Anketa o ugledu korporativnih blagovnih znamk, 2019: Porabniške zaznave korporativnega ugleda ameriških znamk

Osnovne informacije o raziskavi

Glavni avtor(ji):
  • Gidaković, Petar
  • Žabkar, Vesna
Izdelal datoteko podatkov:
EF - Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (Ljubljana, Slovenija; junij 2019)

Finančna podpora:

Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije

Številka projekta:

N5-0084 (ARRS)

  • BLAGZNAM/Blagovne znamke

    Raziskave v seriji Blagovne znamke so bile izvedene v okviru mednarodnega raziskovalnega projekta "Spremljanje preferenc potrošnikov skozi potrošniške stereotipe" (N5-0084), katerega namen je proučiti, kako različne vrste porabniških stereotipov v zvezi z blagovnimi znamkami (država izvora, tipični kupci znamke, znamka sama) vplivajo na nakupno vedenje porabnikov. Stereotipe, skladno z modelom vsebine stereotipov (angl. Stereotype content model) opredelimo kot zaznave topline in kompetentnosti objekta (znamke, kupca, države). Raziskave so bile izvedene na prebivalcih Združenega Kraljestva (APSBZ19 in EKUPSZ19) v starosti od 18 do 90 let oziroma prebivalcih ZDA (AUKZ19), v starosti nad 18 let, ki sodelujejo na spletnem panelu Prolific Academic.

Vsebina raziskave

Ključne besede ADP: korporativni ugled, zaznave porabnikov, zaupanje v blagovne znamke, vtis kompetentnosti, vtis topline, model vsebine stereotipov

Ključne besede ELSST:

Vsebinska področja CESSDA
GOSPODARSTVO - Poraba in navade porabnikov
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Vsebinska področja ADP


Raziskava je bila izvedena v okviru mednarodnega raziskovalnega projekta "Spremljanje preferenc potrošnikov skozi potrošniške stereotipe", katerega namen je proučiti, kako različne vrste porabniških stereotipov v zvezi z blagovnimi znamkami (država izvora, tipični kupci znamke, znamka sama) vplivajo na nakupno vedenje porabnikov. Stereotipe, skladno z modelom vsebine stereotipov (angl. Stereotype content model), opredelimo kot zaznave topline in kompetentnosti objekta (znamke, kupca, države). Raziskava se osredotoča na porabniške stereotipe v zvezi s korporativno blagovno znamko in poskuša odgovoriti na vprašanje, kako dimenzije korporativnega ugleda (naravnanost h kupcem, dober delodajalec, družbeno in okoljsko odgovorno podjetje, kakovost izdelkov in storitev ter finančno močno in zanesljivo podjetje) vplivajo na zaznave topline oziroma kompetentnosti. Dodatno je cilj raziskave tudi preveriti, kako zaznave topline in kompetentnosti prenašajo (mediacija) vplive dimenzij korporativnega ugleda na zaupanje potrošnika do korporativne znamke. Za potrebe preverjanja konceptualnega modela je bilo izbranih sedem znamk (Amazon, American Airlines, Bank of America, Honda, Nestle, Papa John's in T-Mobile), ki so prisotne na ameriškem trgu, prihajajo iz različnih panog in imajo različne stopnje korporativnega ugleda glede na lestvice korporativnega ugleda (to so RepTrak, Reputation Quotient). Vsakemu respondentu je bila naključno dodeljena samo ena znamka, za katero so bile opravljene meritve konstruktov. Vsi konstrukti v vprašalniku so bili merjeni z uveljavljenimi merskimi lestvicami.


Čas zbiranja podatkov: 4. junij 2019 - 5. junij 2019
Čas izdelave: 2019-06
Država: Združene države Amerike
Geografsko pokritje:

Združene države Amerike

Enota za analizo:



Prebivalci ZDA, stari nad 18 let, ki sodelujejo v spletnem panelu Prolific Academic.

