MS38 Launch Community engagement strategy

Poročilo "Poročilo projekta SSHOC, MS38", CESSDA, (2019)




This document describes the progress on carrying out the community engagement activities identified in the SSHOC Community Engagement Strategy (D6.1) under T6.2 and according to the means of verification as per the description of work. This milestone concerns the launching of the community engagement strategy. Means of verification as defined in the SSHOC DoA are (a) planning of one awareness workshop for the Humanities, one for the Social Sciences and four cross-disciplinary, (b) a series of 6 webinars to update on specific services and to showcase practical use cases within the SSHOC infrastructure and (c) the preparation of information sheets (minimum of 8) promotion of awareness of SSHOC services. The basis for the workshops, webinars and information sheets were set in D6.1 SSHOC Community engagement strategy (strategy on how to engage with stakeholders) and D2.1 SSHOC Overall Communication and Outreach Planning (eight primary stakeholder categories were identified).

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