 8-Worst 2091