Izključeni: ni podatka
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil:

Gidaković, Petar

Tip vzorca:

Neverjetnostno: priložnostno

Vzorčni okvir je bil spletni panel Prolific Academic. V prvem koraku so avtorji določili kriterije (prebivalci ZDA v starosti nad 18 let) za izbor potencialnih respondentov. Panel je podal oceno, da kriterijem ustreza 30.946 aktivnih panelistov (to so tisti, ki so v zadnjih 90 dneh sodelovali v kakšni anketi), ki jim je bilo v drugem koraku na njihov uporabniški račun na spletni strani panela prikazano vabilo za sodelovanje v anketi. Tisti, ki dobivajo obvestila o novih anketah preko e-pošte, so bili povabljeni tudi preko omenjenega kanala. Respondenti so se sami odločili za sodelovanje, posledično vzorec ni reprezentativen.

Način zbiranja podatkov:

Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanje: spletni


Brez uteževanja.

Omejitve dostopa

Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Kontakt: Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Osnovne informacije o datoteki podatkov

Naslov podatkovne datoteke: Survey about reputation of corporate brands, 2019: Consumers' perceptions of corporate reputation for American brands [Podatkovna datoteka]

ID datoteke: F1

Avtor podatkovne datoteke: Gidaković, Petar; Žabkar, Vesna

Format: *.txt - TEKST

  • število spremenljivk: 69
  • število enot: 443

Licenca: ccby

Verzija: april 2020




Vrednost 13 Frekvenca
1 I agree 443
2 I disagree 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

Brand Brand


Vrednost 22 Frekvenca
1 Papa John's 63
2 Bank of America 65
3 T-mobile 70
4 American Airlines 70
5 Honda 63
6 Nestle 62
7 Amazon 50
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BFam How familiar are you with BRAND.

BFam - How familiar are you with BRAND? (BRAND's logo was displayed (see at the end of the questionnaire)

Vrednost 31 Frekvenca
0 Totally unfamilair 4
100 Totally familair 99
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0 0 100

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 100



Vrednost 169 Frekvenca
1 I agree 443
2 I disagree 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

Brand Brand


Vrednost 268 Frekvenca
1 Papa John's 63
2 Bank of America 65
3 T-mobile 70
4 American Airlines 70
5 Honda 63
6 Nestle 62
7 Amazon 50
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BFam How familiar are you with BRAND.

BFam - How familiar are you with BRAND? (BRAND's logo was displayed (see at the end of the questionnaire)

Vrednost 367 Frekvenca
0 Totally unfamilair 4
100 Totally familair 99
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0 0 100

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 100

BUsage Have you personally used BRAND's products or services over the past 12 months?

BUsage - Have you personally used BRAND's products or services over the past 12 months?

Vrednost 466 Frekvenca
1 No 235
2 Yes 208
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

PI1 It is very likely that I will use BRAND in the future. PI - Do you agree or disagree with following statements?

It is very likely that I will use BRAND in the future.

Vrednost 565 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 42
2 Disagree 47
3 Somewhat disagree 36
4 Neutral 75
5 Somewhat agree 68
6 Agree 94
7 Strongly agree 81
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PI2 I will purchase from BRAND the next time I need such a service/product. PI - Do you agree or disagree with following statements?

I will purchase from BRAND the next time I need such a PRODUCT/SERVICE.

Vrednost 664 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 55
2 Disagree 55
3 Somewhat disagree 48
4 Neutral 125
5 Somewhat agree 61
6 Agree 57
7 Strongly agree 42
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PI3 I will definitely try BRAND in the future. PI - Do you agree or disagree with following statements?

I will definitely try BRAND in the future.

Vrednost 763 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 44
2 Disagree 39
3 Somewhat disagree 30
4 Neutral 82
5 Somewhat agree 85
6 Agree 94
7 Strongly agree 69
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BLoy1 I consider myself to be loyal to BRAND. BLoy - To what extent do you agree with following statements about BRAND?

I consider myself to be loyal to BRAND.

Vrednost 862 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 112
2 Disagree 96
3 Somewhat disagree 55
4 Neutral 93
5 Somewhat agree 36
6 Agree 35
7 Strongly agree 16
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BLoy2 BRAND would be my first choice. BLoy - To what extent do you agree with following statements about BRAND?

BRAND would be my first choice.

Vrednost 961 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 97
2 Disagree 90
3 Somewhat disagree 58
4 Neutral 85
5 Somewhat agree 49
6 Agree 48
7 Strongly agree 16
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BLoy3 I will not buy other brands of product/service if BRAND is available. BLoy - To what extent do you agree with following statements about BRAND?

I will not buy other brands of PRODUCT/SERVICE if BRAND is available.

