maDMPs in Linked Data Pipeline as part of Research Data Connectome

Poročilo "Poročilo RDA Hackathon, 27.–29. 5. 2020", RDA, Research Data Alliance, (2020)


TASIC, Bojana
SIGLOCH, Sebastian


Our work of the RDA 2020 Hackathon on maDMPs is based on the idea of automated quality-control metrics as part of a Linked Data Pipeline for the Research Data Connectome. We propose a novel quality analyser that uses keywords obtained from 24 DMPs to generate standardisable DMP quality-control metrics. This idea may be employed by both funding bodies and research data management service providers to reduce costs of DMPs quality control while increasing efficiency by automation, and to optimise the process in project, research evolution, both during and after research activities. This report is a summary of work done by the Fancycatmeme team at the RDA Hackathon on machine-actionable Data Management Plans that took place between 27th and 29th May 2020

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