Ensuring well timed publishing of data in case of public emergency

Predavanje na dogodku "ESRA conference: Survey research in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions, 17.-21.7.2023", European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Milano, Italija (2023)


ŠTEBE, Janez


We discussed what were the benefits and incentives for sharing data in the Covid 19 era and beyond. Especially in the light of reproducibility, avoiding repetition of data collection and faster reaction to events during a pandemic. It is important to plan the data management before starting data collection to avoid the problems that delay the archiving and compromise the quality of data publication. And to work with the data archive where the data will be published, both in the data management planning process and later in the data management process itself. Data management planning, which includes data discovery, planning, organising and documenting, processing, storing, protecting and publishing data, ensures that research results are as openly as possible publicly available and is an important building block for higher quality research outputs, transparency and open science in general.

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