Vrednost 1060 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 139
2 Disagree 104
3 Somewhat disagree 76
4 Neutral 62
5 Somewhat agree 34
6 Agree 23
7 Strongly agree 5
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PWOM1 Say positive things about BRAND. PWOM - How likely are you to do any of the following?

Say positive things about BRAND.

Vrednost 1159 Frekvenca
1 Very unlikely 48
2 32
3 41
4 129
5 77
6 68
7 Very likely 48
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PWOM2 Recommend BRAND to others. PWOM - How likely are you to do any of the following?

Recommend BRAND to others.

Vrednost 1258 Frekvenca
1 Very unlikely 60
2 35
3 46
4 119
5 75
6 64
7 Very likely 44
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PWOM3 Recommend BRAND to someone else who seeks my advice. PWOM - How likely are you to do any of the following?

Recommend BRAND to someone else who seeks my advice.

Vrednost 1357 Frekvenca
1 Very unlikely 59
2 40
3 50
4 112
5 69
6 67
7 Very likely 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BT1 I trust BRAND. BT - To what extent do you agree with following statements about BRAND?

I trust BRAND.

Vrednost 1456 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 37
2 Disagree 28
3 Somewhat disagree 34
4 Neutral 116
5 Somewhat agree 93
6 Agree 106
7 Strongly agree 29
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BT2 I feel comfortable depending on BRAND. BT - To what extent do you agree with following statements about BRAND?

I feel comfortable depending on BRAND.

Vrednost 1555 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 39
2 Disagree 30
3 Somewhat disagree 33
4 Neutral 112
5 Somewhat agree 86
6 Agree 108
7 Strongly agree 35
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BT3 I rely on BRAND to deliver on its brand promise. BT - To what extent do you agree with following statements about BRAND?

I rely on BRAND to deliver on its brand promise.

Vrednost 1654 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 39
2 Disagree 20
3 Somewhat disagree 25
4 Neutral 114
5 Somewhat agree 85
6 Agree 119
7 Strongly agree 41
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

ATTCHK1 Please, select number 5 on the list and move to the next page.

ATTCHECK1 - Please, select number 5 on the list and move to the next page.

Vrednost 1753 Frekvenca
5 443
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 5 do 5

BW1 The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ... cold/warm Q1 - We now want you think about how does the majority of Americans see BRAND. BW - The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ...

Cold / Warm

Vrednost 1852 Frekvenca
1 cold 14
2 30
3 58
4 122
5 98
6 74
7 warm 47
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BW2 The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ... ill-natured/good-natured Q1 - We now want you think about how does the majority of Americans see BRAND. BW - The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ...

Ill-natured / Good-natured

Vrednost 1951 Frekvenca
1 ill-natured 14
2 22
3 50
4 124
5 98
6 86
7 good-natured 49
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BW3 The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ... unfriendly/friendly Q1 - We now want you think about how does the majority of Americans see BRAND. BW - The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ...

Unfriendly / Friendly

Vrednost 2050 Frekvenca
1 unfriendly 16
2 11
3 53
4 110
5 98
6 100
7 friendly 55
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BW4 The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ... unkind/kind Q1 - We now want you think about how does the majority of Americans see BRAND. BW - The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ...

Unkind / Kind

Vrednost 2149 Frekvenca
1 unkind 14
2 17
3 60
4 137
5 104
6 65
7 kind 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BC1 The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ... incompetent/competent BC - The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ...

Incompetent / Competent

Vrednost 2248 Frekvenca
1 incompetent 6
2 18
3 39
4 74
5 95
6 128
7 competent 83
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BC2 The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ... unintelligent/intelligent BC - The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ...

Unintelligent / Intelligent

Vrednost 2347 Frekvenca
1 unintelligent 7
2 13
3 36
4 114
5 104
6 109
7 intelligent 60
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BC3 The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ... inefficient/efficient BC - The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ...

Inefficient / Efficient

Vrednost 2446 Frekvenca
1 inefficient 8
2 18
3 35
4 89
5 112
6 99
7 efficient 82
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BC4 The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ... incapable/capable BC - The majority of Americans sees BRAND as ...

Incapable / Capable

Vrednost 2545 Frekvenca
1 incapable 8
2 14
3 33
4 78
5 90
6 134
7 capable 86
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

CO1 BRAND has employees who treat customers courteously. Q2 - Now we want you to again focus on your own opinion about BRAND. CO - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... has employees who treat customers courteously.

