CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide [Webinar]: Why and how to use it

Webinar "Spletni seminar. Online", CESSDA, (2020)


MIRANDA, Patrícia
SEANG, Sothearath
WILLEMS, Marieke
PARKER, Stephanie


Following is the presentation from the webinar on the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide where a researcher, a trainer and an expert were discussing why and how to use the guide for research data management in the social sciences and beyond. The webinar brought multiple perspectives spanning research and data collection, training opportunities and pointers on how to make your own data management plan, added value for Early Career Researchers and Open Science approaches. Designed by European experts to help social science researchers make their data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR), the guide also supports interdisciplinary research to help tackle global challenges. Recording of the webinar is available on CESSDA's YouTube channel.

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