GoTriple Discovery Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities

Poster na dogodku "Poster v okviru projekta TRIPLE", IASSIST, (2022)




To support the visibility of research in the area of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (SSH), its effectiveness, reuse, and economical and societal impact, the TRIPLE project has been building a multilingual discovery platform. The GoTriple platform will provide a single access point for researchers, policy makers, enterprises and media to discover and reuse open scholarly SSH resources such as research data and publications in nine European languages (Croatian, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish), currently scattered across local repositories. The platform will also allow users to find and connect with other researchers and projects across disciplinary and language boundaries, to use innovative tools to support research (e.g. visualisation, annotation, trust building/social network and recommender system), and to discover new ways of funding research (e.g. crowdfunding). The first prototype of the platform has been released in October 2021, offering access to over 6 million publications, 12,000 datasets and 2.8 million authors. An update is expected in March 2022, with the final release made public in January 2023. The poster will underline the expected contribution of the discovery platform and project work to the objectives of Open Science, interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaborations, and improved access to SSH resources. The TRIPLE project is financed under the European H2020 program for a duration of 42 months and involves 19 European partners from thirteen countries.

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