Vrednost 2644 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 6
2 Disagree 10
3 Somewhat disagree 13
4 Neutral 160
5 Somewhat agree 108
6 Agree 118
7 Strongly agree 28
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

CO2 BRAND has employees who are concerned about customer needs. Q2 - Now we want you to again focus on your own opinion about BRAND. CO - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... has employees who are concerned about customer needs.

Vrednost 2743 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 7
2 Disagree 17
3 Somewhat disagree 23
4 Neutral 152
5 Somewhat agree 108
6 Agree 111
7 Strongly agree 25
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

CO3 BRAND is concerned about its customers. Q2 - Now we want you to again focus on your own opinion about BRAND. CO - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... is concerned about its customers.

Vrednost 2842 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 19
2 Disagree 24
3 Somewhat disagree 45
4 Neutral 110
5 Somewhat agree 102
6 Agree 110
7 Strongly agree 33
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

GE1 BRAND looks like a good company to work for. GE - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... looks like a good company to work for.

Vrednost 2941 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 37
2 Disagree 38
3 Somewhat disagree 30
4 Neutral 155
5 Somewhat agree 90
6 Agree 72
7 Strongly agree 21
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

GE2 BRAND seems to treat its people well. GE - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... seems to treat its people well.

Vrednost 3040 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 30
2 Disagree 24
3 Somewhat disagree 33
4 Neutral 169
5 Somewhat agree 97
6 Agree 70
7 Strongly agree 20
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

GE3 BRAND seems to have excellent leadership. GE - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... seemsto have excellent leadership.

Vrednost 3139 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 29
2 Disagree 22
3 Somewhat disagree 41
4 Neutral 178
5 Somewhat agree 77
6 Agree 71
7 Strongly agree 25
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

RFSC1 BRAND tends to outperform competitors. RFSC - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... tends to outperform competitors.

Vrednost 3238 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 18
2 Disagree 40
3 Somewhat disagree 47
4 Neutral 131
5 Somewhat agree 92
6 Agree 78
7 Strongly agree 37
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

RFSC2 BRAND seems to recognize and take advantage of market opportunities. RFSC - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... seems to recognize and take advantage of market opportunities.

Vrednost 3337 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 7
2 Disagree 20
3 Somewhat disagree 21
4 Neutral 124
5 Somewhat agree 121
6 Agree 102
7 Strongly agree 48
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

RFSC3 BRAND looks like it has strong prospects for future growth. RFSC - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... looks like it has strong prospects for future growth.

Vrednost 3436 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 10
2 Disagree 16
3 Somewhat disagree 34
4 Neutral 123
5 Somewhat agree 118
6 Agree 95
7 Strongly agree 47
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

RFSC4 BRAND is a top competitor in its market. RFSC - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... is a top competitor in its market.

Vrednost 3535 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 8
2 Disagree 15
3 Somewhat disagree 32
4 Neutral 62
5 Somewhat agree 116
6 Agree 131
7 Strongly agree 79
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PSQ1 BRAND offers high quality products and services. PSQ - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND....

... offers high quality products and services.

Vrednost 3634 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 17
2 Disagree 23
3 Somewhat disagree 37
4 Neutral 90
5 Somewhat agree 115
6 Agree 117
7 Strongly agree 44
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PSQ2 BRAND is a strong, reliable company. PSQ - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND....

... is a strong, reliable company.

Vrednost 3733 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 15
2 Disagree 22
3 Somewhat disagree 35
4 Neutral 74
5 Somewhat agree 117
6 Agree 125
7 Strongly agree 55
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PSQ3 BRAND develops innovative products and services. PSQ - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND....

... develops innovative products and services.

Vrednost 3832 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 20
2 Disagree 28
3 Somewhat disagree 47
4 Neutral 125
5 Somewhat agree 109
6 Agree 70
7 Strongly agree 44
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

PSQ4 BRAND offers products and services that are a good value for the money. PSQ - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND....

... offers products and services that are a good value for the money.

Vrednost 3931 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 15
2 Disagree 14
3 Somewhat disagree 37
4 Neutral 101
5 Somewhat agree 114
6 Agree 111
7 Strongly agree 51
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SER1 BRAND seems to be environmentally responsible. SER - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... seems to be environmentally responsible.

