Open Data in Slovenia. An Assessment of Accountability Among Stakeholders

Predavanje na dogodku "IASSIST 2012-Data Science for a Connected World. Unlocking and Harnessing the Power of Information. 38th Annual Conference, 4.-8. June 2012", International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST), Washington, USA (2012)

COBISS-ID: 32734813


ŠTEBE, Janez


Social science data archives (ADP) hold a project with the short title ‘Open data'. The goal is to articulate a general strategy of open research data access in Slovenia, in all scientific disciplines and in accordance with OECD principles. In order to assess the initial conditions in the area of data handling in a country we conducted a series of half-structured interviews with different target stakeholders. The emphasis was on stories about the problems foreseen in open data access, and about suggested solutions to overcome barriers. We would like to present results of that preliminary study. The questions were about the accountability and mutual expectations of various stakeholders such as data creators and users, specialised services (e.g. research libraries) and policymakers. We inquired about the existence of specialised competencies, and need for collaboration of different professional communities. Comparison with studies about situations in other countries shows prevailing similarity. Slovene scientific community expressed high level of awareness about best practices in data handling that steam from intensive international cooperation. Concern was expressed about the lack of policy of incentives to motivate additional data exchange, and little support infrastructure, together with the need to develop additional competencies in information service oriented activities.

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