CESSDA Widening Activities 2018 project Deliverable 2: System of monitoring of the state-of-play. Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives

Poročilo "Poročilo CESSDA Widening Activities 2018 Deliverable 2", CESSDA, (2019)


ŠTEBE, Janez
ŽIBERT, Gregor


As a continuation of SaW project assessment of the situation in European countries regarding state of the art data archive data service, the CESSDA Widening Activities 2018 includes the report on current and recent / new development, and addressing persistent obstacles to progress. The activity consist of adapting the System of monitoring, developed during SaW project, to enable flexible and continuous monitoring of Countries progressing toward CESSDA membership. The monitoring system includes part devoted to Collection of information about the needs of the CESSDA non-member partner institutions, that is subtask of the Widening 2018, led by TARKI.

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