Vrednost 4030 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 31
2 Disagree 37
3 Somewhat disagree 61
4 Neutral 199
5 Somewhat agree 57
6 Agree 54
7 Strongly agree 4
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SER2 BRAND seems to make an effort to create new jobs. SER - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... seems to make an effort to create new jobs.

Vrednost 4129 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 19
2 Disagree 18
3 Somewhat disagree 41
4 Neutral 201
5 Somewhat agree 94
6 Agree 56
7 Strongly agree 14
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SER3 BRAND supports good causes that benefit society. SER - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... supports good causes that benefit society.

Vrednost 4228 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 71
2 Disagree 75
3 Somewhat disagree 76
4 Neutral 150
5 Somewhat agree 39
6 Agree 27
7 Strongly agree 5
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SER4 BRAND would reduce its profits to ensure a clean environment. SER - Do you disagree or agree that BRAND...

... would reduce its profits to ensure a clean environment.

Vrednost 4327 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 33
2 Disagree 23
3 Somewhat disagree 53
4 Neutral 199
5 Somewhat agree 83
6 Agree 42
7 Strongly agree 10
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

Inv1 For me, PRODUCT/SERVICE is very important. PCInv - Do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

For me, PRODUCT/SERVICE is very important.

Vrednost 4426 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 9
2 Disagree 25
3 Somewhat disagree 22
4 Neutral 32
5 Somewhat agree 97
6 Agree 159
7 Strongly agree 99
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

Inv2 For me, PRODUCT/SERVICE does not matter. PCInv - Do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

For me, PRODUCT/SERVICE does not matter.

Vrednost 4525 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 8
2 Disagree 35
3 Somewhat disagree 30
4 Neutral 31
5 Somewhat agree 80
6 Agree 145
7 Strongly agree 114
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

Inv3 PRODUCT/SERVICE is very important part of my life. PCInv - Do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

PRODUCT/SERVICE is very important part of my life.

Vrednost 4624 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 17
2 Disagree 30
3 Somewhat disagree 40
4 Neutral 58
5 Somewhat agree 91
6 Agree 127
7 Strongly agree 80
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

ATTCHK2 Please select "Somewhat agree".

Please select "Somewhat agree".

Vrednost 4723 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 0
2 Disagree 0
3 Somewhat disagree 1
4 Neutral 1
5 Somewhat agree 441
6 Agree 0
7 Strongly agree 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch1 I couldnt care less what brands people around me are using. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

I couldn't care less what brands people around me are using.

Vrednost 4822 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 77
2 Disagree 128
3 Somewhat disagree 88
4 Neutral 44
5 Somewhat agree 63
6 Agree 38
7 Strongly agree 5
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch2 Product features are more important than brand names in my buying decisions. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

Product features are more important than brand names in my buying decisions.

Vrednost 4921 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 113
2 Disagree 161
3 Somewhat disagree 105
4 Neutral 41
5 Somewhat agree 11
6 Agree 7
7 Strongly agree 5
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch3 When I go shopping, I am always scanning the environmentfor brand names. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

When I go shopping, I am always scanning the environmentfor brand names.

Vrednost 5020 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 36
2 Disagree 101
3 Somewhat disagree 91
4 Neutral 89
5 Somewhat agree 91
6 Agree 29
7 Strongly agree 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch4 Brands are not at all important to me. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

Brands are not at all important to me.

Vrednost 5119 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 39
2 Disagree 85
3 Somewhat disagree 112
4 Neutral 51
5 Somewhat agree 99
6 Agree 46
7 Strongly agree 11
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch5 Brand name considerably influences my buying decisions. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

Brand name considerably influences my buying decisions.

Vrednost 5218 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 34
2 Disagree 77
3 Somewhat disagree 90
4 Neutral 85
5 Somewhat agree 105
6 Agree 45
7 Strongly agree 7
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

Bsch6 I like to surround myself with recognizable brand names at home. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

I like to surround myself with recognizable brand names at home.

Vrednost 5317 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 55
2 Disagree 88
3 Somewhat disagree 88
4 Neutral 87
5 Somewhat agree 85
6 Agree 33
7 Strongly agree 7
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch7 When I am considering products, the brand name is more important to me than any other information. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

When I am considering products, the brand name is more important to me than any other information.

Vrednost 5416 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 134
2 Disagree 132
3 Somewhat disagree 77
4 Neutral 57
5 Somewhat agree 29
6 Agree 10
7 Strongly agree 4
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch8 Brands are important to me because they indicate social status. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

Brands are important to me because they indicate social status.

Vrednost 5515 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 171
2 Disagree 110
3 Somewhat disagree 46
4 Neutral 52
5 Somewhat agree 46
6 Agree 15
7 Strongly agree 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch9 The brand name is the least important information to me when I am considering a product. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

The brand name is the least important information to me when I am considering a product.

Vrednost 5614 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 56
2 Disagree 68
3 Somewhat disagree 97
4 Neutral 86
5 Somewhat agree 79
6 Agree 44
7 Strongly agree 13
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

BSch10 I keep abreast of the brands people around me are using. BSch - To which extent do youagree or disagree with following statements?

I keep abreast of the brands people around me are using.

Vrednost 5713 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 63
2 Disagree 99
3 Somewhat disagree 62
4 Neutral 98
5 Somewhat agree 84
6 Agree 28
7 Strongly agree 9
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SDB1 I like to gossip at times. SDB - To what degree do do you disagree or agree with following statements?

I like to gossip at times.

Vrednost 5812 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 49
2 Disagree 87
3 Somewhat disagree 69
4 Neutral 44
5 Somewhat agree 123
6 Agree 57
7 Strongly agree 11
-1 no answer 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
440 3 1 7

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SDB2 I have never deliberately said something that hurt someones feelings. SDB - To what degree do do you disagree or agree with following statements?

I have never deliberately said something that hurt someone's feelings.

Vrednost 5911 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 48
2 Disagree 118
3 Somewhat disagree 108
4 Neutral 57
5 Somewhat agree 47
6 Agree 45
7 Strongly agree 17
-1 no answer 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
440 3 1 7

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SDB3 Im always willing to admit it when I make a mistake. SDB - To what degree do do you disagree or agree with following statements?

I'm always willing to admit it when I make a mistake.

Vrednost 6010 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 7
2 Disagree 11
3 Somewhat disagree 40
4 Neutral 47
5 Somewhat agree 131
6 Agree 146
7 Strongly agree 60
-1 no answer 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
442 1 1 7

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SDB4 There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone. SDB - To what degree do do you disagree or agree with following statements?

There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone.

Vrednost 619 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 27
2 Disagree 56
3 Somewhat disagree 71
4 Neutral 58
5 Somewhat agree 129
6 Agree 93
7 Strongly agree 9
-1 no answer 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SDB5 I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget. SDB - To what degree do do you disagree or agree with following statements?

I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget.

Vrednost 628 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 54
2 Disagree 78
3 Somewhat disagree 69
4 Neutral 68
5 Somewhat agree 98
6 Agree 54
7 Strongly agree 19
-1 no answer 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
440 3 1 7

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

SDB6 At times, I have really insisted on having things my own way. SDB - To what degree do do you disagree or agree with following statements?

At times, I have really insisted on having things my own way.

Vrednost 637 Frekvenca
1 Strongly disagree 6
2 Disagree 23
3 Somewhat disagree 27
4 Neutral 62
5 Somewhat agree 162
6 Agree 116
7 Strongly agree 45
-1 no answer 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
441 2 1 7

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

RStat Are you currently a student enrolled in a college or university?

RStat - Are you currently a student enrolled in a college or university?

Vrednost 646 Frekvenca
0 No 327
1 Yes 116
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

XSTAR How old are you?

XSTARleta - How old are you?

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0 18 73 33.034 11.453

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 18 do 73

XSPOL Your gender is:

XSPOL - Your gender is:

Vrednost 664 Frekvenca
1 Male 185
2 Female 252
3 Other 4
4 Do not want to say 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
441 2

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

XDOH What was your total household income before taxes for the most recent calendar year (January through December)?

XDOH - What was your total household income before taxes for the most recent calendar year (January through December)? By your household, we mean all persons living in your primary home who share basic finances with you. (Please include income received by all members of your household and from all sources, including salaries, pensions, interest, dividends, bonuses, capital gains, and profits.)

Vrednost 673 Frekvenca
1 Less than USD 5,000 22
2 USD 5,000 - USD 9,999 8
3 USD 10,000 - USD 14,999 15
4 USD 15,000 - USD 19,999 16
5 USD 20,000 - USD 24,999 23
6 USD 25,000 - USD 29,999 28
7 USD 30,000 - USD 34,999 29
8 USD 35,000 - USD 39,999 16
9 USD 40,000 - USD 44,999 16
10 USD 45,000 - USD 49,999 34
11 USD 50,000 - USD 59,999 42
12 USD 60,000 - USD 74,999 51
13 USD 75,000 - USD 99,999 54
14 USD 100,000 - USD 149,999 63
15 USD 150,000 - USD 199,999 14
16 USD 200,000 - USD 249,999 6
17 USD 250,000 or more 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 17

PID_r Panel ID number

Panel ID number

Vrednost 682 Frekvenca
Zakrita vrednost 443
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

TIME Interview time

Interview time

Vrednost 691 Frekvenca
0:03:33,00 1
0:03:36,00 1
0:03:38,00 1
0:03:39,00 1
0:03:39,99 1
0:03:41,00 1
0:03:44,99 2
0:03:45,00 1
0:03:46,00 1
0:03:46,99 1
0:03:47,00 1
0:03:47,99 2
0:03:48,00 1
0:03:48,99 1
0:03:50,99 1
0:03:51,99 1
0:03:52,00 2
0:03:52,99 3
0:03:54,00 3
0:03:54,99 2
0:03:55,00 2
0:03:55,99 1
0:03:56,00 1
0:03:57,00 2
0:04:00,00 1
0:04:01,99 1
0:04:02,99 1
0:04:03,00 2
0:04:03,99 1
0:04:06,99 2
0:04:07,99 1
0:04:08,00 1
0:04:08,99 1
0:04:10,99 2
0:04:11,00 3
0:04:12,00 2
0:04:13,00 2
0:04:13,99 2
0:04:14,00 1
0:04:14,99 1
0:04:16,00 2
0:04:16,99 2
0:04:17,00 3
0:04:17,99 1
0:04:19,00 3
0:04:21,00 2
0:04:21,99 2
0:04:22,99 1
0:04:24,99 1
0:04:25,99 1
0:04:26,00 1
0:04:27,00 1
0:04:28,00 1
0:04:29,99 1
0:04:31,00 1
0:04:32,00 1
0:04:32,99 1
0:04:33,99 5
0:04:35,00 1
0:04:35,99 1
0:04:37,99 1
0:04:38,99 1
0:04:39,00 1
0:04:40,99 1
0:04:41,99 2
0:04:42,99 1
0:04:43,00 1
0:04:43,99 1
0:04:44,99 3
0:04:48,00 1
0:04:48,99 1
0:04:49,00 1
0:04:50,00 1
0:04:51,00 2
0:04:51,99 2
0:04:56,00 1
0:04:56,99 2
0:04:57,99 2
0:04:58,99 1
0:05:00,99 1
0:05:02,00 2
0:05:03,00 1
0:05:04,00 1
0:05:05,00 1
0:05:07,00 1
0:05:07,99 3
0:05:08,99 1
0:05:10,00 2
0:05:10,99 1
0:05:12,00 1
0:05:15,00 2
0:05:15,99 3
0:05:19,99 1
0:05:21,00 2
0:05:21,99 1
0:05:23,00 3
0:05:24,99 2
0:05:26,00 2
0:05:26,99 1
0:05:27,99 1
0:05:29,00 1
0:05:29,99 1
0:05:31,99 1
0:05:32,99 5
0:05:33,00 2
0:05:34,00 1
0:05:34,99 1
0:05:35,00 2
0:05:37,99 4
0:05:39,00 1
0:05:39,99 2
0:05:40,00 2
0:05:40,99 2
0:05:41,00 1
0:05:42,00 2
0:05:42,99 2
0:05:43,00 3
0:05:43,99 2
0:05:45,99 1
0:05:47,00 2
0:05:47,99 2
0:05:50,00 1
0:05:51,00 3
0:05:51,99 2
0:05:53,00 1
0:05:54,00 1
0:05:55,00 1
0:05:56,99 2
0:05:58,00 1
0:05:59,99 8
0:06:00,99 1
0:06:01,99 1
0:06:02,00 2
0:06:04,00 1
0:06:06,99 1
0:06:10,00 2
0:06:12,00 1
0:06:12,99 1
0:06:13,99 1
0:06:15,00 1
0:06:15,99 1
0:06:17,00 1
0:06:17,99 2
0:06:23,00 1
0:06:23,99 2
0:06:24,00 2
0:06:25,00 1
0:06:26,99 1
0:06:30,00 2
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0:06:49,00 2
0:06:53,00 1
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0:06:57,00 2
0:06:58,99 1
0:07:01,00 2
0:07:01,99 1
0:07:03,00 2
0:07:03,99 4
0:07:04,00 1
0:07:05,00 1
0:07:09,00 3
0:07:09,99 1
0:07:11,00 3
0:07:12,00 1
0:07:13,00 2
0:07:13,99 2
0:07:14,00 1
0:07:16,99 1
0:07:17,99 1
0:07:20,99 1
0:07:25,99 3
0:07:35,00 1
0:07:39,00 1
0:07:42,99 1
0:07:43,00 1
0:07:44,00 2
0:07:45,99 1
0:07:48,00 1
0:07:50,99 1
0:07:51,00 1
0:07:54,00 1
0:07:56,00 1
0:07:56,99 1
0:08:02,99 1
0:08:10,99 1
0:08:11,99 2
0:08:18,00 2
0:08:22,00 4
0:08:28,00 1
0:08:30,00 1
0:08:31,00 1
0:08:34,00 1
0:08:34,99 2
0:08:35,00 2
0:08:37,00 1
0:08:38,99 1
0:08:51,99 2
0:08:52,00 1
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0:08:59,99 1
0:09:17,00 2
0:09:19,99 2
0:09:20,00 2
0:09:29,99 2
0:09:33,00 2
0:09:33,99 3
0:09:37,99 1
0:09:40,00 1
0:09:47,99 1
0:09:49,00 3
0:09:55,00 19
0:09:55,99 1
0:10:01,00 1
0:10:01,99 2
0:10:06,99 1
0:10:09,00 1
0:10:12,99 1
0:10:13,99 1
0:10:14,99 2
0:10:16,00 2
0:10:17,99 1
0:10:22,00 2
0:10:24,99 2
0:10:35,00 1
0:10:38,99 2
0:10:43,00 2
0:10:46,00 2
0:11:07,99 1
0:11:08,00 1
0:11:21,00 1
0:11:24,99 1
0:11:26,00 1
0:11:28,99 2
0:11:33,99 1
0:11:37,99 1
0:11:43,00 1
0:11:44,00 1
0:11:50,00 1
0:11:59,00 1
0:11:59,99 2
0:12:05,00 2
0:12:10,00 1
0:12:20,00 2
0:12:25,00 1
0:12:47,99 1
0:12:52,00 1
0:13:00,00 1
0:13:03,99 1
0:13:30,00 2
0:14:32,99 1
0:14:35,00 1
0:14:46,99 1
0:14:51,99 2
0:15:13,99 1
0:15:16,99 2
0:15:31,00 1
0:15:56,99 1
0:16:20,99 1
0:16:28,00 1
0:16:39,00 1
0:17:10,99 1
0:17:24,00 1
0:17:37,00 2
0:17:40,00 1
0:18:37,99 1
0:19:36,99 1
0:23:16,99 1
0:23:41,00 1
0:23:58,00 2
0:24:11,99 1
0:38:49,99 1
8:22:54,99 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
443 0

Gradiva o izvedbi raziskave

  1. Gidaković, Petar in Žabkar, Vesna (2019). AUKZ19 - Survey about brand attitudes [Vprašalnik].

Rezultati raziskave

Ni gradiv povezanih z rezultati raziskave!

Povezane objave

  1. Gidaković, Petar in Žabkar, Vesna (2020). Warmth and competence matter!: but how do they come about? Prispevek na konferenci (AMA Winter Academic Conference, 2020).

Dostop do podatkov in dokumentacije - Nesstar


Licenca Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva


4 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga spremenljivk s polnim besedilom vprašanj.


7 - teoretsko ali praktično pomembne raziskave, omejene na manj splošno populacijo, manj vplivne

  Kako citiram to RAZISKAVO?

Gidaković, P. in Žabkar, V. (2020). Anketa o ugledu korporativnih blagovnih znamk, 2019: Porabniške zaznave korporativnega ugleda ameriških znamk [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: AUKZ19.

Cobiss tip: 2.20
Datum prve podatkovne objave: 2020
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